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AMD Makes that hacker...... NOT! (none / 0) (#3619)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 12th, 2001 at 11:44:34 PM PST
OMFG I have never laughed so much in my entire life, the person that wrote that article must be an absolute retard!

To the above Anon poster, RIGHT ON, you tell em.

I own 6, yes SIX, wanna read it once more S I X AMD based machines at my home and will build no other type of system for customers. All my customers would be very entertained at this article and then would tell the author his is indeed a moron.

Gust for the record, AMD CPU's beat the Intel offering CLOCK FOR CLOCK. Yeah, for each little 1MHz that an Inhell Pee4 does the AMD Athlon does MORE. The Pee4's get smacked down by Athlons even with a huge speed advantage that the Pee4's have.

To the author:
Learn the facts before you post mindless bull$hit about stuff you quite obviously know nothing about.


eh... (none / 0) (#3620)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 12th, 2001 at 11:48:06 PM PST
microsoft paint ate my children.
... wait, i dont have any children.'
oh, right... that's cuz microsoft paint ate them. heh. silly me

hehehehe (none / 0) (#3622)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 12th, 2001 at 11:50:39 PM PST
Oh, my, god that was hilarious.

No, but seriously.

"American Micro Devices", a company based in oregon, also known as AMD, is a third world company... funny..Bonzi buddy, one of the most irritating little toys on the internet..maybe a bother, but certainly nothing to do with hacking..AOL has a strict no-hacking policy.. that one's the best.. yeah, there are too many AOL script-kiddies who want to 0\/\//\/><0r j00!!

Seirously folks.. This article's a riot, but it's really not to be taken seriously. I do worry that some of the (no offense) non-computer savvy adults WILL take this article seriously and cut off their children's computer use..

Does your son use the quake :) that's like saying are you taking the pot.. Quake is a 3d action game, and bloody and undesirable to tight-noose parents though it may be, it's not a hacker program. Hell without "arena" attached to the end of it, no version (there's III of 'em) is even connected to the internet.

Hehe.. whoever wrote this obviously has some good grounding in computers (and probably tech support!), and worte this article to reflect some of the dumbest assumptions made by people around him. If not, he needs serious help on his research..

Seriously? (none / 0) (#3623)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 12th, 2001 at 11:53:51 PM PST
To those that reply to this article, there is no where near the amount of fact presented in this article to merit any sort of rebuttle. To respond to this article as if it was as didactic as it pretends to be presents your equivalent ignorance.

To the author, you need to know that you are NOT helping anyone with this site. Your opinions here, about AMD, 'the' Quake, firearms, and recruitment are so far off base that it makes me think you know that you are wrong. This is exacerbated by your linking to some suspicious sites, like and GWB's bio page. In fact, I commend you on what is a marvelous piece of internet fiction. We will be talking about this one a lot.


Typical American? (none / 0) (#3624)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 12th, 2001 at 11:59:43 PM PST
Well, I think this man absolutely doesn't know what he is talking about. Telnet is used for hacker's attack... I sent this text to my friends around to make them amused at it as well as I was...

All crap (none / 0) (#3627)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 12:12:35 AM PST
This is all crap and you are a microsoft Slave
hehehehehe :)Who said that to get ride of linux you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer... ?

Thanks for such nice laughable article..


No really... (none / 0) (#3630)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 12:29:03 AM PST
You're a moron.

This is the lamest thing I've seen in a LOOONNNNGGG time!

Thanks to the folks at <a href=""></a> for pointing out this funny shit to me.

I'm really starting to hate AOL losers like you.

moron (none / 0) (#3634)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 12:51:36 AM PST


ya must be a moron posting this, or it's a joke....

lunix? ya mean unix or linux?
both Rn't illegal hackersoftware these R Operations Systems like Windows, much better though...

long ago that i laughed so good...


Most of the stuff in this article is WRONG (none / 0) (#3639)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:11:33 AM PST
Well, this whole text is quite fake. I does not have anything with real world. Mr. Gibbons I quess you accused your sone totaly wrong. Linus Torwalds is not Russian but from Finland. I am 20 years in IT Security and that is first time that i heard of many things here that are completly nonsense. They realy are. Most of data here are completly wrong.

DAMN the inteligence is at it lowest point!!! (none / 0) (#3640)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:12:18 AM PST
DAMN the inteligence is at it lowest point!!!

AMD is a knock off, this just prove that the father don't know s**t. The fact that AMD is an American company.. BAH.

article o is your child a hacker (none / 0) (#3641)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:20:59 AM PST
After reading that article i had to laugh. the 3 programs they mentioned are not even close to hacker software they are normal programs that are used everyday by people and companys all over the world. Amd processors are not hacker equipment, they are sold in stores as thats were i bought mioe. also many gateway and dell computers have them. alos hp and compaq are also starting to use them. as far as linux(BTW this is the correct spelling) mandrake(which is another form of linux) are not hacker operating systems. they are the most stable os's that are available today.
90% of todays hackers use windows wit any processor they want. the programs they use are easily hidden on any computer without any knowledge of them being there. As for the person who wrote the article maybe they should learn about computers themselves before they go posting articles that do nothing but confuse parents and cause unneeded harm to todays children.

You can't be serious... ! (none / 0) (#3642)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:24:16 AM PST
Listening to your kids music? Reading their books?

All these things can only monitor symptoms. If your kid is showing anti-social behaviour (like hacking) there is something wrong with his social life outside of what he is doing, not inside. A person, no matter age, will continue to do what he/she likes. If he/she likes offending the law then something is making the law look bad in his/her eyes.

I must say I had quite a laugh when I read this.


i am devastated (none / 0) (#3643)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:37:18 AM PST
there was a time long ago called "the seventies". "the seventies" was a time of gender and social stereotypes and expectations. after reading this article i have come to the conclusion that, in fact, "the seventies" still exists. i sincerely hope that this is the only person still existing that has been stuck in this "the seventies". i once beleived "the seventies" had been abolished. is it true that females arent as smart and as technically advanced as males? if so, you americans are so lucky to have a president that was elected for the basic fact that he was the son of a president. such a smart individual would react to a single act of terrorism with the bombing of a whole nation in the effort to kill one man. if men are smarter than women thank your "god" you dont have a president elected on policies("heavens" forbid a female!) i have never been to america, but from what i see, if this quote is consistent throughout the whole race, hackers are the only ones left in your country of hipocrites and gullible fools that havent succumbed to the "american dream" and fallen into this "the seventies" state. is the whole country so indulged in their own power and perfection that they have to monitor any behaviour that doesnt come in the book on raising children? do it yourselves. take an individual pose in the game of life, or else waste it in the ignorance of this image of the perfect and politically correct family. all i have to say is that "the seventies" lives. watch out america. fight for your individuality. peace out

Pleaz be a joke (none / 0) (#3644)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:37:31 AM PST
This is either the funniest thing I have ever read and I have to show all my friends
This is the stupidist thing I've ever read.

Listen I play Quake and I use Flash,
my grades suck,
I use the computer most of the time (my 2 highest grades are an A & an A both in electronic publishing it means I make webpages basicly),
what else is there oh yes AMD is a major producer of CPU's and there damn good too,
Changing ISPs to a more hacker friendly provider wow no internet provider is acctually hacker friendly in general all take procautions against people hacking in to other people files,
Is he becoming argumentitive anyone in there right mind knows that there are 2 reasons your kids like that: 1) He is a teenager even preps I know don't like there parents 2)Your insane,
Ah radical appearance change you know just recently I started whereing a field jacket (like in the army) does that mean i'm a hacker too no it means its cold and that is something I find cool,
Lastly a few words on Linux not Lunix. Its a great OS great in that it is last succeptible to viruses and hacks it doesn't crash (if you didn't know thats my very subtle windows reference although 2000pro didn't crash on me).
Also checking your link for lunix I find that is a program but if you have lunix installed on your computer in most cases it will just sit there considering it for a Comodore.

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 02:12:30 AM PST
well, i was just way too tired to laugh out loud after reading that, so i had to do on my computer, the computer that i've been using for over 3 hours today...oh no. To read my full comments on this (stupid) article, go to Oh no, i made a link, i know html, i may be a hacker...but i doubt it.

Deary me... (none / 0) (#3650)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 03:09:41 AM PST
I'll start as many others already have, by congratulating 'T. Reginald Gibbons' on a hilarious posting. This is **OBVIOUSLY** a very well put together and frankly piss-funny spoof of that age old stereotype 'the evangelical american luddite parent'. Admittedly it did take a while for me to realise, but come on peeps, a link to in the posting of a god-fearing US parent?? (the presidential links were pretty well observed too!). I think that not only was this a VERY funny article, but that it also served quite well as flame-bait for an awful lot of teenage '1337 |-|4><0R5' which in turn only added to the humor. You've gotta admit kids (especially all those screaming about how uninformed and intellectually retarded the author was) - you were stitched. Remember, a bit of 'leet speek' does not a hacker make.

bolox (none / 0) (#3651)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 03:14:07 AM PST
If I want to play a fps I would use Quake
if I want to hack your pc I would use
Backorifice or subseven.
You sir are an arse.
(Is Q3 really better for training hackers than Q2)

fucking retard (none / 0) (#3653)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 03:25:12 AM PST
whoever the fuck wrote this 4rticl3 has got to be the stupidest motherfucker alive

Let me get this straight (none / 0) (#3654)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 03:35:20 AM PST
If in your article, you "researched" everything that you displayed as acts of a "hacker", what defines the line between "hacker" and "concerned parent"? If you, yourself, are learning the same way your so-called "hacker" child does, why are you not a "hacker"? I am also curious as to what your term of "hacker" is, because you basically defined several well-respected professions in your article, such as "Security Professional" or "IT Manager", which, both are involved deeply with "lunix", which is really called linux, and may have their employee's using your socalled "hacking" program Flash. Flash is a widely used graphic art and movie animation program. I am sure it has more positive uses than negative. If you think of it that way, almost anything on a computer can be a "Hacking tool" if you only look at the negative aspects of the application. Take "Microsoft Word" for example, you could use it to write a malicious program in a format such as Visual Basic Scripting. You could also write a 5 page essay for your college class. I would also like to know how the "comet cursor" application is "hacking tool". It is installed by Clicking "Yes" to an active x control dialog, where your child most likely has no idea what they are doing, hence it installs it's self after he clicks yes, and it's done with. IT CHANGES YOUR WINDOWS CURSORS AND THAT'S ALL IT CAN DO. If you look at it that way, the windows dynamic link library that displays the actual cursor, could also in that aspect, be a hacking tool? No. Your accusations are under-researched, and you should take a little more time finding out all the true fact's before you try to be the "supreme commanding world-advocating parent" that you seem to be. Wake up.


Uneducated Posts (none / 0) (#3656)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 03:39:19 AM PST
I sincerely hope the original article was a joke. I am a Systems Engineer for a worldwide IT consulting firm, with extensive experience with just about every piece of hardware and software mentioned here.

To make a long story short, this article is extremely inaccurate at every turn. For one thing, most people (kids especially) nowadays who come right out and call themselves "hackers" couldn't code their way out of a wet paper bag. Hackers are essentially just software developers who happen to know how to take advantage of defects in popular network operating systems. Or, you could look at the hundreds of nobodies who download the tools that Hackers have written, and take that as a sign that they have any clue what they are really doing.

I could go on and on about the ways in which you are just plain wrong. I found the bit about AMD processors particularly amusing though, you couldn't have come up with a sillier way to make a baseless insult at them if you were an Intel employee yourself.

Happy Holidays!

Is your son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#3658)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 03:50:19 AM PST
OMG .... After reading this I had to take 10 minutes laughing at you sir. You are seriously either an extremely stupid individual or you like to blow smoke out of your ass to give yourself a thrill.

There was a post already on your spelling and your misconceptions of what quake, flash and comet cursor are so let me address something new.

YOU HAVE 6 KIDS?? Geezus christ, people who are as fuckin stupid as you should not be allowed to have kids in the first place. I'm hoping that you are some inbred hick who has never went to college and just got his kids a 'puter cause "I wanted to keep em outta my hair". If you were an actual caring, loving, thinking parent then you would have approached things differently, found out the validity of the info you linked left and right (lunix? Computer radiation? AMD using 3rd world sweatshops? WTF??) because you are JUST PLAIN WRONG.

Please do me a favor dumbass and get yourself clipped (your nuts or a lobotomy, either one works) but do it quick so we don't have to worry about more of your spawn in the world.

Have a nice day

YOU FUCKING IDIOT OF SATAN! (none / 0) (#3661)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:14:57 AM PST
By writting this article it clearly shows that you a complete moron. 1.) It shows you have no knowledge of computers what so ever, 2.) hackers make this world what it is today. computer geeks create technology not destroy it. GET YOUR FUCKING FACTS STRAIGHT YOU FUCKIN IDIOT. 3.) If you are looking for a attention you got it. AMD could proberly sue you for the false information you are giving the public about. 4.) Did your daddy rape you when you were young? and take you away from a computer? because clear you have some mental problems! 5.) HACKERS are classified as today's hero's and today's terrorists because they are abused by the GOV and terrorists because of their intelligance. By glad we exsist and help sorry ass people as your and US GOV

Response (none / 0) (#3663)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:27:04 AM PST
This article is yet another example of the narrowminded zealotry masquerading as parenting in this country. I have long been suspicious of the brainwashing associated with too much religious activity; I will purposely be limiting my children's attendance at church because of this.


My Son Is A Hacker (none / 0) (#3666)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:56:56 AM PST
Gibbons, Can I fuck your wife?

*^($%#(HACKER5000CPS(($#)!_!)( (none / 0) (#3671)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 05:50:22 AM PST

Just Totally Unreal (none / 0) (#3672)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 05:51:37 AM PST
Moron is an understatment !!, Tell me there are some educated people in the world. Spanking spare me no matter what you say it is still assault, me big ape bet you little apr spare me. why did you even allow this to be posted. my God.

Where can I join your cult? (none / 0) (#3674)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 06:18:31 AM PST
I seriously cannot believe that this article is for real. If it is I have a couple of comments myself.

1. Normally when writing something that "all parents should know" you should at least attempt to do some reasearch.

2. Only thing you are purporting with this article is the same narrow minded thinking that led some derranged mad men to believe they were justified on 11 September 2001.

3. "A wise man knows how big a fool he is, he does not need to open his mouth to prove it" but in your case i guess you just open your mouth to change feet.

Jacques Liebenberg

(omg is that a hackers email account he just gave?)

Articles like these are why the internet is full o (none / 0) (#3675)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 06:25:21 AM PST
I would like to take a brief moment to point out that the author of this article is misinformed, and totally ignorant about computer use and hacking.

There are many grievous errors here: first NO ISP is hacker-friendly, second, the books outlined are all works of fiction (and have no actual methods for hacking therin), third, Quake is a game! You do not go on to learn how to kill (or hack, but to have fun and blow off steam). Fourth, AMD is not a hacker-friendly chip, it is not even a knock-off, AMD does do thier own R&D, they just refuse to put features that allow Operating Systems to track users. Fifth, teenagers are all anti-social when it comes to thier parents and other non-teenagers. Sixth, Comet Cursor and the other programs mentioned are not hacker tools, but multimedia enhancements and design tools.

I would like to point out that the spanking link GOES TO A DAMN PORN SITE!

The author of this article is so way off base that I must conclude that this is a parody of right-wing, bible-thumping parental response to the internet, and should not be taken seriously.
If I am wrong and the author actually believes what he writes, then I must point out tthe HE IS A TOTAL BUFFOON!

- Professional Systems Analyst in Toronto

Ever watched Hackers? =]]] (5.00 / 1) (#3677)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 06:28:50 AM PST
Hehe =)

Thanks [timeout] for this site. =]
You know who you are. =]

I think the cursings against this parent is totally unnessesary. But I do agree that he isn't that smart acusing hackers of something lame as this.

I believe this parent has seen the movie "Hackers" too much. =] I mean that movie has it all. =] All fake lame-ass ways to hack computer. =] I mean Jeezuz! =) Hack into a computer with a bogus apple computer computer OS and get GRAPHICAL overlays over the target computers files. =)

/Greets from [Rayden] the warez dude. =]

IRCNET #lule� or #vampire

Wha Tha? (none / 0) (#3678)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 06:38:16 AM PST
What the hell is the matter with you? Do you have any idea of how a computer works, let alone the means through which a computer may be used to "hack?" I mean, get a life. Or at least get some reading material and do some research. Like, Otaku? Hacker Convention? My fracken flying nutsack. AMD proccessors, a resource for the l33t? Maybe just a much more capable proccessor...
God, I could go on forever. This has got to be a goddamn joke. Jeezuz.

beware of new inquisition bigotry (none / 0) (#3682)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 07:18:17 AM PST
You must be joking! This is dangerous, you should tell folks it is a joke. This is how stereotypes arise to become a dogma of faith and end up in fanatism. I have never seen such ignorance and lack of tolerance, you Torquemada reborn. Children are educated to understand the world they live in with all its imperfections. Life is not a Doris Day film of the fifties, and teaching how it goes is a parents duty, you better sit along with your son at the computer and share experiences with him, and show him not to take seriously articles like this....
Shame,shame on you........

HA HA HA it's really fun (none / 0) (#3683)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 07:18:54 AM PST
This is really fun! :):)
I'll print this page!
"AMD is a third-world based company" !!!
AMD is in Germany!
"a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos"
He is one of the best programmers in the world!

P.S. I make this for these, that are not very good with the PCs

This is So BS! LMAO! (none / 0) (#3686)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 07:37:44 AM PST
since when is flash comet cursor, and those things he said hacking programs, and your dress style lmao!!!!! and Linux is illeagle thats sooo funny cuz the dude who made this, is a sincere asswipe.

..ooO Ha Ha Ha Ooo.. SuckerZ RuleZ !!! (none / 0) (#3687)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 07:39:06 AM PST

that, sir, is the funniest thing I have ever heard (none / 0) (#3688)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 07:44:16 AM PST
I really hope that article isn't true... If it is, please give your children up for adoption. And any other parents that used this article for information, please do so as well. Really people... we need to require testing to allow people to be parents. It would help with a lot of problems. :)

Hacker or Cracker? (none / 0) (#3690)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 07:53:55 AM PST
Nothing wrong with hacking!

Real Hakers??? (none / 0) (#3691)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 07:57:15 AM PST
If there are any real hackers reading this... PLEASE HACK INTO THIS SERVER AND DELETE THIS STUPID PIECE OF TRASH!!!!!!!!!!! The author of this article is either telling a vey bad joke, or is so ignorant that they never stopped to get their facts straight. I'm wondering what AMD would say to your slanderous remarks about them in your "News story". Lets find out....

my dixie wrecked (none / 0) (#3692)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:00:56 AM PST
the ignorance in this article is almost too much to bear. I don't know whether to be angry that you would make such inaccurate accusations... or feel sorry for the stupidity that those around you must put up with.

to tell you the truth... people like you are far more dangerous than any hacker...

Dude, you are a dumbarse! (none / 0) (#3693)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:01:22 AM PST
Dude, you are a dumbarse! Thats all I can say! There is this stereotypical view of hackers, that morons like you think of, that are totally against the nature of most hackers. I'm not going to write alot, since it seems there alot of other people who want to get their opinions across, so I'll leave it there! Moron


PS: Daughters don't posess the skills to hack? Twat!

Thank you T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#3695)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:04:33 AM PST
I will remember you as the person who wasted the most of my time.

Bonsai Buddy; Hacking tool of the new Millennium!

you my friend, are stupid (none / 0) (#3696)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:08:28 AM PST
first off, i am not a hacker, i know nothing about it and will never do it. but i do spend more than 30 mins on the pc, 30 mins isnt even enough to have a decent round of counter-strike! i also spend about 9hrs a day on the pc. also, quake is nothing to do with hacking. its a fucking fps game! i have found new hardware on my pcand it has shit to do with hacking. i also have undergone a change in clothes recently. BUT I AM NOT A HACKER!!!! i wanted more memory cos i needed it and WTF is lunix????

You blow. (none / 0) (#3698)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:19:06 AM PST
Peter is not a hacker. You are.

You read the hacking material, didn't you? You know all about all the tricks hackers pull. And, according to your questionaire, makes you a hacker.

Are you a dumbass?

Really, I'm not joking. Are you a dumbass? You say you have 6 kids. Are they all accidents? Are you married? Is this the first time you ever touched a computer? Is your son's name actually Peter, or did you forget what his real name is and just decide to call him that?

Can you talk without slurring horribly? Can you talk? Are you capable of surviving on your own? Did you graduate from high school? Did you graduate from junior high?

I can't believe you think that BONZIBUDDY is a hacking program. IT'S A FUCKING MONKEY! IT TALKS TO YOU AND EATS BANANAS!


Go to to download, you gay mother fucker.

Flash is a movie maker. It makes cheap animations to display online. You're gay.

Cometcursor is a program that changes your cursor. You like men.

How can you call yourself a parent when you go around accusing your own damn kids of doing illegal things, AND THEN THINKING YOU DID THE RIGHT THING?!?

nop (none / 0) (#3702)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:38:12 AM PST
AMD is produced in USA.
I bought my AMD in a shop.

There is no difference in protection shemes
within CPU's. (As there are no protetion shemes)


"Hacking Manuals" (none / 0) (#3707)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 09:06:13 AM PST
I just love the "Hacking Manuals" depicted :

- One of them (and only one) is technical : Programming with Perl.

- Three of them are sci-fi novels : "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonimocon" by Neal Stephenson, and "Neuromancer" by William Gibson. Each of them is, in a way, about hackers, but they're complete fiction. They're very good novels, by the way ; Neuromancer is generally regarded as founder of the Cyberpunk genre, and the two by Stephenson are very entertaining, mixing a well-thought plot with witty humour. (as you may guess, I've read these three, and when I read the article and saw these names I said to myself the author had chosen them totally on purpose)

- For the others, I searched on Amazon (I did not know them), most are essays about hacking history, except for "Geeks" and "Microserfs", which are contemporary novels on the theme.

Hey, you who think he's serious... All these books are bestsellers and even if they're not "hacking manuals" they're about hacking in a general way, and pertinent, and lots of computer nerds have read them. I find this guy way too well-informed about something he does not know, don't you ? Someone who does not know the subject at all would have made some mistakes in such a list, I think ^^.

The sad state of our nation's parents (none / 0) (#3708)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 09:11:20 AM PST
You know, I have to admit that when I first read this, I thought it was serious. It never crossed my mind that it was a joke. The reason is that I know there are people out there that really think this way. I had a friend in high school whose parents thought along these very same lines. They did not allow him or either of his two brothers to be taught health in junior high because the POSSIBILITY existed that sometime, in the future, the curriculum would begin teaching contraception as a means of prevention. Conservatives in this country (a lot of them, not all) think very much along the same lines as this article, and it scares the shit out of me. It makes me feel bad for their children, most of all. If anyone wants more information on the mentality I'm talking about, watch the movie "The Virgin Suicides." Those girls had the most horrible family life one can imagine, and it is a more common mentality than people think. Do yourself a favor; if you read this article and are actually worried about your child (why does it have to be only SON?) being involved in activities like those described here, send your kids to live with your parents and kill yourself. You'll be doing your children, yourself, and the rest of the world a big favor by not allowing anyone to be further damaged by your narrow-minded phobias of anything that doesn't carry the "Rush Limbaugh Seal of Approval."

Now I am scared (none / 0) (#3710)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 09:27:38 AM PST
I have never heard such a load of ignorant comments gathered together in one place before. Yup, I AM TALKING ABOUT 90% OF THESE REPLIES. I was assuming at first that that they were trying to add to the original joke by pretending to take it seriously.

If this is the case, then you people are repeating yourselfs big time and the joke is wearing thin. I am forced to believe that some of you actually took this seriously!!!!!!

I cannot believe that anyone over the age of seven or so would fall into this category, but.....

If in doubt, just check out some of the links - like the one to that this perfect parent provided for you. I just hope sense prevails

<wondering about the state of humanity>

devil dad (none / 0) (#3718)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:06:59 AM PST
I have trouble believing that someone could be that ignorant.
Damn "Bonzai Buddy" Hackers!
but either way fictional or not, That is indeed the dad from hell...
I allow my daugter to go for bike rides alone. I follow her by a good free 10 yards in the van. That ended when I suspected that she went bike riding alone. She denyed it...liar. I continued to hound her but she wouldn't tell the truth so I set her bike on fire and made her eat the ashes..

The REAL List (none / 0) (#3720)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:23:35 AM PST
How you really know your son is a hacker:

10   As you are passing by his bedroom door,
   you hear "We're in!" on more than one occasion.
9   You can never keep a bag of Cheetos or a 3 Liter
   of Mountain Dew for more than a day.
8   A folder on the hard drive is named "best_viruses".
7   There is an entire CD case of "Backups", but no originals.
6   Feds have a van parked outside your house.
5   When you both walk up to an ATM machine, he keeps saying, "This is
   Unix! I know this!"
4   He refers to his bedroom as his "Fortress of Solitude", and it
   smells of butterscotch. Odd that.
3   When using his computer, he wears a cloak while listening to
   music composed primarily of the sounds modems and telephones make.
2   H15 3-mA1l l00x lYk tHiS.
1   All his friends are "virtual".

okay....dumbass (none / 0) (#3722)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:37:58 AM PST
Well, where should i begin

First of all, the 3 programs you listed as being 'hacker tools' are not hacker tools at all. You dont remember them being installed because when u go to a website that requires/ supports them, they r downloaded automatically.

AMD are just as good as Intel, Intel's processors are better at 'multi-tasking' (if u know what that means) and AMD are better for home pc's for things like games etc.

Linux is BETTER and MORE stable than windows. I despise windows, but i have no choice but to use it, its got better compatibility, but its less stable. Yes, linux is a popular choice for hackers, only because the machines worth hacking (usually) run Linux. It was created by a very ingeniour person and was based on UNIX.

Last but by no means least you are the biggest DUMB ASS i have heard off. I ask you to show this comment to your som, and let hi learn what his 'moddel parent' really is.

Personnaly I feel sorry for your son.



Rag if you dare to talk to me.

what is the matter with you (none / 0) (#3725)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:45:37 AM PST
you have no idea what you are talking about. Your information is totally wrong. I think that you need to go back to school. More than half the programs you discussed were totally legitmate programs used by everyday people. Stop trying to convince people that know little about computers that their son is a hacker, when you have wrong information. You need to do some research.

Dude (none / 0) (#3726)
by TumCerHum on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:48:46 AM PST
I think... I think I blew a funny fuse...

Your Doubts are Justified (none / 0) (#3729)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:01:59 AM PST
I am what you would probably refer to as a small time hacker. I don't bother to try and take down any companies or anything of that liking, although I like many others have the knolage to do acts of Electronic Terrorism.

I sympathise with you, you like many other people are ignorant of computers. This isn't nesisarily a bad thing it is just that you have not been taught properly. 'You know enough to be afraid, but not enough to feel safe'. There are been numerous posts that detail at each of your points why they are wrong and how they do not prove that your son is a computer hacker.

I believe that you should have more faith in your children and to trust them more, for if you cannot trust your family who can you tust?

The change that your son is going through is called adolecence, or pubity or whatever. This will explain his antisosial behaviour, as it is a path oftern traveled by young adults of our age. From what I can tell from your post, you have nothing to worry about, your son is not a computer hacker although has a liking to computers that, if helped, could turn into a prosperous carier.

OMG!! (none / 0) (#3733)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:08:33 AM PST
I sincerely hope that whoever wrote the above article is not serious. If they are, America has hit a new low for ignorant people. Escpecially those who use their Internet site to post crap like what you read above. I reeaallyy hope this is a joke.

to damn funny (none / 0) (#3734)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:13:53 AM PST
I seriously hope this article is a joke because if not I feel very sorry for this guys son.

There are simply too many mistakes in that article to know where to begin pointing them out.
I have only one thing to say to you
'Grow a fucking brain'
and to your son.. Run away from home! fast because he will only get more senile as the bastard gets older, run while you still can

Did you write the book "CHILDREN OF DUMMIES&q (none / 0) (#3737)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:18:58 AM PST
I applaude your unmeaningness efforts of metagrobolistic truth.

Your poor kid (none / 0) (#3738)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:21:39 AM PST
Yeah, i think most people overlooked the important thing. I hope that you didn't punish your son for anything like this! If you have you've probably fucked him up for life! not that you havn't allready. Here's a hint, if your kid says you're smothering them you are! Just watch from a safe distance and GET YOUR INFORMATION FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE! not some fucking right wing malitia site. You've named every hacker sterotype which all spawned from holywood! You're talking about characteristics that hollywood attributed to hackers to make a usefull sterotype for their movies IN 1995!!!!!
I'm glad that i had parents that watched what i did and supported me, and will always support me, but they didn't try to control every aspect of my life! they let me fuck up and learn from it. All i have to say is that if i were in the place of your son, i would either be brainwashed and fighting in afganistan right now, or i would have killed myself by the age of 14.
And as for the asshole that was talking about the girls being whores of male hackers and women being incompetent in a technologicly advanced workplace, i have nothing more to say than "you're wrong" and "fuck you"
Pleex! (and no pleex is not a hacker code for anythign)

News for grown-ups? (none / 0) (#3739)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:24:01 AM PST
I agree, some of Mr Gibbons statements have some
laugh value but his intentions are good.

..unless..he is putting us all on, in which case
the jokes on us and Mr Gibbons is laughing at you..I mean Programming with Perl..Lunix as
a sign your kids a hacker.

The irony of this site being "News for grown-ups" and reading all the "kiddie" responses is the best part though. In case you kiddies don't know what irony means there is a book called a dictionary or you can go to if you don't know what a book it.

You kiddies/wanna-be hackers, go back to your raves and ecstacy and quit taking our bandwidth.

Dumbness (none / 0) (#3742)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:35:48 AM PST
AMD chips are never sold in stores
=> have you ever been to a store?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government

lunix ...

1) this is a joke (thx kotnet.absurd)
2) You have no knowledge of computers at all. This is not a problem, but in this case someone responsible would simply shut the fuck up.

Yall are the bigger idiots here. (none / 0) (#3748)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:59:20 AM PST
I think all of you people who even responded to the joke are the biggest idiots.

You guys certainly ARE the punchline.
THanks for givin me something to read this morning. I had a good laugh.

Seriously though, some of you need to pull the stick out of your asses and develop a sense of humor. Loosen up

hmmm... (none / 0) (#3749)
by Epion on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:59:50 AM PST
My mother knows I'm involed in the "Art of the devil", she knows I love Metallica, Megadeth and Iron Maiden just to name a few. I hack. I have the highest grades in my school. I'm better than ever at sports. The army knows I'm a hacker (I'm a crewman). I'm going to university after my specialist training. I don't smoke or drink.

My brother knows nothing of computers, he is failing school miserably and just went to court. He get's pissed of his ass. He's a junkie. All because he 'meets his mates' while I'm at home learning the art of hacking. Now I'm not saying keep your kids indoors every day, because it's their choice, especially as a teen. I went to the computer because my parents were to overprotective of both my brother and I, yet we both end up on different sides of the coin.

Seems hackers aren't all that bad.

Some are. Some malicious hackers want to destroy, but like myself, I just want to know more than anybody else. Is that a bad thing? I design web pages. My old school let me bypass passwords because they trusted me. I made them a site.

Hint for the parent: instead of bragging about how great a family you have, first realise that your daughter probarbly doesn't even know what a hacker is. Hackers built the net. Give your son a break. He'll hate you if you smother him. Let him learn. Spanking won't work, seriously. If it did, then there would be no crime.

You should learn about hacking. Learn to protect your computer. Learn that some of us have ethics, some don't. I use viruses to infect my very own computer to see if I get get rid of them and learn. Hackers help the FBI. The hacker the parent is talking about is a stereotype. The hacker many know of, so they don't bother to go any deeper. It takes more than days to learn of the "art of the devil."

You do realise that any damn scurity specialist can hack. Some courses at Universities give you enough knowledge to hack. If he wants, your son will learn when he leaves home. You can't stop him. My parents do. They buy me books, evil computer programs that I use to make graphics, and then use those graphics to haxor. Dude, you can't hack with a graphics editor.

As for your statement about somebody being able to hack our computers with a virus if we reply to this thread, you can't use a virus to hack until the user executes it.

hmmm... (none / 0) (#3754)
by Epion on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 12:25:09 PM PST
Some links for the parent to check out.

<a href=""></a> has an ethical BBS. Go to the securty BBS and read the terms of service.

<a href=""></a>, makers of my favourite grapghics editor Paint Shop Pro. Go and see what a graphics editor <b>really</b> does.

<a href="">webschool</a> has a few tutorials about web development. Sorry, there are no "How to haxor your school with your favourite graphics editor" tutorials.

<a href="">w3schools</a>. Go to their flash section, and see all the cool legal things it's used for.

You are the Weakest Link! (none / 0) (#3758)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 12:34:03 PM PST
This article is the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever read.

I could argue every point, but let's just say that being argumentative and surly in social behavior does not make hackers... it's a behavior of everyone. I'm 22 and STILL act like in such manners when IDIOTS make comments like this and generalize about people without ANY sense of intelligence.

As far as AMD processors and upgrading to new technology.... People always want their systems to be FASTER so they can get more done in less time... not because it helps us break your computer faster. Oh and I *did* buy my AMD at a local computer shop NOT by ordering online.

As for academic ability... well, let's just say I graduated in the top 5% of my class. Nevermind my appearance which has radically changed as I matured from baggy jeans to more professional work clothes and parted hair-cut to something more modern.

And what the heck is Lunix? Do you mean Linux the Operating System designed to compete with Windows? And oh my god let's not talk about Quake, the popular game that kids like to play online with friends.

Oh and as computer technician and network administrator... I spend more than 10 hours on a computer per day.

As for the hacking manuals... yes I do read them... I like to know how to protect my systems, so people AREN'T stealing my data.

If you wanna call these behaviors hacking... by all means do so... just don't expect the INTELLIGENT people in the world to be blinded by your ignorance and generalizations.

Aaron M. Hall

joke? (none / 0) (#3763)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 12:57:55 PM PST
if this isnt a joke, its the most ignorant piece of shite ive ever heard in my life

Multiple monitor Jesus Freak!!! (none / 0) (#3764)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:00:10 PM PST
Written earlier "Perhaps there should be a disclaimer at the top, stating that "by reading this article, you implicitly accept Jesus as your saviour". That would put a stop to any hacking, I'd say!

Dual-head displays are most commonly used by hacker criminals. One screen is used for their local computer's display, and the other screen is used as the display for the remote system they are "rooting"."
"Dual-head displays serve almost no legitimate computing purpose, but are a favorite among the criminally-minded."

I am a Christian and I have 3 monitors! Am I going to hell?!? haha whoever posted the comment about the dual monitors was a complete moron. I use mine everyday. There are more purposes to multitasking than hacking. Code on one screen. Mp3s on one screen. Internet on the other. I mess with minor hacking programs out of interest and education. The place is implementing a new standards for the computer network due to a hacking prog I found that was a potential security risk. Educational tool? defiantly. I love Jesus, I love hacking as an educational tool, and by gosh, I'll kill anyone who touches my multiple monitors. Oh and I have LINUX, and never used it for hacking. I've used flash to make a webpage for my Christian freshman dorm. I've PLAYED quake. Comet Cursor installed itself on my computer (how annoying). We did you get this stupid information. I want links. You took a big wish-wash of information and posted it as fact. Take an english class about objection. Retard. Oh and to the user that said we'd use this page for our devious purposes: we know what these programs do. You obviously don't. They're not for hacking.

TRASH!!!!!! (none / 0) (#3766)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:03:03 PM PST
I feel sorry for the person who wrote "Is your son a computer hacker." Where did they get their information from is what i want to know. Processors being made in sweatshops, you have got to be kidding me. Any normal person who knows the slightest thing about computers knows that processors can't be made in sweatshops or else they wouldn't work. AMD does not employ a bunch of Vietnamese kids with computer engineering degrees to make their processors, just to get that straight. Actually, AMD's Athlon processors have faster clock speeds than Intel's Pentium 4. So a 1.4 GHz Athlon is just as fast as a 1.9 GHz pentium 4 for about $100 cheaper.
There is no connection between a child using a computer for more than 30 minutes and that child becoming a hacker. I ask for proof.
Another thing, the LINUX operating system is not illegal! It is used in high-end servers that manage enormous amounts of information. It is probably running the server that is passing this message along right now.
The game Quake is very good and last I heard, hackers never used it as a "popular meeting place" or "training ground." Hackers train by watching others and doing it themselves.
The fact that your son wants new computer hardware does not imply that he is a hacker. Memeory makes your computer run faster, larger hard drives let you hold more information on your computer, and video cards let you play games with better reality and effects. Hey I have a GeForce 3 video card in my computer, so that makes me a computer hacker!!!!
This page was probably written by some liberal special interest group extremely influenced by the media. They used false information to brainwash the misinformed about normal computer operation. If AMD ever saw this page, they could definitely sue the hell out of you, so i suggest you get your facts straight.

sucker (none / 0) (#3770)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:24:11 PM PST
hello i'm french and i've just read this horror.
how can this guy be so conceited, he doesn't know anything about computers and less about hackers and he'd try to learn you how to find a hacker in your children.

How stupid...

i hope all american aren't not like him...

You, my friend, are a moron. (none / 0) (#3772)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:42:13 PM PST
"Programming with Perl"?! You are attempting to make us programmers look like Hackers! Flash is a proffessional business tool! Go to to learn more, and this Lunix you're talking about is an OS system, and to uninstall it, put the windows CD in your drive, and hit the nice ON button--if you can find it.

This guy doesn't know ram from cdrom!! (none / 0) (#3773)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:56:04 PM PST
What an idiot you are completly miss informed

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 02:07:37 PM PST
Man This Guy Is For Real I Think He Is A Utter N00bie I Play CS (Counter-Strike) And By Fact I Use A Ge-Force 3 So I Can Get The Best Out Of My Computer And I Have 256 RDRAM And Im No Hacker So What's This F00l On About What An Old Prick
What I Think Is He Waste 1 Week Of His Life To Do Something Completely Stupid And Then Posting Here On These Fourms And Then Make A Juge F00l Out Of Him Self.
My Mate Has A AMD 256 DDRRAM
(Double Data Random Access Memory).
And A Ge-Force 2 64MB MX Card And You Think Im Gonna Bust Down His Door And Blow Shit At Him For Having Leagal Goods Your Are A One Major F00l... And To Add I Have Been On Several ISP's
And You Are Accuseing Ppl For Having Pop-Up Software And Downloadible Free Test Flash Programs. I Sugest You Give Up Your Hunt For A Penis Now!!! Buahahhahahaha

Oh my God.. I can't *believe* anyone takes this se (none / 0) (#3782)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 02:22:55 PM PST
700 comments and on a quick check NOONE seems to be able to identify this "article" as the brilliant satire it *painstakingly obviously* is?

You guys should REALLY REALLY make a reality check, cause you obviously lost (or never developed!) even the SLIGHTEST idea of what sarcasm, irony and satire is!

You just fell for the most obvious satire i have come across in about a decade, well done, guys (and girls! 8)

I mean: if this was the landover baptist church ( - yeah, okay, their satire is REALLY subtle and not obvious at all, and you can only really see it and pinpoint it 100% as satire when you read ALOT on the site, but with this one: I mean, hey, come on! >:-)

Here's a hint: check the link on "spanking" and feel the blood rush to your face! ;-)

Very funny! (none / 0) (#3784)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 02:24:50 PM PST
I gotta say, this made my day brighter! I mean, I was in a sorta bad mood at first, but this made me feel bright and happy knowing that the over-protective adults are living in a fantasy world of their own.

AMD? Hahaha, I guess since I'm using an AMD K6-2 processor (yeah I know, hecka old and outdated) I'm a hacker! LOL! Obviously, this guy doesn't know as much as he thinks he does.

He says that no store would sell the AMD chips. I guess he's never been to California. We have a few stores here called "Fry's Electronics" and they sell.... ELECTRONICS! And yep, they have sales on MoBo's and AMD processors and Intel processors and stuff...

Playing Quake? HAHAHAHAHA No comment on that one!

Switching ISPs?! HAHAHAHA come on! I switch cause I try to find better service (seriously).

Oh and when he says he accompanies his kids to parties?!?!?!?! LOL HAHAHA I couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes after reading that!

uhhhhhhhh (none / 0) (#3790)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 02:53:23 PM PST
now tell me... wtf does wearing baggy clothes and spiking your hair have to do with hacking? god, im a chick and i dress like that, and i dont go around hacking ppl... honestly dude, u need to get ur facts straight

God this guy's dumb (none / 0) (#3792)
by jshrimp3 on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 03:11:01 PM PST
1. Comet Cursor changes the cursor shown on the screen
2. Flash allows u to make animated pics
3. Linux is a regular OS with nothin like hackin crap wrong with it
4. Quake is a popular online game
5. AMD is a well-known chip company, around since before Intel
6. A lot of ppl hate AOL, and therefore would want to get a different ISP.
7. Programming with Perl is a book on how to make programs using Perl, a computer language.
8. Many ppl(like me) spend hours a day on the computer.
9. about being argumentative, it's called being a teenager.
10. about clothing, it's called being a punk.
11. about school and grades, some ppl just aren't that bright.

GRRR. (none / 0) (#3795)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 03:18:47 PM PST
Look, you have predjudiced the anime community. Most anime webmasters ARE NOT HACKERS. In fact, the site you linked, Otaku Blogs, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HACKING. It is to link weblogs that like anime. And Shiori, the owner, is getting all these stupid people joining her ring, and is concerned that her sites might get hacked. She's thinking of closing her domain and it's all your fault. I suggest that you unlink her site immediately, because many people are very upset. Thank you.

Is This a JOKE? (none / 0) (#3797)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:09:40 PM PST
You have got to be kidding me. First of all, the signs of a hacker you posted, are actually signs of a computer literate person. Second, skaters and "punks" dress in bright colors. That comment about girls not being intelligent enough to be hackers; I must say is a lie with in itself. You must sexist or something of another. Trust me, I can go on and on about how ignorant you are, but I shall not. Unless you know for a fact that your son or daughter is hacking in to other peoples systems and MESSING with them, you should not acuse them of such. On a different hand, did you ever consider your daughter was lying.

Thank you and good bye, but I must think you for the laughs. Stupidity such as this does not come often.

WTF? (none / 0) (#3800)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:32:05 PM PST
Uh, I'm sorry, but you are just completely, pathetically misinformed.

A word of warning to all readers: f you want know if your child is a hacker, take some time to actually EDUCATE yourself from reliable sources, rather than reading this rot.

And if you let your kid spend so much time in front of the computer in the first place, the problem isn't your kids. IT'S YOU. Make them read a book, for crying out loud. Take them to a park. Be involved in their lives. The computer isn't their family.

If I was employed by one of the companies you unjustifiably defamed here, I'd get your ass sued off. Better be careful.

Wow, how stupid (none / 0) (#3801)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:39:31 PM PST
This is thew dumbest thing I have ever read, and the aol filter is really easy to get around, all the filters are you fool.

Seriously, a new video card for hacking?

If you are going to make a article like this, please have some real info, basically everything in your article is wrong, trust me. Those who believe him, go search ariund the internet and learn how big of a f00l he his.

Go post about things you know retard

Wow (none / 0) (#3802)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:42:00 PM PST
Although the original intent of this message is admirable (I can respect a parent looking out for their kids' best interests), I find the ignorance quite disturbing. Almost everyone who has responded quoted each of the top 10 and explained why these are far from the truth. And I agree with each and every one of the arguments.

Ultimately, it is the parent's responsibility to look after their children. But it is also their responsibility to be knowledgeable of what it is they are preventing their children from using.

If parents are to set the example to their children, what type of example do you suppose this ignorant post is setting?

you are a retard (none / 0) (#3805)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:52:47 PM PST
damn this total site is bunk, report sum facts and shit man you are a retard, you are far off.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#3806)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 04:56:27 PM PST
Uh oh! Comet cursor is on here! HACKER! For god sakes! Flash! HACKER! Freak with glow stick! HACKER!!! AHH! They are all gonna dos my site to death! Uh oh! I made a site! Im a 1337 Hacker!! And if you get and sort of hacking prog, it WONT show up in your control panel if your anytime of hacker.. His son is most likely a KiD wHo LiKeS tO tYpE lIkE tHiS and runs around w/ a pinger and sub seven.. Pfft...Get your facts straight, asshole..I used comet cursor and flash when i was 9...And "lunix" is not some 1337 hacking tool to get music from a comp to put on your "Mp3"..

More signs of a hacker. (none / 0) (#3808)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 05:02:39 PM PST
If your son/daughter starts to make new friends this may be signs of a hacker. If they learn html they are a hacker. If they do things like play video games they are a hacker. And yes, i would like to thank you for pointing out AOL's AMAZING security features. Not even proffesional hackers can get around them. Hmm..I'll have to admit, yesterday I played an RPG with a friend. Now I have this strange urge to shoot people and steal music using my mp3. Thank you, I really appreciate this guide.

A more, intelligent, insult. (none / 0) (#3809)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 05:23:40 PM PST
I must honestly say, this is the absolute worst article I have ever read in my entire life.

-The writer is likely either a kid trying to get a laugh, or a foolish parent who doesn't understand any of the concepts he mentioned
-Many legitimate sites use Flash, it is a legal program
-AMD is an American based company
-CD Writers are legal and are used for a variety of practical uses, they are how information is placed on CDs in the first place
-Lunix is nonexistant, it is 'Linux', an operating system used by a variety of legitimate companies and people
-This article has been completely sexist, I know a variety of women, even girls of age six, who are much much more then capable of hacking
-Comet Cursors is nothing more then a silly cursor changer

I'd go on, but I believe I have made my point, you parasitic little excuse for a retarded load of festering maggot munching cannibalistic rotting corpse.

Hahahah (none / 0) (#3810)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 05:24:03 PM PST
Wow this is some funny shit...lmfao...Yes I believe the damn parents are on to us...I used bonzi buddy to remind me when to hack the NASA pages and and...I use flash to create my hacking logos...and well...comet cursor is my app I made to make my cursor 30x faster so I can hack so much havnt laughed so hard in ages...I know this was a joke post...but for parents who believe....tsk tsk...there kids are screwed.. --Peace -- Ninwa

What A Momo .. !!! (none / 0) (#3812)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 05:33:34 PM PST
Oh my gaaaaaawd .. Don't be such a MOMO !!!

MOUNTAIN DEW!! (none / 0) (#3817)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 06:06:46 PM PST
Parents, please listen to me. Hacker's have tendencies to eat and drink things in mass supplies. TV dinners soon become their favorite food, as it requires little energy. The highest implication of hacker-socialistic behavior is the tendancy to drink two very popular soda's. These being Mountain Dew and Jolt Cola. Next to coffee, these things are very evil and tend the childs normal brain functions to degenerate quicker and become more succeptable to other hackers. Please! Heed my word parents! Do not buy these products at any cost.

What A Bunch of Crap! (none / 0) (#3821)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 06:21:02 PM PST
What more can be said, who could actually believe this stuff? He must be kidding.

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 06:21:38 PM PST

"hacker programs include comet cursor, bonzi fucking gay buddy, and flash." YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT YOUR COMPUTER AND I ADVISE YOU TO MOVE AWAY FROM IT IMMEDIATELY, KEEP YOUR HANDS UP!

you fucking moron. oh my god i have never read anything more stupid in my entire history of surfing the internet (since 95).

you should just jump off a bridge now and save the rest of your children.


o.m.g (none / 0) (#3823)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 06:26:06 PM PST
ok obviusoly "sir" you r not a role parent u r a fucking ignorant bastard, 1st, AMD blows Intel right out of the fucking water with its thunderbird processor which completely kicks the ooooh *Intel Pentium 4's" oooooooh, fucking ass, 2nd, changeing ISP is not a sign becuz every1 int he free world who has a lil money does it becuz AOL fucking sux, 3rd, Quake is not a hacking game, yes it is a violent shooter but what do u want ur child to be playin man, fucking pokemon? 4th, its Linux fucker, hey there genuis Comet Cursor changes the cursor on ur screen fucker, Bonzi is a purple ape who helps you through ur computer needs and can be funny, and Flash is what revolutionized animation on the internet u fucking ignorant bastard, if i was ur child and u were "attending my teen parties" id crack u over the head with a beer bottle then shoot the fucking Compaq cuz compaq's blow, then id throw u into the compaq fire u fucking ignorant, hacker prejuidice queer

OH MY FRIGGIN' GOD YOU'RE A DUMBASS! (none / 0) (#3825)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:22:50 PM PST
Well, you know, I kinda lost interest after you sounded so boastful about being such a great father and everything. Well, I'm sorry to break it to you - you're not. You're a friggin' loser! Do you know what comet cursor is? It's a program made for PCs that changes your mouse cursor. Bonzai Buddy is this companion thing, also for PCs that I find absolutely useless. I downloaded it once, and let me tell you this sucka - IT HAS NO HACKING ABILITIES!! So what if your son likes Linux? Face it: Windows sucks. Linux is much more stable. And if he can't get a Mac, he'll go for something that he can get. You think you're so cool. It's Linux not Lunix. Fuckin retard! I pretty much agree with everyone else - this was AMAZINGLY funny. But it pissed me off too. Phil PhilPutin P-Diddy

This is Peter (none / 0) (#3832)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:50:10 PM PST
I've done it , with my skills in flash i have finished making a love ad for my father and by broadcasting it over 700 Quake servers , hopfully many Transexuals will answer it and add him to thier AOL's buddy list.

BTW Please do me a favor and give my dad some anal ... he desperatly needs it.

-Peter Gibbons

pasty geek felon? (none / 0) (#3834)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:53:58 PM PST
Do you really want a pasty geek felon as your son in law?

three words... "why tea cracker". that happens to fit with the poll that was on the side of the page when i read it, not sure if it's perm, but it was "why are you afraid of hackers?" and answer number one was "they hack nasa".

You're an idiot (none / 0) (#3835)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 08:55:19 PM PST
This is the stupidest article I have ever read in my life... you are either joking or a complete moron. Or both. Everything you said in that article is complete crap.
And it's linux not lunix. And it is just an alternate operating system... alot of servers use it. Moron.
I don't have time to point all of your mistakes, but you're the biggest idiot ever.

lol ya coight (none / 0) (#3837)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 09:18:22 PM PST

<STRONG>Can we say stooopid american?</STRONG>

Thats right kids this is the f%$king funniest article I have seen its truely gold.

I must be a hacker I play quake!


Your son isn't a hacker, he is looking for pron. (none / 0) (#3839)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 09:26:09 PM PST

I hate to break the news to you, but your son isn't a hacker, he is addicted to pRon. He has displayed all the classic signs of a young male teen looking for free pRon.

AMD makes incredible fast inexpensive processors which outscore Intel processors in most content creation benchmarks. The Athlon is also considerd to have a superior FPU. This capability makes the AMD Athlon an exception pRon CPU as the math processing power allows it to play pRon videos at exceptional speeds.

Your son wants a better video card so he can look at all his pRon at much higher resolutions and in greater detail. Be wary if he want's an ATI All-in-Wonder as this may indicate he wishes to record pRon to video tape to view in the privacy of his own bedroom.

The most important indication is his wanting to get rid of AOL. A real ISP allows access to all sorts of pRon.

Finally, pRon swapping software like iMesh (also great for MP3's) also installs programs like Bonzi Buddy.

So reggie, in conclusion, if your son is spending a lot of time on the computer looking for pRon, there is no need for alarm. He is just a normal kid who is curious

heh (none / 0) (#4225)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:31:41 AM PST
heh, i guess i could agree to some extent?

Manic Paranoia Evident (none / 0) (#3840)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 09:35:46 PM PST
I am truly amazed at the ingorance of this posting. In this day and age, any individual has the ability and the responsibility to research a topic or concern. Posting information that has no basis in fact (like what has been done in this post) is completely irresponsible. And, at this particular time where computers are so prevalent and integral to our lives, and real information so easy to find, it is frankly quite ridiculous. Next time you decide to expound upon your infinte knowledge of hackers or some other aspect of computer usage, make sure you have some real information.

i'm a raver, so that makes me a hacker... (none / 0) (#3842)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:13:49 PM PST
heheh... i think you are confusing ravers with hackers. and the pacifiers are so that i don't grind my teeth down while i'm rollin on xtc. also, what's all this son sheeit? why can't females be hackers? you sexist ignorant fool.

Lame (none / 0) (#3843)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:17:05 PM PST
Dude, this is the stupidest article ive ever read. Your a dumbass. I hope this was mean't to be funny! heh

I hope this is a joke. (none / 0) (#3845)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:23:41 PM PST
Please tell me this is a joke.

is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#3848)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:38:33 PM PST
Having read the whole post, I now realise that this person knows absolutely nothing about computers, the internet and probably would have 12:00 flashing on the VCR if it wasn't for his kid being there to hack the VCR and put in the proper time!

This person is an idiot, of the highest order, and should probably collect a Darwin award soon. Unfortunately it is too late for the world, as he has already reproduced!

gotta be kidding me (none / 0) (#3849)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:43:21 PM PST
This has to be a joke. Nobody ius that stupid and if you are, go to the library and read up. This just shows how dangerous a moron can be with a few catch phrases. Try to LEARN rather than assume what you don't know.hahahahahahahaahahaha what a joke!

Idiot (none / 0) (#3850)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 10:59:11 PM PST
Never has so many words expressed such an obvious self-imposed ignorance. It is not the knowledge of hacking that is the crime, but how you use that knowledge. Even a legitimate programmer understands hacking. It's a part of the territory. If your child understands hacking, then he will understand more about programming. Let your child read your article. He'll then understand what the true crime is.

Mr. Gibbons... (none / 0) (#3851)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:12:53 PM PST
Dear Mr. Gibbons, you obviously are over-protective, a former military personel, a high-standard Christian, or just a complete buffoon. You have made an idiot out of yourself by making this article.

Let me ask you something. How much sun do your kids get? Can they go further than you can see them? Do they come in before or soon after dark? When they go to sleep overs, do you have them call when they get there just to check in? Is your son in Boy Scouts, and if so, are you a leader?

Answer those questions, and evaluate yourself.

wow (none / 0) (#3854)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 11:55:52 PM PST
i skipped back and forth between thinking this WAS real and WASNT
all i have to say is holy fsck

wow (none / 0) (#3855)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:01:25 AM PST
this site...
just wow i mean the intelligence of people has REALLY gone to nothing
i wish that this were on a haxor site, then i could laugh about it..
but wow

h@x0rz (none / 0) (#3856)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:13:33 AM PST
Fun stuff aside, my kid has a buch of protected passwords on my system that are the same as the ones he uses to access certain databases, locked in the PWL files of Windows 98. Do you know a free way I can crack these passwords without resorting to a "Brute Force Attack"? This is my computer after all...I'd love to see what he's been doing with it! He always covers his tracks, except for these passwords.

Impressive (none / 0) (#3857)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:13:46 AM PST
Now you know this had to be an astoundingly impressive person when in the first paragraph he mentions his almighty COMPAQ. After that... it just seems to get worse.

To be honest, this really wouldn't bother me if it weren't for the fact that i can see people believing this.

I oWn JoO

OMG (none / 0) (#3859)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:37:07 AM PST
This has better be a joke - cant believe that anyone could write such bullshit ! The auther clearly has NO idea what he's talking about 8)

Please tell me you are making a horrid horrid joke (none / 0) (#3860)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:40:23 AM PST
I am not going to go to great leingths to make a counterpoint for every one of your ten signs because it has already been said time and time agian by several people in responce to this post. Also it would take atleast 30 min. and I have a fealing that this is a very well written work of satire and I must congratulate you on it.
However, in the unfortinate case that you are being serious, I must say that you are a very missinformed man and have put togather the most factualy incorrect piece of work I have ever seen in my entire life, riveled only by "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" and God have mercy on your poor, missguided soul...


Biting the hand that feeds you (none / 0) (#3861)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 01:14:06 AM PST
Thats exactly what this arcticle does. Note that it is posted on a web site, a web site that contains lines of code. Yes it is true, behind this innocent web page are lines of HTML code. Not only that but The Internet is based mostly on computers running the UNIX opperating system, The real basis for the Linux operating system. Chances are really good that this sight is hosted by a UNIX server, which is kept running by a computer programmer, commonly refered to as a Hacker, and if this page isn't hosted on a UNIX server, i would bet that your ISP is running a UNIX system. So I guess what I'm getting from this article is that Hackers are evil, Hackers use computer code, so computer code is evil, the internet is based on computer code, so the internet is evil, and this web site is on the internet, so this web site must also be evil.

Also, I must say that it would be impossible for AMD to produce their processors in third world sweat shops because computer processors must be carefully assembled by precision robots.

I feel sorry for all you people out there who have been decieved by this and other articles like it. Any educated person would look for credible research citations in an article like this and I didn't see any credible sources for where this man got his information.

i would like to hear any responses to this posting so feel free to email me at If you dare touching that evil computer that runs code that may have been written by a Hacker.

Huh? (none / 0) (#3862)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 01:18:22 AM PST
This absolutely must be a joke.
I feel sorry for the authors children, the world they grow up in.

Can people really be this stupid? (none / 0) (#3864)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 01:41:38 AM PST
Well.......i guess anything is possible - right?

HA><ORRRRRRRRRRRRR (none / 0) (#3867)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 01:51:11 AM PST
Wow .. i have only one word for THAT parent!


get your head out of your ass (none / 0) (#3873)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:50:57 AM PST
this fuck is so full of shit. fag doesn't even know correct terminology. hackers dont break into computers you fucking tard. you mean crackers.

if i didnt think you would like it id say you should be sent to prison and gang fucked

What are you saying are you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? (none / 0) (#3875)
by A small hacker on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:51:39 AM PST
Now i m comvins that the american people are the most stupid peoplo in the world. What are you thinking? Who wrote this thing F.B.I. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa If you find that your son is a hacker (na me gamisete) or i will sit and fack me!!!!!!!!!!

poor, poor kids.. (none / 0) (#3882)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 03:57:25 AM PST
I feel sorry for the kids this guy is having..
Now i know why they invented birth control.

Lordy, this guy is a moron (none / 0) (#3883)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:09:23 AM PST
Ok, first off I want to say, you totally mis-understood the information you read. I am going to hack you with Bonzi Buddy ROFL! Bonzi Buddy is just a PC Help which sucks and lags it down completely. Comet Cursor is just a stupid cursor tool that sucks...And FLASH is just a internet application to create webpage stuff in or jokes.

The LILO sequence can be disabled for Linux, and you can just use a shortcut key to start linux instead of Windows I believe so scratch it.

Hardware, now this was a funny subject. Little Intel 486DX 20Mhz CPU's still the shit for DoS Attacks, back in the day.

// Another Note \\

Ok, does me having a Dual Processor, (2) 1Ghz Pentium 3's, GeForce 2 MX400 64MB Video Card, 1GB RAM, 100GB HD Space, and all the nice goodies make me a hacker? Keep in note that I am under 18, and yet still know this.

get a clue!!! (none / 0) (#3886)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:21:29 AM PST
This article redifines stupidity on so many levels. lunix? damn commies another plot to destroy the world! If this guy is model parent bin laden is really bubbles from the power puff girls. we make birth control for a reason.....

To all you angry people (none / 0) (#3891)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:54:53 AM PST
Furious wombat, chuckx, NAWL, ~fat, Nick Bilzan and a lot of others; I love you guys. :-)

The 90s was called the decade of irony. All of you have proved beyond shadow of a doubt that you are all true nerds, and that this last decade have passed you by completely.

Here are a couple of definitions (this might help you catch up with current events, if you ever wander out into the 'real world')

Irony - when what you say is the opposite of what you mean.
Satire - Creation which exaggerates negative aspects of serious subjects and mocks them.

I almost feel bad for taking away your innocence and naivete.

Hacker Page (none / 0) (#3893)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:23:44 AM PST
What a crock of bullshit.

Oh Really. (none / 0) (#3894)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:30:46 AM PST
Well this just shows the modern mentality of the parents to day. This guy has no clue at all about computers, much less hacking.

Most of the things he listed are things normal people do. Hell, my wife spends more than 30 minutes on she a hacker? According to this guy, yes. Yet, she thinks Disk Drive is a street in Maine.

"You need a license to catch a fish, you need a license to have a dog. But any asshole can be a parent."

A computer is a tool. It is up the user to determine how that tool is used. A screwdriver can be a weapon, or a device to fix something.

If you want to know if your child is a hacker. See if he or she can show you any of the things they've done on the computer. IF they have nothing to show, and refuse to show you. Chances are they are doing something they shouldn't be.

Hell that's common sense. But obviously common sense, ins't common.

(Company Undisclosed)
Vice President of Information Technologies

Mmmmhhh (none / 0) (#3895)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:39:27 AM PST
It's your own fault. You shoeldn't have allowed your kids to play with MS Word. ;-)

u dum (unt (none / 0) (#3897)
by masskiller on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:42:24 AM PST
u r da dumest mofo i have ever fokin heard if i knew who da fok j00 where i would come over smack u fokin head in before tiein j00 down so u could watch me skull fok u wife before i sick me d|ck in u little girls holes and spo0f on here face. u dum foker then id so u kid what crackin warez and fokin linux realy is befor i flog on u wifes face again and smoke a J the size of u fokin arm u cunt!

ROFL (none / 0) (#3898)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:04:45 AM PST
Oh... Thank you. Thank you... I needed a laugh.

Even better were half the replies.

Pretty soon people will be reading National Lampoon for it's inciteful articles and in-depth true to life coverage. Shortly after that MAD will replace the New York Times.

Oh Lordy (none / 0) (#3899)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:05:57 AM PST
Ha ha ha ha haaaaarrrr - the funniest thing is the replies!!! Do you understand the following words:


Oh deary me. I can't believe some of them have well-paid jobs as well - a network administrator that can't tell fact from fiction?

Deary me. I'm wiping the tears from my eyes I'm laughing so hard. Har har.

Well done on a brilliant piece of writing!

Great deal Mr. T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#3900)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:17:08 AM PST
It is really good fun, that so much people don't see, how stupid they are. They didn't understood
the article and they even have to show their stupidity to the whole world :-). So many "computer experts"
came to explain to what AMD, Linux, mp3 etc. is. They don't see, that the author knows exactly, what
he is writing about.
It is very funny article, but it is much more fun, how much stupid "hackers" and "computer experts"
are posting their "smartest" comments.
I can't stop laughing :-)))))

lol (none / 0) (#3901)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:19:36 AM PST
this was the most stupid thing i have heard this century

LOL @ that ! =) (none / 0) (#3902)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:20:48 AM PST

The original poster sure knows how to write! :)

- Even funnier are all the fewls that fell for it and actually contributed and argued on further down, HAHAHHAHAHAHA! =)

- But then again, Americans never stop surprise me, heheheh! =)

Geniously done m8, geniously done, make anoterone soon plz! =)

Rofl (none / 0) (#3904)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:02:20 AM PST
I have one word to say to the author of this article...


"Modern parent"? ROFL!! HAHAHAHHA! The biggest load of BULL i have ever heard! HAHAHAHAHAHAH

I now pronounce the author of this article, the biggest dumbfuck in the world


I think im going insane @_o



Here's a story... (none / 0) (#3905)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:27:13 AM PST
Unbelievable the number of hostile notes.

By the way, are you by any chance an architect? Because I am looking for a good, sensible architect with a well established style to design a gas station for me...

by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:34:37 AM PST
I'm not sure if the author of "Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?" wrote this as a spoof or if he is serious. If this was meant to be a serious piece, he has displayed an embarrassing level of ignorance to world. This is a prime example of why one should really know what they are talking about before doing so.

both my sons were hacker (none / 0) (#3907)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:37:55 AM PST
thanks to the signs, I discovered both my sons were computer hackers. They were both sent to a military school where they will finish out highschool. They both say that neither one of them were hackers, but what do you expect from a criminal.

huh? (none / 0) (#3909)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:42:47 AM PST
First of all buddy, AMD is based in the U.S.A. Secondly, i think your blatent distrust of lunix is stupid. lunix is a programing language not a hacking language and if you have to send in your computer to replace the hard drive, you dont need one

Oh my, are you ever sure of your self... (none / 0) (#3915)
by GrOuNd ZeRo 7777 on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:09:11 AM PST
I am doing an ITC study which will make me a "proffesional" hacker or h4x0r as "our" language really goes, I know DOS very well and I love Linux by my russian comrads...OH MY GOD YOU FOOL! listen to yourself, you got it so wrong my friend! hackers are malicious people who BREAK into computers without having acces rights! Although MP3's 'are' illegal but they used by so many people that taking legal actions would be imposible, changing appearence? I didn't, it's just what is cool with his friends that's all, I do agree on weight gain and muscle loss but most monitors have radiation reduction, infact you get MUCH less damage to watch a monitor all day than a TV, TV's don't need it because people are not close up to them, AOL is an excellent choice if you have small childeren or if their religion doesn't allow them to see nudity but AOL is also over used and SLOW, Quake series is an excellent game, it is NOT training for modern firearms, it's very unrealistic and make you enter a world to escape reality for a while, it uses an advanced console to tweak game features, nothing else, Linux is made by Chech or polish person called Linus, this Operating System is hardly illegal, it's bases on Unix and unix is the grand daddy of hacking OS's, if your son had Unix I would be worried to some extend, but linux is not really dangerous, your son probably just installed it wrongly...CDR's and CDRW are great tools for data transport and storage, enough said...sir, the post you recently made will most likely upset and anger alot of experienced LEGAL computer users like me, esspecially if this is going to be my proffesion, I REALLY advice to brush up on computers...Also Bonzi Buddy and all the other software mentioned is completely legal although very annoying, it's made to advertise mostly...


The Netherlands

you have all missed the point (none / 0) (#3917)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:22:07 AM PST
firstly.. what a load of rubbish.

secondly AMD are sold in all shops.. child labour?? how can a child make a multilayer microprocessor? baffles me!!

OMG (none / 0) (#3918)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:34:04 AM PST
U are the biggest fucking idiot ive ever saw lmao god what has the computer world came too???? lololol Quake ? Comet Curser Bonzi Buddy for hacking I think u are the fucking nutcase not a kid that wants new hardware

Know the truth before you speak! (none / 0) (#3921)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:53:41 AM PST
Most of the comments posted are not true. If your son wants an ISP other than AOL its because AOL is slow and the client is GARBAGE. 2nd..You are trying to oversee your son and his desire to be fully knowledgeable with PC systems and you DON'T HAVE A CLUE!! NEWS FLASH!!! Video cards, hard drives, and AMD processors have nothing to do with hacking!!! You obviously have listened to the uneducated and gained your "knowledge" of what is entailed to be a hacker. You are probably spewing this same incorrect, inconcise, uninformed garbage to your son and he is beside himself as a result.

Have you ever caught him actually keying at the DOS prompt hacking a system? Did you ever investigate your daughter's allogations to gain REAL HARD evidence instead of the circumstancial crap you put forth here? I'll bet my next paycheck that you just don't like the CULTURE surrounding "hacking" your son has so earnestly embraced. You are tweaked because he has learned what he is able to do on a PC and is edified by that and not your self-fullfilling BS. All your great parental "how-to's" are worthless if you, the un-knowing,out-of-touch,unyielding, "parent", is unable to gain the respect of your child. Why don't you try to nurture this God given talent into more than it is instead of criminalizing him?

You are running scared as a parent. You demonize PCs, music, video games and guns. These things are of our world. The Bible can kill someone if you hit them with it. Anything can be used for evil. They are bad if you choose to let them be that. Your job as a parent is to be a proper role model. One that speaks truth and wisdom. Everything "technological" bit of info you write is incorrect. That stuff about East Germany is REAL funny. BTW...No processor has built in hacker controls.

How do you expect any kid to listen to you when more than half of what you say has been generated out of fear, ignorance and personal inadequecies. Grow a pair of cajones and be a strong father figure with your OWN views based on REAL fact. He may actually respect you as a result.

Penis is Needed (none / 0) (#3922)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:57:13 AM PST
The penis is a necessity in the hacker's world. Without the rudimentary male genitalia, one would be lost in the online community. In fact, most women save lesbians have extreme difficulty operating a computer without the aid of a man and his genitalia. It's not uncommon to find that a woman is completely inept at simple computer tasts, i.e. turning it on, connecting to the internet, typing full sentences with perfect grammar. Don't deny the absolute power of the penis, without it, humanity would still be sipping out of creeks and drawing pictures of buffalos on caves. The penis invented the computer. The penis brought us into the computer age!

o my god (none / 0) (#3923)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:00:16 AM PST
i cant believe there are so many stupid people.
this article was written as a joke.
stop watching so much tv.
you people sound completely brain dead or brain washed.
congratulations to the guy who wrote it, i havent seen this good a job at mental hacking since hitler.
HURRAH for mind hacking
i hope it catches on
ps i loved the bonzi buddy reference!
looks like the jokes on us

Rant #3424 (none / 0) (#3924)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:02:22 AM PST
I can't wait to get home and check to be sure my 7-year old boy isn't doing any of these things, or that my 5-year old girl isn't turning into a hacker ho.


*This has made some of the most amusing reading I have had in a while...*

What a genius...... (none / 0) (#3926)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:26:57 AM PST
I am sorry, but if you really read all the posts by the author of this peice, you can't really expect him to be telling the truth. It seems to me that this is a really good work of fiction that was meant to get a rise out of all of you people that are reading it. In fact, I think that the responses you are giving is exactly what he is looking for. Any way you put it, the joke is on you......

I can't figure out who's the bigger dumbass... (none / 0) (#3927)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:28:37 AM PST
...The pimply hacker geek who wasted enough one-handed typing time to write the post, or all you self-righteous tools, missing the sarcasmal lobes in your brains who responded thinking it was serious... I laughed until the snot flew.

I cant wait for someone to respond "there's no such thing as a sarcasmal lobe naaah naaah naaah"...

Great (none / 0) (#3928)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:46:25 AM PST
This is the funniest article I have read in a long time, my Red Hat is off to the author! I really loved the part about "wearing a pacifier". l33t 1

More reading recommended! (none / 0) (#3929)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:01:51 AM PST
I do suggest that you do some more reading. There were MANY false facts used in your argument. AMD might be a foreign company yet there is no proof that they use slave labor, neither is AMD a sure sign that your child is a hacker. Many hackers feel a strong sense of patriotism and purchase intel chips. There is nothing on the intel chip that can prevent hacking. There is a key on the chip such that the computer can be identified but this can also be turned off. I am Canadian and take great offense to refering to a company such as nVidia as an "evil Canadian corporation". Next, Macromedia Flash, or as you refer to it "flash" is NOT a hacking tool. It is a graphics tool used by countless websites accross the internet. I'm sure that Macromedia would love to hear their product being used in such a fasion and would be able to give you countless ways in which it cannot be used in the method you are describing. I also take great offense to making the statement that if you know how to program you are a hacker. Kind sir, the page which you are looking at now must have therefore been made by a hacker, the programs which you use on your computer like Microsoft Word must therefore be made by a hacker. The amazing AOL you speak so fondly of must be made by a hacker. So I guess you are saying that we are all hackers. Tsk tsk tsk. Read more for you do not know what you speak of. -Me

Hahahaha (none / 0) (#3930)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:02:37 AM PST
Man, why do ppl post crap like this? I am a father of 2 that encourage my children to use the computer. I have 3 computers in my house that all have AMD cpu's and nVidia g-Force 2 and g-Force 3 video cards. I have large hard drives and fast connections, does that make me a hacker? think not. I think before people are allowed to post such nonsence they should be forced to check thier facts. Spreading such non truths only installs fear into the hearts of computer ignorant parents. I take an active roll in what my kids watch on TV, and what they do on the computer, it is our jobs as parents. With everything in life there are the seedy sides. Next thing we know ppl like the writer of that article is gonna try to link the use of microwaves to devil worshiping.....shame on the writer...start brain before engaging the mouth. Ignorance breeds ignorance. Get informed.

Responses funnier than post. Well, maybe not... (none / 0) (#3931)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:11:42 AM PST
It is embarassing and disheartening to read these responses. Every swear word ("fucktard"?), every possible misspelling ("TRUELY stupid"?), every dumb hostile kid who can type seems to have found this post and responded to it. Little boys and girls, you are responding to a post by MIKE BRADY. It's a joke. It's just a joke. Geez. That's the danger of calling somebody stupid and ignorant - you better make sure you know who the stupid one is. Fucktards.

who let this guy have a computer??? (none / 0) (#3932)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:20:00 AM PST
He obviously did not do his homework as he claims. Most of the hackers that I know and hang out with (yep, I hack too:>) are bright, highly talented people who use their skills to either prevent malicious people from doing too much damage, or prevent idiots such as this from damaging his precious Intel-based cash cow.

BTW, should I turn myself in? My OS of choice is LINUX (OMG!! I even develope free apps for Linux), I use nothing but AMD processors, play hacker games(Quake is pretty tame IMHO--I much prefer cracking machines that I have been invited to break into! The learning potential for security is unparalelled!), I feel that AOL is a scourge on the net that needs to be nuked, and my favorite access method to remote machines is telnet. Oh, my total daily time on the net is about 14+ hours.

To make matters worse, I ENCOURAGE my kids to do the same!!!

Are you outta your mind? (none / 0) (#3933)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:40:03 AM PST
Just because someone owns Linux, or an AMD processor...doesnt' make them a computer hacker. I have telnet and I program using Perl. I think by acting so harshly towards your kids regarding the computer, you're the one who is fucking up, not them. I am a programmer for a living. If my parents had squelched my desire to learn when I was young, I wouldn't be where I am today. And btw, hackers don't walk around in day-glo. And pacifers are for people who are "rolling" or doing X. So before you post such a lame ass article, do a little more research and you'll find out that you are VERY wrong.

clueless and stupid (none / 0) (#3934)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:43:11 AM PST
dear god whoever wrote that is so fucking dumb and clueless its not even funny
well it is funny, laughed for an hour straight
also if this guy is a father i think hes queer and "carol' is his gay life partner Carl

This is realy funny, your so ignorant (none / 0) (#3935)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:54:39 AM PST
im sure your a microsoft fanatic, and maybe you work for them.

as it looks like, you dont know shit about computer.
im a proffessional computer worker and i never eard such stupid thing from people that know what they are talking about.
you are lame, clueless, stupid, and maybe gay.

go back to school, learn about computer and then come back with a more intelligent comment

have a happy life with your perfect little morron family

This is a joke (none / 0) (#3936)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:57:46 AM PST
this must be a joke. It is a very funny one at that, because many ignorant people do think these things, although I've never seen it to such an extreme.

Linux is soviet software, programming with perl is a hacker manual, and DoS attacks let you use another computer's command prompt? Come on people..

Why this has to be a joke (none / 0) (#3937)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:08:54 PM PST
The fact that there are 6 kids, one named Cindy and one named Peter, is just too Brady Bunch for me.

Marvelous (none / 0) (#3939)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:13:37 PM PST
I didn't take the time to read through all 176 comments, but I imagine my reaction to this article has already been voiced. Let that not keep me from leaving my mark, though! Anyone with half a brain can recognize this as a marvelously orchestrated tongue-in-cheek creation. AMD a third-world company? Beautiful, knowing that, if not founded there, AMD has large offices in or near Austin, Texas. Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, and Flash as hacker programs? Wonderful! That's exactly the sort of hype we need to get hideously annoying packages such as Comet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy abolished. Of course they're not hacker software, but heavens, they're annoying! Flash is the only exception to that, itself being necessary to view any ballzy website. I bet this very site has flash content. My hat is off to the author of this piece. May you, and your friend "Linyos Torvoltos" ever live in infamy!

You need to talk to your son... (none / 0) (#3940)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:17:31 PM PST
Your son can definitely teach you a lot about computers. I would like to meet you someday...So I can punch you in the face. Poor son of yours cant even get on his own computer because you read somewhere that quake is a breading ground for hackers...

you moron (none / 0) (#3943)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 12:50:00 PM PST
Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

hahahaha did you know the popular comedy central show "southpark" was created in flash? and did you know that bonzi buddy is an annoying program that does nothing but annoy everybody in the house, I agree uninstall bonzi buddy but it is far from being a "hacker program" trust me if it's really a "hacker program" its not going to be showing up in add/remove programs. and quit nosing around in yoru kids business, jesus. model parent my ass, you're worse than big brother.

Very funny, very retarded. (none / 0) (#3945)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 01:22:11 PM PST
The auther must be the a retard, Linux is not hacker software, it is in fact server software used by companies, second, it does not harm your harddisk, it is very easy to unistall if you have just a windows 98 boot disk and know how to use the "format C: /s" command. And "AMD" acutally makes better processors than INTEL could DREAM ABOUT! You are nothing but a cow, MOOve over you FAT ASS! Oh and by the way you wouldn't know hacker software if you ran into it. And i love the part about breaking into other peoples steros to steal music, you need to learn that it is not possible through a computer. And Telnet was actually created for many useful purposes and it is included in Microsoft Windows! It is used to email, shells, and many other things. It also requires some type of internet connection, but of course your a retard and believe that it works out of magic with not way to communicate with the out side world. Very Nice Article, completely flase, and well of course idiotic, egotistical, and lame.

- P.S. : You suck. your child denied hacking because he did no such thing, you just think that having some inteligance in computers and not being a complete retard is hacking. you should do the world a favor and kill your self.

by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 01:43:39 PM PST
This is an obvious joke, look at the way he describes his family, 6 kids, wife carol, son peter, younges daughter cindy,

can we say brady bunch? i can't believe you people took this seriously enough to criticize the article, it is a JOKE, and an obvious one at that....


I'm in awe (none / 0) (#3948)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 01:49:52 PM PST
wow, I feel so sorry for your kids... YOU GO TO THERE PARTIES?

how long did you do your research for? 2 minutes, your a fucking retard... haha you know nothing about computers at all... you are the people hitler should have killed instead of jews!

Okay, you should get your facts straight... (none / 0) (#3949)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:09:51 PM PST
You are just a paranoid parent. Did you not consider actually believing your son?

Flash is a used for creating animations, games, websites (parts of) and little fun activities.

Bonzi Buddy is a little onscreen "friend" who tells jokes and reccomends fun games.

"Lunix" is actually "Linux" an alternative operating system to Windows and Mac.

Quake is a game. Not a bloody hacker arena.

Saying that hacker's dress differently is automatically stereotyping them. I have a friend who hacks, he hasn't changed how he dresses.

Just because a child spends more than half an hour on the computer doesn' mean he is DOSing.....

Next time youw rite an article make sure you know what you're talking about, not puttin false ideas in aprent's heads.......

Moronic (none / 0) (#3950)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:13:31 PM PST
This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

Some ISP's are inferior to others. You may have an isp that lacks in service or is overall poor in quality. A true hacker isn't going to be stopped by a certain ISP. The idea is ludicrous.
Quake is a game. You could make the same "Vitual Reality Terrorist Firearm Training" remark about games like Doom or Half Life. Its just andother 1st person shooter and if your son is learning anything from it more than having fun he should be seeing a professional councelor.
Your child asking for better hardware may be a sign that the computer world is advancing beyond what you currently own and he wishes to keep up. It might also be a sign that he knows just a scoesh more about computers than you do.
As for dressing differently, You are confusing Hackers with Ravers. Ravers on the whole abhor hacking and wouldn't try it. Hackers dont have a particular mode of dress. Why would they wish to make themselves apparant when what they do is something that they can get arrested for?

Get this information straight before you try writing in a place where people are going to take you seriously.

As for this article, congratulations, You have reall hackers all over the world laughing at you.

This must be a joke (none / 0) (#3955)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:25:10 PM PST
The autohr of this article obviously knows nothing about the internet or hacking. Flash is a hacking program lol!

isn't a gibbon a kind of monkey? (none / 0) (#3956)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:29:58 PM PST
sorry that's giboon ... but it got you to read this ... I have no idea where you get your information but if you can validate ANY of it i will be impressed. It sounds as if you wrote purely in satire. I was reading, thinking it was pretty funny, until it occured to me that you might be serious. I cannot believe that I am using my time to respond to your statements. Please offer some kind of support for your rashly opinionated statements or the world will view you as a fool. Only a fool will take opinion as fact. Especially your OPINION. I hope that you were joking and that this responce is taken in just as much jest as your article was written ... but if you ARE serious ... I can offer you an education on hacking. What's your IP address?

Idiot Replies (none / 0) (#3959)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:44:57 PM PST
Haha, the article was hilarious. But, you know what's even funnier? The fact that SO MANY people were offended! Obviously you people have never heard of a little thing called Satire or Sarcasm or even Comedy. So, for all you dildo's that are out there calling the author a "moron" etc. You people are truly the morons. How could you POSSIBLY miss the obvious?


helo (none / 0) (#3960)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:44:59 PM PST
i us aol and hav no problem so dis gy iz relly rite in sayin dat no one neds beter then aol aol 4 life!11!!!1111

p.s. wow u gyz r stuopid

This is rediculous. (none / 0) (#3963)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:49:39 PM PST
First and foremost, as a computer technician, I cannot believe the rediculousness of this entire article. None of the information in it is accurate. Linux is an operating system designed for advanced Windows users who would like to learn more about how an operating system works. It is also much more stable than any version of Windows.
Bonzai Buddy is an annoying little purple monkey that talks to you and wastes memory on your computer.
Perl is a programming language that is used largely in website development to provide interactive content and unique web page features.
Quake is a game. Simply put.
Telnet is a way of connecting to the old "BBS" style online services. It can be done without a telephone line...if you have a high speed or satellite internet connection.
I could go on, but here's something that should give it away that this whole thing is BS.
The man has 6 kids. His wife's name is Carol. His youngest daughter, Cindy, is usually making things up. His son, Peter, is the middle child...hmmm see a pattern?
"Here's the story...of a lovely lady..."
Just like the Brady bunch folks, it's entertainment.

How can you publish such an idiotism?!? (none / 0) (#3965)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 03:07:34 PM PST
This is horrible! How a man can be so dumb?

Loser (none / 0) (#3966)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 03:08:26 PM PST
You sure know a lot about hacking! NOT!! this is the most pathetic article i have ever read. you are a hacker if you play a game called quake, and if you use a webpage designer. if i use the computer more than 30 minutes then im doing DOS attacks? i'll bet about .0004% of people who spend more than 30 minutes on the computer each day do Denial of service attacks. Of, and spell Linux correctly, idiot. Linux is a very powerful and stable operating system that LOTS of people use dipshit. You are also suggesting that hackers have bad grades? Also, you really think only hackers ask to have new hardware? Everyone wants it you fuck face. You really are a moron. Go fuck off loser.

Btw, comet cursor is a stupid program that only newbies are stupid enough to download. It sucks and so do you.

OMG! What a dumb@$$! (none / 0) (#3967)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 03:17:53 PM PST
Flash = Legitmate
Bonzi Buddy = Legitmate
Commet Cursor = Legitimate

Have you ever considered that your son is an advanced computer user that has a fetish for performance?? and By the way AMD products are better than their Intel counterparts. ALSO! Its Linux, not Lunix... And if you don't know what you're doing, you COULD mess up Windows when installing it. And Linux is no worse than Windows is buddy, I think you need to catch up on your reading.

Obviously this guy doesn't know anything about this topic. He may have a child, but I don't think theres any substantial evidence that hes a hacker...
Super Steve
e-mail the genius

very funny (none / 0) (#3968)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 03:21:49 PM PST
heh.... this is just one of the dummiest commercials for Microsoft & Intel ....

men, now i can see how americans can be dumb. i mean VERY dumb. Sorry to 1% of americans wich are smart, but .... other 99% are dumb. sorry. (none / 0) (#3969)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 03:22:09 PM PST
You adults who support the opinions stated in this article are FUCKED UP. You have to be completely and utterly mentally challenged to think that your son is a hacker simply because he wants a 3D card, something of which a hacker has no use for.

And female hackers aren't as skilled as male hackers? If female hackers WANT to be as good, they can be. The only reason some of them aren't is because they have severe social and mental problems, and should get professional help.

So you adults that agree with this site and its opinions: FUCK OFF, YA LOUSY BUNCH OF FAGGOTS!

This is the biggest piece of crap I have ever read (none / 0) (#3970)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 03:46:29 PM PST
Not one statement in that whole article is true.

YOUR AN IDIOT (none / 0) (#3971)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:01:36 PM PST

Um.....yeh (none / 0) (#3973)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:13:57 PM PST
i thopught this article was off of "the onion" of sumthing, my god how could ANYONE be so ignorant

As a hacker myself, i can tell you that nothing you said in this article was true at all....
1. Your son is not much of a hacker if he/she cant bypass the AOL security in the first place.

2.AMD is NOT a 3rd world processor, you CAN buy them in stores, and they are no different security-wise then an intel-run system

3. just becuase i kid decides to be different in the wasy he dresses does not mean he is breaking the law, this was the worst part

ill finish this later


oh my god... (none / 0) (#3975)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:21:20 PM PST
ROTFLMMFAO! ... you go to your teen's party's to see if any drinking or such is taking place... now how gay is that? Let the kid be a fuckin' kid

you idiot (none / 0) (#3976)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:22:45 PM PST
you obviously know nothing about computers.
and wtf is 'lunix' u moron its 'linux'.
i used to be a mild hacker, and most of the things u said are totally stupid.

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."
bahahahaha! you dickhead, i cant believe this comment, y dont u actually do some research before makin idiotic threds like this!

and wtf's wrong with AMD, they are the best processor company (imo) the amd processors, kill the pentium crap with ease.

OH MY GOD YOU IDIOT PARENT! (none / 0) (#3978)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:38:36 PM PST
this is one of the reasons why parents are such dumbasses!!!

glow sticks are used by ravers dumbass!

flash is a vector based gfx program, comet cursors are gay cursors usually used by girls. AOL IS GAY!! most of the reasons why ppl wanna change it is cuz its slow, crappy, email sux, browser sux, it just sux.

programming doesnt necesarrily your gonna hack, i know c++, perl, and other languages and i can hack a lil, but it doesnt mean i do

and hardware, whats wrong with getting hardware? are you stupid or something? hardware wont effect hacking at all. hacking has to do with the internet. i got ram upgrades for photoshop and 3dsmax cuz i design gfx. i also got a better gfx card for some games and 3d rendering programs. dont jump to conclusions dumbass.

at least do more research b4 you post something so stupid

stick with your gayOL and ph33r me hacking j00 with my comet cursor...stupid shit

damn american parents always jump to conclusions with no proof and stupid ideaologies.

ROFL the ammount of responces proves that ... (none / 0) (#3980)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:45:11 PM PST
the world is full of total idiots... anyone that would take this seriously should lay under a farm tractor.

to finish wat i started (none / 0) (#3982)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:56:45 PM PST
yeh ok...had to boot real quick

i had to go don my brightly colored hacking clothes, load my 'ol bonzie buddy hacking utility and go "DOS" the hell outta some govet computers

not only do i what to know what the hell this guy was thinking, i wanna know where he got his "facts" from, cause if theres a hackin' guide on the internet that is sayin this stuff....i sure would like to know who wrote it.

Lastly id like to say that there are more important things to worry about then whether your kid is becoming a computer whether he is becoming a racist nazi or sumthing.....try getting paranoid about drugs instead....k?


What a crock of shihite (none / 0) (#3984)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:02:46 PM PST

by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:10:39 PM PST

#1) Due to the writer's stupidty, I can GURANTEE that the son (peter) got NO further than sub-7.
#2) QUAKE IS A VIDEO GAME YOU RETARD. I play it VERY frequently. What kind of idiot are you?
#3) AOL makes LAG in game. LAG is a bad thing. THATS why he wanted to switch from AOL, because AOL sucks. AOL is for stupid people.
#4) ITS LINUX. And Its Based on UNIX you idiot. I personally run many linux comps, and run a Descent 3 (another so called "hacker software video game") server.
#5) COMPAQ SUCKS. What kind of idiot would buy a Compshit???? Jeezuz almighty this guy is a LOSER.

Some admins should REMOVE this stupid idiots post.

And I feel bad for peter. Because of his dumbshit dad he will probably end up workin at mcdonalds instead of starting a web design business (or some other comp related 'lots of money' job).

What kind of horrible father are you? My god...

The stupidity of americans amazes me.

NAKED PICS OF POSTER (none / 0) (#3988)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:13:51 PM PST
Nice. Very, very nice. *wink*

Kudos on your eloquence, wit & deviousness. Kudos, indeed.

Serious Comment (none / 0) (#3989)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:21:32 PM PST
I can think of two reasons for your article.

1: To wind up as many people as possible.

2: You seriously belive in the comments you have made.

If the answer is 1 then congratulations, you seem to have suceeded in your efforts, and can claim the prize of been one of the webs greatest wind up merchants.

If the answer is 2 however, then some of the comments made above, with the language involved, must have gone to strengthen your conclusions.

If you are serious, then I can honestly say that you have been grossly mis-informed with regards to the majority of your comments, and I would suggest that you genuinely re-investigate the subjects that you have listed.

To damn your child for behaviour that is not in fact illegal, would be a strong case of poor parenting.

Familiar content to this post (none / 0) (#3990)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:22:11 PM PST
Hmmm. Why does some of this sound familiar? 6 children, wife named Carol, Son named Peter, youngest daughter named Cindy (no doubt she is blonde with curly hair). And to top everything else off, the article is a total joke. Yep, sounds like the Brady Bunch to me. Good for a laugh, but not to be taken seriously.

What do you mean ? (none / 0) (#3999)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:04:40 PM PST
I am sure there are plenty of families who have a father named Carol, a Son named Peter and a daughter named Cindy. Those are some of the most popular names in America.

I suppose it never occured to you that the reason the producers of 'The Brady Bunch' chose those names was because they were trying to portray a typical middle-class American family.

Also, if it was the Brady Bunch, then surely T Reginald's last name would not be Gibbons, it would be Brady.

This sounds to me as though you cannot find any fault with T Reginald's arguments, so you are trying to discredit him by associating him with the Brady Bunch.

Fortunately most readers of this website are intelligent enough to see through your pathetic techniques.

Come back when you have something to add to the discussion.

thank you

D O U C H E B A G ! (none / 0) (#3992)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:41:55 PM PST
Either you're a very funny person, or you're a completely computer illerate parent who can be deemed a douchebag.

big bagadouche!

You are a dumb shit (none / 0) (#3996)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:59:35 PM PST
Oh My God. I have never heard someone talk such falsifying info who said that they researched. You sir will go to hell for lying. LOL, what a dumbshit.


hahaha (none / 0) (#3998)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:01:33 PM PST
i dont know whats funnier, reading the article or reading the follow-up posts....god you people....

You're Stupid (none / 0) (#4000)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:04:59 PM PST
Oh my! What a smart group of people. I am twelve and I know more about computers! Ok, so that Russian Hacker was real! I thought he was in a movie called Goldeneye. Wait. HE WAS YOU STUPID MORON! Also I can imagine you walking up to a computer and seeing the word "Bonzi Buddy" on the desktop. You'd probably freak out and say,"A BIRD IS HACKING MY COMPUTER!"

You're Stupid

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#4003)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:25:53 PM PST
Buddy, honestly what the fuck are you smoking? What in gods name are you talking about. God Bless your small and pitiful brain, for you are one of the most fucked up parents I have ever encountered in my life. You should be embarrassed to be soo fucked in the head. I have only met one other parent who is as fucked in the head as you are. He is currently being treated for over dosing on LSD in a psychiatric ward. He sits in a padded room where they feed him baby food through a straw twice daily as he mumbles gibberish about satan and he evil followers who are as equally fucked in the head as you. Moving on to "bonzi buddy"-Last time I heard it was a talking purple gorilla that talked and played games with you. Lastly, I have never seen a person with a pacifier around there neck wearing glow sticks. May god have mercy on your fucked up soul.

Holy Crap! (none / 0) (#4004)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:35:57 PM PST
Man, you must be the most idiotic person in the world! You have 3,220 posts right now and guess what? They're all insults! You poor, poor sap.

the hackers list (none / 0) (#4005)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:45:02 PM PST
dear t. reginolds or whatever the hell your name is and also legolas you are both fuking retards but then again what do you expect from to old coots like yourselves i am a 13 year old and i use the computer to a great extentand the fact that u say techno music and comet cursor are supposedly evil and warping our young minds is quite a hilarious comment and reflects on your lack of taste in music and in the computng buisnessso i say only this GET A FUCKING LIFE!

the hackers list (none / 0) (#4006)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:47:52 PM PST
dear t. reginolds or whatever the hell your name is and also legolas you are both fuking retards but then again what do you expect from to old coots like yourselves i am a 13 year old and i use the computer to a great extentand the fact that u say techno music and comet cursor are supposedly evil and warping our young minds is quite a hilarious comment and reflects on your lack of taste in music and in the computng buisnessso i say only this GET A FUCKING LIFE!

You moronic fuck (none / 0) (#4007)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:48:12 PM PST
My god. Yup, I learned how to shoot a gun when I was playing Quake III. I learned to shoot a BFG10K, a Rocket Launcher, a Plasma Gun, a Railgun, a Lightning Gun, and I also got some use with my spinning blades, which I like to call the gauntlet. And I talked alot with people while I was running around and killing people, and they all told me the detailed instructions on how to hack in between frags, kills for you. Well, I gotta go and shoot some people with my railgun.
We see your elaborate scheme of advertising for the American companies Intel (AMD is American) and Microsoft. Linux is good for servers for any program, and how can Bonzai Buddy help you hack. Does the little monkey tell you the steps while dancing on the desktop? I know retards who know more about compters than you do. And hackers don't wear bright clothes or use glow sticks, that's ravers. Didn't you learn anything from the Matrix. That was a joke. Hackers dress normally. Leave the people who know something about computers alone, jackass.

You moronic fuck (none / 0) (#4008)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:50:35 PM PST
My god. Yup, I learned how to shoot a gun when I was playing Quake III. I learned to shoot a BFG10K, a Rocket Launcher, a Plasma Gun, a Railgun, a Lightning Gun, and I also got some use with my spinning blades, which I like to call the gauntlet. And I talked alot with people while I was running around and killing people, and they all told me the detailed instructions on how to hack in between frags, kills for you. Well, I gotta go and shoot some people with my railgun.
We see your elaborate scheme of advertising for the American companies Intel (AMD is American) and Microsoft. Linux is good for servers for any program, and how can Bonzai Buddy help you hack. Does the little monkey tell you the steps while dancing on the desktop? I know retards who know more about compters than you do. And hackers don't wear bright clothes or use glow sticks, that's ravers. Didn't you learn anything from the Matrix. That was a joke. Hackers dress normally. Leave the people who know something about computers alone, jackass.

hehehe most amusing (none / 0) (#4009)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:54:47 PM PST
i congratulate the author, some of the replies to this are hilarious!

Idiots!!! (none / 0) (#4010)
by paden1 on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:04:43 PM PST
Listen u morons, comet cursor does not allow you to hack, flash lets you play games, qauke is just a game, and if you think otherwise youre an idiot. I am a hacker so fuk u!

HAHAHA (none / 0) (#4011)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:07:20 PM PST
Thanks for the laugh....

what a retaad idea (none / 0) (#4013)
by DrusillaTPM on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:24:14 PM PST
I think that this is a bunch of bull. Just because someone spends alot of time online and downloads doesn't mean that they are a hacker. I fight against hackers; it's part of my job, and i download and spend alot of time online. This idea is fucked up and is only causing paranoia. I rest my case.
~ Dru

thank you for this valuable information (none / 0) (#4015)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:29:56 PM PST
I am a parent of two teenagers. I thank you immensely for helping me to know what to look out for. Rest assured I will be routinely checking my computer for these hacker tools you list.

OH MY lORD (none / 0) (#4206)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:53:30 PM PST
You actually beleived this guy!?!?!
some people are so gulable, not one peice of information this guy put up had any merit, and " i goto parties with my kids." that right there tells you he's a lying sack of sh*&, I just cant get over people's stupidity, if you believed that then you should repeteadly punch yourself in the face until you come to your senses.

Meningitis is a Mental Disease? Nooooooo it isn't! (none / 0) (#4016)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:35:31 PM PST
As far as I know, Meningitis is either viral or bacterial, and causes a swelling of the brain.

It's trasmitted through fluids. If you go to a public washroom, and somebody who had meningitis left some spit at the sink, and you somehow managed to accidentally touch it and low and behold, let's say you've got an open wound on your hand, well, you could get Meningitis to say the least. Sex is another means of transmitting the microbes responsible for it.

I've never heard of mental diseases being caused by sex or somebody else's spit. Meningitis will usually kill you soon enough unless you have medical help. So this mental disease would last maybe 2 weeks as a rough estimation in an exceptional scenario?

Mental illness, I would think, stems from more emotional trauma, ie. your mother dies when you're 11. You've experienced physical abuse, whatever.

Then the computer stuff, well, gee, I'm not a computer master, but I know I spend more than 30 minutes a day on a computer, I've requested hardware upgrades, and other things in your original article spell out my name blatantly. But I'm no threat to society, and my friends who do understand computers fairly well absolutely drown me in such knowledge. I just have a blast using a computer. I'm still active. I'm still doing fine. I'm not one of Satan's Warriors.

You sir, are absolutly flagrant.

I'm positive this was a joke. It's too farfetched. Wayyyy too farfetched.

you are a fool (none / 0) (#4017)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:36:51 PM PST
my friend showed me that post as a joke! you are pathetic. Isn't bonzibuddie that screenpal program? PS i doubt VERY much there's a song you like that hasn't been electronically altered so shut your mouth b4 someone shits in it

I think I solved it (none / 0) (#4019)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:49:06 PM PST
I looked at theser postings and I think Reginald Gibbons is the smartest one here--I think he's created a hoax.

1. If he created this post he surely knows enough about computers not to be so ignorant

2. Some of the links are goofy--the "pacifier" leads to "rave" and the "integrity" and "betrayed the principles" are moderately clever

3. Think hard--can you think of something funnier than describing your druggie son and pretending like you can't see the signs? Same with not recognizing the signs of becoming a teenager i.e. surly.

4. profits. they get so much free publicity

5. I bet Gibbons is fake--Rearange the letters to get "Big snob"

6. I find the niave trust of AOL and Dell to be very clever myself

7. the stuff that is said is clearly the stuff that will get people angry.

8. I bet "Reginald Gibbons" is laughing like crazy and not a parent. I think he's duped you all.

Hats off to Reginald. Unless I am greatly mistaken, you have pulled one of the best practical jokes I've heard. I just hope no stupid parents follow his advice.

This very stupid article (none / 0) (#4020)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:52:57 PM PST
I am a 16 year old male, and am comming to bat in defense of this guys stereotypes he has placed on us minor males. First all the information you have presented is wrong. There is no hacker ring called "otaku", or an operating system called "lunix". Bonzi Buddy is an instant messaging program, comet cursor works on your cursor, go figure it only says cursor in the name. You say that MP3s are hacking devices well they are compacted music that you can play on your computer, put onto CDs, or load into a CD/MP3 player. Quake how the hell did you figure that it was a hackers gathering place? Please tell mwe how you figures that one out. Well the asking to upgrade your computer, in case you don't know better equipment gives better and faster bootup, and opening of different programs and websites. Get a faster internet provider well with one of the recent laws they track all hacking going on through them, in case you didn't know if somebody is convicted of hacking its 10 years in prison, and provider gets a fine unless they were ones to turn them in. Your supposed hacking manuals, oh man that was really funny not a single one of them are sold in stores, see my last statement that will explain why. Just to tell you it is NORMAL for teenagers tend to get argumentative during their teens years, I do not deny any of the truth, teens in general get rebelious. ALso you said that hackers were bright colors, just to let you know very bright colors and dyed hair are the style for all teens now.
Finally struggling academically doesn't mean anything in ways of a hacker, I myself am struggling i have to work very hard to maintain a "C" average. I believe before you attempt to incriminate, or make stereotypes on a group of people you should get your facts straight. I hope some of the companies bring suit against you for putting false and incriminating information about them on the internet.

Wow (none / 0) (#4021)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:58:05 PM PST
Im a linux administrator, and a real "hacker" if you actually did your research you would have found that hacker is a person who improves on programs, and such. If I ever met you I would kick you in the face not once, but one for every stupid comment you made. Your a fucked up fuck and your gonna ruin it for all of us. Let the computer generation alone, ass.

U IDIOT (none / 0) (#4023)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:16:11 PM PST
How stupid can you be?! You put down the top movie making program, you accuse one of the top computer companies of being 3rd party, using slave labor, and being outside of the US which it is not. You are lucky you aren't sued. You are soooooooo unprepared for this "calamity" because you are a "star parent". Just because your daughter says hes a hacker doesn't mean he is. Many people are called hackers. I have been called a hacker numerous times just because i BUILD MY OWN SYSTEMS!! OMG I'm good with the computer so i must hack!.... That is how badly you are reacting to this stupid incident. Your son deserves an apology... in fact you should be kneeling in front of him bowing and plea for his forgiveness. You've just made an idiot of your self on one of the most popular websites in the world.

One more thing... I'd advise you to stay away from your computer before you make yourself seem like more of an ass.

LMAO (none / 0) (#4025)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:25:43 PM PST
This is the most MORONIC thing I have had the displeasure of reading for a long time. The parent is an idiot and I feel sorry for the children.

WFT? (none / 0) (#4026)
by syamal on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:29:00 PM PST
u sir, deserve a slow, very painful, death, hopefully that will be soon, before u post another obtuse post. please refer to, so u can learn how to inject your goddammed self with formaldehyde!

age 14

WFT? who is this psycho 'adroit' american parent? (none / 0) (#4027)
by syamal on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:31:02 PM PST
u sir, deserve a slow, very painful, death, hopefully that will be soon, before u post another obtuse post. please refer to, so u can learn how to inject your goddammed self with formaldehyde!

age 14

Ummm (none / 0) (#4028)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:39:06 PM PST
Many of my friends and I match that description, and I add many new programs my parents don't know about, and I don't do well in school, so what if I change my appearence...I am not even close to being a hacker, I have no idea how....Where do you get off, how do you REALLY know your son was ACTUALLY hacking, not just looking into it.

this has got to be a joke! (none / 0) (#4030)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:57:10 PM PST
this has to be a joke!!! The creator please tell me this is a joke, if you are not joking then i'm scared because this will prove that evolution is going BACKWARDS VERY FAST. If you are serious about all this then i can safely say that you are probally one of the dumbest people in the world! Pat yerself on the back before sticking your head in a microwave to get a tan.
ps: im a hacking and because you wrote this, i'm going to hack into your house by coming through your tv and vcr, if you don't want me to do this...please smash them now.

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#4031)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:01:39 PM PST
I'm writing this in responce to an earlier post. Anyone attempting to Identify their son or daughter (yes it's possible, girls can be naughty!) using these criteria should be taken out back and shot in the head with a shotgun, I normally try to keep an objective opinion, it's true, If your child is obsessed with linnux and reads hacker manuals, be a little concerned, but the rest of the things on that list are pure garbage, I mean, quake's a game (and a fun one at that), AOL is a really sucky ISP that spouts nonsense about being child safe, WRONGO, your children are just as safe on another (cheaper) ISP with the proper restriction set in the settings, and it is customary for computers to become fairly outdated faster than clothing.
And to the rest of this far right bullshit, YOUR TEENAGE SON IS SUPPOSED TO DO THESE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you asked any quasi normal parents with teens that you'd most likely end up with the responce yeah, my son (or daughter) is weird too, this isn't new stuff, most teenagers question all the rules their parents set before them as an instinct to going off on their own, the only rules you should set on your children are based on their safety, the safety of others, and the law. anyway, too long a post, bye

My son was a teen hacker till we bought him a Mac (none / 0) (#4032)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:07:21 PM PST
Some of the responses to this article have suggested that it is a joke. Think again people - this article describes an all too familiar scenario being experienced by thousands of families including my own.

My son became a hacker and exhibited many of the warning signs described in this article. It was only my ignorance that failed to recognise the situation and act.

At first my son's behaviour seemed innocent enough. He installed Slackware Lunix - I now know that this is Al Qaeda's operating system of choice! He stopped using our MSN connection and switched to something called 'earthlink'. He started to spend an inordinate amount of time on his PC, refusing to join us on family outings to visit his grandparents. He was spending most of his allowance of upgrades to his PC and said he'd 'overclocked' the processor to make it run like a faster chip but which from a legal perspective is actually theft. He started to hang out with other hackers taking his PC to their hones to 'play Quake'.

One day he came to me and said he'd 'spoofed some packets from the Whitehouse'. At first I thought this was an off-colour comment about the Monica Lewinsky scandal of the time. But then the network admin guy at work told me what spoofing was and I realised my son had breached national security. We decided to have him committed.

After some intense counselling he broke down and admitted that he had a 'computer programming dependancy'. The counsellor suggested a remedy that would allow him to break his dependency without going cold turkey - we bought him a Mac.

He's a changed individual. He even has a girlfriend now - she has a Mac too.

hai hai (none / 0) (#5040)
by KingTT on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 11:07:29 PM PST
commit to apple

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#4033)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:07:40 PM PST

ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#4034)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:08:04 PM PST
Oh dear lord.
what a pussy

Flash, Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor (none / 0) (#4035)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:17:18 PM PST
when the hell did these three programs become the signs of a hacker??? Unless hackers like having pretty cursors all over their screen, or that gay little purple guy telling them what to do, almost exactly like the microsoft paper clip...

Hahaha! (none / 0) (#4036)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:19:06 PM PST
This is a joke, right? If this is a joke, then it's damn funny and I award propz to the author of this article. If, however, this is not a joke, I pray that God has mercy on your soul and that you do not have the privalage of driving or voting or anything else that requires competence.

My god are you all retarted? (none / 0) (#4037)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:39:10 PM PST
every drop of that artical is complete crap and is prolly a joke! bonzi buddy a hacking program? hahah few thing on the internet actuly make me laph out load - this is one of them! how can a company that makes proceser chips use child labour when all it parts are so small that we can barly see them let alone use micro welder to soder them together? all that is done by machines! quake is a game sure it has weapons but so does tv! it teaches you absolutly nothing about wepons! flash is a program that allows you to view many web sites and other usefull things! comet curser changes the image of your mouse - that all! bonzi bunny is a little bird that talks to you on screen and keeps you company! none of those programs have even a little to do with hacking! that is child abuse! his parents are over protective dumbasses! also yes my spelling sucks and my grammer scuks too it is not my fault! i pray this is a joke!!!:)!!!

welll... (none / 0) (#4038)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:51:40 PM PST
some people have too little brains in their heads and tooo much time on their hands...

Get with the times or turn off your pc

Oh and for the originator of this thread pc means personal computer not partial communist or what the hell ever you may come up with for it.... Relax...FUCk..

Of all the computer illiteracy in the world!! (none / 0) (#4039)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:53:25 PM PST
I am currently an University student in my final year doing a Computer Science major. And I must admit I have never seen something as bad as this ! The mistakes it contains, my God !!
I have particular objections to the part about Linux.Linux is not a hacker's platform, but a perfectly nice operating system. I dont want to start a windows - vs - linux flame war here, but I have used both linux and windows for a while now, and I personally feel Linux is the more stable of the two. Most of the worlds academic community use Linux; so do most of the major isp's. And regarding Quake, I have played for two years since now, and I have never heard that it was advanced enough to be used as a VR platform for hackers! wow ! Anyway, what I feel is that the topic is a very valid one, considering the increasing number of teenagers who become obsessed with computers these days, but it should have been written by someone at least slightly more computer literate !

Stupid (none / 0) (#4040)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:54:49 PM PST
Do you actually think the things you are spouting off are true? You obviously didn't get good information when you were researching this for "your family's wellbeing". First off, Linux is not illegal software. It is sold in package deals at reputable software vendors. AOL sucks because it is slow and gay. That may be a reason for changing ISP's. FLASH IS A GRAPHICS PROGRAM MORON! Quake is a computer game. It trains people in the art of playing computer games. Next, I ran Linux for months and now am back on windows. I don't remember sending my computer back to the manufacturer. I wonder how I did that without destroying my hard disk space. I would like to know of a teen who is not argumentative and surly. It happens! Get used to it! And finally, schizophrenia, menengitis? Why not just add the clap, herpes, Cancer, dandruff, and in some cases death by anal hemerage?

Shaking my head (none / 0) (#4041)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:59:25 PM PST
I landed on this site by accident, and I must say that this article was the biggest laugh I've seen all day. I showed it to my girlfriend and my sister and we got a big kick out of it. I do have to say that this article is not the product of misinformation; this is clearly the source of ignorance the kind you see on the 700 Club. It's obvious that name "Linus Tovalds" was deliberately misspelled. Linux, the product of Linus Tovalds (which I believe is Swedish, maybe wrong but definitely not Russian) is PC operating system which is basically Unix with a graphical user interface. Unix is an operating system that has been around since the 60's and runs on the mainframes of many large corporations including government agencies (American, not Russian). On a side note, companies like IBM have been pouring tons of money into Linux lately to develop it as a viable alternative to Microsoft operating systems (and last I heard, IBM is still an American company). Another point I must make is that the web browser that comes with most Linux installations is Netscape, and last time I checked Netscape was still owned by AOL.

This article reminds me of the dialogue I would expect from Archie Bunker on "All in the Family". Didn't he also blame Communists for everything?

i hate you. (none / 0) (#4042)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:26:16 PM PST
i hope your son kills you and dances on your body singing "lunix lunix."

OML (none / 0) (#4045)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:50:24 PM PST
ok im using an amd. and i bought it from a store. your are the most stupid person ive ever had a chance to read about. o man you are killing me. i need to go.

Absolutely Brilliant (none / 0) (#4047)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:06:42 PM PST
This article IS without a doubt just a hilarious joke. Look at the poll on the far RHS of the page to confirm that.

"I am afraid of Hackers because:
- ...they smell"

And I love that this is written by Mr Gibbons (A gibbon of course being a type of monkey)


AND just on the off chance that it isnt a joke, everyone please stop trying to talk Mr Gibbons out of his opinions. Personally I am loooking forward to seeing his name in a soon-to-come "Darwin Award"!
(evolution will take care of him)

>;o) Peace.


What about that she's fucking reproduced already. (none / 0) (#4049)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:08:52 PM PST
2 daughters, too. God help us all.

dumbfuck (none / 0) (#4050)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:13:21 PM PST
You are a stupid fuck.... at times, i sit in front of my computer for 3 or more hours and i dont have any fuckin brain damage.... im in the highest classes in high school and get good grades... u have no fuckin clue what you're talking about... why the fuck would you go to a professional to reinstall windows... what a dumb mother-fucker you are!!

you don't know jack fucking shit about hardware and software... amd is the best processor company...

and what's this shit about security being implemented in intel processors... how the fuck can hardware alone have security features... a processor does not determine if u can hack or not u dumb fuck

back to the elecromagnetic radiation shit... dude, what the fuck r u talking about... yes the monitor shoots electrons... but they don't fly at your head, dumbfuck... a tv works the same way... so im guessing u dont watch tv for more than 45 minutes cuz u'll get some fucking brain damage...

u dont know jack shit about shit... u r the stupidest parent on earth

Oh please. Females are fucking tech morons. (none / 0) (#4051)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:13:23 PM PST
Even the most "skilled" of them (by their reckoning, make no mistake) are probably the ones their male colleagues dread letting near any of the sensitive equipment, knowing it'll likely end up costing the team a 48-hour stint to fix again.

You're all free to your delusions though. Especially sitting on your politically-correct, high-school asses instead of really being in the field. Fucking teen idiots.

Yeah, females in the industry sure are... (none / 0) (#4054)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:22:45 PM PST
a force to be reckoned with alright. LMAO. A good third of our IT departments at work is female (both programming and administration), and for the most part they're just taking up space compared to the males, and everyone knows it. It's like this silent unspoken joke. And the very few that don't fit that category and can actually contribute, are still nowhere near the level of the best (or frankly even the average) males, at ALL.

The high school kiddies that get their life lessons from the tube are free to believe what they want. Those of you in the industry know what I'm talking about. And if you don't, think on who really gets listened to, tech-wise, at your meetings.

Female "hackers". LMAO. Gals are good for the occasional giggle, I'll give you that. :)

I wish my dad were as overbearing as you (none / 0) (#4055)
by walter on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:25:47 PM PST
well Mr. Gibbons I would just like to point out how right you are in the fact that you brought up a true american family. Your poor son probably turned to computers to get away from you oppresive preaseance into a seamblance of something new to him, freedom.

Your slanderous comments about AMD downright offensive. You must have done some hardcore research into the core architecture of those chips to find that they are just cheap rippofs with extra transistors especially for hacking purposes. These hacking transistors make up "hacking logic gates." or you didn't do any research.

After Reading Gibson's novel Neuromancer my friend was punching some black ice with his ono-sendia deck when he went into brain death for 3 minutes behind the ice. ICE stands for Intrusion countermeasures electronics and since it is only theory it does't really exist. neither does the internet pictured in Gibson novel's because there wasn't much of an internet around when the guy wrote them.

one last thing, when a kid shows up at a school and starts wasting kids with a railgun, or grenade launcher, then you can blame quake for training them on the weapons.

My god... you sad sad son of a bitch (none / 0) (#4056)
by antifox on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:27:34 PM PST
You are one sad mofo are you not? I, being 16, am not a hacker, I wear baggy pants, and bright shirts. My hair is long (Yes I"m a guy) and died a bright blue. I know the smallest detail of hacking, and 2, I'm program for MUD's (Multi User Dungeons based on the D&D series). Telnet is not a "hacking" utility in which to steal PEOPLES GOD DAMN STEREO SONGS VIA A MP3 PLAYER. MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO SHOVE ONE MY GLOW STICKS UP YOUR ASS... ahem. I have seen stupid people in my life, my parents being one of them. Most hackers I know are nothing like you describe dumb-ass. They dress normally, usually do pretty well in school, mainly academics, and have a overall nice attitude. By the by, Quake is not a hacking convention dumb ass. It's a 3d game using a old version of a graphics card. It's quite a fun game... most people think of it as a god sin to children because of the viloence not hackers. Perhaps you should learn more before making yourself look like a complete fool. You, my friend (I use the term loosely), are describing skate boarders. Perhaps... this is just a theory... He's learn to hack... with a skate board? Now I'm going on a limb telling you this.. but I feel you should know.

God this guy is a fucking moron... I've seen inbred's smarter than him.

werd. (none / 0) (#4059)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:44:14 PM PST
Please, please do not judge anything, or anyone, unless you're sure of what you're judging. Also, it seems that you have no clue on the subject of computers, in any area, whether it be computer programming, gaming, or 'hacking'. Linux is a open source operating system based on the operating system named Unix. Neither Linux, or Unix were designed in any way by Microsoft. 'BSD' is a version of Unix, and 'BSD' is programmed at one of the worlds most known tech universities, University of Cal. at Berkley. I don't know where you got your information from on anything you said here, but EVERYTHING is false. EVERYTHING. Its really sad that you would think this way, it really is.

in response (none / 0) (#4060)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:47:53 PM PST
this is so lame man

This is Inactorz but I couldnt be botheredRegister (none / 0) (#4062)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:15:04 AM PST
Dear god. Please tell me this is a joke? Someone tell me this is a joke! Nobody could be this stupid! Nobody! This is why eugenics is a good thing! these fucking fundementalist christians like T Reginald Gibbons must have the same interlectual capicity as sheep! Which would explain why they act that way they do as well...

I think I speak for everyone when I say it's a good thing your son's a fucking hacker! That way he can sit in his room and not be able to breed and spread your inferior genes and futher a line which, according to darwinism, should have become extinct milleniums ago!

both you fundementalist christians, and all the g33k hackers hackers here should be simultanously sent to concentration camps. The world would be a much better place...

I only have 2 words for you all: (none / 0) (#4063)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:25:25 AM PST and

All your fears and frustrations will be answered :)

New hacking tool (none / 0) (#4064)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:17:53 AM PST
Be AWARE a new hacking tool named AIM has been mentioned in our local pta meeting. This new tool AIM is a very powerfull hacking tool. It is said to hack gibsons.

stupid shit (none / 0) (#4066)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:22:05 AM PST

blabla (none / 0) (#4067)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:38:46 AM PST
i hope you all understand that this was an joke arrtcle, atleast i hope so

Score another point for STUPIDITY!! (none / 0) (#4068)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:49:07 AM PST
The DEVIL SPEAKITH!! (as my cpu is AMD...) AMD made exclusively by children in sweatshops? Yeah, those todlers can really work that .18 micron circutry...(my Athlon [Angel-of-Death] cpu has "Made in USA" stamped on it!) I can't get over the "inferior knock-off copies of [Intel]" part. The whole x86 (ALL Pentium/AMD CPUs) family is based on IBM's early work. As for hacking, neither cpu's have any features that prevent/condone hacking. Wadda FUCKAROO!

Honestly, this is the funniest shiznit I've EVER read reguarding not just hacking, but blatant stupidity! broadband is evil? You'll never go back to dial-up after a taste. AOL the best? They block countless *RESPECTABLE* software. Quake a meeting place for hackers? Training ground for use of firearms? (what the hell does HUNTING do!?!) I can't belive the bit about anti-social tendencies because "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" can[/DOES!] have the same resulting tendencies.

About Lunix: stealing card #'s? What dumb-ass has his cc# on his PC?! Destroying HDD's? Viruses do that!! Even then, they can't rip up the HDD's surface...

I LOOOVE the part about clothing apearal. Bright clothing? Spiky hair? GLOW STICKS!?! Your son is into the RAVE scene, Captin Dipsh!t, not the WAREZ scene! I think drugs are the cause of his problems. But that goes w/o saying that to be a "REAL" hacker, drug abuse is a PREEQUISITE!

Thanks for the laugh...I'm still giggling as I type...! The other replys like are the icing on the cake! It's people like you that make politician's PR campaigns so effective. I pitty the peeps that take you seriously...!

Ignorance is bliss, and you're the happiest MF on the planet!!!

h4x0r d4 pl4n3t!! (none / 0) (#4069)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:55:12 AM PST

lol (none / 0) (#4070)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:23:57 AM PST
you just made my day mister XD *lol* have a nice day.. and I suggest you read about stuff before you talk about it and make a fool of yourself

hahaha (none / 0) (#4071)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:44:28 AM PST
Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms.

whoever wrote that is a genius! LOL!

IGNORACE KILLS!!! (none / 0) (#4072)
by HiProfile on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:58:29 AM PST
At first, I thought the initial post was for real. Then I read some relys. Then I thought this was a farse......until I noticed that there are others here eqaully as or even more STUPID than YOU [T Reginald Gibbons]!!!!

These kind of things are what make people put a second lock on their doors (read: INSECURITIES) How can people be so blatantly stupid, and still use a PC?! We all know that only hackers are smart enough to use PC's...

Since you know SOOO much, you are aware that the Dark Ages are part of history because so few were educated. Your kind are just like those who put early astronomers to DEATH because they suggested (and even had CONCLUSIVE evidence) that the earth was NOT the center of the universe. You, just like those prosecutors, have NO RELEVENT proof or evidence that anything you have mentioned leads to a hacker lifestyle (which itself is a GROSS stereotype). This is like a supposed hacker saying that ALL CHURCH ALTARS are used for sacrafices.

All of you "concerned" adults are so appauled by the statistics saying that teens are so uneducated (i.e. Canada is a state). Education mirrors the intellegence of the teacher. The real cold, hard truth is that most of you frightened adults are the ones without any knowledge base to spaek of.

�s this for real? (none / 0) (#4073)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:03:43 AM PST
Is this for real?? It's got to be a joke... I don't think that i've laughed this much before! "AMD is a thir world company" HA HA HA HA. AMD kicks intel out of the marked anyday. You are a sick, christian fuck. you know that right?? And the thing with quake...funny as hell.

LOOOOOOOOOL (none / 0) (#4074)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:25:56 AM PST

I think you should think before saying something (none / 0) (#4076)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:29:18 AM PST
I don't support the fact your son is constantly in front of the computer, but your reaction proves that you don't understand what your talking about. The fact of being a hacker doesn't necessarly mean he's doing evil things, it means, at any rate, that your son has a great knowledge of networking and programming, which is a valuable asset in modern society (that you don't seem to understand.....). Your arguments about what a hacker is are totally false. First of all, AMD is a company that produces much faster CPU's than Intel at equal frequency. The books you are referring to are mostly pure fiction and are liked by a vast community of sci-fi fans. Plus, a couple of books have 'hacker' in their title, but are actually about improving networking security. Asking for a faster video card has nothing to do with hacking, but only with gaming. Quake is just a popular game. Okay, hackers play it, but if you think like that, hackers use bathrooms, plates, forks,.... too.
You simply don't know what linux is. Linux is a free operating system commonly used to run servers because it is stable. In no way, Linux is made specially for hackers. Hackers use it to reject Microsoft's domination of the market. I study applied informatics and Linux is an important subject in those studies.
Your article should be removed from this site, it is pure nonsense. You're just scared of it because you don't understand it. You should go out and ask around to people who really use it, instead of people that try to sell mainstream products. And you should know that American products aren't automatically the best, you bush-voting dimwit! Go burn some crosses.......

Holy SHIT! (none / 0) (#4077)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:55:12 AM PST
This is universally stupid! I bet the man who wrote this article has a world lowest IQ, we gotta notify Guiness records team at once!!!!

stAtic vOid

U R A Dumbass! (none / 0) (#4082)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 05:47:29 AM PST
What the hell are you talking about? AMD is great! Quake is a fucking computer game! DOS ain't made for hackers! And you, you shithead have obviously no idea what the hell these programs are, let alone what a computer is! Comet Cursor??? that's a program that has nothing to do with hacking! Flash??? that's made for playing games and veiwing flash movies on the internet you bastard! Lunix is just a freakin operating system!!! And if this is a joke, then you're an idiot!

Hahaha (none / 0) (#4085)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:30:50 AM PST
What a fool would post this arcticle..

Apperantly DOSing is'nt GAINING CONTROL to another persons command prompt.. and Quake is just a game... And what's all that crap bout AMD and child labor?

Besides all that crap about his "six lovely children.. bla bla.. that always made him proud".. yea right!

I just wanna say that this guy is a moron.. Probably doe'nt even know how to work his VCR :P

- Mike from Israel

I hope you are kidding with me. More information. (none / 0) (#4086)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:53:16 AM PST
BTW if you dont have any clue what a word is ask me dont guess...

You are completely wrong and have no idea what a hacker is. The programs you have listed are called shareware, that means they are free! Your son, in no way, could become a computer hacker is a few weeks/months. It takes years to get to a level that would warrent the hacker/cracker title. These are held by only the best computer programmers/hexeditors in the world.

Quake is an online video game that either you bought, he bought, came with the computer or someone else installed. It is called a FPS game. FPS = first person shooter. It aslo has been blamed by athorities in a whopping 0 deaths. When I was a US Marine we used it to train. The people in there may act like hackers and talk like they are but they are jsut kids having fun shooting eachother like tiger cubs playfully fight.

I sincerely feel sorry for your son if you are not totally making this up.
1. He is not lying, he is not a hacker.
2. you scared him out of his creativity and are stifling a natural curiosity and his valuble imagination.
3. You are about the most overprotective/paranoid parent thereis.

If you take this article to a psychiatrist, I garantee they will recommend PAXIL.

Rule number one, if you dont know what your talking about shut up and ask questions. NEVER assume you know shit.

of corse I think it is hilarious beacuse this has to be fake... no one is that dumb.

Your a fucking moronic fool. (none / 0) (#4089)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:08:56 AM PST
As a hacker, I am apalled by the blantent DISCRIMINATION and ilegal slander of the term "Hacker" -You know not what you say, the internet is about information, not stupid morons like you pimping your stupid ill-informed bias on a server running a version of the operating sytem you say is evil and wrong*. Why dont you get a life, get a clue, amd maby even get a lawyer to defend you against the lawsuit Im sure redhat and the rest of the people who KNOW what they are talking about are going to rais against you..

*Compleate Header is as Follows
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 XX:XX:45 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26
Content-Length: 33031
Content-Type: text/html

Wow (none / 0) (#4090)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:21:36 AM PST
I hereby cast aside my old beliefs and elevate the WHO?s of this site to god-status.

HEE HEE (none / 0) (#4094)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:49:34 AM PST
HEE HEE im just waiting for this site to get hacked :) have a nice day

----( o )( o )----


Well then... (none / 0) (#4095)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:51:28 AM PST
I suppose this could have been worse, he could have said that the Brady Bunch is responsible for all Soviet revolutionist tendencies...

Or he could have shot himself in the foot... six times in a row.

Either way, this is one of the funniest jokes I've ever seen.


poor children....... (none / 0) (#4097)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:14:56 AM PST
After reading ths god fIN article, i have come to the conclusion that the author is indeed a dumb@$$...... For a couple reasons:

1. The guy says hes a parent and he caught his kid hackin stuff.. he bases this asumption on the conzibuddy and comet cursor were loaded. i mean god dammit.... if i was that guys son i would kill myself. that it u have some gay cursor program loaded im gonna kick ur ass

2. quake 3. o please, ne one who knows ne tihng is that most of the more advanced games today are based on the q3 engine, possibly more games then u relize. and no it does not promote violence u stupid shmuck parents...

3. uh o jonny has been spending more then 30 mins on the internet... and you say u have aol? good god it takes 30 minutes just to get to the site where you want to go. 30 minutes ha

4 "BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos", ok ne one who knows ne tihng about linux or unix, knows that BSD os's were developed from your friendly neighborhood university MIT, for all the dumb ass parents out there thats one of the best computer university's in america probably the world

5 AMD? cheap rip-off? I am just going to assume that you are a big ass moron and that u dont know jacksh!t, so ill let this one slide...

6 "Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors." ok were not in the damn 60's ne more, i see people all the time wearing hawian shirts and stuff.. "They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" who wears glow sticks.... "some wear pacifiers around their necks." ok honestly i wanna know where u got your research on this subject..i mean did you pull this outa ur ass? pacifiers...

7. "xenix", i have never ever heard of that, would someone like to enlighten me that kinda sounds like one of your "lunix" made up phrases..

ok... well this has pissed me off more then i wanted it to on my saturday, once again who ever wrote this either 1 take the dix outa ur azz or 2 go shoot urself please pleaseeee

are you really serious? (none / 0) (#4100)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:07:26 AM PST
Hi everybody ;-) I'm not goind to delve into the sexist things, because I'm really very far from considering females or males superior in anything and that's enough. But, being a university student majoring in computer science in a country with a very well-developed IT background (Bulgaria), and having 12 years of experience working under DOS, Windows and Linux, I can deduce much about the competence and IQ level of the author of that article. Leaving aside the abundant factual errors, I can hardly imagine how a child could grow up in such "perfect" conditions. I've been to USA and I realize that much of what we Europeans think about you Americans is prejudiced and false, but having read this article I understand how the rumours that you are stupid beyond imagination have taken roots. Now I know of at least one American who is stupid beyond imagination. Be ashamed, fellow US IT specialists.
Please send any comments to - I don't think I'll visit this site again.

estupido (none / 0) (#4101)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:09:14 AM PST
Some people never cease to amaze me. first off...45 minutes a DAY!? well, since you aren't going to be buying your kid any new hardware, it will probably take you half those 45 minutes to boot your slow-ass machine up. From what I have read so far, you all seem to think just because we are american's that we are perfect? That is a load of BS. I for one am Christian, as I keep seeing people say they are. And I find it sad that I have to say that you all are my brothers and sisters in Christ...Didn't God make everyone equal? How is it then that Girls "will never be able to surpass men"? I am disgusted to think a christian said that...

Bullshit (none / 0) (#4102)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:12:34 AM PST
I petition your bullshit and feel sorry for the child of any parent who may read your artice. You have lead parents to false beliefs, and innocent children, who have never hacked in their lives, will be affected. Quake is a computer game, not a hackers meeting. How many childred will be forced to stop lpaying games because of this? <B><I>EVERY</B></I> fact stating how to recognize a child hacker in your article was false, and I hope this site will remove if in cause of the effects it will have on others. You made a stupid mistake.

OH.........MY............GOD!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4103)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:22:16 AM PST
This has to be a wind up, i`ve never heard so much uninformed bullshit in all my life!!

I`ll leave this short as my dad always told me:
"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience!"


omfgl!!! (none / 0) (#4104)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:34:40 AM PST
this is the funniest article i have ever read!!! hahaha 'Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".' yea those are real dangerous programs!!! oh, and AMD is REAAAAAAL dangerous! get a life, and fer god's sake leave your kids alone! if i were them, id have killed my self long ago!!!

No Subject (none / 0) (#4106)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:48:16 AM PST

If all is true to the above that you have written
your son is not a computer hacker. You need to do
a lot more reading and research on the world of
hacker culture. I wouldn't be concerned about your
son and if all is true above he's not a hacker.

By posting this ,with your knowledge you have
been looked upon as an idiot to those who partake
in the scene of seeking information and hacking
culture. If you punished your son , you should
forgive him for what he has done. He has done
nothing wrong and finds the computer fun and
enjoyable. I wouldn't blame him. He probably feels
he needs to escape from you and all you have done
by trying to be a pefect parent and the pressure
you have put upon his young mind.


You are so computer ignorant (none / 0) (#4107)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:52:12 AM PST
OMG. Your children must be so sad: Open your mind.

Slander (none / 0) (#4108)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:55:54 AM PST
You haven't done your research, pal. First off, there is no such thing as an "Otaku" hacking alliance, Otaku is a term for people who enjoy anime, manga, and J-pop stuff, NOT hacking and they are by no means hackers. Second off, the link you provided for the "Otaku" hacking alliance was a webring for online journals of people who enjoy anime, manga, and J-pop stuff. Since you linked that site, that webring has been overridden by REAL hackers and the girl who runs it is considering taking her entire DOMAIN offline because of trouble with hackers. The webring is now defunct and the domain may follow soon, all thanks to your slanderous link. Next time you write an article, why not LOOK at the innocent 3rd party sites you're linking before you post them.

I suggest you do some research into your topic next time as well, I know nothing about hacking, but even I can tell most of that article is utter tripe.

Men are TOTALLY superior to woman (none / 0) (#4111)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:02:07 AM PST
you cant hack/program shit. go program me a microawave and make me some food!

My god... (none / 0) (#4113)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:46:50 AM PST
Do tell me this is a joke, as i'm laughing my ass off right now.

Is your son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#4114)
by KZXten on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:03:55 PM PST
What an idiot, evidently you didn't do ENOUGH research! Get real, get educated...hackers aren't bad, crackers are. If you are really worried about your kids computer usage, take some classes and stop making yourself look like an idiot. Hackers are not bad, hackers try to figure stuff out, how it works and that is not bad. I did stuff like that when I was a kid, tried to figure out how things worked, and I still do. If you want to limit the intellectual growth of your son...stop him from what he's doing, dumb him down...evidentally to your level. Exploration is a path to growth, don't stop your kids growth because you don't understand what they are doing. If you don't understand what they are doing ask them, a way to personal growth doesn't mean you have to spend countless hours in front of a professor (who incidentally doesn't necessarily have to know a thing about what they are teaching, go figure).

Be a part of your kids life rather than stopping his computer usage and further more who gives YOU the right to advise other people on what signs to look for to be able to tell if they are computer hackers!?!?!?

Well Hot Damn, Im a blasted 1337 h4xx0r! (none / 0) (#4115)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:10:55 PM PST
Well, I fit all of the descriptions up there to a T except for the dressing style, so that must mean I'm a hacker! Wow! Never mind the fact that I know jack-shit about hacking. Whoever posted this is a paranoid phsyco who needs to seak Phsycological help. Just so you know, I'm 13, and think you're one of the most ignorant adults I've ever met. 45 minutes a day? You couldn't even check your email in that amount of time on an ISP like AOL.

You might as well put up on your hate list kids who can talk in 1337, because that's a sure sign of being a hacker, you STUPID FOOL!

j00 5h0u1d 5h0v3 4 57ick up j00r 455 4nd g0 g37 hi7 by 4 buz, j00 ign0r3n7 ph001! ph34r my 1337 h4xx0ring 5ki11z, y0u!

OMG, whoever wrote this is an idiot! (none / 0) (#4116)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:14:14 PM PST
Hahahaha, Quake, a hacker meeting place? Hahahaha! Quake is a video GAME. Linux hacker software? Hahahaha, it's an OS you dumbasses! BonziBuddy, Flash, and Cometcursor hacking programs? Hahahahahaha! Those are all free, downloadable things t mess around with for fun. They have nothing to do with hacking. This article HAS to be a joke, there's no way someone can be this ignorant. You people that listen to whoever made this article are FOOLS!

tw@ (none / 0) (#4121)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:40:18 PM PST
you are a twat
look im posting a comment, watch out! could contain a virus!

by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:51:33 PM PST

This is stupid (none / 0) (#4124)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:28:45 PM PST
i have seen lots of idiots post in here.. infact everyone in here seems to be one.. everyone seems to be wrong about the idea of what is a hacker..
hacking is not go and destroy a server.. hacking is find a vulnerabilty and patch it.. with ur own code.. hacking is make ur own code. and improving it.. hacking is not carding is not stoling cc numbers its not cracking..
so everyone in here seems that has never been into the scene..
also.. u should really rm this thing the reason ur getting lots of hits is cause everyone wants to see if its really true that there is such a dumb article in the net and getting lots of real hackers pissed and making laught.

OMFG (none / 0) (#4126)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:36:50 PM PST
u are the biggest dumbass in the world dude Quake is a fuckin game, u need a faster video card to play these games its called technology, and we are called gamers. Ur daughter was prolly stupified because ur son showed her his cool computer skills. As for the radical changes its called growing up.

you all are not the brightest bulbs (none / 0) (#4129)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:21:13 PM PST
heh, actually what i find funny is the article and most of the comments. for the people that posted comments calling the original poster and idiot and a moron are as equally moronic.
instead of pointing out that she/he is stupid/idoit, should have posted the real facts. ie: telnet wasn't created by linus, but rather by bell labs, when they created the original unix system, not 100% sure of this, but i could look it up. as for the comments on the books, we have the freedom to read whatever we would like, if you worried that your child will pick up bad habits/behavior from these, then you have failed as parents. its one of the parents jobs to teach morals to their child, and by restricting them on what they can read and can not is lame, and creates a closed minded person. as for the term hacker, to hack something isn't to illegally enter or steal data, but to create data. its the MEDIA that turned the world hacker into a bad thing. to conclude this, research the facts before you assume anything. but i must admit, it was pretty funny reading the above article.

yours truely,
Adam Lindley

Humorous!! (none / 0) (#4130)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:26:58 PM PST
Ha ha ha! LOL! What did you do - simply insert keywords a lot of children use and make a false story? It is funny, though. And I do agree on one thing, however, Intel is certainly bettern than AMD

Funny (none / 0) (#4131)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:28:09 PM PST
I hope this was a joke because we don't need any of this shit.

YOU THICK PIECE OF COW SH*T (none / 0) (#4132)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:31:57 PM PST
you fu*king retarded wan*er, are you rally that fu*king thick, fu*king hell man whre did you get this sh*t from. YOUR one of those people who has no fuc*ing clue how to use a fuc*ing computer, AMD RULE there processors are the dogs bollo*ks, linux and all the other os'es you said are crap are good. Ill loeave you with this message



You are a fuckin idiot (none / 0) (#4133)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:49:07 PM PST
These are not signs at all. And it is LINUX not Lunix you dumbass. You should be so embarrassed that you actually wrote this bullshit.

People amaze me (none / 0) (#4134)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:56:28 PM PST
It amazes me that people do not realize a joke when they read one. It is a satire, nothing more. It was meant for a good laugh, not to be broken down point by point. This person knew that there were enough losers that would take this seriously and he decided to get under all of your skin...And it seemed to have worked quite well

OMG (none / 0) (#4135)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:58:47 PM PST
how can you be soo ingorant
ok im 18 now i have use computer since i was 3 years old i get a computer evey 3 fucking months im always online
i have a dimamic I.P
i use AMD ( got it in a store) i use quake. i read about hacking i use linux
i have 3 piercing use baggy pants i dont go to school that ofen well didnt ,man i guess this meen im a hacker dosent it
you son prob dosent know shit
let me tell you one thing he is probly using his computer to get away from the truble ...or to find out more this is another comunity we speak the same languge we dont care about race religion age and sex...he is one of us now...

Hello (none / 0) (#4137)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:14:16 PM PST
Have you ever considered that telnet was built into Window9x? If its a hacking program why would Microsoft put it in their operating system? Before you talk about hackers.. learn a bit more about your computer.. I am not a hacker. I don't run linux.. I'd rather though. considering Windows is very unstable and takes up too much memory.. Your son wants a better graphics card so he wont Frame lag so much while playing games like Quake, and Counterstrike.. HAHAHAHAH and Pearl is a program used by lots of university's and colleges all around the world.. Its a programming language.. If it weren't for "Pearl" and a bunch of other programming programs.. you wouldn't have any programs at all! You are the biggest idiot i have ever met.. And its not LUNIX! its LINUX! before you bad mouth Linux why don't you read about it oh and that russian guy didn't create Linux.. linus created linux you moron

your stupid (none / 0) (#4138)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:16:36 PM PST
linux a hacker operating system?
i could just as easily do it with windows you stupid stupid fuck..looks like you need to take some classes and read some books..most of the people who break into computer systems dont even steal any information..look at yourself before you try and label anyone else

ARRGG (none / 0) (#4139)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:23:10 PM PST
I can't begin to say how aggrivated this article makes me. I know several people have said it before, and there's no point in re-iterating it, but whoever wrote this is just completely ignorant on this topic. It's atrocious that stuff like this is even on the internet. First of all, you're telling this generation of parents to be completely parinoid and monitor all their child's activities on the computer at almost all times, and I find that apalling. What happened to "trust"? Can't a parent trust their kid not to hack into the penatgon computers, or something?

You also show complete chauvanism when you said in one of the posts that most women learn hacking from their boyfriends. Where do you get all these bogus facts? Did you just make them up as you were writing this article?

I could go on and on, but I know there's no point in arguing about it...I just think this is an insult to this generation of young teenagers, and I think it's an insult to older generations because of the Cold War references (No one ever won or lost the Cold War!), but again, there's no point in drawing this out because people who write these kinds of articles are not going to have a sudden change of heart and agree with their criticism. I just hope this next generation will become less narrow minded and more accepting than the man who wrote this article.

what an idiot (none / 0) (#4140)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:26:56 PM PST
flash - hacker software
hackers - bright cloths and hair - those are ravers you idiot - I have never seen a series of idiotic uneducated coments in one place

your just a wanker (none / 0) (#4141)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:29:38 PM PST
your just a wanker

yes (none / 0) (#4142)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:38:43 PM PST
yes its true i make amd prosseosr and im only 13 !!! BITCH
you dont even know how to trun on a computer!!!!!! FAG

U ARE A IDIOT (none / 0) (#4144)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:07:05 PM PST
I think as a young individual i am very umm offended by this remark. as very knowledged in the computer world, i use unix,linux and other un*x based o/s's for my job you moron. thats how i make money is by servers with that o/s so if linux is such a bad bad software then u are a complete moron and have not researched well enough to find out that the backbone of all the internet is run off un*x or some other brand or shareware version run off the same principal. as your son being a hacker that is bullshit, you i think are very jealous individual and very narrow minded. just cuz your son may install software and play games doesn't mean he means harm to anybody. he enjoys exploring and i believe that this software and games are helping him broaden his horizon. Sir no disrespect but i think you need to grow up before you expect your children to grow up. you are very immature and very as i said before narrow minded. i have been around computers since i was appx 7-8 years old and i am now 18 and make very good money legally off computers and your so called hacking. without people like me your internet would not be as what it is today.

U ARE A IDIOT (none / 0) (#4145)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:10:52 PM PST
I think as a young individual i am very umm offended by this remark. as very knowledged in the computer world, i use unix,linux and other un*x based o/s's for my job you moron. thats how i make money is by servers with that o/s so if linux is such a bad bad software then u are a complete moron and have not researched well enough to find out that the backbone of all the internet is run off un*x or some other brand or shareware version run off the same principal. as your son being a hacker that is bullshit, you i think are very jealous individual and very narrow minded. just cuz your son may install software and play games doesn't mean he means harm to anybody. he enjoys exploring and i believe that this software and games are helping him broaden his horizon. Sir no disrespect but i think you need to grow up before you expect your children to grow up. you are very immature and very as i said before narrow minded. i have been around computers since i was appx 7-8 years old and i am now 18 and make very good money legally off computers and your so called hacking. without people like me your internet would not be as what it is today. as for the hacking trust me if your son was really hacking you would not beable to trace it and research it as you say u could on your computer... i am sorry but it just is not as easy as you think it is to find such resources to find out if your child is doing such a thing. that is all for now please respond to this because i for one am very offended by this and i am sure anybody else who has any type of commonsense would know you are what they would say "wrong"

email me or whatever
i for one play many types of games including quake 3, everquest, halflife, ultima online.
i am referred as Yaedien in many games.

What the .... (none / 0) (#4146)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:11:01 PM PST

AOL? The worst company in the world?
AMD an illegal chip which is not sold in any store?????

Tell me you were drunk when tou wrote this.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
Is it strange that your kid may want something better for enabling him/her to play some of the newest games?

Does your child read hacking manuals?
Believe me that first of all there r no serious "hacking" manuals sold in stores. You can download these kind of books of the net. And secondly I don't believe that anyone will be that stupid to go and ask someone to buy a "hacking" book for him/her so easily. It's like going to a policeman and ask him where to find drugs or guns!!!!

Quake a virtual reality used by hackers??
come on!!!!!

I'd say that you need some more infos on hackers.

Let's hope that your son do not turn up like you!!!!!

You sir, are an idiot! (none / 0) (#4148)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:24:44 PM PST
AMD makes affordable gear, it has absolutely nothing to do with hacking, its a completely legitimate company and you could be in trouble for serious slander.
All those 'hacker' programmes your son supposedly downloaded are innocent, bonzai buddy is a harmless desktop make, and flash is just a programme for writing animation. Apologise to your son now you biggot, your own ignorance means you've accused him of something he hasn't done.

The Northwestern English Professor Strikes Again!! (none / 0) (#4149)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:29:56 PM PST
Here's your enlightenment People:

Be sure to scroll down to the bottom to see
the lovable face of the man who created such an entertaining piece of fiction!!!!!!!

We all live in a a gullable world, a gullable world... a gullable world.
(Sung to the Beatles tune...) To me, that's the funniest thing about this planet!


you have got to be taking th piss right!! (none / 0) (#4150)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:43:00 PM PST
This has got to be the saddest amount of crap I have read in my life! Where have you been for the last decade or so?!?!

Anyone with half a brain cell has the capacity to work out that all of what you have said is babbling bullshit!

I get the impression that you are a very paranoid person who also suffers from inferiority complexes and doesnt like the idea that your own child knows things that you know absolutely nothing about. An example of this is to call AOL a decent isp, this in itself is a complete joke! If you have had the opportunity to actually use AOL and another ISP, you would quickly reasile that AOL are shite, and will drain you bank account continually even after a trial version... they will also be soon under the watchfull eyes of the English Tax offices for claiming fraudulent tax refief.

As you seem to know so much about computer hardware, it shows that you have really done your research on the processors... AMD a third country's knock off of Intel's products!! Please do me a favour, look at reviews of the head to heads and tell me that AMD are not whipping Intel's ass in the efficiency and performance race.

You are obvioulsy and very pathetic person who worries about change - are you religious or sommit!!

Next thing you know you will see your son on ICQ and will be moaning about him using abbreviations of words! NEway, enough of this Shite, get a life m8!

This is... BS (none / 0) (#4151)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:49:43 PM PST

I must say that you my fellow, are much indeed out of your mind. I myself am outraged and yet still confused on how you managed to come up with such FALSIFYING INFORMATION!

telnet? You think that telnet is a hacker program? LMFAO, this is mearly a program that is installed in every computer running MICROSOFT OS.

Go back to school and study some more. We'll see who gets hacked!


Muppet INC (none / 0) (#4153)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 05:19:38 PM PST
Ok.... I have to say I own up... I must be a hacker :)

Lets see -

Faster GPU = GeForce 2 Ultra... check.
AMD T-Birdy... Check... (Thanks 3rd World Brats)
Quake 3 Arena the lastest version of the popular hacker tool :)...
U got me wrong in the music part... More into Indie/Rock :) + I'm a Goth.. u know all Black clothes and scarey :)

"LILO" = I have a few of them for when mah m8s crash the nite...

AOL = Assholes On-Line

You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away...

I would too m8 because if I was ur son and American I would blow u away.

Get a F**king life... As it seems ur son is attempting to do...

I pitty your son. (none / 0) (#4155)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 05:32:59 PM PST
Words cannot describe the stupidity of all that you say. When reading your paper, I thought I was reading a funny satire. Unfortunatly, I was not. Now re-reading some of the things you said enstead of laughing I am filled with dread. Are there others like you? If so, someone save us!

are you an idiot? (none / 0) (#4157)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:04:52 PM PST
When you decided to put this little post up did you bother to check into any of your facts? Some of the books you named are actually required reading in colleges across the U.S.

Oh and Quake it's a fucking game ok...nothing more, just a game, it's not a firearms training simulation, most of the weapons aren't even real, made up, fantasy.... get it?

oh and it's not lunix moron it's linux, and it's not an illegal hacker operating system you can go to your local Wal-mart and buy this program and yes you can uninstall it without messing up your hard drive it's called:

"format c:"

there is no way you checked into any of this. Seems to me your judging your "son" because he changed, well he's a teenager they tend to do that. It's a way of life.

oh and one more "Telnet"
1. unless you have a cable modem you have to have a phone line to connect to the internet.
2. if telnet was an illegal hacker program then why the hell is it available in every version of windows?

Oh and the clothing sorry sweetie that dosn't make you a hacker I know plenty of kids that dress that way and guess what they can hardly find the fucking on switch for the computer much less hack anything.

If I where you I would start thinking about the fact that you might be over reacting just a little bit. If this is what your basing your son on being a hacker then you need to take some steps back and think again. Kids are curious and yes they may not need to stay on the computer unsuporvised all day, but just because they want new programs or new hardware for the computer dosn't make a child a hacker.

LMFAO (none / 0) (#4158)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:08:51 PM PST
Oh my god, funny. I was in tears from laughing so hard. Whoever wrote that should do a lot more research before opening their mouth on a subject they know nothing about.

oh my god (none / 0) (#4160)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:12:22 PM PST
what kills me the most is that there are actually serious replys to this article. its so obviously a prank. just look at some of the links in it. good lord... ive never been to so i dont know if this entire website is supposed to be a joke or not, but if its not then this article certainly ruins its credibility.

i swear to god, many of the replies to this article have shown me what new heights human stupidity can reach. you all should be shot, or at least your computers should be. you just dont deserve to be near one.

What a Stupid Twat (none / 0) (#4161)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:27:07 PM PST
How gay is the guy who wrote this!

Looking through the article, i can't spot one thing he actually got right.

Since when can't you buy AMD in the shops for starters and since when is germany a third world country cuz that's where they're made.

And the guy obviously didn't do much research because i don't think he even spelt one name correctly.

And another thing. Whoever you are, you don't have any idea how to raise kids. You sound like a dirty old man who needs to get a life. the thought of you goin to parties with your kids makes me sick and you don't have a clue about adolescent teenagers. Maybe you should use your perfect research skills to look into the subject.

Let's go through the incorrect spellings:

no sorry there's too many to count.

stupiiiidd lame americans (none / 0) (#4163)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:29:23 PM PST
this is the stupiest thing i have ever read. no wonder that bin laden fucks america!

you're an idiot (none / 0) (#4164)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:30:24 PM PST
i have been playing quake since quake 1 came out many years ago, and i don't hack anything, and i'm not interested in firearms other than IN GAME, when i'm playing... it's like online competition, like a sport.

where do you get this hacker crap from ?

i think you and your uneducated statement are idiotic, and narrow minded people like you are the ones i classify as SOFA KING WE TODD DID.

have a nice life dumba*s.


This is hilarious (none / 0) (#4165)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:31:43 PM PST
What a great joke. Any parent that reads this and actually thinks the "intelligent" person that wrote this was serious needs help.

Great JOKE! I hope you post more like this I needed a good laugh!


holy shit (none / 0) (#4166)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:37:58 PM PST
holy shit. you people are dumb. have any of you dumb fucks thought that this whole article was a joke?

oh, and ph34r those leet few that have so nessesarly pointed out that comet cursor and flash are not hacking utilities. /me bows

holy shit (none / 0) (#4167)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:38:52 PM PST
holy shit. you people are dumb. have any of you dumb fucks thought that this whole article was a joke?

oh, and ph34r those leet few that have so nessesarly pointed out that comet cursor and flash are not hacking utilities. /me bows

holy shit (none / 0) (#4168)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:39:29 PM PST
holy shit. you people are dumb. have any of you dumb fucks thought that this whole article was a joke?

oh, and ph34r those leet few that have so nessesarly pointed out that comet cursor and flash are not hacking utilities. /me bows

newbis (none / 0) (#4169)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:43:26 PM PST

OMFG ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#4170)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:47:21 PM PST
The funniest thing about this article is: approximately 75% of the geniuses who so clevely managed to argue against all the different points that the article laid out fail to comprehend that its intention was to be humorous. For all you people who remarked about how stupid the author is: take a look in the mirror, there is a bigger idiot staring you straight in the face :)

you stupid fuck (none / 0) (#4171)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:02:36 PM PST
i've never seen a "hacker" dressed in bright cloths

glowsticks? what the fuck!? glowsticks and pacifiers can be found at raves

stop fucking monitoring your god damn kids you shit break

hoooly fok (none / 0) (#4174)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:17:17 PM PST
I cant believe this. period. T Reginald Gibbons is so incredibly ignorant and regressive it's not close to funny.

by the way, some pages install comet cursor automatically.


ha (none / 0) (#4175)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:20:58 PM PST
just because someone asks for a new hard drive doesnt mean they are a hacker.. this makes me laugh

Gee golly (none / 0) (#4177)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:31:47 PM PST
"popular hacker software includes:"Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."

What? My gosh, you are so stupid!

Comet Cursor is a program you use to change the cursor on your computer, and also to put cursors on your webpage (like a flower or something) and if you're visiting a site where somebody used Comet Cursor to put a Cursor on their page, then you'll be able to see it.

Macromedia Flash is a program used to make animations for webpages.

and Bonzi Buddy is some stupid monkey thing you put on your computer that talks to you and you can play games with it and stuff.

Honestly, I have no idea why you think that anybody who is a "hacker" would use these programs for hacking. Some, people, I'm tellin ya! By the way, I don't know why you would say that hackers dress like that. I wear bright clothes, and dye my hair, and I don't know the first thing about hacking. You say you try to tech your children to be good people, well if you're trying to do that then you should teach them and yourself not to judge others by their appearance. I don't know why i even took the time to type all of this, cause I'm convinced that this whole article was a huge joke. But you never know with people these days.

Step into my world (none / 0) (#4180)
by TitleSeventeen on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:14:14 PM PST
oh wow. Did you even think before you made a total fool of yourself??? You obvioussly have no IDEA what you are talking about!!! The term "computer hacker" is very vauge. AMD is possably one of the best processor companys avaliable, I bought mine at a computer store! it says made in USA on the box!! I am very happy with my 1.0ghz AMD Athlon. I think I'll send your speil to AMD and see what they have to say. Made in the USA!!! Are you stupid? THE processor has NOTHING to do with net security! Linux (not Linix) is a very powerful (and very Legal...infact much more legal than MS Windows) Server/Client OS and it is probably running your ISP now. I'll explain it to you... Linux is a rival (to microsoft), open source desktop OS, which is very nice...OH I get it the box for red hat 7.1 shows some one with a red hat on it, it must be you are a nimrod! If your son asks for a faster video card... well, Compaqs are shipped with crumby on board video cards so a new one would be a safe bet. If your son asks to get rid of AOHell DO IT! It is slow, it sells your personal info, and sends every porn newsletter to your inbox. "Hacker Software" ex. Bonzi buddy, Flash... you really are dumb! Flash is a browser plugin used to play really cool movies. Bonzi Buddy is just a dumb desktop thingy that talks to you. Quake is just a computer game! And while wer'e on it Communism is a great THEORY!!!!! I honestly think you need hit. if you want me to you can e-mail me and i'll personally explain every last thing to you in plain english.

Moron. (none / 0) (#4182)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:20:11 PM PST
Have you ever thought of actually putting any thought into this article?
Not everyone who uses Linux is a hacker.
Most people wont go out and buy new hardware.
Hacking manuals are a good way to learn how to protect your computer.
Hacking does not require good video cards(duh.)
I suggest you dont just go around and look up sterotypes, such as classing most hackers as ravers, or goths.

MAHAHAHAHAHAHh (none / 0) (#4184)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:34:39 PM PST

that was the biggest load of stereo typical crap i have ever read in my entire life. i dont even usually respond to this type of rubbish, but please. the way you have alienated your own son.... he wasnt hacking to hack, probably to get OVERPRICED GAMES AND MUSIC< FROM GREEDY COMPANIES WHO FEEL THE NEED TO MAKE THESE PRODUCTS OVERPRICED !!?!?! and in the end its not your son who gets screwed with the bill.... ITS YOU> FFS your son was doing you a favor. only a arrogent capitalist pig american like yourself would share your EXTREMLY NARROW view of the situation. i feel sorry for your generation... they have no clue whats going on. And the way you think you have it all figured out HAHAHAHAHAHAH moron you need to open your eyes "hackers" are people of all shapes and sizes, who realize like millions of others that capitalism is the root of all evil i hope you rot in hell you dumb prick.

Biggest Bullshit Article I EVER READ!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4187)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:56:16 PM PST
the person that wrote this article must be very computer illiterate.... They have no idea about computers or any programs and they probably work for AOL......

moldypillow (none / 0) (#4188)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:00:53 PM PST
- I h4x

Dear god (none / 0) (#4189)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:06:27 PM PST
Honestly, you know jack shit about what you think is hacking. Pull your head out of your ass, your children are going to comit suicide

OMG (none / 0) (#4190)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:19:29 PM PST
The kids of this guy have to hate there life, because they wouldnt have one. He didnt even have any evidence that his son was a "hacker" yet he still banned his son from the computer.

And #1 on his list is so wrong, of course AOL would have an anti-hacker policy (They're the devil) ,but it doesnt matter, because anyone with half a mind would use the "hacker-friendly" @home just because of the speed difference.

by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:26:07 PM PST
OMFG ALL YOU PEOPLE ARE MORONS! That was GREAT Gibbons. I'm prolly one of the few who actually understand what sarcasm is.

I Never Knew... (none / 0) (#4194)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:40:34 PM PST
I Never Knew that:

Compaq would release the underground, bad AMD with there popular Presario PCs

Listening to music on a computer was now for hack3rs only

LOL!!! (none / 0) (#4197)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:45:19 PM PST
Dude, come on. Are you an idiot? You should do more research or some of the stuff you're talking about. First off, " Flash " is a graphics program, even I have that and I'm not a hacker. Second of all, " Comet Cursor " is a Cursor program that is installed when you go to sites with JavaScripts that change the cursor around. Third, just because your son changes the way he dresses doesn't mean he's a hacker, personally, I dress like you described(except the passifire) and I don't hack, I know the basics of it, but that's all. I'm only 16 and even I know you're full of shit, and if any of these adults believe you, they should ask someone my age. I know plenty about computers and hacking, but I don't hack, I know what goes on over the net, adults rarely really know, most adults look at the internet as something ' evil '. Most adults are just naive to the fact of computers.

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say, I could add more, but I'll refrain. Have a nice day. =)

-Chris, God, irioku, etc, etc.

FUCKING IDIOT (none / 0) (#4199)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:48:39 PM PST
<b>Dumb joke whore. Notice the family?
6 Kids, wife carol, kids cindy and peter...
aka the brady bunch </b>

FUCKING IDIOT (2.50 / 2) (#4200)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:49:39 PM PST
Dumb joke whore. Notice the family?
6 Kids, wife carol, kids cindy and peter...
aka the brady bunch

I am hacker (none / 0) (#4201)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:01:49 PM PST
stupids americans

No idea (none / 0) (#4202)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:17:29 PM PST
I am sorry, AMD is a knock off? Linux is a evil software? Come on 95% of all webservers run Linux, so it must not be that bad otherwise and other big sites would run it. AMD was started by and plans for processors bought from INTEL whats up with that...I am sorry u folks need some big time help...and Linux is more stable that Windows so ha said quake is bad...hahaha you have no idea people what is bad...I suggest everyone get off AOL because of the kick time, and the ppl who can hack ur account...hahaha

STUPID (none / 0) (#4207)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:53:43 PM PST
YOU ARE A STUPID FUCKER. OK. Now listen up. Your kids are probaby the biggest loser's ever. If you watch EVERYTHING they do, go everywhere with them, they will never be indipendent. You think you are doing well with your kids, but clearly, you are a fool. You have to let your kids listen to what they like. If it has a curse in the song, who cares. They arent going to start to run around saying the curse. You know what, you are so ingnorant. You think your right. You are extremely wrong my friend. and QUAKE. for crying out loud, its a VIDEO GAME, just like Unreal. and your kid is NOT going to go to jail. wow, if i ever had you as a father, i would have killed you years ago. i fucking hate you.

FUCKING FAGGOT (none / 0) (#4208)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:56:22 PM PST
that was the gayest shit ive ever read in my whole life.

Computer Hacker = Person with a grip on computers? (none / 0) (#4209)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:08:23 PM PST
first of all i am an 18 yro High School Senior, and the person this guy just discribed was a Skater or someone who wants to look different, last time i checked we were in american it that was ok. Secondly "i goto parties with my kids." Yeah right, my ass he does. If this guy isn't mental retared, i would be surprised, because he sputtered out merely no more than useless unfounded garbage, "Linux can only be removed by a professional." It takes 2 mins to take it off, and it is just another form of Windows, a better more secure form. This guy is simply attacking something that he has no grasp on and never will. It makes him jealous, FACE IT WE ARE THE NEW GENERATION THIS IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS NOW, with computers. And closed minded people like this are going tobe the downfall of america. "Ohh look he turned a computer on he must be hacker." did you get my sarcasm. One last thing that really pissed me off, "Dont change from a "Reliable" isp like AOL." First of all AOL sucks ass, and is as slow as my dead grandma. Secondly local isp's are faster, more stable, and cheaper. So my last thought before i send this reply to the unfounded load of dog crap i just read is that people need to think before they act or talk, and apparently this person is amoron who doesnt take the time to think anything through. AND I YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME ABOUT THIS REPLY E-MAIL me, OHH WAIT I GUESS THAT MAKES ME A HACKER BEACUASE I HAVE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS, RIGHT? HAHAHAHAHA Sean @ BATTERY_ACID_84@HOTMAIL.COM
i doubt he or anyone else who believs this guy would even try to make a glimer of a case agianst me, so bring it.

Chicks, read this.. (none / 0) (#4210)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:17:38 PM PST
Ok, you stupid whores, you all get upset when some dude makes a slightly sexist comment, well, out of the thousands of posts on this subject, there are more woman being sexist then guys. So guess what you stupid bitches, go suck down a few mydol with some jack daniels, and cry yourselves to sleep while watching sleepless in seattle or something, you fucking sluts.

A Disgrace to computer Users Everywhere!!! (none / 0) (#4212)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:49:05 PM PST
I can't tell you how offended and enraged your article has made me. It is obviously written by a total computer illiterate and therefore is completely wrong. I hope to god that your soul is spared when judgement day comes. This kind of trash should never be on the internet.

omg.. this is some funny shit (none / 0) (#4213)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:01:35 AM PST
i really hope this idiot is kidding...

1) Quake is a game...
2) It's LINUX.. and Linux takes the place of Windows and the computer becomes a SERVER in which web sites can be run off of...
3) AMD is a better processor than Pentium IV
4) New hardware means your computer sucks ass
5) I'm a hacker, I don't dress like a "Freaky" child, and I sure as hell don't struggle in school...

you guys are fucking stupid...

WTF(what the fuck) (none / 0) (#4214)
by n00bfuker on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:05:52 AM PST
Who ever wrote this is a fucking moron. Every bit off info is a load of shit taking from that person ass ans fead directly to you by means of the shit wagon

you are a fucking dumbass!!!! (none / 0) (#4215)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:06:26 AM PST
Kids who listen to Techno and play Quake are hackers. If you are going to say that then do you belive all black people are drug dealers and kill people for crack? How could Linus Torvalds be a Russian hacker from before the cold war ended when he wasn't even born yet? And even if he was he was still very young. I mean come on he was still in college in 1991 majoring in computer science and he is from Finland not Russia. AMD is an american company and their proccessors are a hell of a lot better than Intel's crap. I think I'm going to send a virus to this guys computer just to get him back for being so stupid! And I'll make it memory resident to so it'll keep coming back no matter how many times you replace your hard drive you stupid fuck. Go to hell you stupid fuck. Fuck you bitch. Go read a book or hey better yet. Go here this is not a joke either this site tells you how any thing you want to know works. I suggest you go there you god damned stupid motherfucking piece of shit! Learn some real information. If you don't want to know the truth about stuff then just fuck off! By the way your kids are going to be money hungry greedy ass motherfuckers when they grow up becuase you let them play Monopoly. Come on, if computer games effected us as kids we would all be running around in darkened rooms, listening to repetitive music and munching pills like pac-man, which I know for a god damned fact that you played it as a kid. Go fuck yourself you homosexual fuck head. Go to fucking hell! Biatch!

A concerned citizen against public stupidity.

Is your son becoming a hacker? (none / 0) (#4218)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:27:51 AM PST
I have something to say...after reading this page, and reading everyone else's comments, and something to ask. First, what was your son doing that was supposedly hacking? i doubt you realize that pretty much EVERYTHING online could be referred to as hacking, especially since the internet was originally made as an army communications system....furthermore, i'm not sure who you talk to. but i play quake, but not for the reasons you say, i have NO desire to fire a real gun, and only enjoy killing the "evil monsters coming out of hell" ...its a superhero thing, not a lets kill each other thing

the appearance of Glowsticks, Pacifiers, and funky clothes and hair is NOT, i Repeat NOT hacker style...that is what is known as a RAVER...if your son dressed like that you have worse than computers to worry about, because he'll probably die from a drug overdose first..the "hacker" style is either GEEK/Nerd as in wairing a button up shirt, eyeglasses, and ugly pants, OR is "matrix" which is almost "goth" but not quite, rather, the people wear dark clothes, and sunglasses, because they just want to, its not because they are evil and hellish.

Hacking Manuals?
there really are no such things... i beleive What YOU refer to is what hackers call "freakers" ...people that get into others Computers, and destroy, for no reason other then they can..Being a bit of a hacker Myself i will tell you what hacking REALLY is... it is finding your way into things on the web, and learning how it ALL works, not destroying, no not at all, a TRUE hacker only wishes to learn, a FREAKER is the one who messes up your computer

Programs..Bonzi (that ugly purple monkey) has NOTHING to do with hacking...matter of factly many sites offer it for free... to what i know it is an email client, like aol, and a Downloader, like Go!zilla

ah...and speaking of AOL...yes..teens email other people on the web, and chat, then they come up asking for something other than aol...guess what? it is PERFECTLY is like the DISNEY of the internet, its existence is cursed by all who use it long enough, because the servers, and programs are full of errors... a DIAL-UP network isnt, it merely uses internet explorer, which comes with all internet services..and talking about hacker proof.. i got an email from a friend of mine one day, it said they had taken some cool digital pictures of themself, so i opened the file, and the next time i signed on to aol, a program tried to steal my password and send it to a freaker, no, not my friend, the person who had sent THEM the virus, it wasnt there fault, it was the virus, it sent itself to me ,despite whatever "hacking blockers" aol has. is common to find new programs, as some of them are useful for using the net better, and you are confused about comet cursor, and shockwave flash , comet cursor merely is a webpage add-on that changes what the mouse cursor looks like when it is passed over the page, and flash is for making webpage graphics that are animated.

as for the AMD chip.. i dont know anything about it, as im NOT a freaker... i just find things out, i dont harm...
OH yes, and about DOSing.. that is another FREAKER thing... i USED dos when i was younger, as it was all that existed at the time, i played pacman games, and "doom" (another kill the devils monsters game) and i learned a LOT about dos..but i dont get into others computers, as i dont see a reason too, i want to learn, not destroy.

i will admit, quake and doom look a bit demonic, but there are ways to get rid of the symbols if they irritate you, but they are for "mood" i you think hell is gonna have cheery walls covered with smiley faces? hell no, its gonna be dripping with lava and anarchy symbols..thats the point..kill the monsters and get the HELL out of hell.

Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour? is he? is yours?
because if he is, it probably doesnt have anything to do with computers, if anything its because he wants to have fun and YOU are yelling at him to stop, and... despite that..teenagers do a lot of stuff they shouldnt, and they learn better in some cases, its probably a phase.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences.


and i HAVE heard, as a little good info.. that unix, lunix,linux are crappy systems, which are wide open for freakers, a hacker on the other hand, would have no reason to bother, in my eyes.

but your son may also be a in emails he writes things like this "Ya LeTs Go To McDoNaLdS ToNiGhT!" this is done by people who thikn they are being cool, truly, it is ugnly, hard to read, and dumb BIGGEST POINT OF ALL
its hard to not like "anime" (japanese animated cartoons) because guess what? america has been buying them and putting them on TV since the 1970's, i remember when i was a kid there was speed racer, rainbow brite(NOW popular with those freaky ravers), thundercats, silverhawks, david the gnome, Popples, and The Noozles, and they STILL show anime today, im sure if you have cable you've heard of "cartoon network" well everyday at 4 they show 2 to 3 hours of anime, and even at midnight have a lineup of more serious anime for older teens anime is not bad, and has nothing to do with hacking, an OTAKU is not a hacker, it is a japanese word, it means you are majorly obsessed, but generally it means majorly obsessed with japanese cartoons, it has NOTHING AT ALL to do with computers, oh, and if you still want to call anime evil..then so is disney, as they have been copying anime since the 80's or so #1 Lion king, they copied an anime called Kimba the white lion, #2 Atlantis, they copied an anime called Nadia: the secret of blue who's evil now?
..oh..and the asking for faster video so the games move faster, that has nothing to do with hacking either... i mean.. .who wants to kill the devil... and watch him fall like a feather? his ugly butt has to drop like a rock. after all i've said...initially i thought "grrrr...they are giving anime lovers a bad name, hate hate, but after all this, i see you are merely Confused" Thanks for your time, and to all you anime lovers and chatters out there, Ja Ne! =^.^=

Id like to point out to you Mr Gibbson... (none / 0) (#4219)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:29:18 AM PST
That you're going to hell for lying. You broke one of the 10 commandments and your will burn in hell of all eternity. Repent now and save your sorry lying ass.

conversations (none / 0) (#4220)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:52:34 AM PST
heh. my bonzi buddy is gonna h4x j00 and steal j00 credit card number if j00 read this p0st!

son: "dad our POS compaq only came with 32mb of RAM. I think its time for an upgrade"

Father (thinks to himself): "OMFGz0rz h3 iz a h4x0r!"

son: "dad our POS ISP AOL is too slow, how 'bout gettin DSL?"

Father (thinks to himself): "OMFGz0rz h3 h4s g0t to b3 a h4x0r for sur3!"

lol, i'm glad i didnt have a computer when i was growing up. sheeesh, grown ups.

whoa....wait a second (none / 0) (#4221)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:07:05 AM PST
This isn't Is this seriously not a joke?

WHAT THE FUCK (none / 0) (#4222)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:11:11 AM PST

Oh dear,someone let the morons out of their cage. (none / 0) (#4226)
by agent 404 on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:40:45 AM PST
*long sigh* I really, really hope that this is a joke. Be forewarned... this is one long rant....

(BTW, I am a 14 year old FEMALE. In geometry. With good grades....who has a webpage!! shock shock!) First off, Mr.Gibbons, you are not an enlightened individual. Enlightened individuals tend to be quite intellegent and are able to tolerate diversity. You also are not at all modern. Your family cannot possibly be the finest in the US, because fine families usually do not have depressed/suicidal children, which, if yours have any brains at all, should be.

microsloth word is not fun, seeing as it is produced by a group of capitalist gluttons who have no clue about how to design an easy to use program.
Spanking? I am glad you have never spanked your children, but you shouldn't even be recommending it. It is a terrible, scarring thing. Physical punishment is not nice, which you should know. If your children are at all like me, they will avoid you as much as possible, and not be very close to you because you represent a strict authority figure. It's quite hard to love authority figures, or at least the less understanding ones.

Now, getting on to your list:
1. AOL is evil. Anything that routinely sends me unsolicited, moronic CD's through the mail is a Bad Thing. The only thing they are good for is coasters.

2. No hacker in their right mind would install a comet curser. I was plagued by one a while ago, and it was ^extremely^ annoying and resulted in my having to dig about to delete the program. Bonzi Buddies is a totally pointless little animal that does pointless, cutesy little things on your computer. It sounds more like something your God-fearing little girl would get. And as for flash? Flash is needed in many websites, such as neopets, another cutesy, harmless little kid's site. While on neopets, alerts constantly pop up urging you to download flash, and it is quite easy to mistakenly press "OK." 3. This is moronic. I ask for hardware, because I use my computer for art. Am I a hacker? No. I could be, but I'm not. He probably wants new hardware because he enjoys gaming. Many teenage boys/girls enjoy computer games. It's normal, trust me.( I don't play games on my comp, I use it for art, and save games for my playstation and 64.)

4. You should be happy your son is intelligent enough to read good literature and comprehend it all. I am about to read Snow Crash, because I have heard many good reviews about it. You also should realize that there is a difference between a hacking manual and science fiction. Science fiction is exactly that...Fiction. Learning Perl is a good thing. It shows that your son is able to understand all of the code and remember it, and therefore that he is intelligent. And petitioning bookstores? Man, get a grip. This is America, and people can say or print whatever they like. (PS- I'm 14, wearing makeup and perfume, and probably the most chaste person at my school. I don't do drugs, smoke, or drink alcohol either. I am currently in a confirmation class, so I can grow up and marry a nice man in a church. so hah.)

5.That is just plain stupid. I'm sorry. You should be more worried about your darling daughter rebelling/offering the bait of satan and falling into the hands of satan than spending too much time on the 'net. I'm at 5+ hours at the moment, for homework.

6.^Use^ Quake? I think you mean ^play^ Quake. Quake is a game, and nothing more. It is not a learning lesson for hacking or using real guns. Once again, get a grip. If you're going to talk about the evils of Quake, go play it first. I hope you are fragged to hell.

7.Antisocial? Surly? I'd say he was actually going through puberty and *gasp gasp* GROWING UP! What with raging hormones and all, he's not going to be a ray of sunshine all the time. Besides, he's probably woken up and is quite annoyed by stupid people, like, say, his father.

8.In case you didn't hear it the first 9,999 times, it just happens to be LINUX. You are just plain stupid.

9. *sigh again* You are confusing ravers with hackers. ravers tend to be shiny, happy, spacy little drug users. They aren't always bad. And glowsticks...well, once again, I wear glowsticks to dances/on halloween, and I don't do any drugs or hack. So there you go.

10.Struggling? The only reason your son's grades would be failing, if he is an actual hacker, is if he thought the work was stupid and pointless and a waste of time. Hackers practically ^have^ to be good in math. Get your facts strait.


please, go and spend a more than 30 minutes at this marvelous site.

Oh, and females can be hackers to. Being sexist in the issue is just plain dain-bread. True, a majority are males, but honestly, be fair!! Your guide is total Bull, complete with the capital B, IMNSHO.

(and do you even know what an otaku is? an otaku is a person [normally a young man] who is obsessed with manga/anime to the point where he cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. the anime part doesn't sound like you, but the rest sure as hell does.)

Thank you for your time, one and all.
lil' ol' agent 404 (PH33R MY L33T N3KK|D SK|LLZ!)

MORON (none / 0) (#4227)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:49:12 AM PST
Hey, buddy about my grades slipping I have a 4.2 gpa so far and I am fat but I bench 210lbs. I also have hacked a 128-bit encryption. Listen, asshole, get your facts strait. You don't know jack about computers, you're ugly, your kids probably are all druggies, you live in wealthy area somewhere, and you're probably bald. Why don't you sit your ugly ass down and watch some jeopardy.

How to detect your son is not a hacker (none / 0) (#4230)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:03:29 AM PST
He posts to this site claiming to be a hacker

Straighten your facts (none / 0) (#4231)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:14:29 AM PST
You should be proud your son is a hacker, a hacker has values and rules which he lives bye. It are the hackers who improved the internet you are using now, they made sure you could exchange information with others right now, and you are against those persons? I'd say there's something wrong with you, and not your son.

There is a difference between hackers and crackers, sadly enuogh you got them two mixed up and have done some bad researching. It is not because news agents use the term 'hackers' in a negative way, they really mean hackers. They refer to crackers, but most media agencies use hackers because that's more known to the people and more 'popular'. Crackers damage things, hackers don't, so if yur son is a hacker as you presume then you should be proud, because still obeys to YOUR education of being a kind person, after all he doesnt do damage to anyone.

I suggest you do some more reading, and dont make fast conclusions, or at least get your facts straight before you write anymore like this close-minded bullshit.


Ps: quote: "Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive" Its Linux, not lunix.
Read or for more information about it. Again be proud that your son takes the challenge to install linux, most people haven't heared of it yet, let alone managed to install it and get it working. Motivate your son to install it and to learn the power of it, it beats Windows for sure.

Hahahaha (none / 0) (#4232)
by Beesy on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:01:53 AM PST
Now that was some of the funniest stuff i've read in ages. now that you all think your children are hackers, you better take precautions to keep them away from sites hosting warez and pr0n, haha.

You crazy american psychos.

Quake is a game.
Flash is made for cartoons and games, by Macromedia, for sites like
BonziBuddy is an email service.
And Comet Cursor is made so children can change the cursors on their home pages/computers.

funny artice =] (none / 0) (#4235)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:21:09 AM PST
hehe I liked this article, it`s very funny :]]] But it`s sad to see what lame readers are posting here :/ People it is NOT a SERIUOS ARTICLE!! ;]

It's so frustrating... (none / 0) (#4236)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:33:51 AM PST
It's so frustrating to read something written by such a misinformed person. It's even more frustrating to read replies by some people who actually agree or believe this. And it drives me absolutely crazy to think of all the parents out there who might read this and also believe in this misinformed article.

First of all, the author is a sexist and if I followed his type of non-logical thought process I would probably be also led to believe he is a racist too.

Linux as others have mentioned is not a 'hacker' operating system. It's an alternative one, if it were so 'undergound' one why would so many servers around the world be using it?

I don't want to go through all the false accusations the author has made. I would strongly urge other parents to go to and search on their own things about Quake, AMD, Linux, telnet, Flash, etc.. If after reading about this stuff and you still belive this article is correct then so be it.

I would also like to mention that in one of my psychology classes it taught me that correlation is not always cause. So that stuff about the computer causing bad marks and the health issues mentioned needs to be backed up by some serious research.

On a personal note, I would like to say that I feel the author is probably a sexist ignorant fool. I hope his son can help him open up his mind and not just bow down to his bizarre ideas.

I have a theory... (none / 0) (#4237)
by Nikeboyz on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:37:33 AM PST
Perhaps this site has kept this article up only to draw more hits to their site? I would've probably never visited here if it weren't for this article that someone suggested I should read.


You are a complete idiot! (none / 0) (#4239)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:24:20 AM PST
You believe in what you see on TV.
You buy trust on what you hear in the radio.
You buy things only when you see a comercial first.
You believe that Linux (not Lunix) is "illegal hacker operation system"
"Programming with Perl" is hacking manual.
AMD procesors are evil.

If you do that you are an IDIOT.

It means, you belong to ~90% of people who buy a product in supermarket only if it's on their "line of sight". No loking down, it's irresponsible :)
If you choose something from lower pool it's almost terrosit activity.

What else I can say, is that I'm sorry about you.

Does anybody have a clue to what a hacker is ?? (none / 0) (#4240)
by ellendil on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:25:48 AM PST
For all those morons who think their son/ daugther might be a hack i will explain the meaning of the word one more time:(with a little help from tuxedo)
--> CLICKME<-- <br> So you see, a hacker doesn't have to be evil, instead a hacker can be someone who is good at working computers. Most people who are called hackers by others make BIG MONEY doing their stuff. As for your son, LET HIM PLAY GAMES... this is the year 2001 (almost 2002) --> computer games (Quake) are HYPE...
There are no facts, only interpretations -- Nietschze

STFU! (none / 0) (#4242)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:44:54 AM PST
To the Author:

You're the biggest dumbass I've seen in a long time, hell, they should consider you for the Darwin Awards... sometimes I wonder too why evolution missed people like you, and for the creation folks out there, ponder on this: why do God hate this person so that he has to curse him with a stupidity unparalleled in this world?

again, to the moron who wrote this, STFU! dumbasses like you should have no right to comment on anything in life because whatever the comment is it's stupid and useless anyways...

- Angry chinese CS student

Not true.... (none / 0) (#4243)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:55:32 AM PST
First off your son being a hacker isn't that bad.
Now for what is wrong with what you said.

Asking to change ISP's is not a sign of hacking, it is a sign of having sucky AOL. AOL is the worst out there. And as for getting around the filter, there are much easier ways to proceed at that.

Finding programs that you don't remember installing means nothing, maybe one of those programs is just something you don't understand. And hackers would use programs such as Sub7 or Netbus, which make a downloadable trojan that can be installed, and then connected too, to screw around with your computer.

Asking for new computer hardware is in no way a sign of a hacker. Asking for new hardware means your computer is out of date. If your computer has less then 400mhz and less then a 16mb videocard, less then 128 RAM, you need to upgrade your hardware, and if you want top of the line, you will need to update every week. And AMD is a very respected company that makes computer processors, and are not only sold in stores, but also in computers.

As for your child reading hacking books, any book teaching you how to break the law is illegal. Those books you mentioned, define a hacker as someone skilled with computers, very skilled. I have read all those books and more.

The average person spends 3 hours or more on a computer, allowing your son only 30 minutes would be depriving him of average. As for 8 hours for that, I can do it less then 1. You can do many other productive, educational things in 8. Such as make computer generated graphics, which I do, this can take 30 hours or more, depending on what it is your doing.

I won't even get started with what you said about Quake...I won't even start...

As for Linux being illegal, goto to your local store, check the shelf, it is there for 5 dollars, you pay for the box. Linux is a free operating system, and is legal. It was made in the United States as a movement for open source, against Microsoft. As for hackers using Linux, no, Programmers use Linux, Hackers use Windows, as windows is much more unstable. And Linux does not deleted windows, as I have Linux Mandrake, and Windows 2000 dual booted on this machine. As for it has programs that do that stuff, wrong again. As a matter of fact most hacking programs do not even work on Linux.

As for the thing about your child becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour, that is a bunch of bull, it sounds more like puberty to me. I don't act like that at all, as matter of fact I fix the computers in my school, and I am very social and never argue with my peers.

As for the dress, bullshit, most kids nowadays dress that like. As for hackers in schools, any hacker does not announce that he is a hacker, or brag about what he has done, unless he wants to be arrested.

As for struggleing in school, I get A's and praised by my teachers, and I am on my computer more then 20 hours a day, I barely sleep. And I am in the top 5% of my Math class. And as for excerise, that is not true, I am very well physical fit, and healthy.

As for hacking being illegal, it depends. Goverments hire hackers to hack, or make sure they are inhackable, and they get paid well.

I refered to me as a hacker above. I am a hacker, as in I do hack systems and such. But I don't just hack something for the hell of it. I hack people when asked to see how good there new firewall is, or there protection. When I started yes, I took down a few systems. Now, I even have hacked bigger businesses and sent the links to the updates they needed. As for hacking being bad, it depends if your child has learn right from wrong, I would never just hack a machine because somone pissed me off, I was taught not too.

The things your described above sound as though your child is a hacker wannabe, whose nothing, and has it all backwards. Or he is in a gang, a gang that is somehow invovled in computers.

LMFAO! (none / 0) (#4244)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:10:44 AM PST
oh my favourite part:
Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school

and this one is good too:
Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

This article was just cracking me up!

Religous.... (none / 0) (#4245)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:21:32 AM PST
I wouldnt suprized if this Father is a religous fanatic who is over bearing and closed minded to try learn something new....

Even thou i have done nothing illegal before.
it seems from what your saying i am a hacker.

I have many ISP's and i ask my parents for new hardware all the time , i install every application i can download , i enjoy reading hacking manuals and laughing when they mock people like you. i spend 6 hours on a computer each day , I played Quake 1 , 2 ,3 .... thru linux. i sucked at school and have no friends.

But luckily i havent changed how i look , i still look like the ugly duckling :)

Uh... (none / 0) (#4246)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:26:52 AM PST
Christ, can't any of you morons see this is fake? It couldn't be more obvious.. if you somehow managed to miss the brady bunch references, god only knows how you could possibly see any sense in the actual article..

and sick (none / 0) (#4247)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:35:03 AM PST
Fantastic! How you manage to get so many reactions!
And they all think that it is serious. Great!
(And sick as well....)

I REALLY cannot believe I fell for that (none / 0) (#4248)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:45:17 AM PST
Yep, am truely happy I did not give my name at the bottom of my rant.

Brilliant m8!! I am going to check back every couple of weeks to see how many others fall for it. Might set some records.......

Well done ;)

record (none / 0) (#4312)
by nathan on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:16:47 PM PST
It already has.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

IS THIS NED FLANDERS?? (none / 0) (#4249)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:46:40 AM PST
Linux is from russa? Quake is a VR for hackers?

These are the two of the worst lies I've heard for ages! You are just afraid since you don't understand squat of what the internet is about.

Go to bed and dream of the 40's!

Fake Fake Fake (none / 0) (#4251)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:57:35 AM PST
look, anyone that just have a little computer knowledge and experience would know that this article is fake to the bottom line.... although it gave me a good laugh!

A lot of statements by the father are just unbelivable and narromminded..

Want to know the truth? THis exsact is discussed at the discussion forum:

Read it and understand the truth

This was the funniest I ever read... (none / 0) (#4252)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:59:16 AM PST
...until I realised that it was just someone like you and me that has written this. He links his "house" to some presidents house. An idiot like him would never be able to live in a house like that.

"8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government."

Yeah... I don't think so, he overdoes, there is no chance on earth that you can believe in that.

Btw... if this "moroon" really exist, I would like him to drop me a mail.


A few inconsistencies! (none / 0) (#4253)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:14:22 AM PST
Telnet is made by a hacker? then why is it on EVERY microsoft sytem since win 3.1? you can launch it yourself, go to START>RUN and type telnet in the box and then hit enter. Also, linux is based on unix, it just basically ads a graphical interphase. there isn't much diffrence between windows and linux, except the fact that linux is totaly open source, with a different interface.

Weird.. (none / 0) (#4254)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:25:00 AM PST
Your son is probably gay as well...

HAHA WHAT A SILLY MAN (none / 0) (#4255)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:35:10 AM PST
I�ll think you are the most funny person on this planet. I hope this is a joke. You have no right in this article. But the best was the 007 movie input HAHAH you are so stupid

U understand nothing (none / 0) (#4256)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:55:15 AM PST
I do not wanna discuse how your kids live, but I have to tell you I would not want you as my father. You should give your kids a little bit more freedom.
But the thing I wanna say is:
1. AMD processors are in a lot of ways much better than Intel (to hacking stuff intel P3 procesors can be identified on the interntet by special id nubmber they have - trust me it is realy easy to disconnect)
and the crap about using child labor come on

2. linux is system much better then windows. a lot of servers run on it, because it is much more eficient and stabile

3. In every programming manual (a book that all programmers use when learning any programming language such as delphi, C++ etc.) you can find stuff about hacking, viruses etc. it is just a part of it - and good programmator can make a virus or hacking program even without anz help

this just couple things I wanna tell you but there is a lot of more things in your article that show, that you do not exactly know what you talk about.

2 years and u still know nothing....... (none / 0) (#4258)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 08:30:04 AM PST
i just hope amd carry out their threat and take u to court and this site 4 printing this crap......a faster graphics card so how does this help hacker's then???u have no idea do u ..this has got to be a kid on a wind up just so he can come and c how many people he has got to...if not i think u need help.....

laugh (none / 0) (#4260)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 08:57:26 AM PST
i can't understand if that's a joke or a serious article...i hope that's a joke
these are the most big idiot things i've ever heard bout pcs...and i think
1) if you're not buying amd procs to your son, than you just a stupid dad, coz amd cost less and perform better
2) it's called linux, not lunix, and it's way best than windows.
3) you're not a father, just a "slave-master"
4) fuck you.

"Bonzi Buddy" (none / 0) (#4261)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:02:59 AM PST
Bonzi for hacking? Are you fucking out of your damn mind? IDIOT!

Whoah man!!!! (none / 0) (#4264)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:17:38 AM PST
Why are you blasting AMD and Lunix (which I am supposing is a goof-up for Linux) when they are the most reliable and secure products ever?

Intel processors are overpriced and generally crap, and microsoft stuff (with the exception of NT4, which they managed to get right) manages to crash all (or at least 90%) of the time. Its time you opened your eyes to the alternatives to Microsoft/Intel!

Very funny though :-)


Comments to

blah (none / 0) (#4267)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:29:12 AM PST
Dumb, dumb, dumb.. and stupid..

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#4268)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:31:46 AM PST
Please someone put this man out of his misery. A sane person with an IQ of above 65 could work out that this is bull. Get real. The entire letter is full of gross misrepresentations. 'faster" video cards,' ha ha ha.. try the idea that these are really needed to play games, and bear NO relation on the ability to hack anything!!!

Quote: 'new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips.' You are VERY funny, the fact of the matter is AMD, like Cyrix is competition, ie: free competition to Intel. Like the vast majority of processors worlwide, the (Intel also) are made in Asia, mainly China ans Taiwan. The ability to hack is not dependent on the processor at all.

Quote: 'Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"? ' Do you work for Bill Gates? Linux is COMPETITION again, what happened to free and fair competition? You sound like the sterotypical third world dictator you so despise. The man who invented Linux is NOT Russian. He invented it out of necessity, because American companies like Microsoft and Unix abuse the poor people of the worl, who cannot afford to pay for the operating systems that American copmpanies produce, thus we turn to free, yes free software, such as linux.

I strongly recommend you look at the meaning of being 'enlightened', because you got it wrong. It does not mean control of you children's lives, but a basic idea that many ideas exist in the world, and that tollerance is a key idea.


something awful (none / 0) (#4269)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:43:58 AM PST
this DRIPS wiht the style of Jeff K or somone from somethingawful

great job.

you should write for satire wire

Welcome to America (none / 0) (#4271)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:17:57 AM PST
Hey moron, you're kid is probably 10x smarter than your fucking dumb ass.

Ha! (none / 0) (#4272)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:18:02 AM PST
This is old stuff and yet there are still many suckers falling for it. Who said there is sucker born every minute? It is true!

(trolling not tolerated? is this article not a troll for stupid humanoids?)

you do not deserve to be a parent (none / 0) (#4273)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:43:37 AM PST
I pity your son. He may make a mistake, but come one, you are the most technologically illiterate person on the planet. Here is why

1: Bonzi Buddy is just a retarted program to search the web
2: Flash is an animation Program
3: AMD proccesors are made in America and come standard on many Compaq computers
4: Perl is a web site design language
5: Your son is smarter than you are
6: I am smarter than you are
7: DOS is Deluxe Operating System, so its hard to "Deluxe Operating System" someone's computer
8: I highly doubt that any weapon used in the fine online game known as 'Quake' could actuall exist in reality
9: Inbreds like youself shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, especially 6 times, which is probably why your son (the lucky one) stays away from you
10: I could make a whole new list on why not to use AOL, including its slow log ons, useless faetures, and frequent boots.
11: you were just shot down by a teen who knows more about computers than the combined staff and visitors to this site, and would wish to put together a fund for your son to get him his own computer and house.

WTF (none / 0) (#4274)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:58:23 AM PST
What in gods name was that that was the bigest bunch of crap that i have ever read. such hacker programs like Flash and comet cursor, seriously my gosh sombody needs to learn somthing about compters. That was the dumbest thing i've ever read. I was expecting that when i got to the end of the artical there was going to be a coment like if you actuly believe this you are a fucking dumb ass. And it's fucking LINUX NOT LUNIX you dumb ass. gah who evrer wrote this is the dumbest fucking person i have ever met. Alls that i can say about this artical is that the writer needs some fucking help bad.


hacking/cracking (none / 0) (#4275)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 11:02:26 AM PST
"After a few days of investigation, and some research into computer hacking, ..."

Obviously not good enough 'investigation'. Please read here for more information on what hacking is. And please update the article.

But I'm hoping that is article is just a joke because honestly you got to be pretty ignorant to think many of the these things you wrote about!

okah (none / 0) (#4276)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 11:42:01 AM PST
I think this article is a joke. Just try clicking on some of the links, unless this page was hacked, a parent website would'nt have links to

Otaku (none / 0) (#4277)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 11:45:34 AM PST
Do you even know what an "otaku" is? Being an otaku means you are a fan of Japanese animation, hereforth referred to as "anime". "Otaku" is actually translated from Japanese as "house" because a lot of anime fans spend a lot of time at their house. But you didn't know that because you're ignorant!
Comet Cursor is also not a hacker program. I used to have it. All it does is let you change what your cursor looks like and endlessly torture you with pop-up ads.

Nice jokes about "integrity" and whatever was linked to a page on Bill Clinton. Other than...that scandal, Clinton was a pretty good man, in my opinion. (Methinks the author is Republican)

My old computer, which ran Win 95, had 2 GB of space. I love mp3s and videos, which suck up space faster than you can say "Vacuum cleaner". On my little computer, this was a problem. You (you being the author) write that if a child requests a bigger hard drive, it means he/she wants to hack. LIAR. In my case, I wanted enough space to store mp3s and videos. Video cards are used to get the most out of your computer. If you were the least bit computer-smart, you'd know that. Although I do not play Quake, I do play Doom 95 and I do not express any of the qualities you list after Quake-playing. I have no desire to pick up a gun and shoot it.

I'm afraid there is no program called Lunix. I have heard much about LINux, but not LUNix. Now I don't know about Linux, but apparently it's another OS, similar to (for example) Windows XP or Mac OS X.

I spend more than a measly 30 minutes on the computer, but I don't "DOS", whatever the hell that is. I talk to friends, update my website, listen to music and watch videos.

This is obviously written by someone who is not computer-savvy.

ok ok... settle down.. (none / 0) (#4279)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:11:59 PM PST
maybe their should be a disclaimer to this page.
"warning.. the following should not be read by ANY ignorant people under ANY circumstances.. whether said ignorant person is a parent or an 1337 h4x0r (if you use the term 1337 class yourself ignorant)"

great story man.. i feel great pity for any children whose parents take this seriously.. but i doubt such ignorant parents would stumble accross it.
i also feel great pity for the wannabe haxors who have posted here.
respect to those who have contributed to the REPEATED "truths"..

and yeh.. trg.. yer a friggen legend man.. read some of your other posts (which i dare say is more than many others here did) and i love your work.
*still laughing myself stupid*

holy f**k (none / 0) (#4281)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:24:34 PM PST
Oh my god..I hope this is a joke. Anyway I'll prey god every night to forget about this pathetic post.

what the fuck?!? (none / 0) (#4282)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:25:46 PM PST
what kinda moron would write shit like this?

"if your son reads Perl"

what kinda BULLSHIT is that? maybe he wants to write his own computer programs? Maybe he wants to run a more stable operating system than shitty-ass Windows?

Get a grip you moron!

Oh Lord... (none / 0) (#4283)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:54:35 PM PST
I have every single one of those qualities except a few. Im 14 and I sit on the computer all day, yeha ive heard of hacking and cracking, no clue how to do it, and no clue what to do with it.

I install programs and stuff my mom doesnt know about but my god, no way i will ever hack.

Evil Computer Hackers (none / 0) (#4285)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:00:37 PM PST
Umm, ok.... the Operating System's name is Linux, not Lunix, BSD came from Berkley labs in the 1980s. Linus Trovalts is from Finland not the ex soviet union. Linux is its own operating system, and can be ran long side with windows perfectly, you may delete it at anytime buy erasing linux's partition tables, and if u boot up into dos you can also remove the boot load, fdisk /mbr will erase that lilo: prompt. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I suggest you seek more information before jumping to radical conclusions. You can by computers with AMD chips in them. AMD is the second leading processor company in the WORLD. And they do not exploit children. Intel also takes no security measures to prevent hackers from breaking into other computers. Telnet allows authorized users to gain access to another systems command prompt at user level privilages. Example your isp, shell company, etc etc. The internet is ran on BSD/Linux/Solaris etc. These are no illegal operating systems. I suggest you really figure out your facts before making such dumb acusations. That you obviously have no clue about.

Computer hacking (none / 0) (#4289)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:19:04 PM PST
ok, no cry for help is stupid, and you have your right to speek your mind, please you sound like you fear the computer and your knowladge or should I say lack of, makes you scard that your childern are going behind your back.
Im 21, yes a kid my self, I am a hacker. No, I dont dress "Freaky" in fact, I dress nice. I play piano since I was 7 1/2 and am a Honor student at U of M (Michigan). I speek Russian, French and Polish as well as english.
Before you go killing your kid for doing illigal things, your son might be a wayard genius or just wants to know everthing about the comptuer. Like myself. Me im a Hacker- a hacker is a computer nerd..nothing more. A Craker is a fellon. Cracker or crminal Hacker. they are the evil ones. More often then not, any good computer person. As in tallented, has to know ever thing, and maybe your son is a perfectionist. All in all, dont go worrying, if he wants all of this computer stuff...Make him get a job and pay for it, if he is a Cracker, he will blow forget about it. whereas if he is a hacker, he will get a job
once again
Hacker- good
Cracker- bad
am I a "Cracker" in your eyes, I have 3 laptops, and know almost ever programing language around. I have several systems for video editing. And Yes I only use AMD. AMD is not evil! AMD is cheaper made true, but they have better chances for speed, more resarch.

I welcome your responces

please any one who reads this I want to know your thoughs.

READ THE MISSION STATEMENT!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4290)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:21:46 PM PST
This whole site is for biggots just read this from the mission statement

"This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals - the sort of people who have been sadly sidelined by today's victim culture, and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who have all risen up with their discrimination laws and 'equality' to sadly control the media agenda."

This site is probaly ran by the KKK for christ sakes! Who ever would of guessed that people could be differnt...

Roofles (none / 0) (#4291)
by Damarr on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:24:10 PM PST
This is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Even funnier is the amount of people who are taking this article seriously, self-proclaimed smart people who don't know the meaning of sarcasm or satire. will provide full details for anyone interested.

DANG IT MAN I AM A HACKER (none / 0) (#4293)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:32:26 PM PST
well in the story i lernd 1thing... wait... 2 things... the 1st was that I AM A HACKER becues every thing in that story i have, so i guss i am a hacker and i did not even know it. 2 thing was that people have so much time on there hands that is so funny, man its bad when people can right stupid stuff like that.

What a fucking dumbass. (none / 0) (#4295)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:03:40 PM PST
Damn Dude, you are so fucking stupid it's not even funny, this shit happens when you don't know what computer is.
Hahhahahah You need to send your computer to manufacture if linux is installed, what else?
Flash is a hacking program? Hahahahahah telnet is hacking program?
If I knew where you lived I'd come there and beat the crap out of you, so fucking stupid it's not even funny.
BTW you fucking dumbass, click start run and type telnet and you will notice that telnet is part of windows you fucking moron.

hacker terorist grrrrrrrrrrr$?%$??? (none / 0) (#4296)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:05:06 PM PST
Insane - Am I the only muthafucker with a brain? I'm hearing voices but all they do is complain How many times have you wanted to kill Everything and everyone?dont try to hide behind your kid you are ugly inside ugly like me so if you are a bad persone maybe hack for bad thing but hack doesn t mean always bad thing i guess you dont know what hack really mean and if *hacker like u said before work with laden watch out with the comment post perhaps some bad guy and laden will drop bomb in ur house=)

WAREZ (none / 0) (#4298)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:15:56 PM PST
There are lots of hackers in the "warez world" warez is pirated software... If you know someone that is talking about warez they might be hackers..

You might want to do A LOT more research next time (none / 0) (#4299)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:49:22 PM PST
Well, agreeing with all the other posts here, I believe you are ignorant of many common knowledge things related to computers and the internet. Before you EVER write something like this again, make sure you RESEARCH the things you are talking about. And don't ever stereotype people like you did. It's not like 'hackers' can be generalized. They can be anyone, sex, age, income, etc. regardless. I myself have met hackers and crackers who don't fit any of that description. As far as changing ISPs, I myself want to get off of AOL because it hangs a lot and you get disconnected constantly!

well, I feel I've said enough, I could write an article longer than this just explaining the errors. Just do a LOT more research before you do something like this.

OMG ROFLMAO!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4300)
by MegaManX on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:49:34 PM PST
y3$ d4d 1 4/\/\ 4 h4x0r $0 $ucK /\/\y l3f7 /\/u7

WOW (none / 0) (#4301)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:51:04 PM PST
Oh my gosh, how stupid can people be? Am I the only one that's read this article, that knows it's not real. It's supposed to be funny. Get over yourselves, people! I don't think the author is an idiot, or over-protective....I think he's hilarious! *Bravo to you* Great job!

Is this a Joke? (none / 0) (#4303)
by c0d3wr3ck3r on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:07:06 PM PST
Wow who wrote this crap? I love how you try to betray hackers buddy. Your son is not a hacker. He is just an interested kid. You are not a hacker for any reason's that you gave. Maybe your son wanted a new isp because AOL is a crappy service! An where did you get:

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."

That is the most funnist thing I have ever seen. If you want to learn more about the hacker community go to and subscribe to their magazine.

Free Keven!

omg (none / 0) (#4305)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:18:14 PM PST
lol, this is sooo funny

ok, well, im 15, a straight a student, have lots of friends, play on the football team, and i am on my computer more than 'thrity' minutes a day...does that make me a hacker?

comet curser changes yuor icon, bonzai buddy is some gay ass pet thing, and flash is an awesome program made by macromedia ( that helps ppl make animations

quake is a 3d game...not some 'virtual hideout' for hackers

lol..this is so funny...i hope you read all of these comments so you can find out how ignorant and stupid your are

(children can make better proccesing chips then intel? cool)

This guy is an absolute moron (none / 0) (#4309)
by fork on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:46:01 PM PST
LUNIX? aka Linux?

My comet cursor, and flash are hacker software?

Programming with Perl(an html base language) is a hacker book?

Give me a break you fucking cocksucking paranoid idiot. Your son was probably some AOL lobby rat, claiming to be some hacker. And you dont even know the first thing about the hack game.

In addition...AMD is not an illegal processor, nor is quake a goddamn hacker meetingplace, you jackass. And...Mr. computer God; when linux is installed, there is no need to take it into some ripoff technician, you merely format. And Linux is not illegal, nor will it ruin your fucking hard drive. And, regarding the clothing, most teenagers dress that way, you homosexual soccer dad. Jesus Christ.

When you can come describe your problems with brute force cracking fleet bank accounts and defacing porn sites, then maybe I will judge your little post here as legitimate. Until then, fuck off and die.

...And for your kids: I'm very sorry your dad is a gay piece of shit.

it's gotta be a joke. (none / 0) (#4310)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:46:56 PM PST
This can't be for real.

Is your son NOT a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#4311)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:04:57 PM PST
I don't have the time at this moment to scroll through all of the replies to this utterly biased and disgusting piece of typing, but maybe one day I shall, and reply to them, also.

Before I start, I want to say that I'm not posting as an anonymous reader because I'm afraid of you, or hiding behind anything. My name is Sique and my email is Though I would prefer if you did not spam my email to death. I'm posting as an anonymous name because I can't be bothered to waste my time registering when I could be spending it laying into you - all of the shallow people that disturb me greatly.

'As an enlightened, modern parent'

I think I'm going to be sick - How can you be a good father to your children if you think you're some sort of God just because you can make their lives mild and meek and dull. And how you were told to be, 'Back in the day.'

'I attend their teen parties with them to ensure no drinking or alcohol is on the premises. '

And I'm sure that when your son is beaten to a bloody pulp for going everywhere with his 'daddy', he'll be very proud of you, as you are of him for being the kid everyone picks on.

'I keep a fatherly eye on the CDs they listen to and the shows they watch, the company they keep and the books they read.'

The things that people hear on 'explicit' CDs are no worse than the things they hear in the school grounds - oh no, please don't suggest home-schooling your poor children because you don't trust the youth of today. They're going to have to face the big bad world one of these days, you know.

In reply to 'Has your son asked to change ISPs?' :

It could also be that his internet server is giving him problems on his immature sites that you force him into because it keeps randomly disconnecting. AOL isn't the angel that you make it out to be; it's unstable and is known to crash randomly.

In reply to 'Are you finding programs on your computer you don't remember installing?'

'Bonzi Buddy' is a harmless and humorous purple monkey which parades around in the corner of your screen - a little like 'Clippit' among others in 'Word'. 'Comet Cursor' is a program which allows you to change the cursor (Incase your computer illiterate mind didn't know - the cursor is the little arrow thing you click things with.) to an image that suits you better - And no, pornography is not included. I believe Flash is a program which grants you acess to video clips. But I'm not sure.

In answer to 'How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?'

That's the most hypocritical part of your immature and close-minded view that you include; it makes me sick that just because someone is spending more than thirty minutes on a computer you call them a hacker; what can you do in thirty minutes? How do you know that your internet friend is going to be online in that thirty minutes? Well, you don't - so you wait, right? If parents were all like you, children suicides would probably be more frequent. (And that point isn't going on that one view; but the overall view of your argument.)

In reply to 'Does your son use Quake'?

As far as I know Quake is an online roleplaying game. If your son is using Quake, he's probably just having a bit of online fun.

'Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn, bitterness, and even foul language.' Note the sarcasm when I say - 'Oh no, please no, anything but that. God save us.' It's called puberty.

In reply to 'Has your son radically changed his appearance?'

Or, this could just be the fact that your child doesn't want to live in a Black and White movie..

In reply to 'Is your son struggling academically?'

It could be that your close-minded views are crushing your child's brain..You should seek help emmidiately! (Note the extreme stupidity - But I feel that mine is smaller than yours, sir?)

Glancing over a few of the replies..

I'd like to say that internet-using females are not dumb, sex-obsessed slutts. And females can do basically anything that males can do in the work area - Including hacking, I'm sure.

And what was with that comment about 'Do you really want a pasty, spotty geek as a son-in-law?'
- Do we really want comments from an egotistical, judgemental, shallow jerk who thinks that looks are the only things that matter in life? I know that I'd much rather my child had the genes of a 'pasty, spotty geek' than you, sir/madame.

One thing I read was a comment on how 'wrong' homosexuality is. I expected something as shallow and judgemental as that from a group of soccer-mom type people such as yourselves. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality..But that's not the argument here.


I believe... (none / 0) (#4316)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:59:59 PM PST
My name is David first up and I very much felt the allure of this message when some one told me about it.
This message has got as far as New Zealand (Has Mr Gibbons heard of any other countries in the world or is everything outside of America deemed unworthy in his fuzzy logic perchance?)
I must say this is some of the most ludicrous, unimformed, harmful and seriously undeveloped argument towards technology and how the youths that have been brought up after the creation of "home computers" are adapting.

First up Mr. Gibbons be this real or a joke I am not sure but you sure do need to improve your academic skills with society and the growth of technology.

You know there are times on the weekend that I can be on the internet all day and as of yet I have not felt the urge to hack, my I.Q. rating has not diminshed, I am still waiting for an epileptic fit, and so far I am doing so well in my job as a sound recordist in a post production company, that I have had 2 raises in the past 3 yrs.

Does this sound like the words of a "Hacker" to you? I am going to take a wild jump here and guess that you will obviously see me as a hacker trying to cause disbelief in your words and spread the spawn of Satan?
I am guessing again that you may have lost your son by the age of 18 (or younger) due to your failure as good/equal parent.
You are not modern, you are archaic, you are not enlightened, you are very much in the dark, and you are far from a model parent.
You are a number.
You sound like someone who would advocate barcoding of humans so we know how to keep control of them.
I do believe you lack a very important characteristic in parenting and life.
My parents trusted me, they laid down the rules yes and admonished me in such a way that they instilled in me a belief in myself and who I was.
In fact my parents were my friends.
I even call them by there first names as friends would as well as Mother/Father, etc.

Do your kids love you or just fear you?
Learn the facts of life before you start preaching, because until then you are just a blasphemer.
NO on second thoughts I am not.
Those words actually disgust me with which you have classified people as hackers.
Do you know realise that it is actions like yours that cause people to do the opposite with which you have tried to make them do.
You are the hacker, you have instilled in them a void, a void which will only be filled by going against your word.
It is not their choice it is yours.

not only stupid, even bad informed (none / 0) (#4319)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:11:32 PM PST
8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

are you compleatly IDIOT??
go and read this

then return there and give pubblic excuse for the things you sayd...
an italian non hacker boy, only linux user that know how to recompile a kernel.

dam that funny (none / 0) (#4322)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:25:27 PM PST
that was the funniest thing i have read in a long time it cured my depresion thanks and if the kid asks for amd it because there chaeper and it saves u money rotflao

hilarious! I split a gut. (none / 0) (#4323)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:42:37 PM PST

hmmm... omg Hacker Hackers what are we gonna do?! (none / 0) (#4325)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:37:25 PM PST
anyone who thinks hackers are bad need to be shot

Hackers= not bad people so i don't know where you get off telling your own flesh and blood your a hacker you can't be on the computer and that glowstick crap has nothing to do with computers you fricken moron...

Me as being 23 in college and only way i made it there was taking my comp apart building it with linix unix and dos systems learning inside and out of comp's and there operating systems i am considered a hacker by what you say.

You have sterotyped about half of the "Groups of kids" from Skaters, Hackers, Ravers, Pothead, Preps all into one thing hackers which is wrong..

Personally you should be taken out of even useing a comp for stero typing half of the know world as a hacker you paranoid idiot.

I hope you read this


Maxxx (none / 0) (#4327)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:46:37 PM PST
Maxxx is a little bitch and little bitches tend to be hacker wannabes, and like yeah, lets recap...
Maxxx = Little Bitch
Little Bitch = Hacker Wannabe

A Word (none / 0) (#4328)
by Yitten on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:08:49 PM PST
well, i guess that is enouugh

WTF? (none / 0) (#4329)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:17:39 PM PST
whatever it was that i just read was definitely way, way, WAY, off the mark as far as hackers and hacking goes. aren't "model parents"
2. you should be helping your child out because his computer skills will be making him a billionare when he grows up
3. at least research some of the "facts" that u put in the report
4. all hackers aren't bad
i'm a computer "hacker", but that doesn't mean i do anything illegal or anything like that. just because of what your lame daughter said doesn't mean that your son is "satan's child" or anything like that. *granted, he does have 2 dumba$$e$ for parents. i think he deserves a metal for not going postal on the two of you. give the kid a break, all hacking is about is learning about computers. so chill

this artical is so wrong it makes me sick (none / 0) (#4330)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:28:36 PM PST
This artical is so stupid and so fake it makes me sick to my stomach

for one try spelling Unix for one

April fools has come early (or late depending on h (none / 0) (#4332)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:31:27 PM PST
That is the funniest thing I've seen for ages.
I can't believe how gullible some people are. This Reginald T Gibbons (great name BTW) must be laughing his lungs up at all the dumb ass replies. That bit about Techno being the spawn of the red devil was funny as fcuk too. Maybe there's something their not telling us about Detroit and Chicago then?

You're a disgrace to the U.S. (none / 0) (#4333)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:32:46 PM PST
How can you treat your children like this? Are you born with some kind of disorder? You're so stupid; you don't even know what the programs you were talking about are. You define the programs by what you think it is. Get a life, learn how to teach your children. You are a disgrace to the world! How can we have such stupid parents in this world?

My record player? (none / 0) (#4335)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:49:31 PM PST
I'd just like to say that previous to reading these posts, I used to listen to "MP3" music, and listen to record players. After reading these posts I got a little concerned so I did some research on the internet. I've now found out from some web pages that 96% of record players are posessed by the devil. Also MP3s are posessed by the devil, and I read that 24% of people actually die from record player exposure!

How to know if your dog has been listening to your record player:

1. It may appear dizzy, off balance, rebellious, or more hairy than usual. The hair may be tattered and mangey, and the animal may appear uncoordinated.

2. Unnecessary biting or barking, for no apparent reason. The animal may turn on you and attack you for no apparent reason, and/or bite itself uncontrollably. Also a lot of drool is present in the mouth. It may also take an unpleasant liking to fruit.

3. It may start humming. Surreptitiuos humming is the number 1 cause of record players in all animals. If you find your dog humming, and possibly looking guilty when caught humming, you may need to hit it. Not necessarily hit it mind you but maybe. Maybe hard and maybe with a hammer. I don't recommend hitting it necessarily, but if grounding the animal or tying it to trees fails, then you'll need to resort to hitting. Lots and lots of hitting.

4. Dancing. The animal may take a liking to dancing. Most commonly the Mamba and Tango. It may befriend other household animals such as the cat or hampster, and coerce them into dancing with them. You will probably have to spy on them to catch them doing this.

If your dog is exhibiting any of the above behaviours then be warned it may be becoming addicted to record player or MP3 music. Even if your MP3 music is by Rod Stewart it is possible, because of the medium, that it has been posessed by the devil. But "electron" music is most especially prone to posession, because I read it on the internet.

I'm a rodel mole model and an authority on this matters, because I've read something on the Internet somewhere.

Dumb-ass (none / 0) (#4337)
by hougy on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 08:04:12 PM PST
OK, um, hey retard are you that fucking stoned? Who cares if your kid wants a faster video card, new processor, more RAM...Whatever! None of that deals with hacking! It's called, stay with me here people!


Holy shit dude if anyone actually believes this fuck-nut (BTW, look at all the links he listed), you should have your computer taken away from you, have your house burnt down and have you shot!

Comet Cursor? Bonzi Buddy? FLASH 5!!??? WTF these have nothing to deal with hacking!

A good laugh and a win for the original poster. (none / 0) (#4340)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 08:27:49 PM PST
I must say, the original poster of this topic must be having a good laugh about now as he/she can't possibly be serious. Truly, someone that ignorant wouldn't be able to utilize the internet to post such a thing. Cheers to you o instigator of purposeless debate.

Zing! (none / 0) (#4343)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 08:55:31 PM PST
I may be wrong, but I think you've all been fooled.
I'm sure the guy who wrote this article is very well informed, and as we speak rolling on his carpet, laughing. I don't believe in such extreme stupidity. The original post is nothing but a troll, albeit an excellent (dare I say perfect?) troll. Kudos to the author, the joke's on all of you.

What the fuck...? (none / 0) (#4344)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:02:16 PM PST
I hope to mother fucking GOD that this is a joke. If not, here's a serious reply. Do you have any mother fucking idea what you're talking about? Flash is a fucking program used to enhance/create web sites. HOW CAN THAT HELP YOU HACK?! You should be the face...80 times...with a double-barrelled shotgun. How is AMD the devil, fuckwad? Your processor also plays no part in whether you can get into another user's system or not, you dickless fuckhole. And Quake. FUCKING QUAKE?! Oh my God, dude. you have serious issues. IT'S A GAME. THERE ARE TONS OF THOSE. PEOPLE PLAY THEM. How can you narrow "hacker gatherings" down to one online videogame? Once again, I think you should be the face...80 times...with a double-barrelled shotgun.

some people are.. (none / 0) (#4346)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:35:58 PM PST
some people are just retarded and take this serious.. its just a 1337 funny joke :P havent laughed like this when my granpa was splattered by his own wheelchair.. ch33rs boys.

A Very Brady Hacker... (none / 0) (#4347)
by bastianMz on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:02:12 PM PST
Maybe it should have been posted by a guy named Mike...

Who can name a good wholesome all American family with the following characteristics?
  • The wifes name is Carol.
  • There are six children.
  • The youngest girls name is Cindy (and is known to be a bit of a tattle tale).
  • There is a son named Peter.
This is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. To all those people who took it seriously - Ha! You have been had.

To T Reginald Gibbons - what a magnificent piece of social commentary.

The sad thing is that there are really people out there like that, and if we aren't careful we will find our "Hacker Tools" taken away from us through the passing of ridiculous legislation.

We are going to have to fight for our digital freedom...

LOL :D hey is this article is a joke? Or what? (none / 0) (#4348)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:02:52 PM PST

Can't believe my eye Other eye radiated by screen! (none / 0) (#4350)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:06:23 PM PST
I cannot believe the statements I have just read. Comet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy are being called hacker tools? O'Riely Computer manuals being called "Explicit hacking material to be confiscated"? There is no word in Webster's to define what I feel after reading that poor misguided lunatic's acute view of the "Hacking community". Insanity, rage, hellbent....those are just some terms floating through my "hacker" mind.
This man is obviously possesed. If your child has any incling as to what self reliance means you should take away his books, light his room ablaze and burn his dreams to the ground.


Comments on Quotes:
"Trusted ISP's such as AOL"
The reason your son is asking you to change ISP's is to save you money! Local ISP's charge a fraction of what AOL does. He could be saving you hundreds of dollars.

I'm sorry I can't continue writing this. Your article is making want to vomit on all of society and kill my self. Never write again!



yes its true (none / 0) (#4351)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:06:49 PM PST
i use lunix to hack others people stereos and stole their music

The ignorance of true hacking (none / 0) (#4353)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:07:50 PM PST
I personally am sick of hacker bashing. Hackers flame each other enough. BONZI BUDDY is a perfectly harmless program that puts a monkey on your desktim tat talks to you. It is a cute little program that a good programmer wrote in his free time. It is used to monitor websites for specific advertising. Comet Cursor adds differnt cursors to the computer that match with compliant websites. Another harmless program that just adds pretty cursors. Flash is a web extention that adds a multimedia approach to websites.<br>
all of these programs may have been written by hackers in C or C++, but they are by no menas designed for hacking. They actually slow down the fast internet connection nessessary for good clean hacking. <br>
AMD is a very much above board company that makes genuinely powerful processors, but by no means are designed for hacking. In theroy one could use an INTEL 386 processor on a machine using WINDOWS to hack whatever computer they want to.<br>
My suggestion to ALL parents that read this is to monitor your children, but do not stop them from using the computer outright. It is very good for childrn to learn computers from an early age. Hacking is not nessessarally a bad thing either. Most hackers become sucessful Security Technicians for respectable companies like MICROSOFT and INTEL. Amazing how research can lead to understanding. This article is absolutely horrible, and should be disregarded and removed from this website.<p>

C'mon People!! Sheesh! (none / 0) (#4354)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:18:00 PM PST
It's a joke, folks! Anyone who has any computer savvy at all should pick that up. Gawd!

this site is bunk (none / 0) (#4357)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:29:20 PM PST
Whoever decided to make this site is either going a long way to make a joke, or he or she is inexusably stupid. I suggest getting correct information before making a big production of nothing.

I can't spell (none / 0) (#4358)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:32:25 PM PST
Great, I didn't even spell inexcusably who looks stupid. In any case.....I stand firm in my statement.

Sir, You are insane (none / 0) (#4359)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 11:08:07 PM PST
Sir, You are most likely Insane.

If you even tried linux, you would find out that it was made using a unix base, not some Radical Communist program code.

Of course, I do not have high expectations with Idiots like you, who do not even understand their own son's and why they became they way they are.

Taking the time to do it right (none / 0) (#4361)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 11:30:39 PM PST
Its amazing how little someone knows on the subject of computers, yet can manage to post an article on the internet. It would be much easier for the thinking humans if the assuming humans would go on with their menial lives doing something less provoking than posting hearsay on unsubstantiated gospel. Its bad enough that you list some fiarly tame programs as hacking programs, then attack a chip company for using sweatshops to produce their wares. If a sweatshop was enough to produce a complex computer processing unit, don't you think that you could make one yourself? Im fairly certain I can make a shoe...but a CPU? Go for it, and get back to me on how your luck is on it as well.

If this isn't a joke, its too late. The 1950s are over, welcome to the america.

Did you think before you posted? (none / 0) (#4363)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:09:35 AM PST
I dont think you used your BRAIN! You have done more harm to a young mind than stopping a possible "hacker". I have news for you, your son is no more a "hacker" than Linux is "Warez". Your son could no more hack himself out of a cardboard box with the amount of information you have told people about.
Your list is that of a COMPUTER GAMER!!!!!
QUAKE< QUAKE 2, QUAKE 3, and soon to be released QUAKE 4 can be purchased at you local software store. For about $20.00 us dollars.
Linux an open source operating system. Free to down load and modify as you the user sees fit.
As to the hardware issue I AM A AMD JUNKIE!!!!! Kiss my ^^%%%*&*. It is people like you who have no clue and should shut up! I am not a hacker i am a GAMER! and Proud of it. Someday your stupid actions and your LARGE head will not allow you in your own door! Oh by the way dork go to any real computer shop and you will find that they sell AMD, Intel, and Cryix (spelling) The two lagerest are AMD and Intel. Give up on being a Compaq user and lose your E-machine and you might have a real comuter!
Heck i would be having a hard time in school if i had a moron like you for a father. You should go back to school yourself and LEARN!

As for those of you who are the Webmasters of this site why on god green earth did you allow this dim witted moron to post this complete and utter non-sense! There is a thing called quality and this has none of that. How many children are going to be subjected to this mans abuse! His children are showing signs of abuse!

Pull This cr#p!

DOS is not Command Prompt takeover..sheesh (none / 0) (#4365)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:22:51 AM PST
DOS, in "hacking" terms does NOT mean Disk Operating System. I use hacking very loosely as those who do "it" dont call it that.

DOS is not about taking over someones CLI, command line interface, its about bandwidth.

DOS, or DENIAL OF SERVICE, is when a person source pings big server farms at companies using your IP as the return addy. One user could ping the public IP's at or some similar LARGE site and use your IP address as the return addy. If I, one PC, ping all of yahoo's public IP addresses using a packet size that is decently large, but use your IP as a source addy, ALL of yahoos servers will respond back to your IP address with the ping response, sucking up bandwidth. This is only one of the MANY ways people DOS others, but DOS in this sense has NOTHING to do with Windows

Please tell me this is a joke. (none / 0) (#4366)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:25:59 AM PST
Mr. Gibbons, please tell me your post is nothing more than a spoof, a joke, a demented bit of propaganda specifically written to incite parents with limited computer knowledge to torment their innocent children!

I wish to point out a few things. Parents that have taken this article as anything other than complete excrement, allow me to educate you:

Point 1: Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
AOL is more of an on-line community with a portal to the internet than a true ISP. Many people enjoy the ease of use and built in "user friendly" features. To call it an ISP (internet service provider) is a little like calling a Moped a performance vehicle; it gets you from point a to point b, however there are a few things lacking. As people come to rely more heavily on the internet, a higher speed connection is an oft sough after upgrade. I work via the internet and enjoy my DSL for it's high speed and the fact that it doesn't tie up my phone line. If not high speed, other Dial-Up ISP's offer faster connection speeds, and a true connection to to internet without requiring you to use AOL's proprietary browser software (which is not as advance as what Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator have to offer). To sum up, real computer users don't use AOL.

Point 2: Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
As internet technology advances you will often be required to install updates and "plug-ins" to view this new information and interact with it. The internet today allows us to watch movie trailers, listen to music, watch 3D animated advertisements for new products, etc. The software that allows us to do this (such as Apple's QuickTime, FlashMedia's Flashplayer, Microsoft MediaPlayer, etc) are found on most computers that are used regularly to surf the internet. These extensions have absolutely nothing to do with hacking! CometCursor also has nothing to do with hacking, however it is a rather annoying little peice of software that ties up system resources in exchange for allowing you to customize you cursor (that little pointer thing on the screen). Don't want to take my word for this? Ask the computer science teacher at your child's school!

Point 3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
New hardware often has very little to do with hacking. Most kids use computers for games. A better 3D video card allows better quality graphics and smoother animation. Newer games often require a 3D card just to run. Part of owning a computer is keeping up with technology. It would be as if you would have to change motors every couple of years if you wanted to keep up with highway traffic. Regarding the AMD processors, does Mr. Gibbons work for Intel? His claim that AMD processors can only be purchased via the internet is also in error. You can walk into practically any computer retailer and buy an Athtalon based system (yes, the Athalon is manufactured by AMD!). The AMD Athalon is an excellent quality product and although not as widely in use as the Intel processors, it offers a cost-effective competetive product. Again, the brand of processor you select has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with hacking. How could it? Both are designed to run the same software. It's like suspecting your son of planning to be the get-away driver in a bank heist because he wants a new Ford to replace his old Chevy!

Point 4: Does your child read hacking manuals?
Parents should see what their children are reading. Check these books out at the libary and make up your own mind!

Point 5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day? I would certainly encourage you to monitor what your child is doing on the internet, however I would be more concerned that he or she is chatting in chat rooms with perverts pretending to be someone else! Computer time should not replace human interaction. Make sure your child spends time with friend outside the virtual world. Time spent on the computer does not directly indicate your child is developing into a hacker. It usually indicates they are caught up in the latest on-line game (also a valid concern; there are document cases of computer gaming addiction!).

Point 6. Does your son use Quake?
Quake is not a hacking tool. It is however a very violent on-line game that people can play over the net against other people. Obviously, some discretion shoudl be used. If your child is not mature enough for a PG-13 movie, he/she shouldn't be playing these types of games. Be a parent, it's your job! Again, Quake has nothing to do with hacking.

Point 7: Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Congratulation, your child is an average teenager. Deal with it!

Point 8: 8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

Linux (proper spelling!) is a operating system like windows and MacOS, except that it doesn't exist for commerical profit (heavens to betsy, isnt't that communism?!). This OS is supported by the computer programming community and it can be altered and modified to improve it by the general public so long as nobody profits from this. The Linux OS is very streamlined without all the fluff associated with Windows. For this reason it is very stable and is used on many servers (possibly the one hosting this message board!). Although Linux take a great amount of knowledge to use compared to Windows, it also does not mean that your child is a hacker. If your child is learning Linux, he may be on his way to assuring himself a job in a computer related field in the future!

Point 9: Has your son radically changed his appearance?
Refer to point 7, however take not: If you teenage has taken a sudden affinity to glow sticks and pacifiers, he/she has probably discoverred the drug Ecstasy (or "Vitamin E", or "X"). Seek drug counseling for your child. See a therapist to help you deal with the guilt of being a crappy parent and not having recogized the signs of drug abuse in your house before reading this post.

Point 10: Is your son struggling academically?
If you notice a drop in a child's grades, there may certainly be a problem, although Hacking is highly unlikely. If these changes in grades are computer related, it is more likely that you child is spending too much time playing computer games or talking in chat rooms. There a certainly valid concerns. Keep involved in the lives of your children! If their grades slip it does not mean they are engaged in illegal or ilicit endevours. Talk to them. Show them you love them! Take an active part in their lives. When I got to the medical warning at the end of Mr. Gibbons post, I couldn't stop laughing, especially when he got to meningitis. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control, a government agency) Meningitis is an infection of the fluid of a person's spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. People sometimes refer to it as spinal meningitis. Meningitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection and some forms are bacterial meningitis are contagious. The bacteria are spread through the exchange of respiratory and throat secretions (i.e., coughing, kissing), but not from sitting in front of the computer! If this were the case, if you have a computer at work you too would have meningitis!

Allo me to close with this: Ignorance is dangerous! Please don't take everything you read on the internet is pure truth. Check your facts with reliable sources. Also, I feel it is in poor taste for Mr. Gibbons to post such frivolous garbage. If his intent was mischief in the form of scaring parents for no valid reason, I am certain he has succeeded. Please check all your facts before accusing your child of being a hacker. They have enough to worry about! - Michael Bugs

you gotta be kidding me (none / 0) (#4367)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:26:12 AM PST
you are abso-fucking-lutely unbeievable. I believe it was put best when you were reffered to as a "fucktard".. Its peopel like you that make me fel like this coutry deserves to be blown up.

CAUTION (none / 0) (#4368)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:28:41 AM PST
I have gathered enough of your personal information from your hard drive with Winamp . I am attempting to load this information into Bonzi Buddy . I will then to transfure it into Comet Cursor and cripple your computer with Flash . Nuff Said...

You need to do some more research! (none / 0) (#4369)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:06:14 AM PST
After reading your entire article, im so very lost in your stupidity. 1. If your son asked to change for aol, its most likey because aol is a crap isp, its slow, commenly down and busy. 2.Just becasue your son is installing programs on the computer,it doesent mean they are hacker related! when you buy a computer, you fill it with apps and software to make your life online and on the computer more enjoyable and easy 3. By asking for new hardware in no way would you be a hacker...all that you have explained is a kid eager to have a good gaming rig, some thing with a good vid card some more game and such( this is most likely dude to the fact that you got a compaq, which are horriable for gaming)I have no idea what you have against AMD but they make a damn good cpu! i believe that the are superior to that of intels, im not sure where your geting your info from, but intels arnt made in USA, the last time i looed on my cpu it said "made in malaysia" 4.Most of the books you are talking about arnt even hacking books, they are just stuff about the net and a computer, but even if your sone is intregued in hacking, he could learn some good stuff from those manuels that will most likely make hime some moey in the future. 5. Time? whats the big deal, how much time do you watch TV sir? i bet more then 30mins a day?!? 6. QUAKE is a fricking game!!! is a 3d shooter, it no one meets on it to learn how to hack..for that one teaches have to learn it yourself!! quake is a simple game, it does not teach you how to kill or shoot guns, its just a game! It will not make your son violent...and why the hell do you have a gun in the house...dont you know that is the main contributer to violence and death in the home and at school! 7. the Net doesnt make you argumentative! your son is becoming a teeager and now that he is getting older, you will have more conflictions with only 19 and i know that...shit! 8 Linix is not a hacking system, its a OS just like widows! but its done by different comapy. the creater is not a russian hacker he was american and hes not notorious..hes dead..respect the dead you ass! 9 by changing his apperence, your also explaining what happenes when you go into puberty!!! man you dont know anything about sexuality or the human should just talk to your son...leave him alone..and maybe he wont hate you for being an ignorant oppesive fossil! 10 Its commen to get average grades, dont push him so much..let him do what he wants and he will suprise you when hes in the 10th or 11th grade, just let him know that eduction is important..and that college is soon

Older people really dont understand the new generation, its not all about what you think it is...its all about the same stuff when you were our age....just modified with the time, let him be rebellious, he will understand the misstakes he makes, just dont be a tyrant! the net isent just think it go back and research this for alot longer then a few days becasue obviously your talking out of you ass!

I thing to say about that... (none / 0) (#4370)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:07:56 AM PST
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA wow your know absolutly nothing about ther internet and computers.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .... MORON!

opvoeding (none / 0) (#4371)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:11:17 AM PST
proberly yoer are a katholic or a moslim

OPVOEDING (none / 0) (#4372)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:18:38 AM PST

AAAAhahahahahahahha (none / 0) (#4373)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:22:11 AM PST
Funniest stuff I've read in a while...
Thanks for the laugh!

So, I've never been to this site before, are there more patently false and humorous articles here? Are they all this good?

For the sake of the people running this show I hope this site isn't dedicated to the idea of giving useful information to the masses, because this one doesn't even come close...

replying to Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#4374)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:23:37 AM PST
You have got to be the biggest joke I have ever heard, read, or been told about. WTF is this crap your writing. People like you make us look bad....and the things you put in here "Does your son play Quake?"...Do you relize that game is one of the most popular games around. You dont have to be a hacker to like this game. As well as ISP Providers....AOL sucks and the future is high speed access. So try to know something about your topic before you write the bullshit you put in this one.


Things falling out of fashion (none / 0) (#4375)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:26:12 AM PST
Yes, things do fall out of fashion, and, having reviewed the comments posted here, I believe that the understanding of irony is one.

The article is a parody, but the comments are much more comical, or extremely sad, depending on the standpoint.

I rue the day when someone will post an unpdated version of Swift's "A modest proposal" on the web...

WHAT? (none / 0) (#4376)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:30:53 AM PST
1. Flash is actually "Flash 5.0" its a program for making computer cartoons. NOT FOR HACKING!

2. Bonzi Buddy is a little program to help new people to the internet get around. NOT FOR HACKING!

3. Comet Courser is a tool that alters what the mouse pointer (the little arrow that moves around on the screen, that you use the mouse for). NOT FOR HACKING!

4. Quake is a game where you can connect to the internet and play against other people. Its a FPS or a First Person View Shooting Simulator if you will. NOT FOR HACKING MEETINGS!

5. Linux is a OS, Oporating System (you'd better be writing this down or at leaste pronouncing it with me). It's like Windows 98 or 2000 or Macintosh OS X (the X is Roman Numeral for 10). Its also what we smart people call a "Server" its whats at your local internet providers (like Earth Link) headquarters (contact them for further information). NOT FOR HACKING!

I hope I cleared some things up for you.

Boznia Buddy is dangerous (5.00 / 1) (#4402)
by lmat74 on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:18:02 AM PST
Thanks to Boznia Buddy I lost seven of my penises in a forest the other day. Boznia came out of nowhere and danced in front of me. I believe he went fishing that day because he caught my seventh penis on one of his hooks and tore it off. It still itches and I would like some sort of refund.

I am no longer infected. Please respond with many happy returns. (It is the L-shaped key on most computer boards for keys).

I like green baloons but I prefer blue pants.

I don't get it.. (none / 0) (#4380)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:05:30 AM PST
Is this suppost to be a joke? what the hell? If it is its pretty funny... but if its a serious article.. man, this guy doesn't know anything about computors.

OMG I CANT STOP LAUGHING! (none / 0) (#4381)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:10:56 AM PST
GOD DAMN! u gotta love these old guys that think they know something heheh gives ya a Laugh every once in a while wheeee

Thank You (none / 0) (#4382)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:17:48 AM PST
ehh.... Who the fuck wrote this ;) saved my day. -perseeseens neekeriith..

you are the kind of parent that make's criminals (none / 0) (#4383)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:39:05 AM PST
i never ever have read so much bullshit on one page. I've got vife children and my oldest son is playing on his computer whole days. My husband is a teacher on a highschool where children learn to work with computers. One of the operating systems is LINUX. So no hacking program. A very good and game is quake. Its a 3-d shoot them up game. So also not a hacking program. It seems to me that you are a parent that doesn't live in the real world, because you never alowed you're children to do things that they liked and now they are doing it behind your back. That kind of parents are the one that make sure that we have criminals in the world. And the most pathatic of you' re whole story is that you don' t know shit about computers. Cause if you did you wouldn' t write this rubbish.


Nala (from holland)

I guess certain people take life too serious (none / 0) (#4384)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:43:36 AM PST
Me, I read the article, I had a laugh and I do believe that that is what the author intended when he wrote the article.
To those who resort to calling the author names and such, well calm down before you have a stroke.
The bloke is probably sitting at his home, beer in his left hand, tv remote in the right, laughing at you. So anyways.. my response is: keep up the good work. Me myself have been a "lunix" user for years and I loved the article.
Anyone who even thinks the article is meant as a serious statement is surely what you guys call a "dumbass". So pal, just keep up the good work.

Lol (none / 0) (#4385)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:57:53 AM PST
Heh, I can see that not too many people understood this :)

Come on people. It was meant as a joke - get over it.

Heh it's pretty funny though - AMD as an 3rd world processor chip :)

RE: (none / 0) (#4386)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 03:04:26 AM PST
I'm an computer security expert from europe and i just have to tell you that you just gave me a good laugh. almost anything you wrote is pure nonsense (probably except the fact that you have children). Try to educate yourself before you make yourself a moron infront of the whole internet.
karl kaiser
cisco security specialist
(yes, it's a good american company, not a hacking community)

Satire at its best. (none / 0) (#4389)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 04:42:15 AM PST
The funniest thing I've read in a while.

Kudos to the writer.

Uhm... (none / 0) (#4391)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 04:58:27 AM PST
Say, you did post this to provoke reactions and show the ignorance of ppl, right? Otherwise you're extremely stupid.
But I think it's a nice joke, keep sending comments about how good this article is, keep showing how stupid you really are!

ROFL, this is really the most stupid nonsence I've ever read and anyone working with computers in any way will tell you the same...


Hackers!! (none / 0) (#4392)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:03:46 AM PST
Its Linux!! Not Lunix!
Flash is a very good imaging program used by very famous websites too. I am 14 and I am a girl and I think just because u spend more time on the computer it doesn't mean u are a hacker. And lastly, girls have equal skills in computers and just because they don't use it in hacking, doesn't mean that they Can't!!

dear idiot (none / 0) (#4393)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:04:49 AM PST
Hello Dear idiot

All Slovenian "hackers" (that's small country in Europe, if you idiot maybe know, where is Europe) is laughing beause of your "Hacker" description.
Thank you for making us laugh.

It's true and I have the proof (none / 0) (#4394)
by lmat74 on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:20:15 AM PST
I have seen it happen so many times before. As a father of three I must admit it was hard, especially on the little woman, when we had to exterminate these antisocial elements from our once a happy and warm family house, now turned into a hell on earth.

Sadly in my case I have not discovered what was going on until it was too late. First it started with my older son, Bobby James. We bought him a computer so he could learn calculus. Only about three years later he wanted us to purchase the Intern Net. Of course we did. As God fearing Americans we bought it from AOL. It seemed like a good idea at the time soon to be regreted. But it wasn't until Sammy Albert, our second son, showed intense interest in Bobby's computer, that we have had our first glimpse into the frightful activities that Bobby was tricked into pursuing through the use of the Intern Net. It broke my heart. I have seen many terrible things in my life, but none could prepare me for what I saw on Bobby's computer TV that awful Tuesday morning. I have been raised as a respecting and respectable Christian, and I have a level of self respect still left in me which forbids me from saying what it was, yet you must understand it was so ungodly, that I simply saw no other way out but to take off my belt and give him a jolly good spanking. The wife then helped me take the diabolical electrified device out back where we set it on fire.

Thinking the worse was over we decided not to report our son Bobby to the authorities. Not soon after the cremation came the second arrow which punctured my bleeding heart. Our second son Sammy decided against marrying Tawny Marie, his second cousin. We knew it was Bobby's fault so I shot him with a mug, so the wife and I could then take the mug-shots to the Police.

Our third son Randy Phillip has been kept out of reach of all this terrible and utterly uncivilised Intern Net Surfing and is now ready to start his life anew with his uncle and auntie up North where I am sure they never will have to deal with all these Win Doze, Luniss, Computers, Intern Nets and many other vile and disgusting matters a young American is exposed to these days.

Will U. Raneus

Right lets clear this up a bit. (none / 0) (#4395)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:29:30 AM PST
As a concernd parent meself. I have to make some truths about this statment.

AOL = This ISP is one of the safest on the net I agree. But its deffo also one of the slowest. when your son/daugher asks to change isp's its usually because they want to change to BroadBand access. and If U think. I'm fine using my modem. then have a go on a system with Broadband.

Unix = Unix is not a hackers language at all. its a multi user language. very simar to Dos (Disk Operating system). its used in large corporations and even in MicroSoft (to avoid cross platform viruii).

DoS = Yes this is A form of hacking. But its not to gain contol of the 'Command Prompt' as your quoted. its to Bombard a connection with usless information. trying to stop the modem working.

Fast vid card/gfx card. = this has to be the funniest. k take a car. most lads want, another Turbo, Louder speakers, Better sparkplugs, Body kit. and that dont mean that there joyriders. same as the pc. Faster vid card, Faster cpu, CD Writer etc just means that the pc will be more enjoyable to the person using it.

Programs installd. = If your son/daugher had hacking programs installed on the pc. they certnally wouldnt be listed in the control panel.
the programs you listed are legit programs that cause no harm. check the web sites for each program.

Quake = its a game. thats all. there are no secret hacker meetings in it. or anythin seedy like that.

Maybe next time you should listen to ya son before posting somethin like this on the net.
and I understand that U have done research into this subject. unfortunally U need to do more...

You sound like an over-protective control-freak (none / 0) (#4396)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:30:41 AM PST
Yeah, that's right (by the's "LINUX", not "Lunix" [haha, Lunatix LOL] )

r0lf 2`nd part (none / 0) (#4399)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:07:06 AM PST
r0lf u`re really a m0r0n dude :> btw Carding is gr8 u must try it somtim`z
d0h :>

is this real? (none / 0) (#4405)
by bulletcore on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 07:20:34 AM PST
i wonder if this history isn't just a test.
for.. nothin! man, this is just garbage. does the author of the article knows what is he sayin'?
my dad would never say somethin like that! my dad knows what quake is. and knows surely that bonzii boodie (or whatever) isn't any hacking program.

he saw me entering into a company (Internet Services, like shells, webspace..) by SSH, into my account ...

do u know why so many people are using linux now? it is much more secure than micro$oft windoze.
man, u should enter on intensive course o computing and internet for 2 YEARS! :)

- BC

YOU STUPID F*CKHEAD (none / 0) (#4407)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 07:43:20 AM PST

omg (none / 0) (#4408)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 07:55:45 AM PST
This is sad. I cant believe I'm the only one that understood this article was written by a couple of friends that are now laughting out loud reading your comments. This wasn't written by a parent.

hmmm.... (none / 0) (#4409)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 08:29:54 AM PST
hey is ur first name bill or ur last name barrett
by any chance????

LOL (none / 0) (#4410)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 08:40:11 AM PST
Wow, that's quite the sociological experiment. I think whoever posted that article really got what they wanted :)

Nice one, I'll bite :)

This Is INSANE (none / 0) (#4411)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 08:47:55 AM PST
QUICK Stop your son before he becomes a hacker. OMG. Dont let your kids learn something the might grow up like me and make @ 26, 3 times what my father makes now. BTW I am buying him a boat for X-mas he doesnt know. I am excited. LINUX Is the future. Let your children learn. Sit beside them get them to show you what they are doing. Be interested. And that whole quake thing is insane. My GF plays quake and doesnt know a thing about Netowrking or computers. Damn This makes me sick. My father always got on my case " All you do is play games and fool around on that computer" " You better do your homework and start getting ready for Unv." LOL. My dad and I joke about that stuff all the time. Computers rule the world and only certian people have the ability to do what your son is doing. Buy him a T-1 and a killer server or two and retire in a few years. Thanx go out to my dad for having faith ( limited at first ) in me and my ability. GL kid whoever your are dont let em stop ya. And if you need help look me up : gr0undz3r0. Im on the forums and mailing lists ;)

Have a sense of Humor! (none / 0) (#4412)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 08:55:56 AM PST
Can't believe non of you fuckers realize this was mean't to be a piece of comemdy! I'm glad the writer has maintained his sense of humor through out your blantant display of ignorance.

Rock on my good man!

thats funny (none / 0) (#4413)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:16:41 AM PST
i thought this was a very funny article. But i would just becareful cause i think some people might take it seriously, cause it almost sounds as if you are serious

ummmmm (none / 0) (#4415)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:24:55 AM PST
wow, i didn't know parents were that dumb...i feel really sorry for

This is not true. can't be... (none / 0) (#4416)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:36:39 AM PST
For those who don't know anything on computers and
software, please disregard this message. If computer radiation would cause serious damages, I wouldn't be on earth anymore! And lunix is not even the right work and should be written Linux which is by the way very legal and Liux cannot damage your harddrive.

Hope this helps to the linux community!

omg... (none / 0) (#4417)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:38:44 AM PST
You've got to be kidding me? Seriously you cant honestly think what you have written here to have any real substanical proof?

This is the rantings of a parent who obviously knows nothing about the internet, Expecialy if they use AOL, witch, I add, is the WORST ISP there is in terms of service, heck, NetZero is much better ISP and thats just plain sad.

Damn your information is compleatly idiotic, sorry but thats the truth, I read most of the replies as well and quite frankly, thoes that are shouting "You f'kin dolt!" are right on the money.

I laughed till I stopped! (none / 0) (#4418)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:40:33 AM PST
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Seinfeld in his prime couldn't come up with a better paranoid rambling. I love satire! Obviously, this article is the work of a true comic genious.


Thanks for the laugh (none / 0) (#4420)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:06:30 AM PST
I have never read such a ludicrous article in all my life. I can only believe that this is intended as some sort of joke, as i fail to see how anyone can be as abysmally computer illiterate to write such drivel. When, exactly, did you last go on the "internet". If you are genuine, then i very much pity your son, as he was no doubt doing something completely legal like writing a letter. A few facts that have no doubt already been pointed out.
1. Flash is not a hacker program. It's a website integration plugin to allow fancy stuff like menus.
2. Lunix?
3. Hackers wearing uniforms now? And if they never leave the pc then why do they need to be spotted in the street?
4. Linus is the greatest bloke ever. Linux is just like windows, only without MS. You try writing an OS!
5. Quake is a virtual reality hacker lounge? Try playing it sometime!!

Sometimes i wonder why the let people like you on the internet!

Utterly Baffled (none / 0) (#4421)
by AlexDeLarge on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:24:42 AM PST
You know, you would think, with as long as people have been posting/replying, yelling, screaming and spilling vitreolic statements with no bearing on truth whatsoever, SOME of the people would reread responses and whatnot and realize that this is a joke.

My complements to the author of this article, you have succeeded in giving me a much needed laugh by way of causing many people who claim to be intelligent (System administrators, h4x0Rz, and the like) to make total complete and utter pho0|z of themselves (pardon the haxor type, I think it just adds to the commentary)

It is because of articles such as this, and the ensuing posts and replies that I will continue to visit this site and read with reckless abandon


"Open your eyes..."

This a spoof, right? (none / 0) (#4422)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:37:59 AM PST

hack the world (none / 0) (#4423)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:40:24 AM PST

supposed hacker traits (none / 0) (#4424)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:43:28 AM PST
my god who ever wrote this artile is beyond stupid and apperently dont know shit about puters or what the fuck they are even talking about and obviously there are people who are even more stupid who actually belive any of it when not 1 of these supposed hacker traits are real. and i must comment its spelled linux not lunix. and its not a illegal os it THE bEST OPS IN THE WORLD. and AMD IS DA BEST CPU manufaterer and DO NOT use child labor/sweat shops to make their produrcts. to whoever wrote this SHUT THE FUCK UP U STUPID ASS FUCKING MORON! U DONT KNOW SHIT NONE OF THEM SUPPOSED THINGS ARE TRAITS AND ALL 100% OF IT ARE NOTHIN BUT LIES U DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HACKING IS FROM WHAT IV READ ON YOUR PAGE U FUCKING MORON. I SURELY HOPE U RUN INTO A REAL HACKER AND GET 0wn3d! a word of warning: SHUT THE FUCK UP U STUPID ASS MORON! GET A FUCKING LIFE!

Is your child a hacker? (none / 0) (#4425)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:07:17 AM PST
No, but the author of this article is a fucking idiot. First of all, males are not the only ones who can hack and the day glow colors and spiky hair don't mean that they are hacking - it means that they are normal teenagers who follow trends (or they're rave kids who are abusing club drugs such as ecstasy - maybe you can write another one of your informative articles on that topic.) It's people like you who give normal, everyday teenagers who happen to surf the net a lot a bad name. Articles written using extreme scenarios and one-sided views do more harm than good b/c they create mass hysteria among uninformed people who don't know any better. If you were paying attention to what your kids were doing instead of letting the computer babysit them, then maybe this could have been prevented. Play board games, go out bowling, have dinner together, etc. Families spending good, quality time together rather than vegging out in front of the TV or computer can really partially eliminate most of the problems we face in our society today (lack of good parenting and children who have never been disciplined.) Main line: your child's hacking is your fault for thinking that AOL can monitor the things that you were to lazy to do.

wtf???? (none / 0) (#4426)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:07:25 AM PST
are you for real?
i mean, are you for real???
this "article" is not a joke?

Please (none / 0) (#4427)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:13:39 AM PST
Now now People. Obviously this person Is just pulling your leg. No one would be foolish enough to think that he actually believes anything he said. It is kinda funny to see how many people thought he truly believed all this. But He really shouldn't have bothered to write that article. Some people out there may actually believe what he says is true. The Article itself wasn't that funny, but everyone's reaction was hilarious! Thanks for the Chuckles!

Guys, lighten up. (none / 0) (#4428)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:19:19 AM PST
I found this post quite funny, I came across it when my friend fr0m romania posted it in a chat room I normally go to when im not carding shiznit.. but thats beside the point, the point is.. whoever wrote this was JOKING theirs no way in hell, that they can be telling the truth..

anyone whos not too bright to see this.. heres how it goes

First off, the person said he/she had 6 children.. count them six.. do you know how much it costs to take care of six children, let alone a seven bedroom house? quite a lot i must say, so i doubt he/she is at home to take care of the kids..

also, the linux thing.. was funny, and I dont know right now a person that doesnt know what amd is, or what intel is.. (anyone with a tv, or some kind of contact to the rest of the world) i mean look at all the hype with the new processors n shit..

i dont know why im replying to this, it makes me look like a mindless moron to post to something like this, but its so subjective to criticizm..

anyways heres the moral of the story, this was written by some fool who either A. was majorly stoned, doesnt have kids.. or a life (DuH?) or.. somebody who was majorly stoned.. and just stoned.. because i dont think anyone is this stuppppppppid..

b0z0 rulez.. believe that

Duckmann ownz j00z

You Fucking Idiot (none / 0) (#4429)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:21:54 AM PST
I personally think you have got to be one of the dumbest people I know. First of all, to my knowledge there is no operating system named Lunix, it's Linux. Second, Someone who wears bright colors and dresses like you said, wearing pacifiers and bearing glow-sticks is a Raver, not a hacker. A Raver is someone who goes to large parties with loud music and "Rolls" which means they take Ecstasy, an illegal drug. You should realize that you are dumb as fuck and never talk about things that you have no knowledge in...idiot.

yeah you can't be too careful (none / 0) (#4433)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:29:13 PM PST
There are all sorts of tools that those evil hackers use. Why I've even heard of them hiding in the recycle bin and stealing files from peoples computers or worse yet, using the hacker true type font (oh so easy to get on the internet) and using them as a trojun. <--note the spelling. I think someone should send this article to ABCNew, CNN, Headline News and all the rest. We must stop the evil and their awful Gator programs to save our little childer from the evil terrorist hiding in the recycling bin................................................................................................................

I FIND THIS OFFENSIVE !!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4434)
by denbrice on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:58:42 PM PST
What you claim here is *not true* and offends me:

Some facts about myself (maybe you'll understand why I find this article offensive.)

1) I've changed ISP's for, indeed a port reason.
I'm not a hacker.

2) Everybody installs software, even web-downloads like shockwave and vdoplayer-live put themselves in that 'software'-cpl thing.

3)Asking for new hardware is ABSOLUTELY NORMAL (especially with a compaq, which always has crappy video and audio - for instance.) If new hardware is required for faster/cheaper internet access, then this should be considered (since, hey, it's faster and cheaper...)

4)I don't think "Programming Perl"," is a hacker-book. It ADRESSES security issues. And for the others: The only way to really *KNOW* if something is secure, is to test it, so you better how to bypass/hack/crack (whatever you call it...) security - what's better in such case than books written by the 'experts'. Only that way you can test your system for security holes before someone else actually exploits one of them. These books show you the tips and tricks on how to do so, BUT MAY NEVER BE MISUSED IN ANY WAY (maybe you'd better check that before giving your son a lecture - however, eat him alive if he really tries to hack into other people's systems + it's a federal offence in the US!)

5) I'm at a 14+/hrs a day (8hrs win, 6hrs Linux), does your son top that ?
- Oh, did I mention, I'm not a hacker.

6)I play QuakeI/II/III, urban terror, unreal, cs, and so on, ALL THE TIME. Believe me, there are very rarely people talking about hacking. And if they are, they mostly really don't know their business. You should try it yourself: it's really fun and you'll get to follow our conversations (beloni 90% of the time), utimately refining your judgement about us.

7)Computer-thingy: windoze pisses me off like hell too...

8)I'm obsessed with Linux. It doesn't piss me off and, something M$-users aren't used to, IT WORKS! I'm so obsessed that i've built my mine from ground up. AND I ALWAYS USE IT TO PLAY QUAKE (are you gonna hang me now?) - Also, news-flash, I'm not a hacker.
Fact is, gnu-linux is free, it's fun, it works (and it's really fast). Three (the fourth's quite OK) things M$-products will never feature.
- Linux, IS NOT DANGEROUS SOFTWARE, if you believe that: MS Windows IS FAR MORE A RISK: it has plenty of security holes (you don't want to know how easy it is to blank an administrator's password, for instance - or to get all of a computer's registry from a visitor on your web-page - using ASP - MS-patented technology) It's virus-sensitive software (mostly because of it's wide-spread use and weak security) - if it were human you'd call it seropositive. Linux can be removed in *seconds* (as can windows) using 'fdisk', 'partition magic', 'NT Drive manager' or whatever. All you have to do next is resize your win-partition, or create a new (extended) partition. Simple (too simple). (if you wanna get rid of LILO - try: 'fdisk -mbr' an d 'sys' in dos, or boot from WinNT/2000/XP cd and to an 'inspect boot'.) If you say your hard drive is damaged: i have NEVER had that (and i see A LOT of machines running Linux/Solaris/Mac/whatever - I even work on IBM AS/400 mainframes - WITH LINUX). If your vendor says so and says it takes all that trouble to remove linux, then is is either completely incompetent (in which case you should change vendor) or he ripped you off (in which case you should also change vendor).

9)Hackers don't have a dressing-code. What you describe there is your average techno-freak.

10) No, he spends too much time behind a computer, which is only good if you are or an IT student, or an IT professional, or in any way working intensively with computers - not when you are in your teens. Get him to put school above computers (maybe he can get into MIT if you convince him to love maths).

I'm 22 now, I've worked with computers since I was 6 (apple IIc - lovely machine). I learned C when I was 15, C++ when my 19, basic when I was 8, and Logo when I was 6. I work with linux since RH4 (i guess 4/5 years or so?). I work in five small companies as IT-consultant - 2 of which intensively (I'm also still studying - IT of course, graduating this year).

You can't say I didn't accomplish anything, and since I recognize myself in your son, i don't think you should worry too much either.

Yours sincerely,

Hrmm (none / 0) (#4435)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:02:46 PM PST
Story was excellent ... The comments were severely disturbing..

dumbass (none / 0) (#4436)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:30:21 PM PST
this is the dumbest article I�ve ever read. You sir, are a complete moron. Where did you get all this information?

I'm guessing fake (none / 0) (#4439)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:45:30 PM PST
As someone noticed as well with the "alice making meatloaf" remark.... all the names from the beginning are from the brady bunch.I'm thinking fake.

this is great! anyone here familiar with sarcasm? (none / 0) (#4441)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:54:22 PM PST
This is a great article, as anyone can see .. anyone, that is, who has ever heard of 'sarcasm' or maybe 'satire' .. It starts to show in the second sentence "I attend their teen parties...".. what parent goes to parties with their kids? (of course, someone will point out they know someone who does this, but nevermind that). The image of the author that should be in your head (if you're still taking him seriously) should be something along the lines of Ned Flanders. The remainder of the blatant and intentional (not to mention hilarious) inaccuracies in the article should be more than enough to tip you off that the article is a "joke" intended your "entertainment". If not, then try the category this was posted under: "internet idiocy" .. in this case the idiocy involves seems to be that of people who are so close-minded that any creative or slightly unusual use of computers must be "hacking".

It's kind of sad that so many people took the thing so seriously and failed to grasp the humor of the situation.

of course, now someone will reply to this saying how i'm completely wrong and that he was completely serious (probably the author himself) and back up their argument by attacking my credibility by pointing out how I can't spell/can't use punctuation/am posting anonymously/whatever ...
and that will be fun too :)
Merry Christmas everyone!

You are an idiot! (none / 0) (#4442)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:59:34 PM PST
I AM A HACKER! Here are 10 reasons you are an idiot.
1) My hair is the same colour it was the day I was born!
2) My school average is 92%
3) I can probably bench press YOU!
4) You can't hack SHIT with the programs you have mentioned
5) What LUNIX, if you meant UNIX it is a separate ops system that is fine to use (but is SO old it's obsolete)
6) A video card in NO WAY enhances you hacking ability.
7) If windows somehow got deleted YOU CAN JUST RE-INSTAL it
8)I have played almost every first person shooter game out there (including QUAKE) I have yet to even fire a real gun.
9) According to you I have yet to meet a living being who is not a hacker.
10) May your son recover from the trauma you are inflicting on him because you are an idiot.

___---LOOK @ THIS---___ (none / 0) (#4444)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:19:39 PM PST
i cant believe u stupid idiot. ur pretty damn stupid to believe these things and mabe u should look into these things before u open ur fat mouth u little wide mouthed, bsing, lunitic...

Hackers (none / 0) (#4445)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 03:08:28 PM PST
First I would like to point out that a "HACKER" is not one who destroys computer systems, that would be a "CRACKER"!!

I read that insulting post about hackers and would like to say that I am greatly offended. "Hackers" are not evil and should not be limited on what they can do. Linux tat was so wrongly called an "illegal hacker's operating system" is not it is just a great operating system that we like to use. Though I am not a girl, the comments about girls not being able to "hack" is incorrect, Many girls that I know are "hackers" and can compete with any male "hacker" out there. Linus Torvalds is not an evil man either, he is a hghly respected man in the open source movement who I think should not be talked about so rudely for all the good he has done. And about the radiation comment, the odds of such a thing happening is slim to none, and just to point out many "Hackers" are incredibly smart and could easily afford to have some brain damage.

In closing the signs talked about are not those of a hacker but those of someone who is very passionate tword technology.

-Sean(aka. HACKER(your worst nightmare HaHa!)

HAHAHAHA! (none / 0) (#4447)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 03:14:01 PM PST
OMG, that is the STUPIDEST, article I have ever read! It's dead obvious that the writer has absolutely NO knowledge of computers at all. I hope that it's just a joke.

AMD chips, while I don't prefer them, are certainly not cheaper knock-offs of American chips. Any "features" that are disabled are probably things that prevent you from overclocking it.

Quake?! Oh gimme a break! There are MANY Quake players out there who don't hack.

Linux--It's just a freeware operating system that's an alternative to Windows. The Computer Systems lab at my SCHOOL uses it!

Programming with Perl, a hacking book!?AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Perl is an online scripting language used to make more interactive websites. Many websites out there use Perl.

OMG, I give up. This article is just too stupid and poorly written to be worth my time.

ROFL!!!!! (none / 0) (#4448)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 03:16:57 PM PST
This is the most hilarious thing ive ever read. You have no fucking clue on what you just said dipshit. OMFG, LEARN MORE ABOUT COMPUTERS BEFORE YOU POST ANYTHING!!!

Hmm, very interesting!!!! (none / 0) (#4450)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 03:51:20 PM PST
At first I thought this was a joke or something, but then I read some of the posts and it appears that it's not. This is absolutely the funniest article I have ever read. Anyone who takes this seriously is severely misinformed. Sorry I have to say this, but I am truly trying to be a help here. I can tell you that AMD is becoming one of the best processor manufacturers that exists and that there are no "security features" on the intel chip to prevent hackers. A processor is just the thing that executes instructions that are fed to it, there is no kind of filtering, security or whatever else that is actually built into the chip. Also Linux, which is the actual name - not Lunix, is overall no worse than Windows is. In fact Linux and especially any of the BSD's can be much more secure and stable (ie. it doesn't freeze and crash) than any kind of Windows or Macintosh OS. Also, the books and programs mentioned are no form of hacker aide, guidebook, or whatever else you want to call them. Wanting a new ISP is certainly not a sign of a hacker. I am certainly biased against AOL (because of bad service), but that doesn't prove anything. Someone may want a better ISP because of bad service or want of a faster internet connection for gaming or downloads. According to this definition of a hacker, most computer programmers are hackers. Most people tend to go with the media's idea that all "hackers" are bad, when in reality the only ones that are "bad" are the ones who use their knowledge and abilities for illegal purposes. In fact hackers can actually be useful, and are being hired by the government. Well, that's my little piece of experience about the subject.

This is complete and utter BS!! (none / 0) (#4451)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 03:59:04 PM PST
I'm sorry but quake players being portrayed by hackers?

secure all firearms if your son plays quake?
You should have done that already you schmuck!!

arguementative and surly in his behavior?
excuse me show me a teen who isn't...

ok I spend massive amounts of hours on the net each day, I'm not a hacker and My father knows this. I'm not stupid enough to try and get it by him either thought he does computer programming for the gov't.

access to the net without a telephone?
this is common now, with telnet, DSL, Cable...

I use cable, great arrest me I'm a hacker.

faster video cards and larger hard drives OH MY!!!

finding programs you don't remember installing?
it's most likely chat software or game software.
or you need to see the doc about alztimers (SP?)

changing appearences.... I'm not even going to dirty myself with this one, IT IS NATURAL FOR TEENAGERS TO UNDERGO MANY CHANGES UPON PUBERTY.
this include wearing baggy pants (if your male) to hide certain things you may be insecure about.
I stress may.

it includes doing weird things for attention.
ok I can see some credible evidence...
the magazines, although I think some of them may be fiction stories.

changing ISP's- yeah if they goto a small one without much Security, but otherwise if you have AOL on a compaq I can understand his plight.

ordering chips online- what idiot does this unless from an online DEPARTMENT of a place like circuit city or best buy. some place you can actively sue for credit card fruad.

Ok lunix sounds mean, since I'm not a hacker I can't say or naysay this one. All i can say is how would he get that information without a top security clearance?

point- parents too paraniod now days, I fell asleep in class once and my oarents took me to get tested for drugs.


AOL and AMD (none / 0) (#4452)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 04:14:25 PM PST
I would like to say that AOL is not friendly to anyone let alone hackers, also AMD is not a hacker friendly company and doesn't produce chips in sweatshops. Whoever wrote this article is a very uneducated individual when it comes to one, being a parent, and two, in the way of hardware. For instance, AMD is sold in stores, try CompUSA for one, not to mention it is intalled in many different computers. If any chip manufacture is a culprit it is Intel who was in a lawsuit for charging manufacturers extra if they produced machines with Intel and AMD chips. So before you write an article that puts down a certain manufacturer you better do your homework.

From a real hacker (none / 0) (#4453)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 04:48:16 PM PST
Ok, here's the scoop on hacking from an ACTUAL hacker:

DOS: DOS is the program that ALL programs (including windows) runs in. It's merely an older program (command prompt is only the title of the icon you click on to access dos.)

Quake: Quake is a video game. That's it, just a video game. The sequel to Doom in a way. Granted a guy like yourself would probably be concerned over his child owning this game due to it's violent content, but there is no hacking involved.

Struggling academically: Hackers generally don't struggle in school. What you really should watch for is if they score incredibly high in math (this is because true hacking requires a lot of ability and understanding in math.)

Baggy pants, etc...: The people you are refering to are not hackers at all, they are called ravers. The believe in 2 things: Drugs and electronic music. Hackers cannot be stereotyped in terms of appearance. Some are geeky, some are trendy, some ARE ravers. There are no two hackers alike.

Books: Those books are mostly fiction. Inacurate books. The books you really should look for are ones about "Network Administration." Network administrators and hackers are one in the same. One is a professional, one does it for fun.

AMD: AMD processors are known to be cheaper and better for gamers. If your son wants an AMD processor then odds are he plays games and he MAY even be trying to save his father a buck or two on the chip. Seriously, that's the LAST piece of technology you should watch for. That brings me to my next point:

Video cards: This has got to be the biggest joke in the whole page (well, next to the clothing thing.) A video card does NOTHING for a hacker (but it does a hell of a lot for a gamer.) All it does is make the flashy graphics on newer games run smooth and fast. GAMERS LIKE THESE, HACKERS CARE LESS.

I hope the author of this site reads this. It's what you REALLY should be looking for in the habits of a new hacker.

Important! (none / 0) (#4454)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 04:50:04 PM PST

I am quite sure that the author was remiss in not reminding the careful parent about THIS important indicator...
If your son shows any interest in "Surge Protectors," you should also be warned that your son is a hacker.

If I weren't *such* a good Christian, I'd explain what other sinful activity is meant by that!

Jesus Saves Backups!

Hmmmmmmmmmmm..... (none / 0) (#4455)
by bgelb on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:11:50 PM PST
I use Linux
I use an AMD processor
I use Perl
I have a GeForce3 Video Card
I play Counter-Strike, a game like Quake
I spend hours on the computer
I hate AOL with a vengance, especially after they stole $23.90 from me last summer after I canceled and they lied and claimed I didn't. Also I hate the friggin CDs and I think everyone should send theirs to NO MORE AOL CDS!

I don't really consider these bad in any way. I just hope you don't corrupt the minds of uninformed people who are easily swayed, who read this atrocious monstrosity of an article.

Oh and by the way, did you know your son's school could be corrupting him with the terrible "Lunix" OS? Mine does. Oh the horror!!!

Ben Gelb

With all due respect... (none / 0) (#4456)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:15:48 PM PST
Your article is VERY wrong. Just because someone plays Quake (a very fun game, might I add), doesn't mean they're a hacker! It just means they like video games! And clothing? Please. The 30-minute time limit is ridiculous, too, and also, the thing about AMD chips. Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, and Flash are ALL common downloadables! Comet Cursor just changes the cursor on your screen, Bonzi Buddy is just a little ape that's a joke-teller and "shopping companion," and Flash is a common internet movie tool! Finally, might I add: Changing ISPs is PERFECTLY reasonable if the requested ISP is faster then the one you have right now, which is almost a certaintly for AOL. I've got a stock tip for you: When your IQ reaches 50, sell!

ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4457)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:20:26 PM PST
Posting things like this!!! That's just plain immuture, you stupid AOL user!!!!!!!!!!!

Really (none / 0) (#4458)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:33:45 PM PST
well sir since you are a idiot i am going to give some insights into a world you brain could never comprehend.

1. AMD vs. Intel: ok since they are to lazy to sue your ass, you have to look into things, i can say you are a stuipid moron for judging something you have no clue about. AMD is better due to the fact it is cheaper, but they are no better than Intel.. i have spend many hours as you so call it "hacking" using Intel and i find it better.

2. Linux : i think you should go back to school or read upon this moron. Linux came off of Unix which was created in america by the help of manily bell labs / AT&T and also IBM... and if you thing, Linux was created after the cold war yes by Linyos Torovoltos, but he is no Soviet Hacker, but you are just a facsist idiot that knows nothing of computers. you say it is a "illegal hacker operation system" well guess what? its not, its a better OS than Windoz is, due to that fact it gives you more functions than just a no brain visual OS like the one you use.

3. Flash : do you even know what flash is??? no you dont. but i will tell you. its a vector graphics program for the wed. thats all, if you dont know what that is, FIND OUT.

3. I should call child services on you, you sound very harsh on your son, i bet they could put you away from along time.

4.sexist,racist,facsist, is only a few works that describe you state of mind.

5. since you have obviously no experience in computers or the internet then you have no right to even talk about it, you ass you can see are a idiot. many of use computer guys take this into great offence, so mister all computer/internet pros are hackers you can go back to what ever prison camp you own now.

6. what is a hacker? someone that obtains information, or greater knowledge, that is not know to him or her... so you could say you are a hacker.. you got information about you son that was not known to you... and no you dont have to have a computer to be a hacker.

so in rapture, you are a idiot. get off the internet, no one likes you or ever will.

thank you
- Internet Pro & Ecom Developer .. a.k.a. "Hacker"

LMFAO (none / 0) (#4459)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:35:29 PM PST
HAHAH, are you a retard?

Wow, You're Pretty Dumb (none / 0) (#4460)
by ChrisO on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:39:11 PM PST
This is probably the most sad, pathetic article I've ever read. I was debating going through this article word by word and criticizing your blatant stupidity, but I decided that someone of your caliber isn't worth my time.

You obviously don't have the fondest clue about computers and never will. Any person, adult or child, who believes their child, is a hacker because they want to change ISPs, ask for new hardware, or play Quake obviously has a child that is smarter than he/she. I'm not going to even try to touch upon your other blatantly stupid comments (DOSing, 'nuff said). Again, not worth my time.

But what stuck out most while reading this (and I'll be honest, I didn't read the whole thing because I couldn't breath after laughing so hard) is when you dissed (oooh, I used a radical word, I'm a hacker, call the FBI) Linux or "Lunix" as you like to pathetically call it. First off, you don't even know the name of friggin' OS (that's operating system to you, again, I'm probably a hacker) let alone what it's used for. So you know, quite a hearty chunk of those "educational sites" you and your AOL-filtered son use are run on a Linux server.

You know, I was going to write more, but judging by the comments made above, you probably wouldn't understand a word I was saying.

Oh god, excuse me while I continue to laugh, send this to everyone I know, watch them laugh, and then laugh some more. God, you're pathetic. You're hardly a model parent. You probably forced your kids to play sports.

Wow you are even dumber for not getting the joke (none / 0) (#6298)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:59:26 AM PST
...says it all above...

haha (none / 0) (#4461)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:45:51 PM PST
THIS IS A JOKE RIGHT?? Come on now ppl. How could anyone thing Bonzai Buddy and Commet Cursor is hacking software.. it just has to be a joke... please! hah

I'm stupider (none / 0) (#4462)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:48:55 PM PST
I'm stupider for reading this thank you. And futher more I fail to believe this article was writen by a serious person. Mabey a trained monkey, mind you not a smart circus monkey, but like on of those moneys who collect pennies for the organ grinders. America is safe with you on the Job. Thank you once again.

blargh (none / 0) (#4463)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:52:34 PM PST
"176 comments (6 pending)" and about 3 people got the joke, what does that say about the average iq of internet users?

omfg! (none / 0) (#4464)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:55:54 PM PST
your the biggest idiot ive never seen in my entire life !!!! LOLOLOLOL I CANT STOP LAUGHING!!!



OMG! your the worst parent ive ever seen!

- The-jedi

OMG (none / 0) (#4465)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 05:57:29 PM PST

How the F*CK can you make microprocessors in sweatshops?

Re: Is your son a computer Hacker (none / 0) (#4467)
by DraKuL on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:06:33 PM PST
I have just read the diatribe by Mr Gibbons.
I would like to simply say that this man is the most retarded person i have ever encountered. I have never read so much crap in such a concentrated form. Everything he says is wrong, nothing he says has any relation to fact, research, reality or even common sense.

I am a high school student, and according to Mr Gibbons, I am a computer hacker. I read books, I upgrade my computer, I have considered a non-pentium processor (AMD) for my computer, I spend several hours using my computer per day, for work and as a way of talking to friends. I have played Quake and will say IT'S JUST A GAME!!!!!.

If Mr Gibbons really beleives that his wonderful ISP AOL can protect him for the world's hackers and evil men, Perhaps he should pack up his computer and send it back to the shop - with a note saying "too stupid to use, refund money please". One time, i radically changed my appearance. It's called puberty, growing up or just life.

From the description of Mr Gibbons' family, it sounds like he is the stereotypical american tyrant. A man who decides exactly what his children do, to whom they speak, goes to their parties and generally oppresses them. Hardly a model parent - these men are the types that upset the world and make acts of murder, patricide and terror excusable.

Certainly, 90% of the online world are computer hackers and we should all be locked in the basement, before we do something that could kill think.
Perhaps Mr Gibbons should consider the above - think before you speak, either that or don't speak at all, all you have done is highlighted your ignorance, stupidity and sheer arrogance.
DraKuL - another "hacker"

HAHAHA (none / 0) (#4468)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:17:00 PM PST

sorrry but if you are REALLY SERIOUS..
this has to be the MOST ignorant thing i have ever read!!! AHAHAHAHHA LOL

Enlightened parent? I think not (none / 0) (#4469)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:24:39 PM PST
It is often said that ignorance causes fear and this is obviously the case here. To defunk the argument I will go through the 10 points made in the article and show them not to be true.

1) ISPs. A child asking to change isps may not be for hacking reasons, AOL may be one of the most popular and safest isps but it is also one of the slowest and expensive isps. Changing isps might do the parents a favour and save them alot of money.

2) The programs that are listen under this point are not hacking tools. Bonzi Buddy is just an annoying purple thing that floats around your screen occasionally making a bad joke, don't believe me? Download it and try it for yourself. Flash is a web multimedia authoring tool, some of the best websites on the net use flash, particually holiwood movie sites.

3)AMD is not an illegal company making hacking processors. AMD is a legitimate company that is often sold in stores, there is no "security feature" on either intel processors (as the article claims)or amd processors, hacking is a purely software orientated process and has nothing to do with the processor.

4) So called "hacking literature" that is available in stores is more often than not about protecting yourself from hacking rather than hacking yourself. And as for "programming with perl" being a hacking book, that is just rediculous, perl is a legitimate programming language used by software developers.

5) DOSing? Where is this guy getting his information from. DOS is an operating system that made microsofts initial millions, it stands for disk operating system and is now mainly defunk as it has been surpassed buy the windows series of OS.

6)Quake is a game. Quake is not a virtual reality environment where hackers meet. Sure some hackers may play the game, but not all who play the game are hackers "All wood burns, but not all that burns is wood" If parents had any concern about Quake i would expect it to be more to do with the violent nature of the game, rather than the potential electronic underworld meeting point.

7) Have you ever met a teenager before?

8) Linux, is a) not an illegal piece of software, some of the worlds biggest companies such as IBM use linux and its varients on their servers, because it is the most stable operating system available b)Is not based on anything microsoft what so ever, it is based on Unix a open source operating system. Secondly, deleting windows does nothing to break windows, you could always try reinstalling it. Mp3 is not a program, it is a music file type, and it can not be used to steal music from other peoples steroes. telnet is also a) not illegal, b) found on most microsoft windows machines, don't believe me? try searching for "telnet.exe" on your computer. telnet is used to connect to computers that have telnet servers, often libraries have telnet servers which allow you to browse their catalouges off site. An example of this is the national library of australia (

9. Once again have you ever met a teenager? they are constatly changing their dress sence and what they where, trying to keep up with the trend etc. Although in this case i don't think I have ever met someone where dayglo colours and carrying a glostick, are you sure the author isn't reminissing about the 80's again?

10. Alternativly they could be struggeling acamdemically because they're not academic types. Not everyone does well at school, and not everyone is a hacker.

seeing as not one of the authors points is actually correct in anyway I have come to conclusion as i'm sure many of you have that this guy is completly wrong, sure his son may have been a hacker, but his method of telling if your child is a hacker is utter nonsence.

Hackers My Ass (none / 0) (#4470)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:25:31 PM PST
From your descriptions of a "hacker" it seems more like your kid is in the rave seen, and ecstasy is effecting him/her not hacking. You are a total moron.

what a fuckhead (none / 0) (#4471)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:42:52 PM PST
Ok, i don't know who u are but i can tell u that u aren't an overactive parent, but actually, a fruit. Yes, you are an overripened ovary that has absolutely no sense in the field of hacking. Do you even know what the fuck bonzibuddy is?!? Well u dumbass, it's a little monkey that can be used for help on the internet such as in searching. Flash 5 is a tool for video! Learn ur stuff buddy. You seem like ur a drunk bastard that wanted to post shit so everyone can yell at u. Well good job! Now everyone thinks ur a Goddamn screw up who has no idea about what he's talkin about. You know wat, i don't feel sorry for u, i feel sorry for your kids. I hope they don't become screw ups like u...
Oh yea, btw, aol can be a real piece of shit most of the time so if ur gonna say somthing good about, shove it up your ass with all the other useless, inaccurate pieces of information you posted.

Your dear friend,

ridiculous! (none / 0) (#4472)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:42:58 PM PST
Haha.. you are one funny guy.. Hey you know, your article is great. Pure humour! Keep it up! Haha.. now i know there "lunix" out there... lol.. i'm dying of laughter...

Man, I can't stop laughing! (none / 0) (#4473)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:48:58 PM PST
Lol.. ANd what do you mean by "It cannot be taken too seriously." as your last sentense. Hey.. I give five stars out of five stars, man!

Der (none / 0) (#4475)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:53:12 PM PST
You are an American....

STUPIDITY!! (none / 0) (#4476)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 07:00:18 PM PST
HOLY SHIT!! you are the most fucking stupid person on this planet!!
1. COMET CURSOR, BONZI, FLASH!!! what the hell do they have to do with searching. Hmm, you change cursors to go into DOS? Maybe...
Bonzi... hmm, tells jokes about how to view the listening ports? Maybe...
Flash... uhh, well, it just lets you build sites, and well... put hacking content into it!! Maybe...


2. OMG!!! i can't do this!! you're too damn stupid!!

3. LUNIX!! 8 bit cpu's... uhh, maybe if they used a 20 year old computer!! that's probably what you have you damn retard!!

4. FYI (four your information)... you're a damn idiot!! baggy pants, ever hear bout bein ghetto? maybe that has sometin 2 do wit it. Or is ghetto another word for hacking. Maybe...

As i wise man once said (me), "idiots are you!" And i'm talking specifically to the writer of this crap!!!

LOL ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#4477)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 07:32:08 PM PST






Who's the stupid one here? (none / 0) (#4478)
by tmayloj on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 07:45:54 PM PST
sat�ire (str)

A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature.
Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.

[Latin satira, probably alteration (influenced by Greek satur, satyr, and saturos, burlesque of a mythical episode), of (lanx) satura, fruit (plate) mixture, from feminine of satur, sated, well-fitted. See s- in Indo-European Roots.]

If you were one of the many "smartasses" who decided to follow up to this incredibly obvious satirical piece and decided to comment on EACH AND EVERY SINGLE FALSE STATEMENT that the article made and apply your incredibly smart knowledge to prove it wrong, I suggest that perhaps... JUST perhaps you're the "stupid moron" you're ranting and raving about?

Please people, learn how to laugh. Learn how to recognize satire, sarcasm, funny things. Take English courses. Read Most of these responses were funnier than the piece itself, due to their incredibly ignorant remarks.


I'm afraid of stupid people. (none / 0) (#4479)
by The Bathroom Monkey System on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 08:08:37 PM PST
This proves without a doubt that there's no shortage of morons in the world -- the comments, not the article.

Satire galore! (none / 0) (#4480)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 08:12:17 PM PST
This is the most intense satire I've ever read. I thought it was real until the top 10 list. It even made me angry at the idiocity and closed mindedness.

Bravo. I'm very impressed. Such fiction is a rare find.

Unfortunately, the truly computer illiterate might actually believe this, but you can't please everyone all of the time.

a piece of shit (none / 0) (#4481)
by Suxor on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 08:15:42 PM PST
first of all the original text is a piece of shit. well beyond that the author is an idiot .... let me see ... yah nothing much .... thats about it all ....

What's your email address? (none / 0) (#4483)
by setec on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:00:30 PM PST
What's your email address? Because when I find out I will email you directly on what a moron you are. If this article is fake and made to make people laugh, then you did a good job. If its really your opinion, then you are a moron. End of Story.

Affects of Hacking Upon Teenagers (none / 0) (#4484)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:04:41 PM PST
Actually, I have talked to all the members of a very prestigious website and also this wonderous website and every one of them claim to have been hackers at one point in their life. See? There's nothing wrong with it!

OMFG ROFL LMFAO!!!! (none / 0) (#4488)
by scriptX on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:50:08 PM PST
I am sorry, but...





amd (none / 0) (#4489)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:03:31 PM PST
what's the problem with AMD processors...?
they're floating chipset is good for graphics... oh look i said chipset i must be a hacker

Oh the ignorance (none / 0) (#4490)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:08:39 PM PST
First of all your comment about ip's is very false. Aol has no power over wether you can hack or not because of anonymous ip's. Second of all if your son can hack he know's how to hide programs. HAcking has become so easy anyone and their mom could do it now. I don't know what you mean by "Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware.". This is entirely untrue. Hardware is required for gaming and more complex actions, hacking only needs a minimal amount of things (56k connection is good enough). AMD cannot be a third world company because their processors are produced in a fab, they sold out Intel which shows they are not third world. Intel is more of a "devil" company because they are buying out every major computer company (ie. Dell is only using Intel processors now). You must be very ignorant by saying that Linux is spelt Lunix. Linux is not a hacking operation system, it is a more complex, and less crashy, operating system. Many things cannot be done without Linux. Linux promotes computer programming which could give your son or daughter a very good job. You should get the facts before you attempt to write an article. You have greatly misinformed the masses with this. I only hope the rest of the world is not this stupid.

I agree (none / 0) (#4493)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:18:27 PM PST
I agree, just the way you explain stuff, you are very computer ignorant. First of all, AMD makes just as good quality as intel and no security? First of all there is no such thing as "security" on a processor, it simply processes information. Another thing, you and your "perfect" family, what a disappointment you are as a parent, you are intruding too much into your sons life, give him a little space. There is no such thing as such a perfect family, of course there is going to be times of disappointments, it is through those that we have more courage to did it better! BS in all your crap, you disgust me!

welcome to the 90's, whoops you're way behind! (none / 0) (#4491)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:09:18 PM PST
AMD - third world company...........HAHAHAHAHAHA
You would think that hackers would be smart eh? I think its hilarious that you think all hackers wear these bright colors. Welcome to common sense, there is no normal hacker they try to act liek real people, not wear some fag shirts that say 'hello, the 3rd world company chip in my computer picks my clothes too!' because people would only do that if it was a fad, and i wouldnt doubt that happening either.

LOL, Quake is a video game, your are so retarted. Oh yeah, i play video games and it gives me hacking tips! Yeah! Better get rid of that ol gameboy too! Nintendo- group of hackers? Find out on the next Dateline for retards.

even 45 minutes a day someone could hack and it seems that you have never touched a pc considering you dont know what DOS is.

below this is says allowed html... do you know what html is? how about the internet? wow you are so smart!

Im sure hackers leave thier manuals all over the place. Hello! I am a hacker! See my hacker book! Its on the floor right where you can see it!

New hardware isnt gonna do crap for internet, youd need a faster connection. Even if they do ask for a new ISP, they probably dont like the one you use because its too slow, like AOL which is the slowest of them all. You cant play 'quake' or any online GAMES (which are so evil by the way) with a slow ISP

I install programs that other people who use the PC dont know and or care about, because programs to do with hacking are obvious, if you have a pc with no programs of your own how are you going to use it? you cant. duh.

I think this all concludes that


by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:09:54 PM PST
haha some1 fuck these idiots up. They obviously know nothing about computers.

BS BS BS your just full of it (none / 0) (#4494)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:20:51 PM PST
Just the way you explain stuff, you are very computer ignorant. First of all, AMD makes just as good quality as intel and no security? First of all there is no such thing as "security" on a processor, it simply processes information. Another thing, you and your "perfect" family, what a disappointment you are as a parent, you are intruding too much into your sons life, give him a little space. There is no such thing as such a perfect family, of course there is going to be times of disappointments, it is through those that we have more courage to did it better! BS in all your crap, you disgust me!

How stupid is this? (none / 0) (#4496)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 10:42:54 PM PST
There is no way you can Even say a hacker is this way Hell no one knows the truth unless your one of the Many And Just say this is the funnyest shit i've ever Read Get your Shit Stright before you Write up a while Funny ass story up Just say hackers don't all Do Bad stuff You Have no idea How stupid This story really is Because Hackers Do not Dress Diffrant They walk Among you...

A True hacker Will never Tell What or Who or What there doing... Dumbasses

- LOL funny is the Key

Oh my! (none / 0) (#4497)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:14:10 PM PST
This article is funny! I'm on the computer working for over 8 hours a day. That means I'm a hacker? I design web animation also, am I a hacker? I ALSO have an AMD processor, am I a hacker? NO. I feel really bad for your son, he was probably trying to learn that software (NONE of which are hacking programs) and play games, which is a good thing. I went to college and learned all that stuff, and he's doing it on his own. Or was... I do not know the first thing about hacking, but I am on the computer over 8 hours each day. Buddy, you are very narrow-minded.

lolololololololol (none / 0) (#4498)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:19:27 PM PST
lol stfu people this is funny as hell... be reminded that this is in the (internet idiocy) section -_-

does this mean my amd was made by children? damn my 1 year warranty!

Holy sh** that is funny (none / 0) (#4499)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:39:44 PM PST
this has got to be one of the funniset things ive ever read....funny and true! hahaahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

its even funnier when people try to argue it!!!!

btw the auther of this article is a comical genus!!

HCYSP! (none / 0) (#4500)
by Jigglypuff on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 12:20:46 AM PST
Well many of you have speculated on who is writer is? Why he/she wrote it? And is he/she serious?

Obviously someone who doesn't like:
sexism in general...

This is what I can discern, it is all IMHO:

The blatent (over) use of boy(s) and son, is a sign of over compensation. Like a ransom note over using the term "we", usually meaning there is only one perpretrator. This leads me to believe the writer is female or sympathizes well with females. (Although this trait is more likely in females, it is quite common in males, but most males do not want to portray this trait in front of other males fearing ridicule. Most females find this trait in a male to be heart warming, but not in the least bit sexually attractive.)

ISPissed off...
AOL is the last of the successful Online services. It like many online services never imagined that people would want to use the internet. Many failed horibly because of this oversight. AOL and MSN both realized they were fighting a loosing battle. So they offered their own brand of internet. One where you can't go where you want, only where they allow you to. AOL does this by spiking the browser so it doesn't even have the URL line... who needs that when you have AOL keywords, right? These pseudo ISP have more than once pissed off proficient computer users. Our writer is no exception. This seems to indicate the writer is very proficient at using the internet and would not be able to stand AOL for very long.

Plugins unplugged...
The style difference of the paragraph with the comments on flash and cometcursor seems to indicate a real dislike of plugins and how they are often required on a website... Most likely because of the spam it invites...

New hardware! You're asking for it...
The writer obviously finds the incessent need for new hardware either amusing or intollerable. (S)He doesn't care much for the involuntary upgrades that are necessary to place the newest RPG. But most likely this the genre of game the writer likes. FPSes are uninteresting and really require new hardware... a point of contention, I guess... The link to Matrox (a specifically non-3D video card) is a nice touch, and seem to indicate contempt for 3D mindless games. The greatly inaccurate slight on AMD shows real contempt for intel... this may be hatred toward big business. Interesting enough more CPUs produced in the US are AMD products than Intel... but that's because Intel invested heavily in foreign production plants. The writer most likely protests at anti-globalization rallys, or wants to. Most likely a closet anarchist...

The reference to which books are bad, show an intollerance to book banning. This person was either directly or indirectly affected by a book ban, or possibly heard about a book banning on the news... ;) Seriously, he or she doesn't care much for the idea...

DOSsiers not needed...
The use of the term DOSing people's system is probably trying to make a comment on the GUI dependent society that we live in. The writer probably doesn't care much for pull down menus. Might be using WP5.1 in DOS with all menus shut off or even be using LaTeX to word process. The person might even be versed in writing machine code in Hex for one or more 8 bit microprocessor. If this is true then this person is truely a disturbing individual. ;)

Quake bashing...
This seems to be a pure anti-anti-quake after the Columbine incident bid... Let's face it, many many people started thinking doom or quake was a bad idea for their children after Columbine. Look at how some reporter got off telling people not to support MS Flight Simulator because terrorist might learn to fly with them after 911... This type of kneejerk reaction is probably met with real disdain by our writer. But the write doesn't care much for 3D intensive FPS games without much storyline.

Microsoft bashing...
First of all, the hotlinks provided should be clue enough that the author is not only versed in many computer related topics but is deliberately trying to sound dumb. This is usually a ploy to get you to hate the supposed writer, in this case a male sexist father, and everything this character advocates. By instilling these emotion in the reader, those who don't read between the lines, will often hate what the character (supposed author) is advocating. Result is simple reverse psychology. The mistake on Linus Torvald's name (Linyos Torovoltos) is too different from his real name to be a mistake or misreading and much too close to be a coincidence. Mistake like this can only take place in one context: satire. (For the record Linus Torvald's pronounces his name and his OS with a short "i/y",) And the Soviet computer hacker link to the Boris character from Golden-eye is a nice touch... The fact that lunix is consistently used in place of linux is also quite cute...


Possibility 1) The writer is most likely a female, probably in her early twenties to mid thirties. Feels frustrated that peers, men, particularly father figures don't take her skill as a computer programmer seriously. Probably spent time hacking to prove to herself, that she is just as good, if not better than others (read male others). Single, no boyfriend, but plenty of male friends, possibly admirers (most or none of which are not her type), possibly a boyfriend not involved with computers, or too involve to notice her skill. Has few female friends, may even find most women intollerable, because they spend too much time "trying to get a man". The key is good or great skill with programming and hacking that are under appreciated, by a parent or parental figure (most likely male).
Possibility 2) The writer is male, but has many female friends and wishes a least one of them will take an interest in him. But some of these friend are skilled hackers and will take notice to the article in question. Making the article a shameless conversation starter... (This is the less likely of the two possiblity, IMHO.)

Etherway: He or She is an anarchist. An activist. Works because he/she needs to and not because of any interest in work. Possibly has a friend who is a squeegee kid. Definately anti-cloning, but pro-choice. Don't care much for the Republicans and don't think much of the Democrat candidates. Applies only if he/she is American. The overuse of the world American in relatively formal phrasing seem to indicate that it was not written by an American. Left of centre. Right of communism.

Favourite colour: Blue.... ;) just kidding, I have no idea what his, her (most likely her) favaurite colour is...


Jigglypuff can often be found on Route 3.
Likes: Singing...
Dislikes: Clefairy, and people who sleep during a performance...
Eyes: Blue.
Height: 1'9"
Weight: 12lbs
Goal: to one day evolve to be a Wigglytuff
-Jiggly! Jigglypuff can often be found on Route 3. Likes: Singing... Dislikes: Clefairy, and people who sleep during a performance... Eyes: Blue. He

Missed (none / 0) (#4503)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 01:50:05 AM PST
I guess somthing is missing here, Im guessing this post is a joke and I guess the guy who wrote it is laughing hass ass off at all the posts there afterwards.

LOL (none / 0) (#4504)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:02:52 AM PST
Am I the only one who believes that the article was a joke?

Well... It made me laugh anyway...

A Joke (none / 0) (#4505)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:07:03 AM PST
This most likely is a joke, since almost nothing of what it says can be written by a normal person. AMD? They are a respected company. You can't break into other people's stereos with an MP3 program.

Looks like the people complaining about the article fell for this joke!

Does anyone actually believe this? (none / 0) (#4506)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:07:34 AM PST
Ok, who ever wrote this is just plain out ignorant.
Falsities in this waste of cyberspace...
-Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds, a university student, not a russian communist from the cold war.
-Linux based on UNIX, a command line operating system used widely in servers and other high end systems.
-Linux is NOT illegal hacking software but in fact sold in local computer stores such as Besy Buy and can also be downloaded freely on the distribution's own website.
-AOL just plain out sucks so no wonder why any self respecting human being wouldn't want to switch.
-MP3 is a file format for digital music. Nuff said.
-Quake has nothing to do with hacking, unless you want to accuse John Carmack of anything soon.
-AMD rules over ANY Intel product. faster, cheaper, and most certainly not produced in 3rd world countries.
-I encourage anyone living in the close vincinity of the moron who wrote this to begin stoning this person's house, car, and other property ASAP. I also advise any parents who read this looking for guidance NOT to take ANY of this seriously. from what I can tell this individual was beat up a lot when they were just a child and I pity anyone who is willing to accept what "T Reginald Gibbons" has watsed time both his time to write and my time to read what was written.

My son is a computer hacker, but I fixed him! (none / 0) (#4507)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:18:00 AM PST
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent article. It helped me save my 13 year old son from an inevitable life of crime. I first noticed a sign of hacking, when my son ordered the hacking processor from AMD. He ordered it from a hacker trading site called eBay. I later noticed he had installed the notorious Lunix operating system, which scared me to death! I immediately searched for anti-hacking programs, and I found a wonderful program called Sub7 Trojan. I think this program saved me a lot of money and time by preventing hackers from destroying my computer power supply. I was also afraid someone might hack my newly purchased internet-enabled toaster, so I put unflavored rice cakes in it. After taking the necessary precautions, I confronted my son about his hacking activities. He immediately denied having any knowledge pertaining to hacker programs like Comet Cursor or Flash, but when I showed him that I could use Flash on the internet by visiting Disney.Com, he changed his attitude. he admitted to installing the newest version of Flash at the Macromedia website. That is a notorious hacker organization, and I have petitioned AOL to have them removed. Finally, I took his computer, sold it, spanked him, and sent him to bed without dessert.

e|m0 aka solarisjunkie

Bow before me, for I am r00t! 8o)

I can't believe what I'm reading (none / 0) (#4508)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:26:03 AM PST
Mr Robbins! Do you have any friend that works in the computer-business? If so, i recommend that you invite him/her to a dinner for an example, and discuss this article. I am very certain that if you did this, you would get a lot of good information that would put a lot of what you seem to think today in an entirely different perspective.

You should also give your son a better chance to explain why he wants this and that. Maybe you should let him explain to you what he is doing in the precense of a friend you trust that knows a lot about computers.

What I mean is that ofcourse a hacker might use many different tools (programs) in his/her less legitimate (illegal!!) actions. But the companies and persons you refer to, such as AMD and "Linyos Torovoltos" DOES NOT make the hardware or software for the convinience of any hacker intentions.

Your spelling of the name "Linyos Torovoltos" is incorrect, I'm almost sure it spells "Linus Torvalds" and he is not russian, he is from Finland. You have also put a link to AMD in your article, follow this link and read about them. Amongst other things you can read is that their headquarters is in California. These are only examples of what i think you have misunderstood as hacker-encouragers. I say it again, they are NOT anything in that way, probably they are just as concerned as you are by the problem with hackers. And my guess is that they have a lot more problems with fighting back hackers then you will have in a lifetime.

Last i wish to make an apology for any incorrect semantics or spellings. I hope anyone reading my comment will be tolerant with me since I'm a swedish guy ;) .

I'm sorry I think I had the turn tables at the wro (none / 0) (#4509)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:53:26 AM PST
eh Mr Gibbons, your children are also unfortunately on drugs! You thought you were a model parent - "You could say I'm a model parent." - Well we could probably replace this word with ignorant or na�ve as you've proven both in your spiel above.


spankin' (none / 0) (#4512)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 03:41:29 AM PST
oh yes, i love it how 'spanking' is linked to a fetish site!!! very suiting
(what a moron)

Idiot! (none / 0) (#4513)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 03:50:00 AM PST
You must have banged your head when you were little... very VERY hard!

man.... (none / 0) (#4514)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 03:52:23 AM PST
Im sure this is old, but I felt the need to express my views as well.

First of all, let me just say you have so many holes in your "arguements" it is actually just a joke.
First of all.
That is the most sexist section of writing I have read in a long time.

ISP's: AOL is shit. Everyone knows that. Maybe your son as half a brain and would like to access the internet without being flooded with ad's and what not. Sorry to tell you, but that doesn't make them a hacker. It in fact makes them smarter than a lot of people, ie you.

Other programs: Man, Bonzai Buddy isn't hacking software you moron. Its an application used by thousands around the world to help with a few tasks as they see fit. Comet Cursors changes the appearance of your cursor. WOAH DUDE HOLD BACK THE HACKING.... And flash? AHAHA ROFL ROFL. Just so you know rofl = rolling on (the) floor laughing. Ie, you idiot. Flash is used to design webpages and such things. check out that is flash. Flash isn't a hacking tool you moron.
Some of the programs install stuff called "spyware" which Im sure you would call "hacking" but its not at your "sons" end. its done by the corporations you download off. You can install programs that get rid of this stuff, but according to you, you wouldn't know what it was, therefore it is hacking stuff. ha...

New hardware: Its called "moving with the times" A hacker doesn't require a "faster video card" you dickhead. A hacker requires numerous scripting programs etc etc. We're talking "software" not "hardware." Maybe your son wants more memory so he can stream porn at a faster rate? I think so.

Hacking manuals: Well, maybe I'd worry if my child had a manual called "20 steps to be a l337 hacker" in big red writing on the front. If not, then I wouldn't worry. Perl for example is not hacking you dumb shit. its also part of webpage, programming language. Once again, uhhh wrong answer. Ask the audience, they're obviously much more informed than you.

Computer usage: Ok, this is possibly one of the funniest things I've ever heard.
"If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites."
You, my friend have been certified an idiot.
Thats like saying "if you're on the toilet for longer than 10 minutes, you're setting up a bomb"
Good job my friend, I applaud your moronic talk. Maybe your son likes computers? I spend a few hours a day on it, and Im 16. Why? Yes, I DOS everyone I can think of. AHhahaha no. I actually run my own business in webpage and graphic design. That requires I be on the computer. So saying that if you're on there for a certain amount of time, you're a hacker is so dumb its not even comprehendable.

Quake: Man, another sign that you are going senile in your own age. Quake is actually a fun game. I don't play it much myself, I play Counter Strike more. What have I found from it? It develops reflexes and hand/eye co-ordination, as well as typing skills. Not "hacking hangout." If you've ever played the game, Im sure you'd understand. Sadly, no.

Arguementitive behaviour: Yeah, sorry to break it to you, but this is called "puberty." Everyone develops these tendencies. Didn't your mother ever tell you about the birds and the bees? Is there "hair down there"? Don't worry, you're time will come. Or don't you remember being a teenager? Back in the 40's (the 1840's....)

"Lunix": Hmmm can't say I've ever heard of it before. I have however heard of Linux, possibly one of the greater OS' (thats operating systems for those idiots out there) ever invited. Why? Its free, its the most stable thing ever invented, and pretty much every SINGLE company that requires a server uses it. Its not hacking, its like customising Windows, on a higher level. Its mostly developed to STOP hacking, not promote it.

Appearance: I have to have another laugh... Man... Hackers are mostly timid people. They don't dress in brightly coloured clothes, they don't wear pacifiers round their neck. They are the "outcasts" of the school and such like. I think YOU'VE been watching too many "hacking" movies to get these warped ideas. A person who dresses how you've described is actually a "raver". Another wrong point. Thats 9/9
Good job

And finally, academic achievement: Man... Maybe if they're failing, they're idiots? Everyone is so quick to blame the computer. Try looking at other places... The school environment for example. Embrace the fact that maybe your son isn't as smart as you want him to be. You'll get over it.

And in closing.
You are a moron, plain and simple. You have no idea what technology is about. Im sure being a "hardcore techno man" for you is not burning the toast. It's a new generation, one's thats being more and more influenced by computers. Its not something to worry about, its something that was always going to happen. If you want to talk about the "good old days" don't bitch to your children, they don't give a toss. You've come up with the most ridiculous arguements as to why your son might be a hacker.
Before you open your mouth EVER again, do some research.

And man SPANKING?? This isn't the 50's. Spanking is a fetish. I bet you like a little bit of the feet hey... yeah... you do, don't you?

hawhawhaw (none / 0) (#4515)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 03:57:02 AM PST
i like this article. very funny.

shame about the sexist bias though, but it does add to the overall humour.

flash? comet cursors? bonzi buddy?

this dude should do stand up comedy. If however, this was serious, this T Reginald Gibbons needs to loose the stick up his arse.

Ignorance is the biggest danger (none / 0) (#4519)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:39:57 AM PST
This is without a doubt one of the most biased and understudied articles I've read EVER!
First of all: AOL is considered to be a very unreliable ISP by everyone in the world and is definitely NOT secure in any way.
Second: "Hacking" is a term used by computer programmers for deep-system programming. It's the media that have turned the term into something having to do with breaking into secure networks. Please don't freak out when someone mentions this word.
Finally, and this is the worst of all misconceptions described in this article: Linux (not Lunix), BSD, Mandrake, Debian (and quite a few others) are IN NO WAY illegal hacker operating systems. They are merely an alternative OS for people that want to determine for themselves what their computer does. It is just as legal as Microsoft's Windows (even more so, because none of them have been mentioned in relation to privacy infringements and monopoly lawsuits) And Linux was written by a brilliant Swedish programmer who decided to release his OS to the world for free so it could be improved by everyone who uses it. He was NOT an evil Soviet hacker. For someone who claims to have gained quite a bit of knowledge about hackers in general, you sure sound like a biased and ignorant persons. Check your facts before you write something like this.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm (none / 0) (#4520)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:14:13 AM PST
This article must be a joke? Right?

What? (none / 0) (#4521)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:26:32 AM PST
I hope this is a joke, cause it has no relevance what so ever to computers. If this was intended to be a 'real' article you should check your head with a hammer.

Patrik 'putte' Jonsson

oh dear lord (none / 0) (#4522)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:33:38 AM PST
absolute MORONS

You are a pompous, conceited, paranoid freak (none / 0) (#4523)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:45:26 AM PST
I'm sure you are nearly perfect, but I have a few corrections to offer you in reference to your article. Here are my ten comments:

1) Go back to English 101 and learn how to research and site information for a paper. You can't just make information up and pretend to be an expert.

2) You are not an expert...(In case you were wondering)

3) You have no idea what a "hacker" is.

4) There are MANY useful software applications other than Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop out there..and NO, Linux is not a child of the AntiChrist, it is a powerful tool that thousands of companies use every day for very constructive purposes.

5) Buy an up-to-date calendar, sit down so you don't faint when you open it, take a look at the year on the first page...surprise!! It's not 1952 anymore!!!

6) Your comments about AMD are bogus and unfounded. Without the competition from AMD, you probably wouldn't have been able to afford your precious Compaq.

7) Here's a newsflash for you....most computer components in your Compaq were made overseas, although your misplaced patriotism is admirable. Once again, you demonstrate your complete lack of knowledge in this area.

8) Being in the IT industry, (Information Technology, if you were wondering...), I brush shoulders with people that you would probably consider to be "hackers". I have yet to see any of them wear baggy pants, spiked hair, carry glow-sticks, or wear a pacifier around their neck. I think you were probably on an LSD trip when you wrote that one.

9) You need to get a life.

10) You need to stop smoking crack.

Whatever..... (none / 0) (#4524)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:53:41 AM PST
I'm sure you are nearly perfect, but I have a few corrections to offer you in reference to your article. Here are my ten comments:

1) Go back to English 101 and learn how to research and site information for a paper. You can't just make information up and pretend to be an expert.

2) You are not an expert...(In case you were wondering)

3) You have no idea what a "hacker" is.

4) There are MANY useful software applications other than Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop out there..and NO, Linux is not a child of the AntiChrist, it is a powerful tool that thousands of companies use every day for very constructive purposes.

5) Buy an up-to-date calendar, sit down so you don't faint when you open it, take a look at the year on the first page...surprise!! It's not 1952 anymore!!!

6) Your comments about AMD are bogus and unfounded. Without the competition from AMD, you probably wouldn't have been able to afford your precious Compaq.

7) Here's a newsflash for you....most computer components in your Compaq were made overseas, although your misplaced patriotism is admirable. Once again, you demonstrate your complete lack of knowledge in this area.

8) Being in the IT industry, (Information Technology, if you were wondering...), I brush shoulders with people that you would probably consider to be "hackers". I have yet to see any of them wear baggy pants, spiked hair, carry glow-sticks, or wear a pacifier around their neck. I think you were probably on an LSD trip when you wrote that one.

9) You need to get a life.

10) You need to stop smoking crack.

Please tell me this is a joke? (none / 0) (#4526)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 07:30:10 AM PST
Please tell me this article is a joke.

If it's serious, not only am i going to report you to the companies you have offended with slanderous lies, but i would seriously consider an a$$ w00p'n session on the writer! :)

FYI, i'm a 19 Year old gamer, from Australia, and anyone who thinks this a word of this shit is serious should wake up, smell the coffee and get their head examined as soon as possible!

BLEH (none / 0) (#4528)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 07:32:40 AM PST
Really, you have nooooo idea at all. Not a clue. I suggest you brush up on your knowledge before you start lecturing others on the dangers of the 'nutorious' telnet (a WINDOWS, yes MICROSOFT) application. Linux doesn't destroy your hard disk, fool. I don't even know where to start with whats wrong with the rest of this article.

Some comments (none / 0) (#4530)
by KnowledgeIsBest on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 07:45:04 AM PST
I'm a professional programmer, I have been for more than 15 years. I've grown up with computers and use them every day.
I have to reply to this post and hope it does some good in some small way.
First off the parent did one right thing and that is buying an actually computer for the children to use. The number of times I have seen a parent buying a video games console, calling it a "computer" and thinking their children are learning... Well lets put it this way, I have lost count. :)

There is not an easy way to say this so I will come straight to the point, which is not meant to sound brutal or troll like. It may sound blunt and this is good, it may make you sit up and listen.

The research the parent did about hacking is completely and utterly wrong in every aspect. The ten points listed in the above "article" are not correct.
There isn't enough space here to debunk everything that is written however I will go through a couple of points.

AOL do not (even though they advertise otherwise) provide a decent method for children to be protected from the internet. AOL is not in my humble opinion parent friendly and I would not use this provider as a failsafe for my kids.

Flash is not a hacking tool... *sigh* It is a program designed to display more interactive animations. Your son probably went to and that website asks to install flash.

AMD make very good computer chips and are not illegal imitations of Intel chip designs. I would recommend using these chips as I have a machine based around this design. I also have an Intel machine and I know from running benchmarks that the AMD chip is a bit quicker.

I fail to see why the parent would want to stop their teenage son reading these types of books as they certainly help fire the imagination...

Point 5 is totally incorrect, where did the parent get such a silly idea? :) I knew a manager like this once who heard a technical phrase (like DOS) and tried to use it wrongly in general conversation.

Point 7 is normal teenage development for a child...

Point 8. Linux et al, are very powerful operating systems to use and are in point of fact very legitimate systems to use while programming in a professional environment. They are not illegal. I would really like to know where the parent got this information as it is very wrong indeed.

Point 9. No. Lets say that again. No no no. How do people get these kinds of ideas? I certainly don't dress in any brightly coloured clothing and wear my hair with bright colours...

Point 10. I use a computer for 8 hours a day (sometimes a lot more), 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Everyone in the office also does the same and we don't suffer. Yes we may get some eye strain or sore hands sometimes but this is just the same as getting a sore back from stacking shelves in your local market.

The parent in this post can contact me directly and I will personally go in to their false observations and conclusion with them. They are free to ask the system admin of this site for my personal email address that I used to register with.

The above post made by the parent should be held up as the wrong way to be a parent.
All your child was trying to do was learn and without much thought it seems you have stopped him from potentially learning a trade.

My parents were the same. They used to nag me to "get off that damned computer" as they thought I would "never make a living playing with computers". They were wrong then and you are wrong now, all in my humble opinion.

to the idiot that posted this (none / 0) (#4531)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:06:48 AM PST
ROFL you gotta be joking right? if not then by all means give your kids to adoption, they will be much better off with another REAL parent

buhahah (none / 0) (#4532)
by bopm on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:45:27 AM PST
Be an idiot is very simple thing. But why you are not start thinkin that you a terrorist, just cause you want to buy new car, or cause you like look action films.
ps. 10x btw, me laugthin on that post more and more...

FOOOOOOOOOOL (none / 0) (#4536)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:49:56 AM PST
let's take a look at your ten points and see how wrong you are:

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
asking to change ISP maybe because the one you areusing is not very good and expensive, your child may be trying to save YOU money
P.S. AOL sucks

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
flash?? are you on this planet??

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
a good hacker can hack on a 486 sx25, it's not hard
where do you live? i wanna give you a slap in the mouth for bad mouthing AMD, plus i wanna tell them where you live for giving them a bad name

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
hacking manuals?? hackers learn skills from each other duh

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
i spend most of my nights on my computer and there's nothing wrong with me *twitches*

6. Does your son use Quake?
hmmmm quake??? and this article was posted when?? 1996?? at least your child is'nt out on the streets with a real gun, blowing up real ogres

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
maybe it's because your child is a teenager and you've opressed them plus you have to remember a little thing called puberty

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
what the hell is Lunix?? it's linux dumbass it's a free operating system, saves paying out to the evil software companys

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
hmmm you have a kid now so i'm guessing you were about in the 70's, remember the 70's you hippy

10. Is your son struggling academically?
maybe your child is just thick, ever thought of that??

Best comedy on the web candidate. (none / 0) (#4537)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:06:15 AM PST
Bwahhahahahahhhaaahhaaaahaaaaahaaahaaa,Bwahhahahahahhhaaahhaaaahaaaaahaaahaaa,Bwahhahahahahhhaaahhaaaahaaaaahaaahaaa,Bwahhahahahahhhaaahhaaaahaaaaahaaahaaa. Male hackers with women groupies, I love it!!! (Maybe the other way 'round might make sense)

Thank you, I needed a good laugh!!!

i don't know who's worse? (none / 0) (#4538)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:22:11 AM PST
i'm not sure who's worse you people out there replying to this shit or the person who originally wrote it.
There is a handfull of truth in this whole damn page and it is wrote by the dumbest of you.
GET A LIFE !!!!!! my god there are those of us out here that know what a computer is and we are busting a gut over what you guys are saying.
if you think you're soooo good (chances are you're the one we are laughing at.)

Hackers aren't criminals.
We're just curiouse.

AMD = Ex part of Intel (none / 0) (#4539)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:23:34 AM PST
hey dickwad, AMD used to be a part of Intel before they relised how shit intel acctully are

WHAT !?!?!?!?!? (none / 0) (#4540)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:45:26 AM PST
I hope this is some kind of a joke !!
If you aren�t you are what they call both overprotective and and idiot... none of those things you mentioned have anything to do with hacking ! Nothing so i hope you are some funny guys just messing around

best wishes
Iwo Jima

What a good article...... (none / 0) (#4541)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:00:22 AM PST
I think this was a pretty good article,
that is if your purpose of writing this was comedy, because it was damn funny :)
If you actually are a father (a funny dumb one at that) then you have made a fool of yourself to the masses.
But you must mean this as comdedy because i don't think anyone could be so dim and write such a large article without any knowledge (whatsoever!) on the topic
thanks for making me laugh

from lolik4 (none / 0) (#4622)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:33:43 PM PST
me too i know u knew what u were writting about, you just like Andy Koffman, know how to play with masses and make them beleive your a dumb father. but you are not. u knew how to make people who know stuff, lough. thanks man, really good work.
your a good writter and comic too. thats not a sarcasm, its a good compliment, man.

3672! ;-) (none / 0) (#4543)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:25:08 AM PST
yay! ;)

is your kid a hacker (none / 0) (#4544)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:37:44 AM PST
what a joke !!! very funny how the writer mixes haxors wif ravers!! funny stuff

You made the entire race stupider by posting (none / 0) (#4545)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:40:48 AM PST
The sad state of affairs here is that Mr Gibbons really believes he is alerting parents to dangerous hacker information. If he wasnt so technophobic he would be able to realize that the bonzai buddy program, flash, quake, and a new video card have nothing to do with hacking other than the fact that they both involve a video card. The author and the poster of this articel should both be given severe counceling for their hacker PARANOIA. A trained squirrel would know that almost all of the "signs" shown in this article are absolutely worthless. Without knowledge of where it came from i would tell you to disregaerd it as the ramblings of some idiot who, unfortunatly for the rest of the human race, somehow managed to write this trash on his word processor. From what ive read i imagine he had help with that.

You ARE a DUMBFUCK! (none / 0) (#4546)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:45:18 AM PST
Don't mind the long paragraph, this thing is fucked.
    T Reginald Gibbons, you are the stupidist person I have ever heard. I am a 13 year old, and I know by far that your entire article is nothing but bull shit. Flash has nothing to do with hackers, no relation at all. Like said above: it's a program to make animations and possibly a website. The makers of it also make a program called Dreamweaver, which enables you to make websites. A program almost exactly like it is made by Microsoft. That program is called FrontPage.
Quake is a game, and I admit that it is violent, or it would not be rated for "mature". There's also another game called "Unreal" almost, but not quite exactly the same. Do hackers meet there too? NO, they dont; nor do they meet at Quake.
    Peter, your son wanted a better graphics card, because your dumbfuck self bought a compaq, which is a piece of crap. If you had bought a computer that wasn't then he wouldn't want a new gfz card. He just would like to get the best out of Quake.
Peter probably downloaded Comet Cursor and tried to edit it, so that stupid button wouldnt be on the webpage. Your daughter probably walked up on him and asked him what he was doing. He was trying to "hack" it and probably would like the title of "Hacker". So of course he told his sister that he was hacking it. That would be when she told you.
    Appearance has nothing to do with hackers: if you have talked to some or met them, then you would know that they don't dress like you said.
There's just so many things that are false in your article, that even a <u>13 Year Old</u> could find. I'm not going to list all of the problems with it, because I dont have the time.
    ...If you only knew what you were talking about, it would be a better place.

I seriously hope this is a joke (none / 0) (#4549)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 12:12:08 PM PST
A lot of the information is simply not true. #1, AOL has to be the most annoying ISP there is. I used to have it, and was not happy with it. Filters are a pain, as they tend to block out good with bad, and they don't always work, either. Once recieved porn in my email there.

#2. Comet Cursor is a nifty thing to change your mouse icon and browser "skin", which can easily be accomplished by going into the mouse properties under Control Panel, and using a program for the skins (I forget what that was/is called. Bonzi Buddy is just a game, although somewhat annoying itself. Flash is required nowadays to run many interactive web pages, and is found on virtually all computers with internet connection. This has not ever been a hacker program.

#3. Most games and programs require new hardware, such as a better video or sound card. Neither is required for hacking, except the video card, and any will do for that, even the built in ones on older model computers. As to buying upgrades from the original PC manufacturer, that doesn't alwaus work. The PC I currently own I had to mix and match because I couldn't get the proper components from the original company. As for AMD, they are sold in stores. The only reason Intel is found everywhere is because of a wholesale/retailer contract. In fact, I have done some research, and AMD can be better and cheaper than Intel. You don't always need another motherboard, and in any case, if you were to upgrade, you may need another motherboard because it may not be compatible. For example, a motherboard designed for an Intel Celeron 133 Mhz will not work with an Intel Celeron 500 Mhz because of limited bus speed and all that. In fact, if I am not mistaken, Microsoft Windows XP is designed to work with AMD (more so than usual). I own an AMD processor, and am quite happy I no longer use Intel.

#4. I'm not too sure about the other titles, but Programming with Perl is not hacker material. CGI, the programming that allows me to post this, is PERL programming. Because of permissions on the server hosting the files and the computer, hacking with PERL is rather difficult, if not impossible.

#5. Amount of time spent on the net is not critical concerning hackers or would-be hackers. In fact, doing a lot of things can take up hours. For example, creating a web page, reading your mail (if you get a lot daily), newsgroups, message boards, finding educational material, etc. I spend at least half the day on the computer, and I still don't know a thing about hacking. DOS (or MS-DOS) is not always used for hacking. I use it to ping a site to see if it exists or to check my internet connection when not getting anywhere. I also use it to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) webpages to my site.

#7. (I am not knowlegdable in #6, as I have never played Quake) Attitude and behavior is not related to hacking. Your happy-go-lucky coworker could be a hacker. Your friendly next door neighbor could be a hacker. This change in attitude could be related to other problems.

#8. Before I rant about this, Lunix is another Linux program, for those arguing this. Anyway, if Linux/Lunix is really illegal, why do they sell it worldwide? This Operating System can be found in many computer stores, online and offline. If Windows were deleted, restoring it is as simple as putting the Windows CD that came with the computer into the CD-Rom drive. Removing Linux will not damage the hard drive in any way, unless you take a magnet to it or drop the hard drive. Formatting does no physical damage to the computer. All it does is erase all data on the hard drive. Also, unless said stereo is hooked up to the internet, and I have never heard of such a stereo that could, it is impossible to steal the stereo's music. In any case, stereos do NOT store music. Music is stored and played through a tape or CD-ROM (or 8 track/record). Various stations also broadcast music to the stereo, but it is not stored unless recorded onto a CD/tape.

#9. Dress attire is not hacker-related. It is more into social classes and styles. For example, we went from bell bottoms and tank tops to ragged pants and t-shirts to whatever the style is today. It all depends on the subject in question's friends and their styles.

#10. Academic failure is not a hacker symptom. In fact, most computer related stuff like programming and hacking requires high mathematical skills, as well as problem solving abilities. These are the bases of all high-technology jobs. A child's poor academic skills are most likely tied to a different source. For example, I used to be one of the best in my class, and then starting going downhill. I started homeschooling (and most of my studies took quite a few hours on the net), and just last week I got my GED with high honors.

Hacking isn't always illegal. There are people who hack legally. IBM hires hackers to check the security of their servers. I also hear that can pay quite well. The only time hacking becomes illegal is when it is done without the consent of the owner of the victim system. Girls have as much possibilities to be hackers as boys. We now live in a society where women are proving to be equal to men. In fact, since the bra burnings, jobs with women working have increased significantly, including in the technical field.

Amazing (none / 0) (#4550)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 12:15:40 PM PST
I wasn't aware this kind of ignorance actually exsisted. I hope this a poor attempt at comedy, but with the actual knowledge about technology possesed by some people, who knows. This is fairly sad, I pitty these children if this is real, and the parents as well.

Jackass... (none / 0) (#4552)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 12:28:13 PM PST

Day-glo clothes!!!

Iz you on crack?

Quake, an international traing ground???

I hope your son fucked some shit up real good...

rotflmfao (none / 0) (#4554)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 12:39:57 PM PST
oh wow. i guess i'm a hacker then. i have an amd computer, which i built myself, with an advanced video card. i also want linux, but don't have it yet. i spend more than the "safe" half hour on the computer, and i play online rpg's! at home i use a free isp, which has an annonymous log on so i don't have to pay for aol! oh my....go hide under a rock!

oh, wait, i can't possibly be a hacker. i'm sorry....i'm only a girl. i guess i shouldn't be majoring in engineering then....there's no way my dull little head could ever understand all the math involved.

but i guess my boyfriend is a hacker then....he has windows and linux, on an amd, with a better video card than i have, he spends much more time on his computer. he also owns a total of 3 computers and wants a laptop. oh no! he also uses free isp's, and plays online rpg's. too bad he had to get linux for one of his classes.....he's a computer science/physics double major.

you are all morons!!!!!! every single person who agreed with this post! what is wrong with you? wake UP! computers are not the devil, they are a great invention.

oh, and about all the glow sticks and beads and pacifiers? those are for etards. people who take e and rave. those people are nutty.

Pffft!!!! (none / 0) (#4555)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 12:49:45 PM PST
Totally unfounded observations of a hackers lifestyle and activities! Re-Think and Re-Research your findings. Most of them are simply absurd and ridiculous, almost to the point that they are hilarious... "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy", and FLASH being hacking tools??? < LMFAO... AMD a company based in a third-world country??? hmmm haven't they been based in Sunnyvale, CA for many, many years??? "Quake" an online virtual reality used by hackers... hahahhahahah It's a GAME!!! no more, no less... I wonder if Carmack has seen this article Linux = "versions of an illegal hacker operation system" = dumb, dumb, dumb... It seems as though the author of this post simply did his research based on hear-say, and simple rumors... nothing in this article is based on actual knowledge of anything it was pertaining to... P.S. AOL just plain old sucks!

Iq of 20 (none / 0) (#4557)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 01:35:38 PM PST
I really can't beleive that this post would be real - i mean come on...

If the author of the "is your son a computer hacker" is serious - then he should definitly kill himself or give his child up for abortion - being so selfish and ignorant about "hacking", all the while suggesting anything.

If you're out there - die, it will be for the best.

Muaahahaha!!! (none / 0) (#4558)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 01:40:32 PM PST
So you are one of the PPL
who say Quake makes children kill others!!

i was shocked when i read this!!

LOL ROFL of course it showed me how to use weapons!
Now i am running around with my Plasma Blaster,
RailGun, RocketLaucher and not to mention my BFG 10k !!! :D Muahahahah!!!

And i always have my Personel Te�ePorter ready if i get into Probs with other ppl :D !!! LMAO !!

oh yes i didnt even know that i can kill ppl with a weapon LOL!!

And FLASH is the most dangerouis hacking tool ever!!
If you own this prog , dont be suprised if yome ppl dressed in black will take you away :D

and anyone who has a AMD chip is public enemy Nr.1
and an even worser terrorist then UBL FOC again ! :D

And i first saw the WWW i was so (dont know the word)
that i started to dress my self and look like a bird or something _:D

listen the only reason why youre son/daughter
starts to war the described clothes is thta its FASHION!!
or if he/she really wears those bright stuff then your child is propably on drugs or something :D !!

Well i for my part prefer dark cliothes!
Just imagine taging around at night and wearing those Orange fisherman jackets (or how they ae called)
so the cops just dont need to search you :D

I�ve never laughed that much...
Well the text is quite ok...nothing to say.
but you 10. hints LOL!!!! you dumbass...buthole...
BONGHOLE !!! lol !!

well did i forgot something......

oh DAMMIT!!! THE CIA is ringing my doorBell!!
I HAVE mORE RAM then normal users they propably think i am a HACKER !!! ROFL!!!

Nice Greetz 2 all!!


Online gamer since 1991
and Games reporter for

Muahahaha!! (none / 0) (#4559)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 01:44:22 PM PST
So you are one of the PPL
who say Quake makes children kill others!!

i was shocked when i read this!!

LOL ROFL of course it showed me how to use weapons!
Now i am running around with my Plasma Blaster,
RailGun, RocketLaucher and not to mention my BFG 10k !!! :D Muahahahah!!!

And i always have my Personel Te�ePorter ready if i get into Probs with other ppl :D !!! LMAO !!

oh yes i didnt even know that i can kill ppl with a weapon LOL!!

And FLASH is the most dangerouis hacking tool ever!!
If you own this prog , dont be suprised if yome ppl dressed in black will take you away :D

and anyone who has a AMD chip is public enemy Nr.1
and an even worser terrorist then UBL FOC again ! :D

And i first saw the WWW i was so (dont know the word)
that i started to dress my self and look like a bird or something _:D

listen the only reason why youre son/daughter
starts to war the described clothes is thta its FASHION!!
or if he/she really wears those bright stuff then your child is propably on drugs or something :D !!

Well i for my part prefer dark cliothes!
Just imagine taging around at night and wearing those Orange fisherman jackets (or how they ae called)
so the cops just dont need to search you :D

I�ve never laughed that much...
Well the text is quite ok...nothing to say.
but you 10. hints LOL!!!! you dumbass...buthole...
BONGHOLE !!! lol !!

well did i forgot something......

oh DAMMIT!!! THE CIA is ringing my doorBell!!
I HAVE mORE RAM then normal users they propably think i am a HACKER !!! ROFL!!!

Nice Greetz 2 all!!


Online gamer since 1991
and Games reporter for

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