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You intolerable little bastards (none / 0) (#4560)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 01:50:43 PM PST
Pod person.
I bet he walks into his black and white home and...
"Hi Honey! Where's dinner?"
Enter pod person no 2, with a long maxi-skirt and blouse...
You get the idea. -_-

I sure as hell hope he gets hacked and all. And that guy who said girls are incompetent and lack the skills... I hope they flog him to death. I'll tell ya something now- anyone who's on the cracking scene for long enough can learn things. Gender be damned. In fact, in the past I've come to know more female hackers than male hackers (Only by one person, but you get the idea)
What a dick.
Or lack thereof XP

wtf?! (none / 0) (#4562)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:27:16 PM PST
first off, i would like to say...
so your kid is on the computer, maybe he wants to be a computer programmer when he grows up, did you think of that?
Second off, he dresses in baggy clothes and dyes his hair, it's the thing nowadays.
So i would like to say, either get off of the server, change yer mind about computers, or be prepared to get hacked

Very disappointed (none / 0) (#4564)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:31:52 PM PST
Either this is all a joke that's just getting some more enlightened people worked up, or we can just chalk up some more victims of overdramatized media hype.
First off, to get my credentials out of the way, I was a computer science major at Georgia Tech. I'm sure a lot of paranoid naive people here will automatically label me as a "hacker," but I'll continue on anyway.
A lot of people here have obviously not done any independent research on the topic and are just going on what they've heard from friends, neighbors, or worse yet, the media. The lack of knowledge and the overuse of blanket statements in this discussion are honestly disturbing. The statements made about AMD in the article were absolutely unbelievable. Labelling tools such as Flash, multi-screen output and the like as tools for hackers is just insane. Go to the office of a computer programmer who wrote your "family-friendly" AOL, Word, or Photoshop and take a look at their computer set-up. Ignorance from the masses is what holds technology back. Next time, before you "concerned parents" get all worked up over the next media label (this all reminds me of the Red Scare, "you have two monitors, you must be a hacker!") try and get some real information from all sides of the issue, it will save you a lot of trouble.

Dispell some myths (none / 0) (#4565)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:36:26 PM PST
'Hacking' has gotten a bad reputation. Note also that most of the people who call themselves Hackers don't know the first thing about it (these kinds of people are typically referred to as "Script kiddies" by those in-the-know)

So just because you hear the work "hacker" is no reason to start burning people at the stake, sort of speak.

For the rest, I'll just go down the list of questions...

<b>1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs? </b>

AOL is not the only ISP with child safety features. Also, there are stand-alone packages that do a much better job (I won't mention anything in particular, as I don't want to appear bias).

Perhaps you should consider changing ISPs before your child even asks! AOL isn't exactly the best deal going... not by a long shot. There is a good chance that there is an ISP available in your area that is faster, easier, more secure 9in terms of your personal info) and cheaper!

<b>2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing? </b>

"Comet Cursor" is a program that changes your mouse pointer from the default arrow to another graphic (usually animated). I fail to see how this is "hacker software" (Check the developer's website -

"Bonzi Buddy" ( is an internet browsing agent. It's a $40 piece of software last I checked... so if you did find it on your machine it's probably only a demo version. Again, there is nothing that could possible be considered "hacker" material associated with this commercial product.

"Flash" ( is THE premier software package for intereactive web content, made by one of the most widely known and respected multimedia software companies (right up there with Adobe). There are two parts... the player and the builder. Flash player is freely available as a browser plugin, While the full Macromedia Flash program is rather pricey (check website). There is absolutely NOTHING hacker-esque about this program.

The only point of concern is that since these are commercial software packages, obtaining full versions without paying for them IS illegal. In that case, I suggest you simply uninstall the offending software or buy it outright.

<b>3. Has your child asked for new hardware?</b>

Faster video cards and increased memory do absolutely nothing for a 'hacker'.

AMD, Advanced Micro Devices, inc. Their Athelon series processors are considered far better (better meaning they are faster while consuming less power) than Intel's P4 series. AMD is an ecellent, reliable processor manufacturer. If you're that worried about buying stuff that's made overseas, then maybe you should burn your kids' Nike shoes... (the kids who make those are literally held at gun point)

Also, there is no such thing as "Anti-hacker" features in processor chips.

<b>4. Does your child read hacking manuals?</b>

There is no such thing as a "Hacking manual" available in bookstores. Books about hackers do not contain any pertinent information about HOW to actually 'hack'. (If you even know what that is, which I don't think you do...) "Programming with Perl" is not hacking related. Perl is a very popular and widely supported Server-side scipting language commonly used for e-business 'shopping carts' and forums/messageboards. I wouldn't be surprized if this list was powered by a Perl script!

Incidentally, maybe you should ENCOURAGE your kid to learn to program. Perl programmers can make up to $50,000 a year to start...

<b>5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?</b>

Internet/computer addiction is a completely different topic... but you don't seem to be talking about that anyway.

DOS (Denial Of Service) attacks have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the DOS (Disk Operating System) command prompt. It does, however, involve eating up the target's bandwidth, and it technically is against the law. (at least you got that right...)

Limiting unsupervized access to the internet Is a good thing, but not because your kid is trying to 'hack' someone... it's just not a very healthy thing to sit around all day. (Physically, socially and mentally)

<b>6. Does your son use Quake?</b>

QUAKE is a very popular videogame. It has absolutely nothing to do with hackers, save for the occasional group of hackers (and in this case I use the term correctly) who modify the game's programming code (which is legal, and the code is freely available from the company who developed the game) in order to make a new game out of it, or make modifications.

<b>7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?</b>

This is more likely a result of puberty than of 'hacking'. Teenagers are simply jerks sometimes, and they seldom like talking to their parents about their personal lives. (And don't give me any of that "not my kid" crap either... just remember the secrets you kept from YOUR parents.) If your kid is spending more than three <b>hours</b> a day in front of the PC, then you might consider that he's just not getting out enough.

<b>8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?</b>

It's spelled "Linux". Linux is a free, command-line based operating system renound for it's security, stability and it's revolutionary "open source" style development technique. (Maybe you should actually read ""The Cathedral
and the Bazaar" before you burn it). It's found a very secure nitche in the business world as a reliable, stable server platform. It's a serious rival to Microsoft's NT system.

<b>9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?</b>

Again, maybe he's just being the typical, sexually frustrated prepubesent teenager. Kackers don't have a universal dress code that I know of.. and what you describe sounds more like a punk rocker type apparel than a computer geek.

<b>10. Is your son struggling academically?</b>

This might actually be a computer-usage related problem. it has been proven, however, that students who use the Internet for academic purposes (such as seeking extra help on topics, or for researching for school reports/projects) show a significant improvement in their grades, while those who spend their time in generic chatrooms (and, oddly enough, Instant Messaging conversations) show a marked decrease in performance. Then again, amybe your kid was just dumb to begin with, and now he's finally found something he's interested in and could be potentially good at (and make a good career with) only to find that you're doing everything in your power to repress him... no wonder he won't talk to you anymore.

Please forgive me if any of the above came off as exceptionally sarcastic, but if you really were a GOOD parent, you would do your homework and learn exactly what 'hacking' is, what is involved, and a little more about what your kid ACTUALLY does with his PC time rather than jumping to conclusions.

My advice to anyone reading this page is to completely ignore the whole thing and go discover the facts for yourself!

MOFO AWARD! (none / 0) (#4566)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:52:02 PM PST
This is massively stupid, first off, the term "hackers" is really misused here. If u check it out, hackers are people extremely skilled in the languages of Computers, another words, they help businesses/companies/non profit organizations, such as napster. they needed beta testers, a.k.a. "hackers", to make it run properly. Look at blizzard, don't u see all the help signs that are posted for beta testers? just to tell u sir, I think u may have misjudged ur son. Also, I would extremely like a NEW VIDEO CARD, seeing that (computer games such as), QUAKE and another GREAT SHOOTING GAME, COUNTER-STRIKE, run slowly due to all the action. and one more thing, linux servers are the best, many gaming servers use this type (especially low budget ones). Yes, have u put in consideration that the Linux preferences conflict with ur proccessing cards? and if u seriously knew much about computers, u should seriously reconsider banning ur son from ur computer. And female "hackers" are hot! too bad there's only 1 in U of A (faculty of computer sciences...)

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#4567)
by johnny on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 03:12:27 PM PST
I just read your Q&A session regarding the above subject. Are you for real?
AMD is not an inferior processor that knocks off Intel chips. They are a legitimate company making a product that competes against Intel and is doing fairly well. Their processors are MUCH cheaper than Intel's and they perform at or above Intel's level.
The CPU has nothing to do with hacking per se. Of course it is the vehicle that is used but it in NO WAY "allows" hacking. AMD chips are able to be "over-clocked" which allows them to go faster than they were designed to go. This just enhances gaming or whatever you are doing without buying a faster chip.
Every other question that is answered seems to be from parents that have teenagers. These are things that teenagers do. Because they are into computers doesn't mean anything except that they are into computers.
As for Quake, you can't be serious. It is a game. I have watched my son play it for years now. As a matter of fact it is old now. There are better games out now. Notice I said game. It is a game that kids and adults play. It is more fun online because you can play against other real people instead of a computer that can easily be beat. You really believe it is a training ground? Let's jump to conclusions a little more... Kids that spend a lot of time in the library are learning to build atom bombs. Come on.
You are doing your readers a disservice by posting this propaganda. You obviously haven't researched any of your statements one bit. Not one has anything more than a shread of truth beyond the "I heard it from... and he/she says it's true..." You sound like all the women I am forced to listen to when I go to pick up my son from boy scouts.
John Redminski

Your son isn't a hacker. (none / 0) (#4568)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 03:17:06 PM PST
But he is into cyberpunk (a science fiction genre of which Gibson's excellently written "Neuromancer" is probably one of the most prominent examples), Japanese animation (Otaku= anime/manga fan)and on line gaming (Quake is a game, not a hacker chatroom). You shouldn't be upset over this. Granted he may have been spending too much time on the internet as many people with interests in science fiction, anime and gaming tend to do at times, but none of the information you have provided in the article above pertains to hacking. In fact, it almost sounds as if your son wants to become a computer programer.

If I were you, I'd be more worried about your sons antisocial behavior, failing grades and odd responses to visual stimuli. The internet doesn't usually breed this, but problems off the computer do. I don't think I need to mention what those are, either.

P.S. Bonzi buddy is just a talking character that you can down load onto your computer. It tells jokes. My computer illiterate roomate got one and the worst thing it did to her was annoy her.

QUAKE??? (none / 0) (#4569)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 03:25:37 PM PST
Ok. This article must be a joke, and a good one at that. :) I find it rather funny that this guy thinks that his son is hacking when the kid doesn't even have a language that he can write programs in! I mean, seriously, there is no 'click here to hack webpage and fuck someone up' button. Also, about Quake. That's a f-ing game! And in fact, I do have many hacks for that game, especially the one's that are sponsered by the game company that made Quake. They didn't lock the guy who came up with the first hack for Quake because it wasn't illegal. If you want to know what they did, they gave him a job and recognized his true talent! You people are wakko.


This article is a fake. (none / 0) (#4572)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 03:59:55 PM PST
I really hope that some of you that have responded to this article, taking it seriously, have figured out that this article is a fake. An all out joke. Here are some signs that this site creates fake news for fun:

1. At the top of this page is the company logo: Adequacy: News for Grown-ups.
Right beside this on the right is the sentence: The internet's most controversial (and congested) website!

2. If the person who wrote this article is the idiot that he appears to be, then he would
a)Not be able to browse the internet at all
b)Not be able to find the sites he used for resources
c)Not able to write this article at all and post it on the internet.

3. Go to the top of this article and put your mouse over the picture on the right of the article. A message shows up under the arrow that says: 'Internet Idiocy'. Click on the picture and it will do a site search for 'internet idiocy'. It will take you to a page that has the complete search with the 'Hacker' article at the top. The other results are articles that are also about 'internet idiocy'.

It's a joke people! And It's damn funny too. I like sites like this. Have any of you heard of the fake news site The Onion at ? It's also hilarious! LMAO!! XD

Later peeps!

Oh my god. (none / 0) (#4573)
by Cygnus on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 04:35:48 PM PST
"As an enlightened, modern parent, I try to be as involved as possible in the lives of my six children. I encourage them to join team sports. I attend their teen parties with them to ensure no drinking or alcohol is on the premises. I keep a fatherly eye on the CDs they listen to and the shows they watch, the company they keep and the books they read. You could say I'm a model parent. My children have never failed to make me proud, and I can say without the slightest embellishment that I have the finest family in the USA."

So basically you are not allowing your kids to have a free mind of their own? And you are not modern OR enlightened at all.

"Two years ago, my wife Carol and I decided that our children's education would not be complete without some grounding in modern computers. To this end, we bought our children a brand new Compaq to learn with. The kids had a lot of fun using the handful of application programs we'd bought, such as Adobe's Photoshop and Microsoft's Word, and my wife and I were pleased that our gift was received so well. Our son Peter was most entranced by the device, and became quite a pro at surfing the net. When Peter began to spend whole days on the machine, I became concerned, but Carol advised me to calm down, and that it was only a passing phase. I was content to bow to her experience as a mother, until our youngest daughter, Cindy, charged into the living room one night to blurt out that "Peter is a computer hacker!" "

So what if he spends whole days on the machine? You bought it for educational purposes, and hes educating himself and culturizing himself to things online. He may one day turn it into a career. For example, I for one and going to be a computer programmer and am going to probably design games.

"As you can imagine, I was amazed. A computer hacker in my own house! I began to monitor my son's habits, to make certain that Cindy wasn't just telling stories, as she is prone to doing at times. "

Well good for you. You have a child that is curious, and you cant believe it.

"After a few days of investigation, and some research into computer hacking, I confronted Peter with the evidence. I'm afraid to say, this was the only time I have ever been truly disappointed in one of my children. We raised them to be honest and to have integrity, and Peter betrayed the principles we tried to encourage in him, when he refused point blank to admit to his activities. His denials continued for hours, and in the end, I was left with no choice but to ban him from using the computer until he is old enough to be responsible for his actions. "

Guess what? I know right from wrong. I spend a lot of my time on the computer. Might I add that I am a straight A student, one of the top in my graduating class, and I can probably enter college as a sophomore?

"After going through this ordeal with my own family, I was left pondering how I could best help others in similar situations. I'd gained a lot of knowledge over those few days regarding hackers. It's only right that I provide that information to other parents, in the hope that they will be able to tell if their children are being drawn into the world of hacking. Perhaps other parents will be able to steer their sons back onto the straight and narrow before extreme measures need to be employed."

Where did you get your information? Im telling you, about 99.9999% of your information is biased and incorrect.

"To this end, I have decided to publish the top ten signs that your son is a hacker. I advise any parents to read this list carefully and if their son matches the profile, they should take action. A smart parent will first try to reason with their son, before resorting to groundings, or even spanking. I pride myself that I have never had to spank a child, and I hope this guide will help other parents to put a halt to their son's misbehaviour before a spanking becomes necessary."

"smart" parent....ha ha ha ha ha

"1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider."

This should be reworded to "Most American families use trusted responsible Internet Service providers because they are popular and all they want to do is jump on the Bandwagon." Also, kids may just want faster internet to reduce lag when they play games online, etc. That is why I asked my parents for Road Runner cable so that I could play games faster.

"I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter. This filter is vital to any parent who wants their son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him through exposure to "adult" content. It is best to stick with the protection AOL provides, rather than using a home-based solution. If your son is becoming a hacker, he will be able to circumvent any home-based measures with surprising ease, using information gleaned from various hacker sites."

Guess what? My parents never used filters for my internet. Also guess what? I am a college-bound 17 year old who is one of the top in my class at school. Also guess what? I use a computer.

"2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "

Comet Cursor is a cursor program. It changes the look of your cursor much like you would choose a new look for your desktop. I dont know about Bonzi Buddy, but Flash is a computer animation program used by people to create interactive online movies for entertainment.

"The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs. He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding."

What evidence? You have absolutely no true and factual evidence.

"3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer."

Maybe he just wants games to run faster? Maybe the computer cant run photoshop too well or is very very slow at copying files?

"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well."

!!!! This one seriously makes me angry. I am an avid user of 2 AMD processors. Yes, they are in stores, goto your local best buy and look for them, they are there. THey are also sold on laptops. And they are an AMERICAN COMPANY!! Where are you getting your information!?!?!? Also guess what? NO PROCESSOR HAS "ANTI-HACKING" MEASURES. IT CAN BE DONE ANYWHERE!

"4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

If you pay close attention to your son's reading habits, as I do, you will be able to determine a great deal about his opinions and hobbies. Children are at their most impressionable in the teenage years. Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced minds."

This I have no clue about since I am not a hacker. But judging from your information so far, this is probably wrong.

"There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond. "

no comment

"If you find any of these hacking manuals in your child's possession, confiscate them immediately. You should also petition local booksellers to remove these titles from their shelves. You may meet with some resistance at first, but even booksellers have to bow to community pressure. "

no comment

"5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day."

Oh please. I spend an average of about 5 hours a day on the computer. Want to know what I do? I type school reports, read forums and articles (especially this one), I play games, and converse with good friends online.

"6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school."

Train in the use of various firearms. Give me a break. THey are using a mouse and a cursor on a screen. If anything, you are training also because they are doing what you do when you are on the computer, POINT AND CLICK! Also, I have played is not a "breeding" ground it is a ground to let loose and have fun fragging with friends. Also guess what? I am not anti-social and I am a straight A student.

"If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school. "

If your son cannot separate reality from the fantasy world of quake, then I would question your parenting skills up to the point that allowed them to become this way.

"7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour. This will manifest itself soonest in the way he treats others. Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn, bitterness, and even foul language. He may utter threats of violence of a real or electronic nature."

Maybe hes arguing with you because he can blatantly see that you are extremely ignorant. Also, keep in mind I am a teenager who is uses the computer a lot and can tell right from wrong and IS A STRAIGHT A STUDENT.

"Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation he is in. Keep trying to get through to him, no matter how much he retreats into himself. "

You are smothering him. You are preaching him that computers are evil and that they should burn with satan. Hes probably arguing because he knows the truth and you dont. But since you are the parent, you have the right to say you are right and he is wrong. God I wish there were more parents like mine in the world.

"8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone."

oh my god. First of all, it is LINUX. Second, Linus Torvalds wrote the base kernel for LINUX as an alternative to having to pay hundreds of dollars for a Microsoft-dominated product. It is free code and is distributed freely in the public domain so that people can modify it and fit it to their needs. It is usualy used to run gaming servers, web servers, etc. And guess what, mp3s originated under windows-based terms...oh no, you have a windows pc, you better get rid of it.

"Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional."

Deleting windows is not breaking a computer completely. I would advise you to go read a manual on installing Windows or basically installing computers and building computers period. Obviously, you have no idea about computers whatsoever.

"If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface."

LILO is the bootstrap program that helps to load the Linux OS. Thats just what Linux is. An OS. Just like Windows is an OS. Please go find some factual information before I puke.

"9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences."

Do not judge a person on how they dress. I do not dress like the aformentioned, and I am an avid computer user. I wear plain old shirts and plain old shorts to school. I dont have spiky hair (I dont even comb it, I like the natural look). This is a stereotype dress, and is not limited to "hackers". Appearance isnt everything.

"10. Is your son struggling academically?

If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight. For the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically."

Ok, as I have mentioned many times, I am a straight A student. I am also a drummer. I have strong arms from this. I get straight A's in school and I am taking COLLEGE LEVEL CLASSES IN HIGH SCHOOL!

"I encourage all parents to read through this guide carefully. Your child's future may depend upon it. Hacking is an illegal and dangerous activity, that may land your child in prison, and tear your family apart. It cannot be taken too seriously."

Please, find some better information and please educate yourself. I have not found one single factual piece of evidence in this article yet. Maybe your son has a greater mind than you do my friend. Sit and listen to him for awhile, maybe you will learn something. I cant believe what parenting is coming to in the United States. You really need to meet my parents my friend.

AMD....helps hackerS???? (none / 0) (#4574)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:02:20 PM PST
Dude.... there are 19 AMD senior Integration Engineers working on this message who arent very happy with someone right now. Granted that both the Athlon and Duron lines offer superior performance to Intel and Motorola microprocessing solutions. How this in any way aids or encourages the possibility of "Hacking" or other online crime eludes logic or common sense. As for the comment to using third world resourses, we suggest you investigate our company further, specifically our NYSE trading symbol...seeing as we are an american based corperation and all.

god,a bunch of paranoid parents who dont know shit (none / 0) (#4575)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:06:58 PM PST
you people really have to calm down,
just casue some loser who doesnt know peanuts aobut what hes talkign about, says some dumbass shit you all start running around like idiots thinking your kid is a hacker.
for all we know, he might have jsut caught his son using plain old HTML and not cracking into the cia and doing illigal shit like that.
o, and why do people alwys think of a hacker as a person who uses his skills wit a computer to tak advantage of helpless ignorant idiots like whoever the hell posted that totally stupid and useless waste of hardriuve space on this site. hackers can be anyone who likes computers enough to take the time and commitment to learn a coding language like c++ or perl.
people who use what they learn for nothing but cracking into other peoples sites are usually refered to as crackers by real hackers.
and girls are justas good as boys if they want to be, its just that many dont really care about it.
i think most of the idiot shithead mistakes that this loser made have already been mentioned ( like comet cursor, a hacking tool? AMD? puleeeze..) but still i can see hackers and crackes alike laughing there heads off at this fuck head (shit head, fuck head, is there a difference? does anyone really care?) and feeling pity for the poor kid who has such a *ahem protective fuckhead-for-a-dad.

ps: i have nothig against crackers and what they do, i have done some crakcing myself, fun shit i say... just dont do anythin naughty =)...

linux for hackers, by hackers
mmmmmm, quake... counterstike...
ok ill stop now

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:11:47 PM PST

Pfft (none / 0) (#4577)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:22:42 PM PST
who is the idiot?

Quote "If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. " End Quote

That's a raver you freak, if your son was dressing like this I'd be more worried about him doing meth and e

hackin lil boy (none / 0) (#4579)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:38:56 PM PST


what kinda cr_p is this? I thought all that junk they put out in those TV specials about some fat, balding high school dropout who does a report on hacking and thinks everything not having to do with AOL is satantic were just madeup so the guy would get a paycheck. you got issues buddy. first off, it takes a degree of intelligence to hack, or even use a computer program OUTSIDE OF AOL. obviously, you lack all of these skills. which means you should actually congratulate your son for succeeding where the rest of the family will always fail: turning on the computer. if your son wants to switch ISPs, maybe it's 'cause AOL SUCKS. he wants a new hard drive, maybe it's cause IT"S TOO SMALL. since when is it a sin to ask for a new graphix card? it's ppl like you that make me laugh out loud for about 10 min. thx:)


ps i gave this link to my friends and they all think your a dumbass. grow up.'s lame (none / 0) (#4580)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:48:44 PM PST
I don't know why people even bother writing crappy stuff like this. <g> Let me tell you, the ignorant people out there that see things the same way as the author does.. If it wasn't for the so called hackers..the humanity wouldn't be so advanced.. in terms of tech. If you don't it this way.. let me put you in other words..About 20-30 years ago the first computer game appeared(Not talking about IBM PC compatible or Macs) the game was said to be an "improper and malicious use of software"! If it should've been so.. we would all be doomed. THis is only an example, there are many more!

For the author: Linux is a what?? Wanna be OS?? LOL!! Spare me!!! Linux became an OS even before Windows(Only became a real OS in 2K Pro and Xp). Windows is a graphic application(Like KDE for Linux) that would be run in DOS(Like a Linux Shell) and if Windows 3.11 to NT 4 are OS so are KDE, Gnome, Enligthement and a few other..

For all PC users: If you want safety get a Linux Distribution(Red Hat, Debian, Corel, SuSe, Slackware) for free and learn it. The excuse for having to pay to maintain you PC will disappear, because Linux is free! And a "good" Windows like 2K pro or Xp Pro will cost you top bucks. Yes, you can copy Windows..but that's illegal..but in those cases you don't hate Hackers, crackers and alike, do you???

See ya all around!!

Your either very ignorant or a comedian. (none / 0) (#4586)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:33:36 PM PST
A hacker doesn't need to change ISP's to hack, doesn't matter what brand or speed or generation CPU is used, certainly there isn't a "dress-code", most assuredly he/she would be a "geek" whose intelligence would easily surpass your own (judging by your moronic, misinformed article), the Operating System wouldn't matter, neither would applications, especially any showing up in the control panel's add/remove software applet, being argumentative and/or surly would be more indicative of substance abuse, and your lack of intelligent thought is also a symptom as well as result. If your child (you the author) is a hacker, you should feel blessed, as that family member obviously has some intelligence, of which you and your wife are severly lacking. For your information, the widest and most used systems hackers do use are Intel CPU based with a Microsoft OS, because both Intel and Microsoft are practically monopolies, NEITHER of them or any hardware/software manufacturer can make a "hacker-proof" ANYTHING. Do yourself a favor and get an education, obviously YOUR parents have failed you there, and your ignorance is failing your children as well, don't state your an American because it's plain embarassing.


Thanks for the laugh. (none / 0) (#4587)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:36:29 PM PST
Possibly the dumbest thing I've read in months. Seriously, read a book or take a class and actually learn something about computers and how the internet really works.

Oh, and by the way, AMD's are produced in Austin, Texas, not in some third world nation you fuckhead.

Damn Mexicans.

Well... Well..... (none / 0) (#4588)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:36:34 PM PST
I think I am gonna go show this to Jerry Sanders of AMD and all the people that work in the FABs.... they will absoulutely LOVE what you wrote.

That's RIGHT! (none / 0) (#4592)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 07:04:35 PM PST
time for me to use my AMD computer with Linux... gotta keep up with the latest news in Quake III Arena. Now i'm logging on to my haXXorz ISP called "ADSL" to make sure i can do illegal things!

there! i'm done! time to DOS into NASA's site and steal the space shuttle using my Flash Movie.

ROFL (none / 0) (#4596)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:06:51 PM PST
How many mothers and fathers would believe that shit.

Quote: If your son is on the computer for longer then 30 minutes then you need to consider he is a hacker.

What the fuck! Im on the computer proberly 10 hours a day, does that make me a hacker? Man i dont even know how to use html let alone hack. Sad. My mother doesnt even know how to turn on a computer so i dont think she would know what a ISP is.

All over to you's.

HAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#4597)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:15:10 PM PST
Whoever wrote this....i just cannot express how stupid you would have to be to write this. Of course, if this is a parody, then i think this is about the funniest thing EVER. if you wrote this is comedy, then its the funniest fucking comedy on the face of the earth and i applaud you. if its should be involved in some kind of reaserch for those who have somehow managed to get a negative iq

Coments. (none / 0) (#4599)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:30:28 PM PST
If this is a serious post, then this is my counter arguement to the ignorant post.

1) Your son has asked to switch ISP's
- if you are using AOL, and your son or daughter ask to change ISP's, its because AOL is a very slow internet provider. A faster provider means more that you can do within a set amount of time.

2) You find programs on your computer that you do not remember installing.
- it could be that your kids have their own money and went out and bought whatever game or program they wanted. or it could be that they downloaded some desktop accessories etc.
Flash, Comet Cursor and Bonzai Buddy are accessories. not hacking software. if you research more you would know that.

3) Your child asks for hardware upgrades
- hardware upgrades are nessessary to keep up with current computer gaming and/or graphic design. more memory is used for multiple purposes.

4) Your child reads hacking manuals
- the books you have listed are programming manuals. programming is a profitable field in recent years. microsoft has hundreds if not thousands of programmers to create their software

5) Your child spends more than 30 min on the computer a day.
- 30 min. is not adequate time for someone to enjoy the internet experience.

6) Your child plays Quake
- Quake is a popular first person shooting game. Much like Nintendo 64's Goldeneye 007. Except it has internet capability so they can play with an infinite number of people.

7) Your child has developed a bad attitude toward you and others.
- This is a few possible things. but hacking is not a cause of bad attitudes. He could be on drugs. he could be an alcholic. he could be hanging out with the wrong people. he could be watching too much Jerry Springer. or it could be that your parenting skills are poor.

8) Your child is obsessed with Lunix.
- Unix, Linux, and Lunix are alternatives to Microsoft Windows. Telnet is a networking program used by many colleges to connect computers together.

9) Your child dresses differently
- Baggy pants and bright colored clothing are instyle at the moment. if you open up any fashion magazine, watch a modern movie, or even step outside for a minute you will notice that. Glowsticks are rave accessories. a "rave" is a dance with electronic music. glowsticks do not signify hacking. they are used for rave style dancing. because the atmosphere at a rave dance is dark, the glowsticks are highly visible and leave streaks of light when waved around. pacifiers are also a rave accessory. but if your son/daughter is carrying one of these around, you might have something to worry about. Ravers who take a drug known as "extasy" (a.k.a. X or XTC), the scientific name is "methylenedioxymethamphetamine", are known to feel the need to chew and/or eat things while under the influence of the drug. even if they are not hungry. Ravers have been known to bite their tongues and draw blood while taking extasy. the pacifier was the solution.

10) Your son is struggling academically
- most hackers do good in school. especially math and computer courses. if your son is doing bad in school, it could be a number of reasons. he could be hanging out with the wrong crowd, he could be under the influence of drugs or alchohol, he could be in classes that are too difficult for him. if your son is struggling in athletics, it might be because he does not enjoy them or is not physically fit to participate in them. and computers do not emit "radiation." if you are afraid of radiation, then throw your microwave away. it radiates your food.

11) Your child listens to Electronic Music. that's a personal prefferance. actually, most movie sound tracks are electronically recorded. Its just music created through new media. just like if you choose to listen to jazz and your best friend listens to rock and roll. it's a personal preferance thing.

this is garbage. (none / 0) (#4601)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:33:19 PM PST
don't believe me? write me at for a "grown up" discussion.

Let me correct some mistakes for you. (none / 0) (#4602)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:33:53 PM PST
All right, all right, I understand that you are trying to protect your son. But I have a few comments on your article.

First, there are other internet services that have better parental control programs than AOL, if your son was really a hacker he would've easily gotten around AOL's (which is fairly easy to circumvent I've heard).

About the new programs installed on the computer, have you asked your son or any of your other children what these are? If not, I'll tell you what the ones you've mentioned are. Comet Cursor is an annoying program that blurs your mouse cursor, Bonzi Buddy is a stupid monkey program that sits on your desktop and says random things, and Flash is a program used to create animation (cartoons). Most of these are downloaded by accident when viewing a website, while you must buy Flash, which is a very high-end program used by such corporations as Disney that costs about $50.

Moving on, you mentioned AMD as "a third-world based company", when it is acutally an American company based in the Southwest. It is about the ONLY competitor to Intel, and some of its processors are superior to Intel's Pentium series. Also, if your son asks for new hardware, it is most likely because he wants to keep up with his friends, since a computer is obsolete six months after purchase. Unless you upgrade every six months at least, you will fall behind and be forced to buy a new computer later on to be able to run more advanced versions of Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop.

Next, you mention "hacking manuals". While I haven't read any of the books you have mentioned, I know for a fact that most of them are NOVELS about Government ANTI-HACKER UNITS. The exception is "Programming with Perl", which is a guide to writing in the programming language "PERL", which is used to make video games and other programs.

Also, you next mention something called "DOSing". I don't know if you realize this, but "DOS" means "Direct Operating System", as in "MS-DOS", which runs the computer underneath Windows. There is no such thing as "DOSing" to my knowledge, and if you see your son in DOS Prompt, he is more than likely accessing a video game that can only be run in "MS-DOS".

About how long he is on the computer, I understand that you have your rules on computer use. But please understand, usually you can't do much of anything in only thirty minutes. Please consider increasing the time to at least one hour, I can't even type up this response in thirty minutes.

Moving on, I will now explain what "Quake" is to you. "Quake" is not a virtual reality, is in a violent computer game rated "M" for ages 18 and above. Now I will not go into a long speech on why Columbine happened (which is, I assume, the reason you believe it is necessary to contact the school), but I will say that unless your son has some sort of mental defect that disables the ability to tell the difference between reality and fantasy, there shouldn't be any problem.

I must say I disagree with your view on when a child is most impressionable. I believe that age is from 1 year to about 9 years old. By the time a child is 15 years old, they should've matured enough to understand the concepts of right and wrong and tell the difference between real and not real. I'd actually say that your teen years are your LEAST impressionable as a child, only their peers could have any effect on their behavior.

As we move on, you mention that hacking will cause a child to become "argumentive and surly". I believe you are confusing hacking, which would lead to the child separating him or herself from society, with normal teenage puberty.

Ok, now I must clear up everything about the so-called hacking program "Lunix". First off, you misspelled the word, it is correctly spelled "Linix". After this, EVERYTHING is wrong. Linix was created by Linus Torvalds, an American, as an alternative Operating System to Windows for Professional Computer Programmers. It has nothing to do with hacking, it is just another Operating System, like Windows 95 or Mac OS 10.

"Telnet" is short for "Tele-Network", which is a legitimate and LEGAL device for not using a telephone line to connect to the internet. The same with Cable Modems, which are 10 times faster than normal Modems, and I recommend everyone to use.

"MP3" is just a music file with CD quality sound, it also has nothing to do with hacking. The reason MP3s have been in the news lately because certain individuals have illegally copying musics from CDs into MP3s and selling them. Unless your son is selling bootleg CDs, I don't think there is a problem with them.

Moving on, you say that there are many hackers in schools today. I dissagree from experience, I go to an average size school and there are only two hackers out of about a thousand. Trust me, hackers aren't as common as you have been lead to believe, I read in TIME magazine that there are only a few hundred hackers in existance around the world, easily less than 1,000.

Next, you mentioned the "Otaku Hacking Association". Unsure of myself, I did a search on several different search engines and found nothing on this supposed organization. I know for a fact that the word "Otaku" has nothing to do with hacking, it means "fan" in Japanese. I know because I speak Japanese. Anyone can be an "Otaku", you could be a "Baseball Otaku" (Baseball Fan) for example.

Also, you messed up when you were listing mental diseases. Meningitis is NOT a mental disease, it is a disease of the mouth that causes damage to your gums.

Finally, you say that excessive computer use will lower your child's academic scores, this is just plain wrong. I am usually on the computer for seven hours daily, yet I am an Honor Roll straight A student. So are all my friends who do the same. Are we anamolies? I think not, if anything excessive computer use has INCREASED my overall grade 20%.

I hope I have clarified the mistakes you have made and will quickly revise your article to address these mistakes.

Hello. (none / 0) (#4603)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:40:27 PM PST
This is fake you dumb fucks.

You truely are a dumbfuck... (none / 0) (#4604)
by I 4m teh godd3ss j00 shall ph33R m33 on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:42:32 PM PST
Okay. According to you, I am a scene whore and my "boyfriend", so to speak, is a pasty geek felon. My God...Bonzi Buddy and Flash?! What are you smoking and where the hell can I get some? I mean, where is your "factual" information coming from? Oh my God...your *youngest* daughter comes to you and tells you your son's a hacker so you go and have a hissy fit and do some "research" on the behavior of hackers? You must be extremely ignorant to go and take the word of you *youngest* daughter, yet alone believe that half of the programs you mentioned are actually used by hackers. And oh yes, Quake has sooooooo helped me train to use various firearms and I am extremely antisocial. �� I mean, come on. If you're gonna put up a bullshit article, make sure it's at least halfway believable bullshit. And also make sure no one knows what the hell it is you're bsing about. Okay. I've said enough. Have a nice day!!
~*~teh godd3ss!!11!!1!!~*~

DEAR LORD (none / 0) (#4607)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:02:47 PM PST
DEAR LORD WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE AUTHOR OF THIS ARTICLE. I certainly hope this article was a joke because what I see in it isnt much more than pure IGNORANCE. First off, AMD is a well-respected manufacturer of processors. Anyone with the least bit of expertise would know that. How can you even attempt to stereotype the typical "hacker." YOU IDIOT, hackers can range from being a four-foot-tall female freshman to a well-dressed 6-foot male. As for the pacifiers, that has to do with RAVERS, not HACKERS. I basically fit your description of a hacker, and let me tell you that I am putting my computer knowledge to good use. Teenagers that are Linux savvy can get paid up to $200 and hour PROTECTING AGAINST HACKERS. I find your ingnorance truly APPALING. It's people like you that keep ambitious computer-savvy children from having a successful future.

Re; (none / 0) (#4608)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:05:42 PM PST
Ok what the fuck is your problem? The funniest thing in that article was: "Is your child wearing bright clothes? Yes? OH MY, well he is DEFINETLY a hacker. Yup, nooooooooo doubt about it." Were the HELL do you get bright clothes. And fat people? and 45 min time limits? "Hmm, i think i'll go play counterstrike, wait no i used up my time trying to CONNECT to aol cuz its a piece of shit, but i cant have any other program, cuz then i am considered a 'hacker'." God... its parents like you that fuck up this world for kids like me, who dont give a shit about people who run their big mouths about topics they dont know shit about. If I were you, i would pay more attention to the real world.

HHAHHAHAHAHa (none / 0) (#4610)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:28:56 PM PST
funny, hehe, you shouldn't have put in the spanking link, as it lets people figure of this hilarious joke! lol! Bonzi buddy is soo funny!

1 4M go1|\|g 7O h4x0r J00 4lL (none / 0) (#4611)
by haxorman on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:29:20 PM PST
1 4m 4 L33T H4X0r 4|\|c| 1 0Wnz aLl OF j00!!! 1 pl4Y Qu4|<3 @ll D4Y |_0|\|g. Ph34R my M4d $Kill5
1 l00|< uP pr0n 4ll d4y l0|\|g!!!!
pH34r |\/\3!!!!!!!!

w00+ w00t w00+

Thanks for the laugh (none / 0) (#4612)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:34:21 PM PST
I couldn't believe what I was reading until I went to some of the links. Especially liked the "Soviet spy" bit...

These replies are a blast too, but can't really blame em...the article is damned convincing. And the poster above who mentioned Swift and "A Modest Proposal," my point exactly.

Excellent! Thanks for the laugh.

myeh!!!!! 1 4|\/| 4 l337 h@x0r (none / 0) (#4613)
by haxorman on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:43:30 PM PST
1 4m a l337 H4x0r @|\|c| 1 |/|/1lL h4x0r jo0 4ll!!!
pH34r mY |\/|4D 5|<1Llz!!!!!

FUCK THIS GUY IS AN IDIOT (3.00 / 3) (#4614)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:46:03 PM PST

Computer hacker son (none / 0) (#4615)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:51:09 PM PST
That article about the hacker son is garbage. This guy stopped his son from reading valuable material that is out there and the programs listed are in no way hacking tools. For you parents out there let me tell you from an experienced SELF TAUGHT PROGRAMMER! I've read all kinds of security books and perl programming languages and i too like the linux language, however i am not a hacker. Could i hack? Yes of course its not hard, however just like any other person out there you can choose between right and wrong. Just like stealing from a convenience store. Well thats all i got terrible article and very false charges against your child perhaps you parents that feel that way should become more educated with computers yourself. In fact I am now wondering if possibly this is some moron on the net working for a company like aol trying to advertise for them.

joke? (none / 0) (#4617)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:53:42 PM PST
this is one of two things..

a. it's a joke - designed to make people angry and waste thier time.

b. this guy is a complete idiot and shouldn't be allowed to live for another second.

guys.. (none / 0) (#4619)
by ganjadrone on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:09:03 PM PST
this is obviously written by a nerd, to annoy other nerds.. with statements like the AMD one and the 'lunix' one, he's just trying to get a response (which he has!!!)

hax0ring (none / 0) (#4620)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:14:00 PM PST
I'm sorry, but I have to call the cops. The symptoms you have are sickening. Please, do me a favor and jump ito a lake with a lead weight attatched to your arms and legs.

XD If you took this seriously...I doubt you'll be posting any time soon.


LOL!! ROTFLAMO!! (none / 0) (#4621)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:21:34 PM PST
everyone who took that article seriously is a total RETARD!!! you people are freakn' stupid. for all i can see, it's a satirical article on the naivity of adults and parents. you people just a bunch of idiots. one more thing, if the author was completely serious, he needs to be shot; i mean NOW!

"Techno" (none / 0) (#4623)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:46:29 PM PST
hmm, how to start far as that soviet crap yea, u stfu...electronic music begun with the first electronic for you, you're an idoit. If your child is wearing "bagy pants and bright colored t-shirts" be sure to confinscate. Because if this is not done your child may just have what is left of apersonality. As for your son carrying around glow sticks and wearing pacifiers...either ya kid is a flaming homo (the more likley option) or he is going to "raves" and "droping eX" =) I sugjest speaking to a school counseler about this subject because they really know whats going on don't they? (bye the way pacifiers are used for not griding your teeth while on ectasy and glow sticks are for giving light shows to "trip people out")

iite kiddyZ i'm out
u can hit me up on aim: prjynbaybeeboi

*sigh* parents these days...

idiot (none / 0) (#4626)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:21:24 PM PST
ur dumb quake is a game stupid

Excellent Article! (none / 0) (#4627)
by Fuxxor on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:34:53 PM PST
Now I know why I'm suffering eye and brain damage, and I'm finally going to unsubscribe to those damn hacker gangs, electromagnetic radiation.. I knew it all along!

Seriously speaking, what an excellent parody of the typical American "spy on your kids and assume they do everything wrong" sunday special edition article by a church mother.

I'm Looking forward to reading more articles here.

Oh my god (none / 0) (#4628)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:44:04 PM PST
Oh My GOD!!!! Is this guy smoking dope? If so, give me some! I never had any weed that made me talk so much Bullshit! Yo, author, I am a father, hate AMD (not because its a hackers cpu) and use Linux. My 10 year old son uses Linux. Shit, my wife even uses Linux. Wake up and smell the coffee bro! Put out that blunt and get a grip on reality. I bet your one of those Church dudes that believe the internet is run by the Devil, aren't you! Satin be gone! Satin be gone! Satin be gone..... muuuhhhaahahahahahahahahahaa

rofl (none / 0) (#4629)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:05:41 AM PST
*dies all over*
nothing more needs to be said, other than the writer needs to RFTM and STFU

The Hacker Father: Here is your education (none / 0) (#4631)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:13:06 AM PST
Your son is not a hacker. Maybe hacking gamecodes for a Quake wallcheat, commonly referred to as *wallhack*, or giving onself infinite ammunition, this is not hacking.

1 - You are on a dialup are'nt you? This is taboo for people to play games, mainly FPS (First person shooters) and real-time strategy games, he who has the ping *owns the game* (another term for winning). I suggest a Static DSL line. It is safe and fairly quick, get the 768Mbps line, about $40/month now if interested. Cable modems are nice also, quicker than DSL one on one and have firewalls to help keep hackers out but then again, if someone is trying to hack the PC at your house you have pissed them off and they are looking to wipe your BIOS out or something funky like that.

2 - Hackers would'nt even bother with hacking a game, there is no reward and it is too easy, trust me on this one Mack. Hackers target small business' or relitvely unknown banking systems with primitive Bots or none at all. you'll have to trust me here also =) <---Smiley face for the unknowing. The reward in hacking a system is not getting caught, like as a kid when you stole a piece of candy from the store, remember? Yes the better hackers do try the bigger fish and whatnot. A child's (Cindy) version of Hacking and my version of hacking differ greatly, by the way, do you want free Cable and Electricity? That is first grade hacking and a joke, settle down =)

3 - AMD makes a mighty fine processor, they were putting out 500MHz CPUs when Pentium fronted the 266, I have an AMD myself, 800MHz to be precise along with several other CPUS in other systems.

4 - The video card is helpful in the games he plays, it gives the gamer a quiker fps (frames per second) and allows him to see objectives more clearly. Get him a Geforce 3 64Mb card, or at least a GeForce 2 64Mb card, don't have to spend a fortune, he is a kid and enjoys having a good gaming experience...let him have it d00d.

5 - As a child we have always marveled and admired the best kickball player, or marble shooter, or basketball player, or football is the same with these games, the good players are honored and revered, just not in the conventional method that we are used to as adults (I simply refuse to grow up myself). I play these games, not Quake but Tribes 2 and Counter-Strike...Quake is too easy and too cheesy for me, pffttt!!!

6 - Linux (Redhat among other versions) is simply the finest OS for hosting games with. Very clean, and you can get some versions free. I have'nt found a practical use for it myself, I stick to Windows (So shoot me already!)

In closing, I would like to remind the others who so rudly commented on this fathers post to remember that we all once were computer illiterate, every one of us. He just needed to be educated on the matter, and there are a plethora of individuals more qualified than I (yes, women included) to explain this, I do try to help though.

If your son leaves the PC on all night and there is activity within the PC, then maybe, just maybe (.1% chance) he is port surfing otherwise he is downloading some MP3 or a game demo. My suggestion to you is to unground him from the computer, get into what he does (gently) play a game with him, let him show you what he does. Any other questions post them here and I'll try to help =) <---another smiley face if you forgot what that was.

P.S. All your base are belong to us!

At L0NG |ast my people hav bean freed (none / 0) (#4632)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:15:41 AM PST
I am nikoc I AM a eyete yaer OLD CHILd form brzel I ASK my inglish bad, I end foor childrens esxcapped AMD fectorie todaY. help uus

Hilarious!!! (none / 0) (#4633)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:18:05 AM PST

T Reginald Gibbons, you are a fraggin idiot. (none / 0) (#4635)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:51:02 AM PST
T Reginald Gibbons, you are a fraggin idiot.

Comet Cursor and Bonzai Buddy as hacker software?? please, my mother has that shit installed on her computer cause she installed the stupid thing. Does that make her a hacker?? hardly, shes practically computer illiterate.

as for the ISP/Hardware thing. ANY AVID GAMER WILL DO THAT.... I, myself, am a very avid gamer, and im always wanting to improve my computer, internet connection, or anything else that i can do to get an upper edge over the competition.

Quake...being a hacker gathering place?? while, i do admit to the validity of this statement, nobody ever states it out loud for the simple fact that your IP address is available for anybody to see at anytime that your playing. As for the training in firearms?? riiiiight, pushing a mouse button or the alt button is really gonna teach a child how to handle the kick back of a 9mm Baretta or how to properly hold a .22 sniper rifle to thier shoulder.

as for the appearance thing?? man, i went through so many phases back in school it was hard to figure out what the fuck i was trying to be, one year i was a skinhead who was into self mutilation, next i was a bodyboarder, next i was a goth, next i was into country....I changed my appearance more times then youve probably got brain cells.

Yes, i admit to the Lunix/Linux/Unix type software being a hackers dream OS. But this is because of the freedom that it provides. And no, you dont have to send the computer back to the manufacturer to get it removed, ya fuckin moron

Kids being argumentative and surely??? How many parents out there today can easily say that thier kids are like that??? this is the new fuckin twit...its an everyday occurance for a child, especially a teen, to have some type of dispute with thier's the defiance of authority.

And if your child is struggling acedemically...dude...somethings wrong with yer kid then, and it aint hackin. I have been working around and with computers since i was 5 years old. Back when the best computer you could buy was a 256Mhz with a 30 MB hard drive that cost 500 dollars(the hard drive, not the computer). I neither dropped academically, nor did i falter in sports. I was the star QB for the local Pee Wee association football league, and in the off season of that, i was the leading pitcher for little league. Made all stars 4 years in a row on both teams.

You are a fucking idiot, with his head stuck so far up his ass he can see out his mouth.

If you wish to know what a real hacker is, ill be happy to let some of my net friends know about this little post of yours and have a blast on your computer.

ta for now, ya dumbshit


who is dumb now (none / 0) (#4647)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:01:15 AM PST
man!!!!!! the man is joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hilarious, Great Writing---I thought it was real (none / 0) (#4636)
by hairybikini on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:05:18 AM PST
I thought it was real, but it can't be. I've read alot of the books, played with alot of the software, have the hardware. Great writing---I know people who would fall for it. Hook Line and Sinker. Exhibits enough knowledge of teenage & really dumb people's psychology to know exactly what buttons to push. I can just see my Raging Cow Aunt Nally Ferrett reading this and racing out to sterilize the schools computers, knocking people over in her haste. It'd be fun to prep this posting as a "whitepaper" to plant for her to find.... Heh Heh Heh

It's a joke people! (none / 0) (#4637)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:20:38 AM PST
Heheh, it's obviously a joke.

All the people reacting so badly to it just make it even funnier :)

Bwahaha. Well done! :D

AHAHA (none / 0) (#4638)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:51:58 AM PST
well damn...i must be an uber hacker if that is true.

C'mon... Honestly!!! (none / 0) (#4639)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 02:26:06 AM PST
I bet the one getting the most laughs out of this article is the author himself.

I'm having a hard time picturing the author as actually believing what is stated in the article. It's obviously ironic and intended for laughs, wether it be the laughs of the readers or the author himself. And the response from another, referring to the "Underground Sex Chart?" Hahaha... Is this just an alias used by the author?

On the other hand the reference to religion (in this case christianity) rings a bell of warning in the back of my head. I have to admit I have only limited first hand experience with the extensive narrow-mindedness some christians suffer from but that's enough for me to wonder if this article might not be genuine after all.

Should the author be honest in his attempt articulate the symptoms of a hacker becoming, well, then it can only be summarized as "a lousy researched article imbued with religious intolerance."

Anyways, my friends and I got quite a few laughs out of reading this, and, NO! We're NOT hackers. On the contrary many of us work with protecting systems from them. In this profession it's equally important to know the MO of hackers.


You know nothing about it... (none / 0) (#4640)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:54:40 AM PST
Plaese do not open your mouth again....

h0h0h0 (none / 0) (#4641)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:06:25 AM PST
This is a joke..he is making fun of people and he makes people upset..

Lunix? (none / 0) (#4642)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:12:47 AM PST

That was the most stupid piece of text I have ever read.

If all american parents are like that... Where is this world going to?!
Thank God I live in Europe.

HAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#4644)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:54:27 AM PST
T Reginald Gibbons
get a life man hahahahahaha
u tlk shit u will get shit
wat a laugh u surely have topped my nite

HAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#4645)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:55:07 AM PST
T Reginald Gibbons
get a life man hahahahahaha
u tlk shit u will get shit
wat a laugh u surely have topped my nite

Insane! (none / 0) (#4646)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:56:26 AM PST
That is the most insane thing I've ever seen. That article was obviously written by a parent who hasn't a clue about computers or technology in general. Associating a game and/or dress with a particular group of people is just as discriminatory as racism. There are perfectly good people in the world with play Quake as purely a means of recreation and know that it is completely fictional. There are also perfectly good people out there who dress with "baggy clothes" and "day-glo" colors. And might I ask what exactly is wrong with asking for new hardware? Doesn't everyone want to have the best they can? I'm sure your son is more up to date on today's new technology than you ever will be. And again, there is nothing wrong with asking to change ISPs.....especially if it means switching from a dial-up connection to a cable modem or xDSL. Again, this point has no grounds for 99% of the people in the world. Next question: Do you even have a clue what Macromedia Flash is? Maybe you should do a little more research before you open your big mouth. Flash is one of the most powerful tools for web dev since the beginning of HTML. Flash a hacker tool? I don't think so. Furthermore, Bonzi Buddy is often bundled with other perfectly benign software downloaded from the web. The author if this article obviously did not do their homework before deciding to make themselves an authority on such a matter. Just remember, it is better to be silent and let other think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

oh my god u are a fucking tool (none / 0) (#4648)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:44:33 AM PST
according to this artical i am a 1337 HAXOR
quake is a hacking tool LOL your fuckin dickhead. Send ur computer back to manufacturer to get linux removed you dickless petofile. Linux is dangerous HAHAHAHHAHAHA if i ever find you then we shall make that true. AOL is quality american ISP LOL come suck my cock. AMD makes third world bad copies of american stuff LOL, AMD ROXORS tool and they have been an american company for somthing like 20 years now LOL.
you are a tool and i shall track you down and use my 1337 haxor skills to destroy your computer from this day forth

hahaha (none / 0) (#4649)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:34:50 AM PST
Are you for real or just a another stupid amercain :DDDD you can use a kitchen knife but that doesnt make you a serial killer or does it?:D

A poor attempt to understand computers (none / 0) (#4650)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:55:55 AM PST
Hash: SHA1

I (As an IT Professional in the field for 9
years) see this as a poor attempt by a concerned
parent to understand computers. I especially
enjoyed the part about "Linux, the evil hacking
tool" <slight chuckle>. Did you know that Linux
is a popular platform used in many companies?
The Dow Chemical Co. and Saginaw Valley State
University (As well as many others around the
great State of Michigan) use Linux. Does this
make these institutions "hacker organizations?"
I doubt it.

Secondly, a point about Linux, it can be removed
by anyone who is brighter than a 1 watt Christmas
tree bulb by running the Microsoft DOS Utility
called Fdisk(Or even just trying to Install
Windows in many cases). Doing this will allow
you to create a new FAT 32 file system (I know
that may be a big word for some people out there
(IE: The Author) but FAT 32 is merely the
filesystem used by Windows)

In short and in general, I would advise the
author to know more about a subject before he
writes about it in the future. Talking about a
subject you barely know anything about will show
exactly how little you know about it. Doing this
will show people who do know what they are
talking about that you are pulling things out of
you A**. Making a habit of this will tend to
lead people to discredit what you say.


Phillip Hofmeister

Post Note: The "digital signature" (Oh no,
another big word) on this document can be
verified with "PGP" ( PGP is
NOT a hacker tool (Before any ill minded people
think that it is). My public key is available at
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


HAHAHA (none / 0) (#4651)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:21:53 AM PST
I'm sorry but I feel dumber just from reading that.

worst father (none / 0) (#4653)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:51:37 AM PST
good god you go out to partys with your son and
daughter its things like that which get people beaten up.

J O K E (none / 0) (#4655)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 08:07:51 AM PST
Has any of you people ever heard of that word? You are the ones that should get a have all been made to look really stupid.....IT IS A GODDAMN JOKE FOR CHRISTS SAKE

Anyway, well done to the author, you've got quite a reaction there mate

dumb ass (none / 0) (#4656)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 08:08:44 AM PST
dumb ass is all that u are. i know billions of ppl like that who are NOT hackers! what the fuck! where do pick up that bullshit????? can u honestly say that everyone who is within those "lines" are hackers? if u do, then all i can say is that ur one sorry ass loser. i cant even believe some asshole would spit this shit up! no, wait, i can..... ur an "adult". fuck, if u ask me, ur more of a hacker then the rest of em!

in your eyes i must be hacker,......?? NO. (none / 0) (#4657)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 08:37:39 AM PST
ive just bought a new graphics card and uprated my memory, ooh, i must be hacker,
lets see, ooh i also play quake, lol.


ip scanners, sub7 etc is kidz hacking programs,

flash, and comet curser, did u actually look into these? to see wot they r?

This nonsense is so bad its gotta b a wind up or somin,


OMG that was _so_ funny! (none / 0) (#4658)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 09:20:38 AM PST
Thank you for the Lunix link, by the way... I was completely unaware such a thing existed.

I am quite uncertain which was funnier, the original article or the multitude of people who actually took it seriously. Nevertheless, a wonderful satirical piece.

Gullable Whackos (none / 0) (#4659)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 09:22:11 AM PST
If all of you posting out against this article were so computer inclined, you may have noticed if the guy was really as retarded as he seems to be in the article, he probably wouldn't know how to post on a forum webpage.

There's also the fact that, if you noticed, the other people on the site (members) are in "support" of his views. These people run the site. If they were really that bitarded about computers, they wouldn't know how to maintain a website, either.

Go get some common sense.

Llama-rama Ding-dang

OMG (none / 0) (#4660)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 10:03:02 AM PST
omg, please someone tell me this guy is joking.


Are you stupid or something??? (none / 0) (#4661)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 11:16:27 AM PST
"I have the finest family in the USA" Says who?

"If your son is becoming a hacker" Son? Can't girls be hackers to?

"Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards" How does a "faster" graphics card help you hack???

"Programming with Perl" Yeah you can hack perl! NOT

"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers" No quake is a game.

"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system" Since when was Unix illegal?

I have never laughed so hard in my life! My god, you have NO IDEA what you are talking about! I laughed so hard it hurt!

WOW..... (none / 0) (#4662)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 11:36:17 AM PST
mr gibbons.

i honestly feel sorry for your poor kids. you really need to take a step back and look at whats going on.... how long do you think it would take a young kid to learn to "hack"....

chances are your child is learning what the start menu does, and how to play solitare. perhaps this is what you consider to be the seed of all evil.

some people i know would refer to your type as a "diamond-maker"

P.S. you got owned.....

BS!!! (none / 0) (#4664)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:10:02 PM PST
All Your Base Are Belong To Us

XD! (none / 0) (#4665)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:29:52 PM PST
Tell me something...Are you a complete moron or just a fucking deadbeat?

PLEASE! Dont blame the yanks! (none / 0) (#4666)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:34:42 PM PST
Look, this guy is obviously new to the computer age, and doesnt have a clue whats going on. Whats even sadder is that he's taken it out on his son...(and his daughter with that perfume stuff)
What he doesnt realise is that if he keeps doing this, keeps keeping them from enjoying the world, they'll get so desparate to experience it, they'll go way over the top when they get the chance, ie by OD'ing or getting themselves pregnant. He is choking his children, he needs to let them experience life a little and make thier own mistakes, picking them up when they do, otherwise they'll never learn. He also needs to trust their judgement a little. Instead of meddling with their life, ask their judgement on it, ask them what they think they're doing. If they've been raised "correctly", they should be able to understand whats right and wrong, and make their OWN decisions based on what HE has taught them!
In conclusion, DONT BLAME HIM just because he's been sucked in the the american way of parenting, its not really his fault.

Skillfully writen (none / 0) (#4667)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:34:50 PM PST
Thank you for the skillfully written article. You managed to do what you intended to do; p*ss off a bunch of geek heads. If these people are so smart how come they can't even figure out when they are being made the butt of a joke. Look at them rant and rave at you trying to let you know how smart and technically knowledgeable they are.

Y'all take yourselves and your computers to seriously. Step outside and get some fresh air and some exercise once and a while, will you.

Maybe if you actually talked to another human being once in a while (no, chat rooms don't count) you would learn to appreciate what this guy just did to you to make you so mad. It is called sarcastic wit.

Maybe you should try reading something other than a tech manual once in a while. I suggest you try to read something by Mark Twain. Maybe then you would recognize what this article is really all about.

Never argue with an idiot. You will always wind up looking stupid.

Hacker Son??? (none / 0) (#4670)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:20:50 PM PST
oh god thats funny!!
Im not a hacker! I would be if i could!
im not a "37131" or what ever there call it im not a newbe or for that matter im not even a a hacker . im a wanna be! here ill show you how much of a nobody i am! my e-mails
im one of the best student s in my class and i dont dress weird and i dont ask for any different board .... im normal completely normal!!!

the author. (none / 0) (#4671)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:35:51 PM PST
The author of this article must be a jew.

IT'S A JOKE! (none / 0) (#4674)
by Taoshaman on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:54:24 PM PST
It's a joke, people. A damned funny one.

Guess y'all didn't get it, eh?


T.R. Gibbons is a gifted satirical writer! (none / 0) (#4675)
by LeManiac on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:56:06 PM PST
LOL! On first read, I thought the writer was a complete idiot. On second read, I found out he is actually a genius.
(Try it! Read it twice! That guy probably knows more about computers than it may appear. Nobody can be that stupit to believe all that stuff!)

But he forgot to write about some really important things:

1. You should really be alarmed if you find some files with the ending .bin on your computer. These files are part of a secret taliban hacking program used to support Osama Bin Laden. It is strongly recommended to delete all these files immediately and restart your system to remove any leftovers.

2. Never use any other internet browser than the Internet Explorer. Especially a decadent and illegally hacked browser called Mozilla will do permanent damage to your system. It will show up porn sites from time to time, esp. when your children are surfing, and will submit every information you enter to a hacker group.

3. If you find drawers called "Skins" or similar on your HD, then your son or any other user of your computer is highly probable allied with a nazi organisation, also called Skinheads. These drawers are often camouflaged as a subdrawer, e.g. of the drawer WinAmp.

4. WinAmp itself is a illegal hacking tool used to extract audio data from CDs. Of course the CDs are empty after that operation, since the music is on the harddisk then. The empty CDs are collected by some shops and sold as "CD-Rs", which are extremely illegal.

5. If you ever see hexadecimal numbers on the screen of your son, he is a hacker. Hexadecimal numbers are a satanic numbering system with strange letters inside, that only hackers can understand. In fact, anything on the the screen that you cannot read/understand is probably a part of a secret hacker slang.

6. A VERY dangerous thing are so-called "scene-demos". They contain fast flashing graphics and hypnotic electronic (!) music that will take control over your mind. There are also subconscious messages inside, written by hackers. These demos are an attempt to simulate the experience of doing drugs, and often also advertise the consumption of drugs. Note that there is just one letter missing from demos to demons.

7. Due to a license agreement with Microsoft, it is strictly prohibied to use backdrop pictures that were not shipped with Windows. This also applies to system sounds, color schemes, and screensavers. If you find your son doing so, call a specialist to format the harddisk and reinstall Windows. Do not try to reinstall Windows by yourself, as you might cause pernament damage by this.

8. If your son asks you to buy an optical mouse, refuse. Optical mouses are really a spy device with a micro camera inside, invented by soviet secret services.

9. If your kid plays games using both the mouse and the keyboard, he is already in a risky state of computer usage. If kids control games this way, they loose contact to the real world and completely vanish into the virtual reality. They won't be able to distinguish between the simulated and the real world, thus possibly doing terrible things. A sane person usually controls games with the keyboard only. Also do not use "force feedback joysticks", as the vibration may cause severe damage to the hand bones and musculature.

10. If you see in the history list of your webbrowser that your son has visited non-american websites (esp. german and russian), he is in trouble. All those sites contain unverified, illegal content. Especially in Russia, a normal person doesn't have internet access, therefore any russian homepages are created by communistic secret services or hackers who want to gather information about the western world. All german homepages contain nazi propaganda and are glorifying Adolf Hitler.

Haha? (none / 0) (#4676)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 02:16:42 PM PST
I myself meet all the requirements of this list, but does that make me a hacker? No. I have no idea to hack, and I know the majority of what is said in this article is either misinformation, or just plain wrong. No wonder the kid denied doing any hacking. The people who believe this...should do research, and call companies and book manufacturers to find out what it's really about. Sheesh. This is one reason why people should do research before they make conclusions.

WOW YOU ARE A FRIGGIN' IDIOT (none / 0) (#4677)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 02:30:57 PM PST
Nothing you said is true...stupid friggin idiot. OH MY GOD MY SON WANTS A NEW ISP!! HE'S A HACKER! I mean c'mon...he must need that new ISP to download Comet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy so he can hack other people, right? Too bad Comet Cursor only changes your mouse pointer and Bonzi Buddy is an interactive animal that helps you with your computer - both of them have absolutley nothing to do with hacking. LMAO! You are such an idiot! I have never read so much crap in my life...I can't believe that this site actually posted this article. Next time get your facts right retard!

This guy is terrible. (none / 0) (#4678)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 02:45:10 PM PST
He is a christian advocate. Guess what T. I fall under all those categories.

heh (none / 0) (#4680)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 02:49:40 PM PST
That's a joke, right? hahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaah You poor, uneducated parent. Nearly every bit of that was beyond rediculous. Oh, and also, it's RAVERS you're talking about here:9. Has your son radically changed his appearance? If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences. Got that, sugar? Ok, just checking. Oh, and by the way...with your standards of being a hacker...any imbecile is one. Even my parents, who have absolutely no idea what they're doing with this machine, are hackers...says you. hahahahahhah *sigh* I hope you were just kidding, sir. You don't know how wrong you are. Sincerely, Christine

Jesus tapdancing crist!!! (none / 0) (#4682)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:05:07 PM PST
My god in heaven u r an idiot. U have no clue what the hell you r ranting about and r just trying to get attention. First Lunix does not exist and Linux is a system used all over the world to do anyfron from start a cartoon to play a game.( to c)Second it is people like u that deserve to be hacked. U R A COMPLETE MORON!!!! How to u even dress your-self in the morning. I have trieds to c things from your point of view but i dont think it is humanlly possible to get my head that far up my ass. If you had any clue what u were talking about i might be able to offer some advice but, u dont. With all u know about a pc if u can just turn it on to read this i will be impreased. Well i will c how many THOUSANDS of teens agree with me and further prove your cock is larger than IQ. (Men everywhere feel your pain)

GOD HELP US (none / 0) (#4684)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:11:44 PM PST

Just take negative comments as satire, you could save yourself an ulcer and just smile.. No one missed the joke.. And if they did whats so unhealthy about that anyway?

I am a parent (none / 0) (#4686)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:20:44 PM PST
and you sir are a fool.

Please go educate yourself further so that your naive and misleading statements never again cross my path.

Good day.

Unbelievable (none / 0) (#4688)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:34:57 PM PST
Was this guy on crack when he wrote this? I'm sorry, but for every minutes I spent reading this I spent five laughing at it. He needs to take a step back from the crackpipe, get a clue and have someone sit down with him and explain why everything he said is so funny to anyone who spends a large amount of time working with computers because this guy is a computer user's worst nightmare. Before you know it Linus, AMD and Quake are going to be outlawed because there are just enough gullible people out there who would believe every word he said.

Who Is The Dumbass? (none / 0) (#4689)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:47:27 PM PST
I would like to point out to these many people who are posting rude comments about the intelligence of the person posting this article that they are very hipocritical. For example, while insulting the intelligence of others they are simultaneously misspelling simple words, inserting grammatical errors in their posts, etc.
While some of these replies make very valid points, they appear discredited due to the lack of grammar and spelling skills that their respective authors possess.
For the record, most of the information in this article is false. However, it was very obviously not intended to be a serious informative article, thus, the hackers, 13373575(1337 is a language used by wanna-be hackers to confuse normal people. It replaces letters with numbers. 1 is L or I, 3 is E, 7 is T, 5 is S, 8 is B, 4 is A, etc.), and other posters who have complained about the validity of this article are less intelligent than the article itself.
Common sense is a good thing to use.
Please, by all means, for the furthering of this society, use it.

IS YOUR FATHER A DUMBSHIT? (none / 0) (#4690)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:51:14 PM PST
As an enlightened, modern CODER, I try to be as involved as possible in the lives of my six COMPUTERS. I encourage them to join IP'S. I attend their PROCESSING parties with them to ensure no CRASHES or VIRUS'S is on the premises. I keep a CODErly eye on the CDs they listen to and the shows they watch, the company they keep and the books they read. You could say I'm a model CODER. My COMPUTERS have never failed to make me proud, and I can say without the slightest embellishment that I have the finest COMPUTERS in the USA.

To this end, I have decided to publish the top ten signs that your FATHER IS A DUMBSHIT. I advise any KIDS to read this list carefully and if their FATHER matches the profile, they should take action. A smart KID will first try to reason with their FATHER, before resorting to groundings, or even spanking. I pride myself that I have never had to spank a FATHER, and I hope this guide will help other KIDS to put a halt to their FATHERS DUMBSHITNESS before a spanking becomes necessary.


(Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider.)


2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".


3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.


If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.


4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

If you pay close attention to your son's reading habits, as I do, you will be able to determine a great deal about his opinions and hobbies. Children are at their most impressionable in the teenage years. Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced minds.

There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond.

If you find any of these hacking manuals in your child's possession, confiscate them immediately. You should also petition local booksellers to remove these titles from their shelves. You may meet with some resistance at first, but even booksellers have to bow to community pressure.


5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day. GO FIGURE DUMBASS, LETS SEE YOUR KID WANTS A FASTER PROCESSOR, MAYBE HES TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT THE FOOKING COMPUTER IS SO SLOW THAT YOU NEED A FASTER COMPUTER PROCESSOR CHIT IN ORDER TO GET THINGS DONE FASTER ON THE NET AND STUFF SO HE DONT HAVE TO SPEN "MORE THAN 30 MINS ON IT" COMMEN SENCE "DUMBSHIT"

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school.


7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour. This will manifest itself soonest in the way he treats others. Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn, bitterness, and even foul language. He may utter threats of violence of a real or electronic nature.

Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation he is in. Keep trying to get through to him, no matter how much he retreats into himself.


8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.


9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences.


10. Is your son struggling academically?

If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight. For the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically.

I encourage all parents to read through this guide carefully. Your child's future may depend upon it. Hacking is an illegal and dangerous activity, that may land your child in prison, and tear your family apart. It cannot be taken too seriously.



SO OBSERD (none / 0) (#4691)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:53:40 PM PST
guess what, i'm a parent and am a hacker. My children hack. Hacking can be legitiment. It's acctually my JOB!! also, you are saying hackers are bad. Have you ever heard of white hat hackers. Also, programers are hackers. What was this kid using, Sub Seven?? Even my children think this article is obserd. If ever i need a good laugh, or need to see what's wrong with the world, i'll be sure to read this article. Also, GATOR IS NOT A HACKING PROGRAM!!

-Dr. Suess

ok, fuckhead, lets get the facts straight (none / 0) (#4693)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:02:06 PM PST
To whomever was stupid enough to post this shit-
You seem to making some grave mistakes. First off your description of clothing is not that of a Hacker, but a Raver. YES, there IS a difference. Though many Ravers are Hackers, not all Hackers are Ravers. A vast majority of Hackers are pastey white american guys who had no friends in highschool, and are striking back at the world by trashing web pages, and pirating movies. Ravers are useually Hackers that actually DO have friends, and dress in the manner that you have descibed before. How do I know, guess =).
*Throws Knife at Poster's head*
Techno is electronic music, so are trance, rave, and most Remixes. Idiot.
*Throws annother Knife*
Not all Hackers/Ravers have bad grades. It takes geneius to be a true hacker, and though we spend most of our time on the computer, up late everynight, getting poor vision from staring at a screen constantly, most still get good grades. I have a 3.9 average, isnt that a little proof against ur theory.
*Throws annother Knife*
I'm constantly on the computer, but im not DOS'n stites. I'm chatting, reading, doing homework, playing games, surfing, listening to music, doing homework, and watching music videos and anime. I spend 6 hours a day at least on the computer, and, as stated above, i have kick ass grades.
*Chucks a Knife at the Poster's Balls*
Everyone wants a faster comptuer, even you do, so why do you think only hackers would want more memory, a faster processer, or better video? Don't you want to be able to use the computer without waiting half an hour to open up a single webpage? Don't you hate it when a warning pops up telling you "There is not enough memory to perform this task. Please close some programs or restart computer" every 3 seconds? I think you do. Bitch.
*Throws a knife at his spleen*
You don't 'USE' Quake, you play it. It's a game. You shoot things. You Multiplay. You chat with friends. You have fun. There is no training for weapons, how can clicking a mouse ever prepare you to use a rocket launcher or a rail gun? Not everyone is talking about hacking, alot of the time im just talking about last night's episode of '24', or how i just sneaked up on someone in the game and took him out.
*Throws knife at eye*
There is no such thing as a hacker manual, no one needs to make one. If ur a hacker and you know it, then you dont need any training or a book to tell you what to do. Most of those books are fiction and non fiction books about groups of hackers that got caught, or didnt get caught, not guides or tricks of the trade. Others of those are just books about programing, like the 'For Dummies' books that are availible for anything and everything.
*Throws annother knife at his head*
Its Linux, not Lunix, idiot, and its not a hacking program. Its annother Operating System, Like Windows or Mac, it just runs better and faster with less errors and more options. It also sounds cooler and is more widely prefered then Windows or Mac, its just that everyone is afraid to try something new, like people who get comptuers for the first time think that AOL will be the best thing to use because of false advertising on TV, so they get it, and it sucks, and they dont want to get rid of it for some odd reason that not even I can comprihend, like your stupidity.
*Throws a knife at his crotch again*
Annother thing, is AOL has a constant tendancy to crash, and when i say constant, i mean it to the full extent of the word. When I had AOL on my first computer, not only was it the slowest browser on the planet, but it disconnected me every 4 minutes. AOL's Servers are so terrible, it doesnt make sense why they even offer you connection to the internet when their just gonna kick you every other minute. If a kid asks for a better ISP, its cause the one he is on right udderly sucks. If your gonna use AOL, for god sakes use it for Browsing, IM, and Mail, get Erols or something for your ISP.
*Throws knife at Poster's Leg*
When a kid says he has no problems, cant control his emotions, or cant distinguish right from wrong, it is because they are A) In love, B) Depressed, or C) Both.
*Throws knife at chest*
The Pacifiers and Glowsticks are just Raver things like the pants, clothes and music. They just go with the whole Raver thing, hard to explain to an idiot like you. God. Learn the RIGHT facts before you come here posting some shit like this.

the author is sick fag. lamer brainwashed by (none / 0) (#4694)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:10:57 PM PST
us government.

Linux rullz/ AOL Suxx

Please tell me this is a joke (none / 0) (#4695)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:20:08 PM PST
Please, because it is either a joke or you are the most ungodly stupid person on the face of this earth. The fact that you even have a son astounds me.

You sir, are a racist. But in a different sence than just race. You sir seem to think that anything and everything on the internet involves hacking. Most people on the internet are not hackers. At all.

I must also inform you that several forums I go to have several topics making fun of your stupidity. Because, well, you just made a complete and utter idiot out of yourself.

LOL@THE WRITER OF THIS (none / 0) (#4696)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:21:23 PM PST
#1 obviously you have never met a hacker... bright colored clothes? you watch to many movies :-p. #2 NEVER BUY A COMPAQ they are pos's and if any person was smart they would build their own or have one built. that stuff about installing linux only way to get it off is send the computer back.... that is bs and Linux is alot faster then windows or any other Product putout by Microsoft and increases your system performance... whoever wrote this is affraid of change the fact of a FREE OS scares them and the fact that anyone useing that OS would give you tech support free scares them to... you are afraid that companys like compaq and gateway will go out of buissness because they sell poor quallity products to customers chargeing them for techsupport and upgrades way over what it cost them. a 2000 dollar compaq is only worth 300 and the 500 a year spent in tech support is waisted to. you are just a spammer trying to make stupid companys more $$ to help rip off the american population. and QUAKE is a computer game lol most the people playing it couldn't "Hack" thier way out of a paperbag. I would recommend you look for better places to get your information. if you need help feel free to contact me at maybe you will learn that a kid learning new stuff doesn't make them a hacker and that parents like you stunt the growth of the american kids minds.


How Old Are You? (none / 0) (#4707)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:37:45 PM PST
Mate, maybe when you get older you'll be able to understand satire, you fuckwit.

Oh my GOD!!! (none / 0) (#4698)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:43:10 PM PST







OMFG!!! (none / 0) (#4700)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:55:24 PM PST
O god you're a moron! lets start with was only 2 years ago you bought your first computer?! what the hell is wrong with you?! and a COMPAQ at that! couldnt you have at least gotten a GOOD computer?

and a change of isp's? aol is one of the WORST and MOST OVER-PRICED ISPs out there. it is slow and uses up A LOT of RAM (which means the computer goes slow), and thus your son probably had trouble with any online gaming he was attempting (note to the moron: gaming is exactly what i is playing a game).

hacking software, if truly it is, would 1: not repeatedly ask you to download it and 2: most likely not show up under the add/remove options of MS Windows

AMD makes fuckin bad processors!

"Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; ; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond...all are novels! faky futuristic sci-fi novels! "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly is a manual for PROGRAMMING with PERL!!! perl is a computer language you fuicking idiot! if your gona want your son to 'succeed' with computers, he's gona have to at least learn something as basic as PERL!



anti-social behavior is common among teens, genius! did you get past elementary?

Linux! spell it right! linux!!! it was NOT made by microsoft, is NOT illegal, and is NOT based on 'xenix', it is based on UNIX! any program can connect to machines on the internet 'without a telephone' because you DONT NEED A TELEPHONE TO GET ON THE IDIOT! GOD YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING DUMBASS!!! MP3 IS A CODE, NOT A PROGRAM! AND IT'S NOT STEALING! GOOOOOOD!!! it's called 'downloading'..if the people didn't want it to be given out, they wouldnt be there!

teenagers go with dif appearences when they hang out with dif freinds. colored hair is usually associated with punk rockers, glo sticks with ravers. if you want to be so stereotypical, then if he's got the hair search him for weed and if he's got the sticks search him for e (thas EXTACY, a common drug, since you probly dont know you fucking dumbass!)

all hackers i know DO NOT struggle academically, especially in math-related courses, because, moron, math is essential to the world of hackingc and just about any other computer related field

there is no such thing as 'computer radiation' (don have ANY idea where you got that from)


horrible parents (none / 0) (#4701)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:55:48 PM PST
Ok, first off, AOL fucking sucks, its slow, they block most websites cause they're anal retentive about control, and they screw all users over. Bonzi Buddy and Comet Cursor are waste of time programs that don't do anything but waste space and time. Flash is a plugin for your browser that lets you view animations created using flash. And I'm sorry if your son realizes that you need new hardware and you don't I really am, but I guess he's smarter than you. As far as hacking manuals, I read 'Hannibal' so does that mean I'm going to become a cannibal? By your logic than I guess so. Time spent on the computer is irrelevant, most teens sit online mindlessly chatting on aim. Ahahahahahahahaha Quake is an old 3-d online computer game you dumb motherfucker. And ya know, teens are often defiant, ask EVERY parent in this damn country. I don't even know where to begin with Linux. hmm...well its an open source operating system written by European programmers. Notice how they are EUROPEAN not Soviet, and as open source would imply, they are all free and anyone can change the code to try and improve it. While we're on operating systems, DOS stands for Disk Operating System and is the basic OS on all computers, people may run programs in DOS, but it in itself IS NOT a hacking program. Now what exactly does style have to do with anything, you're telling me that you've never changed your style?...An otaku is someone that is a big fan of japanese animation. And computers don't give off radiation, personally I think if your son has your natural ignorance that would explain why ;).

Listen to me you stupid parents, this guy right here proved that though you think you know whats going on in our lives, you don't have a fucking clue.

Duh (none / 0) (#4702)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:05:42 PM PST
My God! I'm a moron when it comes to this stuff, and even I knew that this person was full of crap! seriously, when even morons like me can see through this, you know you have a problem!!

You little... (none / 0) (#4703)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:06:53 PM PST
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.
Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.Ok whatever your name is, you are a moronic piece of shit. I bet your dad raped you as a kid, and dont even bring Jesus into this, him and computer hackers have nothing to do. You attend parties with your kids? Come on you little piece of shit, are you afraid that your shitty mormon kids are going to have sex? Yeah right. And where the hell did you get this "how hackers dress"? Your son is probably just wearing bright clothes to get attention because his self conciouss parents ignore him because he is a "hacker". God, you fucking moron parent.

The Brady Bunch (none / 0) (#4704)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:07:58 PM PST
Ok, i found out this guy's problem. His youngest daughter is Cindy, and they have a son named Peter.... They live in a house in California (he referenced a california state prison).

Doesn't this sound like The Brady Bunch? Of course, he's the model parent (going to all of his teenage children's parties), and is probably some archetect.

And what about these AMD "sweat shops"? They must have some pretty damn skilled workers making microscopic semi-conductors!

AMD is evil? (none / 0) (#4705)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:20:43 PM PST
Gee, and I always thought AMD was an acronym for "American Micro-Devices," or at last that's what it said on their sign, when I visited one of their "third-world sweatshops" downtown with the work study program my college supports, last week. I'm pretty sure eeryone I saw there was at least 20, being as they were relatively tall people with college degrees. Be kinda hard for a third-world 8-year old to have a degree from a legit American college...

Oh my goodness!!! (none / 0) (#4706)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:33:12 PM PST
I never even thought that my child could do that. But he is showing all the warning signs of severe hacking. This greatly concerns me that such things can hit children at such a young age. I will be on guard for the installation of lunix on any of my home computers. I'm greatly thankful that there is someone out there who has so much care for the youth of today. As for the rest of you people who think he his full of balogney. I pitty you and wish you had the intelligence of this man. I have seen the notorious bonzi buddy and this must stop!!!


heh...hacker article is funny (none / 0) (#4709)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:42:57 PM PST
well, apparently everyone that wears bright colors and such is a computer hacker, or if they spend more than HALF AN HOUR online???
well.... that seems awfully general.. i found this article almost funny, being a highschool student, happen to know plenty of people who dress like the supposed "hackers" and have nothing to do with that i'd suggest you refine this....or just ignore it. maybe your child is becoming reclusive for other reasons..don't pin them as a criminal just cause they're different.. try to talk to them, not breathe down their necks and make unjustified assumptions about their lifestyles

wow (none / 0) (#4710)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:46:14 PM PST
umm dude u have a problem, flash for one is not a hacking program!

HEY READ THIS. (none / 0) (#4711)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:48:10 PM PST
hello I'm a hacker.

when I first read your article, I tought it was a joke. (don't take this bad)

your son is not a computer criminal because he read about computers and network security. He
might be a computer kiddy who plays with nuke or
spoofing software, if this case apply ban him
from using a computer, you will do us a great

A hacker is someone who learn things by himself.
some times good things, some times bad. But all
those things a true and exist, so they shall be
known. that's why lots of big security company
hires hackers to help them to emprove their system
against criminals. those hacker gain more money
in a year than you will probably ever do.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

well, I agree that AOL sucks. (it spy you too. no joke)

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

well, to learn something you got to try it till
you know how to use it. that's the main mean of

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

hardware update have absolutly nothing to do
with hacking. You could hack the nasa from a
comodor 64 (kevin mitnik did it)

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

well. some one wrote the bible and billions
of people believed him for 2000 years, why
not read what others have to say ?

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

Learning is a slow experience.

6. Does your son use Quake?

lots of people more qualified than you consider
me as a hacker, I never played quake.. ever.
it's a GAME hacking is not, unless you learn
how to code games and cheats. is it huring
someone ?

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

it's a bad thing ? you really want your son
to be a sheet ?

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
it's "Linux". a OS (Operating System) devlopped
by "big bad and scary hackers".

this os is more stable and secure than microsoft windows will ever be. and there's no spyware that
reports all your moves to a big money company.

that's why it's used and trusted by 99.9% of isp (Internet Service Provider).

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

you never did ? you should :) it's fun. mankind have changed is vestimental appearence accross the
years, your son is a criminal because he did it ?
welcome in 2001 dude.

10. Is your son struggling academically?

your son dont need a computer to fail ;)

I know hackers who are pay 200$ per hour, how cute.


p.s.: forgive my bad english (not cause I dropped
school, I'm french.)

99% of comments are by dumbfucks (none / 0) (#4712)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:51:08 PM PST
You are all fucked. This is a top class article and all the comment posters are making fools of themselves.

Do some research. (none / 0) (#4713)
by El Taco Llama on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:57:54 PM PST
First off the term "Hacking" means to alter (a computer program): hacked her text editor to read HTML. Without hackers we wouldn't have operating systems. We wouldn't even have DOS. If we all listened to your mad rantings and ravings you wouldn't have those nifty little anti-virus programs or the anti-"hacking" and I use the term hacking in anti-hacking loosely. Because its not hacking when it's used like that, it's vandalising.

Second if he asked to change isp's it is most likely cause he is getting sick of being disconnected or not being able to connect period.

Third. The programs you mentioned have nothing to do with hacking. ZERO. Comet cursor is used to change your mouse icon. If you have alot of users on the computer and everyone likes something different this is a useful program.

Bonzi Buddy is a fun little program. It monitors your use of the computer. Remembers webpages you go to and reads emails to you. Does that sound like hacking? Hmm whole lotta illegal stuff goin on there boy howdy.

Flash is a webbrowser addon that is supported by Microsoft. It is used to view flash websites. However the flash you are talking about is most likely the program used to make those flash websites. In which case that would explain the need for more bandwidth if your son is interested in making webpages. He could have a job doing that and make more from it in a month than you do it a year.

By taking that away all you are doing is hurting your sons education in the computer. Which is why you bought it in the first place is it not?

The reason he is requesting a better graphics card and memory is most likely because he likes to play computer games that require more power. The AMD Processors are a leading brand in computer processors. They beat Intel in most of their tests. And just for your info the processor does nothing to prevent hacking.

From the few titles of books you mentioned it sounds like your son is interested in writing programs for the computer. Which would explain the hours of time spent on the computer. It takes a long time to code programs.

Quake is an online multiplayer GAME. That's right a game. Not a hacking program. Not a hacking association of some kind. A game. It also has the option to alter or "hack" the game to design modifications to it and make it more interesting.

The reason your son is more arguementative is because he is growing up and you're giving him alot of bs that he doesn't need. Just from reading this crap I agree with him. You are smothering him and you do need to back off.

First off you didn't even spell the name of this program right. It is Linux. It is an operating system yes. It is actually more stable than windows when setup right. Most people use it for servers. Which in your son's case could be either a Quake server or a webpage server.

I'm not even going to comment on this next part because it's just pure idiocy. And you call yourself a model parent. I bet you 50$ right now that by the time you're son turns 18, unless you change your outlook on parenting, he will have his bags packed and be out the door. If not sooner. I suggest, next time before you go posting stuff like this in the future, that you do some research.

Dumbass..... (none / 0) (#4714)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:03:46 PM PST
Geez, you know how hard it is to erase a system suck as Lunix is EXTREMELY hard to erase. Trust me. I accidently had it installed. It took close to a month to erase the damned thing. As for Quake, do you even know what Quake is? Please learn about these things first people. You shall soon find out what Quake is if you go to their site....

Duhhhh You damn MORON (none / 0) (#4715)
by EternalOne6900 on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:09:11 PM PST
#1 Some PPL just don't have any brains at all
Linux is a Business Operating System based on the GNU GPL Agreement... anyone that knows anything about computers at all also knows that you can remove Linux from a System with a 3rd Party Partitioner like Partition Magic..

#2 Girls can Be Hackers too. This fool that wrote the article must be a TOTAL RETARD! cause he doesn't crapo about computers..

#3 I can take you to just about any computer store where i live and buy a AMD Processor and MotherBoard.. Which (Yes me be second to Intel) But in some aspects will out perform a Intel Processor Hands down.

#4 The Reference to Quake (A Online Video GAME) How fucking lame can you be to knock shit you know absolutly NOTHING about!

#5 Microsoft! Charges way to much for there KnockOff of a Freeware Operating System from the past that was written for an atari home computer called SpartaDOS (Old Time Computer Nerds will remember this)

#6 GET A FUCKING LIFE YOU LOSER! if you think your Kid is Hacker cause he installs Software you know nothing about then maybe you should just walk away GROW A FUCKING BRAIN! and come back when you know something about computers!
Mr. T Reginald Gibbons You are the DUMBEST PERSON I have ever seen on the Internet!

Old School Computer Nerd from back in the Day!

Ah hahaha (none / 0) (#4716)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:10:06 PM PST
I say you teach the kid how to hold and use a fire-arm. After you do that, buy him a desert eagle with a clip of seven .40 cor-bon bullets. After you enjoy the time you have with your kid, tell him that he is stuck with AOL. Have fun getting your head blown to bits, while fractions of your flesh and sinew, guts, and eye balls are nicely retracted from your small-minded cranium and splattered all over the sidewalk.

RE: Is your son a hacker... (none / 0) (#4717)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:24:30 PM PST

After reading the article "Is your son a hacker" I have the following comments.

1. HAHAHA!! Geezus, was this written in the early 90's?

2. Comet Cursor, Bonzai Buddy, and Flash... These are hacker programs? Since when? If they are then why are major sites advertising them?

3. I do condone you for attempting to be a role model parent, for there's a lack of such these days. Trying too hard can have the opposite effects - read about it.

4. Kick ass video cards, and advanced gaming (quake, OF, HL, TFC, etc...) are by no means an "indicator" that one may be a hacker. These advanced games and video cards are merely a component needed to aquire the "full effect" of a gaming experience. If your son was to come across a person who may be a "hacker" in one of these games, it would then be up to your son to make the decision whether or not to participate in such activities - upon making these decisions would reflect upon how the child was raised.

5. The wardrobe of a hacker! I couldn't help, but to laugh my ass off at what was said to be a hackers wardrobe. What you described as their wardrobe can be found in nearly any community. It's people like you and the people that you got your information from that is widening the gap between judging people on how they "look" superfiscially and who they really are internally. "You can't judge a book by its cover."

6. The word "hacker". The media and people like you have this word and the people it represent all twisted and screwed up. I would say more blame is on the media's behalf since it reaches a larger crowd and these days everyone believes what is seen on TV as the truth. Hackers started out as curious people. They just wanted to satisfy their curiosity, things didn't get destroyed. Thanks to the media a whole new generation of "violent" hackers has been produced.

7. I do respect you for being a responsible caring parent. Give your kids some space now and then. Trust them. Even you said that they are teens, they need to discover whom they are. Be there to "guide" them, not "control" them...

That's about all I have time for. I'm about to change into my flourescent orange jeans, put on a bright green shirt (because it matches my hair) and proceed to sit in front of my PC while "hacking" my way through the dense electronic jungle called the internet... who knows maybe I'll run across your son in quake, or run across you personal information on your hard drive. (just joking) All in all - have a nice day :)


u are a joke (none / 0) (#4719)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:42:49 PM PST
actually i thought this was a joke at first but now i thing you are one of those irritating persons you see at movies like the old F****** ladies. this is a witch hunt. bonsy buddy is not a hackers sotware nor comat cursor or flash. this seariusly looks like bill gates is paying you for this. lunix and all those softwares plus amd have got reward.

LOL (none / 0) (#4720)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:47:53 PM PST

YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4721)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:54:02 PM PST
first of all, you need to know that most of what you are saying is mostly unresearched horse puck!

i have a few problems with this article...

#1: Spanking
first of all, spanking is child abuse.
second, why on earth is there a web link to do you know that that is an S&M web site?
#2: AOL
i dont use AOL but i have used it before, and my experiences with it have been frustrating and insulting to my intelect. it is not as great as you think.
#3: "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "
comet cursor, i admit, is hacker software... but not one that you can use! it is somewhat like what are known as "backdoor programs" allowing OTHER hackers to easily hack INTO your comp.
bonzi buddy is similar.
flash is a program that allows one to view interactive visual snazzy web pages. it is NOT hacker software, and there is no wat that one can use it to aid hacking.
#4: DOS
i would like you to try to uninstall DOS. it is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! the reason it is impossible is because windows was written with the aid of DOS. without DOS, your computer would not work.
#5: "7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour? "
this, i believe to be a natural teenager side-effect, so to speak. almost ALL teenagers go through a period of this.
#6: "They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. "
i would like to see a stereo that is hooked up to the internet, or at least has the ability to do so. this is comon sense.
#7: "Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone. "
telnet used to COME with computers, damnit!

#8: "If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences. "
these are clothes that ravers wear, not hackers. albeit some hackers are ravers too. pacifiers, some ravers cary these around because they take drugs that degrade their jaws, so that their jaws fall out if they are not careful. the pacifiers allow them to have something that does not require special attention to keeping their jaw up.

#9: SON!
hackers are not all male!!!! many hackers a/bre female as well!!!!

Vicious out

P.S. this has been a message from a hacker

What is this guy thinking (none / 0) (#4722)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:05:52 PM PST
This article has no direct relation to reality. This poor gentleman needs to do some research and find out what he is talking about before he writes articles that are going to reach an audience. There is not ONE grain of truth in this article and if poeple read this and come off thinking that this gentleman knew what he was talking about then he has done a splendid job of spreading misinformation and propaganda.

ASTRO GLIDE (none / 0) (#4723)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:05:56 PM PST
Well I think this artical is total BULL-SHIT!!!
And the guy that came up with this SHIT is the type of person that has one of those fish emblems on the back of his car and his wife will not proform orsl "SEX". So I suggest you get yourself some FREE ASTRO-GLIDE, and I was nice enough to give you the web site to it
And your wife needs this

ASTRO-GLIDE NEEDED HERE!!!!! (none / 0) (#4724)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:11:50 PM PST
Well I think this artical is total BULL-SHIT!!!
And the guy that came up with this SHIT is the type of person that has one of those fish emblems on the back of his car and his wife will not perform oral "SEX". So I suggest you get yourself some FREE ASTRO-GLIDE, and I was nice enough to give you the web site to it
And your wife needs this

ASTRO-GLIDE NEEDED HERE!!!!! (none / 0) (#4725)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:22:55 PM PST
Well I think this artical is total BULL-SHIT!!!
And the guy that came up with this SHIT is the type of person that has one of those fish emblems on the back of his car and his wife will not perform oral "SEX". So I suggest you get yourself some FREE ASTRO-GLIDE, and I was nice enough to give you the web site to it
And your wife needs this

ASTRO-GLIDE NEEDED HERE!!!!! (none / 0) (#4726)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:24:31 PM PST
Well I think this artical is total BULL-SHIT!!!
And the guy that came up with this SHIT is the type of person that has one of those fish emblems on the back of his car and his wife will not perform oral "SEX". So I suggest you get yourself some FREE ASTRO-GLIDE, and I was nice enough to give you the web site to it
And your wife needs this

ASTRO-GLIDE NEEDED HERE!!!!! (none / 0) (#4727)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:25:29 PM PST
Well I think this artical is total BULL-SHIT!!!
And the guy that came up with this SHIT is the type of person that has one of those fish emblems on the back of his car and his wife will not perform oral "SEX". So I suggest you get yourself some FREE ASTRO-GLIDE, and I was nice enough to give you the web site to it
And your wife needs this

ASTRO-GLIDE NEEDED HERE BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4728)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:28:20 PM PST
Well I think this artical is total BULL-SHIT!!!
And the guy that came up with this SHIT is the type of person that has one of those fish emblems on the back of his car and his wife will not perform oral "SEX". So I suggest you get yourself some FREE ASTRO-GLIDE, and I was nice enough to give you the web site to it
And your wife needs this

WAT A BUNCH OF FUKEN BULLSHIT (none / 0) (#4729)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:55:39 PM PST

youre a fucking RETARD (none / 0) (#4730)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:56:44 PM PST
not one single thing that you have said in your stupid ass piece of shit artice was true. bonzi buddy? thats a little gorilla that pops up on your screen and HELPS YOU WITH SHIT you FUCKING RETARD!!!!! um....yeah....dressing like a RAVER has nothing to do with BEING A HACKER just to let you know, its RAVERS NOT HACKERS that dress like that...and they use glow sticks when they dance, yeah youre a dumbass...oh yeah and about this PIECE OF SHIT YOU WROTE helpng hackers??? hahahhah thats really funny omg this is one of the stupidest (which is why its so funny, cuz youre such a fucking tard) things i have ever read in my entire life!!!! you have no clue what the HELL youre talking about!!!! hahahhaha omg hahahhahaha this is great so yeah no wonder your son turned out like cant keep your dumbass out of other peoples business and then you TRY TO WRITE FUCKING ARTICLES ABOUT SHIT YOU make up and DONT KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT "this cant be taken too seriously"??? do you know how hard you are making all us out here laugh? and how fucking STUPID youre making yourself look?? yeah well obviously you are taking this way too seriously seeing that you pulled this whole damn article OUT OF YOUR ASS!!! please next time you write something or talk about it, dont tell us because we really dont give a shit, and please next time DONT MAKE THE WHOLE THING UP it just makes you look hella retarted.

What a moron... (none / 0) (#4732)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 08:09:06 PM PST
The only conclusion that I can draw from your "essay" is that either you are stupid enough to swallow the AOL salespitch, or you are just plain stupid.

Not one of your "signs your son is a hacker" is a sign of anything but your own complete ignorance of anything to do with computers, the internet, or parenting.

The only thing your son seems to be attempting to do is to learn to program and use the computer properly. It is painfully apparent that you have no idea what a hacker is. Perhaps you should look it up in any computer dictionary. Oh, I forgot. You equate books on computers with hacking!

What a moron.

T Gibbons, Please read this... (none / 0) (#4737)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 09:16:03 PM PST
Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...

Damn kids. They're all alike.

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?

I am a hacker, enter my world...

Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...

Damn underachiever. They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..."

Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me...

Or feels threatened by me...

Or thinks I'm a smart ass...

Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.

And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found.

"This is it... this is where I belong..."

I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...

Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike...

You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

+++The Mentor+++

just laugh... (none / 0) (#4740)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 09:29:35 PM PST
the funny part is yes alot of this is true about kids who may be computer hackers. infact i am one myself. only at the age of 16, can you believe it. my idenity never revealed online, only to be known by my handle "stan". ive been 'hacking' for 2 years now. The funny part is there is more to it then what you saw. i have alot of friends who are what you described, but infact couldnt even hack a simple code on there own computer. when they become elite and know what they are doing, then they can be classified as hackers, til then, we just like to call them newbies. i think ive met peter, but if i havent, make sure to have him find and contact me. thanks pal. later


idt10 (none / 0) (#4743)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 10:21:53 PM PST
Do the world a favor go buy a gun and kill yourself.

Odd... (none / 0) (#4745)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 10:35:51 PM PST
Am I the only person that can see this article was ment to be a joke?

How could it not be?

re: hacker child crap by T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#4747)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 10:43:55 PM PST
ive gotta say, this is some of the worst bullshit ive ever heard in my whole life :) ive never seen somebody so uninformed who argues their unlearned opinions or thoughts.. anyways, my advise to the author... know what in the hell you're talking about before you submit it to the millions of people who are a thousand times smarter than you are and know you know nothing of computers... (the original post here was just too hilarious and pathethic for me not to post something about it)... ja ne

is my son a comp hacker (none / 0) (#4749)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 10:58:13 PM PST
well i'm a 17 year old and i think ur all wrong. I ride bikes, and use my comp alot. i'm not a hacker yet, but i've been doing a lot of reaserch on it. i think u should quit putting stuff like this up ,because we don't do this in an all degative purpose. I myself do this because i find it interesting. it's more interesting than anything else i've read, so uno it's not about stealing or braking the laws. it's about doing something that is actually interesting. And no i'm not getting fat.

Umm, this is a joke right? (none / 0) (#4750)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 11:43:20 PM PST
Just when I think I've met enough stupid people on this planet, I manage to find stuff like this. What the hell are you on? I've never seen someone so brainwashed and inane to the point it's a laughing matter, but I guess I haven't seen everything yet. If this is what you think the internet is about, I truly feel sorry for the 6 children you have raised. There are many clues out there in the world and frankly, I feel you missed em all.... These rules about hackers and hacking have been quite a laugh for me, I haven't laughed this much in a long time. I mean please.... Lunix? Quake? a hacker's domain? right....and the sky is green with purple polka dots..... If you're going to write about stuff like this, at least research it properly. Otherwise, don't even write at all. It makes me sick that there are people actually out there that write this stuff, even moreso for people that read and follow it.

Hey, guess what. (none / 0) (#4751)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 01:04:29 AM PST
i havent read through all of the comments because most of them seemed to be the same. but i see an overwhelming trend of people who take this seriously. i hate to ruin any fun of the other people who get it, but i feel sorry for those of you who get so worked up, but have any of you stopped to think that its a joke?
my case is backed by the following.
If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines...
he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association || as in the anime guys?
Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". || you can't seriously believe than anyone would ever call that hacker software. this is the type of stuff ignorant gullible people put on their computers (except most people have flash).

what I am hoping is that some of you get that its a joke, but you thought you would make it even funnier by pretending to take it seriously, and we all laugh.

there are many more humorous points in the article, i hope you dont think you are infinitely smarter than T Reginald Gibbons because he thinks
AMD "is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips" even though they were founded and are headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.

sorry for wasting the time of anybody who gets it.

ITS A JOKE (none / 0) (#4752)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 01:19:40 AM PST
Any of you that thinks this is serious.. get up, slap yourself, put in some eyedrops and drink an expresso, then click on some of the links in the original post.

Thankyou all...... (none / 0) (#4753)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 01:36:01 AM PST
Thankyou all for giving me a amusing 20mins reading the posts.....
Alot of them r mindless comments and alot show how little SOME parents understand computers....

Go to if u want any type of info related to hacking. And Hacking is the art of understanding computers not breaking the law :p

I do feel that ppl would be very misinformed if they started to actual believe the signs that have been written in the article, you r gonna be assigning the term Hacker to half the young ppl of america/europe.


LMAO (none / 0) (#4754)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 01:48:29 AM PST
There's no WAY this article was written to be serious, was there? I mean, the blatantly obvious "factual" crap is insane and then there's all the crap about sudden changes, lol, I believe that's called puberty....

u suck man! (none / 0) (#4755)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 02:08:39 AM PST
u suck!

ummmm (none / 0) (#4756)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 02:32:59 AM PST
Am I the only one here who realize this post is a joke. No, I'm not insulting the author. This article is literally a joke.

Can't believe so many people really think he mean it.

Narrowmindedness (none / 0) (#4758)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 02:55:59 AM PST
I really dont understand why any argument made in this post is made out to be by some hacker. It seems that everyone that has a legitimate point is automatically known as the enemy, which i think is utterly retarded. Unless people open up their minds and realize that some, if not most, of these facts are not that, then people will have a hard time getting anywhere stopping people from doing these things that are apparently so wrong. To properly identify a problem, you have to systematically look over all the possible signs, and when one can be proven to not be a sign, ruled out. You cant just childeshly say "I'm right, your wrong, this is the way it is" or all you will accomplish is making everyones life miserable and you will show how incredibly incapable of of managing your own life, much less someone elses. Take a minute to look over all the points made, rather then just blow them off as some ultra defense tactic set up by "hackers".

So funny (none / 0) (#4760)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:31:41 AM PST
This guy really has a great sense of humor, is all the toher stuff on this page by huim ?

So Much BULL SHIT, And i work on a farm... (none / 0) (#4761)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:49:01 AM PST
Really, how much bullshit can you come up with??
Although entertaining, i think you should either:
A) Go and die in a ditch somewhere
B) Hang yourself in your closet
Cause seriously, to make people think this way about computers and technology is a Crime all to itself, Everybody is entitled to their opinion, and have the right to use their own judgement... Yet here you are TELLING people what to think, so i think it is you who should end up in PRISON You sicko...

PS: I Hope someone beats some sence into you..

WARNING !!! hi hi hi (none / 0) (#4762)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 06:43:42 AM PST

HA HA HI HI HI !!!!!!....OHOO HO HO ...

hehehe (none / 0) (#4763)
by IceDragon on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 07:21:11 AM PST
The main article is funny...
but the answering comments are histerical.
some of them (like the comment about female hackers) are so out of date and stupid.. I hope they were jokes as well. if not then there should be tests performed before a person is allowed online.. the net is no place for these closed minded newbies with their 1800 attitudes

ok enough ranting.. �� cheers to the author of the main article.. you really got alot of ppl going


what the??? (none / 0) (#4764)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 09:05:27 AM PST
This has to be a joke!
If not, I think we have found the retard from
Life Goes On. Linux a hacker OS?? Ok...Quake the
secret hacker meeting ground..Right! Bonzi Buddy...thats the program I use to do all my hacking, or sometimes I will use flash..
"Microserfs" has nothing to do with hacking.. This guy is a f***ing idiot!!!

I don't believe in god, but i'm prayin'.... (none / 0) (#4766)
by demimyke on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 10:18:37 AM PST
I'm paryin' this is some fr34k with way to much free time. If not, this d00d is possiblely the worst parent ever, and the dumbest. I'm suprised he had the ballz to post on the 'evil' internet about his home life problems. "now that you've posted i have all you info, i'm gonna hack into your f**king cat and give it worms!!! then i'm gonna rip all the music of the 'best of music that's older than dirt' albums you have. 1 w1ll 0wnz0r j00, ph34r my l33t haxx0r sk1llz y0, u 1z d34d f00!!!! (that's how us 3vil people speak in the pits of hell known as quake). you dolt!!! Hey, if i have brown hair and wear a brown i a hacker....please oh please say yes. Oh and about the AMD comment, You said you own a compaq...well...did you know that Compaq supports these 'hacker' chips. I think you should burn your computer and never leave your house again, while your at it, set your whole house ablaze while your inside. do us all that favor. I'm not even gonna get started on the "Lunix" thing, you kan't even spell it right. And shifting the blame of your kids bad grades to the computer instead of yourself is the kind of bulls**t that makes me sick. Take some responsibilty. I'm a parent, i spend an average of 12 hrs a day on a computer (work/home), and my 4 year old son, who probably knows more about computers than you, spends a good part of his day on his computer. And "Otaku" is Japanese for Geek you idiot. Your a idiot and a waste of flesh. You are simply a horrible little monster and i pray for your quick and merciful death.

a hacker ( ooohhhh, i'm sp0000ky)

You should have been in church! (none / 0) (#4767)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 10:33:26 AM PST
I think the Lord would have appreciated your presence in church more than He does this time you wasted writing this. This is a joke, right? There is no way it can be real. I am a 50 year old Christian lady who decided that no machine would get the best of me and I would master it. I love building my own computers and I repair our pastor's computer and the computers of several other folks in our church family. Try using your time for serving the Lord and those "computer demons" won't get such a hold on you and the Lord will honor your efforts. You definitely need a blessing. Don't you know that there is nothing more evil or dangerous than ignorance in our world today? I will pray for you.

Mr Gibbons is scaring me (none / 0) (#4768)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 10:39:50 AM PST
What sort of a fuciking redneck braindead A-Grade moron are you? You are fucking scary - you do not know the first thing about shit! It is people like you waht cause unrest - it is people like you that propagate mythical fantasy! Youre a fucking dildo and I am going to have your site dropped motherfucker!

LIES ! I cant believe someone would lie about s... (none / 0) (#4770)
by Tyler Durden on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 11:24:42 AM PST
This must be a joke ! Everything in here was All lies, and bad info. If this is true (which it is infact not ) then more than 90% of anyone who has a computer would be a "hacker" IF you know anything about hackers, you would know that hackers are good. The bad guys are CRACKERS, yes say it again folks, CRAKERS. They can steal your credit card numbers and such, but it doesnt happen as much as people say it does. As for the PROGRAM quake, its a online videogame, where people play and talk, and if anything, meet a lot of new people they would never have met in the "real world". This must be a joke, because a link on that page led to a porn site, and it has to be a joke, because this is so god damn funny, I shit my pants twice only reading it ONCE ! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH FUCK YOU !

Stupid faggots, go get a life and go back to reading the bible

by the way, this web site is slow as fuck, maybe the owner of it should use LINUX so it will go faster.

:) lmao (none / 0) (#4771)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 12:00:27 PM PST
He He nice one made me chuckle some :)
I can't believe some of you actually thought this guy was for real....sarcasm lowest form of wit yet the americans still struggle with it.....

lol lol lol lol (none / 0) (#4772)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 12:08:36 PM PST
whats wrong with this ppl?????, i see that aol sucks his brain or maybe he work there :P, please mr. read and learn more becouse u dont know a shit !!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHAHAAAA!! (none / 0) (#4773)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 12:18:25 PM PST
"They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program."

OK.. although the whole article is a major load of horse-shit, I found this statement the funniest of all...

Now come on.. how many home stereos out there actually have a network connection to even remotely make this possible? <sarcasm> I know! They MUST have found a way to hack in through the electric lines... that's it!!! </sarcasm>

Give me a break...

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 12:41:18 PM PST

Your kid doesn't need to be spanked YOU DO. The poor little bastard was probably just looking for some porn in hopes it would erase the images of the time he saw your ugly ass getting out of the shower.


Instead of posting anon, I'll leave my email:


Interesting (none / 0) (#4775)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 01:32:32 PM PST
While reading this article, I could have sworn I was on the Weekly World News website. You can believe the shock when I realized I wasn't. I would expect to read bullshit like this right next to an article about Batboy joining the fucking army. This actually reminds me of an article in the Weekly World News explaining to readers how to tell whether or not their guardian angel is gay.

BullShit (none / 0) (#4776)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 01:48:51 PM PST
dude, im a hacker, Lunix is called Linux and its perfectly LEGAL. It wasnt based on a Microsoft System at all. Bonzai Buddy is a file transfer program, Comet Cursor is merely a desktop customization tool, seriously man, u sound like an utter moron, going sick at your children for adventuring on a computer... how gay r u man?

damn.. (none / 0) (#4779)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 02:32:22 PM PST
i thought is was a joke article, but after reading the comments i guess not, the funniest part(besides this person's <30iq) is the idea of linux as an illegal os and torvalds as a russian spy...lmao

Please Tell me..... (none / 0) (#4782)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 02:40:36 PM PST
God i hope this is a joke. If not would the author of this article email me @ so i can set the facts straight?

Please.. (none / 0) (#4783)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 02:52:21 PM PST
Are people actually taking that article seriously?

Please. It's obvious to anyone with an IQ of 40+ that it's a big joke.

This is not Serious. It is meant to be Hiliarious (none / 0) (#4785)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 03:01:25 PM PST
Populare Hacking software like Comet Cursor MUHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 03:18:35 PM PST
If this "dad" is for real... oh man

you should go get yourself a good education before you're even ALLOWED to think somebody is a hacker... ROTFLMFAO!!!

hackertools like: "comet cursor" "bonzi buddy" and "flash" hehehehehehheheehhe... if those are hackertools then i eat my socks :P

man.. this is so pathetic :D

Please say your say or making a joke (none / 0) (#4788)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 04:18:51 PM PST
I am a funny guy so I sent you comments to amd legal dept. funny huh dumb ass. well if you joking i expect a retraction, but if you are not you are a real dumb ass

L0L! (none / 0) (#4790)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 04:51:06 PM PST
This was pretty fun reading, but if someone who believes in this shit comes here... some kid could get into deeep trouble.

BTW, What do you consider a "hacker"?

Wow, now that was funny, and damn efective... (none / 0) (#4791)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 04:57:28 PM PST
Wow, that's a really clever piece of comic writng man, it had me swearing and spitting teeth as I read it, but I soon realised the man, bless his heart, was mearly jesting to see how many people would react in a furious rage. A good test and a classicly funny piece of text. It was a joke right......? right.......?


A fish called Eric

Bait Trolling (none / 0) (#4792)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:08:15 PM PST
Yep, that's what this is folks. This is obviously the work of someone who DOES know better, or else how would he even have the knowledge to write the html code for his links? If he was really as brain dead as this post seems to claim, he wouldn't have been able to even pull that little bit off.

Give it a rest....

Truly unbelievable. Not the article, YOU idiots. (none / 0) (#4793)
by Shmibbon on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:13:52 PM PST
I'm going to give all you probably-not-readers-of-The-Onion the benefit of the doubt (judging by the sheer gigantic number of comments and the fact that it's also my first visit to and assume that nearly all of you came here from direct links. Even so, GOOD LORD, PEOPLE. The wacky links to sort-of-related stuff, the Brady Bunch names, the fact that EVERY SINGLE thing listed is atrociously retarded (people, even the most ignorant of the paranoid over-protective morons have at least one semi-sane point in a list of 10). And NO ONE who's really this ignorant is going to talk about Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, Flash, AMD, all those books, DOSing, Quake, completely backwards parental psychology, Linux, ravers, and otakus all in the same article.

Of course, you guys are all so quick to use your knowledge of these things to explain the exact height at which the joke flew over your heads, so maybe my logic is a bit flawed. Still, it's ironic that there's so many people here going insane over the apparent ignorance and lack of rational thought of the writer, when none of you have the capabilities of rational thought needed to recognize satire. The real shock and outrage here should be directed at YOU.


It's A Joke (none / 0) (#4796)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:29:26 PM PST
I don't know if anyone actually read the whole thing or not, but as soon as I did I realized that no one that knew (even the names) of products like linux, flash, comet cursor, bonzi buddy, AMD, Intel, etc. (not that you have to be that smart to know this stuff), could be stupid enough to believe what they wrote. Therefore, they knew what they were doing, and either wanted to stir things up by posting this blatantly stupid article, or they wrote it as a joke. In either case, it was funny as hell.

This "article" is a load of bullshit (none / 0) (#4797)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:35:32 PM PST
i am not a hacker, but come on! this is SHIT! my mom d/l's comet cursor, and Linux is a proven, respectable company. That person was a moron!

ignorant dumbass (none / 0) (#4798)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:39:41 PM PST
Hello. My name is Mike Convente. While looking at a site I visit often, I read a post that tells of a story a one Mr T Gibbons has written. The post tells of how that he is ignorant for his stupid article. Not being convinced, I click the link and read the story. It's title is "Is your son a Computer Hacker?" After reading the article, I can not say one good thing about your site. However, I can say many things about Mr. T Gibbons. First of all, his quote saying that he "is a model parent" can be disputed. First of all, a model parent trusts his/her children to do the right thing (I.E. - at a party). I'm not naive, but once I have children, I will set it straight with them that it is not worth screwing your life you by doing drugs and drinking alcohol. But after that, it's up to them.

Anyway, back to the main point. I was very enraged after reading the 10 signs your son is a hacker. The first sign is so absolutely absurd that anyone with at least a decent amount of computer knowledge will know it's BS. I know many of my peers have another ISP rather than AOL. The main reason is because AOL sucks! Plus, with broadband becoming less and less expensive, why would anyone pay $25 a month for AOL. And besides, I have DSL and I'm not a hacker by any means. The second sign is even more absurd. "Popular hacker software includes Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, and Flash." Before Mr. T Gibbons gets the nerve to post such a story (which he has a right to do in America) he should get his facts straight. Comet Cursor is a specialized cursor software that allows custom cursors for a website (I.E. - a StarWars themed site could have a light saber for a cursor.) Bonzi Buddy is an online helper, such as a search engine or item finder. And Flash is a program in which web designers create intros to websites. By no means do any of those programs help hackers or are affiliated with hackers in general.
Next, by no means should AMD be branded "hacker helpers". AMD makes quality parts and many editors of PC magazines seem to think so to.
Another noteworthy sign of his "Hacker Signs" is "Does your son use Lunix?" First of all, it's LINUX, not Lunix. And second of all, if Linux was such a bad OS, why do many companies use it? Gee, maybe because it is much more stable and safer than Windows 2000? Oh, BTW, Linux won't mess up your hard drive. Because if it did, then people wouldn't download it off their site or buy it in the store.

The most absurb of all is the stereotyping of "hackers". Mr. T Gibbons says "kids who wear baggy pants, and have spiked hair may be hackers." Well a few of my friends have spiked hair, and they all get A's in honor classes.
Last of all, I would appreciate it if you could get this message to Mr. T Gibbons. He needs to know that he is a naive person and is ignorant to the facts. I would appreciate him not stereotyping toward people's clothing styles, because I have a few peers who don't go overboard, but do dress like that. Anyway, my last statement is that people like Mr. T Gibbons are the ignorant, isolated people of society. I feel sorry for his children who have to put up with his insane views. Thank you for your time.

What parent are You???? (3.00 / 3) (#4799)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:47:51 PM PST
Oh my oh my, feel sorry for your Kids having you
to their father. Are you going watch every step they take? Your have a deep problem. I'm a computer technican and a parent of two teenager.
Can tell you that I'm the mother. And for the first your opinion about sons and daughter frightens me a lot. Where you born in the 18th century or what? Wake up!!!!! Today a girl is equal to a boy.
And today you play many games over the internet, and that doesn't make your son a hacker.
How about asking him to learn you!

1. Due to gaming over the net you demand a faster ISP, nothing strange in that.
2. The programs you mentioned is not for hacking,
it's freeware or demos for helping you get free upgrade and stuff for your computer in an easy way. Not all programs is need to bought with license. There is Demos, freeware and shareware.
Before you talk you should find the real fact.
3. New hardware is also a demand when you play.
And AMD is a normal CPU just like INTEL, but better, have nothing to do with hacking at all.
Now your talking like you know but not. And many games need to have more memory and very good graphic-card, just to give you the full expression of the game.
Buy yourself a pc-game magazine and you'll maybe learn something before talk.
4. What can I say, have you read them yourself. Doubt it. It's not any manual, they are stories, good reading, just like any other books you like.
5. It's not against the law sharing computers over the network if the other side gives it promision. Why do you think it's other
computers DOS you see?? Very rare this days just having DOS. And I don't think you would react if he played football the hole day. But sitting in front of the computer more than 30 min is not normal in your eyes. Well times have changed.
Many comunications is done by the computer instead
of talking over the phone. This is called chat.
Among this and all other stuff you could do with the computer (gaming, writing etc) it have become the central point of many young people. And that
takes it's time.
6.Quake is a game!!!!! Not good in my eyes, but a game many people like. On the net you have a competition against others in team called clans.
That means they have to discuss inside the clan to win the game. Just like a football team do.
This show you don't understand anything about the
internetworld or gamingworld at all. The only thing you know is the "real" world, which you can put your hands on like football and basketball.
7.All Kids do more and less become to this state
in their development, have you forgot your own childhood. It's their way to grow up and release their bands to their parents, especially when they become teenagers. Just normal behavior.
8. Linux it's one of the best free operating system on the market, and notice it's free.
Many bigger companys is installing this in their
servers because it's very easy to configure and
more safe than for example Microsofts operating system. Abd I doubt that big buisness companies is hackers. You claim that Linux is just for hackers........
And to say that it destroys the harddisk. Make me laugh.
9. Haven't you learned what fasion is?? Peoples
clothes doesn't say a word of your inside.
Let me tell you a story.
In the computer world long a go there where som young guys, very clever, started a new software company. The norm for clothes were suits. They dressed them self like hippies. And no shoes.....
The company's name was Microsoft........
So the clothes doesn't make the man. Hope you got the point.
10. Thats a part of the growing up behaivor. I would act like that with a father like you.
Give them some freedom under responsibility, and show them respect. They are not only your kids they are selfdependent humans.

Finally try to be a friend to your children and learn the facts before you shout it out.
Respect your children!
The one that need a change in behavior is actually you.

You are fucking stupid daddy. (none / 0) (#4800)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:48:14 PM PST
First of all what about the girls? they hack too.
Second, Quake is a fucking game and lots of people play it. Third, glowsticks and pacifiers are for ravers that do exstacy not hackers....i think u need to be a little more educated before you call people hackers for shit like u said...good luck

Yeah, yeah! And your kid may be a druggie if... (none / 0) (#4801)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:48:53 PM PST
... he wants a "guitar." This is obviously a device used in satan worshipping rituals where they smoke "grass." This shows how misguided they are. Why they would want to burn the lawn is beyond me.

... he wants to listen to something other than Christmas carols and hymns. And don't let that 'bach' stuff fool you, it's the basis for all satanic drug dealing rock and roll.

... If he asks for money, it's for drugs.

All of the above ar just as factual as the original article! They should have been included!

(Yes, this response IS sarcastic, how could you guess?)

Scoundrel (none / 0) (#4805)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 07:27:21 PM PST
Yes, another perfectly fantastic scrap of Printable-Toilet-paper for wound-up burned-out ex-hippie parents to get all hot and bothered about. want some good parenting advice?.

I know the ears im trying to reach with this post
will never be reached.. but so be it.

in the words of George Carlin
"This country has a Child-fetish!"

Wait (none / 0) (#4806)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 07:28:54 PM PST
Wait, maybe you're right about HACKERS!! I mean I'm using "LINUX" (or is it "LUNIX")..... AT SCHOOL YOU DUMBASS!! 'Model parent?' For what, Hitler's Youth? If you have nothing better to do than be paranoid about your son's knowledge of computers (I'm sure that's useless in today's job market anyways) you sure must be one dissappointment to your own parents!!!
Hey, if you still think you're right, I have some prime real estate in Florida to sell you, just send me your credit card number.

dude, I am a l337 hacker (none / 0) (#4809)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 08:00:56 PM PST
I have the fastest video card, am always changing my ISP, run linux, oh my mistake LUNIX (LMFAO!), have several AMD processors..

oh, and I drink, smoke dope, snork crack and take lithium...

and my parents beat me all the time....

god is love



:D (none / 0) (#4811)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 08:15:25 PM PST
Are most Americans so dumb that most have no idea what a satire is?

Jeez people. Take a joke (none / 0) (#4812)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 08:15:47 PM PST
Its just a joke.. half of u wrote longer comments than the joke was

Jeez people. Take a joke (none / 0) (#4814)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 08:17:47 PM PST
Its just a joke.. half of u wrote longer comments than the joke was

*laughing* (none / 0) (#4817)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 08:28:06 PM PST
All I can say is that this all must be a joke because the level of overall BS in the comments of those serious about this and in the article itself are beyond most things that I've seen.

Lets say teh real facts here (none / 0) (#4819)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 08:46:18 PM PST
First off commet cursor is a program that give you cute little cursonr for your computer not a hack prog. Next flash is a animation program, you make pretty litte animations with it. Next "dosing" as you call it, is needed on a pc. If you ever break your computer you will need to know dos to fix it or remove a virus or reformat or alot of things that arent in any way hacking. Next if your son known perl or cgi, he is very smart to have learned that on his own. Perl is a progrraming language that you use on website or in a shell script. If you ever used a cedit card online you have used a perl based language script. once again not hacking. I am not even going to comment on the glow stick thing, that was so stupid. I think someone wacth the movie hackers one tomany times and thinks hollywood made true movie. But of course why not take the word of your little kid when she screams hacker I am sure she knows everything about it right. You son probubly just has a better understanding of computer then you and your intimidated by it. The amount of time he spends at his age is probubly not good, but some people are just like that. He could grow up to be very successful in computers if it wasnt for you being affriad of cursor changing programs. Why dont you really od your research instead of freaking out. You say you ave photoshop but you think flash is a hacker program. they are both one of the same. check out these sites and really learn something. (flash home page) (comet cursor homepage)
and the banzi buddy thing is a just alittle charecter that sits on your desktop and makes lame noises. You have got to be the dumbest person alive to say all this bs. Educate yourself first before crying wolf. If you would like to see what a real hacker looks like and how they act and what they use let me know and I will be happy to show you for your sons sake. I think you have just punished your son and insted you should have believed him and not the 3 year old.

Heheh (none / 0) (#4821)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 09:00:29 PM PST
Wow look at the flames this article has generator. I wonder if there are any real ignorant parents that believe in that article. Lolz. Anywayz, isn this like an AOL promo?

Stop it, you're killing me. (none / 0) (#4823)
by Querquetulanus on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 09:53:34 PM PST
This has been a great laugh. Its amazing how worked up people can get when they feel threatened.

To the author of this article, I solute you. You managed to write a creative and quite humorous satire of the modern over-protective ill-informed parent. The best part of it all is that so many people didn't get it. I especially like the link under "17 year old girls". I think if all these profane posters actually went to all those links they'd figure out the whole thing was a joke.

Again, cracked me up. My thanks.

this is dumb (none / 0) (#4824)
by tas on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 09:57:38 PM PST
Actually, it's more than just dumb. I'm fourteen, I spend literally hours of my time on the computer programming javascript. I've wanted the book 'programming with perl', I don't have it for various reasons involving the computer I use. Perl isn't a hacker language. It's a programming language that is very usfull. I've installed things without permission before (sound mixer type things). I ask for new hardware all the time (at present I want a new CD-rom). I'm not a hacker. Also, what if one's child already has an additude? And what if your child is already not good at math? My question is; why do you sound so paranoid? Frankly, I'm not a hacker. Not even a white-hat hacker. I know for a fact that with some simple unix commands I could get into a server no prob. I don't. Why? Becuase it's disrespecting other peoples property and privacy. I'm sorry, but this all sounds like paranoid ramblings to me.

Sir, you are extremely wrong. (none / 0) (#4826)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 10:01:52 PM PST
Excuse me, i do not mean to say such immature things such as "fuck you, your dumb" or anything of that nature whatsoever. I am simply going to state my true opinion: Your children sound like very depressed people due to the fact that YOU sir have put them in a bubble. Your kids sound like good people whos parents rule their lives. Now myself, i am a 15 year old 9th grader with straight A's in honors classes. I live in Los Angeles California. My parents have been very open minded and have allowed me to make my own choices, which you obviously have not allowed them to do. My parents love me more than anyone and take time out of their busy schedules as doctors to spend time with me, for to them it is the most important thing in the world. I love my parents also, and they know that i have proper judgment and can handle situations that require a great deal of maturity. Now you sir, come across as a parent who is completely ignorant of the fact that there is a whole world out there and u cannot keep your child in a bubble forever. You need a makeover on your parenting skills.

Is your father a fool? (none / 0) (#4827)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 10:12:18 PM PST
I am a hacker by every defenition of this post. I own an AMD PCU, I assembled my own PC, I've used Linux, but since I'm a gamer, and play QUAKE I found Linux didn't suit my needs. I've also used warez, because as a fairly average university student, I don't have tens of thousands of dollars to spend on software, because I spend tens of thousands of dollars on tuition and books.

I was referred to another of my "hacker" friends to this web post. I found it both ammusing and frightening at the same time. I refer to you, Mr. Gibbons as a fool in two senses of the word. You're either a joker, as I hope to high heaven that the post was simply a joke. Or you are a misinformed, narrow minded and simply foolish man.

You've bashed the good name of Linus Torvalds, a brilliant man from Finland, who made a powerful, Unix like OS for the desktop user. And offered an alternative to Windows. Without the option of Linux, the computer market is no different than the communism that is reffered to so hatefully in this article.

Other than everything in your article being totally false, you're guilty of slander, which is also serious offence.

Online Retardation (none / 0) (#4828)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 10:15:34 PM PST
This is a clear example of parental retardation in terms of the online sense.

The situation you have described is not hacking, it is exploitation, your son exploiting your feeble brain to be more exact.

The appearance of your son means that he is a raver and by this means he sucks back chemical drugs. This is due to your budget parenting.

If your son is struggling academically then he is as dumb as a brick. Any "hacker" who has poor math/science skills has a case of mistaken identity.

You should seek professional help for your damaged family and your pitiful brain. I recommend going to highschool, as this can help develop basic cognitive skills. Plus highschool offers parenting courses for teenage whores who are too dumb for birthcontrol, you would be able to benefit from this course as it would teach you some parenting skills.

Poor soul (none / 0) (#4832)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 11:14:23 PM PST
Hmmm ... Lots of hate from this author. Certainly a man possessed by something evil.

You bit the wrong apple.

LOL (none / 0) (#4833)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 11:43:19 PM PST
d00d... this is scha-w33t. Whoever is pulling this scam is fucking hilarious! I c4n't seriously believe that some1 in this w0rld can ex1st with such ign0rance and pr3judice. The 60's are over man. The sovi3tz r quite phuct if u haven't noticed. H0wev3r, sum of the p0sts by these "American" red-n3ck technoph0bez r just hilarious. Man... whoever u r that's behind this, m4il me! I r34lly enj0yed reading this shit. Gave m3 a g00d laugh on a dreary wint3r day.



Tis a pitty... (none / 0) (#4834)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 11:58:31 PM PST
...that the appreciation of sattire is dead.

You are so right.! (none / 0) (#4835)
by MsCharli1 on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 12:25:31 AM PST
They are all so full of themselves that they think it is entertaining to be offended. LOL! They can't even spell "satire", so do you really expect them to catch on and enjoy something so COMPLICATED? LOL

Thanx for the infos!! (none / 0) (#4836)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 02:59:06 AM PST
I'm so pleased you wrote these matters down. Now, at last, I know the truth about all my colleges and friends. They are hackers!
I think the only way to stop becoming a hacker too is to commit suicide.
Cu in next live!

Typical Americans (none / 0) (#4837)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 03:17:46 AM PST
If only i could believe that you are actually joking..... a typical over paraniod middle american attitude.... suppose you have councelling services for parents affected by children hacking.... wake up and smell the coffee....( or is that quoffy) theres far more important things going on in the world although i wouldnt expect Americans to look any further than their own backyard... bunch of arse mate!

YOU STUPID PARENTS! (none / 0) (#4838)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 03:46:04 AM PST
Try to NOT sneaking on your son, but be with him and see what he does with the computer that way.
Seems you have no idea what you are talking about and that you are worried for nothing.

Almost every computer user have a period when he learns more or less about hacking. Not many people become full-grown hackers.

This you wrote:
"Popular hacker software includes Comet Cursor, "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."

Download these programs and see what they does.
They have nothing to do with hacking. Soooo Lame posting this article without getting the info about what these programs actually is used for.

Comet Cursor is only changing your computers cursor.

With Flash you make intros to webpages and programs.

Bonzi Buddy i dont have a clue and dont want to find out either.

yeye...try to learn to know your children.

U are so stupid !!! (none / 0) (#6343)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:58:41 PM PST
Don't you think the creator of this joke (u are really stupid if you didn't realise it's a joke) doesn't know what bonzy or flash does ???

It's amazing...

Ahemmm (none / 0) (#4839)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 04:16:21 AM PST

You have to be the stupiest person alive (none / 0) (#4840)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 04:17:51 AM PST
Where did you come up with crap, OH NO MY AMD 1.4GHZ MAKES ME A HACKER AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You are retarded, think before you write something down.

What is your IQ again? .01 or .001 something like that because you are srupid for writing this and trying to inform parents of crap that is not directly or indirectly related to anything a real hacker does. Buy the books on hacking (what people will sell) I am sure they will let you know what an ACTUAL hacker does, not some STUPID LAME ASS description you have going of one.

I wish someone would hack this site, why not you seem to think you have some "How To's" in this article also.

Get a life, I can not believe you were stupid enough to write such a thing.

Are you serious? (none / 0) (#4841)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 04:52:34 AM PST
Was this article written as a joke? Seriously though, a lot of information up there is incorrect. For example, how in the world do you hack a computer with Flash? Flash is a program created by Macromedia that creates graphics similar to movies. You don't need the internet to use it. So please explain how it's used to hack.

Secondly, those cursor things, they're used to CHANGE your cursor. Yes, they use the Internet to function but how do you hack? You have no access to another person's PC or ISP. All you can do is change your desktop cursor when you're online.

About the clothes thing, there's no proof that it's true. It could be a passing fad or even attention seekers. Hackers wouldn't want to draw attention to themselves. So why would they go around wearing pacifiers and carrying glowsticks?

You are stupid (none / 0) (#6341)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:42:09 PM PST
You too are stupid....if you think Gibbons didn't know what those program are for...
Mabe it's time for your Tom and Jerry hour..becose u are not smart enaugh to see a good joke :)

Thank You Mr.Gibbins (none / 0) (#4842)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 05:55:09 AM PST
Thank the Lord you posted this article. I have had a computer for 3 years and have many of the software programs that you mentioned including Linux. I have changed ISP's three times and wear baggy pants. I realize now that I am a hacker. If it wasn't for your article I would have gone on living this life of sin.

So, after I post this note I am going to stick a pipe bomb in my mouth left over from the last orphanage I mail-bombed and kill myself. I urge you to post an article on the "Anarchist's Cookbook" as well as that is where I learned how to make bombs. This freedom of speech and freedom of ideas thing really must come to an end. We have to save our fellow Americans by showing them the true path that is the Mormon Church. Tell your friends and don't let my death be in vain. Please Mr. Gibbins. God Bless you.

And have a Merry Christmas. You ignorant retard, I thought humans with such a narrow and small mind like yours didn't exist. Know I know to keep an eye out for you people. For you and yours should be sent to college, and educated so that you can realize just how dumb you are. I truly feel sorry for you and feel bad for your son, who lives in a house where he is held back. Run away kid, never look back.

Thank you,
Mechanical Engineering Student

It's so funny. (none / 0) (#4843)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 06:26:14 AM PST
If this writing is true, maybe all children in the wolrd will become hackers....

It's the funniest writing I've ever seen....

We shouldn't buy AMD???
We shouldn't ask about hardware???


It's wild writing.

Good Christian Morals (none / 0) (#4844)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 06:30:33 AM PST
This one time in computer science me and my friends we used bonzi buddy to make a hacking prog which could steal the passwords of anyone who used this website, it did its little hoppity thing and then flashed a bit of it nuts and grabbed everyones passwords while they typed it in.... better watch out for my buddy he is big bad and purple.....
EAT SHIT YOU STUPID RIDICULOUS FUCK STAIN, I HOPE YOU ARE JOKING BECAUSE U FUCKIN NEED A BULLET TO THE FUCKING SKULL, in fact i hope that after removing your entire body from your anal cavity that you research just a little bit of computer shit, how the fuck do u even know how to work the piece of dogshit if u think your son is hacking with QUAKE, i hope that in fact he is practising using a shotgun because he needs to use it on you, and watch out i think your wife and daughter are having a lesbian incestuous affair, happens in every hacker family

adios penis brain my your testicles be swallowed by a rabid rottweiler

hey your son is just a nerd (none / 0) (#4846)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 06:42:18 AM PST
none of the stuff you just menchoned is true. I am 15 i do all that stuff except dress in bright clothes. And i am not a hacker i want to join the police in the computer section (cracking down on hackers). and your mistakin perl is a programming language used for websites so is flash he probaly just wanted to make a desent website like any of use nerds do. the reason he wanted amd is because its fatser and the do sell them in stores just look around at computer stores not curciut city.
and AOL is to slow he probaly wanted a faster connection. YOUR SON IS NOT A HACKER. UNLESS YOU FIND HIM IN THE CIA'S COMPUTER GIVE HIM A BREAK

Seek help! (none / 0) (#4847)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 06:42:24 AM PST
I guess you're one of those who believe that USA is the best, and all american stuff is superior to others. I also reckon you own an America SUV. Well I got something to tell you: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!! The obvious lack of electronical knowledge in your article is nothing but hilarious. You are making a fool out of yourself, your stupid country and all your fellow americans.
United Shit of America

What a bunch of ignorant, paranoid crap! (none / 0) (#4848)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 07:47:30 AM PST
This post reminded me once again how glad I am for being European! (No offense meant to the inteligent Americans out there).
The original post is so incredibly ignorant, misinformed and paranoid that its hard to believe that guy is really serious! I feel deeply sorry for your kid, for having someone as you as parent...he must be a repressed, passive agressive person ready to blow up at any time! And you wonder why you have teenage killings? You see evil everywhere, you repress everything you dont understand...
I hope your kids will be able to learn for themselves, because you only make their passage into adulthood more difficult.

The Masses are Asses (none / 0) (#4849)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 07:53:48 AM PST
For those of you with clue that figured out this was a spoof, you get two gold stars! For those of you who thought this was real, you get <B>two flaming sacks of dog crap on your porch!</B>

Ignorance is <B>not</B> an excuse. Just because so-and-so says that Rock-and-Roll is for Devil Worshippers does not mean that it is true or that he does not have some hidden agenda. Research a little bit and then make informed comments instead of just giving some knee-jerk reaction that has no basis of reason.

People get so worked up and afraid of the tiniest things they do not understand. Instead of opening their mind and learning about it, they immediately just decide to go nuts and shield everyone. All of the ignorant people that just want to burn 'Catcher in the Rye', 'The Wizard of Oz', and Harry Potter books whould just stop and read the books first with an <B>open mind</B> and then make an educated decision. Do you think that just because a kid has a computer that they spend time on that they are suddenly hackers or porn monkeys or some other kind of reprobate?

You sheep are just killing me...

Ask Your Son for Advice about this Article (none / 0) (#4850)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 08:10:27 AM PST
<STRONG>If you spend more time with your son to ask him about your concerns, he would point you to the right meanings and facts - just to get your story right... You mentioned heavy brand names in your article and they were all hypertext. Why not surf the net a bit and re-write your article.</STRONG>

haha (none / 0) (#4851)
by aolhacker on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 08:35:45 AM PST
this is a joke right? please tell me its a joke and that no one is quite this stupid

You are Completely Out of Line (none / 0) (#4853)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 09:02:28 AM PST
I am a network administrator for a U.S. Government contractor, and of a very conservative bent. I absolutely abhor hackers, and am involved in thwarting their efforts on a daily basis.

Here are a few areas that you are displaying a thorough lack of even basic knowledge:

1. ISP:
Changing your ISP is not a tool to encourage hacking. AOL's limitations, and lack of service would be justification enough to switch. You mention the child saftey filters provided by AOL. This is a content filter, and has nothing to do with preventing a hacker from using tools like Saint, Satan, Tiger Suite, Etc. and breaking into someone's system. Absolutely nothing. Learn the basic terminology, and then understand what it means.

2. Programs:
Flash is not a hacking tool. It is a utility that allows multimedia amimations on a web browser. It is produced by Macromedia, and Macromedia is one of the largest producers of software for creating internet sites in the world. Macromedia is perhaps the market leader, if not, in the top three, of internet creation software. Flash is usually a plug-in for your browser. Most people do not need to purchase Flash unless they intend to author browser based animations. The Flash plug-ins are available free of charge from the manufacturer.

3. Hardware:
Video card speed / capacity has NOTHING to do with hacking in any possible sense. This is ONLY needed for game playing or possibley CAD/modeling applications. I can absolutely assure anybody that hacking is not a graphics intensive activity on any level. A standard $15.00 SVGA video card will suffice. A large hard drive is only a larger file cabinet for your programs, or files. Again, a hard drive is NOT a hacking tool. The same can be said regardig memory. This is usually required to make a system run either faster, or do more things at a time. Perhaps running a more complex game, or being able to keep from slowing the computer down while running larger or more applications. Once the computer reaches it's limit on physical RAM (memory) it then starts using a special file on the hard drive called a page file. This pagefile lets you keep using your computer instead of giving an 'out of memory' type error. It does run approx. 1000 times slower than physical RAM. RAM is cheap, put in as much as you can to make your computer a useable tool.

AMD Processors are NOT third world product. They are the #2 market share for U.S. computers. In some instances, they actually perform better than Intel processors (which I prefer.) An AMD processor is no more a hacking tool than saying a Ford is a vehicle that can be used exclusivly for terrorist activities, so only use a Chevy. This is utterly ludicrous. Every computer store I have been in, if they sell Intel, they sell AMD. There are no 'hacking' features on a microprocessor. Here is the contact info from the AMD web page:

AMD: 30 Years of Reliable Performance
Founded in 1969, AMD is now the second-largest supplier of Microsoft Windows compatible PC processors, and a leading supplier of non-volatile (flash) memory. With employees and facilities worldwide, AMD provides the world with processing and flash memory solutions.

AMD is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California:
One AMD Place
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale CA 94088

4. I agree with you about teenagers reading hacking manuals.

5. Time on a computer:
DoS is an acronym for Denial of Service. This is not gaining control of someone's computer. DoS is the practice of flooding a victim's computer or network with useless traffic to the point where it is unable to operate, rendering it unusable for it's intended purpose. This does not take an extrodinary amount of time. The DoS attack is usually carried out by innocent people's computers that have been comprimised with a virus like program called a Trojan Horse, or Backdoor. This program allows the hacker to use several people's computers for a coordinated attack, known as a DDos (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. The DDoS attack will drive the target system to it's knees.

Be more concerned if your teenager is spending a lot of time on IRC (Internet Relay Chat (or Channel.)) This is a major nesting ground for todays hackers.

6. Quake:
Quake is simply a game, not a training tool. Albeit a very violent game, it has nothing with training hackers or terrorists in weapons.

7. Surly Social Behavior:
Find Websters Dictionary - See Teenager

Linux is no more an illegal operating system than WordPerfect is an illegal wordprocessing system. It is what a huge percentage of the internet is run on. Linux is a freeware UNIX-Like operating system. It is not illegal, nor is it a 'hacking' operating system. Linux is a 'working' operating system, less prone to games and more used for doing real work, such as running a web server for internet or intranets, firewalls for a network, and the like. Linux has NO ability to damgae your hard disk surface. It is not like a bumpersticker that can damage the paint of your car.

I am astounded at the lack of understandng, even the complete depth of ignorance you display. There are so many inaccuracies in your "Is Your Son a Computer Hacker" article you have no hope of defending your argument. I am writing this in hopes of explaining to others where you are grossly mistaken, as I get the feeling that you are not able to recognize this when the facts are presented to you.

Cracker Jax (none / 0) (#4854)
by Fishboy2501 on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 09:09:53 AM PST
Hey man, this is a joke, right? With some of the links that you have, this is really lame. If you are serious, then you really don't know what you're talkin' 'bout. I'm only 17 and know so much more than this friggin' dumbass. As said in countless other posts, it cracker, not hacker. If you knew anything about this subject, you would know that. *sigh* People in this country are so stupid these days.....

Jesus Will Protect This Site From You Hackers! (none / 0) (#4855)
by Yellow on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 09:14:30 AM PST
Thanks for the great article, Reginald! You guys here at are the best!

Don't let these teenage blasphemors discourage you! You have saved my family! I cannot thank you enough! Let me explain:

After reading your article, I checked my son's computer. Little Richie has a computer in his own room (his sister is always whining about "why can't I have one, like Richie?") and sits up there all the time, sometimes with his suspicious looking friend, Ralph. I waited until he was at school (high school) and hired a locksmith to unlock his room. When I got inside, I couldn't believe what I saw (I haven't been in his room since 7th grade, when I let him put a lock on it)!

Inside the room, I found a whole box of rubber bands in his computer desk. Well, I knew right away what this was for from your article about (you know what) from last year. He also had an "Anthrax" poster on his wall, so I knew that he had been hacking with anti-US groups like the Lunix people in Russia.

I turned on his computer and, get this, the "Windows" starting screen didn't come up, but instead, there was some picture of a car, a Ferrari, I think (damned socialized countries, I hate Italians! I wish I had known that there were all kinds of gay Italian hackers! I wouldn't have let that kid Arthur (a wop) rent out my mother-in-law unit (but Marion, my wife, is a sucker. He's always working on his damned motorcycle!) if I knew he was Italian.

So I checked the Control Panel, like you said, and not only did I find that illegal music hacking software, Napster, but I also found Flash and Comet Cursor, like you said I might. There were some other ones that I didn't install such as: Adobe Acrobat, Shockwave (this sounds particularly scary), and Tweak UI (what else could this be but Hacker software?!).

Well, when he got home, his computer was mailed back to Packard Bell (I couldn't find a number for the company, but I wrote a pleaful letter to them explaining my dilemma and mailed it to the address from the original carton that I kept from 5 years ago). I hope they can fix it soon (fingers crossed).

Anyway, after a half-hour, bare-assed spanking, Richie has been grounded for the rest of the school year and I removed him from writing in the school newspaper as punishment. He can't go hang out at the local burger joint anymore either. I'm gonna kick that Wop outta the M-I-L unit, too.

Richie has always been mature for his age, but this was a great example for his sister, Joan, about how easy it is for a young child to be misdirected, and showed her why she doesn't have her own (but she still wants one).

We have talked to our minister and he has promised us that Wednesday revivals and increasing our tithes will prevail and Richie is already showing great signs of recovery.

Thanks again!

P.S.: The recipe for Poutine was delicious, but a little hard on my stomach, couldn't sleep last night after eating it.

Satire (none / 0) (#4856)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 09:29:29 AM PST
I suggest that almost every one of you who posted a comment here do one thing this very instant. Pick up the closest dictionary you can find, and look up the word 'satire'. It's under the S section, if you have any trouble finding it. If you don't have a dictionary, go to and use that one instead.

Almost had me there... (none / 0) (#4858)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 10:06:43 AM PST
When I first started to read your post I thought you were some over-zealous parent and was thanking God you weren't my father.

I was gonna reply about the switching away from AOL comment you made. Saying that any reason to get off of AOL is a good one.

It wasn't until I saw the line about the hacking software:

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."

Then I realized this post had to be fake, but it was creative and Funny at times. I just loved the fact how it started out seriuose and then went straight down hill once the top reasons were added.

The sad thing is I bet there are some people/parents that actually believed it and are looking for "Flash" in the control panel right now.

Thanks for giving me something to smile about while at work this Friday morning before my holiday vacation.


you forgot TOFU! (none / 0) (#4859)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 10:16:43 AM PST
You forgot the main warning sign of incipient hacking - if your son starts asking you for a kind of food called TOFU. This is actually Cyrillic (that's the Communist Soviet language) for "toe food", which is a code for a special dietary additive developed during the cold war, which weakens the persons spirituality, paving the way for Soviet Athiesm. It was originally derived from scraping the cheese from between Stalin's toes, as Soviet legend has it. Everyone knows Soviet Athiesm of course is the main cause of Hacking.
The best thing to do in this case is to feed him some meat!

Hacker Signs (none / 0) (#4861)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 10:38:52 AM PST
I think that you are in dire need ofa loony bin. Most of your information is unfounded and inaccurate. If you are having problems with your rebellious kids then it is likely to the dictatorship style of principles you are enforceing upon your children! That is why we are in Afganistan right now! Fight them from imprisoning us in this Information Age.

ut-oh!!! (none / 0) (#4863)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 12:28:16 PM PST
worse yet......your son might be a...... RaVeR!!!! uuuuggghhhh!!!! aaaaahhhh!!!! lol!!! next thing you know you'll be telling me he wears brightly colored bracelets too and has water bottles in his room!!! ;) hehehe.... oh the got me laughing with this one!!! :o) hehehehe

hahahAH (none / 0) (#4865)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 04:05:05 PM PST

STFU OMG YOU SOO STUPID (none / 0) (#4866)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 04:15:49 PM PST
to someone that posted somewhere above that DoS means disruption of service is wrong it is Denial of Service, Quake is a GAME and that may be the HUGE reason why your son wanted a new video card. TELNET COMES WITH WINDOWS. AMD HARDLY HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH HACKING, BANG FOR THE BUCK. THE CLOTHING CHANGES YOU TALK ABOUT ARE RAVERS NOT HACKERS... WHAT DID YOU LOOK FOR WHEN YOUR SON WAS USING THE COMPUTER? HAHA LOSER

Oh man (none / 0) (#4867)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 04:43:02 PM PST
This is all just too funny
It looks like some people actually
took this serious but I haven't
laughed this hard in a while..

1. Of course.. what kid WOULDN'T
want to stick with the wonderful
service and speeds provided by AOL?

2. Flash.. oh jeezus.. A hacker
program.. ROFL

3. 'Daddy, I want a slower computer!'

4. No Peter! Don't read and be
educated, you need to stay stupid
and vulnerable and keep with things
like AOL and Microsoft!

5. /30/ minutes?! Hehehe.. I've spent
longer just /checking/ e-mail..

6. Yeah.. it's THE newest military
training program.. Nono, shush, it's
not a video game! Really! HAHAHA!



9. See number 7 ROFL

Man this is all too funny
You should post this around or
something, LOL


T Reginald Gibbons - PLEASE READ !! (none / 0) (#4868)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 04:59:34 PM PST
Let me just explain a few things to the author, and to any of you parents out there that are convinced your kids are "hackers".

The 'research' presented in this article is painfully lacking, and I resent the fact that the author has no doubt by now punished their child without proper knowledge of the 'offence'. This is simply bad parenting, and you should be ashamed.

This article has several factual errors, which anyone with even a light knowledge of Computers, the Internet and "hacking" can easily dispel.

1. "Hacking" as taken to mean the term coined by the media with respect to conducting illegal activities via computer, is a difficult skill to master. With the knowledge you presented in your article, if your son truly was a hacker, he would have been easily able to convince you otherwise.


Your Son probably wanted to change Internet Service Provider's (ISP's) because, assuming you use AOL, (since you list it) he recognizes that as an ISP, it is severely lacking. (listed as one to avoid) specializes in high speed access...which fits considering that your son is obviously into online video games (QUAKE). Online gaming works better with a faster connection to the internet, which AOL cannot provide.


Five minutes of research (ie. typing the program name into a search engine) would have revealed the true nature of such Applications such as "Comet Cursor" (A program that changes the arrow that your mouse controls into funny little pictures), "Bonzai Buddy" (an Annoying little 'friend' that is akin to the paperclip in Microsoft Word) and Flash (A web animation tool that is made by quite a large, respectable company - Macromedia). None of these programs come close to being used for 'hacking'. Learn what programs do before you fly off the handle.


Once again, evidence of video games. Your child wants a new video card because it helps with the games (and if your computer is two years old, there are probably many he can now longer play).
Video cards and memory have very little to do with hacking. Your computer is just getting old, and your son realizes this. Unfortunately, you don't.


Again, if your son is into games, he can play them for hours. Why don't you check on him every once and a while. Your ignorance shows once again though... DOSing (Denial Of Service) has nothing to do with a command prompt, which is a standard feature of DOS (Disk Operating System). Take a computer course, because this is too difficult to explain to you here.


If your son is spending hours playing Quake, he doesn't have time to "hack". I'd be worried that maybe he's addicted to video games instead. And why do you have ANY firearms in the house if you have young children?


Your son is not a hacker, he is a teenager. (or close to being one)


LUNIX is an operating system designed for a very old (read early 80's) computer. LINUX is an open sourced (meaning that anyone can read the code that makes it work) operating system derived from the UNIX operating system. UNIX runs most of the larger companies' web sites. (such as Amazon, which is linked to heavily in your article) Neither have anything to do with hacking. LINUX is the operating system of choice of "hackers" because like I said earlier, most hackers are deeply involved in computers, and recognize it as superior to the Windows operating system.
You cannot 'break into' a computer that isn't attached to the internet(in most cases, by phone). This is impossible. As well, no one will ever break into your stereo, period. LINUX is not 'dangerous', it is just more advanced, which means you should know what you're doing before you install it. BTW, if your computer says that it's running windows, it's doing exactly that. You cannot run windows AND LINUX on the same machine any more that you can have a car with two engines.


Again, your son is a teenager.


"Hackers" are notoriously bright, smart people. That's why companies like Microsoft spend billions fighting them. They are not schizophrenics, and do not suffer from brain damage. If what you said was true, then every second person in the IT industry would be psychotic.
Also, meningitis is not a psychological disease on this planet.

So, you owe your kid an apology. And go and get him that LINUX system. His love of computer's will probably end up paying for your retirement home one day.

D - Computer Programmer

Multiple OSes On One Computer (none / 0) (#5154)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 12:37:18 AM PST
Yes, you can install several operating systems on a single computer. I have Windows '95, Windows NT 4.0, Linux (Redhat) on a single machine. No sweat. The LILO utility will allow you to multi-boot between OSes. "System commander" claims to be able to boot (I'm drawing from distant memory here, so be kind if I get this wrong) someplace near 100 different operating systems on a single machine.

Otherwise, I agree with most of what you replied to Mr. Gibbons...


LOL who was the moron.... (none / 0) (#4869)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 07:51:25 PM PST
Love the Brady Bunch theme...with the crappy Compaq computer,and AOL connection,and calling my fav game Quake a hackers meeting place network or whatever...LOL very funny to read! But I could have made a better one that would actually make people BELIEVE!

ummm... (none / 0) (#4871)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 08:59:20 PM PST



c) Wow - Comet Cursor - hmmm lets see - o looky here dun have that - its a piece of garbage and dun need it on my comp ... phew guess i am not a hacker...

o wait damn - i have bonzi buddy adds on my comp thru kazaa - maybe i am just a HACKER WANNABEE... o but wait...


d) "After a few days of investigation, and some research into computer hacking, I confronted Peter with the evidence. I'm afraid to say, this was the only time I have ever been truly disappointed in one of my children. We raised them to be honest and to have integrity, and Peter betrayed the principles we tried to encourage in him, when he refused point blank to admit to his activities. His denials continued for hours, and in the end, I was left with no choice but to ban him from using the computer until he is old enough to be responsible for his actions.

After going through this ordeal with my own family, I was left pondering how I could best help others in similar situations. I'd gained a lot of knowledge over those few days regarding hackers. It's only right that I provide that information to other parents, in the hope that they will be able to tell if their children are being drawn into the world of hacking. Perhaps other parents will be able to steer their sons back onto the straight and narrow before extreme measures need to be employed."

"The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs. He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding."

- so ironic and idiotic - YAH U DDI A LOT OF RESEARCH YAH STUPID IDIOT.... kamen sits down "Kamen listen up this is me givin me a stern talkin to..." WTF?? o god go see a shrink man - go now DO NTO PASS GO DO NOT COLLECT $200!!

d) um yah AMD is the work of the Devil everyone ...

e) "hello i am ur teahcer ms.blahblahblah... we today in hackers 101 - we will learn to hack... and o my it appears my computer does not have any teahcing files as it has been hacked into..."

"Well billy lets see what u have to read ... O my "Hacking for Dummies???" ... not appropriate young man... and "HACKERS OVER THE AGES .. as well as wonderful titles like "Hacking - the idiot's guide?? - i am sorry billy - if this horrible hacking habit continues - i will be forced to confiscate ur child porn collection..."

-_-;; sense the sarcasm

f) let me soime up the rest - is ur son's appearnce changing or are the suffering in skool - lets rule PUBERTY, CUZ THEY WANT TO, ATTITUDE AND CUZ THEY ARE CHLLANGED BY SKOOL... O WAIT OBVIOUSLY THE ANSWER HERE IS THAT YOUR CHILD IS A HACKER!!! DUHH!!! I MEAN COMEON WAS THERE REALLY ANY OTHER ANSWER???

-_-;; ack - such ppl call themselves informed - this scares me... next he will say that boys who wear boxers are increasing our countries population or that the KKK is actually a society to help assimilate everyone... -_-;;;

poopoo head! (none / 0) (#4873)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 10:37:00 PM PST

The Epitome of stupidity (none / 0) (#4874)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 11:21:15 PM PST
This must be a joke! Nobody is this stupid....

Pecksniff the Perjurer (none / 0) (#4875)
by PaleGringo on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 11:56:55 PM PST
Mr. T Reginald Gibbons posted in another article here on

"Since the internet (last I checked, Mr. Gibbons, 'Internet' was spelled with a capital I.) is an open forum, it is easy for people to tell quite blatant lies and have them believed. In order to discourae (Another misspelled word?) this practise, adequacy takes steps to ensure that no idle readers are deceived by insidious lies from cynical media manipulators."

Even though this post was made a couple weeks after one of the most sterling arguments to why some people should never be granted the right to free speech nor be trained on how to use a computer.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Suppose for an instant that your "few days of investigation, and some research into computer hacking" was all-inclusive. You doubtlessly left no stone unturned, and did enough research to write a college-level thesis statement complete with bibliographic hyperlinks to the many conclusive sites you visited. In that article, sir, as you will recall, you stated that "AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, 'knock-off' copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops."

Now, from the objective reader standpoint that I tried my hardest to maintain, not one of your referenced hyperlinks directed me to the source of that information. Where, pray tell, did you find it? I keep trying to see the disturbing picture in my head...

It is early in the morning... a few moments before the dawn breaks the horizon in Sandakan, Malaysia. A malnourished 6-year-old delicately adds the 17 millionth transistor to his soiled microprocessor, constructed on a straw mat lying on the muddy, unpaved floor of a terra cotta shack that serves as an industrial workshop for AMD's cutting edge hacker processors. Damn his abilities! He has flawed the design and will only be able to make a 750 MHz microprocessor - technology outdated by two years! He will miss his 2.0GHz quota again, but perhaps... just maybe... if he disables "the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking," he can stay the nightly flogging by W.J. Sanders III which is given to all deficient children who cannot meet the efficiency demanded by Advanced Micro Devices.

Quite an interesting word picture, do you not think so, Mr. Gibbons? How AMD has managed to stay in business since 1969 is truly a third-world miracle! I wonder if they are heralded by some of those third-world countries as local dieties! Then too, let's not forget the many woes that come from online games, such as "Quake ... an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms."

Keep your children off Quake! Hackers meet there! But, by all means, let them visit the safer domains of Quake II, Quake III Arena, Diablo II, and the ever-popular Everquest. Many fun filled hours can be spent amongst the friendly strangers you meet there!

I think that you, sir, would call me a hacker. What's worse than that, is that I am a hacker that has graduated college three times over and am now making a living sitting in front of a computer, understanding their very being. When they break, I find the fissure and repair it. I work to advance the technology you fear. I spend far more than 30 minutes in front of a computer each day. And, as you can tell from this post, I know the core language of the web... HTML. From my profession, I believe that your ill-informed and poorly composed thoughts are detrimental to the country, the economy, and the entire world. You sir, have shown us in this post that even though you may have a stunning command on the English language you know surprisingly little about computers, less about life, and nothing about hacking.

I must apologize and digress. Did you see where I was going with this post, Mr. Gibbons? If it helps you at all, go back and read the bolded sections near the top, in the second paragraph.

What it comes down to is you are the very thing you warn others against. defines libel as "A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation." Look over a handful of the 4000+ responses to your post, sir, please. Your articles do little BUT deface or damage reputations. And that, Mr. Gibbons, is my point to you.

You do "tell quite blatant lies and have them believed" and you are one of the "cynical media manipulators." I know from reading your posts, the 'Hacking' one in particular, that you are an educated man, Mr. Gibbons, you do write well, and, for the most part, spell well also. You are not perfect, nor are you "a model parent." Any parent that names their children (six children) after a program on the media most responsible for the degeneration of society (anybody remember "The Brady Bunch?" Carol... Peter... Cindy...) is more of a narcissistical advocate of the Devil himself!

Further, if you are going to belittle a person who has a legitimate question for the site by pointing "out your ideological or genetic deficiencies," or other grammatical errors in a post, you truly are an unintelligent, unreasoning, blunder-headed jestingstock of a man.

I grow weary of writing, so I shall close this post. Hope to see something back from you, sir. You will see more posts from me, Mr. Gibbons. Rest assured that I will again write the next time you post something worth my time. Given your amazing track record of writing articles where you are playing the monkey in order to stultify yourself.

The fact that you have reproduced troubles me. (none / 0) (#4876)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:37:16 AM PST
I am baffled by your ignorance, sir. I am less than half your age, and over twice your intelligence, so I will do my best to use small words, so you'll understand.

Yes, I am calling your overall parenting skills into question. The sheer idiocy with which you handled the situation with your son makes me believe you are unfit to raise a child. On that note, you also seem unfit to drive a car, tie your shoes, or feed yourself with any sort of utensils. I don't know which websites you went to in your hour-long search for something to confirm your paranoid suspicions spawned from your daughter talking out of her ass, nor do I care. You have obviously been misinformed, and without doing any sort of followup research, clung to your foolish beliefs like they were gold, andtried to spread your ignorance to honest, INTELLIGENT parents. You claim to be patriotic, but frankly, people like you are what's wrong with the country. You make me sick. I feel sorry for your children, being raised in an Amish household, with none of the religious payoffs.

Oh, and for the record, I showed the article to my friend Kevin, who works at a local computer store (which carries the american-made AMD processors), and he found what you said VERRRY interesting. He thought it would be funny to point out your slanderous remarks about AMD to the company itself, so he made sure to email a copy of your story to his distibutor, who was none too pleased. Expect a call from them in the near future.

In the mean time, I suggest you do the right thing for your children, and put them up for adoption.

Have a nice day!

GET A FUCKING LIFE.... ALL OF YOU!!! (none / 0) (#4877)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:56:28 AM PST
You dumb shit, it ain't real... non of this crap is. It's a 'JOKE', GET IT? Now, stop being fucking computer NERD and go outside you fuck!

This article..heh (none / 0) (#4878)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 01:41:40 AM PST
heh ok BONZI BUDDY? LOL WTF! you cant use that to hack, so this is either a spoof, or this guy should not be allowed near a freakin microwave for the next 40 like come on, what child would even know what half of the material is! And reading a UNIX or Solaris manual isnt bad, its educational, and you can make alot of money in that field. And AOL...oh my GOD that is the most hacker friendly ISP on the planet! lol anyway, just wanted to share that =)


yo man... calm down (none / 0) (#4879)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 03:49:31 AM PST
come on, you don't mean that every boy/girl who uses lunix or plays quake is a hacker
if you do... well I feel sorry for you
The time you've spended in front of your PC, watching your son "hacking" has made you too paranoic 'bout other OS's such az lunix, bsd and so on
there is nothing wrong using OS's like them... think about it 90% of world wide web is using unix/unixlike operational systems to handle their web servers.. you don't mean that all their system admins are hackers... I would like to see some administrator of Microsoft (btw they are using bsd too) to hack NASA (lol) I don't see nothing wrong in
in the way your child dresses... you'r livin' in a free country and it is your child's right to decide what to wear... now 'bout this AMD shit... why are you thinkin' that AMD makes "hacking" hardware... they are using some different technologies in making processors but this does not makes them "hackin' processors" and let me ask you something... is this some comercial letter or something? I see you advertise only AOL and windows... hey man there are many ISP's and no body wants to have a "hacker" for a client so pleace don't give wrong advices to parents... because only kids are harmed from that.....

in reply to (none / 0) (#4882)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 06:40:46 AM PST
Don't you mean if they hadn't pulled you away youd be making a crapload of money for some big company?

You're a sad parent!!! (none / 0) (#4883)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 07:19:30 AM PST
Hi, Hate to break it to you but your child is not an evil hacker joining forces with some Otaku oporation. Yea sure maybe he's in some "Otaku" group. You know what that means? No you probably don't. Otaku is japanese for a person whom likes Manga art alot. Manga art is a japanese cartoon drawing style, for example is Pok�mon Manga, Manga and Otaku is nothing bad. On the other hand the members of this "group" "Otaku" are with out doubt just other <u>NORMAL</u> teenager kids who share the same hobbies. Then you say his grades drop because of this wich is far from true especially Math, Physics and Chemestry if something should happen your kid sould be getting better in these events because of usage of "hacking". Anyhow all the things you named above in the list are sad attemts to find something wrong with your child useing computers. You don't know anything what the applications use is or what it does what "Lunix" or Linux as it should be spellt is and give false resons for ISP changing. If I would be any smarter I had left this post undone and just laught, but I'm not so I'm just going to say your a whole lot of crap and I hope your children will become fine uninformed and net infamouse people like you. With regards. 15 year old "hacker" from Iceland P.s. My "foul" language I learned from movies, not the internet.

Is this some kind of joke?? (none / 0) (#4885)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 08:06:11 AM PST
My question to the "model" parent: Do you have the slightest idea on what your saying? Do you actually know how to use a computer? Let me let you in on a few things:

1. If your son really was a hacker, he would have found a way to bypass the AOL child safety filter and not told you about it. I can think of a number of ways to do it, and I'm not a "hacker".

2. Comet Cursor is a feature on some websites to change the mouse pointer to another shape while on that site. It does have "spyware" in it, however your son probably didnt know about it, and "spyware" is something put in by the company (yes company) that makes it to collect information from you to sell. Not a hacking program. Flash is just an app that lets you create multimedia cartoons for use when making your own web site, not a hacking app either.

3. Faster Video Card? Yeah he'll probably want that to play Quake (see below) as it makes the graphics look better. AMD make good processors ad a good price and are Intels main compatition. Nike, an american company, uses child slave labour in 3rd world countrys too dosen't it? GAP does too. Oh and the "security features" on Intel chips are actually a way for intel to monitor you (read spyware).

4. Have you actually read these documents? For one, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric S. Raymond" is a document that inspired big-name american companys like Netscape to release their software free for all computer users to benifit from it.

5. To DOS (Denial-Of-Service) another computer, you'll need a fast connection to the web yourself. Even then you'd need the requied knowage to do so, and if he did, why havent the feds knocked down your door already (these types of attack are traceable)

6. Quake is merly a game. Hackers do not use quake to discuss hacking. This is done on something called newsgroups, and even then its rare. Your son wanted the "faster video card" to play quake. That is all.

7. I dont think that computers are the answer to your sons "bad" behavour towards you is simple. All teenages go through this. Maybe you need to actually stop and learn what your son already knows about computers, and then make your judgement on him. You'll be suprised!

8. Linux. A free operating system. Not unlike windows actually. Most of the servers on the net use it. Probably the server that hosts this article does too. To the average computer user, Linux looks scary. The knowageable know better. I use it from time to time, though I prefer Windows just because its easyer to use. Linux is based off Unix too by the way. Mp3 is actually easer to do with windows and is about copying music cds (not "breaking" into radios to steal music). Its just like copying casset tapes, which I'm sure you have done in the past yourself. Telnet is a way of logging onto an user account (ie another computer) that has been setup for you (or your son) by the person who owns the computer. this is not hacking.
Oh, and Linux wont damage your hard drive (unless you tell it too), and damaging your hard drive is easyer under windows anyway.

9. Your sons taste in clothing is different to yours. I bet your parnts thought exactly what you think about you when you were young. get over it.

10. I wont even go into this.

All I can say is get over yourself and let your son use the computer. He isnt a hacker. Your just over-protective and really need some help yourself (except you wont ever admit it). All your doing is pushing your son away.

-Someone with lots of computer knowage

Offical reply by Otaku Hacker Association (none / 0) (#4887)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 08:38:24 AM PST
We here at Otaku Hacker Association have read your post and we cannot stop laughing (lol). We have your IP address, and will use it to attain your credit card details from your computer, and we will Denial-Of-Service attack every time we notice you connect to the internet for posting negitive comments about our association. We know your name, where you live, your phone number (which we will use to hack into your computer even when it is disconnected from the internet) all thanks to you posting this message. Our virii are already on its way to your computer, when you see an "invalid page fault" message appear, this is our virii damaging your Intel processor.

Member of Otaku Hacker Association and uNiTeD hAcKiNg fOrCe


THIS ARTICLE IS SATIRE! (none / 0) (#4889)
by Kook on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 09:56:14 AM PST
Christ, would the lot of you take a look around this site, and read the friggin' FAQ file (at the metasite if you're blind) This entire site is satirical. Are all of you utterly stupid?

ITS A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!(Read)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4890)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 10:07:23 AM PST
Hahahahahaha, very clever! Kudos to the writer, very nice job! Had alot of people, myself included, all upset and shocked at this dribble!

Hints anyone?

It's a story about a family with 6 kids the youngest is named Cindy. She has a brother named Peter. Carol is their Mom. Any of this sound a little familiar? How's this:

"'s a story of a man named Brady...."


It's most likely poking alittle fun at those of us who take our computer's somewhat seriously!

Happy holidays everybody, and check out what THIS writer had to say about computers!


p.s. You can get ahold of me to send my prize through: (AIM) JabberwockyMA

WHAT A F*#$�^&G IDIOT (none / 0) (#4891)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 10:46:02 AM PST
Linix? DUAH! Linux! an its perfectly Legal!

AMD - third world based comapny! thick bastard...

Quake - used by hackers... hmmmm more like Online Gaming!

Im 15 an ive dun practically everything there that you have listed except for last 3 things... im not stupid enough to screw up my system with a Linux OS.

Ive been in the hackin business... did it for a while, got wanred by ISP a few times... But i dont bother with it anymore jus somethin u get bored with after a bit.

an i wud hate u to be my dad! yur kids have practically got no freedom!

oh an i dint nead to read any hackin manuals... i learn things the hard way.


Is this A Joke? (none / 0) (#4892)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:34:31 AM PST
This is some funny sh**!

No one could possible be this unenlightened without having previously had extensive brain surgery.

dum (none / 0) (#4893)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:28:55 PM PST
Anyone who knows more than click on this and it does this with computers could work out you made this up without thinking about it! Do you work for microsoft aol and intel ( the evil lot) and have a problem with young people? Do you have a brain or a problem with it? But that was so pathetic it was funny ! Whats next? Wich giant with poor services will you talk abut next?

The oliekirk

Go buy a mac !

you ar ean idiot (none / 0) (#4894)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 02:39:03 PM PST
#1 linux was based on unix and microsoft was not a compony when linux came out

#2 you mistake ravers with hackers

#3 AOL sucks balls

#4 any desent hacker can change his grades

#5 linux can not brake you hard disk and if windows is deleted it is extreemly easy to fix

#6 i fucked you daughter in the ass

hmm.... (none / 0) (#4896)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 03:34:13 PM PST
your article was very amusing....
are all american�s this stupid?

You are a RIOT!!! (none / 0) (#4897)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 03:38:05 PM PST
LOL, this is the funniest piece I have read in ages!!!!

WOOO HOOO!!!!! Thanks for the laugh!



ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#4898)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 04:31:33 PM PST
This is very funny...Very good pun :D

BTW, you forgot about the language switch...

If your son starts speaking like the following, you know he is a hacker:

I @m N l33t h@xx0r 4r33k0r s0 4UCk J00!


Quake=Hackers Playground!? (none / 0) (#4899)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 04:47:33 PM PST
Quake is fun and i used it long time b4 i started to hack! FUCK YOU who wrote this shit. Go to hell. Kill yourself. Hope you get gangraped by a gaygang just in the ass till you bleed

Mr. Gibbons, don't you know anything? (none / 0) (#4900)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 04:51:31 PM PST
First, AOL is far not the user-friendliest ISP - you know what they're doing with the personal information they've collected from you?
Not CometCursor, not BonziBuddy, neither Flash are hacker software - i.e. Flash is an utility for creating animations or small games.
AMD is definately not a third-world based company, their processors are even better than Intel's, probably that's why they're not very "loved" by intel. Your son could be asking better hardware for gaming purposes - gaming isn't a very good kind of spending his free time, but it sure is not illegal.
And why do you think William Gibson writes hacking manuals? It's just a story, isn't it? You wouldn't think The Matrix was a movie about real-life hackers, would you?
If yuor son is sitting in front of computer for a long time, it doesn't mean he's hacking something, and academical struggling doesn't prove that either. And Quake is just a bloody game, not an arena for hackers-killers to train using weapons.
And, if you haven't noticed, every kid would become argumentative and argue a lot even about total non-sense, as would everyteenager in his/her pubescent period.
And Linux (you've misspelled it with Lunix) is definately not a hacker OS, it has even more bugs than Win does, so no hacker would use Linux, and LILO boot can be caused by other factors as well.
In fact, Linux is open-source, what means you can get it free, and the source code of it is available, not like the Windows. And it's far more easy to write a program for an OS that's source code is freely available than an OS that can be prevented from sending your personal info away just by shutting it down.
Lynos Torvoltos isn't a Soviet hacker, he is an honorable Finnish programmer, maybe he's even more popular than Bill Gates - Lynos's software is open-source, not like Bill's, and Linux was designed long after the cold war had ended, and you, Mr. Gibbons, probably don't know a shit about history - no one won the cold war, and no one lost - the countries the Soviet Union had occupied, at last fullfilled their will and became independent. I have the honor to live in one myself - I am from Latvia, and I don't give a shit you know where it is. People like you are discouraging the United States. US might be the most powerful country of the world, but some of it's citizens are real morons.
And, by the way (someone, who would know something about Internet etiquette would write BTW, but I'm sure you wouldn't understand that), hackers probably prefer clothing in dark colors, if your son has joined the local hip-hop band, don't call him a hacker just because of it.
And, as you don't know, computer emits so low level of radiation, that your son would have to live in front of a computer for years just to get a few milirem radiation more than usual. As you see, I'm not saying a monitor doesn't impair sight, but the new LCD monitors can't alter sight even if sitting in front of it for ten hours every day for a year.
And schizophrenia is definately not caused by computer radiation, and meningitis isn't a psychological disease at all.

About the replies

First - some girls are even better hackers than boys, and no girl would like to be a "hacker whore". After all this I have to think is this the rebirth of sexism we're eyewitnesses to now?

And I guess your son is arguing with you because your policy in family could be called "total control".

And, btw, electric guitar has nothing to do with electronic music.
And multiple monitors may be used for God knows what, it hasn't to be hacking, if I have two monitors connected to my computer.
Man, tell me how can a programmer write a program without seeing his source code?
And were the movies the only source of your knowledge about hackers?

u idiots actually believed it? (none / 0) (#4901)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 06:04:08 PM PST
its a joke, a parody article, made to generate hits to their lame site.

Your article (none / 0) (#4902)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 06:38:46 PM PST
First let me point out that I have been a law enforcement for 6 years, and was recently appointed as head of technology for a branch of a large international company.

Second I feel obligated to point you that 99% of the information you posted here is WRONG! It's apparent that you did no real research for this site and seemingly attacked thing you don't know anything about.
YES gun locks are a must have for anyone with guns.

NO Quake has nothing to do with hacking, It's a game sold in thousands of stores world-wide. Sure it may be to violent for kids but the game has nothing to do with hacking.

AMD makes processors that are sold by HP, Compac,
Sony, etc. and are in no way inferior or "Knock- offs." If you did any research you would know that. Go to Best Buys and look on their shelves.

BSD is a Unix operating system. Unix has was around before Microsoft existed. BSD and Lunix, are operating systems used on more web servers than any other operating system (because they are more secure than microsoft products) period. Lunix was created by Linus Torvalds (by the way you didn't even spell his name correctly) and is used on web servers, graphics work stations, personal computers world-wide.

I don't have time cover all your errors, but here are a few more:
Hackers have no neeed for faster video cards. They spend most of there time in/at a shell/promt (which doesn't need or use faster hardware). Faster video cards are however needed to play newer computer games and greatly improve performance in Photoshop.

"DOS" (Disk Operating System) is a command line user interface that comes with windows 95, 98 and had to be installed before you could instal Win 3.1. You may be ref to Denial of Service attacks that sometimes use computers "infected" with a trojan horse program that allows a person to control the infected computer. DOSing is not a word, or anything else for that matter.

"Flash" is (art) animation program thats used to create web pages and interactive CD-roms. My company uses flash for it's training CD's and websites. Just like thousands of others.

My advice to you is this:
Stop the witch hunt. Everything you don't understand (or agree with) is not HACKING (a witch or a communist). It's common practise to learn before you lecture.
Research!, Research!, Research!

I just read this, and I can't believe it. (none / 0) (#4903)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 07:53:57 PM PST
If that article was fiction, it would have me rolling on the floor laughing. Lunix and Flash evil hacking programs? Pearl programing book a hacking manual? Please. There are allready more than enough flames, so I'm just going to add one more thing.

Your son is not an evil hacker. All the 'evidence' you have is pure baloney, to say the least. He is just a teanager, and he sounds like a good kid to me. A teenager who spends alot of time on the computer is less likely to get into trouble. You're not standing in the way of your son getting a prison term. You might just be blocking him from a successful carrear as a programmer though.

The Hacker Story (none / 0) (#4905)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 09:12:38 PM PST
That story was the stupidiest thing I have ever read. I hope that wasnt tru, because if it was HAHAHAHA. Then that dad is a dork, for one, he wouldn't be a model parent if he went to their parties with them. I would hate to have a dad like that. And so, I label this story <b>LAME<b>.

May God have mercy on this ignorant soul (none / 0) (#4906)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 09:12:47 PM PST
I think whoever wrote this is a terrorist attempting to psychologically attack Americans - this person should be arrested, interrogated, and shot like the Afghani bastard that he is.
This has to be the most ignorant, southern hick-like, mindless Christian article that I have ever had the displeasure to read. May God have mercy on the evil, Satan worshipping, knee-jerk, bleeding heart liberal soul who wrote this piece of trash

And by the way, I'm an honors student at the California Institute of Technology, which is ranked 3rd in the United States (ahead of MIT) and I can assure any readers that not one word of this..article, if you can call it that, is even remotely true.

Again, may God have mercy on the soul of this evil person; and when this terrorist is caught, I suggest that he is wrapped in pig skin while he is tortured and executed -- so that all who believe in his evil religion will have no doubt that he has gone to hell -- where he belongs.

You may soon be in trouble. (none / 0) (#4923)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 09:56:05 AM PST
I believe CalTech have an anti-racism policy, which your posting appears to breach. We will be tracing your IP back and reporting this to your school so they can take further action.

Please don't post racist crap at adequacy.

wtf?!?!?! this is just hilarious (none / 0) (#4907)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 09:31:51 PM PST
what in the crap is that? PETER!!!! CINDY!!!! is that the friggin BRADY BUNCH?

"""""Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".""""""

now thats the most stupid crap i've ever heard of! this man has got to be the most IGNORANT person I've ever seen...

ooooooohhhhhhhhh....i'm gonna go "DOS" your computer now! and i'm a hacker because i use QUAKE!

""""""""BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. """"""""""""""

this is funny crap! this has got to be a joke! PLEASE someone tell me that this was a joke!


Would you call me a hacker? (none / 0) (#4908)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 09:45:35 PM PST
I am 12 years old I was born using the computer. I can program in several languages. One of them is Perl, true Perl can be used to over flow a server causing a DoS attack but MOST adults in the computer industry know Perl and I very much doubt Bill Gates is crashing the Apple site using his Perl skills have began printing out computer manuals and taking them to school because of your page I am worried that the IT guy at my school will call the cops for me using my Compaq Ipaq with delia Linux programming in Jakarta brings me to another point Unix is used by just about any hosting company that doesn't want to have to restart every 2 hours. So their by a Hacker(not a cracker by the media definition) would of course learn all he/she can about *nix so they will know available exploits and download bits and pieces of programs such as Apache and run them then edit them and re upload them. A real hacker(not cracker by media definition) dose not use programs such as Sub Seven or net bus. Those are script kiddie tools. I was kind of hoping you could do some farther research and rewrite your article to be more political and colorable corrects.

Funny (none / 0) (#4909)
by SiliconKidXP on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:15:41 PM PST
Dude, I love satire! You have way too much time on your hands!

I can't believe people would take any of this message seriously, especially after "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy", and "Flash" were listed as hacking programs to look out for.

Bunch of idiots.


Is this some kind of joke (none / 0) (#4910)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:33:09 PM PST
What the heck? This is the lamest thing I've ever read. It has to be a joke calling Linux Lunix and claiming it's some sort of Russion controversy. To add to that what's with hacking using Comet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy? Those are freakin <A HREF="">spyware</A> programs that no true hacker would install by choice, must less hack with. They're both annoying pieces of crap.

Wow if this article is real, the author must be a complete lam3r.

don't take everything at face value (none / 0) (#4911)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:40:35 PM PST
satire truly is a wonderful thing :)

does anyone else want to vomit? (none / 0) (#4912)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 02:09:03 AM PST
I can't believe anyone could be as stupid as the writer of this article, but whatever..maybe it will give someone a laugh, although it's so sad to read such things, simply because too often and too many people out there believe shit like that about the net and computers..oh well.

enjoy the holidays,

Billy Sparks

p.s. come to NergMud, we're a great mud online and we'd like to see you there, check out our new pkill and arena codes..the address is telnet://
or goto the webpage at:

C'mon (none / 0) (#4913)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 06:23:12 AM PST
I'd like to advise all parents that perhaps actually take what this site deems as credible information and, erm, find a new site.

This article is totally bogus and false. The author has no clue what he is talking about. Almost everything he mentions is totally wrong.

If I could, I'd lock this guy up. What a jackass.

Please dont listen to this idiocy. (none / 0) (#4914)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 06:32:47 AM PST
If anybody here wants correct information about LEGAL hacking, visit sites like

if you do this you will find out real information on the subject, not nonsense written by someone who has no clue about what he is saying.

Whether hacking is right or wrong i leave for you to decide, but please - before posting comments of such a nature be well informed about the subject.

I am a practising christian as are most of the Cyberarmy, and we feel it is our duty to protect others on the internet from illicit child pornography sites, commercial scams and other such unwanted websites.

Bollocks (none / 0) (#4917)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 08:02:32 AM PST
This is the biggest load of tripe I've seen in a good long time. AMD Processors, tools of Hackers? Good Christ man, what the fuck do you think hackers did BEFORE AMD?

You are a very silly and useless person, Please go play in a power substation with a 40 ft copper whip.

God what a twerp.

I entirely agree. (none / 0) (#4918)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 08:31:45 AM PST
Wow. All i can say is wow. I wish i were as good a parent as you. You notice things like noone else would. Since i have read your article, i have found my child too, not only be a computer hacker who DOSses a lot. But a web "programmer". The web is evil as well.. and it rots your brin with 'web radiation'. He wanted me to buy him an HTML book. This hellish "computer language" is rotting his brain. He, bieng a teenage hacker, is grounded from the comoputer entirely, and i have since attended all of the parties he has gone to. He is not allowed to date girls, or cross the street without holding my hand, or read articles like this one that were written by a FUCKING IDIOT THAT HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT!!! You stupid, stupid person... I'm sure you would like to think you have absolute power over you child's life. yes, you have absolute power... you tyrannical bastard. It's people like you that push your children over the edge... oh yea.. and next time you start complaining about DOS, or mp3 or 'lunix', know what the fuck you are talking about. Your critical scrutiny of all of these things just makes you look even more stupid. THanks fo rthe laugh.

This is all false (none / 0) (#4920)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 09:01:17 AM PST
1) ISP changes are commonly asked for because AOL is slow. And, there may be a no hacking policy, it wont matter, as you can just pass that. Even I can do that...

2) Flash is used by Website designers for the making of those small movies on the site. Go to to see an example

3) Hacking can be done on 1992 equipment. The newest hardware is used for games. A new videocard is only usefull for games. (You can hack with a computer that has a ,5 MB Trident card just as well as with a computer with the latest Geforce 3 64 MB card.

4) Hacking manuals dont give you targets.

5) I am 15 and spend about 2 hours on my private pc (yes i have my own). I have a constant connection to internet (cable). How long you are on a computer doesnt mean you are hacking.

6) Quake is a game. The weapons in it are not real, like a full automatic rocket launcher and a plasma gun. Ammo is gathered by running over boxes that spin in midair. No reloading of the weapon is neccesary. Its a game, just like Solitaire.

7) That phase is commonly called puberty.

8) A linux was not written by a russian fellow. it was some polish dude if i remember correctly. It was written after the cold war, on an independent code. if its a hacking system, tell me why all mayor companies (like Yahoo!, AOL, Google) host their websites on servers running Linux with the Apache Webserver?

9) Radically changing appearance is also part of puberty

10) Dropping maths has nothing to do with computers. I use my computer for 2 hours a day, and i have always had A's on my Science, Maths and Physics. All newer monitors are shielded against radiation, and the radiation is nothing more than the background radiation from everything. (Living under powerlines is more dangerous for the health)

you are so uninformed it is sick (none / 0) (#4925)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 11:06:16 AM PST
I don't know where to begin on this. I am a web developer for a living and I find a lot of your commments completely off based and above all, uninformed. It is unfortunate that anyone with internet access can decided to post rumors based on "I read this or heard this somewhere" on the web. Maybe you should migrate your site to AOL's little safe and secure world.
This bothers me to the point that I am having a difficult time maintaining a decent letter structure so I will list a few complaints:
1. "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".
I have been using Flash since its first generation. I guess that makes me a hacker. Guess what Mr. Uninformed, its used to make animations. It does alot more but I don't want to waste time dumbing things down for you.
2.Comet cursor: and I quote from their site
"Comet Cursor features Comet Cursor Search and Fun Cursors. It's FREE, powerful and fun software for personalizing your mouse pointer, and over 90 million Web surfers have installed it."

I could go on and address every inconsistent, overprotective, paranoid statement in your article, but I will end with a bit of advice.

Become a bit more informed before spouting off paranoid blather on your site. If your son or daughter is a hacker, I guarantee you will not be able to locate any evidence with your level of computer skill. The skill and knowledge it takes to actually hack into a site is well beyond your level of comprehension. So, something as simple as hiding some software from you and Carol is cake.

Please please inform yourself so you can make intelligent, well informed statements, instead of defaulting to "the internet is dangerous" mentality.

Thank You !!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4926)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 11:34:16 AM PST
Thank you for this great article! My son had asked me to buy him one of those AMD "processors" so he could run that Lunix thing
recently. I was searching for a place to buy them cheap when I found this article! I think you may have saved him!

He's been spending all his time on the computer and he said he wanted Lunix because it's better for running "BOTS" on "IRC". What
is this IRC thing? Is it evil too?

I can't believe I almost let him get away with these things. If you hadn't informed me of the truth I might have lost him! But,
now that I know he will not be allowed to use a computer until he moves into the seminary!

Another thing, I think he may be into child pornography. I looked through his email and there was lots of stuff about "YOUNG
VIRGINS" and "FREE PRIVATE SCHOOL GIRLS". How do I find out who sent them? I want to report these illegal activities.

** Another Concerned Parent

PS. Sorry about the anonymous post, but i'm afraid the authorities will find and arrest him before I have a chance to set him on
the straight path. Thank you.

haaaaaaahaaaaaaa (none / 0) (#4927)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 11:58:28 AM PST
you are so dumb, you are a very fucked up person. just read all the post, they are all making fun of you! kiss my ass

haaaaaaahaaaaaaaa (none / 0) (#4928)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 11:59:46 AM PST
you are so dumb, you are a very fucked up person. just read all the post, they are all making fun of you! kiss my ass everyone make fun of this asshole.

fuck you (none / 0) (#4930)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 12:29:48 PM PST
what a dumbass its people like you who make the "non" computer world so scared..and half the $hit you said was a get a life..and hooray for your son..if hes smart..hell get good and won get caught...then one day you might uderstand why kids of our genration cower from peice of shit parents like you

YOU ARE A FUCKING REATRD (none / 0) (#4931)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 12:38:17 PM PST

What the hell are you talking about??? (none / 0) (#4932)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 01:39:55 PM PST
First of all, AOL is crap. AOL offers slow downloads and other bad things. AOL also stands for America OFFLine. It is not the reat internet, it is just merely a proprietary stack made to look like the internet. There is no TCP|IP with it. Also, if you go to a local provider, you receive faster internet access.

Second, Comet Cursor is not a hacker program; BackOriface is. Comet Cursor just gives you special custom mouse pointers to use. It is NOT at all having anything to do with hacking. Bonzi Buddy is this gay purple monkey guy that is just a piece of crap that is suppose to help you learn to use the internet, but just gets on your nerves. It's on all the computers at my school; the SysAdmin put it on. Flash allows you to view websites that require Macromedia Shockwave Flash(r). You also play games. It has nothing to do with hacking.

Third, you don't need faster video cards to hack. Any video card will do. You don't need huge hard drives or truckloads of RAM. You can hack with a 286, 256k of RAM, and a floppy drive, and an internet connection. BELIEVE ME! I SHOULD KNOW!!!

Also, AMD is not an illegal processor. AMD stands for American Micro Devices and makes processors up to 1700MHZ that actually perform better and run one hell of a lot cooler than the Inter Pentium 4. AMD's are made for gaming. All that you were talking about in your third point was a gamer.

Fourth, hacking manuals. Do you want a secure computer? Do defend against hackers, you have to be able to think like one. I read hacking manuals all the time, and I work in on the Intrusion Detection System at my school. They wanted someone who knew what to block and what to allow. I am only a student too.

Fifth, you can make an idiot think you know what you are talking about, and that's about it. How long does it take to get somewhere on the average game? What about reading chain letters in e-mails? It sure doesn't take 8 hours or even 30 minutes to DOS another computer. DoS, in the hacking world, stands for Denial of Service. I am going to go out on a limb in my next statement. To DoS a server, you flood them with TCP|SYN/FIN packets until no one can access their server. You don't have to pull up a command line.

Sixth, Quake is a multiplayer game relying on heavy graphics and RAM and processor usage. That is why a teenager would want better hardware. Also, most teens have a need for speed.


Eighth, you misspelled Linux. Linux is not an illegal operating system, but rather it is just UNIX with a better user interface. Linux is the only stable operating system in the world. In fact, YOUR INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER RUNS LINUX!!! Linux, being open-source, should take out Winbloze in about the year 2010 - 2015.

Linux will not destroy your computer, nor will it destroy Winbloze, nor will it have to be fixed by a professional. If you lost Windows, you have a virus. Just format the drive and reinstall Windows.

LILO is the driver for your hard drive. You don't have to send it back for a new hard drive.

Ninth, honestly, you might want to be a little worried on this one. They're not hackers, their ravers. Hackers tend to like dark (usually black) clothes, trench coats, and a laptop or a hard drive and always a rigged up boot floppy.

Tenth, if your child is struggling academicly, their probably not a hacker. Hackers tend to do well in school, especially if their a white hat (good) hacker, especially if they're the school's Uberhacker (superhacker).

I am the Uberhacker in my school, and look at where it got me! I am in ninth grade. I am Head of Network Security in my school. I am called out of class because the teachers made and ID-10-T error (some of you will get that later ;)) And I am an A student. By the way, I TEACH the computer classes at school.

Visit my site at

bleh (none / 0) (#4933)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 01:41:27 PM PST

Anyone who posts here... (none / 0) (#4936)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 01:52:23 PM PST
And is serious has something wrong with them.

Females cant be hackers? Jesus saving hackers? WTF is this about, your all ass holes.

dumbass (none / 0) (#4937)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 02:01:02 PM PST
dude, your a fuckin dumbass.

�գ,�j��r��f��|<��m�r�� (none / 0) (#4938)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 02:10:00 PM PST
�գ, �j��r �� �f��|<�� �m�r��
��� ���ll �j��r �h��d �fr�m �j��r �姧

My god..................... (none / 0) (#4939)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 02:12:09 PM PST
You sir are a sexist moron. I am amazed that you can actually walk the streets of your city without being beat to a bloody pulp. Congress is wasting their time with gun control laws and things like that, but I believe they should pass a law to keep you kept in solitary confinement in a mentally facility never to corrupt the minds of all that are around you ever again. I pray that your children will turn out to be normal, despite your horribly insane parenting, if you CAN call what you've done parenting

Have a nice day

signs of a hacker?! (none / 0) (#4940)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 02:29:20 PM PST
i completely understand your concern and that you're troubled by your son's actions. however, the signs that you mention of a hacker are ridiculous...
1) changing internet providers is common because there is always a demand for a faster internet connection. the greater the bandwidth, the more you can do in less time whether it be downloading mp3s, playing games or just surfing the web.
2) do you even know what comet cursor, bonzi buddy and flash are? maybe you should find that out before affiliating those programs with hackers. hell, i might as well say having winamp provides all the evidence needed to convict me of being a hacker.
3) if you could would you want to upgrade your computer or get a faster one? i don't know too many people who like to be left out of having the newest techonology.
4) haha reading manuals on how to hack. have you ever seen office space when they didn't know what money laundering was so they looked it up in the dictionary? maybe i'll go look up hacking in the dictionary too.
5) there are so many things people can do on a computer now days. to my believe, the majority of computer owners are on computers much more than 45 minutes a day.
6) quake is hardly a "training ground" for hackers. it's a game that quite a bit of people play or have played. i highly doubt that hackers learn the "use of various firearms" through a game such as quake. shooting a real weapon and playing a video game are rather different. think about it, i don't think too many of those counter-strike players are going to join seal team 6 anytime soon.
7) a change in behavior could mean anything. everyone goes through adolescence and during this time many of these young adults undergo a radical change in behavior. it is a time where most people want more independence and would like to express themselves more freely.
8) by "lunix" do you mean linux? if so, many programers and more experienced computer users prefer linux over windows, claiming that linux is a more stable operating system.
9) change in appearance usually signifies a change or confusion in identity. this is the same thing as the change in behavior. a change in a child's appearance could mean anything including a poor relationship with one's parents. and the clothing that you mention is often affiliated with "raves." if you don't know what that is research it.
10) once again, this could mean anything. your child may be going through major changes and are trying to find out who they are and what they really want. most people of that age are more interested in their friends than there grades. it's amazing what people will do to be "accepted by society."

Your uninformed rantings... (none / 0) (#4941)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 02:58:06 PM PST
Your comments are not only erroneous, but potentially dammaging to a number of editorials, not to mention AMD, a perfectly ligitimate CPU manufacturer struggling to maintain some kind of real choice for consumers.

Let me remind you sir, that the Internet is not a vehicle for the dissemination of overtly false information.

I hope you lies result in litigation...

wow talk about dumb (none / 0) (#4943)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 03:54:37 PM PST
I hope that this is a joke, otherwise somebody got hit in the head with the dumbazz stick one too many times

THIS IS THE BIGGEST WAD OF SHIT EVER!!!!! (none / 0) (#4944)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 04:17:43 PM PST
Whoever wrote this, is a complete MORON!!!! First of all, Comet Cursor is a fancy looking cursor that some people use on their web-page. Bonzi Buddy is this stupid thing kinda like the Assistant in Microsoft Word. Flash is an internet plugin that's used to view Shockwave Flash documents. Second, a "faster" video card has nothing to do with hacking, a video card only converts the outgoing signal of the computer to a signal that can be recognized by the monitor to display a 'screen'. Most video cards now have 3D Acceleration, for better gaming performance. AMD processors are better made, much faster, and more powerful than Intel, for better computer performance, a good processor is NECESSARY! Third, just because someone spends lots of time on their computer, doesn't mean their a HACKER! Fourth, Quake is a VIDEO GAME!!!! Fifth, if your son is a teenager, then he WILL become argumentative, EVERY teenager goes through a phase in their life that's very depressing. Sixth, what the fuck is "Lunix"? It's called "Linux", and it's not necessarily for hacking. Seventh, people who wear baggy pants and wierd clothing are not hackers, those are called "skaters" or "rappers", in fact, they don't know ANYTHING about computers! Eighth, if your son is a teenager, he will struggle in school, the depressing phase will ensure that he does!

Now, let me make my final statements. I am an 18 year old high school student. I've been through my depressing phase, and so have all of my friends. I spend almost all day on my computer, but I'm not a hacker. Why is it that you just assume all this stuff? You can't ASSUME. The only thing you can do is spend time with your son and understand him. What you're doing now is making him more and more depressed and pissed off that you won't stop accusing him of being a hacker! UNDERSTOOD!!!?????

E-mail me if you have any comments. I really want to know what you think.

Oh my god! (none / 0) (#4946)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 04:47:06 PM PST
This is the stupidest shit I've have ever heard. I sure hope that this is a joke! Oh my god! You must be the worst father ever and you have absolutely NO computer knowledge at all! I feel sorry for your kids, I hope they will leave you soon so that they can get a normal life.

Hmmm Leaglities ??? (none / 0) (#4948)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 05:02:53 PM PST
Just something to consider..!!

Surely with the amount of unfactual, slanderess, and completely inccorect comments... particualrly related to certain manufactures mentioned in this forum....
You could well be liable for a law suit...
I suggest the site admin... if there is one...
does some research (if he's not too busy laffin at whats been posted) and then see about correcting the informatiion before you get sued... after all your in America.. If you can be sued u will be...!!!

Style of Dress.... (none / 0) (#4949)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 05:19:13 PM PST
"has your son changed his style of dress"....

The kind of cloths you described (baggy, bright, baby accessories, 'etc). Sum up a candy raver not a hacker... you might wana check someone who dresses like that for techno music and pills marked with hearts and the letter 'E' not for nukers and telnet terminals.


Your writing is complete and other bogus... (2.50 / 2) (#4950)
by xtwarrior on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 05:44:51 PM PST
First of all, hacking (although a serious offense) is not always a bad thing. Some companies even pay people to do nothing but hack into their system to see which parts of it need to be secured better.

Than your "paragraphs":
In paragraph 2 you speak of 'Comet Cursor', 'Bonzi Buddy' and 'Flash' as programs which are used by hackers. THIS IS TOTAL NONSENSE !!!
- Comet Cursor is a program which gives as the
name says cursors to you.
- Bonzi Buddy is sort of a 'Tamagochi' program
which can be downloaded with the help of
KaZaA. A program like Napster which allows
you to download music.
- And Flash is what I use to create my website
with, c'mon, think a little. It DOESN'T do
anything else.

In paragraph 3 you speak of videocards and AMD. AMD is (next to Intel) one of the worlds most respected processor-manufactures. They create great (if not better than Intel's) processors for a good price. And those can be bought anywhere (even in your local computerstore). Also, faster videocards aren't needed or can be helpfull for hacking. They are for gaming. If one wants to play a game like Half-Life Counterstrike, you'd better have a fast videocard.

Also, Neuromancer (p4) has (to my knowledge) nothing at all to do with hacking.

And hey, Quake (p6) ISN'T a virtual reality. It's a game from around 1996 (I don't know this for sure, but it's old). It was cool then, is cool know, but if your son's playing it, tell him to play something new.

Then Lunix... It's LINUX, And it was created by a Fin. His name is Linus Torvalds. It's a great operating system. Works on almost every computer and it's used by lots of people because it operates as good as (or sometimes better than) Windows. Heck, I've got a Linux magazine right here with all the hard data in it.

Please, let your text be checked by someone who knows anything about it. Give your son his pc-time back (once more: HE ISN'T HACKING !!!). And go learn something about computers.

If you don't agree, please contact me.

Willem-Jan van Strien

Lunix HAHAh (none / 0) (#4951)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 05:45:44 PM PST
First off... read up on computing in the 2000's. Linux (not Lunix) is another OS other than Windows. Its more stable.. but its not necessarily an OS for your "hacker". I've seen plenty of programs designed for Windows; so your whole stance on that.. is crap (to say the least).

Also, where the hell did you pull the Linux is a Soviet made Operating System? The man who made it, Linus Torvald, lives in the U.S. and realeased the code free of charge to allow for a more stable OS.. Second... hes not even Russian..hes from Norway.. or Sweden.. somewhere like that. Lastly, the Soviet Union fell over a decade ago.. if you are still worried about Hackers begin Commies.. then i think you should get a life.

Sarcasm (none / 0) (#4953)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 06:12:56 PM PST
I know that American's don't "see" sarcasm in the same way as we British do. But please, the original post was so heavily laden with sarcasm a blind man in a coal cellar could see it.

Maybe I just awesomely astute - but I doobt it.

Apologies if someone else has already made this point, I only had time to read the first 10-ish posts.

BTW - I thought the original post was excellent - the sarcasm level was gradually turned up throughout - so what started as a minor concern for the competence of the author became a sudden realisation that he/she was TAKING THE PISS.

Jolly Good Show.

A serious responce I wrote (none / 0) (#4954)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 06:14:58 PM PST
A person I know got in big crap because his mom read the article (reposted somewhere else, I tracked this place down through links) above and got all fudgy about him having Linux on his computer.

First let me say a bit about myself to lend a bit of credibility to what I have to say. I am a sixteen year old girl from New Jersey, and I have dabbled in hacking. NOT, I repeat, NOT the kind of hacking you normally think of when you hear the word, but productive hacking. For instance, I supplied the Tech teacher with 28 security leaks in the system for $5 an hour on weekends. I found the leak, showed it to him, and suggested ways to fix it. This is hacking at its finest, and it makes good money. I have been typing code since my dad brought home a now Jurassic computer with a 2 color monitor and a typewriter style printer. It ran DOS, an operating system that uses command prompt to get things done. (no mouse or windows) Now I have a nearly up to date computer with a triple boot (it can start up three ways: Windows 98, Windows XP professional, and Linux), my Dad teaches Linux at a nearby collage, and I am a successful webpage master. (fancy way of saying I make them and win awards) Here is my reaction to all this:

ROTFL! What planet R U from? (for all you adults: I am Rolling On The Floor Laughing! You don't know what you are talking about.) Seriously now, here is the breakdown:

#1 Are you being paid to advertise for AOL? Let's look at some real reasons you might change ISP's. AOL takes up bandwidth, this means that anything you do online is slowed down because up to 75% of your connection is being used by AOL to tell you if you have mail and all the other things AOL does. This can seriously slow or stop a connection, particularly if you like to play games over the net or download anything. Even if you only go online to read mail you are being shorthanded time as your mail is not downloaded to your hard drive for reading, but left on their computer. If you are kicked off you have to sign back on to read it. Every ISP has this bandwidth usage, but in my opinion AOL is the worst. They use so much AOL often has to disconnect you because someone else in your area signed on and the phone lines can not carry that much information at once.
I use Juno, and they take up a comparatively tiny bandwidth to do all the same things AOL does (except instant messenger). MSN and yahoo have ISP (and messenger) services that take up less as well. Changing ISP can also be economical (e-mail is free, $10 a month for net without limits to hours), or maybe all their friends use MSN and have MSN messenger, so AIM is of no value to them. The point: ask why the change is wanted, and listen to the answer.
#2 "Comet Cursors" is a hacking program?!? It is used to change the pointer to something more interesting, like a dragon head, fish, or leaf. I have it on my webpage and I think it looks cool, and does nothing more dangerous then take up a few KB of space. (most games take up many MB; and 1MB = 1,000 KB) "Flash" is a type of animated graphic that takes up a tiny amount of space. This is great for the internet because it loads complex things quickly. Most media-related websites use it heavily. is an example; you CAN'T go there without flash. It is perfectly harmless, and comes with most up-to-date internet explorer versions these days (not the upgrades though). If you don't have it you will be told when you try to access a page that has it, and it is a good idea to say yes to the auto-install (as long as you are at a page you trust, like Warner brothers). Flash Editors allow you to create flash images, and are made by many people. I don't know what "Bonzi Buddy" is.
#3 New hardware is 99% of the time a legitimate request. I have XP, and just got the Windows XP Plus! update. I can only use half the programs because I do not have a good enough video card (I need 16MB of on-card space). What did I ask my Dad for Christmas this year? The same thing he asked my Mom for: a new video card. Games, particularly the new ones, need more up to date hardware to run. Most computer hardware stores make more money after the holidays then before, and for just this reason.
#4 Quote: "Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced minds."
At seventeen any girl who's father does not allow her to wear make-up is a sad sight to behold. What kind of an extremist conservative...? That's another issue. Yes, hacking magazines exist, but most magazines are about learning to do helpful technical things, like fixing a malfunction on the computer instead of paying someone else $100 or more to do it. It also can stop those same computer techs from overcharging you. A little information can go a long way these days.
#5 The computer can be recreational without being used for hacking. Many computer strategy games cam take months to go though, even at 8 hours a day. Yes, being online 24-7 is bad. People need sleep, food, and exercise, not to mention human contact, but I see nothing wrong with as much as 3 hours, though more than that is probably bad.
#6 Many other people like to play Quake too. It's a game, like Doom or Hexen or Alice, that has nothing to do with reality. If a child can not tell that that is imaginary and this is real, the parent seriously screwed up way back when the child was watching Sesame Street and singing along with Big Bird! If a child can't realize the difference between a game and reality he or she needs serious counseling. There is a difference between obsession and being a fan
#7 As for telling a parent to back off and stop smothering... see the first part of #4 above. Most teenagers disagree with their parents, it is healthy! They have to break ties with their old family to go out in the world and get a family of their own. It's called growing up, and it is a natural change.
#8 There is nothing wrong with Linux. It does no physical damage and un-installation is the same as any other operating system. Let's think a second. How can a program physically damage the surface of a disk? Answer: it can't! physical damage is caused by physical things, like dust, screwdrivers, hacksaws, sand, water, and anything else you can hold in your hand. Software (programs) can be harmed if physical damage occurs, user error (most common), and damage by other software. (intentional like a virus or non-intentional like an updated system file that can no longer be used by an older program) Linux does none of these things! Linux and Unix are used because they are written in the same code as the internet and can be installed on PC or Mac. Linux is for single computers, Unix is for multiple computers working together. Linux has both command prompt and gooey interface. (text code typed and windows you click) It is wonderful for business because it is FREE. Yes, you read me right. AT&T owns the copyrights but the federal government said they could not sell it due to monopoly laws. So they gave it to a couple of universities. Now it runs the internet, and you are saying it's a horrible thing? It is no more damaging then Windows, though harder to use, and comes with its own games like Pingus. (a bit like Lemmings) That are also free and legal.
#9 I think you ought to ask yourself if odd clothing is enough to charge a person with a crime. All teenagers dress different from their parents; it is part of a natural rebellion. In case you're interested in what some hackers wear: I and my friends wear kaki pants and solid color T-shirts when it's warm. Sweaters or long sleeved shirts, solid color, when it's cold. Sneakers, white or black. Hair combed or pulled back. (Girls never have it down; guys never have it long, spiked, or colored) No pocket protectors, no torn clothing, the occasional bracelet and earrings for girls, no jewelry for guys. Now and then when I'm going out I comb my hair down, and once a year I have it cut too short to put up and let it grow (with trimmings to keep it neat) until the next spring.
#10 is just plain false. Electromagnetic radiation in the tiny quantity that is emitted from most monitors these days is completely harmless. Staring at a screen all day can lead to eye strain, but not usually. Advice: Get rid of any screen themes that contain colors that bother the eyes. (personal preference here, I don't use that much orange or mix bright green with bright red. Common sense: don't use colors that bother you. If you like orange, then make it orange. Just don't show it to me.) Any grade slipping is due to lack of studying (spend more time reading the textbook instead of reading web pages), not brain damage. If the child does have brain damage, consult a physician. (In my area the description you gave for #9 seems like a druggy. Look for marijuana testers in drug stores. I think they make them for Cocaine too. Just put one in the wash with his clothes or rub it on the keyboard, whatever it says on the box.)

tell me this is a joke plzzz (none / 0) (#4955)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 06:17:01 PM PST
gibson gibbons wtf ur name is. tell me u were joking. bcos durin the proccess of readin that article, i fel off my chair laffin 3 times. u sir are lame and need to do a lil more reseach b4 u post ne thin that blatently pointless. u pissed off a lot of ppl and made some laff hard(my self included) linus torvalds should be respected for creating a more secure operating system (oh its so dangerous i will take it off my system) gimme a break. u say ur sons a hacker? did he learn it off ur manuals u keep? or maybe is it just that he is becommin more computer liturate than u :) ps. assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. have a good life knowin ur a fuck up, ciao. -nytrix-

Hacker Movement Spreading Rapidly (none / 0) (#4957)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 06:32:55 PM PST
We have evidence of a large hacker group posing as a commencial company.

Their program distributed on shiny cds through peoples doors restricts access to the internet allowing users only access to selected "sites"

Any system which is infected by this software is unfortunatly suffering from a medical condition known as pebkac (problem exists between keyboard and chair)There is no known cure. (or Uninstall)

This hacker group goes by the name "Appointment Of Limitations" commonly known to the "Luserbase" as AOL.

...dumbass (none / 0) (#4958)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 07:10:57 PM PST
That was the most pathetic/hilarious thing I've ever read. It makes me feel good to know that there are people that god damn stupid out there...lets me know who I'm stepping over.

But don't feel bad, just go cry to jesus or the ghost thing...or whatever...

This is totally and completely wrong. (none / 0) (#4959)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 07:34:58 PM PST
This is a bunch of nonsense. Comet Cursor is a cursor for websites. It is not used for hacking.

The appearance bit is wrong. Hackers don't all look the same. They can be anyone. It sounds as if the author of this article is describing a rave scene.

Why haven't you mentioned daughters? Women are just as able to hack as men. I know a few, and have even been one myself.

No one seems to know what they are talking about.

DUMBASS! (none / 0) (#4960)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 07:35:35 PM PST

BWAHAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#4963)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 07:47:44 PM PST
The only thing funnier than this article is all the people who wasted their time getting pissed off about it.

Is it me, or is this obviously something to sit back and laugh at?

Grab a beer, folks, and let's have a chuckle. Don't get yourself in a knot.

-133t |\|0|\| - |-|4><0r c|-|1c|<

YOU ARE AN IDIOT! I-D-I-O-T!!!! (none / 0) (#4964)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 08:01:52 PM PST
I have so many complaints for this fucking moron.

First of all, Comet Cursor is not a hacking program! You see that arrow that your mouse that makes? It is just an addition to that! GOD DAMN!

Second, Flash is a multimedia program used by MILLIONS of people around the world.

Third, Bonzi Buddy is the farthest thing away from hacking software. It is gay software that talks to you and helps you organize websites and shit. It's damn annoying.

Fourth, AMD is not a hacking company. They are a company that makes processors for a cheaper price. Intel is like Doritos potato chips. AMD is like a no-name brand chip.

Fifth, Quake is a first-person shooter game. It does not breed voilent behaviour any more than any other shooting game. That's complete bs about learning weapons skills or whatever. It's just for fun gaming.

Sixth, it is Linux....not Lunux. And it was not made by Soviets! YOU ARE AN IDIOT! It's just another operating system that is more advanced and more stable than Windows.

And finally, if your child is struggling academically....maybe he just needs to study more or see a tutor.

People always blame the internet for everything and this is a prime example.

This guy is completely full of shit and people who read anything into it are morons. May all those people burn in hell. Merry Christmas!

Heh (none / 0) (#4965)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 08:10:55 PM PST
Well, I own an AMD processor and I fully support their use of third world sweat shops where they force children to work all day for pennies. Its good business practice, and should be done in the US too!

Yo Biggons T Shroom.... (none / 0) (#4966)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 09:05:39 PM PST
Please stop injecting gasoline into your veins and typing at the same time;

As for your article, I work at AMD, and the reason why you said i work in a "sweatshop" was because you mistook "Abnormally Mutiliated Dickwads society, et al" for the microprocessor making do you smoke so much marijana your dick shrinks so much your croth look like a pussy or something? Cuz I can't find anything. Neither did your mom when she tried to rape you.

I have some potassium nitrate, that goes wel l with your heart

LOL get your facts straight (none / 0) (#4967)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 09:06:20 PM PST
comet cursor is for people who like to mess around with their computer settings. instead of the traditional white arrow it could be a cartoon or something. and Flash, is a web design program. you did your research but you did it in the wrong places too. step back you're a bit too harsh in my eyes.

lol (none / 0) (#4968)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 09:23:49 PM PST
Wow that was funny, if whoever wrote that article was being sarcastic I have to say that was reall good. If they were being serious, they need to do some major research.

YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT (none / 0) (#4970)
by Leon on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 11:26:11 PM PST
read the subject, asshole

lmfao (none / 0) (#4971)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 11:50:52 PM PST
oh my god. you are the biggest dumb shit on earth. you obviously know dick about computers and have this odd inadequacy issue which makes you bombard your children with needless supervision. i bet you're christian...that would explain alot. don't be surprised when your sons start selling drugs and your daughters get pregnant by 20 year olds. anyway, on to the real issue: your ignorance. for starters: "comet cursor" is a web browser plugin to allow the display of custom cursors on some websites, not a hacking tool...dumb ass. second: "bonzi buddy" is a free desktop tool that helps you with internet and normal windows browsing, again not a hacking tool...dumb ass. third: "flash" is a product made my macromedia ( used to create digital animations, again not a hacking tool...dumb ass. fourth: linux and unix are all operating systems which are better than windows, and most versions are free. debian and mandrake simply make different versions of it. it is not illegal (lmfao dumb shit) and can be bought at walmart...real illegal if walmart carries it huh? linux is simply preferred by people with superior computer knowledge for it's better security and the fact it doesn't use the charading microsoft does. for example, if you search through all the hidden folders in windows, you will find about 300 megs of info stored by windows on what sites you visit, any and all internet activity, and any programs you have all to be sent to microsoft later so they can keep tabs on people. fifth: children changing the way they dress is natural and very common. in case you hadn't noticed, children attempt to adapt to what is popular with their friends. just becuase someone dresses in all black they are a hacker and a menace to society? funny...the 9-11 terrorists didn't wear black...neither did timothy mcveigh...oh yeah, chrales manson didn't dumb shit. oh yeah, the passifier thing is something urban black kids started doing in an effort to keep something to themselves that YOUR white kids wouldn't steal to be cool. sixth: a child slipping in school is more than likely a product of the emotional conflicts all teens go through, get a life. seventh: quake is a fucking video game you moron!!!! you don't "use": play it. it is a first person shooter game wherein players can connect to game servers and play against people all over the world. it is not something used to "train kids with weapons and discuss hacking", it is A VIDEO GAME!!! resonate some fucking understanding and take your thumb out of your ass moron. eighth: the books you referred to...jesus where to start...there are only three of those are what you think they are. these are Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and Neuromancer and those aren't even manuals...they are informative books on the things hackers have attacked. programming with perl is simply an instructional book TO A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE!!! not hacking stupid. perl is the language and system that cgi scripts ,such as the lovely one you use here for comment posting, run off of. since you do have a cgi script here...would that make you a hacker? dumbass. hackers is a NOVEL that was made into a MOVIE which starred angelina jolie. look it up. all the rest are simply books that tell WHAT HACKERS DO, NOT HOW THEY DO IT! ninth: the aol sucks. it is the most unsecure isp out there. it is slow therefore children will want something better. dontcha just hate the slow connection times and frequent disconnects you get with aol? makes sense to wanna change huh??? tenth: AMD makes some of the best processors you can buy. they are made in the u.s. not a third world country stupid. and if they are sorry knock offs as you call them, why would gateway be putting them in all their machines??? hmm...stupid. and you can buy AMD chips in stores, go to a decent store, not walmart. a fast video card simply means they would like to be able to see better graphics on the computer, nothing else. no hacker uses the video card for anything lol. you idiot. more memory...let's see...maybe they would like faster program load times and less of the blue screen errors your windows machine gets. could that make sense??? if you hadn't bought a shitty compaq they wouldn't request that stuff anyway moron. eleventh: the term "DOSing" is not a fucking word. DOS is actually the first operating system made my microsoft and is the acronym for "disk operating system". it is impossible to gain access to dos on someone else's system remotely since it is pretty much outdated now and can only be reached from the shell which no hacker can access regardless of how good they are. and just for reference, once an ip and port number are accuired it takes an average of five minutes, not 8 hours, to gain full access. and just because they spend more than 30 minutes online doesn't mean they are a hacker, it means they are abosrbing information and enjoying the internet...if spending more than 30 minutes a day on the computer makes you a hacker then i have been one since i was 10 years old. basically, you are a complete idiot and a tool. you know nothing about life except what was burned into your feeble mind in church. give your children freedom and don't force them to attend church. you are simply not allowing them to be individuals and making them conform to what you believe to be right. you've never spanked your kids? maybe you should...smack the shit out of them next time they screw they don't do it again. you pussy foot, right wing christian, liberal assholes need to get the thumb out of your ass and learn something. if you wanna know how to tell if your child is a hacker, e-mail me at and i will tell you all you need to know.

Reasons Why You Should Never Get to Voice Opinons (none / 0) (#4972)
by Cold Sunn on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 12:26:18 AM PST
Reasons Why You Should Never Get to Voice Opinions Ever Again.

Here is my rebut of each of your ten signs:

a; AOL may be a family friendly ISP, but it is not a good one. @Home has nothing to do with hackers, unless you broaden the term quite a bit. @Home is a good ISP because it uses a cable line, allowing for more data to be sent through the lines at once. This means pages load faster and downloads are more reliable and quicker. It doesn't tie up your phone line either.

b; Your son/daughter is not going to ask you about every little program he/she wants to install. This will get annoying if they are a computer enthusiast, and it will only get worse when you don't understand what he/she is telling you. Have you ever heard of TweakUI? Power Defrag? Telnet? Do you know which of those is on your computer right now and what they do? And also, none of the programs you mentioned are hacker related and Bonzi Buddy was probably installed by the younger sister.

c; Computers can and should be upgraded. More storage space, a graphics card, and so on are all good things. Video cards and such have nothing to do with hacking. Nothing. Imporving your computer is not a bad thing.

d; This one makes a little sense. Reading hacking manuals is a sign, but it could also be just the opposite. Many "hacking manuals" are posted on various websites to help admins with security.

e; This one is flat out ridiculous. DoS attacks are not done by hackers but rather by lamers and newbies and other stupid kids looking for bragging rights in IRC and BBS's. Time spent on the computer has nothing to do with DoSing. And even the lamers that do this, (remember Mafia Boy?) do it from other computers. Not their own. You should be worried about if your son wants to use the library computer for more than 30 minutes a day.

f; Quake has nothing to do with hacking. NOTHING AT ALL. Quake is what is known as a first person shooter. FPS's are a kind of video game. These kinds of games increase hand-eye coordination like your all-american baseball does. Although FPS's may seem violent, some studies show that they are a way of releasing anger and aggression. They do not train you in the use of firearms in any way at all since they are not real. Your son knows that Quake is not real because he is smart.

g; This one, the one about arguing and such, is what you parents that are not paranoid call "Teenage Angst." It is not because he is a hacker. It may also be because he is smart and can think for himself. He knows when someone makes a stupid decision and since he is smart he points it out.

h; It is spelled Linux by the way. And it came from UNIX. Linux is a good operating system because it can be free and is is open source. You can change almost anything in it. Another thing, is it is very very stable. It has nothing to do with stealing music or credit card numbers. You cannot break into stereos in any way through a computer. .mp3 is a file type which is used for compressed music files. Music in this type of file is good because it takes up less space than .WAV's and so on. .mp3 is not a program in any way, and has nothing to do with Linux. Linux is not dangerous.

i; The image you described is that of a "Raver." Ravers are people that visit dance clubs to dance and listen to music while enjoying the environment that is filled with glowing objects and black lights, but that is just another stereotype. And alot of the "punks" I know that dress like you described are very decent people that stay off drugs, go to church, and are computer illiterate.

j; This one is also very stupid, and even goes against common hacker stereotypes. Hackers are smart. Very smart. Hackers do good in school whether they study or not because to a hacker this is easy. It is very easy. And many hackers now a day actually take part in a sport, or in martial arts. Oh yeah, it does not cause psychological damage. Moron.

You said you did research in the hacker did the wrong research. You are obviously very ignorant and are easily swayed.

Hacking is about learning. Hackers like to know how things work and how they can manipulate it. They like to tink with it. Ever seen people work on cars? Add things to it? Fix it? That is a hacker, except hackers do this with computers.

I suggest you read "Hacker's Manifesto" by Mentor. It can be found many places, but I am nice. (this link is to the page when viewed without frames, so the links will make less sense. So just view this one page.) I also suggest you read many Newbie hacking files. They all tell you ethics of hackers.

Now I yell at you. You are a stupid fucking adult that needs to shut his damn mouth and listen to his son when his son speaks to him. You are the kind of person that brings on these damned stereotypes that cause the real terror and panic. People like you who complain without having a fucking clue are the kind of person that got hackers labeled as terrorists and national threats. Because of you, the penalty is very high for hacking. You are an idiot. I can't believe how fucking stupid people can get. Do you know how many people might have read this and believed it? It is so ridiculous but the average concerned parent would believe it. Hackers are some of the smartest people on earth and should not be put down by ignorant people like. You are going to hell. you know that. You blindly judge others without reason at all. I say this because if you are the avaerage parent then you believe in God and know about the consequences. You need to listen to your kids and stop being a dick. You are a horrible parent. And I am so glad i don't have to put up with this every day. Which brings me to another point...I have to put up with this crap every day. Not to this degree, but almost. People like you are the crap that brings our species down. There are wars and fights because of people like you. That's it. I am done with you.

Jesus Saves, Hackers kill (none / 0) (#4976)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 12:56:40 AM PST
I find it very amusing that this Gibbons character can be so uninformed. I'm pritty sure every one of his misconceptions has been pointed out over and over again. My particular favorites were his love for AOL (evil SOBs) and him calling Comet Cursor a hacker program. If I didn't see some of this guy's other articles, I would have thought this one was a big joke. I expecially liked the way he had all the hyperlinks throughtout his text. Nothing like plugging a couple hundred times.

From AMD's CEO (none / 0) (#4977)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 01:35:17 AM PST
Hello, I am the CEO of AMD.

This website has severe problems. Our legal department is looking into it.

Thank you.

Soooooo funny (none / 0) (#4978)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 01:56:47 AM PST
Just read this "story" and must hold on me because it was the funniest story about hacking i ever read.hehe
i'm a hacker and didnt knew it before lol

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#4979)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 02:13:24 AM PST
This better be a joke! LOL.

Anyway, thank you very much for your guide to hacking! Now I shall hack j00 website since I got the knowledge to do so suckas!

Nice - very amusing. (none / 0) (#4981)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 03:13:52 AM PST
This is to all the people slagging this article off:


Jeez can you not recognise a joke when you see it??? Think before you start insulting people like that.
Mind you some of the posts really amused me because stupid people can be very funny.

This has to be a fucking joke (none / 0) (#4982)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 03:20:27 AM PST
This is some seriously twisted shit :_

Get A Life (none / 0) (#4984)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 04:59:49 AM PST
Jeezuz man.
You call yourself a parent? Are your kids embaressed of you or do u live in Utah or sumthing??

This is the most incorrect, and factually wrong, "tutorial/guidline" I have ever seen in my life!!!!

"9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences. "

WTF are you on about, this, when I was 13 was the fashion you berk!

"They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone. "

Doyou actually know what an MP3 format is?? U dont hack into stereos!!

TElnetting still requires a fuckin phoneline as well - what an absolute moron....
I just hope u write this site as a comical joke!!!

Crazy (none / 0) (#4985)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 05:32:50 AM PST
This has got to be the craziest thing I've ever heard. I'd like to know just how much the author of this post knows about computers. First off hand... yes maybe a lot of hackers do these things... But hackers must put milk in their Frosted Flakes. If your child always eats his Frosted Flakes with milk does that make hima hacker??? Geez... come on man. I own an AMD... very nice, and inexpensive processor. Kids want faster computers to handle the better graphics of today. Shoot... a hacker doesn't necessarily need a fast computer to hack... He could easily use an old Pentium 233 if he wanted to. I'm a Digital Artist and in school spent well over half a day on the computer. I'm not a hacker. Todays community uses computers more than anything. If your child is constantly on the computer.. so what?!?! He must be playing a game he enjoys a lot, or he's in his favorite chat room hitting on girls/boys... playing his favorite online game, or just doesn't have anything else to do (like in my case)
I haven't seen one point above that could prove your child is a hacker. Just something to make everyone on the net that comes across it to have a good laugh.

Yeah baby Yeah (none / 0) (#4986)
by SitzZ on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 05:34:35 AM PST
I just so happen to originate from Denmark, and to read that some American ignorant think we are comunists makes me sick!
The commenct about women not being able to use a computer, aslo makes my stomach complain.

First of all, I will like You to excuse my pure English. And those of You who think I write some BS about hacking, You should write it to me. I don't know s**t about it, but still - I know mere than our ignorant here!

1: AOL has a bad romour even in Denmark (it's in Europe). So I could understand that Your son would like to change ISP!

2: Someone please tell me, if a "public" computer can be without programs the owner doesn't know about? At my former school, all sort of programs were installed - But I guess they hacked to.
As so many others have said, those programs are
NOT hackers utils.

3: I guess I'm a hacker, because I have the following:
AMD ThunderBird 1.4GHz
GeForce2PRO 64MB
The fact I have a AMD should make You very scared! And my graphiccards chip is made from those "evil Canadians" - And it has i "Password Guessing Device".
But I have this hardware, so that my programs and games run faster/smoother/better - You name it. Hacking doesn't look like in the movie "Hackers", theres no graphical s**t! (Not that kind anyway)

4: Absolutely no comments. Oh yeah, I have one: YOU SHOULD TRY READING THOSE BOOKS!

5: Personnaly i spend aprox 8 hours by my computer every day.
People working with computers are hackers? I see, so... Everybody working for Your, oh so beloved Micro $oft are hackers? I see...

6: How can we even response to that kind of arguments?
Do You even realize that 90% of the population of the world under 30 play computers atleast once a week? And some 60%-70% of those play Quake(I/II/III) - Also, I'm sure id-software will be very sad to see You write that they made a game hackers use to practice the use of real guns, and plot hacking of other peoples computer.

7: It's called being a teenager. Maybe You should ask Your parent how You acted in that age. I'm sure they didn't think You were a hacker, also for the obvious reason: Your stupid like the s**t a dump in my toilet!

8: Lunix is made for C64 (Commodore 64) is far as I'm informed, so how the hell are You gonna install it on a PC? He might install Linux, but hey - Who can blame him?
Personnaly I think a true hacker would choose to use some unix-box. But as I wrote in the beginning, I now s**t about hacking. But that doesn't meen that he in fact does hack! Linux gives many thing Micro $soft haven't even thought of giving their users. Stability, just to name an important "feature"

9: You can't say that people dressing like this and that hack. That would be like me saying that all Americans are stupid f***s, just because You are. Not true, that is.

10: It's only naturally for some people (mostly boys actually) to struggle in school. They become interested in women and so on.

As I read what I just wrote (checking for errors) I came up with some comments about You as a person.
You obviously know s**t about computers. As others have written here before me: Take a course!
You obviously know s**t about Your son. Start off by appologising to him! That might get it on track again. Personnaly I would have smacked You in the face, so I think You should be proud of Your son for not being like me. (Yeah, Danes are still vikings)

My my. . . (none / 0) (#4987)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 06:17:11 AM PST
I wonder when the joke will reach your brains? Thats if you have one. . .

Elby, please read (none / 0) (#4990)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 08:23:17 AM PST
This article made me laugh.

Im a 17 year old coder, not hacker mind you, I know quite a few hackers, and i know how they act. I would first like to say, that the author of this article has spent way too much time watching the movie "Hackers" and has become disoriented with the real world. His description of what a hacker looks like sounds more like a druged out raver to me.

Another thing, being a webmaster myself i would like to confirm the Flash and Lunix are NOT hacker programs. Flash is an industry standered program that is essential for web-design today. Lunix IS NOT a hacker program and further more was not based off of "xenix." Lunix was based off of a program called Unix, a very high-profile web server tool that is the top security program. THe only problem with unix isits cost. Hence Lunix was born to be a more cost-effective version of Unix.

"Proggraming with perl" is a hacker book ehh? Its funny, to me it looks like this site is run on a perl backend, i guess elby is a hacker then.

As for AMD being Hacker procceser that is nothing but a microsoft drone flapping his mouth off. AMD happens to be a serious compeditor in modern day computer, i personally have 4 computers with AMD proccessors and they out preform Pentiums in every catagory. As for better vid cards/more ram/blah blah, could it be a posibility that there is newer, better, faster stuff comming out?

As for someone asking for a new ISP, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHO WOULD WANT TO BE STUCK WITH AOL. AOL was invented for paranoid parents to be optimized for slow speed, and filter whoring. I personally have all my comps running on Cable/DSL lines.

After reading this article i am convinced that it was written by a overly paranoid father who has no idea on the subject of "hacking" or has obviously not done enough reasearch into the deep dark depths of the underwold of hacking.

heh (none / 0) (#4991)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 08:42:30 AM PST
I don't know about anyone else, but the part of this article which I found the most funny was the replies by people who didn't have the sense enough to realize it was a joke. Constant reference to 'AOL' being the best service provider, and statements like "I am a model parent." are pretty blatant hints that this is a joke, also considering the site which the article is posted on, it's pretty pathetic how everyone can go on and on about how untrue the article is, when it's so obviously meant that way.. and I have a hard time believing anyone who didn't instantly realize this was a joke, is in any way capable of any sort of hacking short of pulling the mouse cord out of someone's computer.


LOL (none / 0) (#4992)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 09:11:01 AM PST
Whoever wrote this article is freakin stupid! I laughed out loud cause I thought this was a joke site or somethin but then I realized this dude was serious! LMAO!! OMFG you are such a moron.

Well... (none / 0) (#4993)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 11:29:42 AM PST
Email -

First off, hats off to the moron who wrote this, gotta love idiots.

Next, about this "Quake" thing. I guess playing Quake on a Nintendo 64 counts for hacking as well? I can see it now, "Dad, I hacked my N64, please fix it for me." Please, I have be playing Quake for years, and I dont go around and "hack" as you call it.

Next, I love Linux, and its not LUNIX. Lunix is a port of Unix for the Commadore 64 and prolly some other computers as well. In fact, Ive installed Linux many times, and then reinstalled Windows. You cant just "fuck up" your hard drive by installing another Operating System. If so, you would have to buy a new hard drive everytime you wanted to update to another version of Windows. And, Linux is even better at many things compared to Windows. Ive never seen a Blue Screen in Linux :).

Also, about this 30 minute thing. What the hell, as of now, Ive been on the internet for an hour. And its only 1:14 PM. "Oh shit, Im a hacker now."

Finnaly, you are a moron for listening to your YOUNGIST daughter about what your son does on the computer. She sees a command prompt and freaks out. What the hell.

Anyway, Who ever this guys son was, good job, keep the computer users going, just because you are good with computers doesnt mean you are a hacker.


Fake Article by Ex-Warez Kiddies (none / 0) (#4996)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 12:04:39 PM PST
rev is an editor on this site. < the same rev from warez groups such as WaY and Synapse and "aol hacking" group Lithium Node.

idiots (none / 0) (#4998)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 01:09:12 PM PST
Doesn't anyone recognize sarcasm anymore? It's supposed to be humorous you jack offs.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#5000)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 01:43:07 PM PST
I really hope this article is a joke!!! I unfortunatlly believe alot of uneducated people might believe this!!!!!

about the "is your son a hacker" shit (none / 0) (#5001)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 01:49:17 PM PST
man us suck first of all linux is legal
and hacker is a person who studies but never does any harm dont mistake it with cracker
none of the programs u siad r used by hackers and hackers use skill and not programs
the ISP has no protection and no adult content what so ever and what adult content`s got 2 do with hackin any way
and amd is a perfectly legal processor and a processor cant provide any protection for the i-net no connection between those things
u must be the dumbest ass in the world u know shit about computers u r just a dumb as geek with no better things 2 do than 2 write shit on the i-net and whats wrong with askin about new hardware new video card doesnt help hackin and a bigger hdd 2 hackin is a skill and u doont need a fast pc its not a game or somethin and plus in quake there r no hackers issue discussed people r just playing there
so dude shut your ass up and stop with the bullshit fuck u and your mother and your dumb ass son and daughter or whatever geek u got there and go blame some1 else for their stupidity dont blaim it on hackers
if any1 agrees with what i wrote mail me

ROTFLMAO (none / 0) (#5002)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 02:29:04 PM PST
Wait I have several books on programming and computer security. I spend at least 6 hours a day on my PCs (I have 3). All 3 of them are running AMD Duron processors (2 @ 800mhz and 1 @ 950mhz). Come and arrest me... This is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have EVER read in my life. ROTFLMAO. Hackers are nothing like anything this moron is saying. For the love of god someone please shoot whoever wrote this! He obviously belongs in a grave or something. Ask him if the lobotomy was painful for me too!

You're kidding, right? (none / 0) (#5003)
by Docsok on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 02:33:12 PM PST
This site is either horribly mislead or funny. I honestly hope for the latter.

Quake is an online VIDEO GAME.
Bonzi Buddy is a TALKING MONKEY.
New hardware benifits the computer and can have no use in hacking, except perhaps to hack more quickly with high manual skills.

The public opinion sickens me.

The post is a satire (none / 0) (#5005)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 05:34:23 PM PST
Bravo! to the starter of this thread. Looks like you fooled pretty much everyone and started a pretty big raucus. However, as many of the more perceptive readers noticed, the article is a complete satire! First of all, the names are all from the Brady Bunch: Peter (the son), Carol (the wife), Cindy (the sister). Second of all, even the most dim-witted person knows that meningitis is not a psychological disease. Third of all, the multitude of wrong facts in this article is too much; no single human being (who, by the way, is knowledgeable enough on computers to start this thread) could possibly believe this stuff, or even get anywhere close to references like Linus Torvalds, AMD (
Mirco Devices) and DOS (which is just funny) without coming across some facts. Finally, at the very end, he says "it cannot be taken too seriously", which, if taken in the close-minded context of the article, refers to hacking, but is apparently a tongue-in-cheek reference to the stupidity of the article. This is an excellent satire of the ignorance of mis-informed people and was convincing enough to incite a major flamewar, and some responses from genuine idiots (although they may have also been intelligent people carrying tbe joke on) OK, now that I've effectively killed this thread, I'll think I'll go steal some LP's with my quake hacking program while sucking on a pacifier and getting menangitis from my monitor that is possessed by satan;)

wrong facts.. (none / 0) (#6072)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 11:59:19 AM PST
sorry, but AMD stands for Advanced Micro Devices and they are headquartered in California.

Just to repeat for clarity's sake... (none / 0) (#5006)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 05:36:45 PM PST
Bravo! to the starter of this thread. Looks like you fooled pretty much everyone and started a pretty big raucus.

However, as many of the more perceptive readers noticed, the article is a complete satire!

First of all, the names are all from the Brady Bunch: Peter (the son), Carol (the wife), Cindy (the sister).

Second of all, even the most dim-witted person knows that meningitis is not a psychological disease.

Third of all, the multitude of wrong facts in this article is too much; no single human being (who, by the way, is knowledgeable enough on computers to start this thread) could possibly believe this stuff, or even get anywhere close to references like Linus Torvalds, AMD (_American_ Mirco Devices) and DOS (which is just funny) without coming across some facts.

Finally, at the very end, he says "it cannot be taken too seriously", which, if taken in the close-minded context of the article, refers to hacking, but is apparently a tongue-in-cheek reference to the stupidity of the article.

This is an excellent satire of the ignorance of mis-informed people and was convincing enough to incite a major flamewar, and some responses from genuine idiots (although they may have also been intelligent people carrying tbe joke on)

OK, now that I've effectively killed this thread, I'll think I'll go steal some LP's with my quake hacking program while sucking on a pacifier and getting menangitis from my monitor that is possessed by satan;)

AOL (none / 0) (#5007)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 07:24:42 PM PST
Aohell? Safe? Family friendly? since when? Maybe your son is asking you to change ISPs because AOL is such a bad ISP.

the most funniest shit ever written (none / 0) (#5008)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 08:59:31 PM PST
oh *sigh*... nothing can explain this work of ART! haahaha.
Whoever wrote it was the funniest person alive, or the stupid damn stupidest person alive... or was...after people started reading it. Oh *sigh* gotta catch my breathe.

Hahaha and it got over 100 replies in comments. Geeez... feel sorry for you people writing out all the explainations. Hahaha i would too, but it seemed like you guys took care of it nicely. Hahaha
a good joy well done

Dude, you are WAY off-base (none / 0) (#5009)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 10:23:03 PM PST
I will address your 10 Signs one by one..

#1. Changing ISP's- Perhaps your Son wanted to change ISP's, simply because in many urban and suburban area AOL servers are very busy. When the servers are busy, getting signed online is nigh on impossible, and when you do, just opening an email can take as long as 10 minutes.

#2 Software that you did not install. OK..Comet Cursor, Bonzai Buddy, and Flas are all LICENSED programs by MAJOR software companies that are nothing moroe then user-interface stuff. I.E. Comet Cursor makes your little pointer, look like other things instead. Flash simply allows you to watch MPEG or other format videos. Research before you open your hole about something you are obviously clueless about.
#3 New Hardware. Ok.. You bought a Compaq. Thats like saying you bought a Yugo. I am sure your driving your fat yuppie ass around in an Audi or a lexus, Why should your kid hafta use a crappy computer?
#4 Hacker Maunals... Dude, you listed some of the most prominent works of Science Fiction in Modern Literature..
#5 Time spent using it. Let me throw an idea out at you. Perhaps your son is not finding any mental stimulation in your house because your letting him ready anything more mentaslly challenging then Winnie the Pooh?
#6 Quake. Quake is a computer game that is interactive with other players over the internet. Let me tell you, playing quake and shooting a gun are now wheres NEAR the same, and I am speaking with 12 years of Law Enforcement experience here.
#7 Behavior. ALL kids manifest surly and bad behavior from the ages of 10 till about 18 or so. Its them trying to gain their indepenance and freedom, trying to find their personal boundaries, and experimenting with their short, discovering who they are. Be patient and love your kid, and he will get thru it. Try and "punish" this behavior, and it will only last longer.
#8 Linux... In Laymans Terms, Linux is just another version of Windows. No different. there is nothign that can;t be done in Linux that ya can't in Windows.
#9 Appearance... See my answer for #7
#10 Otaku Hacker Assaociation? The otaku are from a GAME created by FASA in 1989 called Shadowrun. They are not now, and have never been a REAL computer hacker group.

I suggest you get your head out of your ass, and realize that real life is not like an episode of Donna Reed or Leave it to Beaver. All you are doing is ensuring that your child is as closeminded and hate mongering of anything different then he is. If you really feel the need to condtinue your child in this mindset, however, I can suggest a few groups that could help you.

The Nazi Party. They fostered many of the same ideas of censorship and uber-conservativeness that you are preaching. So go be a good father, and have your child go cook some Jews or blacks, or whomever is your hated person of the week.


BULLSHIT! (none / 0) (#5013)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 12:25:04 AM PST
this is the bigest load of bullshit i have ever heard !
i mean i do basicly all those things but i aint a hacker
has it every occourd u 2 dumb ass' that this is the normal life of a computer nerd
wake up

I Commend Your Article, but Don't Forget Terrorism (none / 0) (#5015)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 12:50:57 AM PST
Sir, I would like to commend you on your helpful article. I think the recent events of 9-11 should not be ignored however as parents consider whether to administer "tough love" on their children because of suspected "hacking."

Some of my fellows down at the office have mentioned that Osama Bin Laden might have been using Lennox in his terrorist activities. I think that the implications are obvious: if your young ones are using Lennox, they may unwittingly be supporting Anti-American terrorist activities. Don't forget that! You have a duty to our nation as well as to your children to root out your child's discussions of Lennox!

I would also like to suggest some questions to ask your child:
  • What is a "RAM"?
  • How fast in Megs is our Computer?
  • Have you ever "crashed" our Windows?
Knowledgable answers to these questions should lead you to no other conclusion than to pull the plug and administer "tough love"--harshly, and repeatedly if necessary--to your child.

another iron fist christian (none / 0) (#5016)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 02:25:07 AM PST

jesus fucking christ wake up to your self, i feel so sorry for your son trying to live a normal life with an abnormal parent such as yourself, have you seen the sun in the last 50 years? times are changing. he is actually just playing computer games and learning, he would probably have a career in this field if he were interested in it, which it seems it was but instead of supporting him you chain him to his room and lock up your guns? YOU are the problem, not your son. i suggest if you have any friends left, and if they have kids, you should talk to them about their kids computer habits, im sure you'd be surprised that the other kids arnt hax0ring j00 but they spend the same time on their computer listening to mp3s through x11amp in linux. and one more thing, LOOK AT TUX THE PENGUIN, WOULD IT MISLEAD YOUR SON? NO FUCKING WAY!!

Wow.... is this a joke? (none / 0) (#5017)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 03:37:09 AM PST
Only for those who think it wasn't a joke!

Ok, I think this has been settled, but anyway, please tell me this is a joke? People have already posted just about every reason why the article is false. I wish someone would put a big giant "FICTION" on the title... For those of you who beleive it, please, do more research. And not just the kind on CNN, FOX, etc... Use "the hacker's favorite search engine"... Google! (a joke, to be sure everyone gets it) That copy of the Hackers Manifesto is very good, and if you didn't, I suggest you read it.

Most of all, despite popular beleif, not all hackers are evil. Some just like computers.
I hope that you understand why this article is a joke now. No basis in fact.

[read this?] (none / 0) (#5018)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 07:11:38 AM PST
Yeah, you go, make your little stand.
Thanks for a laugh..

........sLUUUUUUUUT (none / 0) (#5019)
by Atthedrivein on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 08:16:30 AM PST
lets cut to the point
were you deprived of your fucken childhood!!!
You deserver a fucken nobel prize..What for?
For being a disillusioned fucking slut

How about You shut ur mouth And talk about more relevant issues in life instead of wasting ur time in alump of random fucked up bullshit!

its people like you that make this world fucked up!

Get a life and maybe get some friends...You fucking WHHHHHOOOORE!

Lol (none / 0) (#5020)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 08:56:55 AM PST
This is quiet obviously a joke. you people shouldn't get so up tight about it. I mean look at it they guy know alot about computers and the internet but some how messes it all up. For example he's using aol on his computer thats got to be a joke

Stupidity (none / 0) (#5021)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 10:44:00 AM PST
I'd just like to say you are so STUPID! Thats as plain and simple as I can put it.

The brady bunch (none / 0) (#5022)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 10:45:07 AM PST
This is the brady bunch...plain and simple...6 kids, wife named obvious (none / 0) (#5023)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 12:20:09 PM PST
roflmao = rolling on floor laughing my ass off :) would kil for an AMD athlon processor!!! not only do they run better than a pentium but they are also somewhat cheaper!....take nike for example..they run sweatshops everywhere!!!if you really want a target for your Bath and Body works rage please take it to someplace where people actually will take your advice without falling out of their chairs laughing!!!!...but th question about upgrading software is not a hacker thing....i play online games like half life and counter strike all the time and am constantly nagging my parents for a new graphics card (geforce 3 baby!!!) and some more RAM....these are basic upgrades that will vastly improve running ability of games......ram even hepls regular operations on your computer so you should actually consider that if you have a slow computer.....but that topic gave me (and obviously lots of other people ) a great laugh......just chill out....get him his own crappy computer and make sure the FBI doesnt come knocking on your door.....then you are alright :)

Morons... (none / 0) (#5024)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 01:48:58 PM PST
None of you realize this is a joke? Well, some do, but not many. IT'S A JOKE, people. Morons...

I'm a hacker (none / 0) (#5029)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 06:00:05 PM PST
First off, I must say that you sir, are severely misinformed. A hacker is not a criminal. And hacking is not necessarily related to computers. If you had a brain, you could use it to read something like, oh, I don't know, the dictonary maybe, and reading the effing definition of hacking. It isn't computer crime, It is the ability and desire to use ones knoweledge of a specific thing, and play with it. Hackers are intelligent people, not criminals.

Secondly, I'm sure this is a big no-no for you, but do it anyways... Read a book called "The Hacker Ethic." Before you slam anyone or disgrace a group of people that made the world what is today, research and understand who they are and what they do.
I noticed a post regarding someone mentioning they went out and bought Windows XP. First off, that is a very insecure Operating System designed by people that could very well be hackers, and most likely are.

Please, don't spread misinformation like this. Hackers aren't felons, hackers are seekers of information. Hackers belief in free information, and openness. It isn't even remotely satanic, or anti-social. In fact, hacking doesn't create anti-social people. It just happens to be that most anti-socialness creates hackers (to an extent, and I would even claim that as fact, just a possibility).

Now, as I said, I am a hacker. I am also a Christian, with very strong beliefs and moral values. And very specific ethics. I know that I am saved, and I know I have a purpose. And I know people like you are just too stupid to realize that there are people out there with different views, and that is acceptable.

There are many other "issues" that i'd love to rant about, but, it'd just take up way to much time.

Well, anyways, thanks for laugh, and open up your mind, or face a life without freedom.


This site is a fucking joke. (none / 0) (#5031)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 07:41:30 PM PST
AOL the "dean" of online services?
AMD "inferior"?

Get off your soapbox.

You are a total idiot!! -laughs her ass off- (none / 0) (#5032)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 08:26:55 PM PST
Obviously, you have NO knowledge about computers!!!!

Perhaps you should read abut video cards, and quake, and microchips before you blab your mouth.

To an 18 yr old girl, who is well knowledged about computers, your article is complete bullshit! Only a complete computer illiterate person (which i see you a re) will believe this.

All this was good for was a good, good laugh betwen me and my friend.

And in defense of your (poor) argument about linux, If you haven't noticed, Windows crashes 4/5 times. (for your information, "crashing" means to sto working, when you get an error message, and the whole computer freezes)
Linux provides a much more stable working environment for ANY user.

And, on the female note, you are a bastard, sexist pig. Implying that females aren't smart enough to use computers? I am showing you, obviously, that i am soarter that you will ever be.

It wouldn't suprise me if you were a fundie.

I think the perfect quote for you is: "User error. Replace user to continue".

dude, get ur fuckin facts straight (2.50 / 2) (#5033)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 09:05:27 PM PST
Ok man, listen up, Im 17 alright, i spend alotta time at my comp. And heres what u need to fix in ur fucked up head

1)Linux is not an "ILLEGAL HACKER OPERATING SYSTEM" ok, i have linux on my other comp, its just an alternative, not illegal or made for hacking.

2)AMD is sold in many places, I have one, and always have, i never bought an intel processor in my life, the only difference is AMD processors are a little more unstable, but for the most part faster than intel, once again a perfect demonstration that american products (INTEL) suck (BTW i live in the US, i just think they suck)

3)Faster video cards for more 3d gaming there chico, newer games need newer shit, as for more harddrive space and memory just make ur comp go a little more smoothly

now, im gonna say, dont say shit unless u know what ur saying

have a nice day asshole

lol, what a psyco (none / 0) (#5034)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 09:46:20 PM PST
what a pscyo!!!

A) I only know about 5 people who use AOL, since thier service is so slow,

B) AMD is an american company, (AMD stands for American Micro Devices,) and processors must be made in special airtight labs, and they can only be machine made, no human can possibly etch something you need a microscope to see :), therefore, it could not be a sweat shop, also, AM processors are quite a bit better than Intels,

C) No processor, Intel, AMD, CYRIX, etc. has ANY hacker protection whatsoever,

D) it's linux, not lunix, lol :)

E) telnet is NOT a hacking tool, it is meant as a legit remote access tool, and is used by companies world wide, in fact, a copy comes with every version of windows from 3.1 up, lol :)

F) You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO computer illiterate, talk to someone who knows what they are talking about, and they will tell you that about 97% of this is wrong

I) The only real legit piece of advice I can see, is to moniter what you child reads,

J) Next time before posting something, make sure you understand it first,

Sincerly, a concerned, computer literate person,

Who feels sorry for this guys family? (none / 0) (#5035)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 09:53:16 PM PST
Bonzi Buddy is a virtual pet u freaking dork. Is this supposed to be satirical? I feel for this poor child, who although he hasn't been hit, has been denied the right to information... for having quake? If this isn't a joke article, I hope this guy reads up on computer hacking a little bit more, because he is crazy. A little too tight on the kids i do believe.

I can not get over this post. It is ridiculous, and I hope no one actually takes it seriously, because this poor kid has a father who knows nothing of computers, and WAY too much time on his hands.

Sincerely. Brad

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#5036)
by Turkey on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 09:54:31 PM PST
I hope this is a joke. If it isn't then this guy doesn't know the first thing about "hackers." If he seriously believes that comet cursor and flash are hacking software he needs his head examined. I feel sorry for his kids too. There's just too many things here that are untrue and simply idiotic to point out. Of course anyone that knows the first thing about computers knows just what I'm talking about. I laughed the whole time I read this "warning to parents." And if anything he said was true I must be a "super hacker" since I have an 80 gig hard drive, DSL(not provided by AOL, which is the WORST provider to have), AMD Athlon Processor, and a few other "hacker" items that were listed. All I can say to this man is thanks for the laugh I really needed it!

if u read this u have been hacked (none / 0) (#5037)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 10:17:44 PM PST
how can u morons actually take that article seriously?!?!?! it was such a joke. as a side note, yes it is rare to find a woman to know how to profficiently use a computer, but i know a few more profficient than i am. but then again i go to one of the top computer science universitys in the nation....

People Ruining Their Kids (none / 0) (#5038)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 10:51:07 PM PST
I'm sorry but this article is just another showing of how America, and American's need to come to grips with a changing world and envirnment. The author may not read this comment but I have to say it anyways.

1st it's completely apparent that you obviosly have some affiliation or preference to all the links you've given, ranging from Intel/AMD's sites to the friggin White House web page. You were perhaps giving them to further support you're bogus attempt at helping anyone in THIS country. Not only is you're accusation of AMD being "Hacker Exclusive" obsurd but it's silly to the point of hilarity. Then the fact you say that when you Son asks for a new video card you "should" be concerned. Maybe he wants to play a cool new game(which by you're article would mean SIM-something or another LAME, "family" based game. Since you obviously would be apposed to him having a FPS.) Or maybe he wants to watch a DVD or video. In any case I don't think asking for a new video card would in any way indicate that someone, ANYONE, would be hacking.

2nd you obviously shelter YOUR kids and are only offering the same for all the ILL-Equipped young parents out there. The awnser isn't Sheltering and not talking to or telling your children what those "bad" products or whatever you want them to stay away from are all about and WHY you think they should NOT take part in them. Because in the end they WILL take part in whatever it is YOU don't happen to like, find out that what you told them is basically BS and that you had no REAL grasp on anything relating to the subject, therby ruining their perception of anything YOU have to say and thinking that what they're doing is justified.

3rd if you ARE such a "good" parent then you shouldn't have to worry about or watch your "kids" so closly and so harshly. You should have FAITH in the fact that you have taught your children the RIGHT things to do and that they'll end up making the best choice for them. Cencoring what anyone, LET ALONE A CHILD, should listen to or watch or even take part in is BS. Should 13 year old Billy listen to Dr. Dre's Chronic 2001? No, probably not, would Billy WANT to, in my opinion if you're so close with "Billy" you should know what he likes and dislikes. But do ANY of those things i.e. Records, Computer games, Movies, Computers, have any influence on "Kids" commiting ANY sort of crime? NO. Because in the end they should be able to realise and distinguish Reality from Fantasy, and if they CAN'T do that then that's the parents fault. Otherwise those "kids" were destined for Failure and or Imprisonment anyways, like so many are it seems and cannot be helped. Parents can do only so much, after that people have to realise that kids are PEOPLE too and DO and WILL make decisions for themselves and that's the MOST important part of life. Hopefully they make the right choices and have the knowledge and EXPIRIENCE to do so, if they have been sheltered or basically "Shafted" in life then the result can be UGLY.

Living like the 50's and 60's didn't work for the 50's-60's and it certainly won't work for 2001 or any other year to come. In THIS day and age people and MOST importanly Kids must have the knowledge of the world around them and all to often in America, because of the Religious backround and overall Pig-Headedness that just never seems to happen. And if people can't give atleast some real knowledge and good judgement then they SHOULDN'T have children!!! And THAT'S A FACT!

freaking dumb (none / 0) (#5042)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 11:25:47 PM PST
hackers... haha... sounds like the average computer nerd... be concerned with hacking... i cannot concer the world myself, but WE can.. H2K!!!!!!!!! HACK THE PLANET!!

HAHA THIS IS A JOKE (none / 0) (#5043)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 01:21:00 AM PST
you are very lame, this is a pathetic and fucked up attempt asshole!!

suck my dick

stupid (none / 0) (#5045)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 07:20:43 AM PST
You are stupid. You don't know the first thing about computers or raising children. I cannot believe you have the audacity to proclaim your ignorance to the entire world.

Hey Dicky (none / 0) (#5051)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 08:35:24 AM PST
linux doesnt steal credit card numbers and to be able to your little son most likley wouldnt be capable of it you paranoid asshole.. go watch your son at a party to make sure there is no alcohol, thats a little nuts alone but understandable but all this other shit you were saying you are so off u might as well just fall off the planet. there is no need for people like you that mis-lead people and are just so ignorant its crazy. maybe next time before you open your mouth do some research on the topic and make sure you know because there will always be someone out there that knows more than you on a topic. oh and the whole glow sticks and passafyer thing is probably because your son is doing ecstacy.. it makes your teeth chatter so they need something to bite on.. WHY DONT YOU GO AND BUST HIS BALLS FOR THIS TOO.. maybe thats why he got into like pirating software at most, cause you dont let the fucking kid live, the computer is his only excape from you watching him like a hawk.. children need some breathing room and need to expeiercence things on their own otherwise they dont grow up healthy.. im not saying let them smoke crack im saying if he comes home drunk its not the end of the world, its part of growing up.. and if i was your son i couldnt wait until i got to college so i can do all the illegal shit i want and no guardians!!!!!!!! dipshit

who's the freak? (none / 0) (#5052)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 11:06:43 AM PST
Maybe you need a doctor

Excellent work. (none / 0) (#5056)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 12:16:22 PM PST
A good piece of satire. The issue I have with it, however, is that apparently many of the users who frequent this forum are not sophisticated enough to click on links, or to recognize sarcasm. The number of adequacy users who defended it are a clear instance of the former. The number of anonymous readers (who may or may not be "leet haxors") who attack it is an instance of the latter.

Advice for future internet satire : Put a big </sarcasm> tag on the end of it, because otherwise people won't realize what's being said.

Either that, or you have the IQ of a fruit fly. I'm betting on satire, though.

Response to "Mr. My son's a hacker guy" (none / 0) (#5057)
by ncogneto on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 12:28:02 PM PST
I could sit here and dispute every single word that you typed in your misinfomred dissertation of non-facts. However, I don't have the time nor the willingness to educate to the extent that you obviously need to be. That said, I must conclude that you have absolutely no idea what is going on your article was the same as someone saying "don't buy a Volkswagen because my friend has a shirt." IT JUST DIDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!

I agree with the fact that as parents we are responsbile for our children and in keeping with that responsibility we are obliged to maintain their productive and sensible use of technology. That said, you are doing a dis-service to your fellow parents by telling them signs to look for that have nearly no bearing whatsoever on a person's ability, desire, or intent to hack or become a hacker. Before publishing such erronious words you should consult some sort of research material or at the very least keep your mouth shut. Nothing is more damaging than someone who informs people of nothing, and that my friend is what you have done.

For all you know your son is computer savy and because of that wanted to purchase a low cost processor that would enhance his experience and performance. Furthermore, Linux (uh, Lunix..yeah) is a far superior operating system than your typical windows OS buddy...and because of your son's apparent interest he has figured this out, which is probably he reasoning behind wanting or speaking of Linux. Heaven forbid that one of our children may actually explore other avenues that the most popular, geez...if they keep this up when they get to high school they may not vote for the most popular person in school for President, but rather the most qualified...what would the world come to then. Sorry, getting back to the point, reading and doing are two seperate things...I once read a book about a Korean spy who blew up a's see her, intent to blow up plane...nope, intent to learn and understand what other humans think, do, etc (hence the reason I read your insane article). That said I must conclude...

You are out of touch, unrealistic and highly mis-informed...I hope for the sake of your children and wife, shoot for that fact your neighbors (can you imagine living next to this guy)that you may be more like your son in the future and actually pick up a book and read about a topic before claiming to be an expert in it.

Best of luck to're gonna need it!

Jack Asses (none / 0) (#5058)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 01:16:12 PM PST
You people are such suckers. If you're not in on the joke, then you should go buy a gun and shoot yourself in the head. If it's not a joke, then I'm gonna go buy a gun...

I smell a lawsuit... (none / 0) (#5059)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 02:03:03 PM PST
AMD is the hackers weapon of choice, heh. You are an idiot, sir. Here's a little email I fired off to AMD;

Good day,
I am forwarding this to you because I am a satisfied AMD shareholder and K6 series user. I believe your legal department would like to talk with the author of the following quote.
If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.
This was found at:

Hope they sue your butt for more than you're worth (which isn't a hell of alot by my estimate).
Perhaps THAT will give you a lesson on ignorance.
BTW, hackers like mountain dew, ravers dig pacifiers, moron.

author (none / 0) (#5060)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 03:47:11 PM PST
Gibbons, Carol and Thomas
529 S Park St
Roselle, IL 60172

author (none / 0) (#5061)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 03:47:28 PM PST
Gibbons, Carol and Thomas
529 S Park St
Roselle, IL 60172

This article is really fiction! (none / 0) (#5065)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 06:35:50 PM PST
This guy is clueless. He should really get his facts straight before writing an article. As a journalist, myself, this screams of mistakes. A lot of them. For god's sake, do some research! And don't generalize about "HACKERS" unless you happen to have something to back that up with. Like statistics. Or else you just look really ignorant.

What a mistake you are (none / 0) (#5066)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 07:21:13 PM PST
If you think bonsi buddy is a hacking software you a just a bit confused, sir. Im a computer hacker, their is no harm with bonsi buddy but, some spy ware installed as with other programs. You need to go to and down load what is called ad-ware. This will remove any spy ware on your computer. I am writting this with all respect to you knowledge to hackers but you are just plain stupid. Also AMD makes great processers comparied to the pricey intel.

*sigh* retard alert. (none / 0) (#5067)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 07:37:35 PM PST
#1 Shockwave is not used for hacking
#2 Because they want a nwe CPU does not mean they are hackers
#3 Comet Cursor isnt a hacking device, its just a POS thing that is generally useless.
#4 Quake is a game. Compare it to any other computer game and rethink what you said. games are for fun. And if you have tot alk to your kid about them not being acceptable, you need to stop bible thumping or some shit.
#5 Heh....I dont want to dissect your comment word for word because Id probably die from laughing too hard.

haha (none / 0) (#5068)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 07:56:56 PM PST
this is the stupidest thing i've ever read

This is as real as (none / 0) (#5070)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 08:26:28 PM PST
Shit you mean all i have to do to get 50,000 hits a day on my site is talk shit about hacking... but then i would have to suffer from DOS by people who think this is real. Come on... have a look at the other shit on this site... its all one big joke... but sadly its just not that funny... i mean im not pissed that s/he its talkin shit about hacking, hell its a fuckin joke, just look at the other content on the site!, but i have read better send-ups. Nice try i must admit... you got a lotta people tearin you down for this... but really its just not funny. I woulda laughed about 2 times... compared to other shit of this type that had me pissin myself.

Oh well... i think is far funnyer... oh well...

What an F'N Moron (none / 0) (#5071)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 08:28:30 PM PST
This is really at the top, just like the white spec on top of CHICKEN SHIT... cause you know its CHICKEN SHIT TOO!!!! What an F'n TARD u SPED BAZTARD.

and all that time... (none / 0) (#5072)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 08:34:20 PM PST
And all that time i thought comet cursor was a cursor changing program for my computer arrow.... god... I ve had all that power ..and never used it ???? how foulish could i have been?

Keep up the good work moron...hope you never write a "What to do if" list on sex...cause according to you...our dicks would probably be used has a device of mass destruction!

At least you made me smile!

what i have read on this site (none / 0) (#5075)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 09:01:58 PM PST
all i would like to say is that what i have read on this site about quake and linux and all that hacker stuff is a load of crap. ppl dont know or understand something and they automatically assume that it is bad. it is not. and Quake is not a place to train for anything. it is a place to play a game and that is all it is, a game. just because a kid asks for new hardware or a faster ISP does not make him a hacker, He may genuinly be interested in the technical feild. and that is a good thing. so if you dont understand it DO NOT assume that it is bad. And dont go on other ppls opinions either, that is worse. That is how things get blown out of context and deemed "bad"Linux and unix are alternant operating systems like windows and windows XP etc. Do you think a Macintosh platform is a hacking os?? if ya do your very very computer illiterate and need to learn more about computers before passing judge ment on things you don't know about. I am almost 28 years old and i play Quake on a regular basis. It is a fun game that i enjoy, I havnt gone out and shot anyone, hell i dont even own a gun. I also watch Draganball Z a cartoon, it has simulated violence in it does that make it bad? If you have to be worried what your kid does with computer knowlage then maybe you should not have a computer or maybe not even be a parent. Kid learn from the actions of there parents. what you do will have either a positive or negitive influance on them. Depending on how there raised determains how they will deal with society.

What the hell? you all wrong (none / 0) (#5076)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 09:19:44 PM PST
First Linux rocks and it does not hurt your computer! You dont even know how it works; windows is an os(operating system) if its gone you dont have to get a new hd just put it back or put a differnent os on such as Linux( u install them in dos which u wouldnt know how to do). And second AMD is awesome, every kid wears baggy pants and "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly is an education book it teaches u how to program(programmers make lots of money). I almost fell out of my chair laughing when u said "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" were hacking programs, no they are not, "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" are cheap stupid things that make your computer look stupid( which any geek wouldnt have) Flash is a program that allows u to watch flash sites, its like html which is used to write every site but coler looking. U r totaly wrong look into it before you start talking. idiot

lol (none / 0) (#5077)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 09:24:40 PM PST
it's LINUXX not lunix, and Flash is a web design program, not a hacking program...

also, hackers don't dress in bright colours...i dress in dark cols..:))

Did you know... (none / 0) (#5079)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 09:41:09 PM PST
that you are a moron?

Do you know what "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy", and "Flash" are?

Do you know what LILO is?

Do you know that LUNIX doesn't exist?

Did you know that you probably meant "LINUX"?

Did you know that you should STUFF IT ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW??

Get a life...

aaaahhhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaa (none / 0) (#5081)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 10:43:08 PM PST
for your information women are just as smart as men. If not smarter sometimes. and some of the warning signs signal more to puberty then a hacker. And even if i was a hacker i wouldn't be throwing myself at the feet of "pimple faced computer geeks" and for your information. Not all guys on computers are pimple faced or geeks. Now if they are did you just call your son a geek?

Thank you, Mr. T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#5082)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 10:48:54 PM PST
I am so glad I read your article. I've noticed my sons "day-glo" clothing and funny hair. The pacifier around his neck... All this time I thought he was a harmless candy raver going out to "eat acid" and "do X", whatever that means. I'm so glad you've shown me the light. I don't even own a computer, so I'm not sure how he became a hacker, but I'm sure he's out "DOSing" people all the time. I've put a stop to it and taken away his telephone, stereo, and television. He's also lost all access to any thing electronic. Let's see him hack with no electronic medium! Thank you, Mr. T. Reginald Gibbons!


Just an example of how some peoples sense of humor works. This is a joke, obviously.

And if not, I just want to say this guy is a complete moron. BTW, I've never worn "day-glo" colors. It's strictly pink spandex for me!

what I think of all this (none / 0) (#5083)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 12:41:28 AM PST
I sure am glad that I came across this webpage because it reminded me of the type of world that we live in and the type of people that live in it.

All I can say is that if this whole thing is not some sick joke made up by some sick person, then I'm going to laugh so hard that my balls will literally skid across the border all the way into Guadalajara. That is all I can say.

Oh yeah, another thing. If this whole thing is actually real then all I can say is that the humiliation that this poor bastard has brought onto himself would probably motivate any human being to try and hang themselves with their own fucking underwear for fuck's sake.

Hacker... (none / 0) (#5084)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 01:54:10 AM PST
Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"... Damn kids.

They're all alike.

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him? I am a hacker, enter my world... Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me... Damn underachiever.

They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..." Damn kid. Probably copied it.

They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me... Or thinks I'm a smart ass... Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here... Damn kid. All he does is play games.

They're all alike.

And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all... Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again.

They're all alike...

You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert. This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all...

After all, we're all alike.

Yeah, i agree on whatever u says (none / 0) (#5085)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 02:38:24 AM PST
oh yeah, you can tell if ur son/daughter's a hacker by these 2 things...
if he/she 1. Uses the Mouse with his/her hand...
or 2. Looks at the Moniter with 2 eyes.

i say we run over this person with out lawnmowers.

Yeah, i agree on whatever u says (none / 0) (#5086)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 02:38:52 AM PST
oh yeah, you can tell if ur son/daughter's a hacker by these 2 things...
if he/she 1. Uses the Mouse with his/her hand...
or 2. Looks at the Moniter with 2 eyes.

i say we run over this person with our lawnmowers.

LinuX = Illegal? (none / 0) (#5088)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 04:30:41 AM PST
He, asshole, watch what you write...!

All these is propaganda.! You suck..
This is not that bad bein' a hacker....


Fuck OFF!

AMD.....Are You Nuts MOTHER FUCKER!!!???? (none / 0) (#5089)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 04:36:50 AM PST
AMD ....

has no safety?
You Must BE AN ASS!!!!

What in the fucking hell... you embarass me. (none / 0) (#5090)
by ZythriX on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 04:42:17 AM PST
Ok, first off, you have problems. MANY of them. Where have you been getting your information..? The local hair salon? Listening to little old ladies? Why don't you go jump on some MORE message boards putting that shit hole of a post up and watch how long it takes for the real hackers to get you just for being stupid. You don't know what a hacker is. Flash is a hacking program? Webmasters use that for designing their sites. You think hackers dress differently because they are hackers? I wear the same stuff I have been wearing most of my teenage life. The shit you described (Glow sticks.. etc) are stuff ravers and druggies wear. Do you know what a raver or a druggie is? Probably not. Why dont you write another ingenius post about this. I know where you live asshole.. one more lame ass post from you and your kids wont have a computer to hack from (no offense to the son.. if he IS a hacker.. I say right on!) ..anywayz.. I am done wasting my time on you. You are pathetic as hell.

...ok read this asshole..

The Conscience of a Hacker


Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering" ...

Damn kids. They're all alike.

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him? I am a hacker, enter my world...

Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...

Damn underachiever. They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..."

Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me.. Or thinks I'm a smart ass.. Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.

And then it happened... a door opened to a world...rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...

Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike...

You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual,but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

+++The Mentor+++

If you want to learn ANYTHING about hacking get ahold of that man. Until then. SHUT THE FUCKING HELL UP!
..|., >|<-ZythriX->|< ..|., ICQ: 47467000 AIM: Demon Nightfall MSN: YIM: zythrixdotnet --Zythri

signs of hacking (none / 0) (#5092)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 05:54:12 AM PST
sorry to say sir that your the most prejudice ignorant pompous american i`ve ever read.
i knew you american were proud (of what?)but to the extent to blame a computer manufacturer???
your lame
and by the way even intel (your moste precious AMERICAN company)buys japanese and taiwan.
you should go live in a cave buddy

Hacker's stuff (none / 0) (#5095)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 12:08:34 PM PST
Holy Shit!

Man.. I'm far away from US or any other so-called "leading" country.. but when I read this article about hackers.. gee.. I couldn't stop laughing for 'bout a day :o)
Okey, I just make an essence:

If somebody plays Quake, he's a hacker :)
If somebody wears baggy trousers, he is a hacker!
If somebody uses Flash, Linux (Lunix ;), he is a great hacker.. deepshit!

Okey.. enough of this foolishness..
This whole thing doesn't worth more lines..

Asta la vista, dummies ;)

.: LiFeX :.

WHAHAHAH (none / 0) (#5097)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 02:16:18 PM PST

I'm truly impressed... (none / 0) (#5102)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 03:30:57 PM PST
I'm shocked with the huge load of crap from the dumbass that started this novel...
Linux for hacking? AMD as a hacker chip? Gimme a break! This is the most idiot thing I've ever heard!
This is the brightest compilation of stupidity, ignorance - not only about IT issues but life in general - and sexism.
Having this guy or Hitler as a son is more or less the same - "I hear their music, I go to their parties"... ridiculous.

I truly hope this guy will have a stroke while spying on his children... It would be good for the world.

RML - Portugal (in Europe, Earth, third rock from the sun, moroon)

Just read the "10 signs of ahacker"...go (none / 0) (#5103)
by thisplaceisstupid on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 04:37:36 PM PST
If anyone has read that article and knows *anything* about computers then please share a laugh with me about the stupidity the author presents to us. What a FUCKING MORON! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK THAT GUY IS A COCK SUCKING DILDO STUPID FUCK DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT COMPUTERS DUMB FUCKITY FUCK FUCK! Whew I feel better now. Its dumbasses like him that get all the shit started about computers and games being the root of all evil. Im sure Ive met this very guy. Hes the STUPID FUCK that knows a couple of catch phrases and comes in my computer store like hes friggin bill gates. FUCKITY FUCK FUCK...what a FUCKING MORON...hmmm, am i being FUCKING ADEQUATE??

PS: Hey Dad, im still on the computer hacking with Bonzai Buddy you stupid FUCKITY FUCK FUCK!

hahaha (none / 0) (#5104)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 04:58:37 PM PST
What dumb motherfucking article. Quake an online hacker world? GOD DAMN COULD YOU GET ANY FUCKING DUMBER

not funny (none / 0) (#5105)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 06:46:50 PM PST
and you wonder why kids use drugs????

My GOD, what a fool. (none / 0) (#5106)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 07:18:06 PM PST
Hello, call me Shirikuso.
Now, I must say something.
It is of ABSOLUTE, CRITICAL importance.
Now......listen VERY carefully:


Ah, the wonders of a 5-letter statement.
You'd better be joking, 'cuz if you are not,
You deserve to die 1,000,000 deaths.


Yeah.... (none / 0) (#5107)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 08:23:05 PM PST
To all you people bitching about this person being ignorant... Click a few of the links. Its just a joke. I'm not suprised though, as many of you have pointed out, there are a lot of stupid people in the world. The writer of this article is not one of them.

wtf is this (none / 0) (#5109)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 09:41:10 PM PST
i really do hope this was a joke, i got here from slashdot so i do not know if it was a joke or not. yeah, linux (i mean lunix) was made by microsoft, riiiiiiiiiiiiiight,

You're all gonna die... (none / 0) (#5111)
by evil on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 09:54:00 PM PST
I'm in 9th grade and most people in my school are hackers. I had no clue that you adults could be so sT()plId!!! I wish my parents were so awesome. We are so taking over the world!!!

We will destroy all of you and take over the world!!! We will bring back long lost communist values and bury all your western ideas in the sands of technological progress! My Soviet comrades will use their programming skills to hack into your stupid brains and transfer propaganda telepathicly. Did I mention that this article was the most ignorant and f*cked up thing I've ever read? The author is full of crap and doesn't know anything about what he's trying to talk about. Ya'll need some serious computer courses for novices. The best thing to do right now is to shut up.

Stile Sux! (none / 0) (#5112)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 11:54:53 PM PST

Brilliant Piece of COMEDIC relief (none / 0) (#5113)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 11:56:51 PM PST
You know, after 19 years on a computer, and knowing the difference between a hacker and a kid wanting to learn about a computer, I really enjoyed this very brilliant piece of COMEDY. Not only does this moron NOT know anything about hacking, He proves it over and over with his in-ability to spell LINUX. As for Comet Cursor, Bonzai Buddy and (Macromedia) Flash, NONE of these are hacker programs, they are genuine programs, of which, I have at one time or another tried. AMD is not as he claims, only available over the internet, you can also find these chips in MANY areas, including BRICK AND MORTAR stores, including the one in my hometown about 10 blocks from me. So, my suggestion to this idiot would be to learn more about his (lack of) information about hackers.
Does the shoe leather taste good???

You jackass, (none / 0) (#5114)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 12:12:27 AM PST
1: AOL is NOT safe... (need proof?

well fuck i don't have time for your nonsense.
You're an ass! (dj)

This gives me reason to say this. (none / 0) (#5116)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 01:59:39 AM PST
The replies were the sad part. The fact a great majority not only believed what was written in the article, but actually FLAMED it show one thing:

We NEED gene pool regulation in the human race. We are going to die in a sea of idiots otherwise.

LOL - Daddy U IDIOT! (none / 0) (#5117)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 02:13:54 AM PST
this father of the hacker kid dont recognize the potiential that his son has and yet he tends to limit all his children's live style and knowledge to minimal. what is right and wrong a father dunno, who said hacking is bad? why dont u turn off your TV for half-a-year?

Isn't It Ironic ... (none / 0) (#5118)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 03:32:06 AM PST
Damn, guys.
Can you not see the irony in the article?!
Gee ...

/Mikkel []

Your an idiot (none / 0) (#5119)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 03:42:38 AM PST
Learn what "hacker" means before you start punishing your kid for wanting to get better quality out of the investment you made.

He wants a better vid card so he can see better image quality and play games, not to hack.

If he has any smarts at all, he can hack just fine using AOL, and those parental filters, you gotta be joking.

Better ban your kid from Basket ball if he asks for a quality pair of Nike's - he might be a hacker!

Brilliant (none / 0) (#5120)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 04:05:09 AM PST
Hahahaha damm funny article.. hmm, I was suspicious of some kids i know being on drugs, but now i realise they must be hackers.. hmm just gotta figure out where they hide their computer.....8-)

You people are just stupid (none / 0) (#5121)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 06:20:23 AM PST
some of these posts are correct, but this article is useless nonsense and propaganda. Alot fo these posts are stupid and are meaningless. this article is a worthelss piece of crap and should be deleted immediately I wouldn't have something this useless wasting space on my server.

OMG!!!! (none / 0) (#5122)
by Nailed 2 Trent Reznor on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 06:45:13 AM PST
You are SUCH an idiot!!! I wear Day-Glo clothes and go to RAVES my hair is bight red..yet ..whats this?? I'm not a hacker!!! Nor are any of my friends that dress this way. And you think if your son (because girls can't hack...*pfft*)is this age he's really gunna listen to you??? You are sooo ignorant!!

WHAT THE HELL R U THINKIN (none / 0) (#5123)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 06:45:42 AM PST
OK first of all this is complete lunacy to even believe a word from this fool, He obviously is a freaking retard, he is describing every computer dorks dream with bigger hard drives and fatser vid cards, and by spending more then 30 minutes on the computer doesnt mean jack, there are so many things avaiable to the avid net surfer that 30 minuter is inadiquate, and the Quake comment, im going to get a gun and shoot him in the head for that, Quake is a very fun game and because you enjoy killing people in a video game doesnt mean you will go kill someone for real, what really gets me the most is "Lunix" hahahaha get yer facts right u moron, first its Linux and second if u have Linux you arent to be labled a hacker for Christs sake, most ISP and web pages have Linux use so does that make web designers "Hackers"?? and then you try to describe the dress of a hacker, baggy pants, dyed hair, pacifiers???? WHAT ARE YOU THINKIN????? you just describer a RAVER, freak, and ME, some ravers dont even know what the hell a computer is, so PLEASE PLEASE get the facts straight, hackers cant be picked out of a crowd, there is no way to say how to find if yer som/daughter is hackin unless u catch them, and most hackers need to have good english and math skills and graduate high in there class, so dont say anything you old bastard because YOU DONT KNOW JACK�
P.S. Pacifiers r to put drugs on and enjoy them at a rave u fool

Is your son a computer hacker... (none / 0) (#5127)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 10:18:16 AM PST
What the fuck is this? This article is ha whole load of bullshit!
T Reginald Gibbons , If that really is a person , must be the dumbest dumbass in the world.... Bah...

*Shaking Head*

My Confession (none / 0) (#5128)
by Freakmonger on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 11:00:40 AM PST
Dear Sir,
After reading your wonderful and informative article i have found that i am, as much as i regret to admit it, a "computer-hacker". i would like to turn myself in. I am guilty of requesting a broadband service from my parents. I thought it was because I felt that we could save money, while also getting a faster connection, but I was wrong. It was inate hacker nature instructing me. i also have begun to use that damned hacker operating system! Please help me! Linux and broadband are taling over my life! If only i could have had a rolemodel like you to guide me.

::New Vocab Word::
FLAME - n. A "computer-hacker" term for blatently poitning out a dumb-arse's shortcomings.


Wow. That's deep man. Way deep. (none / 0) (#5130)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 11:31:23 AM PST
Wow. Thank Lucifer that Marilyn Manson, Korn, and Kittie aren't evil bands. I'm so relieved. Thank Lucifer I don't wear bright clothes also! I'm glad to be Gothic now that I read this article. Oh no! My 30 minutes of computer time is almost up! I must get off so I can be a good little teenager.

This article is pathetic. Even if it is a joke.

*sigh* (none / 0) (#5131)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 11:44:48 AM PST
But I am alarmed at some of the replies who don't think it's a joke. BTW STOP REPLYING TO THE TOPIC SAYING THE SAME THINGS! Read all the damn replies or at least some of them and stopp repeating your self.

While these cards do have limited support for 3D graphics, this support is actually designed to discourage use of 3D hacker tools like Quake, Abnormal Tournament and "Serious Sam", due to low framerates and numerous rendering glitches. The hacker card of choice is made by nVidia, an evil Canadian liberalist company whose graphics cards are called the "G-Force". These cards come with a specially designed "GPU", or "Guessing Password Unit", which is specially designed for hacking into computers and stealing people's passwords and credit card numbers.

You are a moron!!! GPU is not Guessing Password Unit it's Graphics Procccesssing Unit just as CPU is Central Processing Unit. What you think CPU is Cracking Passwords Unit???

Duh? (none / 0) (#5132)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 11:55:08 AM PST
Well it's the stupidiest thing i ever read. This must be a joke because someone can't be so stupid to write this intentionaly.

Sad sad sad... (none / 0) (#5133)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 12:09:44 PM PST
Your all sad pathetic know it alls who dont know what your talking about. It reminds me of Hitler when he claimed jazz was evil. And for the record I'm not a hacker, I'm not a HaXoR, people who type in that retarded 311T slang style are poor excuses of youth. I stand against this article and its lies and misinformation it attemts to spread.

Aaron Ennes
My webpage, learn about me, I'm not a hacker!

hehe (none / 0) (#5134)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 12:14:14 PM PST
ok first off i dont know where u get your info or your motives but a "hacker" is not bad at all. "hackers" usually have extensive knowledge wich will land them a nice job dealing with computers. i dont know about u but if i was a parent i wouldnt mind a kid who would rather read "how to program c++" instead of going out.
I am pretty sure u got quite a few parents smothering there kids cause they had "comet cursor" on there comp, so it would be nice if u posted a note that ur wrong and lame and such...

all your base are belong to us

LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO (none / 0) (#5135)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 12:24:24 PM PST
Quake is a place for learning how to handle firearms.....Firearms like nailguns huh? I hope your son doesnt try to rocket jump....

Your words on Lunix (Its Linux you stupid fucking ignorant American) are lame, its the best operating sytem for a PC, AMD beats Intel in everyway, you obviously dont know shit, the shit about changing clothes, LMFAO thats one hell of a way to control who your child hangs with, none of those free thinkers are acceptable huh?
I wasnt sure, are you a Hick? 6 Children!?!?!? jeezus.... O well, last point cuz i cant remember all that shit u said, THIS ENTIRE THING IS GOING ON MY WALL CUZ I FOUND IT SO GODDAMN FUNNIE LOLLLLLLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

hahahahaha| (none / 0) (#5137)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 12:49:38 PM PST

Eloquent version of what the stupid people said. (none / 0) (#5141)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 02:13:00 PM PST
There are a number of things that are wrong with this article. For the first. Hacking can be done on a 486 with an 800 Meg hard drive. If somebody wants to hack, they don't need much of anything.

Also, just because somebody wants an AMD processor, doesn't mean they're a hacker. AMD's processors have recently outperformed those of Intel. Seeing as to how intel has a higher core speed, computer illiterate folk such as you, would think that its faster. You're wrong. See, AMD focuses on "IPCs" which are instructions per cycle. Meaning, at a slower speed, they get more things done every time a command is sent than a pentium does at a high speed.

Also, AOL is the most insecure and hacked ISP on the planet. They're not trustworthy and their "anti-hacker" policy is something comparable to the jaywalking laws that everybody disobeys. A true hacker of course wouldn't want this ISP, but it wouldn't matter to them anyway because they could just screw others who have it over.

"Lunix"... No, it's linux. These are not illegal OSs... It's not "operation system", it's "operating system", you knave.

To finish, I think this is all some big joke... It has to be... Either that or you're some type of super-moron. Thx.


hm (none / 0) (#5142)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 04:34:59 PM PST
AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites.

thats odd, I bought mine at compUSA and it lets me hack my mouse with the usb protocol (alpha 9).
amd chips are soo ghetto, in fact not even new machines are coming out with them already installed.. Did you ever wonder how many childern it took to make up one amd chip? (15)
i am wondering why this guy felt the need to make a link(url) to every other word in that pos story.

btw, I just hacked my monitor with that amd chip. it gave the alpha protocol #4 to my keyboard..

OMG - Hilarious (none / 0) (#5143)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 06:50:15 PM PST
Very very funny article. I can't believe the amount of people taking this seriously and challenging the 'facts'. Where is your sense of humour?

by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 07:34:57 PM PST

LMFAO! OMG! (none / 0) (#5146)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 07:44:18 PM PST
This guy is going to get a whole heap of innocent kids grounded. This is so funny, has to be the best joke I've seen in a long time.

As much as the others fell for it, parents are going to be rushing off to ground thier children for having BONZI BUDDY (which crashes yer comp, may I add.) and COMET CURSOR, then they're going to snap the Quake disk, kill server acsess. LMFAO! OMFG, I'm in tears. If my parents were like any one of these idiots that actually followed some seemingly "sound" advice but which is all too clearly a joke and GROUNDED OR SPANKED me for being guilty of each of those "IS UR KID A HACKER" guidelines, which I am, I'd kill myself. Theres nothing worse than misinformation, and stupidity in parents. Lucky its not hereditry.

This guidline has just outlined a majority of web using children.

LMFAO. Dumb people! ALL OF YOU!

j00 suXX0r.


Your Hackers Comment (none / 0) (#5147)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 08:37:25 PM PST
Aight person, Here one for ya, I am a hacker,And I dont ride skateboards, Dam woodpushers, I shove them off if i get the chance. And i dont ask for hardwear cause i can afford it my self, Cuase i got a job, I am 16. And where do you get off saying hackers wear baggy bright clothing, And pasafires.... You dumbass, i dont do any of that and neither do my other 3 friends that do this kinda of fun. I wear black and tan colored clothing. I dont wear anything around my neck, NO piercings of tatoes or anything like that, So re do a dam study on your hackers that you know, Cause i find your stupid page anoying and miss inforative...

Learn to Spell... Use Spell Check (none / 0) (#5155)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 12:53:50 AM PST
If you are a bright young hacker, try to learn some simple spelling. It isn't that hard for a bright young 'lad' such as you...

Try to cut and paste your message into something with a spell check if you must.

Good grief. You are about as dumb as they come.

Man, blame FPS games for everything (none / 0) (#5150)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 09:11:55 PM PST
First Quake, next Unreal, then Half-Life, and then Halo, and then Wolfenstien. Whoever posted this tripe of bullshit shut the hell up.

More stuff (none / 0) (#5151)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 09:14:32 PM PST
Ok, First, this site has no respect for the laws of physics at all. Id software has a reputation of being hated, most recently by Dr. Bob Arnot, the most hated guy in gaming cuz he clames this game CAUSED Columbine. Bullsh*t, so many things might have, but those 2 posessed kids liked worshipping Hitler than they played Quake Team Fortress. That's something. Claiming Quake is an enviroment for hacking is NOTHING. More hackers use ActiveWorlds or Haptek to talk hacking.

Number 2wo: Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, and Flash ARENT even hacking tools! Ive used em, decompiled em, and they cant do sh*t about hacking.

And, hacking is more boring than playing Quake.

There i said it

OMG (none / 0) (#5152)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 11:01:43 PM PST
You should be flogged with your own bloddy arm. BTW, Linus created Linux. Go Commies! Die ein Tagescommmunists �bernehmen die Welt, und ich f�hre sie zum Sieg

OMG!! (none / 0) (#5153)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 11:07:01 PM PST
ok Gibbons, first off i would like to say that if i was your child, i would run away and live in Canada or some country people who have never left their homes (you) don't know about. Also, where the hell do you get this stuff? NONE of it is true, find me ONE "hacker" who dresses in bright clothes, carries glow sticks, and has pacifiers, and Sir I will give you a million dollars. You can't pinpoint how hackers dress and look. And also i need to say you are a sexist pig. Women dont have the skill and can't do anything men can eh? I am a woman and i can do anything you (even though you're not exacly much of a man) can do. Women can hack, they can do this on their own free will and not just "Following in their significant other/mentor's footsteps" I must say, you are THE dumbest man who EVER walked on this Earth.

ROFLMFAO (none / 0) (#5156)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 01:32:28 AM PST
quite an amazing collection of responses, apparently SARCASM is not a strong field for all those highly educated IT professionals... LOL

The Hacker, Nuker and the Script Kiddy (none / 0) (#5157)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 03:48:50 AM PST
A hacker is a person who wants to learn anything about computers & securety. Hacker dlete childporn from the web, and they are extremely intellegent. Hacking requires extreme concentration and knowledge about computers. You can call people that are working with computers every day hackers.

A Nuker is the evil side of an hacker. They get in a system and destroy everything that they can by using a virus or deleting everything.

A Script Kiddy is a 'wanna be hacker/nuker' that uses programs written by real hackers/nukers. Script kiddys are 13 year old punks who think they are cool by using other peoples software (Sub7 is a populair one). Kiddys are cought quick, they don't know what they are doing and they stay too long in the system, the IP is tracked down, they do an Whois, find out who your provider is, ask who was on the internet at that time with the tracked down IP, and the script kiddy is cought. They just don't know when to stop. If you're kid really is a 'hacker'(and he is not) he could be a script kiddy, and Flash, Comet Cursor and Bozni Buddy ARE NOT hacking programs. These progs are explained in the earlier posts.


God, this is killing me... :) (none / 0) (#5158)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 05:14:20 AM PST
I thought natural selection took care of these people. But, granted, it's an amusing read.. For his sake, I hope he's joking. :)

What a load of shit!!! (none / 0) (#5159)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 05:59:37 AM PST
This article has to be the dumbest crap made up by a typical dickhead american who knows absolutely nothing of computers or hacking. I could write a book on the copius amounts errors and STUPID assumptions in this article.

First, it is spelt Linux, not Lunix, and it was created as a freely distributable OS based on a Unix system. You son raves about it because it is better than any other OS (particularly Windows).

Secondly AMD processors run rings around the Intel processors which are from my experience substandard. Your ravings about them made in sweet shops is complete shit. The technology involved in manufacturing the AMD processors are incredible. I've been an electronics engineer for ten years, designing microprocessor based systems.

Overall, your article is complete shit, written by a typical dickhead YANK who knows absolutely nothing. Get your facts right before you publish such utter BULLSHIT!!

Re:Is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#5160)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 06:09:48 AM PST
I just want to know if that was a true story or a hoax? If it is true,which i doubt,The parents are ID10TS!! PlEASE,go get an education!

Oh shit! (none / 0) (#5161)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 06:38:23 AM PST
My MOTHER uses comet cursor!

Bloody hell she is a HACKER!!!!

What shoud I do????


Oh she is coming I must finish..

Lame (none / 0) (#5162)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 06:55:40 AM PST
I spend 1 hours on my computer a day playing games and doing my projects. I'm a hacker? Give me a break

I R HACKING j00!!!111� (none / 0) (#5165)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 07:58:41 AM PST

Well, Mr. Christian Extremist ... (none / 0) (#5166)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 08:41:11 AM PST
We have an awfully high opinion of ourselves, don't we? "I'm a model parent"?? You really need to take your right-wing-extremist views somewhere else (e.g. hell)

Oh My God what a stupidly pointless article... (none / 0) (#5167)
by Wardio on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 10:19:21 AM PST
Anyone who beleves this should be shot. For starters, some of the so called "hacker software" are infact commercial applications used by some websites to make them more appealing i believe, by changing mouse icons etc. if this can be used by hackers to their advantage, then blow me.

You say that if you spend more than 30mins a day on a computer then you struggle at maths and chemistry? well how come i spend about 2-3 hours a day on a pc and have passed with A's in both maths and Chemistry, with 5 A's and 4B's at GCSE level, and am doing A-levels in maths and chemistry.

Hackers stuggle in PE do they? Thats not the first time ive heard the typical excuse that because someone ejoys being on the Net means that it'll ruin their lives, that they become fat and obese, next you'll be saying they grow beards and never leave their darkened bedroom.

I couldn't stop laughing at your point on fashion tips for hackers, very amusing. Do you seriously believe hackers stop being human the second they touch a PC? Admitedly they're doing something wrong and they have a few screws missing but your generalisation of the computing world is perposterous, and most people who use the net are, like the vast majority of humans, kind and considerate people.

You have obviously done a 'lot' of research into the life of a hacker and, me NOT being one of them, am offended at your accusations and general ignorance of these people. They need help, nothing more, nothing less.

The Music (none / 0) (#5171)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 10:40:30 AM PST
Headkase made me do it!!!!
As if this band is the problem

I tried to stop him (none / 0) (#5172)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 10:43:16 AM PST
I stoped him from listening to headkase but he always finds a new way to get there music

Pass the burrito's, excellent hacker tools! (none / 0) (#5179)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 12:11:45 PM PST
Holy shit. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.

"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well. "

that one was my fav. Man, you are an idiot. Truly a masterpiece in the realms of "I'm a complete tool with no brains". Bravo!

How stupid.... (none / 0) (#5181)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 01:49:36 PM PST
How stupid can you people get.Dont you realize this article was all for fun and laughs.
Lets see...DUH of course Comet Cursor,Bonzi Buddy,and Flash arent hacker souftware..any fuck knows that!
Oh and most ravers arent hackers either.That should be a sure sign that this article is a joke.Yeah lets see your kid starts dressing like a raver and using glowsticks and pacifiers HE MUST BE A HACKER!
Just shut up and take it for the laugh it is.People need to loosen up!

Hackers (none / 0) (#5182)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 02:15:41 PM PST
LOL Bonzi Buddy a hacking utill, LMFAO, what the fuck are you smoking man? seriously what ever that is it would go for some good $$ here in CA.

Sounds to me like your kid was actualy learning how to USE a fucking computer you idiot. congradulations, you have stoped that firmly, and now he will grow up to be another AOL using moron, Just like you.

I truly do feel sorry for your family. I personaly probly would have ended up setting you on fire som night in your sleep, but hey, that's just me, and I actualy learned to stand up for my self as a child.

holy crap (none / 0) (#5183)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 02:23:43 PM PST
I have NEVER wanted to kill a person as badly as I do now, this idiot deserves to die a million times over. I am 13 and was hacking at 10, I am a thousand times smarter than this piece of crap and wish I could meet him so I could slit his throat and f**k his kids!

heh joke? or not (none / 0) (#5184)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 02:26:31 PM PST
if this isnt a joke i am gonna say what everyone else is saying, you are an idiot and this should be removed from the site.

so basically you are generalizing every computer enthusiast as a "hacker." WTF is wrong with you!

EY YOUR KID IS A RAVER NOT A HACKER!!! (none / 0) (#5186)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 04:18:39 PM PST
umm dude...the whole discription of your supposed hacker kid...thats a raver you dumb <em>f</em>uckin sonova�itch well first off if thats how your son dresses...hacking isnt the least of your problemz man...if hes a real raver hes probly using somthing...cause im a raver...and i fit every single one of your supposed signs and i dont know a thing about hacking...but a druggie kid that needs help...mabey if you were such a GOOD father and stop worrying about hacking...try looking in at his drug life...i mean if hes gonna hack then yea he shouldnt be able to use his comp but if your gonna do that and let things be...thats being a retarted cock with a bag on his head...dude you need fukin need help..

Joke? (none / 0) (#5187)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 04:55:03 PM PST
Is this a Joke, beccause all of the info above is a load of shit.

h3 !s ryGh+ (none / 0) (#5189)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 05:23:10 PM PST
@ll 0f teH tHyngz h3 wr0+3 w3r3 r!gh+, +haT si wUt may3z uP @ HaXx0r HHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAH
U myT3 als0 m0n!t3r ur suns or dawterz tyP!ng, If t3hy typ3 lyk3 m3 tehy R porb@blee a hAxX0r, b3cuZ 3y3 r a l33+ haXx0r 2.

MaYb3 als0 l00k ou+ 4 TheZe pHraze$:
"keke la"

LOL (none / 0) (#5190)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 05:55:23 PM PST
wow, this is the biggest line of crap i've ever read...
1) about AMD being a knock off... heh, it performs better than intel... who is the real knock off...
2) DOS ing... that dont take hours... a few min for a godd hacker..
3)Quake is a GAME. it is NOT used as a violence playground, it is used for recreation, and having fun.
4) Mandrake is NOT ileagle, and it does NOT permanetly damage your harddrive... do you even know what a hard drive is? and
you cant break into peoples stereos from a computer and 'steal' their music.
and many telnet programs are used my many proffesionals in their servers
5) changing appearance? its hormones, kids grow up stupid. did you not pay attention in health class?
6) COMPUTER RADIATION????!?!?! wow... i sit at my computer for 5 hours a day, and i have a 95% average in Calculus. Do you even know Algebra?

You are the most ignorant person i know... and i know quite a few

God your A Dumbass (none / 0) (#5191)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 06:46:14 PM PST
Do you seriously believe that these are ways to tell if a person is a hacker. when i read this i had to give the link out. One linux is not evil most business use it as a server program pretty much everyone who has an ircd or web page Has linux. The whole bit about quake made me nearly pass out ok. and the amd shit was stupid. I find the fact about aol being hacker unfriendly well the fact is that It is hacker friendly they dont give a shit what you do but the reason they ask you to switch is aol is crap

Very amusing indeed, but dangerous. (none / 0) (#5192)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 08:45:04 PM PST
Righto, im 16 and i live in england. I use my computer a hell of alot and adore it, yet have still managed to retain a well rounded personality. I also can tell that the post concerned was a very well structured joke. However, my worry is that some of the more ignorant readers (mainly parents [sorry]), will believe such mumbo jumbo. Hats off to the author though, bloody good show. Note to parents: Its all a bunch of poppycock as im sure the original autho will admit sooner or later.

What a load of Fiction (none / 0) (#5199)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 09:50:11 PM PST
God damn, I'm glad I don't livein America, if this is an 'informed opinion'


Wheres the spanish inquisition then ?

ROFL!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#5201)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 10:54:08 PM PST

/me falls on the floor and dies of laughter.


Wrong (none / 0) (#5202)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 11:25:52 PM PST
My self as a computer some might call extreamist i know alot of "hackers" and the stuff you just wrote is extremly incorrect one your son beeing a hacker is not a bad thing realy its just a slight even worrie if anything hackers do not all wear bright colors and all become anti-social they are quite often not even noticed unless you talk to them about computers and your just a total phyco actually to try to live the "perfect amarican famly" will if anything screw up your child and make them more prone to more dangerous thing such as drugs like "extacy" and such and as for books such as neuromance i know that for a fact that was written by a man that knowxs nothing about computers and that it is nothing like actual computer work if you ever even explored a computer and read that book you would know this even without having any prior knowledge to him not being even "into" computers anyway this whole thing about amd and intel amd is much more reliable and faster then intel and aol as for @home my self i dont like @home that much but i do know for a fact that aol is easier to hack but i have to get back to the normal world now not a all wonderful world

LMAO... (none / 0) (#5203)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 11:46:16 PM PST
This is the stupidest and funniest thing I've ever read. I really hope it's a joke. I can't belive some of the morons who replied to this thread- they are almost as stupid as the poster himself. All I can say is that idiots such as these are not worthy of any attention whatsoever except for to laugh at and ridicule. If this guy if for real, I feel sorry for his children...

Man oh man (none / 0) (#5204)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 12:10:33 AM PST
Guy, whoever you are.. before you write a book or write some story about hacking, learn the facts.

Quake as a training ground in the use of firearms?
Its a videogame fool.

I fit every single discription you listed above
(except the dyed hair and obesity)

I am not a hacker, I'm not afraid of hackers and I know for a fact that hackers are not bad people

You actually made me laugh.. I mean nearly every single one of your "descriotions" of a hacker were just things to promote certain companies and then demote others.
Kinda like when you make all those nasty comments about AMD, and then promoted Intel..

Or when you were talking shit about non-aol isp's and promoting the shittiest controlled isp (AOL)

If I didn't know any better I would think you work for Intel, use AOL, and are a pansy poindexter white guy with no life, 6 faggot/dyke kids and a plain wife.

Senseless waste of human life... (none / 0) (#5205)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 12:17:21 AM PST
You pompus, arrogant prick; I cannot even believe most of the things you said and claims you made. I'm sorry you are so insecure with your own ignorance and your fear of changing times that you attempt to force your kids to grow up under the standards that you grew up under back in the 1950's. If I lived with an oppressive, moronic bastard like youself I would DEFINITELY become a felon!
Two things: 1) any and all of your "evidence" does not make your son a hacker in any way... maybe he denies it for hours on end because he didn't do anything... oh, he's rebelling and being mean to you?..well no shit! I bet he fucking hates you by now.
2) Is like like year 1910 in freaking Amish country or something?... you don't allow your 17-year-old daughter to wear make-up or perfume??? That is so fucked up! She's not a child anymore, man. One year and she's legally an adult... just watch how long she stays at home; I bet she's already reserved a U-Hual for her birthday! I can't believe anyone could be this oppressive. Is he was 12 it should bother you, but what you're claiming is just rediculous. By the way, she wouldn't have to sneak out to go on dates if you would have allowed her to date in the first place! Wouldn't you have rather known about it? Now all you've got is a daughter who's completely ignorant when it comes to boys and dating, and she's going to get horribly used because she didn't learn at 15 with boys that were just learning also... instead you've thrown her into the lion's den with no preperation.
I hope you're ready to have Thankgiving and Christmas alone with your wife (assuming she doesn't leave you) for the rest of your life. Your kids are going to be the most rebellious, troublesome teenagers you could possibly imagine...and when they move out, they're gone for good!

I mean, screw you!--you senseless waste of human life.

YOU FUCKING STUPID OLD MAN (none / 0) (#5206)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 03:56:40 AM PST
Im gonna hack this fucking stupid site.
Because you wankers give hackers a bad name
not all hackers are like that you wanker

The joke is over your educational level (none / 0) (#5207)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 04:35:55 AM PST
HAHAHAHA, ur replies show your stupidity more than the person that wrote the article. It is obvious it is intended for humerous purposes, but you fucktards are too thick to read between the lines and see how stupid u are reacting. *sigh*

Will someone just hack this site (none / 0) (#5208)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 05:45:03 AM PST
Ok,Im not any computer technician, but I know that every word mentioned in the "article" was bull shit. If it was a joke, well well done!! you made me cry. If not...... I can reccomend good medication.

A real hacker wouldnt even bother.....

Ok, first time to this site. (none / 0) (#5209)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 05:51:46 AM PST
And I cant believe this kind of idiocy. This "model" parent talks about hacking like you might expect a 2 year old to talk about politics.
Every and I mean everything in there is totaly wrong. How can this person think he is informed?
One question. Where did you get these so called "facts"?

what kind of morons are u? (none / 0) (#5210)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 05:59:00 AM PST
its ironical! damn ur SO STUPID

hacker son eh? (none / 0) (#5217)
by neongrey on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 10:18:33 AM PST
You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
You've made more mistakes on that post than I blink in a day.
For one, AMD is not only availabel on-line and can be bought anywhere in any store. Amd is just *AS* evil as intel and have the same security features nowadays. It's not like it was 5 years ago. So dont get on your patriotic high horse thinking intel is better just because we americans say it is.
Amd is a good alternative for people who cant afford or refuse to pay for expensive chips like intel.
Second, Comet Cursor is not a hacking tool, never was.
Third. Quake is JUST A GAME!!!!
Quake is as much of a hangout for hackers as yahoo chat is.
I could go on to disproove all of your little theories but it would take me more time than I'm willing to give you.

Yes it's very possible be that your son is/was a hacker.
But, if your son was a hacker he wasn't really a hacker at all, he was a cracker.
If you would have done any Real research at all, that would have been the first thing you learned.
But just from how you've describerd yourself, you sound like an over bearing nazi that thinks they're being a good parent when in fact you're just being smothering.

OH! and I forwarded your post to everyone I know and we've all come to the same conclusion.....You're fucking CRAZY!!!!!

You are really ignorant (none / 0) (#5219)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 10:41:25 AM PST
You just described about a hundred million people.... that "discription" of a hacker is basically someone that loves computers, you should be smacked?, people put a lot of time into learning Linux, and keeping their pc's up to date... I had my parent change our ISP.. doesn't mean I want to hack into people's systems. and I have played quake.. doesn't mean I want break laws..... You are a really ignorant person.. those "warning" signs are horrible... you relize people take classes to learn Linux? and millions of people play quake?, I'm sure most of which are NOT hackers..... You really need to be smacked.

by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 01:41:47 PM PST

ha ha (none / 0) (#5225)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 03:30:52 PM PST
you are a very stupid person anyone who would belive this is crazy!!!

...Fascinating. (none / 0) (#5228)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 05:18:31 PM PST
Looking above, it would appear that the posters so far have fallen into two distinct groups:
1) People who are going along with the joke (possibly people behind the site) and
2) People who have fallen for it. Many of these have fallen for it so hard that they make themselves look stupid in the process...

This is almst definately what is known as a "troll". The term comes from fishing, where one "trolls" their bait across the surface to attract fish. The mythical monster is a happy coincidence.

It says on the Post Comment area that troll messages will be deleted, but what about the articles themselves?

Either my reading comprehension is slipping, or Mr. Gibbons here forgot to include Dungeons and Dragons as a warning sign and/or cause of such behavior. Other than that, a most excellently crafted piece of humor. The poll there simply adds that extra bit of flavor to make it seem that much more sincere.

--Typhin, who is not a computer cracker.

LOL (none / 0) (#5229)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 05:30:23 PM PST
Omg, this thing is hilarious! Its not like serious is it? Please tell me its <b> meant </b> to be a joke.

LOL (none / 0) (#5230)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 06:10:54 PM PST
Don't feed the trolls. Amusing article. Much more amusing comments.

Wtf? (none / 0) (#5232)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 06:49:44 PM PST
So, good ridiance that your children have "disappointed" you. You expect way too much and attand their parties. No doubt your children would be doing stuff behind your back. AOL is not exactly a trustworthy ISPs. What's up with doing bad on sports teams. Heard of exhaustion. With your kind of expectations, you deserve this kind of crap. Linux? A hacking system? What are you smoking. And girls don't have hacking abilites? What century are you living it. You are full of igonorance. I think your children are doing a lot more behind your back because your are an ignorant fool.

Shut Up (none / 0) (#5237)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 07:39:41 PM PST
Shut Up,
First off flash is a program to make little movies.
OH MY GOD, I want a video card. I must be a hacker.
Actually no, I want to play games. I say that your daughter is a fucking liar.

Moron (none / 0) (#5238)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 07:50:15 PM PST
Jesus Christ,
My ham sandwich knows more about computers than you.
Techno is music listened to at Raves or in Europe.
Flash makes little animated movies or games.
Comet cursor basicly turns your mouse pointer blue. I can't decide who we should kill.Osama Or you?
Everyone post who you think.

Why post the same stuff over and over again? (none / 0) (#5239)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 08:00:48 PM PST
I have read the entire thread and I have mostly seen the same points being written over and over again... why?

What's the point of saying things that has already been said.

Give it a rest please!

Daddy? (none / 0) (#5240)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 08:08:41 PM PST
Daddy why did you spank my ass and take my puter away? you ripped apart my whole fuckin computer cuz i was trying to play a damn game! evil! die!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#5241)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 08:59:31 PM PST
Yanno, that is complete bullshit... I have never read anything that was so completely useless in my entire life. Just because you sit on the computer all day don't mean you're a hacker. Maybe you're like me, a gamer. I stare at a blank screen all day because I play games online. I ask my mother for hardware upgrades BECAUSE THE MORE GAMES I HAVE THE BETTER THE HARDWARE I NEED! As for the author of this little...piece of Internet trash, this message goes out to you. "Try something else. Don't try and deprive the young peope of the world of what we call the Internet. The Internet is the key to knowledge. Try becoming a programmer, or web designer. Becoming a web designer means you have to stare at a screen... all day until you make the deadline. Programmers have to stare at a screen until they get one function right or until they finish the program completely so they don't mess up. Try researching into the stuff before you post dumb shit." thank you for reading. Peace, Love and Jello.

Names to contact me under

Dymond in Realms of Kaos (
Dymond in mIRC under

Bye spazoids.

Alot of replies. (none / 0) (#5243)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 09:24:16 PM PST
Take a look at this article closely. Analitically.

It's not about hacking. Its scare tactics to get parents to invest in certain products, and not in others.

@home is faster than AOL, no argument.
but, @home is a hackers' domain. Therefor, AOL is better.

next-gen AMD processors are superior to the little boasted P4. So, as a result, they are evil. Your processor does not affect your ability to hack.

Linux is 10^1000000000 times more stable than the much vaunted little proven windows. But linux is a tool of a hacker, so therefor, windows is better.

The products that are not hacker tools are all american made products. Coincidence? no. This was a cleverly disguised pro-american product rally.

That, or, the author is a fool beyond any intelligible belief. Either or.

WTF (none / 0) (#5247)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 09:59:56 PM PST
This is the biggest load of fucking bullshit i have read about since Bush won the election.
|-|/-\X0r$ R0(K

Are you serious? (none / 0) (#5248)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 10:17:36 PM PST
I cannot believe that some parent out there is actually believing what he is writing in this article. This guy said he learned an immense amount of knowledge about "hacking" in only a few days. I can't believe this one bit. If indeed he did gain this all-powerful knowledge, then he would understand the difference between "hacking" and "cracking". Apparently he does not. I just wanted to tell you that I do in fact hope you get sued by AMD and O'Reilly for slander as all of the books mentioned are truly wonderful reading, and also I wanted to inform you that I believe you are an IDIOT! There are some people out in the world that should have to wear signs that say "I'm stupid", you sir I believe should be one of the first in line to get yours.

efghjm, (none / 0) (#5249)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 10:21:08 PM PST
haha funny article man<b><i><ul>

I'm still laughing 10 minutes later. (none / 0) (#5250)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 10:36:57 PM PST
That post you made called "Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?" is hysterical. I was linked to it from a legitimate computer technical forum, and we are all laughing at it now. When I first started reading it I thought you were being serious, but within a couple paragraphs it became clear that you were joking. I hate AOL, and I really liked your statements about how 'good' AOL is. And the statements about AMD was hysterical too. I am by no means an AMD fan, and your slander about them gave me a belly laugh that I haven't had in years.

I just wanted to write to you to tell you I really liked your post. I hope you will make more. Even now that I'm done writing this I am still laughing at what you wrote. I love it.

encore! encore!

ha (none / 0) (#5251)
by inkybinky on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 10:52:14 PM PST
man that was an awsome piece of humor. the sad thing is there are people moronic enough to believe you!

GOOD GOD PEOPLE! (none / 0) (#5254)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 01:22:51 AM PST
No one understands sarcasm anymore... He's joking. Don't you get it? Jesus... What's the point of posting funny shit if people are too f*cking stupid to understand it anymore.

question (none / 0) (#5255)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 01:36:34 AM PST
this is a quesiton for those that frequent this site. obviously this article was written as a joke. reading through the comments it is obvious to me that some realize this is a joke and have appropriately posted witty comments. others, however, either seem to beleive that the author of the article is a fool, or are sarcastically mocking the author. are the people that are posting comments calling the author incompetent really too ignorant to realize that this is a joke or are they taking sarcasm to another level?

Thank god! (none / 0) (#5256)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 01:41:46 AM PST
Thank god that someone has finally brought some light to this epidemic that is sweeping across the nation!

Far too long has this gone been overlooked, that the dangerous hacker we hear about on TV are IN OUR HOMES. We as society, see the clues that they leave us but no one has caught on. They suddenly question authority, they start to have trouble in school, they start to hang around friends you've never seen before, they develope hair where there was none before, they listen to loud music and they start wearing colourful clothes.

This, my friends, can only be pointed to one obvious and overlooked thing: HACKING! Who killed Jesus? a hacker. What was Adolf Hitler's occupation? a hacker. Who did Osama bin Laden have sex with the DAY before Sept. 11? a hacker. Is this all a mere coincidence? I think not!

Another point you have greatly missed is the life style of a hacker. All hackers look at filthy pornography, so if you catch dirty files on your computer or filthy magazines under the mattress, it is safe to say that your child is a porno-lovin' hacker.

Umm (none / 0) (#5257)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 02:07:00 AM PST
Umm , you are a fuck stick , all this shit you are pumping into peoples minds is horse shit, 1) comet curser is a program that is designed to change the graphic of your curser , bonzi budy is a "virtual pet" that you can have on your desktop , and you can take care of it , feed it and clean up for it, and flash is a programing language used for animations, AMD is a american processer, amd is short for something like american micro data or something , been awhile, 30 minutes, what the fuck , all i have to say about that is you suck dick.. thats such a fucking crock of horse fuck, quake.... Quake is a clasic 1st person shooter, and if you use fucking aol , you wouldnt be able to play quake anyway, becuase your connection is TOO fucking slow, you ignorant piece of whale fuck, Linux is a fucking os, much more stable than windows, anyway , to sum it all up , you are a dumb fucking cock sucking , horse fisting piece of assfuck!

HAHAAHHAHA (none / 0) (#5260)
by Elvie6942 on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 06:50:34 AM PST
First Off Why would Linux Be Illegal?!?! hahaha! If it is illegal than compaq (internally) is illegal becuase all they use for testing is linux! hahaha Also Why Would bonzi Buddy Be Used for Hacking!??! ahahahha all he does is take up resouces ha! Then AMD is also illegal!? hahah!!! Well this article was really gay. And remember only SCRIPT KIDDIES only send virus's and shit they don't "hack" which is really "crack" They only use prograsm like SUBSEVEN , NETBUS... etc these are script kiddies NOT HACKERS.. the end

so much effort put (none / 0) (#5261)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 07:12:38 AM PST
if you have this much time doing all the research,
you sure can do something more productive, Mr.

ok wtf (none / 0) (#5262)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 08:58:37 AM PST
ok first off my being a hacker
1. what is a more hacker friendly provider?
i got aol. it dosent stop me.
2. more software??
if a kid know any thing about the net he/she will d-load programs, AND THERE NOT ALWAYS HACKING PROGRAMS!!!
3. New hardware
i ask for new hardware. its because mine is out of date. and also AMD is not a "hacking" prossesor.

thats all im going to bitch about to day. and also im a chick. hackers dont have to always be a "boy". so stop being sexist.
btw admin plz post this so parents know that this may not be true.

one more note. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". what a load of shit

The article in general (none / 0) (#5264)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 09:06:36 AM PST
sounds like a bunch of shit written by an over protected parent with too much time on his hands,
quake an online training ground for firearms??? sounds like the kids in touch with reality more than you


My my my... (none / 0) (#5269)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 09:41:35 AM PST
i was truly roling on the floor, this is soooooooo funny u know nothing about Hackers at all!!!!!!!! omg look my sons geting mp3s and downloading comot cruser!!!!!!! help us all they dont mean S|-|I+ lady u know nothing at all!!!!!!!

your intelligence (none / 0) (#5273)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 11:29:05 AM PST
You have got to be kidding me?? i am sorry i am a concerned parent as well adn your investigating is comepletely insane.. flash.. and bonsa buddy and comet are not hacking tools you fool.. nor is linux a hacking tool.. it is an alternative to windows.. which is unstable as all get up.. nad linux is stable.. quake is not for hackers.. it is a game.. half an hour online? please i spend that much time reading my mail and dowloading my newsgroups..
i think you should educate yourself again buddy.,. except this time.. get the facts.. not the fiction..
oh and if your son wanted rid of aol.. it is because htey are the most annoying internet provider around..
17 year old girls sneaking out with lipstick and perfume? get yer head out of yer ass buddy... yes i was not permitted to date until 16.. but the make up situation was allowed once highschool hit.. so long as it was nice and not looking like hoochie mama..

a more realistic system of keepig control on your kides online is to

a.. only let them stay on for an hour at a time,,. but maybe go one a few times a day.. two.. be in teh same room as them.. supervision is the key pal.. not complete censorship..
i think you are the most ignorant parent i have ever run accross online.. and you can't possibly have a good relationship with your kids bein such a dictator..
a kid can be really into the computer.. without being a hacker

im a hacker (none / 0) (#5274)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 11:34:59 AM PST
will someone PLEAAAAASEEEEE hack this fuckin joke of a site.. i mean PLEEAAASSEEE....... i swear to god im going to "DOS" this website with my CometCursor illegal hacking program using Flash, on my ilegall AMD with EXTRA hard drive, just enough so i can hack.. :p
oh and btw im a hacker... so be afraid, cuz i listen to Electronic Music, and i KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!

l33t h4x (none / 0) (#5275)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 11:54:33 AM PST
w00t linux 1s t3h pr0gZ 1 us3 t0 h4x th3m s0v1ets. @nd th3n 1 l0ad up qu4ke anc| l34rn h0w t0 h4x and s0ot p3ople w1th my ra1lgun, w00t.

g0g0g0 (none / 0) (#5276)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 11:57:55 AM PST
g0g0g0 OoStuddAoO

Guess I Need To Change My Appearance (none / 0) (#5277)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 12:09:24 PM PST
well if that's the case i guess i need to change my appearance, state of mind, and my PC hardware and software!!!!!!

This article is the best thing I've ever read! (none / 0) (#5278)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 12:22:11 PM PST
Why? Because I fell out my chair laughing my ass off! OMG what a joke!!

83W4r3 f00 f0r i Wi11 H4X0r j00r C0MpUt3r!!! j00 Wi11 Di3 f00!!

ROFL lol!!!

Um... (none / 0) (#5280)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 01:49:12 PM PST
It amazes me as to how ignorant, stupid, and utterly inept you so called "parents" can be.

It's obvious you did no research whatsoever and made assumptions and generalizations on all your... "evidence".

Most hackers are employed by various companies, so they can strengthen security of the companies' computer systems.

I sincerely hope this is either a joke or that no actual parent believes this tripe.

this guy is a fucking idiot (none / 0) (#5281)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 02:41:11 PM PST
I'm surprised they actualy let people like this have kids. He is really gonna fuck them up.Amd is not a third world proccesor maker that copy's American Products.This whole thing is funny and at the same time it really pisses me off.God! he is such a moron.

Stop the polemics! (none / 0) (#5282)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 04:03:05 PM PST
Stop the polemics!
Don't want to be an "hacker"? Don't use Linux!
Don't want to be an asshole?? Don't use Windows!
Everyone's invited to Mac OS X!!!


good god... (none / 0) (#5283)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 04:10:01 PM PST
First of all, Lunix is actually spelled Linux, you also spelled that russian guy's name wrong. It's also just an OS, sure you can hack through it but i'm sure there is somebody who has found a way to get through AOL also somwhere down the line. Next time do some reaserching before you put it on the internet, second of all, this shouldn't even be on the internet in the first place! Just the number of replies says that alone. I am 16, my parents let me use the internet freely, and i turned out just fine. Also why do you have a link for spanking, you pervert? Only dumb child abusers spank their kids anymore, wake up and welcome to the year 2001. The last section you made bothers me the most. My last semester of school i just failed every single corse on the list, but i don't hack. I just suck at school, it's that simple.
Third, Quake is NOT a place where hackers gather and practice using firearms. It's just a game!

You are a little too paranoid i must say.

lol (none / 0) (#5284)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 04:20:55 PM PST
god damnit. have never read as much shit on a single page...but i have to admit that the author has got some people who really beliee this may be a serious article....


haven't read something as funny for weeks...

Holy technophobes batman!!! (none / 0) (#5285)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 04:30:25 PM PST
This guy is 1 sad man. i would like all of u out there to know that "comet cursor" is only a program that lets the user change the mouse pointer on there computer. Instead of an arrow they may have an American flag or a butterfly. Realy scary huh? Oh my god not a butterfly he must be an eVil hAxOr from heck. "flash" is a program that lets the user animate cartoons that they make on there computer. It is primarily used for animated websites. And bonzi buddy i havn't used so i won't comment to much about, other to say that i know many "non-hackers" that use it. Lunix/Linux is not an illegal OS (operating system) it is simply a freeware OS that was made to compete against Micro$ofts windows and try to weaken there monopoly. Remeber that America is based on competition. Oh, and its not based on xenix but Unix, which is a code that companies use to link large networks with. Quake is not an online training ground for hackers. Its only a fun online game. However it is violent, but most children know that blowing somone up in a game is differnt then doing the same in RL (real life) But the thing that i find disturbing about this article is how narrow minded it is. Hackers are not what the media claims we are. Hackers simply have a hunger to learn all they can about technology. the hacker comunity dosn't even call "hackers" as the media calles hackers hackers. We call them crackers. Remeber always that hackers build and crackers destroy. The diffence between hackers and crackers is the same as the difference between an attomotive engineer and a car theif. Hackers don't grow up to be computer criminals they grow up to become programers, system adminstrators and maybe, if they are realy good at what they do, join the FBI as part of there electronic counter measures group that hackers the enemys of the USA such as Osama's networks. O nd btw computers do not cause insanity due to radiation. They give off less radiation then a cell phone and are typically much farther away from the head as a cell phone. And a dinal of service attack is abriviated DoS not DOS DOS is a primiative operating sytem that windows is based on. And a hacker would never use a DoS attack. That is somthing only a cracker would do.

lol (none / 0) (#5286)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 05:08:35 PM PST
lol umm, Peter and Cindy are the names of the brady bunch:-s weird... WEIRD!! Phreaks will come and eat you!

your gay (none / 0) (#5287)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 06:30:03 PM PST
your gay

what were you thinking?!?! (none / 0) (#5290)
by Karma on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 07:11:34 PM PST
comet cursers?! bonzi buddy?!?! both very annoying,but not a hacker program.

I spend hours and maybe even a whole day on the computer. Am i a hacker? no.
i write articles,poems,stories, check emails,read articles written by stupid ignorant people like you and then spend my time replying to them.

people that dress in bright clothes, wear glow sticks, dye there hair......hackers? thats a matter of opinion.i happen to dress in bright clothes and my hair is dyed bright blue.(i like bright colors, what can i say?) if you saw someone dressed in all black and a trench coat you would probably say that they were the next criminal and they were out to destroy the human race.if you try to catch hackers by the way they dress....your in for a big disapointment.

so what your trying to say is that girls cant hack? another mistake. however, due to your stupidity and lack of technical knowledge i will overlook you just sorry for your children and anyone else who took this article seriously.

You actually think that? (none / 0) (#5291)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 07:15:34 PM PST
that link to the soviet hacker is a guy from a movie you retard! and quake is a freaking computer game! it doesnt train the anything!

for a grown man you arent very smart

heh (none / 0) (#5294)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 08:54:34 PM PST

I laugh at you

we all laugh at you...

Morons (none / 0) (#5297)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 10:54:49 PM PST
Wow, this is a load of shit.
AOL? My god, that is madness to use.
You know how to spot a hacker eh?
You are so full of shit.

You know nothing.
First of all, you bought a compaq? Why?
Dear lord, I fix hundreds of Compaqs a day.
They are shit.

I feel sorry for your kids. You are Extremely stupid.


Laugh or Cry (none / 0) (#5299)
by feydakin on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 11:54:15 PM PST
I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry about this article.. To think that someone can believe so dramatically in something, yet so completely 'not get it' scares me.. And what's worse, other sheep follow him.. These are the same people that tend to demand book banning, censorship, and total observation in public of everyone (but them of course).. I have to wonder if the author has done any true research at all, or if this is more drivel he heard in a chat room somewhere that fueled his self delusion and his self righteous need to tell others how to live thier lives.. And yes, I'm a proud hacker, parent (of a girl that's far more intelligent and open minded than you appear to be), and devoted community supporter..

Your a parent?!? (none / 0) (#5300)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 12:55:12 AM PST
Ha if your a parent i want to know who were you raised by because you are a total brainless idiot,not even my parents are this dumb,you need to go to a computer class and learn about all this shiz that you just typed and find out what it really is,you are so stupid its ridiculous,you arent parents,your dumbasses and i feel very sorry for your children.

I hope this guy isnt for real. (none / 0) (#5303)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 02:29:48 AM PST
First off, you expect to much of your kids. They are human and they will make mistakes. You, sir need to take it easy. Its people like you who need to go outside light up a little marijuana and relax. I cant help wonder how big of loser/faggot you are in outside of the internet world. If you ask me two easy steps that may help you and your parenting skils: 1) Bend over 2) Pull whatever is up your ass out. BTW (computer lingo for By The Way. Shit I must be a hacker too I know "computer lingo". Anyways, BTW by kicking your son off something he likes to do, your just gonna make him rebel more against. Go outside and find a FUCKING clue. You truly are a bad father, not to mention an udder retard. Good day. I hope you enjoy fucking up your son's life.

lol this is funny shit (none / 0) (#5304)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 02:56:10 AM PST
this is the biggest load of shit ive ever read, also probably the funniest though :)

w00t w00t this is qaulity shit

are you that fucking dumb (none / 0) (#5305)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 03:29:18 AM PST
Are you that fucking dumb, amd processors are great processors, they used to make 486 processors for intel!!! wtf, your son isn't a hacker cause he wants better hardware than comcrack... get a clue. your son ain't no hacker, but a smart kid that is into computers. you doint this is sick. let your kid do what he loves, let him get a non-aol account, so he can get real internet access, let him live, and keep your fucking nose out of it. you have to realize you have to stay out of your kids lives when they reach a certain age. know you place and role. when you kids are 16, 17, guide them, don't fuck them all the time with your morals, the morals of a fucking priest. behind you back you kids are probably smoking weed, boozing, like no tomorrow, if they aren't, just wait for college dumb ass.. They will start living it up the second you leave, cause they have never been left the freedom of drink, or smoking, or anything cause you are there 24/7 all the time..
get a mother fucking life and wake up...

WTF?!!!! -from someone who laughs at youre views.. (none / 0) (#5308)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 09:50:58 AM PST
what are you on about, 1 its linux, not lunix, 2, its made by the americans, not russians, 3, its not illegal, 4, you may find that people wearing baggy trousers ETC are called grungers, skaters, and punks, not hackers, there are few hackers in comparison, 5, a new graphix card is for games, not hacking, 6, MP3's are now legal too,7 AMD are rated by near everybody in the world as the I quote "fastest available processors" and i can provide evidence of this, 8, quake is a much loved game by many parents too, 9, combat training facilities are used to train people using weapons, 10, the funny change in personality is called puberty, it also affects you physically, 11, you know nothing about computers, and the world of computers, the radiation from computers is so little that mobile phones are considered more dangerous than these, and YOU WILL NOT get scitsofrenia or however you spelt it from using computers.

finally, and most importantly, the actual meaning of a hacker is someone who enjoys using computers, and modifies other peoples programs/games, to be better, and more functional.

you silly fool

Fuck you all (none / 0) (#5309)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 10:05:32 AM PST
You guys are fuckin' idiots. Quake is merely a computer game. Not a virtual training ground for firearms. Hacker software? LOL. Bonzi Buddy, Flash, and Comet Cursor are all harmless NON-HACKING programs. That new hardware shit is fuckin' rediculous too. Oh no! Don't let them use the computer for more than 30 minutes a day! Haha, I decided to change my haircut...look out, I'm a hacker! And how does academic performance directly relate to your child becoming a hacker?! What the fuck?! And by the way, it's Linux, not Lunix you fuck!

haha (none / 0) (#5310)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 10:43:49 AM PST
well while you guys are trying to analyze all of this..i, a female, will hack into all ur stuff! hahah get a life

WHAT THE FUCK (none / 0) (#5311)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 10:58:09 AM PST
is there something fundamentally wrong with your fucking brain? "quake" for fucks sake. its a game you dumb bitch. baggy pants and spiky hair? there's so much wrong with that im not even going to start.
fucking moron

rotfl (none / 0) (#5313)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 12:09:37 PM PST
Jesus, take a joke guys. Some of the responses here are too long winded, or too immature. This guy is either sadly misinformed or he's pulling your leg. You come back with responses like this and you wonder why the media percive "hacking" as one of theese bad things that people do in darkened rooms between shots of heroin. Grow some bollocks ffs :)

To the Author (none / 0) (#5314)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 01:05:27 PM PST
I am an amiture hacker.

Yes I am a hacker. Not a Cracker which is what most of you think that a hacker is.

Hacker are people who are emphusiastic about computing now nesserally doing anything illigal.

Programmers are not melicous hackers Bill Gates is a programmer, would you call him an evil Hacker?

AMD is not a rip off of Intel infact they are the only reason that intel have half decent prices on thier processors.

Commit Curser is not a hacking program it is a spy ware program that has a ligitamate perpose.

Lunix (actually called linux) is the competetor of windows and is a user friendly version of unix which is generally use in servers just like the one that is probibly used to host this server.

Females hackers (though few and far between) do exist and youo have been VERY sexist by implying that they are not intelligant enough.

Quake is a game. Simple enough.

The style of Dress you comment on the actually mosher style dressing they have nothing to do with computers, it is a style in music.

the computer radiation you talk about doesn't exist. meningitus is a bacterial infection not from the flicking of the monitor. if you are so bothered then buy you kid a plasma screen as they have no flicker

Please reply to my e-mail address at as I don't belive that you know unough about computers to say they are bad.

To any one else that wants to reply to my post saying that I'm don't know what is good for me than please do but just send a copy to my mail cause I dought that I will be visiting here for some time as I have to go off and do illigal things with comet cursor (tux only knows what)

For all you hackers, crackers, script kiddies, sysadmin what ever you want to call your selves, the people on this site and similar really need educating. they know very little about cyberspace.

I hope you all take this to mind and use this infomation for good use.


please people think normally (none / 0) (#5316)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 01:21:37 PM PST
hey all u people you cant honestly think some parent could find this stuff write what this said and be serious come on. to who ever wrote this very good work you should write more well funny

Ummmm.... (none / 0) (#5317)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 01:26:30 PM PST
Has the whole world lost it's sense of humour?
I thought the article was very amusing, and I know it has factual errors... but is that actually important?

I can't believe that anyone can post against this article seriously because there was no way it was written in a serious way, well I hope not at least for the authors sake!

Laugh a little,

uh.. (none / 0) (#5318)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 01:56:59 PM PST
Wait, is this serious?? I thought it was a joke! OH MY GOD. You gotta be kidding me. The most ignorant thing I have EVER heard!! Sir, stop being such an ignorant fuck.

radical appearance changes (none / 0) (#5319)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 02:03:15 PM PST
not true--
if their appearance is as you say, they are clubbing punks, which take dugs
the neon clothing-- clubbing
the matching hair-- punks
the pacifier -- drugs
these are not the signs of a hacker, this is rubbish

real proof (none / 0) (#5321)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 02:06:25 PM PST
read the mentors last words, this gives the real profile of a hacker.

HAHAHA!! (none / 0) (#5322)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 03:57:39 PM PST
I love humor. :) ROFL!! Please tell me this is a joke. I don't think anybody is actually THAT stupid to believe that article, let alone write it as series material. If you want people to take you seriesly you need real facts, not all this crap you just happen to "know." You just went to the whore-house to stop prostitution.

You want a reason why the world is all screwed up today? Parents and their lack of RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY!! Not any silly computer game, or music. Nothing that you mentioned can be concieved as "hacking."

get a life! (none / 0) (#5323)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 04:26:15 PM PST
I can tell this article is written by some computer newbie LOL ROTFL !!! LUNIX!!?? Hackers using cometcursor????haha..give me a break!!!

ROTFLMAO (none / 0) (#5327)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 07:49:31 PM PST




this was entertaining


YOU ARE ALL DUMASSES!!!!! (none / 0) (#5328)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 07:55:12 PM PST
OH MY GAWD!!! for crying out loud, that is a pure strerotypical image of a teenage girl on the hacker scene, and about the article, i feel sorry for your kids. monitoring them as if they have no privacy whatsoever. thats like BigBrother to America. that really bytes(pun intended). Quake has nothing to do with hackers. that is pure BS. And hackers are not geeky pimpled teenagers!!!!!!! that is really offensive, you people have no reason to call them that. i strongly suggest you change your point of view, and this thing about how to determine your a hacker? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!! FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!! THIS MAKES ME REALLY MADE!!! PERL IS A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!! ITS SPELT LINUX!!! NOT LUNIX!!!! FUCKING DUMBASS COCK SUCKING MORONS!!!! NO WAIT!!! ORONS!!!! YOU ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO BE A MORON!!!!!!! ONLY IGNORANT FUCKS LIKE YOU CAN BE THIS DISGRACEFUL TO A COMPUTER!!!!!! first off, linux was made open source not by fucking russians, there is no way something this good was made for computers in the cold war. COMPUTERS COULDNT EVEN RUN LINUX BACK THEN SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! and its not illegal software, its free open source, if you know what that means!!! you people are dumbasses!!!!! the people that i am talking about are the people that believe this sort of crap!!!!

For sure someone is gonna get a beating for this......

!L@KJ (none / 0) (#5330)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 08:45:59 PM PST
Please tell me this is a joke!

are you a freakin idiot?! (none / 0) (#5333)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 10:38:48 PM PST
I must truely take pity on you kind sir for you are the dumbest mother fucker i have ever seen. What is it with you and "AMD is made by poor little kids in China" well get something straight, AMD is one of the best processor manufacturers out there. and another thing "Comet Cursor" is only a program that lets you change the cursor (im TRUELY sorry if you dont know what that is, but it wouldnt suprise me) in webpages you dumb fuck, like for instance if you goto "" and have comet cursor enabled maybe you will notice that the cursor(the thing you use to click on things with) is not the regular pointer...

I truely hope that you arent that nieve and you probably arent reading this anyways, but really, dude you probably think that HTML is a "hacker code" or some shit like that (by the way html is webpage code, you know the very thing that this page is made of, if you right click and click view source all that shit is html, so i hope i didnt lose you there you stupid fucker)

this article is for entertainment purposes only (none / 0) (#5336)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 02:25:15 AM PST
i am surprised that people who have posted this can be so intellectual and so stupid at the same time. this is not real, this is a fictional article

This was great. (none / 0) (#5337)
by Miroslaw Baran on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 04:46:20 AM PST
Great parody, really brilliant.
-- [ hand-made signature ]

OH NO!!! (none / 0) (#5338)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 05:17:19 AM PST
I can't believe I'm reading this nonsense! I also hope that the leaders of America are more wise than you, mr. Gibbons...

First of all, I can see that you are an american. How??? Because you actually believe all the pro-America anti-Russia propaganda. ALL OF IT!!! Before you can actually teach your children you should start having opinions of your own, not the opinions you see in slogans and american propaganda.

And do you REALLY spy on your children. You actually lurk and see what they read. I have read a lot of books concerning World War 2. Does that make me a fascist, a communist or somehow a militious person? I mean, you can't categorize people because they read something. You should be happy that your son is actually reading. That my friend, is called learning. You should try to become a little bit more open minded and let other people influence you too, instead of just you trying to influence the others!

I also noticed a number of religious slogans there in your post. It seems that you, mr Gibbons, are a fanatic! I personally think that ALL KIND of fanaticism is BAD. Don't be so absolute. You can't see the big picture like that. It's not such a horrible dark world out there. Or outside America as you probably think of it. America and the rest of the world.

hehehehehe , this is sick ... :) (none / 0) (#5339)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 06:09:07 AM PST
since when is telnet a hackers program , what about YOU go to , start>>run and type "telnet" , now what if I would go to teh coppers and tell them you are running telnet :S ?
and I agree with the gamers guy , since when do kids train how to use rocketlaunchers and huge electifying machines on the internet ? , why are there even quake servers left if this is what you think ?


What a wankshaft!! (none / 0) (#5340)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 06:50:02 AM PST
This guy obviosly hasn't got the slightest idea about hacking or comoputers. What a wanker. This guy seems to also be demented. Get a life bozzo. Hacking isnt the end of the world, and certainly doesn't have such dramatic effects. And comet cursor and quake do not cause it"""

Comment (none / 0) (#5341)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 07:02:01 AM PST
If this was true, every son would be a hacker these days :)

The developper of this website would be a hacker aswell... I'd better leave :)

I Agree with him 100% (none / 0) (#5343)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 07:22:24 AM PST
I have a teenage son and he started getting into this "Quake" thing. I was forced to restrict him on the internet so that his mind would not become corrupted by people running around with mock guns killing other people. The author of this article is correct in all his assumptions and more of you should pay attention to the article instead of ridiculing him.

is your son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#5344)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 08:39:44 AM PST
this has got to be an elaborate parody or hoax, I found the whole thing extremely funny and so did everybody I have showed it to.There is no way that anybody would write a so called "guide" so full of inaccuracys, not just minor points that hav'nt been understood but childlike lack of understanding in basic computer terms.Very funny, more please.!

Very funny (none / 0) (#5346)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 08:57:28 AM PST
It's a shame that most Americans simply can't recognise subtle humour when they read it.

Oh my God.. (none / 0) (#5348)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 09:17:13 AM PST
I'm very sorry for the Children of such stupid parents, you don't know what you were talking about.
Do you know ho many Computer's are REALLY hacked a year by Microsoft??? I think no, 'cause you are an idiot.

And here a little tipp:

Your son isn't a hacker, your son is a gamer.

You sir, are an Idiot. (none / 0) (#5349)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 09:34:26 AM PST
You have created a whole page on the www to immortalize the day you were a shithead. YOu are a moron and one day your son will get you back you stupid dumbass.

Re: Is your son a computer Hacker (none / 0) (#5350)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 10:01:19 AM PST
To the ignorant miss guided Parent who should ask advise and not give it.

Firstly most of the behavioral traits ascribed as signs of your son's alleged hacking are caused by bad or misguided parenting, look closer to home for the root of the problem before pointing fingers.

Secondly you obviously have an extremely limited knowledge of computing and should at take the time to acquire at least a basic understanding of Computers before you start accusing anyone of hacking (Which You clearly have no understanding whatsoever)or offering advise on subject outside your understanding.

It is truly a shame when people either out of Ignorance or misguided good intentions make unfounded accusations against both people & or products (which are both done in the responded to posting)

I hope that your family grows into a beutiful bloo (none / 0) (#5351)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 10:21:30 AM PST
m with this sound advice.

fitst of all, you bought a compag, that was your first mistake, you moron, second AOL is a complete ripoff, third, games, video card, AMD chips, and linux are completally legit, i don't know what the fuck ur talking about, u are a complete moron! LOL, this better be a joke, or else i can't imagine your complete ignorence.
you fucking dirty bastard! Do you really think people belive this? You are one funny son of a bitch! So funny in fact, that ts offensive.
I feel pity for your son, he going to rebel soooooooo hard agains you! you will see! maybe he'll become a "real" computer hacker! you stupid dumb-fuck!

STUPID AMERICANS!!! I AM AMAZED !!!! (none / 0) (#5353)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 11:28:01 AM PST
yes i am really amazed on what you know about all of this, especially about LINUX !!! tou are kidding or seroiaosly think about this??? Shows this 8 POnt to anyone eho knows moer about PC and he will tell you are FOOOL AMERICAN that's why everyone like us steal Credit Cards From you ;))) HAve a Goood Flight :)))) " oH no no"

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