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Insane (none / 0) (#7011)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 12:42:06 PM PST
This is the worst editorial I have ever heard. I so all of these things and have never hacked, read a hack site/book . . . I don't even cheat!!!

video card = hacking?

Linux = hacking?

Hell a hacker can use a slow system as well as a fast one and the video card has NOTHING to do with hacking. Is AMD better for hacking? NO but it is better to learn about PCs and how to get every ounce of power out of them.

It upsets me to no end to see so much disinformation. I bet it sells well as does all scare tatics that "NEWS" stations sell.

Bonzi buddy, comet cursor . . . What a Joke although they may come with spyware and the like meaning you have been hacked to some extent.

Yeah don't ler your son play games all the time adn get out and have a face to face life too. Hell chat networks like in AOL are worse than Quake. Hell that is how a freind of mine got hooked into hacking.

Please do some research first and know how to read the results too. Even Einstein agrees his discoveries are not fact but theory!!!

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 07:27:51 PM PST
to the author of this site:

i looked up the definition of "weetard" in the dictionary, and ironically this site came up with a "see also" to your email address. from everyone at Renegade Online i would just like to tell you to do the word a favor and give yourself a brisk shove into the oncoming 6:00 AmTrak. don't worry, we'll clean up.

you expect people to buy into this bullshit? the sad part is, even if you're doing this as a joke, YOU STILL HAVE NO FUCKING LIFE. get a hobby or something. hacking perhaps? tell ya what, gimme your home address and i'll send you a copy of Quake so you can rock on with your l33t0 h4x0r self. how does that sound? nice of me, huh? it's people like you that cause wars, mutilate countries, kidnap small children, spread ignorance, and keep "Charles in Charge" on the air for many, many years. good day to you and i hope you get hit by a bus.

Is your son a computer hacker - WELL. . . IS HE??? (none / 0) (#7015)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 8th, 2002 at 08:50:08 AM PST
What a SEXIST bunch of tripe this is!

Are we to ignore the fact that GIRLS can also become hackers? Must a hacker be equipped with male genitalia to make the grade?

Besides being a moronic and truly speculative bunch of manure, the only humor I found in it was the "holier-than-thou" responses it garnered.

There are more people out there needing a life than I could ever have imagined.

My Good Sir. You Are A Complete and Total Moron. (none / 0) (#7016)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 8th, 2002 at 02:51:32 PM PST
I myself am my town's resident computer expert, and am only fourteen years old. One of my friends forwarded me your article. You are, with no comparison, the most moronic person i have ever read. I am sorry for having to do this, but the first listed comment's definition is a bit skewed (no personal offense, person one. I like you. You're smart). The definition given of a hacker in Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary is: Definition 3: Computer Slang: a. A computer enthusiast. Author. You are a dunce not to have known this, and should be ashamed to have written such blasphemy! Second, AMD is perfectly legitimate. Several of my computers have AMD chips, and you have further proved your ignorance by saying that you have to have an expert "fit it with a new hardrive." First off, pal, all you need to do is unscrew the back of your computer, buy a new chip and CPU, all of which comes to about $300, and pull out your old ones!
Also. If someone's son is telling them to switch ISP's, they definitely should. AOL is extremely slow and, guess what? My 6 year old sister could hack it! So. If you wanna stay hack-free, switch to Earthlink.
If you're finding programs that you don't remember installing, congratulations! They probably are little extras that came on recently installed programs! CD's use about 1/4 of their total capacity, leaving plenty of room for extra programs, such as read me, DirectX, lots of GOOD stuff.
If your kid is asking for new hardware, I commend him. You yourself are so out of date that I recommend selling your current computer to a museum. Or to the trash heap. That sounds good too.
And reading hacking manuals is a good thing. I recommend that you try it. That way, you don't have to depend on your son to make sure that you are free of hacks. And, just for further reference HACKING IS ILLEGAL! YOUR KID IS A COMMON CROOK AND SHOULD BE DOING 2-6 YEARS IN JUVENILLE HALL!
My family and all of my friends stay online for hours. There is nothing wrong with being online. Personally, I like being able to talk to my friends and to check my email, don't you? Oh wait. I forgot. You still use the Pony Express.
Quake is a computer game, and a good one at that. So shut up.
If your son is being argumentative, I recommend that you read books on adolesence. It's obvious that you never had a childhood and are a paranoid freak, so try to learn about it.
First off, it's spelled: L-I-N-U-X. Say it with me now: L-I-N-U-X. It's an excellent operating system for business men and school children.
If anyone is radically changing their appearance, they are simply keeping up with the times. It is considered cool to do exactly what your son is doing. Again. You are a moron, and must be blind too.
If he's struggling academically, that's the teacher's fault, or yours. Maybe check if he's doing his homework, if the teachers know how to teach.
In my opinion, you are a terrible parent, and should lock yourself up for the next couple of years in a small closet to pine away. Go shoot your head off.

A Real Hacker (none / 0) (#7017)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 8th, 2002 at 04:33:40 PM PST
Yaaaa, I wasn't a hacker untill I downloaded CometCursor. Now I'm hacking it up with my different cursor. Woooooooooooooo look at it go, it's a different color. Wooooooooooooo, I'm hacking my way into the US right now with my cursor. Now I dont need to cross the border, I can travel through the phone lines with my colored cursor. Woooooooooooo, and through my hacking skills, I've taken note that most of the internet is porn, yes porn. I couldn't believe it, but my colored cursor says its true!!!1!!!111!!!!!!1!!!1111!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the author: You shoulda kept this one for April 1st, that way a couple thousand idiots wouldn't reply to this thinking it was true. You did a good job and all.

you are an stupid uninformed fool (none / 0) (#7022)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 8th, 2002 at 08:51:53 PM PST
1. Most people who don't wan't AOL dislike it because it is slow.

2. the new hardware you mentioned has nothing to do with hacking at all. Hacking by nature is not a graphics intensive procees so you wouldn't need more RAM,a video card, or hard drivespace, and as to AMD YOU CAN'T MAKE PROCESSORES WITH CHILD LABOR it can't be done.

3.Quake is not a hacker training ground. It is a game. A FPS, fist person shooter, it in no way gives you any weapons traing.

4.lunix, or linix as most know it. It is a replacement OS. Based on UNIX not "nenix". Unix is the base for most web servers because of it's stability. It also forms the base of Windows XP, no more DOS. Linux's main selling point is that it and most of it's software is free. Now if you wish to chain yourself to Microsoft forever that's your choice, but there is apsolutely nothing wrong w/ people deciding not to support Gate's Monopoly. It can't in anyway damage your hard disk. Software can not do physical damage to hardware.

5. Your condemnation of people who don't fit your descibtion of perfect is disturbing. I know several people who look like that and have a 3.8 GPA.

6. This radiation tale of yours is just insane This is impossible.

Your son sounds like someone who is intrested in compuergames, Quake, the RAM and videocards. While limiting your sons computer time is reasonable, since so many people are lathargic, doing so out of suspition of things you clearly don't understand is morronic.
I in no way support hacking but it sounds like your son is doing little more thatn exploring the future of the world and for you to condem him for that is wrong. Your son is in no way a hacker because if he was there would be no way omeone as computer illiterate as you would have found a thing.

You CAN'T be serious can you? (none / 0) (#7023)
by WhiteWolf on Fri Feb 8th, 2002 at 11:37:01 PM PST
I found this article from The Screen Savers and thank heavens too. This is the most ludicrous stuff I have ever heard. I'm a well-respected senior network engineer and PC specialist for a large corporation and after reading this article; I lost all professionalism and fell on the floor laughing. This person must have, little knowledge about computing and hacking, read misinformation about hacking and there is A LOT of that in the media, or is just plain nuts.

First off, just because I run an AMD based system with a high performance graphics card, have a SCSI drive array, teamed Cable and DSL lines, play Quake, have multiple computers, some of which run Linux, spend hours on end at the PC, and read hacker "manuals" dose that make me a hacker? NO! To many people, I'm still a kid at 22 years old, but have played with PC's since I was 8.

First off, the comments made about the AMD microprocessor are completely unsubstantiated. The AMD processor IS available in commercial stores and is being released in a new line of Compaq computer systems. It offers faster processing speeds and far out performs chips made by Intel. It is the preferred chip of gamers because they are EXTREAMILY stable, run faster and are excellent at processing graphics and sound information.

Second of all, high performance graphics cards have NOTHING to do with hacking. Someone could hack into the same places with the same ease using an old ISA (5+ years old) based video card as they could a new GeForce 4. High-end graphics cards are used for 1 of 3 things, gamming, graphics editing, or 3D modeling/animation.

Third, Linux and the like were not designed to be hacking operating system. If Linux was a hacking OS, why did Apple Computer Corp base OS 10 on it? Almost any corporation uses Unix or some variation of it (Linux) in one way or another. HP OpenView, a network-monitoring tool, is best run on Unix/Linux because of its stability. ARS/Remedy, a trouble ticketing system, last I checked, can only be run on Unix. Granted Linux can and is used for hacking by advanced hackers that can write their own programs and compile them under Linux. Your every day, "run-of-the-mill" hacker isn't going to use Linux because of its complexity. If I remember my history correctly Linux is based on Unix, but I could be wrong on that point.

As for the comment about AOL and switching ISP's, another ridiculous claim. Any "newbie" hacker can EAISLY circumvent AOL's Internet security features. This information can be obtained in a 30 second Internet search if you know what to look for. Granted, changing ISP's makes it a little easier, but not much.

As for these programs, Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor and the like, these ARE NOT hacking tools. They are more annoying than anything. Comet Cursor is a program that changes you mouse cursor when browsing web pages. These programs were AT ONE TIME something called "spy ware". Spy ware is software that resides on your machine and reports your browsing and on-line buying habits. This is in a way illegal and some groups are making legislation to make it illegal without consent. Nowadays, Bonzi Buddy is a completely harmless program that I personally find annoying. Some people find the random jokes, songs and antics amusing.

Also, hacking is not ALWAYS a bad thing. I've hacked into my own systems from outside to find security holes and lapses in my information security. The federal government and many corporations pay BIG money to advanced hackers as consultants. They pay them to hack into their systems and report the information back to them. I am in no way encouraging anyone to become a hacker, but knowing about it is harmless to almost anyone.

Since I'm done putting my thousand bucks here, I'm going to find more articles to deflate with hard facts.

wtf (none / 0) (#7024)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 9th, 2002 at 01:29:02 AM PST
jesus christ, i really hope you die. would do the world good.

Haha... (none / 0) (#7025)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 9th, 2002 at 02:56:55 AM PST
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, ive never laughed so hard in my entire life, i don't have any comments because everybody has already said what i feel... i hope this was a joke because....i dont even know....i hope someone drops a house on this guy... -Sil

I can't believe I wasted my time reading this! (none / 0) (#7027)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 9th, 2002 at 08:56:13 AM PST
This article was the the most insulting thing I have read in a long time. Did you know that your system administrators and such that keep the internet safe for us ALL got their start from hacker lore? Real hackers do not go around doing malicious things. Those that do are "Crackers" and have no real concept of how things really work. They use canned programs that this bull**** would not apply to. Obviously my heart goes out to the kids. My own daughter knows about hacking and adheres to the ethics of anyone else. If you don't teach your kids right from wrong, then instead of being a hacker they will become a cracker.

What a lot of Bullsh*t (none / 0) (#7028)
by grimreaper on Sat Feb 9th, 2002 at 02:16:53 PM PST
This article is complete rubbish. You are breaking the law if you hack into government files or damage someone's property.
The writer of this article must be shot.

Grim Reaper

Brady Bunch? (none / 0) (#7029)
by cyphex on Sat Feb 9th, 2002 at 03:29:18 PM PST
Your family seems like the fucking brady bunch.

I feel so sorry for your kids they probably cant even take a shit without you watching. And another thing, Bonzi Buddy? you idiot that is just a program that dances around and does stupid shit like that on your computer screen. And "Flash" is Macromedia Flash used to make movies and people make tons of money mastering it is one of them.

And you think your kids are all great and everything, but I bet your daughters are already fucking because they can't even explore themselfs without you moderating their habits! just like school girls are slutty. And I bet none of your kids have friends except for Ned Flanders kids from the simpsons.

haha (none / 0) (#7031)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 10th, 2002 at 04:16:44 AM PST
I don't know what's more funny, this article which is cleverly written so as to provoke a maximum response or the so called intelligent people who have taken the time to respond to it without realising that it's a joke. Most people have it seems accepted it as a joke, yet others just go on blissfully posting their grievences about it, oblivious to Mr Gibbons who is probably laughing his ass off.
I mean...come on, would even the stupidest person think comet cursor is a hacking program? And no-one in their right mind can think AOHell is good!? Give it up people.

You are enervating. (none / 0) (#7032)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 10th, 2002 at 07:00:07 AM PST
Its sick to know how some parents are in the U.S.
The most annoying is when you said "Lunix" and all the UNIX OS are hacking systems.
Quake has completely nothing to do with youre "hacking", you could at least understand that illegal abuse is "cracking"(cryptography, anonymous database break-ins etc. etc..).
Do you know that computer technologies is our future?
Computers <b>doesnt</b> give you electro-radiations.
These books you mentioned, 30% are in cracking skills, the rest is just computer-languages.

Okay, is this a joke?!?!

response to "Is you son a computer hacker?&qu (none / 0) (#7034)
by laughist on Sun Feb 10th, 2002 at 11:10:43 AM PST
As a truly enlightened, modern 17 year old, I would like to respond to many of the absurdities in this article.

Keeping a 'fatherly eye' on CDs your kids listen to and shows they watch is a BAD idea, you are smothering your children rather than fostering independance and teaching discretion, this is a BAD thing.

I hope that my following disprovals will enlighten those that were thrown off from reading the original article.
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
Asking to change ISPs does not mean ANYTHING! Perhaps your child has a legimate need for a higher-bandwidth connection, such as gaming. Sure using cable is less secure (not filtering adult content) however you MUST be able to trust your child's discretion and teach them to be responsible users. I myself asked my parents to change from the slow dial-up connection to cable or DSL. I currently use DSL and it has helped immensely by making things like websites download faster, especially when they are animated or contain content which is large in size, such as videos; and also by freeing up your phone line. If you have a kid like me, I spend hours a day using the internet, and causing your phone line to be busy for these hours isn't a good thing.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
Sure, someone might install sofrware that you might not know about, but does that necessarily mean that this is 'hacker' software? A lot of malicious programs do NOT actually install and register with Windows' add/remove programs. Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, and Flash are not hacking programs. Comet Cursor lets Web designers and Web surfers change their mouse pointer to a custom graphic or animation for free. Bonzi Buddy is an interactive, talking browsing companion. Flash is an animation tool used to make websites more interactive.
3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
Any good computer hacker doesn't need a killer system to do serious damage. Even a 486 with Windows 95 could cause much harm. Of course it is possible there is a legitimate need for newer hardware, for uses such as gaming, website design, or video editing. Processors cannot stop hacking. Period. AMD makes quality chips that are comparable or better to the chips that Intel makes. AMD chips are sold in stores.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
A lot of these books I am not familiar with, however some of them are fantasy novels, and "programming with perl" appears to me to be a book that teaches how to program with perl, a programming language.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
Spending more than 30 minutes each day on the computer is no crime. I myself can spend hours each day on my computer, designing my website, using ICQ and email, and researching my interests. Being on the computer for more than half an hour every day has nothing to do with DoS attacks, which have nothing to do with accessing MS-DOS on other computers. A DoS attack is using your connection to tie up another connection with less bandwidth, causing any legitimate users to that website to be denied service.

6. Does your son use Quake?
Quake is not an online virtual reality used by hackers, it's a game, used by people that enjoy playing games. Telling the school that your kid is playing a video game is absolutely ridiculous. Quake is none but a popular computer game that can be played with others via the internet. It's fun.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Losing control or your actions and losing your sense of morality may have no cause with hacking whatsoever. This can happen for many reasons, as I'm sure you'll find if you research social dysfunctions. It could be because you are smothering your kid, and this is annoying. Your kid might ask you to stop smothing them because you actually are. Perhaps you and your child need to consult a family therapist.

8. Is your son obssed with "Lunix"?

Linux, not Lunix, is an operating system, much like Windows. BSD is another operating system. Debian and Mandrake are versions of Linux. Linus Benedict Torvalds originally created Linux, based off of MINIX, which was a basic operating system. This has nothing to do with the cold war. Linux like any operating system may be used to access other people's computers and/or harm them. You cannot break into someone's stereo and steal their music, unless you literally break into their house, open their stereo, and steal their CDs. Linus did not write Telnet. Telnet does not break into other computers without using the telephone-It is a tool written by Microsoft. Linux like any operating system can be tricky to install.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If you son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, it's probably more because of peer pressure or a want to be unique. Hackers come in all shapes and sizes, and dress in all different kinds of ways. A change in a style of dress doesn't have much to do with hacking. A severe curfew won't do anything to curb you son from hacking if he is, it'll just piss him off.

10. Is your son struggling academically?

Failing academically could have many, MANY causes such as depression, severe stress management problems, family problems, or social problems. It could be computer related, such as spending too much time gaming, but limiting computer time each day won't help this - fostering a desire to do well in school will. I encourage you to seek the advice of your son's teachers and your school's social working or psychologist, or your own psychologist.

This article was ridiculous and full of crap. I hope you have learned something from this article and will actually research what you think are 'hacker' programs, 'hacker' operating systems, etc.

I seriously hope that this is a joke (none / 0) (#7035)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 10th, 2002 at 02:46:34 PM PST
And if this isn't I joke I am compelely amazed by the idiocity that you just have displayed here. Not only are you arguments illogical and unresearched they are then put on the 'net for other people to view. I seriously hope that no one read this and took it seriously.

I'm going to go hack some people with Flash.


A thought or two(2) (none / 0) (#7036)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 10th, 2002 at 04:59:24 PM PST
Maybe its me?, but I have read alot of replies to this story, yet not one reply back from the author. Like everyone else I have heard from, this all sounded like a big joke... even the stupid pole to the right is gay -->
You can tell if not from the title, that this site is for plain idiots, Here is an idea from the webmaster.. " Try not linking to every word in the dictionary.. " I have lowerd my mentality by reading this... -- i can even speel right because of yoo!. -- ok i have to stop typing this now before i loose all sanity.

Just think before you down on things that you dont know sh!t about.. And its 'LINUX'.. not 'LUNIX'.. Alhough your brain has been warped by the evils of society.. at least learn about what your going to talk about, before you go off and piss off the hacker community, ignorance, or lack thereof (im not sure what it is on your part).. Shows that you will never fully understand what the word 'Hacker' means, besides, its not even a word, Its a way of learning, sharing information, and obviously going further in life than you ever will.


What it is to be a hacker... (none / 0) (#7037)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 10th, 2002 at 05:29:24 PM PST
"But did you, in your three- piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him? I am a hacker, enter my world..." ("The Conscience of a Hacker", The Mentor)

"Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known" (Matthew 10:26)


Another idiot has been locked up because of committing a senseless act with little or no thought to the consequences. Law enforcement needs to look good, the news becomes public domain and the press is unleashed, using attention grabbing headlines like: "Computer terrorist busted", or better, a "hacker".

Not only is the term misused, but it is usually only understood to be a mere synonym for "computer pirate", which is not only limitive, but completely wrong. Few people, even those who would define themselves as such, really know what "being a hacker" means.

The WWWebster Online Dictionary (, at the "hacker" entry says:

Main Entry: hacker
Pronunciation: 'ha-k&r
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : one that hacks
2 : a person who is inexperienced or unskilled at a particular activity "a tennis hacker"
3 : an expert at programming and solving problems with a computer
4 : a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system

Among the various meanings quoted above, (besides definition 1, which is obvious...), definition 4 is the one which generally corresponds to the idea of "the hacker" that the majority of people have, while definition 3, is the one which is actually closer to the real meaning of "hacker", even if it is still rather limiting.
A dictionary rarely gives a definative answer, but it is always a good start.
For a more precise definition we can consult a specific dictionary such as the Jargon File, the most prestigious dictionary of hacker terminology, "a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor", begun by Raphael Finkel of the university of Stanford in 1975, and then passed in management to Don Woods of the MIT, up to see the light of the printed paper in 1983, with the title of "The Hacker's Dictionary" (Harper & Row CN 1082, ISBN 0-06-091082-8, also known in the scene as "Steele-1983").

The on-line hacker Jargon File, version 2.9.10, 01 JUL 1992 (part of the Project Gutenberg), at the "hacker" entry says:

:hacker: [originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe] n. 1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.
2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.
3. A person capable of appreciating {hack value}.
4. A person who is good at programming quickly.
5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in `a UNIX hacker'. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.)
6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example.
7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.
8. [deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence `password hacker', `network hacker'. See {cracker}.
Since this is a specific dictionary, the definition of hacker here is closer to its original meaning, even if it is necessary to extrapolate it from the varied proposed meanings in order to obtain the closest and most faithfull interpretation.
A hacker is a person that loves to study all things in depth (definition 1), especially the more apparently meaningless details, to discover hidden peculiarities, new features and weakness in them. For example, it is possible to hack a book, by using it to equalize the legs of a table, or to use the sharp edge of one of its pages to cut something. The main point being that it is used for more than it's conventional function of being read. But more than this, a hacker soon learns that the same techniques used for exploiting computer systems can be used to manipulate people. This is the so-called social hacking. With a little skilled psychology, the masters of "social hacking" can convince other people to do what they want (within limits of course, and depending on the abilities of the "social hacker"), in order to obtain the information they require. This may sound like an unusual and unatural practise, but once you take into account that this is performed quite regularly, in everyday life, by girlfriends, friends and teachers etc. to obtain what they want from others, it's not that strange, even if hackers do use a little more skill and technique.
Another way of bringing hacking out from the computer's world, is the so-called vadding (the term is actually rarely used, but the activity is largely practiced) this consists of exploring places where the average person doesn't normally have access, such as basements, roofs of public buildings, maintenance tunnels, elevator wells and similar places. Sometimes, some of these activities born inside the hacker scene, grow and eventually separate, becoming new entities, like phreaking, the term applied to the world of "hacking" telephones and telephone systems, or the term carding, which is basically "techno-credit card fraud",.. very illegal and risky.
In short, a hacker has the tendency to use his skills also beyond of the computer context, and anywhere tends to use the hacking techniques and to discover what is normally hidden to the common man.
For a hacker, the ability to reason, harness his full brain capacity and maintain his mind at maximum efficiency levels, is most important.
With a few exceptions, it is unusual that a hacker would smoke, use drugs, or drink excessively (however beer appears to be the preferred choice, when alcohol is drunk). Speaking of John Draper, (a.k.a "Captain Crunch", one of the most legendary phreaker/hackers, famous for discovering that by sending a tone of 2600Hz over the telephone lines of AT&T, it was possible to effect free calls), Steven Levy says: "Cigarettes made him violent": smoking next to him was extremely hazardous to your health...

A hacker is certainly a programming maniac, (definition 2): once a technique has been discovered, it is necessary to write a program that exploits it.
Hackers often spend many day's and night's in front of a computer, programming or experimenting with new techniques. After spending so many hours in front of a computer, a hacker gains a remarkable ability to analyze large amounts of data very quickly.
The ability to program quickly, (definition 4) can be a characteristic of a hacker, but is not always necessarily so. As far as a hacker is concerned, it is faster to type on a keyboard, than it is to write things down, many hackers spend quite a lot of time reflecting over, or analyzing previously written code, while they are programming.
Definition 5 is, in effect, a restrictive meaning of the word "hacker" since it limits it to a single field (as in UNIX), it can however be considered as a specialization.
Actually in these cases, especially when it concerns true experts in a field, the terms wizard or guru are preferred. For example, the definition "UNIX wizard" in the United States is also recognized outside of the hacker environment and it can be included in a resume.

Definition 3 may be considered apart: a person that qualifies for this definition is not neccasarily a real hacker, but a very experienced person with a good knowledge, who is not neccasarily able to develop hacker techniques. To make it clearer, think about the differences between a good author and someone that appreciates a good book.

Definition 7, together with definition 1, are the ones that get closer to the real essence of the hacker. To study a system, to discover weaknesses, the peculiarities and hidden features of it, and then use them to go beyond its limits, with creativeness and imagination. This, in a certain way, brings us directly to definition 8. The person with these skills can use his knowledge to try to access information to which he doesn't have the right to access, and here the discourse gets complicated, because for a hacker there is no information which he does not have the right to access. We will get back to this point later, when we will speak about the "hacker ethic".

Finally, although it has nothing to do with the character of the hacker, I would like to attract attention to definition 6; for a hacker, the term hacker is always positive: if he speaks of a "hacker of astronomy", he speaks of a true expert of that subject. Contrary to this, in everyday language, according to definition 2 of the WWWebster dictionary, a "hacker" in a certain field is a person that is not skilled in that specific field.

After giving the definitions, the Jargon File provides more information on the meaning of the word "hacker":

The term `hacker' also tends to connote membership in the global community [...]. It also implies that the person described is seen to subscribe to some version of the hacker ethic [...].
It is better to be described as a hacker by others than to describe oneself that way. Hackers consider themselves something of an elite (a meritocracy based on ability), though one to which new members are gladly welcome. There is thus a certain ego satisfaction to be had in identifying yourself as a hacker (but if you claim to be one and are not, you'll quickly be labeled {bogus}). [...] [or most commonly, the most used term in these circumstances is "lamer", even if next versions of the Jargon File use this term in a slightly different context]

But, perhaps more than anything else, curiosity and above average intelligence are the signatures of a true hacker. The hacker has an almost physical need of knowledge of any kind.
The hacker is most certainly a voracious reader, even if his preference is only for scientific matters or science fiction, and generally one would find many shelves full of books in his room. But a hacker is not satisfied by the "ready made" knowledge, of the information that he finds in the books written for the average person, a hacker wants it all, and collects all possible information.
Schools are institutions that are not able to furnish all the information that a hacker needs. The governments and all the public or private institutions have the tendency to furnish the least necessary information.
About this point, Steven Levy in "Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution" (written in 1984), affirms that the hackers "are possessed not merely by curiosity, but by a positive *lust to know.*"
This idea is even clearer in these excerpts took from what is a considered "the hacker's manifesto": "The Conscience of to Hacker" (sometimes erroneously reported, in a nearly prophetic sense, as "Mentor's Last Words"), written by The Mentor on January 8th 1986, and published for the first time on the e-zine Phrack, Volume One, Issue 7, Phile 3.
This text collects in a few paragraphs, a large part of the hacker philosophy, with touching results for most true hackers (even if it may be difficult to think of a hacker as a person that has a heart as well as a brain).

Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me... Damn underachiever.


we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.


We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.


In these words, you will see the frustration of living in a defective world, that deprives the individuals that wish to rise above the mediocre, of the very information and resources they desire, to know what is kept hidden, and it condemns them hypocritically as criminals.
But the desperate search of knowledge is only one of the characteristics of the hacker. Another sure one is the pursute of extreme perfection. An interesting article, is the one that narrates the history of the first hackers, and of how they developed "Spacewar!" (the first videogame in history, born as a demo for the TX-0, meant as a "killer application" for this computer, with all its features exploitable), is "The origin of Spacewar", written by J. M. Graetz, and published in the August, 1981 issue of Creative Computing magazine.

One of the forces driving the dedicated hacker is the quest for elegance. It is not sufficient to write programs that work. They must also be "elegant," either in code or in function -- both, if possible. An elegant program does its job as fast as possible, or is as compact as possible, or is as clever as possible in taking advantage of the particular features of the machine in which it runs, and (finally) produces its results in an aesthetically pleasing form without compromising either the results or operation of other programs associated with it.
But the elegance and the perfection of hackers is not always comprehensible to the average individual. A hacker can often be in ecstasy reading some code written by another hacker, admiring his ability and "tasting" his style, as if he was reading poetry.
For example, normally to exchange the content of two variables (a and b, in this case), the statement most commonly used is this, which uses a third temporary variable:

dummy = a : a = b : b = dummy
The following method, instead, doesn't need the third variable, because it exploits a mathematical peculiarity of the boolean operator XOR:
a = a XOR b : b = a XOR b : a = a XOR b
Even if this system is at least three times slower than the first one because it requires the execution of three mathematical operations, (however it allows the saving of memory that the third variable would normally occupy), a hacker will surely admire the ingeniousness and the elegance of this method, to him it assumes the taste of a Japanese haiku.
Talking about the perfectionism of the hackers, in "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution" written by Steven Levy in 1984, in the chapter 2 ("The Hacker Ethic"), we read:

Hackers believe that essential lessons can be learned about the systems--about the world--from taking things apart, seeing how they work, and using this knowledge to create new and even more interesting things. They resent any person, physical barrier, or law that tries to keep them from doing this.
This is especially true when a hacker wants to fix something that (from his point of view) is broken or needs improvement. Imperfect systems infuriate hackers, whose primal instinct is to debug them. This is one reason why hackers generally hate driving cars--the system of randomly programmed red lights and oddly laid out one-way streets causes delays which are so goddamned UNNECESSARY that the impulse is to rearrange signs, open up traffic-light control boxes . . .redesign the entire system.

In a perfect hacker world, anyone pissed off enough to open up a control box near a traffic light and take it apart to make it work better should be perfectly welcome to make the attempt.

It's just in the name of such principle that the Linux operating system and the Gnu C compiler have been developed, their code is open and available to be changed and modified by anyone.
Lately, many important commercial software producers also started moving in this direction, as Netscape: Netscape Communicator 5, will, in fact be the first software, originally born as a "closed" commercial product, to be developed with this type of philosophy.
A hacker is never satisfied with the default settings of a program or of the custom installations, he always has to open the configuration menu and set the options to get the maximum performance, and to make the product work as close as possible to his "way". A hacker must be able to use, to modify and to check all the possible features of a program.

But after all, what motivates hackers? Why do they create programs that exploit advanced techniques and then distribute them free? And why do they freely distribute knowledge that was incredibly difficult to obtain?
A good answer could be found in the site of the KIN (Klever Internet Nothings,, they are not exactly a hacker crew, but a group of people that write programs and release them freely on the Internet:

What makes people write software and distribute it for free? Vanity, you said? Well, maybe.. But after all, what is this business all about? Is it all about money? Ask anyone - it's not. Most people I know in the industry will tell you that.
Their idea is "just leave me alone and let me do what I love to do".
In short, it's not about money. It's about feeling free to do what you want, and, just possibly, to find someone that appreciates your work.


The true hacker doesn't have morals, and he would never censor information or ideas of any kind. An initiative of the Italian priest Don Fortunato di Noto, (,) who in January of 1998 formed the "Committee of resistance against the Pedophiles", and who asked for the help of the hacker community to unmask, capture and close the sites of the pedophiles on the Internet, failed miserably as it was only supported by self-acclaimed hackers without any skill.
Besides, hackers are tolerant by nature, and rarely get angry, but they are irritated by people and tasks perceived to be wasting their time.
There are however, some things that hackers can be intolerant of. One of these is when lies are told, to, or about them, you can say that hackers are imbeciles (it's an opinion, after all), but you can not say that they steal chickens. And yet, it would still be unusual that hackers would hack a site to remove the lies propogated about them. It would be more typical that they would create another site, refuting the lies against them.
Hacking can be used like as a form of protest, breaking into and modifying the websites of very well known societies and government or military corporate entities, can be a way to make public certain injustices (especially attacks to the liberty of information or expression) or violations of human rights. The hacks, of the websites of the CIA (that became Central Stupidity Agency) and of the Department of Justice, are famous for being hacked with this intention in mind.
In the article "Hacking for Human Rights?" by Arik Hesseldahl ( published on the online magazine Wired ( dated 14.Jul.98 9:15am, the hacker Bondie Wong, (a dissident Chinese astrophysicist who lives in Canada, that temporarily disabled a Chinese satellite in 1997), a member of the famous hacker crew, Cult of the Dead Cow (which in the beginning of 1999 released the Back Orifice trojan) threatened to attack the computer networks of foreign companies that did business with China, causing them serious damages and huge financial losses.
In an interview conducted by Oxblood Ruffin, a former United Nations consultant, and published on Wired, Blondie Wong says: "Human rights is an international issue, so I don't have a problem with businesses that profit from our suffering paying part of the bill".

Contrary to the complete lack of moral judgement (but, above all, of moralism) of hackers, lies a deep ethical sense, that is something allmost "religious" in most hackers.
About this point, we can go back to the Jargon File:

:hacker ethic, the: n.
1. The belief that information-sharing is a powerful positive good, and that it is an ethical duty of hackers to share their expertise by writing free software and facilitating access to information and to computing resources wherever possible.
2. The belief that system-cracking for fun and exploration is ethically OK as long as the cracker commits no theft, vandalism, or breach of confidentiality.
Both of these normative ethical principles are widely, but by no means universally) accepted among hackers. Most hackers subscribe to the hacker ethic in sense 1, and many act on it by writing and giving away free software. A few go further and assert that *all* information should be free and *any* proprietary control of it is bad [...]

Sense 2 is more controversial: some people consider the act of cracking itself to be unethical [...]
But this principle at least moderates the behavior of people who see themselves as `benign' crackers (see also {samurai}). On this view, it is one of the highest forms of hackerly courtesy to (a) break into a system, and then (b) explain to the sysop, preferably by email from a {superuser} account, exactly how it was done and how the hole can be plugged --- acting as an unpaid (and unsolicited) {tiger team} [The "tiger team" derives from the U.S. military jargon. These people are paid professionals who do hacker-type tricks, e.g., leave cardboard signs saying "bomb" in critical defense installations, hand-lettered notes saying "Your codebooks have been stolen" (they usually haven't been) inside safes, etc. Serious successes of tiger teams sometimes lead to early retirement for base commanders and security officers].


Breaking into a system is not seen by the hacker as a criminal action, but like a challenge. The idea is not to damage the "victim", but to find a way to penetrate its defenses. It's the intellectual challenge, the curiosity, the will to experiment and to explore, this is what moves the hacker, not the will to damage someone or something, and not even to obtain personal profit.
In another writing of The Mentor, "A Novice's Guide to Hacking- 1989 edition", dated December 1988, the author opens the essay with a call to the ethics of the category, to which follows a list of "suggestions for guidelines to follow to ensure that not only you stay out of trouble, but you pursue your craft without damaging the computers you hack into or the companies who own them":

As long as there have been computers, there have been hackers. In the 50's at the Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT), students devoted much time and energy to ingenious exploration of the computers. Rules and the law were disregarded in their pursuit for the 'hack'. Just as they were enthralled with their pursuit of information, so are we. The thrill of the hack is not in breaking the law, it's in the pursuit and capture of knowledge.
In a file titled "The Hotmail Hack" written by Digital Assassin of the "United Underground" (or "U2", for short), in which a weakness of the HotMail system is illustrated, through which it is possible to enter into the mailbox of another person, the author, at a certain point interrupts the explanation with these words:
....but before I tell you how to use that line, I'm going to side track for a little theory behind this hack. Because there's NO point in a hack, if you don't know how it works. That is the whole idea of hacking, to find out how systems work.
These are clear examples of what the real intent of a hacker is when he breaks a system. It's very close to the idea of a child that opens a toy to see how it works. The difference is that the hacker tries not to destroy the toy (aside from the fact that the toy is not his own...).
Anyway, let's see the specific definition of the "cracker", according to the Jargon File:

:cracker: n. One who breaks security on a system. Coined ca. 1985 by hackers in defense against journalistic misuse of {hacker} (q.v., sense 8). An earlier attempt to establish `worm' in this sense around 1981--82 on USENET was largely a failure.
Both these neologisms reflected a strong revulsion against the theft and vandalism perpetrated by cracking rings. While it is expected that any real hacker will have done some playful cracking and knows many of the basic techniques, anyone past {larval stage} is expected to have outgrown the desire to do so.

Thus, there is far less overlap between hackerdom and crackerdom than the {mundane} [the term "mundane" is taken from the Sci-Fi fandom and identifies everything outside the world of the computer science, or the hacking] reader misled by sensationalistic journalism might expect. Crackers tend to gather in small, tight-knit, very secretive groups that have little overlap with the huge, open poly-culture this lexicon describes; though crackers often like to describe *themselves* as hackers, most true hackers consider them a separate and lower form of life.

Ethical considerations aside, hackers figure that anyone who can't imagine a more interesting way to play with their computers than breaking into someone else's has to be pretty {losing} [on the other hand, they have the same consideration for the people who use the computer in an absolute conventional way, such as only to write documents or to play] [...]

Furthermore, about the "cracking" itself, the Jargon File says:
:cracking: n. The act of breaking into a computer system; what a {cracker} does. Contrary to widespread myth, this does not usually involve some mysterious leap of hackerly brilliance, but rather persistence and the dogged repetition of a handful of fairly well-known tricks that exploit common weaknesses in the security of target systems. Accordingly, most crackers are only mediocre hackers.
However, This is a superficial and reductive vision. In fact, as it is easily imaginable, there exist people, that are as experienced with computers and as thirsty of knowledge, that however don't have any respect of the hacker ethic and don't hesitate to perform actions meant to damage computer systems or other people.
They are the so-called Dark-side hackers. This term derives from George Lucas' "Star Wars". A Dark-side hacker, just like Darth Vader, is "seduced by the dark side of the Force". It has nothing to do with the common idea of "good" and "bad", but it's closer to the idea of "legal" and "chaotic" in Dungeons&Dragons: In substance, the dark-side hackers are accorded the same dignity and recognized as having the ability of a hacker, but their orientation makes them a dangerous element for the community.
A more common definition, reserved for those that damage someone else's computer systems without drawing any benefit from it, (therefore for pure stupidity or evilness), it is that of Malicious hackers.
More recent versions of the Jargon File (in which some most obsolete terms have been removed), as the version 4.0.0, 24 JUL 1996, makes clear, not only the distinction between hacker and cracker, but also between the entire hack scenes and other parallel realities, like piracy, and the "warez d00dz", who collect an impressive amount of software (games and applications, or better said "gamez" and "appz"), that they are never likely to use, and whose greatest pride is to get software, break its protections, and distribute it on their website before their rival crew, where possible, within the same day it was released ("0-day warez").

One could think that the Jargon File speaks only in theory, and that it describes the hacker ethic in a fantastic and utopian way. This is not so, hackers really are attached to their principles. The following is a practical example concerning one of the most famous hacker crews, the LOD (Legions Of Doom, that takes its name from the group of baddies in the series of cartoons of Superman and his Superfriends), of which The Mentor was also a member during the years 1988-89 (the already cited author of "The conscience of a Hacker").

In "The History of LOD/H", Revision #3 May 1990, written by Lex Luthor (founder of the crew, from the name of the baddie in the movie Superman I), and published on their e-zine "The LOD/H Technical Journal", Issue #4, released on May 20, 1990 (File 06 of 10), we can read:

Of all 38 members, only one was forcefully ejected. It was found out that Terminal Man [member dof the LOD/H in 1985] destroyed data that was not related to covering his tracks. This has always been unacceptable to us, regardless of what the media and law enforcement tries to get you to think.
Yet, not all agree upon the same principles, and there are some "grey areas": for example, taking possession of objects that allow you to access information, or pursuing a personal purpose, can be considered "ethical" by some. A specific example could be "grabbing": the theft of things like keys, magnetic cards, manuals or technical schemes, anyway this is a debatable activity, since a hacker prefers to copy rather to subtract, not only to not damage the "victim", but also to avoid leaving traces of his intrusion. A more acceptable and legal variant is "trashing", that consists in looking inside the garbage of the subject, searching for objects and/or useful information.
But breaking into computer systems is only a small activity amongst the many things that hackers are involved in, and the aversion against the virtual vandal actions are a small part of the hacker ethic.
The hacker ethic is something greater, almost mystic, and draws its origins from the first hackers, those that programmed the TX-0, using the first available computers in the big American universities like MIT or Stanford.
From the already cited "Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution" by Steven Levy:

Something new was coalescing around the TX-0: a new way of life, with a philosophy, an ethic, and a dream.
There was no one moment when it started to dawn on the TX-0 hackers that by devoting their technical abilities to computing with a devotion rarely seen outside of monasteries they were the vanguard of a daring symbiosis between man and machine. With a fervor like that of young hot-rodders fixated on souping up engines, they came to take their almost unique surroundings for granted, Even as the elements of a culture were forming, as legends began to accrue, as their mastery of programming started to surpass any previous recorded levels of skill, the dozen or so hackers were reluctant to acknowledge that their tiny society, on intimate terms with the TX-0, had been slowly and implicitly piecing together a body of concepts, beliefs, and mores.

The precepts of this revolutionary Hacker Ethic were not so much debated and discussed as silently agreed upon. No manifestos were issued ["The Mentor"'s one, very polemic, was written only about twenty years later]. No missionaries tried to gather converts. The computer did the converting [...]

Shortly, Steven Levy sums up the "hacker ethic" this way:
Access to computers -- and anything which might teach you something about the way the world works -- should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On imperative.
All information should be free.

Mistrust Authority. Promote Decentralization.

Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position.

You can create art and beauty on a computer.

Computers can change your life for the better.



From "The Hacker Crackdown - Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier" by Bruce Sterling, Bantam Books, 1992. (ISBN 0-553-08058-X, paperback: ISBN 0-553-56370-X, released as free electronic text for non-commercial purposes)

There are hackers today who fiercely and publicly resist any besmirching of the noble title of hacker. Naturally and understandably, they deeply resent the attack on their values implicit in using the word "hacker" as a synonym for computer-criminal.

The term "hacking" is used routinely today by almost all law enforcement officials with any professional interest in computer fraud and abuse. American police describe almost any crime committed with, by, through, or against a computer as hacking.

If the differentiation between hacker, cracker and dark-side hacker can result a very tiny distinction for the ones who live outside of the computer scene, nobody, especially a journalist, should confuse a hacker with the poor idiot that was locked up for using, with no thought to the consequences, programs that he found somewhere. (even if using the term "hacker" does sell more newspapers... The difference between hackers and journalists is that the aforementioned have ethics, the latter, not even a sense of modesty... but this is often simply mere ignorance).
Let's take as an example the following article published on the Italian newspaper "L'Unione Sarda" (, by Luigi Almiento (


The arrested hacker is a surveyor, aged 25

Files were stolen from the computers of internet "navigators", with the aid of a virus
spread on the Internet

Many people from different national service providers, recently learned to their own detriment, that it is better not to stay and chat to strangers on the chat-lines of the Internet. This occured when a hacker aged 25, obtained the user names and passwords of their dial up accounts, while they were on-line.


"Harris", explains the lieutenant Saverio Spoto, commander of the Police Station [actually they are "Carabinieri", not the normal Police, because in Italy there are two different polices, don't ask why], � contacted his victims through Icq, a "talking place", offered by many Internet providers�. During these "written talks", using an access key he acquired that gives false information, G. F. sent the Netbus virus to the computers of his victims. This allowed him to "navigate" the hard drives of the computers of these people while they were connected to the internet. Harris also had a site, which offered pornographic pictures, pirate-programs and files of every kind, and whenever someone connected to his address, they were immediately infected by the computer virus.


In a few words, lieutenant Spoto succeeds in showing his complete ignorance of the subject: he gives an abominable definition of ICQ, defines Netbus as a virus rather than a trojan (which means he doesn't have any idea of how it works), and still not being satisfied with this, attributes it with a contagiousness similar to the Ebola virus: to be infected simply by connecting to an Internet address sounds like something supernatural. Then, he shamelessy concludes with the invitation "If anyone has had contact with Harris, and thinks that their files may have been forced, they can come to us at the Police Station". If everyone at the Police Station are as experienced as he is, it would be preferable to keep the Harris' "virus" rather than allowing them to put their hands anywhere near your computer.
Besides, these self-acclaimed hackers are almost never bust because of a police operation, (unless they caused a lot of trouble), but because they have the stupid habit of boasting of their actions in chatrooms or even in real life. Often in front of total strangers, that are often police officers or people close to the law enforcement environment, (such as the child or the girlfriend of a police officer).
In fact, the conclusive part of the article regarding "Harris" says: "The investigators did not explain how, but only that they had succeeded in identifying the surveyor": obviously the law officers would like people to think that they identified the guilty person by means of some complicated technique, pursuing the information packets or something in this line, rather than admitting that they only had to make a few enquiries on IRC channels.

The hacker is the one that develops the exploit, and eventually creates a program based on this expoit. People that blindly use these programs because they found them on the Internet, or even worse, because a friend passed them on to them, are merely lamers, that only have a vague idea of how to use the tool they have in their hands and they know nothing about computer systems, programming, or how to cover their tracks. Often these self-acclaimed hackers, self infect themselves with a virus or a trojan they just downloaded, due to their incapabilities.
Putting these programs in the hands of the average person is like giving a loaded gun to a five year-old.

The fact is, that up to the early '80s, computers were only intended for hackers, specialized personnel or students. Only later did they appear on the desks of offices and in houses. The first home computers replaced the primitive consoles of videogames like the Atari 2600, the Intellivision and the Colecovision (the revolution was lead by the Commodore 64 and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum), but still across the whole world there was a "computer culture" throughout the '80s, there were published magazines that taught programming (mainly BASIC, as well as Machine Code) and very advanced techniques worthy of the best hackers. Then during the '90s, Apple and Microsoft's dream started to come true, "a computer on every desk and in every home". The computer became a common appliance available to almost everybody, the general level of the magazines started to drop, and almost all were confined to publishing articles about the latest hardware and software, or advice on how to use commercial applications.
This change in the computer world that made computers not only the sole domain of the hackers, but for everyone, has certainly had some positive general effects, but it proved to be a double edged sword, especially with the advent of the Internet. These days anyone can have powerful tools that inflict damage on other people, real "digital weapons", without having a clue about how they work or how they should be "handled". The average guy can get locked up just for perpetrating what he thought was a "cool" joke, even if it was in bad taste.

All those lamers-wannabe-hackers should better satisfy their needs with APEX v1.00 r10/8/91, a nice program written by Ed T. Toton III (however the original idea is older) that simulates the connection to different US government and military computers (like those of NORAD, or of NASA), among other things it is also possible to pretend that you are the President of the United States of America, and enter the system that controls the nuclear weapons.
With a bit of ability and practice, it is possible to convince some friends that you are really trying to force the US computer systems, and pass the time having good clean fun, without hurting anybody, risking a jail sentence and/or offending the hackers by trying to pretend to be what you are not.

But besides this, outside of the "criminal" context, something that bothers hackers is the ever increasing mass of self-claimed computer "experts", that actually don't know much more than how to turn on a computer and launch a program, and they fill their mouthes with loads of technical words about which they know nothing.
At this point, it is very interesting to read this text from the already quoted home page of the KIN:

I remember [...] When writing software was closer to art and magic than to business and/or just coding. I miss that now. What happened after that? Well, tons of fast graduates appeared who could only do Basic or Clipper/DBase programming, who pretended to be the best. They could wear suites and had money and relatives... I called them nephews. How many times were you in the situation when you gave the best offer, and you simply feel you HAD to write this software - but in the end your client says something like: "I'm really sorry, but I just got a call from my wife and her nephew works for this company in Nebraska who are certified Basic engineers so we'll have to give the contract to them?" The nephews produced terrible software which led to terrible disappointments in the industry ('I've invested so much money in computers and it's not really working for me').
[...] The Net gives you a chance to be first creative and then think about business. Let's use it now - before nephews will get their certified degrees....

Sadly, a crowd of nephews are already working, with or without certified degrees, and armed with programs like Front Page or Publisher creating websites, filling their big mouths with words like FTP and client-server application, even if they don't know what they mean or what they are talking about.
Luckily, the Net is large and, - at least for the moment, - it generates its own rules by itself. There is room for everyone.

-- Valerio "Elf Qrin" Capello

Your sad!!! (none / 0) (#7038)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 11th, 2002 at 03:28:39 AM PST
You are a very sad excuse for a parent and i feel that you are a control freak and you should ease of a bit and chill out because at the moment you sound like the stupidist fucker i have ever heard write a comment like that and maybe if you were nicer to your children and stopped being such a
'model father' they would listen to you dont worry its not youre fault your an old control freak grandad.

Hackers (none / 0) (#7041)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 11th, 2002 at 02:25:08 PM PST
What you said was stupid, to say the least.
AoL is not at all secure, or safe, it is very easy to crack, what you humans call hack, and so are Microsoft systems, unknown programs may also be from games, or something, and can help, new hardware is a good thing, you do not want yourself or anyone else you like to have a slow, or in any way obsolete, computer, that is a bad thing, many hackers and crackers do not change their appearance, and if they are reading the manuals, that is sort of obvious, Otaku means nerd in Japenese, they would probally spend time on the computar when they find out some of the things they can do on it, because it is fun, or something like that, Lunix is more secure, the bad grades are not normally assoiated with hacking or cracking, they usually need some of the things taught in schools, the game Quake, while an okay game, it is not a breeding ground for evil, it is very known, and compatiable with multiplayer functions, and such other things, the social thing, they might be learning about the things humans have done, like your wars, and they usually just become a little anti-social, people become boaring, they are mundane, admit it you probally think so too, there are alot of female hackers and crackers, they are not just males, many of the crackers are, something about being dominant, I think, whick you parents try to enforce, no son of mine will like dolls and not wanting to be butch, you say something like that, you are hypicritical, flash is not a hacker software, it is used for presentations, you need to know how to use a computar yes, but that is with all computar programs, comet cursor is just a program that lets you change the little arrow thing, and the various buddies do not help hackers, they make it easier to use your Windows usually, and they, like AoL, infect your system, put themselves all over your computar, the kids are usually drawn to their cartoonish appearance, they are not helpful in hacking, they can hurt hackers, by leaving their traces all over the place, but not help.
I have more that I could say, but I will not, I am sorry for the bad grammer, and such things, but I am upset at your foolishness, and your remarks. If you wish to contact me, post and ask me.

l0ser (none / 0) (#7042)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 11th, 2002 at 04:36:24 PM PST
AHHHH! Bonzi buddy is hacking my computer!!!!!!!
get the monkey away, he is the devil, my dad says so too. And comet cursor tried to blow up my house, this stuff is really dangerous.
BTW I think AMD should read this it might get them a little mad.

how to tell if your father is smoking crack (none / 0) (#7043)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 12th, 2002 at 09:47:32 AM PST
The biggest clue is when he starts writing completely uneducated and amazingly ludacrious articles such as the one posted here. Apparently I'm a hacker because I like the low price of AMD processors and don't like the horrendously long dial-up times and busy signals of AOL among many other things. I sincerely hope that this is indeed a joke and that people out there who are so ignorant and prejudiced against computer users are not allowed to influence people through this site.

THE TRUTH ABOUT HACKERS (none / 0) (#7044)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 12th, 2002 at 02:59:29 PM PST
Where to start, First every ounce of information in this article is false and not researched very well. I really hope this was someone's joke. Anyway there is a truth about "hackers" that you may want to know. In 1993 I belonged to a hacker group. We have hacked over 100 systems Linux, Unix, VAX, Phone systems, AT&T system 75's 85's and used them for learning purposes, it seems today that hackers are in the destructive mode. When I was hacking the last thing you wanted to do was destroy your target and make it unusable. (Wouldn't learn much that way) We began using Linux when it was in it's infancy Kernel 1.2.13. Anyway I did poorly in school and graduated with a 2.0 GPA in high school. I have been approached and accused, but not convicted by many government agencies (The Big Three) I then took 2 years off and entered the workforce. Still hacking in my spare time, until I turned 18 Years old and decided as a "legal adult" I did not want to face life imprisonment. It's now 2002 and I remember when the internet just started, only the elite were able to find their way there, until about 1998 when the "Internet Rush" really took hold (FYI, Hacking was around long before the internet.) We used modems and sometimes our own two feet. Every now and then it was necessary to come face to face with the target machine. Well where are these hackers today?????? I bet in prison or homeless on the street!!!! WRONG! The 5 of my closest hacking buddies including myself have white collar jobs, the lowest paid member makes 120,000.00/Yr. Hope you find that interesting. As for me, they call me President, And I don't wear baggy pants and glow sticks, I wear a suit. Perhaps some of you might be familiar with that odd form of dress.

"Don't be another Victim Of Mass Hysteria"

The Anonymous Poster

some corrections (none / 0) (#7046)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 12th, 2002 at 06:23:55 PM PST
this was the funniest piece of bull ever. however, bagpipe, i think you should learn what the HELL you were talking about. now, lunix does exist (little unix, for the c-64) but i bet ya meant linux. it was created by linus torvalds (linux=linus's unix) as a hobby in colledge, which you never went to, i bet. AOL is quite slow sometimes, with very crowded servers. i think switching ISP's is a reasonable request. windows is created by microsoft which is a huge corporate empire that you actually embrace. if you were to try out debian, slackware, redhat, etc i think you'd be suprised. the people who play quake just like shoot-em-up games, and 99% aren't hackers. ooooh, why am i afraid of hackers? im not... hackers arent these bad stealing killing ciminals. yer thinking of the blackhat crackers, who get their kicks from DoSing shit... and if they spend more than 30 min a day on their computer, theyre just a person who enjoys technology. i spend about 8-9 hours a day on the computer and phone. now, i dont feed millions of dollars into the AT&T monopoly, so i dont run up a huge phone bill... i just take the power back. and hackers cant be determined bywhat they wear or read. i read phrack, 2600, upl, pla, damage inc, and hundreds of text files on programming. should these be removed, comrade? i think that defies free speech, freedom of the press, and some other freedoms as well. if you like to have big brother take over the country (i mean, you'd be mad if you found yer kids listening to Ice-T's cop killer, because it's god "kill" in the name... people DON'T kill becuase of music) then fine with me, i think i'll go chop off my fingers and not go to the wars you create. i think that you should be less concerned with us 31337 |-|4x0R D00D5 (elite hacker dudes) taking over the world and making you our servants and more time learning about technology. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". bullshit, that's mostly software that the goddamn kiddies install thats just annoying cursor changes, animations, and weird stuff like that. i HATE those and i'm a hacker/phreak. ooh we hack into NASA--- um, sorry dipshit, we dont. the NASA hackers in the 80's thought watching wargames several times made then elite, and because they were idiots, they were caught. heres an example of how this country cracks down on anyone who "looks sorta like a hacker/phreak":
Bernie S, or ed cummings, writer of 2600 was once arrested. what for? having the parts to make a red box. it IS illegal to have a 6.5536 mhz crystal and a tone dialer put together because it is able to cheat AT&T, but to have the parts? they were never together, and he was treated like a murderer and held for 2 years for merely OWNING THE PARTS. should we kill anyone who works in RadioShack because they possess a 6.5536 mhz crystal and tone dialer in their store? is this justice?
Cuebiz, of once had his house broken into by the FBI which then seized all of his computers and phones. they didnt even give a reason. he was given back some of them, some which held the software he had created. learning PERL, C, C++, HTML, DHTML, Delphi, VB, Java, JavaScript, J++, VBscript, COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, or any other codes i left out is legal, and how do ya think they created adobe and microsoft stuff? they HIRED TRAINED PROGRAMMERS who knew these, who might've in the past read "programming in PERL" or "basics in C" or even "Object Oriented Programming: A Start to C++" and those are "hacker manuals"??? a hacker is a person who knows much about technology... and i leave you with the mentor's manifesto.
Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager
Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank
Tampering"... Damn kids. They're all alike. But did you, in your three-
piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the
eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces
shaped him, what may have molded him? I am a hacker, enter my world...
Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the
other kids, this crap they teach us bores me... Damn underachiever.
They're all alike. I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to
teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction.
I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in
my head..." Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.
I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is
cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I
screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by
me.. Or thinks I'm a smart ass.. Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here... Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike. And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found.
"This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even
if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them
again... I know you all... Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again.
They're all alike... You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been
spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of
meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless.
We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few
that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are
like drops of water in the desert.
This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the
beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without
paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering
gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us
criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We
exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias...
and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you
murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our
own good, yet we're the criminals.
Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is
that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never
forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop
this individual,but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.
+++The Mentor+++

lol (none / 0) (#7047)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 12th, 2002 at 07:15:27 PM PST
this is hillarious... IT's ONLY A JOKE ppl!

But still, the article was funny...

If anyone actually believes in this bullsh*t then they deserve to die...


ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#7049)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 13th, 2002 at 01:10:34 PM PST
This is hilarious! Best read I have had in weeks, tears are still streaming down my face from laughing so hard!

Keep up the good work, and quit your day job, your career as a satire writer is now cemented into the internet world for a virtual eternity!

This is going to be a classic. I salute you!

A short reaction (none / 0) (#7050)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 13th, 2002 at 02:54:13 PM PST
It's quite funny how anyone could be that confident about their views when they have no evidence at all.
I recommend that next time you accuse your son of an illegal activity you should find some proof or keep you mouth shut.
I hope my advice helps you to not speak b**ls**T in the future.

lol (none / 0) (#7055)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 16th, 2002 at 11:26:29 AM PST
This guy is so absolutely clueless it makes me sick to my stomach. Someone buy this knave some computer classes.

hahaha (none / 0) (#7056)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 16th, 2002 at 02:56:48 PM PST
1st of all NOT ALL strict parents have their kids turn out to be PERFERCT LITTLE AGENLS (yours is a fine example)(the alcohol part is good cause ther are problems with that but you cannot be sure that he is not doin it all the time since you are not with him all the time). 2nd dude YOU ARE A RETARD HUMAN AND A PARENT WHERE DA F*** did you get this info, LINUX hacker software u freakin idiot (it is a damn OS), I found it hard to laugh since i was tryin so hoard to take this BS seriously(wasn't really sucessfull. 3rd, assumption that a request for a video card might result in you findin out that your son is a hacker is totaly REDICULOUS, usually a new video card is wanted for better performance graphics-wise for games. 4th AMD is much better then INTEL dude,make your research much more tedious then this one cause all that BS about AMD is false, children workin wtf man, where did you get this NATIONAL ENQUIRER. Lastly tell your KIDS that i fell really F****** sorry for them to LIMIT them the way you and all that BEHAVIOR BS that might result from some1 "HACKING" is not from that it is from your stupid parenting man even my mother laughed at all this and she has no knowledge of computers, dude i really do feel sorry for your children. I myself, am 18 years old and never encoutred such treatment and i used to be a hacker(oh oh better make sure my parents do not find out or else i be grounded(oh crap i forgot such concept doesn't exist in a non-American family), u know y i am a hacker i read source code and write them and make programs and try to make sence out of it all not specificaly for hackin purposes. I think you and your wife need 2 check yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

WOW! (none / 0) (#7058)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 17th, 2002 at 04:58:13 PM PST
That was great, those comments about AMD, has to be a joke no one is that stupid ;)

you're either a comedian or very stupid... (none / 0) (#7059)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 17th, 2002 at 06:14:21 PM PST
If that's really true...

You are the biggest moron on the planet! What kind of technologically and culturally illiterate person believes that "CometCursor" and "Bonzi Buddy"s have anything to do with hacking! And "Quake" as a Hacker spawning ground? Get a clue! Accusing a child based on programs installed that hadn't been there before was quite possibly the stupidest remark I've heard from anyone! Good God, you're such an idiot!

If you were joking...

That was really believable. Congrats on the great comical relief!

Is your son a computer hacker? - I think not... (none / 0) (#7062)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 18th, 2002 at 03:59:32 PM PST
In your post you have passed judgement on many different things and people.

I am a teenaget that understands computer systems and how they work. I have never used a point-and-click operating system unless I was checking my e-mail and even then it was only for a quick second.

You need to understand a couple of things first. AOL is for people who know nothing about computers and how they work, it is for someone who wants to get online and check e-mail and look at tons of pornography that is recieved by spam mail.

AMD, is a great processer made by a state of the art company, and Lunix doesnt exist it is Linux. Torvaldes wasnt a Russian programmer and the whole Linux kernel is for the person who needs the ultimate computing experience.

More ram or a faster video card is just the requirements of todays technology. In fact you are so blind you might as well give your computer to the Amish because they will get more use out of it than you.

So before you go and make asshole statements like you have please read into the things you are trying to flame. And a couple of days is not enough time to explore and understand the hacker community.

Therefore you need to sell your computer to the next teenage "hacker" you meet becuase you dont deserve to be online. In fact someone needs to show you what a hacker is and what they can do.

The only reason i joined this forum was to respond to you.

I hope ignorant people such as yourself go back to looking at child porn and leave the rest of the net alone.



Yes that is a hacker name.

This cannot be serious, and if it is, I pity you. (none / 0) (#7063)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 18th, 2002 at 05:05:29 PM PST
I am a college English Professor in Montreal Canada... I cannot believe that any of what you wrote was meant as anything more than an inflamatory statement. No valid information was passed on in it's entire length. I pity anyone who reads your article and thinks you're serious.
Snowcrash? Neuromancers? HACKER MANUALS?!? If you were not kidding than I hope Darwin's theory holds water and a large satelite lands on your house, killing you instantly and miraculously sparing everyone else including any pets you may have and pests or other rodents that may be hiding in the walls.

I pick those out of the unsurmountable MOUNTAIN of ridiculous statements you made, because as greats works of art, I cherish them. Saying William Gibsons Neuromancer is a hacker manual is like saying Hamlet is a how-to guide for murder.

If, by some freak of nature, you thought you were being serious and informative with that last article, then good sir, I pity you because you are an idiot. If my dog passed gas while you were talking, I would start paying attention to it, knowing anything else that came out of my dog, would surely be more informative than anything you have to say.

You're either a sick bastard for doing this to people who don't know computers,
Or your depriving a village somewhere of an idiot, God have mercy on your soul.

Montreal, Canada.

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#7065)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 03:12:12 PM PST
I am not from USA, but i read this page as i like to keep informed, and whatever happens there, it will be bound to happen here in Portugal. As i was reading this notice i couldn't contain myself and i can say that i quite enjoyed myself. The problem is that, by the information given here, i would a hacker psycopat bound to threaten people, wich for god's sake I AM NOT!!!!!!! I don't think that the son of this concerned father is truly a hacker, because i do the same things right now! I use linux, wich by the way was created interely from scratch by Linus Torvalds from Finland, and it gives plenty of 'elbow room' for programmers, thing that windows does not give. What i am saying is that that boy is not a hacker by defenition. He may be just a simple, harmless boy inside a shell wich contains is world wich he creates : a computer programmer, or if you want to be drastic, a cracker. Same as hacker, but finds software security holes to advise is creators to fix them. Sincerely, a insulted man.

An attempt to mediate (none / 0) (#7066)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 03:40:42 PM PST
I found the comments to the article very amusing. It's amazing how quickly the nationalists come crawling out of the woodwork. With their holier than thou attitudes, it makes it possible for people like the father in th satire that caused this shit storm to exist. It is also the same reason hate groups exist. And yes, for all of you who read this, I am comparing most of the people who posted their replies above to hate groups.

To all the British: who do you think these redneck hicks are descendants of? Hmmm? British.

To The American: You are influenced by British culture more than you want to admit.

"only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"-Albert Einstein (who, by the way, was niether American OR British, he was German)

All let all you intolerant holier than thou people go back to kicking the dead horse that was the satire.

hghgh (none / 0) (#7067)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 06:12:03 PM PST
ghghghgtghghghghghgjjgsdsggjdvsaaSAZxzXQEW@D '
alias'vjajeasjajds'alias "bunny 771" aimfacotr 3.2"

Okay Dokay (none / 0) (#7068)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 06:30:24 PM PST
Well, um *cough*dumb ass*cough*

lol (none / 0) (#7069)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 06:38:57 PM PST
Hello peoples, Mr. Gibbons thinks that AOL is a good ISP????

I guess Mr. Gibbon's mom didn't give him his daily blow job and he felt anger toward those evil AMD chips.

What was the point of this article? (none / 0) (#7071)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 20th, 2002 at 08:07:28 AM PST
What were you trying to do by writing this? First off, let me say I am a father of 3, my 2 sons are both 15 and my daughter is 17. They are all involved in computing and I am too, I own my own computer repair company. If you had any sense, you would go, and oh shit, my tourettes syndrome is kicking in, FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS FUCK SHIT ASS PISS...Damn, good thing that's over. thanks alot!

|\/|4K3 Y0u|2 t1|\/|3, f00|z!! (none / 0) (#7073)
by ComradePanda on Wed Feb 20th, 2002 at 09:48:27 AM PST
j0 t|-|1|\|k j0 c4|\| st0p us! j0 4|23 s4d|y m1st4k3|\|! 1337 |-|aXX0|2z 4|23 2 p0\/\/3|2fu| 4 j0 2 d3f34t!

I feel sorry for your family (none / 0) (#7074)
by Burzhui on Wed Feb 20th, 2002 at 10:25:38 AM PST
So tell how much experience have you had with technology overall? Have you ever used anything except for a TV remote or was that too complicated?

number 1) AMD is one of the leading chip makers in the world today, for the following reasons. It's overclockable, which means you can make that processor go faster by changing settings provided by your computers BIOS, instead of paying hundreds of dollars more for it.... it is done in almost every piece of electronic equipment, that is able to handle it. Many prefer AMD to INTEL because it is much cheaper, and the support is much better from AMD then INTEL. AMD chips and INTEL chips are widely available from computer stores everywhere. PLUS GATEWAY USES AMD CHIPS ON MANY OF THEIR DESKTOPS.

2) LINUX, when you said your son can breaky your computer by installing linux and erasing windows, you made a mistake, when you install LINUX you rid your computer of a horrible VIRUS called Windows. Linux is a different version of UNIX which was created in BERKLEY UNIVERSITY in CALLIFORNIA. And is just as stable as UNIX, by stable i mean it does not crash, and your son, god bless his poor soul, did you a favor. But then again you probabbly won't be able to use linux because it will be just a tad complicated for you.

3) RAVERS not HACKERS, but ravers wear pacifiers and have glowsticks and what not, and saying that all hackers do that is like saying all black people are thieves and murderers and all chinese people are grocery store owners

4)QUAKE, quake is a game, just like UNREAL TOURNAMENT. It's a first person shooter yes, but it is a game. If you want to attack games i can tell you that Barbie dreamhouse cd-rom teaches little girls to be bimbos and air heads

5) Hacker software "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". These are not hacker software, noene of them are hacker software. I.E. Macromedia flash is a new standard in web site creation, go to to find out more.

6) switching ISP's: AOL is one of the worst providers out there, who offer very slow speeds and offer many useless features and parental locks that can be bypassed by a novice hacker within seconds. So if your son can't bypass them he is not a hacker.

CONCLUSION: I feel truly sorry for your family, because obviously you are obviously not the brightest man alive.

PARENTS, if you want to find out if your son is a hacker, you probably won't know it, unless you ask him/her. If your child has installed LINUX, they are a smart lad or lass, because they have realized that Microsoft makes very very bad and buggy software. If they are requesting new hardware you have nothing to worry about because if they were a hacker they would steal credit card numbers and order everything they wanted. So if they ask you to buy all that means is they are interested in learning more about computer hardware and upgradability :)
SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR CHILDREN and ignore this "article" because obviously whoever has written it has no idea what they are talking about or have forgotten that it is pure fiction

"Software Development Engineer"
Securities Industry Automation Corporation

Microsoft Certified Engineer, Microsoft Certified Professional, SISCO Certified Engineer, A+ Certified

Yah? (none / 0) (#7077)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 21st, 2002 at 02:21:46 AM PST
What that mean? If your son looks through the back panel TV at its interiors he becomes the engineer... Hmmm, dont think so. May be he becomes a programmer, system administrator. I live in Russia, when to me was 16 years, dad bring to me my first PC, it was a ZX-Spectrum. I spent behind it for 12 hours. Now im account programmer, work in a large corporation. Once one of our worker lost the pass she made on system boot. I enter the standart AMI password & erase it from BIOS. She looks at me and says: "Are You hacker?". Ridiculously. Who are you, what you will be? That depend only from your free will. The atomic bomb may kill thousands peoples, but may save them? Do you feel the Difference? I think You mast spend the time, what your son at PC with him: play games, surf in Internet and all be cool...

heh ... (none / 0) (#7079)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 21st, 2002 at 02:49:28 PM PST
the amusing thing is the amount of people who have posted a comment trying to shwo that they know linux is an OS and Flash isn't a hacking tool.

That in itself is about as amusing as the article itself... oh god I hope that article was a joke... if not the person who wrote it certainly is...

How to determine if your children a "h4xor&qu (none / 0) (#7083)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 21st, 2002 at 08:37:13 PM PST
I must say that the passage is rubbish and don't ever trust a word from that.

Here are some ways that hackers tend to show (if your child shows these signs, he may still not being a hacker).
1. Does he trying to pursuade you to upgrade the security of the computer?
Hackers themselves know best how vulnerable computers are, they may urge you to install stuffs like firewall, virus scanners(note it is scanners, hackers know that one scanner is not secure enough). They may want you to delete softwares like ICQ(or msn messenger, or any communicating softwares), Outlook, or even want to change to Linux(and yes it spells L-I-N-U-X, it is a much more secure opearating system than Windows). If your children want to do these, s/he is either a) a hacker; b) just found a computer security site and discover how insecure the internet is.
2. Does s/he have lots of softwares with strange names installed?
REMEMBER: Comet cursor, Flash, Bonzi Buddy are NOT hackers' software, but if you find for example, Netscantools, wingatescan, etc..., these are wares that if your child installed these he is either a system analyst or a hacker.
If you suspect your son installed hacking softwares, the safest method is to ask him what the software does, as if you are interested in computers, and ask him to run it in front of you. You should see words like "nuke", "scan", or words you can easily identified to be something related to wrong-doing.
And if you see lots of zips in your child's personal folder,try to ask him what's inside, there may be many documents concerning physics or maths which boosts your child's scores, some naughty porns, or some hacking softwares or viruses package.
3. Clothing
Hackers are, as the passage said it right, mostly socially isolated, so they will not dressed in bright colored clothes, rather they will show little or no concern about their appearance, what children will not try to attract the opposite sex when they are maybe 14+? Answer: gay, les, and hackers.
4. Academic results
Hackers know how important is reading and learning, they know if they don't read, they can't hack, they usually are not the worst scorer in class, however, as studies showed, they tend to have poor results in language, why? Cos most hacker sites are using grammatically incorrect sentances, and they do not have time to talk to others, so they tend to show poor in language.
5. Computer games
Why would a hacker waste so much time on computer games if he could use it on a much more fun activity known as hacking? They won't play computer games, and that is actually one of the signs, if the child in your next door is yelling for computer games all day long but your child surf the net all day quietly, try to sit next to him and provide him with sites that is funny or educational, in one word, don't let him has a chance to hack others but to let him know the Net can be of great fun in other ways.
If your child is interested in guns, then thank god. Most people has only a few hobbies, if he loves guns, probably he doesn't like hacking. Hackers are not violent people, if any weapons hackers love, it is their computers.
7.Hackers' manual
This one you should be very careful. He may just want to learn more about computer security or he maybe trying to be hackers. Solution: read with him learn about computer security with him and experiment with him, buy another computer and let him hack one another, but be sure to warn him that hacking others is illegal, and find books about hackers being caught and let him read, find books on how the FBI traces hackers and let him read, make him believe that hacking others will be jailed.
8.Well, ISPs
I don't know much about that, afterall, I'm not American, I'm from Hong Kong.

The world now has somewhat 650million people and top hackers are something less than maybe 3000. Most teenagers are interested inhacking but gone failed. Only very very few of them can be successful, so ask yourself, is your smart enough to be a hacker?

One little note: I score top in computer in my school and I got A in computer studies in public exams, I got 3 whole CDs of hacking softwares, BUT I'M STILL NOT ABLE TO BREAK INTO ANY COMPUTER.

This is a joke right? (none / 0) (#7084)
by LMFAO on Fri Feb 22nd, 2002 at 03:54:02 AM PST
You cant be serious if your saying you researched this then you would know Flash is a browser plug in enabling you to view some animated content on a site or its a program to make these sorts of things as for the rest of your points well I could go into them but it would take to long.
Seems to me you have absolutely no clue of what hacking is and if your son was a hacker trust me you wouldnt find anything if he didnt want you to.

Does he really know what he' s talking about? (none / 0) (#7085)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 22nd, 2002 at 06:00:59 AM PST

Very poor argumentation (none / 0) (#7086)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 22nd, 2002 at 07:58:01 AM PST
Dear sirs,

I will not go as far as to make use of bad words to describe the author of what I call a novel (not a very funny one, though). I always thought that mankind, no matter what, should use all of their cleverness and beware from falling into the obnoxious, the offending.

I came to this site through the web portal of an italian game-review publication. In the terms of the author, they should all be mentally deranged and unable to have a social behaviour, thus aggressive and potentially dangerous. The same he ought to think of myself, Internet user since 1994, student in Communication Sciences in Switzerland. Actually yes: I played the game Quake (yes, it's a game!), I use Linux (made by a FINNISH student, Linus Torvalds, the only one who really tried to do something to contrast american software mogul Bill Gates and his rather dubious company, Microsoft), I read 'hacker manuals' (whatever this means: maybe nothing), I own a PC with AMD (which I wouldn't call "inferior" to other products at all), and no, I don't use "glow-sticks" (and never saw anyone using it -- what is the crap anyway?) and no, I didn't change my appearence.

If I were to sort out all the incorrect or partially incorrect information (and there is a lot), the article would only be the lament of a parent who cannot cope with his child growing up and becoming everyday a little bit more independent.

What really upsets me is that such articles are written in a way people think they're plausible. Believe me, they are not. Not because I know more than other people. Just because, if we look out of the window, we see that the world is not such a place: people don't go running around with "glow-stick" in their mouths, killing people at random because of they saw it in a videogame. Of course, being no expert in medecine, I am well aware of the fact that disturbing behaviour *can* be triggered by the use of a computer, this is no different than any other activity and is mostly due to underlying physical or psychical problems in no way related to the use of a computer.

I hope my few lines help clearing things; if not I will make myself heard.

LOL! (none / 0) (#7087)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 22nd, 2002 at 12:48:43 PM PST
god i cant beleave this he thick or wot!!!!
1. if he wants to change ISP`s it may b because the current 1 is slow (AOL is very damn slow) and the filter cannot stop hacking attempts
2. The programs mentioned are NOT HACKING software!
3. If he needs new hardware its because the computer is slow nothing to do with hacking
4. The books mentioned are not manuals just storys
5. LOL i had 2 laugh @ this DOS is Disk Operating System it can only be used on the current computer
6. Quake (1 2 or 3) is a game basically killing anything that moves! nothing 2 do with hacking
7. Hell hes gotta attitude problem then
8. Linux is an Operating System like Windows (95, 98, ME, 2000, XP)
9. Hey we all change appearances now & then
10. Radiation causing diseases?!?!? bloody hell if thats true i must have a serious case of cancer!

Get your facts straight dude..

WTF!!!?!?!?! (none / 0) (#7088)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 22nd, 2002 at 08:10:20 PM PST
WTF is with this article?!?! I myself have an AMD processor, look at me Im no hacker (OR AM I?) As to the refrences to Quake yes it's violent but IT IS A G A M E!!!! Oh and whats with locking up the guns (yes theyre dangerous) being a hacker doesnt make you murder your parents (or want to only your attitude does) And the cloths? COME ON! Hackers dont dress special because they dont want to be identified. What your talking about is more like a gang. Oh, one last thing Comet Cursur is NOT a hacking program but a (hopefully you gessed it) a speccialty curser program.

Funny (none / 0) (#7091)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 24th, 2002 at 09:29:58 PM PST
Well either this is a joke, which I assume it is, or you are a complete moron and definitely NOT a modern parent.

Get a life (preferably your own and not your sons)or learn a bit more about computing.

AMD a third world chip. You really do not know anything do you?

I suggest you actually get off your ass and walk to your nearest computer store and ask for AMD. While you are there you might want to buy the latest "How to use a pc.. moron edition"

Good luck in your quest to use your brain

this useless lie that has no bases on truth (none / 0) (#7092)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 12:18:06 AM PST
First let me comment that it is taking a lot of self-restrant to keep from cussing you out about the poorly reasearched article you have written here, and second the comments you have made about things hackers do is too general because anyone who knows how to correctly use a computer can do all of that.
First of all i would like to mention that there are 2 definitions for the word hacker. The first and orginal definition is a programer. The second is one that the media associated with the word due to thier lack of understanding and that is someone who looks at code/or security systems to see how they work.
Now that we have that asstablised let me say that the programs you said are used by hackers are actually used by everyday people who design web pages. There is so much software out there that does so much of the same thing, that to lable the software that isn't made by microsoft or is not main stream as "hacker software" is not correct. Also based on what you said about some of the software you have no idea what it even does so if you don't know what it does what business do you have of even declaring it as "hacker" software?
This is the most rediculous article i have ever read in my life and if it is true about what you did to your son you are a moron and shouldn't even have a son to punish. You punished your child for being smart and for(if he had some of your so called "hacker" progams) planning ahead and learning a skill that could make him lots of money making websites for companys.
so as for you i think you should either reasearch your articles first or just never put one up again because all you do is make yourself look and sound like a complete and utter moron

Charlie says (none / 0) (#7093)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 09:57:52 AM PST
Okay, I think by now we all see this as being a joke, or maybe this guy is really so confused. Whichever, maybe we should think about

a) How many people really do think like this and take this sort of attitude to raising their children, and the detrimental effect this will have on them in their future lives.

b) How someone with, apparently, so little knowledge about the subject they are talking about can have such a strong influence on others and their thinking; the internet is by far the most powerful communication tool available at the moment. It must be used carefully.

Thank's for making me laugh, whether it was intentional or not.


Goddamned funny! (none / 0) (#7094)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 09:59:20 AM PST

IS THIS A JOKE OR WHAT (none / 0) (#7095)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 02:51:08 PM PST
i cant say more that this is full JOKE.
do you now what is HACKER and CRAKER.
if not remove this text from here this text dosent base in true speak in any way.
DDoS LiVez

I'm a hacker... and I didn't know it! (none / 0) (#7096)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 04:58:21 PM PST
In stead of writing such crap you'd better spend some time with the kid.

ARRRRRRRRHAHAHA (none / 0) (#7099)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 27th, 2002 at 04:10:27 AM PST
You people worry too much.

AMD are not inferior. Lunix isn't even something real. Linux on the other hand is an OS far superior to windows, because of it's tendancy's not to CRASH.

Perhaps your astranged childs dress habits are not as a result of "hacking", like some movies might suggest, but rather the company the keep with REAL people.

If your 'son' is struggling accademically, perhaps it's because u have AOL, which prohibits accessing any information for his learning.

Thankyou for your time, and pull your head out of the sand

I SERIOUSLY hope your joking.... (none / 0) (#7100)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 27th, 2002 at 04:52:36 PM PST
because if you are not, you have to be the BIGGEST computer illterate buffon OF ALL TIME! AMD is NOT illegal! American Micro Devices your local computer store. They sell them like candy. WONDERFUL processors. MADE BY THE USA. I have one myself.
Also, new video card???? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Lets see you run any kind of 3d enhanced operation on a 2d card. Nowadays you NEED at least a Voodoo 3 or TNT 2. Its called INDUSTRY STANDARD. Get with the program.
Speaking of programs...linux is nothing more than a different version of one of the oldest operating systems, Unix. Time tested, solid, and alot more stable than you are!!!!!
I could ramble on for hours on how stupid, yes I mean TRULY MORONIC, you are. But I will stop since others seem to be showing you the same attention. Ill just add one personal insult since Im sure no one else will, DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE POSTING THIS SPUTIM YOU LITTLE IGNORANT GIT!

I am sorry for your family (none / 0) (#7101)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 28th, 2002 at 07:56:52 PM PST
You have to be the dumbest piece of shit on this planet. If these are jokes, then I think they are funny; If you are serious, may god help us from idiots such as your self.

This guy is a shithead. (none / 0) (#7102)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 28th, 2002 at 08:10:22 PM PST
Quake has no connection with real weapons. They are fake you fuck. Flash and Bonzi Buddie and Comet Cursor and all that stuff is harmless. Fuck you. None of those books mentioned help anyone to learn. all this article is bullshit you christian ass fucks with no clue. I hate ignorant faggots. I was gonna write some deep essay like shiznit that was backed by facts and shit, but I hate these whores, they make hax0rs look like even more shit in the face of todays gay ass society.

Die all of you, fuck this site with a steel dildo.

Lunix does exist (all you wanna be hax0rs).

Goddam. I want to kill you all.



how's know so much bout linux, but spell it wrong? (none / 0) (#7103)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 28th, 2002 at 08:28:35 PM PST
I believe that he knows exactly what he's talking about, and is using his knowledge in an attempt to mislead others. No person could know that much about computers, and still mis-spell linux! think about it, I know that if my parents ever read this, they'd suspect me, and i believe that that's exactly what they're trying to make happen!


hackers suck. (none / 0) (#7105)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 28th, 2002 at 09:22:11 PM PST
<iframe src= width=480px height=640px></iframe>

Hacker kids (none / 0) (#7106)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 1st, 2002 at 04:22:51 PM PST
I think it's great that there's parents out there
who is concerned about their kids.. and want them
to grow up to be indivudals with high morals.
BUT... most of the things stated here is just not

I must say ((and I mean no offense)) I laughed my
way through it.

What a f-ing moron (none / 0) (#7108)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 2nd, 2002 at 11:48:16 PM PST
Quake is a f-ing game.
How much of a moron do you have to be to realize that?
What is this crap about "Has your child asked to change ISP's"
You are a moron.
L00k 4+ |\/|3, 1 k|\|0// |-|0// +0 5p34k L33+, 1 |\/|u5+ b3 4 |-|4kk3|2
Y0u 5+up1|) |\/|0+|-|3|2 phukk1|\|6 455|-|0L3 0ph 4 ph4+|-|3|2. '/0u b|21|\|6 up |\|0 p|20p3|2 4|26u|\/|3|\|+, 4LL '/0u|2 455u|\/|p+10|\|5 4|23 455|\|1|\|3.
You bring up no proper argument, all your assumptions are assnine.
Just shut the f up.

Who is this moron? (none / 0) (#7110)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 3rd, 2002 at 09:45:37 AM PST
I am a 27 year old male and NEVER in my life have i seen some one post information which is so mis leading and misinforming in my entire life!

First of all LINUX is NOT a Hacker Based OS (OPERATING SYSTEM, For those of you who are misinformed)

Second Quake is A VIDEO GAME, Not a weapons training Manual Most of the weapons in the game DONT exist (at least not till Aliens atack the earth).

Third AOL is one of the most hacked ISPs that i know of. I have used it before and NEVER intend to use it again, even if i got paid $1000000000
and hour to do so.

Forth Many programs you can buy Install Other programs to your PC that you dont know about, Such as Telnet in windows When you install Windows Telnet is there. This is a program that can be used to "hack with". Most people dont even know it is there, or what it does, and it is a MICROSFT PROGRAM.

Fifth If If your "child" asks For A new video card or memory, it is probaly because your computer is slow and needs to be upgraded!

Sixth If there is a "HACKING" Manual laying on your computer desk, it might be there for the sole purpose of LEARNING HOW TO SECURE YOUR COMPUTER SO IT WONT GET HACKED!

Seven I spend an average of at least 2 hours on my computer at one sitting, and i am not a hacker (If i was , i would have deleted the original post this guy made and wrote a more informative

Eight This guy stated his son was becomeing "hostile Towards him". I can simpothise with the child. if my Father talked to me like i was 2 and acussed me of Being a hacker for wanting some rather nice programs, I would laugh in his face and tell him to get a real life. and try not to let me grow up like "Leave it to Beaver".

And finally If you child's appearnce starts to change along with his/her attitude, Maybe it is because they are starting to grow up and become their own person, and becoming more independant.

I beg everyone who reads this to PLEASE not let the author of the post i just read EVER have anysort of job that will be directly connected with the developement of children.

THIS IS THE DUMBEST ARTICLE! (none / 0) (#7111)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 3rd, 2002 at 12:32:17 PM PST

TO SUM IT ALL UP!! (none / 0) (#7112)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 3rd, 2002 at 04:23:11 PM PST
I dont think that this guy was joking around, for all the other post's I looked at, I think those are jokes. I read one that sayed he called the cops on him kids, that I think was a joke, just stuff like that i think where jokes. As for the signs, they are all a load of shit.

#1 Has your son asked you to change ISPs? Why would some one want to use aol, there is so many popups, you get deconnected all the time.

#2 Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing? For one when you all looking thorugh the internet for like mp3's stuff gets installed to your hard drive, that you dont know about, hint hint (comet cursor) for bonzi buddy that is just a why to talk and make friends, flash this is a program that is need to see some web pages, that are made in flash.

#3 Has your child asked for new hardware? new hardware hmm let see why would you need new hardware. faster video card: for better gaming, memory: games, mp3, videos, processor (AMD) a amd processor yes that cpu is also used for gaming, it you go a read about it, it is the best cpu for gaming. All hacking programs do not need faster video, cpu, and they do not need more memory.

#4 Does your child read hacking manuals? As for hacking manuals he may just want to know about it, or he does want to become a hacker, but over half the time he does not. But the books you have here are not just for hackers if you read one of these books then you will find out that in the book it tells you about other books too.

#5 How much time does your child spend using the computer each day? as for time on the computer, alot of the time may be spent playing games. As for DOSing what the hell is that (DOSing), gaining access to the command prompt, gaining access? in win95-98 you goto run and type command, for win2000-xp you goto run and type cmd. hackers do not use DOS for hacking they use telnet or some other program for that, now i am not saying that you can not hack through DOS you can but it would take alot more time it you do it that way, and it is also harder.

#6 Does your son use Quake? Quake is a virtual reality game but it is not used but hackers to meet, it is a place to play vs other players to see how is better, as for the guns in quake they are not real, did you get that NOT REAL. Hacker would not use quake to meet they would use some other program to do that, like mirc.

#7 Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour? Now teenagers like to hang out with people that like the same thing that they do. Kids dont like to talk about there problems, and you should back off, give them space, and when they are ready they will come to you about it. If you keep trying to get out of them they are just going to hate you more, and then they will never come to you when they have a problem.

#8 Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"? For one it is not lunix it is LINUX, just to clear that up. Linux is a free OS and is not illegal, you can download it or buy the real cd, that is if you do not want to spend the time to download it. If you install linux the right way you can run linux and windows, but not at the same time. if you see it on your hard drive, it is not hard to delete, just put the linux cd in the cd rom, restart your computer, and in the install delete it and then restart, put a windows boot disk in the a: drive or put the windows cd in the cd rom, and it should boot off of the cd, and then just install wiodows, and you are done, no harm done to your hard drive. you do not have to get a new hard drive or take it to a professional. linux is not just a hacker tool it is a new os to learn, if your son want to learn linux let him, he will be able to get ahead in the it world, alot of jobs we open up for him.

#9 Has your son radically changed his appearance? as for the appearance of you kid, he is just trying to fit in with the type of people he is friends with. hackers do not dress like that, I dont know why you think these but you are wrong. people that dress like that just to goto raves all the colors in the clothes just look good in black lights, that is what the glow sticks are for too.

#10 Is your son struggling academically? for one just b/c your sons struggles academically, just means that he is not getting the subjects or he just dont care, if he was a hacker he would do ever well in math, b/c that is the kind of thinking that a hacker has. I would like to see some case of this computer radiation.

maybe next time you will think before you type. gets some books and start reading, become a bit more up to date on the subject of hacking, before you jump all over your kid, and tell people what you know nothing about.

P.S. You should give your son back his computer, and say you are sorry for jumping all over him.


You know what If you are Serius You are Stupid (none / 0) (#7113)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 3rd, 2002 at 08:18:10 PM PST
Wow You think That Asking for new Equipment Like a Better Video Card is Hacking? MORON! And Quake is not a Hacking Meeting place and it has nothing to do with Firarms Training loser! Quake is an Online VIDEO GAME! That is All To Unrealistic to Train Anybody how to fire a Fucking Bow and Arrow!
Wow "Has your son radically changed his appearance?" hahahahaha Saying that You Accuse almost ALL Highschool Studints Dork! And Lunix? hahaha Lunix, UNIX, and Linux are Fucking Operating Systems that have nothing to do with Hacking! Lunix, UNIX, and Linux are just like Windows! "Is your son struggling acadmically?" Wow agian you just Accused almost all High School Students! "Are you finding programs on your computer you don't remeber Installing?" Wow Jeez Hmmm Let's see Flash is a Fucking Web Animating Program! Ummmm Comet Cursor Ummm Allows you to Change your Mouse Cursor it has nothing to do with Hacking! Ok If you have to say your Son is Hacking when he changes Alittle Something wants Something Better for his Computer or Changes his Apearance Wow You Need to go to a Psych! Grow Up and Smell 2002!

What? (none / 0) (#7114)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 3rd, 2002 at 11:28:47 PM PST
the hell are you talking about...i feel sorry for your son!

1.come cursor a hacking tool?..lolol

2.AMD?...amd is one of the largest processor companies!!!!...and just because asks for parts doesnt mean hes a hacker...most games out here require way more then most people have.

3.haveing guns around the house is more dangerous then quake...stop blaming games for people moronic behavior...qauke is a fps..i have so do many people..god.

4.the real world is as bad or is worst then the virtual world. at these certain ages teens are becoming adult and are seeing and experiancing things for themself...what they do is NOT a computers fault.

5.liunx...look it, it isnt illegal..same with unix it is a operating system made by someone...that has allowed companies to buy the idea and sell it.

6. i cant believe you are judgeing people by the way they dress...

Look..research your stuff...people will come on here and believe everything you say..and i feel sorry for them...hackin is illegal and i am againist it...maybe the only way is to install an anti hackin program...other then that you cant accuse anyone of hackin if you dont know what it is!

What a joke! (none / 0) (#7117)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 4th, 2002 at 10:54:30 PM PST
Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me? I cannot believe you are such poor parents that your son became a computer hacker.. don't you pay attention to anything? Didn't you follow the signs? I mean seriously, out of everything... becoming a murderer, raping some poor helpless girl, smoking weed, getting drunk of his a** you are worried more about him becoming a damn computer hacker? You are a psychotic parent, and your children are going to grow up to be the most messed up kids I have ever seen.. they will want to free themselves from your overbearing nature, and all of the crap you tell them not to do, "dear lord jane, that's a sin!" they will do. Beware.. damn a computer hacker.. out of all things, what a disgrace.
I think you are an idiot.

IDIOT!!!! (none / 0) (#7119)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 5th, 2002 at 01:03:32 AM PST
Are you the DUMBEST person EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE???? that is the most retarted thing I have ever heard of in my life. I wanted to punch myself in the eyes for reading something that dumb. What do you do for a living, clean shit up at McDonnalds?? comet cursor??? are you retarted? that is a skin for a mouse arrow you idiot(almost shot myself in the temple when I read that one). Hacker? my ass.

eat shit (none / 0) (#7120)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 5th, 2002 at 01:21:06 AM PST
I hope you like to eat shit, b/c that is what we have here. You should take what you have here and stick it up your ass. People like you have no life. you should get a gun and shoot your self in the face. And one other thing is you are no going to do that, i hope you get aids and die, very slow. You are just a fag, that loves the cock. HOMO ASS PUSSY BITCH!!!!!!!!


Son a hacker? (none / 0) (#7121)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 5th, 2002 at 04:02:05 AM PST someone touting A-O-Hell knows what he's talking about...

Call DCYS and get the kids free of this fool!

WTF Are you on (none / 0) (#7126)
by Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 12:50:22 AM PST
you are not only a complete and udder idiot, but somehow you got the most replies i've ever seen.
im not going to argue with your points because if your reading this then you must of read some of the other posts, and most of them completly smash any argument you have given

I am a hacker and not all of us are bad, most of us help the cyber comminity, not destroy it

Wow (none / 0) (#7127)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 01:30:32 PM PST
This is the dumbest article I have ever seen. If this is a joke, I dont find it funny. If it isent, then my friend you are sadly mis-informed.

Get a life

root... (none / 0) (#7128)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 01:32:55 PM PST
total bull. thats all microsoft and capatlist propaganda... if you stupid white people cant see it, you should be slaves

Please read (none / 0) (#7129)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 01:51:03 PM PST
You sir, are an imbosile. Linux is a unix type operating system. It promotes open source applications which I think is far superior to Microsoft's greed. Another thing the man who created Linux was from Finland I think. He most likly wanted an amd processor for gaming and stability. Those "hacker books" were about programming and other good hobbies. Your son is just curious and this should not be looked at as a bad thing. He can get a great paying job with that knowledge. I guess the saying is true what a man does not understand he makes up assumptions and fears it. Sir I hope you have learned alot from my comments. By the way I am 16 years old and I am learning more and more everyday which will probobly land me a good job. Don't worry about the comment I started out with I was just angered at your assumptions and the way you handled your son. Do not take this post with a grain of salt just because of my age by making another "assumption". Give the boy some slack and learn yourself. If he really was a hacker you most likly would never know so don't worry about it. He is most likly a curious kid. When I was around 13 I used to break into computers for fun but now that I have matured I have learned alot and will most likly have a great paying job someday. That's is the best advice I can give and I'm sorry that I have ranted on. Let him learn and he will most likly change his ways.

Is this a joke!? (none / 0) (#7130)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 01:56:39 PM PST
Come on what a bunch of crap. am i going blind? did you just say Flash is a hackers tool!? you must be joking do some more research before you post.

Is this for real? (none / 0) (#7131)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 02:04:54 PM PST
I can't tell if this article is a serious one or not. I can understand a parents desire to know when a kid has gone a little too far into the realm of computers, but "Flash" and "Bonzai Buddy" are not programs designed for hacking. Flash is a website development tool made by Macromedia ( and Bonzai Buddy is just a little purple monkey that interacts with the user in a few harmless ways. And that whole subheading for Linux is bogus. Linux is just another OS that's somewhat similar to MS-DOS in look and feel. It's open source, which means that the files that build the OS are editable, but only to those who know how. In fact, Linux and most Unix-based opperating systems are far supirior in many ways to Windows. I may seem kinda gullible, but I just wanted to make sure any concerned parent out there who actually takes this seriously knows the truth.

lol (none / 0) (#7132)
by E3000 on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 02:11:46 PM PST
<Father> Boy what does this windows 98 thing do
<Boy> Its a os
<Father> A hacker tool isnt it!
<Boy> No
<Father> thats it ure banned from this windows 98 thing im taking it off the computer err how do you do that son?
<Boy> u fool it wont work then
<Father> You have no idea what you are on about ill delete this folder called windows that should fix it!

Are your san a hacker? (none / 0) (#7133)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 02:17:39 PM PST
u people are incane?
let your children alone!
what can i say more ....

Hacker Son (none / 0) (#7134)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 04:00:06 PM PST
I'm sorry, but after reading that "article" it is apparent to me that this "parent" is completely paranoid and totally out of touch with the real world as it exists today. Please, how many 17-year-old girls do you know that do NOT wear make-up or perfume? And attire? What on earth does attire have to do with being a "hacker?"

You have gone way overboard with your statements...take this from an experienced parent who managed to raise three responsible adults in the computer age.

I seriously hope this was meant as a joke (none / 0) (#7136)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 05:48:16 PM PST
I seriously hope this article was meant as a joke. Almost ALL the information contained in it is not only blatently inaccurate, but completely laughable to anyone who know ANYTHING about computers.

This is a load of lies (none / 0) (#7140)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 7th, 2002 at 05:26:26 PM PST
I am an 18 year old male, and I highly take offense to this post. I fall under almost all of those catergories that were listed in that list of hacker qualities, and guess what, I'm not a hacker. Just because your child wears baggy clothes, uses the computer for many hours, plays quake, etc. does not mean he is a hacker. You should try to do a little more research before making such an uneducated claim.

Waste of time and space.. (none / 0) (#7141)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 7th, 2002 at 07:02:49 PM PST
That has to be the MOST short sighted, Narrow minded waste of text I have ever read in my life! The nerve of someone saying that because a child shows interest in the workings of a computer and related topics that he or she is a hacker or soon to be hacker! If the person that wrote this trash is reading this. You need to do some real research into the matter and not just find what you want to find. Quake? A hackers hang out? Oh My GOD!! AMD? A true sign of a hacker? Get real!!! You need to get a grip on reality pal, this fiction that you have created is just ludacris.

what the.... (none / 0) (#7142)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 8th, 2002 at 01:08:29 AM PST
is this article a joke? because i sure as hell hope it is? I laughed for about an hour ( literally ).

I was goign to go over how everthing about that is wrong, but i would have to rewrite your entire article.... and i just can't stop laughing.

But if you seriously want to know what hacking is and what tools belong to the trade visit some of these sites.

Warez is one of the biggest hacking/cracking industries, the writer of this article seriously has no idea what they are talking about, and i feel sorry for their child as they are now punished for using the computer responsibly.

Hacking and this Article have no Connection (none / 0) (#7143)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 8th, 2002 at 07:21:12 AM PST
I must assume this was meant to be a humorous article. The "warning signs" you
have posted have nothing, and I mean nothing whatsoever, to do with
hacking. Changing from AOL to another ISP, for example, is one of the
ten indicators of having a clue about the way the Internet operates. "Comet
Cursor" is a useless piece of annoying whimsy that is as far from a "hacker's"
tool" as a spoon is from heavy construction equipment.

The warning signs you have posted are not indicative of someone who is
becoming a hacker. They are, rather, indicators of your own total lack
of knowledge about even the most basic attributes of computer literacy.
You want hacker warning signs?
--The kid asks for a computer with Linux on it.
--He gets his own broadband connection.
--He spends at least 8 hours a day on IRC, mostly at places like Dalnet.
--He joins the local 2600 group.
--He learns C and at least one species of assembly language.
--He starts decompiling everything in sight.
--He speaks a language that you don't even begin to understand.
--He can fix any computer problem you'll ever have in under 2 minutes.
--His computer case is custom built and includes at least some transparent elements.
--One or more components are supported by cola cans.
--He owns more than 4 joysticks.
--He has a list of several hundred open proxy servers.
--His friends are named things like "munge," "rain.forest.puppy," and "DrKa0s."
--He and his buddies take car trips around town with their laptops (called "war driving").
The final warning sign: he asks to go to something called "Defcon."

Those are some things to look for in a burgeoning hacker. What you've got is
just a kid who's realized his parents are clueless dweebs.

It pays to know the difference.

You Are An Idiot (none / 0) (#7144)
by Shibby on Fri Mar 8th, 2002 at 11:53:00 AM PST
What you are describing is not a computer hacker it is an average teenager you dumb fu*k. all teens were baggy cloths all teens spend more then 30 min on the computer and most teens have poor marks in school. you are a dumbass i'm sorry but it's true and i bet your kid neverhacked anything and that's why he never addmitted to it. i don't even wanna waste my time telling you this cause i think you are to stupid to understand me anyways. that is all

Is your child a hacker (none / 0) (#7145)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 9th, 2002 at 03:06:21 PM PST
Have the men in white coats come for him yet?

AMD, Graphics Cards and Linux OH MY! (none / 0) (#7147)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 9th, 2002 at 10:39:14 PM PST
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this guy?. This has got to be the funniest damn thing I have ever read in my life. Yeah, I was look'n into new machines a few months ago and pondered one with an AMD processor, guess I'm a hacker...I also scoped out some high end video cards, guess that also means I'm a hackers...and damn...what about these baggy pants I'm wear'n....Oh well, I hope everyone had a good laugh like I did.

Parental foolishness at its worse (none / 0) (#7148)
by flames0042 on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 04:37:30 AM PST
At first I did not think whomever wrote this was serious, but as I read on I realized they just might be. This is parental ignorance at it's worst. If you are thinking right now, 'Im not ignorant,' then you are included.

Whomever wrote this is comming from a background that is not exactly up to date with the current tech industry. When a person comments about how a child is learning how to use their new compaq by running MS Word and Adobe that is the first clue that they really have no idea what they are talking about. Next when they are going off about a subject, hackers in this instance, and they bring up just about everything they can to inspire fear and worry and then meantion the word 'hacker' within that statement they are simply trying to associate that fear with the idea they are agianst, hackers in this instance.

By his own admitance this person does not apperently know his own son to well. The idea that a kid could go from now owning a computer to becoming a 'hacker' with the parent none the wiser shows that the child is either has been hiding his true feelings and thoughts from the parent or the parent simply has not been reading the obvious signs. We are looking at an example of both in this case. The parent obviously is trying to keep himself forced into the child's life to such an extent that the child would feel like the only way to truly have anything of his own is to hide it from his parent because the parent would then try to take it over. If we looked closer we would probobly see children who's social activity is not encouraged but dictated by the parent. This would include what friends to hang out with, what sports to play, and what entertainment to use.

Reality is usually far far away from these kind of parents. The problem is they think that by the 3rd of 4th kid they know it all. Either that or they are so blissfully clueless that they dont think the world is ever going to change. The fact of the matter is their 'hacker' son is probobly gunna be making a six figure income when he is 19 and they will be begging for his change for living of the social security that wont exist in 10 years. Oh, but dont forget, computers are for writting documents, making idiotic ignorance producing companies like AOL rich, and giving another thing for foolish parents to complain about instead of looking the mirror to figure out what went wrong with their kid.

Listen up all your parents that might actually be reading this, the truth of the matter is that if your kid is having social, scholastic, mental, or other problems it is because of just one thing....YOU! Parents are the first and only line of defense agianst evil in this world and if your child does not turn out well it is because of you. Either your work, money problems, ignorance, or lack of caring made it so your child does not look to you as a role model. Though after reading this garbage I would think certain parents shouldnt be looked up to. Six kids....six! If one of your oldest turned out like this probobly the third through the six will be in jail by...well, in a few minutes probobly.

If you dont like the people your kid if hanging out with then stop acting like he is a little kid and be honest with him. Explain why and tell him to be honest and look at what they are doing. Your kids are not that stupid, if you actually raised they up to have alittle self-esteem they can say no. I played all the most violent video games and saw Wes Craven movies, and guess what, I never break the law, I never drink, I never smoke, I never do drugs, I respect women, I am accepting yet firm with my beliefs, I am moral, and I am a Christian. Ill admit I wouldnt recommend Wes Craven movies but I am yet unaffected. That is the cold hard truth.

This week it is computers for these people next week it will be his music. Anything and everything to take the blame off the parents. Naturally they will defend themselves by saying they just cant fight back agianst all the negativity around their kids and their environment. Agian that would be the parents fault. Parents these days are the credit card baby boomers. Living from paycheck to paycheck with no savings and a mountain of debt because they were, and in most cases are, so stupid that they believe that they can go on being irresponsible and their kids will not follow their lead. The parent that wrote this is probobly living in the best way his money can afford. Rather than cutting back on work or one of them actually staying at home they have to support their lifestyle and sacrifice the time they could have spent with their kids.

Six kids...if this guy is not making a few hundred thousand a year he has no place having six kids. Oh, but naturally a lot of people think that no one has the right to tell others how many kids they can have. Well, let me put it this way, your kids are affecting my environment and that which my family will live in one day. You are providing more children that I get taxed for so they can go to school.

Bah, thats enough. Anyone that actually lives anywhere in the civilized world should have some kind of basic understanding of computers and the internet. The kind of ignorance this guy is down right dangerous. Enough said.

Is this article serious? (none / 0) (#7149)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 09:32:20 AM PST
What type of crap is this I hope this is a joke, "Amd is a knock off" yea right amd performs way better than intel and "linux is illegal hacker operating system" Who believes that. This article was totally bull S***. I hope it was a joke because there is some really stupid things in there.

huk (none / 0) (#7150)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 10:39:59 AM PST

This is totally bogus- an unintelligent idiot... (none / 0) (#7151)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 08:00:47 PM PST
This is just pathetic- it makes me sick.I mean, to think that some idiot with no computer knowlege at all would place this post up just to fill the void of his being so unintelligent. The guys probably got OCD or something. Maybe he's paranoid. Let me clear a few things up. First of all, is this guy some kind of salesperson for AOL? AOL isn't the only ISP that provides filtering. Almost all ISP's do this(i.e. Netscape, Internet Explorer, Netzero). The guy must beleive that AOL is the only kid-friendly ISP. And another thing, "Flash" is a web-page and animation program- not a hacking program. Comet cursor is for making different mouse cursors to appear on your web page. Quake is a video game, not a "Hacker Virtual Reality." I mean, I pity the son of this guy. And the thing about new video cards and RAM- these are not the tools needed by a hacker. And LINUX is an operating system like WINDOWS. IT IS NOT A HACKING PROGRAM AND IS NOT ILLEGAL. I'd love to know where this guy got his information. And how in the world does he know what hackers dress like? Since he knows soooo much about computers, how can he stereotype what a hacker looks like- i mean, seriously, the guy doesn't enen know what an operating system is. Its people in the world like this that piss me off. They are pshyco obsessive compulsive know-it alls. They belong in a padded room in a straight jacket in order to protect society. I really pity the kid- getting banned from the computer cause of an obsessive idiot.

AMD (none / 0) (#7155)
by greeker on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 11:21:08 PM PST
AMD is a legitimate company who does manufacture processors just like Intel. As you should know Intel does in fact make all there products in these so called third world countries. So get your facts correct! On another note for your child to be a hacker (lol) is phenomenal its is truly a blessing in disguise if he is. Almost any intranet corp. or computer for that fact gov. agency would love to hire your child!!! He would in fact be a prodigy for them to mold to there need. Since your family is the best bread family around. You have some serious life issues you may need to seek some counseling or invest in a hand gun to blow the back of your head off. Wake up and realize what year it is.

What the hell!! (none / 0) (#7156)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 06:08:27 AM PST
I do not mean to be offensive to anyone, however I am a kid that has around 9 years of experience with PCs. I'm sorry, but I found this absolutely hilarious, expecially the part with AMD and seat shops, as well as "good-old American" processors that have "security features"!! I am actually a scholar (ie. I won a scholarship) at once of England's most prestigious public schools so that your point about those with computer-savvy are dumb is just stupid. I know a lot about psychology, and this article seems to me to be written by a middle-aged man that has afraid of being in touch with the new technology of today. "Linux Torvalds" as a superhacker!!! Utter nonsence. I would just like to ask you what exactly to you know about computer that you can just make utterly wrong randomised statements.

Please reply to if you wish to reply to this message (no spam)

hackers (none / 0) (#7157)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 02:29:00 PM PST
that is by far the most ridiculous thing i have ever read. There are thousands of business people who use those programs everyday. Perhaps you should not judge your son so quickly, and perhaps you should research more into the things you say before you say them. Those are not hacker programs, no real hacker even will admit to being one. Hacking is a form that is not found in a program but in many techniques. It is more broad than just 5 programs and a kid who has them. If anything your son is only a wannabe who can do little to no damage with his computer programs. (none / 0) (#7158)
by KrazyKraken on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 02:38:03 PM PST
Seriously, you have it all wrong. The people you are describing are "ravers" not hackers. Also, let me tell you that this is one of the biggest jokes on the net right now. You need to check your sources before you write articles on things! Bonzi Buddy is not anywhere near a hacker program, nor is Comet Cursor. In my book, I believe you are an idiot. Any questions?

hahaahha (none / 0) (#7159)
by harpuas420 on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 04:34:54 PM PST
wow i didn't know flash was a hacking tool. get your information corect buddy because you look like an ass

john warner

MORON (none / 0) (#7160)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 08:50:02 AM PST
Yeah Spank the this wouold make an interesting cmputer game.... NICE ADVICE MAN>>> GROUND AND SPANK THE GUY

1) I change ISP to get the best deaal aand the fastest Speed..(does that make me an hacker? lol)

Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy...... like.. is there ANY ISP that is PRO hacking?

Hacker friendly provider...LOL

I think this is a AOL endorsment thing.. like an advertizing...

I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter.
Like AOL is the only one that has child would not get AOL (not for that reason) and if i had it i would SWITCH it .. but for more important reasons

Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"

Right now FLASH is a hacking program.....RIIIGHT (PS hacker makes their program MORON)

if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. machine today gave me this message
"there is a new Hacking software... doyou wanna download it?....." lol

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards,
What the Video card has to do with Hacking??

Does your child read hacking manuals?

Like now there are manuals that teach hacking....riiiight

How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
Does your son use Quake?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system,
YEAH RIGHT BSD by the way is American Mandrake FRENCH ...NOT RUSSIAN
and LINUX IS NOT AN HACING PLATFORM... i mean it can be used for..that des NOT mean it was ment to be may be his son is right.. GET AWAY FROM M$

These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers.
Like there is a moron that actually has a text files with the cc number and the file name is called CREDIT CARD NUMBER

hey may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program
WOW that is new.. you can brake into a STEREO?? is it powered with AIRPORT?? this guy does not even know what an MP3 is

Has your son radically changed his appearance?
YEAH I DRESS LIKE THE clothes.. i should make a business out of it

Is your son struggling academically?
May be he just need to study more..and whatch ess

Give me a break (none / 0) (#7161)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:04:48 AM PST
I am a 31 year old medical professional. I came along this article by accident. I am now into building my own computers. I do not hack nor want to. I wanted to build a powerful computer that wasn't limited by proprietary designs without spending a fortune. I did just that for less than $450. This system beats any quality brand name computer that retails for over $1000. Plus, it is upgradeable without any proprietary limitation for years to come. It has an AMD Athlon 1.13G processor. Believe me, AMD is not some off shoot company that you can't buy in stores. Go to any computer store (not electronics, but strictly computers) and they sell AMD. Many retail systems come with AMD. I built my own system because I was fed up with buying an expensive retail computer only to have it antiquated within 2 years and find out I can't upgrade due to the manufacturer designs to specifically guard against upgrading. That way you have to buy a whole new system from them. I have also taken computer classes. Linux(not lunix, that is just some private website) is a powerful operating system used by many legitimate computer professionals, as is Unix. Our Information Technology Dep't. at our hospital uses Unix as well as Linux. Your son probably wants to upgrade components because you bought him an inferior system that has low quality, low performance parts on it. Trust me, Compaq makes garbage. That is why you can buy it at Wal-Mart or Sam's Club. You really should know what you are talking about before making claims such as these. I would imagine you are opening yourself and the website to lawsuits when you make strong claims such as these.

You are Sad. (none / 0) (#7162)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:06:19 AM PST
Lunix. Telnet for hackers. BSD is illegal.

Man. Aren't there laws about truthfulness in reporting?

Stupid Christians. Why can't you just keep to yourselves? I want none of your knee-jerk reactionism to anything that impedes the global spread of your god-awful disease/plague that you call a religion.

Please, make the world a better place, chill out, smoke some marijuana, and stop trying to persecute everybody all the time. Life is too short.

R U KIDDING ??? (none / 0) (#7165)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 01:01:01 AM PST
has somebody given this guy a lobotomy while he wasnt looking?
& what the hell is lunix?
i know of LINUX but this guy is joke.

stop taking your drugs long enough to come down into the real world, & wake up to reality

Excuse me. (none / 0) (#7166)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 06:45:59 AM PST
WTF.. i think your son is a poor kid that got grounded by a father who's on crack. Before you post anymore news, make sure your not on crack.. because every one is friggin laughing at u..
Poor friggin kid.

to the author if 'IS you son a computer hacker&quo (none / 0) (#7167)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 07:45:20 AM PST
man you are just completly stupid about what you are talking about. I have been workin on and WITH computers for 15 years and am quite familiar with Linux. linux IS NOT A HACKER OPERATING SYSTEM. Linux is even used by our government and major business around the world. Linux and Unix are the same just on is free and one is not. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTLY NOT IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT AT ALL. Bonzi buddy is a stupid netsurfin companion that is very annoying (to say the least) and those programs you think are hacker programs ARE NOT. you want to know what hacker programs are dork. why do you look up Legion, Revelation, SMBGrind, Sid2Usr usr2sid, l0phtcrack, LC3, l0pht sniff, matter of fact I dont know where you found your info but you are completly wrong in everything you said in that post. Hackers favor linux because it is called an "Open Source" operating system, its more powerfull than windows as it gives you access to whats called priveleged ports, you are free to make changes to the code and programs as long as you share with the rest of the community, hell, you can even go to WALLMART right now and buy your own copy of linux. Oh, man I guess wallmart and CompUSA are in on this big hacker conspiracy huh. Quick everyone, destroy your computers and you are completly safe from hackers!!! NOT. GET a life you johova witness, get some intelligence and read some (and i DONT MEAN some church thing you got YOUR info from). what a looser. if anything you should have promoted your son into computers as THAT is where the money is at. Oh, I guess you just want him working for some wholesome Burger King or Mc'Donalds huh. WOW! what a carrer! Real Money there, flippin burgers. wo0ho0! DADY WHEN I GROW UP I WANNA BE A BURGER FLIPPER.

pff (none / 0) (#7168)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 03:19:03 PM PST
okay, but dont blame someone else when
your kid goes to school one day because he
isnt allowed to drink alkohol or have partys
with his friends or socially interact with people
who share his interrests. but as we can all see
you're replacing this role quite good

hacking (none / 0) (#7169)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 08:10:48 PM PST
From what you have described i am the perfect desciption of a hacker. this close-minded outward view of what a hacker is is completely laughable. I am a girl but i wear baggy pants, bright shirts, and happen to have bright pink hair. I also go to church on Wednesday nights, Sunday morning, and Sunday evening. I am on the computer nearly all of my free time though. Am i a You are a judgemental person who should become closer with his children to develop a sense of trust with them. your entire arguement is completely outrageous and personally an autrocity to those of us who happen to fit your "hacker profile". if you have a problem with that write me at

This must be a joke. (none / 0) (#7170)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 09:50:13 PM PST
I cannot believe that anyone who has even the rudimentary basics of computing (turning it on, getting on the net, and posting that tripe here) could believe something like that.

haya! (none / 0) (#7171)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 07:29:40 AM PST
"hack into the stereo's?!" i'd like to see that, lol! Linyos Torovoltos?! LOL! Where'd you find that name? Linus Torvalds's the man.

looks to me like your son is a punk-rocker/hippie teen who joined a Quake clan and is trying Flash out to create a page for them.

30 Minutes on the Computer PER DAY?! A retard your son will be. Trust me, the more you let him on it, the more interest, thus more intelligence, he'll have. if you restrict him, it's of no use. a guy can't learn anything in 3 hours and 30 minutes over the whole week, man. i spend only an hour just preparing myself for computing every day (e.g., playing Quake and racing games to raise andrenaline level, and listen to relaxing MP3s to let go of any troubles from last day)
your son will grow up to be a slow fucktard if you don't let him enjoy the marvel that is technology. without knowing how to use a computer, his best bet is working on some hands-on project in a college. for a job, ANYTHING not associated with a computer is low. people game for a living, people design and draw for a living, people write for a living, people think for a living. all that's done with computers. your points are all invalid. even though about psychology.

there are nearly 100,000 hackers worldwide. i mean hardcore hackers (black or white hat) not newbies or script kiddies. half of those hackers work for the government. half of those work for major corporations. the other hackers learn, do an indy lifestyle for 2 years, then choose their way. security is the most important field, thrashing creativity. if your son learns how to hack a server, he will know how to patch it, too.

some other guys provided a valid point, too. in 30 minutes, an attack may be orchestrated without breaking a sweat. do a ping, traceroute, lookup, reroute every single request through a proxy, portscan, telnet into the serv, and voila. if you're so concerned about your son's wrongdoings, let him use the computer for how many hours he likes, but install a Key - Logger, a program that logs the keys pressed by your son in a huge file. you may see word in there, and it may be fun.

but don't stand over his shoulder and force him to do what he believes is what you want. because in the end, reverse psychology will just tell him to become a black-hat hacker, period.

O'reilly books (none / 0) (#7172)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 11:13:02 AM PST
"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly is a valid programming manual used in the professional community. It would be like saying taking a driving course is evil because someone may drive under the influence and cause harm. The real issue is to instruct your children on the serious nature of criminal behavior, which malicious hacking is, and how they are harming society with it. It's a crime just like any other that causes people to be deceived, defrauded or harmed.

Some people shouldn't breed. (none / 0) (#7173)
by DeadMeat on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 01:58:56 PM PST
I don't remember who wrote this article, and frankly, I don't care. You are misinformed and misleading unsuspecting, not to mention intellectually inferior, parents and other individuals who are not familiar with computers or the life that serious computer users lead. If my parents had limited me the way you are apparently hurting your son, then I would not be in the position I am today, nor would I be making the money I am for doing something I love.

It would seem to me that it is people like you that do the most damage to the world. If one takes a small piece of information, normally incorrect, and begins a campaign based on it. You may think that I am wrong here, but I beg to differ. It is people like you that spawned the Spanish Inquisiton, Salem Witch Trials, individuals such as Hitler, and any other atrousities against, since the beginning of humanity (yes that is correct grammar... at least old syntax). You should publishing such articles and write a public apology to all of humanity.

If you wrote this article to be comical, then please do say so. As of right now I am furious at your idiocracy. I believe a retraction is in order.

As far as your incorrect discription of the dress and society of "hackers," anyone who has watched Hackers (the movie), can come up with that stereotyipcal description. Find better sources.

That's about all I have to say. I do not want to speak ignorantly as you have. Please think about what you say before publishing.

AOL is responsible for parents like this. (none / 0) (#7174)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 03:19:49 PM PST
First of all i fell out of my chair when i read the article. I could not believe the amount of Bull this guy was feeding the stupid parents on the net. I will hafta go hunt you down personally and kick you in the balls for a stupid stunt like this. Hell i am completely surprised that you had the ballz to but your name on this post. If i were you i would run and hide since your a deadman. I think my friends can show you that what your son can do is nothing compared to real hackers. So until the FBI come knocking down your door and looking for computers DONT GIVE YOUR KID ANY SHIT. Besided the first thing any hacker learns is DO NOT HACK THE GOVERNMENT AND DO NOT GET CAUGHT. now if you would stop being the nosy ass parent that you are youe kids could have decent lifes. If you were my dad i woulda left home and disowned you long ago. In any case i would make sure i change my name and get the hell out of country. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST ASS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. on another note i really honestly wonder HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIGURE OUT WHERE THE POWER BUTTON WAS IF YOU ARE THIS STUPID!?!?

one dumb ass article (none / 0) (#7176)
by kusokurae13 on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 01:18:34 AM PST
everyone else pretty much said it all, this is just another vote against pretty much everything said in that article. and i feel sorry for his kids 'cause their dad is an idiot.

Idiotic (none / 0) (#7177)
by FlashMan on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 08:44:11 PM PST
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Why would someone change to another ISP? Because certain ISPs NAMELY AOL suck, you get slow connections and busy signals all the time. Not to change to another ISP that "supports" hacking. No legal ISP supports hacking.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Who cares? Bonzi buddy and Comet Cursor are two pointless programs, just uninstall them and yell at your fucking son for them. Flash although it a superb program that allows you to make awesome animations and movies you fucking retard.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Of course, why wouldn't someone ask for new hardware, especially if you bought a COMPAQ. Especially if you are stupid enough to buy a 486.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

Does it matter? Its just reading material. Be glad they are reading.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

There is no person in the world that doesn't spend less than 30 minutes on the computer.

6. Does your son use Quake?

Complete stupidity. Quake is a GAME and is quite old unless you are referring to Quake 3 Arena. If you are then go play it kill some bots if you can relieve stress. It is actually said that people learn better if they play games. Dumb fuck.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

Dumb ass, its Linux.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

What the fuck is this "day-glo" shit? I wear dark clothing more than day-glo.

10. Is your son struggling academically?

If he is struggling, throw him out of your house. God damn, you are a really bad parent. Ya right. I get As in all my classes.

what an idiot (in the nicest possible way) (none / 0) (#7178)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 02:32:24 PM PST
oh. my. goodness. what trash. i hope no one believes any of the stuff this guy says. go read something that tells you the difference between Hackers and Crackers.

| 4M D347H!! (none / 0) (#7179)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 08:13:13 AM PST
I don't think this comment really has anything to add that the other comments haven't allready, but I feel, because of the sheer STUPIDITY of this article, that one more bashing BLERB is needed.

QUAKE is a game, we play games for fun.
COMETCURSOR is annoying, and changes the arrow on your screen (called a CURSOR) to different PICTURES.

FLASH is an ANIMATION program used to make ANIMATIONS for WEBPAGES.

OTAKU is webpages where you can PAINT PRETTY PICTURES on show them to other PEOPLE.

Having said all of THAT, well, I'll say MORE...

I sit at my computer for more than 2 hours a day usually. I also have a life, unlike other NERDS. I am popular, have many friends, and lead a fairly fulfilling life. I bet I know 10x more than your son does about computers. I have made WEBSITES using FLASH, made some PICTURES on OTAKU pages, and have accidentally installed COMETCURSOR at one point. I've programmed in C++, Basic, BlitzBasic, HTML, DHTML, ASP, PHP, Pascal, Visual Basic, and probably some others I'm not thinking of right now. You see, computers will be my FUTURE. I never HACK, which is a term most used to describe people who get into others' computers and mess things up by creating VIRUSES or TROJANS. You say you have reesearched HACKERS, right? Do you know what a TROJAN is? It's like a VIRUS, only it doesn't spread itsself to other computers. How do I know this? I used to have a HACKER friend. He made a TROJAN.

The difference between me and him is that I am NOT A HACKER, and if I do more than your son does with computers (which, judging by your article, I do), then HE ISN'T A HACKER.

REAL signs of your son HACKING would be him leaving the computer on for days on end, which could be him using a program which I have forgotten the name of, but this program HACKS into WEBSITES with PASSWORDS. There's a real HACKING situation for you.

Let your d4mn kid play games, it's fun. If he really gets into cmoputers, he could make a good FUTURE for himself out of them, like me.

And for the record, AOL is a bad ISP, and you have to upgrade your HARDWARE approximately every 6 MONTHS to keep a modern machine and to run all newly released programs. This is all REAL information, please take it in and reconsider your son's punishment, because whether computers will kill us all someday or not (I can't let you do that Dave), they are a great thing which humans rely on day by day, and you must realize that.

This is great (none / 0) (#7180)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 02:45:35 PM PST
Id like to buy the original writer a Beer. Its a shame the Linux weenies can't take a joke. The reality is the author is an excellent satirist and should be congratulated for it.


Made me laugh...

What Are You Smoking? (none / 0) (#7182)
by kahless720 on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 04:48:01 PM PST
What the hell is wrong with this guy? First of all, the "knock off chips" made by American Micro Devices are never sold in stores?! What kind of nonsense is this? I just bought a brand new AMD chip from Best Buy!!!! And as for a faster video card, I honestly don't see how a faster video card would help in hacking!!! I know that a command prompt consisting of plain text can be taxing even on a Nvida GeForce 3 Ultra, but c'mon!!!! How many people do you expect to believe this crap?! And as for Linux, which you spelled wrong, it is one of the most stable operating systems ever made, and a great alternative to windows if you are into that sort of thing. If I were you I would change my name and go into hiding to spear myself the embarasment

Your well-intentioned yet misguided article: (none / 0) (#7183)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 01:59:44 AM PST
I am going on the assumption that you really are not joking. I'd like to set you straight on a few things. First, linux is not an evil OS. It is simply one of several competing operating systems. It has the benefit of being almost impervious to viruses and being totally free. Second, telnet is the precursor to the image-rich mega-network now known as the world wide web. It simply allows two computers to communicate via telephone. My university library uses it to offer up documents lamentably no longer available on paper. Which brings me to my third point. Though we live in the "information age" this does not mean that information is knowledge. Moral relativism is more likely to have come to your son and daughter through association with others in the public schools than via the internet. You make a valid point that your son was probably spending too much time on the web. As to the radiation issue, there is likely more radiation passing through your house as radio waves. The real danger of these cathode ray "boob tubes" is the flickering imagery which becomes more enticing than the attention of our beloved families. Oh, and Linus Torvalds is scandinavian, not russian. You really should have checked the facts behind the story I imagine your son told you to cover up his activities. If you truly are worried about him hacking, click start, find, files and folders, and check out all the buzzword hacker programs you've heard of. If they are there, finder will find them. Also, if you know he visits sites with names like "warez" you have legitimate reason to be alarmed. The danger of actually hacking is in the violation of others' privacy and security and in the breaking of the law. All the evidence you've written of is merely a matter of your son's expertise in computers. It was this same expertise which made Mr. Gates a millionaire, though that is debatable. Your son's denials seem to have fallen on deaf ears. Give him another listen, and try to understand that your refusal to trust him is only going to push him to rebel. There is a very large information gap in effect here, and your experience and wisdom must bridge that gap in order for his explanations to make sense to you. This is a time of advances which occur with dizzying speed. Bob Dylan spoke of the times changing, and he is now a believer in Christ, as I am. Don't be so quick to judge what you don't understand. -Sincerely, cyberdwarf.

Please read this! The truth about the article!!! (none / 0) (#7184)
by ttys1 on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 04:34:16 PM PST
He is telling yoy lies!!!!
Comet Cursor changes your cursor, it CANNOT BE USED TO HACK (trust me!)
Bonzi Buddy is an annoying flash animation. (can't be used for hacking!)
Flash makes animations (totally harmless!)
Now if you where to see WWWHACK on your PC sure that would mean he/she is hacking!
Anyone with minimal hacking knowledge can circumvent AOL filters easily (done it!).
Any ISP is usable for hacking. It is VERY easy to stop from beeing detected.
There is no need for expensive hardware in hacking. It can be done from a 486 with 50Mhz and DOS or LINUX or Solaris.
AMD is a great chip maker. It is headquartered in California, and as most chips in the world (INCLUDING/ESPECIALLY INTEL) they are made in the region of Taiwan! AMDs are faster and cheper than Intel chips. (I have 6 PCs at home 2 Intel and 4 AMD, AMDs are much faster,and where much cheaper.)
All stores sell both Intel and AMD chips.
The CHIP DOES NOT HAVE ANY BUILT-IN HACKING PREVENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All a chip is a unit that carries out mathematical operations and certain logical operations.
"Programming with Perl" is NOT A HACKING MANUAL!!
it is just a guide to a programming language. A peron needs much more in-depth information in order to hack.
DOS is actually written DoS to distinguish from Microsoft's DOS. It is an attempt to flood another computer with junk so as to crash it. DoS stand for Denial of Service.
Gaining "command prompt" is called gaining root!
Quake is rarely used by hackers and they do not discuss things here!
LINUX IS NOT ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a free operating system. Yes it can be used for hacking, but so can Windows. It WAS INVENTED BY A FINNISH PROGRAMMER!!!!!!! NOT SOVIET!! HIS NAME IS LINUS TORVALDS! IT IS BASED ON UNIX WHICH IS USED IN MOST INTERNET SERVERS TODAY!! He is NOT an infamous hacker!!
XENIS is NOT and operating system or a program! Telnet is not a hacker program it is a program which was originally used in ARPANet, the predecessor to the internet. It was the only way to connect to ARPANet. Bell labs invented telnet not Linus. Telnet itself CANNOT use a phone to connect to another computer. It uses an existing connection made by windows!
A computer is not "broken" by deleting windows!!!
all you need to do is boot it off a system floppy which usually comes with Windows and then run Windows Setup!!
Software cannot damage a hrddrive phisically!! You can always reinstall the OS!!!!!!!!!!!
LILO is HARMLESS!!! And can easily be removed by typing in at a
C:\> format /mbr
Don't worry it won't harm windows. it will only rewrite the MBR (master boot record which stores the OS that will be launched). Linux can easily be removed. Just use Partition Magic or fdisk.
Hackers usually don't dress funny. they dress normally, the people you are thinking of are rockers!
It have NEVER hacked illegally!!! But I have done plenty of legal hacking including many turnaments (organized and with friends).
my average is 95% and I love math, and science!!!
A real hacker CANNOT be bad at math!!! If he/she is the they are using somebody's programs to do so, that doesn't really count in my opinion. Programmming requires tons of math!
There is almost no computer radiation!!!!!
The only radiationis given by the monitor and that is not enough to affect someone (I know a lot of programmers who spend 10-15 hous of every day on theyr PC and have no problem.
Thanks for Rading this adn I hope I have helped dispell many myths caused by this poster. By the way I hope he gets banned for here because he is doing a lot of harm to the average reader who is not familliar to hacking!

About The Article (none / 0) (#7185)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 05:47:33 PM PST
1. this article is outdated
2. it is really inaccurate
3. don't write stuff like this if it is inaccurate

eafhah this (none / 0) (#7186)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 10:51:23 AM PST
this is so fucking lame

hmmmmm (none / 0) (#7187)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 09:28:19 PM PST

What is THIS ABOUT???? (none / 0) (#7189)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 10:51:47 PM PST
I just want to say you are a big idiot. I could put holes in every single comment you put in this article. Some of the stuff is stretched beyond believe, and some of them are just lies.. blatant lies... so check your fucking credentials, and stop being a tight ass. If a kid is going to be a hacker, it's in him, and he will do it, no matter what bounds you take.. The bounds you do take are crazy. How is flash a hacker program? If anyone reads this article, please disregard it as fake. And if you want to talk about it e-mail and I would be glad to shoot you down.....

Hackers (none / 0) (#7190)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 20th, 2002 at 12:49:20 AM PST
Dear mom,
You are uninformed. Read..somthing other than right wing political garbage. Hackers are simply computer geniuses. Not all, in fact,,,very few, do damage..they usually learn to break codes and copy info to prove their abilities..that's all.
Sounds like you and Tipper Gore have watched too many movies. *L*
*Disappointed in America's gulability*

: || Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7191)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 20th, 2002 at 02:26:54 PM PST
what dumb butt, you can buy amd chips from your local computer store. and
Lunix , can be bought at WALLMART.. what a geek.

A few blatant points i must point out. (none / 0) (#7192)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 20th, 2002 at 02:57:30 PM PST
I stumbled across this article whilst searching the web today, and i must say that it is..... interesting. Not so much as the content, but the general misconception of a lot of the points in the article. AMD never have, and i am sure, never will be a "a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips." As most people who read this should know, AMD are a perfectly legitimite company who have been producing processors for many years now, and seeing as they are almost ousting intel in sales, i would not say that they are "hackers choice", more of a "general choice"

The notions that Bonzi Buddy is a hacking tool is almost comical. This is a online program thats downloads fairly useless information for the user, and also offers the user deals on various websites. I cannot honestly see how this warrants this program a "Hacking tool". Does this mean that other programs such as Yahoo messenger are hacking tools?

The final point, but not the last by any means, is the fact that you state that if u spend 30 minutes or more on a computer, then you are probably hacking into another computer.. err hello? Thousands of people each day spend hours on a computer, does this mean that they are all hackers, out to dystroy and cripple internet companies?
Also, quake may be a violent game (not a "virtual reality used by hackers") but in the end, it does not make me want to go break into a gun cupboard and gun people down. The notion that you should "lock up your guns" if u find your child playing this game is ludicrous. These games are escapism, pure and simple. If the child takes it beyond this, it is usually because the child has not been brought up incorrectly. I know this will anger people, but as the majority of gamers in this world have resisted the temptation to go and liberate arms from their parents and use them for whatever, so i believe i am correct.

I am all for awareness into hacking habits, and the prevention of it, as it will in the end affect us all, but if you will instruct people on how to find hackers, please tell them information that is correct.

Ben Bliss

proof if any were needed.... (none / 0) (#7193)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 20th, 2002 at 10:09:28 PM PST
dear author.
I would like to that you for confirming a beleif I have held for several years. It is simply this: "stupid people should not be allowed within 50 miles of an internet terminal, lest their stupidity be transmited to others."
While it would be tempting to join the other 4000 posters in explaining in implicit detail the inacuracy of practicaly every statement made, there is no need. You know nothing, and your child is the one suffering for it. Nuff said.
Having made such a sweeping blanket statement, and one wich, I admit, could be considered a "judgement call" (yes, it is. and I'm making it), I would like to take issue with the one point in your post that stunned me rigid. how DARE you encourage people to presurise books stores into removing the works of William Gibson from their book shelves? are you INSANE? Gibson is without a doubt the finest science fiction author of the 20th Century, to insult the master peice that is 'neoromancer' by terming it a 'hacking textbook' is beyond laughable. It's as much a guide to hacking as H P Lovercraft is a religious text.
I hope that the massed cries of "you're a stupid, stupid man, and the worst kind of parent" generated by your post are enough to keep you away from computers, and indeed bookshops, for the rest of all time. I only look forward to the day when stupid poeple are recycled into firelighters and put to good use for the benfit of all mankind.

omg (none / 0) (#7194)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 21st, 2002 at 02:13:03 PM PST
whoever wrote this damn article is the stupidest fool i have ever heard of. hell, my dog is probably smarter than you. what kind of parent are you? do you allow your kids to do ANYTHING? what kind a bitch would <i>attend</i> their kids parties? its linux. say it five times. LINUX. what a dumb shit!

Excuse me. (none / 0) (#7195)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 21st, 2002 at 04:31:53 PM PST
Hacker...ugh. Hackers are GOOD PEOPLE. I am sick Of These 30-somethings that are complete newbie's at the inter, and Computer tech alike, saying tat HACKERS are a problem. Ok Like me explain this to you.

HACKER = A Internet Defender

CRACKER= A Internet criminal

Now IM sure your like, "What!!!???"But The term acker, The TRUE form, The Non-Lied About Form, Is a defender... ugh. PLease do not call your son a hacker. Look at what he can do. He could help the local computer store/School. Trust me. Most "Tennage Hackers" dont know what Hacker means. IM really mad about this. PLease make sure you find out if your son is a Hacker aor a Cracker. If he is a Hacker, then Promote him. If he is a Cracker...well I'd Tell the FBI.

~#Internets Forgotten Child#~


none (none / 0) (#7196)
by maria on Thu Mar 21st, 2002 at 08:15:57 PM PST

Idiot (none / 0) (#7197)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 01:28:29 PM PST
you truly are an idiot

45 minutes a day, yeah right

hrm... (none / 0) (#7198)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 11:05:50 PM PST
I'm sorry, my good man, you seem to have your genres confused. I, myself use many of those programs for their initial purpose, but do not hack with them. Computer time, I believe should only be limited if it inhibits other important activities (such as homework). I am a graphic designer and make money with flash and photoshop. Oh, and the day-glo clothes with the glowsticks, those are ravers, not hackers. Hackers are usually the computer geeks, and they're usually not afraid to admit it. If you're going to stereotype, do it correctly.

Technically incorrect (none / 0) (#7199)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 23rd, 2002 at 09:36:34 AM PST
I would just like to say that this article has almost no technical truth. Please go look up anything you read in this document that you may actually act upon.

In particular.

Linux is not a hackers OS, and it was not based on anything written by Microsoft. And most hackers use windows machines as that is what most other people in the world use.

It does not require sending your computer back to the manufacturer to remove Linux for your computer, I wonder if someone who works at a computer manufacturer wrote this.

Quake is not a hackers hang out. Quake is a first person shooting game much like they have in arcades now. It is actually rather difficult to talk through Quake. IRC/AOL Instant Messenger/ICQ are much better places for communication and they are very legitimet in use.

AMD is an American company, think of them as the "generic" brand for processors where Interl Pentium processors are more widely used though usually more expensive.

I don't want to comment on everything here, but you are better off not reading this article, though if you are reading this then it's too late.

Great Story for a Big laugh!!!! (none / 0) (#7200)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 23rd, 2002 at 01:09:22 PM PST
Computer hackers are not at all brought by the criteria you have specified in your lengthy and funny article. I will tell everyone I know to read your article for a BIG laugh!!!!!

haha (none / 0) (#7201)
by seduce on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 02:39:52 AM PST
yes us hackers all dress in flamer ass pussy bright closes, we will fuck your daughters and steal your credit card numbers as well as turn your sons against you and make them join our hacking groups, you redneck motherfucking retards deserve to burn in hell, along with your computer chips

fuck you
Dr Seduce

oh.....i'm a hacker???? (none / 0) (#7202)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 08:23:34 AM PST
i think i'm a hacker den cos i play CS (A modified version of Quake), have a AMD processor (a TB...loL), n radeon (it is a great graphics card), a insanely huge hard drive (120 GXP, 80GB)
i'm a hacker, i'm a hacker~~~~~~

by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 09:21:02 AM PST
Without a doubt, the funniest early April Fools joke I have ever seen. Who do you work for, really, AOL? Intel? Microsoft?
(it was a joke, wasn't it?)

I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!... (PART 2) (none / 0) (#7205)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 09:35:53 AM PST
If this isn't an early April Fools joke then you should not have been allowed to reproduce in the first place.

JESUS H. CHRIST, IS THIS GUY FOR REAL??? (none / 0) (#7206)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 09:35:55 AM PST
I swear, T Reginald Gibbons...I have met the most ignorant, brain-dead, computer-illiterate lackeys this lump of rock we call Earth can conjure up, but you have GOT to be the MOST retarded of the retarded! How the fuck is a book like "Snow Crash" going to make your son go out and be a hacker? Where in God's name do Comet Cursor (a program to change your mouse cursor into something different), Bonzi Buddy (a program to help you with various web functions), and FLASH (nothing to even DO with hacking; nothing more than a program to create animations and websites) make your computer into a "hacking terminal"?? What's the goddamn problem with another ISP other than AOL?? Maybe some people don't LIKE AOL for their lousy service and terrible connection problems! Not only to top that off, sir, but LINUX (not LUNIX) is a very much superior OS over Micro$haft (pun) and their crap "operating systems", and is also much faster and much more secure to boot. Even one with a rather low-end PC (me) can do more with Linux than they ever could with bloated, slow, shitty OSes like Windows98 or WindowsME. What are you afraid of with Linux? Why are you also afraid of your son asking for better hardware? Have you maybe thought that the stock hardware of a brand-new PC usually SUCKS, and that it's BEST to buy NEWER, BETTER hardware for it to get the most performance from it?? And please...give me a fucking break with that "hackers wear bright day-glow colors" shit. Hackers tend to go for neutral colors, like black. Day-glow colors are not worn by hackers, but rather by RAVERS or HOMIES. And finally, "otaku" are NOT hackers. "Otaku" usually are major, major fans of Japanese anime, music, video games, and Japanese culture in general. So get your fucking facts straight before you open your diharrea-infested mouth. Your son is NOT a hacker. He's just interested in learning more about how to operate his PC, and you should work towards encouraging him about it and letting him learn more about how to get the most out of it.

no way... (none / 0) (#7207)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 09:41:33 AM PST
this guy isn't real! nobody can be that clueless... right? and in case i'm wrong...

this excuse for an article contain absolutely NOTHING about hacking! that redneck's son's only a young gamer who surf the net. and the changes of behavior is most probably caused by something else. school, puberty, girls, drugs, anything!!! and for knowing hackers and having being one before(kinda...), i'll tell you that apearance, behaviour and academic results have nothing to do with being a hacker.

but if you son like potato chips, he is most likely a hacker

hehhh... hacking manuals... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

You have absoluetly no idea (none / 0) (#7209)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 10:24:53 AM PST
Your points about how to diagnose whether your child as a hacker are almost completely wrong.

The three programs you point out in point 2 are nowhere near anything that is considered a "hacker" program. Flash is a professional development tool used for creating graphics, and animation, while Bonzi Buddy, and the other one are mearly programs that add a bit of life and interactivity (albeit, annoying) to your desktop. There is no way that they can use any of them to "hack".

Asking for new hardware is not an uncommon thing. They merely want this to upgrade the performance of the PC, so they can run games, and other software a lot better than they can on the current machine you have. Upgrading the memory, video card, and processor is generally what most will want, although an additional hard drive, and cd-writer are also fairly common.

Also, AMD processors are not illegal, they are merely a subsititute to the ones Intel offer. In fact, both companies are rivals in the processor market, just like Nike and Adidas are in the sporting wear market.

A lot of the reading material you have listed in point 4 are not hacking guides, but merely guides to better educating the use of certain softwares.

Just because your child spends hours upon hours on the computer, it doesnt mean they are hackers. However, too much use is obbiously not good for their health and social skills. The amount of time you limit them to is up to you though.

DOS is actually an operating system like Windows itself. In fact most versions of Windows are based on DOS. Yes, if they are clever enough (really well educated in it) they can use DOS to hack programs and such, but not over the internet as far as I know. However, it is an extremely old operating system (think 80's) so any hacking they do do is severly limited to older software, and usually only within DOS or Windows itself.

Quake is not a hacking program. It is in fact a game, involving shooting other people, both online an offline. It has nothing to do with hacking. However, the vulgar content as explained above is probably a good enough reason to keep them away from it if they are under the recommended age limit of the game, which depends on the country you live in.

All teenagers become argumentative and surly during that period of their life. It's their way of coping with things, and while too much computer use may cause more of this than normal, its not because of anything to do with hacking.

Linux (or Lunix as you spelt it) is not the illegal, or "the devil" as you seem to have put it. It is just another operating system, like Windows, but different in its delivery and interface. It will not destroy your hardware in any way, shape or form, but merely provide you and your child with an alternative operating system with which to use your computer.

Point 9 is really off-topic. The things you described are actually part of the current trend and dress styles of the modern day teenager. They might be getting up to illegal activities, but more likely out in the real world, rather than on a computer. In fact, the whole dress code of a hacker is nothing like that. They are more likely to be wearing simple clothes like t-shirts and jeans, even flanlette shirts, and display very little physical hygene more than anything else. But that's just the stereotype.

I agree with you on point 10 however. Too much use of a computer can cause a child, or even yourself some sort of unhealthy repercussions. The best bet is to limit the amount of time on the computer.

You seem to know a fair bit about computers, however, most of the information you have presented here has probably been gathered from internet sites that either have no idea what they are on about, or are trying to spread lies to the general public. As with any information in the real world, you have to take everything with a grain of salt on the internet.

You seem to be a fairly concerned parent, which I udnerstand and respect, but perhaps you should make sure that the information you gather next time is more concrete and actual fact, rather than lies spread on the internet. Surely, you know someone who has a good knowledge about computers - ask them about this whole situation, and you will probably find that the information you have gathered is false, and that you have reacted too quickly, and maybe even too harshly over this situation.

You have absoluetly no idea (none / 0) (#7210)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 10:28:11 AM PST
Your points about how to diagnose whether your child as a hacker are almost completely wrong.

The three programs you point out in point 2 are nowhere near anything that is considered a "hacker" program. Flash is a professional development tool used for creating graphics, and animation, while Bonzi Buddy, and the other one are mearly programs that add a bit of life and interactivity (albeit, annoying) to your desktop. There is no way that they can use any of them to "hack".

Asking for new hardware is not an uncommon thing. They merely want this to upgrade the performance of the PC, so they can run games, and other software a lot better than they can on the current machine you have. Upgrading the memory, video card, and processor is generally what most will want, although an additional hard drive, and cd-writer are also fairly common.

Also, AMD processors are not illegal, they are merely a subsititute to the ones Intel offer. In fact, both companies are rivals in the processor market, just like Nike and Adidas are in the sporting wear market.

A lot of the reading material you have listed in point 4 are not hacking guides, but merely guides to better educating the use of certain softwares.

Just because your child spends hours upon hours on the computer, it doesnt mean they are hackers. However, too much use is obbiously not good for their health and social skills. The amount of time you limit them to is up to you though.

DOS is actually an operating system like Windows itself. In fact most versions of Windows are based on DOS. Yes, if they are clever enough (really well educated in it) they can use DOS to hack programs and such, but not over the internet as far as I know. However, it is an extremely old operating system (think 80's) so any hacking they do do is severly limited to older software, and usually only within DOS or Windows itself.

Quake is not a hacking program. It is in fact a game, involving shooting other people, both online an offline. It has nothing to do with hacking. However, the vulgar content as explained above is probably a good enough reason to keep them away from it if they are under the recommended age limit of the game, which depends on the country you live in.

All teenagers become argumentative and surly during that period of their life. It's their way of coping with things, and while too much computer use may cause more of this than normal, its not because of anything to do with hacking.

Linux (or Lunix as you spelt it) is not the illegal, or "the devil" as you seem to have put it. It is just another operating system, like Windows, but different in its delivery and interface. It will not destroy your hardware in any way, shape or form, but merely provide you and your child with an alternative operating system with which to use your computer.

Point 9 is really off-topic. The things you described are actually part of the current trend and dress styles of the modern day teenager. They might be getting up to illegal activities, but more likely out in the real world, rather than on a computer. In fact, the whole dress code of a hacker is nothing like that. They are more likely to be wearing simple clothes like t-shirts and jeans, even flanlette shirts, and display very little physical hygene more than anything else. But that's just the stereotype.

I agree with you on point 10 however. Too much use of a computer can cause a child, or even yourself some sort of unhealthy repercussions. The best bet is to limit the amount of time on the computer.

You seem to know a fair bit about computers, however, most of the information you have presented here has probably been gathered from internet sites that either have no idea what they are on about, or are trying to spread lies to the general public. As with any information in the real world, you have to take everything with a grain of salt on the internet.

You seem to be a fairly concerned parent, which I udnerstand and respect, but perhaps you should make sure that the information you gather next time is more concrete and actual fact, rather than lies spread on the internet. Surely, you know someone who has a good knowledge about computers - ask them about this whole situation, and you will probably find that the information you have gathered is false, and that you have reacted too quickly, and maybe even too harshly over this situation.

BWAHHH ha ha ha (none / 0) (#7211)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 11:00:33 AM PST
ok first of all this had better be a joke, i pray for the lives of your children and regret the amount of therapy that will be required to rid themselves of you overbearring actions. You sir are a "gimp", no NOT like the photo software on linux, you are one of the most over protective parents first oif all, you are VERY uninformed, Flash is a web design and multimedia creation tool used for networking solutions and to create GUI's for idiots out there like you, Quake, just one of the 100's of 3D First Person shooters out there, and im pretty sure quake would be the reason your son is asking for new hardware. Your son sounds like a moron also, maybe your sunshine is running off on him, he knows nothing about computers, if he was really hacking he would not need books on perl, and hacking e-zines, there are VERY few real hackers in society today, a recent study was conducted by "I dont remember who" that said there are probably only roughly 500-600 "hackers" out there and they would all like to remain anon. You son is a gimp and i pray that this was all a joke, and the rest of you posting comments, quite fucking bullshitting about hwo your son was a hacker and now designs firewalls to prevent CdC to get in, this is a script kiddie tool you butt plug,to prevent access all you have to do is block certain ports which shouldnt be open n the first place if you had set up software correctly to scan incoming packets for RAT's like that (Remote Administration Tool) and another thing CdC is LOOOOOONG gone, that was o 2 years ago, subseven isnt even used that often now-a-days, none of you went to M.I.T., none of you know what your talking about, please refrain from looking like walking penile excretion and shut the fuck up

ahahaaha, this is good stuff! (none / 0) (#7212)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 11:18:39 AM PST
this is a great article! I didn't know the brady bunch had computers! cindy the narc? peter? what?

ROFL (none / 0) (#7213)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 11:22:32 AM PST
oh my GOD that was great...I can't tell which was more fun, the original joke or all the gullible morons trying to tell the author how stupid he is. Oh man I need to lay down.

oh my god ...shit youre such a dumbass (none / 0) (#7214)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 11:59:17 AM PST
on my god ....u just dont know shit about hacking ! ...Quake ? ...QUAKE IS A GAME U FUCKIN IDIOT NOT A HACKIN TRAINING GROUND and comet cursor !!! oh shit my son is a hacker because i changes the computer cursor call the police this is dangerous ...tsssss cmon and linux ...HEY WAKE UP DUMBASS LINUX IS AN EXPLOTATION SYSTEM LIKE WINDOWS shit youre just so stupid ! thats all i have to say man : fuck off u dont know nothing

p.s. whit 30 min on the comp cannot even chat ! so shit !

Pay attention! (none / 0) (#7215)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 12:13:16 PM PST
This article is obviously a spoof designed to take advantage of un-educated people. The author obviously knows what he's talking about, he is just lying. I don't know how this article got on the site but its obviously a joke people and if you don't get it, perhaps you are the "dumb-asses"

LOL! (none / 0) (#7216)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 12:39:14 PM PST
this literally ade e burst out laughing hard enough to spit chewed up doritos all over the screen!

if this is a joke, its a damned good one. and any parent who is reading this and BELIEVEING it is a complete and total moron!

first off, AOL is one of the slowest ISPs you can get.

next off, the 'child safe' thing has a serious OVERblocking problem, blocking out some of the most innocent sites i've ever seen.

and third.... hell, if i wanted a new ISP, i'd find it myself. I did this with telnet, the best server out there i've seen so far for hacking purposes

and quakes a good way to pass the time

so if this article wasn't a joke, then the person who wrote it doesn't even DESERVE to have kids.

AIEEEEEE!!!!!! (none / 0) (#7218)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 01:03:45 PM PST
Oh no! If someone I know reads this article, THEY MIGHT BE ON TO ME!

Interesting... (none / 0) (#7219)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 01:07:57 PM PST
So um... what exactly did happen to evolution? Wasn't it supposed to improve a species?

What? (none / 0) (#7222)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 02:27:37 PM PST
I sincerely hope that this is a joke. Any parents who are so narrow-minded should be seeking some form of professional help. While he does make a few interesting and perhaps valid points (Hacking manuals; but not most of the ones he mentioned, and... well, that's about it.), most of his points are completely groundless. �Using Linux is just an alternative to Windows- a company that holds more than a monopoly on the OS business. Playing Quake (and this one really got me) is just "playing". It's a game, and nothing more.
�Asking for hardware is most certainly not a sign of hacker behaviour. In fact, I can almost garauntee that a hacker can use any computer of his choosing, regardless of the processor power, or GPU power (what would a hacker use a GPU for? hehe).
�Changes in behaviour or time spent on the PC is not a sign of him becoming a "hacker". I question whether or not this man even knows what a hacker IS.

I could be here all day commented on this man's lack of knowledge of computer systems and how they operate (Hacking into a stereo system to get MP3's? Oh, and "Telnet" is a product of Microsoft, by the way, and is bundled with any MS OS), but this is frankly a waste of my time, and I sincerely hope anyone reading this article is not taking it as valid evidence of hacker activity.

I recommend, Mr. Gibbons, that you do a little more research into the subjects you're talking about before you post your opinions all over the internet.


Er... no. (none / 0) (#7224)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 02:47:37 PM PST
Just. No. The only explanation is that the author is a gay old amish fuck who can't tell a chocolate chip from a computer chip. Go get a fucking life, you pale arsehole. You call yourself a father? Puh-lease.. and your youngest daughter? Cindy? She's a bitch. A fucking little bitch. 1, for snitching on her brother, 2, for making you investigate on something you don't know heads or tails of. 1 4m g01ng t0 h4x0rize j00 j00 g4y 01d fuck!!!11

haha (none / 0) (#7227)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 03:27:14 PM PST
You sir are a waste of sperm.

response to total stupidity (none / 0) (#7228)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 03:36:00 PM PST
dude- you're either paranoid or completely stupid. If I was your child, I would probably be insane by now. The way you jump to conclusions is bad enough, but you could at least try to make that jump based on some sort of fact. Just what do you think a hacker is? Do you think anyone who uses a computer alot is a hacker? Do yourself a favor and get off your boy's nuts. He probably just wanted a faster video card to play newer updated version of Quake. Your boy sounds normal enough, but you don't. You sound like an ignorant paranoid fool.

i think.. (none / 0) (#7229)
by Setzer on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 03:41:14 PM PST
i think this is pure crap
i understand your concern as a parent.
but to limit the time of computer use to 45 min.. it's childish..

i can tell you don't seem to know anything about computers..
otherwise yu'll know that it LINUX..

not lunix..

and "Dos" is an operating system, in case you didn't know..

i think you see too much television..

if your son really IS a hacker.. ( which i think he is NOT) then he know that newbies DON'T mess with government sites.

i presume you know what a hacker is..
a hacker is a computer security expert, and when he spots a weakeness in a system, he tells to the site administrator, so he can fix it.

of course you'll understand that to become a hacker a lot of time is required..
let's say.. YEARS

and those "measures"...
don't make me laugh...

there is a saying...
"when i was a child, i played as a child, ran as a child, thought as a child... when i became a man.. i left childish things..."

let's say that you are STILL a child my friend..

hackers are NOT BAD PEOPLE.
instead of stopping your son.. you should guide him, if you deny books, any way he WILL find anything he needs for other means. so
be smart



if you have anything to say to me , my name is Alejandro Barrientos , i live in Chile.
i have no problem in answering all your questions, and guiding YOU in this computer world..
my mail is
i'll be waiting for your reply "Mr-Concerned-Parent"

Hahaha (none / 0) (#7232)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 03:58:24 PM PST
This cant be true, this must be satire. A grown-up man cant be that stupid.

@Author: Is the world in general pretty strange to you? And do you have the odd feeling you're the only person being 'normal' and all others being 'weird'??

Please someone take the children away from these parents, so not any more harm is done to them by this extraordinary example of American brainwashed sheep.

I feel pity for your children and I mean it serious.

Now go and call homeland security. I could be a hacker who just sneaks into your "very interesting" computer while you read all these messages.

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#7234)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 04:10:51 PM PST
This was the Biggest Crock of SHIT that i have ever read!!!!!

)/ /(_)


This is complete crap (none / 0) (#7235)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 04:15:00 PM PST
For my own sanity this better be tongue-in-cheek...if it isn' truly are a waste of the human gene pool.

is this a joke? (none / 0) (#7236)
by Koji Kabuto on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 04:51:21 PM PST
oh come on, how can you be so stupid...
first, Comet Cursor is a "Spy Ware" that's called, those are perjudicial programs that slow down your pc and install automatically
second, Flash is a program for making web animations, movies and or games
third, Linux is an alternate Operative System, much better than Windows, and if you delete windows, you don't need "to get a pro to fix it"
fourth: telnet is using for remote connections, in some universities and more things
fifth there's nothing wrong with changing ISP and AMD chips arent "illegal hacker chips"
6th Quake is just a game
Light Travels Faster Than Sound, that's why some people seem brilliant until they speak

is this a joke? (none / 0) (#7237)
by Koji Kabuto on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 04:52:17 PM PST
oh come on, how can you be so stupid...
first, Comet Cursor is a "Spy Ware" that's called, those are perjudicial programs that slow down your pc and install automatically
second, Flash is a program for making web animations, movies and or games
third, Linux is an alternate Operative System, much better than Windows, and if you delete windows, you don't need "to get a pro to fix it"
fourth: telnet is using for remote connections, in some universities and more things
fifth there's nothing wrong with changing ISP and AMD chips arent "illegal hacker chips"
6th Quake is just a game
Light Travels Faster Than Sound, that's why some people seem brilliant until they speak

You guys are all so funny....and dense (none / 0) (#7238)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 04:55:42 PM PST
I applaud the guy that wrote this article. It is the best work of satire I've read in quite some time. After a while of reading it, I was like, "There is NO parent in the world THIS misinformed!"

you freaking moron (none / 0) (#7239)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 04:56:13 PM PST
ok sir,
let me start by telling you lay off your kid. you can't always control his life. i have 5 bucks that sayts your son doesn't knwo the first thing about cryptology. yea i bet you never saw that on your task bar. ok and those bonzai buddy icons and what not, that comes with crappy programs such as aol instant messanger. yea their just crap people want you to buy, cause i don't know if you know this, the internet is a big market for selling items and services. thats what the internet boom is about
oh yea captain genius its pronounced linux and its an operating system like dos. and if it was a hacking program why the hell would they sell it at computer stores. honest to god before you think you know everything pick up a magazine or read a book or i dunno turn on a television and take your fingers from your ears and open your eyes come out of the basement and give your son a break you freaking freaking moron

I have a hacking friend (none / 0) (#7240)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 04:57:23 PM PST
I know this because he told me... He said he's wanted in 7-10 states... Non of them is the one we live in, he would have been taken to juevenal prison if it was.

There are other hackers meeting places on the net, such as mIRC and diffrent programs. There is the famause case of Napster that should be mentioned...

My friend doesn't wear any of the clothing you discribed, except for baggy pants. His attitude is pretty much cold though, he calles every one who doesn't know much about pub hacking, boards and other hacking related things by the famous names of 'leecher' and 'lamer'...

His preformence is very low in school...

And finally: he is considered by the rank of 'nerd', 'geek' or similar things.

Mr. Gibbons, I must say that you are very lucky for your children being so obidient...
As far as I know, in most families children do things their parents don't want them to do, sometimes their parants find out, and sometimes it stays behind their back...

What... are you... talking about?? (none / 0) (#7242)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 05:06:40 PM PST
Ummm.... Right....

Listen, I'm a Chilean 16 year old. I've been using computers since I was 3. I learned to read, write and speak english thanks to this little "devil". Now, when I talk about computers, I speak of things I know of. When you talk about computers, you're just blabbering nonsense.

I mean, almost every point you listed out is mistaken. LINUX destroying your hard drive? Otaku hacker association? Schizophrenia due to radiation? Your son getting argumentative and "surly"? Maybe you haven't heard of puberty.

Just so you know, LINUX is an OS (Operating System, I wouldn't hope YOU'D know.) just like Windows, DOS, etc. It is used, mostly because of stability, in office computers.

Otakus are anime / manga fans. I mean, dude. You call yourself modern and enlightened?

Schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases.... Right. You know, staying under the sun for too long can cause skin cancer. Breathing city air can poison your lungs. You walk down the street and get run over by a car. Maybe we should just stay at home? Wait, I forgot, children who stay at homes all their lives have a 99% chance of becoming sociopaths. Ouch.

Changing of appearance.... Humm.... Well, I have yet to see any children my age dressing in Polo outfits. Baggy pants are used exactly because they are baggy, more comfortable. Then again, you being a modern and enlightened parent, you would know that, right?

Quake... You really don't know anything, do you? Have you heard of strange, cheesy, entertaining programs called games? Yeah, those where you actually have fun? (I'm sure you really get a crack out of Excel and Word, but I'm talking about real fun).

And PLEASE! More than 30 minutes a day = hacking? Makes me wonder whether you've ever had any fun in your life.

New hardware is usually asked for when the current computer doesn't meet up with what you want. "Faster video cards" don't actually count as a hacking tool, since there's not much 3d Acceleration to running an application.

Finally, AMD isn't a child-slaving company.

And, dude, someday you'll just have to let your teens go to teen parties alone. Hence the word TEEN party.

Is the moon made of cheese, too? (none / 0) (#7243)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 05:51:11 PM PST
May I just say congrats on stopping your son from being a hacker? It's a good thing, too! We wouldn't want someone else on the internet who could...LEARN things. Someone who would find information and share would we? We wouldn't want someone else like Kevin Mitnick, who was a hacker and sent to jail for five years, would we? He was even convicted of theft after he called a company up on the phone, asked for a manual and had it given to him. He stole it right from under their noses..a million dollar manual. Your son should be thanking you for stopping him from becoming like that man. The Flash and BonziBuddy programs are malicious too. I'm surprised your computer survived having them installed! They're programmed to rewire your computer from the inside while you sleep. Thank you for telling me that about AMD, however. I KNEW I shouldn't believe those manuals and newspaper articles that explained it was an American company, whose processors where 4x faster then Intels current...The AMD chips are probably made by terrorists too. If you have an AMD chip, call the bomb squad right away!! The other symptoms described in the article are often mistaken for becoming a teenager, or playing a video game. DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!!! Do not allow anyone else to fall to this type of thing! Below is a link to remove the most common hacking tools from your system if a child or other person put them there. If they installed protection systems, it may crash your computer when it is removed, however it removes a program with each crash. Contiue visiting that website until your computer no longer crashes. Remove Hacking Tools FREE KEVIN!

Is the moon made of cheese, too? (none / 0) (#7244)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 05:52:41 PM PST
May I just say congrats on stopping your son from being a hacker?

It's a good thing, too! We wouldn't want someone else on the internet who could...LEARN things. Someone who would find information and share would we?

We wouldn't want someone else like Kevin Mitnick, who was a hacker and sent to jail for five years, would we? He was even convicted of theft after he called a company up on the phone, asked for a manual and had it given to him. He stole it right from under their noses..a million dollar manual.

Your son should be thanking you for stopping him from becoming like that man.

The Flash and BonziBuddy programs are malicious too. I'm surprised your computer survived having them installed! They're programmed to rewire your computer from the inside while you sleep.

Thank you for telling me that about AMD, however. I KNEW I shouldn't believe those manuals and newspaper articles that explained it was an American company, whose processors where 4x faster then Intels current...The AMD chips are probably made by terrorists too. If you have an AMD chip, call the bomb squad right away!!

The other symptoms described in the article are often mistaken for becoming a teenager, or playing a video game. DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!!!

Do not allow anyone else to fall to this type of thing!


You people are Blind! (none / 0) (#7246)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 11:14:25 PM PST
All you people posting comments saying that the write of this article was dumb are blinded. Can't you see that our Children have become computer hackers!? Why, when I read this article I checked in my computer and saw that my son had installed "Comic Cursor" and "Flash". I knew right then that my son had become a hacker! I knew that letting him use this computer was a bad Idea. One day at the dinner table he said that he needed more "Ram" and a new "Card". Obivuosly so he could Break into the Vaults of our American Government and Sell secrets to the Iraquis. Then he told me that he was going to install the very same "Lunix" that was mentioned in this article. He also Wanted a "Burner", I'm afraid that hes gone into arson as well as gangster influenced communism (which he says hes learning about in school the liar). And he tells me that all his Hacker freinds "Play Quake" and that he wants it to. Clearly he needs more computer power to destroy all the systems of the United States of America for the absoulute overthrow of Anarchy throughout the Largest Country in the world! I even caught him "Chatting" with people from the small communist eastren european country of Canada, and they were brainwashing him into thinking that their form of government (A communist one consisting of Parties) was better than the Democracy of the 52 States of America!!!

But fear not, for I grounded my son for the rest of his life in this house, and now 3 times a week we go to a PArent-Child Therapy session that teaches him about the will of the Lord. And how he teaches us that hacking is bad. And now, (though its rough still) he is on the good road to recovery.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7247)
by ltcarneiro on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 11:11:52 AM PST
This article is simply the biggest bullshit i have read in all my life!!!
Poor children.... This father is simply spliting to ignorant life in internet and IT, like yours...
Linux was made by a FINISH STUDENT not a soviet, you son of a bitch!!!!

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#7248)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 11:16:08 AM PST
Learning how to program in perl is a means of hacking? Using a unix based operating system that I'm sure the server uses is a kind of hacking? Since when did "mp3" become a type of program and not a means of sound compression? lilo is a means of dual booting your computer if you want to have more than one operating system on a computer. It is not Linux (not lunix) exclusive. To get rid of LILO on your computer. does the author of this piece have ANY idea what he is talking about? Is the author aware what "hacking" even is? This is ridiculous.

Matthew Brehe

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#7249)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 12:31:06 PM PST
I pity your son for having a parent such as yourself. You should be ashamed of yourself for not only being too stupid to be allowed to use a computer, but furthermore, for attempting to educate people even dumber than yourself (which while difficult to believe amounts to most Americans) with your idiotic bullshit. You've "learned enough in the few days..." about hacking that you feel that you should enrich us all with the this knowledge. It's because of righteous ignorant morons like yourself that kids like your son committ suicide. You'd be spending your time better if you went out and burned some more crosses instead of ranting and raving like the lunatic that you are on a public channel.
People like you need to be left behind.

Lay off the crack, buddy (none / 0) (#7250)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 02:16:09 PM PST
WOW do I ever feel sorry for your son! I have never read a web page that had so much BS in it! A hacker isn't defined by their hair colour or clothing colour... hackers are not always young boys... hackers aren't out to get Mr.Joe Blue-Collar...
The radical change of appearance, argumentative behavior and academic struggle are clear signs of being a teenager... oh, no - get the exorcist - we must remove SATAN from the boy!!!
Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy are not hacker programs!! Flash sure the hell isn't a hack program... geeze. Where have you been??
Just because your son likes surfing the net and likes to play QUAKE (and possibly other awesome games) doesn't mean that he's a hacker!!!

BTW - you may want to check your "spanking" link Mr. Horney Bible Thumper

Hacker Detection?? (none / 0) (#7251)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 03:43:59 PM PST
So, how long have you been working for Intel and AOL? This is the most rediculous drivel I have ever heard!! I can't believe that an article like this even exists.. (unless it is a joke?)

Hi. Ignorance is bliss eh? (none / 0) (#7252)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 03:52:56 PM PST
I don't know what else to say. My good man, your son will hate you one day. He may not know it, but trust me, he will hate you one day. Gotta love repression and all that fun stuff.

I hope your children grow up to be wonderfully computer illiterate in this age of technology. I'm sure your son will enjoy doing manual labour for a living when all of his friends are working with computers because they have learned to use them effectively at a younger age.

I like to think that everyone in this world has a right to say their peace, however I just wish some people would make a more intelligent argument before they started to preach nonsense. Before you tell people how to live their lives, perhaps you should have done more research upon that which you are targetting. The computer literate world is laughing at you.

Your statements are farcical and when I started reading this, I honestly thought it was a joke that someone had written.

I'm gonna start with the basics here. A hacker is: Someone who has a desire to gain knowledge about computers.
A cracker is: Someone who has a desire to use their knowledge of computers to a malicious end.

If your son falls into the first category, then he is a lucky man who will go far in our modern world. If he falls into the latter, then it will be due to the fact that his father has tried to hide the world from him, and in his rebellion, he tried to learn as much as he could.

I could go on, but I am but one post of 5000. Please, I implore you, pick a side of the fence, either shun technology, or embrace it, do not sit idly on the fence, ignorant of either side.

Misinformed parent never did any research (none / 0) (#7253)
by pcmedic on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 04:49:31 PM PST
It is quite obvious form your post that you never did any real research on the subjects you proclain to be knowledgable about.

I will start my rant by saying that I have been involved in the computer industry for over 20yrs.
I ran my own business for over three years repairing and upgrading computers., I also worked in several tech shops.

To even suggest that AOL is a "safe" place for any child to access the internet is laughable, there is more illegal activity on AOL then anywhere else, from illegal trading of software, to exploiting children with kiddie porn to a wide range of other such illegal activities..There are hidden chat rooms in the AOL system that EVEN AOL does not know about..Hackers love AOL, the trade accounts back and forth like most kids trade Poke'man cards today.

As far as you "hardware" concerns , how is a stick of RAM gonna be used as a hacking tool?
AMD an inferior computer chip? you have no idea what you are talking about..AMD and Intel are rival chip makers..both striving to put the fastest processors on the street as soon as they can to give YOU the consumer a choice.Amd has been used by all the major manufacturers, Compaq, Dell, HP, Gateway.. these companys are selling hacking tools?

And for my last rant on Gaming..I am 38 yrs old and still play games like Quake, QuakeII Quake III, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, etc..and I have never been arrested, or spent a day in jail..and I am a reponsible parent who GAVE my 10 year old son his own computer with the intent of us getting together and playing computer games together over my own personal in home computer network..and over the internet..

Thank you,
PC Medic

nice pack of bullshits... my compliments !!! (none / 0) (#7254)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 06:24:19 PM PST
well... what else left to say?
keep on defending us, poor people that don' t know even which key to push to start the computer ! ^___^

I think you need to take a computer course (none / 0) (#7256)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 04:14:02 AM PST
why dont you go and learn about computers , and the various applications and games associated with them.
Bonzi Buddy is a program that sits in the background and annoys most people
Flash is used to display video presentations
As for your comments on AMD , im sure you understand the laws on defamation , either that or you work for intel
DOSsing hmm nice word ... DOS is a disk operating system note each letter those words start with.
Quake , now thats the part that cracks me up , sure you can get mods for quake online which have been created by other people, but its hardly a place to sit and talk about hacking in, most people want to play the game not chat. You would have more chance of learning how to hack in public rooms of yahoo messenger (sorry peter, i guess you cant use that now either).
Linux - is an alternative to using windows which is free (the way computer programs should be) yes its true you can stuff up a computer with linux, but you can just as easily stuff one up with the format command too in windows/dos.
Telnet - another crackup , im suprised you even know to use a telephone to connect to the internet. Telnet was a simple program for connecting to other peoples computers (such as BBS') and allowing the 2 computers to send/recieve data.
I really feel sorry for your son being banned from the computer because his parents have absolutely no idea on them.

Is this a joke or what ??? (none / 0) (#7257)
by Giacart on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 05:32:45 AM PST
Identifing an Open Source operating system as a threat for your children is really something I can't understand !!!! Not far away from a gun or every other man-made thing, a SO in not good or evil, it's simply a tool, is the man behind it who decides it's use. Is this thing so difficult to understand ? If you could take some time, you could learn that the Open Source community is a group of people who, for example, is willing to help FOR FREE other people, offering documentation and Howto's at no cost. Isn't this a good example to offer to the youngster ? Surely better than the Have-to-pay-for-documentation-that-solves-nothing way used by the companies you point at as "good"

And i'm not even going in the meaning you give to the word "hacker"....

Next time read an learn something before You post.

Is this a joke or what ??? (none / 0) (#7258)
by Giacart on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 05:34:02 AM PST
Identifing an Open Source operating system as a threat for your children is really something I can't understand !!!! Not far away from a gun or every other man-made thing, a SO in not good or evil, it's simply a tool, is the man behind it who decides it's use. Is this thing so difficult to understand ? If you could take some time, you could learn that the Open Source community is a group of people who, for example, is willing to help FOR FREE other people, offering documentation and Howto's at no cost. Isn't this a good example to offer to the youngster ? Surely better than the Have-to-pay-for-documentation-that-solves-nothing way used by the companies you point at as "good"

And i'm not even going in the meaning you give to the word "hacker"....

Next time read an learn something before You post.

funny joke (none / 0) (#7259)
by Danzauker on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 05:39:35 AM PST
Heh, it's awfully clear that this was just a joke.

I can't believe somebody willing to post something about a matter where he does not know ANYTHING!!!

So, I won't comment further, because there's not a single statement in the post which has but the subtlest hint of truth :)

funny joke (none / 0) (#7260)
by Danzauker on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 05:41:56 AM PST
Heh, it's awfully clear that this was just a joke.

I can't believe somebody willing to post something about a matter where he does not know ANYTHING!!!

So, I won't comment further, because there's not a single statement in the post which has but the subtlest hint of truth :)

them commie pinkos (none / 0) (#7261)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 08:28:15 AM PST
are you joking?

BUUUUUUUUUUULCRAP!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#7263)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 04:45:05 PM PST
Look, as you said in the begining you don't know anything bout computers, I can see that right now.
What kind of moron would send his computer back to the manufacture to install new memory or new harddrive or whatever!?
If you get your windows deleted it doesn't mean that you to send it back to the manufacturer, there's a thing that comes with your computer called a RECOVERY CD!!!!!!!!!!! You just put it into your cdrom and windows reinstalls automaticly.

Anyway, I'm getting pissed. Hate when retards open their mouth's and start talking about somethign that they don't know.

I think you should learn more about computers!

Appearance (none / 0) (#7264)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 07:19:10 PM PST
The description on how "hackers" look is complete bull sh*t! That is how many of the people who are into the rave scene dress, not f*cking hackers. Yes some of them are hackers, but there are people who dress like any one else and hack. Glow stix are what the ravers, some of them at least, use to dance; and the pacifiers are just for an accessory. You shouldn't make such generalization for such people of that appearance when you do not even know what type of people they are.

YOU ARE A FUCKN IDIOT (none / 0) (#7265)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 07:25:24 PM PST
Before you start saying shit know what the fuck your talking about

quake is a game and thats it!@!!!! YOU FUCKN MORON


you suck (none / 0) (#7266)
by Serj on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 01:14:06 AM PST
My god man, what the HELL is wrong with you?

I pity your children immensely for having such technophobic and stupid parents who are far too strict.

In the main computer SUPERSTORE of my capita;l city, they promote the new AMDs with relish. Hell, some of them are better than some Intel processors!

Quake is a game. Can you say that? G-A-M-E. It's a form of entertainment.

Oh, yes, to piss you off, I'm only 15. And I STILL know more than you.

By the way,
hackers = good
crackers = bad

Your son should be given a VC for putting up with you.

is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#7267)
by wolfsbane on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 05:54:06 AM PST
Well it is a nice and fun story. But i think it has to be a joke. As if someone had researched everything as the writer is supposed to have ,they would not make such mistakes. Like that AMD is a nock off,neuromancer is just a book and the creator of lunix or i think he means linux is linus tornvolds and he is if im not mistaking a norwegian. But if this is a real serious story,then i would like to advise the author to go to a good doc. Or a shrink. B'coz this story has a bit of nationalism in it. Also it proves he knows shit about computers so how is he supposed to protect his family? Wolfsbane

by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 08:18:53 AM PST
I can't stop lauphing while reading this. I don't think everyone realizes this article is just a joke just like everything else on

...... Sans commentaire (none / 0) (#7269)
by Th4 Script0rZ on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 08:32:22 AM PST
hey man c'mon la prochaine fois que tu feras un article du genre.. arrange toi au moin pour �crire comme y faut.. c'est pas "lunix" c'est "Linux" pis avant de parler des Hackers comment tu l'fait commence dont par regarder ce que toi tu fait sur l'ordinateur.. p-e que t� aussi ill�gale que ns tsss tk YEAH! j'�coute du Techno fack chu un Hackers.. encore une fois Sans Commentaire!

Crazyness (none / 0) (#7270)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 09:51:35 AM PST
If this article is not a joke, it was written by someone that don't really understand computing and had read fantastic stories in the wrong places. Also, the article has notorious mistakes in it. So, I prefer thinking it's just a well written joke.

this article (none / 0) (#7271)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 01:53:33 PM PST
this is a joke

dsaasdds (none / 0) (#7272)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 02:10:35 PM PST

Comment on Is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#7273)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 02:29:16 PM PST
What a bunch of shity crap is this.
i don't believe that i went through till the middle.
the author should go back to kindergarden for idiots.
we don't need this

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#7274)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 04:46:07 PM PST
what a load of crock. Get a life.

You're so ignorant (none / 0) (#7275)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 06:40:41 PM PST
OMG! Quake is a game! Flash is a gahics program!

Linux in selled L I N U X! OMG! You are a complete idiot, IMO.

You're so ignorant (none / 0) (#7276)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 06:41:36 PM PST
OMG! Quake is a game! Flash is a gaphics program!

Linux in selled L I N U X! OMG! You are a complete idiot, IMO.

what? (none / 0) (#7277)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 06:49:56 PM PST
Are you out of your fucking mind????

nto correct (none / 0) (#7278)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 09:45:29 PM PST
The information about the hardwear is compleatly false. First off, AMD is a competator to Intel, and it is readilly available in stores, and it is prefered b/c it is faster, NOT b/c of the fact that it is easier to hack into someones computer. Not only that the processor has nothing to do with hacking. It seems like you are a little unclear about the function of the processor.... let me fill you in really quick!
The processor only sets the speed for which data travels with in the computer. It has nothing to do with the internet, or hacking. In a situation like this you really should do some research before you psot something like this. If AMD were to get a hold of this you could be sued for these words of slander. This article should be taken off of this site simply b/c what is said is compleatly wrong.

Are You Really The Un Informed Man On EARTH?? (none / 0) (#7279)
by Electronic Raver on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 12:16:33 AM PST
First of all you want to know what the pacifiers is used for, not hackers but RAVERS. Ravers use them when there at RAVES doing ECSTASY. ECSTASY give you terrible jaw clenching. the pacifiers are used to keep them from biting the hell out of the insides of there mouths. I think your son mite have bigger problems then his so called "hacking".

Where did you do your reaserching??? I myself have an extensive amounts of knowledge on computers and I think you need to rethink and re-write this article. You know what flash is used for. Its a interent program that allows you to veiw certain website that contain short movies and interactive toolbars. Bonzi buddy is a chat program that most people around the world use to chat with family members and friends. Comet Curser is a special program that reconizes special mouse cursers for certain website

Quake is not a training ground for terrist worriers. Its is a great place to challange your friends to a good game of fraging. From all the years I haved played it, there has been no knowledge of hacking being traded.

Lynix was a OS created by a bunch of college students for a class and then was published on the interent for free use. In this world of a Microsoft monopoly, Lynix is a nice change for once. The Russian hacker program you are talking about is called talnet which comes with every Microsoft OS. If its so ilegal I guess were all in trouble.

There is no such things as "Hacking Manuals" There is such things as books that give a better understanding to this complicated world that you call the internet

New hardware is harmless. When new hardware is bought from the companie it was manufractured from, It usally cost a lot more and not be up to date. Other companies specialize in certain hardware, giving us a better price and a better product.

AOL is a very limited ISP. dosent let you do lots of things you would like to do. All AOL does is makes things simpler and not give you what the internet has to provide. With this world of fast internet such as cable, DSL, and t1 lines AOL is being left in the dust.

AMD is a very highly know company. it competes with companies such as INTEL. AMD has provided us with fast processors. If you want to talk about ilegal acts by proccessors lets talk about INTEL. INTEL has been in many laws suits for breaking privacy laws. INTELS new chip the PIII was sent to court for having A special feature put in it that can track what sites you have been to. What software you have been buying, where you live, what things you like to do. This seems to me worser then a hacker. how about you.

Im sorry sir for being so blunt, but you seem very mis informed about the situtaion.

You people must be crazy (none / 0) (#7280)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 01:40:57 AM PST
Uh, let me start by saying that you are an overprotective parent and your children are likely to grow up and really have some dislikes for you if you do not let go a bit. Also, spell Linux right. And Linus? Not a cold war programmer. Ohhhh ya, and another way you can tell someone who was a hacker is that they are probably driving a BMW or Mercedes today because they have learned to do extensive research and be a productive part of society from it. Lets see here...Oh yeah, Flash...Used to make Web Sites...Made by Macromedia...Owned by the same company, (Adobe) who produces PhotoShop...Ya like Photoshop don't ya? Try Flash, it is way cooler. You might want to look into Red Hat for a great Linux Distribution. If you son is using another, tell him that it is easier to take over the USA Missle Defense system using Red Hat...LMAO (Laughing My Ass Off) Red Hat is what we call a company. Linux is what we call an operating system. Both are what we call legal. Ya know, maybe if you do your homework and dont come off as such a nimrod, your children WILL listen to you. Good Luck and tell your son to check out Phrack...Laterz!

the child=hacker stuff (none / 0) (#7281)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 05:12:06 AM PST
you suck! AMD is better than Intel processors, a videocard has nothing to do with hacking, Quake is just a game, and it's not Lunix, but Linux.

Next time you're writing something, make sure you know all about the subject, ass-whipe!

kids should have equal rights (none / 0) (#7282)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 07:56:43 AM PST
poor children. This is sad even if it's just a joke cause if there is just one person who belives this is hacking then it's crazy and very dangerous cause for hacking you can go to jail :)


t. reginald gibbons (none / 0) (#7283)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 10:57:41 AM PST
don't know his backside from a hole in the ground. as a computer programmer i've been using "linux" (not lunix) for about 5 years now. you dont know what it is called or who the primary author is. the complete article is nothing more than "dis-information". get a life.

Good Lord.... (none / 0) (#7284)
by Tom2K2 on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 12:04:09 PM PST
After reading this somewhat, totally inaccurate piece of literarture I nearly threw up. Come on now. AMD has sweatshops in other countries that employ child labour?! AMD processors are just as legitimate as Intels and Motorola's! And how the hell can a child help along in any process of chip processing??!! It just boggles the mind of how some people can go into a rant about stuff they know absolutly nothing about. And since when is Linux (not Lunix) is an illegal piece of software??!! It was out way before Windows ever was (in the Unix flavour) and is used by large corporations for webservers, etc.. because of its ability to be formed into what the user wants it to be. Plus getting the source code with it is a bargain too. And what is wrong with playing a damn videogame?? Quake is a third person shooter that people of all walks of life play everyday. Its just not for hackers you know. And by the way, hackers dress differently? They wear pacifiers around their necks. So do Goths but they are not hackers all the time. Another thing, telnet is a hacker tool. If you checjk your history out, Telnet is a communications software that allows the remote connection of one computer to another. It can be used as a hacker tool, but deaming it nothing but evil is wrong. And using telnet to break into peoples "stereos" to steal MP3's. Earth to guy who knows nothing, their are peer to peer network sharing programs out there (ever hear of Napster or Morpheus) that allows the SHARING of such media from their own computers, not stereos. And by the way, the last time I checked, Bonzi Buddy is nothing more than a cute, annoying cyber purple thingy. Not popular hacker software.
So before you go on a rant about stuff you don't know about, make an effort to read up on it first. By the way, I'm not a hacker or a cracker or some dumb ass kid. I am 20 and I work for the Canadian Federal Police Force as an IT Technical Security Consultant. Have a good day.

To concerned parents ... (none / 0) (#7285)
by nitallica on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 01:11:09 PM PST
First let me say this: That article is a joke! Anyone who believes all that garbage shouldn't allow their kids to learn to drive either -- they will use their cars as deadly killing machines. (hah!)

I think Mr. Gibbons guy had the right idea *IN THEORY*, but if you really want to know what your kids do online, sit down with them and WATCH them! It's the same principle as with what they watch on TV, the music they listen to, who their friends are, etc. Get involved and ask questions. Don't assume everything your kid is doing is legal, but don't assume everything is illegal either. Don't assume anything - just ASK!

With the guidelines this guy's laid out, he'd make even the most innocent tech-savvy kid out to be the next Kevin Mitnick (speaking of jokes).

And the part about Quake - get a clue, genius! I played Quake for years, and I'm not a hacker. I averaged about 10-12 hours every day on my computer. I learned about hardware and software, and what's vulnerable and what's safe. I even studied viruses - curious about damage they did, so as to protect my system from them. I did all that, and I turned out ok ... and I'm a girl, go stick that in your statistics!

Today, I get paid to do the things I learned as a kid, and still enjoy it. That wouldn't have been possible if I had lived in the Gibbons household.

Re: Is your son a comptuer hacker? (none / 0) (#7286)
by speedster on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 09:55:52 PM PST
What? Are you serious? You have no earthly idea what the heck you are talking about. First, check the spelling of LINUX not LUNIX. Linux is not a dangerous operating system. Linux was not created before the end of the Cold War. The creater wasn't even Soviet...he's Swedish. AOL is not as secure as you might think hence AOL is terrible. What's wrong with new hardware? Afraid your comptuer might actually be worth a crap? Bonzi Buddy dangerous? I agree that it might be lame but dangerous.. no. Telnet comes with EVERYTHING. Go to run in Windows and type telnet notice that it pops up. I could go on forever. Obviously you have no idea what's going on. You are a product of ignorance and should silence yourself until you know all of the facts because you are creating undue hysteria and upsetting responsible parents with groundless crap you just made up.

If you truly think this... (none / 0) (#7288)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 29th, 2002 at 02:16:47 AM PST
If you truly think this, you aren't a suitable parent.
First off, AOL sucks, even AOL's DSL sucks. uh oh, is DSL a hacker word?
"Is your son obsessed with Linux?" I laughed my guts out when i read that because i use Linux myself. Linux isn't an illegal operating system. It is a UNIX clone developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki to STUDY and LEARN more about his processsor. I think it's true that hackers like linux, linux is made for network. BSD is Berkeley Service Distribution, developed by the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY. It's freaking made from a university, perfeclty EDUCATIONAL AND LEAGAL. Also, hackers DON'T need good video cards, only gamers do. Command prompt is good enough. And c'mon, AMD a third world American processor copier??? HA HA HA HA HAHAH AH L-M-A-O!!!! AMD provides an alternative to Intel and its products outperform intel's at times. FLASH isn't a hacker tool, it is never mind... you people won't understand. If you want to complain about illegal operating systems, go complain about Microsoft, they are the ones using anti-competive tactics to shut down other buisnesses. And the American economic systems DEPENDS on competition, Microsoft is CLEARLY ANTI-AMERICAN.

For your sake, i really hope you were just kidding, but if you weren't, I think you should get some help you poor brainwashed soul.

Factual information is good...this is not... (none / 0) (#7291)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 29th, 2002 at 10:09:51 PM PST
If you are gonna rant about a hacker OS perhaps you should check your facts, or maybe just include some. Would you consider your child a terrorist if the asked for a chemistry set ? Linux, which is named for Linus Torvalds, a very intellingent graduate student in computer programming, makes an excellent learning tool for electronics and computer programming.

As for glow sticks and pacifiers, they are symptoms of an entirely different sub-culture...try looking up raves and ecstasy. The pacifier is said to ease the jaw clenching.

If you choose to be so simple minded as to not think for yourself so be it, it is a free country. But I object when you pass of incorrect facts as truth.

lol funny (none / 0) (#7292)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 30th, 2002 at 03:08:40 AM PST
wow. that's the best joke I've heard in a long time!

haX0ring (none / 0) (#7293)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 30th, 2002 at 05:35:26 AM PST
LOL. U R Lamerz, u fwits tink dat FLash 'n dat is 'ackin softs. U R Lamerz, we of RLSFT f33l s0rry 4 Ur kidz

whoever wrote this... (none / 0) (#7295)
by djmatix on Sat Mar 30th, 2002 at 11:51:27 PM PST
this has got to be the most ridiculous piece of nonsense I have ever read! Whoever wrote this, I feel sorry for your kids. They must be in hell. You obviously have not a damn clue as to what you are talking about. I laughed through this whole article. I suggest you stop trying to be parent of the year, or your kids will probably turn out like the children you described in your bullshit article.

OMG! LOL! RETARD!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#7296)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 31st, 2002 at 05:06:59 AM PST

is ur son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#7297)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 31st, 2002 at 11:45:12 AM PST
all i gotta say is if ur serious ur a fuckin psycho and shouldnt have kids....u go to ur kids partys when theyre tryin to have fun on their own god u should b shot and i hope u are....if i was ur kid i woulda kicked the shit outta ya by now...or would have found 10 different ways to sneak outta the house cause ur ridiculous ways of parenting should not, cannot, and will not b tolerated by a normal child...ur a FUCKIN PSYCHO

haha (none / 0) (#7298)
by misterman on Sun Mar 31st, 2002 at 12:22:38 PM PST
That is so funny! I thought it was a joke at first! Lunix? Don't you mean LINUX! it destroys your harddrive? uh, I dont think so. Quake = hackers? I don't see how that works? Just because some people who play quake are hackers does not mean that if you play quake you are automatically a hacker. (talk about making generalizations) and yeah, if you have AOL i'm pretty sure that your kids would want to change, since um, well AOL is slow and just plain sucks. Flash? Comet Cursor? how are these hacker programs? what do you mean AMD chips are never sold in stores? A lot of computers come with them as their proccessors already installed (have ou never looked in a radio shack catolgue?)!!! omg, this has to be a joke right?? hahah, and I really doubt that many parents really care if their kids are hacking. I download cracked software all the time, and my parents know about it, and they don't care. hahaha........... Electromagnetic radiation causing damage to the brain? maybe if they sit infront of the computer 24 hours a day for like 5 years straight. As a matter of fact, most hackers are actually very smart, especially in Math courses. (oo that's a shocker *sarcasm*) Glow Sticks? those are what people wear when they go clubbing or to raves. What do they have to do with hacking? Just because your child has a certain appearance, you would be extremely short sighted and ignorant to make assumptions about them. Oh yeah, aren't you being a bit sexist?? 'your SON this', and 'your SON that'? hello, have you never heard of something called a "daughter" ? hehe, I'll be laughing about this for days

i (none / 0) (#7299)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 31st, 2002 at 02:44:57 PM PST

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#7301)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 31st, 2002 at 06:11:45 PM PST
Do you really believe what you posted in "Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?"?
1) Hacker: Good person, helps inmprove security and software programs ( Please read )
The word you were probably looking for was Cracker : Someone who uses his/her abilities to the detrimit of other ( see above link )
2) Special hardware is not requred nor will it help in the least with hacking, with the only exception of proccessor speed for doing password guessing.
A new video card will not in any way affect anyone's hacking ability. Most hackers are content to use their old 386's with Windows 9x.
3) Although I readily agree with monitoring your childs activities, you also must be aware that computer programing is a great carrer field and that your child may not be doing anything wrong at all. He/she may just be trying to learn how the computer works. Would you he concerned that your child was turning into a car thief if he was interested in mechanics?
4) DOS, or Denial of Service attacks, can be done by anyone at anytime. DOS attacks do not require you to be at the computer, they are always a "set it and forget it" type deal. Not to mention who would want to watch one? Very boring indead.
I do however believe that you should limit your childs computer usage, I myself spent too much time on the computer when I was in highschool. Although when you set limits on computer usage you must also understand that "computer time" is generally slower than real time. That is, an hour online can feal like 15 min real time.
5) Quake is a GAME. It is true that some people cannot distinguish between what is a game and what is reality, but that is why you limit their time online now isn't it? People play Quake because it is fun and it releases stress. I don't know of anyone who goes plays Quake to chat. And as far as anti-social behavior, that happens to lots of kids whether they have a computer or not, just ask any one who works with teenagers or children. Firearms should Always be locked and secured and you should always have enough communication with your children so that you know how thier doing and how they're handling thier stress. No matter how much stress you have in your life your child's will be worse, not only do they have to deal with you when your stressed out, but think about all the changes they're going through, talk with them but not to them. You must be able to understand what they are saying if you expect them to listen to you.
6) Dear sir, Please at least show that you attempted to learn about what you are trying to destroy. Linux is a free operating system created by hackers, not crakers. The difference is that, again, hackers help create better software my hacking into the code and fixing bugs in it. Linux is freely distributed by many websites, it is very stable and a great place to learn about programing, networking as well as many other usefull computer career fields. The truth is, is that there is far more hacking software available for windows then there is for linux. Not to mention anyone can change linux or view exactly what code is in it, try asking that of microsoft. It is true that the average person cannot make sense of it's code, but if it is publicly available programers will look at it and they will notify people if there is a dangerous bug, flaw or intentional virus/trogan in it.
As far as the soviets and all, I don't know where you got your information from, but linux was made from unix, of which I have discovered xenix is a member of. Unix was created back way before windows, if you look at any server on the internet about 80% or more will be linux. Second of all it is very easy to fix windows, just take your windows cd or recovery disk, and boot your computer with it. It will restore your computer to factory conditions, linux-less and all.
7) AMD is so much inferior to intel that thier Thunderbird 1GHz chip will out perform an Intel P4 1.4GHz in all but 1 test, keep dreaming. The only thing Intel has right now is the fact that thier processors are less likely to be damaged when your installing it, but how often are you going to install a proccessor??? BTW since when is California a third world country?
8) Comet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy are free programs that most website try to trick you into downloading. There is absolutely no reason why anyone would download these for hacking reasons. And Flash is $500 program designed for web graphics, if you see that installed you should ask them why they are breaking copyright laws.
9) And lastly, as far as changing aperance / academic problems, you need to talk with your children, it doesn't mean thier cracking. It probably just means that thier stressed out and tying to rebell against the cause of that stress.

In conclusion, if this is a joke, I'm not laughing. There are many people that surf the internet who would believe this as fact. Imagin how may great programers the world might loose.
If this is not a joke, please never post again. You have proved that you cannot/will not check anything before posting it. Which is worse than those stupid tabloids at the supermarket. At least they have interesting articles on big foot :)

Intel chips have anti-hacking features? AMD Chips? (none / 0) (#7302)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 31st, 2002 at 09:50:01 PM PST
First off, AMD is a VERY respectible company and IS NOT a third world company. You must be fucking retard. Have you ever been to a computer store? Almost all of 'em sell AMD CPUs. A lot of gamers use them, they are good chips. You have no idea what a CPU ever looks like right? Have you EVER EVEN SEE THE INSIDES OF YOUR COMPUTER?! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A "KID IN A THIRD WORLD SWEATSHOP" TO BUILD A PROCESSOR!!!!!! Only robots can, they are emmensly complex peices of technology. They have millions of little transistors that are eched onto a peice of silicon. If your kid wants to upgrade your computer, it doesn't make him a hacker, one of the following applies: 1)You bought a shit ass computer to begin with 2)Its old 3)Your son is a helluva lot more computer literate than you and knows that your computer could use a performance boost. AND NO CPUS CAN PREVENT YOU FROM HACKING!!! Unless the thing doesn't work. The CPUs don't know what your using them for, all the do is process information. It would be practically impossible for the CPU to prevent you from hacking. Flash is a VERY respectible peice of software that millions of websites use. I have the software, I use it to make parts of websites. Does that make me a hacker? The same with comet cursor. As others pointed out, some of the basic hacking tools come with your computer to begin with, such as telnet, ping, traceip, etc. First of spell Linux right! It isn't illegal in anyway. It has a "open-source" policy which most people find very cool. It is a very dependable OS. Tons of websites use it. As a matter of record, AOL is the worst ISP out there. It costs the most, is the slowest, and it is a content provider. And it has tons of ads. No self-respecting computer expert would be caught dead with it.

*blink* (none / 0) (#7303)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 1st, 2002 at 01:47:46 PM PST
Did you REALLY research hacking (which by definition refers to computer programmers making inefficient programs, or hacking out code). Changing Internet Service Providers will not make it easier to do anything for a hacker. Quake is a video game. A video card will do nothing more than make your video games look better.

A true hacker does not harm any system they come across. They generally gleen information they find interesting and report any security loop holes they find to the correct security officers.

A hacker would be a good person to have around, as they generally learn how to fix things concerning computers and electronics, and they can teach you things you don't know. Your son, by the way, is not a hacker. He hasn't had the time to learn everything he needs to learn. Give him YEARS.

Now, if your son is a "Cracker", that is a bad thing. That is someone who cracks passwords, credit card numbers and anything else they can get their hands on in order to better their own situation. If your son was a cracker, you'd know. Your credit card would be likely overdrawn from purchases that you didn't make. Your computer would be constantly virused, due to your sons lack of experience and likely, you and your family would have already been to court for computer fraud.

Now, what you'd done basically, is accused your son of something he didn't do and punished him for it. In fact, even if he was guilty of "hacking" he never should have been punished. It could have led to an illustrious career with the government. You've taken more away from your son than you could possibly imagine. Oh, the websites you've seen that gave you all the information you've gained on hackers? They're probably just simply put up by people who don't have a clue (as is most often the case). The Quake thing you mentioned, by the way, is going to come back and bite you, probably by the company. If you want to discuss this further, email me at put the subject as HACKING

dumb (none / 0) (#7304)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 1st, 2002 at 05:18:22 PM PST
that is the dumbest thing i ever read enough said

j00 suX0rs (none / 0) (#7305)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 1st, 2002 at 08:28:44 PM PST
fuX0r j00 suX0r!

LOL (none / 0) (#7306)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 1st, 2002 at 09:30:54 PM PST
LMAO im not even guna get into how extremely ill-informed you are sir...

umm... think before you speak (none / 0) (#7307)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 2nd, 2002 at 08:25:01 PM PST
You sir are an official computer idiot.

I don't say this to be mean, it is simply the truth and often the truth hurts. As a senior in Computer Science at Purdue University I urge you not to call your son a liar but believe him in the fact HE REALLY DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING. Every computer hacker I've come across in years on the Internet had a few things in common, They were in college, really bored, and habitually failed computer classes because they knew everything and didn't see a reason to go. I will disprove your 10 points on "IS YOUR SON A HACKER" now.

1. Changing ISP's
AOL is habitually known for being a board for teenage script kiddies (what hackers call teenage wannabe's) who post illegal programs on bulletin boards. It is a slow and unreliable ISP with horrid customer service. That's why the request was made to change.

2. Programs
Comet Cursor and Bonzai buddy are the scum of Internet advertisers that install their software illegally and unknowingly on computers. Flash is used to view many webpages and 99% are not hacking related, just stupid animations.

3. New Hardware
AMD is an American company that competes with Intel. Their processors although faster are probably not compatible with your Compaq piece of shit and would do no good. ALL COMPANIES HAVE A COMPUTER MODEL OFFERING AN AMD CHIP, and yes they are sold in stores. Don't believe me, go to Best Buy and ask for an AMD chip, they will sell several models comparable to Intel.

4. Hacking Manuals
Everyone reads them as a teenager, all are useless without college level programming experience.

5. Spending time on computer
I nearly wet myself laughing at 'DOSing' other people's computers. Refer to first line of the post. Your child probably has a personal website on geocities whining about you and updates frequently.

6. Son use Quake
Quake is a first person shooter people all over the Internet play. You should try it, the game is pretty fun. I recommend half life now due to Quake's age.

7. Argumentative
A parent like you, I have no idea why (sarcasm). Smothering a child and writing articles like this causes that, not being a computer hacker.

8. Lunix
The term is Linux and it's the OS of most computer programmers. It was invented by AT&T (specifically bell labs) was called unix circa 1970, and has been updated quite frequently since. Don't like it, you are using it right now to view the Internet. Nearly every major web server uses Linux or Unix because it doesn't crash like Windows and is very reliable on most other services including security. Removing Linux damages no part of a hard drive you are simply too uneducated to remove it and reinstall windows properly. PS: Linus Torvalde is from the Neatherlands, not Russia.

9. Change of Appearance
You are referring to a raver using the drug ecstasy. Hackers don't want to look different, defeats the point of hacking. If your son is dressing like that I would have a talk about drugs and not hacking.

10. Struggling Academically
Your son is obviously taking his father's mental capacity to school with him, hence the poor grades.

There is no way I'm registering an account on a site that lets posts like this continue, but if you want to continue this debate I'm always available at

Clever spoof (none / 0) (#7308)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 2nd, 2002 at 09:19:00 PM PST
I gotta agree with an earlier comment that it's all just a really clever spoof about all the strange myths about the internet and other aspects of modern teen lifestyles that are floating out there. Bottom line is, parents should read this and learn the lesson: Get informed before you start looking like a moron in front of your kids.

Oh and btw...l33t roxxor, CS s7y|_3

A |\| () |\| Y |\/| () U 5

Is Your son a hacker. (none / 0) (#7309)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 3rd, 2002 at 03:31:49 PM PST
I noticed the slanderous comments made by this idiot about AMD. Does he not realise that Intel chips are not manufactured in America exclusively, but also in the child- laboured sweat shops in Malaysia as well. Get a life dickhead...

It must be a joke (none / 0) (#7310)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 3rd, 2002 at 03:44:31 PM PST
This guy must be joking, I never have seen so much stupidity togheter

What the heck? (none / 0) (#7311)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 3rd, 2002 at 06:38:11 PM PST
This is so stupid,
"Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" are not hacker programs.
AMD is a respectable American Processor company
Quake is a computer game, not a hacking environment
Linux, NOT "Lunix," is an operating system like Windows

Foolish American (none / 0) (#7312)
by Soviet Robin Hood on Thu Apr 4th, 2002 at 11:25:04 AM PST
You my man, are either the most imature parent. This article is foolish, it displays shame to me and my abilitys. Look at the poll for gods sake.

Im scared of computer hackers because they help bin laden?
They are violent?
They smell?

Your children should be fostered, for stupid people like you make me glad I was raised in a communist manner.

Foolish man, I have nothing mor to say to you.

This is really sad (none / 0) (#7313)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 4th, 2002 at 04:11:21 PM PST
I can't believe how many people think that this article was done in seriousness, and are so quick to point out what a "moron" the writer is.

Well, has anyone bothered to check what site this is? Do you realize is a site for satirical articles? Do you realize that this article is posted in the Internet Idiocy section (just click on the Internet icon at the top)?

Personally, I find the article hilarious, because the "facts" given are so absolutely absurd. The HTML links further reinforce the fact that it's meant to be humorous. "Spanking" points to a porn site about spanking, "habits" points to a book about drug abuse, and "hobbies" points to a book about stamps. "Embellishment" points to a book about clothing embellishments, "extreme measures" points to a book about Mozart (measures, get it?), and "betrayed the principles" points to a profile of Bill Clinton!

Maybe some of us need to read another Adequacy article:

Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Maybe some of us really do need the "final version" mentioned there. ;-)


Wow... (none / 0) (#7314)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 5th, 2002 at 02:38:16 AM PST
Aren't we paranoid?

Good one (none / 0) (#7315)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 5th, 2002 at 10:28:32 AM PST
"Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced minds." LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Who ever wrote this did NOT know what he wrote (none / 0) (#7316)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 5th, 2002 at 05:18:52 PM PST
Your an idiot.

Where to begin... (none / 0) (#7317)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 05:33:07 AM PST
To the author: Where did you do this supposed research?

Not only is nearly all your information totally wrong and out of context, the traits you say describe a "hacker" are completely bogus.

I consider myself to be a legitimate hacker. I experiment with electronic communication and computer technology to expand my knowledge, but have never broken any federal or international computer laws.

Also, where do you get off calling yourself a model American parent when you confess to monitoring and controlling all aspects of your children's personal lives? The thing I love my parents most for is the fact that they have never imposed any of their beliefs on me; they have let me make my own decisions, and form my own opinions.

Totally INsaNe (none / 0) (#7318)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 08:10:18 AM PST
This entire article is insane. Number 1, you are biased by the fact that you think only a male child can be a hacker. But, many women are also hackers. Hackers are just knowledge seekers. If they want to learn, let them. Crackers are the ones you need to be concerned about. They are the ones that destroy things. Hackers create things and fix things that aren't operating correctly. It is a proud thing to be called a hacker and I believe you are so wrong for punishing your child for his actions. If he is cracking, fine punish him. But, if he is learning to hack, leave him alone. I know what it is like to have a child curious about computers. The only difference is, is that I encourage my daughter to hack. My reasoning, well when she is an adult she can acquire a job wherever she chooses with the knowledge she will receive. If you monitor a child's hacking habits, and make sure it stays within the law, then what is the harm? None whatsoever. In fact, you are helping your child learn. Now, what is wrong with that?

thank you, for your almost completely useless info (none / 0) (#7320)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 07:27:07 PM PST
First of all, "hackers" (technically, it is crackers, because the term "hacker" refers to one who only breaks into computers for the sole purpose of gaining knowledge, not causing malicious harm, contrary to the news-hyped gross misconception among the public) do not need fancy video cards. We work in console mode, almost exclusively. Also, "hackers" do not usually learn to use firearms for that purpose, nor do we often get caught (if we know what we are doing, that is). "Lunix" as you call it is actually "linux" and is based on MINIX, not xenix, and DOES NOT DAMAGE YOUR COMPUTER IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, assuming that one takes the time to learn how to use it. Using linux does NOT mean that one is a hacker, it just means that the user is tired of windows crashing every day, and actually wants REAL security. AOL is NOT secure, it is actually one of the easiest things out there to hack, much easier, I must say, than my home's linksys router (which isn't that difficult, either). MAYBE, if you spent a little time doing your research, you would learn how to spell Linus Torvalds' name, and that we "hackers" only use AMD CPUs because they are cheaper, and we dress normally (you shouldn't draw conclusions from a movie which has nothing to do with "hacking" because that movie was almost entirely fake). The one thing all hackers desire is the faster internet connection we can get, even CPU speed isn't all that important when running in console mode. Next time you post a comment, please at least TRY not to sound like a company spokesperson, and also TRY to gain SOME measure of knowledge about the subject you address.
Thank you,

LMAO!!! (none / 0) (#7321)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 7th, 2002 at 03:30:06 AM PST

Please learn about computers!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#7322)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 7th, 2002 at 07:27:13 PM PST
I have been in the computer business for 15 years, and I have never read anything more wrong and uninformed in my life. I did not see ANYTHING in what you wrote that was true or legitimate! AMD and Flash = Hacker?!?!
Please. I know you are trying to educate people who know nothing about computers about the dangers of their children using the computer, but I think you should be KNOWLEDGABLE about the subject that you're talking about first.

Brilliant, just brillliant (none / 0) (#7325)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 02:39:12 AM PST
I have never read a more entertaining article on the internet...keep it coming...just pricless...

your on crack (none / 0) (#7326)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 11:07:38 AM PST
I can' even begin to tell you how hilarious this article is. I hope to god this is a spoof.

Come on people (none / 0) (#7327)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 09:20:53 PM PST
Come on, do you think that any one could be this fucking stupid? Look at all the urls of houses and other random stuff in the article. No one can be that stupid....or can they????

HAHAHAHAH (none / 0) (#7329)
by antidote on Tue Apr 9th, 2002 at 10:39:02 AM PST
Man you know nothing. You kid couldnt become a hacker in a few days or even weeks. It takes a long time. Radiation? Yeeesh come on. Thats just dumb. Quake is a fun game, if a kid plays a game that doesnt mean he is a hacker. Moron. There are so many things wrong with this article I wont even bother, but your kid probly wasnt a hacker. What "evidence" did you have? That he played quake? That he used the computer a lot? Do you know anything about hacking? I mean real hacking, telnet, unix, etc. not movie hacking with flashing lights and evil computer hackers bent on taking over earth. Geeze. This sort of idiocy really upsets me.

lol (none / 0) (#7330)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 9th, 2002 at 12:49:36 PM PST
this has got to be the funniest thing ive read for ages.
Faster graphics card for hacking - the tears ar rolling down my cheeks.


just to mention (none / 0) (#7331)
by Finnis on Tue Apr 9th, 2002 at 02:27:20 PM PST
don't know if anyone else noticed but the guy who posted this has not said a single thing on this topic. I thik he might have whent to a computer class and learned that linux is not conected to microsoft and flash is a legit program. either that or he's a hacker trying to get every kid in the US arrested for hacking, or at best scorned by their parents

Idiocy. (none / 0) (#7332)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 9th, 2002 at 02:57:21 PM PST
You, my friend, are a fool. Bonzai Buddy is hardly a hacking program, AOL is an awful service to begin with, AMD is a decent processor chip, Quake is just another 3D game, and wanting to upgrade your computer is a natural response to the increased requirements modern software demands. I'm writing this to you on a LINUX machine, btw. It's more stable than windows, in my opinion, and to run it means you're a lot farther ahead if you want to do anything in the way of programming (unless you're actually a fan of the MFC, which I doubt you know about). Computer Programming is a great job, and treating any attempt to learn about computers as hacking(such as your Perl reference) may in fact turn your son away from becoming a very successful computer programmer in the future. It's a great job with a lot of demand, but if you AOL him to death and keep him on a 486 running windows, kiss his otherwise-successful career goodbye. Good job, Dad.

Idiocy (1.00 / 1) (#7333)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 9th, 2002 at 05:10:35 PM PST
Oh my fucking god you are a complee idiot, get a clue ass wipe!

gender (1.00 / 1) (#7334)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 9th, 2002 at 06:42:00 PM PST
I didn't see if anyone posted this,
but will the writer please note that gender is not the issue here? daughters hack too :)

Your a dumb ass.................. (none / 0) (#7335)
by Nimda on Wed Apr 10th, 2002 at 08:01:11 AM PST
first off i dont agree with ny thing in this article it's all propaganda i dont have to ask for a better vidio card i own my own PC i don't have to ask my mommy i buy what i want for it when i when i want and i have a fast connection cable wich makes it harder to "hack" because your traced faster and your IP never changes and if it does it's rare

I think your a fucking crack head who needs counsoling!!

Fuck off
i'm not going to write ny moor cuz i'm so pissed

Oh by the way my ncik is Nimda Am i a hacker

on your misconceptions... (none / 0) (#7336)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 10th, 2002 at 02:40:04 PM PST
choose one:

A you are an idiot.
B you are a nazi parent.

for the sake of america, don't write anything in the future. ever. especially if you're spewing out rumors that you've been fed. by the way, if this is intended as a joke you do an excellent job at it. you'll fool millions. i just like pointing out stuff.

otaku is not a hacker association. it is a term referring to the fans of the wholesome side of japanese animation. animation that has nothing to do with hacking computers.

those kids with the weird hair? punks. they like music. those kids with the pacifiers? ravers. they like partying. any connection between punks/ ravers and hacking is generally on a person to person basis.

just about anything decent on the internet in the ways of visual media, from i-love-jesus cartoons to hardcore porn requires extra media hardware or programs.

aol sucks all around, for more reasons than the kiddie-locks (also, have you ever considered that your "teens" are a little too mature for these kiddie-locks and their my little ponies?).

if you're really this suffocating with your kids i think you should be a little more worried about their suicidal tendencies.

sarah the 3.9 genius :) who's smarter than you :D
"ignorance is something you can't overcome but you pass it on down and that's something much worse..." -dropkick murphys

just an afterthought..... (0.00 / 1) (#7337)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 10th, 2002 at 02:49:44 PM PST
oh yeah, you might want to considering blowing the working end of a shotgun. i must admit, that would amuse me quite a bit, and i'd kick you in the testicles and laugh, even though you wouldn't be able to feel it, considering your entire central nervous system would splattered on the nearby wall. btw, thank you for this little nugget of joy for today. :D

Blehq (none / 0) (#7338)
by exp on Wed Apr 10th, 2002 at 04:27:25 PM PST

HaHaHa why search for joke sites when THIS exists! (none / 0) (#7339)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 10th, 2002 at 06:47:22 PM PST
Now THAT, is sooo funny! bunzy buddy to hack. I use solitaire, it's faster. And did you know that if you run it on an AMD, you get the cheat option? That makes it so much easyer! Minesweaper is a good portscanner also. Luv it.
No, seriously, blaming programs (and AMD!) as hacking tools? What the? And spending more then 30 minutes on the computer means you're a hacker? I must be hacking into the Pentagon and into the World Trade Center (even if it's gone, I have such hacking stills from all the hours that I can somehow get into the main server. I also hacked into the planes. I tried to make then freeze in the air, but my bonzy buddy crashed on me!). I must be DOSing so many computers! Ha Ha Ha. Thanks for this joke. Very funny. Why search for joke sites when you can read articles by you? I seen the one about the "death machines". Very funny also. Did you know you can use need for speed to hack into a car? Very fun to do. You need to have the Bonzy Buddy expantion pack of course, that way you get access to the remote computer. The car must be running an AMD though. Want to make this joke even more funny? Try to convince yourself everything is true!!!!!!!!!!!!

gee, I just spilled my pop all over the keyboard. Oh NO! Someone is DOSing me! Heeeeeeeeeeelp. Wait, never mind. It's just the MS-DOS hacker's screen saver. AH, I just lost my connection on my Comet Cursor. I better connect back, I was hacking this dude good. I think I'm into the airport servers. Not sure. Let me check the mac address........

haha. Still laughing at your article. I got a 99% in a computer class. Does that mean anything :)

Oy. (none / 0) (#7340)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 12th, 2002 at 07:34:08 PM PST
Okay numero uno. Spanking is for old fogies that were aroudn BEFORE child abuse laws were put in place. So go ahead and spank your 'hacker' son, I'm sure he'll be happy to turn you in.

Now onto the hacking part. You lie about reading up on this stuff, else you would know more than zilch about it. Hackers are more often good, nonmalitious coders. CRACKERS are the real baddies, hense their name.

Linux is NOT hacker software. It's just another operationg system such as Windos or OSx(mac), only for more experianced people.

Comet cursor is a simple cursor(mouse) program, thats more often used by OTHER PEOPLE to spy on YOU. Not your son spying on others. Same with bonzai buddy. Macromedia Flash is a media program that does small sized animations and interactive websites.

MP3's are music files. It may be 'stealing' but it's better than paying for way overpriced CD's.

Asking for better hardware isn't too much to ask. If YOU liek to be stingy and run some old dinosaur of a comp on a 14.4k modem, it's your problem. Also, if your son asks for a firewall, this is a GOOD thing, because firewalls PROTECT you computer.

Hope I'm of help, and please listen to this info instead of blowing it off like most 'model parents' do.

IMPORTANT!! (none / 0) (#7341)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 12th, 2002 at 08:25:59 PM PST
I have an AMD processor so does that mean im a hacker? AMD is just the same as intel, just
a different company these products are NOT
hacker processors, if they are then Intel
must be too because AMD is perfectly normal.
ALSO if you know so much about computers
why do you say bonzi buddy is hacking software?
Its just a little purple guy that talks to you.
And Linux is NOT a hacker operating system, just because someone doesnt use Microsoft or Intel
products doesn't mean they're hackers. And
Perl (a book he mentioned) is a programming language used to build websites its not a hacking tool/book. You obviosly dont know what you are
talking about. If you want to learn how to tell if your kid is a hacker READ some of those "hacker books" and it will tell you exactly how hackers hack. I have read many computer books and spent over three days on my computer before,
I just want to learn how everything works. If I were you i'd spend more time on the computer and read books to learn how they work. Your son is probally NOT a hacker, he probally just wants to play games or make websites. So give your child support by buying books for him/her some books your child may want to read if they are interested in the internet so much would be:

and more...

also flash is not a hacking tool, it is a program to make movies for your websites.

Psychotic behaviour (none / 0) (#7342)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 13th, 2002 at 05:43:16 AM PST
Altough i agree that hacking in all forms is wrong i feel that many of your "guide lines" may be completely wrong. The point on if they spend more than half an hour on the computer they are a hacker is absurd! i feel that you have some very severe control problems and it seems to me that you are an over powering parent, you may feel you are doing it for the best but your children will drift away from you and you will not have as close a relationship as you could have if you just talked it out rather than jumping to conclusions. if you don't let them cut lose when your around they WILL do it behind your back. Also your point on grades slipping is ridiculus as hacking requires a good knowledge of maths, and most hackers are very clever. your problem clearly is that you are out of touch and are easily scared by what you don't understand, this whole topic is absurd.

Hacker software... (none / 0) (#7343)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 13th, 2002 at 11:35:42 AM PST
Flash is hardly a hacker software but a program used to create multi-media content for webpages. You article, while interesting is malformed and alarmist.

A view from the 'Other Side' (none / 0) (#7344)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 13th, 2002 at 12:25:21 PM PST
I notice alot of people making 'lame jokes' and using 'l33t speak' to insinuate that they are hackers or whatnot.

I'd like to cut some stuff straight. Yes, I am what you would call a 'hacker' - I find my way into things, take what I want, and leave. I've been inside many major ISPs (including AOL).

To justify your argument, I'd like to post my view on some points you have made.

1. ISP Changing

I myself live in Australia - there is a wide choice of dialup providers. I changed my provider the other day. Mainly for speed. We don't get AOL here, not the way the USA gets it. I believe AOL does have POPs in my area though this is not the point. The point is most, if not all Australians, use a non-AOL isp, and most if not all internet users.

2. Programs that you don't remember installing.

Sure, I install all sorts of things that I like to use. Nothing for hacking though. The only tool I use to hack is some IP-bouncers and whatnot - most of my hacking is done via a terminal window thru SSH (a 'secure shell', basically a way to access a linux shell remotely and securely) from other boxes around the world.

However, I fail to see how any of your listed programs could be used for hacking.

Comet Cursor is a program that changes the appearance of your usually white cursor. It could be used to put pictures of porn on the cursor, but is mostly used to put pictures of clothed people, or just to change the general look of your cursor.

Bonzi Buddy is what the general public calls 'Edutainment (Educational entertainment)' - basically, entertainment that is also educational. Although it is mainly used as a buddy whom you can associate with, it could be programmed to help a hacker with some visual warnings. (Though, myself, I open up many ssh windows tailing various logs and such)

Macromedia Flash. If you know how to use this as well as I do, you've got a bright future. This program is used in professional web development. The sort of stuff that earns you big bucks. All I can say is hats off to the person whom installs this. I know I have. I've found no way for this to be a utility to hacking.

3. New Hardware

Hmm. I've had this same computer for over 3 years now, no upgrades besides some more RAM, because as time passes the software gets more RAM intensive, the software being IRC, IE, ICQ, MSN, WinRoute(for my network's NAT (network address translation (lets computers tunnel through the gateway to get to the internet (i have several computers (most linux))))), KaZaA (I use it to download mp3's from people). The SSH sessions I use take up roughly 2MB of RAM. Kudos to that - if your son is really a hacker, I doubt he would need anymore then a 486.

And on that note - I've got a 486. It's got Linux on it. I don't need to upgrade that.

In conclusion - I haven't upgraded for a long time. Thus proves your point wrong.

4. 'Hacking Manuals'

Let me tell you a story.

When I first came to this world of the internet I was 7 years old. Yes, that's right. 7. At seven years old I was bored with the schooling, and escaped to this 'dream world'.

When I first came on the 'net, I used to surf around alot of websites, and see some being hacked or whatnot. I wondered how they did this.

Like any good student would do, I researched how this was done. It seemed at the time impossible to do. I remember staying up long nights until almost 4am, if not I wouldn't even sleep. Yes, I was what you would call a 'Computer Hacker'.

The reason I wouldn't sleep was I was so interested in this world of hacking that it enticed me. I dropped out of school after Grade 10, more interested in this 'Hacking' business then schooling.

And can I tell you something? I don't regret it, not one bit. At this currently moment I know C++, Perl, ASP, PHP, CGI, HTML, DHTML, BML, ASM and JAVA. Do you know what? In school, I was tought how to make a HTML page in a WYSIWYG editor. I know all these languages off by heart and let me tell you, I can do anything.

5. Time spent on the computer

Heh. I currently sit at my computer for about 16 hours of each day. I think I don't get enough time, really. It's all so time consuming.

When I was 9, my parents tried to restrict my computer time. Heh. Let me tell you, I was not a happy chappy. I ran away from home to get on a computer and continue the learning process that was my life.

Yes, sure, if your son is spending alot of time on the computer he might just be doing what I did when I was younger.

Though, 30 minutes? Heres how long some things take me:

Hacking a server (gaining access to rootprompt);
prep scans: 15 mins
connection: instant
execution: less then 10 seconds.
file taking: (depends on the size)
log erasing: instant (i have scripts to do this)
disconnect: instant

Defacing a website (gaining access to webspace);
prep/scans: 5 mins
connection: instant
execution: instant
upload of new page: almost instant
log erase: instant
disconnect: instant

Crashing/Screwing up a windows computer;
prep/scans: 15 seconds
connection: instant
execution: instant
disconnect: instant

Chatting online;
prep/scans: instant
connection: instant
execution: several hours or days
disconnect: disconnect? No thanks

OK so lets see. Gaining access to someones 'DOS Prompt' is impossible. Gaining access to a 'root prompt' is hard. It takes a while to prep, usually over a few days. But really, if you want it quick, it'll take 15-20 mins. The execution is almost instant.

Crashing and defacing takes less then a minute usually.

The main time consumer here. Chatting online. This is completely legal and is not hacking in any way. Heh. I can tell you when I first entered the world of hacking, my time was mostly spent staring at .txt files learning about vulnerabilities.

6. Quake

Heh. It's a game. I play it. So does my friend whom owns an IT company whom makes millions every year. So does my friend who is unemployed. So does my friend in the US, so does my friend in the UK, so does my friend in Finland, and so does my girlfriend.

No, we're not all hackers.

7. 'Argumentative or Surly Behavior'

Yes and no. I myself am an extremely nice person. I'm not argumentative or surly, I usually do what people ask of me and things like that.

Then again, you're describing almost every teenager, ever.

I used to be like that - only really cause my parents kicked me off my computer. (see the time question)

8. "Lunix"

Unless you're running a Commodore 64, which has an os called 'LUnix (little unix)', then I would assume you're talking about Linux.

Yes. Yes I do use it. Alot. For hacking. It's the most flexible and easy to use OS I have ever had the priveledge to use.

By all means you should use it too. It's great for games. It comes with literally hundreds of free games. It's free. It's TCP/IP stacks are 100 times better then windows. There is no AOL for Linux. Linux has the amazing ability to alter any traffic incoming or outgoing, or block any incoming traffic from certain sites (e.g. anything with 'penis' in them?) from being received. And the best thing of all, you can't really be hacked when you're using linux. if you know how to use it it's very secure. Just keep your kernel updated.

Linux was created by a student for a class. His name was Linus Torvalds. He, is a legend.

I noticed you included FreeBSD in your list of 'illegal hacker OSes'.. Thought you might want to see this

<B>The site is running Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26 on FreeBSD</B>

9. Appearance.

I wear normal clothes. Adidas shirt, black jeans. I don't wear dayglo. I don't think any hacker does. It looks cool, tho.

As I mentioned before, You're really describing any teenager, they all change their clothing styles and looks to suit the fashion of that time. I mean, who wants to be in the 'lame' group in school? Nobody. :-)

If your son is wearing a pacifier around his neck. He's not a hacker. He's hooked on E. E is ecstacy, a party drug. Taking it causes many people to grind their teeth, which is where the pacifier comes in use.

If your son has a pacifier... you need to have a serious talk about the drug issue. I myself have never taken a drug in my life and do not intend to.

10. 'Struggling Academically'

Yes. I was. Funny thing is I still got great marks. Heh. I know too much about computers and not enough about what they wanted me to do.

Screw them all. I'm just another kid. We're all alike. Right? Wrong.

-- this has been an aspirationz production
-- mad propz: shotty

teaching your children about computers (none / 0) (#7345)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 14th, 2002 at 10:25:20 AM PST
Man, this is bad. Teaching your son OR DAUGHTER! about computers and the dangers therein is important. They need to know hwat is hacking and what isnt. There are very important differences between illegal computer usage and normal computer usage. You, my friend, have completely missed the point. You have also correctly identified, not a hacker, but a teenager. the clothes, the hair, his attitude are just what teenagers do. AMD chips are superior to Intel chips. Linux is not a hacker OS. it never was a hacker OS. it is based on UNIX. the operating system that is used by most businesses in the world today. MOst programs like Photoshop, or some newer games require better hardware. In fact if your computer is 2 years old, it is probably getting quite obsolete, unless you have upgraded it. The hacking manuals is a good point. I think, inadvertently, you may have correctly identified a very obvious sign of a hacker. It does not take a genius to realize it at this point. It is not healthy for anyone to spend all day on the computer. ALL DAY? and you thought it was a fad? Quake is just a game. there may be many hackers who play the game, but it is a game nonetheless. DO you watch the news? the pacifiers have to do with the drug extacy. Why is your son strugling in school? beacuse he isnt trying!! if he is spending all day on the computer, he is not dong his homework. Hello? People in the business world work on computers, too. You have a serious problem if you have to inflate mild radiation into a disease that makes people bad at school.
you are correct in only one point: this is a serious matter. YOu must inform your children, not just the boys, about the dangers out on the internet. Warn them about real hacker software NOt a good OS like Linux. Windows sucks. it is the mos t unstable worthless excuse for an OS I have seen. THe only way A PROFESSIONAL would tell you to fix your computer (i am a certified computer repairer myself) is to remove the microsoft compoonents. Hacking is serious and dangerous, but you would not recagnise one if she lived in your house.

man your a dumb fucker (none / 0) (#7346)
by PuNk on Sun Apr 14th, 2002 at 07:07:51 PM PST
hey, stupid "father of the year u.s.a." take ur fancy mormon head out of ur ass and get into the real world, hacking... ISNT THAT BAD, and for the poll, i hack a bit, but i dont worship osamu bin ladin, im not on speed, AND I DO NOT FUCKING STINK, all of you people (except the fellow smart peopel who posted similar replies as this) ARE FUCKING RETARDED and father of teh year, i hope u get hit by a bus...

to the author of this article (none / 0) (#7347)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 14th, 2002 at 11:05:58 PM PST
first off, your claims are completely bogus,
the reason aol is a bad isp is because it is unreliable and shotty at best. i had aol for one day and half of the websites could not be viewed because they were simply just not compatible. it is a poorly run company. you can tell if it is a bad isp if you have to install software to connect to the internet much less be torchered by those annoying ads and "You've got mail!"
second - over time programs build up on your hd no matter what you do if you use your computer often, so saying "Your son will probably try to install some hacker software" would not apply to a hacker becoause hacking is not software.
Definition of hacker from "
hack�er1 Pronunciation Key (hkr)
n. Informal
One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.
One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file. "
its not that its illegal its that they dont give permission to access it
ps - bonzai buddy comes with the file-sharing agents used for downloading mp3s etc (e.g. kazaa, morpheous which have been taken to court and have been not been convicted of any crimes...)
third - hacking is not hardware or a "faster" video card" WHAT DOES a video card have to do with hacking. video cards are for games. more memory is needed to run larger files so that is not out of the question either, i personally have 512 mb of ram.
fourth - knowing how to theoretically do something is not a crime. i know how to make c-4, that is not a crime. but if i exercise my know how or conspire to that makes it a crime. whatever happened to personal freedoms, i can read what i want when i want and i plan on doing so. so dont waste your time petitioning against hacking books.
fifth - why would computer usage influence your childs moral values, if you bring the kid up right then you should have "installed" at least some of your values with him/her.
ps. there are female hackers too you know
sixth - you are saying that hackers are terrorists and you are wrong. that they are only destroying things just because they can. if it werent for hackers not many bugs in software would be found, therefore giving you a crappy program.
seventh - usually hackers are very intelectual people and would not be like you described here:"He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour" once again, this goes back to the the values you gave your children. you are a bad parent if your child has these problems.
eigth - linux is a modified "version" of unix. both of these operating systems are legitament operating systems that are true operating systems that are more stable that windows will ever be. windows is basically a program running in an operating system known as MS-DOS. bill gates didnt even know how to program he bought the "OS" from some guy and marketed it with money from one of his rich relatives. bet ya didnt know that.
ninth - oooooo i like this one "Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes" now a days we refer to these type of people as "punks" but you are mixing many genres of people. baggy pants people usually wear dark clothing. as the people with "spiky hair dyed in bright colors" (the punks) are not hackers but dress that way for rebellion punk music generally like the ramones etc. hackers are few and far between and dont meet very often in person. what i think that you have done is took a look at your child and overgeneralized him and assumed that all hackers are like that.
tenth - why would hackers want bad grades, they might want to mess with other peoples stuff but not with their own future, again i mention, hackers are very intellectual people who know what they are doing. "you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically.
" dont listen to this man, he does not know what he is talking about, do a lil more research and find out that there are constructive hackers too. have you ever been hired by the school district to check out the security on their network, no. so until that day rolls around, dont make other people look bad due to your ignorance.
i hope that you will look deeper into the subject matter before showing that you dont know what you are talking about
i hope this post influences your thoughts about hackers.

lol (none / 0) (#7348)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 15th, 2002 at 01:08:19 AM PST
oh my god anyone who knows anything about computers uses those things. and as far as spending to much time on the internet well it sounds like you slacked off as a parent because your kid was acting like any normal kid does when they dont get enough from there parents and friends.

U must all be idiots to think this is serious (none / 0) (#7349)
by KryNx on Mon Apr 15th, 2002 at 05:25:22 AM PST
U must all be complete idiots to not realize that this is satire

to i wanna thank you for giving me some excellent laughs but u really shood note that its not true so all these idiots dont go believing it

good job

Comments (none / 0) (#7351)
by WildThrasher on Tue Apr 16th, 2002 at 08:31:00 AM PST
I want to read the comments!!!!!

I Hope Your Having A Giggle (none / 0) (#7352)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 16th, 2002 at 04:58:24 PM PST
Made me laugh AMD make processors in the third world, don't work 4 intel by ne chance? :), couldn't AMD sue the pants off u though for slander of lible, cause we i'm pretty sure that's a loada crap. And the makers of those Linux OS' come to think of it, and ID software, and who are a "hacker tolerent isp" although the link don't work.

Why's the word get away linked to the film castaway particularly? LOL the goldeneye link wot's that all about.

I hope your having a giggle otherwise your the most ill informed parent, as far as computers go, on earth.

Flash is a hacker proggy?
Bonzi Buddi

You Crazy, sued into the ground fool!

Can this author be any more internet ignorant.. NO (none / 0) (#7353)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 16th, 2002 at 10:51:44 PM PST
Okay, I am writing this comment in disgust, that someone who claims to be an "honest" and "responsible" person can EVER think of writing such ludicrist ramblings of nonsense!

For knowledges sake, I am a 27 year old Network Engineer that makes $55/hour (that's U.S. $120,000 year for those who can't do math). And I started out exactly like this man's child, with the exception of my parents actually *supporting* me learning, instead of trying to keep stupidity in the family.

Here comes the truth of this article.

First off, I AM a hacker, and not a very good one. I have years of experience in hacking, and I still cannot gain access to 99.99% of the world's "command prompts". What does this mean? It, put simply, means that this child is NOT, and most likely will never be, a hacker of *any* sorts. This child is a kid who is learning about computer the same way anyone does.. by simply playing around with it. (how did you learn to use your car radio?)

2nd. Any idiot that can use can find out that DOSing stands for "Denial of Service", which pretty much means that someone is trying to kill your internet connection by sending invalid packets to your computer.. totally harmless except your internet connection usually dies until it stops or you reconnect. Can the average hacker do this? NO! It requires an extremely fast internet connection to do this, as well as knowledge of the system being attacked (which is not obtained easily). Likelihood of any child figuring this out.. NONE!

3rd. intel is the overbearing chip maker, not AMD. AMD is a reputable chip manufacturer that produces extremely fast computer chips, in which intel is trying to crush to rid themselves of competition. I have nothing against intel chips, but the facts are that AMD is just plain faster. There is *absolutely* NO connection between a computer chip and hacking.. I can hack on an old Atari or an Amiga if I felt so inclined, and AMD wasn't even around then to make those computer chips.

4th. Those programs listed have Nothing to do with hacking.. They are programs to make icons look pretty, and one is actually a NEWS program, made to give the user updated world news (If the author used it, maybe he wouldn't be so ignorant).

5th. If you want to truly prevent hacking, educate your kids, not ground them! If your child wants to hack, get them a programming book, so they can learn to be productive (programming can create hacking programs, but they will NOT learn to write them, as it takes years to come close to understanding what is involved in that). The most likely outcome, is that they go to college for computers and become a very successful programmer or, at very least, learn to find the information they need to become less ignorant. (maybe the author should take some lessons from his child, for once)

Last is my advice to anyone reading this article and feeling paranoid, now.. There is absolutely ZERO need to feel this way. Consider this article another sad attempt by the ignorant to keep our children at their level. Didn't you always want better for your children? Well, buy them a computer, and start by doing the best thing you can do, teach them to teach themselves!

bs (none / 0) (#7354)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 17th, 2002 at 02:59:36 PM PST
thats the most bs i have ever read on anything take the f*cking article down, its just going to get kids in trouble who don't do anything, follow that and no one will use a computer

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#7355)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 17th, 2002 at 06:43:07 PM PST
Your making a fool of your self to any one who knows about hacking. Almost every way you mentioned to tell if your son is a hacker is false, do you really think AMD uses 3rd world countries to make micro prossesors.

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#7356)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 17th, 2002 at 06:43:29 PM PST
Your making a fool of your self to any one who knows about hacking. Almost every way you mentioned to tell if your son is a hacker is false, do you really think AMD uses 3rd world countries to make micro prossesors.

is this true? (none / 0) (#7357)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 18th, 2002 at 12:28:55 PM PST
if you read this article i suggest you to find out for yourself if the info given here is true it is clear that the writer of this article is not aware of the terms he is using linux is not a "illegal hacker operation system" it is used by many companies all over the world.


What that Means- an addition (none / 0) (#7358)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 18th, 2002 at 03:16:31 PM PST

p.s. (none / 0) (#7359)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 18th, 2002 at 03:18:57 PM PST

You're a Freaking Moron (none / 0) (#7360)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 18th, 2002 at 08:52:47 PM PST
I think the subject best explains itself, you technically ignorant fool. You wouldn't know a good ISP/processor/anything if it went to you and slapped you in the face.

dumb person who wrote this... (none / 0) (#7361)
by qurazyquisp on Fri Apr 19th, 2002 at 01:18:02 PM PST
you are so dumb who ever wrote this, first of all bonzi buddy and my comet cursor are dumb programs where you can change what your mouse cursor looks like, second of all quake isn't a hacker program its a game where people have fun killing each other, and lastly AMD is not a fake processer, you can buy them in stores and they are better then intels, in my personal oppinion. and wanting faster graphic cards is because they want to play games and make them faster.

yes, some people are stupid (none / 0) (#7362)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 20th, 2002 at 01:16:24 AM PST
The people that are stupid are the ones who think that this is a legitimate post. It is obviously a joke, and a damn funny one at that.

Kudos on a hilarous post, well done. Quake being a "hacker meeting place" where they train in using weapons. LoL, yeah, like the railgun and BFG :) And those are secret government projects for those who didn't know out there in "I'M A DIPSHIT" land

yes, some people are stupid (none / 0) (#7363)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 20th, 2002 at 01:19:19 AM PST
The people that are stupid are the ones who think that this is a legitimate post. It is obviously a joke, and a damn funny one at that.

Kudos on a hilarous post, well done. Quake being a "hacker meeting place" where they train in using weapons. LoL, yeah, like the railgun and BFG :) And those are secret government projects for those who didn't know out there in "I'M A DIPSHIT" land.

Try reading some of the other posts on the webpage, like "Glasses make people ugly", or "Bye, Ass". Then tell me this was legit, morons.

Uninformed (none / 0) (#7364)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 20th, 2002 at 09:17:46 AM PST
Half of what was considered "hacking" here is definately not hacking. Quake? Linux? AMD? HACKING?? I hope that this is a joke because anyone who has any knowledge about all of the points mentioned in the article would laugh that they are used for hacking.

Can't believe I'm actually answering this garbage (none / 0) (#7366)
by Tattie Bogle on Sun Apr 21st, 2002 at 09:51:37 AM PST
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Could it be the switch might be because AOL is the most crap ISP out there in the first place?

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". " If those are hack programs I was a hacker from the second I got my PC as these are pretyy common programs to have. None of the could hack their way into an open door.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Of course your son didn't want the new hardware because your PC is as old as your thinking and he can't play anything except lode-runner. As computer hardware is outdated the second you buy it, it makes perfect sense to update hardware once in a while.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

Have you read these books? Or did you just look at the titles?

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

LMAO. I can't even check my all my mail in 45 mins.

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is just one of the best games ever. The fact that your kid apparently then feels a need to go out and get guns is just because of your stupid gun laws. My advice: get him a playboy and he'll forget all about guns.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

Damn I thought that was a normal thing happening during puberty.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

Linux is an LEGAL open source operating system. The fact that it can be used by hackers doesn't make it illegal (or do you want to lose all operating systems and just have a useless machine on your desk??). Linux is in NO way related to Windows (THANK GOD). O and if telnet is a hack program, just choose START, RUN on your brand new Windows machine and type TELNET. How much do you want to bet that you also have this "hacker" software straight from the factory? As for Linux destroying your machine, it could indeed result in losing windows...BE HAPPY!!! At least you will be rid of all the SPYWARE MS has put in on your machine. Or do you like it that Bill Gates knows exactly how much porn you download once your son has gone to bed?

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

You always wore the same thing from baby to now right? I bet you look cute in those diapers.

10. Is your son struggling academically?

All I can tell you is grow a brain and think your story through. Or have you been sitting behind the computer more then 45 mins to write this?

Author of "Hacker " is pricelss (none / 0) (#7367)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 21st, 2002 at 09:23:49 PM PST
This article is the most amusing read that I've had for ages. The author is to be commended for being able to put together such a wonderful piece of satire - I especially liked the link to the pornographic "" website - an absolute giveaway for anyone that thought this was a serious article!!
Whoever wrote this - keep it up!!!

lol i can believe this! (none / 0) (#7368)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 21st, 2002 at 10:40:32 PM PST
since when did Flash became hacker util =P
AMD ownz and you shouldnt write this shit cuz people might take it seriously...

lol i cant believe this! (none / 0) (#7369)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 21st, 2002 at 10:40:56 PM PST
since when did Flash become hacker util =P
AMD ownz and you shouldnt write this shit cuz people might take it seriously...

A Few Blaring Misconceptions (none / 0) (#7370)
by Daehlie on Sun Apr 21st, 2002 at 11:26:40 PM PST
1. AMD are "Knock Off" processors?

Hmm, interesting, then I guess anyone besides Intel who uses the x86 architechure is a knock off too. No, AMD has created viable, and in many cases superior processors to anything produced by Intel.

2. AMD are a company based in third-world courtries?

Again, what do you think the A in AMD stands for? American Micro Devices. There are based in America.

3. AMD uses child labor in sweatshops.

Where I am not going to deny that AMD utilizes sweatshops, I will inform the author that somewhere in the neighborhood of 98% of all CPU's, and semiconductions are made in Asian under sweatshop and very likey child labor.

4. "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly a hacking manual?

The Perl programming language may be used for hacking, but it is much more widely used for legitimate programming. That is like saying that people shouldn't learn how to drive because cars are used in drive-by shootings.

5. Lunix?
First off, it is Linux, and it is COMPLETELY LEGAL! Linus Torvolds is no more a Soviet Communist than you are. He also did not write telnet, it is a standard GNU application. I have no Idea what xenix is, but MS has never released a OS based on UNIX. Last time I checked you can't break into a personal Stereo system, the only interface it has is the AC Power in. No, you computer will not be broken if you remove Windows from your hard drive, and it doesn't damage the drive. For the record, UNIX has been around since 1969, whereas MS didn't have Windows running until the late 80's. You can remove linux without damaging your drive, as a matter of fact, while linux is installed, it is managing your hard drive more effeciently than your FAT32 partition.

Pull the stick out of your ass, using Linux or a facination with computers does not suggest Hacking. Perhaps you son *gasp* enjoys working on computers and may want to persue it as a career.

son a hacker (none / 0) (#7371)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 07:08:18 AM PST
you are the lamest, this artical is full of it, for one thing..AMD is not a third world chip it is based in southern california and is as popular as a intel chip, next..linux is a more secure operating system then windows will ever be..i can tell the author of this didnt do his research and/or is biased beyond help...and also..hackers are learners not breakers..if you break into a system to do damage your a vandal not a hacker.

RE: MISINFORMED PARENT (none / 0) (#7372)
by vsecades on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 08:56:47 AM PST
To whomever this may concern,
Sir, let me start by saying that in the future,please keep your paranoid mentality at bay. There is no more "cold war", communism as a form of government has proven to be very much ineffective, the black panther movement is under control, and you've got better chances at getting blown up by a jumbo jet than to have your son become an anti-social threat. It saddens me when parents go to the extremes to make their children "safe", whatever that might mean. Looking back upon my own life, I am glad that my own father on the other hand, encouraged my use of computers, although I did "stray" from the "good" path a couple of times, nonetheless, I did not become a cybercriminal, as you state that all hackers are. Please do understand that most hackers out there are interested in the recognition sir, not out to steal millions. Yes, there are those that would use their skills for good, and these are the ones that need to be nurtured. If your son has values such as the ones you preach that you've taught him in the past years, then yes, by all means, let him go ahead with his plans. Else, by denying him the use of a computer, you might as well shove a keyboard down his throat, since this only fosters a "forbidden" tag on all digital culture. And by all means, forbidden for kids is like candy. He will do it again, and this time to a worse extent. Explain to him what will happen in the long run, with EXAMPLES AND DON'T DENY HIM THE RIGHT TO BEING COMPUTER LITERATE. Maybe this is the way he stands out of the crowd with his friends, by being the computer wiz kid. As I stated earlier, TEACH HIM ABOUT PEER PRESSURE, AND COMMON SENSE. This will help him get out of stupid and irrational situations which in other cases would be problematic for him. Good luck, and

You sir are a moron. (none / 0) (#7373)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 09:10:39 AM PST
I have never read an article more filled with half truths, fallacies and outright lies in my entire life. I would take the time to point out some of your inaccuracies, but I am too busy raising my children and teaching them to avoid listening to morons like you. I can only hope that your children escape your destructive influence and that the cycle of stupidity ends with you.

Hope this is a joke (none / 0) (#7375)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 12:21:34 PM PST
If not... wow!

If it is, you have the stupid American mode of address caught perfectly. Well done. You should run for Prez.

why this article?? (none / 0) (#7376)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 12:27:43 PM PST
i don't actually quite get the intention of this text??

is it really just to mock the united states for being afraid of computer-savvy guys (and girls :-) and taking stupid legal actions against it, or does this article have a deeper meaning i don't get??

i really thought this was an honest article till about halfway through. i could imagine a parent making such naive statements and had no doubt that somebody could be folly enough to believe he could keep track of a hacker working at his desktop. but when it came to expensive hardware, the so-called hacker manuals and then quake i got the attempt of irony. but what could this article be ironic of??

i just don't get it,


Is your son a computer hacker or a games player? (none / 0) (#7377)
by theleetcoder on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 02:13:02 PM PST
I dont think that this a valid guide to whether or not a child a "hacker".

I think it is more likely that your son was a Quake player (kids like to play games - go figure!) and you came to the wrong conclusion.

Personally I find AOL to be a worse ISP due to the amount of pornography on it. There are plenty of parental controls, but main problem is that the pornography comes from other AOLers, not from the web.

Child Hacker (none / 0) (#7378)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 06:29:48 PM PST
I am Appalled at your obvious narrow views of AMD and Linux. You need to reasearch what you choose to degrade. I am a Computer Consultant and am scared that your single situation and letter are so widly read. You take no consideration of the POSITIVE strides that AMD, LINUX and QUAKE devolopers have made in the computer industry. You are obviously not computer intelligent in any way, those readers who listen to your narrow disclosure are equally as un-informed.


Joke? (none / 0) (#7379)
by cice7 on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 08:37:57 PM PST
This must be a joke. How can one say that living in one of the most developed countries in the world. How can one be so closeminded for a person who did "some research and found out..." all those errors. The parents probably asked someone and were told by someone as a joke, and they must have taken it seriously...

But even thought, there are tv shows like C|net central about computer shows on the TV. I dont have to go through the errors that the parents made ( if you want to know the errors read the last 100 or the last 500 messages), but for parents they souhld have know bettert thatn that. Or at least give the kids some credit....

Popular hacker software includes "Comet Curso (none / 0) (#7380)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 08:47:28 PM PST
First of all, if Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" are hacker tools then I am also concidered a hacker. Let me elaborate on why most of your article is bull, Ok, maybe Comet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy can be used but as far as I know, if these are hacking tools as you so claim, I'd really like to know how they are used. Being an old hacker from the DOS days, I'm used to hacking using nothing but my own software and code. Now, as for Flash, it's a program to create animations for the web. Don't tell me that Flash is for hacking, if you think so, in that case you should actually get your head checked. If using Flash is hacking, you need to look up for what Hacking means. Now, as for the term Hacking, in our day and age, hacking seems to have 2 meanings, the first one, being that a Hacker is just any coder, hence, the term Kernel Hacker( for the Linux kernel, I probably shouldn't even mention Linux as you will probably reply that Linux is the hackers dream having read that from some dumb book that doesn't have a clue as to what it's talking about). The second meaning being trashing some poor souls computer or a web site or creating virus' and all of the related( I believe this is what you're refering to. ) As for your Lunix, that doesn't really exist, the name is Linux and if you think this is hacking, you're simply out of your mind. I've been Dual-Booting Linux and Windows for years now( since about 1985 give or take 2 years ). Oh, btw, for your info, before writing articles, you should really learn what the heck you're talking about. And even though I don't have an account on this forum, I will sign this reply..

Laval Linux( and yes, this is a Linux User Group ).

This is funny shit (none / 0) (#7381)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 09:43:50 PM PST
I read some more articles from this person. He/She thinks that microsoft is the greatest thing since sliced bread, blah blah blah. As for her hacker indications, it sounds to me that the kid figured out how to IM and browse the web. He also figured out how to get some spyware lodged into his sytem. The whole thing about the way he dresses, well, he is a raver, c'mon! Now, I do have to give the kid credit. If he has Perl books and ESR books, then he has my vote. At least he's curious. My honest opinion is that this was a joke. Someone just decided to fuck around with you all and have some fun watching the postings roll in later.


gotta love "hacker" text

Take this with more than the usual grain of salt (none / 0) (#7382)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 09:47:00 PM PST
This has to be the most ridiculous article I have ever read. There is far too much ignorance here to even list out and explain, so I will simply ask anyone who reads this to treat these words with more than the usual grain of salt.

If you were to research some of the specific programs, and various statements made by the author, you will learn that they are (for the most part) far from fact.

Lookup "Flash" for instance - chances are you use it on websites every day, as it is a popular graphical design tool.
Find out why "faster" video cards equate hacking activity - must be for when hackers are playing a popular video game called "quake" ... I guess they can now hack computers faster. ;)

I am truly surprised that this website has not been sued for slander for what is said about the linux operating system. "Linux" is far from being illegal, and as we read this, it is revolutioning the backbone of the internet by saving companies millions of dollars by avioding the more than high costs of the outdated and insecure Microsoft alternatives.

If anything, this article is designed to promote Microsoft sales and is nothing more than the fearful writings of a very nieve father (ahem, microsoft employee).

You've got to be kidding me! (none / 0) (#7383)
by Jadey on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 12:40:44 AM PST
While your making wide sweeping generalizations why not also point out that all southerners are inbred, all African Americans like fried chicken and all Oriental people are good at math. This is ridiculous! This may be the case in your household but cannot be viewed as a how-to guide on determining whether your child is a hacker. This article could have described me, and I don't know the first thing about hacking. If I did this damn article wouldn't be on this site anymore.

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#7384)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 07:37:26 AM PST
Um sir? Are you insane?
Do you know what linux is?
I agree with several of your points under those ten things.
"1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs? "
Right this is one sign that could be true. Howerver several other of your points are a bunch of crap! I don't mean this to be a troll in any way but look at this "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". " the frist two of those are free (IMHO stupid) programs that come bundled with lots of free programs you can find on and other places and are totally legit. Flash however, I assume you're referring to Macromedia Flash because I haven't heard of any other software by that name, ( and your worries here are totally misplaced. Flash is a player/ie plugin that allows you to view animated/fancy web pages such as online stores like and tons and tons of others, that's like saying "YOUR SON IS USING A KEYBOARD!!! HE MUST BE HACKING!!!" but since I'm short on time let's jump to another one.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
Oh my goodness.... Sir computer hardware is one of the fastest moving industries and just so you know video cards have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with hacking. They are for displaying graphics on your screen 3d and text alike.
AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well. WTF! THAT'S A PILE OF CRAP! AMD is a very common integrated circuit manufacturer ( and they ARE SOLD IN STORES both online and retail. They are even stock in many prebuilt computers! And your argument about sweatshops... GO HOME FOO! Intel was formerly known to be THE WORST in this case. Yeah maybe you should check out where ppl are laughing at/picking on/complaining about/showing what a moron you are/what a nutcase this post is.

6. Does your son use Quake?
Ok, as much as I don't like quake, it's just a game like millions of other FPS (first person shooter) games out there. Yes quake is the most violent one I've seen (and btw there're past quake now, quake 3's been out for a while now and it's still selling). Cmon what's the premise for most multiplayer computer games? You're the good guys, they're the bad guys. We have to run in and take their flag, or shoot them, or have a lightsaber duel, or fire a missile into their main reactor or something of the like. I'd be more worried if my kid was chatting on IRC (internet relay chat) than playing quake, because IRC has so many channels you could be in a web chat with some singer or getting tech support from some smart ppl, or he could be getting free root passwords and stuff from hackers...

Ok, I can live with you not knowing anything about AMD or computer hardware, and I can live with and agree with some of our views on quake, but THEN TO GO ON TO DIS LINUX!!!! This post had better be a joke because otherwise you may have just unecessarily cut yourself off from your son who may not have been doing anything illegal and/or unleashed the smart masses on you. Linux is a FREE, LEGAL, AWESOME, POWERFUL, STABLE operating system made as an alternative to the ever crashing, UNSTABLE, OVERPRICED (infinitely as expensive as linux), sugarcoated WINDOZE, both for the server world and for the average moron's desktop.
LILO stands for linux loader and it's used to allow you to multi boot your system on multiple operating systems. You should have written something more like "If you don't see LILO on start up or you see a windows banner on the screen, contact someone who knows something about computers and ask them to remove this microsloth garbage and give you linux, an os you can trust."
The rest of this section absolutely makes me sick. Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional. Ok smarty, think about this, "if handled incorrectly" IF WINDOWS IS HANDLED INCORRECTLY IT WILL DO THE SAME, my goodness, GO HOME! Oh and btw removing windows is a blessing some times and linux will not damage anything without (a) you asking for it and (b) warning you first. Heck you didn't even spell linux right.... get a life.... and cmon what about Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone. Um I'm afraid you got this all wrong. Telnet is a remote access program which allows you to connect to other computers just like you do by putting the address in your internet browser. You can only access machines that has this enabled and of course you need a username and password. There is nothing wrong with telnet except that it's old and uses no encryption (and yes you want this to protect yourself and your passwords from being sniffed by other ppl). It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government.
What a bunch of crap, I can't go on, you're too far wrong it's funny and infuriating at the same time. Xenix was Microsoft's failed attempt at making a unix based os. UNIX was developed by AT&T if I recall and Linux was inspirted by minix and rewritten from scratch by this wonderful man named Linus...

Like I said I can't go on, I encourage any reader to use his/her brain when reading this. It's kinda funny if you know it's a joke but someone might actually take this seriously. Oh and btw yes I am a teenager but unlike your son I have a father who understands. In fact it was him who interested me, him who bought my computer, him who showed me linux, and him that I owe all my technical skills. You see I've actually made some money and helped a lot of friends and relatives by fixing their computers. Anyways time is running short over here and I have much better things to do than waste my time yelling telling I'm blue in the face. Have a nice day. --Ixe

email -->
or -->

interesting (none / 0) (#7385)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 10:57:27 AM PST
Well in regards to the very helpfull and informative article i have but one thing to say.
If you are truely serious about what you have posted....then you are an idiot. I respect your uneducated opinion for the simple fact that it brought tears to my eyes, from laughter. Thankyou

You Fucking Lame-ASS (none / 0) (#7386)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 01:44:43 PM PST
Jeez, I can't believe that you are that fucking stupid. Quake is a way for hackers to dicuss how they use firearms? Anyone knows what a damn trigger is... And what should a hacker in heaven's name do with a gun? Shoot the firewalls? You're just a fucking lame-ass. is a Quake website. There you can see that Quake is a game to blow your hard feelings out through a VIRTUAL gun... IT AIN'T REAL! So, please, I beg you, DO NEVER EVER EVER WRITE SUCH STUPID THINGS AGAIN I have never been more astounded in my life then when I read that article... Well, gotta go, gotta use MSN (Microsoft Messenger Service) to hack the FBI-mainframe... DUMB-ASS

Unbelievable (none / 0) (#7387)
by Jester6502 on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 02:59:01 PM PST
I read though about a quarter of this and thought 'this has to be a joke!'
And yep I do believe it has to be a joke, only someone on drugs would write crap like this.

But what the most amazing thing is that the comments which have been posted about this. A very strong reaction to something which any person should automatically dismiss as being a joke. Some of you 'hackers' who like saying you are 'elite', lol. If you were so elite and intelligent you would see the obvious joke.

The reaction makes me dispair more than the article itself.

Unbelievable (none / 0) (#7388)
by Jester6502 on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 03:06:28 PM PST
I read though about a quarter of this and thought 'this has to be a joke!'
And yep I do believe it has to be a joke, only someone on drugs would write crap like this.

But what the most amazing thing is that the comments which have been posted about this. A very strong reaction to something which any person should automatically dismiss as being a joke. Some of you 'hackers' who like saying you are 'elite', lol. If you were so elite and intelligent you would see the obvious joke.

The reaction makes me dispair more than the article itself.

Is Your Son A ''Hacker'' (none / 0) (#7389)
by KingTomato on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 03:27:43 PM PST
To Whome It May Concern;

In the article written entitled "Is Your Son A 'Hacker'", I disagree totally with you. I would first off have you acknowledge that people that 'Hack' computers that you call, are referred to as Crackers. Hackers are not in any way to be involved with crackers.

Second of all, the information you provided is for the majority all false. Points stateted are not all true. For instance wanting a new internet service provider (ISP) is not 'just for crackers'. Your child wanting a new ISP is not a true sign of them being interested in cracking. A new ISP could simply be for internet gaming, or for other things such as sharing an ftp for friends, which is near impossible on a 56k.

My next point is, your statement on programs being installed, these programs you have listed, in most cases also have nothing to do with cracking. The "Popular hacker software includes 'Comet Cursor', 'Bonzi Buddy' and 'Flash' " you listed in untrue. Comet Cursor is a broswer add on, that allows people to you personalized cursors on thier webpage. This must be downloaded to be achieved, such as flash player so see flash webpages. Going to a webpage with flash or personalized cursors does not make them a cracker.

Thirdly, the want for more up-to-date hardware, such as video cards, more ram, or processors by AMD is not a sign of a cracker. This migh also be due to gaming. Maybe children like having the best, for reason of being able to beat that one person in the multiplayer game such as Quake which as you stated is "an online virtual reality used by hackers". That also is false, but I will not get into that. As for the AMD processor, AMD is a good manufacturer of processors in that they provide users with easier processing due tot he increased amount of Cache. This provides for more efficient processing of applications.

Fourth off, most of the hacking manuals that have been published are for educaton on security. They were published to provide a means of a way of teaching readers about security issues. The books published with these 'exploits' or 'security leaks' are almost always outdated. By the time these books are published, the Original Equiptment Manufacturer (OEM) has already patched this problem.

Taking a jump, the changing of clothing an things, are not always a sign. The fact that children dress up as described in your article, might be due to the child wanting to express him/herselves, or going through a stage.

As for the rest of this article, is is just as inaccurate as the previous sections. Please, for the readers sake as well as your own, know about what your talking about, before trying to explain your knowledge.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, contact me at

I don't believe this (none / 0) (#7390)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 05:41:31 PM PST
I had a few questions at first, but the more I read through this, I would like to commend the author for a brilliant piece of comedy. It's obviously a joke, made only the more humorous by all of you crazy people who took this seriously and wrote angry replies. One of the funniest parts is that so many people DID take it seriously. Wow, I am impressed by the stupidity of the masses. Please, continue to make fools of yourselves, it makes for great reading.

this has got to be a joke (none / 0) (#7391)
by angela8814 on Tue Apr 23rd, 2002 at 08:25:26 PM PST
A friend of mine was on msn today and typed to me " look at this ****"
he gave me the link for the article titled"IS your son a hacker?"
After i read that i was laughing.. i said haha that is some funny s***. Then he told me apparently this article is meant to be real, and so are those signs..
I have to say , whoever the father is that wrote this, he is a complete moron if this was not intended as a joke. This article is so ridiculious. Lets break this down a bit.
The first sign the man gave that your child might be a "hacker" is a request to change isp. That humors me. There are no hacker "friendly" isps. Just because your 17 year old son dosent want to use AOL and the childerens filters you put on it dosent make the kid a hacker. AOL has got to be one of the crappiest ISP's around.
second, about the "hacker" programs found on your computer, this man listed "Bonzai buddy, Comet Cursor, and flash" . i cant even comment on this because i cannot percieve at this point that the guy is serious about this statement. Anyone here who can honestly tell me the purple talking ape is a hackers tool please feel free to mail me at ( yes its a real address)
Third, your child requesting new software, and hardware is completly normal. As we all know, computer technology is developing at an extremely fast rate, things that came out on the market a year ago are already obsolete with some of the programs coming out right now.
Fourth about the hacking manuals. I have one thing to say about this.. if your kid is reading hacking manuals, then there is no way in hell hes a "hacker". nuff said.
About linux, contrary to popular belif, Linux is much more secure and stable then windows ever was or will be if you know how to use it correctly. Linux is not a "capricuos beast" and was NOT made for the purpose of hacking. This is utter bulls*** and disgusts me to see someone so ignorant make these assumptions about something they know nothing about. I would like to know where you morons who think like this get your ideas.
Appearence has nothing to do with hackers. If you son is sucking on or wearing baby's pacifiers, then i think there is a lot more to his problem then being a "hacker" . I would try to wean him off of breast milk and diapers instead if i were you . =)
Many people have taken the term "hacker" way to far and have a false vision of it. When a lot of people try to vision what a "hacker" is they see a picture in their mind of some kid sitting in a dark room with techie music on cracking a government website. I find this hilarious, you all need to stop watching so much tv. And many kids in the internet try to be "hackers" . they dont even grasp the concept of things. They want to download little hacking programs that look like a windows prog. Something where they can type in what they want to hack and click ok. These types of people are idiots. A hacker isnt someone who breaks into your computer to piss you off and send you a virus. people who do that are lame. A "hacker" is someone who is much more smart than that . "hackers" are people who understand scripts and codes, people who test the limits and boundaries of software and secutiry issues. . As long as a patch comes out for windows, or any kind of program a true "hacker" learns how to unbild this and how it works. ALl of you families on AOL who are reading this article thinking" oh no.. my son/daughter is a hacker" or " i am going to get hacked " , a true hacker wont waste their time on you . I know im ranting and dont make much sense. its hard for me to put into words how utterly stupid i think you people are for even writing an article like this.

enlightened? (none / 0) (#7392)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 24th, 2002 at 07:35:06 AM PST
first of all, anyone with SIX children is neither "enlightened" nor "modern". and after reading your article, you seem pretty clueless to me. i think you're in for a few surprises when your kids get older--especially the younger ones. you sound like a nightmare of a parent to me, a real control freak, armed with bad information and an unquestioning sense of self-importance and self-righteousness. i'd bet money that at least half of your kids are going to end up being either 1) type-A perfectionists who implode when they hit 40; 2) nazis; or 3) drug addicts. at LEAST half of them will hate you by the time they turn 18. if you constantly act like you know more than your kids do, are stronger than your kids are, are better than your kids are, and have total control over everything in the entire world, and they somehow find out that you don't, your parental "aura" that you're obviously trying so hard to build up will come crashing to the ground, and the whole family structure that you're desperately trying to maintain will fall apart. a little humility wouldn't hurt you one bit. why not try loving your kids unconditionally, with disciplined firmness, flexible expectations, an open mind, and a whole lot of understanding? set a good example with your own life instead of trying to mold their worlds and personalities for them. good luck...

objection, your honor... (none / 0) (#7393)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 24th, 2002 at 08:10:41 AM PST
you are really clueless.
  • AOL is horrible. you may feel safer with them, but that's just your provincialism peeking through your veil of socially-acceptable parental terror and anxiety. AOL is slow, AOL is intrusive, AOL is annoying, and AOL is for the simple-minded internet user. if you insist on remaining in the dark ages and dragging your kids down with you, then by all means stick with AOL. your kids, who obviously already know more about computers than you do, will resent you for it and will see that you really have no idea what you're talking about and that you're easily duped by marketing and that you're afraid of the big, scary world out there and that you're trying to control them. good image to project to your kids, right? yep. ok. next...
  • Comet Cursor is a relatively harmless (although very, very annoying, IMHO) little program that web designers put on their web pages to customize the cursors that you see when you browse their page. for example, someone with a fairy-tale web site might install a little Tinkerbell cursor that you see when you visit their page instead of the regular arrows, etc.
  • AMD is a well-respected and widely-used processor. i work for IBM, and our virtual machine team writes VMs for AMD processors, which are very popular and inexpensive alternatives to Intel's Pentium chips. AMD Athlon processors are used in machines built by major computer-makers, including Compaq, which you yourself own (for example, see the Compaq 6000 series). and every fortune-500 company in the great, brown-people-bombing country of America uses third-world labor, etc., including Intel, the company who (most likely) made the chip in your own machine.
  • the "hacking manuals" you referred to are like cars: they can have good uses and bad uses. one of the guys in my office is a Perl expert; he writes Perl scripts for IBM for a living, and he makes a lot of money doing it. fear not Perl. why assume the worst about your child's reading habits? you sound pretty paranoid here.
  • DOS is an operating system. fear not DOS.
  • Quake is a game. i don't like it either, but then again, i'm a pacifist. how can you tell him not to play Quake and then have firearms lying around your house that you need to put trigger locks on? you're an idiot. god, i feel sorry for your children.
  • teenagers are by definition argumentative and surly, especially when they're raised in a military "group home" like yours instead of a family. you're in for trouble, my friend, if you expect otherwise.
  • oh my god. Linux is an operating system written by a Finnish gentleman named Linus Torvalds, who, along with an ex-Microsoft co-founder, now is involved with a successful American chip manufacturer in California called Transmeta, whose chips are in every laptop in Japan. anyone who knows anything more than AOL and Windows on a computer is going to be interested in Linux. the VM team at IBM writes several VMs for Linux. it's a very popular, stable, and dependable operating system. your children are definitely more computer-saavy than you are, and if you want to keep up this ridiculous parental authority front that you have here, you should be afraid, very afraid.
  • teenagers radically change their appearance on a weekly basis. see above, under "argumentative and surly". oooh--an idea: we ought to require people to take classes and get a license before they have children. somebody write that one down.
  • smart teens--like your son appears to be from your description (although god knows where he would've gotten intelligence from)--very often start to see their grades fall when they begin to see through the story told to them by parents like you and they begin to figure out that there's more to life than school. very smart teens with loving, supportive, understanding families will recover and realize that school is still important, if they're given time and space to do so on their own.
that's all for my advice column today. and no problem, you're welcome.

Really (none / 0) (#7394)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 24th, 2002 at 08:12:34 AM PST
This seems like fear without warrant.

Fear without understanding. And lack of understanding spawns fear, doesn't it?

Maybe you should find out more before judging a thing. To judge without knowledge is a dangerous thing indeed.

hackers (none / 0) (#7395)
by f0rg04t on Wed Apr 24th, 2002 at 10:41:57 AM PST
look mr, you obviously are not a computer person, i have been programming and using computers for 8 years, so take my advice: 1. the ISP issue: Your son, or anyone in your family may wish to change isp's, becuase yes there are better ones that aol, there is Internet Explorer, which in my opinion is the best one. It also has parental controls, so check into it... AOL is not very good as it blocks things if they would have he'll in it, it would be blocked. 2. the programs: omg (oh my gosh) i have never seen anyone more unaware of what those things are in my life, ok look Bonzi Buddy is a shopping program, that allows u to shop, and surf the web for shopping sites... It can be installed on your computer without confirming, or silently. Comet cursor is a compilation of cursor's that a web-site may use, and it may also be installed silently, and flash is necessary for playing the flash multimedia on the internet, *.swf files. None of these are hacking programs, and flash can be downloaded at Microsoft's web page. Trust me those are not hacking programs. 3. the hardware: Ok look mr. computers are doubling in memory, speed, and capabilites every year, and why not internet speed? i recently got fed up with my slow 56k as well, and got DSL now i go up to 100 times as fast as my 56k on the internet, and new hardware can make your computer experience more enjoyable, not make you a hacker. 4. the manuals: those are not "How to hack" manuals, they are basically how a hacker does it, and it does NOT teach you how, it shows u how it has been done in the past... most firewalls block those methods now, and track your IP address if you try them, and they do NOT tell you how to cover your tracks. Most of all, your son would have to know how to program a computer to do any of it anyways. And perl is a internet-based programming language not hacking stuff. 5. the DOS'ing: look i can tell you right now, that your son does NOT know how to do this... i can barely do it, and it is not easy it requires a HUGE and VAST knowledge of how the internet works, runs, and is available to people online. 6. quake: lol(laughing out loud) quake is not a hacking program, quake is an online multiplayer game, which you can play with other people online, i enjoy multiplayer games, and you cannot use them to hack into others computers. 7. the judgement: i think hes brain fried, give him a time-limit and make him read books and do his homework that will help 8. linux: Dont even start me on LINUX it is NOT a hacking, or illegal op. system... you can buy it at a near computer software store, therefore it is NOT illegal. it is used by people to host websites, multiplayer games, and ftp access, but your son wouldnt need it, it is much too complicated for him, trust me, and it cannot run Windows software. trust me this can be used to hack, but it is incredibly harder to do than it would be on Windows 9. the dress: look here mr, its called TEENAGE most people change their appearance during their adolescence years today... its just a phase hell grow out of it 10. academically: ok look if he is struggling, like i said, make him do all his homework then let u check over it before he gets on the computer... trust me that will work fine. Ok heres the bottom line, if your son was a hacker, you would have feds storming in your house arresting him before u found out, because it takes a very skilled computer person to get past security systems, and cover their tracks. First off for your son to pull this stuff off, he would have to have a degree in computer science... ive been programming for 6 years, and i still know barely enough to do it. trust me your son can NOT hack, he may be able to download a program to do it for him, but most firewalls block those as well.... dont worry about him, if he does something hes not supposed to, ull get a visit from the FBI and you will know.... if you have any further questions about computers and stuff, please email me

Just a suggestion (none / 0) (#7399)
by quimby on Thu Apr 25th, 2002 at 03:57:43 AM PST
Perhaps a brief look a the nearest dictionary to assertain the meaning of irony would be of benefit in this situation, and in life in general. Oh and if you have "been programming and using computers for 8 years" and you still don't know the difference between as ISP and a "browser" well perhaps it's time to let the programming go. And speaking as someone with a degree in computer science I can tell you that hacking is no-where near as hard as you make it out to be. Oh and Perl, can be used for hacking as one of the main things perl is used for is writing CGI scripts

author of this article and hacking (none / 0) (#7396)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 24th, 2002 at 11:43:06 AM PST
Dear sir Gibbons,

I think you should be proud of your son, because he has for sure a great example in you, and is already beginning to be like you.
It doesn't matter if this was a joke or not, but if you look on the number of replies, it's enormous, and i'm sure that if you post more articles of this sort, you will cause denial of service of this server soon, thus hacking it.. ;)
Only the main page itself with the main comments has got about 8 Megs of data, which isn't too easy to dowload..
But i think you do well entertaining us who read it. Keep up the good work! :)


sexist. (none / 0) (#7397)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 24th, 2002 at 02:34:01 PM PST
Besides this being completely absurd, paranoid, and very in-the-dark about "the world of h4x0rz" (I mean, come on, how can you write a whole article about the <b>dangerous</b> world of hackers without including one "w3rd" of 1337?), it's SEXIST. What about all of the daughters out there who are spending more than 1/2 hr each day on the dreaded computer-machine, "DOS"ing people up? Not all hackers are sons, my friend.

WTF (none / 0) (#7398)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 24th, 2002 at 05:36:12 PM PST
What in gods name is this idiot saying??

I gave up ROTFL'ing after half the story... AMD a knockout copy made in 3rd world country?

Quake an online community? LOL

judging by the 4000+ comments, i hope the MASS has come to the same conclusion. This idiot apparantly isn't fit to parent children -> he is like a child himself.

I don't bother to get ann account just to read all the silly comments though. Have fun KIDS

AMD bad?!!!! (none / 0) (#7401)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 25th, 2002 at 04:54:54 AM PST
What is he talking about? I don't think he knows what is he talking about
"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well."

Stupid fool, AMD chips are NOT made by third word company. They are a great CPU US company that offer competition against INTEL!! And what's that have to do with Hacking anyway? I can over clock an Intel just as easy if it were an AMD. AMD are NOT knock-off, they have superior technology that not even INTEL have! Also AMD CAN be purchase in any major computer store! I just hate when someone complain with out knowing the facts first! Is parents like this going to push their kids over the edges and claim themself as good parents. Geeze.

Koji je bre tvoj problem?!? (none / 0) (#7402)
by jebemvammamu on Thu Apr 25th, 2002 at 09:53:07 AM PST
Only a few things for I've seen some nice comments and I hope that the guy that wrote that shit had read all the comments.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
:))))))) Mon dieu!!! Are you nuts?!? Hacker friendly ISP?!? where ydo you find one of those?!? I need one..:))

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
And what if he/she just wants to do some graphic design or 3D animation?!? Or just play new video games?!?

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
I didn't know that Neuromancer was hacking manual...interesting...:)))))))

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
U don't need 24h a day to do some hacking...

6. Does your son use Quake?
What are you?!? Insane?!? Quaqe...mon dieu!! It is a game you moron!!

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
And what does this have to do with hacking?!? Read some texts about do not know what are you talking about...

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
It is Linux and it is the OS of the future. The guy who made it is Linus Torwalds and he is from Finland...Linux was created in 1991...that is some time after the Cold war, isn't it?!?

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
Pfffff...hahahahahaha...what the appearance has to do with the hacker?!? U do not need to dress in a certain way to be a hacker...I'm a!?

Man, you need to learn a lot before saying such crap..if you need to comment what I wrote just do e-mail is I await!!

Long LiVe OpEn SourCe! Long LivE LiNuX! Open your mind...Open source!!

fucking idiot (none / 0) (#7403)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 25th, 2002 at 02:45:27 PM PST
damn! how can you be so stupid. do you know what a hacker is? that is a person that works on improving his metal skills. always trying to solve a problem, never solving the same problem twice.. just deveoping his mind. the n asty ones that break systems are called crackers. anyway. cracks really help. why give 200$ or 300$ when u can get a software free? does it worth the money. but leave that. clothers have nothing to do with hacking. neiher does behaviour. and linux - it's just an operation system. better than windows. servers use linux beacause you can relly on it. and it's linux torwald! you know what? i like baggy pants, and have linux on my harddrive, it's better than windows and it's FREE! and my hard drive is still in one piece! but you know what? the most important thing is that i'm light years away from hacking. i can write million lines to prove you are a fool, an idiot.. i d on't even have words to describe you! damn. should have worte just one line describing you, not wasting my time on your foolishness. oh, if i was your son i would be ashamed of such parents. no party is a party if parents are there! and no alcohol? that sux!

Why is this even here? (none / 0) (#7404)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 25th, 2002 at 03:28:19 PM PST
As a computer user and part-time hacker, I feel like this is an insane artical.

<4|\|'7 \/\/3 637 4|0|\|6 ?

A Hacker is anyone between 12-21 (none / 0) (#7405)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 26th, 2002 at 11:19:27 AM PST
I have to say I was rather disappointed to learn that a hacker could be any Male aged 12-21 accroding to your "tips" let's look at each point in order shall we?
1)Admittedly AOL has some security measures smaller, closer based ISP's can't offer, however, your son may have simply been trying to save you money. AOL charges for the minutes you are on the Internet, most smaller ISP's don't. Plus the offer better and faster connection speeds and faster response times to problems.
2)"Bonzer Buddy" and "Flash" are programs designed to assist you in looking at certain types of pages. many companyies include Flash programs on their start up page to entice you to come and have a look a the what they are selling. AOL does this in fact. As for being able to tell if your son is using these programs ecause your computer asks you if you want to download them is ridiculious. All computers are built with this feature, to assit you the user, it will always ask you if you are trying to look at something that requires a pluf-in device that you don't have on your machine if you want to download it.
3)Upgrades to your machine should be made fairly often anyway, if your son happens to be the one that points this out he probably just wants you to be aware the the technology you currentlyy have is not enough to handle what other people on the Internet are creating. As for Intel's chip it does nothing more against hacking than any other chip, nor are those chips made by child labors in horrible conditions. They can't be, it takes a massive amount of skill and training to create a chip, small backwater children don't have the training or technical skills required.
4)Most of these books are about the rise and fall of the start of computers, or how to create programs with a certain language (a helpful tool if you want a good job in the future). Hackers aren't stupid, they are aware that publishing a manuel about how to hack a computer system, and illegal operation, is not covered by the 1st Ammendment. Therefore you have to get this type of magazine from an underground source, if you spot a "1600" magazine then you are looking at a hacker magazine, otherwise, leave it alone. hey, at least they are reading.
5)I agree, in general. DOSing is illegal and you should watch out for it, but it's pretty easy to spot really. As for limiting your children to forty or fifty minutes a day, use your discretion, most kids don't invovle themselves in this sort of stuff, but there is plenty on the web to look out for.
6)Again, I have to agree, in part. You should lock up guns and put trigger locks on them, or better yet, don't have them in the house to begin with. Children shoot themselves with their parents guns everyday, not because they are playing video games, but because the don't know how to handle the gun, and don't have the proper respect for its power. Lock them up. As for Quake, yes it's an online game, yes players are trying to "kill" other players. Are they conspiring to take over the world? No, it's just to hard to play and type directions for the conquest of anything at the same time.
7)If you son has becom arguemintive and surley he is probably just being a generic teenager. Teens often become hostile to parents as they try to break away from their influence and begin to develop their own ideas and identities. This is not a peaceful process for teen or parent. yes they probably will ask you to back off, often while shouting. This is normal teen behaviour. The more you push them the hard they'll struggle to get away. This is not to say that you, as a parent, don't still have a major influence over their lives, but you are no longer the only influence. Give your kid some credit and cut him alittle slack and try to be understanding without giving up on your own ideals.
8)Ok. first off. it's spelled "LINUX". It was based on the same system that Microsoft uses, called "UNIX" which is also the system that telnet is based on. Microsoft built its system after Linux was create. Microsoft built the system for PUBLIC use, and portions of it were later picked up by the governmnet. Since the governement created the Internet it already had an operating system that it STILL uses. it has not switched to Microsoft except for application software. The reason is that microsoft has not yet built an operating platform that does not crash when really pushed. The military cannot afford to use a system that will fail the moment it is asked to do several things at once that all important and all difficult. Linus, just for note, is and always has been an America citizen, born and raised here, and the least you could do was spell his name correctly.
9)Once again, he's a teenager. Most teenagers will go through several style changes in their time as teenagers. This is just another way in which they are trying to define themselves. Odd clothes stand out and make them different from other teenagers, which makes them feel as though they are unique and special. of course, this standing out is also a part of fitting in. Teenagers will chagne friends as fast as they change clothes, and they will try to "fit in" while still standing out. This is normal teenaged behaviour.
10)"Otaku" is a Japanese word the means "Couch potato". In America it generally refers to people who enjoy watching Japanese animated films, such as Akira, and Ghost in the Shell. It in no way refernces hackers at all. Once again, you teenager is just being a teenager if his grades slip or he stops being invloved in sports. Habits and hobbies change as we grow older and somethings that we found to be easy or fun when we were young stop being so easy or fun as we get older. If you child starts spending more time in doors and less outside it is likely they will start to put on weight. The computer screen is no worse than a TV for radiation (actually, if your TV set is over ten years old it gives off more radiation than your computer screen does). None of the ill effects attributed to it n this article are backed up by medical science. They are just fibs.

I hope that when you read this article and the one it references you will try to make an informed decision about your childs habits. Rememeber, it's ok to talk to your kids, but don't accuse them, it just makes them mad and defensive. This is normal behaviour for teenagers, not an admission of guilt. do some research yourself about what has been said here, if you don't belive me, or if I (hopefully) called in to question some of the things that were said on the other post. Thanks.


This is a joke, right? (none / 0) (#7406)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 26th, 2002 at 03:42:01 PM PST
If not, then you're mixed up in some imaginary world.

Perhaps you should turn to Jesus for your answers.

is you son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#7407)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 26th, 2002 at 04:28:53 PM PST
wow, that was the most bullshit and stupidity i have seen in one month. I hate to say it, well actually no i dont, whoever wrote that is the biggest dumbass on the net. comet curser, bonzai buddy and flash are not hacking programs, and quake is not a hacking game. wow you really showed your stupidity this time

what!!!!? (none / 0) (#7408)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 26th, 2002 at 04:37:08 PM PST
you have got to be kidding! This is the most absurd and ridiculous article i HAVE EVER READ! where did this come from! I'll bet it was a some jesus freak with a hard-on for little kids

You must live under a donkey's testicals. (none / 0) (#7409)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Apr 26th, 2002 at 08:57:44 PM PST
First, off...what nursing home did you crawl outof?
Did you get all your information from a fifth grader? A) your kid doesnt dress like that because he is a hacker...we are hackers and we dress normal....your kid is just a pot head drug addict who probebly licks balls for scratch. AMD makes better processors than the NIKE of the computer world..INTEL. At least i dont have to trade in a ball for the speed. You really need to take a hit of cyonide and take a load of....idiot.

*go lick some more balls and report another.

I am a hack (none / 0) (#7410)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 27th, 2002 at 01:02:51 AM PST
I think your son has hacked into me to give me a cold. I do not internet myself so please take away his hack so he stops hacking. Also, I have similar problem. I 'format'ted my C D R O M, and now my monitor says "ERROR: NO SIGNAL DETECTED". I think my son may have put a virus on my monitor (the pentium's display). How do I format my monitor?

I don't know what's more sad: the fact that this guy's kid is being digitally neglected, or you guys and your comments. I bet you all play CS, I bet you all have a dual XP/mandrake system, and you've all added a blowhole or two. Whoo. Using excessive exclamation marks isn't going to make your obscene coments any more tolerable.

My son is a computer hacker (none / 0) (#7411)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 27th, 2002 at 10:40:09 AM PST
My son is one, he is even proud of it! What am i supposed to do about it? I honesatly am proud of him too

What a crock of !@#* (none / 0) (#7412)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 28th, 2002 at 01:23:46 PM PST
Dear God let this be a joke. If this person is serious, they need to see a medical professional.

Thanks for the good laugh.... (none / 0) (#7413)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 28th, 2002 at 03:58:02 PM PST
I'm a mother and a computer networking teacher. I suggest you get better information before accusing your son of hacking. It would take more time than I have now to go into the faux pas of your article. It's so easy to accuse others of things because it's not understandable to oneself. I believe you owe your son an apology. I strongly believe in monitoring what one'd children do on computers and especially on the 'net. But do it in an informed way.

Respectfully yours....

AMD is third world based? (none / 0) (#7414)
by VelocityMonk on Sun Apr 28th, 2002 at 06:56:41 PM PST
This is news to me. Last I checked, AMD was, in fact, based in Austin, TX. That would be the US, which I'm pretty sure isn't classified as the third world, and there are a great many Texans who would absolutely LOVE to have an intellectual discussion with you on the matter of their financial status.

Incidentally, I'd have to hope that this article is merely a twisted joke, and not the misguided ramblings of an obtuse, decrepit and intellectually devoid old fart. If it is in fact the latter, I fear for the future of our world, but thank god that you'll be leaving it none too soon.

ok, this is just wrong (none / 0) (#7415)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 29th, 2002 at 04:53:34 PM PST
To who ever wrote this: You are totally wrong about 99.8% of everything you wrote. I think you might just be a bit too overprotective....maybe not a bit, but a WHOLE LOT. You may claim to be a model parent, but going to parties to monitor the teens is likely to get him/her into physical danger. I've been using computers for 5-6 years now, and im a teenager. Quite frankly, the friends ive made are great people, we dont do drugs, we avoid "bad situations", and can make logical descisions. Now its true we COULD hack if we wanted to, but the things you suggest are just utterly wrong.

Anonymous Reader

Taquipariu.... (none / 0) (#7416)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 30th, 2002 at 01:26:53 PM PST
Porra, eu nunca li tanta merda na minha vida kra, o kra que escreveu esse texto e um idiota que nao manja nada de computador e fica falando bestera por ai. Aff!!!

omg (none / 0) (#7417)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 30th, 2002 at 03:41:39 PM PST
are u guys durnk, wat are u talking about, fuck dont talk, this is a stupid post

my huge dick (none / 0) (#7418)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 30th, 2002 at 03:43:56 PM PST
ummmmmm lame, i like how u diss AMD

AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips

lol (none / 0) (#7419)
by Temprus on Tue Apr 30th, 2002 at 04:20:22 PM PST
Anyone who thinks Quake is a training ground.And that because there young daughter says there son is a hacker.AND follows there sons and daughters around to partys & still thinks they have a model family is completly IGNORANT.

I am laughing my ass off (none / 0) (#7420)
by cypher on Wed May 1st, 2002 at 08:27:07 AM PST
What a crook, very funny ha-ha-ha.

i hope this is a frickin joke. (none / 0) (#7421)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 1st, 2002 at 11:00:41 AM PST
ehh, this better be a f***in joke. or else ill hafta get my 1337 hax0rz to r0x0rz ur b0x0rz. w00t for life.

what a dumbass! (none / 0) (#7422)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 2nd, 2002 at 03:19:02 PM PST
all of witch this moron just sid is a complete steriotype. linux unix bbs ect are NOT illegal. quake is played by many people and comet cursor, bonzi buddy ect. aren't used by hackers so i don't know what the hell this guy is talking about and the pasifiers???? what kindof a hacker would wear this???? i think this guy should actualy do some reserch on hacking and i dont mean going to sites like hackcanada or i mean places like ect. hackers are not bd or evil at all. i miself am a hacker and i take ofense that this dumbass would say something like this because he obviously dosn't know anythng about computers let alone hacking!!!!
i'd also like to tell him that because of real hackers his computer and the entire internet has a law inforcement so he should do some thining and apologze to the real hackers of the world!
signed tHeHeTeRiC
hackers create things crckers distroy them!

This a joke right? (none / 0) (#7423)
by frogsnot on Fri May 3rd, 2002 at 08:47:11 PM PST
T Reginald Gibbons, you need professional help. The title of this article should have been "How to tell if your father is insane"

This just has to be a joke. I know one thing for sure, I will never visit this site again. I feel so sorry for the children of this very sick man.

I hope you burn in hell (none / 0) (#7424)
by Refalm on Sat May 4th, 2002 at 12:25:45 PM PST
This total idiot is trying to confince parents that Linux and OpenSource arethings that you must uninstall and that AMD is evil. This is NOT true!
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
Then he only wants the slow modem away! No ISP has a hacker policy! The only react on complains from other people...
2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
He wants more than just the crap you installed for him...
3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
He want to update the stupid piece of crap you bought for him.
4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
This is disturbing, but Programming with Perl is NOT a hacker manual, stupid!
5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
TIP: Just unplug the modem
6. Does your son use Quake?
If he does, he could enter competitions and win $ 32.000! Quake is just a game, not a meating area for hackers, you idiot!
7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
You are shouting at him, stop that!
8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
Then he finally sees that Microsoft is having a monopoly over the whole world and it is time to install another OS...
9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
He sees kids with better clothes on the net and he doesn't want clothes from the seventies anymore...
10. Is your son struggling academically?
Like I sead before, unplug him...

From the hackers perspective... (none / 0) (#7425)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 5th, 2002 at 12:44:23 PM PST
i think it is fair to say that this article is a most startling example of just how ignorant parents can be, regardless of how well-meaning they may be. faster video cards? 3d virtual hacking worlds?
bonzi buddy, a danger to the innocent minds of our youth (who seemingly are putty in the hands of islamic fundamentalists!)?
that is the most ridiculous claim i have ever heard!
thanks for the laugh!

pure idiocy and lack of knowledge (none / 0) (#7427)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 6th, 2002 at 09:22:43 PM PST
in response to: Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
this post or article or whatever it is is just pure nonsense. nothing in it can be backed up and this writer is very lacking in any common knowledge about computers. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"? what the hell is this all about? flash is an animation tool. the other two are advertisement programs. this just makes me irate at how people don't have the slightest bit of knowledge on what they are complaining or critiquing about...


This is the most ignorant thing i've ever read. (none / 0) (#7428)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 6th, 2002 at 09:39:57 PM PST
In my opinion, this is the dumbest thing i've EVER read online. Does the author of this article even know how to turn a computer on? There are so many Inaccuracies in this article i dont even know where to begin! DOS is DENIAL OF SERVICE (look it up) not the Dos Prompt you fool. Am i a hacker now becuase i know that? Or am i merely EDUCATED on how a computer works. Next time do some REAL research into this stuff before embarassing yourself further. Seriously, this writer has no idea how computer systems work!


WTF are you talking about? (none / 0) (#7429)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 7th, 2002 at 11:59:09 AM PST
you have no idea what you are talking about. number 1 - i know girl hackers. number 2 - i spend hours on the internet a day im not a hacker. number 3 - i wanted to change ISP because AOL sucks. number 4- i use comet cursor because the plain arrow is boring. number 5 - ive asked for faster video cards for games and ive asked for more memory for music. number 6- im very argumentative, i dont talk to my parents even when confronted number 7- Lunix isnt illegal. number8 - you can have a great computer system without windows. NUMBER 9- YOU ARE SERIOUSLY ON SOMETHING!

Errors (none / 0) (#7430)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 8th, 2002 at 11:10:26 AM PST
As a computer professional - a professor of web technologies - I can assure that there are factual errors in this article.

1. Hacker Programs. None of the software mentioned are hacker programs. Flash is a very, very, very common application that delivers rich media content to web browsers. There are two parts. The software application, which is similar to the aforementioned Adobe Photoshop in that it allows operators to create graphic works. Where they differ is that Flash allows animation and movement and user interaction. It is, without any hyperbole, NOT A HACKER APPLICATION. The second part is the player. This is a browser plug-in that lets people who are visiting websites using Flash to view the often-stunning artistic creations. Major companies use Flash; I would hazard to guess most do, in some form or another.
The other software, from Bonzi Buddy to Comet Cursor and beyond, are annoying things that marketers use to pop-up adds. They may be annoying but there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO USE THEM IN HACKING ACTIVITIES! None!
2. The books termed hacker manuals are nothing of the sort. ANy computer programmer worth his salt knows Perl, and O'Reilly is one of the foremost authorities in many fields of programming. I use O'Reilly books in many of my classes, and I highly recommend them to any computer enthusiast or professional. The novels are just what they are, novels, most written before the term 'hacking' even entered the mainstream...
3. Quake is a game. It has an online aspect. It is a violent game. It is a game the some people write programs for in order to change the dynamics of the system. IT IS NOT VIRTUAL REALITY. IT IS NOT A HACKER SOFTWARE. It cannot hack into anyone's computer. All it can do is let you play a game.
4. The alternative operatin system is called LINUX. L I N U X. Named by its creator, Linus Torvalds. It is a competitor to Microsoft's monopoly product Windows. Major corporations use Linux. It is free, though you buy it with value-added products most of the time. It has become a favorite system for many professionals because of the ability of users to manipulate it to their liking. Yes, real-life hackers use Linux. They also use Windows. And Unix, and BeOS, and OS/2.
If your son if interested in LInux, that indicates a keen mind that is cognizant of the complexities of an Operating System. You should highly encourage his exploration; it will one day lead to big pay-offs.
8. AOL is a viral software, in many people's opinons. It installs itself in such a way that makes it difficult to remove and has in the past prevented users from switching ISPs. Almost no computer professional or enthusiast would be caught dead using AOL...

This article passes as facts many MAJOR FALLACIES. Before you punish any child displaying any of these behaviors, do research BEYOND this article. For their sack, do not be quick to judgement. Children who are savvy in the ways of computers today will quite possibly rule business in the coming years.

Please, for the love of all that is holy, research these topics with information FROM RELIABLE SOURCES and revise it. As it is, if I were, say Macromedia, I would have my lawyer issue a cease and desist order regarding that libelous remark about Flash being a hacker tool.

And, get this, hackers are not usually BAD PEOPLE. True hackers probe weaknesses and then REPORT THEM to the owners of the poor systems so that they can be fixed. The ones who cause damage and vandalism are generally not even called hackers in the jargon...

Get your information Correct! (none / 0) (#7431)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 8th, 2002 at 09:03:41 PM PST
I was reading your article, and I agree, I hate hackers. I'm a webmaster, and have been hacked many times. So I agree with you there. However, once I got to the top ten things to look for, I was luaghing so hard that i was crying!

Please, Let me inform you on some stuff that you obviously do not understand.

Linux- Linux is the competition of Mircosoft's Windows. It is simply another OS. What I mean by this is this is another program, like windows, that operates your PC. Linux is most common for people who play PC Games and PC Programmers.

Bonzi Buddy- This brought me to tears!!! Come on, Bonzi Buddy a hacking program, LOL! Bonzi buddy is an little stupid purple monkey that tells you about websites and promotions while making corny jokes.

Flash- How do you write articles for a website and not know what Flash is? Flash is simply something for a web site. Have you ever seen movie like sites. Images moving about, text jumping here to there? Thats Flash. Flash is something to create a eye appealing website, not a hacker tool

Quake- Is a game! A PC 3rd person shooter! Chill!

AMD- Like you said, a processor chip like Intels. But it doesn't make it a 'hackers tool'. I have one in my PC, its cheaper then Intel, and I get more 'bang' for my bucks

Another thing, asking for a better graphics card? Where does this fit into "OMG My son is a hacker".

Ahh..I can go on and on and on...but DO SOME RESEARCH. You have no idea what you are talking about, and if all your articles on this site is like this, it should be "News for the Ignorant" not "grown ups".

another budding career in IT crushed (none / 0) (#7433)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 03:47:53 AM PST
You must be one of the most mentally deficient grown-ups I have ever encountered.
Normally I would say you were ignorant, but as you claim to have spent several days researching "hacking", I sincerely doubt your intellectual superiority. But enough about you - hardly worth any effort, I believe.

Just beginning to think where to start on debunking your paternal "wisdom" regarding information technology makes my mind reel. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I suggest you spend some time researching the true nature of such programs as Flash - a vector-based animation package from Macromedia, for visually pleasing websites. By those who know what they are talking about, AOL is one of the least customer-minded ISPs out there. Change your provider to seem less like an idiot. Linux, not Lunix. And so on.

If your son is becoming argumentative and surly, he has finally realized his parents are genetically defect and obtuse.
I seriously doubt that your son will become a raging schizophreniac by using a computer. My three personalities have been in the information industry for ten years now, they still have 20/20 eyesight, more IQ than cretins like you and they have not suffered from any of the Evils you have mentioned here.

Then again... there's no helping some people.

Concern... (none / 0) (#7434)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 04:39:30 AM PST
Yer, ok it's a joke... an exceptionally well written one too. My only problem with it is that people who are technologically challenged might read it. Then we'll have a generation of children persecuted when their parents install a program with hidden spyware, suspect their kids of hacking, and keelhaul them or something.

I'd also like to point out that the people who replied with swearing etc. kinda reinforce the view that there IS something wrong with people who spend lots of time on computers. ;p

Crock of **** (none / 0) (#7435)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 12:03:07 PM PST
Where did you do your research? This story is the funniest thing I've read all week. He can steal music off peoples stereo using a program called mp3. :) AMD is a third rate processor :} Do some more research before you post garbage like this. Bonzi buddy was probably installed by yourself it installs with many other programs with out you knowing. Maybe your son is in a bad mood, because you are falsely accusing him of something he hasn't done. There is not one piece of evidence in this whole article to suggest your son is a hacker. And what does a hacker need with a new video card? The card is for playing games you idiot.

Funny Funny Funny (none / 0) (#7436)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 06:59:35 PM PST
i never laughed so hard. I sincery thourouly hope this was a gigantic joke becuase anyone this misinformed and with such an extremely distorted view of the world of computers is sad....very very sad. A hacker has no malicious intent at all that would be a Haxor first off but theirs just to many hilarious mistakes to attempt to correct. But im going to have to comment on this AMD thing. AMD processor beat the crap out of intels and America is basically the only contry that produces computer parts thats why you dont see any Japanese cpu's. Oh and thats really fasinating knowing that children contruct the processors knowing that the processor has 47 million transistors on a plate the size of a dime....Damn those third world contry kids sure can solder! Ill clear it up that that was sarcasm someone who thinks such things about the computer might not get that but it was sarcasm it is humanly impoissible to contruct a processor with your bare hands they are made in clean rooms and by machines. For now i think ill just read this article again and laugh and laugh and laugh

your article (none / 0) (#7437)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 07:11:45 PM PST
I dont want to make personal attacks here but this article should be deleted. There is no truth in it. I have used linux, i have used flash, i play quake, i spend countless hours in front of the computer, i dont use aol, i am always buying new hardware, and i havent changed my appearence, and I am not a hacker, i think its stupid.

Linux/Bsd/Mandrake etc are not illegel operating systems used by hackers.

Flash is a program used to create online multimedia, ie: websites, animations, presentations, web applications, its not a hacking program, nor is bonzi buddy.

Also the stuff about the amd processors is so unture. I use an amd tbird and over 20 stores within a 15 minute drive from me sell amd processors. The stuff about hacking prevention is untrue also.

Please this must be some kind of joke, delete the article, it is a bunch of crap.

T Reginald Gibbons, were you born an idiot.... (none / 0) (#7438)
by ConcernedAmerican on Sat May 11th, 2002 at 08:52:28 PM PST
...or did you master this talent over time?

1) So having a choice of different ISP's makes your child a hacker?

2) If multiple people use the computer - this can happen.

3) So your child must suffer using shitty, out-of-date hardware?

4) In plain sight?

5) God forbid he spends time on the computer, when he could be outside gang-banging or getting young girls pregnant.

6) Quake is a video game you ass feret. And it is quite old, try leaving your house one day.

7) What teenager isn't?

8) It's "Linux" you Junior High School reject. Linux is a free OS that is more stable than Windows.

9) Again, they are teenagers!

10) Jesus Christ! Most of your kids are idiots - America has a shitty education - YEAH I SAID IT -we suck! Wake up - your kids are stupid people!

yeah ok (none / 0) (#7440)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 12th, 2002 at 05:19:44 AM PST
nice work but you are insane.

What a joke! (none / 0) (#7441)
by xxcell1 on Sun May 12th, 2002 at 10:31:45 PM PST
This guy isn't serious.

This article (none / 0) (#7442)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 13th, 2002 at 03:54:10 AM PST
LOL! I think I never heard as many bull****s in the same page! It's just HILARIOUS, especially the Lunix and Quake parts.. I really hope this site is intended to be funny, as if you're serious this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen..

Lunix? (none / 0) (#7443)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 13th, 2002 at 06:58:48 AM PST
Ok first thing is you cant install Lunix on a computer, lunix is based on linux and is what they call linux installed on a comodore 64's (don't worry your feeble mind on what the comodore is). Linux is based on unix which was developed at MIT you fool. So get your story straight before you post your BS.

What?? (none / 0) (#7444)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 13th, 2002 at 09:26:21 AM PST
Is this a joke??

Do you have any clue what you're talking about? (none / 0) (#7445)
by kamisama on Mon May 13th, 2002 at 04:22:11 PM PST
You've said some things that do make quite a lot of sense, such as legalities and social disorders associated with extreme use of computers. But some other things make no sense. Quake for one is just a game. If your child wanted to communicate with friends, they would just use a chat site or an instant messanger.

Bonzi Buddy provides lots of interesting educational facts about the world, and is not used to hack.

Also, only allowing 45 minutes of computer use is completely below what a person may need for school or work. Doing school reports may require the use of the internet for several hours. Then typing adds even more. If you think a sensible solution is to have them write is out by hand, he or she will be slaving for much more time.

The reason your son has become so argumentative is because he is a teenager. All kids go through teens as a hard stage in life (especially junior high).

If your child wants to switch internet providers it probably is because of the child safety system. The system used by AOL will block you from many useful sights. This may prevent use of educational sights. This may also prevent use of e-mail which, believe it or not, is extremely useful for communication with teachers or for sending computer assignments home from a school computer.

The way that your kid dresses means almost nothing about the way he or she lives and behaves. bright colors and odd hair don't mean your kid is a hacker. Maybe that they're rebellious in some way, but not necessarily hacking. Any person can be a hacker: a businessman, shop keeper, janitor, punk kid, popular kid, anyone.

the reason for a child's lack in adequate grades may be due to a learning disorder, being rebellious, drugs, or other unhealthy afterschool activity (the answer doesn't always have to be hacking).

The best way to learn about kids isn't to read some article written by someone who thinks they know all about them. Get it straight from the source. Spend time and talk with them. Don't just accuse and suspect.

Someone is make a joke and it should be removed (none / 0) (#7446)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 14th, 2002 at 01:33:54 AM PST
They must be, to write this. If any parent followed this guide no kids would be allowed near a computer as for the AMD third world abuse quote you either work for intel and are worried about your job due to AMD being the better chip at the moment but it is highly unlikely as it seems you don't have any idea on the fabrication of processors. So I personally think it is just a joke and I think the admins/editors of the server should remove it, if they want to be taken as serious web site, first time on here and I see this poor effort, not a good advert at all.

Is This a Joke (none / 0) (#7447)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 14th, 2002 at 08:03:11 PM PST
because it's really fucking funny.

what the hell (none / 0) (#7449)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 11:03:23 AM PST
Where did this idiot get his information? Not one computer-related comment in this article is true...amazing.

this is bull shit! (none / 0) (#7450)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 12:51:27 PM PST
ok this is bullshit! i doubt this guy even knows what a hacker is, let alone how to use is comptuer. i never knew that the most used OS in the world (DOS) is now hacked software AND a verb!!!

Ignorance (none / 0) (#7451)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 02:01:22 PM PST
I've never seen such ignorance in my life. I hope this was a joke.

tardish (none / 0) (#7452)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 05:14:55 PM PST
you are probably one of the most uneducated parents i have ever read about. i hope you get hacked.

your lost (none / 0) (#7453)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 06:57:40 PM PST
First of all I dont think that i have EVER laughed so hard as the minute that i read your posting about hacking and how your family is the best in the USA but i wont get started on your family. HA your lost. If your son is any good at hacking (and it sounds like he is) then he will find ways around your rules.oh and by the way the dress style that you described sounds like a Raver not a hacker. you dont know shit about what is really happening you only know what WE say you are allowed to know. Oh , and about your "perfect" family, when you go home tonite i want you to beat your wife, you dont know why your beating your wife, but she knows why she is getting beat. Have a nice day. your pal -uber

To the author of this..............thing (none / 0) (#7454)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 06:58:37 PM PST
I'm so sorry kids. That you have parents like this. This guy's probably as high as a kite. Quake a training ground? I didn;'t know that cklicking a mouse button and pulling a real trigger was the same thing. And Baggy pants and spiked hair? So every boy in North America is a hacker? Your a dumbass bud. LOL your a useless parent. You should be shot and pissed on (not necassarily in that order).

FUD (none / 0) (#7455)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 07:36:59 PM PST
complete, total FUD (fear, Uncertainty, Doubt)

This is **NOT** a good basis for determiningif your child is a computer hacker.

Ahh, the internet!

My son, the hacker... (none / 0) (#7456)
by devolmann on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 08:45:32 PM PST
Let me inform you that much of this information is completley false. I work with.....lets say, a "Federal program" (I honestly can't tell you who or whom I work with) that deals with malicious hackers causing millions of dollars in damage to companies. I know of what I speak so do not disregard this. The "Hacker Software", mentioned is not at all hacker related. As a matter of fact Comet Cursor and Bonzai Buddy are spyware programs that were inadvertantly installed and is allowing OTHER companies to spy on YOU, not vice-versa. A bona-fide hacker would not want these applications on thier system at all.
I will also inform you that Flash is a dynamic, Vector Graphic based player that allows rich, non-malicious content to be displayed on your internet browser. Period. Please visit, for more info. I do a lot of work with Macromedia software and I hate to see them under such a misinformed... scrutiny, if you will.
Finally....AMD is not a processor created in a sweatshop. How one can create a .15 micron chip containing upwards of 80 million transistors per, in a child labored sweatshop is beyond me. Oh, and yes, they are readily available from any computer store.

Why they wear pacifers around their necks... (none / 0) (#7457)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 15th, 2002 at 09:06:50 PM PST
...because they do ECSTASY (the drug). I saw this on an HBO special. They do the drug and it makes them grind their teeth so they put the pacifer in their mouth for 'side-effect' relief.

Aaaaaa!!! (none / 0) (#7459)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 16th, 2002 at 09:47:18 AM PST
Mr.Gibbons, are you cretin???!!!

Concerned Teenager (none / 0) (#7461)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 16th, 2002 at 07:40:25 PM PST
To my dissapointment i have realized there are too many Religious freaks in this world we live in. I come to this conclusion after reading the article posted by this incredibly anal parent. The only adults in this world who would even come close to raising their children so insanely wrong would either have to have a complete breakdown of the neuro-electrical pathways within their brain or are so hell bound with religious nonsense that they can see nothing else.

It is truly a heartbreaker to know that 2 poor children have to grow up in a home that is guarded like a medieval castle against the appearant dangers that could plague their young. Examples would include socialization with non religious freaks, and the ability to go watch a movie with friends, and god forbid maybe have a girlfriend or a normal life.

Good god people, i am sure hoping that the person who posted that article on "is your child a computer hacker" was just kidding around. If not i pray that those children dont grow up to be a part of the next Columbine massacre...which unfortunetly there on track for right now.


If my son were a computer hacker... (none / 0) (#7462)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 16th, 2002 at 11:25:03 PM PST
First of I would like to say that you are a pitiful paranoid delusional excuse for a father and I deeply feel the pain your children must be going through for having to deal with you at all intruding in their lives. Second, you have obviously not the slightest clue about what you are talking about. Your post is the most ridiculous and almost obscene thing I have ever seen. You may want to shift the blame from the russians to yourself. Most of the information you have written in your post is completely made up. One thing for certain, if your fear of computers is that deep, then none of us have ever to fear from hearing your comments again.

Here (none / 0) (#7463)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 06:27:40 AM PST
I feel bad for your children, if your saying that you attend their parties, no matter what you cant be their all the time to see every thing that your precious children do.

kid hackers (none / 0) (#7464)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 08:00:54 AM PST
get a grip. what planet are you from. where did you get these facts. 1% of your
iformation is probably correct. jeez, i didn't think there were people as stupid as
you still alive.

Completely Wrong! (none / 0) (#7465)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 11:10:20 AM PST
I realize this article has been out for sometime, but someone just pointed it out to me.

I must say that this is completely a terrible source for signs if your son is hacking or not. Programs such as Flash or Comet Cursor are in no way at all related to hacking. Not to mention that Quake unless I'm mistaken is a multiplayer PC game. There're many many things that this mother obviously got wrong about computers. At this time, there're more than enough "official" and good resources to learn more about how to avoid being hacked and fiquare if someone is a hacker.

Are you serious? (none / 0) (#7466)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 01:02:42 PM PST
Hi, after erading your story I feel I have to say something. First of all, I am a 17 year old teen and both myself and most of my friends spend a lot fo time in using computers. All of your 10 'signs' are not nesseccarily true!
1. Changing ISP could mean that they are not happy with their current one. I really dont like AOL so I changed mine. Not for any hacking purposes
2. I install new programs all the time so that I can perform the task and jobs I want doing, like system management, or new games.
3. New hardware is needed every 6 months or so. New softawre wont run on old systems
4. Hacking manuals? have u actually read any of them? most of them dont work or are nothing but hoaxes.
5. We spend hours on computers, just for something to do. and to talk to people around the world.
6. Quake is a classic game. Nothing wrong with playing it!
7. Behavious problems are part of growing up!
8. Linux is a stable alternative to windows. Hacker can use windows just as easily as linux.
9. Change in appearance is like changing behaviour!
10. Academic performance is being hindered but eh amount of time spent on the computer. IF u limit how long your sons/daughters spend on the computer then you will see better grades at school!
I meet most of your requirement and yet, dispite my knowledge on basic hacking, I am morally opposed to hacking. I help my school administrators with security issues. Im afraid what you have posted is grossly misinformed!

I dont know what anyone else has said about this article, but your reasoning is far from 'enlightened'.

Jesus freaks (none / 0) (#7467)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 04:07:28 PM PST
I hope Mephisto rises to rip your fucking eyes out, and skull fuck you until you beg him to let you be his Jesus bitch. You give hackers a bad name, and for this, I hope you rot in hell, and suffer immense pain and torture. And when you die, i'll make sure to fuck your daughter every night, and make her cry and beg to stop.

WOW! (none / 0) (#7468)
by SunTzu on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 08:00:08 PM PST
Those are some strong words. I don't know if this is a joke or a really mis-informed reader. If it is a joke, it is very funny. However, if it is not, my years experience with LINUX must make me head of the KGB, and the most dangerous hacker in the world.

However, I do not consider myself a hacker, just a computer geek, who supports LINUS TRAVOLDS for his wonderful work.

BTW Comrade, don't be giving any more secrets that are made up, or you might incur the full wrath of the Soviet powers.......... or could they just be pissed off hjackers flaming you

Is your child a hacker? (none / 0) (#7470)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat May 18th, 2002 at 09:19:18 PM PST
What the hell are you smoking? Damn, just because you play a COMPUTER game that happens to be called Quake, you are a Hacker? Just because you don't use crappy AOHell, you are a Hacker? Just because you want the ultimate performance out of your computer, you are a Hacker? Just because you enjoy your time on the computer and would like to be on it alot, you are a Hacker? That's wrong. You are making too many assumptions. Besides, who crowned you Emperor of Hackers anyway? Just because you Think that you found out, you believe you are a expert? You have yet to reveal any proof that your son is a hacker, but you still punish him? That's like locking a person in jail because you think that he did a crime, but you don't know for sure. Shame, Shame on you.

Not true (none / 0) (#7471)
by Garreth on Sun May 19th, 2002 at 02:37:57 AM PST
I must say that none of this is true. I wil deal with your 10 signs one by one.

1. Any educated computer user knows that AOL is not a very good ISP. It has has very slow connections.

2. Most computers do not come with the required software to do many things. It is no surprise that extra software appeared. And the software you mentioned have nothing at all to do with hacking. Comet cursor changes the appearance of your cursor. Bonzai buddy make a little purple guy do funny things on your desktop, and Flash is a program required to view many things on the net.

3. New hardware for a computer is essential. If you would like to play games, you do need a decent video card. It is usually cheaper to buy a video card and install it yourself rather than sending it into the manufacturer. AMD is a great producer of mother boards and chips. And since chips/mother boards do not have safety features, it is impossible for them to remove any of them.

4. None of those are hacking manuals. A few are manuals for computer languages, and others are just about computers in general.

5. 30 minutes a day is not enough to do hardly aything on the internet. The net has so many things to do, from chat rooms, to email, to games. I spend over 4 hours a day on the internet.

6. Quake is a computer game. It has nothing to do with hacking. All Quake is a place where many people from around the net get together to play the game in a big group. They have tournaments and such. It has nothing to do with hacking.

7. The computer has nothing to do with social behavior. Since your son is a teen, it just may be because of his age.

8. Lunix(Linux) is an operating system. It is basically a different version of Windows. It just runs your computer. It is by no means illegal. It allows much more customization that Windows and is preferred by many buisinesses and others.

9. See number 7.

10. First, meningitis is not a mental disease. Second, I spend hours online, and I have not become dumber, nor have I become over weight.

re-think what you have said. (none / 0) (#7472)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 19th, 2002 at 04:33:55 AM PST
i know many many people have replied against you on this. but..

firstly your son may most likely be right by denying any if you like criminal activities. if what you said was true then the whole world would be a hacker society. i have a)asked if i can get another ISP and even cable b)bought new hard ware c)played quake (by the way it's played quake not 'used' quake)d)gone on the computer 4 hours a day + e)installed software unknown to my father, and my parents have absolutely no suspision to me hacking (and they shouldn't).

i think you are generalising way too much, it's like saying if you have body piercing then you are a drug addict or a smoker.

i think you are obviously OVER protective and in some cases illiterate when it comes to computers. being over protective can be someways just as bad as being under protective.

if you think you are right about what you have said then you might not as well have a computer for your own purpose and for your children. if people didn't have most of what you disagreed with then that will partly defeat the purpose of having a computer.

a computer is flexible because it can upgrade to faster cpu's, bigger HDD, better quality video/sound cards, faster isp's etc.

as for wearing certain clothes that is just ridiculous, oh yer my son is a hacker cos he wears glow-in-the-dark stuff and has glow-in-the-dark hair. that comes back to my point about if you wear body piercing..

and worse of all, a very small minority will agree with what you have said (most likely over protective parents again), i think that is sad.

the only thing i can partly agree on is about the resources in how to hack - eg: books and magazines.

i hope you can understand what we have said and re-think what you have posted here, and i hope you havn't mislead anyone that read your post and agreed with what you had to say.

Yes indeed! (none / 0) (#7473)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 19th, 2002 at 05:40:58 PM PST
This must be the worst load of crap I have ever read in my entire life. You people are too scared of everything around you that you begin to imagine things like a little children trying to go to sleep alone in their rooms at night.

thats a joke right? (none / 0) (#7474)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 21st, 2002 at 03:12:19 PM PST

you need help (none / 0) (#7475)
by slayer on Thu May 23rd, 2002 at 12:04:14 PM PST
Let your son have a life. I would like to make a list of things i want to point out.

-he is not a hacker
-quake is a video game nothing more (and it takes more than a half hour to play)
-not all people like sports
-the pasifyers are for people who do extasy(grinding teeth) i doubt he is but i wouldnt be surprised by the way you parent. the more you smother your children the more they rebel.
-bonzi buddy is a really annoying monkey who walks around your screen and sings just not a hacker program
Radiation from your computer welcome to the millenium buddy.
-getting mp3's is not breaking into someones sterio it people sharing there music
-you cant tell a hacker from there clothes just like you cant tell a killer by then nostril hairs
-your to damn uptight
-amd make quality hardware
-AOL is a piece of crap. Its just a horrible ISP
-dos has nothing to do with hacking you could but theres quicker ways
-tal net comes with windows and has a purpose
-let your son have a life
-see a shrink
-lunix well i doubt he was using that
-no make up for your daughter geez get a life and butt out of your kids
-you family doesnt sound all that great im sure theres not to much fun
-Can you say freedom of expression and thought let them read what ever they want
-i really feel sorry for them
-flash is like a paint and animation program
-you obviously did horrible research
i cant stress this enough get a life
and finally i would hate to be your kids if they ever broke a dish you would probly put em up for adoption

the end
and ps if your kids read this rebel and make you dad not be such an ogre

You're an idiot (none / 0) (#7476)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 23rd, 2002 at 02:43:42 PM PST
thats about all I have to say

you, sir... (none / 0) (#7477)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 23rd, 2002 at 05:17:01 PM PST
are completely clueless.

This is a joke, right? (none / 0) (#7478)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 23rd, 2002 at 05:55:40 PM PST
This must be. There is so much bull in this article that it can't be serious.

Is this a funny? (none / 0) (#7479)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 24th, 2002 at 08:25:43 AM PST
Tell me please you are just kidding.

False (none / 0) (#7480)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat May 25th, 2002 at 11:19:03 AM PST
After reading this I nearly laughed for an entire hour. Basically everything written here is false. I can't believe that this story was alowed to be posted here. The 2 big problems I have with this story are the comments about quake and linux. First of all Quake is a game, not a simulation of anything. It's completly made-up video game that has no basis in real life. It is extremly violent and it's understandible that some parents might not want their kids using this game. That also explains why the author's child wanted a new video card. A video card enhances your graphics, and will make the game more appealing. Basically making any pictures and movies you have for your computer look great and run faster, and smoother.
Next, Linux is an operating system simmilar to Windows. I don't know the origins of Linux, but it is for more advanced users of computer systems. That is why it is not as common as Windows and others might think it was used for another reason. Linux is used for larger, more complicated computers. Mainly for work places as a server for many computers to connect to. If the author's son was using Linux it sounds like he was using it to benifit the game quake he had. Quake is a complicated program and the linux system would make it run faster. Linux would also make it easier for his son to create a server for people from the game Quake to play.
So it relly sounds like the author's son is addicted to games and not a computer hacker. The author should be less concerned about his son being a hacker and more concerned about the violent games he plays. For the author to get a better understanding of computers and systems they use to operate he should take classes or tutorials.

oh my god.... (none / 0) (#7481)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat May 25th, 2002 at 12:28:31 PM PST
you have a wild imagination.. i think everyone here should calm down and let the writer have some peace with his dillusioned life.

I *hope* this was a joke ... otherwise i am fiannly convinced that the interent contains 'innapropriate' information..

ahh well have fun

Are you dumb?! (none / 0) (#7483)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 27th, 2002 at 09:52:28 AM PST
It sounds to me like you kid has a lot more problems completely unrelated to his computer. And where did you "research" this "crap" you have written in your article. Sounds like you are just venting. If you had any clue as to what you were talking about you wouldn't have said any of that stuff. Hackers don't wear a certain type of clothes. The glowsticks are carried by ravers, not hackers. Pretty much anyone with any sense of style in North America wears somewhat baggy pants these days (WAKE UP!!!). According to you you are the best parent in the USA. Looks like you could use a little teaching from your average stereotyped teenager.

wow you are the most ignorant person on earth (none / 0) (#7484)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 27th, 2002 at 09:58:37 AM PST
i cant believe anyone let you write this crap, you know 0 yes 0 about computers, 0 about hackers, and im suprised you can even make it as a parent. Everything you wrote about is worthless garbage. You babel about non sense that your feeble ignorant mind has no grasp of. Its people like you that put kevin mitnick away, its idiots like you that signed the DMCA, and its idiots like you that pollute this world with garbage. If you dont know about something go learn about it dont make assumptions based on your failed attempts to understand something. Go educate yourself on life, hackers and kids, all of which you dont know a single relevant fact about. You beilve misinformation and in turn write things like this that make you look like a complete fool. Im 17 and im more educated than you are. I do have to say it was a great laught, i love ignorant people they are the easyest to make fun ot ;)

wow (none / 0) (#7487)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 27th, 2002 at 12:07:59 PM PST

OMG, THIS IS ONE IGNORANT GUY (none / 0) (#7488)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 27th, 2002 at 04:47:46 PM PST
I'm going to keep ranting about all the errors this guy has in this article.

Ok first of all, many people agree AMD is not inferior to Pentium. Secondly, video cards have nothing to do with hacking. Please say it "right". It's spelled L-I-N-U-X. Flash, Bonzi Buddy, and Comet Cursor ARE NOT "hacking programs". Comet Cursor is often automatically downloaded onto the computer (even though you may be unwilling to download it), but even if it were downloaded, all it does is add the function to have a different graphic image on web browsers. Flash is program created by macromedia used on webpages. It displays dynamic/animated stuff, that's all it does. Unless your child is looking at flashed porn, then that's a different story. Bonzi Buddy is just a little toy thing on your dekstop. It is NOT unsafe.

Quake is a first person shooter. True, you can claim it is violent, but that's all it does. It is not a meeting ground for hackers.

FINALLY, the word HACKER has been over-used by the media. The correct word, as stupid as it may sound, is cracker. Hacker is one who finds a simple solution to a complex problem. Cracker is one who breaks into software or systems.

So in conclusion, your son is not in danger of becoming a hacker. He is only understanding more computer stuff that you are ignorant about. 30 min. on the computer is what you expect for a minimal user. But if he chooses to lead his life into the computer world, give him a few more hours.

what the hell (none / 0) (#7489)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 27th, 2002 at 07:54:49 PM PST
is this a joke?

re: is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#7490)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 27th, 2002 at 10:59:53 PM PST
haahah i really hope that was a joke

ROFLMAO! (none / 0) (#7491)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 02:03:29 AM PST
Nice joke!!

Way to go man!

and to adults not knowing what ROFLMAO means, it means:
Rolling On Floor Laughing My Arse Off

Hacking (none / 0) (#7492)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 05:03:10 AM PST
this article is the bigest pile of @#!$ i have EVER read, that guy REALY needs to get his facts straight, Quake as a tool to train for firearms?! LinUx being illegal?..... lol what a jerk. i pity his sons, or anyone who lives remotely near him for that matter. "Ned Flanders" or something comes to mind lol


Stupid (none / 0) (#7493)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 06:57:43 AM PST
You are a complete idiot! I exhibit some if not all of these qualities and I am not a computer hacker!
I create graphics for wallpaper and I am starting a website.
Quake is not a harbour for hacking. In quake they talk about Quake. A fantasy game.
AOL makes your connection with internet slower than if you had almost any other ISP.
They run all these other things that bog down your machine by taking ip unneccesary RAM. Research some more before you make radical assumptions like those.

Do some research!! (none / 0) (#7494)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 08:22:14 AM PST
I dont normally reply to things on pages like this, but you have no idea about Coputers or IT.

Being qualified in IT at many levels and having emence experience in the industry, you are talking crap....

Oh and AMD are American!!!!!
and intel chips are made in Malasya


Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7495)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 10:18:44 AM PST
if they would know what they just wrote they would be more embarest than clintons mother =)

This is a joke right? (none / 0) (#7496)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 10:37:32 AM PST
Or is the father a complete idiot?

What (none / 0) (#7497)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 11:07:35 AM PST
AMD is one of the best CPU companies in the world, only to be beaten by Intel sometimes. But then AMD will hit baxk with an even more powerfull CPU. I have an Athlon xp 2100+ and it rox so dont come and say its some cheap knock off that is only good for hacking.

that guy is dumb (none / 0) (#7498)
by hello on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 11:37:23 AM PST
he is pretty lame excuse for a parent

Hahahahahah!!! (none / 0) (#7499)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 11:53:19 AM PST
The "model parent" that wrote this needs to learn more about his son.. lol... Quake is an old game that is played by the majority of male gamers in some way shape or form, wether it's half life, quake 2, or even unreal tournament, your playing something that came from the origional quake engine. A breeding ground for hackers? lol... This post cracked me up.. Bonzi buddy a hacking program? =P . This is a great example of parents jumping to conclusions about something that they have NO IDEA about. I would suggest that every "model parent" who thinks their children have never "done something that hasnt made them proud" should look at this post as an example of what NOT to do... Im only 18, but I've experienced more in my life from a disfunctional family that still manages to stick together then many people have experienced in their "model american families"... Anyways, chances are your son was a lamer... Someone who downloads cracks and other programs that were made by real hackers, and basically wants to be a hacker, but doesnt know the right people to join a hacking clan... 90 percent of the people who call themselves hackers are actually lamers, because they cant get into a clan, or dont have the spare time to learn how to hack into a server and figure out how to break through firewalls. If you want an example of real hackers, you should be able to find something if you did some searching for the name kl0wnz. They have been a clan that has caused everyone from microsoft to osha problems.

Extremely amuzed by closed minded adults,

Why (none / 0) (#7501)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 01:33:14 PM PST
Why are you soo concerned about yer kid. Im not a hacker and i dress exactly like u say hackers dress. I also hang out with kids that dress liek that (NO PACIFIERS) but ya know. I think you should calm down Mister. Yer a scary mofo. IDIOT

that article is a load of bull (none / 0) (#7502)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 01:35:23 PM PST
Its all a load of bull! Heres why:

Firstly, AMD processors have nothing wrong with them! You DO find them in shops (goto specialists like Maplin Electronics). They are NOT "for hackers."

Secondly, computer hardware NEEDS to be upgraded to keep up to todays standards. And there is nothing wrong with changing ISP from AOL (AOHell) because AOL gives an extremely poor service.

Thirdly, Flash is NOT HACKERWARE! It is a multimedia scripting language if you want to call it that, allowing access to cartoons, enhanced webpages and so on.

Lastly, Lunix, Linux, Mandrake, BSD and so on are NOT hacker operating systems. Just because you dont understand them it doesn't mean they are evil.

Please, in future, do not write like this again without researching more first.

Holy shit... (none / 0) (#7503)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 04:58:32 PM PST
Wow, this has to be the stupidest article i have ever read. If it wasn't enough that the father who wrote this article's a complete fucking idiot and doesn't know jack about parenting, he certainly crosses the line when he makes wild accusations about games like quake, or getting of P.O.S. ISP's like AOL.... I can't believe this article was even published. This is truly disgusting.

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#7504)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 08:20:57 PM PST
Seriously, you honestly have no idea on what your talking about, do you? Let me explain to you in simple words why this is the stupidist thing I have ever read.

1. Comet Cursor is a progam that simply changes how your cursor is displayed on the screen. Thats all. Infact, most web sites require you to download it
2. Flash is a program designed to make web pages, thats all, it CANNOT be used for hacking at ALL.
3. Bonzi Buddy is also a program that is auto downloaded a lot. Do you even know what it is? Its a simple monkey that stays on your screen and talks to you, occaisonly making jokes.
4. Your son may have asked to change the ISP do to it being to slow. Since you mentioned AOL - quite possibly the slowest ISP out their, there is a very big possibility he wanted to change it.
5. Quake is a video game played by video gamers, just like pacman, is it right to say that because hackers play pacman that your son must too?
6. Linux is also a much faster OS than windows, maybe your son wanted to speed things up again
7. Having more RAM means he probably wants to speed things up yet another time. INFACT, more for hacking you need little to no RAM.
8. I can assure you that 99% of the books out there are for computer security. Even titles such as "Hacking Exposed" are to inform you about what hacking is and how to prevent it. From what Ive read so far, it appears to me that your son was a simply aspiring to work in some computer feild, thats all. That and he wanted to have fun, have a faster computer so he can play more games. Instead YOU scolded him for it and probably discouraged him from going on.

You know nothing about what hacking truely is, your son simply wanted to enjoy the internet and you scolded him for it. "After hours he was still in denial" Was he in denial or were you in denial that you may be wrong? Ignorance is bliss my friend, but not when it starts to hurt those around you. Learn something before you point a finger.

Is this a joke? - E-MAIL ME AT (none / 0) (#7505)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 08:22:44 PM PST
Before you read this make sure to E-mail me at, I want to know you read this.

Seriously, you honestly have no idea on what your talking about, do you? Let me explain to you in simple words why this is the stupidist thing I have ever read.

1. Comet Cursor is a progam that simply changes how your cursor is displayed on the screen. Thats all. Infact, most web sites require you to download it
2. Flash is a program designed to make web pages, thats all, it CANNOT be used for hacking at ALL.
3. Bonzi Buddy is also a program that is auto downloaded a lot. Do you even know what it is? Its a simple monkey that stays on your screen and talks to you, occaisonly making jokes.
4. Your son may have asked to change the ISP do to it being to slow. Since you mentioned AOL - quite possibly the slowest ISP out their, there is a very big possibility he wanted to change it.
5. Quake is a video game played by video gamers, just like pacman, is it right to say that because hackers play pacman that your son must too?
6. Linux is also a much faster OS than windows, maybe your son wanted to speed things up again
7. Having more RAM means he probably wants to speed things up yet another time. INFACT, more for hacking you need little to no RAM.
8. I can assure you that 99% of the books out there are for computer security. Even titles such as "Hacking Exposed" are to inform you about what hacking is and how to prevent it. From what Ive read so far, it appears to me that your son was a simply aspiring to work in some computer feild, thats all. That and he wanted to have fun, have a faster computer so he can play more games. Instead YOU scolded him for it and probably discouraged him from going on.

You know nothing about what hacking truely is, your son simply wanted to enjoy the internet and you scolded him for it. "After hours he was still in denial" Was he in denial or were you in denial that you may be wrong? Ignorance is bliss my friend, but not when it starts to hurt those around you. Learn something before you point a finger.

What the heck (none / 0) (#7506)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 08:32:26 PM PST
Your freaking out and are misinformed as to what types of hacking people do. You merely overreacy and I dare say you have a very distorted reality. You believe that you can force all of your offspring to follow all of YOUR values which are way to unadaptive. I may ask that you find some of the information of positive hacking and not just become paranoid of computer practices.

is your son a hacker author clueless (none / 0) (#7507)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 09:11:16 PM PST
i'm sorry to say the author of the article entitled "is your son a hacker?" has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. a few errors i have found in this "enlightened and modern " article are as follows:

1)"comet cursor", "bonzi buddy", and "flash" are not hacking programs. comet cursor is simply a non-default cursor able to be applied to your harddrive, totally undamaging. bonzi buddy is a on-screen animation, and "flash" is an animated art program.

2)Quake...a hacker training ground? you must be joking. quake is a 1st person adventure game for the computer. you can buy it anywhere computer games or sold.

3)lunix does not exist. the correct term is linux

4) as for dressing in bright clothes: so what? there is no stereotypical dress for a supposed "hacker". and carrying glow-sticks and wearing pacifiers? your son is into "E","X","XTC", whatever you wanna call it. common sense would have told you that those signs are not of hacking, but of drug abuse.

yes, you definetely are an enlightened modern parent aren't you? next time, don't assume you know so much when you have little experience. take it from me. i'm 17 and have dabbled in hacking myself.


Are you serious!!!! (none / 0) (#7508)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 10:13:00 PM PST
I am not a member so don't bother responding, I am also not a hacker. I am however fairly computer literate. This article is for the most part a total joke you have no idea what you are talking about.

p.s. if your child is wearing a pacifer and glow sticks you might suspect them of the whole raver scene and possible use of club drugs which is why they like to suck on thing such as pacifers or hard candy (helps fight the dry mouth).

O.k... This is crap... (none / 0) (#7509)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 10:14:35 PM PST
hehe... Linux is NOT hacking software... it is a free operating system that people made to compete with Microsoft...

AMD IS sold in stores... This guy is smoking crap... Lets see... E-Machines you can get with them, Compacs, Dells, and other main brand chips... and Intel doesn't have any "anti-hacking" stuff in there chips...

Quake is a first person shooter game, and has nothing to do with hacking... Just cause his son may have played alot of Quake doesn't mean it is a hacker program

Flash is not a hacker program... It is a video player...

Anyways... This guy is on crack..

Holy crap your an idiot. (none / 0) (#7510)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue May 28th, 2002 at 10:59:24 PM PST
You have zero clue what your talking about. Where did you get this info, because it's too detailed to be made up, and yet too stupid to be gotten from any true source.

What gives?

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7511)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 01:08:08 AM PST
I am an adult. I am a wife and mother with a teenage son. I am also quite computer literate and have been so for many years. As such, I am certainly more qualified than the author of this article to detect and understand hacking. Almost everything stated in this article with respect to hacking is false. I will mention only a few of them, to give you an idea of how very flawed this writer's premise is.

The AOL service is famous for being buggy, slow and ineffective. It's "child protective filters" are known to filter out legitimate educational material Do any of you remember the "breast cancer discussion is pornography" fiasco that AOL created a few years ago? AOL is still doing such things, and worse. Usually any person, once they become computer literate, realizes that AOL is insufficient for anyone except those who are so computer illiterate that they cannot perform basic functions without a crutch. AOL also is programmed so poorly that it causes even extremely good computer systems to perform as though they were old and obsolete. This is a waste of the user's financial investment in their computer. Almost any user that has the intellect to become computer literate will soon seek to leave AOL.

The idea that any person who seeks to upgrade his/her computer system must be doing so for hacking purposes is absolutely ridiculous. In fact, the upgrades specifically mentioned in the article, faster video card and more memory, are not required for hacking at all. They are only required for playing the newer video games, and some of the new art and educational software. Playing a game is not the same as hacking. Neither is creating computer-generated visual art or learning from a more sophisitcated computer program.

This post is too limited a medium to point out all the glaring flaws with this article. Hopefully these two points will serve to illustrate how totally, hopelessly flawed this author's premises are.

As I read this article, for me it was not about computer hacking, but about how parental paranoia can damage the relationship between parent and child.

sad (none / 0) (#7512)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 02:19:14 AM PST
how sad that there is another parent in the world that has no clue of which he is speaking. oh well, at least you have publicly admitted your ignorance.

This is stupid (none / 0) (#7513)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 07:00:36 AM PST
This is the most ignorant, blind, insecure story I have ever read. I'm sorry sir but do not post a 10 signs of a "hacker" without doing research. I have an amd processor and yes they are sold in stores, and yes I have a big hd and lots of memory, and a "high" end video card. Thats because I like games, not hacking. Get real, half of your list is complete bu*($@it. So parents who are reading this, just get involved in your sons/daughters lives, don't let them sit and vegge while you do work at home or something else. The more involved the more you know!

HaXX0r (none / 0) (#7514)
by Crow on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 02:06:52 PM PST
Jesus. I am a 14-year-old hacker. I have asked for a new video card, so I could play more games.


Bonzi Buddy is an evil product of Satan. All hackers hate Bonzi Buddy.


Quake? What the hell? Quake is a GAME. Ultima Online has more hackers than Quake ever will.

Training fire arms? Yeah, with the help of my keyboard, I'll be able to shoot a rocket launcher. Hell no.

Heh, you must be basing yer explanation of what hackers (HaXX0rs) wear from the movie "Hackers". (which had it's website hacked).
I wear baggy pants, a skull sweatshirt, my hair looks normal. I carry a knife on me at all times, and I am very deadly in a fight. Hackers from the area I'm around are either weak little nerds, or ripped and heavily-built fighters.

There's not Glo-sticks...those are too expensive for us...

I hack without using one thing listed above. If my parents tried, they wouldn't find the equipment I use. In fact, there is no equipment, just programs (although I have seen badass switchboard equipment).

My parents know I'm a hacker. But they also know that I'm 10 times smarter than anybody else my age. In order to be a hacker, you have to be good with programming, math, and other such things.

There are programmers out there that make $100,000+. These ppl can hack like gods. If you have a programmer working for you, guess where he/she learned how to program? HACKING.

I think these ppl should be proud of their kids if they can hack. It's a talent very few have. Also, they'll make more money than their parents ever will. I'm 14, I make $30 an hour. Do you? Didn't think so.

Ok, I'm done.

I am a nameless crow flying in an empty field.

...what? (none / 0) (#7515)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 02:17:20 PM PST
I understand what you're trying to say, and it is important to iradicate hacking, but some of your "facts" are ungrounded. First, the appearance that you described is that of a raver, one who attends raves. They wear bright colors and glow stick so that they're noticeable in blacklight. And the pacifiers are worn by Exstacy users so that when they're "rolling" their jaw doesn't lock up. Besides, the hackers I know dress like everyone else, and don't wear anything extravagant because most of their money is spent on computer parts. "Otaku" means on who likes Japanese Animation, not hacking. As a parent, and this goes for everyone, it's your job to treat your kids as individuals, and not police them because of a bunch of lies someone posts on a thread. And it's not always boys who are hackers, it's girls too. It seems to me that you have a serious problem with stereotypes.

Children Hackers (none / 0) (#7516)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 02:32:45 PM PST
If you are unable to take criticism, I suggest you do not read this comment.

Interest in computers = you must be hacker = evil! die satan!

Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks that sounds slightly ridiculous?

Surprisely enough, not all those computer smart are hackers. You may like to label your son, but likely it is your inner self unable to cope with the fact that your son more readily adapts to the modern world then you do.

Admittedly, parents must be aware of what their children view on the web. Most servers have a service that gives parents control over what sites their children can access. But don't go over the top.

And as children mature, yes, they will get moody and change their look. It's part of adolescence. And making comments about strange hairstyles and bright clothes is hypocritical coming from the hippie/punk (take your pick) generation.

I use the internet, have a good knowledge of programming yet am not a hacker (surprise surprise!)and I am a top academic student. My parents trust me to not break the law or do anything out of order. I am saddened at the obvious lack of trust between you and your son.

Model parent? Ask your son his opinion in five years.

Baaah!!!!! (none / 0) (#7517)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 02:37:06 PM PST
This article is the dumbest thing i have ever read in my entire life!!!! almost everything is wrong!!!!
1. AOL sucks, the child probably just wants an ISP that will give him decent speeds
2. Bonzi Buddy and Comet Cursor are spyware not hacking software!!! They're totally different things. Infact they're complete oppsoites. Spyware lets other people spy on you hacker programs let you do the opposite!!!
3. Your "son" probably wants new hardware because your computer sucks. and you couldn't be more wrong about AMD
4. Any one who can seriously be considered a hacker isn't going to read any of those books!!! and programming with perl has nothing to do with hacking!!!! it's about "programming in perl"
5. 45 minutes are you out of your mind!!! If you're using that AOL garbage then it'll take that long to download any perfectly legitimate program!! and "DOS" "DOSING" are you on crack or something!!! Dos is just used by windows to load up!! You're thinking about "pinging" and that doens't take 8hrs!!!
6. Quake is just a game and it has nothing to do with hacking!! Children are just as addicted to these online games as adults. In fact some parents have become so obsessed with such games that they have negelcted their infant children and caused them to die!!!
7. Maybe your son is denying this stuff because it's really not happening. and of course he'll think you're smothering him if you go to his parties with him...
8. You friggin tard!!! Unix/Linux was not made by Microsoft infact it is Microsofts biggest competitor. and it's LINUX not LUNIX!!! Your son probably just wants a more stable system. Neither are illegal and neither are hacker operating systems!! And Telnet is not just for hacking!!! and by the way you can access telnet from Windows just as easily as from LINUX.
9. Right..... Your son doesn't want to be a mainstream poser lets punsih him....
10. Geez!!! maybe your sons just crappy at sports and stupid!!! probably genetic...

Conclusion: This is the most wrong article i have ever read in my life!! I realize that opinions usually aren't wrong but an opinion based on complete ignorance can be wrong!! and in this case your opinion is horribly horribly wrong! Learm soemthing about computers before you write an article, and get at least some of your facts straight...

are you serious? (none / 0) (#7518)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 04:40:15 PM PST
what sources did you get this information from? do you work for Microsoft or AOL?

Are you an ABSOLUTE IDIOT?? (none / 0) (#7519)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 05:02:33 PM PST
Do you realize how much trouble you could get in for slandering American Micro Devices (AMD) I have taken the liberty to point your article out to all the companies that you have listed as "illegal hacking stuff" and I doubt they will find it as humorous as I. You really are sadistically mis-informed and you need to head down to your local bookstore and buy something related to hacking materials and actually READ IT before passing judgement.


You're kidding right? (none / 0) (#7520)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 05:05:08 PM PST
Come on now... you have to be kidding me. If this is some lame excuse to be funny, you've achieved it. If it was written in 100% seriousness, then you have serious problems and should really watch out, because the "hackers" are watching you through the power LED on your monitor. Honest! The "unethical ISP's" that allow hacking actually spy on you constantly... be wary of this!

How ridiculous... That was one of the best laughs I've had in a long long while.

Reply: Is your son a Hacker? (none / 0) (#7521)
by Methodus5000 on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 06:39:52 PM PST
I read the entry 'Is Yor Son A Hacker?' by T Reginald Gibbons. I think most of it was wrog beacuse as a Network Adminster for a large corp and advided gamer. Your son could be asking for better hardware to run games better. On the fact of changing ISP's,AOL isn't a good gameing ISP when playing multiplayer games online it has slow upload speed so it will cause lagging games. speaking of games I can spend over 5 hours playing one game online so 30 nothing. And also on the fact of reading hacker manuals he could be learning alot of info on preventing hackers and viurses getting on to your computer that is how I got my start as a Network Adminster. He may want Linux beacuse it is more stable and harder to hack into than windows. Far as the clothes that is the style now your son is changeing what he likes it is a stage. But on the other hand if he is DOSing you did the right thing. I just wanted you to know that everything you said could just be him changing and becomeing a Geek not aa 'Hacker'.

you dont have the slightest clue ... (none / 0) (#7522)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 29th, 2002 at 08:23:09 PM PST
you dont know what u r talking about. there is just so much B S here i dont know where to begin.
comet cursor is in know way a hacking program it just changes your cursor(the little arrow on ur screen that moves)into a picture of your choice. bonzi friend and flash are not hacking programs either.the style of dress you descibed is a raver not a hacker. a raver is a person that goes to raves(parties), ravers can be in trouble though with the drug ecstacy but not with computers.NOT ALL RAVERS DO DRUGS THOUGH. all you are doing is stereotyping people because of the way they dress.there is so much crap in this article that i dont have the time to list it all, i cant believe this was even posted...its total crap

if you have aim or aol and wish to talk me more about the crap in this article my screen name is capoeira6040

kop[oi (none / 0) (#7523)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 05:27:53 AM PST

FUCKING MORON (none / 0) (#7524)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 07:03:07 AM PST
you don't know shit

Reginald Gibbons for president (none / 0) (#7525)
by Sixii on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 08:13:11 AM PST
I haven't read all the 4500 messages, but I'm sure the guy gets trashed big time.


It's not his fault he is stupid. He gets his ideas and images from the media and movies. When he was younger he played monopoly and I'm sure seeing Quake for the first time may give him the impression it's an online course in terrorism and weapon handling.

MickeySoft released many articles to stop the growing popularity by AMD so he is just another llama b0rged by Bill. Brainwashed by the corporate world.

But I am telling you this... his kid is lucky with a father like him. Because you forget that there are also parents who do the opposite. They don't care at all what goes on in their son's life. And a rare few of those 'unattended' kids shoot up an entire classroom after playing one too many nights of First Person Shooters.

He was completely wrong ofcourse, but he tried doing what he thought was a good thing. Helping parents raise decent kids who hold the future of this world.

funny (none / 0) (#7526)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 08:27:57 AM PST
this is the funniest thing i have ever read. apparently 95% of computer literate people are computer hackers.

Stupidity.. (none / 0) (#7527)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 11:13:35 AM PST
YOu have to be one of the most un-enducated, un-informed, non-literary morons I have EVER had the pleasure to read about on the internet... I honestly hope id's Quake III Team (A GAME, A NORMAL GAME THAT ANYONE over 17 CAN play!), AMD - or for long "American Micro Devices" has made THE BEST processors for almost 15 years now... And ARE BASED directly in front of their RIVALS Intel Corp. (Which whom MUST be your employer with "article" you chose to pen... Only God whould know why...) in CA. An American State if YOU didn't know (You Obviously DO NOT KNOW much). And THIS crap you post as an article is for your CHILDREN... Your SON?!?! You know I found out how much my Dad was jealous of me when I was in high school, when I'd fix electronics with ease, he'd have problems with... But you sir have taken the ENTIRE cake of stupidty.... Or have posted this insanely stupid article surely in jest...

where do you dream up this sort of thing? (none / 0) (#7529)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 02:38:12 PM PST
sir, ma'am,please do some further research before writing unelightened nonsense as your piece on hacker spotting.

YOUR SO STUPID (none / 0) (#7530)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 05:17:56 PM PST
you have no idea what your talking about!!!! Linux "a dangures hacking program" maybe you should do some reading before writeing about something you dont know the first think about or understand!
I understand if your son is going to break laws but it is possilbe to hack with out doing that.
Oh yeah..please don't call programs and OS(Linux) ileage....for crying out loud there are plenty or ligetiment reasons to use them.....
tell you kid to do War Games insted of hack the bad way...
computers are the future...and those who know how to use them are going to make it big...

Tool (none / 0) (#7531)
by Sorcier on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 09:27:59 PM PST
Dude, YOU ARE A TOOL! none of that stuff you say has anything remotely true. STOP SMOKING THE WEED.

stupid people (none / 0) (#7532)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 31st, 2002 at 11:36:28 AM PST
this is the stupidest thing i have ever read. why don't you wake up and see the reality around you. your son wants to see what the world is about. when he is making 80 thousand plus for computer work when he grows up then we'll see how much complaning you will do. also, get your facts straight. linux is not from russia not from a cold war and is not a hacking system. many respectable web sites are run on linux. many respectable people use linux.

wake up.

YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT (none / 0) (#7533)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 31st, 2002 at 11:55:14 AM PST

YOUR SON ISNT A HACKER! (none / 0) (#7535)
by FreestylingFosho on Fri May 31st, 2002 at 10:25:27 PM PST
First Things First, Compaq pc's are crappy. Second, we dont wear bright clothes and wear fuckin pacifiers around our necks. 3. You Dont know what a hacker is. You come on here and say you do but you dont really. Just becuz u want to change an isp or hardware doesnt mean ur a hacker. Mayb it means your gear is shitty. LoL Comet Cursor? A HACKING prog LOL OMFG thats funny ass shit. Ooh look at me I can make custom cursors. Its not for hacking. Flash is to make websites, interactive video games, and movies. Its not for hacking. That site is made with flash you moron. So dont accuse if you dont know the facts.

omg.. (none / 0) (#7536)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 1st, 2002 at 11:37:32 AM PST
you treat your children like crap.

they need more privacy. you treat them like babys, and your afraid of them growin up.

Hackers? i think not (none / 0) (#7537)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 1st, 2002 at 12:23:18 PM PST
I'm not going to make this long, because i hate spending time writing to idiots. Whoever thinks their kid is a hacker for those 10 reasons listed... get a fkn life. You guys are so fkn retarded. If u knew anything about computers you would know those programs are not hacking programs, quake is not a hacker world, but just a 3d shooting game. Linux, not lunix, is another operating system, completely legal. If youre son wants better hardware, it just means your computer is slow and he needs a better video card to play games. If hes dressing in those clothes, and carrying glow sticks, hes just a raver, and that has nothing to do with computers, just who your kid hangs out with at school. So in closing, whoever believes anything written in that post is a fkn idiot, and you need to learn something about computers before taking it away from ur kids, and accusing them of hacking.

Why are there so many lies here? (none / 0) (#7538)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 1st, 2002 at 04:41:39 PM PST
1. AOL is for first time users to the internet and for people that want to become more familiar with the internet. Everything is so restricted that you only get the most basic of options to choose from. Like when you are surfing on the internet, you only get: Back, Forward, Stop and MAYBE refresh. Also, why do they keep coming out with newer version of AOL? The claim to make the AOL program more user friendly but all it is doing it making it more restrictive. AOL also SCREWS up any computer that you install it to. There are always some differences even after you fully uninstall it. The only way to restore the computer to the original form is to FULLY FORMAT. I say this from personal experience. Here is lie # 1.

2. Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy and Flash are not hacking programs. Comet Cursor is a mouse pointer program that changes the mouse pointer in windows to many designs. Bonzi Buddy is also not a hacking program but is a program that, to my knowledge, a music sharing program like kazaa. Are you now going to say that Kazaa is also a hacking program? Flash is an animation program that a lot of people use. Although I think that all these programs mentioned above are stupid, there is the truth to Lie # 2.

3. The computer usage theory is also another, how may I put this...STUPID...way of rating if your son/daughter is a hacker or not. I stay on the computer for hours on end and you don't see me hacking. In fact I hate hackers. Hackers in a game for instance, they screw up the game. They think it's funny but in reality a lot of people want to kick their sorry bums. There is lie # 4.

4. Linux was produced by one group of people that wanted to make a Operating System that would be better than anything that Microsoft came out with. They did it alright but only they and train professional's can install and use it to it's fullest due to the complex structure that Microsoft Windows doesn't have. Linux is much harder to use and I beleive that there is no pointing device also. A great networking OS that is good for online games like Counter-Strike. There is like # 5.

5. Appearances aren't everything. Don't judge a book by it's cover. There is like # 5.

There are many more lies in this artice. I just don't have enough proof to back it up. I just personally think that this artice should be deleted from existence because the artice ITSELF will cause familys to be destroyed.

You are LAME! (none / 0) (#7539)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 02:29:06 AM PST
How the funk can you call Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy and Flash for hacker utils?
You have no friggin idea what you talk about!
Comet Cursor is a software that allow you to use your own cursors at your webpage, Bonzi Buddy is some kinda adware prog that follows like Kazaa and shit, and Flash is a prog to wiev animations on the net!
Get som fact before posting an article this friggin stupid!

Some stuff i want to clear up (none / 0) (#7540)
by Xistence on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 08:45:52 AM PST
Here is the things i disagree with:

"Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer. "

Faster video cards, now i would not need that if i was a hacker. I would want that if i was a heavy gamer.
The bigger harddrive, most people need it to have more storage to play games and others.

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "

Comet cursor is a program to change the cursor of your computer to anything really easy. It is not a hacking program. Bonzi Buddy is a little program that interacts with the user, meaning it can talk, dance sing and a lot more. And flash is just something like Java. It is so you can view Flash enabled sites, and most of the time that does not include hacker sites.

"There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond"

Now here i can pick 2 books out that are not hacking, the books are Geeks, and Programming with perl. Perl it is a programming langauge that is really powerfull, and mostly it is used to create dynamic websites.

"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school. "

So you are saing all people that play quake are hackers, that is what i call stereo typing since there are also a lot of people out there taht play the game for fun.

"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone."

Okay, first off, linux is WAY better than windows and can do a lot more than windows, but it is not based on "xenix" from M$ at all. Linux was created from ground up from unix and has nothing to do with M$ at all. Linus Trovoltas might have been a hacker, but linux nowadays is not used to hack. It is used as a replacement for Windows or it is used as a server. BTW if your son was to hack, he could log on to a linux box some place else anyway so i dont see the point on saying that. I personally like linux cause the only thing limiting me is my imagionation. And telnet was created so you could remote administrate a computer and you would still have to dialup to an ISP to connect to a PC through telnet.

"If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface. "

Lilo is just a boot loader, it can be installed and it does not mean that linux is present. One thing i would also like to say is that you would not break your harddrive by uninstalling Linux. You can just use Fdisk to remove the partition and reformat. No need to send it back to the manufactor. But then again, parents these days dont know how to use a computer so they would break it, NOT linux.

"If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences."

So you are saying taht if i go off, dy my hair, and dress in baggy pants i am a hacker. That does not sound like fair.

"If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day. "

LOL, ROFL, ROFLMAO. Dos'ing over dialup cant be done, and over DSL or cable can be but you want get someone down. It does not matter how long youa are online. DOS = Denial Of Service, meaning that i sent a packet telling it to reply to host that does not exist. Which keeps the server waiting for a reply, eventually leaving the line so tied up that the server goes down, or it is so busy it becomes really slow. Which then sometimes if the server is configured really bad people can gain access to it. But one computer is not enough to do it with.

O really? (none / 0) (#7541)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 12:19:48 PM PST
You sir are very misinformed and no nothing about a hacker's world. you sound worse than the news and their warning signs after columbine. I especially love the part about how linux is an illegal hacking operating system. Interesting you can buy it at any computer store and download it for free. Even more interesting is that your ISP is proley running its servers on it or BSD (which is UNIX not linux).
Futhermore, just because someone plays a certain video game online doesn't distinguish them as a hacker. Quake is the #1 online game that hasn't ruined lives and families such as Everquest.
Let's see what else....o ya the "hacker manuals". those books arent such a thing. hacker manuals and the very manuals that come with programs called "help files". A true hacker must know several programming languages. In this article you mention 1 that is used for web programming and not at all for actually programs.

Really I could go on for pages about how much you don't know and how much you are misleading the parents that might actually take you seriously. you sir will probably break down families with this article because of some rebeling teenager being said to be a hacker and doing wrong because he owns a fictional book about hackers and plays an online game called "Quake". The truth is actual hackers do stuff that you will never know of and if you did know of, there wouldn't be hacking. Stick to reading the bible and stay away from the internet. You are not wanted here.
- A former hacker/very sucessful computer administrator

My how misinformed you are. (none / 0) (#7542)
by Vaishino on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 01:17:29 PM PST
I'd just like to say that whoever wrote this article knows nothing about everything that has to do with anything, especially computers. Lynix is how it's spelled, and it's not hacker software, it's just an alternative to windows, and it is quite often utilized by online games. Speaking of games, Quake is a game, not a "virtual Reality" whatever you said where hackers meet and swap hacking tips. You can't tell if a person is a hacker by how they look, and the description you gave sounded more like a raver anyways so where ever you're getting this stuff from you should smack them in the head for being so stupid. Better hardware improves on the computers performance all around, and a better video card would be helpful for playing quake, which is a game! Everyone with AOL should want to switch off of it because it's so horribly slow and often frustrating. Just because new programs have showed up doesn't mean they're for hacking, bonzi buddy comet cursor and flash are all examples of NON-hack related programs [although bonzi buddy is almost as annoying as AOL]

are you serious? (none / 0) (#7543)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 01:37:42 PM PST
Now I don't know who wrote this article but whoever did is eather very paranoid or extreamely computer-ignorant, who knows its probly both.

Linux is an afordable alternative to windows or mac OS, not a hacker tool

Quake just a game

aol is a terrible, unsecure and slow isp.

AMD processors are bot made by children, they are made my robot asembly lines

in 30 min. on the computer you couldn't even log on to aol

Denial of sevicing is not a website hack and has nothing to do with acessing a sites command line

by your definitions i am a "hacker" and this page makes me really mad.
P.S. oh know i might start a nuke-war because you revealed the secrets of hax0rs oh what will we do now!

The ignorant strike again (none / 0) (#7544)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 02:00:52 PM PST
Do some thorough research before writing another such article. Most of the information you've presented is skewed, if not entirely false. Most of the programs and situations you've mentioned have almost nothing to do with hacking. Educate yourself before writing drivel like this, or you'll only succeed in making yourself look like a moron.

Furthermore, one should NEVER restrict what their children can read. Reading is the best education, and limiting what someone can read only makes them as ignorant as yourself. If you want to play Hitler, go right ahead, but leave your children out of it.

This really is a joke (none / 0) (#7545)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 03:46:27 PM PST
this isnt the time when u were brought up sir, this is 2002 thx.

u stupid **** (none / 0) (#7546)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 03:56:53 PM PST
if your gonna make such a jackass of your self y not at least find out your info first, my assumptions are
1) your a christian.
2) you seriously need a life.
3) your an amazing comedian.. quake a place for hackers to meet ? lol
4) your a stoopid cunt
5) your a stoopid twat
6) you may originate from canada
7) im bored
but to finosh off you are the most stupid perosn i ahve ever met.
as i qoute " your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes."
what kinda twat really belives that ?

WoW (none / 0) (#7547)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 09:28:44 PM PST
5000+Utterly ingnorant and moronic posters.

I suppose the author should of used smilies
and a laugh track.

Apparently the links,the allusion to the
"BRADY BUNCH",the poll,hell,even the last sentence,couldnt get through to a bunch
of dense imbiciles.

Its called SATIRE.


morons your worng (none / 0) (#7548)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 3rd, 2002 at 02:18:18 PM PST
you god damn ideos im a hacker... you will never get so don't try comet flash budd are NNOOTT hacker progames flash is a movie maker program comet is a cursor progame to change you cursor on the INTERNET!! not a hacker progame buddie is like virtual pet thing not a hacker program linux is not a hacker progame it is a operateing system used from and by compact!! you god damn stupid prents nower days allso the book "hackers" the "world of hacking" and all the other book's you metioned are to PREVENT HACKING!!! what don't you get??? assholes god spiked hair is rockers not hacks glo-sticks is techies hair dye is punk rockers if you don't get that then you are an asshole Jeaus you asshole prents stay out of our lifes your so stupid any good hacker knows that they can make any file hidden so dicks like you can't get at them!! i repate stay out!!!

T Reginald Gibbons is an Ass!!! (none / 0) (#7549)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 3rd, 2002 at 08:17:55 PM PST
When my son asked me to read this post, I first thought it was a joke. Then I realized the author was indeed serious. At the end, I came to the conclusion that he must be Amish. Only someone living in the 1600's would actually write some of those comments. Quake is a haven for hackers? Hackers wear day-glow colors? Neuromancer is a hacker's manual? Sick. The man is obviously two sandwiches short of a picnic.

I've been in IT for over 30 years and have a computer controlled house with 18 systems and 7 printers on 3 networks. All my kids (11 - 23) are all expert computer users with one bordering on system engineer status.

Yo, T! If your kids are involved in the behavior you suggest, I'd look at myself in the mirror to see who's to blame!

PS: If this was a joke, ya got me!!!


a small difficulty (none / 0) (#7550)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 4th, 2002 at 06:17:36 AM PST
listen, as a person who surfs a lot on the internet and that has expireinced AOL in various ways, I know that an ISP will not always be requested. Getting past the filter that is installed on AOL is not very hard to get passed it, and by the way, AOL finds it extremly hard to track down hackers.
Most hackers, now days, use fast internet providers (broad-band). they find the speed a great thrill and they start developing there hacking skills much faster. My advice is: If you think your son or daughter is a Hacker, just deny them the fast internet.
And what the ---- is the connection between a faster video card and hacking????? The only thing that a video card does is increase the resolution on the screen and helps games run smoother, or dvd players to work faster. THATS IT!!
I hope you take my comment to heart.
I myself am a teen-ager who has experienced hacking from both sides. Non of them were very pleasant.Considering my parents don't know jack about computers, it was very easy to get into sites of hacking nature. On the other hand it could be handy to have a hacker around the house: when your computer gets hacked, your hacker will do everything it takes to protect the computer, and most times he/she succeeds in doing so.
Another peice of advice: you want your son to stop hacking? don't deny him the pleasure of sitting in front of the screen 24 hours a day (my mothers words) just try talking to him quietly. Do NOT emidiatly accuse him of doing something wrong, try explaining to him that this type of activity is wrong, and try to encourage him to do usefull things with hacking (yes, there are) such as: protecting the computer from outside invaders, help you around the internet so not to get where you don't want to, or even try reducing your monthly bills.......
anyway, don't be so harsh, it's only natural for a kid to get swept up in the power of hacking, and if you make sure that he understands what he is doing, he just might stop doing it all by himself (I know I did....).

(I have relatives in the u.s and through them I have experienced hacking first hand on AOL)

THIS IS ALL BULL! (none / 0) (#7551)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 4th, 2002 at 07:36:11 PM PST
This artical is not at all accurate!

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
Many people hate aol because it kicks you off a lot and it is just not a good service.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
That bonzi buddie thing is this stupid gorrila thing... not a hacker thing and if someone really thinks their a hacker they dont use hacker programs because everything they need is already on the computer.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
What most kids do is when they see someone else with something they want it. An upgraded grafix card wont do anything for hacking.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
I admit, there are some hacking manuals. But they wont be able to hack just with that without reading many other books on programming. And the O'Reilly books are NOT hacking! they simply show you about a program.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
NO! just because someone uses the computer for more then 30 minutes doesnt mean that they are doing DOS attacks. They could be simply playing a game or talking to people.

6. Does your son use Quake?
Quake is an online/offline game. it is violent and it is old. That doesnt mean hackers use it.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Thats just a stage teenages go through. That doesnt mean they are hackers.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
lunix is a linux/unix program in testing. And they are NOT illegal. In fact, web hosts use them for hosting web sites. And the internet wouldent be usable without it. E-mail also uses it.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
Hackers do not usally wear bright cloths. It usally depends on what they do with the computer. Usally if they are a serios hacker, they wear dark black colored things.

10. Is your son struggling academically?
THIS IS NOT TRUE. There are too many other reasions for this. One of the most common besides computers are girls. And if it is computers, it can also be a game they like.

Also, not all hackers are bad. In fact, there are many legal "hacking" things you can do to get rid of hackers. And the one who wrote this sounds like my mom. So if you are reading this, dont assume your kid is a hacker if he does some of these things. And even if they do have most/all of these, they might be more into programming than hacking. Programming is VERY diffrent then hacking. And FYI, they do have computers which you can legally hack in to... and hackers arent all evel and bad. They are curios. And if any parents have hacker children, be proud of it. Trust me, it REALLY beats the heck out of having a stupid, computer ignorant child.

This makes anyone who is a hacker discusted. And i really hope there are parents out there reading this now. Welcome to the real world.


the biggest load (none / 0) (#7552)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 5th, 2002 at 03:53:49 AM PST
this is biggest load of crap i have ever read in my entire life.

You have no idea what your talking about. (none / 0) (#7553)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 5th, 2002 at 07:33:40 AM PST
AOL has terribly slow speeds for surfing, and many people who are Not hackers use @home, Roadrunner, or Atnt.

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"." Comet cursor is a stupid program that will install by its self if your not careful. Bonzi Buddy is the same way. Flash is a program used to work on websites, not hack.

AMD is a perfeclty good processor. AMDs are cheaper than Intel wich makes them more attractive.

All the books you mentioned are fictional, and there for have no real information in them.

I know alot of people whose work involves using the computer for more than 45 minutes, alot more.

Quake is just a video game like any other. Unless your son is crazy then he will have no problems handleing it.

There are alot of teens who get annoyed at thier parents for just being ther parents it has nothing to do with computers.

You are so stupid! Linux is a free completly legal Operating System (not "operation system"). The Fedral govenment uses this OS. Also if your son was able to install linux then he will also be able to take it off without destroying the computer.

Ive met girls who change thier apperance drastically evey day, but are too stupid to know how to hack.

If your son isnt doing well you might consider wether he is stupid.....

Youve taken a number of normal situations and blown them up into being a hacker... If your son was a hacker he would be smart enough to fool you.

Re: Is your son a computer hacker!!! (none / 0) (#7554)
by LTiger125 on Wed Jun 5th, 2002 at 08:21:47 AM PST
I have many problems with your posting and i will gladly list them now. My address is, Email me with any problems you have, I do not check these boards that much.

Now in your post I am not sure if you are being serious or just joking about!

My problems with your posting are:

1. AOL!

I believe AOL is a good ISP but it is slow and often people have trouble connecting. If your son wanted you to change ISP he probably wanted a more reliable ISP than AOL.

As a power user (someone who works with computers) I would never go back to AOL, their good point is their parental control system, but if your son is a hacker he can easily bypass these by finding the file on your computer that contains a fragment of your password for the master account, he then can work out the rest of the password and log on as the master and have unlimited access. NO ISP IS 100% HACKER PROOF.


These are not anything to do with hackers!! Bonzi Buddy is a desktop assisstant (and a quite useless one at that)) and if you have this on your system then you probably also have spyware! The spyware, i can gaurantee you was not put on your system by your son or a hacker but by big advertising companies such as Cydoor, download ad aware from to remove spyware.

Flash is a program from macromedia a very respected company. It is used to view complex animations over the internet. It buffers information and releases it in a smooth stream. also allows you to run friendly chat room programs such as habbo hotel. (I like habbo!)

4. The Books.

ALthough some of these may contain hacking information it is quite unlikely that they do! I have never heard of a hacking manual and i dont think it would be legal to publish one!

They probably contain helpful tips for shortcuts and ways to do things in dos or using HTML code. HTML code allows you to create moving text on message boards and do many other nifty things, i really want to learn how to use it but it involves to much reading so i dont have the time!

Though i am not to sure about the contents of these books you will probably find they do not actually give hacking instructions.

5. Using DOS (MSDOS) is harmless it allows you to access options on your own computer that are inaccessable through microsoft windows thus speeding up your PC.

DOSing sites!! did you make this term up. If you use a trojan to connect to somebodies PC directly you may need to use MSDOS promt. You can not really use DOS to alter somebodies web site! This involves hacking not programming.

I suggest 45 mins a day is very harsh.
Though you can hack somebodies email account in 2 mins though from the sounds of it i doubt your son is doing this!

6. Quake!!!! (This point made me laugh the most)

Quake is a PC game. It is a FPS (first person shooter) It is not a hacker program or forum. IT IS A GAME!! Though you do get hackers in there they are in the minority and can not harm your PC through the Quake engine or any Quake mod you have. IT IS SIMPLY A FUN GAME. I often enjoy playing it. IT IS NOT WEAPONS PRACTICE!!! Other similar games are (the most popular pc game ever) HALF LIFE. This has various mods such as TFC and Counter Strike both of which are harmless games used by teens all over the world to escape from the pressures of nagging parents!

7.This simply sounds like a NORMAL TEENAGER to me!

The main problem with american children is that they are babied too much... this leads to them rebelling... in extreme cases this rebellion involves shooting your school. If you give your son some respect and "back off" give him independence he is less likely to rebel as he will have nothing to rebel against. To me it sounds that you really are the problem, sorry but if you disagree email me and i will have a mature discussion with you about this.

8. If windows is deleted you simply need to re-install it under MSDOS mode. IT is not a job for a professional!

I have never heard of this Lunix program so i will not comment on it... but it does sound suspicially like linux which is another OS running linux and windows on 1 PC will be hazardous and if you install linux on a windows pc it should delete windows. I do not know if you meant linux when you were typing but linux is basically microsofts competition!

9. Right this is simple knowledge of the teen culture i am about to teach you!

Teens often like to feel part of a group so they dress in certain ways to fit in with that group. In america i know there are GOTHS and SKATERS which we have in england, i am not sure about the other groups over there but here we alo have GREEBO's (called this in north east anglian region) This to me sounds like what your son is. It is very strange that while at the same time trying to express individuality teens flock to steriotypes and groups. these groups are not harmful they just like different clothes sports and music than other groups. For instance "Greebo's" tend to like music bands like sum41 and feeder and in some cases they will like some hard rock music.

DO NOT WORRY THIS IS NORMAL BEHAVIOUR. This change in thier dress sense or musical taste could happen between 12 and 16 and may continue in some untill they are 20+ most though settle down to "normal" (no one can really define normal as we are all different!) at the age of 19 or earlier.

It seems that you are very paranoid. I would just like to say LIGHTEN UP.

10. This is not that bad.

Ok it is dangerous to sit at a computer for too long it can cause problems such as PBC (poor blood circulation) usualy to the hands as these are on the desk. Also if your monitor is not directly infront of your keyboard and you have to move your hed to look at it (even slightly) this will eventually cause RSI (repetetive strain injury) The coputer screens also can damage the retina due to the radiation (do not worry this is mainly among people who work with computers like people in call centers who spen almost all thier working day at a pc). It is recomended that you buy a filter to fit over your monitor screen.

There is no need to limit computer time drastically. 3 hours is fine but 5-6 hours may make your son tired and grouchy but no harm will come of it. As long as he has regular excersize (games at school) and goes out with friends every now and again he is healthy. Your son should be encouraged to make friends and you should let him go out with his friends. If he gets in with a bad crowd your son should realise it himself however the most influence that comes from you about the friendships he makes should be "i do not like those people son be careful ok?" this shows that you support his individuality and care about him. If you ground him and say he cant go out with those people he will rebel.

As long as your child has 5-10 minute breaks every hour or hour and a half he should be fine.

How old is your son?

Please email me with your views on what i have said. I can be contacted at

You should have more faith in your son and trust him. It sounds to me that you are over reacting and your son was not a hacker. If he has done anything like that it was probably by looking at his friends email password when it was typed in. This is not hacking this is having a laugh with your friends. Last week i saw my friend type his password i accessed his account and signed him up for 100 newsletters, then he signed me up for 1000!!! Friends often joke like this!

sorry if i have insulted you in any way at all

Yours Sincerely

Mr L Taggart

YOUR A MORON (none / 0) (#7555)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 5th, 2002 at 02:32:45 PM PST
your dumb ...........

ok... (none / 0) (#7556)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 6th, 2002 at 03:32:23 PM PST
i am going to KILL you for being such a FUCKING MORON, GET A FUCKING EDUCATION ABOUT COMPUTERS U BARBIE WEIRDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sexist... (none / 0) (#7557)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 6th, 2002 at 03:48:25 PM PST
"Your son"? can it not be your daughter? sexist...

And I honestly thought that the world was sane.... (none / 0) (#7558)
by The Truth on Thu Jun 6th, 2002 at 11:31:08 PM PST
Before I point out the insanity of this article, you really need to go to From what your son did it seems he learnt it from there.

1. Changing ISP's does NOT MAKE YOU A HACKER! If an ISP throws you off a lot, you change it.


3. Dumb.... You are so dumb.......

4. How funny, those books are either about programming or hacker stories. You probably think 'The Heretic' is a hacker manual too.

5. Everyone I know spends atleast 2 hours online a day and they are far too stupid to hack! Hacking involves long deep reading!

6. I supppose you never used a keyboard or shot a gun in your entire life. ANYONE CAN SHOOT A GUN! Quake is an online game used by intense gamers to compete!

7. I'm willing to bet your son doesn't go to public school. Teacher's use fowl langugage! He probably picked it up off of the T. V. (If you have one, or think it ruin's your child's life)

8. Linux is a superior program to windows. It is harder to use, so most people dont get it. It looks like your son is running a duel OS, which mean he probably is computer literate.

9. You couldn't be more wrong. HACKERS EITHER LOOK NORMAL OR DRESS IN DARK BLACK! Maybe your son is gay, because that is how he is dressing.

10. I spend 6+ hours on a cumputer a day and am considered a genius by my superiors! You couldn't be more wrong

Bigoted (none / 0) (#7559)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 7th, 2002 at 03:55:10 AM PST
How dare you call yourself an "enlightened, modern parent"? I am insulted and offended at this article (and, incidentally, all of this author's other pieces). That you would be willing to punish a teenager on the evidence of a small child "known for telling stories" as you put it.
That is not what really offends me, though. It is the "ten signs" that get me.
People that use Quake are not training in firearms. Quake is not an online community - IT'S A GAME!!! A totally unrealistic game! Check your facts!
Flash, also, is not a hacking tool - it's an animation program!
AMD do not produce cheap knockoffs of Intel chips - theirs are better than Intel's! As for you claims of child labour - prove it. Don't we live in a society where the axiom is "innocent until proven guilty"?
As for the claim that a child wanting to change ISPs is a sign of hacking - they might have been told by friends that a particular ISP is better. Duh!
And as if using a computer for more than thirty minutes is a problem. Wow. Whoop-dee-doo.
And the thing about changing appearence. Yay. Wow. Sometimes people need a change.
Lastly, if someone is struggling academically, then that might mean that they aren't good at the subject, or don't work well with the teacher. There are more reasons than "he's a hacker".
You call yourself an "enlightened, modern parent". I disagree. I would call you a "bigoted, disiplinarian thug". Try to learn a bit about this generation before you start accusing us of being criminals.

hacker bull sh)t (none / 0) (#7560)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 7th, 2002 at 05:45:45 AM PST
first of all AOL is sh!t the speed is crap and it kicks you off that the first thing second do you think that your child is goin to ask to install something if they have supeirior comp. knowledge
third your child wont have the same appearance forever its a part of growing up
fourth a fast computer is needed to play the latest games .......
.... the list goes on if this is a joke site ha ha your site is on if not u r just a dumbass

What is that? (none / 0) (#7561)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 7th, 2002 at 06:48:15 AM PST
I've never read such a bullshit...

Are You FRIGGIN KIDDING ME???? (none / 0) (#7562)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 7th, 2002 at 06:57:45 PM PST
Do you know ANYTHING about computer software or Operating Systems? Quake is a VIDEO GAME you moron, and there is not a single thing about Unix or Linux that is illegal. It's open source software that you can modify to fit your needs, and most importantly is free. I do computer work for the DoD, do you know that they run 99% of their servers on Linux? I've never read a more misleading and misinformed article than this garbage you posted here. Please do some research, if you're that stupid no wonder your kid turned out the way he did. MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must be joking T Reginald Gibbons!!! (none / 0) (#7563)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 8th, 2002 at 12:11:25 PM PST
You have no idea what you are talking about so let it go.
Your article might be one of the funniest one I have ever read, how can a person be so clueless?

Stop it, you are killing your kids you fool.

You are not helping anybody, your only making things worse.

Lunix? nice one....Herr Doctor.

I hope the whole article is a joke.


Are you MAD? (none / 0) (#7564)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 8th, 2002 at 12:47:31 PM PST
I've just read what has to be the most uninformed load of BS in my life.

I cant even begin to pick holes in what you say as you are wrong on almost every point.

Firstly let me start by saying that i'm a 40 year old foster carer so i do have a lot of experience with children, I also hold an honours first dgree in computer sciences, so again unlike the author of the original post i do know what i'm talking about.

As i stated at the beginning it would be impossible for me to even attempt to cover every error in the original poster of this article, however i will try to cover a few.

AOL, or AoHell as its more commonly known (amongst other things that i'm not prepared to say) is one of the worst isp's around if you want to learn about or from the internet (its also not too hard to bypass its parental controls). you ned to get a decent connection to the internet for all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with hacking.

Flash, macromedia flash is one of the building blocks of many internet sites and is supplied in basic form with the windows operating system so if you find flash on your computer it probably just means that someone has actualy accessed the internet (along with many other small utilities like the mentioned comet cursor (which incedently is nothing more than a program to change the look of your cursor).

AMD processors, again you are completely wrong on this too, although i personaly use an intel procesor (which is not made in the usa, but in a third world country), i would highly recommend an amd processor to anyone who wished to buy one, they are fast and efficient and found in many shop sold computers (in fact they are more common than intel processors nowdays) they are made in factories of exactly the same quality and construction as intels processors.

Memory and upgrades, most computers bought over the counter at retail stores are vstly underpowered for todays computing needs, whilst he best thing to do is to build your own system an alternative is to get professional upgrades fitted to your current machine. You will often find that these shop bought computers often come with 128 or 256mb of memory however 512mb will make your computer run much better and is easy to fit as it just clips into slots that are already present on your computer, the same applies to graphics and sound cards the reason to buy a new one is that its better able to cope with todays modern computing needs.

Linux, on open source, free enterprise alternative to microsofts global dominination of the home computer market, yes it is often used by hackers because of the availability of the code to create your own software on it, HOWEVER it is also by far the best way of protecting your home computer from attacks by other hackers, many experienced computers use a "linux box" (a computer running linux) just to protect their windows based computer from other hackers, and linux has never been known to damage any computer equipment as its far more stable than microsoft windows is ever likely to be.

I could go on, but i realy dont want to as i dont want to write a novel, so i'll close by saying if you follow the advice of the writer of the original post you will probably do more damage to your childrens computer education than good. if you want to give your children the best chance give them the tools to learn with and not a basic off the shelf pc (as a general rule you should be looking to spend between $1000-$1500 on a suitable home computer). If you want to keep an eye on what your children are doing then get a "hacker program" that monitors your computers activity and add to it a copy of a program like cybersitter or netnanny that will prevent access to problem sites, it is a far better solution than following the advice of someone who obviously has absolutly no knowelege of computers.

Mike Holdron.

u meZZ3d uP p33pL3 (none / 0) (#7565)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 8th, 2002 at 06:20:46 PM PST
<img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><img src="C:\con\con\"><font face="yellow" size="7">j00 be m0r0ns wit da c4pit4l M y0.</font>

... Did reality fly out the window?? (none / 0) (#7566)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 8th, 2002 at 10:01:56 PM PST
What a joke... This is totally stereotypical and has almost no basis in fact.

1. I am 19 years old. I dress "differently" yet I am a very moral and kind person, I would say moreso than most my age. Inferring that someone is carrying on illegal activities just because of the way they dress is absurd. Don't judge based on appearances!

2. AMD processors are used in many computers. They are faster than Intel and are also cheaper, however not as widely used by the major PC companies such as Dell.

3. "Programming with Perl" is a book to learn computer programming just like C++ or Java or any other programming language. They treach these languages at my college. Does that mean my $28,000/ year college is training computer hackers?? Not at all. It's for creating computer programs just like any other.

4. The programs listed as "hacker programs" such as Bonzi Buddy and whatever else was mentioned is rediculous. Those are all programs usually bundled with other software that creates additional ads on your computer while surfing the web and also returns demographics to the company based on your usage. This has nothing to do with hacking and has absolutely no use to ANY computer user. Flash is a type of media plugin that is used to view certain animations on websites. This also has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with hacking.

5. Quake? Quake is an online game like thousands of others, all of which I have used have little to do with any sort of illegal activity. The fact that Quake (one of the oldest online games) is the only one mentioned shows how uninformed the author really is.

6. Please tell me this is a joke!! Linux is based off on Unix, which is an operating system used by virtually all major computing companies. It is an industry standard.

7. YOU CANNOT BREAK INTO ANYONE'S STEREO USING A COMPUTER. This is quite possibly the stupidest statement I have ever heard. I apologise for being rude. And mp3 is not a program, it is a type of file for storing music.

8. Telnet is a program that comes with Microsoft Windows. Is the autor saying Microsoft is distributing "hacker software"?? I use telnet to recieve my grades and register for classes. And it most definitely required a telephone or some sort of internet connection.

9. Whaaaat?? There are thousands of Americans who spend their careers working in front of a computer. That is 40 hours per day, all year. This is their job. I don't think too many of them have gotten meningitis or schizophrenia.

In addition, the writer constantly referrs to the "son" being a hacker. Who's to say a female could not become one? Going to one of the top technology institutes in the nation, I have known quite a few young women who are quite proficient with a computer. The writing in this case is horribly biased again.

Whoever wrote this article is obviously not only ignorant to computers but also delusional if they think they will never have a problem with their children growing up. You can teach a child but you can't think for him. You can't create your children, you can only show them what you want and then in the end they choose what they want to do. You can't control the actions of your children forever.

You are the most retarded person I have ever had the pain of reading an article by.

<b>LOL</b>@ all who take this seriousl (none / 0) (#7567)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 9th, 2002 at 05:13:13 AM PST
HAHAHAHAH ok ok the article was quite funny in a slow sarcastic kind of way but whats REALLY amusing is the ammount of people taking this SERIOUSLY!!! hahaha how stupid are you? This is like the "Pippi is evil" site with thousands of people who get pissed of at a joke =D All I say to you is: LOL ;)

I am deeply concerned (none / 0) (#7568)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 10th, 2002 at 06:56:44 AM PST
... about the obvious ignorance in this article to be taken for serious.

games and hacking (none / 0) (#7569)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 10th, 2002 at 12:41:55 PM PST
I think you got just a little confused with what hacking actually is...and the quake thing is nonsense, I would like you to tell me how a video game teaches you how to use a firearm. Quake is just like any other "shoot-em-up" game. You hold a gun and you go complete the objective. NOTHING in these games actually teaches a person how to use a firearm. And if it did, do you think that they would let these games even be sold? and to kids? I'm sick of people blaming games for every little thing. Take responsibility for what your kid does.

Inadequate research (none / 0) (#7570)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 10th, 2002 at 11:11:26 PM PST
Mr Anti-Hacker hasnt done enough research. I received the link to his article as a joke page, simply because most people know that flash, quake, and especially BONZI BUDDY are *not* hacking programs. Flash is an authoring program webmasters use to make interesting, interactive webpages. Most companies with enough money to hire a flash-savvy designer will have a flash website. Bonzi buddy is a stupid program created so that they can advertise to unknowing net surfers. Quake is a game people sit in front of their computer playing for hours and hours on end. hacking? no. entertaining themselves? yes. I'd suggest doing a lot more research before accusing your kids of hacking just because you're now running a Linux os instead of windows, or just because your child is being an overachiever and mastering flash. for the record, if your kid has installed flash onto their computer, encourage them to learn it. there's big money to be made (legally).

What is this guy talking about? (none / 0) (#7571)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 10th, 2002 at 11:40:39 PM PST
I have read this article through, and have discovered several huge problems/buffon like mistakes. Obviously, the author has only the simplest knowledge of computers. If any parent wishes to gain any info about hackers, they should read on.

Not all hackers are bad. Many hackers fight crackers, the ones who deface websites. Most hackers participate in wargame sites, which allow and even encourage hackers to gain entry to their systems. Many hackers receive high-level jobs security jobs in their future. The public has been presented with a very bad image of hackers, often pictured as criminals that have no desire other then to cause havoc. This is not true.

AOL is designed for internet users who have little knowledge of the Internet and it's uses. It is very restricting of what it allows users to do, even legal activities. AOL's filter may block out Pornography and other adult sites(which many hackers are against; these sites are often the target of any attacks), but it also filters out other material that poses no harm to children, such as news articles.

Hacker programs? Please. The programs listed are not hacking utilities. "Comet Cursor" is a program that allows users to change their cursor to one of their icons, which includes holiday and seasonal ones. "Bonzi Buddy" is an extremely annoying peice of software that does nothing except to continually pester users to buy it's delux version. "Flash" is a program that creates animations. No harm their. As for asking to install the software, ads for Bonzi and Comet are all over the web, sometimes even popping up download windows without asking.

Faster hardware is often required to use many of today's more advanced programs, such as Windows XP. There is no harm in upgrading your system, and you do not need to do it from your manufacturer.

AMD is a respected processor maker, often used by the largest PC companys such as Gateway and Dell. There is no reason not to use these.

"Hacker turorials"? Another show of lack of knowledge. Many hackers read these to gain knowledge of Computer Security so that they may protect themselves and gain a well-paying job. "Programming with Perl"? This book is a guide for learning the programming language Perl, which is often used in creating today's programs.

30 minutes a day? This is hardly reason to be alarmed. Most of the time Teenagers are spending their time looking for information on the web and talking to friends. Their is no need to worry if your child spends more than even an hour on the computer, although most won't. What is the difference between this and T.V., the phone, or Video Games? Will your child become a mass-murdurer if he plays a video game for longer than 3o minutes? I think not.

Quake is just a computer game, no more. Not a conpiracing ground for the hackers of our world. It is a widely played game, used all over the world, by all different types of people.

Hacking, most of the time, has no effect on the teen's personal life. Hacking is usually just a hobby, and does not cause him/her to lose his connection with reality

Right and wrong? Exploring the uses of a computer does not cause you to lose all moral senses. Hackers have ethics too.

It's Linux, not Lunix, and it is certainly NOT illeagal. Many companies around the globe use it today, and it is carried in all major computer stores. It poses no threat to your computer, and can be downloaded for free. It even surpasses Windows in many places.

An MP3 program? Now the author is really being an idiot. MP3 is a type of file, and you cannot break into other peoples stereos and steal their music! This idea is so stupid, so laughable, that it alone should cause this site's editors to allow the author to post any more articles about computers or technology. And telnet has nothing to do with not using a telephone line. You can telnet whether you have a cable, DSL, or Telephone line. And besides, why would microsoft put it in Windows if it was a hacker tool?

"Radically changed his appearence"? Hackers have no common dress. We are normal people, just like you. We have jobs, and act like all other teens. "Glow Sticks"? "Pacifiers"? Sure, some (hackers may be the kind that dress like this, but most others wear normal clothes. They can be anybody, ranging from the High School Class President to the geek in the library.

Failing in classes? Many high schoolers have problems with grades, whether or not they are hackers. Poor performance on sports teams? Not everyone plays sports. Even so, some days you have bad days on the field, and sometime you don't. Whether or not you hack makes no difference.

Hackers are normal people. We are all around you: the bagger at the grocery store, the cashier at the mall, the football team captain. And not all are guys, either. A large percentage are female.

Overall, this article is way off and should not be used for any advice. If you would really like to see what hackers are like, go to <A HREF=""></A>

Is your son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#7572)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 11th, 2002 at 06:05:00 PM PST
I think he found his sons stash.

You couldn't be more wrong! (none / 0) (#7573)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 12th, 2002 at 10:55:51 PM PST
oh my gosh! you couldn't be more wrong. comet cursor a hacking device? wow. . . thats . . . incredible. you must be incredibly naive. i suggest you look before you leap, before you leap off a building!

Ummm... (none / 0) (#7574)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 12th, 2002 at 11:39:17 PM PST
Ever considered that maybe, just maybe, on the remotest possibility, that the author was writing a tongue in cheek article? WOW REALLY?..
Geesh lighten up guys. Find your funny bone!

hello?? (none / 0) (#7575)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 13th, 2002 at 12:09:42 PM PST
have you even READ the web sites you are linking to?? AMD's "third world headquarters" is in CALIFORNIA
you guys need to get a grip.

One AMD Place
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale CA 94088

2001 Revenue: $3.9 billion
Total Assets: $5.6 billion
Number of Employees: More than 14,000
Stock Symbol: NYSE: AMD
Logo: The initials AMD is an acronym for Advanced Micro Devices. The arrow icon symbolizes the AMD principle of growth in the right direction.

WHAT! This is screwed! (none / 0) (#7576)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 14th, 2002 at 09:19:33 PM PST
#1 Hackers arent bad, CRACKERS are!
#2 Neuromancer isnt a hacking manuel! Its a freikin cyberpunk book in the 80's (its computer-like CI-FI)
#3 Linux aint illegal! Its a free Operating system that happens to work a different way then windows

You stupid Man!
Getting it in the heads of parents that hacking is bad! Its cracking into computer systems and cracking thats bad!
Hackers are the computer ages future!!!!!

idiot (none / 0) (#7577)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 14th, 2002 at 09:39:25 PM PST

You may be a little quick to judge (none / 0) (#7578)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 14th, 2002 at 09:52:40 PM PST
Excuse me, but i read your post, and I am afraid to say that you may be terribly wrong

well, number one, flash is a simple animating program that can in no way be used for hacking, simply for entertainment. Bonzi buddy is a sort of digital buddy thing, it is quite a nusence but trust me, it has nothing to do with hacking, as with comet cursor, merely a novelty program

Quake, is a video game. Would you be willing to attack a movie that contained violence? Then why is it okay to attack a video game?

Also, in your description of how your child may change his/her appearance, the appearance you described changing to is that of a raver. and just to let you know, the pacifier is a drug thing, it is part of the whole rave crowd (extasy)

becoming surly is mearly a trait of adolesence, as is struggling acedemically, that is, if your child is unhappy

and although this may discredit my argument in your opinon, but i am at the age of 15, and i fit a great deal of these characteristics taht you described, and to tell the truth, i have no idea how to hack, nor do i have any intent to learn. I play quake for entertainment, not to learn to kill people. I mess around with flash because i like to animate, not because i somehow want to sabatoge otherpeopels computers. It is very easy for one to harshly judge what one does not understand, and for your child's sake, i hope you rethink your decision

IDIOT (none / 0) (#7579)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 14th, 2002 at 10:58:02 PM PST
i think you dont know what the hell you are talking about that shit about bonzi buddy and comet cursur and that shit about flash. do even know what those things do..? idiot

IDIOT (none / 0) (#7580)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 14th, 2002 at 10:58:18 PM PST
i think you dont know what the hell you are talking about that shit about bonzi buddy and comet cursur and that shit about flash. do even know what those things do..? idiot

u dont know what the hell ur talking about.... (none / 0) (#7581)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 14th, 2002 at 10:59:03 PM PST
i think you dont know what the hell you are talking about that shit about bonzi buddy and comet cursur and that shit about flash. do even know what those things do..? idiot

This is the most inaccurate article ive ever read. (none / 0) (#7582)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 15th, 2002 at 09:14:28 PM PST
The truth is, you have this all wrong!! What you are trying to create is fear.. the word hacker simply means a software programmer or computer expert.. its just slang.. a cracker on the other hand, is malicious and cause damages to systems, not hackers.. ive been a hacker for 5 years and ive never done anything illegal in my life.. dont confuse the term hacker with the term cracker..

OMFG (none / 0) (#7583)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 16th, 2002 at 01:46:49 AM PST


Contact your local Governer, patition a ban of pant and/or trouser immediately.


pacifiers are for. . . (none / 0) (#7584)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 17th, 2002 at 12:58:57 AM PST
the pacifiers that RAVERS . . . not hackers. . . wear is to prevent the grinding of teeth when they take "E" aka ecstacy

This must be a joke (none / 0) (#7585)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 17th, 2002 at 06:32:41 AM PST
There are so many inaccuracies in this ridiculous 'hacking' post, I don't even know where to start. Suffice it to say, this person is INSANE and completely a computer professional, I am stunned by these mindless ramblings. AMD has nothing to do with hacking...nor does PERL, nor 'Lunix' (which is actually Linux). None of these is illegal, or can buy AMD processors in any computer store. The insanity goes on and on in this post...unbelievable.

You are a compleate moron (none / 0) (#7586)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 17th, 2002 at 12:13:46 PM PST
None of the things you mentioned have any thing to do with hacking, and if your childs grades are falling then they are deffinitly not a hacker, i have never met a haker with a gpa lower than 3.0. I think you should apologize to your son for being a dumbass and find out more information next time you do somthing like this.

by InvaderTIM on Mon Jun 17th, 2002 at 03:39:29 PM PST

hrmmmm (none / 0) (#7589)
by InvaderTIM on Mon Jun 17th, 2002 at 05:07:03 PM PST
apparently you dont keep track of your kids reading habits as much as you think....if you kids a so called "hacker"

ARRGGHHH (none / 0) (#7590)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 18th, 2002 at 07:19:20 AM PST
Oh no! such a...

The Truth and Reconciliation (none / 0) (#7591)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 18th, 2002 at 10:36:38 PM PST
You are crazy to type those things in that document. I can name a hundred things wrong about hacking that you wrote in that, by typing that you could tear kids away from technology and scare parents from getting kids leading technology.

Let me start clearing up some information.
Bonzi Buddi is not a hacking tool
Comet Cursor is not a hacking tool
nor is Flash
Only flash "could be used as a tool" but most commonly isnt
If you see a new program make sure you click on it and see what it is before you become so quick to blame. If it wont open then ask but if you become hot headed you could distant your child.

Lets talk more about new hardware
AMD is a top of the line processor, in fact I am using one to type this right now and in no way is it used differently to hack as could a compaq or an apple. Any processor could be used.
How would you possible think that it would make a difference. You dont. Your just trying to say you know everything.

Reading hacking materials
Yes I could see that but he or she could have just seen a movie on hacking and find it interesting. Then you must explain how it could put you in jail. Hacking is to mainly get information. I know I was once one for a long time. That information (as simple as reading emails) could put you in jail just for reading.

Changing ISPs
Anyone could change their ISP just because they dont like the way it is set up. Simple enough right? Well it is just the same as a car, you may not like the feel of the way a certain car drives, so you get a different one.
You are telling parents if a child asks for one of these, then he is a hacker and must be punished. False

Hahaha I laughed when I read that. That place is useless. Anti-social tendencies can form from being in this virtual world for so long. If there is something wrong with his or her scores at school, then maybe it is just lack of focus. I bet its just because that they find the virtual world easier and more attractive than reading books. You must clear this up by showing that reality can be much more interesting than virtual and to get a lot out of reality you must do good in school.

Time spent each day.
This should be monitered and allowed only for 2 hours a day at the most. It will get that child thinking more about important things.

It is used for business purposes really if you son or daughter wants this program find out for sure what the purpose is.
Im sure if you son or daughter puts in Linux without you noticing Im sure its not going to hurt windows. You would not have to have a new hard drive to get rid of linux, just go through you back files and delete it. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

Radical change in appearence
Yeah, its wanting to fit in with the other kids.
Where have you been.
However reads this response to this letter please take my advise. Trust you true feeling and see what you kid has to say first

If you have a comment you would like to say to me good or bad please write to

Sad an inacurate (none / 0) (#7592)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 19th, 2002 at 10:19:30 AM PST
This is perhaps the most inacurate article with the most mispellings that I have ever read.... I'm not going to go into it, but for those wanting about 4 million required corrections, please ask anyone who can code worth a damn, or who uses LINUX programmed by LINUS TORVOLDS and maybe someone who can spell...

If this article isn't a joke, I am deeply sickened.

You are a thick ignoramus that must die (none / 0) (#7593)
by rush on Wed Jun 19th, 2002 at 04:44:01 PM PST
Listen up

I am a parent
I have a son

Take heed to these words because this is the gospel that I am about to preach to you.


I am going to point out a few things you ignoramus...

Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy

What a load of shit

AOL is slow, I'd advise any AOL user to find a faster ISP

Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

What a bigger crock of shit

All these programmes are harmless

and macromedia's flash? a hacker programme ?

you dont have a clue do you?

Get you head out of your arse please

They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory.

ANY pc user with a bit of savvy will upgrade their hardware, OFTEN!

If your kid asks you to upgrade the hardware, listen to him, before he talks circles around you with his uber leet hacker talk and confuses you senseless

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip!

Oh my fuck. you are more than stupid.

Please eductae yourself before writing these kind of articles.

AMD is a VERY reputable chipset manufacturer. They make chips that perform in some cases better than Intel chips at a fraction of the price

"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly;



oh my
ok my stomach is sore.

Serious now.. perl is a language , its for cgi (common gateway interface ) please explain how hackers use this for bad ?

Also, dont confuse code hacking and pc hacking

if your child is reading books on code , SUPPORT HIM!

he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day.


DoS ( the hackers term ) means denial of service.

using the command prompt to ping someone the way you described is going to result in you having a slow connection .

Whats he doing? pinging someone to death ??
from AOL ?
may as well go knock on their door , ask to see their PC and then smacking it with a large hammer because thats going to be easier than trying to DoS someone using an aol connection.

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms.

you REALLY dont have a clue do you ?

Quake is a game, yes it uses weapons ( a machine gun, a gauntlet, a shotgun a rocket launcher a rail gun a grenade laucher and a BFG ) its a GAME!

Please crawl back under your rock

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government.

DID you make this up ??
What a crock of shit. please go back to school or ask your hacker son to teach you better

They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. OH MY!

into my stereo ???? oh my fuck you are the biggest idiot ever
.mp3 is a file extension for a music format that has been encoded and compressed for size.

Many musical bands support mp3s. go to and look at the amount of free music you can find there

Fuck me you are so stupid

you are a joke and must die

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.

YES!! I agree!! if you find Lunix on your pc its probably a virus because Lunix isnt Linux and Linux is better than windows and you are stupid and must die

Lunitix maybe hey ?

. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this)

You just described a pill popper not a hacker

I'll introduce you to hackers that wear ties and smart suits and have neat haircuts

If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation

Exposure to an illiterate stupid fuck like yourself is going to do your child a lot more damage .

Please drive off the closest cliff.

This should be the true Q & A

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

If he hasnt, then please offer to do so before he asks you, especially if you are using aol. you will be kind to your child if you do this as AOL is good for nothing anyway.

YOU too will also benefit from having a faster internet experience.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

This happens all the time.... wait till you learn about spyware..

If it was a programme that your son downloaded ask him if he has another programme in mind and shell out some money to get him better software.

You child is learning, let him. encourage him.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

If he is a gamer then for gods sakes buy him an AMD chip with a faster graphics card. I do it often for myself

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

Good if he does.. he can get a great job in internet security if he is reading them.

To know the good, you need to know the bad

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

OK too much can be bad, I agree.

I spend what? 13 hours a day behind my pc. its no good

6. Does your son use Quake?

If yes then point him to and tell him to download the mod for quake. this game is in my opinion better than counterstrike otherwise go find him another nice ( harmless ) game to play

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

These are the teen blues, we all went through this
this does not mean your child is a hacker

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

If he is this is bad, because then either you or your child are dyslexic as its actually Linux.

as well rather point him to
freeBSD ownz.

Next you gonna be telling us that the BSD daemon is an evil entity ?

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your child has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a pill popping raver on your hands. ravers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks.

If this is the case, tell your kid to stay off the E and to get back on his pc and hack up some code

10. Is your son struggling academically?

Yes? then tell him to split his PC time between gaming/irc and learning

Spend some PC time with your child and teach each other.

That was way cool... (none / 0) (#7594)
by JDRandom on Thu Jun 20th, 2002 at 04:59:16 AM PST
Being a geniuine Russian computer expert and a rather experienced Microsoft security hole exploiter I can only say one thing: As long as there are such far-below-dummy people as this parent advisor, hackers would become more powerful than before with each passing day, for the dumber the average user, the harder it would be for a system administratot (like meself) to cover for their stupidity... And Linus Torvalds never was a Russian hacker, for which I pity. Ignorance is bliss, agent?

artj (none / 0) (#7595)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 20th, 2002 at 09:48:53 PM PST

AMD (none / 0) (#7596)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 20th, 2002 at 10:08:35 PM PST
AMD chips are superior for the price and might just indicate that your child is attempting to save you money. They are not inferior.

get your facts straight (none / 0) (#7597)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 20th, 2002 at 10:20:36 PM PST
Man you have a lot wrong...

AMD chips are superior for the price and might just indicate that your child is attempting to save you money. They are not inferior.

"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly is not a hacker manual. Perl is a programming language used for web pages.

Quake is a game nothing more.

"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system" This is false. These are versions of Unix. Unix is an operating system used by many buisiness and universities. Its very mainstream.

Is your post a joke?

omg (none / 0) (#7598)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 20th, 2002 at 11:42:52 PM PST
is the person who wrote this some or just stupid?

A joke? (none / 0) (#7599)
by JohnRov on Fri Jun 21st, 2002 at 10:15:32 AM PST
This is a joke right? Anything this filled with factual inaccuracies has to be.

BAHAHAHA YOUR A DUMBASS MAN (none / 0) (#7600)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 21st, 2002 at 04:22:41 PM PST


A hacker lolz (none / 0) (#7601)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 21st, 2002 at 07:47:00 PM PST
1. linux is almost the same as windows its used for webpages.

2. perl is not hacking its the oposite you make things in it.

3.YOU ARE CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
you woulnt know a hacker if he hacked your computer and left you a message!

You're Children... (none / 0) (#7602)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 22nd, 2002 at 08:25:13 PM PST
well I read your story and you're story is very true .....BECAUSE i do this too :) I respect you're Children is not a lame .. Pass this message to your Children

w00t. (none / 0) (#7603)
by Cirrus on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 04:34:28 PM PST
Well, I'll be damned. The dumbass has struck again!

Number 1: Since when is America Online a "Trusted Service Provider"?! I dumped that thing seven and a half years ago because it was loaded with spyware that sent every move I made to them.

Number 2: Comet Cursor is a program that changes your mouse pointer. In no way does it aid in the forced retrieval of information from another system.

Number 3: Bonzi Buddy is a virtual pet. It is not a hacking tool and doesn't even require an internet connection.

Number 4: Macromedia Flash is the world standard for active animation and web site development. How the hell could someone hack a website with Flash? What, you expect them to tween themselves a carrier?

Number 5: A faster video card is the difference between playing Commander Keen and Doom III. It has NOTHING to do with the process of hacking a computer.

Number 6: AMD Systems is a respected, well known hardware company that makes BETTER chips than the crap Intel shoves down our throats. They are used by hundreds of trusted retailers and manufacturers. They are well known for their power and value. How the bloody hell could a child labourer assemble a piece of precision microelectronics in a sweatshop? And since when does a California-based company use child labour?

Number 7: Quake is a well-known and extremely popular multiplayer game. How you think someone could be trained in the use of a weapon via a futuristic computer game is beyond me.

Finally, Number 8: Linux is also a well-known and extremely popular operating system, the universal alternative to Windows and MacOS. It is known for its networking abilities. It was developed by a group of programmers in the UK, not a Russian dude, and being Windows' primary competitor, has NOTHING to do with Microsoft. It is based on Unix. NOT Xenix. I fail to see how Linux is dangerous and illegal, as it is used by the world's most trusted software and animation companies and many high schools in the world's most powerful computers.

I conform to all the things you have outlined (except for that pacifier and glowstick stuff) and I am not a hacker. I use an Athlon-based Linux system, I don't use AOL, I play more than my share of Q3A, I have a GeForce4 Ti4600 video card, I use Macromedia Flash MX for school work, my little sister has Bonzi Buddy, and I used to have Comet Cursor installed. It's probably still in there, too, judging by the amount of spyware it contained.

I strongly suggest you review your information, you stupid ignorant neophobic dumb shit.

im a kid hacker and your all wrong?? (none / 0) (#7604)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 11:35:20 PM PST
���� �R �������,,,,, H��K�Rz (L�k� m� ) е�� � �� ��� �� �� �h��g l�k� �h� � h�k �ꢵ�� � l�k� �h� �h�ll��g� ��� � �� ��� ����r����� ��r ��� � � w姆 � ��m� � �h�l� ��� m�k� � ��� ��w � h�v� l��� � ����l� �r���g �� h�k � ��w � ���� �裏�� �m � � еm �zz H��K�� ̧ ��� � wh�r� ��gg� ��� � ��� ���k m� h��r r � � h�k�r � ��� ̆� L���� ��� L���� l��x � r��ll� g��� ��r h�k��g � r�lz ��� ��l ��x � W�� �LL �H� K�Ч �� R��� �Ḩ �ll � � ���r� h�k��g  ��� ��� ���R � ��M� ħZ ̣ ���R �R���G �� ���� k�Ч

If u cant read that ur stupied(what a dumb az)

DUDE UR STUPIED HACKERz (Like me ) Dude i do not do any thing like that i hack becuse i like the challenge and u do not understand your site is a wast of time u should not make a site now u have lots of people trying to hack u now u done pissed em off u dum azz HACKEN IS FUN i where baggy pants i dont spick my hair r u a hacker O AND ITS LINUX not LUNIX linux is really good for hacking
it rulz and aol sux I WANT ALL THE KIDS TO READ THIS all of u start hacking its fun and YOUR A DUMB ASZ IF YOUR TRYING TO STop kids
By the one and only hacker:�K��� �h��g� �h� k �� � ��� � g�� � �k��� �h� L��x H�k�r ��� ��r�h

no word(s) to describe this (none / 0) (#7605)
by PsyKad on Mon Jun 24th, 2002 at 03:56:20 PM PST
how...what...why? really. that was the most horrible article i've ever read. how can this guy decypher his head from his ass? you know what amazes me? is how he was able to post the article in the first place. well, thats all i can really say, i'm gonna finish my current hack of this site with AIM. shouts to all l337 reading this! -eof

FUCK U (none / 0) (#7606)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 24th, 2002 at 04:32:58 PM PST
U are a fucking shit. U deserve do b shot and left to bleed to death u sick mother fucker. All of ur info is wrong. Ur a bad parent and a stupid mother fucker. SO FUCK U!!!

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#7607)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 24th, 2002 at 08:35:09 PM PST
I just read an article on this site all about hackers and such. All I have to say is, another idiot parent is on the loose trying to protect their son from things that aren't there. Most of the things on the page fit my description, and I suspect if I had a sister and the writer of the article were my father, he would probably forbid me from using the computer, which sucks because i dont know a shit about hacking. Second of all, Bonzi Buddy is a part of a popular download program named Kazaa, IT IS NOT A HACKING PROGRAM, BUT IN FACT, IT IS PART OF A TROJAN INFESTED SPYWARE PROGRAM THAT INSTALLS ITSELF IN YOUR COMPUTER UPON INSTALLING KAZAA. Your son may have been doing nothing but downloading songs, and you may have assumed him to be hacking from finding this program. Second of all, 30 minutes a day on the computer is nothing. Internet games such as age of empires can last up to an hour and 15 minutes. Your son may have requested a bigger and better modem-- which I can sympathize with. A 56k modem downloads at about 5 kb a second, a $90 cable modem may get download speeds of up to 280 kb per second. Ironically, upon writing this hour, I have been using this computer for 9 months and just today I got cable. In terms of space, your son may request more space because of songs and games he is downloading. He may also be downloading MODS; .exe's that give him extra guns for use in Quake games upon installing. Assuming that you have a 10 gigabyt hardrive, all that covers is 2 games, all the standard programs, 20 .mp3's, kazaa, and extra devices such as direct x. I do not play Quake myself, but i play a similar game called Rogue Spear; urban operations. The culture in the gameroom may appear to some to be "antisocial" but in reality, these are mostly 15- 25 year olds and that is how many of them speak in this day in age. Sexual references may have to do with the game, for example, in urban operations, many people will press the Crouch button rapidly when and hover over someone to give the appearance of raping the person they shot. Although many people disapprove of it and I personally dont do it, it's considered a freindly gesture beleive it or not. Also, AOL sucks. Your kid obviously noticed right away that it does not open links properly, crashes, and has MANY bugs. So does MSN. I have spoken to a technician who goes around fixing people's AOL on the internet, he makes a ton of money because AOL has many flaws and can be a problem for ppl who dont know how to use it. In reality, I think what is going on here is a little bit of piracy; downloading games off of the internet for free, which would otherwise cost money at the store. If you have found any references to "Warez" on your computer, they are an elite group of hackers. If you didnt hear anything about warez throughout your research or if you have never heard of them then you probably should immediately appologize to your son because there is no way in hell he is a hacker. ---- Many of their members are good at manufacturing .RAR self-extracting games with the .exe's cracked. A famouse hacker from their group uses the nickname; CLASS They do it and consider it a public service. Yes some may argue the game developers "..have to eat too." but you dont see them out on the street, so I dont give a damn. If you have found a few hacking programs on the computer, your son has probably become slightly interested in the subject and looked at visual basic programs that do things such as prevent people from chatting in game rooms, flood chat rooms, make up random insults. He was just expirementing. Give him a break. You did not mention any actual evidence on your computer suggesting your son hacked anything. Also, the suggestion that anything more then 30 minutes on the computer is suspicious is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. With slow 33k or 56k speeds, it may take up to a full minute to load webpages displaying numbers of players in a room and their latency. If your son is downloading songs, he may just be interested in music. In 30 minutes you can download 1 song on a 56k modem, and be about 80% done on the next one. Im going to assume that your son is not a hacker, because I can identify with everything you typed in the article, except appearance, and if your son DID change appearance, it may have nothing to do with the computer. I think that your son may have just been messing around using chat cracks and very basic low-level hacks such as VB programs for chatrooms etc., he probably had a few pirated games on there, cracked by warez. His sister may have wanted to use the computer and just got pissed and told you. She may have labeld it hacking, but it's really nothing compared to what a real hacker does. If your son enjoys playing quake, slow gamers are often kicked out of rooms for "lagging" Lagging is warping around or making the room freeze up because of a slow MGHZ computer or slow modem. Most people in gamerooms these days do not use 56k modems. Unless you have found anything to show that your son has seriously damaged a website or something like that, then there is nothing to worry about and if that is the case, your an over-reacting idiot. I can understand why he would want many changes to the computer also. CompaQs have a bad reputation because they do not come with the disk for the Operating system, I have a compaq and have had many problems, restoring is a pain with compaq because it doesnt always correctly restore. I think that you should seriously re-evaluate your son and think about what you have done. PS--- if you want to speak with me, go to and scroll near the bottom to a room called check six. ask for bewyz, everyone knows me in that room. You can speak in the chatroom even if you get an error saying that Urban operations is not installed on your hard drive. ----BewyZ

reply to hacker article (none / 0) (#7608)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 24th, 2002 at 09:16:53 PM PST
oh my god u must be the dumbest parent alive go kill urself

What a moron!!! (none / 0) (#7609)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 25th, 2002 at 01:23:47 AM PST
Ok, I know that by now this story is old news but whatever, I just came across it. So your son wants to have faster hardware so that he can "hack?" Let me just explain something to you. The Intel p2 processor, which came out several years ago, reached a top speed of 450mhz. That was pretty fast for the time but by today's standards, its very slow. At the same time that the p2 was out, AMD, the supposed "knock-off" company, brought out the Athalon. Its top speed was somewhere near 750mhz (if I remeber correctly). Not only was it faster, but it actually lasted longer. Another thing which you mentioned was a faster video card. If someone is hacking, the last thing they need is a faster video card. Video cards help to make video and video games more realistic, with better textures, colors, and movements. If someone is hacking, they are dealing with code. Code is just a bunch of numbers and letters which scroll down the screen. To process the code quickly, a fast internet connection and cpu are required, not a fast video card. You also mentioned Lunix. Lunix is just an alternative to Windows or MAc OS. All three are operating systmes, all three carry out the same tasks and each one is just as able to be used for hacking purposes. Your delightful comment about Quake is a little out of touch. Quakeis a game which falls under the category of a first person shooter, and like an other first person shooter, it comes with an online multiplayer option. When playing online, the people who have joined the game pretend to shoot at eachother. Its harmless, its entertaining and most importantly, ITS A GAME. And as a game, it is used primarily for entertainment. Any other activities that you think are happening when your child is playing that game is just a conjured conspiracy theory. Your theory about slipping grades doesnt work either. My son spends an average of about forty hours a week an the computer. He just finished hi sophmore year with an A in AP Chemistry and an A- in AP Pre-Calculous. Another thing you mentioned was that these "hackers" have the ability to go into other people's stereos and steal their music using mp3 programs. That is astounding. I dint know that someone could come into my houde through the computer and take music out of my stereo. That sure does scare me! Now let me share a little nugget of truth with you. When someone has mp3's on their computer, that means it was downloaded from another person. That person whom the song was downloaded from willingly shared that song so that anyone could download it. The first program to make headlines for doing this was Napster, which has since been shut down. But other programs exist, the most popular ones being KAzaa, Morpheus, Winmx, Gnucleus, and Gnutella. These programs are harmless and simply offer an alternative to buying CDs, and do not in any way aid hackers to gain any illegal information. (By the way, you never specifically mentioned what it was that your son did that made you think he was a hacker, aside from asking you for new hardware and playing Quake.) Lastly, you mentioned this sudden change in appearance. You obviously have no idea about modern trends because hackers do not dress like that. If there is a stereotype for how a hacker dresses its that they dress in mostly black. The style of dress that you are talking about is what ravers wear. (Ravers are the ones who dance around with glowsticks and use ecstas.) So in summary, you have no idea what you are talking about and you seriously need to get a life. Tha little comment about attending "teenage parties" with your children to "assure that there is no alcohol on the premesis" really shows how off-base you are as a parent. If there is anyone that needs help, its not your son, its you.

What a moron!!! (none / 0) (#7610)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 25th, 2002 at 01:24:20 AM PST
Ok, I know that by now this story is old news but whatever, I just came across it. So your son wants to have faster hardware so that he can "hack?" Let me just explain something to you. The Intel p2 processor, which came out several years ago, reached a top speed of 450mhz. That was pretty fast for the time but by today's standards, its very slow. At the same time that the p2 was out, AMD, the supposed "knock-off" company, brought out the Athalon. Its top speed was somewhere near 750mhz (if I remeber correctly). Not only was it faster, but it actually lasted longer. Another thing which you mentioned was a faster video card. If someone is hacking, the last thing they need is a faster video card. Video cards help to make video and video games more realistic, with better textures, colors, and movements. If someone is hacking, they are dealing with code. Code is just a bunch of numbers and letters which scroll down the screen. To process the code quickly, a fast internet connection and cpu are required, not a fast video card. You also mentioned Lunix. Lunix is just an alternative to Windows or MAc OS. All three are operating systmes, all three carry out the same tasks and each one is just as able to be used for hacking purposes. Your delightful comment about Quake is a little out of touch. Quakeis a game which falls under the category of a first person shooter, and like an other first person shooter, it comes with an online multiplayer option. When playing online, the people who have joined the game pretend to shoot at eachother. Its harmless, its entertaining and most importantly, ITS A GAME. And as a game, it is used primarily for entertainment. Any other activities that you think are happening when your child is playing that game is just a conjured conspiracy theory. Your theory about slipping grades doesnt work either. My son spends an average of about forty hours a week an the computer. He just finished hi sophmore year with an A in AP Chemistry and an A- in AP Pre-Calculous. Another thing you mentioned was that these "hackers" have the ability to go into other people's stereos and steal their music using mp3 programs. That is astounding. I dint know that someone could come into my houde through the computer and take music out of my stereo. That sure does scare me! Now let me share a little nugget of truth with you. When someone has mp3's on their computer, that means it was downloaded from another person. That person whom the song was downloaded from willingly shared that song so that anyone could download it. The first program to make headlines for doing this was Napster, which has since been shut down. But other programs exist, the most popular ones being KAzaa, Morpheus, Winmx, Gnucleus, and Gnutella. These programs are harmless and simply offer an alternative to buying CDs, and do not in any way aid hackers to gain any illegal information. (By the way, you never specifically mentioned what it was that your son did that made you think he was a hacker, aside from asking you for new hardware and playing Quake.) Lastly, you mentioned this sudden change in appearance. You obviously have no idea about modern trends because hackers do not dress like that. If there is a stereotype for how a hacker dresses its that they dress in mostly black. The style of dress that you are talking about is what ravers wear. (Ravers are the ones who dance around with glowsticks and use ecstas.) So in summary, you have no idea what you are talking about and you seriously need to get a life. Tha little comment about attending "teenage parties" with your children to "assure that there is no alcohol on the premesis" really shows how off-base you are as a parent. If there is anyone that needs help, its not your son, its you.

OMG (none / 0) (#7611)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 25th, 2002 at 04:58:14 PM PST
OMG you are one dumb mother fucker, you have no clue what you are even talking about, dont post news unless you know what the hell your talking about

-orangeninjaofdeath- (none / 0) (#7613)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 25th, 2002 at 08:17:54 PM PST
linux is not illegal for one. two you are bad parents, comet cursor intalls itself when you enter in certain websites, and if your kid is so food with his computer I am sure he wouldn't need that software anyway and wouldn't want it because he would no it is spyware. why would you discourage your kid from reading programming with perl. How do you think programmers learn how to program books. ||||||||||||||||

I don't even want to take the time to explain how much more is wrong with this article and the idiotic parents who wrote it

You idiot (none / 0) (#7614)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 25th, 2002 at 10:56:47 PM PST
Oh,and lastly, Meningitis is caused by either a virus or bacteria. So unless you've been licking the screen on your monitor and it's infected with meningitis, you're not going to get meningitis from your monitor. I'm fairly certain you can verify this with your "faith healer."
-Someone that detests stupidity

After politicians, this! (none / 0) (#7615)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 26th, 2002 at 01:34:16 PM PST
After politicians, this is the best STUPID article i've ever read of my life. The guy who wrote this is completely paranoing and he definitivly need some prozac. Poor Peter, your father is so crazy. He wrote things that are even not true. Linux, AMD, Quake, and everything mentionned that ARE NOT GOOD in this text OWN!

Congrats for your beautiful text, i'm still rolling on the floor at this time.

T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#7616)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 26th, 2002 at 09:14:37 PM PST
you need a normal sex life

BS! (none / 0) (#7617)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 27th, 2002 at 12:32:59 AM PST
dont beleive a word this dumbass just said

asdf (none / 0) (#7618)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 27th, 2002 at 05:03:52 PM PST

OH my lord (none / 0) (#7619)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 27th, 2002 at 07:27:19 PM PST
How incredibly stupid can a single person be?

YOU ARE THE LARGEST MOST OBNOXIOUS COMPLETELY FOOLISH IDIOT IN THE WORLD! It makes my head hurt to think how incomprehensable your brain is. You listed several unharmless very useful softwares. Since i myself am not a member i cannot see how amny posts there are such as this, but i'm sure there are hundreds. Don't ever post things like this, even as ajoke, it's NOT funny. it's just immensely stupid and irritating. AMD is one of the best microprocessor units on the market, they are much faster and more reliable than Intel chips, and they ARE sold in stores worldwide. you must be a complete and total fool to read this article, think you understand it, and follow it. If anything, you should take this as advice that you should NOT heed.

Very Annoyed,


P.S. You give true meaning to diplomatic idiocy...

thank god you weren't my parent (none / 0) (#7620)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 28th, 2002 at 01:33:10 AM PST
having just recently passed out of the stage of "impressionable youth," all i can really say is that i pity your children. i hope you realize that the money you saved keeping your children from having a decent and reasonable computing experience will only pay for a fraction of the therapy they'll be needing later on in life. my hat's off to the most ill-informed, media spoon-fed parent i've ever encountered

Hacker (none / 0) (#7621)
by andro on Fri Jun 28th, 2002 at 05:41:31 PM PST



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