I wrote the title this way as bait for those trolls who would read this just to point out that I am wrong. That I should be talking about multiple-personality disorder.
Let it be known: I am not severely schizophrenic; I suffered from an acute variety that was limited to audio hallucinations and paranoia and had the benefit of going away after some treatment. This being said, if you have the chronic variety and you are capable of reading this, don't get your hopes up because this advice probably will not work for you.
Treatment of schizophrenia is all about establishing what reality is. For those of you who have not had to deal with delusion, let it be known that the schizophrenic reality is, from a sophistic point of view, reality for the individual experiencing it, which is to say that external stimuli tends to only damage the individual more. I have reflected much on how frustrating it was for my brother to try to understand this. He, the doctors and the church could not help me; they had to let me help myself. Any meddling made my situation worse for their reality and mine.
Here is a suggestion for how to handle a person with schizophrenia: Stay passive. Asserting your will only makes things worse. This is not to say that you should stay away, just that when you are present do not judge, do not joke, and do not become angry. Just be there. Be consistent- have the same attitudes every day, the same outlook. This will help the schizophrenic by giving his already overwhelmed perception some relief.
Keep in mind that the only `cure' is for the individual to develop a system of reality-feedback. In order to do this you have to realize (at some point, some how, but ultimately of, for, and by yourself) what is real and what is not. This is not always easy, especially when you're used to relying on your mind for an accurate account of reality. Start basic- this is a tree, that is the road; this is a rock, that is a dog. I am currently walking on the road stepping on the rock looking at the dog. Use this basic understanding of reality as a foundation. At this level it is really unimportant whether or not other people exist, whether or not you have a soul, or whether you have free will or not: it is just you, the rock and the dog. Ethics? Once you lose your mind ethics do not really Matter much, they just are.
Once you have that down, use this new foundation to reestablish your belief system. Whatever you do, do not get involved in religious groups of any kind, as this will warp your belief system and lead you further into delusion. In addition, establish a set of priorities-- determine what really is important. You get the picture. Draw on this basic view of reality when necessary to handle tough situations, even if the dog isn't real.