I don't think that alcohol is a bad thing at all. Last night several of my friends decided they were going to get "sloshed". I'm sure its a great time, you know, everything is funnier, you are more relaxed, and you could wind up with some male/female (it really doesn't matter to some after a point...) that you have never met and won't remember the name of in the morning. The thing is I don't like getting drunk, it't not all that fun to me. After living in Milwaukee for a while drinking parties lose their appeal, so, i knew the drinking would get
Holy-jesus-fucking-shit out of hand.
It started around 8:00 pm last night. At about this time I had reached the plateu phase of boredom in my room and decided to get a net game of IceWind Dale going. (Ahh good ole friday nights.. There was a pool tourney, but they called me and said it was canceled.. i was sad.) There was all sorts of boozin going on, I stopped in their room a couple times to see the progression. You know, all sorts of beer and a giant plastic bottle of
"some unnamed substance" layin around. Notice the plastic top too..
As the night progressed nothing changed on my end. I didn't feel like being in that room, and as much fun as it is to gain your cleric/ranger another level.. I would have rather done something more constructive. In the party, more have shown up and the drinking is much worse.
It now has come to be 3:30, friend Mr.A in the bathroom says "Shinkansen, hows ith going? I'ms really
Drunk and should stop.. Why do i have a beer in my hand!!!???" I leave.
At about 5:30 in the morning, well after I have gone to bed, my room mate goes out side to shut people up from the party. It turns out that one of the kids, Mr.J, down the hall got a little "tipsy." This morning a sober kid at the party describes it as "Projectile vomiting that defies the laws of physics." This kid does know some physics...
Why would it be fun to drink yourself to that position? I know alot of people who
plan on vomiting certian nights. What the hell is so good about loosing all of your precious precious innards?!?! Also, isn't it painful if you are wretching that much?
If this vomit really defies the laws of physics.. could it be harnessed in more useful ways? I mean having on floors and walls really doesn't help society that much. Think of the possibilities!
Needless to say, this kid is in some pretty bad shape. I feel kinda bad. Also, I am considering switching to some sort of theif or an invoker. Any suggestions?