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 We're back!

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Aug 21, 2001
After a short sabbatical, adequacy is back.

More stories about Censorship
The cultural and economic benefits of smoking
Open Letter to Channel 4: Brass Eye Was Unacceptable
In Praise of Censorware
Review: The Spitfire Tour at EWU Nov. 20
We Licke Icke
Remember. Do not eat today.
No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.
A Brief Explanation of the Adequacy Comment Ratings System

More stories by

America the Beautiful
Abortion or Treason? Towards a more populous America
The Online Social World: Internet Dating
There are those who would seek to destroy any degree of difference or diversity in our society. We must not conform to just one degree of thinking as that is the mark of a totalitarian regime. Only by embracing a plurality of human consciences can we realize our dreams of a world free from oppression and intolerance.

On August 7, 2001, fell victim to these same dark forces. For reasons unknown and by individuals unidentified, a burgeoning community was stripped of its home and cast into the streets to fend off the wolves and sheep of inadequacy for nearly a fortnight. Untold thousands of readers were left adrift in a complicated world without intellectual guidance and direction; innumerable world events transpired without excrutiatingly close examination; the light of freedom had been extinguished.

But today is a new day, and tomorrow a new tomorrow. As absence makes the heart grow fonder, a reinvigorated shall once again claim its place at the forefront of controversial discussion. Those halcyon days behind us were no mere salad days; they were but a taste of what's to come.'s mission is an expansive one and has not been easy to fulfill. We cannot promise a rose garden. We cannot promise the caterwauling world about us can be bent to the will of a small intrepid band of dedicated aesthetes. But there is one thing we can promise: though life's been no crystal stair, we shall keep climbing.

Thank you.

ED Though the absence has been long, and the novelty might be greater, adequacy's intolerance for comments of the 'First Post' variety remains untempered. To these, and to other 'trolls', begone! [To etm, yes, your comment has been deleted.]

So what actually happened? (none / 0) (#4)
by Wiggy on Wed Aug 22nd, 2001 at 01:57:58 AM PST
For reasons unknown and by individuals unidentified, a burgeoning community was stripped of its home and cast into the streets to fend off the wolves and sheep of inadequacy for nearly a fortnight.

Well, that doesn't tell us much. For all we know, you could have just not paid the hosting bill. My best guess was that the site went past a bandwidth cap, and nobody could fork out the extra. :-)

So what did actually happen? I'm intrigued. Still, it's good to see the site back up.

DDoS attack (none / 0) (#5)
by iat on Wed Aug 22nd, 2001 at 02:33:15 AM PST
Nothing so mundane as forgetting to pay the phone bill, I'm afraid. We've been under a distributed denial of service attack since 8 August, which meant our net connection's been saturated and we've been unreachable. We'll write a full story about this once we're sorted out. At the moment, we're busy writing new material and don't have the time writing more meta-commentary :)

We've now moved Adequacy to a new host with a fat pipe and we hope to have things back to normal ASAP. Remember to tell all your friends that we're back! - love it or leave it.

Hooray! (none / 0) (#6)
by bc on Wed Aug 22nd, 2001 at 04:44:59 AM PST
We are back! Lets rejoice.

Now to write some articles. BTW, thanks shoeboy for stepping in where elby refused to, and finally fixing the adequacy - all credit to shoeboy, everyone ;)

♥, bc.

Welcome back (none / 0) (#7)
by Phil the Canuck on Wed Aug 22nd, 2001 at 06:01:53 AM PST
I didn't realise how fun this site was until it was gone.

kewl. (none / 0) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 22nd, 2001 at 01:34:35 PM PST
As absence makes the heart grow fonder, a reinvigorated shall once again claim its place at the forefront of controversial discussion

Oh Thank God.

Oh whoopee! (none / 0) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 23rd, 2001 at 07:36:17 AM PST
You think that a site with PC experts that can shove a Pentium 4 into an AMD board ( Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you. by DMG) and a Slackware Linux button at the bottom of each page could have gotten the job done faster!


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