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[editor's note, by Peter Johnson] Adequacy.org is known for its hard hitting, no holds barred investigative journalism. We believe that our commitment to the truth and willingness to tackle the most controversial issues sets us head and shoulders above the competition. Some people, however, dispute our accuracy and journalistic integrity. In the interest of fairness, we have decided to publish and respond to a recent critique by one "Electric Raver."
Mr. Raver feels that we unfairly categorize and negatively stereotype evil criminal hackers and that we should be more tolerant of these hell spawned vermin. Read more for his full arguement and our responses. |
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Does anybody really know what a hacker is or are we all non-informed adults??
All of us out there are scared of hackers, why are we scared? All we hear is that they hack into our computers and steal all our information about us and take all our money or that they hack into goverment and break everything...Could we be more wrong. [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] Surely it's entirely justified to worry about criminal hackers of the sort described in this article. I don't think we, as a society, need to tolerate malicious and destructive hacking of our nation's information infrastructure. After reading most of the reports on this site, I have decided that non of you really did any research about hackers in general and need to be informed on the truths of hacking and the hacking life styles. [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] The editors of Adequacy.org have spent long hours researching the life and crimes of many notorious computer hackers. 1. Let me start off on what a hacker is. A hacker is some one with large amounts of computer knowledge who feels that they are restricted to information that they feel they should be alowed to have knowledge of. A hacker can also be some one who has the ability to fix annoying computer problems, which most of us today do not know how to fix these problems and have to deal with them the hard way by calling the great "tech support" [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] Volume VI of the Oxford English Dictionary includes "one who uses his skill with computers to try to gain unauthorized access to computer files or networks" as a definition of hacker and shows that this usage is at least 19 years old. Curiously enough, it fails to list "one who has the ability to fix annoying computer problems" as a valid usage. 2. How a hacker is formed...Usally hackers are formed by extensive time on a computer. These are usally people that want to get there A+ certification and there MCSE. This involves lots and lots of time reading a book and hands on. This teaches the basics of the computer. once you have a basic knowledge of the computer its only your imagination that holds you back from what you can do. [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] Speaking as one who has been a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer since 1997, I can assure our readers that hacking is not a part of the curriculum and that MCSE holders are not at any time encouraged to describe themselves as "hackers." There are lots of "elite" groups out there who invite people who know large amounts of information on computers into there groups and have these meetings were they exchange information. There meetings usally consit of setting up two rooms with many computers, they split the group up into two groups and the task is to see who can gain access first into each others systems. These type of people usally consist of Microsoft employess and other large computer corpertations. [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] I'm a former Microsoft employee as well and I assume that Mr. Raver is refering to the capture the flag events held at defcon and other, less unsavory, gatherings. The IT professionals who participate in these activities do so in order to better understand and combat hackers and not out of any criminal intent. The activity can be considered as "going undercover" to borrow a phrase from law enforcement. 3. How to identify a "HACKER"...Hackers are usally normal looking people. You mite see them at your work fixing your companys computers or servers. You mite just be talking to one right now on how to set up your TCP/IP proctocals so you can connect to the internet. [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] Mr. Raver is only confirming what Adequacy.org has been saying all along: the hacker menace is all around us and we must be ever vigilant in combatting it. Most people give hackers the sterotypes of gothic people, people who dress in black and have chains and spikey hair. There are many reason why these people wear the clothes they wear. People who wear these clothes usally have other problems with there soical life. So they mite fall back into computers becuase they dont have any friends to hange out with. This gives them lots of time to explore a computer, put there personalitys into a computer. [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] Once again Mr. Raver is repeating what Adequacy.org has already said: hackers are bitter loners who are quite rightly shunned by normal people. This makes them bitter and depraved. The thing that most people get confused on is people who dress up in baggy pants and bright colored shirts, yet they maybe hackers but in my book they are "Ravers" people who enjoy electronic music. For you non-informed people who dont understand why they wear pacifiers, these are used when ravers are at "raves" and doing ecstasy. Ecstasy creates massive jaw clenching which may cause large amounts of pain. The pacifiers keeps them from biting up the insides of there mouths. [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] Adequacy.org is quite familiar with the evils inherent in electronic "music" and "raving." We have written about this threat to our youth at length. Of course the combination of ravers and hackers represents a double menace that must be eradicated at all costs. 4. Games...Games today are highly advanced and very custimizible. The fact is that the more realistic the game the better. Games are aslo more interactive, such as clans, chat rooms, and multiplayer servers. The more involed you are with a game the more tricks and trades you learn such as scripting. Scripting is a bunch of computer commands you type up to perform speacil things you ask it to. When you understand how the game works the more custimizble you may become. Scripting is used for a lot of things such as the internet, windows, and games. This may cause you to become more custimible with everything on your computer [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] Mr. Raver seems to be complaining that inexperienced hackers are easier to catch than wary veterans. This seems obvious. Of course the extra attention the arrests of "newbie" hackers draw is bad for veteran computer criminals, but this hardly excuses the criminal behaviour of either class. PLEASE BE MORE INFORMED email me with questions trundlebot@yahoo.com [editor's note, by Peter Johnson] While we respect Mr. Raver's views, the editors of Adequacy.org consider our coverage of this issue factual and accurate. Most of our adult readership seems to agree and we have received many supportive emails from concerned parents and law enforcement. |
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