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Favorite Hacker Linux Distro?
FreeBSD 30%
OpenBSD 0%
NetBSD 0%
Solaris 40%
Hurd 20%
Mandrake 10%

Votes: 10

 FreeBSD 4.5 Released!

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 30, 2002
I know that many people here use the hacker operating system Linux, so I thought I should let everyone know that there is a new version of the FreeBSD 'distro' available.

More diaries by gcsb
IP-Tokens. The truth revealed!
A date we can all agree on.
Linux is a very popular hackers OS as shown by the sheer number of 'distributions' of it.

A distribution is created when a cabal of hackers get together and decide to make their own custom version of Linux. Each so-called 'distro' comes with various tools depending on the interests of the hackers that created it.

Among the more popular hacker distros are GNU/RedHat, Corel and Mandrake.

A much lesser known and slower to evolve distro is FreeBSD whos mascot is Satan. And now they have released a new version.

This distro is just as dangerous as any other version of Linux, if not more so. Included in FreeBSD 4.5 are many features a hacker would want. The most lethal of these has to be the inclusion of so-called "SYN-cookies" by default.

TCP/IP uses a three stage handshake modelled after the holy trinity. Rather than being the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit TCP/IP uses the SYN, the SYN/ACK and the ACK but the end effect is the same.

The SYN-Cookie has been discussed by many security experts on the Internet and it's horrible consequences are well understood. They are regarded as being much worse than Raw Sockets by many in the field as they allow hackers to steal your cookie.

The SYN packet normally has nothing to do with cookies, but the GNU/Hippies at FreeBSD have hacked the protocol to include cookie stealing code in the SYN packet. Any hacker using FreeBSD can use this to steal innocent Internet users cookie, which often contain credit card numbers.

Therefore, right thinking people should rise up against this evil hacker GNU/Linux tool before the Internet becomes an even more unsafe place.

Gosh ! (none / 0) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 02:33:08 AM PST
There is no Nobel Prize for Ignorance and Stupidity, so stop trying to get it.

FreeBSD is not a Linux distribution, it's another OS.

Remember that our beloved Windows owes much to the FreeBSD's TCP/IP stack.

And don't forget : this site runs on FreeBSD.

Actually, (none / 0) (#9)
by gcsb on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 02:07:59 PM PST
most web sites including this one run on Windows 2000 using IIS.

I don't know where you get your information from but if you disassemble the IP-Token you will see this is true.


Sig is under not panic.

Hmmm! (none / 0) (#12)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 03:48:32 PM PST
I do believe that. Really. One week ago it was running Apache on FreeBSD, and now who nows : only you. Netcraft has been requested not to report any more on
I can't help having some doubt. Anyway, your dear Windows 2000 has quite a chapter of BSD code included (TCP/IP stack). I'm eagerly waiting for your next invention about that.

what's worse than a hacker? (none / 0) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 07:50:08 PM PST
a hacker that doesnt know his hacking facts. Mind, hacker and facts is an oxymoron, but that isnt the point. The point is that Windows2000 does not borrow from FreeBSD's stack. What I'd like to know is why do you morons keep repeating this lie. Do you have any evidence that Windows2000 contains FreeBSD code?

No, you do not.

The telnet command line client -- not stack -- contains BSD code, but it isnt FreeBSD code and know one uses it.

I dont think you're a hacker. I think you're a script kiddie which, I believe, is the equivalent of "mass murderer" in hacker "society."

P.S.: Heh, like a mass murderer is going to know whether FreeBSD is a Linux distribution. FreeBSD *is* the libertarian arm of Open Source Political Software, a.k.a. Linux.

Haaaah! (none / 0) (#21)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 02:05:33 AM PST
You have spoken The Very Truth, and I have been convinced of my inanity by your arguments and the facts you presented. The only way out for me is to commit suicide. I have asked my friends, I mean my accomplices, to shoot at me with FreeBSD CDs.
May The Lord forgive me. And more important, may the good people of Adequacy pardon me.

Nice explanation (none / 0) (#13)
by skilm on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 04:03:19 PM PST
So what is your excuse for you apparent lack of knowledge about computers?

Were you born retarded, or did you just never learn to read? - Pete


Bread + Egg Nog = Bread Nog

You people are the biggest fucking morons (none / 0) (#2)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 03:38:42 AM PST
Its quite sad that you think that BSD/Debian/Unix systems are "evil" sadly this website is most likely running a UNIX flavor be it on an apple computer or not. I think its safe to assume that is also running on the same software you seem to hate so much. Sadly what you dont know is that BSD/UNIX is quite popular, so popular in fact that if you left your house more often to go software shopping you would see endless racks of UNIX flavors in your local best buy compared to the one measly rack of microsloth garbage. Your childlike criminal liberal self-corrupting minds are too weak and feeble if you think all UNIX users are sitting around with AK-47's and wearing motely crue t-shirts while they sysadmin your servers, in fact, i think only your sysadmin would do this because how else would you ponder such an absurd idea in the first place with your "unix zealot" column. Spread the word, is running a Unix/Linux/BSD/OSX kernal on their servers! oh no, may you burn in the eternal flames that your poor tortured souls devised. and [spelling correction coming up] LINUS TORVALDS is your master is heaven and hell. so deal with it, these words are more powerful then a stupid little DOS attack that someone else may have inflicted upon your poor sysadmin. And if you think that's bad, more then half of the websites you visit on a daily basis are running APACHE on their BSD servers! so yes, you're all going to liberal hell now for visiting these "infected" sites. May god have mercy on your soul, wait i take that back, i hope you burn hahaha. Reverend D.

Troll or satire? (none / 0) (#7)
by westgeof on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 10:11:28 AM PST
I know, sometimes it's not obvious, especially when you post anonymously so we can't judge by previous posting habits.

I do find it quite ironic, though, being called a moron by someone who can't even comprehend the idea of paragraphs and line spacing.

More people would read your comments if you tried formatting them better, and actually researching the topic. Throwing blind insults around doesn' help matters either. For example, here's how your post would look without the poor formatting and factual errors:

Its quite sad that you think that BSD/Debian/Unix systems are "evil." Sadly it is possible, though not known, that this website is running a UNIX flavor, be it on an apple computer or not. I think its wrong to assume that is also running on the same software you seem to hate so much.
Your minds are weak and feeble if you think all UNIX users are sitting around with AK-47's and wearing motely crue t-shirts while they administer your servers. In fact, I think only your sysadmin does this because why else would you ponder the idea expressed in your "linux zealot" column.
Some of the websites you visit on a daily basis are running APACHE! These are "infected" sites. Have mercy on your soul.
"Reverend" D.

As a child I wanted to know everything. Now I miss my ignorance.

AFAIK (none / 0) (#8)
by gcsb on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 02:01:35 PM PST
Trolling is not allowed here so if that comment was a Troll the editors would have surely deleted it.

Therefore it must represent the posters true feelings on the matter. It's just sad that there are so many misinformed people around.

Best Regards,

Sig is under not panic.

IP Token Again? (none / 0) (#14)
by skilm on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 04:07:31 PM PST
Ok Ok Ok

Let's assume for a second that you're right about this IP token thing. I'm a CCNA. I've never heard anything about it. I'm not on a token ring network, I use Ethernet and direct PPP connections.

May I ask how your "IP Token Cloaking" works, and where I might obtain a copy of the program to protect my own machines - which include several Unix servers.

Thank You - Pete


Bread + Egg Nog = Bread Nog

nice try, script kiddo (none / 0) (#20)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 07:56:02 PM PST
I'm a CCNA. [...] May I ask how your "IP Token Cloaking" works, and where I might obtain a copy of the program to protect my own machines...

Were too smart to fall for your childish attempts at social e engineering, Mr. "CCNA".

Thank you (none / 0) (#3)
by Yoshi on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 04:37:23 AM PST
I was wondering about this topic. Thanks for clearing it up for me.

It's me again!! (none / 0) (#5)
by skilm on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 08:20:30 AM PST

You wondering about something is about as likely as me shitting gold.

If you truly wish to be enlightened on a subject, try reading actual news/information and not the drivel that any "I hate all smart people under 25" moron can post on this site.

Then again, why actually read when you can just make stuff up? It's so much more fun for you overweight, chrristian zealot blockheads.


Bread + Egg Nog = Bread Nog

go away (none / 0) (#10)
by Yoshi on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 03:23:55 PM PST
This perversion of me that you have in following my posting history is getting frightening.

If you truly wish to be enlightened on a subject, try reading actual news/information and not the drivel that any "I hate all smart people under 25" moron can post on this site.

I am very educated in most matters regarding Windows, computer hardware, and especially the legality surrounding the linix program. However, my knowledge of the FreeBSD distro was rather limited. I chose to avoid it until now, knowing that one of the letters in the acronym stood for Berkeley. Despite that, though, it may have potential after all.

A Hacker Unmasked! (none / 0) (#16)
by gcsb on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 06:16:55 PM PST
Despite that, though, it may have potential after all.

Potential for you to hack people with? You should be ashamed! It's people such as yourself that give The Internet such a bad name.

Please refrain from using GNU/OpenSource software or you will find your self becoming a GNU/Hippy like GNU/Stallman.


Sig is under not panic.

au contraire (none / 0) (#17)
by Yoshi on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 06:31:02 PM PST
Alas, however, I wouldn't use it. You see, for Capitalists like myself, I wouldn't touch it. I'm not saying it doesn't have potential. So long as it's not backed by the anti-Freedom GNU Virus, I'm willing to give it at least that much credit. Now, mind you, I have no reason to use it, because my operating system does all I need. No open sauce hacking tools for me.

May I (none / 0) (#18)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 07:29:18 PM PST
May I, one more time, kindly remind you, poor soul, that Your Operating System does all you need just because of some open sauce (TCP/IP, Kerberos Authentication...).

Is my IP-Token at risk? (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 05:54:10 AM PST
I'm just wondering if the SYN-Cookie includes IP-Token entrapment devices or such. I have tried to encapsulate my IP-Token with warp shields but these new "cookies" may defeat them.

I appreciate your description of the "handshake", clearly the Son is the coming together of the Father and the Holy Spirit, but is it related to the "Masonic" handshake?

I'm surprised (none / 0) (#6)
by skilm on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 08:27:09 AM PST
Eventhough everything in this story is absolutely wrong, I'm still surprised you guys don't think a "SYN-cookie" isn't some baked good made by Satan to "pollute mankind."


Bread + Egg Nog = Bread Nog

Why are you posting here? (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 03:31:40 PM PST
Well, so much for this place being "News for Grown-ups". I don't know why anyone bothers to post anything here. The censorship is so rampant and widespread, you'd swear this was the former Soviet Union. My advice to totalandcomplete; don't bother posting here anymore. You're wasting your time with these philistines.

Distros (none / 0) (#15)
by skilm on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 04:11:51 PM PST
May I point out that in the poll to the right, not one of the OSes listed is a Linux distrobution except for Mandrake. The rest are not Linux, but it's older cousin Unix.

Thanks - Pete


Bread + Egg Nog = Bread Nog


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