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Now, now, (none / 0) (#6195)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:44:57 AM PST
Some of us are descended from those who got pushed out by the religious wackos.

ARE YOU A FUCKING RETARD?!?!? (none / 0) (#6197)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:58:00 AM PST
You need help buddy!?

You just simple put... your a fucking retard..

You retard (none / 0) (#6199)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 11:08:11 AM PST
Well I guess from what I read you are yet another stupid idiot out there trying to inform people on a topic you know nothing about. Where the hell did you get your info?! When did hackers become color cordinated? When did linux become a hacker tool?! Geez, when did you start doing acid?! Get a life and actually do some research and quit making up all this bullshit because of your narrow mindedness.

So That's why my son asked for "AMD" (none / 0) (#6200)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 11:33:26 AM PST
He told me AMD was a new music channel on TV. Now I know the real truth. He is a "Hacker" Thank you so much.

Oh no - I'm a computer hacker (none / 0) (#6201)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:47:16 PM PST
Ye gods! I use linux! I'm overweight with anti-social skills! (at least, that's what the folks in my Quake group say...)
I wear bright clothes and baggy trousers! I must bow to the great god Billy G and make amends immediately! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Arrgh! telnet! and I thought I was just using it to access the finance systems, along with everyone else where I work....

Y'know.... (none / 0) (#6202)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:48:15 PM PST
For the sake of my faith in humanity {which, mind you, has hit rock bottom a long time ago, but that didn't stop it from pulling out a pickaxe and starting to dig}, can someone please tell me this guy is joking?

If not, then for the sake of the gene pool, can someone take him out to the barn and put him out of his misery?



Re: If you believe what he said, you are stupid. (none / 0) (#6203)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:55:48 PM PST
Hey, this is the Internet.... the place with no limits whatsoever. Especially when it comes to stupidity.

Quinch {}

Re: Arguments (none / 0) (#6204)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:59:40 PM PST
"6. Quake is a game, and does not train you to use firearms of any type, unless people will someday invent "Plasma Rocket Launchers" and "Railguns". "

Which is a long way off. Yep, a loooong way off. People have no clue whatsoever how to even begin to construct something like that....

Uhh.... excuse me, I have to, uh, clean some stuff up from my toolshed. Yes, just stuff. No, of course it's nothing you should know about.

Good article (none / 0) (#6205)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:10:43 PM PST
LOL nice article.....i like how u captured the paranoia and stigma that parents seem to think about Hackers.

Also mixing Pill heads with hackers on how they dress was also very funny.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#6206)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:17:00 PM PST
OMG That's the funniest shit I've ever seen! Thanks for writing this article, I really needed a good laugh today!

wow (none / 0) (#6207)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:21:40 PM PST
I didn't know a web page could contain such misinformation, propaganda, and crap. Keep up the good work.

AMD law suit? (none / 0) (#6209)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:34:47 PM PST
I cant wait for AMD to sue your ass for defemation...hehehe. ok, now seriously. Please T Reginald Gibbons..tell me, is this a joke. Im laughing my ass off but if this is serious then GOD DAMNIT! you are one dumb father.

You are Stupid.Stupid.Stupid (none / 0) (#6342)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:48:13 PM PST
I think the guys at AMD are smarter than you and realise that's a good joke...a very good one...and yes, you are stupid becose you dindn't realise this.

This is coming from someone who had SIX CHILDREN?! (none / 0) (#6212)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 02:04:29 PM PST
Oh great. He doesn't know what birth control is, but he knows how to spot a hacker. Someone send this webpage to AMD, then watch the news :)

This is stupid (none / 0) (#6213)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 02:10:33 PM PST
Most parents can't figure out the universal remote... let alone keep an eye on what their kid is doing on the PC. I high school I used to messa round wityh that stuff, I got kicked off of AOL. I went to college majhored in Comp sci, and here I am m23 years ols making $74,000/year. Your kid likes computers? Let him go. Just make sure his grades are OK. You parents will need SOMEONE to pay for your nursing home.

wtf (none / 0) (#6214)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 02:25:15 PM PST
i myself think this is a very retarted artical and should be removed..actully this whole site..what are you tryin to do..just casue your child wants to upgrade to a new computer doesent mean his a hacker,or if he uses linux???...and for the person that called the cops of your own u have any love for them? trust? how do u turn in your OWN a father or mother have issues..and as for your ppl..noone will ever stop hackers..without them half the stuff on the internet would never be..half the programs your using was made by a programmer/hacker..jeeze parents these days..

Greatings from Vienna (none / 0) (#6216)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 02:39:08 PM PST
It�s realy funny how many people do not have any ideas about computers, but that�s the way it is.
don�t be afraid, the future will change this :-)
rip generation 1968

lol (none / 0) (#6221)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:13:30 PM PST
im sorry is this a jokE?
is is the guy who wrote this completely off his fucking head?!

i play quake :)
i have a computer runnin linux :)
i have an amd processor, lots of ram, big hdd, and spend over 12 hours a day on my PC :)


u dumb fucking asshole
intel proccessors suck :)
ms winblows sucks :)
and next time u r online, prepare to have your PC fuxd :D
beware of teh 1337 h4x0rz :D
you just signed your own death warrant boyo :D

glad you're not my parent (none / 0) (#6222)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:35:27 PM PST
I'm a 22 year old computer science student. I know a great deal about the world you're attempting to portray in you're extremely uneducated blather. Aside from incorrect grammar and spelling errors, you have made a great deal of statements that are completely untrue. I am unaware of how you do research in the US, but in Canada, research involves finding out the facts, not making up material about which you have no previous experience or knowledge. I'm glad you're not my parent, because you are very uneducated and would be a huge liability to my development as a human being. Perhaps rather than punishing your son for something you clearly don't understand, perhaps you should truly do some research and find out what is really going.
Amazed by Stupidity

Thank you... your check... (none / 0) (#6227)
by wgates on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:14:15 PM PST
... is in the mail. We will be sure to make use of your services when we need to badmouth Linux again. Next time, please try and spell it "Linux", not "Lunix", otherwise our campaign is pretty much fruitless, Yours Sincerely William Gates.

Thank you... your check... (none / 0) (#6228)
by wgates on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:19:09 PM PST
... is in the mail. We will be sure to make use of your services when we need to badmouth Linux again. Next time, please try and spell it "Linux", not "Lunix", otherwise our campaign is pretty much fruitless, Yours Sincerely William Gates.

Is your father a WACKJOB ? (none / 0) (#6229)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:27:59 PM PST
Does your dad think bonzi buddy is a hack tool ? Does your dad think you are hacking computers when you are really playing Quake ? Does your dad think you are a hacker cuz you think aol sucks monkeyballz just like any normal human being would think. Does your dad think linux is bad but has no clue how to spell it ? well, then your dad might be a f@cking idiot!

model parent? i think not! (none / 0) (#6230)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:30:22 PM PST
OK number 1 - you really need to learn the real defination of "hacker" then spout you mindless babble. I feel so sorry for your kids You don't even know what you are talking about. NONE of those programs mentioned have to do with "hacking." DUH! Linux is a Open Source operating system. Open source means that everything is shared. Anyone can see the source code and modify it to their needs. Just because something is free doesn't mean it's used by only hackers. Yes let's define "hackers."

hack�er1 (hkr)
n. Informal
One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file.

Well, by this definition, Linux, Bonzi Buddy and the numerous other programs listed are NOT good signs of someone being or becoming a hacker.

Obviously your children are smarter then you and you just felt jealous because your son knew more then you. Maybe you should try Linux and the numerous other programs you mentioned becoming coming to your false conclusions. So far, you sound like an uneducated dunce. Read read read educate educate educate learn learn learn - then speak up otherwise you'll just get laughed at severely.

model parent? i think not! (none / 0) (#6231)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:32:45 PM PST
OK number 1 - you really need to learn the real defination of "hacker" then spout you mindless babble. I feel so sorry for your kids You don't even know what you are talking about. NONE of those programs mentioned have to do with "hacking." DUH! Linux is a Open Source operating system. Open source means that everything is shared. Anyone can see the source code and modify it to their needs. Just because something is free doesn't mean it's used by only hackers. Yes let's define "hackers."

hack�er1 (hkr)
n. Informal
One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file.

Well, by this definition, Linux, Bonzi Buddy and the numerous other programs listed are NOT good signs of someone being or becoming a hacker.

Obviously your children are smarter then you and you just felt jealous because your son knew more then you. Maybe you should try Linux and the numerous other programs you mentioned becoming coming to your false conclusions. So far, you sound like an uneducated dunce. Read read read educate educate educate learn learn learn - then speak up otherwise you'll just get laughed at severely.

model parent? i think not! (none / 0) (#6232)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:34:25 PM PST
OK number 1 - you really need to learn the real defination of "hacker" then spout you mindless babble. I feel so sorry for your kids You don't even know what you are talking about. NONE of those programs mentioned have to do with "hacking." DUH! Linux is a Open Source operating system. Open source means that everything is shared. Anyone can see the source code and modify it to their needs. Just because something is free doesn't mean it's used by only hackers. Yes let's define "hackers."

hack�er1 (hkr)
n. Informal
One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file.

Well, by this definition, Linux, Bonzi Buddy and the numerous other programs listed are NOT good signs of someone being or becoming a hacker.

Obviously your children are smarter then you and you just felt jealous because your son knew more then you. Maybe you should try Linux and the numerous other programs you mentioned becoming coming to your false conclusions. So far, you sound like an uneducated dunce. Read read read educate educate educate learn learn learn - then speak up otherwise you'll just get laughed at severely.

asshole (none / 0) (#6233)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:35:23 PM PST
you r an ass hole, mother fucker that does not understands a fuck of what u r saying!! stupid fagot!!!! ah e ja agora fa�am /server e depoiz #scp /j #scp !!! viva ao SPORTING caralho!!

This is the funniest thing I've read in my life (none / 0) (#6234)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:40:50 PM PST
I've been using the NET for like almost 9 years since it 1st came out.. I'm almost 21 so that shows I started using the net when I was a young teenager. The answer to those questions of yours is all yes except the last one where I'm one of the best students in the community college I attend to. I did change ISPs because AOL just plain sucks, it's slow; I install new programs because I like learning new things, I think everybody else likes to learn new things too; I don't ask for new hardware, I buy them myself because I don't wanna live on the stone age and also AMD makes cheaper processors and faster than Intel nowadays; I read hacking manuals because I'm interested just like you were when you probably read part of it or the whole thing; I spend about 7 hours on my PC because I'm always learning something new and talking to my friends online which I play games. I also met a lot of them in real life; I play Quake since Quake I came out and I'm not about to start killing people because of it.. it's just a game..; I changed my behavior because I grew up... common sense; I like Linux because it's an interesting OS, more stable then most Microsoft OS and not because I could hack with it; I changed my appearance because I also grew up... I don't wanna dress like a kid my whole life; And last, no I'm not struggling academically like I said before;

I can see a good answer to every one of your questions and you always seem to blame them on the computers. If you child was hacking, it's your fault you didn't pay attention to what he was doing or the way you educated him. My parents didn't have to tell me what to do and I knew pretty well what's right from wrong. You said you're proud of never have to beat your child but sometimes I think back I'm glad I did take or I woulnd't have learned. I haven't met anyone on my age that I consider smarter in all things in life so if you want your child not to hack or do bad things, you pay attention to him and don't blame on computers.

is just like most of the american (none / 0) (#6235)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:42:25 PM PST
This is exactly what I think from american people

fuckin dumbass who knows nothing about the world but try to teach us what to do

Just hope it's a joke, I m also still hoping bush s election is a joke :D
American can no more surprise me

I'm happy that you're in trouble now in order you have an idea of what it is
Piss of

you're an ass (none / 0) (#6485)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:28:55 PM PST
You only speak of America this way because you are jealous of all that we have. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world and if your country was ever in trouble you would come crawling on your hands and knees begging for our support you hypocritical son of a bitch!

YOU PEOPE ARE PATHETIC! (none / 0) (#6236)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:43:24 PM PST
I hope noone actually believes this article. If so you are all very sad people and have been had by a very big joke!

Indeed! Who's the moron here? (none / 0) (#6546)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 02:52:57 PM PST
Amazing... I found this to be the best spoof of last month, but judging from the commentary, loads of readers are even dumber than the pretended father! Of course this is a joke, and a very good one too! If only you'd look at the home page, there's no way you could think this is serious...

I don't know what's funnier, the article, or over 2000 guys who think it was for real :-D

What a model of parent (none / 0) (#6237)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:50:47 PM PST
LOL i am shock about that sucker who calls a model of a parent... man go learn about computers and then post here something usefull and with some logic... because this is totally stupid... u have serius problems in your head go talk with a doctor... =)

What a model of parent (none / 0) (#6238)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:57:36 PM PST
LOL i am shock about that sucker who calls a model of a parent... man go learn about computers and then post here something usefull and with some logic... because this is totally stupid... u have serius problems in your head go talk with a doctor... =)

A Great Deal of MisInformation (none / 0) (#6239)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 05:08:43 PM PST
To any parents reading this article, I must say this: it has been poorly researched and offers much misinformation. AMD is a computer processor that is simply faster than many Intel processors. It is true that it may be the processor of choice of so-called "hackers" (these people are actually called "crackers" -- hackers are simply people who have graduated to a certain level of understanding of hardware and software, like a computer scientist) since the processor is cheap. Intel, however, is also a foreign company. Only IBM is a US-based company and they manufacture processors for Apple Computer. Linux (this is the proper spelling) is a highly customizable operating system, like Microsoft Windows or MacintoshOS. It CAN be used for cracking other computers, but it is actually a industrial-strength operating system designed to run servers, computers which allows big corporations like IBM or Sun to operate. AOL has an extensive fleet of these computers, many of which run Linux. Linus Torvalds (also the correct spelling), is a computer scientist who happens to be from a former Soviet country, though much of Europe is a former Nazi country (France included). He is NOT a cracker. Software like Comet Cursor is called spy-ware, not because it is "hacker" software, but because it installs itself automatically when you visit a particular site. As for the clothing, crackers tend to wear very dark clothing, though there is no actual specification. The ISP-switching problem, however, is very real. AOL is certainly not as secure as they advertise, but a cracker would want a very fast connection -- something which AOL continues to fail to provide. Just as with other sucessful relationships, communicate with your children on a regular basis. If you believe that your son (or daughter) is a hacker (more correctly, a cracker), then talk to them first. Do not throw blind accusations at them; this will only force them away from you. I am an electrical engineering student from a US university.

Finland is not a former Soviet country.. (none / 0) (#6415)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:32:45 AM PST
So Linus Torvalds does not live in a former Soviet country.

WHAT A IDIOT! (none / 0) (#6240)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 05:34:59 PM PST

dgdf (none / 0) (#6244)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:17:30 PM PST
Actually, none of it is true!

He He, Great Fun (none / 0) (#6241)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 05:47:17 PM PST
In case you missed the point, this has been geek bait, and you all took it hook line & sinker.

Laughing out loud (none / 0) (#6245)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:21:09 PM PST
There's no other reaction to this hilarious human freak show. I don't think this intelectualy obscene site (the ignorance showed by such writters hurts the rational beeings image that humans have). This article deserves no further comment. If you guys don't do at least a 1 hour research before writting such things I cannot give this site ANY credit, this site shall only be used as a entertainment page...

Freakin Funny (none / 0) (#6246)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:25:35 PM PST
Funny as hell.

You are such an ignorant! (none / 0) (#6250)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:01:53 PM PST
Look, kida are like this in these days... you are a complete ignorant!! and OTAKU is not an organization u dumb butt! its people who like animes you moron!

RE: you are a complete ignorant!! (none / 0) (#6514)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 07:44:26 AM PST
"you are a complete ignorant!!"

... lets not even touch this one.

Well, if you want to protect your kids, use Linux. (none / 0) (#6251)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:07:39 PM PST
If you had posted this on a newsgroup, I'd giggle. You have no understanding of the facts (Linus Torvalds is Finnish, for instancd).

I suggest parents use Linux rather that windows. Why?
1. Linux is secure. I can lock access to tghe modem, internal networks, and parts of my hard drive (preserves my research etc). I can break into the hard disk on a vanilla install Win 95 in one second. If you insist on using indowas, keep up to date with your saervie packs and install a BIOS password.

2. Linux is extesible. I can find enough edcatuio games to keep my kids happy: I can do multiple things at onced).

3. Linux is not caoptured by the (irrationaL US legal system. As an international group, it moderates the needs of many.

4. Linux is free (as in ideas) and can be free (as in beer0. This is an issue of socail justice: the poor should not enrice Bill Galtes.

Yours, Chris Gale

WHAT????? (none / 0) (#6252)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:16:52 PM PST
if this is meant serious, i can only laugh!!
(sorry for the bad english, but i am german)

Who want's to hack the FBI with me using "LUN (none / 0) (#6253)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:22:39 PM PST
Or better yet let's use "Bonzi Buddy"! Heh, this guy must be the world's biggest dolt! I love the fact that AMD is a third world company. Christ third world countries can't even feed there own people and this guy thinks they make processors.

april fools already (none / 0) (#6254)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:27:51 PM PST
You must be kidding!!

T Reginald Gibbons: You are a fucking moron. (none / 0) (#6255)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:33:07 PM PST

This guy must be in bed with Steve Case! (none / 0) (#6256)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:39:57 PM PST
He thinks AOL is the only Kid safe way to surf. Ha! And what the hell is LUNIX? I have "LINUX"-Mandrake on my systems. Oh, buy the way! I never knew a faster video card had anything to do with hacking. T. Reginald Gibbons sir you are as dumb as a member of the Human race can get. Oh one more thing smart guy. If you think is so bad try deleting it and resarting you computer.

(try pulling your balls out from your mouth)

Gee, I'm a hacker! And so is my dad, and my mom... (none / 0) (#6259)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 09:04:39 PM PST
May I list the people in my family who are hackers? Let's see, hmmmm....
My dad.
My Mom.
My sister.
My grandfather.
my grandmother.
All my relatives.
All my friends.
A fair amount of the world.


What a f.ucking moron.... (none / 0) (#6260)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 09:05:24 PM PST
look Im 17 years old
and i apply to every1 of the above mentioned topics you have listed, all of them except maybe 8, 9 and 10..... and SURPRISE! Im in no way what-so-ever a hacker.

first off, you are a moron.
lets say it together.... moron.

compaq is one of the leading supporters of the AMD processing unit. you own a compaq. you are stupid.

i have a LINUX server through which i run high speed cable internet line and have a home LAN running. setting it up was very fun and hard expeirence and taught me many things.

in case you forgot (someone with as low an IQ as yourself must suffer from short term memory loss) you are a moron....

aol sucks.

hardware upgrades should never be purchased from the computer maker, they are sucky and over priced.

finally... ugh i cant go on... the above statement you made has to be the stupidest piece of information i have ever seen in my life. im sorry i ever came across it and I pray your 6 (good god, do you live on a farm, are you amish, whats the deal?!) children have enough brains to run away before you can solidly stupidfy them...

jake mcgraw

What? (none / 0) (#6262)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 09:42:30 PM PST
This better be a joke. I mean I know some people out there have no clue about the internet reality but damn....I can only hope it's a joke


please tell me. (none / 0) (#6264)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:06:40 PM PST
Please please tell me this is a joke.
This is so insanely moronic not to mention wrong. And disturbing that something such as this could be posted witha straight face.

THIS IS HILARIOUS!! (none / 0) (#6265)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:10:48 PM PST
I believed it was serious at first, until I kept reading.. I was getting p1ssed reding it! HA! I bet there are A LOT of people who will read this and believe it, I feel sorry for you people.

This is the stupidest crap ever! (none / 0) (#6266)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:30:55 PM PST
i will first say that i am not a hacker but i wouldnt mind telling people that i am. if my mom read this she would consider me a hacker because almost all of these would apply to me but i have never really hacked anything. And saying that linux is dangerous is a load of crap. Its only dangerous if you dont know how to use it and i have a feeling that the guy who wrote this article doesnt know much about linux. i am done with my comment because its a waist of time. see ya.

Um, yeah.... (none / 0) (#6267)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:38:48 PM PST
...this is obviously a joke! It's like parents fearing that Dr. Suess books contain hidden satanic content.

Chill out people, and LAUGH for goodness sakes!

Forrest Gump Hacker (none / 0) (#6268)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:58:31 PM PST
The character Forrest Gump was supposed to have an IQ of about 75. Church groups seem to be competing with each other to lower the IQ of the followers somewhere below this number. Plastic parents, as evidenced in the message above, determined to turn bright children into cows and slaves to church idiots. The book 1984 was directly aimed at this kind of willing idiot. I pity the teenager who has 3 times the brains of both parents combined.

Thanks (none / 0) (#6269)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 11:54:58 PM PST
Thanks for the informative article. I'd noticed the same thing with my two boys, and did a little research on my own. Do you realize they are selling AMDs to minors? Not even an ID check! I've started up a small campaign here in Texas to put legal limits on the age they can sell AMDs to, as well as limiting the number they can sell to one person. I'd rather just make the damn things illegal, but there's no way I could muster up enough political clout.

Hello?! Hello?! McFly, anyone home?.... (none / 0) (#6272)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:11:14 AM PST
If that "article" is serious, whoever wrote it should immediately take whatever computer they wrote it on and toss it out a window. They are obviously too stupid to be using it. Suprised they didn't hang themselves on a keyboard or mouse cable. Oh yea, help mankind and the gene pool out and quickly practice some self-immolation

ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#6273)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:14:28 AM PST
May I recommend a sense of humour upgrade to all those who get a bit 'tetchy' about this one?

Ignorance is Bliss... (none / 0) (#6274)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:43:20 AM PST
May God have mercy on your soul. I am actually impressed with the sheer volume of miss-information in your article. I don't think I could write a joke as good as that, but I get the impression that you were actually serious. I think the worst part is that you have kids, and your ignorance may be passed down to them. I guess Darwin's law will eventually weed your family out of society, so I guess I really shouldn't care. In fact, I am beginning to feel physically sick that there are actually people like you out there. But perhaps you can feel good that your message is getting out. I plan on emailing the hyperlink to all of my co-workers, so they too can revel in your inadequacies.

Thanks for the Laugh

Universalmente Estupido! (none / 0) (#6275)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:59:37 AM PST
Este idiota no sabe nada de lo que esta diciendo son solo juicios sumatorios y comentarios generalizados, lamitad de lo que dice se lo imagino y al otra son solo estereotipos de lo que el cree, muchas de las fuentes que cita y sus cometarios acerca del sofware son erroneos y los libros que dice son manuales de hackeo, en realidad son novelas de ciencia ficcion.
ojala y sea una broma

Very well written !! (none / 0) (#6276)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 01:14:44 AM PST
Very well written.

By reading it you can tell that the author has good knowledge of the subject. In order to write the exact opposite one has to know what is true.

Sadly there are people ignorant and retarded enough to actually believe in this crap.

If he had omitted the obviously exaggerated stuff about AMD it would be even more believable!

Anyway, well done. At lease serves as a way to show parents what they should NOT worry about when it comes to their child's computer behavior.

Alexander, Greece

wtf.... (none / 0) (#6277)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 01:19:26 AM PST
umm what drugs are you on dude
NONE of this stuff is cuz hes hacking unless your a drug fucked loser kthx

Punishing his kid for his ignorance? (none / 0) (#6279)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 02:51:28 AM PST
Model parent my ass. This parent is really blind to the world. This kind of unfounded punishment can only lead to hatred. Thanks a lot. Now when your kid goes running through a school with an AK-47 we'll know who to blame. I remember when my dad ASKED ME what I was doing, and I was able to show him what I was working on. (web page) Now I have a computer tech job and am very happy I got the knowledge I needed for college at an early age. Allowing me to be first in my class. This parent may have just destroyed any tech job this kid may have wanted. I only hope that other parents that read this see through his idiocy.

THere are so many stupid people in the US! (none / 0) (#6280)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 02:55:57 AM PST
I tell you guys, that in Russia this piece of work would be considered as an ordinary joke (in fact it is plenty of them in Russian sites). I think only ten people will pay attention to something like this. Stupid Americans!!!!

Oh dear... (none / 0) (#6282)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:09:57 AM PST
Once again the Yanks demonstrate a complete lack of sense about Irony or Sarcasm. The article is intended as a joke - you know humour? Dear God I hate to think about the state of the world if an entire nation (apologies to the ones who 'got it') can understand the notion that this is funny!

What's more funny though is the amount of people flaming the article because they think it's real. Superb.

What The F*** is this c*** All About??? (none / 0) (#6283)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:12:39 AM PST
who is the moron who wrote this f***ing article???
does this persone have any understanding of anything????
but 1st to set the record straight:
1)AMD is a company that makes prossesors with better arcetecture (the way it's built) and preforms up to 1000% faster than Intel processors and mutch better the reson it's hard to come by in stores is that it's reletevly newer than Intel.

T H I S A R T I C L E I S A J O K E . (none / 0) (#6284)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:16:34 AM PST
People, don't take this serious... (^.^)

You are a Freak! (none / 0) (#6286)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:26:11 AM PST
AMD cause for hacking? Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly It's a recognised book for computer administrators. Why don't you just condemn all pc progammers as satan re-incarnate! for crying out loud it is you that needs an education you narrow minded jesus freak! You are the most pathetic excuse for a father I have ever seen. Your son is showing intelligence, you know, that thing that's measured by iq, something you seem to have little of. Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly for example should not be banned from any local bookshop as people like me need it to do our job.
Oh and two more things, reading those things does not make your son a hacker, not all hackers are men you sexist bigot, and the term hacker is not what the media makes it.
A real hacker is someone who disasembles a program to find out how it works, not to cause damage, it's similar to reverse engineering.
Oh and Linux? get the guy's name right it's Linus Torvalds. He devloped Linux so he didn't have to pay spiraling licensing cost's it is not the os of hackers, a lot of isp's are using it to host their e-mail systems, why? because it's cheaper than Microsoft who incase you missed it rip the general public off.
Go get an education you narrow minded imbecile.

Stupidity at it's Finest (none / 0) (#6288)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:51:33 AM PST
Nice to know there are still some people out there who believe everything they see on TV. Microsoft is the greatest (even though they stole Windows from Xerox), and AOL is the only safe ISP (even though AOL connects you to a Wide Area Network with some Internet capabilities, not even the true internet). Quake, like all computer games, have to be evil......
You might actually want to do some research and get a clue before you post outright blaitant lies.
Though, I guess since I'm a software developer (and thus spend more than 30 minutes in front of a computer each day), that makes me a hacker.

Humour? Parody? Try a dictionary. (none / 0) (#6290)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:06:53 AM PST
The vast majority here, it seems, really do need to take more time away from their computers if they are incapable of recognizing humour when they see it.

It is obviously a joke.

Are u totally stupid!? (none / 0) (#6291)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:07:03 AM PST
The one who arrests their kids for having Mp3s on their computer should be shot to death or put on a island an die there.... if everyone should arrest their kids for that then 9 out of 10 homes should loose their kids... u are pathetic the one who wrote this. U talks shit about Macromedia and AMD wich is a very program and processor maker�. Linux is the best operativ system and its not called Lunix u fucker. Get some info before u critices anything ju jackass.
And what kind of site publish this kind of a post? u fucking nuts?

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Of course!!!! They might want to play games that need better things like a graphic card... u are so fucking dumb!!! i would shot u to death if u were standing next to me....

HOW THICK !!! SirGeekalot (none / 0) (#6292)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:12:44 AM PST
Dont let this person anywere near a PC...... Pweeese !!!!

MORON! (none / 0) (#6299)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:26:45 AM PST
Clear case of the blind leading the blind.

Let me answer some of those questions.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
You change ISP to get a faster connection, more reliable service or a cheaper rate. Most ISP's have strict hacking policies. Whether you are with AOL or any other company you can hack if you really want to.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
MARCOMEDIA! Hacking Software??? WTF moron! Get a clue.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
You ask for new hardware because the computer you got your children is a peice of shit, crap video card that can hardly run solitaire, minimal memory. AMD CPU's made in sweat shops!? LOL MORON! Sorry High tech microprocessors are made in super clean rooms by computers themselves, DICK HEAD!

Where do you get your computer information? The Bible?

Love the Joke the best bit was about Linux :) (none / 0) (#6300)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:41:57 AM PST
Love the Joke the best bit was about Linux :)

"Obsessed with "Lunix"? or "M (none / 0) (#6301)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:05:56 AM PST
I'm sorry....but if this some "back door way" to try to be an evangelist on the net, you deserve a lot of ridicule. I hope you receive more than you can handle. Keep your infiltrations to yourself. Gee....I thought we got rid of you creeps in college.

Further, get out of your closet you call "your world" and absorb (learn) what's going on in the "real world". Stop making stupid ignorant comments.

You want to try to pass yourself off as some advisor???? You're a bad joke and a false prophet!!!!

And wheres god in all this? :) (none / 0) (#6302)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:10:37 AM PST
ROFLMAO!!!! ive never laughed for so long in my entire life!! i never thought a "person" cold be so damn ignorant and having trouble just trying to comprehend the complete crap you have just makes me want to vomit and run towards a cold shower with a large piece of sandpaper.

America should be nuked for letting you have sorry but you should be shot

Irony and Satire (none / 0) (#6303)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:19:15 AM PST
Now, I know the normal line on Americans is that they have little or no concept of the above.

However, assuming that this article was penned by one, it does cheer me up a bit to know there is at least one US citizen who is aware of such lofty concepts as "taking the piss" and "being tongue-in-cheek".

Nevertheless, I weep copiously for the multitude others who clearly possess enough intelligence to string a sentence together, some of whom quite eloquently, and yet who /completely failed/ to understand the humourous intent of this article.

Come on America. You can do better than this. I call upon you to busy yourselves in a new revolution. Forget wars against "terrorism". Fight the enemy within.

All of you who understood the ironic subtext of this article, I urge you to rise up and destroy those who would oppress your wit. You must eliminate from your society the kind of person who read this article and then complained loudly that "AMD IS AN AMERICAN COMPANY YOU MORON!" and "FLASH IS USED FOR ANIMATING NOT FOR HACKING!".

The people who, in short, probably voted for George Dubya too.

Come on. Make America great again.


A Concerned British Subject

PS - Does an incitement to engage in civil war count as trolling?

what a tard (none / 0) (#6305)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:45:31 AM PST
ummm...gee....I think described 90% of the PC gaming population in the world...does that mean that everyone who is even remotely computer literate is a hacker?





gimme a break...

<putting on the fake brit accent> oh t. time you decide to write an article of this nature, plz make sure that you are using the part of your brain that is above your shoulders...apparently you used the one below for this article, and damn does it ever show...

If you believe this, you're a Fucktard (none / 0) (#6306)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:52:31 AM PST

Hackers (none / 0) (#6307)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:21:55 AM PST
Get a life you sad little man!!!

Hacking?....... (none / 0) (#6308)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:24:59 AM PST
You call that stuff hacking? That is NOT hacking, those are normal computer activiteis. 45 minutes is not enough time to do anything productive, and linux (not lunix) is just the same as Windows, only and operating system. Flash is an editor for making movies, there is literally no possible way to hack with flash. I know this because I am a computer programmer, and i know how to hack (i have to to fix my programs). I feel sorry for the first post, deleting your file completely screwed your computer. If you want real "hacking" clues, email me at and i will help you out, dont listen to this over-protective insane moron. yeah see ya

Are you blind!? (none / 0) (#6309)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:32:14 AM PST
How can you people be so blind?? Macromedia Flash not a hacker program?? It's right there along with Java applets and pop-up attacks! I doubt you'll be so supportive of distributors and such software when your harddrive is blanked by a Shock Wave! Wait till you get nailed by a DOS attack, will be be wanting to keep your around? You know all viruses are based off, right? You didn't? Maybe you should learn a little before you open your mouth, then!

Are you blind!? (none / 0) (#6310)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:38:20 AM PST
How can you people be so blind?? Macromedia Flash not a hacker program?? It's right there along with Java applets and pop-up attacks! I doubt you'll be so supportive of distributors of such software when your harddrive is blanked by a ShockWave! Wait till you get nailed by a DOS attack, will be be wanting to keep your around? You know all viruses are based off, right? You didn't? Maybe you should learn a little before you open your mouth, then! Ware of the h4><0r!

That was the funniest thing I've heard in a while (none / 0) (#6311)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:25:44 AM PST
Hey. Thanks for making my day. I really hope you weren't serious, and if you were, may god have mercy on your soul.

to make a few things clear (none / 0) (#6312)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:27:34 AM PST
Linux -->I dunno much about the history of linux but one things is for sure...most people *usually that ones that know alotta stuff bout computers* have Linux because it is WORKIN BETTER. Not to hack others computers. And only those people who know computers better, take that one, the others *like me* can't be bothered I guess

mp3s-->the using of mp3s is not illegal. It's legal as long as u take it from legal networks like Even the burning is legal

outfit -->What you describe looks more like a skater. Geeks r usually pale, wear glasses, have fatty hair and a t-shirt with a brand *i.e. Sprite* on it

school -->geeks r usually better in school then others. Especially in sciences since they have a special mathematical skill

hacking --> There is somethin like a hacker ettiquette. Just in case u didn't know. Hackers r there for findin mistakes in the programming of software. No true hacker would like hack someone's e-mail ccount and READ the mails. he would just hack it, report the mistake the programers, and leave. Such hackerpages like are just there to show the big companies where their mistakes r. Wel of course some use it to download pluins, but that's not the aim of the page.

All ina ll u misinterpreted a few things generally wrong. If u wanna ahve more info write to =)

youre a Idiot (none / 0) (#6313)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:43:12 AM PST
1. You may have a good family but they havent a good father, ridiculise your son on the internet is truly Idiot, youll not get any respect from him doing that.

2. AMD chips, who are you moron AMD processor are twice better than intel processor, and please let your **** patriotism at home.

3. linux not lunix, if you dont know what about you are talking, plz shut up

Watch out! (none / 0) (#6315)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:56:28 AM PST
I have some experience in this area too, and i noticed some other very dangerous signs.

1) Be very careful is your son is using notepad. Notepad is a program that comes with your computer and can be used for just writing text, but hackers seem to use it to get into web sites.

2) If your son leaves his computer on even when he's not there, then you have reason to get really worried. It means he uses the computer for auto-DOSing. There as been some misunderstanding about what exactly DOSing is. It has nothing to do with command line. In reality it is the art of DO commands. With DO commands you can tell remote computers what to do over a network.

3) Some computers have a very strange input device attached to them. It is very unlike the normal mouse. It looks a bit like a typewriter. Hackers call it a keyboard.

It's very simple! (none / 0) (#6405)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:35:40 AM PST
I'm a hacker myself, so i know what i'm talking about. I'm even such a good hacker that i succeeded in hacking the site, enabling me to put this message on it without leaving a trace of my identity.
This is how you REALLY recognize us:
- We eat tons of pizza
- We are almost always eating chips.
- We like to drink beer.
- When we're not drinking beer it's only because we're busy drinking a coke.
- We are fat and have long hair.

You're joking, right? (none / 0) (#6318)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:03:59 AM PST
You are obviously a complete moron on the subject of computers and hacking. I am appalled at the sheer ignorance of the article. You are spouting so many lies about hacking, games, and such, it's not even funny.
Quake is a video game, and may be objectionable to parents because of violent content, but it is not a hacker tool. That comet cursor stuff is software that some sites sponsers put up to install on your PC automatically. Linux is an operating system like Windows, not a dangerous tool.
AOL is one of the worst ISPs out there, and you can get just as effective "hacker-proof" ISPs, such as Earthlink or Juno, for less money and less hassle.
Please, if you want to enlighten the parental crowd, do yourself a favor and inform yourself on the truth about computers in general. It's obvious that you have no clue in this subject.

Either this guy is a SERIOUS moron or.... (none / 0) (#6319)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:05:22 AM PST
...this is a great joke!

Wal-MART is a Hacker owned STORE! (none / 0) (#6320)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:40:55 AM PST
They sell a AMD HP and they have Flash for sell EEK they must be stoped, and the worst part is they sell (holds breath) Quake (dum dum dum dummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) ok this has to be the worst store ever just selling hacker things like that to kids, by they the way i'm joking and if there are people out there that really think this way I say we just line them up and kill them, thank you

The Cereal Killer

Mr. Gibbons........ (none / 0) (#6322)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:00:38 AM PST
Where to begin.

Of all the books that you mention as "hacker guides", I've only seen a few(my reading taste is more sci-fi than cyberpunk), but the books that you refer to are works of fiction. Futurisitc fiction at that. They use technology that has been extrapolated by the author from current technology.

But how can you use a book that uses something that does not exist yet, and be able to hack into modern telecommunications systems? And beating them over the heads with it is not a viable answer.

Point two: Quake.

I don't play Quake. I'm a Wolfenstein player. But I've tried Quake. It's not bad. Have you played it at all? Before saying that something is not apprprite, you should learn about it.

But not you. You believe that, with minimal information and rumor, you can make the world a better place. I'm more than willing to believe that you would willingly burn books that you don't like, cause information to be cut off. It's people like you that cause unrest, that founded the Third Reich. "Anything that is not the way I want it is bad."

Sir, I put it to you that all of your children will equire extensive counciling after learning at your feet. And for that, I pity them.

I pity you as well, for I know that nothing have said here will afect you in the slightest.

Rick Fiddock, Royally Ticked Off At Narrow-Minded Neo-Nazis.

really?? (none / 0) (#6323)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:06:13 AM PST
WELL U ARE TRULLY A DUMBASS!!!!!! MAN AMD is not a freakin 3rd world country company
why in the hell is Compaq, Dell, IBM and all those other companies use AMD....
and u are really stupid aswell... just because he needs a better video card or ram or HDD doesn't mean he's a hacker...
hell i do need a bigger hard drive i need a better video card... i OWN AN AMD...
that mean i am a hacker...
f**k no! jeez... u are trully the worst and best american jackass i've seen
total idiot

Are you a Moron! I have 2 kids and 16 years exp (none / 0) (#6326)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 11:47:33 AM PST
Though some of your comments may have some validity and kids should be supervise in ALL there activities. The truth your 10 signs are not in anyway true tell signs. I'm not srue if its do to ignorance or if this is just a troll post. Check your facts. neither the books nor the software mention have any bering on what does or even what a hackers IS!

By all accounts i am a 33 year old hacker. Hacker = Computer Guru NOT computer Vandalist. im sorry to hear that instead of directing you kids intelect in a positive direction you limit his creativity do to your own limitations in understanding new technologies

I haven't seen interesting poop like this.... (none / 0) (#6328)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:35:32 PM PST
since my 3 year old swallowed 2 quarters and a dime.

Priase the Lord (none / 0) (#6330)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 01:34:32 PM PST
Now that I have your attention dumbass, I have never heard such a pile of shit in my entire life. Are you stupid or something? If "stupid is as stupid does," you just did it. Leave your poor kid alone, Adolf.

Where can someone live and think this way? Get help with the dangling modifiers too, while you're at it.

sure... (none / 0) (#6331)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 01:42:18 PM PST
So...was that whole esay thing supposed to be a joke? or what? Perhaps your son was a "hacker" but i can assure you that first of all, spending more than a half hour on the computer has NOTHING to do with being a hacker. I was practically cracking up when I read some of your reasoning.

Thank you for this article (none / 0) (#6332)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 01:44:51 PM PST
Finally some clear instructions on what to look for. I've though my son was doing some odd stuff on the computer. He spends far too much time on that thing.
I found that he had loaded "linux" on our computer and the was also there. I've attempted to delete both and banned him from further access to the computer. I couldn't find "linux" in windows 98. Can someone help me?
How do I find the Quake hacking programs? I've heard that linux was one of the worst hacking programs there is. My son keeps saying that its an "operating system" but I'm more inclined to believe this article (I'm not sure what he meant).

Your poor son (none / 0) (#6333)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 02:06:22 PM PST
You are a horrible role model for your son. How dare you unfairly accuse him without knowing anything. *Check your information dad.* Good father? Get a CLUE. Hopefully no other moron spanked his child for Flash player. Good Lord.

This guy is a fag!!! (none / 0) (#6339)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:35:11 PM PST
Not only is he a fag, but he is retarded too. I vote we lynch him so his children won't grow up to be like him. The last thing the USA needs is more of this guy.

Good show! (none / 0) (#6340)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:39:48 PM PST
As an enlightened reader, I love the sarcasm!
Someone put some time into that one, and it is best that everyone see it.

Oh, and I won't be checking for comments on my comment...

by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:04:00 PM PST
I really cand belive this...the trying to explain what flash or bunzy does...loll...I can't belive that...
Do you think Gibbons didn't know what those program are for...????
Or what AMD stands for ? I mean...HELLOO GUYSS...
do you thinks gibbons didn't know that AMD stands for AMERICAN MICRO DEVICES ???? even I , an third world resident (mabe not third...but not far away) I'm smarter than you... I cant tell from far away it's a very good joke...

And thanks to God I don't have parents like you....paranoic parents... rock man...

Gibbons = smart, readers = stupid (none / 0) (#6350)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:31:57 PM PST
Wow, I'm amazed by how many people did not realize that this was a total joke article, written by someone -very- familiar with computers. Gibbons wrote an article that was unfortunately only understood by what seems to be about 5% of the internet population. Those of us actually familiar with all the terms in this article realize the amount of technical knowledge required to intentionally screw up -every- fact in an attempt to parody a hyper-concervative parent.

This is one of the funniest articles I have read, but I realize, unfortunately this style of humor is lost on the foolish masses.

Idiot (none / 0) (#6346)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:11:22 PM PST
These things do not mean your son is a hacker you idiot! These things are all done my Computer Science people.

Idiot (none / 0) (#6347)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:12:26 PM PST
These things do not mean your son is a hacker you idiot! These things are all done my Computer Science people.

quake (none / 0) (#6349)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:16:31 PM PST
you are so damn stupid quake is a game and most of the quake community is grown up so you can just bite me and you probly pissed alot of quake players of with this crap

I can't belive my eyes. (none / 0) (#6354)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:54:36 PM PST
A friend sent me the link to this page along with a quote. Thinking that this was a joke I checked it out. After I realized that this was a serious article I couldn't help laughing out loud. The author of this article could not have done any real research, and if they did I would like to know where. What is up with the links posted in the article? I cliked on the seventeen year old daughter link and I got the internet movie data base's review on where the heart is. The clothing section was another laugh all together. The author should seriously have his head checked out.

WTF: Darwin needs to pull the plug on this one.... (none / 0) (#6355)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:55:02 PM PST
At least all of you know that there is someone who is more pathectic than yourselves out there after reading this piece of bacterium...

WTF: Darwin needs to pull the plug on this one.... (none / 0) (#6357)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:58:30 PM PST
At least all of you know that there is someone who is more pathectic than yourselves out there after reading this piece of fungi...

Sad (none / 0) (#6359)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:05:56 PM PST
Did some of you even bother to check out the links scattered throughout the article? To understand just how tongue-in-cheek this article is, click on the Control Panel or Trigger Locks link. The former is probably better than the latter.

Please take the time to look into things before getting bent out of shape. That is, after all, what some of you appear to be so mad at the author of the article for.

Come on...Disney too (none / 0) (#6360)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:22:23 PM PST
Were you aware that Donald Duck doesn't weat pants???

Delightful! 4 stars! (none / 0) (#6363)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:38:15 PM PST
peace out

The truth about hacking (none / 0) (#6364)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:50:07 PM PST
I, myself, am a computer hacker. I have hacked into many things, thought unable to be hacked. One example is the oh-so-famed Lords of the Realm game series. Yes, I gave myself 999999 gold while all watched in sheer awe of how I did this. My people in the game were happy with me and I owned the world. I have now put a virus on ol dumbass's computer and hope that his people are not happy because I made their gold 0!!!!

You must be a fucking moron (none / 0) (#6365)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:02:38 PM PST

WOW, unbelievable, so close minded (none / 0) (#6366)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:25:00 PM PST
Mr Gibbons,

You must be one sad individual. I fel so sorry for your 6 children who are trying to grow up normally but are being hindered by one twisted controll freak. Do you realize that by hiding "the big bad world" from them will lead to cronic naivety. How can you avoid perils which you know nothing about.

Also for a reporter, you're very bad. In would suggest fully researching a topic before making stupid, halflamed remarks or comments. Quake is a training ground for hackers. Just like any chat room is, any web based email, you also forgot to mention the newsgroups, the oldest method out there. Then we have IRC and the messanger programs out there. They could also dial up a BBS rather than use the internet.

Learn how to spell Linux.

Also i find it very unlikely that a hacker would install flash, bonzi buddy etc... as these are crappy advertising programs that only adults seem to fall for. I work in a large company and about half of the users (all over 30) have these types of programs installed. I know becasue it drives me nuts trying to uninstall them. I would say either you or your wife installed these programs without actually knowing what they are doing.

I could keep going on but my lunch break is up.

Get a life man and stop harrasing your kids so muck. I can't believe you go with them to their patries. Must be so embarrassing. And when they leave home, they will binge drink real bad seeing as thenever got drunk as teenagers and smoke pot.

Look forward to more of your wacky thoughts.


John Smolenaers

WOW, unbelievable, so close minded (none / 0) (#6367)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:26:02 PM PST
Mr Gibbons,

You must be one sad individual. I fel so sorry for your 6 children who are trying to grow up normally but are being hindered by one twisted controll freak. Do you realize that by hiding "the big bad world" from them will lead to cronic naivety. How can you avoid perils which you know nothing about.

Also for a reporter, you're very bad. In would suggest fully researching a topic before making stupid, halflamed remarks or comments. Quake is a training ground for hackers. Just like any chat room is, any web based email, you also forgot to mention the newsgroups, the oldest method out there. Then we have IRC and the messanger programs out there. They could also dial up a BBS rather than use the internet.

Learn how to spell Linux.

Also i find it very unlikely that a hacker would install flash, bonzi buddy etc... as these are crappy advertising programs that only adults seem to fall for. I work in a large company and about half of the users (all over 30) have these types of programs installed. I know becasue it drives me nuts trying to uninstall them. I would say either you or your wife installed these programs without actually knowing what they are doing.

I could keep going on but my lunch break is up.

Get a life man and stop harrasing your kids so muck. I can't believe you go with them to their patries. Must be so embarrassing. And when they leave home, they will binge drink real bad seeing as thenever got drunk as teenagers and smoke pot.

Look forward to more of your wacky thoughts.


John Smolenaers

What the hell?! (none / 0) (#6368)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:26:05 PM PST
Okay... I for one can tell you that this is all a bunch of crap. I'm 14, and I know it's crap.

1. You can still hack through AOL. Just create an account w/o parental controls.

2. I have (or have had) Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor, and Flash. Flash lets you view sites, BonziBuddy is cheap Ad ware, and so is Comet Cursor... I'm sitting here playing with mflash right now. And do my parents ever check what I've downloaded? Hell no.

3. AMD processors are great.. I want to upgrade to one. And video & sounds cards don't help while you're trying to get into a server.

4. If my parents went through all of my books, they'd be there for hours...

5. My friends & I chat on IM... And we're usually on it for over an hour or so each night.

6. Quake is a vidoe game. Period.

7. From what I know, kids usually start arguing with their parents no matter what... Lol

8. I think #8 is just a bunch of crap.

9. Hackers could be normal people... Even 14 years old girls who are sitting here typing this... LOL

10. Don't even get me started on this one... I'm like, 100 lbs. and I'm on the computer alot...

Ally ( if anyone wants to argue w/ me Just e-mail me

Pathetic (none / 0) (#6370)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:51:26 PM PST
You are the most ignorant, idiotic, fool I have ever heard of. You know next to NOTHING about computers, and are probably the WORSE parent EVER. Kill yourself you pathetic piece of shit.

What kind of slug-brained (none / 0) (#6372)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:01:05 PM PST
fool would post something like this on a website.
This article slings mud in the face of the forefathers of computing. I know that this must be a joke, but still, it is the foulest pile of fetid cow vomit that I have come accross im all my years on the Internet. Anyone that could write this, even in satire, and post it on a public forum with no disclaimer should have their fingers cut off so they can no longer pollute the Internet with such jibberish.
RH -- UNIX Admin, BOFH, Hacker

Hahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!! (none / 0) (#6373)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:30:37 PM PST
    Is that guy nutz or what?
uuu look i'm using HTML code to post this message .. ph33r me, imma hax0r ! like duuh .. in these days, where children and teenagers know more about computers than their parents will EVER know... the parents better back the hell off these subjects... this is NOT ur area pops ! LUNIX ? wtf is that ( yes i know, i'm not the only one commenting about it but i just can't stop laughing at some people`s stupidity) I laughed all the way to work when I saw this article. With all due respect ( if u still deserve it..), u are a complete idiot ( uu there's HTML again ) and the entire world is laughing at you.

this article is so wrong (none / 0) (#6376)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:51:03 PM PST
are u saying that because my brother, one of the best computer programmers in the country, proven by his success at the national and international level, is a hacker because a. he stays up late, b. he used telnet all the time to create and test networks that he created for his high school and our house, and c. he upgrades the hardware on his computer all the time, building his own frequently? he has amazing grades that probably the writer of this article can only dream of, and he went to harvard and got his bachelors AND masters in FOUR YEARS as an undergrad, and is now getting his pHd at mit. he has won numerous scholarships and such, and oh wait, he has the signs that he could be a hacker. well duh! maybe people with these signs are just gifted with computers like my brother is! get your facts straight next time before you make stupid outrageous claims. oh and by the way, did you ever think your kid was telling the truth that hes not a hacker? if my parents felt my brother was a hacker because of his obsession with computers, imagine what a great mind would have been lost. you selfish fool,

I never knew... (none / 0) (#6377)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:52:38 PM PST
Besides this being full of crap, did anyone else bother to click on the like for the 'soviet computer programer' when he speaks of Linus (the real name of the guy who made LINUX, not Lunix)? I never knew Boris from GoldenEye 007 realy existed. Go check it out.

Full of *** (none / 0) (#6378)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:10:34 PM PST
Uh... this is a contradiction of what a hacker really is.

ROTFL: Sensational -- thank you!!! (none / 0) (#6381)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:15:28 PM PST
Great article, love it to bits. Dead pan humour at its best.

But what worries me is the level of vitriol and abuse that has been leveled at the author by people who just do not get it!

(I knew yanks were dumb and didn't have much of a sense of humour, but the reaction here just proves it beyond all doubt!)

Please... write a sequel for us! Part 1 was great :)

THE ARTICLE WAS A JOKE (none / 0) (#6382)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:16:40 PM PST
My God, are you all a bunch of 12 year old idiots?

9/10 comments are things like "WAT U TALKIN BOUT?!".... are so many people truly this blatantly stupid?

If I was one of you I'd go to the tallest building I could find and attempt to fly from the edge.

"is your son a computer hacker?" (none / 0) (#6383)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:29:23 PM PST
I play quake....IAM A L337 HACKOR!!!!!!

stupid fuck

A security professional responds... (none / 0) (#6385)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:43:16 PM PST
I was absolutely amazed by the bad information, misleading statements, and wild inaccuracies in this article. Not a single statement on how to identify a hacker is true. Not one.

Furthermore, IMO this passes from "opinion" to the realm of dangerous. I can only hope it was written as sarcasm.

In my twelve years as an Internet security specialist dealing with the hacker community, I can only say that I have never seen such stupidly bad advice, and that the author of this article is one of the few people I have ever encountered who really deserves being hacked right off the net.

Cool! (none / 0) (#6410)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:52:54 AM PST
Security professional, who can't tell the difference between something clearly intended as a joke (with many unmistakeable clues for anyone who knows the stuff) and something real...
You must be great at your job man!

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! SO MANY FOOLED BY THE AUTHOR (none / 0) (#6386)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:14:53 PM PST
Like they say, there's a sucker borned everyday and from some of the comments made, it looks like two a day... maybe even three.

Read the whole thing carefully, click on some of the links he's put up and you'll see it's all a very good piece of jokeware.

your logic isn't quite there (none / 0) (#6387)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:16:56 PM PST
...becuase u have posted this site u not only gave me information on how to become a hacker, but gave me the resources and hardware to perform such feets. i know AMD to be a better processor company than Intel. AMD is just better quallity. You adults also think of us as mindless zombies without any minds or common since. sometimes it is better to learn things the hard way if you can't grasp them the easy. u should lighten up. the pressures of the new generation is enough to bring a child of the age of twelve to be as mentally ,ature as a thrity-five year-old. my knowledge as a child keeps me trapped in my own social status [at rock bottom thanx to my parent]and i am not free to have fun anymore. my life is to school as a fly is to dung. u my friend, r not the model parent. teenagers have as much logic as u do. if not, then more. i could probably right a book one thousand pages long about the over-restraints of a parent. this letter is only the tip of the iceburg that i have only begun to release upon the world. to reform the mind is a dangerous thing, because one person that is at the top and looked up to is doing all of the think for everyone else. it is time for the population of the world to think for themselves without the influence of other opinions.

Amusing (none / 0) (#6389)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:19:16 PM PST
The people who thought this post was real prove to be almost as amusing as the spoof itself. Really, I mean. I died so hard I laughed.

My god i hope this is humor.... (none / 0) (#6390)
by spaced1 on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:32:24 PM PST
Maybe daddy should read the internet for dummies. I mean MY GOD when did a a simple plugin for a web browser that displayed animation and sound become a HACKER TOOL? My deepest sympathies for the idiocy of this gentleman and i pray his son has a better education than he has. And by the way, the real deal doesn't download software, they write it themselves.....often times in programming languages that make phoenecian look like it makes sense. If you doubt your kids intentions or activities on the net, then maybe you should take a deep seeded look into your controlling lifestyle and acute ignorance. Lets face it buddy, they teach programming in highschool and guess what perl is? You can't stop the kid from learning about computers, who knows....kid may end up working for an ISP or major company in systems administration understanding concepts your feeble minded witch burning mentality can't comprehend. I pray for your soul quasimoto.

complete moron (none / 0) (#6391)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:49:42 PM PST
All I have to say is that your a complete moron. First of all, you need to actually do some research before you go blurting out comments that arent true. Did you know that 90% of all ISP's run on Linux or Unix. Second, just because you have some of the wierd programs doesnt mean your kids a hackers. Im a paid hacker for a security company and trust me, what you just wrote was a bunch of horseshit. If you would have spent a little more time reading about hacking you would find that most of the information out is to help people protect themselves from hackers by teaching people how hackers get in. So why dont you do some reaserch and then rewrite this little letter.

This guy is joking (none / 0) (#6392)
by uss 900 on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:15:13 AM PST
Cant be true... this guy doesnt know shit about hacking... what is this a joke??
10 rules to see if your son is a hacker?? come on.. be serious.. true hackers doesnt have 14teen years old..
True hackers know exactly what they are doing and they dont spoil things.. they just have fun...
(btw.. whats with the shortcuts??? i guess is a joke afterall)


Nothing more to say (none / 0) (#6393)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:20:27 AM PST
I have nothing more to say everyone said everthing there is to say. Now that really pathetic.

Adolf Hitler against the Computer (none / 0) (#6394)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 01:29:46 AM PST
This text is stupid!

It is stupid like the anti-jewisch talks from Adolf Hitler!

intolerant! ignorant! and last but not least just not the truth!

Very clever, took me a while to realise. (none / 0) (#6395)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 01:37:19 AM PST
I was a bit suspicious about Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy and Flash being "hacking tools", but I clued in with the AMD rant. Outstanding, very funny.

Dissapointed in parents (none / 0) (#6396)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 01:41:59 AM PST
This man has obvious not done his homework properly and should leave his "investigation" for the professionals. I mean, if he can not even spell have the names correctly! He should not discuss something he has ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE of!

wtf (none / 0) (#6398)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:37:17 AM PST
this is some stupid dumbass joke you got going there, you know i bet there are actully some peeps out there who belive all this and have fucked there computers cos of it, and feared that a swat team is going to blast there door down...

Duhh... (none / 0) (#6402)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:10:24 AM PST
Son..??? Like girls don't use computers? Pft..

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#6403)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:13:12 AM PST
I would like to thank TR Gibbons for his spoof posting entitled "Is your son a computer hacker?".
To imitate such a lack of knowledge of computing in general, and to do it so comprehensively, must have taken some time.
Gibbons has lightened the day for the whole IT department here.
We look forward to more postings.

(Name Withheld) College, UK

How does a joke like this end up on a serious site (none / 0) (#6411)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:53:44 AM PST
I might find it funny but the thought that some poor kids parents may take this seriously is seriously scary considering I fall into most of the categories mentioned. This post needs to be taken down and put in a more appropriate humerous website. Ohya AMD may also not like this post very much and I wouldn't blame them if they sued. Also AOL has no anti-hacker features just anti porn ones.

Bugger me, you Americans are stupid (none / 0) (#6414)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:31:59 AM PST
No, not the author. The author is making an intelligent, satirical, swipe at the paranoia of those who half-understand computers. It's the some of the people who have posted replies that are truly ignorant. IT IS A JOKE. Why is it that as soon as you stepped on board the Mayflower you lost the ability to understand irony? The bloke who told you to get the past 50 years of British Comedy is bang on, you might learn something.

Why don't you all get 'The War of the Worlds' on tape and run around screaming "The Aliens are coming!"

I severely doubt anyone will read down this far. There are too many people going "Oooh! It's spelt Linux" or "AMD's not evil"

I don't condemn all the posters. Some people got it. They just all seem to be British.

not all (none / 0) (#6419)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:48:32 AM PST
You don't need to be British to be normal. There are other countries in Europe!

hmmmmmmm (none / 0) (#6428)
by spaced1 on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:43:34 AM PST
I think this limey needs to get over the fact we kicked their asses. remember the treaty in 1789? get over it, it's a waste of database space.

Jolly Good (none / 0) (#6431)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:47:17 AM PST
Actually, I thought it was hilarious and I'm, dare I say it, an American! *Dodges all the fruit being hurled from the "superior" side of the Atlantic*

American or not? (none / 0) (#6538)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:28:19 PM PST
It's not very easy to tell who is American and who is not when you are on an electronic forum, wouldn't you agree?

I rest my case (none / 0) (#6736)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 04:55:24 AM PST
I have to say that the replies to Cuichulain's message blatently prove what he is going on about... you American's don't know when to take something seriously and when to laugh about it.

The fact that you all replied and moaned that he said you were taking the whole thing too seriously is like shooting yourself in the foot (well we can't expect you to find your heads where they are).

True, some of the people that didn't get it were probably British... but American's don't seem to get anything subtley funny.


This has to be a joke! (none / 0) (#6416)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:37:34 AM PST
Please tell me this is a joke. Nobody can be that stupid can they? Oh wait...he's American isn't he. Well, maybe they can be!

Please Mr ELite, don't hack people stupidity (none / 0) (#6417)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:37:55 AM PST
The only thing your son hacked is a part of pizza in the fridge. is our french pizza hacking specialist, here u could get some lessons.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! this is dead funny!!! (none / 0) (#6420)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:21:24 AM PST
HOLY COW THIS IS SOME FUNNY MESS!!! ok....PARENTS!!!! listen up!! you wanna know if your kid's a hacker?? WATCH what he does!! look at some of the programs he is using, play around with them to find out EXACTLY what each program does!! and if you can't comprehend what the programs are supposed to do, look it up on the internet!! If snagging MP3's from other users was hacking and illegal, then nearly every college student in america would be behind bars!! exchanging MP3's and other files via programs like morpheus and audio galaxy are perfectly safe and legal (for the time being). As for the clothes, true this COULD be a sign of being a hacker, however, i feel that your son is rebeling from the rules you have set before him. He may also be interested in a form of music called techno, or electronica. For you see, the appearance that you have given us is that of a Raver, not so much a hacker. Hackers wear long black leather dusters and run around office buildings shooting people in "bullet time". :) Ravers are actually pretty fun people who are more quirky than dangerous. About the only thing i would worry about with your son is the use of ecstacy, or X. these "teen" parties that your son is going to are probably raves, where this drug is normally found. Instead of worrying about whether your son is a haxx0r, you should be worrying whether your son is raving and popping X. Also, probably the biggest mistake this person made is that he spied on his kid, rather than trying to spend time with him. Wanna get your kid off a computer?? Take him to the park, play some catch. Go fishing, watch some movies. Do SOMETHING with your child!! spend some quality time with them!! Is the kid a haxx0r? doubtful. Is the kid being neglected by his parents?? probably. Is the kid at fault?? definitely not.

BTW: the spanking link was funny!!!! :D

Hello??? (none / 0) (#6422)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:53:52 AM PST
I can understand your concern about one of your children being an evil hacker however, PLEASE, get your facts straight before publishing a story like this.

Your information on AMD, for example, is laugable and shows extreme ignorance, which comes through in other areas of your article as well.


Inadequate (none / 0) (#6423)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 09:02:19 AM PST
I'm not sure why you have posted your article on a website called adequate; you certainly have not made an adequate argument for anything except ignorance.

On the other hand, the *cracker* community, the community of people who use computers for illegal activity, most certainly should offer you a reward, as you have done them a service as much as you have done the hacking community a great disservice.

To address your indefensible points:
2) The Windows operating system will often download programs, after the user consents, so that it may run programs in various ways (using ActiveX controls, for example). Because you don't remember installing a program doesn't mean it didn't happen, and furthermore that the program is evil. Whether ActiveX is sane is a different issue. Try reading a computer manual.
3) People will often ask for computer hardware upgrades, as software increasingly uses more processing power to perform computations. Again, you didn't do your homework.
4) Have you read any of these books? If you have, you would learn that Eric Raymond, the author of "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", is a highly educated person; his treatise, among other things, is a discussion of Open Source software, and its development. Perhaps you burn books instead of reading them? Or are you just ignorant enough to assume, rather than take the time to read?
7) If I had someone who constantly watched what I did, I would feel they were smothering me as well. Perhaps you should talk to your child, and treat him as equal, rather than as an experiment. He is having free thought, and you are suppressing it? A man once did that... his name was Hitler.
8) BSD and Linux, two computer operating systems that are superior to Windows, are certainly not part of an illegal hacker operation. They are the combined effort of many people to create an operating system that doesn't have the troubles that other commercial operating systems (like Windows) has. If you would have visited any of the websites for linux (e.g.,, you would understand what these operating systems stand for; they are not for illegal activities, but a creative outlet for people to do good. You have absolutely no credibility to anything you have said, and this point *alone* demonstrates it.

Jim (A Linux Hacker)

Inadequate (none / 0) (#6424)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 09:06:24 AM PST
I'm not sure why you have posted your article on a website called adequate; you certainly have not made an adequate argument for anything except ignorance.

On the other hand, the *cracker* community, the community of people who use computers for illegal activity, most certainly should offer you a reward, as you have done them a service as much as you have done the hacking community a great disservice.

To address your indefensible points:
2) The Windows operating system will often download programs, after the user consents, so that it may run programs in various ways (using ActiveX controls, for example). Because you don't remember installing a program doesn't mean it didn't happen, and furthermore that the program is evil. Whether ActiveX is sane is a different issue. Try reading a computer manual.
3) People will often ask for computer hardware upgrades, as software increasingly uses more processing power to perform computations. Again, you didn't do your homework.
4) Have you read any of these books? If you have, you would learn that Eric Raymond, the author of "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", is a highly educated person; his treatise, among other things, is a discussion of Open Source software, and its development. Perhaps you burn books instead of reading them? Or are you just ignorant enough to assume, rather than take the time to read?
7) If I had someone who constantly watched what I did, I would feel they were smothering me as well. Perhaps you should talk to your child, and treat him as equal, rather than as an experiment. He is having free thought, and you are suppressing it? A man once did that... his name was Hitler.
8) BSD and Linux, two computer operating systems that are superior to Windows, are certainly not part of an illegal hacker operation. They are the combined effort of many people to create an operating system that doesn't have the troubles that other commercial operating systems (like Windows) has. If you would have visited any of the websites for linux (e.g.,, you would understand what these operating systems stand for; they are not for illegal activities, but a creative outlet for people to do good. You have absolutely no credibility to anything you have said, and this point *alone* demonstrates it.

Jim (A Linux Hacker)

Are you a fool, or just pretending? (none / 0) (#6426)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 09:15:06 AM PST
Reading your comments about hackers, i'd like to make some considerations about it:

1) where in the hell comet cursor, Bonzi buddy and flash are hacker tools? these programs mean that your son is a good (and fool) sample of wannabe, or he's just visiting porn sites
2) how much aol paid you to make such idiotic propaganda about her more-than-easy-to-break protection?
3) do you know about free ISP's?
4) is your son dumb enough to let all his "hacker" stuff at the sight of everyone?
5) did intel brainwash you?
6) do u have a brain?
7) do u know how to use a computer?
8) quake is a game, what's the relationship between games and hackers?
9) do u know about large corporations, that use the "illegal hacker OS" linux? and know, linux isn't a cold war creation damn fool
10) do u really think microsoft can write something at the level of the linux?
11) mp3 is a format of compressed music, isn't a program
12) telnet is a way of control computers remotely, because there are simple-minded people like you who doesn't know nothing about computers and cannot use the brain to operate one, so someone must do it, remotely
13)did you ever read about formating your hard disk?
14) did u know: linux doesn't need of the lilo
15) i refuse to say anything about the "visual changes", a person who judges a people for his clothes are just so cleaver to be questioned

it's important to -----> KNOW <------ what u're talking about. it's a pity that so simple-minded persons are allowed to educate childrens.

Are you a fool, or just pretending? (none / 0) (#6427)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 09:22:48 AM PST
Reading your comments about hackers, i'd like to make some considerations about it:

1) where in the hell comet cursor, Bonzi buddy and flash are hacker tools? these programs mean that your son is a good (and fool) sample of wannabe, or he's just visiting porn sites
2) how much aol paid you to make such idiotic propaganda about her more-than-easy-to-break protection?
3) do you know about free ISP's?
4) is your son dumb enough to let all his "hacker" stuff at the sight of everyone?
5) did intel brainwash you?
6) do u have a brain?
7) do u know how to use a computer?
8) quake is a game, what's the relationship between games and hackers?
9) do u know about large corporations, that use the "illegal hacker OS" linux? and know, linux isn't a cold war creation damn fool
10) do u really think microsoft can write something at the level of the linux?
11) mp3 is a format of compressed music, isn't a program
12) telnet is a way of control computers remotely, because there are simple-minded people like you who doesn't know nothing about computers and cannot use the brain to operate one, so someone must do it, remotely
13)did you ever read about formating your hard disk?
14) did u know: linux doesn't need of the lilo
15) i refuse to say anything about the "visual changes", a person who judges a people for his clothes are just so cleaver to be questioned

it's important to -----> KNOW <------ what u're talking about. it's a pity that so simple-minded persons are allowed to educate childrens.

computer hackers... (none / 0) (#6430)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:46:46 AM PST
this is the most ridiculous thing i have ever read.

i laughed a lot about it, but i fear that there are enough people out there who are stupid enough to believe those topics.


Just how full of crap are you?!?!?! (none / 0) (#6433)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 11:06:00 AM PST
First off AMD chips are made by 3rd world child labor hmmmm.... NOT! They are designed so that the pro user can over clock them but not specifically for hacking. Also any reputable computer store would have these chips in stock on a regular basis. You know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE SUPERIOR TO THE INTEL DESIGN!! Just how ignorant are you people, Quake is a hacker training ground get real and go to MIRC, you're far more likely to find hackers there than in Quake for crying out loud. I failed to read the rest of the article because It sickens me to think of just how ignorant you people really are. I spit on your site and will NEVER visit it again. And for everyone else who reads this I advise you to do the same

This is absolutely ridiculous! (none / 0) (#6435)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 11:28:13 AM PST
This article is based on paranoia and information with absolutely no factual basis.

Regardless of the completely innacurate and/or unfounded "facts" regarding computers/internet, it is a clear case of horrible parenting.

Being a "model parent" does not involve preventing your children from making any decisions on their own. Monitoring and controlling every aspect of your child's life is detrimental to their development as a person.

It's a scary world out there, but guess what, your kids are going to have to live in it.

Give your kids some credit for being able to learn what's right and wrong, let them make SOME choices. GUIDE your children, don't impose your absolute will and attitudes about life on them.

Parents, let your kids grow up, help them a little along the way, watch them become who they are to be, don't make them who you want them to be.

This article is proof that ignorance and paranoia are alive and well.

Hopefully have thwarted a life of crime... (none / 0) (#6436)
by ConcernedParent on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 11:36:03 AM PST
First off, Mr. T Reginald Gibbons,
I just wanted to say thank you for writing such aninformative article. I have tried my best to raise my 4 boys right, but it is hard in today's day and age. They have all been good except for Martin! Martin is the oldest and at 134 has lately really gotten to be quite a handful! It started about a year ago when I brought home that damn computer! Martin and the boys were saying that they thought we should get a computer so they could use the Intranet at home. I don't trust it, I think this is just another government device to allow them to see into our personal lives but against my better judgement I finally broke down and got them one!
The other day I was at the dump and I spotted somebody tossing out a Packerd-Bell computer. I asked them how they could be throwing it away and they said it was junk and the dump was where it belonged. I aksed if I could have it for my children and the gentleman eagerly sold it to me for $100. I brought it home to the children and after some thorough cleaning we were in business. We had to upgrade a few things but 16 MB's of memory and a 14.4 modem later, we are surfing AOL happily!
My first indication of a problem was when Martin suggested we switch to a different service provider. I have also noticed alot of porn in his aol account. He is constanty receive sex related emails and offers to increase his penis size. I know chhildren are forced to grow upa lot faster but I can't imagine why a 13 year old would be concerned with the size of his penis! Well, the other day was the last straw! After checking the control panel, I noticed Martin had indeed installed Bonzi Buddy! He claimed it was nothing, "some stupid spyware character". I told him about your article and have since restricted his use of the computer. He is only allowed 45 minutes of supervised use a day and I make sure I take the mouse whenever I leave him alone!
Thanks for helping me raise him right!,
Jeremiah Whidbey
Pascagoula, MS

lol (none / 0) (#6455)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:29:27 PM PST
you go! lol yet another lost parent.. dont believe everything you read.. I would think ppl would know that by now. I feel for you :/ really I do.

I doubt you'll see this but... (none / 0) (#6810)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:48:44 PM PST
A: Bonzia Buddy is just a GAME!
B: The porn is called spam, eventually everyone gets it on any address, people use things called "Scanners" to test as many e-mail addresses as possible and then send the advertisements to make them MONEY.
C: If he were actually a hacker taking away the mouse would do ABSOLUTLY NOTHING! there are things called "Shortcuts" and you can use a keyboard to do absolutly anything you can do with a mouse with the keyboard, including drag n' drop.
D: If he could do anything with a 14 kbs modem i REALLY want his autograph, becuase i have a hard time just browsing on my ADSL...

Ack. (none / 0) (#6437)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 11:54:03 AM PST
Why is it... son? Perhaps your daughter is a hacker? I'm a girl. I'm a "hacker".

um... u r dumb (none / 0) (#6438)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:00:31 PM PST
With a father as "enlightened" as yourself, I'm surprised your children haven't run away yet.

This is such bullshit... (none / 0) (#6439)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:04:43 PM PST
You know it would seem that everyone out there who uses linux as an operating system is a hacker. And everyone out there who prefers to purchase and AMD processor over an Intel is a hacker to... Well just to let you know, I use AMD and I have Linux Mandrake on my machine.

Big whoop de do. I use linux for school work, compling simple C and C++ programs. I use my AMD processors which is far better then an Intel processor for playing video games. Oh, on other thing I have Quake and Quake II. So I suppose by all these it means that I am a hacker. BAH!!!!

I work from my house and when I am not in school I spend most of my time online creating websites for people. I suppose that tendencies are really bad right? Why why the heck am I engaged?

I think this article completely missing the whole point. Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor and Flash are not common hacking tools. I know this for a fact as I have seen perfectly good people who are not that computer literate with these installed on there computer. Bonzi and Comet can be installed using a simple javascript from a website without your knowledge.

I suppose by now you people who are reading this are thinking, hey he is a hacker or hey he supports hacking. Which is exactly the opposite. I do not condone hacking at all. I just know that just because kids want certain hardware or games, software etc does not make them a hacker. I have constantly upgraded my system to make it run faster and more effiecent from the start.

So people get your nose out of the horse shit that is posted in the article. The behaviorial things are a warning and ask about new hardware. But for goodness sake don't just think cause you kid wants something faster and better they are a hacker.

~Paul Haskew

Joke? (none / 0) (#6440)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:07:26 PM PST
This is SO stupid. You don't know anything about this. Bonzi Buddy is a freeware program and it's NOT dangerous. Flash is a cool program so you can see the new sites in a special format. If your can get a good experience at this program, he will make a lot of mony leegal.
Quake, or Quake 3, is a game. People between 8-40 years are playing this game all around the world! You can not use the weapon experience wich you learn in game in real life. Every 10 year old boy know that you cannot fire a rocket in the ground, fly 10 meters up in the sky, and survive in real life.
Linux (not Lunix) is a Operating System (as Windows). The differense is that Linux is free and better. (The most hackers use this program just because they now its a better operating system, not because you can HACK better with LINUX).
Linus Torvalds (not Linuyo Torvaldso) is the one that have created the program. He is known all over the world. And he is from Finland, not from Sovjet, haha) LINUX is COMPLEATLE LEEGAL!

Reginald Gibbons, i really hope this is a joke.

Bj�rn Johanson, SWE

Loved it (none / 0) (#6443)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 01:49:49 PM PST
Thus once again we can prove just how stupid people are by reading the 'you bastard' comments to this articles. I laughed, thanks i needed that.

Thanks for your comment. (none / 0) (#6474)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:02:03 PM PST
Congratulations, you understood it as well.

This has to a joke (none / 0) (#6444)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 01:49:54 PM PST
I am a software developer who uses Linux (based on Unix developed at Bell Labs) to develop web applications. I have never seen more disinformation in my life. Please do not take this article seriously.

LoL idiot (none / 0) (#6445)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:16:29 PM PST
Whoever agrees with that poor dumb**** outta to be strung up by their toenails and shot to death on the severe crime of being the biggest ****** On the net

Have a nice day

You are an Idiot. (none / 0) (#6446)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:48:34 PM PST
This is clearly the dumbest article I have ever read....this rivals communist and fascist propaganda.

Lunix?...gimme a break. Linux...capricious beast (do u smoke crack...)? ...return the harddrive to the u live in the stone age?.....AMD is notorious?
.......irradiation from low emr emitting displays?....where did u go to school?..zimbabwe?.....or better yet? close do u sit to your monitor?...

lol (none / 0) (#6447)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:51:58 PM PST
6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school.
Thanks for the laugh.. I needed it =P It would be very sad if you honestly believe all the things you wrote so Im assuming you were joking.

did you get payd by microsoft to write this?? (none / 0) (#6451)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:05:11 PM PST
did you get payd by microsoft to write this??

What absolute crap! (none / 0) (#6456)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:29:46 PM PST
What a quality piece of writing. It is amazing to see how such an uninformed do-gooder can manage to only comment negatively on companies that have not sponsored his writing. (AMD - a non american company? Since when was Flash a hacking tool?) I am sure macromedia would have a few words to say...

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:40:26 PM PST





sir plz take this into account (none / 0) (#6459)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 04:20:19 PM PST
your son is not a hacker, quake and all kinds of other programs are used for entertainment. linux is used to run servers not for hacking, though it can be used for such. he probably wanted newer hardware for his computer in order to play games that require so. i know this for the reason that i am officially a hacker and you deserve your son an appology. ask your son if he knows which programs to use to crack unix passwords. if he doesnt answer with john the ripper or cracker jack then your son is a normal computer nerd. i believe youre a retard and a half ok?

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#6460)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 04:38:30 PM PST
This article is ridiculous. AMD is an American company. Third world sweatshop making chips? That is absurd and patently false. Linux is the correct name of the operating system and it is the operating system IBM supports. Absolutely moronic comments and lies about Linux.

This author is a GENIUS. (none / 0) (#6461)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 04:52:26 PM PST
C'mon already: there's no way this isn't a joke. Only someone at least half a hacker himself could write such a brilliant parody. At first I thought it was for real; but it soon became just too intelligent. "Linyos Torovoltos"? Breaking into people's stereos? A wink-wink, very knowing list of "Hacker manuals"? These scream sophisticated commentary, not brain dead parental overreaction.

Thanks for your comment. (none / 0) (#6473)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:59:25 PM PST
Congratulations, you understood it as well.

photoshop/word (none / 0) (#6465)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:41:40 PM PST
i think the most pathetic part was that he payed for photoshop and word. lol, I thought the two of those were free or somethin...

READ THIS DUDETT (none / 0) (#6467)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:50:42 PM PST

Excellent work of literary art. (none / 0) (#6468)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:51:16 PM PST
Excellent article. It is well done, insightful, and perceptive. This is exactly the kind of work I hope my children will be able to compose.

When I first read your comments, I thought you were serious. However, as I explored the links, I realized not only are you serious, you are skillful, perceptive, talented, adroit, and generally an asset to the cyber-community.

Mr. Author, you have demonstrated a skill with the English language that has been reached only by a select few. Your article brings to mind Ben Franklin, Mark Twain, and maybe even O. Henry.

Thank you for the time and effort you invested to help broaden my family's horizon.

P.S. My 13 year old son is using Linux and has computer parts strewn all over the shelves in his room. What should I do???

Geez... Stereotypical Parents! (none / 0) (#6469)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:51:46 PM PST
Please read all of it. It's important.

No offense on any of the following, but I spend hours on the computer every day. Spending more than 30 minutes on the computer does NOT mean you're a hacker. I spend most of my time playing games, doing homework, and making graphics for people who request them at the GFX Community, and I am definitely far from a hacker. And I bugged my parents for weeks before we switched to DSL, but that doesn't mean that I'm a hacker. You have it all wrong. Well, not all, but lots of parts.

Flash: A MOVIE MAKING PROGRAM. NOT A FLIPPING HACKING PROGRAM. It's one of the things I use at GFX Community to make flash movies for requesters...
Bonzi Buddy: A purple monkey that attempts to tell jokes and stories. Best thing it does is annoy the heck out of you...
Comet Cursor: A program that lets you have cool looking animated cursors as well as still ones.

None of these are hacker programs.

A word of advise: GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. I don't know if your son really is a computer hacker, but basically the only tip you gave that might actually fit might be the black clothes bit. But I know lots of "Goths" who know practically nothing about computers. Dressing black all the time doesn't suggest you're a hacker. It normally means you dress dark, think dark, and you're a "Goth"

Quake is a game. People might say on it that they know how to hack. But that doesn't mean its a hacker's program. It might mean they know how to hack or think its funny to pretend to know how.

What else did I leave out? ...

Oh yeah... Linux. An Operating System. Can be used for hacking if you're smart enough, but it's mainly for hosting servers (i.e. online game servers, file hosting, etc.)

Also, if someone's struggling academically, they're probably not trying hard enough, or aren't smart enough. I'm not bashing people who aren't smart, but hey, you don't do good in school, you probably just arent smart enough for the class level you're in. Either that or you don't study (I personally rarely study, and I get A's anyway... I just have a good memory, I guess), or do your homework. If someone is smart enough to be a hacker, they are DEFINITELY smart enough to keep their grades up in school. Hacking takes alot of smarts. Or at least it must, because I have never figured out how it's done, nor want to, even though I have some choice hackers who have screwed up my computer before pretty bad...

Well that's all I can think of. Thanks for your time. Took me about as long to write this as it did to read this article (10-15 minutes) but I put alot of thought into it.

F U (none / 0) (#6471)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:55:24 PM PST
Are you satysfied with what you have written ? Are you some anti-Quake dude, or are you just so DUMB ? Read once more what you have written and thin about it. Dont worry, you might get smarter in a decade or too...

Read it once more (none / 0) (#6475)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:07:03 PM PST
Seems you were trying to be funny, ehm u werent... Even if this was a joke (if it isnt, look one comment up)you attacked sthg that manny people will be pissed on u for a very long time. And what if some1 took it seriously ? No more such stuff plz...

Please rethink the way you look at hackers. (none / 0) (#6476)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:08:37 PM PST
Ok first off, about the pacifiers, they are not in any way linked to hackers, punks and shit wear them to announce the fact that they get fudged up on ecstasy this drug in high doses causes convulsions wich can cause you to bite down hard they use them so they dont bite off their damn tounges. Second Linux is by far NOT a hacking program it is mearly a open source operating system which means you can edit it and basically make your own version it is more toward the geeky side but not related to hackers. Third are your so called "popular hacker software" like comet curser, bonzi buddy and flash those programs are called plugins and enhance the experiance on the internet they are in no way shape or form a "Hacker Software". Also some of the greatest computer companies were created by so called "Hackers" like the founder of apple computers Steve Wozniak he started out as a regular white hat hacker and started one of the biggest computer companies in his garage.
Finally I dont think you should relate any of these things towards hackers just because your son or daughter has changed in these ways and was a hacker, you need to further investigate these sorts of things before posting such nonsense on a forum.

Please remove this article (none / 0) (#6477)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:10:28 PM PST
I have been brought away of this article by many people that believed that it was real. As any computer person can tell (hackers unite!), it is meant to be either a joke, or a way to show your own stupidity. To anyone that thinks this is real, forget everything you just read. I hope you remove this article, and apoligize to the computer world for the cyber harassment you have issued. Remind me next time to write an article of how your race and job is against the law, it's the same to us.

2600 Member

freedom of speech (none / 0) (#6479)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:31:37 PM PST
2600 member?
Aren't you supposed to support freedom of speech then?
It's true that many poeople seem to think that the author means what he says, but from the comments so far there was no one at all believing he was right.
The comments also prove the impact of this article and why it has to stay.

...gah (none / 0) (#6478)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:24:47 PM PST
*Cough*Sucker!haha*Cough* nuff said

Lam0r....Lam0r....Lam0r.... (none / 0) (#6480)
by lightforge56 on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:51:21 PM PST
Does spending time reading up on how to do Perl and spending endless hours on the net describe a hacker? NO. In fact, there are some people who use Perl and spend hours on the net. These people are called network administrators. You have no way to tell if someone is a hacker.
Just because someone has a book on Perl does not mean that he or she is a hacker. Playing the game Quake does not mean that they are a hacker. What gives you the right to say that these people are hackers?
Lemme give some response to your 10 ways:

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
Um, some people want to change because of the cost, not the security. Besides, most ISPs block hack attemps or they monitor it.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
It's called a bad short/long term memory. Everyone forgets things now and then.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
Oohhh...A UDMA-100 card to handle a nice 80 GB hard drive...sounds NOT bad to me. What is wrong with that? I see no problem with it. AMD = Cheaper processors. Not everyone has the greens for Intel.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
Perl, HTML, Java, C++, etc. IS NOT BAD. Perhaps your son wants to become a computer programmer? *HINT* *HINT*

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
It takes a long time to do reports my friend, especially ones from scratch. Everyone in school is a slacker. Grades also reflect this.

6. Does your son use Quake?
It's a GAME. A game does not do damage. It's just a game. No real blood or guts.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Perhaps he has been learning from thier screaming parents? Children afterall learn from thier parents.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
It's Linux. It's a operating system that is customizable, better than Windows, and it does not crash. And the creator, is a bright person who created something good for the world of PC users.
Also, on your PC, go ahead and click start, run and type in telnet. Tell me why that comes with your computer when you buy it?

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
Again, complete bias. There are female hackers and they do not look like your description. Take a really good long look at the mirror, a hacker can be yourself.

10. Is your son struggling academically?
Perhaps US government is not the easiest class to about calculus or advanced physics?

You are so blind to what you see. You only see what is on the surface, never below.

OMG! READ THIS! unbelievable!!! (none / 0) (#6482)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:00:43 PM PST
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
AOL can NOT stop you from hacking. Anyways, Usually a true hack is a direct connect to the host. Not through the internet.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
Flash is a macromedia program for viewing ANIMATIONS on web sites, Bonzai buddy is some dumb little virtual pet that is a paint in the ass (almost every site you go to will have a link for it) and comet cursor is a program for having different mouse pointers on a website. Both the comet cursor and flash are things that pop up if you go to ANY site that uses the plugin

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
AMD is not a knockoff. It is better than intel. OMG this post is getting me irritated. Anyone who uses a computer will want it to go FASTER so of course there going to want hardware.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
Cryptonomicon and Snow Crash are novels. Not manuals. A lot of thos books are. They wont teach you anything. Go to barnes and noble and look for yourself.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
The computer can be very addictive. IT doesnt mean he is hacking.

6. Does your son use Quake?
Everyone plays quake. I doubt 1 out of 200 people that play can even come close to being a true hacker. 99% of the people on the net that claim they are, hackers, are LYING! Quake requires no technical skill. It is purely a game.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Your kid is growing up. Again, does not have anything to do with hacking. Usually a problem with sociology around school and with friends.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
LINUX IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST OPERATING SYSTEMS NEXT TO WINDOWS. You can get it at ANY software retailer! I cant believe your stupidity! Jesus. Telnet was not created for hacking. Neither has anything to do with credit card numbers. And mp3 programs are for downloading music. Wake up and meet reality. Try doing a little research.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
This STYLE your talking about has nothing to do with the hacker culture. It is the rave culture. Or, he is getting it from other ravers. It is about the music (TECHNO). Not a hacker term! it is a type of dance music. Glow sticks are used to dance with, one in each hand. Neon colors glow in the blacklight.

10. Is your son struggling academically?
Same answer as the one for his social behavior.

I can't believe you grounded your kid based on this. And think of all the other poor kids whose life you screwed with because you are so paranoid and do not research what you are talking about. Not a SINGLE one of those things verify anything except the book part. But i didn't even see anything there that would be beneficial. You email me and I will be glad to give you further details about why you are wrong. And not being computer savy is not a good excuse for your stupidity. You should have researched this more. Unground your kid and ban yourself!

Please, i pray this is a joke... (none / 0) (#6483)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:28:20 PM PST
You've got to be kidding me??? Linus Torvalis, the worlds greatest hacker...amd, the hacking chip...flash?? Omg FLASH?? I have better things to do with my life...and apparently i like to hack all day as i use my "illegal" hacking software packages (dos prompt, bonzi buddy (ok ok...who the hell uses that crapy thing i know)) so that i can "dos" other people's pc..oh yeah, did i mention i just hacked you by reading this plain text message?? Piss off...this site sucks.

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:28:23 PM PST

FUCKING IDIOT! (none / 0) (#6486)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:39:03 PM PST

stupid (none / 0) (#6487)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 08:21:50 PM PST
hello u muther fucker..who follows their children 2 DANCES?~...dat is so embarrasing for your kids...and dose programs u talked bout..comet cursor..ish not a hacking system..its a program that allows u to download cute cursors...and alotta ppl hab spiked dyed hair wit baggy pants..and bright shirts...dats da style these days,...according 2 ur story..ur children probably wear blazers nd blouses..ur such a bitchy loser...erright...i juss wanna tell u..u think u should let ur kids have a lil sumthing called FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE...wen dey grow up and get married..r u gunna follow dem in2 dere fucking bedroom?!!

I pray to god this is a joke (none / 0) (#6489)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 08:44:27 PM PST
I truely hope this is a joke i laugh when i read it but it also scares me deep down
i mean i can garenty that some parents read this and actully took it as truth
just hope not many did thanks

The best piece of satire I've read for a long time (none / 0) (#6490)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 09:12:38 PM PST
What had me screaming with laughter was the listing of "Programming with Perl" in the Hacking Manuals.

A brilliant piece. :)
And well researched, if I might add. This is about every single piece of misinformation the respective media gives out, and I loved the mean swipes at AOL's security. ;)

Oh, please write another one.

The guidelines are getting a permanent place near my Dilbertcomics on my office door. Thank you for making my day. :)

Help me (none / 0) (#6493)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:32:59 PM PST
My son just instaled lunix on my P4 comp. I dont know what to do pls help meeeeeee
All my work data is in that comp need help i need a expert to come and cut a pice from my Hdd pls help plssssssss

I hope he was joking. (none / 0) (#6495)
by Ares on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 12:27:21 AM PST
Anyone stupid enough to find a display of computer illiteracy funny ranks among those stupid enough to post said displays. This post is so ridiculously idiotic that even if the poster meant to be funny he succeeded in ramming his head up his stupid ass. No one in my tech class could believe someone could be so stupid. So like i said- he'd better be kidding. And to you fucking brits who say Americans are incapable of understanding humor and who wouldn't know comedy if it sucked their dick TELL ME THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!!

Censorship (none / 0) (#6497)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:01:53 AM PST
In a world full of drugs, hate, pedophilia, abuse, aids, violence anthrax, genocide, jihad and hypocrism the only way out is too open peoples ways of thinking not shut all doors before we get to see what is behind them. If there is ever a need for censorship, it is for crap like this.

YOU BLITHERING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#6499)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 02:31:38 AM PST
You have absolutely no concept of reality, do you? 99.999999% of your so called news is pure bull$hit! I have been using the internet since 1990 and am 31 years old. I know what a hacker is. You do not. SO SHUT UP and quit misinforming everyone with your inane ramblings. You want to respond... here ya' go that's my e-mail...I DARE you to use it you ignorant purile bastard!

You suck !! If this story is true you are st00pid! (none / 0) (#6501)
by BReal on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 03:29:44 AM PST
Hey i can't believe my eyes !! Tell you what asshole.. it's stupid americans like you that make my life so good. I love stealing from you using my computer and I am greatful to G0d that He invented creatures like you. And one more thing.. Linux + AMD >>> Windows + Intel. But I guess your stupid american ass just can't get it..
Oh and one more thing.. if you were my father.. you would be dead by now.. shot by your own son ! HAHAHA ! Get a life moron ! Stop posting shit like this ! I bet you are in a stupid religious organization or something.. Go ahead, donate all your money to the church and live happily ! HAHAHA
Fuck you and your stupid american family !! You suck !! so desparate for mad article writers?! (none / 0) (#6503)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:51:47 AM PST
Hey! You! Yeah - You, paranoic f***!
Are you a normal living person?! Have you ever used a computer?! I think your 6 children will all finish in a lunatic asylumn, somewhere across US, if they follow your directions. DOS has a lot of difference with DoS! Find them out by yourself! The next time (if there is a next time - if I were SOMEBODY at - you'd never write a single article for this site any more) when you write articles, directed to the "unaware of computers" people - at least try not to write bulls***!!! Quake is a computer game - produced by ID Software - if I worked for them - I would sue you for sure. F***ers like you are the ones responsible for the total unawareness of the masses. F***ers that pretend to understand what's all about, and that they know everything about everything, etc. There is only one comment - B***!

ROFLLMFAO (none / 0) (#6504)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 05:20:07 AM PST
ROFLMMFAO @ SECTION 3 this is so pathetic even MY parents laugh at it

This is unbelievable! (none / 0) (#6505)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 05:20:58 AM PST
I've very seldomly come across such utter nonsense. The author of the reading, Mr. Gibson, not only has no idea of computing whatsoever, but shows also a rather narrow-minded view.

To start with, the notion that being a hacker is a crime so hideous, sounds funny. Gibson obviously has a very wrecked idea of what "hackery" means.

Then comes the bright thoughts on processors, Intel and AMD, which are by far amongst the greatest imbecilities I've ever heard on the subject. AMD is a regular CPU (central procesor unit, or a micro-processor) manifacturer, producing competitive CPUs, and there is nothing wrong with that. More important, the CPU here has nothing to do with hacking.

The paragraph about Linux / Windows is, mildly put, profane. The statement about Telnet may cause only laughter.

I am sorry for the strong expressions, but this is really unbelievable - how can one ever come to such ideas and make them public?

Bonehead (none / 0) (#6536)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:21:58 PM PST
Any you have no understanding of humor...

geez thanks for all that (none / 0) (#6506)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 06:03:44 AM PST
I was doing loads of research on what I needed to get in terms of hardware and software. Thank you so very much for all that. I've already downloaded Flash and am well on my way to a new profession.

Yours truly,
A 16-year-old hacker-wanna-be

A Concerned Citizen Comments....... (none / 0) (#6512)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 07:28:25 AM PST
Good Day,

Never in my life have I been subject to anything more ignorant than this idiocy that I have just read from your comments.

Your complete lack of understanding of computing is astounding. Please, do us all a favor and pull your head out of your ass. Listen up and get your facts right. Do some REAL research as to what the programs you talk about are and what they do. Quite obviously you have not done this.

Salem witchhunts come to mind. Look, I am a parent and a corporate IT professional, I deal with Hackers trying to penetrate our Networks every single day. You on the other hand do not even have a clue as to what they are or what they do...

Your understanding of what you are talking about is so primitive and sad that I am not going to bother wasting my time trying to teach you something. I am truly amazed that you have not been naturally selected generations ago. Please do not breed anymore ; the world will be a slightly better place. On a positive note I don't think you need bother with a lobotomy... that would be much like putting one hat on top of another.

Have a Nice Day! Good Luck at the Trailer Park!

A concerned Citizen on behalf of all Humankind

Nice one (none / 0) (#6515)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:03:20 AM PST
Beautifully written;
I am speachless, this text is a true masterpiece. Unfortunately "The Mentor" will not be remembered as one of the true brilliant speakers, but more as a dirty evil criminal, who preaches the devils words and so on, and all that crap. But hey, that is the world we live in, full of ignorant pricks such as many of the posters on this site. People who dont understand what the true meaning of being a hacker is, people who dont understand a little irony now and again. People who live their whole life without being curious about anything more than, why their tv set isnt working, or why they hamburger is getting cold. Oh, yeah, it must be the hackers fault, he has broken my tv!

This is the sorry state of most people.

I am truely saddened by this message board, it proves that humans dont deserve the world we live in.

here is the masterpiece (none / 0) (#6517)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:09:19 AM PST
This is the masterpiece I was referring to, it has been posted already, but here it is again:

The Hacker Manifesto
by +++The Mentor+++
Written January 8, 1986

Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...

Damn kids. They're all alike.

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?

I am a hacker, enter my world...

Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...

Damn underachiever. They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..."

Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me.. Or thinks I'm a smart ass.. Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.

And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...

Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike...

You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

The funniest thing... (none / 0) (#6516)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:07:39 AM PST
This is the funniest thing I've read in a loong time!
No, I don't mean the original post (though it is extremely funny), I mean all the comments by the boneheads that thought this was for's spelled "s-a-r-c-a-s-m" people.
I love it!

The saddest thing is (none / 0) (#6518)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:27:04 AM PST
people are still posting messages of the "oh my god the author is so stupid!" type.


a) they didn't get the joke when they read the article

b) Then they didn't read any of the comments explaining to them it was a joke


c) Write pages and pages of rubbish denouncing the article and explaining to the world how much smarter they are. "Well, actually, Flash isn't hacker software blah blah blah..."


A very good, well researched parody. Even the hyperlinks were funny!

If only the author had an arrangement with amazon, he could have earned loads on click through advertising

this is a PARODY you DIMWITS (none / 0) (#6520)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:48:21 AM PST
see subj

What an Idiot!!! (none / 0) (#6522)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:01:02 AM PST
The Author of this article is THE BIGGEST IDIOT i've ever seen/heard/whatever!!! Or he is a brilliant comedian!!! Let everybody decide him/herself. But know this: if you are taking any of this article seriuosly, or even worse - you take some actions based on this article, you should be arrested for stupidity!!!

HELP!! (none / 0) (#6523)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:01:39 AM PST

I'm scared.

Am I a hacker?

I use a computer about 16 hours a day. I use many of the programs listed in your top ten. I frequent online gaming realities. I watch hacking movies like "Hackers" and "Sneakers". I've read many of the books you listed. I have 4 computers networked together in my house, some using Linux. I'm Constantly putting new hardware in them, who knows what. I can't help that I'm addicted.

Am I a hacker? Not likely! I'm a computer programmer, somebody told me I'd like it, I didn't know what I did for a living was illegal:) oops a hacking gang sign :) there it is again. I just can't stop doing it. :) ;)

I'm a computer programmer. One of the people who make the various products and products similar to the ones you mentioned. I believe in technology and advancement.

I do everything in my power to make the world better through making technology free and accessible. Unfortunately people like you hold tech. and civilization back. You criticize others for things you don't understand, you believe in mass censorship, denial. You are a blind sheep in the middle of the herd.

I'm hacking your washer machine RIGHT NOW! (none / 0) (#6524)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:16:49 AM PST
You betta run and unplug it before I make ALL the colors run! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Ha Ha (none / 0) (#6525)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:30:46 AM PST
The wit is razor sharp

I think you need help. (none / 0) (#6526)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:31:23 AM PST
I can go through your numbered list and pick it apart with perfectly viable reasons for each one that involve NO hacking reasons whatsoever.

1. Switching from AOL to another ISP is perfectly sane. Not only does AOL block access to web sites that it deems inappropriate (even if they are perfectly fine, like some news sites) AOL will not allow some attachments to e-mails, will not allow Internet gaming because it blocks servers, and it spasm you every day with ads. Most sane people would prefer to have full access to the Internet. Also, why pay the exorbitant fees they charge when you can get Internet access for so much cheaper? If you would like to continue to police your children, there are software programs that you can get.

2. I suppose your children are not allowed to put games on the computer either? And since when is Bonzai Buddy (a little purple ape that dances around your computer screen) a hacking program? Where is your evidence on this point?

3. New hardware is a genuine request, you are correct. But stating that AMD designed hacker hardware is cause for them to sue you for slander. AMD makes a perfectly good product. Without them challenging Intel and offering competition, you would have been charged hundreds more for your computer. Again, do your homework before publishing this tripe.

4. I suppose your children are also not allowed to watch any science fiction? ALL of the books you listed are novels. And since William Gibson wrote Neuromancer years before the Internet even existed, explain how this is a hacker novel? You'd better ban Asimov, Hawking, and Einstein from their reading list too. Oh, and make sure that your schools stop teaching science.

5. All I can do is laugh. Where do you come up with this stuff? What if your child is designing his own fractal program? Or using Paint or Photoshop? Or writing a novel?
Instead of being so paranoid, why don't you spend time with your child and actually watch what he's doing?

6. Quake is a video game. It's a first-person shooter style game. Again: verify your information before publishing it. Also, your second paragraph here is definitely paranoid. Keeping firearms locked away is always a good idea, regardless of a video game. Your insistence that a video game could cause violent tendencies firmly establishes a pattern here: you are not taking responsibility for your own children. Spend time with them. Reassert your discussed values. Make sure that your child knows that it's just a game, that in real life, if you get shot, you die.

7. Again, regardless of a video game or computer. If your child has NO access to a video game or computer, he may begin acting in this manner. It may because he watches too much TV. He may be drinking too much soda. He may be GOING THROUGH PUBERTY.

8. Linux is an operating system. It is based on the UNIX operating system developed years ago. Ever heard of Red Hat? They are a legitimate, established company that built a visual operating system based on Linux architecture.
Also, if you can read this message, you've accessed Linux/Unix. It is on EVERY server on the Internet because it is versatile and will speak to other Linux/Unix machines, Windows, and Macintosh OS. If you child dreams of becoming a computer programmer, developer, or the like, he will HAVE to learn Linux and or Unix.

9. To this I can only say: It sounds like you are trying to protect your child from developing his own identity. You'd better cut him off from all human contact and not let him TV or movies either.

10. If your child struggles in classes, see if he can read the black board or hear the teacher properly. The same goes for sports. Make sure that your child is in good health first. It's all about your child's well being.
If your child spends too much time on the computer, just use it as an incentive. Tell him that until his grades come up, no computer.

It just seems to me that all of this misinformation and paranoia could be avoided if you took interest in your child.
Just spend time with him. Find out what his interests are. Rather than condemning your child, why not try to help?

Also, check your information and references before publishing anything like this ever again.

l33t h4x0r (none / 0) (#6527)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 10:22:37 AM PST
1'm r1ght n0w h4x0r1n9 y4.

1 0wnz u'r r00ts

i'm using quake, ms-dos and flash, by the way


u're so funnnyyyyyyyyyyyy

and sooooooooo STUPID

a father and web developer (none / 0) (#6530)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:13:33 AM PST
I'm not really sure where to begin. I'm not going to comment on what kind of father you are or your relationship with your kids, but I will say that if you treat other issues with your childern in a manner similar to the one you have just described then... I'm sorry but you have taught your childer more about ignorance than you have about growing up and understanding thier world... I'm a web developer and a father I have first hand knowledge of what dark things can reside on the internet I have also tried to shield my daughter from these things... I agree that the most important thing is a firewall with a childgaurd feature ... it will take alot of the headaches away. but you mention flash as a hacker program... that's rediculious... did you know that 98% of modern computers ship with flash installed.... and Linux is not some evil spy application developed by communists... It's called open source software and it is the future of large corprate intranets.... and may end up as the nation backbone for data transportaion.

what you have done is destroyed a healthy curiousity for knowledge in your son he could have been the next Bill Gates but now all he knows that his father is an intellectual tyrant.... why didn't you ask your son to show you what he knows and have him explain it... make him think... Your son seems smarter than you and that's what your problem with the situation is.

Not a very good developer... (none / 0) (#6537)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:24:34 PM PST
if you can't figure out how to scroll down on a page and see all the comments about how this is a parody...bonehead.

funny ha ha (none / 0) (#6531)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:31:25 AM PST
Has anyone heard of satire?

Not Again.......... (none / 0) (#6532)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 12:31:16 PM PST
I hope this is a joke, but in case it isn't
I'm going to take this thing apart piece by piece...

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
If your son asks to change form AOL you should bow your head in worship. AOL is the worst ISP on the market, they hired the worst programmers they could find to turn out what has to be the buggiest piece of programming waste I have ever seen.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
I don't see any hacker tools here, just plugings for websites... do you know what a plugin is? Say it with me now PLUG-IN

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
If you haven't noticed, computers become obsolete within months, he's keeping it up-to-date, besides hackers aren't the ones who upgrade the most, gamers are.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
If you want to be computer literate you better read some books, and programming and hacking are not the same thing.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
You DON'T know what DoS is. You NEVER will. Charlatan. If he's using the computer more than 30 min. a day he's using it right.

6. Does your son use Quake?
QUAKE IS A GAME!!!!!!!! A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is probably why he is on the comp all the time, there are multitudes of games out their, noone of them are for "Training."

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
It's called puberty.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
First of all, it's LINUX. Second, it is an OS like Windows, only it is more geared toward programmmers, it's not illegal.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
The glowsticks, baggy clothes, and pacifers are for RAVERS, your son's poppin' the ectasy moron.

10. Is your son struggling academically?
Hackers do well in school, I should know I used to be one.

You should really know what you are talking about before you say anything. You obviously know nothing about what you are saying so keep your mouth shut.

I'll leave you with this....


Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"... Damn kids. They're all alike. But did you, in your three- piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him? I am a hacker, enter my world... Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me... Damn underachiever. They're all alike. I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..." Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike. I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me.. Or thinks I'm a smart ass.. Or doesn't like teaching and think it shouldn't be here... Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike. And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetence's is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all... Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike... You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but they are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals.

We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.

You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

What a fool was i! (none / 0) (#6533)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:01:02 PM PST
wow. i did not know about that!
i know, my son knows much much more about computer stuff than i do, and he is doing things like you described! i was not sure about anything of that, but i had a bad feeling watching him sitting in front of the "can" all day long.
well, seems that he fooled me, and even worse, he made me home a criminal! but he is almost 17, nearly adult! something went wrong here for too long. i do not know how to change things now. it is impossible to me to tell him "no", for he would not listen.
and he has got his own computer now, he managed to buy one on his own. and i really was proud of him, hey, my son managed school and job simultaneously. that seemed to me being a big deal... ooof, i should have known! nelly, my wife, always told me not to loose control, but i did not give anything on her words.

well, now i have to pay the bill. but what can i do now? patrick, my son, seems so distant, so far away from this family and unwilling to return closer? now i know that he lied to us all the time! he frequently sweared not to do anything i would not like, and now?! it is an awful situation, there is no trust, no thruth in our relationship any longer!

you stupid fuck!!! (none / 0) (#6534)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:07:25 PM PST
linux was created before windows, infact, windows is based on it!

FOR THE LAST TIME, THIS WAS A PARODY... (none / 0) (#6535)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:20:42 PM PST
People that think this is anything but a joke...I wish I had the ability to come over to all of your houses and smack you. You all have no sense of humor...


Jerk (none / 0) (#6543)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:54:07 PM PST
You are the most ridiculous, overprotective, strict, and anal parent i have ever heard of or come into contact with. your parenting styles encourage deviant behavior because you are driving your children crazy. furthermore, the style of dress you described is that of a raver, not a hacker, especially the could you think that it has anything to do with hacking? i wouldn't be surprised if your kids develop all kinds of psychological problems...not from overuse of the computer, but from you. You're the type of parent that drives their children crazy and permanently scars and suppresses them.

I hope you're not serious (none / 0) (#6544)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 02:31:08 PM PST
There is so much wrong with this article that I don't even know where to begin. I can only see two possibilities, either you're using a little satire and joking, or you're clinically insane. I can't tell which right now, but I can say that I have been using computers since age 12 and I see nothing wrong with any of the programs or hardware that you have mentioned, and many of the facts given are most incorrect. AMD is sold in many stores across the nation, hp and compaq both support them and use them in their desktop and laptop computers. Linux was developed by Linus Torvaldes in a Scandanavian country, not a man from Communist Russia. Comet cursor and bonzi buddy, are installeed or referenced to by major software applications like realplayer and netscape. And I've never heard of any hacker societies playing Quake strictly to tell people how to hack other computers. As far as Denial of Service (DOS) it rarely would take 8 hours, I can tell you this because I work on a major network. I could go on forever about this, but as I've seen, I'm not the only one who thinks this article as ludacris. So in other words, I really hope this is a joke. :)

Irresponsible, Uninformed, and Hilarious! (none / 0) (#6545)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 02:52:12 PM PST
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

LOL this is most BS ive ever read (none / 0) (#6549)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 03:51:51 PM PST
LOL this has to be joke. I ve never of such BS before.

Hahahahahahahaha Bullshit (none / 0) (#6552)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:22:31 PM PST
ok this is the biggest load of B.S. I have ever seen. I am not a computer hacker. I use computers for constructive purposes only. Quake is not a hacker hidout, amd is not a third world hacker chipmaker, just because your son asks to switch ISP's doesn't mean anything he could just realize that AOL is a piece of shit! Bonzai Buddy is a purple queer dinosuar not a hacking tool, telnet comes with windows, and flash is web anumations NONE ARE HACKING TOOLS!!!. Everything said in this artical

The person who wrote this was absolutely not L337. (none / 0) (#6553)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:31:10 PM PST
Now, we all know that yes, most script kiddies ARE teenagers. But this article probably got so many fucking people in trouble. I mean having flash?!? Hey, next time I go to a site that asks me to download flash I'll sue...

I hate these damn American people that are scared of any fucking shit that they think is suspicious.

Now, Luckily, I've come up with a way that we would keep everybody happy...

Number 1 - Abolish all Broadband/DSL internet providers.
Number 2 - Abolish all internet providers other than AOL.
Number 3 - Destroy all files, including, that have anything to do with DOS, which, if you are using Win9x, will fuck up your life.
Number 4 - D3S7R0Y ALL P30PL3S 7H47 SP33K L337. Because these peoples are always wrong.
Number 5 - Remove all ways of self expression on Earth today, because if people don't get to choose what they want to wear, or what they want to look like, only Elton John and some other minorities would survive. Such as communists, and Fidel Castro.
Number 6 - Kill the guy who wrote this motherfucking article. I mean, what an ass... I think he should've better informed himself before he wrote anything.

Just because us $cRiP7 K|DD|3S are a little wierd doesn't mean that we shouldn't be treated as well as you other fucking americans. You always get everything in the palms of your hands! So, I'll give everyone another tip.

Boot up in the command prompt, and type in format c:, press enter, and press y then enter. It'll rid your computer of any illegal $cRiP7 K|DDY Information. Have a nice day!

I could probably write an article twice as large on all of the inadequacies in this entire article.

you cool man (none / 0) (#6562)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:30:11 PM PST
Good one man, this dude should die...
Long live l337 h4x0rs

stupid stupid.................. (none / 0) (#6599)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 01:57:47 PM PST
you are such an idiot. talking about Americans. when you are the one that took this article serious. loser. get a life.. and the only reason you talk like a script idiot is to look lame, sorry, it worked.
thx. have a nice day.

What world do you live in (none / 0) (#6554)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:38:41 PM PST
I am quite shocked by many of the statements and comments. I'm sure I would have fit this profile, although it certainly wasn't because I was a hacker; it was because I was bored in school (it wasn't challenging enough). As for AMD chips, go to Radio Shack. Have you ever heard of competition? I suspose you would be happy if the only car on the market was a Chevrolet, although they way you are talking, you sound more like a socialist than an American, so perhaps you would prefer an Uaz or a Yugo. I suggest you get informed with life and business.

A little computer education for all of you!! (none / 0) (#6555)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:58:27 PM PST
I read this article, and I found it to be totally, and completely ridiculous! I thought I'd define some of the terms mentioned, and mistrewed in this editorial. (I call it an editorial because of the opinion of all of these misconstrewed facts/opinions.) DOS stands for Disk Operating System. It was made by Microsoft as one of the first computer operating systems ever. It is a command line style operating system. MS-DOS cannot be used to hack web sites. Major web sites on the net are usually internet backbones, which can support very heavy traffic. The only DOS commands that can be used to access the Internet are FTP and ping. The program ping will ping a website four times, in order to see how fast the web server is responding to and serving requests from the client (you). Lunix/Linux are operating systems. They are free variations of Unix, a common network operating system used be many corporations to host their Internet sites. will allow you to get into MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), and if you delete the files, your computer will be ruined! Don't delete it. If your kids are in MS-DOS, it could be for playing a game. A lot of old games, even some by Lucasarts, require MS-DOS to be running alone, without the presence of Microsoft Windows. MP3 files are not hacks, and they have nothing at all to do with hacking, but rather they are the music that you hear on the radio, in computer format. They cannot be hacked from other people's stereos from their computers, like the author of this editorial mentioned. AOL provides good internet service, but it is very slow. Now-a-days, people want fast internet to go with their fast computer. I have DSL (very similar to cable), and do not use it to hack. AOL's parental controls only apply when using the AOL browser as well, so when your kids open up Microsoft's Internet Explorer, they will find that they can go to any website their little heart's desire. If you are only using AOL for it's parental control settings, and do want speed, then I suggest moving up to cable/DSL, and visiting N2H2's web site. N2H2 offers internet filtering to block out anysites that have anything to do with pornography, or anything else that you don't want your kids to see. This is basically unhackable, being that N2H2 aka Bess Proxy, acts as a proxy, or a gateway between your computer and the internet, filtering out anything that is in N2H2's web-database. Macromedia makes Flash, which is a program used to read files written in Shockwave Flash Format (.SWF). Some websites that you visit require Flash to be installed in order for you to view the content on the site. Flash offers lower file sizes, compressed graphics, and vector graphics and animations. Macromedia Flash is not a hacking program. Quake is not a hacker community. Quake can be played multiplayer over the internet. Quake has built-in violence in the single player game anyhow, and doesn't "teach" you how to use weapons. It is not the greatest game in the world, but Quake isn't an "online community used by hackers to teach people how to use weapons", rather a multiplayer version of a game. Comet Cursor is software that allows a user to change the appearance of their mouse cursors (the mouse pointer), nothing more! Bonzi Buddy is a cute little baboon or monkey that hangs around on a user's desktop and acts cute, nothing more. Programming with Perl is a book that teaches people how to program with the Perl programming language. Programming is NOT A BAD THING! Using HTML is programming, and if you think programming is bad, then don't access the internet, because there are four major programming languages used on the web: HTML (HyperText Markup Language), JavaScript, VB Script (Visual Basic Script), and yes, Macromedia's Flash ActionScript! Now, for the processor. AMD stands for Advanced Micro Devices. I have an AMD processor, and the only thing different between AMD processors and Intel processors is that AMD is a little behind in speed to Intel. AMD doesn't have little children working in sweat-shops making these processors. AMD is not a third-world country manufacturer of processors. Processors can only handle 2.2 volts of electricity period, and anything over that can destroy the chip. As you know, static electricity builds up on people, and is usually as low as 30 volts (enough to destroy a computer chip), to as high as 20,000 volts. Humans begin to feel static electricity at around 3,000 volts. His son wants new hardware because newer games require more memory, more hard drive space, and faster video cards in order to draw the images on the screen faster. I myself have upgraded my computer. I even use an AMD processor! And I think this man's son has just been growing up. He seems to be very scared of change. Hackers don't dress alike. They don't talk alike. They don't look alike. You can't stereotype people you don't even know. Most likely, his son just wants to become a little more popular by changing his clothing style. I hope I've shed a little light, and that this paranoid father's article hasn't corrupted your views towards computers, and good, honest software made by reputible companies. I think this man needs to go back to high school, or some sort of college and take a few BASIC computer classes. Oh just for the record folks, I'm A+ certified, which means I know all the ins, outs, and corners of computers, their hardware, and their software, so I think my word and knowledge is a little more reliable than his.

Oooh wish I was A+ certified !! (none / 0) (#6570)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 02:28:53 AM PST
My aren't you the arrogant one.'I'm A+ certified....'. Congrats, perhaps you should take a course in humility.

By the way, the DOSing mentioned in the original article stands for 'Denial of Service'. If you are A+ certified I'm sure you know what that means. Its when you overwhelm a server with packets (thats TCP/IP packets) so that it can't perform its tasks or talk to other clients (hence the clients are denied service). Its a favourite past-time of script kiddies, who like to do DDOSing (thats distributed denial of service) on major servers like yahoo etc.

To DOS someones elses server or computer makes no sense if your talking about the DOS operating system. Makes perfect sense if your talking about denial of service.

Not as smart as you thought you were eh?

Nice effort.... (none / 0) (#6585)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 09:26:01 AM PST
Uhm, for the record, A+ certification is the cheapest method of "certifying" yourself in some general aspect of "'puters" available. Honestly though it doesn't cover any more information than your average first level high school computer science course. In other words, you've been trained on the "in's" (wont go as far as to include the outs) of using Windows. You're still left with an inability to develop, without any knowledge of unix-native applications (yes, they power the internet), and most importantly with the feeling that you know a lot more than you actually do. If you really want to learn something useful, why not look at an MCSE (if you need to stay within the comfortable boundaries of Windows) or CCNA/CCNE (real useful shit). Please take this as personal advice, don't tell savvy people that you're A+ certified and proud -- you'll end up with a lot of ROFL and LOLLMAO's...

Computing for idiots (none / 0) (#6637)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 01:49:53 AM PST
so you went on a kiddies computer course and now you think you can advise people on computers.

To put things in perspective...

I did a five year (one year placement) University degree in Computer Science. Why the f**k do you think you can tell me how to enjoy a joke.

Oh sorry, you didn't realise it was a joke did you?

Oh come on (none / 0) (#6638)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:35:45 AM PST
So you 'know ALL the ins and outs and corners' of computers do you?

Can you program?

In C++?

In Java?

C# ?




What about Cobol? Pascal? Delphi? Lisp? Smalltalk?

Can you use Visual Age? What about JBuilder?

Can you set up a Lotus Notes server? On Unix? For 3000 clients?

Can you configure a Internet server? How about a firewall? What about an SQL server?

Ever used an AS/400? What about a Vax?

Can you administer an Oracle database? On Solaris?

What about Siebel? Do you even know what it is?

Or do you just mean you can use windows?

... Thought so

Now get off your high horse buddy and get back to your Visual Basic for Beginners book.

yo mama is a 3toed man from living color (none / 0) (#6655)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:17:35 PM PST
the subject says it all you ass-raper. why don't you appreciate other people, and stop fuckin' lying. i bet you cant even program html, none the less know all that shit you did say. just leave the guy a lone, and if you wanna talk about someone you 3' 2" oompa-loompa raper, then talk about me, cause i can talk about yo mama.

Good Grief, Charlie Brown! (none / 0) (#6556)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 05:23:51 PM PST
As far as the original article goes... Besides the obvious technical issues the last line, "It cannot be taken too seriously." really gives it all away. If you are uninformed enough to take this seriously, there is an "old" saying... It is better to remain quiet and be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt... (or something like that).

In reguards to Monty Python... the interesting thng about the MP show was that it was either really good or really bad... no middle ground. It may also been my state of mind at the time. At any rate I have always been a MP (and Benny Hill) fan and always enjoy their humor.

Cheers :>

HA LLAMAS! (none / 0) (#6557)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 05:27:55 PM PST
You think you know so well about it? Hackers and crackers are different. MIT MIS department would actully give A+ if the students can hack the schools server and more. My father would be very offended about this article. My father taught me well about computers. I grew up with games, love all quake series, am a linux fanatic, over 100 computer books, and I study computers for fun. Am I a hacker? I don't know, but I will admit I am a kid who grows up and becomes that Bill Gates kind of figure that you wish you were. Computers is the future, and if you snuff out the games, the books, hardware, and worst yet KNOWLEDGE then you are going to kill your kid's future. I can promise you I will be bigger then John Carmack, that is if you know who that is. I happen to do very well in my sport (hockey)! I also enjoy going to linux expos WITH my father. Get your head straight, hackers aren't bad people. The crackers are and the people like you can be. As what hackers would say, "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER".

I wonder if this guy is stupid?? (none / 0) (#6559)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 06:34:18 PM PST
Yes he is! I have spiky hair, baggy jeans, this guy just needs to get his stuff in order! Quake?? COME ON!!! its a game!!!!

are you fucking stupid (none / 0) (#6560)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 07:16:49 PM PST
if you believe all of this crap you shouldant be using a computer, much less be on the internet.

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#6563)
by crazylarry on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:46:18 PM PST
I thought the article was humourous as heck. But if the 99% of reader responces were'nt meant to be humourous, thats scary. I believe the author succeeded beyond his wildest imagination! And my family thinks I'm crazy!

Read this DAD! (none / 0) (#6564)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:48:01 PM PST
Let me start by saying that quake is a video game. It is not a virtual reality where hackers discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. If your child is spending too much time on the computer than you should be grateful that he is not spending too much time smoking crack or out killing people. As a matter a fact you should be encouraging your child to learn more about computers. By you refusing to allow him to upgrade his computer or learn more about them you are only putting a stop to what could be a very successful and fun career for your son. Shame on you as a parent.

You wrote:

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

This just sickens me!

If your son asked you to switch ISPs it's probably because you are an ignorant person who has chosen AOL and your son is more educated about the Internet than you are.

All that has to be said about you is that that you deserve a severe beating for punishing your child for something that you obviously did no research on. You just jumped to conclusions and killed what could have been a future for your child. What a moron you are. Although I did get a good laugh out of it. Fuckin dumb ass.

You know this is supposed to be a joke? (none / 0) (#6566)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 10:00:22 PM PST
This article was meant for people who have a GOOD knowledge of computers... its supposed to be funny... all u retards who reply saying how stupid it is are giving the author the credit that he wants, to make people believe the joke.

Did you know that the world is flat?

wow this parent lacks the intelligence to wright (none / 0) (#6567)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 01:58:21 AM PST
this parent lacks the inteligence to write such comments.

Alex B Sommerfeld - Owner
Gateway Productions - Professional Disc Jockey
41 Otis St. Danvers Ma. 01923
Home Phone: (978) 777-1285
Work Phone: (978) 762-4661
Cell Phone: (978) 502-5733

You should really check your facts (none / 0) (#6568)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 02:18:11 AM PST
You should learn to talk about things you accualy know about and not just make things up as you go. Your entire post sounded like one giant Microsoft / AOL / Intel ad and was loaded with false information and speculation.
1. There are many reasons an experanced computer user would want to change ISP's other than hacking and adult sites. For instance I use verizon dsl because I like to have high speed internet and I am able to connect to my computer from almost any other computer and copy my files. This is a very nice feature if i forget an assignment at home i can pull it right off my home pc turn it in. Thats just one of i'm sure hundreds of reasons people would not want to use AOL or any other ISP
2. CometCursor is not a hacking program it is a program that lets you use custom cursors instead of the plain white arrow. It is also not stolen software as it can be downloaded for free from the maker at . Bonzi Buddy is not a hacking program either it is a little purple mokey that sits in the corner of your screen and says funny stuff. it is also free to download from the makers at Flash is also not a hacking program, It is a program used to make websites that incorperates programming meant to make much higher quality web sites. This however is not a free program and if your son didn't pay for it then tht is a problem, but if your the model parent that you say you are and you bought this computer to help your kids learn as much as they could about computers you should have known that your son was interested in web site design and helped him get a program like flash to help him learn a valuble program that is used in todays job market.
3. New hardware is needed for many reasons. If your son is asking for a new video card, Hard drive, and memory it sounds like he likes to play computer games or your computer doesn't run flash very well. There are again many reasons that you would want new hardware and i guess hacking could be one of them but if your son plays some of the current games it is very posible your computer just isn't strong enough to run them very smooth. A AMD processor is better than an intel processor in many ways, Many people like AMD because of their gaming capabilities or their cost to preformance ratio. AMD chips are much cheaper than Intel chips and preform very well, Intel is a very good chip to and if you have the money and want an Intel chip then by all means buy it. AMD is located right here in the USA, their headquarters address is One AMD Place
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale CA 94088
and I belive that one plant is in Texas and another in Germany nither of which is a third world country. Compaq also uses AMD chips so you might want to check and see if you already have one.
4. This does seem like a legitiment concern. Although Programming with Perl is just what the title says, a manual that teaches your how to write computer programs using perl(a computer programing language). As for the other books they could be hacker manuals they could not be I haven't read them, but that doesn't mean that he has done anything. Only that he has read a manual on how to manipulate a program that you could potentionaly do illegel activity, however if he doesn't hack into anything then he hasent really broken any laws or betrayed your trust.
5. Just because sombody spends any given amount of time on a computer doesn't mean it has anything to do with anything related to hacking. So far it sounds like he(your son) is using flash and pearl, both require lots of time to learn the language and even more time to acctualy get the programs to do anything useful. A good website depending on how much content and how organized you are can take weeks of work and when you start working and you are getting a lot done you can lose track of time, hours can go by and you dont even notice. Your son could be teaching himself a program or playing a game for hours just having fun or learning which is why you got the computer in the first place, right?
6. Quake has absolutly nothing to do with hacking. It is a game that you go around and shoot stuff from a 3-d prespective. This is probably why you son wants newer hardware. It is very graphic intensive and requires current hardware to run correctly. Computer games are hardly a crime and i don't see how you could train to be a hacker in a video game. Trust me all you do in quake is run around shooting monsters with big guns.
7. Your child may just be dealing with hormones which i belive also causes eratic behavior and causes children to want more space between them and their parents. Kids do strange things somtimes and it doesn't always make sense but a kid wanting space from their parents during the teen year isnt a rare thing it happens all the time and it doesn't mean that you have a felon for a child that intends to break any laws.
8. First of all it is Linux not Lunix. I thought it was based off of UNIX. It has many other uses that breaking into peoples computers and stealing credit card numbers. For example I belive almost if not all ISP's run linux for their servers because it is much more efficent that anything microsoft or anybody else has on the market. I even think your beloved AOL runs Linux. Linux is very popular because the source code is avalible to anybody and people can change it how they see fit. It is constantly evolving into somthing better and has thousands of programmers world wide that write code for it and get nothing in return except that in trading ideas they are making things better, faster, and More effient because they are working together. Linux does not destroy your hard drive and you do not need to send it back you maker, in fact i bet you son could have used the system restore disc and made the computer as good as newas i am pretty sure they come with all compaqs.
9. What you described sounds more like a kid that likes to go to raves, whether or not they are a hacker I don't think has anything to do with how they dress. that is just stereotyping all kids that like to dress like that into criminals when they might not have done anything, you don't know that they are a hacker but you assume that the are.
10. Kids do go though times where they don't well in school and it doesn't mean hacking. Just because he is on his computer all night doesn't mean he is talking to hacker friends and he is going to have brain convultions. Any computer use over the same time period would cause the same effect.

This sounds to me like you think that if any kid spends more then a half hour on the computer and begins to gain any real know how to computers he is a hacker and his friends are to. You thinking you are super dad come in to the rescue and some how know everything about everything put a stop to it. The only problem is you don't know about 90% of what your talking about, you have taken things out of context and filled in the holes where needed. I am not here to judge you as a parent, I just wanted to put some facts out there so that some kid who want to be a web designer and is working hard at it doesn't get his computer taken away and grounded while his parents lose the trust they had with him because they read all the stuff you posted that you didn't back up with fact. I may post again after this but im not sure that it will even matter. This will hopfully get parents interested in their kids computer habits and not paranoid over them.

You should really check your facts (none / 0) (#6569)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 02:18:54 AM PST
You should learn to talk about things you accualy know about and not just make things up as you go. Your entire post sounded like one giant Microsoft / AOL / Intel ad and was loaded with false information and speculation.
1. There are many reasons an experanced computer user would want to change ISP's other than hacking and adult sites. For instance I use verizon dsl because I like to have high speed internet and I am able to connect to my computer from almost any other computer and copy my files. This is a very nice feature if i forget an assignment at home i can pull it right off my home pc turn it in. Thats just one of i'm sure hundreds of reasons people would not want to use AOL or any other ISP
2. CometCursor is not a hacking program it is a program that lets you use custom cursors instead of the plain white arrow. It is also not stolen software as it can be downloaded for free from the maker at . Bonzi Buddy is not a hacking program either it is a little purple mokey that sits in the corner of your screen and says funny stuff. it is also free to download from the makers at Flash is also not a hacking program, It is a program used to make websites that incorperates programming meant to make much higher quality web sites. This however is not a free program and if your son didn't pay for it then tht is a problem, but if your the model parent that you say you are and you bought this computer to help your kids learn as much as they could about computers you should have known that your son was interested in web site design and helped him get a program like flash to help him learn a valuble program that is used in todays job market.
3. New hardware is needed for many reasons. If your son is asking for a new video card, Hard drive, and memory it sounds like he likes to play computer games or your computer doesn't run flash very well. There are again many reasons that you would want new hardware and i guess hacking could be one of them but if your son plays some of the current games it is very posible your computer just isn't strong enough to run them very smooth. A AMD processor is better than an intel processor in many ways, Many people like AMD because of their gaming capabilities or their cost to preformance ratio. AMD chips are much cheaper than Intel chips and preform very well, Intel is a very good chip to and if you have the money and want an Intel chip then by all means buy it. AMD is located right here in the USA, their headquarters address is One AMD Place
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale CA 94088
and I belive that one plant is in Texas and another in Germany nither of which is a third world country. Compaq also uses AMD chips so you might want to check and see if you already have one.
4. This does seem like a legitiment concern. Although Programming with Perl is just what the title says, a manual that teaches your how to write computer programs using perl(a computer programing language). As for the other books they could be hacker manuals they could not be I haven't read them, but that doesn't mean that he has done anything. Only that he has read a manual on how to manipulate a program that you could potentionaly do illegel activity, however if he doesn't hack into anything then he hasent really broken any laws or betrayed your trust.
5. Just because sombody spends any given amount of time on a computer doesn't mean it has anything to do with anything related to hacking. So far it sounds like he(your son) is using flash and pearl, both require lots of time to learn the language and even more time to acctualy get the programs to do anything useful. A good website depending on how much content and how organized you are can take weeks of work and when you start working and you are getting a lot done you can lose track of time, hours can go by and you dont even notice. Your son could be teaching himself a program or playing a game for hours just having fun or learning which is why you got the computer in the first place, right?
6. Quake has absolutly nothing to do with hacking. It is a game that you go around and shoot stuff from a 3-d prespective. This is probably why you son wants newer hardware. It is very graphic intensive and requires current hardware to run correctly. Computer games are hardly a crime and i don't see how you could train to be a hacker in a video game. Trust me all you do in quake is run around shooting monsters with big guns.
7. Your child may just be dealing with hormones which i belive also causes eratic behavior and causes children to want more space between them and their parents. Kids do strange things somtimes and it doesn't always make sense but a kid wanting space from their parents during the teen year isnt a rare thing it happens all the time and it doesn't mean that you have a felon for a child that intends to break any laws.
8. First of all it is Linux not Lunix. I thought it was based off of UNIX. It has many other uses that breaking into peoples computers and stealing credit card numbers. For example I belive almost if not all ISP's run linux for their servers because it is much more efficent that anything microsoft or anybody else has on the market. I even think your beloved AOL runs Linux. Linux is very popular because the source code is avalible to anybody and people can change it how they see fit. It is constantly evolving into somthing better and has thousands of programmers world wide that write code for it and get nothing in return except that in trading ideas they are making things better, faster, and More effient because they are working together. Linux does not destroy your hard drive and you do not need to send it back you maker, in fact i bet you son could have used the system restore disc and made the computer as good as newas i am pretty sure they come with all compaqs.
9. What you described sounds more like a kid that likes to go to raves, whether or not they are a hacker I don't think has anything to do with how they dress. that is just stereotyping all kids that like to dress like that into criminals when they might not have done anything, you don't know that they are a hacker but you assume that the are.
10. Kids do go though times where they don't well in school and it doesn't mean hacking. Just because he is on his computer all night doesn't mean he is talking to hacker friends and he is going to have brain convultions. Any computer use over the same time period would cause the same effect.

This sounds to me like you think that if any kid spends more then a half hour on the computer and begins to gain any real know how to computers he is a hacker and his friends are to. You thinking you are super dad come in to the rescue and some how know everything about everything put a stop to it. The only problem is you don't know about 90% of what your talking about, you have taken things out of context and filled in the holes where needed. I am not here to judge you as a parent, I just wanted to put some facts out there so that some kid who want to be a web designer and is working hard at it doesn't get his computer taken away and grounded while his parents lose the trust they had with him because they read all the stuff you posted that you didn't back up with fact. I may post again after this but im not sure that it will even matter. This will hopfully get parents interested in their kids computer habits and not paranoid over them.

LOL.......ROFL (none / 0) (#6571)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 03:17:53 AM PST
thats the best article i ever read.
holding my belly while laughing!
if its intended to be a serious one: folks,be serious,think about it! you are hopefully old enough not to believe such a obnoxious crap. pgo

YER AN IDIOT! nt (none / 0) (#6572)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 04:24:58 AM PST

Persecution Pending (none / 0) (#6573)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 04:31:29 AM PST
Dear T Reginald Gibbons,

It has come to our attention that you are spreading word that our products are manufactured using cheap child labour, and are dangerous to use. Let us just point out to you now that not only are our products certified with microsoft (The company you said was against us) but they are also made in America by well-paid professionals, in dust-free environments, and the process is mostly automated. We are considering taking legal action as to your slander regarding us 'ripping off' the competitions designs, when we spend over 10 million dollars designing our processors, and package them with the highest-quality casing. If you do not remove this article immediately, you will be receiving a letter from our solicitors. Yours sincerely,

Advanced Micro Devices, Public Relations Division.

jesus. fucking. christ. (none / 0) (#6574)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:14:08 AM PST
Do you even have any idea what the hell your talking about? first off, no wonder your kid will dress like a punk if you keep attending his parties and all, let him breath! Linux, Bsd and all that are just normal Operating Systems, Linux is just preferred by programmers and coders. Lynolus Torvaldos is a very respectable programmer and is trying to fight the Microsoft monopolisation. you don't need 'a professional' to reinstall windows you just:
1) insert CD
2) type 'install'
Quake is a cool game where you definately don't learn how to use firearms, since I don't think todays technology allows railguns and automatic portable grenade launchers thank you.
If a guy asks for new hardware its that his current system isn't sufficient for the up to date games (especially if you give him a compaq) new processors, video cards and memory/space is needed aout every 6-12 months too keep up with the latest software.
We ARE allowed to install new software thank you its not a crime to install a game or photoshop.. if you see 'Pornfinder v1.2' then you can yell but otherwise back off its not like mIRC is a hacker program.
I doubt your even a stupid father nor such a 'up to date with computers parent' like you said, you don't know anything and you're obsessed with your kid.

HAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#6575)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:18:16 AM PST

DO NOT BOTHER POSTING.... (none / 0) (#6576)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:21:58 AM PST

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:25:32 AM PST

go with the nice men in their white coats now... (none / 0) (#6578)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 06:42:28 AM PST
you are obviously insane..either that or you have been smoking too much crack. go get professional help in either case right away!!

Advice from Dr. Lechter (none / 0) (#6579)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 07:15:56 AM PST
Kill yourself. For the love of god and all things sacred to society just drive to wal-mart, but a 12 guage and kill yourself. Please.

Is your son a Hacker (none / 0) (#6581)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 08:37:57 AM PST
First, Linux (not lunix) is not a hacking tool, it is an Unix type of operating system that is used by many companies throughout the world for valid reason.
Second, any operating system can be (and is used) for hacking, so according to your premise, we should deleted all operating systems that support hacking, Then lets take this out a bit further, if we delete operating systems (software, like windows) that support hacking, what will you have? Nothing!
Third, Linux is a great way to learn to administrate a Unix operating system, it doesn't mean it will turn your child into a hacker.
Forth, What is a hacker, do you really know. Bill Gates was a hacker, and look at him now. Illegal Hacking and Cracking is different. Is your child really hacking? Why not instead get them the Code of Computer ethics and try to have them abide by that (available from
Fifth and final, it is not just sons who get into hacking and cracking, Believe it or not, there are a lot of young women who also hack.
And before you dismiss my comments, I am a certified Information System (computer) security manager with over 10 years experience in this field. So please stop spreading false information and scaring people needlessly.

Reasons why it's not true (none / 0) (#6582)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 08:39:33 AM PST
That's SO funny! I laughed so hard like I've never laughed before!

1. I change ISPs periodically because they're slow and I want the best.

2. I'm not the only one who installs programs in my house, and I don't care if my family members won't let me know.

3. I always want new hardware! And AMD is better than Intel!

4. I read Programming with Perl, and this book isn't about hacking at all!

5. I spend many hours per day.

6. I don't use Quake, but Quake is just a game, it has nothing to do with reality.

7. Not me! but it's probably just a passing phase.

8. I'm not obsessed with Linux, but I know many people who do. It's a better OS than Windows.

9. Never happened here, but tastes change in the passing phases.

10. Hackers are pretty intelligent actually ;)

Uhm... (none / 0) (#6584)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 09:13:54 AM PST
I just really want to know, definitively, if Mr. Gibbons really did write this as a piece of satire, or as an actual warning to the public. I did a little homework and read some of his other posts, and the majority of them are well thought out and fairly intelligent.

I've worked in tech support for several corporations, and I know there are a great many intelligent people out there who are, for lack of a more amusing phrase, technically retarded. Point being of course, that this person may really believe all of which he has written.

Ignorance of global communication and the methods involved is becoming an increasing danger, and Mr. Gibbons spoke with utmost honesty and perserverance on a topic of which he, quite obviously, is clueless about. This frightens me, because this ill-informed majority makes up most of the capital market of the internet, and ultimately will be the group to decide on a "community" level the future direction of the internet.

Imagine that for a second -- a world in which people who can't drive decide how road signs are posted, people who can't cook decide what everyone is going to eat, criminals decide what lawful activity is -- its the same basic principle, and it needs to stop. It should be the personal responsibility of every savvy user to eliminate as much of this messy misinformation as possible.

So, Mr. Gibbons, if you wrote this as satire, then it had its desired effect, funny as hell. If not, please for the sake of the online community, read some of these books you've mentioned, hell even experiment with Linux. Linux is by no means illegal, you can download it for free (reasearch GPL for more info) directly from a distributor such as Debian or Mandrake, or even buy a commercialized version called Redhat right off the shelf of your local software store. Its a highly expansive, efficient, and powerful operating system, and if we're lucky this paradigm of OS will someday replace the current limited functionality of mainstream "Winders."

What an idiot (none / 0) (#6586)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 09:56:42 AM PST
You have no idea what the hell you are talking about

All Hackers are Males huh!!!! (none / 0) (#6587)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:44:49 AM PST
i dont know why you think that all computer hackers are males, i am absolutly sure that there are many female hackers out there, i find it discriminating that you not once said "Son/Daughter"

chump (none / 0) (#6588)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:49:49 AM PST
what a chump!!

Get a Clue (none / 0) (#6589)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:52:57 AM PST
what in the hell is this about wearing pacifiers and carrying glow sticks. this article is about computer hackers, not raves dumb ass! Those two things have nothing to do w/ each other. what are you saying about AMD processors being so shitty, AMD currently has the fastest processor;Chipset, combination available. You wrote this article trying to steer people away from the things that you think you know. A little advice to you, maybe you should research your information before you go writting articles about it.

Hacker Manuals (none / 0) (#6591)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:55:42 AM PST
They sell hacker manuals??? wow where can i get one, im interestind in them as are my parents....dumb ass

i feel sorry for whoever wrote this..... (none / 0) (#6592)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 11:33:33 AM PST
you cant know anything about 13 years old and i fit in on about five of these things you have you think im a hacker?......
learn something about computers before accusing a person who knows more than about computers or writing such unknowledgeable things as this,....i know more about computers than you and im 13 years.....i can tell you what all these things you have described as illegal really are....

A Fuckin' Idiot :)) (none / 0) (#6594)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 12:00:36 PM PST
there is nothing to comment. this is the most rediculous article i,ve read for a long time

Children Hackers? (none / 0) (#6595)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 12:11:25 PM PST
Do you ever stop to think that the increasing hysteria and paranoia from parents and "older" generations are also a huge factor in the problems society today faces? Stupidity, apathy, rampant consumerism and materialism? Instead of persecuting your children, get off your ass and do something to make sure they grow up healthy and responsible!! Despite your claims of the "unhealty element", if you just took a little time to get involved with their lives, and their friends, you'd find that most of your assumptions are merely that: whitebread suburban assumptions. You helped usher in the age of electronica, you also fostered the "more is better" thinking. Your chickens; in effect, is coming home to roost. And now you can't handle the fact. Instead of writing these silly articles condemning your son, realize that he's probably five times smarter than his peers and you, and try to help him nurture it. It's not hard, it's called "GETTING INVOLVED", dickhead. Stop letting society and teachers shape your kid,stop buying him off with stupid shit, get off your ass, and DO SOMETHING POSITIVE.
And you wonder why people today are so stupid...

Is this article a joke? (none / 0) (#6596)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 01:28:09 PM PST
This has to bee a joke! This is the stupidest shit ive ever read

My Hacker son joins Lunix cult in Mexico (none / 0) (#6597)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 01:50:04 PM PST
My son is definitely a hacker. I have personally seen him use MicroMania's "Flash" to make things to "upload". He is obviously in trouble, because he is currently in Mexico!!??!!??, and I understand that in Mexico city, they changed their operating system from good American Windows to Lunix. I fear that my son has gone to join them. He must be apprehended by INTERPOL, whom I have contacted. They were not very helpful, but I am sure that when they understand the seriousness of the situation, they will move.

seek medical help (none / 0) (#6609)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:55:33 PM PST
"good American Windows" ? Maybe your son is just smugling some "good mexican powder (TM)" to sell to the "innocent good american citizens" so rest assured - there's no need to worry.

Lunix - it's Linux (thought you should know that, you ignorant)

lunix is real (none / 0) (#6618)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 07:43:55 PM PST
it's for the Commodore 64 which is only about 15 years old. But it should be linux, check yer facts before u write something of the magnitude and stupidity, old man.

My son`s a hacker (none / 0) (#6598)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 01:56:21 PM PST
Stupid,,thats the word for it!!
You dont seem to know what youre talking about!

I USE COMMAND.COM TO HACK (none / 0) (#6601)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 02:43:36 PM PST
At my school we open netscape and type C:/windows/

then open explorer, from there your inside the computer and can do mainly anything

schools really suck at computer security, we are smarter than them,...

dont delete tho, that would be chopping off your head to cure a headache...

What kind of idiot is he (none / 0) (#6602)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 04:45:28 PM PST
I'd like to know why this clown is posting crap like this on the internet.

Get a clue Reginald!

lol (none / 0) (#6605)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:05:29 PM PST
Wow, it can be well seen that the writer of this article has no idea what a hacker is.

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."

Comet Cursor? You are def. no hacker if you have that installed and Bonzi Buddy.... C'mon

This kid just got a new interest in computers. THis does not mean he is a hacker of any kind.

Truly brilliant.... (none / 0) (#6606)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:07:21 PM PST
If this guy is for real, then he deserves to be beaten, with a bat, by everyone who has ever had an interest in computers.

If this is a joke.....I think he's brilliant. Mainly because he got tens of thousands of people to read AND reply to his joke.....That is brilliant.

you are such a fu**ing liar (none / 0) (#6608)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:44:31 PM PST
they are all lies, quake is a 3d shooter, linux is a free operating system that is like windows but better. telnet is not for hackers. you disgust me

You dumbass people (none / 0) (#6610)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 06:25:23 PM PST
I swear to God you damn parents.
Flash is a animations program, Hell I was using it like 5 minutes ago.
I am a computer fan, I use them alot. But who gives a damn, obviously parents.
I think that some people have too much time on their hands and need to be shot in public for it.
If this isnt a joke then I feel very sorry for you dumbass parent because, YOUR FAMILY SUCKS ASS!!!!!!!!!

Bite me you fuckers

Lemme just say this....... (none / 0) (#6611)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 06:27:46 PM PST

d00d, With all due respect you're a fucking retard.

Not even the most computer illiterate would take this shit seriously. Come on! Bonzi BuddY?!


GOD YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON! (none / 0) (#6615)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 07:35:22 PM PST

jesus christ you are fucken stupid (none / 0) (#6616)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 07:40:23 PM PST
ya know what, you whoever fucken wrote are fucken stupid, i spend over 6 hours a day on my fucken computer making things such as Admin-Mod plugins which is a server tool for the game Half-Life, it involves manipulative types of hacking etc, because it uses scripting. second, DOSing someones computer? you dont have to just DOS someone to fuck em over, you can do it with FTP and you can upload viruses to internet sites through http and FTP then you can tell the person to go to that site and it will automatically transfer a fucken virus to your computer, i hope you fucken know you are really stupid. I play games and make maps for my games on my computer, i dont spend time hacking people. Hacking may seem cool to tons of people but you should be fucken looking at what your son does. He could hack sites to put News Manager addons on the site so people can use different parts of the addon to do some kickass news posts for many different things and shit. I dont care for hacking, the only hacking i do is site hacking to put addons on for my friends and other people who really need it. I dont do this all the time because im really not to good at it. I make Admin-Mod scripts for Half-Life and btw, Quake is a fucken game you silly dumbass! Quake is an online game you stupid shit, not some hackers breeding ground! Yes, i understand that tons of hackers play the game and thats cool with me cuz i aint done shit to them so i really dont see a reason why they would hack me. Yes, i know how to do a little bit of binary and primary source coding but other than that no, i dont care to much to do lots of shit like that. Your son is a genious to me if he knows how to get inside someone elses computer, cuz i really dont know how. My grammer may suck and i dont give a flyin fuck if it does, everyone that i showed this gave me at least 60 reason why you are a total fucking idiot. If anyone knows why im saying this and where im coming from on it than thank you! Im sure you all know what im trying to say by this. There are more ways to hacking than just using linux and changing isp's or changing your IP (Internet Protocol (address))address, you can use FTP and DOS as well as tons of things like winnuke to get by a windows firewall, this kid i know. He thought he was cool, he said he would hack this one server but he didnt want to "LOSE MY FRAGS! IM DOING GOOD!" he had a measly 7 frags(frag=kill), while i had about 26-1 and he had oooohh maybe 7-4, that kid sucked...if he really could hack he would've hacked the game server and shit.No, i dont game hack either, game hacking really doesnt take any skill to do so therefore i dont do it. Also, people i know make and program game hacks that many people use, but not me. I dont want to hack because i mean seriously how fun is it to know that you cant aim or kill someone so you have to use hacks? Thats all i have to say! So there is my fucken flame out on you. You are very fucken stupid, thats all i really have to say. Second, all those hackers out there that understand me wouldn't hack me, im actually defending them and telling you there are more fucken ways to hack than just linux and other stuff. Lunix? what the fucking hell is that? its Linux you dumb shit! Learn about programming before you open your fucken mouth and make these stupid stories about what "Peter" did. He was probly making addons for a site or something so you just accused him of hacking. Anyways all the hackers out there you should respect because it takes some real fucken guts and smarts to hack someone or something. Nothing out there is safe with the hackers out there no matter how much you want it to be! Hackers: good job, it takes skill to hack and i dont know how to, im just a 14 year old kid with a big fucken mouth but i do know how to do some stuff that is in partial related to manipulative and site hacking. It really doesnt matter, if you dont fuck with a hacker they wont fuck with you unless they are to pissed to think. Thus being ive never ever and probably will never ever fuck with a hacker. They are cool people if you get to know them but if you piss them off, you can say oh my fucking god im screwed in the ass! because basically they will fuck you up for being a dick to them. So be nice to hackers if you dont wanna get fucked up. I dont know how to hack so really you cant call me a hacker! i know tons of shit about computers though and thats ok! it really doesnt matter at all, i just know a lot about computers...whoop de fucken doo, not like im gonna go off and hack you. If you get hacked you're more than likely to deserve it. Hackers normally dont fuck with you if you dont fuck with them.

ass (none / 0) (#6619)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 08:07:56 PM PST
this guy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground......

AMerikancite sa Egati idiotite->Americans are.. (none / 0) (#6620)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 08:30:27 PM PST
Vie ste tolkvoa tapi 4e nqma nakde tova trqbva da go pokaja na vseki!
AMericans are so Stuper xaxaxaxa
hacker in yout house xaxaxax!

He is telling the truth!!! (none / 0) (#6622)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 08:53:14 PM PST
I know people who can verify that AMD processors are made by inexpensive child labor. AOL quite frankly is the only ISP we can be assured is prohibiting anyone from engaging in hacking excercises, and we can only be assured that AOL works effectively on Microsoft systems. Many of those books have been banned in my community for the very same reason, and I am looking into getting the rest banned. Quake servers are constantly under government survelience. Even still, these kids use a special language they call "elite" to communicate. It is a strange combination of numbers and letters. It is proven that no conventional computer program needs more than 32 megabytes of RAM. If your child "needs" more, it is obviously an attempt to gain extra RAM to run resource-intensive hacking programs. Quite frankly, if you notice anything suspicious, dress or attitude, you should limit computer time to 15 minutes or to only homework related activities. Another important tip is to run the computer constantly with the case open. This will not only allow you to monitor for any conspicous hardware changes, but you can place a small water mister on the inside as well. The mist will cool your processor, effectively slowing it down and inhibiting its ability to be used for processor-intensive hacking programs. If you see any file on your computer with the extension MP3, delete them immediately! Often embedded in these MP3s is a very unique virus. This virus emits an inaudible frequency that is damaging to the functioning of all magnetic media. This means any hard drive or floppy disks running during the playing of the MP3 could lose vital information including documents you have stored and security files crucial to the operations of the computer. It was one of the government's main reasons for intervening so rapidly to shut down Napster. This prominant MP3 sharing program spread the almost undetectable virus at a frightening pace. I hear Flash has a dangerous hidden ability. It can flash a bios chip. This ruins your computer completely beyond repair. Be very wary of optical mouses. Their precision is crucial to hacking. Without it, hackers will not be able to simulate the movements necessary for complex motion-based government passwords. Another crucial component in hacking these kinds of passwords is comet cursor which is capable of simulating recorded mouse macros. Bonzai Buddy can be hacked as a tool for voice verification, another necessary component in accessing goverment servers. ANY DRIVE CONTAINING LUNIX SHOULD BE DESTORYED BEYOND ALL REPAIR!!! Lunix was written with one intent, to damage Secret United States Government Servers. No one can deny that. The ramifications of its potential success are staggering. It is quite likely that nuclear devices could be easily detonated once these servers are hacked. Luckily no such attempt has been successful. Parents must take actions and see the obvious signs of hacking. Take action now, before you too find yourself the parent of a notorious hacker.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#6761)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 08:23:04 PM PST
*cough*stupid fecking idiot*cough*

is this for real?? (none / 0) (#6624)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 09:09:41 PM PST
Is this guy for real or just a complete moron who doesnt know the 1st thing about Software????

ITS ALL TRUE! AAAAHHHHHHH! (none / 0) (#6630)
by mjh01210 on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:31:59 PM PST
OK, here's the truth, a hacker used all of the tactics mentioned above to hack my computer, and my computer became sentient and started digesting information at a frightening pace. Once it had read everything on the internet, it grew arms and legs and started eating people live. Well, it turns out it was a virus sent by aliens from outer space, and, after eating everyone on the face of the earth, it signaled the aliens for pick-up. They came down and retrieved my computer, which had taken to calling itself Mega Comp, Lord of the Virtual Dance. Anyway, to make a long story short (too late) we have all been eaten by Mega Comp, Lord of the Virtual Dance, and were digitized and are now exist only as a virtual reality simulation taking place in Mega Comp, Lord of the Virtual Dances' pinky finger. I'm sorry I had to break it to you, but the story had to be told. Now, back to worshiping the new master of the universe (no, not He-Man) Mega Comp, Lord of the Virtual Dance!!

thank you for showing me the light (none / 0) (#6631)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:38:16 PM PST
i have decided to change my ways i was so blind, why did i ever use flash or install quake back in the late 80's. I once had a amd... those poor kids. AND DOS, that is all hackers use, and if you check your computer you might have the new virus, if dos starts when you computer turns on (ie. a black screen) then you have the dos virus. To get this off your computer search for System.ini and delete it this will remove the virus and restart
if this doesnt work, then the only protection against the evil hackers is place a high powered magnet against the computer and rub it all around.

for more information go <a href = ""> here</a>

yet another example... (none / 0) (#6632)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 11:15:54 PM PST
this is yet another example of an oversexed, undereducated person, making snap judgements and spewing accusations... and btw it is spelled LINUX.. and quake is a video game... not a hacker forum... maybe YOU should read a few of those books... and maybe you will end up learning a little something about computers, how they work, and what is considered "hacking"; your son was probably some kid that just downloaded a program and ran it to see what it did... he isnt a hacker... he is a script kiddie... next time i emplore you, learn about what it is you condemn before you write a page like this... because you made yourself look like all you do all day long is walk around wearing your ass as a hat.

that is mho, and if you dont like it ... dont read it.... pr0pz to k3v|n...

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 11:51:02 PM PST
WTF, This dumbshit is so ignorant or this is a damn good joke... I Read this and i was totally ROFLMAO

Bullcrap!! (none / 0) (#6635)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 12:50:46 AM PST
This has to be the biggest load of bull crap i have ever heard. Im sorry that you closed minded bastards cant accept that computers are the future and there is basically nothing you can do about that.Im sure if you have a semi decent job then you probably sit in front of a computer screen all day, so do you consider yourself a hacker? Didnt think so. Also...people who dress in bright colored clothing are either wannabe ravers(people who go to raves) or just likes to dress a little different. As far as quake goes..jeez krist!! its a Friggin game!!!!!! As far as i can say...this looks like a joke..and if its not..then I would kill my self if i was that guys kids. I also cant believe what you said about upgrading hardware...that is the biggest load of crap in the world...probably even more so than your "quake issue". Oh yes..mp3 programs dont get music from peoples radios..they download them. And if your kids are on the computer over 30 minutes a day..they are probably checkin out porn!! And dont deny them that or else they will turn out as the sorriest kids in the world.

The articles is based on lies (none / 0) (#6639)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:46:37 AM PST
The person who wrote this article is an opportunist and probably someone who believes that everything that does not fit in his / her narrow mind, is being done by "commies"

First of all: Quake is not an online meeting place for hackers. It's just a game

2nd: How the hell on earth can you fabricate chipsets by children?

3rd the artikel is a statement of nationalism.

4th Pentium suck big time

5th How the hell would you hack somebody with a Videocard

6th If your son tells you he does not need a fast videocard, cause the ages he spends behind the machine do not require high visuals: Be aware.

7th If everybody would use Linux we would not need fast processors and a lot of memory. Microsoft makes you boy all of this

8th go back to school

9th bonzi buddy is for people who write articles like these... not for hackers. A hacker would never install spy software, which is scanning all the shit you do in return of banners and spam

10th you suck

11th god sucks too


excellent humour (none / 0) (#6640)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 04:43:35 AM PST
Being a young I.T. Professional I found this article to be absolutely hillarious. It's clear to me that it was written as a joke as nobody could possibly be that stupid - I Hope.
Anyone who actually took this article on hacking seriously - you should all be locked in a portable toilet and set on fire immediately.

Oh thank you (none / 0) (#6643)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 06:50:12 AM PST
OMG, this is brilliant. Thank you so, so much. This has got to be the most successful wind up ever. I love and admire you.

Thank you.


YOU ARE AN IDIOT (none / 0) (#6644)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:32:18 AM PST
First of all, you have obviously not researched before you bashed. Lunix is Linux and Telnet is not a "hacker" program to say the least. You have got to be the most ignorant person that has ever posted an article in the history of human-kind. Get your facts straight. People like you should never be allowed to purchase a computer.

No offense, you know nothing about this subject.! (none / 0) (#6648)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 09:30:00 AM PST
You don't know if your son is a hacker, and none of the above signs proves, whether your son is a hacker or not.

Being a hacker is about attitude. Lots of kids are in an age, where they have a need to make a stand in their lives from the age of 12 to 17, and if their parent control them too much, by interfearing into their lives, they will feel a strong urge to turn against their parents. That is probably what you have encountered.

Changing ISP (Internet Service Provider) can easily be a good sign, as you son shows knowledge to Internet. He would know from his friends on the net, what he can expect from his ISP. Too many ISPs have poor services and connections. If your son asks for it, then I would suggest to ask him why.

Installing new programs is a part of upgrading your personal computer, so it will easier fit your needs. Word is very usefull when using it for homework and writing letters etc, but computers have a widerange of opportunities. If you son likes to use them, then rather ask him, what he learned from it and what he is using it for, than stop him from using it at all.

Quake is a game, meant for children, with lots of arms in it, like many other games. I have played Quake and having lots of fun. There is a remarkable difference in playing and actually shooting, and kids knows that difference. Kids must be able to play, even if it is about games with firearms. If you deny your kid to do it, you'll gain nothing but a sissy child being afraid of conflicts.

About faster hardware. Hackers don't need faster hardware. Faster hardware is needed, because computers age very fast, and the latest games take advantage of that hardware, making it more exciting to play. If you will stop your son from doing it, that is your choice. Hardware is like toys, let him buy it from his own moneysavings.

Well, the time your son uses on your computer, doesn't make him any hacker at all, but it could be a bad sign, that his social skills are weak. I suggest you give him more attention, listens to him more, and take him out to have fun and meet new friends. Kids that tend to stop playing with other kids, are often afraid of being rejected. Usually it comes from being rejected by parents, and parent reject their kids often, when they talk or do things, the parents are afraid of doing themselves.

If you kid seems hostile to your approaches, then he is probably angry at you, and to make him open up, you must let him tell you why he is angry and let it come out. If you continue rejecting his anger, you might face a major confrontation ..and if you don't allow that either, you might get a criminal child - not from playing with computers, but for neglecting him.

If you child becomes argumentative and surely in his behavior, those are signs, that you have neclegted your son, or his mother have. 99% of all cases. the child manifests his protests against his parent by being argumentative, if it goes on, you might see it in his general attitude as he is practicing confrontations. The final confrontation is against his parents, and if you don't let him confront you, by rejecting his "foolishness", then you will let your son down, whether you like it or not. The sooner he confronts his parents, the bigger are chances, that he will become a mature and responsible kid. If you find him living in his computerworld, it is often a sign, that he has very poor social skills, and that he developed a lot of fears. Fears are built up from anger, that has never came out. If your son got that much anger, I suggest you make him see a therapist.

Lunix. I'm afraid you are showing your lack of knowledge to computers here, its name is actually Linux and it is a freeware system, developed by a finish computer scientist, Linus Thorvaldson. Linux is not dangerous at all, at the most you may need to reinstall it, if you mess in it too much. It is quite opposite a very educational system with feature, that allows you to understand computers better - and that is often to be the most reasonable cause to your sons interest. The system is being used by companies such as IBM and Compaq in their proffesional systems. Many users regard Windows as a very limited system, even though it is very convenient abd userfriendly. Linux is not that convenient and userfriendly, but in return you can play and experiment on it like on no other system - like a toy with more buttons. If you want to remove you Linux installation, you don't need a new harddrive, but you can let your hardware vendor help you to format the existing one. Also Linux manuals provide help in how to remove it. If you need to know more about Linux, you may visit

About dressing. I don't know much about dressing, but I have learned that computerhackers are often very poor dressed. I work with computers on a proffesional basis, and the ones I have dealt with often seem like t-shirtwearing kids with absolutely no style at all. These kids doesn't worry about their clothing, because they live in front of their computers almost all the time. It is very common and mature to express personal style in your clothes, because it shows that you worry about appearance.

About your tenth suggestion, you are basically as wrong as you could ever be. if your kid shows poor or lacking ability to follow classes in school, it is usually because he worries too much about his personal problems, such as anger and sorrow due to being neglected by his parents. schizophrenia is not a common disease and is a very serious illness. The only disease that comes with watching a computerscreen, can be that your kid developes epilepsy from the blinks between the frames. To avoid that, keep a high framerate at all times, and make sure to let your eyes rest once in a while. Then I might add, that your TV-screen is probably 10 times as dangerous. Schizophrenia on the opposite is developed when mature kids are harmed so bad (from their parents) over a long period, that they develope a protective conciousness. The brain can't deal with that state of mind, and your emotional skills will suffer a great deal from it. There is no cure against schizophrenia.

There is neither any proved evidence, that electromagnetic radiation causes any harm at all. Everything radiates electromagnetism, and the sun is probably the greatest source of them all. Powerwires too radiate a great deal, more like 10.000 the amount of a computerscreen, and noone has yet been able to tell, if it causes any harm from having one going above your house.

Now, apart from everything else you put in this guide, I must say I am very dissapointed from the facts you encountered, because it shows that you know as little as nothing about the subject. But I do share the worries with you, because hacking is a threat to the world and a very serious crime as well. But I do want to encourage you into looking deeper into it, especially child abuse, as I seem to understand, that your understanding of your childrens needs are very poor and because abusive behaviour is to try and control the lives of your kids and at the same time demand the same responsibility from a child, that you demand from an adult. From that you develope all sorts of criminal behaviour, hacking included.

Thomas Williams

Educated Computer Engineer and Psychotherapist

Haxkers are an Evil Menace! (none / 0) (#6649)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 10:52:52 AM PST
ok lets /bin/clear some of this fud up!
fud is fear, uncertainty, doubt.
i read this and i wonder who actully wrote it? i seriously doubt it was a parent particuly because of the mispelling of Linux(Lunix).

Lunix is a general geek term for linux.

also Linus torvolds is not a soviet he used to live in stockholm and he built linux of a operating System called minix.

Xenix was originaly made by Microsoft but was then bought of them and developed further by SCO or Santa Cruz Operations. AFAIK it had nothing to do with the govt.

also hackers dont play quake. quake is a game and therefore played by gamers. Also hackers dont require faster vidcards or CPUs coz most of the they are scrolling through dozens and doezens of lines of code in plain text. No serious graphics needed.

I must congratulate the l33t h4xor who wrote this coz i didnt think so many ppl would take it so seriously.


you are an ignorant bastard (2.50 / 2) (#6650)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 11:21:00 AM PST
1. aol sucks! they oversell service, leading to connection shortages and lower bandwidth. any service provider is better than aol, even your local phone company.

2. programs like comet cursor are little cursor graphic programs available at netscape... flash is neccessary to view most active web content.

3. just because you bought a slow, cheap, piece of shit doesn't mean that your son wants to settle for it. i commend his interest and research into better hardware (how is a video card a hacking tool, you fool!).

4. with the exception of the o'reilly programming manual ,which i highly reccomend (your son will make more money than you do someday) the rest of the books are filled with content about the misalignment of programmers by people like you!

5. 30 minutes? just because you only use your computer for email (and probably have no friends to send you such) doesn't mean that your son doesn't have a number of online interests.

6. quake sucks... there are better games out there... but SO WHAT?!

7. surly, argumentative??? is your son a teen? are you an idiot?

8. linux, bsd, and other UNIX operating systems are not illegal, in fact they are the core of the internet. ibm, sun, hp, and many other industry leaders have their own unix distributions. just because you're too stupid to use anything that isn't "pointy-clicky" doesn't mean that your son has to subscribe to your own ignorance.

9. teenager?

10. teenager?

in short, you are an ignorant @#@$!! stupid @@$%@$# son of a #!$@%! who needs to climb back into his cave, and leave technology to your betters... such as your son.

p.s. if you showed interest in his activities, rather than being afraid of them, your son would probably be delighted to bring you up to speed.


first (none / 0) (#6651)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 11:41:21 AM PST
first, thx

*Laughs her @$$ off* (none / 0) (#6652)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 11:48:59 AM PST
Oh man is that ever funny. Quake, bonzai buddy and flash hacker programs. LOL And a new hard drive to get rid of linux HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's just sweet. Ah man, you gotta write more of this stuff. I need good laughs like this.

P.S. If you do believe this..... I feel saddened by the stupidity of the human race and wish luck to anyone who tries to rid the world of the idiocy that makes people think that a Hacker is a Cracker.


U suck! (none / 0) (#6654)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:10:04 PM PST
Dude,u are so fucking stupid !!!Stupid and crazy!
"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War"? Hahahahahhahahahaha.BSD=Berkeley Software Distribotion.That`s all I have to say.U suck big time!Go fuck urself !Kiss my ass and hope to die!

Absolutely hilarious! (none / 0) (#6659)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:52:16 PM PST
Absolutely hilarious, the funniest thing I've seen for weeks. What a way to cheer me up after doing computing exams.
Now, should I try hacking into here...

OHHH NO! I'M A HACKER! (none / 0) (#6660)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 03:24:19 PM PST
I meet all the critria you have mentioned does that mean I am a hacker too?!?! OHH NO!!! WAIT! I FORGOT, I am computer resereacher, computer reseller, and I work for an ISP. So does that rule me out as a "hacker" or do I have to call the cops on myself?

omg!!! (none / 0) (#6661)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 03:33:41 PM PST
omg , u ppl just need to loosen up...
4 ex i'm 13 , a girl and i spen 6-8h on the computer. but i don't hack , i make things.
i made a few websites and even got paid a few $ for them. i play quake yet i have the highest grades in my class...
u can ask my parents anytime.
i ask for better hardware so that i can play better games and do cooler sites.
the guy who wrote this article is paranoid.
and AMD is NOT an evil's just a simple hardware maker.

by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 04:38:02 PM PST
you are the dumbest man alive

Nice Joke (none / 0) (#6663)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 04:56:48 PM PST
Heh... Got a good laugh from that one - too bad it wasn't for real - i wish it was... it would be even more hilarious...

This IS a joke right? [nt] (none / 0) (#6664)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 05:54:18 PM PST

Hello? Are Some Stupid Shit Bag?!!! &#*($ ^)$( (none / 0) (#6665)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 06:13:19 PM PST
I am a hacker and i fit none of the terms above. I think this is a stupid joke, and you are a fucking shit bag. So Piss Off!

i am a hacker (none / 0) (#6666)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 06:19:10 PM PST
Hello, my name is Jeremy, and i live in a boring little town in Kansas. I have all of the "hacker programs", now let me tell you about each and everyone of them so that these "parents" who are now parionid about their computer smart child being a hacker. So lets start from the top "Comet Cursor" ( is better known as a program that kids (for lack of better words) use to put "cool" cursors on their websites. This program that runs through a script on a website has nothing to do with hacking, infact about 4 years ago (the program was in it's first beta) i had it on my website. It was a geocities that just has alot of cool pictures, but that is besides the point this program that it uses has nothing to do with hacking. Now were onto the program "Bonzi Buddy". This program is about as harmful as a little puppy in a cage, it can bark, and try to bite you, but the only thing that bites with this program is the nagging to get you to buy upgrades, but it can't help it; because it's made by microsoft. Parents have no warnign if you child has the Bonzi Buddy from ( don't worry, it won't do any harm but sing stupid songs and say stupid jokes, but what can you expect from a product based on microsoft technoligy? Now we go onto my favorite program, Macromedia Flash 5 (now in Beta 6 (hard to find))is used to make intresting or rather inovative website design, along with games. uses Director and Flash to crank out some tight games and movies. But besides those programs there are bigger threats out there in this world of ours, that are more likely to occur than hacking. There is softwear piracy, also known as Warez, but the main threat isn't on the internet, it's on a more closed circut (it's not hard to get to not at all) It's irc, internet Relay Client. This is a good way to get ftp sites, and i am not saying that this is a full proof way to get pirated software nor am i saying to use it. It is wrong, and it is illegal, and there are criminal punishments for it. As with hacking it is somethign major that some people just find intresting and get into it. I do not partake in these activites, but i do use demos, and reinstall them as nessary. But the thought of linux being a hacker OS is one that makes me etremly mad, linux is a highly stable OS that can be used for hacking but it has many different things that it can do besides hacking, so people don't be scorn linux beacuse a few people use it the wrong way.
I have been thinking about writing a major article about "Teen Hacking" and if anyone would like to encurage me, or give me coments to this post please e-mail me @
For other ways to contact me you may get on EFnet on irc #stlouis, or AIM mbenc3001

Peace, and trust MBENC

are you serious (none / 0) (#6668)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:22:34 PM PST
are you serious your just bull shitting right?
ok well your an idiot

Hackers look (none / 0) (#6669)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:32:47 PM PST
Ok, maybe you might be a parent, but an idiotic one at that... If you want to insure the safety of your kids look somewhere other than hacking matereal on your computer... First of all, your little thing on quake or anything is ignorant to automatic teachings... You do not fire an automatic weapon.. nor any weapon available to the public with a mouse! Oh and the hair and cloths thing... NO hacker... that I have ever seen wears bright cloths and hair that matches... They usually wear black and stuff... The people that wear bright cloths and wear passifires are going to RAVES YOU IDIOT not hacking! geez... they are probably takeing about 7 ecxtacy a night, which by the way eats holes in the brain. Oh and AMD is a cheaper and faster alternative to the overrated intel corporation. I dont know where you get your info but AMD chips are NOT made in sweat shops... your "Gap" cloths probably are though! Oh and "BONZI BUDDY" what the crap? Bonzi buddy is a program someone made to entertain and make money from idiots... HOW IS THAT HACKING? it says words you typed... but I have never made him hack anything! I made him talk a few times... but hacking could be hard... well this is enough for now.. because I can not think of anymore of your idiot writeing!

hahaha R J00 R3T@RD3D 0R @m3RiC@n (none / 0) (#6670)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 10:33:47 PM PST
god hahahaha, this is the dumbest site ive ever seen

what is this, the christian comiittee for promoting gayness, no offense to homoxesuals at elast they have more sense tha you, if you could be with any man whou would you be, of course, your beloved osama...

I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHTA THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? what's your point baout hackers what the hell is everyoen afraid off, are thye gonan brake into your system and loot all your precious documents?

im sorry but no real hacker would give a shit about a piece of crap system like most peoples.
STOP WORRYING U CATTLE FEEDS, AND J99 wtf is wrogn wiht you???????

what wtf haahhahahahaahahhahahahhahahahah
BTW: all those ppl who voted osama as being a supported by hakcers, your all R3t@rds get some fresh air


I found a way to hack with Bonzai Buddy! (none / 0) (#6671)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 11:17:24 PM PST
hehe, ok, its complicated and worthless, but i did it, i am a fucking genius!

ok, i hacked out an ftp account with a unicode string.

1. Put my speaker close to my monitor and fixed some speaker settings to kill the feedback.
2. Started up Dragon Naturally Speaking so it could do what Mr. Monkey says.
3. Had monkey say command to upload serv-u and its .ini through tftp and then initialized it.

Good for me, i'm a fucking genius.

I love it......... (none / 0) (#6672)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 11:51:55 PM PST
You have written up quite a lot of crap but I guess you achived with it what you wanted ATTENTION
Have you been neglected during your childhood????

This post was friggin' HILARIOUS!! ROFL (NT) (none / 0) (#6676)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 01:46:22 AM PST

This is the biggest load of crap i have ever read (none / 0) (#6678)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 03:49:22 AM PST
Im sorry i totally disagree with what is said and what is advised.. such as amd chips and faster vdo card.. many people prefer these items for superior gaming and performance.. gaming is a huge industry.. since when has a faster video card been associated with a hacker. Amd a hacker chip i think not. AOL is a isp only used by people who are new to the net or are idiots.. u are so locked in and cant do half of the stuff the net offrs, which i admit maybe hacking but FFS..

Biggest Load of garbage i have ever read.

Please it's just a joke (none / 0) (#6679)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 04:00:21 AM PST
Help nobody could think think like that it's too crazy

Congratulations!! =D (none / 0) (#6680)
by Dil8edPupilz on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 07:29:40 AM PST
Hey, was that just a joke? nah come on seriously, was it a joke? Sure sounded like one to me, what does everyone else think? It appears that this has caused a huge reaction, where it has been taken seriously, but it might have all been a wind up, if so, congratulations, you managed to stir a lot of feeling when it comes to the way you have written it.

However, if I am wrong and it is not a joke, then I suggest to you that you seek professional help involving the way that you are dealing with life. Professional help accompanied by a more relaxed nature maybe, showing your children that humans do different things, and that anything can be acceptable, depending on the way you look at it

You can't be serious!? (none / 0) (#6681)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 08:41:53 AM PST
I have never had such a good laugh at any time in my lousy life untill I read this!
It is clear that you have NO idea about the subject you are talking about! Just to make some examples:
Flash: Is a LEGAL program to show animated stuff.
Comet Cursor: Is just a program for changeing the look of the cursor.
Quake: Is a LEGAL game. Can be bought in almost ANY computer store! Has nothing to do with hacking. And it is impossible to train in REAL LIFE WEAPONS USE with a game! (You have to feel the recoil and weight and so on from a REAL gun)

I have no more need to write about the rest, but you should do some RESEARCH before you post stupid stuff like this!

Feel free to complain to me at: zaphod@soldiermail


This whole document is a hoax (none / 0) (#6685)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 09:10:28 AM PST
1. Flash is a multimedia application for the internect for viewing videos,audio and such.
2. Linux is an open source operating system used universities and in part is being developed by Berkley. Can't you even spell Linux correctly?
3. AMD is a rival for Intel, they make some pretty decent chips which cost less than Intel and work much better.
4. Quake is a computer game based off of the Doom computer game.
5. Comet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy both send information about you back to their servers so they can coolect information for web ads.

I am a college student that works in a lab, and I cant believe some of the stupids things like this article are being believed by the public. Many of you need to go back to school and learn something about computers. I use Linux at home because it runs better and is more secure, i am not tied to Microsoft and its money sucking entity.

YOU ARE A DISGUSTING FATHER (none / 0) (#6689)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 11:31:11 AM PST
cant say other things... i cant read it all you are so fucked in your head

HAHAHA ALL YOU ARE DUMB (none / 0) (#6695)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 02:15:07 PM PST
HAHA i am reading this website, and lets see... all 10 of the ways to see if your son or doughter is a hacker, ARE DUMB, lets alll look at #9 thoses people they speak of in there are RAVERS, they carry glow sticks and pacifiers because tehy do E (extsy), i am only 17, i know alot about computer, i am NOT a hacker, i just love computers, the reason why kids want to change from AOL to somehting else, IS B/C AOL SUCKS!!! i would just like for ever one to knwo that this site is crap, if i wanted to i could be a hacker, but that is outdated and overrated, i want to knwo what fool made this web site soo i can LAUGH IN HIS/HER FACE, because they are dumb

You fucking cave man (none / 0) (#6696)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 03:02:16 PM PST
Ladies and Gentlemen......

I am not a violent person, but when I read this absolute piece of crap I found myself seething. Firstly I would like to say that I hope you win this years Darwin award. In case your head is still totally up your ass, the Darwin award is awarded to fuck ups, such as yourself, who do stupid things.

Secondly....If you have now lost all your money because of your son going to jail or something and you had to pay legal costs.....I am sure that Jerry Springer would love to interview you sorry ass.....

Thirdly......You say you are the model american are the one that is pushing your kid to drugs and violent crimes...ask any shrink and they will tell you that most drug abuse and/or crimes commited by a minor from a family environment is done so 'cos of home fucking wake up and smell the coffee. With people like you living in the USA I am so fucking surprised that you guys actually got out of the fucking stone age......

Fourthly....I am a computer programmer by trade. I design websites and write applications for my employer. I use Kylix on LINIX as well as LUNIX. I use flash for my webs among other things. So you are saying I am a hacker. My job also entails that I spend 8-12 hours in front of my pc......get your fucking facts straight you inbred fucking excude for a human.

Fifthly....My whole family plays you had betta watch out because we know how to use fire-arms....and since we are hackers...we can break into your house....and kill you the Quake way......In your bed and then stuff your freakin' head into your stereo so you can see the .mp3 hacks at work.

That is all.

OMG IDIOTS!! (none / 0) (#6697)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 03:40:27 PM PST
that makes me a god damn hacker too haha... lol mann whoever believes this shiet is a idiot!

THE REAL DEAL (none / 0) (#6698)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 04:04:35 PM PST
ok first flash is not hacker software it just allows you you to see flash stuff on the internet
netstat is not hacker software allthough it can be used for it it is not downloaded of the net it comes with windows also its linux you moron not lunix and it was not an illigal hacker operating system next the ethics of hacking (yay)
a hacker is someone that is interested in computers and their workings and is not interested in destroying data for no reason
next the mental stuff hackers are not anti-social and they dont become dumb and wont repond actually they are inclined to be the smart guys that praise their brain power and hackers will not change their clothing or appearence that is actually caused by being a teenager you should praise the hacker this sums it all up Hackers are smart nerds looking for knowledge and you are condemming him for using software unfamilliar to you because you fear the unknown

You are one crazy asshole. (none / 0) (#6700)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 05:15:36 PM PST
just because people use those programs you mentioned doesnt mean theyre hackers. i have every single program you mentioned installed on my computer. so what?! and NO hackers dress in bright colors and shit like you said. thats ravers or punks, not hackers. all the hackers i know just dress normal, no died hair or anything. you should know what the hell you are talking about before you go posting things like this on the internet!

joke, right? (none / 0) (#6701)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 06:48:40 PM PST
This is gotta be a joke. I mean, anyone who has even bothered to follow the links that they themselves have posted on their site would realize the ignorance displayed on this page. I'm going to send out a link to all my geek buddies for your site- thanks for enlightening me!

The Dumb ass Hole about Computer Hackers! (none / 0) (#6702)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 06:55:01 PM PST
U are a dumb shit and u should be shot with a gun from Quake 3 Arena

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#6703)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 07:10:25 PM PST
you people are very stupid, first of all now and days no computer is without all these programs.
and quake is a website for games not hacking.
i have no idea how you have gotten all these peranoid thoughts. And anyway i have been to my sons school and i have asked the computer tech suport and they say that alot of kids are getting there ISP's changed because otherwise they will be picked on and they will be called lowtech.
2. My son installs alot of games and programs onto the computer but he knows that if i find out that he is a hacker then he will not let him use the computer untill he is 18 and because of this he has not hacked because he is so needy of computers in the year 2002.
3. just because yor son or daughter is asking for new hardware does not mean that they are hacking. i mean you do need a quite good video card like geforce 2 or geforce 3, to play most of the games in todays world, like Grand Theft Auto 2, needs voodo 2 or 3 to be able to run, and Quake 3 needs Geforce 3 to work on the lowest graphic detail. and any child would want alot of space a minimum of 20 GB (GigaBite) to play games and run a fast computer. most games now and days takes up between 600MB to 2GB. so i know that they need alot of space on the computer.
4. Now Hacker would be dumb enough to be reading a published hacking manual because that would just be plain stupid, instead they would have some inside the computer, the published one would just be for wanabe hackers that cant realy do anything.
5. in this technologic age lots of people use the computer for more than 2 hours a day.
6. behavior problems can involve school problems or a stage in life, i will have more later.

P.S. not eaven 10% of the hacking comunity does drugs its only the posers and in the movies that they do. so just because you think your son is a hacker does not mean he is sitting in his room sniffing cocain and smoking weed.

i hope this article was a joke. (none / 0) (#6704)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 08:43:24 PM PST
you cant be serious...

Well then.... (none / 0) (#6706)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 09:34:52 PM PST
Ok Mr Gibbons, please calm down and take a deep breath. Now remove your head from your ass and take you lips off the crack pipe. Now that wasn't so hard, was it??

OMG...........this is pathetic (none / 0) (#6707)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 10:33:20 PM PST
for starters what do video cards have to do with hacking? is dos and comes with windows, the only thing u commonly use it for that has to do with the internet is pinging and tracing which is completely legel...linux does not mess up your computer! Flash is a plug-in for your is to play games, not hack......bonzai buddy is a stupid purple ape........not a hacking tool.....commet cursors is a program that allows you to download different cursors. whoever sent their children to jail is an idiot.......i have bever read an article this stupid in my life

Dear god, are you retarded? (none / 0) (#6708)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 10:50:01 PM PST
How can you be so stupid? Everything you have said is completely moronic and just plain retarded. Did you get a lot of information on hackers, then get high, then drink a couple shots of tequila, then write this article? If so then you are forgiven for your idiotic ways. Otherwise you should be banned from all electronic devices for the benefit of mankind.

by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 01:53:37 AM PST
"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling and incoherent response, were you close to ANYTHING that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone here is now dumber for having listened to it.
"I award you no points...and may God have mercy on your soul." -Billy Madison

BTW-HaX0rs don't play Quake. They play CS. :P

DeLTa<^>SIx clan ownz joo!

Mr Gibbons sucks big floppy donkey dicks (none / 0) (#6711)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 02:18:44 AM PST

j00 n00bs suck ma Ballz.

Ha ha! DeLTa<^>SIx OWNZ j00 Bi0tcH!


Please let this be a joke.... (none / 0) (#6712)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 03:16:54 AM PST
That entire article seemed to be full of utter crap, ignorant points, untrue points and all round shitness.

Next time you decide to post an article about ha><orz, get your points straight. Get smarter. Get 13373R!

This is a Joke... RIGHT? (none / 0) (#6713)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 03:51:09 AM PST
I hope this article was a Joke, if so, It was great, I havn't seen something like that for a while, but on re-reading the article I began to wonder if you were serious.

If so, I feel sorry for your son, to have such a moron for a father, he got into trouble for no reason. Switching from AOL, how about considerations like "Speed" or "Cheaper Pricing". The programs you listed as being "Hacker programs" were another cause for laughter, you listed "Flash"? Flask is a program needed to view some webpages. Hardware and AMD. How do you use child labour to create a computer processor that can be destroyed by the presence of dust in it's manufacturing process? Are you such a total F*ck Wit? AMD makes Superior processors to Intel for a fraction of the price. Quake, you mean one of the best selling computer games of all time? It's Just a bloudy Game. And Linux, many AMERICAN organisations prefer Linux to other operating systems because it's Free, and More powerful than most Microsoft alternatives. The List of BullSh!t in the article goes on. I just hope some poor bastard doesn't beleive your article, because apart from spawning a whole army of total
D!ckheads, I feel sorry for their Kids.

WTF ARE U ON ABOUT? (none / 0) (#6715)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 11:41:50 AM PST
1) If you ARE that restrictive with ur kids it wouldnt suprise me if they became hackers
2) Have you researched ANY of your comments at ALL?
3) It's not Lunix, it's Linux
4) AMD Processors are made in Silicon Valley, Calafornia
6) How the hell did u get the idea all hackers dress like that?!?!
7) If anything, hacking would help concentration and your kid in Information Systems, Electronics etc...if they did hack in the 1st place which
they clearly dont
8) Oh My God. You complete gimp. Flash allows you to look at certain websites, not hack them..Bonzi Buddy (*laughs ass off*) is a Download Manager which allows downloads to be continued if you are disconnected and i dont even know what the other thing is...
9) Before you write a ridiculous article like this...get your facts straight...for the love of the merciful lord..

all of this is untrue (none / 0) (#6718)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 03:18:03 PM PST
What is wrong with this person. 45 minutes of computer time a day isn't even enough to finish homework, let alone use it for fun. These signs don't mean that your child is a hacker, it could just be peer pressure or maybe they like talking to people online. If you take this article seriously, you are a very sad and pathetic person.

A joke??? (none / 0) (#6720)
by varion on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 04:06:40 PM PST
This was the most dumb and wrong thing i have ever read in my life...i use an amd and i bougt that in a store...and i also use linux (which was made by a man from Finland named Linus Torvalds) and that has not removed windows...i laugh when i read such stuff...i hope the one that has wrote this learn about the stuff he is complaining about...shame on you///angry "hacker" (i obviously are one...i�me using "lunix" and amd and QUAKE which is a game )

A joke??? (none / 0) (#6721)
by varion on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 04:07:45 PM PST
This was the most dumb and wrong thing i have ever read in my life...i use an amd and i bougt that in a store...and i also use linux (which was made by a man from Finland named Linus Torvalds) and that has not removed windows...i laugh when i read such stuff...i hope the one that has wrote this learn about the stuff he is complaining about...shame on you///angry "hacker" (i obviously are one...i�me using "lunix" and amd and QUAKE which is a game )

q3 hackers (none / 0) (#6722)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 05:15:23 PM PST

how dumb do people get? (none / 0) (#6723)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 05:50:22 PM PST
I've used linux. It didn't destroy anything.
that doen't make me a hacker
i have asked for better hardware
that does not make me a hacker
i have asked for a better ISP
that does not make me a hacker
i have an AMD Thunderbird 1000 (that is, by the way, way faster than ANY pentium3)
that does not make me a hacker
i spend HOURS online every day
that does not make me a hacker
but i still am one
i have never installed onzi buddy or comet cursor
flash has nothing to do with hacking (neither do the others mentioned before)
i don't wear dayglo colors
i haven't made any giant style changes
i don't read hacker books (xcept online :p )
it has NRVER taken me 8 hours to get in
(oh yea, a dos box is not the type of prompt you get on target PCs, they all run UNIX now :p )
video cards, sound cards, ram and hard drives; they have nothing to do with hacking
the typical teenage computer user fits into what is described as a hacker on here
wake up people this is now the digal world
soon enough you will WEAR your computer with you!

i want whoever wrote this to know something:
you are a moron for stereotyping hackers, and none of the hackers i know fot that either :p

i want anyone reading this article to know:
hackers are not to be feared

thanks for readin'
c y'all later

The Heretic[-AHA-]
Alltime Hacking Assembly

wish to contact me? reply to this post with an email address request

its "linux" you fecking idiot. (none / 0) (#6726)
by thechild on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 08:08:11 PM PST
get it right.

ummm actually.... (none / 0) (#6744)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 08:42:42 AM PST
"Lunix" is correct up to a point - follow the link and you'll see there really is a "Lunix" out there.

I say "up to a point" because I think our horribly misguided author meant to say Linux in the first place. :-)

Overly protective parent, misinformed (none / 0) (#6728)
by alberoo on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 09:15:11 PM PST
First of all, stop being so protective--you are the reason your son wants to get away and spend time alone; because he doesn't like how controlling you are. Any self-respecting parent has enough confidence in their children to realize that accompanying them to social events is just going to hinder their own social status, leading to no friends and countless hours of being made fun of (no kid wants their parents with them at parties).

1.)Ok, let me tell you, a lot of hacking can be done on AOL. However, with the relatively recent introduction of cable modems and faster ISP's, it is a temptation to give in to the no-dial up and faster connections.
2.)I used comet cursor for a school presentation a while ago--i made a webpage and i wanted to make it look good. The teacher commented how he liked how the cursor wasn't the same, boring little white arrow.
3.)Old computers are getting obsolete. You should be happy that he just wants new hardware rather than a new system entirely.
4.)Books are interesting. Be happy that he is reading material that he enjoys--the books you listed don't give step-by-step ways to hack.
5.)Once again, your son goes to the computer to get away from you and your controlling nature. My parents are relatively strict, but give me my space--I sometimes use the computer for more than two hours a day to talk to friends, write to people, give bad parents useful advice, etc.
6.)Quake is a game! Your son is doing nothing more than playing a game! He can talk to other players, but he is mostly playing the game!
10.)Maybe your son is doing poorly due to high expectations. What do you consider bad marks? Encourage him to study more and try to do well--don't accuse him of hacking!

HI I AM GAY (none / 0) (#6729)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 09:34:03 PM PST
I AM GAY and i haxor ppls behinds like this "unf unf unf unf" yea and then i eat. I Think im a hacker too
TAKE ME TO JAIL I DONT WAN TO LIVE THIS WAY, i am a MONSTER!!! OMFG MY moms here later dudes.

Hmmm (none / 0) (#6730)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 10:00:30 PM PST
can you say slightly [understatment] PARANOID!!??

Oh why God, why? (none / 0) (#6731)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 10:29:35 PM PST
Why are there more dumb idiots everyday? you can get away with damn near anything these days. Like if you're driving drunk into the ocean, you can sue the bar for getting you plastered, the car company for not making cars into boats, and Red Lobster if any fish make funny faces at you. Then we have this guy who is so "smart", he can't tell the difference between a sneeze and a wet fart. If I play Return to Castle Wolfenstein, will this guy think I'm a Nazi? Most definitely will, I'm sure of it. And then there's that l33t speak, God only knows what they're talking about with it. They might be conspiring to kill the President of the U.S. This family man sure has some good reasons not to like broadband, cable modems and DSL lines are the devil's tools. Who knows how this came about, soon people will think we evolved from monkeys and that the EARTH revolves around the SUN.

We must declare a war on the dumb and ignorant, if we can declare a war on drugs, we can declare a war on this. If some dope stops on the fast lane of the freeway to dial his/her cell phone, slap some sense into them, or if they fall into a telemarketer/infomercial deal, it'll be a better value for them if you just take their money from their hands. And then there are groups like the KKK, they are just asking for it. Natural Selection isn't going to do any good, so we might as well turn them from the dark side.

AUTHOR PLEASE READ!!! (none / 0) (#6733)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 12:11:07 AM PST
Hello i would like to ask you if this is a joke plz e-mail

Thank You

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#6734)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 02:49:10 AM PST
My god...first of all, is this a joke? really.. this guys says he does his research, he's probably gettin it from ppl hackin his comp and sendin him this bogus information!! omfg! For god's sake! he thinks that AMD is like nike!! Yeah, last time i checked, the 5 year old boy put my 1.8micron processor together with skill and incredible craftmanship... oh yeah, and quake is a GAME! not unlike super mario brothers! i just cannot believe how retarded this article is! it must be a joke. it's pretty funny tho anyways :) CYA'LL IN QUAKE 3!!!

To Author! It`s a very bad joke. (none / 0) (#6737)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 05:35:52 AM PST
My English isn`t very good, so excuse me for the mistakes.
About Linux, as admin of my own server i think what Linux it`s a better choice to DEFEND your server from hackers (if it is well configured no hackers can`t hack your server) and Linux it`s a better OS what i ever seen because it`s well secured and more stable then other OS (maybe OpenBSD has better security) and if you know how, you even can run programs from other OS on your system like M$ Windows programs (i was run NetVampire ( under Linux and it was work better than under Windows) so Linux maybe a better system in the world and if hackers use Linux it doesn`t meant that this OS developed for hackers.
About AMD - it`s a very good processors and maybe they are better then Intel processors (AMD faster but Intel more reliable).
What about Quake... It simple stupid - Quake is a very popular GAME and only game.
and last about working with computer - Keep It Simple Stupid!!!

Excellent Article! (none / 0) (#6738)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 05:46:30 AM PST
After reading all those comments (and I read all of them!) I can only say one thing: I am shocked.

Mr. Gibbons, who to me seems to be just a perfect and caring father, does not deserve all those nasty comments. Maybe there are some minor mistakes and inconsistencies in his article but he is meaning well and most of what he writes is almost always absolutely about 100% correct. The fact that almost all comments here try to point out these "mistakes" just shows me that the people who write them are just hackers themselves who were not so lucky to have such a considerate and caring father. Why else would you know so much about all these highly technical and complicated things (processors, video cards, etc.)? You must be hackers and you don't want parents to interfere with your evil business! And I am sure many of you are Canadian!

I am glad that there are sites such as who combat the mainstream thinking and give a voice to the supressed minority of those honest people who speak out against this conspiracy of evil hackers against our society and our values and our trusted ISPs and chip manufacturers!

hey numbnuts (none / 0) (#6760)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 08:07:55 PM PST
Ugh, not you too! Just because all of that may seem complicated to you doesn't mean it's a hacker's "tools". Moron!

Rats! (none / 0) (#6740)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 06:19:12 AM PST
oh deary me.......I use all of the programs mentioned in you post, and my home network runs SuSe, Redhat linux and windows( you know, the one with I a hacker?
forgive me bill gates, for I have sinned......rats!

LOL (none / 0) (#6741)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 06:32:13 AM PST

Heads up, everyone (none / 0) (#6742)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 07:27:00 AM PST
Has anyone read the mission statement for this site? I suggest you should. I'm still not sure if this is a joke or not, but if it isn't, this has to be the most discriminatory site on the net. Go check out some of the other articles.

As for the writer, let me just say your lost. It looks to me that you fell for some propaganda, just as you claim anyone who knows they're way around a computer has done. It would take me forever to list the problems with your post, so let me list the biggest

!) you can not build proccessor chips in a third world sweat shop, no matter how much you try. ALL computer processors need to be manufactured in a clean room with a helluva lot of monitoring tools.

2) Quake is a GAME. no more no less. I'm sure you played cops and robbers or something like that when you were a kid, did that make you some gun crazed psycho (I dunno, maybe...) The media isn't an influence on anyone who can think rationally to begin with, and it sure as hell doesn't make anyone a computer hacker.

3) I dunno what you THINK a computer hacker looks like, but you just gave a good description of a Raver. They're completely diffrent, and I'm not going to explain what a raver is, but being a raver has nothing to do with hacking into another computer.

there's three things that cought my eye. I doubt it matters to post here, I doubt you'll read it, I hope a bit of information can save someone reading this from making irration decisions, though I doubt it.

~Kit Silverfox

Are YOU ON DRUGS, Then give me some! (none / 0) (#6743)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 08:35:43 AM PST
I have been a DBA for over 5 years and involved with computers since the late 80's. I pride myself on knowledge and experience in this field. In all the years I've been combating hackers, I have never heard (or read) such utter crap. A friend sent me this link and it was all I could do from falling out of my chair from laughing so hard. As a DBA of a sensitive database (we keep payroll records, a favorite for hackers to mess with) I must admit, hacking is a serious problem, but with the right knowledge, it can be avoided.
My word of advice for the author of this article:
A wise man once said, "it is better to look like a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
P.S. I would love to see your footnotes because I believe they don't exist.

Many of the comments in this article are incorrect (none / 0) (#6745)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 12:00:56 PM PST
First off there is a difference between a hacker and a cracker. A hacker can be anybody. Yes hackers know programming languages. Yes hackers can be obsessed with having the latest and greatest hardware. HOWEVER a true hacker would never use their knowledge to damage another computer. A CRACKER however is somebody who uses their knowledge to break into computers and damage files. The programs in section 2 are not neccesicarily "hacker" programs. FLASH is used for games and to display cartoon type video. Comet Cursor can be used to find better prices on products. As to section 3 yes you can find information that can help you break into computers BUT if you want to learn how to stop break-ins these are also excellent books. AMD processors are not INFERIOR KNOCKOFFS of american made processors and CAN be bought in stores. Many computer manufacturers offer computers with AMD processors. As to being manufactured by children in sweatshops computer parts require steril environments in which to be made and would not work if made in this type of environment. In section 5 more then 30 minutes?? It takes me an hour sometimes to go thru my email because I sign up for a lot of mailing lists. QUAKE is not a "hacker" virtual reality. It is a game. Many FPS (first person shooter) games are, while graphic, good for developing problem solving skills. And in most cases there are options to disable some of the graphic content. ALL teenagers are argumentative and surly at some point or another. This is a part of growing up. As for #8 it is called LINUX and it is was developed by a graduate student as a doctorate project. In many ways it is superior to Windows. As for number 9? Again this is part of growing up and I know many people that dress like this that barely can turn on a computer. Point 10 is off the wall. Low grades can be caused by many things. The kid could have a learning disorder, could be ADD, could just be not trying because the classes are uninteresting. Computer use CANNOT cause Meningitis. This is caused by a virus or bacteria not computer use. I don't know who wrote this article but as a computer user who could be considered a hacker because I am very good with computers (HOWEVER I DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HARM COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND AM AGAINST PERSONS DOING SO) I am offended by this article. As a student studying to become a computer tech I use various computer programs, programming languages, and operating systems to do my work. The person who wrote this article does not know what he or she is talking about and needs to learn to get information from REPUTIBLE places before making accusations. By the way the author says that they have a Compaq PC. Compaq offers AMD processors in almost all of their computers.

well duh (none / 0) (#6747)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 01:15:17 PM PST
You are an idiot, more then this guy. The article is a JOKE and nothing more this entire site is a PARODY.

This must be a joke? (none / 0) (#6749)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 01:47:52 PM PST
If anyone reads this drivel and believes it, please seek the advice of someone who actually knows something about computers!

This article is either a test to see how gullible people are, or the author is completely out to lunch.

If your child asks you to switch to a "real" ISP from AOL, you have a bright child, not a deviant.

I can think of several reasons your child would ask you to switch from AOL. To assume they are asking because they want to hack, is like assuming they ask you to buy a hybrid gas/electric car because it is easier to park.

lol! (none / 0) (#6750)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 05:18:25 PM PST
this has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard.!!!!

Only in America (none / 0) (#6751)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 05:20:30 PM PST
HAHAHAH u must be the dumbest person in the world, my god I laught my ass off!
MUwahhahah ONLY IN AMERICA, U are really stupid over there

Please (none / 0) (#6752)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 05:21:28 PM PST
Please let this be a joke. I realize some kids are hackers but please most of the things you continue referring to is actually piracy. Hackers and software pirates are different species. Please ensure you clarify. :D

for the author of the article (none / 0) (#6753)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 06:21:26 PM PST
How dare you insalt such wonderful programs which make the computer world easier. I am surprised that no one has reported this column to AMD processor chip company. Now I shall skip to the point,now like one of the previous readers/respondent said that the only hacker software is FlashFXP. That really insant even a hacker program. That is a file sharing program used among peers who have the person(s) IP Address. You clam that asking for a video card is an associatated with hacking. For all that you know is that your child may needs this to view a video for class, or just to make his educational perpose enhanced, but that is all that i have to say on this subject. But that you for your insite on hacking and hackers. Morons like you piss me off. Next time you try to insalt a compaany or person. Do a little reading up before you assume things that aren't true.

Everyone listen to Haste.. (none / 0) (#6754)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 06:48:29 PM PST

WHAT?! (none / 0) (#6757)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 07:45:34 PM PST
I have never read such bulls**t in my life! I almost died laughing! None of those behaviors above are the behaviors of a hacker! Not to mention those programs are fecking harmless! Oh man, I feel REALLY sorry for the child of those PATHETIC excuses for parents! I really have no good words to say that will express the overall STUPIDITY of that guy who posted the original message...... suffice it to say that there are stupid people in the world, and people, WE HAVE JUST SEEN ONE IN ACTION! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good point! (none / 0) (#6769)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 01:16:49 AM PST
suffice it to say that there are stupid people in the world, and people, WE HAVE JUST SEEN ONE IN ACTION!

Very well said! I fully agree!

a�+b�=c� (none / 0) (#6758)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 07:50:13 PM PST
your soul is mine

Mormons? (none / 0) (#6762)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 08:29:20 PM PST
Are you a mormon? This seems to be something that would come from those ignorant butt fuckers! :D

yeah (none / 0) (#6763)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 08:41:22 PM PST
Heh, good one.

Quake is not the enemy. (none / 0) (#6764)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 09:35:51 PM PST
Quake is not "training"
Quake does not use anything close to a real weapon.
Quake has nothing to do with "hacking"
In fact... Quake has "anti-hacker"
tools embedded to stop cheating in the game.
Quake is not something the school needs to know that your child plays... All the other children there play it too... And in MY hs, we had it installed on roughly 75% of the computers they owned.
There's an easier way to keep your kids from using your guns than trigger locks. It's called don't buy a gun.
If you think that Quake is training for real-life gun use... Find me a lightning gun, or a plasmagun... I have yet to see one at K-Mart... A BFG? Rocket Launcher? None of these are real-world weapons. Why must u attempt to put fear into the minds of the people who don't know better?
... The operating system u are talking about is not Lunix, but Linux... And if it's illegal, why is it sold at Babbage's, Software, etc. and Super Wal-Mart?
I thought my step-father was the biggest idiot... Well... U definitely escape the realm of thought that my mind can comprehend.

my email address is:
if u have any problems, email me.

And to all the other Quake-lovers... ra3 ownz j00... Mah name is [HCI]Aut0tek, come to #hci on,
and tell this d00d to stfukthx. 0wned.

LOL (none / 0) (#6765)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 10:23:06 PM PST
Heheheheh . . . AMD is evil to American chips!! LOL ;^D

read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#6767)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 12:19:45 AM PST
this is the most informative information i have ever read on the internet.i will definately take these words of wisdom into consideration with the upbringing of my children especially my son little jimmy.

i have found almost all examples of this "hacking"
behavior in my son,and i am greatly concerned for his well being.i did not raise my children to be law breaking criminals. i want the best for my kids and am thinking of buying a safer computer that will not allow such satanic devil worshoping blood drinking behavior.
i am also thinking about buying new underpants cause i just soiled myself.

errr (none / 0) (#6800)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 01:20:34 PM PST
I hope that was a joke..........

Read overprotective parent (none / 0) (#6768)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 12:29:32 AM PST
You have no idea what the hell you are talking about as in being a hacker like most parents you have over reacted to your childs legitmate interest in computers i am a hacker or was really (now a college student whose computer passion has a good job lined up for me :) )and those warning signs are also bs trust me the progs you mentioned are legit art programs in most cases and quake is a fun video game that my friends and
I often play without any intrest in hacking

C'est bon ! (none / 0) (#6773)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:50:54 AM PST
Mon dieu quel bonheur !
Quel magnifique texte !
Je reste sans voix devant un tel g�nie !

Le 2nd degr� � son z�nith !


C'est bon.... (none / 0) (#6775)
by ohill on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:10:11 AM PST
Mon Dieu, c'est magnifique !
G�nial, Grandiose !
Que de 2nd degr� et de gens bern�s !

Bravo !

Is your son a hacker (reply) (none / 0) (#6776)
by Raggnnar on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:10:25 AM PST
Ok, Here I go.... *cracks fingers*

First, you say your wifes name is Carol eh? And your children Peter and Cindy hmm? I guessing your name is Mike. It may all be true, seems a bit too familiar to me.. (Brady Bunch)

So Mike, Do you realise that the link ( in your sixth paragraph leads to a spanking fetish website? Perhaps someone should monitor YOUR internet activities.

Second, I have a huge list of problems with your article, I think i'll just list them here:

Has your son asked you to change ISPs? ---
While this COULD be hacker related it normally is not, everyone knows AOL is a horrible internet provider anyway, perhaps the child just wants a faster connection and provider?

Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing? ---
This could range from anything from a simple game to a learning tool. Not nesicarrily hacker related.

Has your child asked for new hardware? ---
Maybe the child has realised that the computer is old and outdated and wants no hardware to make his/her computing experience more enjoyable.
Not nesicarrily hacker related.

AMD is a third-world based company ---
wrong again Mike, A close family friend of mine lives right down the street from a AMD processing company... I guess California became a third world country overnight...

Your So called 'hacking manuals' (looked up on

Snow Crash ---

Cryptonomicon ---

Neuromancer ---userid=2AAA44VL8O&mscssid=CLVWF4TCQRLQ8MD1TNXBUNTNNKMGELLF&isbn=0441569595

And this is only three of the ones you listed... Where do you get your sources?

How much time does your child spend using the computer each day ---
Just because your child spends alot of time on the computer/internet does not mean he/she is hacking.. perhaps they're having fun or are very interested in what the are doing.

Does your son use Quake ---
Quake is a Game - pure and simple. Designed to be fun and to be a place to meet new people. Again, Not nesicarrily hacker related. On another note, you had better hope that the makers of quake never see this article, otherwise, they can Sue you for public defacment of their product. (saying its a hacker training groud and meeting place)

Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour ---
A phase most children go through, likey nothing more.

Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"? ---
I suppose if Linux was the OS used by everyone Windows would be a hacker system.

Has your son radically changed his appearance ---
Being the enlightened, modern parent that you are you should know that is is nothing more than a phase. As for Glowsticks, Dyed Hair to unsual colors and pacifiers -- Mostly Ravers use these, but anyone ranging from a punk rocker to a Raver may have them.

Is your son struggling academically ---
Maybe your child is having problems at school, or maybe, just maybe if you concerned yourself more with finding out if the child is having problems or needs help with his/her studies instead of trying to accuse them of being hackers they might not be struggling at all...

By the way, "Otaku" isn't and elite hacking group, It is japanese Anime.

Well, thats my two cents.. by the way Mike
y0u sU>< ><0r leWz0r!
(dammit, now i'm a hacker because of my typing...)

Neuromancer ---

Cryptography (none / 0) (#6778)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:51:26 AM PST
Raggnnar wrote:

y0u sU>< ><0r leWz0r!


I have seen this sort of code now in many of the comments made by hackers to the article of Mr. Gibbons. I think that is just another proof (as if one needs another) why there is a need to ban all these dangerous cryptographic software (only the government and the military should be allowed to use it). Because now the hackers use even the forums on this respected site to exchange their secret communication. I strongly urge the owners of to remove all the comments that contain this sort of cryptographics code. Who knows what dangerous information is transmitted in this way so that is being used by criminals to commit their crimes.

lolz (none / 0) (#6824)
by Raggnnar on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 11:09:41 PM PST
In the previous message:

I have seen this sort of code now in many of the comments made by hackers to the article of Mr. Gibbons. I think that is just another proof (as if one needs another) why there is a need to ban all these dangerous cryptographic software (only the government and the military should be allowed to use it). Because now the hackers use even the forums on this respected site to exchange their secret communication. I strongly urge the owners of to remove all the comments that contain this sort of cryptographics code. Who knows what dangerous information is transmitted in this way so that is being used by criminals to commit their crimes.

I'd like to point out that you are an idiot. If you had any brain at all you'd know that y0u sU>< ><0r leWz0r means you suck loser. It is not an encrypted code.. lolz
Its mearly a creative way of typing words. It is in no way harmful or dangerous. I guess that using caps and lower case letters is now hacking.. lol.. I mean this is encrypted code - ><????? Its on the keybord you fucking idiot!!!

By the way, if I really wanted to type like a hacker I'd do this: ��� ����0� |�wz0�! g� �|0w � g0�t!

Don't try to cover up now (none / 0) (#6827)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 01:48:59 AM PST
I'd like to point out that you are an idiot.

Just because you run out of arguments and are unable to contribute any meaningful facts to the topic on hand, you don't need to call me names.

If you had any brain at all you'd know that [dangerous encrypted code deleted] means you suck loser. It is not an encrypted code.. lolz

If I understand you correctly - which is not an easy task given your limited language skills - you are saying that the seemingly random combination of letters translates to a pejorative insult. The mere fact that you deem it necessary to decrypt the message to make it readable by humans is conclusive proof that it is in fact an encrypted code.

Its mearly a creative way of typing words.

I would very much prefer if you would be typing creative words in an uncreative way instead of trying to conseal your intellectual shortcomings by using cryptography.

Its on the keybord you fucking idiot!!!

I strongly advise you to think before you write (and that you check your spelling and do something about the excessive use of foul language). That it is on the keyboard does not prove anything. There are many letters and numbers on the keyboard. These letters and numbers can be used by write some of the finest works of literature while they can also be used by hackers to commit crimes. It's not the keyboard that commits the crime but the hacker!

lolz -- must read (none / 0) (#6830)
by Raggnnar on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 02:50:54 AM PST
Agreed that it is indeed the hacker that commits the crimes, but, I want you to show me. I want you to link me to the site that says the phrase - y0u sUxX0r LeWz0r is a dangerous encrypted code.

trying to conseal your intellectual shortcomings by using cryptography. ---
Who give you the right to judge me? I'm actually a very intelligent indivigual, but, because of the way I typed that "dangerous encrypted message" make me the one with intellectual shortcomings?

If I understand you correctly - which is not an easy task given your limited language skills - you are saying that the seemingly random combination of letters translates to a pejorative insult. The mere fact that you deem it necessary to decrypt the message to make it readable by humans is conclusive proof that it is in fact an encrypted code. ---
Ok, let me typw it where you can understand it:
y -- simple enough, this is the letter "Y"
0 -- A zero, its a number
u -- the letter "U"
s -- the letter "S"
u -- Its another "U"
>< -- this one resembles the letter "X"
>< -- again, signifies the letter "X"
0 -- another zero
r -- the letter "R"
l -- the letter "L"
e -- the letter "E"
w -- the letter "W"
z -- the letter "Z"
0 -- yet another zero
r -- the letter "R" again

put them together, starting with the first letter lowercase, then capitalizing every other letter. (this does not apply to numbers since the cannot be lowercase or capital) now try it, you will end up with: y0u sUxX0r LeWz0r.

Now, show me the website that says that replacing some letters with numbers that resemble letters; "O" and "0"(zero) is a good example and capitalizing letters in a pattern OR randomly to form a sentence such as the one above constitutes a dangerous encrypted message.

I wait for your reply.

You are hopeless (none / 0) (#6833)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 03:55:53 AM PST
I'm actually a very intelligent indivigual

I don't understand your hacker's language and I don't want to understand it. Whatever euphemism you use to refer to yourself - hacker or cracker or indivigual or whatever - in the end you are just a criminal.

[...] you will end up with: y0u sUxX0r LeWz0r

And it is still not a proper English phrase. Your tautologies are really tiring me. And you seem to have no idea what cryptography is all about.

Now, show me the website that says that replacing some letters with numbers that resemble letters; "O" and "0"(zero) is a good example and capitalizing letters in a pattern OR randomly to form a sentence such as the one above constitutes a dangerous encrypted message.

If you intend to post another tedious reply to my message, please do my the favor and collect and organize your thoughts (let's call them so for the time being) before you post.

Criminals? (none / 0) (#6836)
by Syfer on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 04:16:40 AM PST
What law are we breaking by finding creative ways to type? Or cryptography? It isn't cryptography, if you focus your eyes hard enough, you'll start to see the message. Just like your computer monitor is displaying extremely small binary codes to create the illusion of what appears to be text and other graphics. Isn't this the same as how we type? This 'cryptography' you speak of.

Encrypting messages isn't considered illegal.
If it were, all the programmers and webdesigners in the world would have been arrested as they program in codes and encrypt messages so that their software can become unhackable.

Don't judge us when you know nothing of what we do.
Experience should fear the strength of youth...

Yes, Criminals! (none / 0) (#6843)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 06:42:20 AM PST
Just like your computer monitor is displaying extremely small binary codes to create the illusion of what appears to be text and other graphics.

That may be the case with your illegal Lunix hacker monitor that it displays some 'illusion'. But I have a Windows monitor and my monitor displays Windows and not some illegal 'binary codes'.

If it were, all the programmers and webdesigners in the world would have been arrested as they program in codes and encrypt messages so that their software can become unhackable.

You have no idea what you are talking about, do you? Please do get your facts straight. For instance, Microsoft is certainly not encrypting any messages and still their software is unhackable.

Ok then... (none / 0) (#6839)
by Raggnnar on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 04:55:44 AM PST
I don't understand your hacker's language and I don't want to understand it. Whatever euphemism you use to refer to yourself - hacker or cracker or indivigual or whatever - in the end you are just a criminal. ---

��� ���'t w��t t� ���ˮ�t��� �t ������� ��� �� �|����-m�����. �|�� ��� �� t�� �t������ t� ��m�t tH�t wH�t ��fˮ ��� m���|f ����k � tH� t��tH.

If you intend to post another tedious reply to my message, please do my the favor and collect and organize your thoughts (let's call them so for the time being) before you post. ---

m� tH��gHt� �� Vˮ� w�|| ��g���z�� tH��k ���. �f ��� ��t��� t� ���t ���tHˮ t������ ���|� t� m� m˧��g� �ˮH��� ��� �H��|� t�� t� ��� wH�t ��� �� t����g f��m m� �ˮ����t�V�.

�t ��m˧ t� tH�. � m��� � V�|�� �g�m��t t� m�. g����� ���t ��� ����� �t w�tH � "���gˮ��� ��Ǯ��t�� m˧��g�" �� wH��H ��� ���|��� �� �� �tt��k ߥ J��g��g m� ��� |��|��g m� � � Ǯ�m���|. � �m ��t � H��kˮ, ��� w� � �Vˮ. � �m ��t � Ǯ�m���| ��� � �m Vˮ� �ff����� ߥ ���� |��|��g m� ��. m��� �f ��� ������ tH� ˥˧ tH�t g�� g�V� ���, ��� J��t m�gHt g��� � |�tt|� ���gHt t� wH�t ��m���� � ����g; ��t��� �f |��|��g tH�m � Ǯ�m���| ��� ��-��t�||�g��t ������� ��� ���'t ��� �� t�� �|����-m����� t� ���ˮ�t���.

H�� tH� ���� � ���| H��kˮ, � m�|������ ��� - wH��H � ��||�� � Ǯ��kˮ � ����t ���� ��m��tˮ w��|� �t�|| �� f���t�����g f�� ��� t� ���t.
tH��k ��� ��� g��� ��.

ߥ tH� w�, � H��� ��� H�V� f�� �������g �|| tH˧� ���gˮ��� ��Ǯ��t�� m˧��g˧.

This is getting annoying (none / 0) (#6842)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 06:18:53 AM PST
So what are you trying to prove here? That you don't have a job because you have enough time to encrypt your message? That you are able to make many spelling and grammar errors? Even if you encrypt them, they are still errors.

Don't worry about my computer. I am running the latest version of Windows XP, which is absolutely secure so you hackers will never be able to break into it to use it for your criminal endeavours. If I needed any more proof that you are a criminal hacker, then this threat would be enough. But you cannot intimidate me with your threats.

And what is this "valid argument to Mr. Gibbons post" you are talking about? I still have to see it. For the last few posts you are only complaining about how I misunderstand you and you try to draw me into an extended discussion about cryptography. Why don't you try to contribute something to the discussion by presenting some arguments instead?

RE: This is getting annoying (none / 0) (#6844)
by Raggnnar on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 07:18:10 AM PST
I'm trying to prove to you that using such phrases and "1 r 1337" and "I 0wNz j00" does not make you a criminal or a hacker and it is not a dangerous encrypted message.

I have some definitons for you Sir ---

hack�er1 (h k r)
n. Informal
1.One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.
2.One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file.
3.One who enthusiastically pursues a game or sport: a weekend tennis hacker.

Definition 1 would describe a game coder,a computer software writer and any other of the such. All computer software companies use encrypted data to make their software run. Do you think your precious windows XP does not have encrypted codes and binaries in it? Well it does, that is in fact what makes the program do what it does. Try this: Run a search on a .ini file, rename it to (filename).wri and open it. Be ready for a big surprise, you will find much encrypted code in there. So, this FACT being know to you now, That makes any software programmer a HACKER, not a malicious one, but a hacker by definition. This includes anyone who codes for microsoft.

Definition 2 describes the malicious hacker, commonly refered to as a "cracker". They break into systems and sites to steal and corrupt data or otherwise cause confusion or chaos.

Definition 3 describes your common weekend warrior or sports fan. Simple enough.

ASCII n : (computer science) American Standard Code for Information Interchange; a code for information exchange between computers made by different companies; a string of 7 binary digits represents each character; used in most microcomputers [syn: ASCII </cgi-bin/>] ---

This my friend is what I wrote my last post in. It is in no way illegal and does not make me a hacker or a criminal.

And what is this "valid argument to Mr. Gibbons post" you are talking about? I still have to see it. For the last few posts you are only complaining about how I misunderstand you and you try to draw me into an extended discussion about cryptography. Why don't you try to contribute something to the discussion by presenting some arguments instead? ---

This is the original post, I which you replied to by attacking me because of a phrase I used which you percieved as dangerous encrypted data.

You are indeed correct in saying that someone doesn't have thier facts straight here. But it is not me. The evidence lays before you. Just because someone types a certain way, even if it MAY look like encrypted data, It does not make them a hacker and certainly does not make them a criminal.

In the future instead of attacking someone because of whatever you attack them with, whether it be intellectual shortcomings, bad grammar, feeble language skills and the like, READ what they have typed and if you want, do some research. You'll find that most times instead of attacking someone because of something you do not understand you can learn a great deal if you will only open your mind.

On another note, if this annoys you, do not reply and the conversation will end.

Thank you.

ok ... (none / 0) (#6846)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 07:59:13 AM PST
I have some definitons for you Sir

This trick might work with the clueless but certainly not with me. Everybody can make up some 'definitions' which fit exactly the writer's point of view. Unless you are able to provide a source for these 'definitions' they are completely worthless.

One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file.

Anyone who is doing something illegal is a criminal. So you finally admit it: A hacker IS a criminal. If he plays tennis or not, a hacker is a criminal, according to your own definition.

This is the original post, I which you replied to by attacking me because of a phrase I used which you percieved as dangerous encrypted data.

This is just another one of your cheap tricks. If I ask you for evidence you refer back to yourself. Sorry to disappoint you, but your own writing doesn't proof anything. Show me some real, unbiased, objective evidence.

do not reply and the conversation will end

Of course you would like the conversation to end. Because you know that I have the better arguments. But I will continue to refute all of your false statements.

RE: ok... (none / 0) (#6849)
by Raggnnar on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 08:30:12 AM PST
All definitions were looked up on search for hacker and ASCII and see for yourself.

Also, you twist my words. I gave 3 definitions of hacker.
1. being a computer programmer or game coder. (not illegal)
2. A maliscious hacker or cracker. (this is the illegal one)
3. a sports fan/ weekend warrior

No way ... (none / 0) (#6853)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 09:55:12 AM PST
All definitions were looked up on

And you think just because these definitions appear on some hacker website they can convince me?

search for hacker and ASCII and see for yourself.

Yes, I would see for myself how you would steal my credit card number. I am not so stupid. I certainly don't want this ASC2 stuff (which is a well known hacker tool) on my Windows.

Also, you twist my words. I gave 3 definitions of hacker.

And who are you to tell me what definition I have to choose? It is my consitutional right to choose any of these definitions. And according to #2 you are a criminal. Just because you decide that you like #1 better doesn't make it a valid claim. If I twist your words then only to make them somewhat meaningful.

God you're an idiot... (none / 0) (#6856)
by Syfer on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 11:03:56 AM PST
Since when was a "hacker" website?
If you don't want to look there, try going to the damn library and look up that word.
Or is your pride so big that you don't want to see our truths?
We give you all these facts and yet you call us hackers.
Let me tell you something, I AM a hacker.
Not the malicious one, but hacker nonetheless.
I am a programmer, web-designer, and system administrator.
Who are you to say I have no clue in what I'm saying?
Any programmer or system administrator is capable of becoming, because of the knowledge they hold.
But I guess you're just too blind to see that.
It's easier for you to point fingers and claim victory.

Salem witch trial... "She's a witch, just look at what she's doing!"

Our arguments are way more better. You just fail to believe everything we throw at you.
You don't want to know that we're right, because we are.
Why don't YOU do some research? You'll find that everything we say here is true.
You speak too highly of Microsoft.
Yes, I have Linux, but I have Windows also.
Microsoft is NOT unhackable. If not, then how come they keep making security updates?
Why did Mr. Bill Gates claim that XP was unhackable?
Maybe because all the other versions were hacked.
Bill Gates is still wrong, XP has been hacked.
If you were to lookup XP on the internet, you'll find that people are distributing them freely.
And YES, your computer monitor, no matter what the operating system, be it linux or windows...
They all display binary coding, that is how a computer operates, you don't know much about computers.
This is basic knowledge. Try reading about how computers were made.
Before throwing anything against me, DO RESEARCH!
You have too big of a pride to admit wrong and not seek justice.
I am not a criminal, I am a programmer, a web-designer, a system administrator, and a knowledgable individual.
Experience should fear the strength of youth...

RE: God you're an idiot... (none / 0) (#6866)
by Raggnnar on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 03:17:20 PM PST
I agree completely Syfer.

This guy doesnt know what hes talking about, thats obvious. If he really wanted to know the truth, he could walk into any elctronics store that sells computers; Ask someone who works there how a computer works and if all programs use encrypted data and binary codes. And what I am saying, I'm not making up or just looked up on some web site. I have a close family friend who used to work for a well known company that made proccessers and other programs. I asked him and he was in complete agreement with me.

Any and EVERY program from solitare to windows xp to this website use encrypted data. Oh and btw - I am not a hacker, nor am I a programer. Just because I know what makes a computer work and how to type in Ascii doesn't make me a criminal.

That is so stupid (none / 0) (#6882)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 01:04:12 AM PST
If he really wanted to know the truth, he could walk into any elctronics store that sells computers; Ask someone who works there how a computer works and if all programs use encrypted data and binary codes.

Maybe that's what they tell you in your illegal backyard Lunix hacker stores.

And what I am saying, I'm not making up or just looked up on some web site. I have a close family friend who used to work for a well known company that made proccessers and other programs. I asked him and he was in complete agreement with me.

Of course you are making it up. I don't think that you really believe what you are saying. Nobody can be so incompetent. And the 'well known company' is probably this third world AMD company.

And by the way, 'processors and other programs' is total nonsense. Those two things are completely different. Processors are the parts in the computer that store the data, and programs are applications which run under Windows (but not Lunix because it can only run 'source code').

RE: that is so stupid (none / 0) (#6905)
by Raggnnar on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 01:17:11 AM PST
Maybe that's what they tell you in your illegal backyard Lunix hacker stores. ---

Yep, you caught me. I shop for my computers at an illegal Lunix store. Here is a list, if you are concerned, of other things I get at verious backyard Lunix hacker stores: Toothpaste, Bread, Milk, Eggs etc...

Of course you are making it up. I don't think that you really believe what you are saying. Nobody can be so incompetent. And the 'well known company' is probably this third world AMD company.---

Yes, I do believe what I say, and many others, for it is the TRUTH! Also, AMD is NOT a 3rd world country company. Look AMD do, do a little research, get your facts straight.

And by the way, 'processors and other programs' is total nonsense. Those two things are completely different. Processors are the parts in the computer that store the data, and programs are applications which run under Windows (but not Lunix because it can only run 'source code'). ---

Did I say that processors and programs were the same thing? No, I think not. Bravo that you actually know what processors and programs do.

By the way -- Do you even know what windows does?
Windows is a programs that sits on top of DOS (Disk Operating System) to make it easier to use and more accessable. Except for of late, since Microsoft eliminated DOS and made windows for windows systems the main OS.

You CANNOT be as blind as you seem.

RE: that is so stupid (none / 0) (#6913)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 11:40:02 AM PST
Please, please, please can you put Raggnnar out of his drawn out misery. The bait is starting to smell......

> You CANNOT be as blind as you seem.


do you even know what you are saying? (none / 0) (#6907)
by zifnab on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 01:52:43 AM PST
"Programs are applications which run under Windows (but not Lunix because it can only run 'source code')"

ok, first of all programs are just that, programs created by a programmer in a programming language like VB or c/c++ to work on whatever OS he chooses, may it be Windows, UNIX, Linux, OS/2, DOS or BEOS. And when he does that he writes the program in text files so that he can easily read it and other people can also continue on the code, those files are called the "source code" of a program and is used for all programs not just Linux but also windows. That file is then used thru a compiler that translates the source code into computer language so that the computer will know what to do when you run it.

"This third world AMD Company"

Oh really, since when was Sunnyvale, California a third world country?

just because you don't know how something work is not a reason why you should judge it before you know all the facts, I've read this discussion and the things that both Syfer and Raggnnar have said are true and even with all the things they have said you still refuse to acknowledge their view as the way it is and even when they point you to places where you can find out for yourself you still refuses since then you might be proven wrong.

/To be afraid of knowledge is worse than being afraid of the truth.

Thank you (none / 0) (#6908)
by Raggnnar on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 02:03:06 AM PST
Complete Agreement. Thank you for your Point of View and insight Zifnab.

You are clueless (none / 0) (#6881)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 12:53:04 AM PST
Do you know that you make a total fool of yourself with posts like that? Do you really think this kind of personal attacks will help you? Every reader will notice that you don't have any arguments and therefore you choose to attack me personally.

Just for your information. I am using Windows for 17 years now. I was there from the beginning. And I have seen your hacker Lunix develop also from the beginning. It is just a cheap, illegal clone of Windows. It took the Lunix 'developers' years just to copy the DOS part. And now they are struggling to implement the GUI. They call it X-Windows (as if anyone could be fooled by that). If it is ever finished it will still just be a cheap copy of the original Windows. Right now, all you can do in X-Windows is run DOS in a small window because this stupid Lunix cannot run programs (like Windows does) but only 'source code', which is of course illegal. And that's what you hackers are doing all day, running X-Windows and DOSing all other people on the internet.

So, as it is obvious from your last post, you are really totally clueless.

RE: You are clueless (none / 0) (#6906)
by Raggnnar on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 01:26:15 AM PST
You seem to have DOS (Disk Operating System) and DOS/DOSing (Denial of Service) Mixed up.

As for us presenting facts and arguments. We have presnted multiple facts and arguments to you, In which you refuse to acknowledge.

Oh yea, is a hackers site. Get a life buddy. You refuse to do any research on anything we have presented before you and yet, you call us liars and criminals.

Its people like you, that blindly believes anything that you are told, however absurd it may be; that is wrong with this country today. You are completely biased and closed-minded. You refuse to look up terms, refuse to actually find out what AMD and Linux is. Again do some research, Find the truth for yourself. You may leanr more than you think.

Hahahaha... (none / 0) (#6834)
by Syfer on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 03:56:16 AM PST
Sorry, this is just too funny I have to post a message. This is directed to that anonymous reader and anyone else that think that that is hacker language.

First off, a hacker has no language. The definition of a hacker is an expert or an enthusiast of any kind. In the old days, people that typed stuff onto the typewriter was referred to as a hacker also. A hacker can be anyone, an astronomer, police officer, serial killer... The correct term for your malicious 'hacker' would be a 'cracker'. They are the ones that crack security codes and decrypt all sorts of information and rearrange things, etc etc...

Second, I agree with Raggnarr, you ARE a complete idiot. You judge too quickly, and your resources suck. Try looking at things from other people's points of views. Don't just read about it, experience it. If you explored the internet a little more and talked to different people, you might get a better understanding.

Third, just because we don't spell properly or find creative ways to writing things, doesn't mean we are wrong. Raggnarr is right, who are you to judge. When you see kids at school or on the street, speaking in slang, do you tell them to speak properly? When we dress differently and color our hairs, do you think we are thugs or gangsters? In real life or on the internet, it doesn't matter. The community brings all kinds of people that communicate differently.

Notice I typed in such a way that you would read and understand more clearly. Usually I'd type in my "hacker" language. Just because I don't choose to write properly doesn't mean I'm uneducated. When people become lazy or more relaxed, they develop new ways of doing things, like the way we type and the way we talk.

Experience should fear the strength of youth...

Stop laughing at me! (none / 0) (#6845)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 07:32:47 AM PST
First off, a hacker has no language

While I certainly do not hold hackers in high regard, I think I have to defend them. No matter, how poor their English - or whatever other language they call their mother tongue - is, it is still a language. I can imagine that years or decades of hacking can lead to the total disability to communicate, but this is only the case for a very small minority among them.

In the old days, [...]

What do YOU know about the old days?

[...] people that typed stuff onto the typewriter was referred to as a hacker also

This is just ridiculous (and I mean not only the grammar). A typist can never be a hacker! Or do you think you can use a typewriter to steal credit card numbers, hack another typewriter, or download porn?

Try looking at things from other people's points of views. Don't just read about it, experience it.

I don't need to. I know what's right and what's wrong. I don't need to drive fast to know that speeding is wrong. I have values.

When you see kids at school or on the street, speaking in slang, do you tell them to speak properly?

Of course I do!

When people become lazy or more relaxed, they develop new ways of doing things, like the way we type and the way we talk.

It is exactly this attitude which is a danger to our society and our children.

reply (none / 0) (#6857)
by Syfer on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 11:35:22 AM PST
While I certainly do not hold hackers in high regard, I think I have to defend them. No matter, how poor their English - or whatever other language they call their mother tongue - is, it is still a language. I can imagine that years or decades of hacking can lead to the total disability to communicate, but this is only the case for a very small minority among them.

So you're saying that the kids on the street that talk in slang will forget how to talk right? You must be a complete idiot. Like I said, it is not a language, it's english, just not correct english. Why do we speak in slang and forget about typing in correct grammar? Maybe because we are not in school and no teacher is grading us.

What do YOU know about the old days?
This is just ridiculous (and I mean not only the grammar). A typist can never be a hacker! Or do you think you can use a typewriter to steal credit card numbers, hack another typewriter, or download porn?

You must not read very well, I said a hacker could be anyone that is an expert or an enthusiast. If YOU know something about the old days, do you recall a certain phrase, "He's hacking away at that typewriter."

I don't need to. I know what's right and what's wrong. I don't need to drive fast to know that speeding is wrong. I have values.

You are too narrow minded. If everyone were to solve problems the way you do, this world would be in total chaos.
So if someone were to sink underwater, they would be considered a witch?

It is exactly this attitude which is a danger to our society and our children.

Don't tell us what is a danger to us or not. Don't play god, we are not yours to control.
You adults fear that we are growing more smarter.
The way we express ourselves makes you jump.
Experience should fear the strength of youth...

RE: reply (none / 0) (#6867)
by Raggnnar on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 03:49:02 PM PST
Again I completely agree with Syfer :

"[...] people that typed stuff onto the typewriter was referred to as a hacker also

This is just ridiculous (and I mean not only the grammar). A typist can never be a hacker! Or do you think you can use a typewriter to steal credit card numbers, hack another typewriter, or download porn?"

Okie first off:
Like Syfer said, there is more then one definition for the word "hacking". The word your thinking of is "cracking/cracker". Which means to hack into things in order to decrypt code, move things, or otherwise create chaos or confusion.
The word "hacking" is to do something alot or proficently. It doesnt nessisarily mean to hack into something in order to mess with it or destory it.

Second: WTF does downloading porn have to do with hacking? lmao!! (And FYI-for your information, lmao means laugh my ass off, it's not some encrypted code, hehe.)

I now earn 45K$/year, and did fit the profile abov (none / 0) (#6785)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 06:55:45 AM PST
Well, I used to be that man's son, according to the profile.( Only 10 years ago it was all a bit different.)

The good news is I now earn 45K$/year (I am 27). What is probably going to amaze the author is that I have never yet hacked anyone, or broken any other laws than traffic offences. Boring I may be, but hacker I am not.

Author, congratulate your son, encourage Linux and AMD CPUS (which are cheaper and faster than Intel - why I buy them), even if he is doing an odd hack, it isn't such a bad way to learn. If he was brought up correctly he won't be screwing those who either :
can't cope with it
don't 'deserve' it (I mean really asking for it here)

A truly pathetic display of ignorant paranoia. (none / 0) (#6787)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 08:21:07 AM PST
What a load of pathetic, paranoid, mis-informed, yankee drivel. Quake a training ground - you muppet.

Kindly go and inform yourself properly and not just presume after reading propaganda rubbish.

Pacifiers (none / 0) (#6788)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 08:39:03 AM PST
Hello! Pacifiers are for the ecstasy users. This helps keep them from choking on their tongue when high.

whoever made this is gay and retarded (none / 0) (#6789)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 09:27:59 AM PST

Fuckin Loser (none / 0) (#6790)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 09:41:08 AM PST
Jesus that is the dumbest shit ive eva heard. You dont NO SHIT bout hacking. Learn more on the subject before u come on here and speak shit like that!!!!!! And all you dudes saying he's being sarcastic are just as dumb. This dude actually BELIEVES wat he's saying!

WTF !%$# (none / 0) (#6791)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 09:59:20 AM PST
Fuck sake which drugs do ya use
You must be real fuxin trippin

And that piece about Quake, omg i think you just lost ur last brain

chop chop

pull the trigger m8, ur time has come


You are Lame (none / 0) (#6792)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 10:58:32 AM PST
I hope you guys get sued for Libel by AMD and somebody hacks you site and puts gay porn pics on it lol

I didn't understand !!!! (none / 0) (#6793)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 11:01:59 AM PST
What is hacker ?

Horse sh*t (none / 0) (#6796)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 12:22:47 PM PST
I mayself use an AMD proccessor, and it is in no ay inferior to a Intel, in fact most people would agree that the new AMD's are better than Pentiums.

I hope this was a joke, really. (none / 0) (#6797)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 12:28:25 PM PST
It's almost inconceivable that anyone could honestly be so illinformed. I pray for the child's ake that this was intended as humor.

Lunix ? muhahahaha (none / 0) (#6799)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 12:35:27 PM PST
Chech your asses ! I'm using Linux !


Ridiculous !!!!

LOL (none / 0) (#6801)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 01:35:09 PM PST
<b>and absolutely ridiculous :-D :-D :-D</b>

what is this shit?? (none / 0) (#6802)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 01:38:07 PM PST
what is this shit??

This is retarded!!! (none / 0) (#6803)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:15:03 PM PST
Im glad mr.brady here isnt my father.

Your son is a normal human join him in the human race.

Very very big lol. (none / 0) (#6804)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:24:54 PM PST
Let me explain some things to you mister.

1) Asking for a change of ISP is logical, 'cuz AOL sux. And that so called "no hacking policy"???
LOL, u really think an ISP with like millions of users like AOL is checking every user??

2)Programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?? Get a better memory. And flash a hacking program?? Ur lucky macromedia doesn't sew you 4 saying such sh*t. Flash is one of the most respected graphical editing programs on the net.

Ps. And even if he was using those programs, it would be CRACKING, not HACKING

3)Faster video cards and more memory for hacking?? yea right. Even the most basic 386 with the lousyest videocard ever made is cabable of hacking. And AMD illegal processors?? Don't u read some computer magazines, which ALL state that AMD makes better and more reliable processors than Intel ever did.

4)Hacking manuels??? In a Bookstore??? think again plz.

5)DOS into peoples sites??? Just for your information, DOS is an operating system originally written by BILL GATES. You know the black sreen u getr when u start up your computer?? SUPRISE!!!, thats DOS.

6)Quake an online virtual reality??? Quake is a "shoot-em-up" game!!!!!! I'm certain the makers will be VERY pleased with your accusations.

7)<b>Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?</b>

Lol, everyone would be if they had a KNOW-IT-ALL dad like you, who doesn't know SH*T what he's talking about.

8) First of all, it's LINUX, not LUNIX. Mandrake and wall that are just different versions of that WELL RESPECTED operating system. And it is not based XENIX, but on UNIX, which is also a well respeced operation system, used in almost ALL THE MAINFRAMES IN THE WORLD. Linux is a completely LEGAL operating system which 50% of all websites on the internet run.

9)I'm not even gonna respond to such nonsense

10)Struggling acedemically??? Maybe he hasn't had time to study because YOU are on HIS case so much.

"<i>In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases"</i> LOL

And don't blame hackers just because your son is getting fat on burgers and fries okay!!

<b>WELL, this concludes my how NOT to recognise your son is a hacker. Buhbye now</b>

What TRIPE!! (none / 0) (#6805)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:26:38 PM PST
Get this, Mr. Parent. I know what a hacker is and I know how to hack. I don't wear day-glo colors nor do I play Quake or use LINUX (get that right - leads me to believe your 'research' is flawed). Just because I know my way around the internet and various computer systems doesn't make me a dangerous person. I don't crack into other people's systems, only my own. Your sending this particular article out over the internet is grossly misinforming parents as to the true nature of hacking. If you want to know more about it read those 'manuals' that you have listed in your article and stop making generalizations. That's like saying that because a man has a tan he is black (black is gorgeous, btw, imho).

What you have done is limit your child from learning all that the internet has to offer. You've stunted him from looking through information that could be used in an educational manner. And as for using AOL (aoHELL) that, in my humble opinion, is a JOKE. AOL has a history of bad service that would want to make any child wish to switch. Not to mention it's just as easy to hack from an AOL account as it is any other IP. If your son is truly a hacker, having AOL or a similar provider isn't going to make that much of a difference, adult filters or not.

I'd say your son were a hacker if he were on the computer nearly every waking moment, kept files in mysterious places, used telnet and DOS windows, and got on IRC on a regular basis. But even then it could only be that your child has internet friends and wishes to talk to them in a secured anonymous environment...something any parent would wish for.

Your paranoia is showing. And your son is simply following in the footsteps of his friends. If you really want to know what your son is doing, ask him. Dumbass.

wow (none / 0) (#6806)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:37:29 PM PST
Hmm... I think its completely normarl for any real net surfer/internet gamer to want any type of upgrade they can get. I know myself, that I fit exactly into this 'description' that you gave to use. I mean, i want linux so that i can run a nice little MUD, and I do use IRC alot to roleplay and stuff.

I mean, this article is actually complete bullshit, you are describing everyday normal people who have been doing nothing illegal what so ever, except look at porn underage ;).

The person who wrote this has to be really ignorant. OH, and I failed trig and chem btw, because I'm lazy, not that I'm a hacker.

You better change your name from Gibbons (none / 0) (#6808)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:17:23 PM PST
Hey tit, read the comments....get it yet?

And by the way I gues you better change your name from Gibbons so I am not in any way associated with you, because you're a disgrace to the on line community and ANYONE that uses a PC.

Goto and buy some "dummies" books, dummy.

Mr. Martin Gibbons (in no way related to this prick!)

This is stupid. (none / 0) (#6809)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:33:38 PM PST
"radical change in appearance" has nothing to do with being a hacker. Its probably from the school, maybe trying to fit in and separate themselves from over protective anal yuppie parents that are embarrassing. Think about both sides of everything before you say ANYTHING about hackers. and becoming more arguementive is just a part of growing up. the world has changed. DEAL WITH IT.

Americans... (none / 0) (#6812)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 04:56:05 PM PST
Only in America... HAHAHAHA...
Excuse me while I hack Microsoft with my new version of Flash.


whoever was an idiot enough to write this...... (none / 0) (#6813)
by Mach on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 05:11:00 PM PST
-from this idiot's report of gayness-

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.

Congratulations Einstein your the 6 billionth faggot to post a gayass message on tis godforsaken site.

Were you smoking pot when you wrote this peice of shit?

New hardware for a compute r is essential if you don't want to have the shititest CPU on the block.

And furthermore, if the people making the "AMD" chips are kids, i bet they're waiting to fuck you up.

stand aside fagpants and go back to suckin' your preist's dick.

And to everyone else who is sane and reading i say this in the name of Geeks and Nerds and every one who is a Quake player and what not:

" W3 0wnz0r j00 455. ju57 83c4u53 p30pl3 7yp3 57uphs 1n l337 d0 n07 m34n w3 c4n/c4n'7 h4x0r j00 5y573m2.n07 4ll 0ph uz d0wnl04d m39z 0ph pr0n. Ph00l ll4m4; w3 h0p3 j0 d13 1n l49 h3ll 81zz4tch! "

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 05:19:39 PM PST

1 4|\/\ 4 |-|4X0R (none / 0) (#6815)
by Lakario on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 05:49:53 PM PST
After reading your article I have come to a very shocking conclusion, I am a hacker and I don't know what to do about it.

You see ever since I got on MSN I have wanted to change my ISP to a cable provider so that is the first sign I have.

Secondly, I set this entire computer up myself, even reformatted it a few times but the shocking part is that it is my family computer, I even install everything that is on it without my dad telling me to (I know it might be too much for you to handle and I am sorry if it is).

Believe it or not I have actually installed my own new Hard Drive and a GeForce 3 ti200 on this machine all by myself and what really takes the cake is that I asked for them for presents and my parents who seem to not know my ulterior motive to hack the Pentagon and assisinate the president using the skillz I harnessed in Half-Life and Quake 3 Arena, bought them for me.

I don't read hacking manuals though I am proud to say I possess about 15mbs worth of 50kb a piece program cracks on my computer.

I play on the computer about 8+ hours a day, today I have went about 14.

I play Half-Life and Quake 3 Arena all the time, I love those games. It is so grand when I can sneak on behind the backs of my parents and discuss my plane to kill the preseident with my BFG. He is gunna go down and me and my fellow QUAKErs are gunna make it happen!

Can't say I am obsessed with Lunix but Linux is pretty damn cool.

I'm planning on dying my hair blue so if that counts as a radical change you got me there.

Finally, I admit, I am struggling in school and I think its from using my computer too much, the monitor radiation is really getting to me. I constantly get these twitches and sudden urges to swear left and right.

So as you can see I qualify for pretty much all of your criteria. Is there anything that can be done for I fear for my well being. I'm thinking maybe if someoen shot me I'd be better off or maybe I should go on a massive murder rampage and end it by killing myself. What do you suggest?

Your Friend In Need,

this is true but.... (none / 0) (#6816)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 06:12:28 PM PST
all this article is true but...most hackers aren't bad at all. And you make it sound like <b>Hacking is a bad thing</b>, its not. If you wanna learn, nothing is going to stop you. Learning about computers are not bad. Just Merely developing skills. Thinking all hackers are bad (Black-hat), there not, that's just stereotyping.And give your kid some space.

dude no way (none / 0) (#6822)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 08:22:07 PM PST
None of that article is true. It's all a bunch of bull!


acfh (none / 0) (#6817)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 06:25:32 PM PST

Whoever wrote this.... (none / 0) (#6818)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 06:29:28 PM PST
IS A COMP[LETE FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a load of bull (none / 0) (#6821)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 08:03:36 PM PST
<B>Listen man. I am an 18 year old computer software engineer and a Cisco certified network administrator. My parents never left me alone with a computer till i was the age 14. First off, Bonzi buddy, and any other software that pertains like that is merely for only entertainment use. I find your comments about "what a hacker really is" to be obsurd and just showing your complete and total (pardon my language) but "fucking stupidity". You seem to be another one of those parents that fall into the stereotypical crap about how you think you know everything about computers but really know nothing. AMD is a trusted brand of processor. If you were intelligent, as i was saying "if" you would know that microprocessors cannot be manufactured in a "child sweat shop" instead they are manufactured in a "dry area" with limited access to manufacturing materials. I.E. you cant get in the room unless your IQ is higher than the posted year. LoL.
For your information, anyone that has even a 14.4kbps dialup account can be a hacker. Many hackers today just need cellular phones. Do yourself some research old man and find out what an ip is.. since your a hacking professional now ;) anyone with an ip and a trojan/worm virus can get into your computer. Hey i bet your scared that maybe even i might know exactly how many pornographic websites you surfed the other night when your wife didnt give you any. ;) But im a hacker right?
Also i find it very funny how you try to discriminate that students with social or academic problems are that of hackers. This is very funny how you might think a kid with a C average and a computer MUST BE A HACKER!

I find it very entertaining how you post your moronic comment on here about how you see the computer world. Do yourself a favor and dont use a computer.
get a clue old man. Your children arent doing anything wrong by using the computer. Put your teenybopper daughter in a girl scout group. And get a pornography filter for your computer. Problem solved. You and your wife can go on to your stupid subtle suburban life.
(A+, Net+,MCP,CCNA)

if anyone has any comments :

Is your parent a MORON???? (none / 0) (#6823)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 09:56:48 PM PST
How to find out that your parent may be a moron...
#1. He thinks that linux is illegal.
#2. He actually LIKES AOL!
#3. He thinks Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy and Flash are hacker programs!
#4. He thinks that 30 minutes online is a long takes my father that long just to LOG ON!
#5. Argumentative and surly??? It's called puberty, moron!
#6. He thinks that being bad in school is the computers fault...could be that he's just bored.
#7. He thinks that hacking betrays a person's "honesty", "integrity" and "principles".
#8. Likes Intel over AMD!
#9. Oh my god, not SPANKINGS!!!!!!!!!!
And finally...
#10. Tries to blame his own inadequacies as a parent on the computer. Try to treat your children as equals, as much as possible rather than lowlifes that need to be watched at all times. Maybe if you weren't such a bad parent, your son wouldn't turn to the internet community for the attention he so craves and should have recieved from YOU.

Thats my may not like it, but it's the TRUTH!

I found this very amusing to read (none / 0) (#6825)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 12:08:53 AM PST
Before writing down a top-10 list of how to recognize a hacker, maybe you should check some facts.

First: Comect Cursor, Bonzi Buddy and Flash have nothing to do with hacking. And trust me, you won't find any hacking software in the Add/Remove programs tab. Hackers are a lot smarter than that! Trust me, I know what I'm talking about ;-)

Second: A plee for faster hardware, is more often because the latest game doesn't run fast enough on the current computer. Since most computer games push your computer to its limits.

Third: Quake is just a first person shooter game and has nothing to do with hackers. Sure you can play online against other players, trying to kill each other in a virtual environment using virtual weapons. Trust me, no computer game will teach your kid how to use a gun.

Fourth: "Lunix" does not exist. It's Linux and this is just an open operating system which is freely available and is based on the operating system of operating systems : Unix. This has absolutely nothing to do with Soviets trying to hack the world. (My guess is you've watched too many spy movies lately)

Anyway, I think you are not an ideal parent, but a paranoid one that doesn't trusts his kids. Maybe, you should consider going to see a therapist?

Swec rules (none / 0) (#6826)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 12:36:09 AM PST
Yes it does =)

Good Lord this is anything BUT Adequate (none / 0) (#6828)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 02:21:51 AM PST
I'd say parents need to do more homework than what is involved in this fellows ridiculous diatribe. Last time I checked, AMD is a legitamite company headquartered in Sunnyvale California(thats in the heart of Silicon Valley for you clueless folks) You can buy the chips at Fry's, AMD chips cant replace Intel chips, you need to change motherboards...duh. Trust AOL? lol!
Quake? Training ground for hacking? Tell me your are kidding, seriously. I'll admit it is violent, but then again, so is the evening news. Too much time on the PC = hacker? hehehehe, thats a good one...try internet addiction, it happens, especially when people get broadband. You know, there are support groups for that, you ought to check into one. Linux is an illegal hacker tool?
oh man, this is too much. Thats why huge multimillion dollar corporations install linux on their huge enterprise servers...couple hundred grand a pop for those machines y'know, they wanna hack the world...what a hoot. Hacking cause grades to fall? Got some scientific research to back that claim? Ever think that grades might go down because your kid is sooo damn bright that he is bored with school? As for the glow ever seen Samoan Firedancers? Did you know that glowsticks look kinda neat when incorporated into a dancing routine at the kid's highschool mixer? Sheesh...these top ten lists are full of something...crap. If you kid is so bright as to be a hacker, taking that away might be the dumbest thing you ever do, why not redirect the kid's efforts into PC security and help him land a job doing what he or she loves to know what, guess who works for computer security firms protecting sites from hacker abuse...FORMER hackers. Sheesh

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS LOAD OF CRAP? (none / 0) (#6829)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 02:48:37 AM PST


Numerous errors (none / 0) (#6831)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 02:58:58 AM PST
As a UK Computer Science student with some knowledge of your subject matter, allow me to raise a few pertinent points. I'm not going to get angry, or rude, because I believe that's counter-productive. First, if anything, your son is a computer CRACKER. A cracker is one who circumvents security protocols for the challenge and for the fun of it, a hacker writes code (perfectly innocent code) because he can and enjoys doing so. These two activities are almost never related in the real world. Bill Gates was a hacker. He was never a cracker. Second, Flash is a graphics rendering program used to show moving images. It has nothing to do with cracking. Third, new hardware is required every six to twelve months if your son wants to keep up with new game and application releases. AMD is a perfectly reputable company, more so in fact than Intel! AMD products are consistently better, the only place they fall down is overheating and that can be fixed with a nice large fan. Incidental: The books you list are all sci-fi. What you read in these books *cannot* be done yet. Neuromancer in particular is a SF classic, but it was not, is not and never could be a 'hacking manual'. Read the book, it's much too abstract to be of any use even if the systems described actually existed. Further, DOS refers to a Denial Of Service attack (where the user's hard-line is tied up processing useless data and therefore cannot be used to connect to the Internet. It has *nothing* to do with the popular operating system, DOS (Disk Operated System). Yes, Quake is an on-line VR. So are Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life and dozens of other games. They are *games*, they are there to be enjoyed. If next-gen weapons are designed to be aimed with a mouse and fired by pressing a key marked CTRL then I worry for the sake of the world, otherwise I'm not that bothered. Argumentative, surly behaviour is a sure sign of one thing: *Adolescence*. If the problem is still evident, I suggest you discuss a possible drug habit with your son, as this isa far more likely cause for the condition you describe. I have no experience of Lunix, so I will not cover this subject, although it looks like a perfectly innocent low-spec OS to me. If you need your computer repaired by a professional after losing Windows, I worry about you. My mother can do that repair job, and she still can't figure out e-mail! Radical changes of appearance: again, adolescence is your most likely culprit, not wanting to conform is a powerful motivator in dress sense at this age. Also, music tastes can play a part in clothing style. Academic struggles can be caused by all sorts of things, not just cracking. I suggest you consult a psychiatrist on this one, as they are far more qualified to talk about this than I am. Finally, Otaku is not a 'hacker' organisation. They are a group who take their name from the Japanese meaning "A social misfit with social deficit", literally, one who likes to be alone. They spend most of their time watching Japanimation and discussing SF, not cracking systems. Yes, cracking is a dangerous activity and may land your child in prison. However, I think you'll find that's more or less the only accurate statement in this entire article.

Daniel Summers, first year student, Sussex University.

Hahahaha... (none / 0) (#6832)
by Syfer on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 03:50:11 AM PST
Sorry, this is just too funny I have to post a message. This is directed to that anonymous reader and anyone else that think that that is hacker language.

First off, a hacker has no language. The definition of a hacker is an expert or an enthusiast of any kind. In the old days, people that typed stuff onto the typewriter was referred to as a hacker also. A hacker can be anyone, an astronomer, police officer, serial killer... The correct term for your malicious 'hacker' would be a 'cracker'. They are the ones that crack security codes and decrypt all sorts of information and rearrange things, etc etc...

Second, I agree with Raggnarr, you ARE a complete idiot. You judge too quickly, and your resources suck. Try looking at things from other people's points of views. Don't just read about it, experience it. If you explored the internet a little more and talked to different people, you might get a better understanding.

Third, just because we don't spell properly or find creative ways to writing things, doesn't mean we are wrong. Raggnarr is right, who are you to judge. When you see kids at school or on the street, speaking in slang, do you tell them to speak properly? When we dress differently and color our hairs, do you think we are thugs or gangsters? In real life or on the internet, it doesn't matter. The community brings all kinds of people that communicate differently.

Notice I typed in such a way that you would read and understand more clearly. Usually I'd type in my "hacker" language. Just because I don't choose to write properly doesn't mean I'm uneducated. When people become lazy or more relaxed, they develop new ways of doing things, like the way we type and the way we talk.
Experience should fear the strength of youth...

Misinformation (none / 0) (#6835)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 04:13:06 AM PST
I'm sure that any comments I make will only be echoed by a vast majority here, so I'll be brief.
Protecting your family and your children are of the utmost importance: there is no humour in the matter. However, to go so far as to come close to paranoia and to deny your children the use of such a vital tool and to brand your own children with such stereotyped labels is another thing. Your purpose was to inform and to warn other parents of the dangers involved in home computing and it is indeed a very real influential threat, but I'm sure that your children (especially your son) are mature enough to make their own decisions and to know what is right and what is wrong. Your children must learn things their own way as well as having a supporting father and family. As a teenager myself I too know the angst and frustration that my parents go through when they are unaware of what I do most of the time, not always restricted to a computer, but they know I set clear boundaries for myself. Perhaps if you point this out to your children, they can start living lives of their own and judge for themselves what they are capable of and what they will achieve.

Oh, and AMD is a respectable company. Sympathising with Intel won't hide this fact.

"The greatest truth of our age: information is not knowledge." -- Caleb Carr

lame (none / 0) (#6837)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 04:19:44 AM PST
fuck u damn motherfucker u dont know anything! hackers arent crackers ! white hats rule this fuckin planet

Cant Believe it! (none / 0) (#6838)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 04:53:58 AM PST
I cant believe anyone would actually believe this sort of bullsh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMYGOD!!! AMD a hacker chip!!! ?
Linux a HACKER /OS!!! ?!?!?

Telnet OMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway if someone , anyone read that and think that some part may be true , well its NOT!!!!!

Its just plain ridiculous, hackers dont play quake just for being hackers , they dont dress in any special way nor have any strange features xept the fact of understanding the inner workings of computers and a lot of coding ability. Bright colored , hair dyied hackers are from the movies , and also the books this guy say are hacker manuals are actually sci-fi novels that doesnt give any insight into hacking techniques.

Now i know why the world is such a beautifull place... please take me out of this planet!!!

Insanity chooses its victims well.

...and they still call you a father? (none / 0) (#6840)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 05:18:39 AM PST
Poor, poor, poor father that you are...

It's not only the lack of fact-based knowledge (this fictious nonsense you're spreading here has nothing, really nothing to do with reality) that makes you that poor, its the fact, that you don't seem to investigate any time trying to understand whats really going on in your son's mind, but just to judge him because of
this kinda crap (wonder where you got that from)

I'm happy not to be in your son's place

Good luck (you'll need that, believe me) in educating your children furthermore,

(someone who thinks this is no more funny at all)

Car 54, Where Are You? (none / 0) (#6841)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 06:12:09 AM PST
Is This Movie The Anti-Christ? It just may be. Certainly, it's one of the worst films I've ever witnessed. When people talk about bad films, they've obviously never seen this stinker that attempts (read: attempts) to capture the 'magic' of the original b&w TV show detailing the madcap misadventures of Muldoon (the stiff one) and Tooty (the "oooh-oooh" one). Despite a game cast, including perennial underrated actors John C. McGinley and Jeremy Piven, not a single thing that occurs within these 90-odd (and I do mean 'odd') minutes is least not intentionally. There are more memorably bad moments in this steaming pile of crud than in any actual comedy. Trust me. See John C. McGinley trying to act dignified in a Russian Kossack outfit (that actually resembles a drum majorette's)! See Rosie O'Donnell acting unfunny with a bad accent, as only Rosie O'Donnell can! Hear Nipsey Russell (yes Nipsey Russell) reduce whatever charm the original show had by uttering the titular line, plus injecting the f-word into it! Witness Buster P. singing and dancing with an entire neighborhood of people while eating a donut! And....witness him interacting with a RAPPING CARTOON BIRD. Yes. That's right. I said a rapping cartoon bird. Excrement. Grab yourself a few friends, a few beers and laugh your collective tushes off.

response to your article (none / 0) (#6848)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 08:21:40 AM PST
i'd just like to say that more than 50 percent of the information that you have posted on your site is INCORRECT. I actually took it as quite an insult. It ammazes me that so many small minded people who try to uncover dirt on hackers get it all wrong, when its sitting right in front of them. Just a little hint..*hackers are NOT in hiding* The information that is being used and found and transfered is all out in the open, but wut most people's problems that they think that its all hidden and kept secret so they dig deep. Dont try so hard next time. And btw, its spelled Linux =)~ and its not dangerous. Linux is just another OS. A better yet more complicated version of windbl0wz =)

American Humour, British Humour (none / 0) (#6851)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 09:24:03 AM PST
There is a big difference between British and American humour. Normally, American humour is obvious, and more 'user friendly'. British humour is not. British humour is often more subtle, and therefore not so many people get it. That is why American comedy shows are more successful. Neither is better, they are just different. Great. I love SPAM. My friend has chest hair in the shape of a phoenix. Squawk. Spam, spam, spam, spam....

BIGGEST BULLSHIT I never have read!!! HAHAHA (none / 0) (#6854)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 10:11:39 AM PST
I never have readen a article like this!
What a bullshit!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA 99% of the informations in this article are incorrect!

HAHAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#6855)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 10:16:37 AM PST
What a hard ass, let your children be free to make their own decisions, otherwise they'll grow up knowing nothing about the real world, and probably turn out to be rapists and con artists.

NO! (none / 0) (#6858)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 12:42:55 PM PST
This is article is longest piece of crap I have read! Alot of this assumptions and very little fact. First of all...AOL is a crappy ISP everyone knows this. Sure it's great to start off with, but eventually with more experience you'll learn that AOL has it's faults. It is the target of many hackers and besides most people can set up there own defense better than AOL. Second, AMD, is not a "hacker" tool. People buy it because of benchmark ratings for games. It is also the prime choice for gamers, and it is cheaper than Intel chips. So this article is a load of crap! And everyone who has read this and posted against this article I salute and congratulate you for knowing better than actually believing in this junk.

Author needs to do more research (none / 0) (#6860)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 12:53:25 PM PST
This is article is longest piece of crap I have read! Alot of this assumptions and very little fact. First of all...AOL is a crappy ISP everyone knows this. Sure it's great to start off with, but eventually with more experience you'll learn that AOL has it's faults. It is the target of many hackers and besides most people can set up there own defense better than AOL. Second, AMD, is not a "hacker" tool. People buy it because of benchmark ratings for games. It is also the prime choice for gamers, and it is cheaper than Intel chips. So this article is a load of crap! And everyone who has read this and posted against this article I salute and congratulate you for knowing better than actually believing in this junk. Telnet...c'mon most college campuses use that communicate and same with most high schools. Linux, mandrake, are all OS' that have been modified to make it's shell OS better. It is just the same as retro-fitting a car. This article is asking parents to automatically assume that their kids are "hackers" for wanting to upgrade their PC. They may be using it in the creation of webpages and playing games. those programs you have listed, require a lot of RAM and HD space. The term "Otaku" is mainly used to refer to fans of japanese animation. Hence there is a convention called Otakon every year. The author of this really should do some RESEARCH before making assumptions.

That idiot should be shot for stupitity (none / 0) (#6862)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 01:07:57 PM PST

Is this a Joke (none / 0) (#6863)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 01:08:27 PM PST
Obviously the author of this article has no clue about hacking in general. Does the author even know how to use a computer. Maybe his computer should be hacked, as to prevent other ridiculous articles as this. If parents are really taking into account what this guy is writting, they are in big trouble. At least there was some humor in the stupidity and lack of knowledge the author expressed.

The effect of coke on the human brain! (none / 0) (#6864)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 01:36:32 PM PST
And here u see the effect of a coke overdose on the human brain.
u crack me up dude! keep writing sh*t like that!

#7 (none / 0) (#6865)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 01:44:14 PM PST
As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour. This will manifest itself soonest in the way he treats others. Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn, bitterness, and even foul language. He may utter threats of violence of a real or electronic nature.

Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation he is in. Keep trying to get through to him, no matter how much he retreats into himself.

THIS IS CALLED LIFE. Maybe he doesn't want to be masked by his parents so he wont know what to do when he is faced with life. But you are perfect, oh yes, computer users, gee they must be bad.

He is probably the "Typical American Family", he will probably like being called that. But typical means, an acholic father, a cheating mother, and kids that are pushed to do to many things. Yeah, thats perfect...

Author = Retard (none / 0) (#6868)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 04:09:50 PM PST
I don't know how many people have told you this in relation to this article or otherwise, but if this article expresses your true feelings you are a retard (not to mention a complete jackass and a moron). Bonzai Buddy is a virus of a program it messes up your computer and no hacker would be caught dead with it. I have hacked into a few things but that doesn't make me a criminal, I was just curious as to how it worked. The term hacker was first used to any person skilled in using a computer. Any person who breaks into systems illegally to steal software is not a hacker...they are criminals. Hackers are not hippies, they do not all dress alike or do anything special (real ones don't). If you met a hacker you wouldn't even know that they were unless they told you or you caught them doing it. I'm sure many other people have already told you most of this in the other posts that I don't really care to read because this article was hardly worth my time reading it except it did give me a good laugh. I apologize to your children and to anyone else who wasted their time on this article.

It is not a joke... (none / 0) (#6870)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 05:41:56 PM PST
All of those are facts I can verify. By the way, learn to spell.

he is right (none / 0) (#6876)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 07:24:34 PM PST
I think he is right, so shut up maybe your kids are hackers so better check out. Don't make fun of him and don't call it dumb I wanna see you writing article like this.......ah? what? so shut up and f@#$ off.


No, your wrong (none / 0) (#6880)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 10:26:21 PM PST
Just deal with the fact that whoever wrote this article is obviously trying to scare parents or is grossly misinformed. Aaron

Your Kidding Right??!! (none / 0) (#6872)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 06:34:04 PM PST
First off, I am a 14 year old boy and I consider myself to be very very computer literate. For you to say the things you said is just riduclos because I get straight A's in school and being on the computer all of the time has done nothing but help me in school. And what you call "Lunix" is called Linux and it is not an illegal operating system and isn't used by hackers. Quake is just a videogame. Flash is an animation program. Bonzi Buddy is a little talking purple monkey. Comet Cursor is just a program to change the look of your cursor. And I am going to be purchasing a new AMD Althlon XP 2000+ processor. They are not based in a 3rd world country, they are based in the U.S.A. They are not cheap knock-offs and they are almost always in most cases better than Intel Processors.

Maybe next time before jumping to conclusions, do some research.

join the circus (none / 0) (#6874)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 07:09:12 PM PST
please stop posting such articles i still cant stop laughing , this article should go to or something it is unapropriate and all your "facts" are useles untill you make sure of what you are saying and that it is truly so...i have one question though 'if i want a new cd-rom or stiffy drive does that make me a hacker...lolololol

You must be kidding! (none / 0) (#6875)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 07:23:39 PM PST
I can't believe I actually took the time to read your ridiculous article. All I have to say should do a little more research before posting such inaccurate information. For example, let's take number 8...What the hell is lunix? Hmm..maybe you ment to say linux...? And it isn't designed for hacking, linux is a sophisticated operating system. Telnet is also not intended to be used for hacking.

Besides your article being absolutely ridiculous and abnoxious, you are giving out false information. All I have to say is...get a fuckin clue shit for brains...

You got to be kidding me (none / 0) (#6877)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 07:25:14 PM PST
I can't believe I actually took the time to read your ridiculous article. All I have to say should do a little more research before posting such inaccurate information. For example, let's take number 8...What the hell is lunix? Hmm..maybe you ment to say linux...? And it isn't designed for hacking, linux is a sophisticated operating system. Telnet is also not intended to be used for hacking.

Oh yea, and one more thing...what the fuck is DOSing? hahahaha, are you fuckin kidding me, I'm not even going to bother with that comment.

Besides your article being absolutely ridiculous and abnoxious, you are giving out false information. All I have to say is...get a fuckin clue shit for brains...

Are you freaking kidding me? (none / 0) (#6878)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 08:33:38 PM PST
First off, you have absolutely know idea what you are talking about. Just beacuse you can not get past pointing and clicking on a computer does not mean you have to go awall on someone who knows what they are doing.

I'm almost crying now from laughing so hard!!!! (none / 0) (#6879)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 09:07:06 PM PST
I dumb can people get??
It's LINUX not LUNIX!!!!!

I hope this was a joke... (none / 0) (#6883)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 02:55:50 AM PST
Man, you have some serious problems if that article wasnt a joke... It scares the hell out of me to think people could be that ignorent. just about everything in that article that claims to point out that sumone is a hacker is a friggin joke! I can think of legitimate reasons for every one of them. the book neuromancer is not a hacker manual. you have got to have technophobia to write an article like that and think that everything is a conspiracy. thats just pathetic, open ur eyes bitch and look around. the whole US government must be one great big hacker cuz it doesnt use exactly wut u use. research ur shit before u write about it. dont be a left leaning slut...


Take note (none / 0) (#6884)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 04:45:34 AM PST
That was the biggist amount of politicaly correct american bullshit that I have ever come across.
It is clear to me that americans generally can not keep control or disapline their ofspring, i feel this is down to a general lack of rational thought in americans
Any way with out hackers how can we improve the internet and make it secure

Ok, this is to people in both countries (none / 0) (#6885)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 05:34:43 AM PST
Both of you need a wake-up call. Yes there are many stupid people in America, but there are stupid people everywhere. Have any of you Brit's ever talked to people who are into theatre professionally? Obviously not because we love Monty Python and the other numerous british comedies that we can see on BBCA. Many other people I know also like watching British comedy, just as much as we enjoy watching our comedies. The reason we like them is not because they are so good but because most of them are so stupid. Also, why are both sides insisting that all people on each side are like this? Do you people not believe in exceptions? Not all Americans are descendants of the first settlers. My grandparents and great-grandparents moved here from other countries because they wanted to. Both sides need to chill and get a reality check.

OMG my mom's an hacker! (none / 0) (#6886)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 05:55:59 AM PST
i just noticed it by all the signs, how didn't i notice it before ?!

Idiotic Author (none / 0) (#6888)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 06:50:44 AM PST
The author is a mad moron who has no idea what he is talking about or the amount of damage he is doing to his children. Go and learn about Computers first before criticising your child.

Idiot, moron and a screwball parent - That's what you are.

this article made me feel INTELLIGENT !! (none / 0) (#6889)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 07:02:57 AM PST
i feel utter sorrow and pity for you my friend... id advise you visit your local library, read "computers for dummies" and post an apology to the readers of your shameful article. my mother, who doesnt even know how to switch a computer on, thinks you are a complete and utter moron. i hope i havent made you cry. out for the REAL hackers, theyre going to get you, watch your back.

The funniest thing I have read in a long time (none / 0) (#6890)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 08:54:45 AM PST
I would like to thank you for giving me a laugh.. :) I hope this was indeed a joke, because it really gives a good picture of people who have absolutely no computer skills :)

funny (none / 0) (#6891)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 10:17:27 AM PST
i liked it espesaly the bit about bonzi budy i just hope it is a joke!!"! :]

30 min might equell hacker (none / 0) (#6892)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 11:17:59 AM PST
if you child is on the computer for 30 min he might be a hacker bs if you have aol it takes that long too log on and download two sites

Re: My Sons a Computer Hacker ROFL! (none / 0) (#6893)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 11:43:27 AM PST
Um....lets start off in the right place.
Adequacy for adults is the name of the site....ARE YOU ALL IN DIAPERS? DO YOU NOT COMPREHEND THINGS AT A NORMAL LEVEL? Maybee your son isnt a hacker maybee just interested...If he likes programming let him ...One day you'll be leaching off his profits...He likes video games? Maybee he is studying how to make one...Again which u will rape him for $$$. The thing is were
teenagers, just stay off our backs.

Maybee he is a hacker....
but reading some autobiographies or something that was real furthering his education doesnt make him one..Cause inside each person isnt a punk raver russian spy looking to get out...just get off your kids back...they are they must have listen b4 i have a stroke over the outlandish way in which this article was written im gonna do some real hacking now...
<3 Fear

My Profesional Opinion (none / 0) (#6894)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 12:29:10 PM PST
First of all let me point out that I am a certified profesional Sytems and networks administrator.
That said, I am verry dissapointed at the actions of the person who posted the initial "is you're sone a hacker".

I don't agry with all the flaiming (flaiming = arguing for those who can't understand alot :)

But it should be noted that those who took the time to try and educate you to you're ignorance have made several good points.

I am not in a posision from where I stand to say either way whether or not you're son was getting into the shadier side of hacking (how could i know)
But if what you have posted is the only evedence you have against him you truely are in no better posision you'reself.
Don't get me wrong, I am a parent myself and I certainly realize the importance of monitoring you're children online.
Please let me point out some things you should reconsider about you're decision.

First of all the statistics...
It is true that a growing number of people (especialy young children) are being lured into said "3l33t h4x0r" better said "wannabe hackor" comunities.
It is also true that most of these play with some redymade tools that are actualy harmless in the larger view of things.
But (the point I would like to make) most of these people after seeing that "real hacking" not only requires alot more homework than what they have complained about from school for years but also is far from fun or glamorouse.
After seeing this most abandon the idea of "hacking".

you're evidense...
Again I don't meen to pick a fight.
From what I see in you're post you are extremely over parenoid and you're alagations are totaly unfounded.

The main point of concern is the mention of Quake (a verry popular game) as a clue toward a child being a "hackor".
This is FAR from acurate.
In fact I see no relationship.
Although the game in some parrents opinion may be inapropreate due to the violent nature and graphical content of the game itsself there is no relationship with hacking.
Quake is one of the most popular games for the pc platform of all times.
If you're son was infact talking about hacking in a quake forum or group then that was between you're son and the other participants of the forum.
Please do not point fingurs causeing parents to punnish there children or suspect them because of there playing an inocent game.

Where did AMD come from? ...
My next concern was the mention of AMD as a bad or somehow hackor friendly CPU.
Allow me to make this point with a question.
I think the PC you mentioned buying for you're children was a Compaq rite?
My point is that Compag has been useing AMD processors in there systems for some time now (with great succes I might add)
And I personaly (who is far from a "hacker") have installed AMD chips in anything I have built for several years.

(BETER HARDWARE = BETTER GAMEING PERFORMANCE. That is what I would emagin you're son wanted because Compaq is notoriouse for useing what is in my opinion JUNK onboard vidio crds "Just my opinion" "I do have 3 years training to back up that aligation")

There is no relationship between hardware such as processors, vidio cards or any other ordinarry hardware and "hacking" as "hacking" as you refer to it is a software or network software involvement and NOT hardware.

The AOL factor...
Frankly I would not pay for any service (such as AOL) if there where better services for free.
The reason we pay for ISP services is because of some of the bad points of the free ISPs.
AOL exibits most of these bad qualities in it's PAY Services.
Qualities such as but not limited to the following...
Popup advertiseing- When you log on to AOL how many of those other windows that are trying to sell you something do you have to close?

Spyware! - Yes, by you're defenition of a "hackor" AOL is 3l33t (a hacker lol). Without you're consent or knollage for that matter AOL software is loaded with spyware that monitors where you go and what you do online souly for the purpose of targetted advertiseing.

They sell you're personal information! - Yes, you're profiles (which includes personal information such as home address home (AND BUISNESS IF YOU PROVIDED IT) phone #s etc. is made redily available by AOL Time Warner to third party marketors for a price.
(So that's where the junk mail and telemarketing calls are comeing from)

anyway I don't have time to make all the points to you and other parents that I would like to but let me say to parrents reading these posts...

Pleae Do monitor you're childrens behavior online.
There is ALOT of things they could see or do that isn't apropriate for anyone much less children BUT...
PLEASE DO NOT take any of the clues listed in the post "is you're son a hackor" seriousely or punish you're children for these actions.
PLEASE DO limit what you're children are allowed to do and see online (there is software that while not being greatly succesfull, will help aid in this talk.
and PLEASE DO allow you're children once protection is in place to expirience what is an awsome tool for learning and playing that is the internet.

Thank you and this has inspired me to do an artical on the subject but unfortunetly I don't have time.

YOUR A FUCKIN DUMBASS (none / 0) (#6895)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 01:04:27 PM PST
DUMBASS GET A CLUE! wait he cant because only alot over 4000 people said something about YOU STUPID I MAKE F`s IN SCHOOL AND IM SMARTER THAN YOU!

what a dumb@$$ (none / 0) (#6896)
by phobohobo on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 01:25:35 PM PST
First of all, believing a 4 year old's uninformed accusation is HIGHLY laughable. I frequent Quake servers, and all we do is capture flags and survive. How on God's green Earth can you compare mouse movements and hand-eye coordination to "Training in the use of firearms"????? Either learn about the subject or just F**K OFF.

im sure you have gotten alot of this... (none / 0) (#6897)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 01:46:39 PM PST
Im sure you have gotten alot of this, but you have to research what your talking about a little more before you go and writing this 'know it all' article. it is completely inaccurate.

well i know people have said this things already but just to clarify, Bonzi Buddy, Flash, and Comet Curser are about as far from Hacking as you can get. They are childrens programs, flash, is used for making movies, and websites, Bonzi Buddy is a sort of purple monkey who sits on your desktop and tells you jokes, and Comet Curser is a program that lets you change the style of your mouse. If Flash is a hacking program (which it isnt). then i am guilty as charged.

Just because your son may have changed his friends and the cloths he wore, that doesnt meen he was a hacker. if you have ever jounrned outside your house before you should know that people dress in many styles. Im SO sorry if he wasnt a yuppy prick like yourself.

i bet your son wasnt even a hacker to begin with. he was probably just spending a little time talking to his friends on the computer.

im sorry but you were a fool for writing this article.

Oh, my god, my son is a HACKER !!! (none / 0) (#6901)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 03:49:06 PM PST
This article is so full of SHIT !!!
Who ever wrote this is a complete IDIOT who is
trying to make fun of this site...

Now, I'll go to meet my fellow hackers in
the "virtual reallity" called Quake, and try
to catch the biggest, and most dangerous of all
hackers : "Linyos Torovoltos".

I am amazed at the ignorance (none / 0) (#6903)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 12:21:08 AM PST
One: Don't blame the computer on your son not doing well in school...that is because at his age school is definitely less interesting than...everything else

Two: There may be other reasons to change ISPs. One company may have better download rates and allow you to download more mp3s (or music).

Three: Quake is not a training ground for hackers - is is a video game...played online...another reason your son may ask to change ISPs. I know...I have played for years.

Four: Linux/Unix is used for a variety of applications besides hacking (if it is used for hacking at all) and is used worldwide because it is open source (free for all). To learn to use the system may get your son a job - not a jail sentence.

Five: Your son is becoming argumentative because he is a teen. Not because he is a hacker, or a drug user, or whatever your delusions son is getting differing perspectives on life and social training while in school...not cause he is lauching missles remotely.

Six: your son obviously knows more about computers than you do. For example - "Flash" is a web based vector animation program and is the leader in web development tools. Bonzi buddy is a stupid thing that is installed when you download some software (like winzip) sometimes, that is a bird that talks to you and gives you hints about what you should be looking at on the internet. Promotional tool.

You should foster your child's love of computers...It will land him a good job when he is older...don't be ignorant...push him in the right direction...


OMFG wotta nOObie (none / 0) (#6904)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 12:44:26 AM PST
OMG i dunno where to start!!!!!!

You are abviously one stupid fuckin prick to actually belive and write all that shite!

10 signs ur son is a hacker LMAO

he needs new hardware>> So only hackers upgrade their comp??

He may use Quake>>> LMAO quake is a fuckin game gramps wotta stupid fuckin cunt u really are... Hackerz use Quake to chat and blahblah etc etc....

Omg i cant even be arsed postin ur utter stupidity..

g3t 4 fuck!n l!f3 n00b...

yOu aint 1337 enuf f0r uz hax0rz c0z w3 r0x0r..

God damn... (none / 0) (#6909)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 04:27:39 AM PST
1. AMD is a cheaper chip than Intel... They are located in the USA, dipshit.

2. Quake??!! That's a game! GOD!

3. Every kid wears baggy pants and the homey look...

4. I spend 4 hours (minimum) a day on the PC, and I'm not socially fucked or have trouble speaking to my folks about my knowledge of the hacking world.

5. He requests new hardware because computers get real gay, real soon. SLOOOW. You need more power at least every 6 months.

6. Lunix?! It's Linux, and it's an open source operating system that is stable and better than Windows.

7. Video cards have nothing to do with hacking. They merely increase your rendering power.

8. Let the poor kid install his own programs...

9. There are girl hackers too!!

10. AOL sucks ass. Change the ISP.

This is complete Bullshit!!! (none / 0) (#6912)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 11:33:08 AM PST
I ahve been involved in "genuine hacking" for over 9 years and ur trying to tell me that linux is an illegal oprating system - sorry but ur research just fits in the class of the highly uneducated - nevertheless its considred one of the most powerful and stable oprating systems around - well get my point! and since when is bonzybuddy or any of the stuff u listed like flash got anything to do with hacking?
and in response to ur AMD comment - erhmmmm i trust AMD more than Intel.
u should really get ur head straight friend!

no more.

I have to write on the ignorance displayed (none / 0) (#6914)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 01:05:34 PM PST
in the topic you have written about. COuld you and others that visit this website be anymore ignorant? AMD certainly is not a cheap third world knock off of an american process, they are a superior product for a start. Intel has no measures in place to prevent piracy so don't fool yourself.

MOst of the things you have spewed forth in your essay is nothing short of complete ignorance and is to say the least an example of close minded parenting. You set a poor example for others, it is nothing short of child abuse.

You should apologise to your children for being such a moron and should then go and get a real life.

LOL... (none / 0) (#6915)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 07:06:55 PM PST
Been watching too many movies? Seen them "hacking" with their lame Apple computers, graphical interfaces, and all that other bullshit? I think you have! Hackers don't destory computers. Don't insult us. That's crackers. And, how exactly was your son hacking? No wonder he denied it... He never done it. Here's a list of the programs and products you decided were used for hacking, and what they are actually used for.

- Linux - Not Lunix. It's an alternative to shitty Microstupid products that are actually taking over. Hell, I can't uninstall half of their things because they like to include nifty spyware in them.

- Telnet - ROFL! That comes with Windows! It can check email, and connect to servers to display crappy pictures, and quite a bit more.

- Don't stereotype russians... How dare you link to a damn Goldeneye James Bond site.

- MP3 is music, and you can't hack into stereos and steal music. They have to modems or cable access.

- Quake - A fun PC game, that, thank-you-god, is availible for linux. Weapon training?! Christ!

As a closing word... Dickhead.

Ridiculous (none / 0) (#6916)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 08:56:47 PM PST
There are so many unfounded and ridiculously misappropriated comments in this "article" not to mention spelling mistakes and entirly made up uses for software (i.e. Quake, Linux) (mp3 by the way is not a program it's a peice of music) that i think kids should not let their parents use the computers for fear they'll come across this article and become stupid through association.


joke or not? (none / 0) (#6918)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 02:26:35 AM PST
well I don't know if someone else already raised this question since there were like 4000 comments I didn't read them all.
but I don't know if it's a joke or not, if this page was suppose to make me laugh or just think that there are people who shouldn't have children please someone tell me

The True Information (none / 0) (#6919)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 02:30:42 AM PST
As a professional computer network administrator, I found misleading information in every single point you made in this article. Let me help point them out:

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

In order to further explore the world of computers, a change in an ISP is almost necessary (especially from AOL). Many internet users find most connections too slow and limiting for their needs, even for "legal" purposes. Broadband internet providers allow much faster download times, allowing pages to be viewed at a much quicker rate. Also, many ISPs don't allow their customers to set up their own computer networks, which allow home users to gain the experience and knowledge they may need in the world of a computer professional.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

This is not a reason to suspect anything. Many computer manufacturers (like Compaq or Dell) install their own programs before shipping them out to the customer. Many of these programs are not accessible to the average user but may still show up in the "Install/Remove Programs" listing. Also, the Windows Operating system uses many files the average user may not recognize but are needed for the normal functioning of the computer, and deleting them may cause you to ruin your system.

"Comet Cursor" and "Bonzi Buddy" are NOT hacker programs. These programs are called "spyware" and are installed by legitimate businesses when you use their products. Per that software's legal licensing agreement, you must install and allow these programs to gather information to use for marketing purposes or you must uninstall the software. The "Flash" program is also NOT a hacking program, but rather a program commonly used by professionals who design legitimate websites. If your child wants to be part of the lucrative business of website design, you should allow them to gain as much experience with that software as they can, since they will need it later.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computers become out of date very quickly. Programs that were used when you bought your computer require updating to stay current, and may require larger harddrives, faster video cards, and more memory to be able to process the information. Newer programs (programs that today's businesses require applicants to know before hiring) have a hard time running on older hardware, and by not maintaining and updating your system, you may be hindering your children's learning process rather than helping it. Also to note, the latest Windows operating system released by Microsoft (Windows XP) will not work on computers with old software. Many businesses may be using this version of the Windows operating system soon, and will require applicants to know how to use XP before they hire. Upgrading the hardware for your computer is necessary for your children to become familiar with this operating system.

Also, AMD is a legitimate company. It is sold by many respectable computer manufactures, such as Compaq, IBM, and others. It is also a publicly traded company, meaning that it must pass certain standards set by the SEC before it is allowed to issue stock. Many businesses use AMD for their computer systems (including the financial institution that I work for) and is gaining popularity over the Intel processors. It also uses it's own architecture, designed by AMD's own engineers, and is by no means a "knock off".

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

"Programming with Perl"? You have a lot to learn about the difference between hacking and legal computer network administration. There is very little difference. Perl is a programming language used by network administrators as a large part of their jobs. Many hackers turn out to be well paid administrators working for large companies BECAUSE they took every chance they got to study such manuals and to understand such materials. By understanding how a "bad" hacker gets into your network to steal your data, the administrator can easily find a way to prevent someone from using that method. Learning the art of hacking is not illegal (or why would bookstores carry such materials?). Imagine if a police detective wasn't allowed to learn how robbers break into banks, thus not knowing of a way to stop them. Or if a homeland security expert didn't read the terrorist handbook, and was not able to know how to protect against the methods that terrorists would use? Most schools won't teach the knowledge that would be gained by reading hacking materials, and most companies require that you know them before you are hired.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

You seem to be confusing your terms when you say "DOS". There are two common types: DOS, or Disk Operating System, is the underlying foundation that Windows uses to operate (except on Windows NT, 2000, and XP). This type of DOS is absolutely necessary to know to be able to get any job that may require fixing a computer. Also, this DOS is commonly referred to (even by Windows) as the "Command Prompt".

DoS, or Denial of Service, is the illegal version in which you were confusing. DoS is a procedure that can overwhelm a target computer until it can't efficiently use it's (internet) connection anymore. This type of attack doesn't always require "gaining access to the command prompt on other people's machines". Also, DoS attacks can be traced back to the originating computer, so if your child is doing this, chances are the police already have them under arrest.

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is a computer game, nothing more, nothing less. As a frequent Quake player, I have never seen any conversations about hacking. This does not mean it may never occur, but Quake is an extremely inefficient way to have a conversation of any sort. Email, IRC, AOL (yes, even AOL - I can legally have any conversation I want using their software although I don't use them as an ISP), ICQ, Microsoft Messenger, Yahoo IM, etc are more than efficient ways to hold a conversation. Don't write these programs off as "hacker" programs; many are used in everyday business also for efficient communications. I can even talk to my grandmother using these software programs, so they are in no means "hacker programs". I can even use the telephone or the U.S. Postal Service!!

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behavior?

You are imagining things. This type of behavior is usually typical in teenagers, who are struggling through the confusing times of trying to find themselves. This happens with any teenager, even if they use the computer or not. I'm not saying to shouldn't try to "get through" to your child, but don't blame this natural process on "hacking" or using the computer.

8. Is your son obsessed with LINUX?

You are way off on this one. My advice is to do a little research before talking about it. First of all it is LINUX, invented by a student programmer from Finland. This LEGAL operating system is based on UNIX, which is a system used by the majority of businesses decades before Microsoft was even a dream. As a matter of fact, the majority of businesses use Unix today, especially companies such as banks, credit card companies, and ISPs. Even the company that I work for uses Unix to record and process all transactions, and I must use the TELNET program to access those records while using my windows computer. (I was even required to learn Linux on my own when I became employed). Linux is a LEGAL (otherwise they wouldn't sell it at your local office/computer store) operating system, and in some instances, may have to delete Windows in order to install. Usually this can be avoided and absolutely no harm done to your computer. Linux will not destroy your hard drive. If your child wishes to use Linux, I suggest either getting him his own computer (which can be a cheap older model, since Linux doesn't have the massive hardware requirements that Windows needs) or make him read a good book so he understands the installation process.

Second, MP3 is a legal format for audio data and can be used from Windows, Mac, or Linux. (As a matter of fact, I'm listening to MP3 music right now using LEGAL software on my Windows computer). MP3 does have a gray line in the law, however. Since most MP3s are created by copying music CDs onto the computer, many people break copyright law by sharing these files. If your child has MP3s and the music CDs that they are associated to AND not sharing them to other people, then you have no reason to be concerned.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

On the contrary, most teenage hackers prefer to dress in darker colors, comfortable clothing, and try not to draw much attention to themselves. Changes in a teenager's appearance doesn't mean they are a hacker, this is another natural part of the child's growing experience. Also, many people in the DRUG culture tend to dress in bright colors and carry glow-sticks and pacifiers (glow-sticks and pacifiers commonly relate heavily to the drug Ecstasy). Also, most hackers won't use drugs because it interferes with their hobby (hacking).

10. Is your son struggling academically?

If your son is smart enough to be a hacker, then he is probably bored at school. I had the same problem when I was in high school. I wasn't challenged, and I graduated with mediocre grades (although I did know the information). Once I attended college, I was doing things more challenging and interesting. As a result, I graduated with my first college degree 3rd in my class and with my second college degree as the Valedictorian. Yes I spend hours on end in front of my computer, I read hacker manuals, I talked to other hackers, but when I attended classes in which I was challenged over what I enjoy, I excelled. And so might your child.

"Computer radiation" is actually far less than the electromagnetic radiation produced by a television. If computers actually caused "temporary damage to the eyes and brain, schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases, then think about the millions of people who spend 8 to 10 hours a day working on a computer as part of their careers. Computers are specially shielded to prevent radiation to escape and harm anyone. If computers actually caused that much harm, then the FCC (the government agency that enforces regulations involving electromagnetic radiation) would not allow computer to manufactured and sold.

Being a computer hacker is not something to look down upon, unless those skills are used for illegal purposes. (If someone owned and was trained to use a firearm, does that make him a murderer automatically?). Serious computer hackers only use their skills for learning purposes, and usually end up with great paying jobs once they get into the job force. Every company that requires the use of communications or data storage has a need for someone who knows and understands the intricate workings of computer systems, which is what a hacker excels at. Many people who don't understand computers may find someone who does to have 'magic', and label them a hacker. If you really want to steer your child into a good career, then embrace their will to learn, but just keep a close and WELL INFORMED eye on them to guide them from doing anything illegal.

More shocking evidence against AMD :) (none / 0) (#6920)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 03:42:07 AM PST
AMD actually stands for America Must Die, there's a russian Quake clan/hacker orginisation/terrorist orginisation with that name.

*wipes tear from eye* (none / 0) (#6921)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 04:27:22 AM PST
I cannot explain how hilarious this 'article' is.
I myself am not a 'hacker' and I don't know a lot about the subject. I can however see, even from such an inexperienced perspective that you talk an unbeliveable amount of shite.
I truely fell sorry for your children and anyone cursed with having to live under your roof.
Next time you plan on spewing shite like this, get the facts right, write them down, then go get yourself run over as they'll most likely be just as inadequate and false.
Heres a dime T Reginald Gibbons, go buy a condomn and sleep in it.

Flash? (none / 0) (#6922)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 05:47:32 AM PST
(Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". )

Since when has Flash been a "Hacker Software".
Its used to make interactive webpages among others. U cant acsess webpages with the software or servers.

I live in Denmark (sorry about the type errors), and this post has allready reacht headlines in several forums/communities. We all agree that this sort of statement is totaly without any sense of "knowhow".


Kenneth Jones Nielsen

PS. Thx god i�m not that son!

This article cannot be serious.. (none / 0) (#6923)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 06:34:43 AM PST
Flash? a hacker program? Comet Cursos? a hacker program? sheesh. To be frank, i feel sorry for you, your family, and more importantly your son.

If you think that within 3 days of watching what your son is doing on your machine is enough time to suddenly and miraculously be some critical genious about computer software and what is and isn't a 'hacker' program then i suggest you book yourself a holiday and take some time off parenting for at least a month.

I appreciate you writing this article tho' as it reminds me how obnoxious, arrogant and plainly ludicrous some parents can be. :)


Anyhow, obviously this entire article is a sham seeing as there's far too much stupidity spread throughout it's dia-tribe to be worthwhile to any other parents out there.

I have no respect for this man's idiocy. (none / 0) (#6925)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 07:29:04 AM PST
Sir, I feel the need to insult you because of your rash misjudgement and misinformation about computers, so I'm going to point out a few things you stated that are completely incorrect:

1) "I pride myself that I have never had to spank a child" -- Well sir, that was your first mistake, kids need a spanking now and then, no matter what is considered politically incorrect or not. It's not like spanking is going to permanently damage their ass and if you explain why you spank them after you do it then they will understand better the things that should and shouldnt't do.

2)"If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider. I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter." -- Wrong again sir, if your child wants to get a new ISP it is because he has noticed what you havn't, which is that AOL is completely unreliable. At this current date the majority of computer smart people you ask (which does not include anyone but your son) will tell you that AOL is one of the worst ISP's available. They are slow, expensive, and cut you offline almost every 10 mins.

3)"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"." -- This mistake actually amde me start laughing quite loudly. You obviously didn't research hacking software very much because you would know that Comet Cursor,, is a program that personalizes mouse cursors for websites and personal computers. That's all it does, it's just a novelty program. "Bonzai Buddy" has one purpose. It puts an animated picture of a monkey on your computer desktop. You can then interact with the monkey by having it sing, play games, tell you jokes, etc. Finally, Flash is a web design program made by Macromedia, I wouldn't be surprised if your son has the evaluation version of it. Flash is a very complicated program to use that most adults like you don't have the patience to learn, so if your son has learned how to use it you congratulate him. NEITHER OF THESE PROGRAMS IS IN THE SLIGHTEST WAY RELATED TO COMPUTER HACKING.

4)"Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.
If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well." -- SIR...DID YOU EVEN GRADUATE FROM HIGHSCHOOL? What an idiot you are! Hackers can hack off just about anything sir. Video cards, hard drives, memory, means that the kid is sick of waiting four hours for AOL to open because you bought a 3 gig HD with 16MB of RAM and use the defualt video card. Sir the average computer these days has 30-40 gig hard drives, 156MB of ram or "memory", and a decent video card, at least 64MB for the majority of current games. You son doesn't want to hack, he just wants a computer that can keep up with the software that is currently being developed. And Sir, AMD does not make knock-off processors of Intel. AMD makes chips that are equal too or even better than Intel, they are a powerful force in the computer industry and you have been sadly mis-informed about them. Once again, giving you son a computer doesn't provide him anything if you let the computer get outdated, technology doesn't stay the same for more than 3 months at a time, thus he will ask for better hardware in order to keep up.

5) "There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond." -- Hacker manuals? Did you even bother tolook at and read what each book is about? For example, "Snow Crash" is a story about the future, not a damn hacking manual sir and "Pearl" is not a hacking manual, it is a programming language that you should be encouraging you son to learn because of how it will help in the future.

6) "If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites." -- Earlier you said that your son uses AOL. AOL is so slow that it probably takes him 30 minutes to load one website. I'm on my computer for at least 6 hours a day. I use it to play games, do my homework, talk to people online, and design websites. Non of this is hacking.

7) "Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms." -- Sir, Quake is an online, multiplayer game where kids battle it out in a violent game. This game is fun but probably not good for anyone under 13 to play. This game has nothing to do with hacking, its just where people from all over the world come together and play.

8) "Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation he is in. Keep trying to get through to him, no matter how much he retreats into himself." -- If you son tells you that it is because he's pissed at you for yeling at him for using Bonzai Buddy, which really is nothing at all.

9) "BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War." -- Sir you should be slapped. None of these operating systems are illegal and you can actually find them at your local software distributor. Infact you splet one wrong "lunix" is actually "Linux". Your little mistake here shows me that you know nothing at all but rumors about these programs, thus your opinion should not be listened to.

10) "Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional." -- Don't waste your money sir, simple ask your son to remove it from you computer and put Windows back on. If he was smart enough to figure out how to put Linux on the computer along with Windows on his own, then he should be congratulated because he's done what most people your age are completely confused by.

11) "If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences." -- I know a lot of people that do hack and not only do they not fit the descriptions you described in this whole essay, but they definitely don't dress like this. I have never seen anyone dress like this. If you son dresses like this, then you may want to stop allowing him access to pacifiers.

10) The computer radiation emitted by personal computers is next to nothing and has no reason for concern.

PARENTS PAY ATTENTION! DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS MAN BECAUSE HE IS MIS-INFORMED AND LAUGHABLY INCOORECT. Sir I think you deserve your son an apology and I think you should go back to school or something because you are computer-clueless.

Now I know California is a Foreign land!!! (none / 0) (#6927)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 10:36:36 AM PST
Just discovered that California is a Third World Country!! Guy says that AMD chips, made in Cal are from the Third World!! Always thought you Left Coast guys and gals were different but Third World, now come on.

you are so full of it (none / 0) (#6928)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 12:02:08 PM PST
it is spelled Linux. it wont trash your hard disk. it is not a hacker tool. Huge corporations use it because of it's good security measures. get your facts strait.

You Are A Fuckin Idiot! (none / 0) (#6929)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 04:09:58 PM PST
I think a Hacker can be any damn person. It doesnt matter what they look like or act like. It just matters what they do on the internet. All of your statements are inacurate and false.

What a dumbass (none / 0) (#6930)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 04:42:41 PM PST
The guy that wrote this article should be arrested for his own ignorance.

Erm, it was irony (none / 0) (#7005)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 08:51:22 AM PST
Surely you realised that was irony, anyone not realising is rather dumb.

l33t haxxors anonymous (none / 0) (#6931)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 06:28:54 PM PST
I read this article, and I have made the shocking discovery that I am a l33t haxxor without even knowing it. Imagine the shock I now feel, knowing that while sleepwalking my mind was manipulated by the maleficious computer, and I committed acts of unspeakable evil. I have enrolled in l33t haxxors anonymous, and I suggest to all of you who show any of those signs of hackerness to do the same, and as for you parents out there, I urge you to send all your children to l33t haxxor deprogramming centers, so that they can be forced to be shown the Light. Such evil programs as BonziBuddy must be banished with Holy Water, thrown in large quantities onto the computer, or vodka works too, if your out of holy water. If the computer shorts out and you experience 3rd degree burns from the electrical shock, and your lifes blood exits you from the thousands of tiny cuts resulting from the many shards of glass from the monitor exploding, be happy, for you have finally rid yourself of the evils of the Comp U toR, master of the Nine Circles of Hell, Destroyer of Worlds, Corruptor of Souls, Lord of Entropy.

YOU ARE A RETARD (none / 0) (#6932)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 07:33:17 PM PST
Question One....does the writer of this uninforming documnet have his head up his a$$. First of all Flash is not a hacking program its an animation tool. Second Bonzie Buddy is a animated monkey that you can put on your desktop..NOT A HACKING TOOL. Third commet crusor is more animated pointing crusors that allow you to have a varity of crusors. NOT A HACKING TOOL. Ok telnet is NOT a hacking tool either. IT comes on EVERY COMPUTER THAT YOU HAVE EVER BOTTEN, PREINSTALLED. It allows you to chat with other people. And is used as a remote admin tool for sys admins over networks. And clothing....OH MY GOD. All hackers wear differnet things besides what this fruitcake mentioned. This document is inncorrect and uninforming and false........Furthermore, the guy who wrote that document could get thrown in jail for slander by saying flash, bonzi buddy, and commet crusor were hacking tools. That is considered slanderous accusations. Before you write another document buddy, I suggest YOU DO SOME REAL RESEARCH.

LMAO im sorry, but... (none / 0) (#6934)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 09:05:22 PM PST
the person who wrote this article is so unbelievinbly misinformed. I was actually laughing out loud. Sir, YOU are the one who needs to better your education on computers and the software available for them. "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "

Comet cursor - this is an automatic install program that is featured on MANY MANY SITES accross teh world, it is VERY annoying as it pops up on all of these sites saying "Would u like to install comet cursor?" and your son, obviously NOT being the Professional computer user you think he is said "umm... whats this." and clicked "Yes". He does NOT deserve to be punished for merely being a new internet user.

Bonzai Buddy - this program is merely a little graphical cartoon that helps you do lame things related to some text applications and the internet. its a toy, not a hackers tool.

Flash - this is so far away from being a hackers tool, if its a hackers tool, YOU know what your talking about AND your son IS a computer hacker. this program is a graphics program for making cartoons, animations, and various other media software.

Quake is a game..... not a "Virtual reality for hackers". people talk about whatever they like in all games. get used to it.

You will not have to get a professional to fix your PC if your son "Breaks windows", 99% of machines bought today come with restore software, which maybe even you could grasp.

"They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks." ...... these arent hackers, these are kids...... you just described over 50% of the teenage populous. many people dressed like this are ravers, they go to raves, and most of them are normal people. respectable people.

"If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group". Sir, you simply cant get more ignorant than you've shown yourself to be. Lots of kids have problems in school, lots of kids suck at sports. I was. Did you go to school with kids who had these problems? I garantee it. I bet they were hackers too! Oh wait... maybe they pulled apart they're commodore64 and rebuilt it into a Govornment Tormenting Spy Machine! Man, your article is getting more and more rediculous as I read it.

"over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases". Please...... this doesnt even deserve a response.

I suggest you speak to your son about "hacker" programs to prevent future problems. you went totally overboard, and I truly feel sorry for the boy. you may well have ruined his chances at accessing the worlds largest pool of knowledge. congradulations.



Big*ss Reply! (none / 0) (#6935)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 09:17:32 PM PST
the person who wrote this article is so unbelievinbly misinformed. I was actually laughing out loud. Sir, YOU are the one who needs to better your education on computers and the software available for them. "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "

Comet cursor - this is an automatic install program that is featured on MANY MANY SITES accross teh world, it is VERY annoying as it pops up on all of these sites saying "Would u like to install comet cursor?" and your son, obviously NOT being the Professional computer user you think he is said "umm... whats this." and clicked "Yes". He does NOT deserve to be punished for merely being a new internet user.

Bonzai Buddy - this program is merely a little graphical cartoon that helps you do lame things related to some text applications and the internet. its a toy, not a hackers tool.

Flash - this is so far away from being a hackers tool, if its a hackers tool, YOU know what your talking about AND your son IS a computer hacker. this program is a graphics program for making cartoons, animations, and various other media software.

Quake is a game..... not a "Virtual reality for hackers". people talk about whatever they like in all games. get used to it.

You will not have to get a professional to fix your PC if your son "Breaks windows", 99% of machines bought today come with restore software, which maybe even you could grasp.

"They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks." ...... these arent hackers, these are kids...... you just described over 50% of the teenage populous. many people dressed like this are ravers, they go to raves, and most of them are normal people. respectable people.

"If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group". Sir, you simply cant get more ignorant than you've shown yourself to be. Lots of kids have problems in school, lots of kids suck at sports. I was. Did you go to school with kids who had these problems? I garantee it. I bet they were hackers too! Oh wait... maybe they pulled apart they're commodore64 and rebuilt it into a Govornment Tormenting Spy Machine! Man, your article is getting more and more rediculous as I read it.

"over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases". Please...... this doesnt even deserve a response.

I suggest you speak to your son about "hacker" programs to prevent future problems. you went totally overboard, and I truly feel sorry for the boy. you may well have ruined his chances at accessing the worlds largest pool of knowledge. congradulations.



Big*ss Reply! (none / 0) (#6936)
by phet on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 09:20:59 PM PST
the person who wrote this article is so unbelievinbly misinformed. I was actually laughing out loud. Sir, YOU are the one who needs to better your education on computers and the software available for them. "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "

Comet cursor - this is an automatic install program that is featured on MANY MANY SITES accross teh world, it is VERY annoying as it pops up on all of these sites saying "Would u like to install comet cursor?" and your son, obviously NOT being the Professional computer user you think he is said "umm... whats this." and clicked "Yes". He does NOT deserve to be punished for merely being a new internet user.

Bonzai Buddy - this program is merely a little graphical cartoon that helps you do lame things related to some text applications and the internet. its a toy, not a hackers tool.

Flash - this is so far away from being a hackers tool, if its a hackers tool, YOU know what your talking about AND your son IS a computer hacker. this program is a graphics program for making cartoons, animations, and various other media software.

Quake is a game..... not a "Virtual reality for hackers". people talk about whatever they like in all games. get used to it.

You will not have to get a professional to fix your PC if your son "Breaks windows", 99% of machines bought today come with restore software, which maybe even you could grasp.

"They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks." ...... these arent hackers, these are kids...... you just described over 50% of the teenage populous. many people dressed like this are ravers, they go to raves, and most of them are normal people. respectable people.

"If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group". Sir, you simply cant get more ignorant than you've shown yourself to be. Lots of kids have problems in school, lots of kids suck at sports. I was. Did you go to school with kids who had these problems? I garantee it. I bet they were hackers too! Oh wait... maybe they pulled apart they're commodore64 and rebuilt it into a Govornment Tormenting Spy Machine! Man, your article is getting more and more rediculous as I read it.

"over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases". Please...... this doesnt even deserve a response.

I suggest you speak to your son about "hacker" programs to prevent future problems. you went totally overboard, and I truly feel sorry for the boy. you may well have ruined his chances at accessing the worlds largest pool of knowledge. congradulations.



GOOD GOD PEOPLE!!! (none / 0) (#6937)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 09:26:46 PM PST
"Can't we all just get along?"

Why is everyone getting so worked up about this?!?! If you want my opinion (well, nobody does but what the fuck, I'll give it anyway) it was a joke. If it was SUPPOSED to be serious, then it should still be something to laugh about, not an excuse to insult other people based on their nationality...

Oh, someone I'm very close to works for McDonalds and has heard quite a bit about that case... sure the coffee was hot, and I could understand that lady trying to get something changed about that, I would have done that, but do you have to sue somebody? She wasn't exactly bright either to put the coffee between her legs! It sounds like good intent disfigured into a greedy plot to make some spare $$$.

What Is This? NO ONE DISSES AMD OR LINUX (none / 0) (#6938)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 10:42:51 PM PST
AMD is a completely LEGAL vendor of CPU chips, and is in the north american market, and is *larger* than Intel, and Intel is it's largest rival.

Linux was created by a university professor to teach his students about the complexities of Unix. Corel is FREE and is even distributed by companies such as COREL.

I don't know what kind of joke you are running here but I believe that I should report this site to each of the afforementioned companies.

Thank you

learn to spell Asshole! (none / 0) (#6939)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 10:53:21 PM PST
yah... i have frequent problems with ppl hacking into my puter using "lunix" and the other day my brother was wearing a bright blue sweater... i guess i better spank him.. along with ur wife and... wtfh... i might as well smak u too!
i feel sorry for ur family
fucking loser

"is your son a hacker?" (none / 0) (#6940)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 12:20:49 AM PST
This article is the most ignorant, ludicrous, and uninformed load of rubbish that i have ever seen. Not only is it completely inaccurate and alarmist, but it also contains facts that are flat out wrong. AMD is not a "knock off" company, nor do they make their processors in "third world sweatshops with child labor." The process of constructing a processor is much more complicated and requires training beyond what would be available to your average child laborer. The "hacker" programs to which the dolt who wrote this article refers (Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor and Flash), are all genuine, legitimate programs which have absolutely nothing to do with hacking. This blatantly ignorant fool refers to the use of telnet software as a means of connecting to others' computers without a telephone... TELNET. T-E-L-N-E-T... as in TELephone NETowrking. As far as the references to Quake, this GAME is hardly a weapons training area. The confusion of hackers with ravers is ludicrous as well. Ravers are described here; hackers fit no stereotype, fit no dress code, and usually make it a habit to ridicule someone dumb enough to wear a pacifier around their neck. The author of this ridiculous article should not only be banned from spreading their blatant ignorance, but should have their children removed from their presence as well, as their lack of knowledge about this subject begs the question of their ability to function normally in society, much les raise children to do just that. On behalf of educated persons everywhere, and hackers in particular, I would like to take this opportunity to point at mister Reginald Gibbons, laugh hideously, and say "you are by far the most ignorant and annoying person on the planet."

idiots (none / 0) (#6941)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 02:58:38 AM PST
At times I think parents should not be allowed near computers. if your son is using dos...Maybe hes programming in java, or C++ and you never even knew!

if we let kids read law books and how to bend the rules. Why not let kids do legal, HACKING...not cracking. Do you have any idea how much money computer programmers are worth.

and last. The best way to learn how to safe-guard a to know how a person can crack it. every year companys pay a fortune for any hacker to break into there system! if someone can, usually they pay him a hell of alot more to show the company how to better safe-gaurd the system. if no one can...theyve just proved to the world how secure there system really is! talk with your son or daughter. find out what there ambition is with computers. these kids generally have a thirst for knowledge. not destruction or lawlessness. parents.....Idiots!

lol (none / 0) (#6943)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 10:28:41 AM PST
no comment... the man should become an comic writer...

Holy Lord Gawd (none / 0) (#6945)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 11:12:39 AM PST
This is the most amazing thing I've read in my entire life. If the author is not completely joking, he is the single most uninformed, self-deluded moron on the face of the earth. Honestly, dangerously, powerfully stupid.

There should be a law against this MF! (none / 0) (#6946)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 12:19:09 PM PST
What the hell is wrong with this idiot?! This kid probably wants 2 change ISP's because AOL is crap! Yeah sure Linux steals cc #'s(*cough**sarcasm*). And whats up with the day-glo clothes? That's probably got more 2 do with drugs than hacking. What a retard!

Are you stupid? (none / 0) (#6947)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 03:43:08 PM PST
I hate you! And i think you are worthless for spreading lies! You are the kind of people who killed women beacuse they were told to be whitches!

I use my compute several hours a day! If your son is using it 30 minutes a day then he must have a problem!

Can we play spot the stupid person? Please? (none / 0) (#6962)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 30th, 2002 at 09:35:51 AM PST
This story lives under a bridge. It turns to stone in sunlight. All together now, what is it?

is you're dad an idiot? (none / 0) (#6948)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 09:16:50 PM PST
by the looks of this article, yes. some people ask to change ISPs, away from AOL is because AOL is slow and unstable Quake? we play it because its fun! It's a game....and a hacker can meet anywhere not just quake, DUMB_ASS linux? bsd? do you have ANY idea how many webservers run those applications? why? because its STABLE!!!!! why wear bright color or dye hair? because its a goddam new trend!!and glowsticks have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HACKERS. glowsticks are just that, glowsticks. people tend to use these at "raves" or "parties" where they dance and have fun with by wowing friends with tricks or shows. and lots of people dye or spike their hair, so what? i suppose those super models that dye/spike their hair are hackers too huh? change appearance? its soemthing called GROWING UP AND PHASE CHANGES. dont' tell me someone is going to stay the same all of their life.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#6950)
by Kevin on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 01:58:34 AM PST
I am 40 years old male and have programmed for Quake mods for years and kids do not use the program to hack with. The game is a bit violent but as a parent you should always look and use the programs that your kids use and if you feel it is too violent then do not let them use it, but do not say the program is used for hacking or a hackers hide out that is very wrong.
And as for the ADM processor, the reason they "disable the security features" as you say, is so people ( not like YOU ) who know what there doing on building computer systems can "over clock there CPU" to run at a higher temp to run faster and to get the most out of your system after you config it. it has NOTHING to do with hacking and intel has NOTHING in there processors to stop or eliminate hacking.
Bonsai Buddy comes with about any free software today and is only an annoying popup advertisement, you might have even downloaded it by mistake, its that easy.

And telnet is installed by Every operating system ( you have it on yours, every body does) and yes, you have to have a connection of some kind like a telephone modem or 3com card to use it, its the Old way of chatting and transferring files on networks and can be used over the internet.
I could go on and on because You are wrong in 80% of your post. but i will hold my tong and just tell you how you can stop the fear of "hackers" in your mind.
YOU need to install a firewall program like zonealarm and block all ports coming in and going out except the internet browser and your email port, its real easy to configure and put a password lock on it and have it load automatically at startup. it also can be configured to stop any connection to any URL you want or sites linked to key words. Or if you are running windows XP you already have one (firewall) installed by default ( look in the help section on how to set it up). then you need to install a virus program to detect any running Trojans on your system. a good one is Trend PC cillin 2000

Now as for the Damage you have done to your son by sneaking around trying to act like a spy and confronting him like a judge and executioner ( or a man with superior knowledge ) with evidence. you should have sat down with him and took the time to question his interests in a friendly way, you know, kind of like your really interested in his knowledge, and you could have steered his interests in a more productive direction, then you might have helped him grow instead of withdrawing into the protective shell he might have built against you in his mind now. and you could have use that time (wasted) spent spying and collecting evidence to learn more about computers and your son by interacting with him, not against him. Have you ever taken the time to think you might have a very intelligent child on your hands? that he could have been one of are best programmers or scientist or a top security consultant or one to create a new protocol on the internet????
you have not only stunted the growth of this in your child but you have taking it away from the people in the world and this they should be angered at...

Hacking Article (none / 0) (#6951)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 04:01:30 AM PST
Hello! I'm not sure how some people think, but that article was:
A - Most definately a joke (Notice the link to
B - A very funny joke (AMD being a third world manufacturer).
Keep it up whoever did it.

VERY VERY PARANOID (none / 0) (#6952)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 05:02:08 PM PST
. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".
what the hell? Please explain how to hack with Bonzi Buddy or comet cursor. you are an idiot...and flash? flash is a software program used to create animations and researched hacking but did you research paranoia you prick? hmm...let me see here...I have asked to change isps in the past....i have installed my own programs on MY COMPUTER....i ask for new hardware and i read hacking manuals....yes this is true...hmm, i also play quake with friends and teachers alike and i spend a majority of my time on the computer....i also like LINUX, not LUNIX you uneducated's just another operating system, not some hacker program...and you can remove it without ruining your hard drive...ever heard of FORMATTING? let me just add one more piece of information....i do 8 of the 10 "RED FLAGS" above...yet i have a 4.3 GPA as a junior in highschool...i've never been in trouble and i study shaolin kung fu...if anything, hackers are smarter than any single "normal" child...they look at something and analyze it while youre "normal" children take what is spoonfed to them...i think your child is suffering under your guidance and your children all have my pity.

You should know sir (none / 0) (#6953)
by kestronvox on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 06:14:43 PM PST
You have violated hackers everywhere!
here's a quick discription of me.....
age 11
time spent on computer avg:6 hours a day
an expert quake player
supportive of hacking, but not involved in any
great grades
synical, well read
have OWN PERSONAL computer
Deep hatred for aol.

Computer Profile
flash installed
hex editor installed
Traces of long-gone Bonzi Buddy (from the early days)
AMD proscessor
GeForce 2 video card
Charter @home, shared LAN internet scervice

The truth is, hackers are very intelligent, self-trained people. They simply have an undying urge to learn. I don't mean to repeat the views of the other commenters on this page, but you truly disgust me.
You might want to slow down the comments by apologizing to all of us at some point.

Kestron Vox

Have you been locked away for some time? (none / 0) (#6955)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 08:25:49 PM PST
I can't believe I just wasted my time reading this bullshit. Whoever wrote it must be living in some cave somewhere on an island. Don't by AMD? Quake? A faster video card? You know absoltely nothing about computers more or less hacking. You pride yourself on catching your son 'hacking' and have come up with all this bullshit about what not to do. Yet you know absolutely nothing about it. Let me give you a piece of advice. Lay off your kid, he probably already thinks his father is a complete retard. Oh by the way, when you see your son carrying around glow sticks and wearing a pacifier around his neck.....that means he's into using excstasy. You should have done more research on drug use than hacking. What a retard

T Reginald Gibbons, u need to get a life (none / 0) (#6956)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 08:38:47 PM PST
OK, i am 16 years old, and i spend a few hours on the computer each day, all i can say to T Reginald Gibbons is that HE NEEDS TO GET A LIFE. he says he understands his kids, well he doesnt know crap about them, and he doesnt know crap about comptuters, their software, and their hardware, here are my answers to those STUPID questions u posted:

1. Ok changing ISP's, eveyone who knows computers knows that AOL is laggy and disconnects you frequently, it is a VERY BAD ISP. there is absolutly no reason to be concerned about changing isp's.

2."Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Fl
ash" are all just programs that people use, LOL they are NOT HACKING PROGRAMS U OLD IDIOT. comet curser is a program that changes your mouse curser into different objecs, Bonzi Buddy is a program that makes a little purple monkey read out text on your computer, i have no idea what flash is.

3. oh fucking hell i cant believe how bloody STUPID U ARE

4. as fucking stupid as the rest

5. DOS'ing people takes WEEKS with THOUSANDS of computers, retard.

6. 'Use Quake' omg, this is teh most retardedly stupid thing i HAVE EVER SEEN. U DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT QUAKE IS. QUAKE is a GAME, it is FANTASY. bloody retard, people PLAY IT, like all OTHER GAMES. u shoot people with MADE UP guns, and most people even DONT PLAY MULTIPLAYER.


What is this? (none / 0) (#6958)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 29th, 2002 at 05:45:58 AM PST
I�m 12 years old, spending most of the day in front of the computer, I�m playing Quake, I�m programming in Flash and everything else!
I don�t even know how to download LINUX (not Lunix, and Linux is a operative system, and it was programmed by a finnish guy named Linus Torvalds, not a russian) and I just use Windows.
I don�t live in America, in Sweden, and i saw a comment to this article on a gaming site. I play very much, most Counter-Strike, which is a mod to Half-Life. You play as a terrorist or a counter-terrorist, and the rules are to kill the other team. On certain maps you can as counter-terrorist save hostages and as terrorist bomb something. Oh my god you think, terrorist, but no, we aren�t terrorists who loves bin Laden and so on, no, we are playing because it is fun and a good game! All of my friends are playing Counter-Strike and neither they are terrorists! And, in Counter-Strike you buy weapons, you get money when you kill someone, and these are very realistic weapons, they exist in real, but we don�t buy these weapons and plans attacks! No, we play because it�s fun and you can get friends! Not hacker friends, real friends! I use all of the programs you say are hacker programs, except Linux, and I am not a hacker!!!!
My word of advise to you is to think before you write.

whatever.... (none / 0) (#6959)
by ThaCleo on Tue Jan 29th, 2002 at 09:29:44 AM PST

i think that if you just go around accusing your kids with this kind of stuuf and then forbidding it - that it will just have the opposite effect. hackers aren't bad people, just remember the next time your computer is broken and you bring it to a computer store in order to fix it, a hacker will fix you computer...

i do agree that this man has watched to much movies, hackers don't act this way nor do they use this kind of things to "break" into computers. next time, before you go around ahouting shit about stuff that you don't understand, try to find some *REAL* info eh?!

cya'round peeps!!

-=[ Tha Cleo ]=-

"Tell me and i will forget, show me and i may remember, involve me and i will understand..."

hmmm... (none / 0) (#6960)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 29th, 2002 at 10:38:53 AM PST
can't really help but laugh at this one... the fact that people actually accoplish the feat of taking this seriously is truely amazing. the main pice by it self i truely hillarious, and when combined with a random read of the comments one cannot fail in becoming nearly stunned by the complete mindlessness of the crowd...

it has been said that one should never underestimate stupid people in large numbers... this might be at time to as oneself who is truely being the stupid ones.


Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#6961)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 29th, 2002 at 06:36:00 PM PST
At first I thought that the article "Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?" by T Reginald Gibbons was a troll. But anyone doing a parody would have taken pains to enusre that his facts were accurate enough to avoid giving away the game. The truly ludicrous errors in this article have convinced me that it was intended to be taken seriously. As a parent, I cannot help feeling sorry for any child that has such clueless and technophobe parents.

A Few Things to Learn. (none / 0) (#6963)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 30th, 2002 at 10:01:11 AM PST
There are no such things as "warning signs" that you talk about. Second of all, I know of PLENTY of hackers on AOL. Hackers LOVE AOL, because they can manipulate the software holes, it has child blocks, not hacker blocks. especially because AOL users rarely have firewalls.

According to you, I'm a hacker, I hit ALL TEN!!!!! wooo hoo!! GREAT! So now i'm a hacker...or not.

here's a REAL trip for ya, it's Linux, NOT lunix. If you knew the distros, how did you ever not run across the correct spelling?

Quake has NOTHING to do with hacking. the fact that i wouldn't ever let my parents install AOL on my computer has absolutley nothing to do with hacking, i just hate AOL.

I hope your son tajkes action for all of us and Fdisks your computer, people like you shouldn't be allowed on them.

I'm offended, but that was probably the point, the fact that i'm even writing this is a testament to the theory of human manipulation, i'm sure you're proud.

*** Probably worth reading *** (none / 0) (#6968)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 12:11:43 PM PST
I can't believe I didn't notice it the first time I read the article.. but after skimming through the comments I noticed someone mention the "Brady Bunch". Whoever posted that comment is absolutely right.. what was it? 6 children, wife's name is Carol, littlest daughter is Cindy (telling stories), son's name is Peter.. All members of the "Brady Bunch".. I guess the person writing the article thought it would have given too much away to mention Alice?

I was just like the rest of you, wondering if this was written by someone as a joke or if they were completely serious about the matter..

uhm.. (none / 0) (#6969)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 03:23:23 PM PST
you suck.. really..

Who tha Fu*k wrote this? (none / 0) (#6971)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 08:15:11 PM PST
my god...this is tha biggest batch of shite i've ever's tha biggest steaming load i've ever seen...I STRONGLY suggest that tha author of this article, if he was serious, be fitted for a straightjacket...he's obviously daft beyond any kind of help....

AMD = third world hacker processor?...sure AMD sucks ass, but for christ's sake...they're not made in sweatshops...this moron has no idea what he's talking about...

Linux = Hacker OS? his idiot for real?

Quake = Hacker training program?...i'm not even gonna TOUCH this one, because it's so ludicuous...

Commet Cursor, and Flash = Hacker programs?....That's tha most rediculous thing i've ever heard...Commet cursor is a browser plugin, to facilitate custom cursors on websites, and flash is a program that makes this retard really so fu*ked in tha head, that he thinks these things are HARMFUL?

Since when did asking for an ISP that DOESN'T suck, make you a hacker?

Since when did asking for hardware that's better than tha utter SHITE that came with your shitass prefab compaq shitebox, make you a hacker?....

Man, if you're serious, i think you need to go to school, get educated so you don't sound like a total jackass, then seek professional counciling....YOU NEED IT!!

I really feel sorry for your kids....i'm sure they'll make nice editions to our prison system, and mental health centers someday...if i were your kid, i'd have blown my head off already...

hahaha (none / 0) (#6972)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 08:24:15 PM PST
This is obviously a joke. You know, like one of those "How to tell if you're addicted IRC" or something to that effect. C'mon guys. Where's your sense of humor. Even my dad who knows nothing about this was laughing his head off.

Reminds me of that guy in Arlington Road - very paranoid.

I could imagine this guy living in an ommish community. hehehehe....

Ok guys - enough already (none / 0) (#6973)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 11:15:54 PM PST
yo - read the mission statement.... this is supposed to be funny (and it is), as is most of the stuff on this site. Do some research before spending time yelling at each other...jeez. I realixe that most of you are in high school, but its time you learned you can't believe everything you see in print (ESPECIALLY on the internet!).


I really hope that's a joke, but I fear it isn't.. (none / 0) (#6974)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 10:20:15 AM PST
I'm still not sure if this actually isn't a well-placed joke. Anyways, as many others have already pointed out, AMD is a very fine processor manufacturer and developer. Considering the state of knowledge you shown, Reggie, you may be surprised that computer processors are for the greatest part in essence produced by -tadaaa- computers (guiding the robots). Although I admit watching you to run a PC with a hand-build processor made by some Burman child in a dirty hut is appealing.
And it might also surprise you that AMD produces saif microchips in the USA and in Germany, which, in the very likely case you don't know it, is not a state of the USA but among the US one of the richest and best-developed nations on this globe. I mean, you do know that the world's a globe, don't ya?

Brilliant!!! (none / 0) (#6975)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 10:30:21 AM PST
From Americas perfect family down to the carrying of glowsticks. You, my friend are a comic genius!!!

LOL ... Oh, please (none / 0) (#6976)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 11:37:17 AM PST
Please don't tell me that so many people have been duped by this?

*falls on the floor and laughs so hard it hurts*

My god.
I would call you all stupid... but, damn, that would be an insult to the stupid people. You guys have IQ's which are pushing thier way towards the average temperature of Antartica.

My dad wants to learn how to hack (none / 0) (#6977)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 01:15:57 PM PST
I feel pity for ur child... he just want to have an identity, just let him do the hacker thing. He has the right to be a hacker hehehe.

Anyway what is Lunix? sounds like an intergalactic
conspiracy to me.
anyway r u suffering from dementia? or some sorts of mental disorder? If i were u son.. i'll be living on a hell. or maybe ur possessed?...

Hey guys we need a young priest and an old priest.

this guy has absolutly no clue... (none / 0) (#6980)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 06:27:39 PM PST
First off "sir", let me ask you this much computer experience do you have, and i dont mean the many hours you spend looking at porn. The teram "hacker" has been beat to hell by the worldwide media after the computer fraud and abuse act of 1986 was passed. this in turn gave us real "hackers" (programmers) an extremly bad name. Second of all, if your son is showing interest in a specific field of study let him have a go at it, this is how i became a network systems administrator for a MAJOR Pharm. Chem. company that i wish to have remain nameless at the age of 17.

so let me ask you this question; how many tech classes have you taken that makes you honestly believe that linux is illegal? answer: ABSOLUTLY NONE!!! so until you acctually have the iq to understand this field, stay away or you will get burned! and yes you may take that as a threat if youd like, but that isnt what im implying. BTW, LINUX is a freeware operating system created by a guy named LINUS TORVOLDS (at least know how to spell it right so you dont look like a complete ass.)

Thirdly, quake is a VIDEO GAME, at least get that right, it seems as though you really dont know what the hell you are talking about. So please with this said...shut the hell up and let your son learn.

you may contact me at (im surprised you can even use EMAIL)

Pretty fly for a white guy (none / 0) (#6981)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 2nd, 2002 at 08:14:51 AM PST
First of all I have to say that I assume the guy is aware that all he says is not true and it has been posted just to make some fun, but it's wrong -- it can mislead people that can't understand he's just joking. I think this guy is of more dangerous for the world than Osama is. He reminds me of the Pretty Fly guy from an Offspring hit a couple of years ago. If he's not really aware and the story is really true I think that Darwin has to rewrite his Evolution theory to include a case for the opposite process of evolution because of this guy.

He is possibly one of Micro$oft's guy's who spread the FUD( Fear Uncertainty Doubt) to prevent people using third party software/OS. If you don't believe it check this

This article should be removed from the web because there may be some people out there who really believe what is said here, besides that guy can be sued not only by AMD as other comments suggested but also by Macromedia and id software.

By the way how can you say BSD is evil( or some of the other companies/organistions), shame on you man it is from the Berkeley University of California, that's where BSD comes from Berkeley Software Distribution, and they make the best OS's for network related stuff like the webserver you use or the POP3/IMAP4(or something else) mailserver you use to send you e-mail.

I'm using Mandrake Linux and NetBSD myself and I don't think they can do any harm if you know what you're doing, but anyway you can lose data with Micro$oft's OS's also. And neither LILO nor GRUB can do anything bad too. And btw I am proud I don't run any bloatware( that's what the most software for Windoze is) and it makes me happy.

Telnet is just another great tool that can be really useful to check or send mail if you don't have the time to configure a program like pine and fetchmail(or others) to do the job. It is also good to check other services like httpd or ftpd.

I also don't like the use of the term hacker you this guy doesn't know what it really means, like the most of the other people unaware of the computer terminology. It is someone who is highly educated and aware of computer stuff and is none someone who does harm or break the law.

By the way I know a guy that has a computer from Aug 2001 and has never used one before and I installed him Mandrake Linux and he likes it because he can keep his dial-up internet connection up 3-4x times longer than with Windoze, and at a higher transfer rate.

Caught SIGTERM shutting down... [ OK ]

To whome Cares. This Twit is Serious!! (none / 0) (#6989)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 3rd, 2002 at 01:06:24 AM PST
Read his other articles. This person is either a simpleton, or has serious problems.

This article was not meant to be sarcasm, but delusions from an uneducated mental midget.

At first it was funny, now I feel for the children who have to live with a fanatic.

read this for some EDUCATED information on the sub (none / 0) (#6995)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 3rd, 2002 at 12:53:56 PM PST
wow....i really hope this was a joke, but if not...i have never read anything that has had so many unresearched statements before. First off, new hardware. My brother, who is 7, mind you, repeats over and over that we "need" a new video card. WHy? YES HES GONNA BE A HACKER! BULL*. HE just wants his games to run smoother, and thats all a new video card will do for you, besides video editing or tuning. New or more memory? well, i can tell you that my computer is running out of space, and i got a new harddrive. YOu can take my word im not a hacker because of that. Second. AMD processors. AMD is a trusted corperation, closely working with microsoft and other computer company's. In fact, AMD processors are now being put into new computers nearly as much as Intel. As far as hacking goes with AMD processors, there is not ANYTHING on ANY PROCESSOR.......NOT EVEN INTEL, that increases security, or allows for and easier or tougher time hacking. Any person using and Intel processor could hack just as easily as someone with an AMD. Third, most people i konw with a computer, who really USE it....not just let it sit there and collect dust, spend more than a half hour on their computers. ARe they DOSing? um, no! I spend between 2-6 hours on my computer daily. I am very adiquate when it comes to computer knowledge, but i coudln't tell you the first thing on hacking. whoever reads this, who is not a hack can easily see my point. How many people do YOU konw, that spend more than half an hour daily on their comptuer, are hackers? REally think about how false that statement is, and my point should be well taken. Then there's linux. Linux is a simple, Unix-based (incredibly stable) operating system that was released about 10 years ago, maybe longer( by a 13 year old and some other developers in his spare time. His name is Linus Torvalds. THERE IS NO SUCH THING you can say that im obsessed with linux. Its' completely awesome. ITs ultra stable, you can run some windows programs with it, its free, and becoming ever more popular. you CAN hack easier with Linux. !HOWEVER~~!! chances are, if you child wants linux, he or she is a computer "nerd" (i prefer computer genius, myself), who just wants to have the experience. Large and small corperations with network servers also use linux, not only for stability, but because linux is so dynamic, it can also be just as secure, if not even more secure than windows networking. Linux is becoming commercially distribuited to those companies because it is so stable and potentially the ultimate security device. This is the truth, my friends, and whoever wrote this article wrote it without knowing ANYTHing he was saying. Sorry.

you are a stupid piece of shit that should die (none / 0) (#6997)
by Skitchen8 on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 05:16:13 PM PST
oh my god, i asked my parents to change ISP's, to roadrunner so i could be online talking to my friends all the time, im a complete geek so i get new hardware all the time... AMD is the greatest processor company, long life the new XP's... if you don't know what your talking about you should shut up

learn what your talkin about before you say it (1.00 / 1) (#6998)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 09:59:18 PM PST
lol ur gay

Re: Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7000)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 09:50:35 AM PST
Firstly, let me express my sincere compliments on you wonderful sense of humor! In some arcane philosophy book I read many years ago, it stated that 10% of the world populace actually used thinking to reach a decision about things whereas the other 90% simply reacted to situations. It appears, from the replies I read with interest, that the stated percentages are quite true (actually, I hadn't doubted them much).

I don't know if you had any idea what an interesting experiment in psychology you had created, but if not, it is a neat bonus!

I look forward to visiting your site often; this visit will result in my breaking-out into spontaneous laughter throughout the day, I suspect. Thank you for that.

Keep it up!

(Brownsville, Texas)

You are a total and complete idiot (none / 0) (#7001)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 12:22:50 PM PST
You should be excommunicated from society. I have never read such idiocy before. I must admit, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. If this is real and you are not joking you need to have your kids and your wife turn you in to the authorities for some serious consultation. In the mean time, I have a better idea on how to stop your suspect child from hacking highly confidential materials on the web, I suggest placing a large magnet in close proximity to the computer itself. This should do the trick.

Ye gods. (none / 0) (#7002)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 05:11:30 PM PST
Okay, asshats, get a clue. I absolutely cannot believe that the majority of responses to this truly believe it to be a sincere. Nobody is that stupid. Besides which, you people who are declaring that this gentleman needs to die for this article, I sincerely hope that someone tries to kill you for your opinions someday. Unbelievable. Humanity has begun its downfall, indeed.

(for the record, I thought it was hysterical. Kudos to the author.)

Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, and Flash (none / 0) (#7003)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 07:39:10 PM PST
Well, first off, I use Flash. Yes, the Flash that lets you make FLASH INTRO's, BUTTONS, AND OTHER ADDITIONS TO ENHANCE THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR WEBSITE. I've had Comet Cursor before. Yes, the Comet Cursor that is a program that gives you various types of Cursors to select from. Yes, I have downloaded Bonzi Buddy. Yes, the Bonzi Buddy that, actually I Don't remember what it's for. So...I guess that makes me a 100% typical hacker.

OH GOD I LAUGHED MY AS* out! (none / 0) (#7004)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 10:14:17 PM PST
oh jeez i thought my dad says funny (stupid) stuff but wow this guy is gifted i swear to god i almost puked! it wasnt all that funny till it got to the AMD part and man that was !#$$!!!
but that wasnt all, When i reached the linux part, oh god, travos, RUSSIAN? 007 eh? oh that was awsome! man this guy is truley gifted with laughs!! dude do u have a TV show?
I bet AMD is gonna sue this web site!

where did you get this (none / 0) (#7006)
by Umahduh on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 11:37:47 AM PST
Where did you get all this information, because it's not right. Let me start with the changing with ISP's AOL is not the best ISP provider b/c of that you don't have as much service that you ca get with any other ISP. 2nd programs think about windows installs software without you know and I don't see anybody get upset about that, that's why people like Linux. Linux is also free and it's good for computer programmers and which the kids today know more about computers than us so we can't tell them no that they can't learn because if we do that our children will turn on us and no body wants that. Now there is the Hardware let me see, if you don't update you hardware or software your computer will be useless in 6 mouths, just because our kids know this and we don't we can't get mad and look for a reason. Children like the computers and as long that get what they need to get done it shouldn't matter how long they stay on the computer. Shouldn't you be more worried about your children doing drugs or something than jump to the idea of your children hacking, if you were a smart parent you would put up firewalls that prevents hacking incoming or outgoing, than your child can't hack even if her/she knows how.

The views of Mr. T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#7007)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 12:30:18 PM PST
Odd, how many people think that this guy is a Joke. When You do a simple search to see what else this guy posts about, tends to show a common thread.

He has several trails that he follows, one being that he gets off of work from Taco Bell and posts in the wee morning hours, accept he does not work on Sundays, where he post in the afternoon.

He is very bright, and highly educated, as his knowledge is very vast. Obviously he's colledge educated, and lives on the West Coast. ( Great, another fucking Califoria brainiac.)

Unfortunatly his views to the "Is your son a Hacker" thread is actualy HIS real views.
As he targets one of 4 areas to make his life less dull than it really is.

1) He lacks attention, (obviously due the the tough Taco Bell schedule) and needs to have communication with other people. Judging on the times that he is posting at.

2) He enjoys slamming everyone and everything. So that he is always right, and stupifys the rest of the world. Because we are unable to quantify our existance on his level of being.

3) My third offer, in my opinion, is that he is the actual owner of this site, and in order to draw hits, he writes out this bizzar assed shit, in attempts to justify the $35.00 he paid the .org domian. And its lame assed topics and opinions. Such as Mr Gibbons.

4)He's so intelligent, that he actual retards his own thought process. But thankfully, the "gift of Humanity" will one day die, and the young people of earth will remember him, as how not to be the worlds biggest ASS.

I invite you to look at a few other posts. Look up Mr Gibbons on this website, and take a look at all the areas he is so familliar with. And remember that he is preaching to YOU about how to be the worlds most perfect asshole. So read on, and get a better view of Mr. T Reginald Gibbons "world". You will see for yourself, that Taco Bell is obviously missing out on it's next CEO. Or we have just found our next Uni-bomber..

Anonymous reader of your e-mail.

Oh my various gods! (none / 0) (#7009)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 06:53:44 PM PST
If I hadn't read about Pat Pulling and BADD (Bothered About D&D) I could think this is a joke. But knowing how stupid people (unfortunaly parents in particular, it seems) can be (again, unfortunately, especially about their kids' hobbies), I can't. I can just laugh. And laugh. And laugh. And not with him - but at him. ;P

Peace. ;P

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 04:34:36 AM PST


1337 HAXZ0R!


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