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 XP: almost complete

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 26, 2002
This is a riot!

Complete your installation of WindowsXP with this terrific wallpaper

You have too see it to believe it.

It's all from DIGIT@L INK


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I just don't... (none / 0) (#1)
by Yoshi on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 01:18:53 AM PST
I just don't see the humor in patronizing Bill Gates. Surely you, and the artist of this wallpaper, have something better to do? This just proves the devotion that the Linix zealots have for destroying everything that represents a free market, Capitalist system in America - by mocking the richest person in the world. He worked hard to get where he is today, and you liberals are trying as hard as you can to demonize him with your anti-Capitalism rants. Let me tell you right now, "koochee girl," I have neither the time nor the devotion to listen to your tirade against the American way of life. It's this kind of junk that reassures the terrorists into their own self-proclaimed victory. Please, keep your radical political statements to yourself.

oh well (5.00 / 1) (#2)
by koochee girl on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 01:27:21 AM PST
Please, keep your radical political statements to yourself.

And here I thought this was the most controversial site on the Internet. Afterall, radical statements and beliefs, whether political or otherwise, are the very foundations of controversy. However, don't let your head get too big. Ignorance and stupidity are not controversial.

Firewall Scoreboard

that's your fallacy (none / 0) (#3)
by Yoshi on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 02:07:55 AM PST
And here I thought this was the most controversial site on the Internet.

Of course it is. But that doesn't mean that the editors of must choose to tolerate your blatant selfish showing of your Communist heritige. If you've got a bone to pick with the Capitalist way of life, please, by all means debate it. However, you choose to go a step further, and try to disseminate your disdain for our system through other means. You know what they call people like you? Terrorists. I, for one, would not tolerate this kind of behavior, even on the most controversial site on the Internet.

Unfortunately its the price we pay. (none / 0) (#6)
by dmg on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 05:20:12 PM PST
The price we pay for being the most controversial site on the Internet is the occasional abuse of our site. From DOS attacks, to villification from minor thrash-metal bands, we have weathered every storm.

A bit of vanilla left-wing extremism is unlikely to throw us off our course.

And now, back to the controversy...

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

HAHA! (none / 0) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 05:42:48 PM PST
Well I have never used linux, MacOSX or any other operating system. I have used Microsoft products since the debut of MSDOS on the IBM PC-XT.

However, I think this wallpaper is funny. It goes great with the FisherPrice "My First PC" style GUI found in WinXP.

Lighten up Yoshi and dmg. It's called humor. And by the way. This site is not controversial. I do agree with koochee girl on on point in her response. Writing about modem v-chips and IP tokens isn't controversial. It's just stupid and shows nothing but ignorance.

If someone corrects a statement you had made, follow it up and do the research. Then admit you were wrong and move on. Making things up shows a lack of intelligence. You make the claims that you are civilized intellectuals. Resulting to pathetic squabbling does not showcase this persona you wish to display very well. "Well they did this and they did that", SO WHAT!?! Be the bigger man/woman. Frankly you seem more like teenage whiners than they do.

This site was interesting when it seemed that you wrote more about what you know and actually bothered to do a small amount of research.

boring.. (none / 0) (#8)
by Yoshi on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 06:40:42 PM PST
I have used Microsoft products since the debut of MSDOS on the IBM PC-XT.
However, I think this wallpaper is funny. It goes great with the FisherPrice "My First PC" style GUI found in WinXP.

What are you, Jihad Johnny Walker? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Lighten up Yoshi and dmg. It's called humor.

I know what humor is. Insulting the very symbol of American capitalism at a time like this is not humor. Quite frankly, it's a disgusting showing of Anti-Americanism, and I'm thoroughly offended by it, as well as any Patriotic American should be.

Resulting to pathetic squabbling does not showcase this persona you wish to display very well. "Well they did this and they did that", SO WHAT!?! Be the bigger man/woman.

So let me get this straight. Someone posts a defamatory, slanderous insult on our Capitalist infrastructure on the most controversial site on the Internet and your idea of "maturity" is ignoring it? I know you terrorists would want us Americans to just sit back while you blow up our buildings, and then target our society afterwards. I, for one, won't stand for it.

oh please (none / 0) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 07:06:28 PM PST
Yoshi, put a sock in it. You ramble on too much. You remind me of the little kid screaming "yeah well you're a doody head!"

Give it up. Your ignorant ramblings are annoying.

Joseph Kilmwell
Soon to have Microsoft's NEWEST certification, MCSA

Oh please.. (none / 0) (#10)
by gcsb on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 09:26:24 PM PST
You really do like Microsoft don't you?

As a GNU/Linux user I don't need to spend $100,000 to get a bunch of letters after my name so I can use an operating system.

I suggest you might like to take a look at Open Source Software, it's Free (as in beer).

Good Luck,

Sig is under not panic.

uhhhhhh........ (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 10:10:02 PM PST
As a GNU/Linux user I don't need to spend $100,000 to get a bunch of letters after my name so I can use an operating system.

I thought you wouldn't use FreeBSD because of daemons (not it's not a typo). You do know that linux uses daemons too, don't you?

You're quite right. (1.00 / 1) (#13)
by because it isnt on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 06:36:20 AM PST
Insulting the very symbol of American capitalism at a time like this is not humor.

Absolutely. Humour is training up a bunch of terrorists only to have them knock down your buildings. Possibly the ultimate ironic act, if it weren't for the immediate clampdown on freedom in the "Land of the free".

I, for one, am laughing. -- because it isn't

Controversiality? (none / 0) (#18)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 04:13:36 AM PST
You mean you thought THIS was a controversial site? You know there's nothing controversial being a loser. Actually I'd say most of the people posting topics or responding are really very stupid or lame in the brain.

There's nothing good in fud of any kind. You know that things such as racism, violence and even war are the straightest form of people like these acting on what THEY believe is right, which is totally off.

These people are really SICK, they'd need to find a shrink or something to get their ideals fixed. Controversial, my arse is controversial when compared to these neo-nazi right wing fanatics.

If you really want to find controversiality, join Greenpeace.

- Voice of Ambience -

Lovely (none / 0) (#4)
by MOPyvis on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 04:56:50 AM PST
A rather unconventional visualization of "the Hobbit", very different from the classic interpretation as seen in LOTR - the movie. Especially the "halfling" looks quite cute. I like it!

Keanu Reeves (none / 0) (#5)
by MessiahWWKD on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 12:57:49 PM PST
Isn't it funny how Open Source advocates can never create anything original, not even wallpaper? Anybody can doctor images and make clones of great software.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

oh yes (none / 0) (#12)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 02:43:22 AM PST
Yes, it's nothing like the Windows users. How many times did I see the same MSN butterfly wallpaper on 5 different sites by 6 different people? A little touch of paint here and there now stick your copyright, web page address, or what not in the corner.

I wonder if I should compile a list of all the Windows themese where someone has changed half a dozen items to create a theme which reads "Fred's OS" instead of MS Windows. Or what about all the little DOS programs. I found an image file to create a PC boot disk. I found it at a website dedicated to Windows and Microsoft. In fact I found two. The only difference between them was a simple change to the created by line of one of batch files.

Sorry didn't mean to blow your argument to pieces.

Joseph Kilmwell

Emanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy (none / 0) (#14)
by MessiahWWKD on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 11:01:13 PM PST
Where in my post did I state that all Windows users were original? I am aware that there are many amateurs creating unoriginal themes in the Windows community. The difference is that there is also original work done in the Windows community, as opposed to the Open Source Generation. I understand why you would have to distort my words though. Virgins often attempt to manipulate the truth.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

need to do your research (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 11:31:56 PM PST
The difference is that there is also original work done in the Windows community, as opposed to the Open Source Generation. I understand why you would have to distort my words though. Virgins often attempt to manipulate the truth.

What do you mean open source "generation"? Open source has been around since the early days of computing. Open source developement of the Internet was funded by the US government for years. They have once again began funding open source/open standards devleopment. You won't see it though. It's part of a non-consumer based Internet almost completely separate from the Internet you use right now. It's called Internet2

I also suggest that you read The Origins and Future of Open Source Software by Nathan Newman. You can read the white paper by accessing the link or you can read the extended complete version when it is published by Penn State Press this fall.

I also suggest you check out the continually updated Hobbes' Internet Timeline.

I find it humorous that you consider open source software so new to be considered virgin territory. So what does that make commercial software like Windows? A fetus?

RTFM! (none / 0) (#16)
by MessiahWWKD on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 11:43:42 PM PST
I wasn't implying that Open Source is new, I was implying that you were a virgin.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

I don't see... (none / 0) (#17)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 12:24:54 AM PST that's possible. I'm married and I have 2 girls 4 and 6. My wife's pregnant. I'm hoping for a boy.


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