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Is this being serious? (none / 0) (#5354)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 11:34:41 AM PST
Roflmao that made me laugh. I think you need to do a bit more research and go a bit deeper. Some of the topics in there are true but some of them are compleatly off and it is obvious that you havn't looked deep enough. For example Quake is perfectly legit game and might be played by hackers but doesn't mean that every one that plays it is.

where does such a morons live? -nt- (none / 0) (#5356)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 12:25:47 PM PST

omfg (none / 0) (#5361)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 01:18:58 PM PST

stupid (none / 0) (#5365)
by h4x0r3d j00 on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 03:15:02 PM PST
ok first linux is an operating system not a hacking program it is just less well know than windows beacuse its not point and click if you would read a little more you would know that and where did you get that quake was a virtual reality used by hackers it is a shooter game not a hacking chat room you are a dumb ass and you need to get better refernces

How stupid! learn more (none / 0) (#5368)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 03:54:40 PM PST
I think you really need to learn a little more about what your saying.
I really dont know whether to take this as a joke or an insult. If it is a joke yeah good one but maybe make it a little clearer. If this isnt a joke PLEASE PLEASE RTFM and learn a little more about the world you live in. A model father does not keep such a closed door on the world that his children will learn from. Why dont you experience technology for yourself before you start ridiculously accusing your own blood of doing something I'd say your gene pool simply cannot even understand let alone become.
GROW UP "Model Father"

You're the stupidest fucking person alive... (none / 0) (#5369)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 04:12:07 PM PST
how fucking stupid can u be?...
u're a fucking idiot...
at first it was funny, but shit man it ain't funny no more becuz of how seriously stupid u really are
u're juss a dumb piece of shit...
its amazing how stupid u are...

joke? (none / 0) (#5370)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 04:38:43 PM PST
surely this must have been posted as a joke, if not who ever wrote it made a complete fool of themself, because they have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

joke (none / 0) (#5442)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 05:30:23 PM PST
it's nice to see that a funny article can be put on a site like this. It's to bad there are so many others that can't take a joke

bullshit... (none / 0) (#5371)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 04:42:59 PM PST
"This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin colour, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

"Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.

"My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike."

The Mentor, "The Conscience of a Hacker"

soliman (none / 0) (#5372)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 04:54:12 PM PST
"This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin colour, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

"Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.

"My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike."

The Mentor, "The Conscience of a Hacker"

Jesus Christ (none / 0) (#5375)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 05:31:26 PM PST
Honestly ITS FUCKEN LINUX first off hmmm electro magnetec danger buy the fucken sheild if u want, if he is a hacker wat are u gonna do wen he turns 18 mine aswell support him then get into a fight and then he will pay u back hmm and girl hackers?? lol they can hack yes but they want to copy us guys no they are the same as us u sexual racist ass

You've got to be kidding me! (none / 0) (#5376)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 05:33:59 PM PST
You browbeat your child to attempt to obtain a confession from him for hacking and punish him unfairly, when he was obviously only gaming, and you call yourself a "model parent"? I'm sorry to say that you are a prime example of ignorance and lack of knowledge at work. You should be ashamed of yourself for having so little trust in your son that you refused to believe him when he was obviously telling the truth. If you are unsure, INVESTIGATE. That is what a model parent does. Comet Cursor and Flash are by NO means any type of hacker programs! If you had taken 5 minutes to famialirize yourself with these programs, you would have known that. Your other "red flags" are also foolish and completely false.
You owe your son an apology.
I sincerely hope that you have not ruined the lives, and the foundations of trust, of other families by spreading this erroneous information as "fact".

KEKE U MUCH SUXXOR ^^ (none / 0) (#5377)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 05:34:35 PM PST
lol is all i can say
what total and utter bullshit
i hope this guy gets caught by a load of real 133+ hackerz and they club him to death >.<
this is a totally un-realistic and badly researched article that nearly made me piss my pants with laughter

anyway, im off to meet some haxx0r friends in return to castle wolfenstein, as soon as I finish reading this manual about hacking, then I think I'll bleech my hair, try out some ISP's and insult my parents..... KEKE ^^


Unreal (none / 0) (#5378)
by roach on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 06:04:04 PM PST
Sir ,

No one can possibly be as totally ignorant and misinformed on every point ,as you are trying to make us believe.

Thanks for a good laugh.


This article is BULL. (none / 0) (#5379)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 06:04:36 PM PST
First of all, the programs that your son got could have been downloaded off of a Napster type program, you don't have to be a genious to get programs off the internet for free.

Second, you are not THE model parent. My grandma, R.I.P., raised my mother and my aunt without a husband (my mother is almost 50). My grandfather died when my mom was only 14 of colon cancer, my grammy didn't know how to drive, never worked a job in her life raised them into model parents. My grandma got a job at the secretary of state, learned how to drive, and was able to afford her house for 45 years. She also played a big part in my life. She taught me how to write cursive before I attended first grade, taught me how to read before preschool, and taught me self love. If you want to be a model parent look at people who have raised their kids to be intellegent adults under hard circumstances.

Last, your kids will probly result into the type of child who shoots up their high school, or kill themselves. Sorry to say it, but your the opposite of a model parent.

as (none / 0) (#5382)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 07:19:27 PM PST

Video Card Video Game Get It (none / 0) (#5383)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 07:34:34 PM PST
This is so ignorant. Now the kid has been called a liar and branded by his own father. What a pity. Bonzi Buddy that pain in the ass bird and comet curser please. Comet cursor is used by a lot of kids because of the themes and cartoons it contains. This guy really is reaching, hope no parent will listen to this idiot and ground their kids. The bad part is,he said he actually did research. Sorry for the Kids.

This is Stupid (none / 0) (#5384)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 07:44:34 PM PST
I think that whoever wrote this crap is a retard and so is any IDIOT who took it seriously. I spend hours on the computer everyday and i dont even know how to program. Also AMD currently makes the best chips on the planet. Chips cannot be easily manufactured in 3rd world countries because they require specialy trained workers and sterile manufacturing conditions. Windows and no offense to it is not really that good. All other os' are better. Whoever wrote this is full of crap.

What the Fuck?!? (none / 0) (#5388)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 08:46:52 PM PST

Reality check (none / 0) (#5391)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 09:23:53 PM PST
Well, as it is obvious this post was written as a joke (note the unusual mix of knowledge of programs and hardware with the blatant lack of understanding what purpose these programs serve) it think it's kind of strange that some people go and yell abuse at this person. I am quite sure he/she is rotfl over some of the ppl that take this post serious. Please stop being this naive! Regards, Bunny (The Netherlands)

What type of idiot wrote this? (none / 0) (#5392)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 09:25:49 PM PST
Crackers are the bad type if hackers. Most normal hackers are good. The change in clothing usualy means that your son has just become a punk.

You sir, are truly stupid and I hope you learn more on how to get a I.Q. of atleast 50! You can't write about being a hacker if you arn't one. This article is a laugh

what the fuck are you talking about (none / 0) (#5394)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 09:57:51 PM PST
lunix? it's linux. flash.. is a program for designing animations for webpages and/or presentations. comet cursor... whta the helll does that have to do with anything? it's a damn thing that changes your damn cursor. and... glowsticks and baggy pants? HACKERS are raving now? ahahahaha.. pitiful, stupidity of computer illiterate parents...... oh yes.. change of isp? probably because the current one sucks? aol is secure? ahahaha i laugh in your face. hardware? amd is for hackers now? more ram? better video card? faster processor? umm.. i think your kiddie is computer gaming probably? n0 shiet. and.. quake... isnt' quake a damn game? academics are going bad? probably your son is just getting stupid????

This is a joke right? (none / 0) (#5395)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 10:41:39 PM PST
LMAO, this is a big joke right? If not I feel very sorry for this kid for having an idiot for a father.

Well, wasn't this fun (none / 0) (#5397)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 10:54:45 PM PST
This is about the stupidest shit I have ever read in my Life. You really need to get a fucking clue to life man. This is so pathetic. Buy a parenting for dummies book.

Obtuse Fool (none / 0) (#5398)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 11:04:47 PM PST
this guy should've been in one of the 2 planes flying into the WTC towers.

breaking Windows (none / 0) (#5399)
by guest on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 11:08:24 PM PST
There was something said about breaking windows with Lunix?

Well I saw someone trying to do that going home one day. He said he was trying to break windows, it was no accident. I told them that if they were trying to break windows, that he should try using a rock instead. They are cost NOTHING AT ALL and do not come in soft box packages.

PLEASE READ!!!! (none / 0) (#5400)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 11:48:21 PM PST
I would like to say that I have come to the conclusion that this article is not real.....Nor does it have any real truth in it. I would also like to say that i think it's very funny that some poeple tried to correct this person....then, were very WRONG themselves!!

uhh (none / 0) (#5401)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 12:27:55 AM PST

Sorry.. Like what's his face said, I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

Ignorance isn't so bliss. Stupid nigger fucks.

And female hackers are just as abundant as males, trust me.

Fucking twits.. I think the son should kill this "father" for caring so much. Poor child.

OMG! (none / 0) (#5402)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 02:15:44 AM PST
Oh my god! Are you for real?! *lol*

lol .. you all crack me up (none / 0) (#5403)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 02:48:34 AM PST
I'd like to congratulate the writer of this article .. very informative. I found out quite how gullible much of the internet using public is, through this. Two things:

First note: Internet Idiocy. Do you really expect to believe anything found in the 'Internet Idiocy' section of a website?

Second note: Wife - Carol. Daughter - Cindy. Son - Peter. Six children in the household. If you still haven't recognised these obvious allusions to The Brady Bunch, then I feel sorry for you. As much as I despise them, I still recognise the names.

Oh, and one last thing. This article can not be taken too seriously. Interpret that how you will. ;)

Don't jump to conclusions (2.50 / 2) (#5404)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 03:34:22 AM PST
Not all of the above are indicators of your child being a hacker. Many teens use the internet to become involved socially with people expressing similar views. There are many newsgroups forums and mailing lists you can become active in. Also there are other Operating Systems other than windows while they look and run differently they are much the same. Linux and others are more reliable and flexible for those who have experience in programing and while you may not know how to use them your child might. Not only that but evn Windows can be used in hacking activities. Programming is actually an available course in most high schools and you can always contact their teachers if you want to ask any questions about any software and/or hradware they are using. Of course your child should ask before downloading and installing such software but try to be understanding and express your fears to them. Also hardware upgrades are sometimes a necessity. Newer programs including games and programs for creating 3D artwork and movies. Quake is actually a very popular first person shooter and while the messaging system can be abused as described above so can just about any other online game that incorporates a messaging system. While AOL is a highly recomended internet service provider that doesn't mean that others are not. There are many that are provided by telecomunication companies. And finally while staying on the computer for long periods of time is not recommended there is certainly no such thing as "Computer Radiation". But there are other thing including eye fatigue wich can result in nausia and headaches. The easiest way to prevent this is every hour or so take a short break. And just to reinterate don't jump to conclusions!

it is dangerous to laugh (none / 0) (#5405)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 05:26:57 AM PST
After the second or third point I understood the whole point of this article. Also I understood, that telling intelligent jokes is very dangerous in modern society. It's one of best satires I saw. Did you guys, all posters here, read any books in your life?

Of course every point in the article are filled with a good grenade of stupidity, as intended. But still - you try to persuade the author does not know anything about computer and hackers. He hacked your minds. He is hacker, in a broad sense. And a very good one.

Buy Basic computer knowledge for dummies please. (none / 0) (#5406)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 05:31:34 AM PST
I have heard some stupid things from computer users (I'm a desktop support engineer) but this does seriuosly take the cake. I'm glad I'm not your child. Whoever this idiot is could you do the world a favour and before posting a letter where everything you say is wrong find out about the topics first. There is books written for idiots like you and it does give you the right information about the topics you think you know so much about. YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON SO FUCKED OFF AND DIE AND SAVE THE REST OF US THIS HASSLE IN THE FUTURE.

AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA *Shoots himself* (none / 0) (#5407)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 06:15:02 AM PST
You are the most stupidest thing to ever exsist. Who could be this stupid?! My 12 year old brother knows more then you ever will, you should be tied to a tree then tortured. You sir are a n00bhead. A total idiot, mental disorder, un-balanced fruit cake. This shit has made me laugh for the last 30 minutes. I mean how the fuck can anyone be this stupid. I've seen animals more smarter then you, this is so stupid it's not funny. DIE RATFUCKA.

BTW I found a place where they sell Jar Jar blow up dolls.

WTF (none / 0) (#5410)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 07:25:27 AM PST
As most people who are read that, im thinking it is a joke...... well hoping at least, and there are many equally stupid people posting stuff, This is the biggest piece of monkey crap, i have ever seen, as i said im hoping this is a joke, if not, you are a fucking moron ! you absolute tosser !

heh.... (none / 0) (#5413)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 10:20:08 AM PST
Heh, obviously nobody here is aware of the fact that this article was totally SARCASTIC ??? :P

research? (none / 0) (#5414)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 11:02:53 AM PST
next he'll be telling us the exact reason he banned his son from the computer was because he caught the kid using a flash movie to telnet through his ISP so that he could dos some ones command promt.
actualy there is one bit of information I would like from the author of this article. he said he did research in order to come up with this method of detection, I personaly would like to see what comic book he used, because anyone with the computer literacy of a 6 year old can find that the nature of the artical although written with the best intentions was completely lacking in factual information. if I had turned this in as a school assignment when I was in school I believe I would have faild miserably, unless it was a fiction assignment.

I only got one thing to say..... (none / 0) (#5415)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 12:29:51 PM PST


Can someone make me stop laughing? (none / 0) (#5416)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 12:36:34 PM PST

Moron (none / 0) (#5417)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 01:14:31 PM PST
Nothing in this article is factually true. 1rst of AMD is just a cheaper , and possibly better version of intel, in no way can video cards help you hack. And many of those books you have listed are just about the history of computers (i.e. the book hackers)

it is a good day to laugh (none / 0) (#5418)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 03:00:10 PM PST
a couple of things. first off, i dun usually comment on this post, but i couldn't help myself, i love comedy and i think this one should be done on "just for laughs".

secondly; ppl, calm down. it looks like you're all yelling at each other. not cool. calm down, you are exihibing one of the behaviours that this 'dude' made clear, that 'non-technologically challenged' kids are hostile when confronted on ideas.

and thirdly, every one's extremely agitated about the incoherent evidence and gender issues, that they over look the other details that stand out just as well. ask your self, have you ever seen a hacker that is associated with a raver? i'm both, (sorta, cause my hacking is associated with music) and i do not, nor did i ever, dress as wat was described in the above 'educationally enlightening' funny shiet.

it is a good day to laugh (none / 0) (#5419)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 04:01:09 PM PST
a couple of things. first off, i dun usually comment on this post, but i couldn't help myself, i love comedy and i think this one should be done on "just for laughs".

secondly; ppl, calm down. it looks like you're all yelling at each other. not cool. calm down, you are exihibing one of the behaviours that this 'dude' made clear, that 'non-technologically challenged' kids are hostile when confronted on ideas.

and thirdly, every one's extremely agitated about the incoherent evidence and gender issues, that they over look the other details that stand out just as well. ask your self, have you ever seen a hacker that is associated with a raver? i'm both, (sorta, cause my hacking is associated with music) and i do not, nor did i ever, dress as wat was described in the above 'educationally enlightening' funny shiet.

Joke (none / 0) (#5420)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 04:40:59 PM PST
Is this site a big joke? Seriously, I'm not kidding around. I'm honestly confused.

ha, OMFG thats said.... by: FatLoserBoy (none / 0) (#5421)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 04:52:05 PM PST
It looks like you needs to take some computer classes his self.... i mean i guess you have not spent 1 hour on the freekin comptuer if you dont know what any of that is o hell i forgot look out for the killer company AMD lol. and wow the glow sticks and pacifiers are what hackeres use eh? UMM I THINK THERE IS A DIFFRENCE BETWEEN HACKERS AND RAVER'S omg your so gay

OMG, you parents are nuts! (none / 0) (#5423)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 3rd, 2002 at 07:40:17 PM PST
Just because he was usin his comp to hack is no reason for alarm. I am a "1337" computer hacker, and i feel you the person who wrote that damn article should be beaten down. Hacking done in moderation is not a bad thing! However, if that persons son was going to steal credit card #'s and such, then by all means ban him form his one trusted friend his COMP! B/C it is his only friend! You as parents hsould be ashamed of yourself it was your fault he became a hacker anyway. Its B/C you didnt do your damn parenting job! And since when is Flash, comet cursor and bonzai buddy hacking software. ill tell you when-NEVER! Flash is used to make cool animated cartoons, Comet Cursor gives you custom cursors for your comp, and Bonzai buddy- its usless crap made by someone who had way too much time on their hands! As for the dress change in a person- think you idiots, most hackers are over the age of 12 and go to high-school, yes high-school! And what do people do in high-school- they strive to fit in with other people and/or groups and make friends,

You need your head examined. (none / 0) (#5426)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 12:33:06 AM PST
And you need to check some facts. Look in windows for's there. You will always need a connection via a phone line or broadband modem to use the net..And please PLEASE tell me you are joking about the hardware upgrades..i am a hardcore gamer and i upgrade my computer all the constantly needs to be faster with better graphics. As for your description of dress..lay off the crack pipe pal. Ravers dress this way..ask any hacker, most of em sit around in their boxer shorts laughing at insignificant little piss ants such as yourself. Linux is a damn fine operating system and Snowcrash is a great book..I bet you are one of those people who would ban Burroughs and Ginsburg if you could. You need to remove your head from your ass and do a little bit more "research" before you start screaming about the dangers of computers..For one thing..AOL just plain sucks. I am a former Microsoft employee and i can tell you the average iq of an AOL user is no bigger than my shoe in yours. The end all be all of the net is NOT AOL. So honest, decent computer geeks a favor and just sell yours and never access the internet again or they may be tempted to find you. :D

for the humor-challenged (none / 0) (#5427)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 01:30:54 AM PST
I know others have expressed my sentiment already, but I cannot contain myself. IT IS A JOKE, PEOPLE. There is no way that somebody could actually cram hundreds of deliberately hilarious mistakes and misconceptions into an article of that size.

<p>It is, simply, a work of genius, without a doubt the best troll that I have ever seen. To the author of the article, congratulations, a brilliant and flawless parody.

You kno your father is full of crap when<b>. (none / 0) (#5429)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 03:22:57 AM PST
You know that some father is full of shit when:

1: He's anything like this father.

2: He asks you questions about every last thing you down to the way you walk or breath.

3: If he's half as fucked up as this father is

4: He goes mental if you dont get a a+ in every subject.


Hurry Hack-Man, we've got trouble about! (none / 0) (#5432)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 05:44:05 AM PST
Quick, to the Hack-mobile... we've got a computer to hack into.

I've been using computers since I was 13 years old - Let me just ply you with a little advice -

The programmes you have mentioned in your article are *NOT* hacking programmes. For one, you mention LUNIX - which is a operating software for the Commodore 64 (I'd like to see you do any hacking on one of those!) Linux, on the other hand (hard to believe the difference two of those little letters make) is a reliable operating system, mostly used for programming new software - again (NOT HACKING!).

You should have let your kid continue to learn PERL and Linux - you could have been sitting on a veritable FORTUNE having a computer programmer in the family (and I *do* mean through legal jobs for illustrious companies such as Microsoft, Electronic Arts, et. al. and not hacking, before you confuse the two).

Yours in boredom,

Okay, now... (none / 0) (#5435)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 10:13:02 AM PST
No offence, BUT MOST OF YOU HERE ARE IDIOTS! Does anyone here even know WHAT HACKING IS?! I work for Apple Computer as a lead programmer on some of their projects, and I hack all the time. What does hacking mean? It means making a program (or even stuff in the Real World) do things that they are not originall intended to do or looking at things originally not intended to be seen upon. Me opening ResEdit and then looking at a text file on my computer is me hacking. Me editing a file so that I can use MineSweeper as a working clock is me hacking.

As for programs...
Flash: this is using to create webpages, made by Macromedia, Inc. I respectable, multi-billion dollar company.
Linux: This is available to buy in stores such as Best Buy. Would Best Buy be selling hacking stuff? No!

Bah, screw it... this is not worth my time...

LOL WHAT AN IDIOT! (none / 0) (#5436)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 12:50:25 PM PST
Sir, you truly are an IDIOT. You bring the word stupidity new definitions.

1. WTF? Don't be stupid. If your son was a hacker he wouldn't be stopped by AOL.

2. Ok this is the stupidest thing you said. Comet Cursor integrates new cursors onto websites. Bonzi Buddy is an assistant on the computer. Flash is for websites that incorporate Flash media.

3. Faster video cards improve performance visually of the computer. It has NOTHING to do with hacking, genius. Hard drives are the things you use to store your stuff! Without a hard drive your computer could not run. Gah you're stupid. HAHA this is another stupid one. AMD is a very respectable processor manufacturer that competes directly with Intel.

4. This one actually made sense, but it is fucking common sense smart one! If your kid is reading hacking manuals then yeah there is a small chance he/she is a hacker. Idiot.

5. 30 fucking minutes on the computer per day??? I can spend more than 2 hours a day on the computer easily and I'm not a hacker. Conservative assholes.

6. Quake is a fucking game. Calm down. There are plenty of other first person shooters.

7. This can happen with anyone, hacker or not.

8. IDIOT! LINUX is a very stable operating system trusted by many businesses corporations. It is not hacking software or anything.

9. People that listen to grunge dress like that. Anyone can dress like that.

10. SHUT..UP..Damn you're stupid. Ugh I don't even want to comment on this one.

OK Mr. Conservative. Get your damn facts straight before you waste your time writing some gay guide like this that you think will help other parents. Anyone that has read this guide is dumber now after they have read it. You are an idiot. Go learn something about computers. I feel sorry for your kids.

Your joking right... (none / 0) (#5440)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 03:23:31 PM PST
due to the number of wrong spellings and the ignorance the author seems to have to computers this article would have to be a joke. Your theory on quake was fairly amusing you take one of the most popular games in america and say it trains kids in the use of fire arms. My advice to you, the matrix was only a movie.

Sheer Brilliance (none / 0) (#5441)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 03:38:44 PM PST
Read it, amused by the words, even more amused by the linking of any nouns to hilarious sites, ROFLMFAO @ people correcting the spelling of Linux. WP all, spinky performance.

morons (none / 0) (#5443)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 05:47:47 PM PST
Anyone who would even believe a word on this website is a complete and total moron.

Ignorance (none / 0) (#5445)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 07:06:22 PM PST
This website appears intelligent, yet when i began to read it the effect was spoiled.
Before you reject something, at least try to understand it first. The author of this article was clearly unable to draw thier own conclusions about life. Welcome to the 20th century. Let us know when you're willing to join the rest of us in the 21st

Mp3 (none / 0) (#5447)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 09:50:22 PM PST
I am too bizzy to talk right now, Imma go steal some songs from this kids stereo with mah MP3 program.

Anyone who thinks this is true should be shot. (none / 0) (#5448)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 10:41:34 PM PST
You fools, it's a joke. Duh.
It was rather funny tho. AMD sweatshops. Heh.

jebus (none / 0) (#5449)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 12:22:56 AM PST
OMG! you DENSE IDIOTS.... this site is obviously a joke...

oh and this site is actually made by a hax0r... it installs an edible cookie on your computer.. imagine that

ph33r m3 plz! (none / 0) (#5450)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 12:49:12 AM PST
i r ub3r r33t c0mput0r h4x0r, 1 w1ll D0S you with my penis! ph33r my p3n15!@# *goes into MS-D0S Prompt* *Types in deltree c:\ *.* /y* u r l0se j00r h4rddr1v3! u r c4n st1ck 1t up j00r 455! Mwahahaha! Okay, on a serious note, you should all be sent out on a small rowboat, sent into the middle of the ocean, and then nuked. You all suck , period. You may as well go cannibalistic on your children, and never, ever, breed again. While you're at it, go cannibalistic on yourself, I'd like to see you chomp your little testicles off :P

what are you thinking (none / 0) (#5451)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 01:49:12 AM PST
first of all quake is a video game. you can not be trained in the use of fire arms threw the use of a video game. telnet was not written and you have to call telnet to gain access. telnet is a network that allows people to transfer files and programs threw the use of the "ftp proticol" also known as the "file transfer proticol" you can not access someones computer who is not signed on to telnet.the description you gave of your sons looks are that of a raver. hackers have no real look. i am respectible looking and i know somethings about hacking. i know a grease monkey who hacks and he doesnt look like that. one more thing the programs you said were "hacking programs" were no more than simple programs that AOL sends to its customers to help in keeping your computer running smooth by always looking for updated software such as new versions of aol.

your are an idiot.. (none / 0) (#5456)
by fiz on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 03:48:18 AM PST
lol, everything you said was very in accurate, i especially like the part about how linux, 'lunix' as you call it, was invented by a notorius hacker after the cold war or some bull shit

linux is a great operating system and only educated people can operate it correctly, if your son is one of them good for him.. but that doesnt make him some malicious hacker lol...

hahaha classic remake of one of the old textfiles (none / 0) (#5457)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 05:57:14 AM PST
oh... i just love this type of joke... it makes me laugh... the funniest bit is that somewhere out there there are actually people this ignorant *coughgeorgebush* ahem.

nerk, bort, fitk...

Ned Flanders Lives ! (none / 0) (#5458)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 08:26:02 AM PST
I suspect this is a joke; but I gotta tell you, if this guy is serious he is one messed up dude with one heck of a one-eyed view (and ill-informed).

AMD isn't sold in shops !?@ What a crock. Where do they come from, trees?

If the author is serious, please kill yourself. You are giving your kids a truly messed up and unrealistic view of life. After all, how did you learn anything; by listening to your Pappa? I don't think so dude. What a clown !

Oh, don't forget....all 'hackers' are under 15, wear bizaar clothes, take drugs (inc CAFFEINE!), run Linux, sell prostitutes and eat nothing but candy. LOL, wake up man, are all criminals unshaven? I think not...

Your kids are truly going to hate you when they discover the joy of sex....

LOL please tell me that is a joke (2.50 / 2) (#5459)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 08:48:42 AM PST
I have used computers for years and there is nothing on that list that is true.

Parents don't listen to this man. Most computers use flash and it is a simple tool for displaying graphics on the net.

Let me change your list so it, is true.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Most American families use slow Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict i-like-to-be-Hacked policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is slow, boring and above all legal(way boring you off the internet). If your child is becoming a gamer, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more gamer friendly provider.

I would advise all parents to follow this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's slow speed. This speed is vital to any parent who wants their son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him to bordem. It is best to move ISP's, rather than using AOL.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Sub 7", "Brutus" and "Morphious"(but there is also a good music downloader called morphious).

The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer gamers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer. Or for a cheap solution go to a computer store. You get the same service(cheap prices)

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for excitment. AMD is a first-world based company who make supior American processor chips. They use well-paid workers extensively in their first world factorys, . AMD chips are always sold in stores, or you may order them from internet sites. Do buy this chip! This is one request that you must give your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

I removed this because, it was the worst piece of rubbish ive seen.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

So was this

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by gamers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss gaming and train in the use of various V.R. weapons. Some gamers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world.(this is possiable)

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away(you should anyway), and have trigger locks installed.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

This is called "teenage years"

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

Please rubbish again.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

This person is either mad or has come into contact with people outside the house.(you should do that)

10. Is your son struggling academically?

Rubbish 2

YOU SUCK! (none / 0) (#5462)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 09:59:38 AM PST
all of what you said was bs, if anyone actually belieeves you, they should pput themselves out of their misery. Or wait, is sucide the hacker's way out?

The bliss of ignorance (none / 0) (#5463)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 10:01:29 AM PST
Well my overprotective uneducated parent you seem to be highly misinformed on many topics.
If your son is trying to become a hacker limiting his acces to your home computer wont stop him it is more likely to incorage him. As far as comet cursor and bonzai buddy being hacking tools..lmao
Yes thats what all the real hackers use these days. Why use a sniffer or a scanner when you can make really cool cursors?
I doubt your son is a hacker and from what youve stated he probably is not trying to be a hacker.
I seriously suggest that before you punish your children for more "cyber-crimes" you educate yourself. By the way reading a FAQ or two doesnt count as being educated.
By the way that "lunix" as you put it is a free operating system based on unix technology it far more stable than any of the crap that windows puts out. As far as being illegal well i guess thats why you can get "lunix" at any major computer store.

cool (none / 0) (#5464)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 11:24:36 AM PST
I think not having comet cursor or Bonzi Buddy is a sign you DONT have a hacker in your house

Yeah uhm hmmmn that's the good stuff (none / 0) (#5465)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 11:33:50 AM PST
Common people this is a funny joke but, it can't possibly be real. I laughed allot but it's a hoax. anyone so stupid as to say that comet cursor is "a hacher program" cannot possibly also twist up the roots of linux (excuse the pun). And misspell it at that. IT's a hoax, but a very very funny one.

LOL (none / 0) (#5466)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 12:56:55 PM PST
Ive never read such a load of rubbish in my entire life.

I must spend approximately 4 hours a day if not more on my computer and use an AMD processor which is just a rival for the popular maker INTEL. AMD off supirior performance a cheaper price. And AOL is the worst ISP known to man. And Linux is just another rival of microsoft with better memory management and performance.

um, what wanker wrote this? (none / 0) (#5468)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 02:59:34 PM PST
Well - I guess I'll take the bright pink baggy trousers back. Uninstall 'new' software, uninstall the extra memory, stop being antisocial when I'm pissed off, spend less than half an hour on MY computer, and everything else thats accused me of being a hacker.

God help people who go to clubs... what with all those glow sticks, they're all bound to get beaten up with the violent behaviour.

Wtf does he think he's on about?!?!?!

Uhm... (none / 0) (#5469)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 03:08:29 PM PST
Ok, when I first read this, I thought it was a complete joke, after I got to the Comet Cursor part. I had never been to this site, but the direct link to this "news" was provided.

Then I saw how everyone was responding with serious comments...

Whoever wrote this, has to be the biggest goddamned idiot. Stupider than those idiots blaming violence on video games.

Please don't ever post anything that comes close to such nonsense ever again. As a matter of fact, kindly tie huge boulders to your legs, and throw them in the nearest river. You'll do society a huge favor...

I have to laugh.... (none / 0) (#5471)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 04:11:00 PM PST
Before i start, i do have to say that anyone that has any knowledge of computers hate Bonzi Buddy and Comet Cursor. They're programs that eat up system resources and do nothing for anyone that uses their computer with more than a basic knowledge of it.

Frankly, I'm disturbed by this obviously uneducated writing. First, for the reason I just stated above. Let me make a few corrections...

-Flash isn't a program. It's a language. It's used in web design and is one of the best known for multimedia presentations over the internet.

-The "changing their appearance" factoid is confusing hackers with "ravers", two completely different social groups which sometimes cross over. Most of the time, however, you will not find two more opposite groups. Ravers are extroverts, party people, individuals who love to be visible. Hackers are introverts in the real world, mostly leaving the socializing to the cyber-world.

-If Quake can train people on the use of firearms, then playing baseball on my computer will get me ready for Spring training with the Yankees.

-AMD Proccessors are sold by Gateway, Dell, Compaq, and Hewlett Packard, just to name a few.

I could keep going, but it's useless, i doubt the writer of this is going to ever listen to the other side of this narrow-minded story.

hackers (none / 0) (#5472)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 05:21:34 PM PST
thank god i read this he was about 2 nuke his stepfathers brothers mothers sisters granmothers house by hacking into bin ladens nuclear arsnel

Anybody with brains please read this (none / 0) (#5473)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 06:27:05 PM PST
what the hell. Are you joking I am not going to even list the things rong with that post because it is so dumb infact it is so dumb I am not even sure if you are telling the truth. I am being dumb for replying to the post but for all the ppl out there who have a true intrest in hacking go to

p.s dumbass

My Faith in Humanity has Just Been SHOT (none / 0) (#5474)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 06:52:51 PM PST
If this isn't a joke, then I don't know where to begin. Isn't the ultimate goal of humanity to get less ignorant? *shudder* Alright lets begin at the beginning for those who actually BELIEVE this article.

A) He is not an enlightened modern parent.
B) Cindy is merely fibbing.
C) AOL and Prodigy etc etc... there is NO HACKER SUPPORTED ISP. No ISP in their right MINDS support Hackers. Hacker Friendly ISPs? You realize the ISP gets in trouble too.
D) Flash... Flash..> FLASH IS NOT A HACKER PROGRAM YOU FOOL. Flash is a program much like Java but for display purposes. It has VERY little durability for hacking.
E) Hardware. Okay do you know what Hacking is? What does a VIDEO card have to do with hacking? The most hardware YOU need for hacking is more bandwith. THERES NOTHING ELSE. Sound Card Video Card? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH HACKING?
F) Programming with Perl. PERL IS NOT A HACKING UTILITY YOU HYPOCRITE. You listed Hacking Utilities yet you failed to mention Perl. Perl is an online scripting language used primarily for database purposes.
G) Hacker CrackDown is a Hacking manual.. Someone tell me the logic.
H) Quake is a game. You shoot people. Theres nothing hackish about it.
I) What does behavior have to do with hacking..
J) Lunix... what is Lunix? You mean linux? I think YOUR a Lunix! Linux is an OS, Lunix? Lunix is YOU YOUR A LUNIX.

I don't even know what to say anymore. Your crazy. The world has gone mad. AHHHHHHH

Crack HEAD (none / 0) (#5476)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 07:15:40 PM PST
Microsoft actually owns the Goverment
You have to be joking to write this LOAD OF CRAP. LOL You are in denial. Everyone uses a computer and the internet. Therefore, We must all be hackers. Grow up, women are just as smart as men, just like your I.Q. compares to a chimp. O yes by the way my reply is inadequate. LMBO

"Rolling on the floor lauging my ass off at your idiotic article on this webpage full of moronic people just like your self."

That was a hacking message...

Crack+Muncher (none / 0) (#5477)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 07:17:55 PM PST
Microsoft actually owns the Goverment
You have to be joking to write this LOAD OF CRAP. LOL You are in denial. Everyone uses a computer and the internet. Therefore, We must all be hackers. Grow up, women are just as smart as men, just like your I.Q. compares to a chimp. O yes by the way my reply is inadequate. LMBO

"Rolling on the floor lauging my ass off at your idiotic article on this webpage full of moronic people just like your self."

That was a hacking message...

Assanine? Doesn't even come fscking close!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#5478)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 09:43:24 PM PST
I have been playing Quake since i was about 8..... i was a fscking beta tester. I think that if a parent wants to help their children, they should support their activities, as long as they don't have the FBI at their door as so many of my friends have. I used to be a hacker, i admit it. my parents have always supported me, they have spent a lot of money for me to expand my knowledge of computers/technology.

if this person is a parent, they really need to learn what they are talking about before they open their mouths...... i won't waste any more time on this BS. bye

Since when? (none / 0) (#5480)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 10:32:02 PM PST
Since when can the public not tell that something's satire?

Since when? (none / 0) (#5481)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 10:32:50 PM PST
Since when can the public not tell that something's satire?

And if you ask me, using a cookie to post anonymously is only slightly hypocritical.

this is not a HACKER who is this guy? (none / 0) (#5482)
by vortech on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 11:41:49 PM PST
Im sorry but Unless your trying to be the funny guy, Your are not to smart. Every single thing you said.. Does not make a hacker....
If your kid want'd to by pass aol's filters its very easy to do, I mean you do claim he is a hacker... And every 12 year old idiot computer user can by pass this parental crap. SO If he's a hacker he can't do this?? Also Faster video cards video games ? Dude are you on crack?
Nothing you say makes since not even to the wanna be hackers they even mock you now.
Atleast get a clue before your create such an article. The reason he wants of aol is cause he's getting made fun of and its hard to use aol with linux. AOL is for idiots EVery single real internet user knows how aol slows your internet conection down and practicly hogs your memory and makes shit worse then it is. I think your son just used some nuke.exe program and scared your duaghter. Heh if you did write this article as a real joke congrats man cause you PIN pointed how stupid THE MEDIa is perfectly man!

Has anyone heard of satire?? (none / 0) (#5483)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 01:55:38 AM PST
From reading some of these posts you could be forgiven for thinking that satire is an almost lost art. Or at least lost on some

Is this a joke ! (none / 0) (#5487)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 04:24:58 AM PST
AOL policy !!

Most hackers live on AOL !!

AMD (none / 0) (#5488)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 04:27:48 AM PST
"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well. "

This shows me how stupid all of you are.

heheh... (none / 0) (#5489)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 07:41:03 AM PST
Lamer! Lamer! Lamer! HAHA! I hope you've written this sjit for fun, else you're a stupid biatch indeed!

Read This comment on B*LL SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#5490)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 08:21:53 AM PST
Damn, you are fucking pathatic. If your son goes with a hot girl, he is a hacker. If your son eats at 12, he's a hacker. God do you even know where you are talking about. Case not. Maybe there is something called puberty.
btw: Quake is a game dom-ass!!!! btw: hacking not CRACKING!!! cracking is to f*ck things up hacking is haveing the knowlege to do you post sutch ST*PIT stuff just think..

I don't know who wrote it, but here it is:
God plz help me to shut my big mouth until I KNOW where i'm talking about!!!!!!

"my crime is that of judging those not on how they look, eat, or were they believe in. I judge people on what they do, and how they think"
damn your stupit.;)

!!!!!!!!!! - This Guy is a Total Moron - !!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#5491)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 09:23:44 AM PST
Ive always tried to respect everyones right to their opinions and their rights to express them, but this has nothing to do with opinions. You have NO IDEA of what you are talking about. NOT IN THE LEAST. I am just so in awe of your ignorance. You've taken it to a whole new level. I am just speechless. You should be sterilized before you can damage the genepool any further. If anything you and you son are "wannabees". I feel as though i have wasted 5 mins of my life reading this garbage. Here is some friendly advice. Allow people to wonder whether or not you are a moron, instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

*smacks you* (none / 0) (#5492)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 11:46:22 AM PST
does it hurt to be SO FUCKING STUPID?

Hehe, silly Americans... (none / 0) (#5493)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 12:14:53 PM PST
Dont beleive so many fell for this obvious spoof...
Quite funny tho :)

concerned (none / 0) (#5494)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 01:00:15 PM PST
damn, this has to be the king of all crap. i refuse to read on [period]

just scary just fucking scary man good job
and poor Peter! you should allow him to state his side of the story also *DAD*

You people are crazy.. (none / 0) (#5496)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 01:27:59 PM PST
Hi, i am a 13 year old boy who surfes the internet for longer than most people of my age. Heres where you are wrong.. I wear baggy clothes, but im not a hacker, my computer runs on a AMD proccessor, because amd is better than intel, we upgraded our hardware a bit, and im still no hacker! I frequently add programs to my computer, because i design webpages. I also work with Unix, which is like linux and lunix, but i use it to host webpages, and i am not a hacker. So you see now that is article is complete bullshit!!

HAHAHAAAAA (none / 0) (#5497)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 01:39:13 PM PST
sorry this made me laugh hacking doesn't have to be harmfull

AOL is the most sucky internet provider you can have

reading Hacking manuals can be for educational purposes

QUAKE?? sorry but thats an computer game :) biggest nonsence posted on this site

linux you microsoft whores... pfffft linux is a good operating system I use both but linux is for exploring and it doesn't crash as often as windows.

and if you want to become a hacker you must be REALLY smart I don't hack but I just fiddle around with the pc alot and I have top notch grades at maths and such. (also great for english :) )

LINUX IS NOT ILLEGAL you fuck it's freeware that doesnt make it illegal. damn u r dumber than a horses ass :/

and about christian stuff.... I don't like the idea of god influencing ppl in their doings. I won't believe in god untill I'm dead and actually have seen him/her/it (if it exists) and the believe in god has only made things go for the worst in this world withouth the invention of god mankind would have probbably gotten further in other directions. ALL WARS AND CONFLICTS ARE BASED ON RELIGIOUS THOUGHTS OR TRIGGERD BY THEM. OR USE RELIGION AS AN EXCUSE TO DO THINGS! I hate ppl who cry out that everything that's anti-christ is evil those ppl should be locked away or atleast think (FOR THEM SELFS AND NOT CHECK IN A BOOK IF ITS A GOOD THING TO SAY IT) themselfs.

Russian inventors are evil MUWHAHAHAAAA yeah right if an american christian person invented linux or unix (or lunix for the dopes out there) it wouldn't be an "illegal hacker operation system"

"They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this)" uuuh yeah right stupidity strikes again most ppl that I know that look like that are not hackers and dont have the slightest idea of what a computer is and what it does and can do. Judging ppl by appearance is SO wrong. and note that hackers don't want to be identified U CAN NOT GROUP HACKERS. Hackers don't have to have psychopathic stuffs or whatever.

The person who wrote this thinks he knows... And won't ever really know.

hahah (none / 0) (#5498)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 01:55:53 PM PST
most of the people that commented have room temperature IQ. Cant you see that this guy is just writing for fun of it (which means that he is not writing seriously)..


I would like to clear some things up. (none / 0) (#5499)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 02:22:40 PM PST
I am a "Hacker"

First of all, programming is a very vital and integral part of our world as of today. Second of all my grades in school have risen since becoming what you consider a hacker.

I do not have a problem with your concerns, but you need to understand that there is hacking, (Computer exploration and advancement, as well as programming) and cracking, (Illegal theft of programs, passwords, and accounts). Hackers are basically the people who defend the ignorant masses from their unscrupulous counter-parts. If your CHILD (Son or Daughter since I know a lot of girls who are much better at hacking than me)is programmingg, not only should you be unconcerned but even encourage him, or her. While if they are malicously destroying other peoples computers without there consent, I think you should set them straight about what is legal. I suggest getting a hackers point of view at, Carol Meinel. Although I dont always agree with her, she is goodhearted about informing the masses about true hacking.

mis-information (none / 0) (#5500)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 02:48:06 PM PST
I believe you have some mis-information, but since I did not see a contact us link I decided to post here. I will start with saying I am 16 years of age and go to a public high-school. I do not know how to hack computers but I have learned some slight information on videogame hacking (i.e. Gameshark or Game Genie).

I have know a couple computer hackers. None of them wear bright colors or any of that sort of description under topic 9(nine). The people that I know who have done that sort of thing are people who do drugs or go to raves (my sister has done this).

I don't know if Bonzi Buddy and Comet Cursor can be used to hack with, but I know they are not intended for that use. Bonzi Buddy is a stupid little purple ape that you can make say things you type in whereas Comet Cursor is labeled as spy-ware.

That's all I have to say. Please listen to it and possibly make changes or respond to me and tell me why you think I am wrong. You can reach me at my e-mail It is not my main address but I will check it often since I put it here.

Hmmmm.... (none / 0) (#5501)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 03:37:10 PM PST
Jesus... what a moron.... "finest family in the USA" your family sounds like a bunch of armish people dude, if you were my dad i woulda smothered you with a pillow in your sleep a LONG time ago, an god damn, Quake... a hacker retreat? its a god damn game you freak...

Asked to change ISP's.... well if your as dense as you seem youd start off using AOL which anyone with a brain would ask if you could change...

Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?.... thats called being a teenager you moron... an your supposed to be the model parent.... my god what is the world comming to.....

Jon G - My_PaddeD_CelL (none / 0) (#5503)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 04:04:21 PM PST
To the people who run this site: You are all n00bs, complete and utter n00bs...whoever wrote this article is the biggest dumbass I've ever seen...Somebody needs to nuke this site, just to prevent it from screwing up anybody else who might believe this BS. I swear, n00bs these days...soon they'll say that the computer is a tool of satan used to make people evil....idiots these days will knock anything that they don't understand...

Crazy Talk (none / 0) (#5505)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 04:49:06 PM PST
This guy sounds a bit crazy. "I have the model US family." Is this guy nutz? Anyway he know nothing about computers, not even mentiong anything about hacking as if this man could even relate or give any fact on this topic.

The man that posted this article should enter a computer 101 course at his local Kinkos!

Thank you,

To the moron who wrote this crap (none / 0) (#5508)
by Hectic on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 05:45:44 PM PST
First and formost what you the moron who wrote this meant to say was "How to tell if your sons a computer cracker" A hacker is just someone who is smart on computers (definity not you), a cracker is somone who breaks into computers. So if your going to write something know the facts. 2nd Linux is not an illegal operating system it is a freeware os or you can buy a boxed version at a computer store. It's most popular use is by internet servers. 3rd Comet Curser just changes the apperance of the mouse on the screen, Bonzi Buddy is a AI or artificial inteligence program that is a little monkey that comes on the screen and talks to you Flash alows you to make animations. None of the programs are used for hacking, your a moron for thinking so. 4th any true hacker or cracker is smart in math and science not stupid like your son. 5th hacking is not illegal as long as you dont break into a system. And it's not dangerous. Again your stupid.
So pretty much eveything you said was a load of crap and next time please get your facts right.

lmao (none / 0) (#5509)
by Harlequin on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 05:47:08 PM PST
this is the best article on faux families i've ever seen1 especially since we all know quake is a "hacking" game!

lmao. this is the shit!

Ignorant and prodigiously general accusations! (none / 0) (#5510)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 07:02:44 PM PST
I fit 8 out of 10 of your criteria. On the two that I don't fit, radical change in appearance, and reading hacking manuals, those are still NOT criteria for being a hacker. Neither are the other eight. You are probably quite computer illiterate. You don't have enough knowledge about computers. What kind of talk is this about Quake? You are one of the most ignorant people I have known to date, even out scoring my own parents. They know what quake is, my father has played it. I suppose Half-Life is the hacker eliteist society? All us gen-x'ers want to do is have a little fun, we do it in other ways than you. We chat and play games online with people halfway around the world. If that ain't something awesome enabled by technology, I don't know what is. Many children in their teens don't even have half the knowledge I do about computers, and I still have no clue about hacking whatsoever. Your instance seems quite isolated, I suggest you rethink what your son was really up to. Your hacking signs are just futile attempts to justify yourself, a typical grown-up tactic.

DUMB DUMBER (none / 0) (#5515)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 09:39:23 PM PST
O MY GOD.... wake up and smell the changing world around you. computers are practically essential in our everyday lives. you should not be so hypocritical. and by the way, idon't think your son is even hacking; rather, he is merely enjoying the convenience of the computer that you bought for him. if you're ready to kill me.... consider this:
i am a straight A student with all honors classes. i am also the class president and the "teacher's pet" if you wish.
and yes i am on the computer every single day (avergae 8 hrs/day.) i am still strong academically and socially - proving that computers are not bad for children. 45 min is not even enough for a good student to type up his homework....

MY GOD YOU ARE RETARDED (none / 0) (#5516)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 09:40:23 PM PST
I have never seen a more ignorant person than this asshole. He thinks that Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy and Flash are HACKER programs?! AMD chips are BAD?! Novels about hacking are DANGEROUS?! QUAKE IS HARMFUL?! and "LUNIX" he cant even spell right, that dumbass.
Words cannot describe this.

My word.... (none / 0) (#5528)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 03:57:49 AM PST
Sorry, haven't you realised that this is a pisstake?

You're american, aren't you? ;-)))

umm, i thnk you missed the point DICKHEAD (none / 0) (#5517)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 09:45:08 PM PST
it's a total piss-take you wanker, it's not serious

adults are retarded (none / 0) (#5518)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 10:02:56 PM PST
I have one thing to say. Yall havent a clue what the hell yall are talking about!!! whoever wrote this colomn must be really oblivious and who ever this is written about is probally a FAKE!!!!!

ignorance in knowledge (none / 0) (#5519)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 10:10:01 PM PST
whoever posted these 10 ignorant opionated comments on hackers has not the slightest idea of what they are talking about. You certainly cannot tell a hacker going by appearance and dress. You claim "linux", "bonzi buddy" and "comet cursor" are all dangerous hacking utilities and can cause serious damage to ones machine. Guess what, your wrong again. Your son and his quest for knowledge of the fastest growing market ever to hit this world as we know it, the computing market. Believe it or not but your son was actually spending his time educating himself for the future. He will probably grow up still interested in his feild of computers and have to support you because you think if you are on the computer for more than 30 minutes you could be "dosing" someone. You obviously have not ventured into computers very much and made a horrible mistake by taking your son out of this interest of his. Your son is a bright young man who realizes the importance of computers and the evergrowing demand for knowledge and skills. You should take this into conisderation and allow your son to continue his learning experience. You can monitor his activities by simply applying applications that log keystrokes (which i think is a complete invasion of privacy but for someone as ignorant as yourself it may be a resort). Talk to your son about his activities, chances could be hes not even "hacking" as you see it. Also the "Quake" being an allegid hacker hangout. Who and what told you that? Quake is a game, a really entertaining one at that. Just because the game involves combat doesn't mean your son is going to grab a gun and blow someones head off. If your son ever does then it is your fault as a parent and an issue you refused or never knew to take care of. Take this whole comment into consideration and also lighten up.

WTF? (none / 0) (#5525)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 11:58:07 PM PST
This is about the most stupid thing that I have ever read in my life. I think that you need to check out a little more on the subject before you go posting dumb shit like this. Everyone that read this just got dumbber, look I cant even speel right now. You are such a dumbass!

HELLO READ ME PLEASE (none / 0) (#5526)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 12:03:40 AM PST

No Offense Intended But... (none / 0) (#5530)
by Boruki on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 09:13:47 AM PST
No offense to you and yours, but does the word BULLSHIT mean anything? =)

STUPID (none / 0) (#5533)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 10:55:59 AM PST
I cannot believe this bullshit. Your son is not a hacker you dumbass. However he is a hell of alot smarter than you. You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about you stupid bastard.

section 3 comment on amd (none / 0) (#5534)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 06:23:02 PM PST


How this article was written (none / 0) (#5535)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 06:32:09 PM PST
This is how I think this was written:
Take the history of computers textbook, cut out random words, phrases, characters. Put it in a hat, pull them out one by one. Type the crap you get, hit submit.

There ya go.

ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US (none / 0) (#5537)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 06:53:46 PM PST
Hackers are fond of the base. and being hackers means all the base does indeed belong to them. for they control the zig and can move them at will. You have no chance to survive in the presance of a hacker, make you time. ha ha ha ha

THIS IS CRAP (none / 0) (#5538)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 07:00:07 PM PST

I hope you die (none / 0) (#5539)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 07:15:34 PM PST
Where the hell do you get your information, dumbass? I'm willing to bet that someone you know has an AMD processor or a version of 'Lunix' on their system. Yeah, one sign that you are real intelligent, Lunix. Get a clue, retard. NO wait, I bet you've been getting it up the ass from Mr Bill Gates, haven't you? I'll bet that even Micro$oft themselves use a UNIX clone on their servers. I hope you die. If i see your in my part of the world, I promise you I will kick my Linux cd's up your ass, that is if Craig Barret (Intel CEO) has his dick out of your ass. Eat shit and die.

You are a fool (none / 0) (#5542)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 07:36:15 PM PST
Now I realize that you will not post this because of what is to follow but here it goes anyway...

1st off, the retoric that you posted/spewed in the is you son a hacker is utter crap. Where is your information from?
Pacifiers worn around their necks (that ravers not hackers)
Linux created by the Russians?
AMD processor...the processor has absolutly nothing to do with security, and it has been around as long as the pentium has moron. As for sweat shops...please how is a 5year old kid suppose to make a fucking computer chip??????
Quake? Are you were talking about hacking not the trench coat mafia
Surly antisocial behaviour...can you say teen years...after being reaised in the opression that you are raising your kids who wouldn't be surly
Changing their appearance....uhhh again due to the teen years, kids are geared towards conformity one they hit teens so they tend to dress alike, I am sure that you have seen it at the mall right.

you are a fucking moron if you think that these views of your are correct, and anyone who reads this...if you read it...and think that these are true signs that your child is a hacker then maybe you shouldn't have children.
Changing ISP's? I would change from AOL as well, seeing how they are the least sophisticated of all ISP's. Java anyone... I thought not

another uniformed opinion posted in a public forum (none / 0) (#5543)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 07:40:16 PM PST
First of all i'd like to say that i'm NOT a hacker(with the illicit connotations that implies)but i do possess the skills neccessary to be one. All the software and hardware you mention in your article are in themselves harmelss(in the case of bonzi buddy irritating but harmless nonetheless)Linux is a VERY powerful operating system, with power comes responsobility. Removing linux does NOT require had disk sir were the victim of an unscrupulous technican. I'm not familiar with AOL as an ISP so i can't comment on that aspect of your uneducated article. As for the chip maker AMD thier chips are top quality devices , equal to and in some respects better than the same parts from intel. I'm going to send this post before it degenerates to the point of a "flame war" if you want to know what that is "surf the web" to find out ... but whatever you do DO NOT MODIFY YOUR SYSYEM IN ANY WAY IF YOU DO YOU ARE A HACKER!!!!!

All lies (none / 0) (#5544)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 07:41:04 PM PST
Everything on this list are lies i have good grades i dont spend 8 hours a day on the computer i dont play quake AmD is not a knockoff company its 1.6 Aflon is better in all aspects than a p4 2.2ghz The only thing that applies to me is using linux and i only use linux becaue windows crashes so much that it isnt funny its not WYSIWYG though you could not tell i was a hacker. When i was a hacker i didnt do much but i did make a few people mad now i help people with security on their sites but you could call me a nice hacker.

Sir...the gene pool police are coming for you.... (none / 0) (#5545)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 07:48:43 PM PST
I found this article to be very informative. I mean, until now I was under the impression that my copies of L0phtcrack, CrackerJack and Claymore were the way to go. However, due to the enlightening text I have just digested, I realize that I need to secure a copy of Flash and purchase a book on Perl programming in order to achieve true "Hacker" status. I will also be going to the mall where I will purchase some bright colored clothing and of course the pacifier...because any good cracker knows they need a pacifier. When I read dribble like this, it almost makes me feel pity for other parents and people who read things like this and do not know better. So they accept about 50% of what was said and are now propagating the same BS to others. As an IT professional, I resent morons like Mr. Gibbons. He needs to watch every segment of Boot Camp in its entirety and read a quality text like Maximum Security or one of the Hacking Exposed books. This is assuming he can read. I will be honest, anyone who thinks that a furry purple ape hopping around a desktop is a tool for gaining privileged access is an idiot. In conclusion, we are all now a bit dumber for having read his submission of English literary excrement.

Dumb mother fuqrz (none / 0) (#5546)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 07:50:26 PM PST
yes you are

ROTFLMAO !!!!!! ;-) (none / 0) (#5547)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 07:59:21 PM PST
Oh my goodness I think we're surrounded.


I agree with everything "Anonymous Reader&quo (none / 0) (#5548)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 08:15:10 PM PST

Hacker tips? (none / 0) (#5549)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 08:28:21 PM PST
OH MY GOD hahahahaha lady! you got some serious issues.. amd is a legit processor company that makes.. ok quality stuff, and linux is NOT a "illegal russian operating system" and also, i think you are some jerk from aol advertising for their TRASH isp. you and your trash post was more laugs than anything else. Your son is NOT a hacker, but he is alot smarter than you as i can see and i feel sorry for him!

Jargon (none / 0) (#5550)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 08:33:38 PM PST
If I were your son and I caught you scanning my computer useage there is 1 favorite "DOSing" command I would run...... format c:

10 ways to know if your sons a hacker (none / 0) (#5551)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 08:56:28 PM PST
What the fuck is this guy talkng about????? His kids arent the ones with weak impressionable minds...HE IS! He doesnt know what he is talking about and needs to get a clue. Comet sursor and bonzi buddy are not hacker software and him saying so would probably piss off the copmpanies. Just because he doesnt understand them fdoesnt mean they are bad. Quake is a simple game. Yes its gorry but i assure you hackers do not only hang out in that gam,e. YEs it is fun for youth but it is just that ....FUN! Another thing...hackers come in all shapes and sizes and colors. We do not look alike and anyone who stereotypes all hackers into one group is ignorant. AMD is a respectable company and this mans harsh words need to be retractred. HAlf of the info in this article is based on his ignorance and gullibalness. If his naevity is not being over exxagerated in this article then he is not mature enough to be a parent and his family (as a result) cannot be perfect....SORRY!

This guys is a dickless moran (none / 0) (#5552)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 09:08:29 PM PST

Whoever made this is a complete fucking dumbass (none / 0) (#5553)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 09:22:19 PM PST
This piece of shit article needs to be removed. Whoever wrote it needs to be shot. I pity his kids. If I even attempted to correct this article, which I won't, it would make me seem like a hacker in his eyes. Whoever made this, do some fucking research into things, on legitmate sites, about this.

This guy is a dickless moran (none / 0) (#5554)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 09:28:42 PM PST
Someone should explain to this guy very politely that he needs to look and see that he truluy has no dick.

Its true, this man has no dick. (none / 0) (#5555)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 09:35:53 PM PST
Unfortunatly, we did investigate the matter further, and he has no dick.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#5556)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 09:38:02 PM PST
I use linux and an Amd Chip does this make me a hacker?
The anwser is no
I have 512 Mb of ram,a geforce 256 pro video card,
2 Ibm 40Gb hard drives a zip drive a dvd drive and a cdrw drive on an Amd 900 MHz Athlon based system so is this a hacker system I would say no just because I have this over built system does not make me hacker

Overbuilt....haha (none / 0) (#5623)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:12:39 AM PST
whatever man... that was a real article. (none / 0) (#5651)
by hdyw on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:07:33 AM PST
I AM a hacker, but i'm also a networking consultant. I use a dual-PIII 1Ghz system with 1GB of ram, 200GB of Hard drive space, as my 'play thing'. i also have a 30grand server farm at my disposal. Does that make me evil? does that make me imprisonable? no. LoL. and just because i spend over $800 a month on computer hardware doesn't make me anti-social. LoL. dude. i almost wish that WAS a real article. be cool to see that there ARE people that incedibly stupid that would be able to figure out how to submit an article on this site.


You are a sad person... (none / 0) (#5557)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 09:53:04 PM PST
I bet you don't even know what Linux DOES. Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor, FLASH?!

Hacking programs: Orifice, Netbus, Subseven.
You didnt mention anything about those trojan's. (bet ya don't know what a trojan is either)

perl or cgi is hardly hacking...

����̧�...����� 1337 hacker code n/t (none / 0) (#5560)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 09:57:14 PM PST

Turns out I'm a hacker!! (none / 0) (#5561)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 10:14:28 PM PST
Wow, turns out I'm a hacker. I like Techno (I'm from Detroit...the fair form's birthplace) I spend way more than 45 minutes at my computer...and I have a copy of Flash on my HD right now!
I'm also a philosophy major at Oberlin college with a 3.8 GPA.
I would like to learn how to DOS a computer...or where I can find a copy of "lunix" or how the heck "Bonzibuddy" can help me hack.
I also find it interesting to note that Texas has been officially dubbed the third world. Fascinating...

What Planet are you from???? (none / 0) (#5564)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 10:34:14 PM PST
AMD a HACKERS Processor???? Linux a Hackers Operating System??? jesus christ dude you got a lot to learn and i would suggest you keep that very large mouth of yours shut until you really KNOW what is going on AMD just happens to be the NUMBER 1 Chipmaker for computers on the planet for one and your computer probably has on in it lol Linux operating system is based off of the UNIX kernal and is a FREEWARE Operating system not to mention it powers over 90% of the internet Service Providers/ Website Providers etc..... how big of a moron can you be QUAKE is a GAME you idiot!!!! its a 3rd person shoot em up GAME Bonzai Buddy is a dang virtual pet for your computer!!! god some people think they got all the facts and should really just shut their machine off and give up before it damages their mental capacity even further! unplug the big box from the wall and send it to me now and I NEVER want to see you using it again you pathetic moron of a parent lol no I am not a kid I am 33 and have 2 son's they got a big kick out of the crap you are spewing here lol

you stupid dip shit (none / 0) (#5565)
by Viper75wi on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 10:40:57 PM PST
I hope Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) makes your life a living hell for your slanderus remarks.

EXCUSE ME! (none / 0) (#5566)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 10:46:15 PM PST
EXCUSE ME! What a bunch of bull****.

You mean to tell me that since I have an ADSL line and use Earthlink as my ISP that I am a hacker? Ummmmmm....tick tick tick tick....<BUZZER SOUND> WRONG! That means nothing!

And to stay with AOL? Don't make me laugh. JESE! Everyone knows that AOL is the worst provider on the face of this planet.

Changing ISPs? Yea right. Could it possibly be the fact that the ISP you currently have sucks?

Comet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy labeled as hacking programs? YEA RIGHT! More like SPYWARE!

Asking for new hardware. Thats normal. It is in our very human nature to want more power.

Reading hacker manuals? Hey, knowledge is power, knowledge is gold.

Quake as a hacker meeting ground? Don't make me laugh. It is just a game for crying out loud.

And they misspelled Linux. So a person uses Linux. Let them, more power to them.

That article was complete bull****.

gee i not surprize that thay did not included (none / 0) (#5569)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 10:55:34 PM PST
gee i not surprize that thay did not included
Is Your Child a Hacker? if

he or she watches tech tv or CFH or TSS

runs kazaa.

has a website.

bookmark slashdot

owns an xbox or ps2

owns an mac

or he or she knows about the dos prompt.

also i submitted my martin fanpage with lycos.

yes i haved no life.

Your a DIPSHIT (none / 0) (#5573)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 11:06:09 PM PST
you obviously havnt done any homework at all. You say that because someone wears bright colors, that it makes them a hacker? You described a raver, not a hacker you dumbass. Ravers are typically on too many drugs to hack anyway. God People as stupid as yourself should be dragged into the street and shot

YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT (none / 0) (#5574)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 11:09:52 PM PST
How can I describe this......

This guy is a Idiot (none / 0) (#5576)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 11:19:32 PM PST
First off a AMD will Kill a Intel any day and if His son wants a AMD then he will need a whole new mother board. This guy should go out and get some sun and not Judge companies that he doesnt know what a idiot

If you believe this (none / 0) (#5578)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 11:32:01 PM PST
If you believe who ever or what ever non profit CULT came up with this.
I have overclocked my AMD Athlon 1.2Ghz to 12Thz
and installed 16GB of ram in my computer just so I can use them with Microsoft's windows XP and my 3 high speed internet lines so I can hack into The to find naked pictures of Martin.

HAHAHA This website is the biggest pile of camel shit I have ever hacked across...

Chill out folx! This MUST be satire (none / 0) (#5579)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 11:33:50 PM PST
If it isn't satire I would LOVE to meet the clueless numbskull who wrote it.

"Bonzi Buddy" "Flash", and "Comet Cursor" hacker programs? LMFAO "lunix"??? ya gotta be joking! a DOS attack accessing the comand prompt of another computer? good friggin luck! Quake an online virtual reality for training in firearms? I think not.

Re: You are just plain nuts!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#5580)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 11:46:33 PM PST
I think your son should check out to see what you are doing. You'd better inform yourself better with computers and the internet plus learn how to spell. When you put a website, everybody can view it; so learn to SPELL!!!

going out on a limb here..... (none / 0) (#5581)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 7th, 2002 at 11:51:11 PM PST
tip 12: if your child knows visual basic, he is a hacker

tip 13: |f j00r c|-||1d 7yP35 1||<3 7h|5, h3 |5 4 h@c|<3r.

tip 14: if your child knows what IRC is, he's a hacker.

tip 15: if your child wants a gforce3, he is a hacker. he needs it to manipulate 3d port scanners (see swordfish lol)

tip 16: if your child wears black clothes, he is a hacker (or a goth)

anyways, enough of that. THIS ARTICLE WAS A JOKE PEOPLE CALM DOWN lol

Is your Son a Hackor? (none / 0) (#5582)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:01:01 AM PST
Whoever wrote this article doesnt have a clue on what hacking is. "Lunix" what the hell is that? Did you mean "Linux"? Quake is a hacker program? That one had me rolling on the floor laughing. 30mins on the computer? Hell it takes that long to get on the internet with AOL. AMD is hacker hardware. NOT! that is only the proccessor that has nothing to do with the security settings on your computer. That is the operating system that has all the settings on it. Well you just keep thinking that computers are for hackers and STOP writing articles that are getting kids in trouble for using computers. ROFL have fun!

is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#5583)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:04:30 AM PST
Your a joke and you need to learn more because not one thing you said is true! Do you even have a IQ of 1.And AMD is used by COMPAQ just as they use INTEL in there computers!

comment about the ten signs of hacking. (none / 0) (#5584)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:05:11 AM PST
This is to the dumbass that wrote this article. What cave did you come crawling out of. I have a laptop that has an AMD processor, that don't mean that i'm a hacker. I use linux that don't mean that i'm a hacker. You need to learn how to spell. It's not spelled lunix it's linux dipshit. I play the game Quake that don't that I'm a hacker. You need to wake up and smell the coffee burning and do more research before you write another article like this. You also need to stop judging the way other people dress and the companies that you have mentioned in this article. You are a complete ignorant asshole that don't know what you are talking about!!!

100,000,000 Sperm and you were the fastest? (none / 0) (#5585)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:06:07 AM PST

LOL (none / 0) (#5598)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 01:08:23 AM PST

Don't belive what T Reginald Gibbons says!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#5586)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:08:23 AM PST
You said you did some "research" into computer hacking, which you probably did in five minutes ten at the most. You should have never even thought about telling anybody about 5 to 10 minutes of research and helping parents with teenage hackers because all you did was misinform them so now they will punish their kid(s) for no true reason other than your extremely basis thoughts but thankfully people have showed you and other people how wrong you were.
In section 1 says has your son asked you to change ISPs which is just a waste of time. You should think your child for wanting to get rid of AOL. I had it for less than a year and I was tired of getting cut of and having to redial ever more time than I should have. Filter are not vital to any parent who wants their child to enjoy the internet and filter can even block of good sites.
2. Just because you have software you don't remember installing does not mean it is hacker software, it could be games or stuff for school.
3 Has your child asked for hardware is the most brain dead thing I have ever heard of. Maybe the child does not want 10-year-old hardware that can't be use with new game, Microsoft software, and educational software. 1gb hard drive won't hold much legal software. A new cpu would make the computer run faster. About AMD I'm just speechless about how stupid you would have to be if you think people would be leave what he was talking about in that paragraph.
5. Spending time on the computer is not a bad thing. Just because they are one the computer does not mean they are hacking computes. Maybe they are in a chat room.
7.Teenagers are going through a lot of changes emotionally so and doing what he said to do will only make it harder for them.
8. Lunix is spelled Linux to start. He has no idea what he is talking about and is just trying to scare you.
9.Teenager do that to fit in and be cool, it does not mean he is a hacker.
10.The child may just want to be cool. Maybe they find school work boring and a waste of time.

45 minutes is are sad...very sad (none / 0) (#5587)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:16:46 AM PST

wow (none / 0) (#5591)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:35:26 AM PST
you all are idiots. the original article was about how to tell if your child is hacking. first of all, the article is probably a satire, or sarcastic joke. not that there arent stupid people in this world that could be that ignorant and misinformed, because there definately are. i say its probably a joke because a lot of it just seems to be too "silly." if the "father" had done research or even looked at the programs like bonzi buddy he would know what it is. he would also know where and who linux and its derivatives really came from. in another words it sounds like the guy is making stuff up. you cant find out about how linux destroys sections of your harddrive, when deleted or uninstalled, by searching for "lunix." second, the post suggesting that the "father" beat his child is meant to be sarcastic. i think its obvious that its making fun of the father for his ignorance. if you can't see that then i think it is you that may be in trouble.

in short, dont call the child abuser an asshole, its far more probable that it is a sarcastic comment meant to show the absurdity of the article, than the poster actually suggesting that the "father" should beat his children. the father does talk about spanking because his child is supposedly a hacker. how old do you think the child is? and the "father" is contemplating spanking him?

you all need to learn to take and recognize a joke

do you think jonathan swift really thought elderly people and children should be eaten to feed the rich?


LOL F****** MORONS (none / 0) (#5592)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:43:30 AM PST
AMDS ARE NOT 3rd world knock offs and they are sold in stores i bought my amd mobo/proc from FRYS electronics and you also can get them at COMPUSA they out preform intels in a few aspects accept in heat and the newest ones preforme more cycles then intels pentium 4 god people you need to do some research i can not believe that tech tv showed this article they just lost all of my respect god you people are brainless and lol quake thats one of the most primitve games ever i see more people talking about hacking (actually cracking) on counterstrike (a much better and more realistic game)whoever wrote this article must have little or no computer knowledge heck amds are used in one of the top 5 best rated pc companies pcs Alienware (they make high preformance pcs) compaq and dell use intel because they cool better so they can make there cases smaller and with less ventalation needed but the true pcs are amd based and another thing linux is not illegal if it were the us gov would allow it to be sold in stores i wish you people would get your stories strait before posting them GOD MORONIC FOOLS HACKER = GOOD CRACKER = BAD HACKERS STOP CRACKERS :-)

you are a moron (none / 0) (#5594)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:57:04 AM PST

is this a joke (none / 0) (#5595)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:57:47 AM PST
if this is not a joke you are a moron and i now feel more stoped for reading it

not to smart.... (none / 0) (#5599)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 01:48:53 AM PST
so all who use a computer are evil, well i guess that means bill gates is the devil, right and you must be evil to, you know how to use a computer and i know you had to be on it for a few hours just to type this article,

you supid fuck

Hacking (none / 0) (#5600)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 02:08:38 AM PST
Who ever posted this article on hacking is a complete freak.

Bonzi buddy is hacking software? I am more worried about the parent than the child. AMD remove safeguards for hacking? What the hell have we been smoking?

Adult content on the internet is unavoidable and AOL (your big brother) won't help you! Sheesh, may you're a big government supporter - want someone to look after you.

Linux was produced by communists? Paranoia setting in.

I have never seen such a hilarious post. This reminds of parents who protested dungeons and dragons when I was young - they all thought we were devil worshippers. In the end, I hacked on my old Apple computers, played D&D, watched and LOVED War Games, finished higher education and am employed at Air Defense Command...LOL...kidding.

This message is hilarious - have bookmarked and printed out.

disturbed (none / 0) (#5601)
by Morpheus of the Endless on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 02:10:43 AM PST
at first i thought this article was just a slightly humorous piece of parody , that no one still alive can actually be that stupid

but after reading many of the responses became sickened and disturbed by the number people who took anything said within with even an ounce of seriousness (is that even a word?) i further more appluad those that responded with sarcasm

joining in the action (none / 0) (#5604)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 02:24:46 AM PST
I'm just posting something because everyone else is. I mean really, how many people are even going to look through all these replies? (rhetorical question) After the first hundred or so posts I imagine all the major points of error were made, the other 4,500+ posts have just been yelling and saying "you're stupid", and repeating the errors list, but what's the point if not just to participate? (for those of you following along @home, that was another rhetorical question)

Q: Posting just to participate?
A: That's what I'm doing. :-)

Since this site was made fun of on The Screensavers on TechTV, and on their website, and mentioned on a few others as being utterly stupid, I imagine the hits are rolling in.

lol hes a idiot (none / 0) (#5606)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 02:33:27 AM PST
ok this guy obvioiusly doesnt know what he is talking about his son is 13 thats the time i started "hacking" (not the quotation marks) and all that was was getting away from aols crappy service , that has made alarge difference in my computing skills so has linux i currently have a degree in c++ java unix n+ a+ and linux system administration the guy who wrote this collumn is a idiot his son has (or shall i say had according to his father) the potential to make something of himself but his father obviously doesnt want him (hes probably from the backwoods of north dakota anyways) so yeh my 2 cents l8r

Another dumb American, book burning Nazi (none / 0) (#5608)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 03:38:16 AM PST
Anyone from your country should be ashamed.

Have a look in the you see a dickhead???

What a wanker :D (none / 0) (#5613)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:02:26 AM PST
i saw this site on thescreensavers...omg who ever made this site should study thier topic first. About half of these "warning signs" apply to me (except Lunix, which isnt even real) and i am not a hacker...or am i? I might be and not even know...OMG! stupid...I like the little comment about lame...wanker.

This is junk! (none / 0) (#5615)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:18:14 AM PST
the creator of this article does NOT know what he is talking about! first of all, it is LINUX NOT LUNIX and Linus Torvalds created it. It is NOT a hacker operating system but an open source operating system... this guy who wrote this doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground...

Is this for real? (none / 0) (#5616)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:21:41 AM PST
If this article was intended as a parody then if was freakin fantastic, if it was meant to be serious then this is the scarest piece of crap I've ever read. How could one person be so misinformed.

Moron (none / 0) (#5617)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:24:19 AM PST
i cannot believe that there are people as dumb as you trying to put most of this hacking on us. Do you realize that your article described over 3/4 of the young population of the United States alone??? Most of these people barely know how to check their e-mail let alone hack into your computer like i am doing right now.

Go Back to the Dark Ages (none / 0) (#5619)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:38:41 AM PST
You, dear parent, are in the wrong era. You belong in the 1800's! You are the type of person who holds society back. You are the type of person who is afraid of change. You are the type of person who is so insecure that you have to force everyone into conformity with your views. You are a disgrace to human race. God created man with free will. God gave us children to love and nurture, not lock up and control every thought they have. You are the type of parent who produces mindless zombies. I went to college with students who had parents like you! They were so controlled by their parents at home, that when they got away from home finally, they went over the edge partying! It is one thing to inform a child and help mold them, it is entirely another thing to bind up their brain so only you can shape it!

P.S. People like you are why I sometimes think that you should have to get a license to have prove you are not such an idiot.

*OWNED BY TECHTV!!* (none / 0) (#5620)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:46:25 AM PST

You dont know what the F@*K your talking about (none / 0) (#5621)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:57:51 AM PST
What a dumb ass, If your son was a real hacker then he would be making his own hacking appz instead of using someone elses. And just so u dont sound like a complete dumb ass when u write future hacking articles, quake is a game (cannot be used to hack), Flash is used to create animation (not a real threat, ive never heard of some one getting hacked watching a garfield cartoon), oh (*laughing so hard it hurts*) comet cursor is definetly NOT a hacker program (it is used as a way for people to display special cursor on thier web page)
So as you can see your son is probably not a hacker. Before you try to be smart and post an article that has so many differnent side to it read a little and actually research each point you try to make before you make a complete ass out of your self.
Oh and Peter hang in there because despite what some people say "Ignorance is a bliss", your father is keeping you from participating in a multi million dollar market.

Alias: DataThief
Age: 15
Experianced hacker: Hell Yeah

what in the fuck? (none / 0) (#5624)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:15:41 AM PST
is this some sort of joke?

no shit sherlock (none / 0) (#5642)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:37:23 AM PST

This has to be a joke!!! (none / 0) (#5625)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:25:31 AM PST
no one is really this stupid,
but it is funny, atleast the people at have a good setup to handle all these comments!!!

What are you smoking?? Get a life! (none / 0) (#5626)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:35:56 AM PST
I don't know what planet you're living on but there is something wrong in your head. The claims that "Programming with Perl" should be banned from book stores, AMD processors are evil as they're made outside the US, that Bonzi Buddy and Flash are "hacker" software are ridiculous. You're mad, completely insane. No wonder your kid denied that he's a hacker. I have news for you - HE'S NOT!!!

How paranoid can one person be? Do you happen to live in a trailor somewhere and lead a militia or something?? I bet you have your own bunker and your very own arsenal too!! Have you been on Jerry Springer before? This is the type of ignorant, uneducated person that you're coming across as and you are being laughed at. I can't believe that people like you still exist?

Please, please, please, please get a life and read up on the software that you think is "hacker" software to see what it does. I could tell you but I don't have the time for ignorance of such magnitude.

There are plenty of kids who were the same clothes as your son that don't know how to switch on a computer, let alone hack!

Linux was not invented by a "Soviet hacker". Why don't you get your facts right before trying to hang someone?? Linux was invented by Linus Torvalds who in fact is from Finland and developed the operating system so that people all over the world can use it and develop software for it for free.

Being interested in Linux means that he knows about other operating systems, especially when it comes to the internet. Next thing you'll be saying that Apple Mac operating system was invented by Martians and that the Sun Solaris operating system was created in some sweat shop in Asia and they're all coming together to overthrow the human race!

Sort yourself out and don't write anything else until you do some research. Having second or third hand information from people who don't know what they're talking about isn't research. You have an internet connection, I suggest you use it and educate yourself before you condemn others, especially your son.

In fact do everyone a favour, don't ever write again!

What World are you Living in? (none / 0) (#5627)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:41:32 AM PST
I can't believe what I just read! You have to be living on another Planet to actually believe the trash you wrote. Your facts are so off I don't even know where to begin. First of all AOl is for morons that are to illiterate to use the internet. AMD is a Chip maker that competes with intel and makes a better processer. The chip has NO affect on your ability to hack. It is small minded, ingnorant people like you who fill peoples mind full of rubbish, but that is the joy of living in a free country, stupid people can put thier ideas forth as well as the intellectuals.

Wife=Carol, son=Peter, Youngest Daughter=Cindy (none / 0) (#5628)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:03:04 AM PST
What are you idiots getting upset about? It's obviously a joke. No one could be this dense.

Breeding (none / 0) (#5629)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:06:25 AM PST
Obviously, the gene pool could use a little chlorine. This is a prime example of why some people should NOT be allowed to breed.

f(_)><012 j00! (none / 0) (#5631)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:11:16 AM PST
f(_)><012 j00! j00 f(_)><|/\/6 |o|3(3 0|= 5|-||7z0r!!!!

!|\||)33|) (none / 0) (#5877)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 05:52:47 PM PST
F|_|><0|2 J00 |3!T[|-|3Z!

you have to be joking (none / 0) (#5634)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:31:40 AM PST
I cannot believe this was written for someone to actually consider as the truth. most of the stuff written in the article is BULLSHIT! It was nice to have a good laugh with, but, c'mon, using Quake as a springboard for hacking. Hehehehe. Damn i want to piss myself. As for flash, it can be the common program for viewing cool sites.

Anyway I could go on forever (and I am not a hacker), but when a parent does not trust his children to grow into their person and has to shelter them so hardcore, i feel sorry for the kids. you are forcing your kids into a corner and they will not be able to function in society.

More to come....

R_O_C_K_I_N' A_L

This is all true, but you left some out! (none / 0) (#5635)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:34:13 AM PST
1. If your son tells you that the world is not flat. Hackers beleive that the Earth is round. They also beleive that the Sun is the center of our solar system.
2. Hackers bathe, as we all know taking baths is how disease is spread, it lets the evil spirits in that cause sickness. If your child bathes more than once a week make sure you give them a stern talking to.
3.Obviously the author of the article I am responding to is the most IGNORANT man of recent memory. He hasn't read any of the books that he listed and has no familiarity with any of the topics he spoke of. I feel bad for his children who will probably grow up to be drug-additcted, prison inmates who lash out to him by pimping them selves out for crack. (Or more memory)

DON'T BE SILLY! Article is a JOKE!!! (none / 0) (#5638)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:52:26 AM PST
If you were outraged enough to post something blasting the author, you should have been intelligent enough to know this article is obviously a parody. I'm not going to give evidence to the fact, figure it out. I would be nearly 100% this is a fellow reader.

Calm yourself down, go grow a bonsai kitten.

GREAT JOB! (none / 0) (#5640)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:29:37 AM PST
LOL! Man, I have to give you credit. I could never in my life come up with something that good. I've seen some funny shit, but this takes the cake. The only thing that bothers me is that some people seem to have taken you seriously.

Great performance! 2 tumbs up!

This is is nuts (none / 0) (#5641)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:32:49 AM PST
This is the craziest thing I have ever read. Is this guy still reading books by oil lamps and traveling back and forth to town in horse and buggy. Some of his point are clearly from a parniod mind. Yes you need to monitor childrens behaviors on line. But don't follow this website for a guide line. Geeeeez How did this get publihed. I'm sure his children are waiting till they are 18 and can move out and live their life.

ignorance is bliss, but silence is golden (none / 0) (#5643)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:46:09 AM PST
It has always been my opinion that if you don't know what you are talking about you should shut up, apparantly not everyone has the same outlook.
this gentleman claims to be an enlightened parent, but where did he get his info from? if
Bonzi Buddy is a hacking software could someone please show me how to use it because as far as I know it is just an annoying downloaded assistant, that most people delete right after they download.

AMD is just another CPU designer these chips are cheaper and generally less powerfull than Intel chips, but they are not Intel Knock offs that are used for Hacking, that concept is just ridiculous.

Poor old MS DOS, DOS or Disk Operating System is an old command driven single user operating system and speaking of missused terms, The name of the operating system is Linux not Lunix and it is bassed on unix, Telnet is a program that has been with Windows for many years now and is used to connect your computer as a dumb terminal to a remote host, but I am not saying anything that a educated computer user would not know.

My worst fear is that someone might actually belive this article that T Reginald Gibbons has written

reply to your article (none / 0) (#5644)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:49:46 AM PST
Idiocy is present in your article, you should look up the various topics before you start judging. "LINUX" properly spelled, is not a hacker O.S. but simply not a mainstream commercial O.S., and is actually better. AMD is not a third world "copy" of american chips.AMD happens to make processors that are less expensive, but are much faster and more powerful than "top of the line" pentiums. As for more ram and hard drive space, this is a common want by computer users, and is not what you make it out to be at all. Quake is a video game, not a hacker training playground, and anyone who knows anything about hacking will laugh at you. The other programs you have mentioned are harmless, and should also be looked over.Please, dont make blind claims in the future, for you know not what you are talking about.Hacking is not illegal.It is used for an educatonal experience, and is used to find holes in security in your system, to correct them.Cracking is illegal and is clearly shunned upon in the hacking world.

reply to your article (none / 0) (#5645)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:54:28 AM PST
Idiocy is present in your article, you should look up the various topics before you start judging. "LINUX" properly spelled, is not a hacker O.S. but simply not a mainstream commercial O.S., and is actually better. AMD is not a third world "copy" of american chips.AMD happens to make processors that are less expensive, but are much faster and more powerful than "top of the line" pentiums. As for more ram and hard drive space, this is a common want by computer users, and is not what you make it out to be at all. Quake is a video game, not a hacker training playground, and anyone who knows anything about hacking will laugh at you. The other programs you have mentioned are harmless, and should also be looked over.Please, dont make blind claims in the future, for you know not what you are talking about.Hacking is not illegal.It is used for an educatonal experience, and is used to find holes in security in your system, to correct them.Cracking is illegal and is clearly shunned upon in the hacking world.

THIS IS ALL FAKE (none / 0) (#5646)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:06:20 AM PST
I hope that you all know that this is fake. Anyone who is outraged at the stupidity of this person has no reason to do so. It's just a really good joke. I don't think that people this dumb can exist.

Jump to Your Death & save your kids!!! (none / 0) (#5648)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:34:59 AM PST
I have to ask you a question in response to the article about "how to tell if your son is a hacker". I'm sure that you've been bombarded with e-mail about this, though. The question is, "Are you fucking serious!!!???
Please do the world a favor and jump to your death!
This WILL help your children as well.

Amen! (none / 0) (#5790)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 11:30:33 AM PST
Amen brotha!...

however, I can't believe any of the posters are taking this seriously!!!! Good one Ule T. whatever. You got a BUNCH of peeps to bite on this worm! Think people are flaming the author now? Wait until the ..." dudes and dudettes, I was just yankin' ur chains man! Chill!" post happens!

What a Crock Of SHIT...... (none / 0) (#5652)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:12:13 AM PST
This guy is fucking nuts and I feel sorry for his poor kids.Yes folks this is what happens when uneducated people get computers.

Wow, this is hilarious (none / 0) (#5653)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:17:14 AM PST
You must be a hacker, my man. Only a true hacker could possibly know that AMD was based in a third-world country. See you in Quake Deathmatch! MUAHAHAHA

WOW (none / 0) (#5655)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:22:26 AM PST
I had to read this article twice. At first, I thought it was a meant as humor, but I do believe that this person really believes what they are saying.

1) You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. The programs you have associated as *hacking* programs.. it's ludicrous and completely WRONG. I mean, c'mon.. "Comet Cursor?" LOL!

2) If you are going to make a big stink about hackers, then get your information straight before you post crap like this.

3) Go to a spelling and grammar class.

4) If this page is indeed meant for humor, you definately made me laugh a hell of a


your son (none / 0) (#5657)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:30:21 AM PST
if you trully think that quake or better yet a AMD chip make people a haker you need to get your head out of your ass

What are yu doing????? (none / 0) (#5658)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:31:01 AM PST
wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???????????????????????


you have no idea what you're talking about (none / 0) (#5660)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:38:38 AM PST
some of your items on the list may be correct but please, using linux makes you a hacker? many system administrators and big companies use linux as their operating system. and what's this about the appearance? excuse me, baggy pants and spiked hair; that's every teen in the nation. the whole glow stick and pacifier are what 'ravers' would wear.
comet cursor, bonzi, and flash are not hacker programs. every domestic household would have them if they have bored children. i'm sorry to say, you're just really paranoid.
if your kid asks for new hardware, he could be an aspiring digital artist or maybe just a intense computer gamer, that doesn't mean your children are becoming hackers.
and another thing, AMD processor chips are not made in sweatshops and are not made by underfed underpaid children in taiwan.
there are WAY too many other mistakes you've posted to even waste my time in explaining. sir, you completely wasted your time and ours.
just to add a note, hackers are not harmful criminals. they hack to find information. they do not damage or destroy. those who do are just plain stupid and i pity them.

you have no idea what you're talking about (none / 0) (#5662)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:41:58 AM PST
some of your items on the list may be correct but please, using linux makes you a hacker? many system administrators and big companies use linux as their operating system. and what's this about the appearance? excuse me, baggy pants and spiked hair; that's every teen in the nation. the whole glow stick and pacifier are what 'ravers' would wear.
comet cursor, bonzi, and flash are not hacker programs. every domestic household would have them if they have bored children. i'm sorry to say, you're just really paranoid.
if your kid asks for new hardware, he could be an aspiring digital artist or maybe just a intense computer gamer, that doesn't mean your children are becoming hackers.
and another thing, AMD processor chips are not made in sweatshops and are not made by underfed underpaid children in taiwan.
there are WAY too many other mistakes you've posted to even waste my time in explaining. sir, you completely wasted your time and ours.
just to add a note, hackers are not harmful criminals. they hack to find information. they do not damage or destroy. those who do are just plain stupid and i pity them.

Ye gods. the idiot has spoken (none / 0) (#5664)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:53:50 AM PST
I have no clue where you got half of this shit, excuse my languge, but this is the largest load of shit I've expirenced since the 70's. The kids with the baggy pants and pacifers are ravers, they take drugs, which is a much large issue that should be tackled rather than hacking. and its Linux for one thing, its a perfectly legal operating system based off of freeBSD. and as far as the "otaku" go. Otaku are young boys that find intrest in japanese animation, but in some rare cases, hacking, saying that all otaku are hackers is a rash generalization. Quake is a First person shooter game

100% Dumb Ass (none / 0) (#5665)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:01:50 AM PST
First off i would like to say that Linus Torvalds is from Helsinki, Finland not russia. Next i would like to say that if LINUX was illegal there would not be many websites on the internet because most web servers run LINUX cause it is more secure than windows. Just because u have a intel cpu does not mean u can not use the computer to hack with. The so called "hacker programs" that u listed i would to say that they are not hacker programs. Flash is not a hacker program. If u would think for a little while instead of shoting off ur damn toung u would know that flash comes from a company named if flash was illegal don't u think that the founder of the company would be behind bars. last but not least i would like to say that these are the kinds of people who give white hat hackers a bad rep. and as for ur kids they need to say far away from u as possible and u need to go and see a shrenk.

LMFAO @ you (none / 0) (#5666)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:06:42 AM PST
You are the worst writer i have ever seen. If your gonna trash hacking get this shit right. We dont use fuckin "Bonzi Buddy" to hack. WTF are you thinking? Just because we wanna change away from AOL , not because it has parental controls that stops us, because AOL will not stop us, Just because AOL sucks! ANd No we do not use Lunix. ITS LINUX YOU DIPSCHIT. Jesus. You obviously have no clue. Suck my Nut
Do you feel the way i do? GOOD.

Thank you (none / 0) (#5667)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:17:00 AM PST
Oh what a wonderful document you have here.
I had to download it to read it carefully,
Laughing My Ass Off
put it on my server which uses an AMD Processor, 100gigs of disk space, 1024mb ram.
i use apache, running on FreeBSD (because ms windows sucks) and do you want to know best of all?
I am NOT a hacker, though i spend more than 8 hours in front of the computer each day.


YOU ARE A STUPID FUCK (none / 0) (#5669)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:26:59 AM PST

Is this guy really mike brady? (none / 0) (#5672)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:41:39 AM PST
This has got to be the greatest underlying joke i have ever caught onto. think about it: this guy has 6 kids, the youngest daughter named cindy and a son named peter. also a wife named carol. it cracks me up to read this. thanks to the people at the screensavers on techtv for pointing it out.

ROFL? (none / 0) (#5675)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:08:40 PM PST
This is the biggest load of crap I have ever seen in my life. Somebody please take this author behind some random building and end their pointless life. To the author: You have absolutely no idea about what you are attempting to talk about. Every bit of information in this essay is biased. You are obviously computer illiterate. The linux obsession you speak of, I would personally think of that as a good thing. I seriously hope this is a joke. If not, the only one in your 'finest family' that needs help is the 'model father' Good luck with life, I'm sure your child will be a screw up.

oZ-zell (I'm a hacker by your definition, watch out, I will gain control of your DOS prompt!)

sub7 4 lyfe (hacker talk)

I hope this is a joke! (none / 0) (#5676)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:14:32 PM PST
Otherwise this woman should kill herself and do the world a favor.I have two monitors does that make me a hacker???NO!This woman needs to get out of her house more than once a week to goto PTA movies!

We need hackers! (none / 0) (#5677)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:19:03 PM PST
If we don't have hackers working for the US, we don't have a gov't.

Bin Laden Hypnotizes our Kids to take over the Net (none / 0) (#5678)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:26:08 PM PST
Quake is secretly training Kids to Hack into computers, notice the "cave like castles" used in Quake. This is where Bin Laden is hiding & Keeps His Top Secret Lunix computers, with Hacked AMD chips, and please be careful! When they plan an attack to blow up a computer it could cause a electro magnetic pulse and possibly cause damage to your Television Set. Make sure that you count your printer paper 'cause these hackers are making Fake report cards to hide their bad grades while they crash the net. Beware of AOL chat rooms when kids are talking to people with cryptic names like "example19873" these are other hackers!!
Help Stop the Madness!!!!!!!!!!!

pacifiers (none / 0) (#5679)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:27:59 PM PST
You refer to 'hackers' as dressing in day-glow shirts and sporting pacifiers around their neck. First off, I havn't seen ANYONE wear day-glow t-shirts since 1982, and for your information, the pacifiers are for the people on the drug Ecstacy. When under the influence of this drug, some people tend to grind their teeth, causing possible major dental problems. If your kid regularly wears a pacifier, its probably because he's on DRUGS (A MUCH bigger problem than a 'hacker'). Good luck.

Bin Laden Hypnotizes our Kids to take over the Net (none / 0) (#5680)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:30:19 PM PST
Quake is secretly training Kids to Hack into computers, notice the "cave like castles" used in Quake. This is where Bin Laden is hiding & Keeps His Top Secret Lunix computers, with Hacked AMD chips, and please be careful! When they plan an attack to blow up a computer it could cause a electro magnetic pulse and possibly cause damage to your Television Set. Make sure that you count your printer paper 'cause these hackers are making Fake report cards to hide their bad grades while they crash the net. Beware of AOL chat rooms when kids are talking to people with cryptic names like "example19873" these are other hackers!!
Help Stop the Madness!!!!!!!!!!!

by your definiton all children in the USA hack. (none / 0) (#5685)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 12:46:20 PM PST
by your definiton all children in the USA hack.

A good Laugh! (none / 0) (#5687)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 01:12:16 PM PST
That was a funny article. I truely hope that was a joke cause any proper computer user knows that the programs listed are not harmful and that AMD is a good brand.. Lunix isn't my choice of OS but I know people who like it. AOL sucks.. we all know that.. but it's ok for beginner users. If it wasn't a joke then that dad is just finding excuses for not upgrading his son's computer to something more than a tinker toy.

This is the worst article that I have ever read (none / 0) (#5688)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 01:13:54 PM PST
This is the worst article that I have ever read. I am personally not a hacker, although according to your list I am a freaking criminal. I am offended at this list. You have alienated an entire community with this. There are kids all across the world that fit this description, but we are not hackers at all. We are simply kids who LOVE our computers. Kids who work on there car all the time doesn't mean that they are out drag racing all the time, it just means that they have a found a way to express themself. I think that this article is nothing more than fear of what is to come. Computers are becoming more and more present in the world today and I think that people are just not ready to accept it. This is nothing more than the Salem Witch Trials again. People are so scared that they point fingers at kids who they don't understand just so they can sleep at night. I know that you are probably just going to go and say I am nothing more that a hacker trying to protect others, but I say that I would rather be a hacker than someone who is simply pushing blame. So I say to you this one thing "HACK THE PLANET!"

just wrong. (none / 0) (#5690)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 02:31:19 PM PST
dont talk about stuff you dont know about. you are ### ####. i can tell you dont know anything about computers. what you found was that your son is becomming a computer geek, not a hacker. he is intrested in advancing in the technology not hacking. people who know enough to be a above average 'user' will want better hardware than the propriatery junk compaq sells (no offence compaq). and aol sucks, more propriatery ####. i hope that article was a joke. i feel sorry for son, you are... well im not going to say it.

WORLDS DUMBEST WEB SITE!!! (none / 0) (#5691)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 02:34:13 PM PST
Could the stupid freak who wrote this article be any more ignorant!!! My grandmother knows more about weather or not your son his hacking than this guy!! he says AMD is based in a third world country snd that they use slaves....they are based in CALIFORNIA!!!! Since when is Cali a third world country? LOLOL!! Lets all get a good laugh from this guy. He couldnt hack his way out of a paper bag! Oh and by the way...dont forget that if your son is asking for a faster video card hes a hacker!! hahaha!!!!! NO HACKER would need a fast video card at all!! There are NO graphics involved in hacking at all!! you incopetent Freaks!!

This is a bunch of bull (none / 0) (#5693)
by Shining Cypher on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 02:59:47 PM PST
any parent that believes any of what has been said here is just stupid... their son probably wasn't even a hacker, and the things that were warning signs were totally bogus... Derrr I want a faster modem, I want to get off aol b/c it is too slow I cant play quake on it

ummm I want a cd burner

this is bunch of bull dont believe it...

Are you for Real? (none / 0) (#5696)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 03:05:08 PM PST
Come on now.. you must be a retarded fucking idiot. I can't even begin to respond to your bullshit regarding hacking. I don't know where to begin. I'm a hacker, I'm a programmer, I'm a computer technician, etc. I've done programming on some of these top-rated games that are out there. You are a retard. Where the fuck do you get your information from? The back of a cereal box? Get a fucking brain before you start posting shit like this on the internet. Actually this site would make good for a humour site. It's hard to believe you actually have kids. I didn't think some one that stupid could have children, that should be outlawed. I can't go on ... I have way better things to do, then to read you bullshit. I couldn't even make it halfway through. Get a fucking brain, or get the hell of the internet. Idiot.

At least know what you are talking about. (none / 0) (#5697)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 03:05:47 PM PST
That has got to be one of the most ignorant pieces of writing on hacking and parenting that I have ever read. I can tell you did a little bit of reasearch but you don't have a clue. Linux; Russian hacking software Ha! I feel really sorry for your kids.

Quake tha all mighty hacking tool (none / 0) (#5698)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 03:29:16 PM PST
Ur a dumass 1- Flash is a program for computer animation and u cant hakc with it 2-Quake is a old ass pc game 3-Linux (not Lunix) is a os for mainly servers. 4-You can still hack with AOL its called minimize aol. 5-AMD processors are built into many computers like compaq. Theyr faster than pentiums. 6-Graphics cards arent for hacking they are playing computer games. 7-Otakus as you refer to them are people that are high up. Usually poeple that know alot about anime are called anime Otakus. Dont get mad because you are computer iliterate. Stop calling evryone hackers because they know how to enjoy their computers.

Jesus was a l33t h4x0r. (none / 0) (#5700)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 03:54:16 PM PST
He even sympathized with those commies in Soviet Union..

He even walked on water! That's against the rules and surely the work of the devil...

fucking numbnuts.

You have no clue do you? (none / 0) (#5701)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 03:58:53 PM PST
do some research before you put this stuff out
meningitus is an infection FYI

YOU ARE AN IDIOT... BOX UP YOUR COMPUTRER ..... (none / 0) (#5702)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 04:09:33 PM PST
And take it back. People like you don't deserve to be on the internet. I weep for your son. He learned at an early age that his father is a F'n moron.

please read this (none / 0) (#5703)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 04:20:10 PM PST
Whoever wrote this is excrutiatingly stupid and i laugh at the ignorance of you adults who think you are doing the world good by posting these STUPID, NO EVIDENCE theorys on what are signs that your child hacks. A few of these reasons were legitimate, such as the ones about hacking books or programs. But some of the other ones were so fucking stupid i am dying of laughter. For one, AMD chips are NOT products of child labor and infact outpreformed the american based intel chips in the benchmark tests. Another fairly stupid one is limiting ur childs use on the computer. Computers are the wave of the future and people are going to have to get used to being on them all day. 2 more points please, Quake is NOT a hacker breeding grounds. Quake is nothing more than a computer game, a first person shooter as a matter of fact. THere is no harm in playing these games at all, whoever the dumbass is who wrote this is just assuming that it is where hackers meet becuase a large majority of hackers tend to like the game, but the game has NOTHING to do with hacking at all. and lastly the part about LINUX. i almost wanted to die of laughter when i heard about this. Linux is an operating syste. and nothing more. MANY servers use it as it is more reliable than windows ever will be. it just doesnt crash, so many people, especially ones who dont play many games, run it on their computers so they dont crash. Now i know most people probably wont listen to this... but i want to tell the author of that that he is a dickhead dumbass who doesnt know a shit about what he is talking about. thanks for takign the time to read this

AMD?!? Linux?? Other??? (none / 0) (#5704)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 04:24:36 PM PST
you just want to get parents paranoid!! poor kids. Yeah, I got my AMD at best said its NOT sold in stores!! full of crap dude...I hope you get hacked yourself. I'm no hacker and I got a fast vid card..maxed out memory..AMD chip1.9 Gig..and 120 Gigs of hard drive..does that make me a hacker acehole!! This makes me sick and no one will even read my post so im outta here. PS..WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HACK THIS SITE DOWN?!??!

Sweet Spoof....I'm a fan forvever :-) (none / 0) (#5706)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 04:27:35 PM PST
I don't care what all the flamers say...

You guys are awesome, send that over to jay leno!!

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#5708)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 04:46:15 PM PST
That is the most idiotic piece of tripe I've ever seen. They included animation software and online games as if they were hacker only stuff. Plus they imply that any and all hacking is bad when some hackers don't have bad intentions. You play online games YOUR A HACKER! You like the linux operating system YOUR A HACKER. You use the computer too much because you have no friends becuase you use the computer too much YOUR A HACKER. You make animations YOUR A HACKER. You dress funny YOUR A HACKER. If they play quake hide the firearms!!! Look quake is a game where you kill virtual people like a lot of games and I admit you should be careful but if your child doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality then you didn't raise him right. Flash is an animation tool used by lots of professional web animators. To my knowledge flash does not have any destructive powers(to my knowledge). And about software you don't remember installing, maybe the computer came with but even if your kid did install it don't assume its bad. In most cases its completely harmless. I'm not saying don't be suspicious but ask your kid what it is before deleting what could be something going toward his future carreer and on his resume. Sometimes kids even write their own programs and applications.

3rd world??? (none / 0) (#5709)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 04:51:26 PM PST
AMD is based in the Untied States you moron! Since when is the United States third world???? Nothing is illegal about it! They are the second largest provider for Microsoft, one of the less-friendly-to-hackers operating. if i ever see you post another stupid article, I'm sure there are enough people who would love to hurt you, and enough "hackers" to find out where you live! but maybe not... how does the saying go... don't fight w/ a stupid person, it's not worth the trouble.

WTF (none / 0) (#5710)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:02:37 PM PST
wtf i wrong with u u dumb a$$.. cumon linux is a perfectly ligatment piece of software, u spelled it wrong, and its easy to repair when someone knows what they are doin, hahah what a dumb ass u must feel like now. all of that carp is such bull shit

problem w/ dbl monitors (none / 0) (#5711)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:07:28 PM PST
Okay, what if I had four monitors, six, ten, twenty. How does that make me a hacker? What matters is what's being displayed on those monitors. Did you know alot of ppl (not hackers) play Quake, yeah i bet u didn't know that. What they want faster processors, no shit, what do you have like an old 286 or something, we want speed so we can do things (not necessarily hack). Even the GOVERMENT HIERS HACKERS!!!! Yeah they do!! The reason they want off Aol and go onto an isp like @home is for speed, Aol is slow, it's dial-up, not to mention garbage. They want better graphics processors, so, they wanna play their games w/ better graphics, what does a better video card really have to do with hacker? Bonzi buddy, ya sure, he'll say "im gonna hack with Bonzi Buddy, mwaaa mwaaa." Do you even know what Bonzi Buddy is, god. As for Lunix/Linux, how is that operating system illegal? Web servers use it, i bet this server even uses it!!!!! Okay thanks, ya all!

dumb (none / 0) (#5713)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:29:13 PM PST
this is a dumb article, it is so fake

This is a sarcastic Article.. (none / 0) (#5714)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:34:34 PM PST
The reaction from this article is great. All of these people voicing their opinions that the author is a moron.

Anyway, those kiddies, might want to realize that this is satire, no moron could possibly be this stupid. (I actually believed it was a serious article at the begining, maybe the result of terrible research, but after reading techTV's link it became pretty clear this was infact satire.)

(And not the funniest serious discussion ever)

(Though this would be a heck of a lot more funny if it was a serious writing with poor research.)

Unfortuneately this is not the case.. This is infact a satire.

(As can be seen from the techTV link:),24330,3367063,00.html

Anyway.. that's my 2 cents..
Netherweb LLC

Are you guys fricking crazy? (none / 0) (#5715)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:36:33 PM PST
How can you say that any of that fricking crap is true? LUNIX??? And Bonzi Buddy?? You call that a hacker's program?? That is an annoying blue monkey who talks like a damn towelhead!! And Flash? What if your son is a graphic artist? I can't believe how stupid you are!! Day-Glo Oarnge??? Hackers playing Quake? Maybe your child is a die-hard gamer!! Changing ISP's huh? maybe your child has realized that AOL is a mother f*ck*ng piece of crap ISP!!?? You cannot call yourself modern writing a horrible piece of crap article!! This site is now the laughing stock of the internet!! But leave this article up! I got alot of buddies who need a <b>really</b> hard laugh!!

This guy is a terrible father (none / 0) (#5719)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 05:59:57 PM PST
first off, this guy goes off as if he is the best father in the world, so i knew this story would give me a laugh. While i was reading it, my comp sci teacher and i both laughed and scolded this guy for his misinformation and bad use of worlds. This guy should be locked up in a mental institution and go to parenting school.
It was a good day to laugh and cry

I agree completely (none / 0) (#5720)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:06:38 PM PST
Your comments are accurate and correct. I was once the system administrator for a medium-sized ISP and this article contains good, solid information.

The most important point made by the author was the necessity of refusing to believe your son if he claims not to be hacking. The telling of lies is the first sign of hacking!

The price of virtue and Godliness is vigilance and determination.

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:12:09 PM PST
Are you guys *serious*? LOL, I've never read such rediculous crap in my life. You idiots think QUAKE is what hackers use to discuss hacking? hahaha... idiots... Try doing a LITTLE research into hacking and 'the scene' before printing such bullshit.


WTF?? (none / 0) (#5722)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:17:37 PM PST
Ok you are an <b>idiot</b> AMD? Quake? Baggy pants?!?!?! Holy crap, you bought a Compaq computer that comes with a freaking AMD PROCESSOR!!!! Are you that dense??? Parents today are totally misinformed. Drawing conclusions that is not based on factual documentation makes you a fool. And Comet Cursor is in no way a hacking tool, it just lets you use different mouse pointers. You are the worst parent <B>ever</B>, with the most dysfuntional family on the planet. So stop talking, because you are wasting my oxygen. Dumbass.

RUSSIA'S RESPONSE (none / 0) (#5723)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:33:37 PM PST
RUSSIA WILL MURDER YOU. I will take a f***ing broom stick and shove it so far up your ass it will come out of your ignorant, red-neck face. You, the writer of this artical, are surely already lying dead in a ditch somewhere. I believe this full-heartedly because I am sure that the no human would let you live if he ever found you. If you are not dead, I personally will hunt you down and preform the above mentioned procedure with the broom stick. Your son is raping your wife as we speak. Stalin will fucking rise from his grave, pick Lenin up from his tomb in the red square and then the two will rape your little daughter untill she bleads communism.

Fucking simpleton!! (none / 0) (#5724)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:47:06 PM PST
You have no idea what kind of shit rolls out of your mouth!!

Ravers I say again,,,,RAVERS
wear that kind of shit !!
Hackers usually sit around in their draws
in dark rooms and do their shit unless of course they are at work!!

Sounds to me like you need to lay off your kids drugs!!!

Fucking MORON!!!!!!!!!

Wow (none / 0) (#5725)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:48:12 PM PST
I am a very well experienced computer user. I have been using computers since I was 4. With my experience, I can honestly say that this article is very inaccurate. First of all, Quake is STEREOTYPED with hackers (there are TONS of hackers who do not play this very out-dated game). Second, Flash is a program designed for PROFESSIONAL VECTOR GRAPHICS, not hackers. A child learning Flash could become a very wealthy website designer. Hacking most likely does not come from using Flash. I am not a hacker (I love Flash), but I have acquaintances who are. In reading this article, it did not describe any of them. I can remember when they embarked in their hacking lifestyle, and they did not fit any of these 10 possible descriptions (except maybe playing Quake, b/c that is an old game =P). Anyone that is looking for decent advice should consult elsewhere to find better facts about hacker lifestyles and "symptons".

And as an aside, learning security (aka - hacking) can lead to many high-paying professional careers. With the know-how to break in can also lead to the know-how to design systems to STOP hacking. Keep that in mind when you think your kid is "breaking the law" of the Internet.

Mr. Gibbons, you have done America a favor... (none / 0) (#5726)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:49:48 PM PST
Mr. Gibbons, you have done America a favor... you showed us all that we need to research what we write about. By the way I am not insulting you, just pointing out the facts.

First of all Quake is a not a virtual reality realm where hackers gather and are trained. If it was more than half of teenage boys are hackers. Quake is a first person shooter, one of the best out there fyi. It can be played in the single player mode offline or teamplay mode online. Most of what happens in teamplay is gaming. There are very few game servers who even allow anything that would suggest hacker training.

Next comes the deal of what yoou call "Lunix". It's not a hacker-only operating system. First of all, as I am sure you've heard enough of by now, is that it is Linux, not Lunix. Linux IS a more powerful OS(operating system) that will not harm your computer in any way, shape, or form (unless there is a hardware compatibility conflict). You make it sound so evil. Some of your most secure (and hard to hack) internet servers of your big internet companies run on Linux. Plus to show it's not just used by hackers, over 60% of the movie "Shrek" was made by computer rendered graphics on Linux machines.

On the line of hardware requests, I hope you didn't come down to hard on your son about this. Depending on when you got your computer, you could really save some money by upgrading now instead of buying a new syatem later. Upgrading memory is one of the best ways. You're internet connection is faster, and shockwave games or movies download faster (in fact anything that uses temporary memory will run faster).You can get another 128 MBs for about $20. Next comes the issues of AMD chips. They are more powerful than any other chip. The new AMD running 1.67 GHz performs just as good or better than the new Intel Pentium 4 running 2.2 GHz on benchmark tests. New hardrives are also a goog investment since most computer hardware prices are at an all time low. You can get a 40 GB hardrive for about $70. Video and graphics cards aren't used for hacking and I'm pretty darn sure there is no way it can be. It improves computer graphics on video games and allows you to do video editing, which if your son becomes good at, he can make some serious money out there on the job market. One of the best you can get thats always close to home is a local television station.

Next comes the issue of changing ISPs. This can be used to point out hacking, BUT a local ISP is usually faster and connecting can to less than half the time it does on AOL. AOL, while good for those who are new to the internet or have no local ISP, lacks the capabilities you have with a local ISP. AOL doesn't allow you to do certain things that you can do in Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. When it comes to security you can download things such as netnanny or cyberwatcher to do just as good if not a better job than AOL's features.

One thing I must complain about, and I really do hate to complain, is over your use of describing behavior and dress changes. If you will notice, must teenagers do rebel or become a little angry at their parents during puberty. Dress changes you stated are ridiculous as well. If you haven't noticed baggy jeans are the "in" or "cool" clothes to wear. I would only see the extra-baggy wide-legjeans that look like they are as wide at the ankle as they are at the waist and a selection of only black clothes. As for techno music, you really need to look into it. Techno isn't a bad form of music that only hackers listen to. My 52 year old teacher, who will remain unnamed, loves the stuff. He bought a Macintosh system and started mixing techno beats and playing what he mixes in class during extra class time (like after we finish a test and have 20 minutes left in class). It gets a bad stereotype from the fact that it is played at "rave parties" where ecstasy, PCP, and other drugs are very popular. People like it because it's fun to dance to and has a futuristic sound to it. You don't have a certain dance style you see in other music like you see in ballroom dancing. You just start dancing and have a good time.

Now that thats over with, lets talk about programs you don't remember installing. I have done this and my mom got concerned, I showed them what they are, what they do, and how to use them. She doesn't really have a problem now. I download games and system utilities that are either free or shareware. Don't get to concerned. Research the program yourself and scan it for viruses. Som of the things you had above were Flash put out by Macromedia and Comet Cursor. Comet Cursor is used on your system as a system utility to manage your pointing devices. It got on my computer when I installed a new pointing device ( a scroll mouse I got at CompUSA ). Flash info can be found at

Now you talked in your article about your daughter running up to you and saying your son is a hacker. This doesn't suprise me. My little brother blamed me of it because he was upset, we later found out, because I had more computer time than him. I have been accused of it just because I have a cable internet connection (256k) and know a lot about computers.

I plan on installing Linux on an old computer that I fixed. I am not a hacker, never have been, and never will be. If i can learn Linux well, learn how to set up servers with it, and network computers; I can earn up to $60,000 a year.

My advice about your son is simple. Either by a new PC and give him the old one and let him play around with Linux on it or get him one that is older and slower one for about $300-$500 and let him play around with it. MONITOR HIM THOUGH!!! If he learns how to repair or upgrade computers it gives him an upperhand in the job market. Better pay and higher chance of getting almost any job he applies for.


OK there is a major problem with this man (none / 0) (#5727)
by Shining Cypher on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:51:45 PM PST
ok I am sure you think your the perfect model parent and that u can do no wrong... but your kid here wasn't doing any wrong... did u actually test those programs that you said were hacker thingis?? Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor, QUAKE!!

you also dissed my fav company AMD you dont diss my fav unless u have an amd processor, which u probably do, and you need to get off your kids back and correct your messages...

also that kid u punished for hacking... which he probably wasn't doing anything of the sort... let him get online... A couple of other things... you need to do more research on the things you say... like for instance wanting to get off of AOL, do u know why a kid would want to?? because there are soo many people on it, it slows the user down incredibly, I have internet from a remote place that rents videos and it is 2 times if not 3 times better than aol... that is why...

another thing, are u rich?? to be able to afford adobe photoshop that is an expensive program... but maybe I shouldn't say anything maybe u will think because your son starts playing with this program he is hacking adobe or something!!

Linux not lunix, it is an operating system for computers it isn't used as a hacking tool...

DOS can be used to open the original QUAKE game not always to be used as a hacker tool, but can be, if u see commands in there like ping and ip addresses that is just him trying to ping different servers, nothing to worry about... he is seeing how slow is slow connection is

I'm going to stop talking now, if the author wants to e-mail me with more info

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:59:19 PM PST

You are a fool (none / 0) (#5729)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:06:39 PM PST
LMAO i made the mistake of eating my dinner at my computer while reading this. I nearly passed out from choking. Jesus man what the hell lmao.

Anally raped aborted fetus covered in bloody tampo (none / 0) (#5730)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:15:49 PM PST
Anally raped aborted fetus covered in bloody tampons and stufed in a McDonalds toilet

Anally raped aborted fetus covered in bloody tampo (none / 0) (#5731)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:19:11 PM PST
Anally raped aborted fetus covered in bloody tampons and stufed in a McDonalds toilet

To the poor children of oafish parents like this.. (none / 0) (#5732)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:22:29 PM PST
T Reginald Gibbons, I feel deeply sorry for your children if you raise them in this type of environment. As I was reading your post, I felt as if this was some massive joke, but there was no punch line.

In your diatribe, you say, and I quote:
"You could say I'm a model parent." I seriously doubt that you are, given the contents of your post. And if for some reason you actually ARE an ideal parent, may God see fit to save the rest of the world from ideal parents. Addditionally, you comment, "... I can say without the slightest embellishment that I have the finest family in the USA." I'm sorry, but this blatant show of ego doesn't wash with me.

Further on, you refuse to go into where you got your research for your investigation from, yet you post a link to a so-called news site with unquestionable bias. Do you honestly think that you can get a true idea of what being a hacker is all about from a single, biased source? If you do, then you've just invalidated both of your previous boistrous claims and proven that you're nothing more than a sheep that follows a singular shepherd which makes for less than an ideal parent or family.

"Peter betrayed the principles we tried to encourage in him, when he refused point blank to admit to his activities." Perhaps he did not do anything wrong that he would have to admit to. If you truly raised your children the way that you claim, and have the family that you claim that you do, why do you all of a sudden believe that your son is a liar? Or does being part of an ideal family require the parents to be paranoid about the actions of their children? This shows an extreme lack of trust in your son, and in effect shows a lack of trust in your teachings of said child.

"His denials continued for hours, and in the end, I was left with no choice but to ban him from using the computer until he is old enough to be responsible for his actions." Again, you show a lack of trust in how you have taught your child by not trusting him to tell the truth. You have punished him for faults of your own.

"Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL." Ahh yes, the land of the protected porno spammers. You're advocating that parents use a service that allows their members to send unsolicited pornographic spam? That doesn't sound like a good parent to me, perhaps I'm wrong in my assumption of what a good parent is. Additionally, there was a time when a large number of the hacker majority used AOL's services simply because you could sign up and use an account by using a random credit card number, whether it was good or bad, and make use of that account for days before anyone at AOL realized that the number was invalid.

"This filter is vital to any parent who wants his son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him through exposure to "adult" content." I take it you've never heard of software such as NetNanny, etc. Or, even better, being the good parent that you are, why do you leave it up to a filter or piece of software to regulate what your child does or does not see on the Internet? That seems to be you blaming something that is squarely your fault on the shoulders of someone else. Or is that yet another part of being a good parent, the ability to shrug off responsibility and pass the buck?

"To this end, I have decided to publish the top ten signs that your son is a hacker." Doing two-three days of research and using a single biased source suddenly makes you an expert on the signs of someone being a hacker? Are you for real?!?

"I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter." Are you on retainer with AOL, sir? Perhaps you haven't noticed but there are better Internet services out there that cost less and provide better service. Perhaps your son is tired of having to deal with badly written client software and a service that is overpriced? No, that would be logical.

"Popular hacker software includes 'Comet Cursor', 'Bonzi Buddy' and 'Flash'." I'm all for freedom of speech, but this borders on slander. I wonder what the people at Macromedia that produce Flash think about this? Or what those who design legitimate websites that utilize Flash to improve the user's experience with the site think about your heavy-handed and near mindless comment.

"He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding." So, it's the child's fault that a legitimate web designer uses Flash and the child should be punished for that?

"Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware." This, sir, could not be further from the truth. I suggest you return to your research materials, if you seek a look at the reality of this situation. "Hackers" that I have come into contact with generally do not have the latest and greatest hardware, they use what they already have and they use it QUITE well.

"You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer." I see that you come from a relatively wealthy family. Have you ever done enough research to see what the manufacturer prices things at and then looked at what the OEM that produces that component for the manufacturer prices things at? Perhaps you just enjoy looking at those wonderful Compaq brown boxes with red logos when your upgrades come in.

"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well." This has to be the biggest load of baloney that I've seen in years! I get the feeling that AMD's lawyers are getting ready to "ream you a new one" and I'm all for it! Do you even know where AMD is located? What about the fact that they're traded in American stock exchanges? Your ignorance astounds me.

"4. Does your child read hacking manuals?" I won't quote the whole thing, but it makes me wonder about this - would you remove a C programming language reference manual from your child's posession? Or how about a copy of "Visual Basic for Dummies"? I believe your "perfect parenting" is similar to the mind control tactics that George Orwell wrote about in 1984.

"If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites." Or maybe he's just waiting for AOL's slow service to get him a web page detailing the scores and action of last night's basketball game. Ever think of that? Perhaps your son is doing research for a school project as opposed to trying to hack into the NSA and do a full dump of Carnivore data onto the local machine. You, sir, are among the most paranoid of parents that I've ever seen or heard about.

"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms." Hmm, been overdosing on the Columbine shootings, have we? This is ludicrous.

"You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed." The fact that you're of this mindset and own a firearm scares me.

"You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school." Again, we're passing the buck. Let the school handle what you consider to be your child's problems while you do nothing about it.

"As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour." If your children can be so easily persuaded that they actually do things like this, you haven't taught them a single thing about morals or their place in the world, and you sir are directly at fault.

"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War." Did you get this from your immense research, or did this just happen to show up in a lucid moment? Additionally, I see you don't mention Unix, or even spell Linux correctly. Would you happen to be working for The Open Group, UK, sir? This is simply too mirthful...

"... even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional." Sir, it is you and the millions like you that keep the small town computer technicians in business. By all means, yes, when someone erases Windows the machine WILL have to be repaired by a professional. Care for my business card? I'll cut you a good deal... $250/hr

"In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface." I'll even include a new hard drive, same size as the one you had before, for the measley sum of $1000.

"Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors." Not true. Most "hackers" I know wear three piece business suits and ties. Your stereotype is so incorrect that it's laughable.

"If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association." Or he may be normal with the exception of being the son of an over-bearing and paranoid stricken father.

"For the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically." For the sake of your family's mental health, sir, you should seek counseling as soon as possible.

In closing, I would like to say that I seriously wonder if you're just another copy of Ned Flanders from The Simpsons. Your ideals for perfection are extremely lacking and you seem to think that you're an expert in a field that you've only researched for a couple of days, as per your own admission. The terms pompous and arrogant come to mind. However, I do feel sorry for your children, sir. Having to grow up in an environment with an overbearing, overblown and extremely paranoid father figure must be hard for them.

--- ACH

Anally raped aborted fetus covered in bloody tampo (none / 0) (#5733)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:24:24 PM PST
Anally raped aborted fetus covered in bloody tampons and stufed in a McDonalds toilet

i'm a 31 yr/old father (none / 0) (#5734)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:25:50 PM PST
to any other parents:
i'm a business owner and know computers very well, please don't take ANY of this readers "arguments" to heart. he/she is completely off base on almost every thing said.
the only thing i will agree with is the manuals.

WHAT?!?! (none / 0) (#5735)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:31:08 PM PST
I am a 15-year-old who does not hack, yet show some signs... I use AMD processors, fast CD burners, a IEEE1394 card, and DSL... I'm even asking for a new computer because it stinks... I still have legit reasons for using and asking for this stuff

A. I do video editing for my parents... I need as much power as possible
B. Parents occasionally ask me to burn CD's for them
C. DSL actually gave me an increase in productivity as I blaze through reference sites
D. I'm against porn... it's stupid!

The statements are not necessarily true in certain aspects. Parents will need common sense to safeguard their child against FBI knocking on the door...

EVERYONE READ THIS!!!!! (none / 0) (#5736)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:47:18 PM PST
these are the kind of bible beating idiots that live in a cave their whole life, and come out once a blue moon to see "whats up" this guy has no clue what he is talking about. I felt more stupid after reading this message then i did before reading it. These people should at least do some research before posting like this. Look how many people have read this and posted - about 5000 but he prolly thinks that jesus loves us all and everything is okay with him. :) (yes i'm chritian but not to the extreme) I thank god he is not one of my parents, as i would not want my parents at my parties! this guy needs to make some friends, get a life, and do better research! :)

no sense of humor???? (none / 0) (#5737)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:47:26 PM PST
what's wrong with you people?? this was such an obvious joke. i can't believe most of the replies are angry retorts to this article. who is really the dumb one here?? hmmm??? i think it's pretty dumb to think that someone stupid enough to call amd a hacker chip (whatever the hell that means lol you gotta love it), got on-line, with aol, and made this page. yes?? it's like people have been waiting for years to show their "superior" computer knowlege and are so desperate to do so that they'll even treat something as moronic as this article as factual just so someone will be dumber than them. LAUGH AND MOVE ON PEOPLE

You have all fallen into their trap (none / 0) (#5738)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:08:20 PM PST
the person who wrote it prolly doesn't even believe it, but it has got them lots of hits so I mean what else is there

Mental retardation strikes again (none / 0) (#5739)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:37:52 PM PST
what a load of shit. Pyscho !!!!
I'd rebel too if my parents were like you.

What a load of crap, and waste of bandwidth (none / 0) (#5741)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:45:50 PM PST
This artcle just goes to show that there is utter B.S. on the internet in some places. I can't believe this site leaves this crap up for some naive people to get all stressed out over utter uselss information.

Gee, I wonder if pushing the space bar is bad too! (none / 0) (#5742)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:01:40 PM PST
What the hell is wrong with the writer of this thing? Oh my god, I've been on the internet for a half hour, I _MUST_ be hacking? Jeez! What kind of radicals are you people? No! YOU'RE NOT PEOPLE! YOU'RE COMPLETE IDIOTS!

sexist and dumb! (none / 0) (#5745)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:56:34 PM PST
hmm they only say him and son, are they saying only boys are hackers? what the hell is wrong with this guy? i mean god damn!!

T Reginald Gibbons is out of his mind (none / 0) (#5746)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:58:02 PM PST
the posting u made is truly one of kind, how did you come uo with this , you sir are a work of art not, the program flash can be found at, it is a program that installing on windows or any other type of unix operating system, it displays picuters , movies, music ect.... for web pages, comet-curser lets you change your plain old arrow looking cusor to a different one like president clinton for example, if for some strange reason you should choose to do so.and for the other program you mentioned it is a simple desktop charector that runs around amusing you and takes up valueable system resources , you son has obviousely been falsly acoused, you sir must suffer from some sort of mental ishued problem , wether it be some conflict from viet nom , or maybe you are a born-again christian, who knows, i certainly do not want to find out. you really need to find out about the programs you think your son was hacking with, you can find ut many interesting things if you read , sigh, the wonderful art of reading, better watch out, your son may find out how to do something by doing that, you better lock him up in the closet and never let him out, now as for AOL, lol hehehehe, i must say , almost everybody starts out with AOL , or MSN when they first hit the internet, and by the way AOl is one of the most teriable programs i hav ever incountered, it is virus infested, people posing as AOl administrators email you saying you need to give out your credit card information saying that there was a change in your credit information and you need to change it , lol silly AOL , linux was designed after UNINX one of the original operating systems, it is grate in many ways, after was not unix thought of when dos was masterminded , they are much alike and yet so far apart, anyways they can be used for hacking , but so can windows, and as for removing it from you hard drive , lol , it can be removed easily , just like windows, have you ever read a book? my god man,if you actually took the time to learn about your computer, you should have reconsidered you thoughts when you bought a COMPAQ! hehehe anyways , you really need to get a life and stop tourmenting your son whith these patheitc thought of injustice, give back the computer let back on it , let him do his thing , you never know he may become (heaven forbid) the next Bill Gates (weeeeeeeee)

P.S. oh yeah almnost forgot thanks for dissing AMD processors, they are not made in sweatchops, and i am sure you like to pay that extra $200 to $500 for that intel ,lol, go ahead, especially based on how much yo must make, i vote for AMD cheaper , better and gosh darn it i just like it better :), so seriousely sir you have some issues that need to be rectified, i hope you make the right decision thank you for your time.

Wait, you mean this thread wasnt a joke? (none / 0) (#5747)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:09:07 PM PST
You gotta be kidding me.

Pull Your Head Out of Your .... (none / 0) (#5748)
by momma on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:16:29 PM PST
By your standards I'd be a hacker. I have modern equipment and spend a lot of time on the net.

I've never read anything that so clearly demonstrated the ignorant mind of a parent. This has to be a joke, right?

If I were your son: I'd be afraid. Very afraid. And I'd leave home as soon as possible. Otherwise, as you age, he might end up spoon feeding you whatever priomordial ooze your exist on with a rubber spoon.

People like you are the reason people like me can't stand people like you.

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:40:20 PM PST
at least i hope it was...if not...were dealing with a class 5 dumb ass...seal the perimeter arround the trailor...tourture him/her/it with the "mp3" software that is a "hackers tool" and run the mp3 files untill they can no longer take barney the purple dinosaurs voice...take a dvd (devine vodka dealer) from the audio visual department...and make them consume the dvd product untill they passout...and then make fun of them cause they don't know what your telling them is a line of crap

yall are stoopid and don't know shit about computers! IF SOMEONE HAS THE SENSE TO WRITE AN ARTICLE ON THE WEB, AND POSSIBLY THE HTML TOO, THEY CAN'T POSSIBLY BE THAT STOOPID. If you don't know what linux are a dumbass! The autor was kidding! If someone kids about you wining a million dollars from AMD (anthropology and music department) and give you a check written on note book paper...would you try to cash it?

You're kidding, right? (none / 0) (#5751)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:11:39 PM PST
Please tell me you made up this article as a joke.
I refuse to believe that any knowledgeable adult would write such an inaccurate piece of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)and then post it so that all can read it.
I mean seriously, did you do any research at all about this topic before the words came gushing out?
To argue the points:

1> Switch ISPs. Switch from AOL? Gasp. Shock. Horror. I do tech support. I know what kind of lousy service AOL provides to their customers. Your child probably got tired of getting kicked off the net every few minutes. And BTW, AOL ISN'T the entire internet. Not by a long shot, thank the Gods.

2> Bonzi Buddy and Comet Cursor as hackware? Uh huh. Maybe for a hackee, not a hacker. More appropriate to call them as they are; Malware and Spyware.

3> Wants new hardware? OMG. Computer hardware does go obsolete. Newer games do require better and faster video cards (and RAM, and hard drives...). Just be glad that's the only kind of hardware he wants. ("Daddy, can I get a Glock for my birthday? Jimmy down the street got one..." Shudder)
And as for buying from AMD... I noticed the author thoughtfully provided a link for AMD in the article. Did you follow it? I present the following excerpt from their website:

AMD is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California:
One AMD Place
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale CA 94088
(Click on the Corporate link on the main AMD page)

Third world company, eh? Don't tell the folks in Sunnyvale. And contrary to the author's opinion, you CAN buy AMD processors from retail outlets. That's how I got the Duron processor powering the computer I'm using right now.

4> Reading hacking books? I'm surprised the author lets his children read anything at all by the way he carries on. Most of those books listed there are science fiction (emphasis on fiction). Except for that one by Raymond; that's about the spread of open source software. The author probably pushed to get Harry Potter out of his children's hands as well... Is it even worth asking if the author even bothered reading the said books before burning them? Didn't think so.

5> And he may also be using it for homework too. or playing games. Or emailing Grandma. And DDoS attacks aren't executed that way, BTW.

6> Quake. This might be the closest the author gets to getting his information correct. Except that clicking a mouse button and pulling the trigger of a gun are two VERY different things. And you don't get to respawn after geing killed, either.

7> It's called puberty. Get over it.

8> Remember that research word I mentioned earlier? This would've been a good point to try some. They're distributions (or "distros") of an open source operating system. It was invented by a Finnish university student named Linus Torvolds. He started working on Linux in 1991, coming with version 1.0 in 1994. Which is considerably after the fall of the USSR. It's based on UNIX, not xenix (which from what I can tell, has very little to do with operating systems). mp3 is a file format, not a program. and the definition of telnet as taken from

tel�net (tlnt)
often Telnet An Internet communications protocol that enables a computer to function as a terminal working from a remote computer.
A program that implements this protocol.

BTW lunix is meant for machines like the Commodore 64 and such. If you do see the LILO when you turn on your computer, choose dos.

9>Radically changed appearance? See number 7.

10> Doing poorly in school? Let him read some books. Gaining weight? Kick him off the computer and make him go outside and play. And see number 8.

Having done all this, I've arrived at the following conclusions:
1> The author is an ignorant fool. (I could be polite but the subtlety would be lost.) and
2> He's managed to take spreading FUD to a whole new level.

There. I've put in my two cents worth.
Au Revoir

You're kidding, right? (none / 0) (#5752)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:15:23 PM PST
Please tell me you made up this article as a joke.
I refuse to believe that any knowledgeable adult would write such an inaccurate piece of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)and then post it so that all can read it.
I mean seriously, did you do any research at all about this topic before the words came gushing out?
To argue the points:

1> Switch ISPs. Switch from AOL? Gasp. Shock. Horror. I do tech support. I know what kind of lousy service AOL provides to their customers. Your child probably got tired of getting kicked off the net every few minutes. And BTW, AOL ISN'T the entire internet. Not by a long shot, thank the Gods.

2> Bonzi Buddy and Comet Cursor as hackware? Uh huh. Maybe for a hackee, not a hacker. More appropriate to call them as they are; Malware and Spyware.

3> Wants new hardware? OMG. Computer hardware does go obsolete. Newer games do require better and faster video cards (and RAM, and hard drives...). Just be glad that's the only kind of hardware he wants. ("Daddy, can I get a Glock for my birthday? Jimmy down the street got one..." Shudder)
And as for buying from AMD... I noticed the author thoughtfully provided a link for AMD in the article. Did you follow it? I present the following excerpt from their website:

AMD is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California:
One AMD Place
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale CA 94088
(Click on the Corporate link on the main AMD page)

Third world company, eh? Don't tell the folks in Sunnyvale. And contrary to the author's opinion, you CAN buy AMD processors from retail outlets. That's how I got the Duron processor powering the computer I'm using right now.

4> Reading hacking books? I'm surprised the author lets his children read anything at all by the way he carries on. Most of those books listed there are science fiction (emphasis on fiction). Except for that one by Raymond; that's about the spread of open source software. The author probably pushed to get Harry Potter out of his children's hands as well... Is it even worth asking if the author even bothered reading the said books before burning them? Didn't think so.

5> And he may also be using it for homework too. or playing games. Or emailing Grandma. And DDoS attacks aren't executed that way, BTW.

6> Quake. This might be the closest the author gets to getting his information correct. Except that clicking a mouse button and pulling the trigger of a gun are two VERY different things. And you don't get to respawn after geing killed, either.

7> It's called puberty. Get over it.

8> Remember that research word I mentioned earlier? This would've been a good point to try some. They're distributions (or "distros") of an open source operating system. It was invented by a Finnish university student named Linus Torvolds. He started working on Linux in 1991, coming with version 1.0 in 1994. Which is considerably after the fall of the USSR. It's based on UNIX, not xenix (which from what I can tell, has very little to do with operating systems). mp3 is a file format, not a program. and the definition of telnet as taken from

tel�net (tlnt)
often Telnet An Internet communications protocol that enables a computer to function as a terminal working from a remote computer.
A program that implements this protocol.

BTW lunix is meant for machines like the Commodore 64 and such. If you do see the LILO when you turn on your computer, choose dos.

9>Radically changed appearance? See number 7.

10> Doing poorly in school? Let him read some books. Gaining weight? Kick him off the computer and make him go outside and play. And see number 8.

Having done all this, I've arrived at the following conclusions:
1> The author is an ignorant fool. (I could be polite but the subtlety would be lost.) and
2> He's managed to take spreading FUD to a whole new level.

There. I've put in my two cents worth.
Au Revoir

Oops (none / 0) (#5754)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:22:15 PM PST
Double-posted it. Sorry

The truth from a real hacker. (none / 0) (#5753)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:18:48 PM PST
You sir, are sadly misinformed, in fact I'd like to know where you got this "information" because half of it is most definatley fabricated. First off, linux is a operation system developed legally.....used legitamatley and illigitamatley both, the same as windows DOS or any other system can be used. Your son is not a hacker. Your son is a poor kid with a dad who really is smothering him. Your daughter...god bless her sweet candy ass, is probably not even a virgin anymore, that is if you've let her out of your sight for more than 5 minuets since she was offence this is just a little reality check.
The programs you mentioned are harmless web applications, Flash is a media content player. Comet cursor I'm not 100% sure about, but it has no basis for hacking. The books you mentioned are entertainment related books and contain no usefull information for a hacker. "xenix" is non-existant and you are full of sh*t. Microsoft didn't exist when unix and linux were first started. And neither did windows.
Linus Torvaldes is NOT a soviet, he's not even russian. "otaku" is a japanise cartoon
there is NO SUCH THING as an illegal operating system, software is never illegal, untill its used for illegal purposes. a DOS/denial of services attack can be done in a milisecond or over the course of several weeks, the time spent online by your children is irrelivant. Quake is a game and nothing more, how would one get "practice" using a firearm by using a joystick or mouse?.......Monitor radiation does not effect your thinking. Your kids probably just pissed off because you wont let him piss without looking both ways make sure no cars are going to drive into the bathroom and hit him. glow stiocks and pacifiers are a part of "raving" nothing more than kids dancing to music in know dancing don't you? or is that the devils tool also? AMD is a legitamate company, and central processing units can't stop a person from using them in any way other than over-using them and causing them to burn out.....Lunix linux and unix are NOT dangerous in any way, and can be easily removed from your hard disk, however, I do hope you paid out the a$$ for a replacement hard drive, simply because you deserve to lose money.....Frankly im tired of typing this and disclaiming and disporving all your claims......i won't even bother with whatever it is i've missed,.....I almost think reading your article was a waste of time,......but it was so darn funny i couldn't time you post an article do yourself a favor and site your fact, next time USE references, your fabrication of facts is damaging to your own education as well as your childrens........if i was a religious man i'd pray for your i.q. to go from 60 to at least 80.....cause honestly, retards shouldn't have children.

The truth from a real LAME ASS is more like it. (none / 0) (#5853)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 01:32:47 PM PST
You can't even tell that this was a joke. If you are a "real hacker" then I feel sorry for the "real hacker" community and you are making my job (to help catch "real hackers") a lot easier. Keep up the good work, numb nuts.

LMAO (none / 0) (#5755)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:33:59 PM PST
well that was a good laugh..

Im going to shit my pants.... (none / 0) (#5756)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:38:56 PM PST

Do you mean "Macromedia Flash"? ITS A FRICKING ANIMATION PROGRAM, YOU MORON!!!!!!!!!! And in spite of your idiocy, im going to talk 1337 for the rest of the letter, k?

1f j00 4hr3 g01n 2 b33 a j4h|{a55, g0 4w4y, |33f0r3 1 7hr0w 4 p4c1f13r a7 j00. j00 kn0 wah7? |-|35 r1gh7, J00 AHR SM07H3R1N H1M!!!!!!!11!!1!!1!!!!!

Ahh, apperently IM the jackass here...... (none / 0) (#5765)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:48:51 AM PST
Whoops. After further investigation, it was a joke. Lol, an airsoft m3 is the law, bitch, it ownz j00. Hehehe. You FUNNY FUNNY PERSON YOU.......

One would hope to god, that trying to be amusing (none / 0) (#5757)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:39:12 PM PST
I'm not a parent, but I am an adult.
My parents are both getting on a bit, 50's.
But even they with their amazing technical ineptitude found this article a work of true luddite, uneducated tosh.

Buy American chips! Why? Is this site excepting unseen sponsorship from Intel?

Flash. If the most educationally challenged netuser knows that Flash is tool used to create flash websites, with pointless spinning things and animations.

"Lunix" [sic] and thats all I've got to say on that, Forrest
Now we have the unseen hand of MS. Windows=good, linux=bad!
Linux is not some hacker o/s. Its an amazing crafted O/S, that has its root in UNIX, which is run at nearly every University and large scale LEARNING facility in the entire world. THen again, you didn't go to University, did you Forrest?

Hackers in dayglo colours, with pacifiers? Have you created a whole new genre, the Raver Hacker? Have you been exposed to to many American Made
For TV movies?

I could go on at this forever. But I've lost the will. So, �r du CP?

grats reginald (none / 0) (#5759)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:04:58 AM PST
grats on the Moron of the Year award Reginald Gibbons.

GREAT ARTICLE. (ridiculous people) (none / 0) (#5760)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:16:31 AM PST
Bravo on the article. Fantastic! There needs to be more on the evils of "hax0rz" and their "Linux". Linux's "Man Pages" are the #1 source of male porn on the internet and all downloadable FOR FREE! This is an outrage and needs to be stopped.

And please people, IT'S A FREAKING JOKE!!!. Some of you make me nautious with your rants on what is wrong with this article. OF COURSE IT'S WRONG. THAT'S WHAT JOKES DO! Please learn how to identify sarcasm and stop running obvious points into the ground.

Great article! :)

Parents: Read this... (none / 0) (#5761)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:28:58 AM PST
I am sorry in advance to all of the parents who are not up to speed with today's technology. In this letter, I will attempt to answer the comments posted above in a FACTUAL way, instead of pure ignorance.
1. AOL (America On Line)
GOOD It is designed with children in mind. It does do a decent job at filtering out porn. I say that because one could still obtain porn pictures in a chat room, in E-mail, and other "not so well thought of" areas. If you want to keep your kids away from porn, talk to them about it.
BAD: While filtering out everything that AOL feels "may" be bad to your little ones, it restricts access to a subject that might be needed. Take newsgroups for example. One cannot join in them using AOL. Also, hackers ARE on AOL, and everywhere else. See it for yourself. Go to a search engine and search for "AOL Hacks". Enough said. What about the exploits found in the AOL Instant Messenger? Wanting to change ISP's is not a bad thing. I don't have AOL anymore, and I am not a "hacker". I trust my kids. I talk to them. Do you? Or do you just like to punish them for your own lack of knowledge?
2."Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".
GOOD: If you want to visit and have fun at you have to install Flash. Flash, Comet Cursor, and Bonzi Buddy are NOT hacker programs. If you have questions, go to a search engine and enter in the above names. It just makes good sense to investigate something you don't know.
BAD: One should check it out before posting one's opinion on a board J
3. Asking for new hardware.
GOOD: If one is noticing problems with ones current setup, one just might be recommending things to broaden ones learning. It is not a bad thing to learn about computers. One may want the machine to go faster. It isn't a crime. And AMD is not for sale in stores eh? Go to . It's a very real building open to the public right here in Bloomington, IN. They sell AMD. They are not hackers. AMD is NOT a "knock off" chip, and it's not made in a sweatshop. It's not wrong to want to change processors. Think of it like you do a car. Is there one brand of car out there? Competition keeps prices down. One could hack just as well with an AMD, Cyrix, or an Intel processor. Oh, the only feature that I am aware of to "discourage" hacking is the chip serial number. Each processor has this little number that can be traced when activated. Remember that is true for ALL traffic. Do you like spam-mailings? Do you like the fact that people are watching you everywhere you go gathering information about the content of the sites you visit, and sharing it with others? Neither did the other 90% of society. So they disabled it. Don't take my word for it, search it out.
BAD: Nothing bad about upgrading. I upgraded, and I am not a hacker J
4. Hacking materials:
GOOD: Learning about hacking by reading books can be taken good or bad. The good is that one might be studying the security of ones own system. Or trying to find one of the many holes in Microsoft's code. In this respect, it is not a bad thing. A White Hat Hacker can make a TON of money, and land a job as a systems administrator.
BAD: Yes, this could be a cause of alarm, taken with a grain of salt. Open communication with your kids can answer the questions. However, free speech will keep the books on the shelves. One could misuse a baseball bat. Should all the stores remove them?
5. Computer Usage.
GOOD: Time spent on the computer should not be limited to an hour. It would take a LONG time to gain any knowledge at that speed. What if one had a really slow connection? I play Half-Life with my son. We like it. Sometimes we are on there for hours.
BAD: The above author has NO idea what DOSing is. DOS is a Disk Operating System. Do you have an operating system? A command prompt is not a bad thing either. I think he is referring to a Denial Of Service attack. Search the web for that. It will explain.
6. Quake
GOOD: We like action games. We know not to go out and play with guns. We also are smart enough NOT to shoot people. Just because you like racing, do you speed around on highways at top speed in your car? No.
BAD: Quake, Euchre, Solitaire, Checkers, Poker, Bridge, Bingo, Crossword Puzzles, and all games can be violent. Just go to a bingo hall and watch two elders get into it. I even saw a fist fight outside. People used to shoot each other over Poker in the old west...
7. Becoming argumentative and surly in his social behavior?
GOOD: Normal Teenager Behavior. LOVE your kids. Be with them.
BAD: Here is another slight possibility. This and #4 above.
GOOD: Linux is a free operating system. I have the Red Hat, and Mandrake distributions. I also have FreeBSD. Linux is a clone to UNIX, which was used widely by the government, and by networking gurus all over. is a good place to start learning about it. Linus Torvalds wrote the core, and Linus is not a soviet hacker. By the way, I am not a hacker. This is not a "hacker" operating system. It is for people that don't want to join in on the "Microsoft" monopoly bandwagon. Competition is good. Microsoft sucks anyway. I'm tired of patching and fixing it daily.
That's why I am also running Linux.
BAD: Yep. A bad uninstall/install could mess a hard drive up. That's true of ANY operating system. Even Windows..
9. Radically changed ones appearance?
GOOD: Your teen has a heartbeat. This is a good thing. Wanting to fit in is not a bad thing. This should be encouraged, to a point.
BAD: If you don't like one's appearance, talk it out.
10. Struggling academically?
GOOD: There is no good about it. Talk and find out. Is one working too much? The opposite sex is a lot more appealing than geography.
BAD: Slipping grades does not mean one is hacking.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? False Information. (none / 0) (#5763)
by Cypris on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:41:46 AM PST
I will start off by Saying I am 19 years old, have been using computers since my early teens. I know how to make programs and know an extreme amount of information about computers and the internet. 1 too many fingers were pointed at various computer programs and this is needs to be corrected. Parents. Read this. "Bonzi Buddy, Flash and Comet Cursor are not "Hacker Programs". If the author would have one 1 bit of actual research into these programs, they would have realized that they are definitly not of hacking.

Program: Flash
By: MarcroMedia, Inc.
Program Use: Designed to let Web Authors make stunning interactive webpages.

Program: Comet Cursor
By: Comet Systems
Program Use: Allows the user to change their mouse icon, and access online shopping, web site search, Travel, Encyclopedia, and Stocks all from one program

Bonzi Buddy: Similar to Comet Cursor but geared twards the younger age group, i believe this one is offered with the installation of Yahoo!'s Instant messaging service.

DOSing other computers? if you ever took a minute to read what the general term for DOS is, its Disk Operating System. the other term for it is Denial of Service, which is a means of freezing someones computer, but still doesnt allow you access to thier computer, IF IT WASNT FOR DOS YOU WOULDNT BE ABLE TO MAKE THIS WEBPAGE. DOS was the beginning of the personal computer. without it, this website would have never existed. and its LINUX, not LUNIX. It is not a hacker operating system. it is an Open Source, Free of Cost, Operating System. NOTHING to do with hacking. it is highly advanced and is used by computer professionals, and is basically, a clone of a Network Operating System used by Major corportations, called "UNIX". AMD is not a 3rd world company, they make outstanding computer processors that exceede intel's chip. Many computers bought at any computer store come with AMD Processors. They are 100& legit in every way. The information you have given is 98% false. If the information you have given it true, then your convicting anyone who buys a new store boughten computer, of being a hacker, because most computers come with the helpful utilities such as Bonzi Buddy and Comet Cursor PREINSTALLED, which yours probably was too. Your making Acquisations (sorry for the spelling error) that are 100% false and i would immediatly edit your article or 100% remove it all together before you find some company that says u claim they make hacker software asking you why your doing this. A model parent? i think not. Since when was Sterotyping part of the model parent? and i WANT a response from anyone who agrees or disagrees with my statement here. JIDavis@ISD.Net is my email address. If you wish for me to write up an article that better explains the Hacker, i will, that is all i have to say. -Cypris (and no, having a screen name does not make me a hacker)

I HOPE this is a joke. (none / 0) (#5764)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:44:41 AM PST
This has got to be a joke, if its not the guy who wrote it didnt do very good research in this field.

whatever he smoked when he wrote this, he obviously didnt smoke enough cause it was ment to be fatal and he's still alive.

I'm confused (none / 0) (#5766)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 01:10:58 AM PST
Is this article a joke?
DOS = Disk Operating System
DOS is what microsoft made before windows.
LUNIX is nothing... i believe you mean LINUX.
It is a far more stable OS(operating system) than windows.. and also faster. And is used by pretty much anybody running a serious server. Like the government.. its based off of UNIX not Xenix or whatever you said it was...
AOL blows... they are slow, their service sucks.
if your scared about "adult" content.. do your son a favor and get a different ISP and get "net nanny".
AMD... i don't even know where to start... where do you get your fraudelant information?
AMD is in my opinion better and statistically faster performing than Intel chips.

Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

How do you figure?? lmao..
Comet Cursor = Web software to change the looks of a cursor on a web page.
Bonzi Buddy = my mom downloaded it... haha its a purple talking monkey....not hacker software.
Flash = software for designing web animations and menus. be careful, you may run into a website using Flash... they may be a hacker!

Programming with perl is a hacker manual?? learning how to make CGI scripts is hacking? CGI is used for making forms like the one i'm using write now to type this.. just not this particular one.
45minutes a day on the computer? i'm guessing it took you longer than 45minutes to type your insanely retarded article... i spend about 5-7 hours a day on my computer... i also work 8 hours a day, i'm not a hacker.

Yes, Quake is an online meeting place.. for people to have fun. they don't talk about hacking.. they dont PRACTICE using firearms.. they shoot eachother, and try to stay alive.. its called fun... maybe you should try having some sometime.
oh yeah, i guess i was wrong about my previous statement "I'm not a hacker".. because truly, i am.. i hack.. i hack my own computer... hacking is not illegal. Hacking is basically doing anything on a system level. whether it be using regedit to finish a bad uninstall, or using
I seriously thought this article was a joke when my friend showed it to me.. i now realize that it is not a joke, and it was just written by a severely thick-headed embarrassing dumbass father that knows shit about computers much less anything else. To this dad, i say Get A Life.. Back out of your kids lifes slightly, possibly give them a little privacy... privacy is a good thing, and when kids have none of it, they get rebellious and soon your kid will slit your throw and put your head in the microwave.
you should remove this article before it causes your wife to divorce you and your kids to run away. because nobody wants to be married to a guy with an IQ less than his age.

Is it true? (none / 0) (#5768)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 02:10:21 AM PST
I've often heard it said that that Americans
don't understand irony.

From the comments on this piece, it looks like
it might be true!

Liar (none / 0) (#5769)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:06:35 AM PST
First of all Sir, may I compliment you on being the biggest DUMBASS I've ever seen. This article is filled with nothing more than LIES about hacking/hackers. You obviously know nothing about computers, and had your son "Peter" tell you all these big words that you're using to look smart and confuse yourself and other parents that know nothing about computers. I'm now going to correct many of the statements that you made.
1. TelNet comes any version of Microsoft's Windows. And was developed by, none other than, MICROSOFT, not a hacker.
2. Quake is game. Not a meeting place. 3. AOL has no such "adult content" locks that cannot be disable without the click of your mouse. The reason he/she may want a FASTER and LESS CRUMBY ISP than AOL, is because, well, AOL sucks.
4. DOS is not a program used to hack into others computers. It's what makes your computer run. Without DOS, you could not install Windows.
5. Flash5 is program developed by Macromedia, and many, many schools use Flash5 for teaching purposes. It's a web developing tool.
6. Bonzi Buddy is just an annoying little program that, if wanted, will remember different passwords and usernames you have on websites.
7. If he/she is dressing in baggy pants and bright t-shirts, wearing "binkies", and carrying Glow Sticks, he/she is whatyou would call a RAVER. So you may want to haul your son/daughter to the hostpital to have a drug test, instead of taking away computer priviledges.
8. Linux is an OS just like Windows, only Linux is more of an industrial OS, for big businesses and on-line stores.
9. The time one spends on a computer could range from 5 minutes(Long enough to check e-mail), to hours at a time(Long enough to play award-winning games such Diablo, Starcraft, etc. Long enough to work on a webpage. Long enough to chat with friends on your oh-so trusted AOL chats.). Time really has no effect.
There are many programs you can download for free that will monitor what is being done on your computer, and those logs can only be deleted with a password.
Most parents would take pride in the fact that their child has found something he/she likes to do. Just because one is on the computer, doesn't mean they are hacking.
Computers are the best way to learn. You can't get your child to read a book? Plant their ass on the computer. Any Compaq, Dell, or Gateway should come with Encyclopedia programs that are very usefull for homework and school prodjects. If not, there are many online Encyclopedias.


P.S. - You've just been bitch-slapped by a 13 year old.

HELL YEAH (none / 0) (#5773)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:54:10 AM PST
i was going to post something in reference to this shit thing. but i knew i fucking couldn't refain from using obscenities.. but you did a damn good job. HTP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

60 HaCkEr-X (none / 0) (#5774)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:04:22 AM PST
H377 y34 HaCkEr-X, j00 t377 +h4+ 81+(h!
+h4+ 6uy'5 4 dum8fu([<! j00 r007!
HaCkEr-X 0wnz j00 4||, 4nd d0n+ j00 f0r63+ 1+!


......Holy crap. (none / 0) (#5770)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:29:46 AM PST


All your crap are belong overprotective pearent

HEY EVEYONE ITS A JOKE Its the Brady Bunch!!!!! (none / 0) (#5771)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:34:27 AM PST
I was rereading the the Hacker article and and finding how funny it is when I noticed the names of the people in question. The writer speaks of his wife Carol, his tatletale daugter Cindy and his naughty son Peter. Hmmmm Now where in the world have I heard those names before. For those of you who havent already gussed yep your right its everones favorite hip seventies family the Brady's. I think the 4000 + people who posted flames are the real funny Ignorant people. This even wound up on ZDTV. Pretty funny. My kodos to the Author.


by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:51:16 AM PST
You know why? Because this whole thing is a JOKE. A humongous fecking JOKE. Get it through your blunt minds, before you start yelling and screaming at the author of this article. IT'S A JOKE.

Danger to Society (none / 0) (#5775)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:27:13 AM PST
You sir, (author) have to be the single most misinformed person I have ever heard account of. Everything you know is wrong. All that you have done is proove that we have too many itiots out there with access to public forums where they can speak their minds and do damage to the internet community. If there is any danger out there that needs to be removed its ALL of the people who think like you do. You have no real comprehension of the world that you ar scorning. You don't understand it, and you are scared of it. So, you try to unite people against it. And because there are so many idiots like you out thee you will gain some support. But you have to be a real F****** idiot to think that you would find support to shun the internet, on the internet.

If you're son is really a computer hacker, and I mean a real one, then you should be scared of him because he's much smarter than you are.


P.S. Any self respecting hacker would never wear anything like what you described, you're thinking of ravers and cady kids, who usually don't have enough brain power to get themselves out of a cardboard box.

WTF.. are you a complete idiot? (none / 0) (#5778)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 07:34:34 AM PST
1. You say he wants to change ISP's? Yet you link to Excite@Home. This is broadband... everyone want fast access. No, you have a smart son. He wants to leave AOL for cable access. That is a no brainer.

2. Flash, Bonzi Buddy are hacking programs? You ARE an idiot.

3. More memory, better video card, new processor? These are the most common upgrades! AMD is NOT made in sweat shops, rather they are made in an ion-free environment and a multimillion dollar facility. Underage kids are probably NOT cutting silicon chips. Hmmmm... not sold in stores? Have you been to a store lately? Compaq notebooks come with those processors (I just mention that since you OWN a compaq)

4. Hacking manuals? "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling and "Hackers" by Steven Levy will not give you any practical hacking knowledge. Try reading them first. Great to learn about the history, but won't tell you how. As far as the other books - nothing wrong with knowing about PERL programming and computer security.

5. Nothing wrong with spending time on the computer. Let you kid learn and spend time. Do you want him to grow up into a complete dumbass? He maybe the next Gates.

6. Quake users are NOT hackers! Most guys enjoy a bit of quake 3 arena frag festing. No wonder he wants broadband access, faster video, more memory if he is a Q3 player.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour? Shit that goes with being a teenager. Not everyone deals with adolescence the same way.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"? Hmmm lots of people like Linux. Linux is based on UNIX kernel. Hmm most of your servers on the internet run some sort of UNIX (Sun, etc.) Nothing wrong with learning some LINUX and PERL, might help him get a job or later in life (maybe he will be a manager somewhere and knowing a bit about systems would help.)

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance? Glow sticks, baggy pants? Have you seen other teenagers lately? Pacifiers are associated with drug use.

10. Is your son struggling academically? Again, you have an ordinary teenageer.

It is obvious you have no idea what a hacker consists of. You are not in tune with your own kid. Not all hacking is bad either. sometimes people refer to customizing some changes as "hacks". You really have not learned anything. This was the most absurb, non-thought-out, ignorant posting I have ever read!

Do you know anything about computers? (none / 0) (#5779)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:17:16 AM PST
I didn't have the time to create an account, so I hope you don't mind me posting as an "Anonymous Reader".

No offense, but I'm just curious if you really know anything about computers. All the points mentioned seem to sound pretty ridiculous.

If having FLASH software installed in one's PC makes one a hacker, heck, then my entire campus must be full of hackers since they are actually teaching FLASH in universities. It's a programming tool, not a hacking tool.

By the way, AMD is a reputable company with branches worldwide. I'm sure they would be pretty sad to hear of your descriptions of their business.

Thank you for your attention.

YOU BENT ASSHOLE (none / 0) (#5780)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:39:07 AM PST
I PLAY QUAKE... that makes me a hacker... yeah.. actually i take enjoyment in BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF COMPUTER N00bs LIKE YOU... i bought a compaq... oo oo... i bought an AMD athalon dual 2.7ghz computer, with dual display for animation and creation purposes... i also have LINUX this makes me a hacker ummm no... i also spend more than 30 MINS on a computer... because 30 MINS IS POINTLESS YOU DICKHEAD MAYBE IF YOU BROUGHT YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ARSE AND TOOK A LOOK AT THE REAL WORLD YOU MAY UNDERSTAND... ALSO IF YOU LOOK AT THE PROGRAMS WHICH YOU DESCRIBED AS "hacker" comet cursor for example: ALLOWS YOU TO CHANGE YOUR CURSOR... YOU RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!

PEACE OUT... gaz

COMPUTER HACKER ARTICLE (none / 0) (#5781)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:45:06 AM PST

GO Back to Your Amish/Mennonite Life Moron. (none / 0) (#5782)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 09:10:42 AM PST
I'm thinkin you're a "Hacker" because you are using a computer. Seems like using anything that requires electric, expanding your imagination or just trying to have some fun (Cough playing Quake) means you're a "Hacker". I guess you never heard of the game Counter Strike. Its more life like then Quake is. Like anyone can take a rocket in the face and live.

Check this out (Notice the bold ones at the bottom. I think our friend T Reginald Gibbons is No. 9):

n. Informal
  1. One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.
  2. One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file.
  3. One who enthusiastically pursues a game or sport: a weekend tennis hacker.

[Perhaps from hacker, amateurish or inept golfer or tennis player (possibly from hack), or perhaps from hack, practical joke, clever scheme (from dialectal hack, to embarrass, confuse, play a trick on).]

hacker \Hack"er\, n. One who, or that which, hacks. Specifically: A cutting instrument for making notches; esp., one used for notching pine trees in collecting turpentine; a hack. hacker n
  1. Someone who plays golf poorly
  2. A programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers
  3. One who works hard at boring tasks [syn: hack, drudge]

<person, jargon> (Originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe)
  1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.

  2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.

  3. A person capable of appreciating hack value.

  4. A person who is good at programming quickly.

  5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in "a Unix hacker". (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.)

  6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example.

  7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.

  8. (Deprecated) A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence "password hacker", "network hacker". The correct term is cracker.

    The term "hacker" also tends to connote membership in the global community defined by the net (see The Network and Internet address). It also implies that the person described is seen to subscribe to some version of the hacker ethic.

    It is better to be described as a hacker by others than to describe oneself that way. Hackers consider themselves something of an elite (a meritocracy based on ability), though one to which new members are gladly welcome. Thus while it is gratifying to be called a hacker, false claimants to the title are quickly labelled as "bogus" or a "wannabee".

  9. A programmer who does not understand proper programming techniques and principles and doesn't have a Computer Science degree. Someone who just bangs on the keyboard until something happens. For example, "This program is nothing but spaghetti code. It must have been written by a hacker".

by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 09:17:49 AM PST
Man I gotta say this fucker knows nada about the internet and hacker comunity. For starters linux is not a hacker OS, its windows biggest competitor, and statistically more servers on the internet run linux than any other operating system. Second AMD is made in the good ole USA not some sweat shop where you jerkoff at night. You really need to get your facts straight. Some of your information is accurate, but the biggest percentage is all bullshit. Belonging to one of the largest hacker communities myself, I can tell you that if your son is a hacker, chances are he knows a hell of a lot more than you do, and you will never catch him. We all hide our tracks well. Oh and BTW there is such a thing as explorative hacking, which is what I do. I never hack to gain access to something for free or steal files. I do it for a challenge, and if I find a hole on someone's servers I report it to them so someone who wants to rip them off doesn't. Not all hacking is bad hacking, just ask kevin mitnick !!!

Speaking of idiots.... (none / 0) (#5784)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 09:42:02 AM PST
I think it's really funny that you guys are trashing this "supposed" idiot.

It's pretty obvious to me (and anyone with half a brain) that this is a very well written joke.

Quite obviously nobody in this world is dumb enough to sincerely compose something like this, except of course those of you who took it seriously and replied with your wise and enlightening stupidity.

(just offering a clue to anyone who decides they want it)


ps... If the above material (written in post elementry school english) was too comprehensive for some of you to grasp, i'll spell it out.


WTF? (none / 0) (#5785)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 09:56:59 AM PST
WTF Dude? You are one of the craziest people I've ever had the misfortune of hearing about. Your sons not a hacker, an ubergamer maybe, but definitely not a hacker. As for 30 minutes a day on the computer, My grandmother spends 3hours on the computer, is she a hacker? I think not. AND IT'S LINUX, NOT LUNIX, LINUX!!!! get it right. My God(pbum) I cannot express the emotions at the moment.ACK!

This guy is a freak out of "My three Sons&quo (none / 0) (#5786)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 10:13:58 AM PST
Ok this post must be meant as comedy. If it isnt the Kids are going to grow up gay, bedwetters, or unable to fart without permission.

Frankly anyone that is so anal retentive as far as a computer shoulodnt own one.

If your dad comes home and says "Look what i picked up for the children June, WALLY BEAVER come downstairs and look at your new XT system with mono monitor !!" just save yourself the anguish and throw yourself in front of the nearest train.

by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 10:30:43 AM PST
who ever wrote this knows nothing about computer or history!

what a waste of time?

This must be a joke (none / 0) (#5788)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 11:08:39 AM PST
There are so many inacuracies and complete falsehoods in the post I just read, it seems to me that it could no be anything but a put on.
First of all, if your child asks for you to switch the ISP from AOL to ANYTHING else, it is a good idea. Not because they want to "hack" it is simply because AOL is a substandard product only made popular by million dollar advertising campaigns. As far as your child being kept safe by the filtering system AOL has in place, those filters are a placebo at best. They are effective only superficially to begin with. If you think that AOL or any other internet service can keep your children out of the types of sites that you don't want them in, you are sorely mistaken. I personally recomend the AT&T Worldnet service for reliable internet access, or possibly the MSN network.
Second, American Micro Developements (AMD) makes a far superior product then the more popular Intel chips, as well as being a much less costly product. I sell and repair computers for a living and I will always recomend those products myself based solely on those facts. I have never heard of an AMD chip being considered a "hacker" chip, it is simply the smart buy for any computer owner.
Linux operating system is possibly the best thing you can allow your children to use to further their growth and understanding about computer systems. I myself use the Microsoft Windows systems simply because it is more convenient. Using Linux well, is a much more demanding job than using Windows well, forcing the user to become a more skilled computer user. I can see a very rough correlation between being a very skilled computer operator and being a hacker, after all, a hacker is by defination going to be highly skilled. SO do you want to keep your children from being a highly proficient computer user as a means to keep them from becoming a hacker? Perhapse you are going to keep them from learning how to drive, just in case they want to grow up to become a car bomber?
I will not even comment on how rediculous it is to clam that the three software programs specificly mentioned have anything in the slightest whatsoever to do with hacking. This man is happy that his son learned how to use Adobe, yet he thinks there is something malicious about Flash? I don't get it.
Quake is reported to be a meeting place for hackers to gather and learn to use firearms? News to me, I have only been playing it for about four or five years. I wish someone would have let me in on that part of the fun.
As far as video cards goes. I guarentee that at the time of the writing of this piece, assuming the writer is being honest and not just pulling our legs, that he really has no idea what a video card actually does. For anyone who is not familiar with the hardware, I will lay it out for you. A video card gives you better pictures. That is is, in a nut shell. A more capable video card in a machine will display more intensive graphics such as found in many computer games, more efectively. It does so by assing more RAM and usually a seperate smaller processer dedicated to the video output on the computer. You see, video graphics take up a good deal of the resources that a computer has in it's capacity to run. By taking up such a large chunk of the total resources for the graphics, the overall performance of the programs as a whole suffer. By adding a better video card, you free up the main system resources to do everything else that the computer needs to be doing, allowing the graphics card to handle that one particular job. A sound card works in the same way, for audio output and input. Audio activities usually are not as demanding as the video activities on the system as a whole, making a better video card more desireable.
As far as what the gentleman who wrote this article was saying, I am sure he has good intentions, assuming this wasn't a big joke. However he is so far from being right with almost everything he said, it is rediculous. The unfounded accusations made against certain companies in his posting might even be grounds for a lawsuit if they were published in the Washington Post or the Chicago Sun. They are THAT wrong and misleading.
I simply want to try to prevent anyone from taking what was misleading and irresponcibly posted on this forum as being fact. It is obvious that the man who wrote this is completely in the dark about even the more basic concepts of computer technoligy. He has no basis for any of the claims that he made. Not a single sign that he listed as being proof that your child is a hacker as an ounce of merit.

Hey retard (none / 0) (#5789)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 11:20:42 AM PST
Your son isn't a hacker he's a pill head.

You Stupid Fucking Ass Hole! (none / 0) (#5791)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 11:47:30 AM PST
You have no fucking idea what the hell your talling about. You call yourself a good father, Ha! You are a fucking dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is your kid a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#5792)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:13:31 PM PST
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Trusted or not, AOL is slow, period! If your child were a real hacker they would have their own FREE internet account that didn't require child protective gui's.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Hacker software? Hmmm, let me see, the ones described:
+ Comet Cursor
+ Flash
+Bonzi Buddy
Let's take a look at this software.
Comet cursor is a way to change the pointer of your mouse from a little arrow to some sort of animation (wow, kids like animation)

Flash, if you have been on the internet (yes even AOL counts for this one) you have experienced the magic of flash, anytime you have connected to a website that had animation, moving menus, and other "active" graphics you have seen the handy work of Flash (or one of it's friends). So am I to understand that any child that makes their own website, and explores ways to make it (something) better is a hacker?

Bonzi Buddy, an animated purple monkey that searches the internet (like many other common hacker things called search engines), sends email, and oh, wait, has a scheduler.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Most people of any age are somehow limited by computer hardware. Period. My father wants a smaller laptop so it is not so heavy to carry, my mother wants a bigger screen so that it doesn't hurt her eyes after looking at it for so long.
Buying parts from your computer manufacturer only ensures that you are paying too much for what you could have gotten down the street. Manufacturers don't actually make their own parts, they OEM them from the same people that sell the parts in boxes at the computer store.
Oh, and I can't leave this one alone, AMD makes "hacker" chips? Wow, I need to get one of those. The fact that AMD does not include the POSSIBILITY to turn on a serial number that is used by the manufacturer to track you, and can be used to determine which websites you visit, and what types of products you would best be suited for does not mean they make "hacker" chips, those are Doritos. And last I checked you could buy AMD chips at any of the large hacker supply stores, CompUSA, BestBuy! In all reality AMD processors are used in computers made by; Sony, IBM, Compaq, HP, the list goes on.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

OK, let's look at this one. Hmm, this is as bad as saying to confiscate the math and history books of your child, not to mention any programming books they might learn how to program computer software with.

I see books about, programming with Perl, famous crime cases where computer crimes were involved, and books about WWII and the code breakers that enabled the allies to defeat the Nazi's!
You should be happy that your child is interested in reading, period!

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

Where do you get your information? "DOSing" has nothing to do with the command prompt, and certainly does not take 8 hours. A simple DOS can be setup in his allotted 30 minutes quite easily if he were so inclined.
The fact that your child is interested in learning, anything, is good. Maybe you should focus your energy on making sure that he is constantly learning something. Wasting time playing games corrodes the mind and has no real positive benefits for the future. Learning cryptography or how to program shows that your child has the ability to learn and should be encouraged. Even if it scares you!

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is a hacker training camp, and to think I wasted all this time trying to get out to DefCON in Las Vegas. Quake is nothing more than a game, yes that involves guns, where internet users can play against each other instead of against the computer.
Yes, it is training him how to use weapons, like sub atomic plasma blasting head shrinking bazookas!
Quake has nothing to do with "hacking" it is just wasting time (see mushy comments above).
And another question, you would keep firearms in your house but not train your child about firearm safety and how to use a weapon responsibly? Have you heard the expression, curiousity killed the cat? Children who are told not to touch the "hidden" gun in the drawer are 10X more likely to use it for something BAD.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

As your child enters the 2yr old stage they reach this "argumentative" state, hence the terrible two's. And yes, it happens again later in life, I think it's called early teens!

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

Ignorance is BLISS!
Let's break these into the proper categories.

BSD is Berkley UNIX, it is designed by the BSD labs and is actually quite expensive to run.

Debian, Mandrake, Redhat, and others are all version of Linux, an opensource operating system. Think of it like this, the executable that starts Microsoft word is ~8MB in size, all for a simple word processor. In Linux, because it is opensource and everybody can look at and clean up the code, the editors are more like ~1MB making it smaller faster and allowing "hackers" to communicate with each other to better something (and learn how to program in the process).

Linux, BSD, and many other forms of UNIX are also used by every company in the world, even the company you work for, you hacker spy!
Yes, Linux computers are used to break into other computers, so are Microsoft ones, you better not use those either. If a computer of any sort can break into my stereo and steal music I will buy it, and 20 others just like it. In fact, computers cannot be used to break into your stereo, refrigerator, stove, microwave, or any other household appliance, at least that I know of. If you are that worried about it you should have all of these items moved far away from your computer so that it is out of reach.
Just for kicks, go to any Microsoft windows machine, go to start, run, and type telnet, wow Microsoft must be in on this "hacker" thing too!
If your child breaks the computer by installing software it is the perfect chance for him to learn how to fix it, break it, fix it, break it, fix it. A computer is not a magical thing, it is electricity that alternated between "on" and "off" allowing you to instruct it to do things for you.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

Wow, I did this with a Mohawk when I was 10, I didn't even own a computer! It is possible that your child has found any number of reasons to change their look, my guess is they are tired of getting beaten up by other children at school for wearing the nerd clothes you dress them in.
If your child has a fascination for glow sticks it is more likely that they are doing DRUGS than "hacking" Same with pacifiers!
I have pictures from some of the largest "hacker" conventions and I must say, I don't see a bit of color much less the "bright, day-glo colors".

10. Is your son struggling academically?

Otaku, never heard of em. Millions of children struggle academically, this is not because your child is a "hacker" but more likely that they have a different learning style than society tries to force down their throats! I would suggest reading "The Way they Learn" by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias (a will known hacker supporter)
As for the medical claims, let's see, I spend 16 hours a day in front of a computer, I am 6.1 and weigh 165lbs. I work out 1 � hours a day and play sports on the weekends.
I would encourage all parents to read the original post with an extremely open mind, otherwise you might as well remove your child from school (where they will certainly learn how to use a computer) and lock them in the basement, feed them only porridge and allow them only to read books that have no educational value.

Poor information like the orig. post is why they burned women to make prove they were witches!

Your friendly, problem child AKA "Hacker"!

The biggest laugh i've had all day... (none / 0) (#5793)
by S33F0uR on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:17:06 PM PST
I find it hard to believe anyone can be this stupid by accident..It must've been done on purpose.It's more than likely someone with a fair knowledge of computers has written this article just to make fun of, and good luck to them.Now, please escuse me while i change into my favourite day-glo outfit, and take my AMD based laptop for a walk to the nearest computer store to buy the latest copy of Lunix Debian.I'll probably be playing Quake along the way, so if any of you 1337 h4x0rz wants to join me, feel free.I bid you farewell.

*grins* (none / 0) (#5794)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:24:03 PM PST
ahh, the comedy of human tragedy.. to say the least this article is not much more than the farce from which it springs, the eternal ignorance of human behaviour. I haven't had a laugh like this in quite a while, thank you to the author for providing such a wonderful farce and a brilliant sight into the convoluded minds of oppressive parents, and social groups. For those who choose *not* to be sheeple, and find this article as humourous as I do.. cognite ergo sum :)
to those who think this article seriuos, I say.. sheeple are as sheeple do..

You sir....are a fool. (none / 0) (#5797)
by FalconX on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:56:39 PM PST
I decided that I would comment on your little article here.

First of all I would like to ask you sir, if you have any sense what so ever?

The first comment that you made that I would like to look at is that about the ISP. An Internet Service Provider such as AOL, which you mentioned as being so reliable and perfect, is nothing more than a slow outdatted way for Net "newbies"(such as I do believe you are.), to get around with some sense of ease.

Most more experienced Internet Trafficers will tell you that a service such as AOL is nothing more than a cheap way to be online with little freedom in what you do.

The content filters as you mentioned, are not nearly as great as you think either. If any truly experienced computer user were to want to get around them, it would be no problem at all.

I'd like next to point out your comment about "Popular hacker software."

Comet Cursor? Comet is nothing more than a program that allows people to specify the cusors that are used on a webpage, or on their own computer. Any really experienced computer user with any hint of graphical ability knows how to make their own cusors, and will many times not even bother with such a trifle program. Then there is the fact that for Comet Cusor you many time will visit a page that will auto-install it on your system. There is nothing wrong with it. And by making it out as something it is not, you are giving it's developers a bad name.

Bonzi Buddy. Another usually self installing engine. It's more of a bother than anything. Anyone that likes to have their computer organized in any proficent means will never bother with it. But you know what, once again it's an auto-installing program. Anotherwords, an add pops up, and the next thing you know, you have a monkey leaping across your screen. And many times it's nothing more than a pain. So most people will avoid it, and easily protect themselves from it. But once again, it is totally legit software that in no way is used primarily by "hackers."

Flash? Do you mean the Flash Player or Flash itself? If it's flash itself then you should be happy that your son has taken an intrest in making animations and films. Hell, web sites that are truly well designed are usually done in flash. People that play around in flash are usually people that go on to get well paying jobs at a computer industry, usually to design for graphics, or work with adjetant software.

You also mentioned Quake as being a sort of breeding ground for hackers. You sir are a complete idiot. Quake is nothing more than a game that people play for ENTERTAINMENT. It is used yes mainly by teenagers, but it is a great interactive way to have fun. Not some breeding ground of weaponry and hackerdom.

Oh ya, did you know that most of the people that run your damn networks are probably hackers? Ya, they are true hackers. They put together programs and code sets that help them to control your computer network, so that you can run your computer online.

Also, learn about social classes. someone that dresses as you say does not mean they are a computer hacker. It may mean they want to be an individual, or that they hang with a group of Ravers. Or they could just think it's cool. What you want is a damned communistic view on computer usage. You're like one of those people that refuse to use a calculator because it's a machine.

People like you make me sick. Case in point, you have no idea what you are talking about, and you probably never will. You're eyes are so closed that you shall never see anything clearly or with an open mind, instead you shall try to keep within a small shell of life, sheltering yourself and your children. I really feel sorry for your son because you are in no way a good parent. Instead you set boundries for him to act with no freedom or expression. I pity him, and I pity you for your idiocy. Good day.

is this for real (none / 0) (#5798)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 01:03:30 PM PST
Is this for real?????????????????
reasons why this is total rubbish.

90% of people i know that go on the internet, spend more than 30 minutes on it.

Quake is a fun online, first person shooter game, that has an online and offline option.

a change of clothes would more likley be that more people these days are getting into grunger music and skateborder, which explains it all.

Asking for more hardware is normal. I am always asking for more memory, better video cards ect. It is good to have an up to date computer. They will probably want it to play games and have FUN

About the changing ISP thing. A good reason to change from AOL would be becouse unless your about 50 it is a bad ISP. It is too limited for anyone, not just hackers.

If you would like to meet the funniest hackers who like to think they are cool go to and play the game and ask if any hackers are on. If your son is hacking it is most likley what these guys are doing. It is just editing a game and most likley harmless.

please please write another one! (none / 0) (#5799)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 01:25:14 PM PST
Reg, pls write up another article and post it here, i'll be checking back and i'd love to read more of you're opinions. write about anything! Skimming through the appropriately titled "adequacy" site, i'm trying to figure out if you're serious or this is some kind of parody. Again, pls write up something soon, i'd like to hear your views on america's new war, for example.


Is this a freakin joke? (none / 0) (#5800)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 01:36:42 PM PST
This guy has no idea what he is talking about. So i guess companies like compaq are evil since they use AMD "knock off" chips. What the hell is Lunix LOL ! Since when is "Lunix" specifically used for cracking (not hacking)? How about the thousands of servers running Apache. This message board is probably using Linux somewhere down the line. Quake.... virtual reality? How the hell do you get to a DOS prompt on a remote machine??? New trick I want to know ?!?! Comet, Bonzi Buddy, FLASH ?!!!! Hacker programs. How about l0pht software @stake software, port scanners, brute force attackers etc etc etc. OMG I hope that this was a joke article. Or else the next kid that asks for a hardware upgrade will be deemed a hacker

crap (none / 0) (#5801)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 01:52:05 PM PST
This is the biggest load of crap I have ever read... If you belive this bolshevik you should get your head checked!

Article writer has head on crooked (none / 0) (#5802)
by SIlkWorm on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 02:04:19 PM PST
Personnaly i think who ever wrote the article has alot to learn about computers. Plainly they show ignorance for none brand name companys when it comes to dealing with computers AMD is avery good prcessor company and is preffered over most to intel because of its speed and that it does'nt have as many problems as some intel chips. thats onhe example but the article is plainly and ignorant parent who jumped the gun on their childs williness to explore the world of computers and thye may actually be inhibiting him to any possible career in the future where he would enjoy it instead of sitting on a labour gang breaking his back 7 days aweek to earn a living.

Hahaha (none / 0) (#5804)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 02:13:15 PM PST
So many gullible people, so little time... To anyone that took this seriously (Mr. Matrox Card), I pitty you. This is aimed at the severely computer illiterate and thick. The sad thing is: someone, somewhere has taken this seriously and banned their poor child for minor things like downloading games and programming =P.

And no, don't call this guy a newbie, I'd call this an attempt to wake people up to computers and stop being so paranoid. Bravo.

You are the dumbest motehrfucker in the world... (none / 0) (#5805)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 02:19:08 PM PST
As i can see, you're a complete snob; "I have the perfect family". Bitch ass, if i ever saw you, id shove your head up your ass and beat the fuck out of you.
Bonzi buddy being a hacking program? you are the dumbest motherfucker in the world. Bonzi is smoe annoying free program to get your informtaion and sell from some company..and quake? just a 3d shooter you shithead...I am very educatd in computers, and i aint no dumbfuck...god dmanit, i swear, i hope your kids KILL you, for being so snobish and wrong, mom cant even use microsoft word, but she knows what a real hacker is, you shithead. god damnit, fuck need to go back and do research, or you might as well say harry potter is a hacking book, dumbfuck.

What a fool. (none / 0) (#5806)
by G0D on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 02:22:16 PM PST
Ok this guy obviously doesn't have half a clue about what he is talking about. AMD makes some of the best chips in the world. They are not in a 3rd world country. AMD was founded in 1969 and is now the second-largest supplier of Microsoft Windows compatible PC processors. They are based in Sunnyvale California. Yep, I think he is right, it has 3rd world country written all over it. Moron. I just bought a new computer with a 1.6 Ghz AMD chip in it from Best Buy. I guess we have to condemn all the major retail stores for carrying AMD chips... Best Buy, Circuit City, Fry's. Jackass.

I guess all of us Quake 1, 2 and 3 players are just hackers from hell. Training in some of the most realistic weapons known to man... The BFG. Also we all just love the old style Hyperblaster! All that realistic aiming with my mouse has made me a top notch marksman. Man what a load of crappy crap crap. This really gave a good opportunity to laugh my ass off. I appreciate it. I needed a good laugh.

This whole article was meant as a joke (none / 0) (#5807)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 02:27:56 PM PST
I'll be short and quick to not take yer time,
Seriously no one is this much of an idiot, people are not THAT ignorant. I find anyone who believes this whole article to be a complete and utter social outcast whom i feel completely sorry for. The kids even worse, poor kids, i wish to everything they grow up ok. But also here is PROOF. Well i think. After about 2000 posts he repleid once again on the message boards stating his son is listening to "electronic guatiars" and its related to hacking. No one is that narrow minded and sheltered to have not grown up with that stuff since the 70's. That was said to get more feedback and comments. Which it worked. He also replied later with the subject of "Ceo Meoa" or something i dont care enough to remember, saying something else ridiculously stupid, just for feedback, that no real human being in their right mind would ever say. Thus, in my opinion, and i'm sure if you think about it, it's a stunt, joke, publicity article, and it sure as hell worked to get on TechTV. Later all,
Rian SpiXe

is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#5810)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 02:55:04 PM PST
the top 10 list is a pure joke, many of the things you have listed as warning signs are pure bull, linux will not destroy your hard drive and many of the the other programs that are listed, got me wondering, how can they be used for hacking. i had bonzi buddy installed on my machine once, if anyone has used that annoying program to hack, well more power to them. I think that there is more important things to look for than what is listed here. So i think you need to rethink the things listed.

A personal comment to the author... (none / 0) (#5811)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 03:23:08 PM PST
A few questions:
1. Do you often find yourself burning so-called 'Hacking manuals"?
2. Do any of your clothes contain swastikas?
3. Do you vote for the National Socialist party in presidential elections?
4. Do your children love you? I think not.
5. Are you a control freak? yes.

You are by far the most arrogant person I have ever come in contact with! Perfect family? Model parent? Man, see a doctor. What was that crap about hacker software? Flash? Comet Cursor? Those are legitimate products that are used on many appropriate websites. Whats wrong with Linux?( And it is linux, you incompetant) Its Linus Torvalds, it was made in the early 90s, it's not illegal, it can be easily removed,and if you need a professional to reinstall windows, you must be a single-cell lifeform. You have problems....

by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 03:27:49 PM PST
First off, let me strat off by saying that I, a 15 year old, have been working with web/graphic design for about three to four years. Am I a hacker? Do these electromagnetic waves destroy my brain. Is that why my grammer is so bad? Just like to tell who ever made this lame "story" up that they really must have a hard time understanding pretty much anything. These kids that are doing this designing and working with computers at age 13 are what are going to keep this world running. And for this dude that says he's a model parent and stalks his kids, I can almost gurrentuee that they will grow up to be drug adicts and low lifes. Hahaha.. You make me laugh. This guy is pethetic... Thanks for the laugh and i'm sure the other thousands have enjoyed their laugh to. Tell your kids that I am sorry they have to have you as a parent and the best of luck goes out to them.

is there any hope? (none / 0) (#5813)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 03:35:28 PM PST
well, I dunno, but I have an AMD processor and i upgraded my RAM, is there any hope? Also, i think my stereo got hacked, considering IT'S NOT ON THE INTERNET YOU MORONS!!!!!!! By the way, linux is the BEST!!!!

WAS A JOKE MORON (none / 0) (#5907)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:37:07 PM PST

blah, you are soo wrong (none / 0) (#5814)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 03:41:50 PM PST
I don't know where you are getting all this so called "argumentative advice", but it's all coming out of your (excuse me) behind. From what I gather, all the people I know are hackers. My boyfriend, my brother, my mom, my friends, even me! So I guess I should be going and reporting myself(and my friends) to, Microsoft, I guess? Maybe the police. I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about sir. Maybe your son was a hacker, but I think he was just misunderstood, with too much being read into his activities on the internet.


WAS A JOKE MORON (none / 0) (#5906)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:36:13 PM PST

Are you insane?? call 911.... (none / 0) (#5815)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:01:13 PM PST
:P in the next time try to do it more "correct", please!!!

and one more definition for you:
SOS -> suicidal operative system
Don't use it!!! hehehe

and find if your son use netscape.. thats a browser that gives him acess to hackers sites all around the world!!! Its not safe to use it... :P

A Big Fat LIE!!!! (none / 0) (#5816)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:06:17 PM PST
What the Hell isthis this is BULLSHIT a big Lie Bonzi Buddy is not a Hacking program I knoe this I have it. Linux is a OPEN Source OS And is good. This guyis a LIER. Hackers don't dress like that I know I'm a Geek my self. Listen... RAM can speed up your system and is GOOD :) Wuake is a 1st Person Shooter Game i don't know about it tough I don't Play it!! Some one Lock this guy up in the Loony Bin in a Strait Jacket In a padded room so this guy can through him self aganist the wall.

WAS A JOKE MORON (none / 0) (#5905)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:34:53 PM PST

moron in fathers clothing (none / 0) (#5817)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:37:49 PM PST
How moronic can you be.This writer(or idiot if you ask me) needs to get some serious facts straight before spouting off at the mouth about something he knows absolutely NOTHING about.Got the best laugh of all from his AMD comments....."third world maker copying an american processor company"...That is REALLY funny...sounds more like Intel to me.

WAS A JOKE RETARD (none / 0) (#5904)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:33:43 PM PST
was a joke

MOST OF YOU HAVE NO BRAIN (none / 0) (#5818)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:39:25 PM PST
If you read carfully.
This is not serious. its simply a story to catch all you simple minded fools that are too stupid to know what the author is really saying.

We all know that to be a hacker all you need is a modem. havent you see the movies.

I suggest most of you read this story again.
Print it out. If you have a printer, which of course could be used for hacking by any teenager, so be careful. Printers are evil.
Especially Epson. which arent really printers at all. but a sophisticated hacking device.

Then after you all read it a dozen times. do some research on all these hacking programs, you will then see why its a joke. Also this may then help you to see the complexity of the humour in the other 9 items.

i thought i saw the majority of stupids during the day at work. but i guess they all meet here.

now for my comment on the original article.

quote "ROFL" unquote

Somebody caught on finally n/t (none / 0) (#5914)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 12:22:09 AM PST

RE (none / 0) (#5935)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 05:43:28 AM PST
Well D'oh... people who take this article, which was well writen... it got me going for about 5 lines :-) , serious should have their heads examined... Quake a hacking tool??? AMD not sold in shops??? Mr. Gibson's book a hacker's tool???

Your a dumbass (none / 0) (#5819)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:50:49 PM PST
What the hell is your problem. I am a hacker, and both of my parents support it, because they know that I make the RIGHT descions. Hacking is not malicious computer use, you idiot. Hacking the analyis of security and such. What was your reason for calling "Programming PERL" a hacker book? PERL is a programming language, biznatch! PERL is used to process text and such. Oh... and another thing wtf was up with the use of flash makes you a hacker?

by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:09:51 PM PST
<u>"Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" are all hacking softwares" Comet Cursor = Something you might like , there cursors to use on websites BOnzi = Sum gay ad on every site = still not a hacking software Flash = is used on microsoft = does that make them hackers? Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers YOU FAG! tis one of the most played games on earth! Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"? BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system. HACKER OS? ARE YOU STUPID?! LARGE COROPRATIONS USE IT including your trust wroth AOL/MS are they hackers responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet" TELNET JUST MAKES RAW CONNECTIons to a port If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. YOU FAg! ITS CALLED UN-INSTALLING IT!!! YOU KNOW ALOT ABOUT "ADD/REMOVE PROGS" if my annnoyed parents read your thing they would belive every word of it, so learn something then write a article on it!</u>

OMFG!! U gotta be friggin joking! (none / 0) (#5821)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:22:04 PM PST
U must be tha biggest n00b llama parental unit on tha friggin face of this planet!!

what the heck is this stupid crap (none / 0) (#5824)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:46:40 PM PST
so this guy is saying if we use Lunix its illegal? NO!! if you have Flash in you your computer you have a hacker in your hands what a bunch of BULL! so no one can use the computer more then 30 minutes or you have to be a hacker this is bull. Who ever wrote this crap send me a email at

Muhahaha Laughing my ass off (none / 0) (#5825)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:46:44 PM PST
The poor kid... His dad is stupid... banning him from the pc for using it... and The boy didn't use it to hack.... Stupid ..

What is wrong with you people (none / 0) (#5826)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:51:13 PM PST
Ok heres the deal. I am 16 years old and I know more about the computer world than im sure at leat 99% of you. The problem with this is that you all are simply afraid of computers. You think they are evil and any child who uses one to an extent of which you think is excessive, then he/she is doing something bad on it. Get over your paranoia. Computers are the future and so are we. Sooner than you think your opinions will not matter. Why don't you all make it easier on yourself and drop your old fashioned views now because it will only end up hurting you and your loved ones. If you know nothing about computers, then dont start complaining until you do. I am able to complain about this rediculous article because I am an expert in the feild of computing. A personal note to the author of this article; pull the stick out of your ass and the blindfold away from your eyes. I don't intend to come back here to read millions of posts of people screaming at me to respect my elders and what not. However feel free to inconvienience yourself by emailing me with your complaints. I will love to shoot them strait hell.

What is wrong with you people (none / 0) (#5827)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:52:01 PM PST
Ok heres the deal. I am 16 years old and I know more about the computer world than im sure at leat 99% of you. The problem with this is that you all are simply afraid of computers. You think they are evil and any child who uses one to an extent of which you think is excessive, then he/she is doing something bad on it. Get over your paranoia. Computers are the future and so are we. Sooner than you think your opinions will not matter. Why don't you all make it easier on yourself and drop your old fashioned views now because it will only end up hurting you and your loved ones. If you know nothing about computers, then dont start complaining until you do. I am able to complain about this rediculous article because I am an expert in the feild of computing. A personal note to the author of this article; pull the stick out of your ass and the blindfold away from your eyes. I don't intend to come back here to read millions of posts of people screaming at me to respect my elders and what not. However feel free to inconvienience yourself by emailing me with your complaints. I will love to shoot them strait hell.

FUCKING LOSER (none / 0) (#5828)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:00:24 PM PST

Re: Is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#5829)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:21:23 PM PST
If you are really serious you are a freak for a father, if your not serious it was kinda funny, but I play lots of quake and there are kids playing it professionaly in tournaments who will probably gross more money in one weekend than you will make in entire year. The bs about Flash(Web site Content Based Program) come on man that was weak. I guess you did all you research on the net as well, great for info but the info you have is so inaccurate. Oh and by the way ther are hackers everywhere whether use AOHell or any general ISP

Oh and by the way (none / 0) (#5830)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:28:13 PM PST
If the author of this hasnt been shot yet, shoot me a message too. I would love to have a word or two with your stupid ass

It's Lesson Time Folks......... (none / 0) (#5831)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:29:37 PM PST
OK people, lets get out the texts for today, and lets all look up the word "SATIRE" - now, can we manage that, it begins with an "S", for the dummies that's between "R" and "T"....

Now, can we all say "SATIRE" ???? Nice try, but I think some of you need a little more remedial thinking classes.

I have to admit I found the article mildly amusing in places, but your responses had me in friggin fits of laughter!! Can people be so thick that they have to accept everything they read at first glance? From reading through these posts, I guess so. You sad little morons.

Anyway, I have to go - the voices in my head are calling me to play more electro music thru my "Lunix" (sic) box, and I still got Satan on the other phone, he reckons he's put a Trojan on the server at

99 morons and twits in the posts, 99 morons and .. (none / 0) (#5832)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:38:50 PM PST
How can you ppl even consider yourselves worth taking up space on this planet????

To everyone who has posted negative and refuting coments to this article, thank you. Thank you for giving me such a laugh, for showing me just how many fuckwits there are in this world. You have, one and all, shown just how low an IQ can drop and yet still allow the body to function. You should all check in to your local clinics, cos I'm sure the medical world would be able to use you. Clinically brain dead, yet still functioning.


YOU MORONS (none / 0) (#5833)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 07:22:27 PM PST
OMG, Dense naieve people... it is a JOKE

all of you who thought this was serious... i hate to say it, but you have to be mentally ill

especially the tons of people with the "IM A HACKER THIS IS OFFENSIVE" type.. omfg, you're stupider then anyone here. Lol, from what i've seen, "hackers" or even ANYONE with ANY PC knowledge can't be as retarded as most of you are...

YAY! you know how to spot out brand new exploits, yet you can't tell a damn joke from something real?

Yea, people with an IQ of about 110 thinking this was serious, and being offended cuz they are a "hacker"


oh yea, check out and come into #tweak3x so i can make fun of your moronic, under developed, un-effiecient method of thought :\

Wow. (none / 0) (#5834)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 07:27:42 PM PST
Wow. That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard! HAHAHA!!! First he starts out talking about his family. Anyone else hear "The Brady Bunch" theme? Then, he has lots of computer lingo. The worst part is, he confused hackers with RAVERS!! We ravers have glo-sticks, pacifiers (that's so that we don't grind our teeth), and wear baggy, day-glo clothes. They are the best under the black lights. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that hackers and ravers are completly different groups of people.

"Here's a story, of a lovely lady...."

I would like to see AMD sue (none / 0) (#5835)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 07:31:26 PM PST
I would be very amused to see that AMD has sued you for defamation of character. And nVidia, both companies could make a great deal of money from you.
Ignorant fools like yourself are what cause the wars, the racisim and violence.
If anyone should be locked up for the good of humanity, it should be you.

Ironic (none / 0) (#5836)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 07:50:11 PM PST
If by some chance one of your kids are in fact hackers, You will never know. They know so much more than your 40 something brain will ever be able to grasp, this is such a funny place this site. Your all so very Paranoid, your kid will however , no matter what you do , Smoke Pot, Masterbate, swear , have unsafe sex and everything else you fear and loathe. You lost their attention after age 5 i'm afarid.
You'd better buy a firewall quickly, I think your being hacked!!!!

WHAT???? (none / 0) (#5837)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:20:04 PM PST
You have no clue what you are talking about do you??? My husband is a respectable employee at a local ISP and uses Linux, DOS and plays Quake with his friends...he is BY NO MEANS a computer hacker! Just because people like to explore different operating systems other than Windows does not make them a computer hacker. You are basically telling parents to moniter their child's every move, that is not teaching them to grow up and be responsible. It's only teaching them to be paranoid of everything and everyone. There is a certain point where concern turns into obsession and I feel you have gone WAY over that point. This is her husband now, I just have a few things to say, you are an idiot, I'm not saying that to be mean or disrespectful, but if you are going to post "information" that you've researched, you may want to do a little research before you do that. "Comet Cursor" "Bonzi Buddy" these are perfectly harmless programs that you probably accidently installed. "Lunix"...for God's sake man it's "Linux". Those so called third world company processors that aren't sold in stores, those "AMD" chipsets, AMD happens to make some of the best and most affordable processors on the market today. They have been around for more than 30 years, and their world headquarters in in California. Oh yea, go to any Best Buy and check out how many computers you find with an AMD processor, many name brands such as Compaq and Micron use AMD processors. As far as your whole "Hacker" notion, the Jargon File ( a hacker as the following:

Hacker, n.

[originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe]

1. A person who enjoys the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the miimum necessary.

2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.

3. A person capable of appreciating hack value.

4. A person who is good at programming quickly.

5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in a <i>Unix hacker</i>. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.)

6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One may be an astronomy hacker, for example.

7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.

8. [depreciated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence <i>password hacker, network hacker.</i> The correct term for this sense is cracker.

With that being said I believe what your meant in your article is that your son is a cracker. Even that I would highly doubt. Just because he may have downloaded a few programs that you had no clue about (which is apparently nearly everything remotely related to a computer and it's use) doesn't make your son a cracker. I personally feel bad for your kid for having such an ignorant man for a father. Personally if you were my father I would run away, because I couldn't put up with such ignorance. On that note I will stop my rambling.

I'm a hacker (none / 0) (#5838)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:28:54 PM PST
Don't forget....
Hackers love downloading porn movies!

Hackers also like... (none / 0) (#5855)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 01:42:31 PM PST
They also like buggering each other. And snowball feltching.

I seriously hope this is just a troll... (none / 0) (#5840)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:45:33 PM PST
I'm possibly the world's most cynical person, but I still refuse to believe that anyone is so clueless as to actually, earnestly believe just about anything in this story. Therefore, I have to assume that it's just a troll having fun.

However, it is possible, however remotely, that this guy is serious. Therefore, I'll go over the most glaring errors, half-truths, and outright lies in this story, presenting the facts.

  • Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL.

    I respectfully submit that, according to the Attorneys General of at least seven states, AOL is not a responsible ISP. They have been the subject of enough legal action to make John Gotti thankful for his relatively low level of legal entanglements.

  • If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider.

    One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter. This filter is vital to any parent who wants his son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him through exposure to "adult" content.

    Or he might just want a real ISP, whose connections adhere to the standards published by the WWW Consortium (the people who define what the web is and how it works), the Internet Protocol (developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA - part of the US Department of Defense, and used to create ARPAnet, the predecessor of the Internet), and which doesn't require buggy client software with the virus-like behavior of corrupting Windows' networking code - which resulted in a $8 billion class-action lawsuit filed in February 2000.

  • It is best to stick with the protection AOL provides, rather than using a home-based solution. If your son is becoming a hacker, he will be able to circumvent any home-based measures with surprising ease, using information gleaned from various hacker sites.

    And just how does one get to a hacker site, if your NetNanny/CyberSitter/other filtering software is properly configured?

  • Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

    Comet Cursor is a desktop customization application, whose sole function is to provide cute, fuzzy mouse pointer graphics and fancy icons. And the purple Bonzi Buddy ape, while annoying, is nothing more than a dumbed-down system resource hog that combines a poor implementation of several common functions - email, chat, web searching, etc. If you don't have Flash installed, I pity you every time you surf the web - it's used to display the fancy moving graphics of a lot of web sites.

  • He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding.

    Free clue here: Internet Explorer, if it detects web content that requires a plugin you don't have, will ask this question. Grounding your son because Microsoft decided to make browser plugin so easy that even my 68-year-old stepfather can do it is simply insane.

  • Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware.

    This couldn't be further from the truth. Most hackers, at least the ones I know, use trailing-edge technology - due to lack of funds, an affinity for the "good old days" of computing, and a level of expertise that allows them to make full use of such hardware so they don't need to blow money on the new stuff.

  • You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.

    You must like paying $500 for a $75 part in a box that says "Compaq". And what's this about "legal" hardware? There is almost no computer hardware that's illegal to buy, own, use, possess, or sell in the United States - other nations on the other hand, such as Pakistan and China, heavily regulate what the public is allowed to own. But since you posted this story on the Internet, I have to assume you're not there - Internet access is illegal for the most part in those countries.

  • If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm.

    Since when is wanting a faster processor for less money a capital offense?

  • AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking.

    AMD (Advanced Micro Devices - NYSE symbol AMD) has been a manufacturer of microprocessors since 1969 - before there were hackers. Based in Sunnyvale CA, they were at one point a licensed OEM manufacturer for Intel, when Intel couldn't make enough 8088 processors for IBM's then-new product, the IBM PC (AMD and Intel later cancelled their arrangement after some patent and license disagreements). And I sincerely hope their attorneys see your slanderous remark.

  • AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites.

    Walk into your local MicroCenter store - you'll find them on the shelf.

  • There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond.

    4 novels, 1 software development manual, 1 sort-of-history book, a documentary about sold-out programmers with no souls, and an editorial piece about why Microsoft products are the ones worth nothing while Open Source products are the ones that are free. Yup, can't have the kiddies reading any of that. Better to have them reading books whose protagonists wander the desert for 40 years and declare a death penalty for using our reproductive organs, with a climactic scene where a guy is nailed to a cross for telling people to be good to one another. Much more light-hearted stuff, there.

  • If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites.

    Or he might be waiting on AOL's slow-assed servers to bring up tomorrow's weather forecast, so he can plan what he'll wear to school tomorrow. Maybe he's even looking at his school's website, hoping school will start early or end late tomorrow, so he can have that much more time away from you.

  • DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours.

    Any wannabe-hacker script-kiddie worth his salt can DOS any vulnerable site in 15 minutes or less. If he can't, he's either not hacker material or the site is running an OS that's not vulnerable to the most common attacks (Hint: If it's not vulnerable, there's about an 85% chance it's running a non-MS operating system - such as FreeBSD, Linux, OpenBSD, Solaris, etc.)

  • Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms.

    What rock did you just crawl out from under? Quake is a GAME. A quite violent game, but a game nonetheless. How long have you had a computer? A week?!

  • You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed.

    Both of these are standard precautions for any responsible firearm owner. And the fact that someone as clueless as you appear to be owns firearms is perhaps the only rational argument I've ever seen for more gun control laws.

  • Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation he is in.

    Any child with you for a parent would have to be mentally unbalanced to not feel smothered, if you follow your own advice.

  • BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.

    There is not a word of accuracy in that sentence. BSD is Berkeley Software Distribution, based on UNIX, which in turn was written by Bell Laboratories (at the time a subsidiary of American Telephone & Telegraph, or AT&T) to run on the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-7 minicomputer for the purpose of telephone system automation. BSD was developed by students at the University of California, Berkeley as a set of enhancements to UNIX, which included a revolutionary networking protocol suite, TCP/IP. This protocol is what made ARPAnet (which evolved into the Internet you now so cluelessly use) possible. If you like the Internet, then send your thanks to the people at Berkeley who wrote BSD, because without them you'd still be trying to figure out "I Love Lucy" plotlines. The work done at Berkeley was approved by Bell Labs. Linux is a free operating system kernel, written with the goal of working and acting just like UNIX. It was written by Linus Torvalds, who was a college student in Finland. Mr. Torvalds now works for Transmeta Corporation (NASDAQ: TMTA), a Santa Clara, CA-based maker of low-power-usage processors and a supplier of processors for NEC, Fujitsu, Casio, Hitachi, Sony, Gateway, Toshiba, and Microsoft. He wrote the first version of Linux on a PC running Minix, a free Unix clone written by Andrew Tanenbaum, Professor of Computer Science at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He wrote the first version of this kernel from scratch. It is commonly bundled with GNU software, which is required for the kernel to do anything useful. GNU software is published by the Free Software Foundation, and is licensed in a manner that allows it to be copied legally. Mandrake is a company that pre-packages the Linux kernel and GNU software (collectively referred to as GNU/Linux) as a single distribution, and whose revenue comes from selling support for the software as packaged by them. Debian is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide a pre-packaged GNU/Linux distribution, similar to Mandrake, but developed primarily as a public service, hobby, academic pursuit, etc. (different people have different reasons for contributing code). Various versions of GNU/Linux and BSD are currently used by most major universities in the US, as well as the United States Department of Defense, IBM, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, various state and local governments, and hundreds of others - to call it illegal puts your total lack of anything resembling a clue in the spotlight.

  • It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government.

    Wow, a crumb of truth! Xenix was indeed written by Microsoft - but not specifically for the US government. Xenix is now a trademark of SCO, which also owns the rights to UnixWare, a former Novell product. And, as I have already pointd out, neither are the basis for BSD or Linux.

  • These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program.

    They're also used to run about 60% of all web servers on the Internet. And they're used to run the air traffic control systems of major airports. And they're used to tally up the numbers generated by the US Census Bureau. And they're used to run the telephone system. And they're used to operate file servers at large corporations. they're used to run payroll for about 18% of all companies with greater than 100 employees. And they're used to automate manufacturing operations at Daimler-Chrysler. And they're used to run scientific experiments using computers on the Space Shuttle. And they're used by Lockheed-Martin to design the new Advanced Tactical Fighter, the YF-22. And they're used by web sites to keep your credit card number safe when you buy a book on And they're used to run the computers at the National Security Agency, the US Department of Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service, the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States House of Representatives, and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration. Oh, and if you're worried that somebody may be stealing your music, then just don't rip your Barry Manilow CD's to mp3's. By the way, over 20% of all people who illegally copy music using the mp3 sound format, are doing so on computers running Microsoft Windows and connecting to the Internet via AOL. Almost all of the rest are still using Windows, just on another ISP - and those numbers just happen to closely parallel market share numbers.

  • Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.Linus Torvalds is a famous software developer. He is currently not facing any criminal investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the California Bureau of Investigation, or the Santa Clara Police Department according to representatives of those organizations. The most serious legal entanglement he has faced since coming to the United States is a parking ticket - and he has no criminal record in Finland either, according to Interpol. If only Bill Gates were such a shining example of a law-abiding pillar of the community. Telnet is a networking service, whose standard was written by Jon Postel at the University of California, Los Angeles in 1972 revised in 1973 and several more times since) while Linus Torvalds was still being bottle-fed. It provides a protocol for remotely logging in to a UNIX computer, in order to run an interactive terminal without physically walking across the building (or across the state) to physically be at one of the large mainframe computers of the time. The telnet client program emulates a DEC VT 100 terminal (at the least - most versions also support VT-220 emulation and several other emulations). The most popular telnet client is NCSA Telnet, by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. It originally used a cable connected directly from client to server, although it can now be used to access any computer that is connected to the same network as the client (or if both are internet-connected), as long as the computer being accessed is running a program that listens for Telnet connections and as long as the TCP port used for telnet is not being blocked by a firewall between them. Some kind of connection is still required, be it via dialup modem, direct cable connection between the computers, ethernet, token ring, cellular modem, frame relay network, etc. If you're not connected to the Internet, there is no way for anyone to hack into your computer without entering the room it's in. If your article isn't written as a joke, then I suggest you go to a doctor immediately and request that he give you a brain implant. Follow this with about 12-24 months of intense study in the field of computer technology. The first course I would suggest is a thorough reading of several books: PC's For Dummies, UNIX For Dummies, and TCP/IP For Dummies. This should be considered a first step towards attainment of a clue.

  • Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

    If you need a professional to uninstall Linux and install Windows, then you have no business being anywhere near a computer.

  • If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix.

    No, this means someone has installed LILO (LInux LOader - a boot loader written to allow you to run Linux on the same computer as other operating systems, such as Windows - but capable of being used to load any operating system you wish, with or without Linux).

  • In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive.

    Hawhawhawhawhaw!!!!! I'll bet you have to send your computer to a professional to turn the damn thing on for you! Insert Windows 98/2000/ME CD, turn on computer, choose "Boot From CD", type "fdisk" and you're well on your way to removing Linux and installing Windows. Of course, that's analogous to trading in a 1963 Mercedes-Benz gullwing coupe for a 1993 Hyundai Excel with a flat tire...

  • Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.

    This is a flat-out lie. Plain and simple. Not just a half-truth. Not just a misperception. This is so patently untrue that it is inconceivable that you actually read anything about this and don't know it to be untrue.

  • If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks.

    Get your fashion statements straight. You're describing ravers - most of whom haven't the first clue about hacking, and don't want one.

  • (I have no idea why they do this)

    With your apparent lack of knowledge regarding anything else, why state the obvious by saying that you "have no idea..."? Of course you have no idea; you're an idiot!

  • If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association.

    So now Japanese cartoons are the reason your kid isn't the valedictorian and the captain of the football team?!?! Animated shows are to blame for your child's failure to live up to your excessive demands?!?! Hey! You! Out of the gene pool! Now!!!

  • Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation.

    Exposure to modern low-radiation cathode ray tubes found in computer monitors built since about 1993, at a level of about 2 hours per day, is roughly equal to that you'll get from watching PAX tv for 1 hour 30 minutes per day. Add in an occasional trip to the microwave oven, and you're better off with the computer than with the TV.

  • In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases.

    Meningitis?!?! Caused by computer radiation?!?! I take it you don't believe the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association, or the Meningitis Foundation of America when they all say that meningitis is caused by bacteria? You're more likely to get meningitis at a soccer game than in front of your computer. You could put your head through the screen on your monitor and leave it there for years, and I guarantee you that it wouldn't cause meningitis. I suggest that you, sir, are the one suffering from a variety of psychological diseases - probably paranoid delusions, low intelligence, and/or sociopathic personality disorder (whose symptoms include pathological, compulsive lying).

    Seriously, this article was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen on the web...I'll even bet there is somebody, somewhere, who's gullible enough to believe every word of it :-)

    And if you posted this article in earnest, I'd like to know so I can call CNN. I bet they'd go apeshit over finding the world's stupidest person. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

    I just feel sorry for this guys kids (none / 0) (#5841)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:09:37 AM PST
    bummer man,


    The fact your allowed (none / 0) (#5842)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:10:42 AM PST
    The fact that an idiot like you is allowed to have children, let alone, own a PC, is trully tragic. I hope your kids got his brain genes from his mother, but she cant be that smart, she married you.

    I'LL SAY IT AGAIN. *THIS ARTICLE WAS A JOKE* (none / 0) (#5843)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:16:20 AM PST
    I think it's really funny that you guys are trashing this "supposed" idiot.

    It's pretty obvious to me (and anyone with half a brain) that this is a very well written joke.

    Quite obviously nobody in this world is dumb enough to sincerely compose something like this, except of course those of you who took it seriously and replied with your wise and enlightening stupidity.

    (just offering a clue to anyone who decides they want it)


    ps... If the above material (written in post elementry school english) was too comprehensive for some of you to grasp, i'll spell it out.


    DUMBFUCK ! (none / 0) (#5844)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:31:55 AM PST
    Exactly - go enjoy your gay AOL and wear sissy clothes and dont play Quake ! Especially Pacman, it's a mouth running from ghosts and chomping pills what your "haxor" son is going to do ! If you lived across the street, I would egg your house, idiot.

    this article is amazing (none / 0) (#5845)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:34:37 AM PST
    best comic stuff i've read in years. keep up the good spirit :-)

    If you believe this article you need to call 911 (none / 0) (#5846)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:52:53 AM PST
    If you believe this article you need to call 911 because you need some serious help

    Are people really this ignorant? (none / 0) (#5847)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 11:02:28 AM PST
    It still amazes me how people can comment on subject matter without actually researching the topic. I'm scared for the offspring of such like-minded individuals.

    Top 27 Signs Your Kid Is A Hacker (none / 0) (#5848)
    by hillct on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 11:26:38 AM PST
    There's a far more complete list out there, and it's been there for a while. The Top 27 Signs Your Kid Is A Hacker was posted on the Keepers of Lists way back on April 11, 2001 and it was inspired by something that ws posted back in 1996.


    Linux stupid haxor system illgelal lolz (none / 0) (#5849)
    by bumsex on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 11:37:20 AM PST
    You say that Linux is a illegal hacking operative system and it's not. Did you know that in fact IBM distributes server computers with Linux systems installed?

    Your view on hackers is stupid and retarded. I would hate to be your children, I can imagine someone SPANKING his teenager son for PLAYING QUAKE! Oh my. You need to get an education about computers and how they work.

    Your article was very narrow-minded and stupid so I hope you learned something from the more INTELLIGENT replies to this article other than the stupid "FUCK YOU FAGTO FACKASZ I HAET U" posts.

    How fake is that?!?!?! (none / 0) (#5850)
    by The Unknown Factor on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 12:28:55 PM PST
    Who ever wrote this must not know much about hacking, because this is false!

    Before I got an interest for hacking, I spent four to five hours a day online(cable internet), now I spend maybe a half hour more.

    I don't count myself as a hacker, because I'm new to it, but even I know how false the others are.

    T Reginald Gibbons is a genius. (none / 0) (#5851)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 12:48:51 PM PST
    I didn't read the whole thing, but did anyone notice the names at all?
    "...wife Carol..., ...son Peter..., daughter Cindy..." any of this sound familiar?
    Here's the story...
    Of a bunch of dumb-asses...

    He he. I love this stuff. Wish I'd thought of it. Just proves that the average I.Q. of the population is slipping. Obviously, hacking causes brain damage. (either that or too much Mountain Dew)

    This article sucks (none / 0) (#5852)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 01:29:34 PM PST
    This is the most insane bunch of jibberish that I have read in a long time.

    HAHAHHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#5854)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 01:34:21 PM PST
    Your all morons what a fricken joke..o ya quake that's a hackers paradise...quakes is just a sweet game... and amd, nope you can't find those in stores can you moron...i've never read someting so funny in my entire life...if your for real i feel sorry for your son...who's no where near a hacker....crap your daughter see someone who knows how to use a puter and he's a hacker...well ofcourse in your house....i mean crap you guys have no clue what's goin on.. i seriously hope you were just tryin to make us all laugh.. cause you did a good job at that!

    DR Pepper please! (none / 0) (#5856)
    by Fiction on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 01:54:26 PM PST
    Ok well once I was done with my headshanking in response to this work of fiction, (no pun!) The scary part is that some people will and do belive this kind of relation due to the media!
    Fiction - - "When the way comes to an end, then change. Having changed, you pass through." -I Ching

    He is full of shit (none / 0) (#5857)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 02:19:12 PM PST
    im sorry but that was the the most bull shit i have ever head in my life. Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" Hack programs my ass. this fag does not know a thing about hackers and hack programs. Linux, a hack program..MY ASS i sorry for all the profanity but this is the most bull-shit i have ever heard. AMD WHAT EVER. ASKING FOR MOR MEMORY UP MY ASS. Sorry again but that pissess me off. I 'll have a word with him. Also getting more memmory is a good thing for you and your family. He is full of shit.

    THE BEGGIST BULLSHIT I'VE EVER READ! (none / 0) (#5858)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 02:22:10 PM PST


    Hacking a Stereo? LUNIX? (none / 0) (#5859)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 02:42:16 PM PST
    I guess i'm to big a NOOB!, but how do you hack a stereo? I would really like to know how, so please post instructions!!! (ROFL)

    Also, alot of web sites are hosted on a LINUX (not lunix) based system, possibly even this one.And many businesses are using Linux as the OS of choice for their servers and workstations as well.

    How about doing some research b4 u start making such ridiculous claims!!!


    (BTW[by the way] ROFL means rolling on the floor laughing) sorry for the hacker acronyms.

    IDIOTS (none / 0) (#5860)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 02:49:06 PM PST
    One simple word is needed: IDIOT.
    I laughed so hard when i read this, i think whoever wrote it should be shot for stupidity.
    Right "Bonzi Buddy" is hacking software, good job on that one.

    Simply stupid

    Sincerely, Laughing Internet User

    Salem Witch Hunter (none / 0) (#5861)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 03:02:34 PM PST
    You must think this guy was locked in the closet his whole childhood when you go to the site linked in this article. You can see his warped definition of a hacker, or read all his mobo jumbo. First of all it isn't Lunix, its Linux. The person that Created this OS is Linus Torvalds, not the other way around. He is from Norway not Russia or China. Norway is not Communist. The OS is based on minix not xenix. Hackers hack code for common good use for all. Crackers and script kiddies break into computers and cause damage. Linus did not create telnet. Telnet is not for hackers ("crackers"), it is for businesses to connect to a companies intranet. Back then if you used telnet you needed a telephone connection still. What the HELL does this idiot think you are going to connect with, "hacker lunix string". Linux is not illeagal it is distributed under a lawful license made in the US that is accepted in the US. And lastly Linux can be removed, and by yourself. All you do is for Windows users is pop in the Windows repair disk and type in fdisk, then you find the partition that has Linux on it and remove it. Next you select the free disk space that was a Linux partition and make it a windows partition. And then format it. If you think you can not take Linux off (which is completely wrong) try taking off Win CE version 3.0. They removed all the system calls so you can't put another OS on it. It's my device not Microsofts.

    This guy is really screwed up. I would guess he is a Confederate, Nazi, Salem Witch Hunter, Hick that fears what he doesn't understand. Linux and Open Source is more American then Microsoft. Oh yes, Glow sticks aren't for hackers (crackers) there for CLUBING...

    You obviously know nothing about computers... (none / 0) (#5862)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 03:19:23 PM PST
    Look, I'm one of those "computer" people who you, as the author of this article, seem to think is a "hacker". I am a 15 year old who enjoys computer games. I spend more then your 45 minute time limit, anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. I play Team Fortress Classic, which is a team based multiplayer modification for the Action/Adventure Game Half-Life. I also used to play Quake, before Half-Life came out and upped the standards for games. In the rest of my life, I'm a Life Scout, soon to be Eagle, and I play Tennis. About Quake being a "place for hackers to meet and to do weapon training". That is completely impossible. Yes, there are some hackers who play Quake, but that is the rare case, not the standard. Most people who play any of that type of game play because of the challenge. It is more fun because you are pitted against others, who are smarter then computers, and its virtual, so no one gets hurt. Also, if they were really doing "Weapon Training", why in the world would we do it with Quake? Quake is one of the most unrealistic games out there, with weapons you couldn't imagine, and how is using a mouse going to improve out marksmanship?


    AOL gave it away (none / 0) (#5865)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 03:43:02 PM PST
    Well I believed every word of this informative article up untill he revealed that he was using AOL. It is common knowledge that anyone who uses AOL is naive, ignorant, speaks lies and has sold thier soul to the Anti-Christ(it's in the fine print of the AOL contract).

    damn straight (none / 0) (#5897)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:28:20 PM PST
    i didnt agree with him at all but when i saw aol i started laffing my ass off

    Um...ok...if you want to be more correct next time (none / 0) (#5866)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 03:45:34 PM PST
    Really, this is sad people.

    1. I have read Snow Crash and realy is not a manual, it's a peice of sci-fi by a great auther, Banning it would make you no better then the people in the book Ferinheit 451

    2. Quake is not virtual reality world. Quake was actually the first 3D. Shooter game and no it does not warp people's minds.

    3.About the clothing...when was the last time you took a look at current fashion? 1957?

    4. Flash and Comet Curser are programs used for net surfing. Net Suring=Not hacking.

    5. Actually if you use A.O.L. and your kids are asking to change browser it may be because...AOL is HORRIBLE! You don't need the damn filter! It is impossible to stumble on pornography on the net without active helo from the user!

    6. I spend alot of time near my PC nad I'm Ok, I dont exactly have the body of a baywatch castmember but I'm not an overwait Otaku with MPD. All things emit radiation, Ionized Radiration is the kind that is bad and if PC's did emit that stuff I'd be takin' a dirtnap.

    7. An Otaku is actually a name for a fan of Japanese Anime.

    8. Your are confusing Linux with the Internet. Infact Linux was invented by an American named Linus I can't remember his last name. Infact the Internet was origionaly supposed to be a military network but like most gpv't projects it was shelved and then later coverted for civiliian use.

    9. If your son asks for a new hard drive it means your running out of memory.

    10. Failing in school can be caused by a number of things. Does he have A.D.D.?

    11. Stop being so protective. Infact you've become so protective it is YOUR mind that has been twisted and mishapen. You treat your children like robots who belive anything they see. Get it through your skull that your children are capable of sentiant thought and don't need your holding them by the hand.

    YOU ARE SOOOOO STUPID (none / 0) (#5867)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 03:55:46 PM PST
    hi im 13 and all i have to say is that this is such a bunch of bull shit and i even know what a hacker program is so GET A LIFE AND STOP STALKING YOUR CHILDREN BECAUSE IF I WERE YOUR KIDS I'D PROBABLEY GO INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this IS a joke right? (none / 0) (#5868)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 04:16:07 PM PST
    .. and please.. add that it's a joke before you mislead some other poor computer illiterate adult into thinking their "normal" child is a hacker.

    I would suggest you just leave your son alone at the computer, as obviously you have NO idea what he is in fact doing.

    As for some of your points.

    1. AOL as an ISP, ever tried playing a game on an AOL connection (it's terrible)

    2. faster video card, ever try playing any game your son wants to play with the current card?? i would guess not.

    3. hacker books... I have 3 bookcases of what you would call 'hacker books'. None of those books you've mentioned are anywhere NEAR hacking material. Mostly they are social commentry or science fiction with a programming language thrown in there.

    I suppose you'd rather your son be bus driver or labourer than technologically literate and capable.

    Maybe you should talk to your son, and discuss (not accuse) what you think is happening.

    Then again, i can't believe i've just wasted a couple of minutes of my time on something this pathetic.

    Ur a fuckin idiot!! (none / 0) (#5869)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 04:47:23 PM PST
    Omg your a fuckin idiot if I had a dad like U I would fregin kill myself fuckin tight arse let your son live and make his own mistakes!!!

    let him learn from them so he doesn't do it again let him learn his own morals.... because that's what life is about learning from mistakes and evolving into a good person yaself not with ur dad fuckin buggin ya every second of da day!!

    oh yeah and your lil girl is a tattil tail !!

    Ok, this is totaly unreal (none / 0) (#5870)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 05:10:44 PM PST
    I'm sorry to hear that you discovered your son was a hacker. I know he may have done the ten things that you listed but unfortunately those ten things are honestly no cause for alarm. Im 17, a female and I come from a well structured family. I spend honestly 3 or more hours a day on the computer. I do homework, and research. I play games and communicate with other persons accross the world. I am not a hacker, and I do not ever plan to be. I have a wide knowledge of computers because they interest me, not because I want to harm others. My grades are not suffering and neither is my sleep habits. I maintain a 3.875 GPA and have plans to attend Johnson and Wales University in Miami and major in Culinary arts this coming September. I have saved my parents several hundred dollars because I was able to install software and hardware upgrades myself. They did not have to pay a service techinican fifty dollars an hour or more to install the equipment. Also, I would imagine that your children have homework research assignments that rewuire searching online, now I am in college classes, and I have spent 5 or 6 hours a day researching information on my Psychology thesis. I was even taking my time and the report took me the full length of time we were given.

    Also to be that involved in your childs life is unhealthy. I drive on my own, I go out on my own and I date. I know my limits, and understand my responsibilities. I help to take care of my Grandmother at home, I make dinner nightly, and I take care of my younger brother if he needs a ride somewhere. The computer does not interfere with my activites as a normal teen. I am an all state band student, and I can play several instrumets. I am part of my church choir and orchestra, I also participare on the school and local YMCA swim team and I play softball for my high school. I also work part time at a doctors office after school for a few hours so I can have money of my own, put gas in my car and pay for insureance. I enjoy this and I have learned a lot. I also intern Friday, Saturday and Sunday at a few restaurants in town. This has given me more experience in a career field I have always dreamed of. I am extremely grateful for what I have and I know that I must keep working hard to achieve my goals. I understand that you have concerns but I feel you need to let up and relax, you may end up making your children so dependant upon you they may never let go. I have been raised to know right from wrong and my biggest fear in life is not only letting myself down but my parents down if I were to chose wrongly.

    I do not see what is wrong with brightly colored clothing and spiky hair. I dress like that. It is comfortable and it is what I like. I do not always dress in baggy, brightly colored garments because there is a time and a place for everything, but going to school like that does not appear to be a problem. If your son is carrying pascifiers and glow sticks, you should check into what kind of music he is listening to, and give him a drug test. Glow sticks and pascifiers are carried by ravers, and they listen to techno music and do ecstasy. Ecstasy depletes the seratonin in your brain and causes depression, and possibly suicide. Ecstasy can eat holes in the brain and cause memory loss. If you have seen your child or any of their friends with ANYTHING like that I would take IMMIDEATE action and consult their parents.

    um. can you say brain dead? (none / 0) (#5871)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 05:14:39 PM PST
    Man.. I dunno what is up with this guy.
    Maybe alittle to much crack for breakfast or something. Another useless moron reject of the world spouting idiotic bs that is so completely wrong.. NOTHING he says is even true.. who is this guy? Rush Limbau?

    /\ \/ 411 1337 |-|4><><0|25! (none / 0) (#5872)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 05:36:38 PM PST
    411 T|-|353 |3!T[|-|3Z |2 1337 |-|4><><0|25!!

    you have no idea at all. (none / 0) (#5873)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 05:36:51 PM PST
    Dear retarded sir,
    "Hackers" as you portray them differ like any other group of people. You are a facist idiot, i would suggest you should do a little more of your so called "research" before you post moronic and ignorant comments. Watching hackers the movie does not count as research, nor does saying that everyone who uses LINUX is a hacker, linux can provide many very useful network tools/services, real hackers are not people who break into sites looking for credit cards, they are people with a un-quencheable thirst for knowledge, and knowledge is what you lack.

    - modem

    Is this for real? (none / 0) (#5875)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 05:44:14 PM PST
    Ha ha ha...

    This was one of the funniest articles I've read in a long time.

    "Ow! Did you hear that? I think I pulled something..."
    <{-- Run Toto Run --}>

    you are a fucking McCARTHIAST (none / 0) (#5876)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 05:46:43 PM PST
    you are a retard. anyone who uses computers at any age is more than welcome to try new hardware and ISP's! AOL looks INTO your system from time to time invading your privacy you idiot, and it is also a hampering factor in good clean internet transmittion, you stupid man!

    I cannot even do anything but spit in your pathetic layman's face, low gradees due to ELECTROMAGNETIC radiation? are you on crack? go buy an lcd you stupid fuck, we don't live in 1980 where monitors are microwave ovens.

    jesus, go hang yourself with a keyboard cord.

    hacking and amd and linux (none / 0) (#5878)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 06:03:16 PM PST
    first of all Linux is not a hacking system it is not illegal and is simply a different operating system than windows. It is stable unlike windows and is used by much of the scientific community. Second AMD is simply another processor alternative there are no hacking safeguards in intels chips command sets this would be impossible with the current technology if intel is claiming that they have such a thing I have never seen this in any testing that I have done. AMD is simply a better chip. and lastly I would like to comment on the clothes and attitude of the Teenagers involved, that is a phenomenom that is occuring like spikes and leather jackets of the eighties. The attitude change is part of discovering your identity. A Teen will try something and ask themselves if this is who they are, it is called a transition phase for a reason. I am a 30 year old father of two and worry about my children but this entire article is completely off base. I am not a hacker nor a teen but I spend many hours on my computers researching and yes sometimes playing games. A few days research will not tell you if someone is a hacker. You can know how to do anything but it is not until you use it that it will become realized.

    Thank You (none / 0) (#5879)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 06:26:14 PM PST
    Thank you so much for your informitive article. After reading it I noticed that my own son showed many of the same habits. I then grounded him from the computer. If not for your article my sons illegal activities, like running lunix and playing Quake. He even asked for new hardware like AMD chips and once asked me to change ISPs.

    this guy is a nut (none / 0) (#5880)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 06:28:51 PM PST
    number one, AMd chips are excellent processors and are some of the fastest ones on the market...the way one dresses also has no bearing on whether or not they are a hacker...the glow sticks and the pacifiers; those are the marks of a raver. Most of the time it is due to the use of E, if his attitude is going down the drain, it's probably because he is a TEENAGER. The guy did make a valid point on the linux thing though, if your child is obsessed with linux or unix, he is most likely a hacker.

    this whole thing (none / 0) (#5881)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 06:30:40 PM PST're an absolute mental zombie...

    NO WAY IS THIS REAL (none / 0) (#5882)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 06:42:13 PM PST
    Besides....why would the hyperlink for spanking take you to Unless of course this guy is into this thing. Or better yet...maybe he's hacking us RIGHT NOW!!!!! Oh My God!!!!! He's going to DOS US! Auntie Em help.

    IS THIS GUY SERIOUS? (none / 0) (#5883)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 06:44:59 PM PST
    I can't believe a guy like this is allowed to breed and raise kids!? If anyone is going to go crazy and shoot up a school, it'll be HIS children. What a dumbass.

    before you speak learn (none / 0) (#5884)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 06:51:29 PM PST
    All of the programs you listed as being hacker related were not even close to being. Okay try this one, use a search engine to find information on those programs and you will find that they are compeletely harmless. Oh and wearing bright colors and carrying around glowsticks is RAVER not hacker. Also most hacker tend to do very well in school because they are challening their brains. It takes code with associates with math inorder to hack into something. Many people like Linux not just hackers, it actually is a very good OS, now say OOOOOHH AHHHH. Basically watch what you say and if you really do know what your are talking because false information can be decieving to those they don't know any better. Educate then discriminate if you feel the need to.

    Your lack of knowledge is sickening. (none / 0) (#5886)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 07:08:38 PM PST
    Your lack of knowledge for what you speak of is sickening. If you were my father I would surely run away or disown you, for your closed minded self and totalitarian values.

    Some of the things you named are things many teens partake in and are still drugfree and safe. Infact, most of the things you mentioned are not even close to the characteristics of a hacker. Most hackers do not maliciously destroy systems, but rather find holes in code security, and inform the person or fix it themselves. People who destroy and ravage sites for the popularity are nothing but fools with nothing better to do.

    Hackers, believe it or not, could get a job making alot more money than you can dream of. If I were you, I would encourage my sons hacking, as long as he was not breaching systems to destroy them, and knew what he was doing. Most hackers have a better idea of networking than others, and thats why they can find holes in such things. Such hackers could get a nice job as a network tech paying some good cash.

    This is coming from a sixteen year old who has the skills to takedown your website, but not the intent. I currently have a job managing a 60 computer network making $15 an hour. Not bad eh? And guess how I learned? Reading networking security/hacking manuals to learn the depths of all the code and hardware.

    hmm mp3 what is mp3 lets look. (none / 0) (#5888)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 08:26:11 PM PST
    Is the file extension for MPEG, audio layer 3. Layer
    3 is one of three coding schemes (layer 1, layer 2 and
    layer 3) for the compression of audio signals. Layer 3
    uses perceptual audio coding and psychoacoustic
    compression to remove all superfluous information
    (more specifically, the redundant and irrelevant parts
    of a sound signal. The stuff the human ear doesn't
    hear anyway). It also adds a MDCT (Modified
    Discrete Cosine Transform) that implements a filter
    bank, increasing the frequency resolution 18 times
    higher than that of layer 2.

    The result in real terms is layer 3 shrinks the original
    sound data from a CD (with a *bitrate of 1411.2
    kilobits per one second of stereo music) by a factor
    of 12 (down to 112-128kbps) without sacrificing
    sound quality.

    *Bitrate denotes the average number of bits that one second of audio data will

    Because MP3 files are small, they can easily be transferred across the Internet.
    Controversy arises when copyrighted songs are sold and distributed illegally off
    of Web sites. On the other hand, musicians may be able to use this technology
    to distribute their own songs from their own Web sites to their listeners, thus
    eliminating the need for record companies. Costs to the consumer would
    decrease, and profits for the musicians would increase.

    har har . but in reality (none / 0) (#5890)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 08:43:22 PM PST
    you is just a hacker fool yourself who wrote this hahahah.
    honestly mate get a life before writing this crap. it makes me feel good because i know its just crap and its probably the exact opposite of what you have said in your article that is reality.

    heh love dat shitnit (none / 0) (#5891)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 08:53:17 PM PST
    haha funny man

    and nice job too

    a big "what fukin lewsers" go to all you people that replied to this as if it was serious. Seriously guys, its to rediculous to be serious.

    w00tage man seriously

    n0ph34r (none / 0) (#5892)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:02:37 PM PST
    WTF is the person who wrote this a commedian or just mental???

    Lord, I HOPE this is satire (none / 0) (#5893)
    by Rowane on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:15:52 PM PST
    To equate "Bonzi Buddy" and "Comet Cursor" to hacking tools has to be the most inane baloney I've ever heard.

    AOL, is a "family oriented" ISP? Then why do I see porn SPAM from AOL accounts all the time?

    And if "Quake" is a training ground for hacking and weapons use I would hate to see what this dude would think of something like "Thief" or "Hitman".

    Please tell me this is satire, cause as anything else i will just about bust a gallus laughing!

    ROFL (none / 0) (#5894)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:19:12 PM PST
    what kind of idiot r u?
    did your mom not hug u enough when u were small? that u have to do THIS to your son?
    i feel sorry for him, seriously, to have an idiot dad like U

    wtf, telnet = hacking program?
    telnet comes with windows u idiot

    btw, it's linux, u know L-I-N-U-X, NOT lunix
    also, linux is WAY better than windows u moron, did Bill Gate pay u to post this?
    or did AOL pay u too?

    that's the WORST internet provider out there,
    u DO know AOL messes up your windows right?

    as for the way your son dresses...have u been to a rave party?

    as for how much time they spend on the computer...IT TAKE MORE THE 45MIN TO DO 1 PIECE OF WORK

    ur just stupid moron, i cant even put into words how stupid ur

    um.....ya can u say retard author (none / 0) (#5895)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:20:48 PM PST
    ok whats up with this guy who wrote this quake teaches firearms?? so u walk up stairs and see him playing the GAME and he points and clicks its not teaching firearms....ill admit there are a few hackers that play but no talks about hacking im sure as hell not a hacker and i play quake and im on the computer more than 30 minutes...i ask for new upgrades on my comp too but am i using them for better quality of a computer not to hack into other computers and common AMD is bad? AMD is better than intel not becasue they can HACK as you say but becasue they are faster they are also better quailty and trust me every person i know that is potentaily a hacker are the people who make all a's in school and trust me lots of people change there looks and are barly on the computer and kids are argutive not becasue we are on the computer its becaseu we are kids u went through the same damn thing u arguded and you know it...and that double moniter guy plz stfu i know alot of ppl with 4 moniters and they dont hack....plz

    um.....ya can u say retard author (none / 0) (#5896)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:22:03 PM PST
    ok whats up with this guy who wrote this quake teaches firearms?? so u walk up stairs and see him playing the GAME and he points and clicks its not teaching firearms....ill admit there are a few hackers that play but no talks about hacking im sure as hell not a hacker and i play quake and im on the computer more than 30 minutes...i ask for new upgrades on my comp too but am i using them for better quality of a computer not to hack into other computers and common AMD is bad? AMD is better than intel not becasue they can HACK as you say but becasue they are faster they are also better quailty and trust me every person i know that is potentaily a hacker are the people who make all a's in school and trust me lots of people change there looks and are barly on the computer and kids are argutive not becasue we are on the computer its becaseu we are kids u went through the same damn thing u arguded and you know it...and that double moniter guy plz stfu i know alot of ppl with 4 moniters and they dont hack....plz

    Cool, I'm a hacker and didn't even know!! (none / 0) (#5899)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:31:39 PM PST
    This is pretty funny stuff, Mr Gibbon. Its a darn good joke, has drawn a great response too! Even the name is funny, Reginald, heheh, Gibbon, harharhar!

    chaka licking cum dog (none / 0) (#5900)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:40:15 PM PST
    what a performance doc!!!!!

    Hackers (none / 0) (#5901)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 09:46:38 PM PST
    You're kidding...right?

    Computer Hardware (none / 0) (#5902)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:09:46 PM PST
    Hey buddy. If you wanna see what kind of stuff your son would be using for hacking go here, This site is purely informational.

    As far as your son wanting computer hardware upgrades: larger monitor, memory, video card, etc. He was probably just wanting to upgrade from Quake to Quake Arena and needed a little hardware boost.

    Just because he likes the computer doesn't make him a hacker. Maybe you should spend a little more time with him and he wouldn't be on the computer so much.

    If this isn't a joke, count me dead. (none / 0) (#5903)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:16:50 PM PST
    Now, let me get this straight...

    Right now I have in front of me (and behind me) 4 monitors and 3 CPUs... 1 CPU, 1 monitor(AlienWare, now.. if you knew what that FVCKING'll probably say it's a hacker's computer, won't you) that has EVERYTHING a GAMER could need. Next, I have the CPU that I'm on which has 2 monitors connected. Why? I'm a web designer. I MAKE WEBPAGES! My other CPU is just a piece of $hit. It handles my graphics programs.

    I want to dye my hair red. I like to wear red shirts, infact I'm wearing a red one right now.

    Just to point out, I know : PHP, Perl/CGI, HTML, JS, Java, DHTML, VML, FLASH, VB, C/++. So I'm a hacker? Good times.

    ""There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond."" NONE of these neccessarily promote hacking in any way (that I know of)... Prog. with Perl teachs people to create sites with an INTERNET PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE YOU FVCKING HOMO!

    In conclusion, I'd just like to say that when you said that he "...may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association...". Just want to point out that groups like that are EXTREMLY difficult to get into, and IF your son is even given a second look by the 1337 groups, I think there would be more signs of a hacker than the BS you've slapped up here.

    According to you my grandmother is a hacker (none / 0) (#5908)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:44:11 PM PST
    the writer of this article needs to check his sources

    HAHAHA (none / 0) (#5909)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:47:55 PM PST
    ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thankyou for the Heads Up (none / 0) (#5911)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 11:29:17 PM PST
    Hello Mr Gibbons,

    I understand completely how you feel. I, myself, also make sure I attend the parties my two teenage children attend, to make sure there are no drugs or people of questionable morals attending. I also keep a very close eye on some of the other teenage girls in attendance to ensure they are treated right.

    You are also correct in the determination that a child's education is incomplete without an understanding of modern technology such as video cassette recorders and computers. I recently bought a Hewlett-Packard Pentium-3 system for my children and myself to become familiar with. I made sure I purchased a Pentium-3 processor as I understand this processor has a serial number that is recorded every time an Internet site is visited. I think this is a wonderful idea. (I also do not trust those AMD processors - who knows what those foreigners put in their processors.)

    My children have not asked me to change ISP - I am happy with AOL, and glad that a lot of the Internet is inaccessible to us. The Internet is full of dangerous things like bomb recipies, drug growing information, pornography and information on heathen religions like Rastafarians, Witchcraft and Buddhists. My children need as much exposure to these tools of Satan as they need a good Christian parent who cannot dish out a good and righteous belting when deserved.

    I have had a close look at my computer's hard disk since reading your article, and did not find any of the programs you mentioned, however I did find an application called "Gator", which sounds like some porn site was trying to infiltrate my computer system. I promptly deleted the file. I also found a program called "AVP" that had been installed by my son (I found this out after I grilled him). I explained that AVP was written by a Russian KGB agent, and that it stands for "A Virus Programmer" - it is evil, anti-American software that is designed to accept foreign viruses, worms and trojan horses that are used to track and report on our computer usage to the Communists.

    I had a close look at the hardware in our system. We had an NVidia GeForce2 GTS graphics Accelerator card, which contains a GPU (Guessing Password Unit). I thought carefully about this, and decided to remove and destroy this Video card and replace it with an earlier TNT2 MX64 graphics card which contains no such hacking aids.
    I did check under my children's beds for magazines of questionable content, such as Dolly and PC User, and the numerous illegal books you mentioned, and found none of these. I found a Victoria's Secrets catalog under my son's bed, and after questioning him about it, he said he was hiding it from his sister, as he didn't think it appopriate for her, and was about to throw it out. Elizabeth has just turned 15. It appeared to have had some hand creme spilled on it, and I decided against questioning her about this, leaving this to her mother - I do not believe it is appropriate for a father to talk to his daughter about lingerie.

    Like with the television, I restrict my children's computer time to 2 hours per day. I make sure they watch only Christian television shows, and do not let them watch television on Sundays - and no computer on Sundays, either.

    I do not allow my children to play computer games at all as I feel they are all Satan's tools promoting killing and low moral standards. I also, as do you, believe that Quake is a hacker training "virtual reality" tool, and that it is not appropriate in a Christian home.
    I had my concerns about Linux, BSD and those sort of "free" operating systems. Microsoft claims they are going to corrupt society, and I believe this. That Linux Torovoltos should be put in the same category as Mr Bin Ledan.
    I am glad I read your article, and took a closer look at my computer system and what it could be used for. I'm glad my children do not show signs of "Internet Hacker Addiction". It would not be nice to have to call the police and report them for hacking into banks and other businesses. I'm glad I bought a processor that leaves its serial number all over the Internet and is easy to trace.

    I strongly urge all other Christian parents to change their ISP to AOL so that a lot of the Internet content is inaccessible to you and your childres, and to remove those "hacker" video cards.

    haha (none / 0) (#7089)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 22nd, 2002 at 09:42:16 PM PST
    this is quite possibly the funniest thing I've read in a long time, funnier than the original article. excellent use of irony.

    I feel bad for that geForce card, such a horrible fate for a great (non-hacker) product.

    anyone who takes all this "hackers are tearing up america" stuff seriously should pay a visit to their local community college and enroll (it's not expensive) in a computer tech course. they'd learn so much.

    ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#5912)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 11:43:09 PM PST
    I couldnt actually tell if this article was serious or not...
    Anyway it provided me (and the other 1000+ ppl who commented) with entertainment.
    What's sad is that so much of this is actually true ;p

    -p00ya DoE [h4x0r 3l33t]

    blah (none / 0) (#5913)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 12:06:12 AM PST
    ive worke din tech support for a large ISP for awhile now.. and uhmmm personally i think saying "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"." is simply retarded.. we try to persuade our customers to stay away from the comet software.. and especially the bonzi buddy because in alot of cases it trashes tcp/ip settings.. and me personally think they both are annoying.

    and as far as dual displays go.. i dont even bother.. i simply have 3 seperate systems going at once, one to jerk around on, one todo html/graphics and my laptop which i'm using with my wireless network infstructure to carry around the house to surf the net and hook up to my big screen and watch vcd's... and i am far froma hacker.

    so dont stereotype and say just because a person has this or that they are a "bad person" because it simply is not true. it's kind of like saying all black people are evil.. just because of the color of there skin

    your son is a raver (none / 0) (#5916)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 12:40:48 AM PST
    the hair dye, bright colors, glow stiks,
    & pacifire your son is a raver! the least i would worry about is hacking he is on DRUGS!!!
    the pacifire & glow sticks are for a drug called MDMA or the street name "escatsy" or "x" or "rolls" i would be very alarmd you should spank him and make him say "who's your daddy little boy"

    Highly Amusing (none / 0) (#5917)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 12:45:16 AM PST
    I must commend the author of this article for writing such a highly amusing piece. For him to be able to write such a thing he must be very knowledgable and quite a witty man. Keep up the good work!

    ARE U SERIOUS??? (none / 0) (#5919)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 03:01:11 AM PST
    I still dont know if this text is real or is a joke. Please, u know computers the same i know the Pope.

    WHAT THE!?!?! (none / 0) (#5920)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 03:01:38 AM PST
    Who the hell do you think you are T Reginald Gibbons, first of all, you are probably stereotypical guy who knows nothing about computers. Some of the programs you mentioned are used by many companies for verious purposes. Flash is a web designing program, linux is an alternative operating system and quake is a video game. From the points you've posted, it sounds like you are some kind stereotypical, racist person who doesn't know red from green. If linux is an illegal operating system, THEN WHY IS THAT IT CAN BE FOUND IN STORES EVERYWHERE?!? There are many more points that are just stupid and shows how un-informed and stupid you really are. I suggest the next time you want to help parents in raising their kids, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!....................psh! finest family in the USA MY ASS!!!!!

    and comet cursor is a program that changes.... (none / 0) (#5922)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 03:11:57 AM PST
    ...that changes your pointer. oh! GreaT HaCk!

    WHAT THE!?!?! (none / 0) (#5921)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 03:04:41 AM PST
    Who the hell do you think you are T Reginald Gibbons, first of all, you are probably stereotypical guy who knows nothing about computers. Some of the programs you mentioned are used by many companies for verious purposes. Flash is a web designing program, linux is an alternative operating system and quake is a video game. From the points you've posted, it sounds like you are some kind stereotypical, racist person who doesn't know red from green. If linux is an illegal operating system, THEN WHY IS THAT IT CAN BE FOUND IN STORES EVERYWHERE?!? There are many more points that are just stupid and shows how un-informed and stupid you really are. I suggest the next time you want to help parents in raising their kids, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!....................psh! finest family in the USA MY ASS!!!!!

    This guy's an idiot. (none / 0) (#5923)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 03:45:21 AM PST
    I can't believe that someone who's done no research into computers whatsoever, could put out a list like this. Bonzai buddy, Flash? Come on you idiot! At least if you're going to knock something, do a little research on it. Also, AMD and Linux are NOT illegal. For Christ's sake, I wanna slap this guy for being so stupid. And the worst part? He's reproduced! He's probably seen that craptacular movie Hacker's one too many times.


    This guy's an idiot. (none / 0) (#5924)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 03:48:30 AM PST
    I can't believe that someone who's done no research into computers whatsoever, could put out a list like this. Bonzai buddy, Flash? Come on you idiot! At least if you're going to knock something, do a little research on it. Also, AMD and Linux are NOT illegal. For Christ's sake, I wanna slap this guy for being so stupid. And the worst part? He's reproduced! He's probably seen that craptacular movie Hacker's one too many times. Check out the "powered by Scoop" logo on the corner of the this web site. I went there and the latest version is a .tar.gz file! That's LINUX/UNIX! Fucking idiots!


    Please ignore this article (none / 0) (#5925)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:13:18 AM PST
    I hope this article was written in jest, because some of the signs and assumptions are completely ridiculous. The idea that people that use AMD chips, dual monitors, or play Quake are likely hackers is plain dumb. The author of this article is an uninformed alarmist.

    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:18:01 AM PST
    I have not read so much crap in my life, I hope that AMD sue this shit head as he's full of crap and making illegal claims, this guy is so stupid it's hard to laugh.

    Have you ever heard of the word "Philistine" ?

    It means UN-CULTURED and your a perfect example of this sort of low human being.

    Completely uneducated article (none / 0) (#5927)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:22:45 AM PST
    Followed the link to this article from ve3d. I must say it's pathetic when some uneducated parent pretends to have a clue and spreads this horsecrap onto a web site. Changing ISP's is the smartest thing to do. Most Americans use AOL because they don't know any better. If any other ISP spent as much money advertising and mailing sample CD's to the entire free world, then they may be the #1 provider. How is he soo 110% sure that it was his son who installed the Comet Cursor and Bonzai Buddy. No respectable computer user would put those programs on their machine. I think he's covering for another child in the family. As for upgrading - if you want the fastest framerates in the latest games, that's the price you pay. I'm sure I'd be willing to pay Compaq's outrageous prices for slightly inferior hardware with a lesser warranty (i.e. generic GF3 vs. retail-boxed Leadtek GF3Ti500).

    AMD being a "a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip!" is probably the sticking point of proving how thoroughly uneducated the author of this article is. I'm going to forward this to AMD and allow them to take this site down due to defamation of character among other legitimate legal charges. No telling how many unknowledgable parents actually became less educated reading this article.

    Programming with Perl isn't strictly a hacker's handbook. Many people incorporate Perlscript in web sites. Unless the kid spends 17-20 out of 24 hours each day in front of the computer, let him be. With the knowledge he clearly possesses, he'll be making 10x more $$ than his father ever will!

    Quake... uh oh... I was playing Quake... I'm feeling violent... can't stop trembling... ;-). Once again, someone who must be in Liebermann's back pocket... hey everyone, let's go on a crusade to stop violent video games from being played ;-). Quake I-III is to the current generation as Combat is to the Atari 2600 generation.. I can't help it if 4-8 bit graphics couldn't render 3d in a semi-realistic manner... and how many people decided they were going to fly an F-16 or steal a tank after playing Combat??

    Children naturally become argumentative with parents in later teenhood because parents are overly nebby and never really LISTEN to what their children are saying... give him some space since you OBVIOUSLY didn't listen to him previously (especially with this "super-sleuthed" article that was written.

    If the author was so smart, he would have spell-checked this article... I hate to inform him of how uneducated he is, but Linux is a great operating system for those who REALLY want control over their computers. When the CLI faded with the advent of the Windows platform, people have become lazy when it comes to computers. Editing batch and system files has become lore of the past. Linux allows ideas to grow and provides the stability in an OS that was available to consumers well before WinXP came out...

    The author has mistaken the Hollywood presentation of hackers for the real life examples. Did Kevin Mitnick ever wear "baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks"?? Most high school kids that claim to be l33t h@x0r$ are simply "script kiddies" that couldn't write an app to save their lives... I do give credit to those who have honed the craft and use it for purposes of further enlightenment, but the random credit-card generating kiddies know who they are.

    As the child advances through grades in high school, classes will get harder. Fact of life... unless the author would like his son to stop what he's doing and become a garbage man, he should allow him to have a tutor.

    This article made me sick and I think I'll forward it to the appropriate companies in the slight hope that this no-talent parent-wannabe will be silenced or fined..

    Sheer Stupidity (none / 0) (#5928)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:25:42 AM PST
    Well i have never read such a load of tripe in my entire life, i am still wondering whther the writer is plain ignorant or just having a laugh.
    AMD is third world based and a rip off of Intel? Looks like you have been brainwashed to the point of ignorance. Baggy clothes n glowsticks? Hacker no, Pilled up raver - possibly haha.
    Do you even know what Bonzai buddy is? its a big on screen chimp that tells you jokes. Do yiou know what comet cursor is? Its so you can have custom cursors.
    Sounds like you have touched upon peer 2 peer file sharing utilities too there, although you evidently have never used them nor understand why people use them.
    To be honest you sound like a complete authoritarian who has probably raised kids who will also lack personality and any form of intelligence above what you have passed to them (which sounds pretty sub-standard to me).

    If i hadn't had the freedom to investigate the internet freely i would have never developed the skills i have now and ended up in a job with IT. By the sounds of things all your siblings will become are librarians, road sweepers and hairdressers, dying in the same little town they grew up in and possibly getting married to some relative or friend, thus narrowing the gene pool distribution even further and producing even more stupid generations of kids from your lineage.

    The only model of family you have is a very stupid, lemming like one.

    AMD and dual display, must be a hacker, you twat. (none / 0) (#5929)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:46:04 AM PST
    Never heard such a paranoid load of shite. your kids must be so miserable.

    lol @ you angry fools (none / 0) (#5930)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:52:38 AM PST
    I laughed so hard, I almost pissed in my pants

    I have never heard such a load of shit as this. (none / 0) (#5931)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:54:37 AM PST
    I have never heard such a load of shit as this.

    T Reginald Gibbons MUST DIE (none / 0) (#5933)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 05:36:55 AM PST
    People as pathetically ignorant and opinionated and comprehensively WRONG as you, are a danger to society. The scary thing is, there are probably thousands of people like you (shudder), many of whom could be in influential positions in society (I'm sure politicians love your article, they are just as ignorant). I feel sorry for your kids. If you bring them up to think like you they are going to have serious problems later in life. The world is changing - keep up with it.

    Man.......Lunix???? (none / 0) (#5934)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 05:37:25 AM PST
    Thank god you are not my 'dad'!!!


    Are you kidding me? AMD/Quake hacking tools? (none / 0) (#5936)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 05:51:36 AM PST
    Come on, pull your head out of the sand. AMD processors are built on Intel x86 patents stoner! Graphic cards are a sign of hacking? Give me a break. Why don't you go to your local commmunity college and take computers 101 before you post something stupid like this again.

    And quake is a hacking community? Geez...its like saying Asteroids is a training ground for terrorist pilots or something. You are uninformed about computers and their use, its too bad because it's people like you that blame their problems on everything else without taking the blame for their own actions.

    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 05:52:35 AM PST
    This must be a joke, right?! Some times I think it's amizing, even in America, that somebody can actually write lies and half truths down in the same article and it be "ok". This "author" and "website" is lucky if Matrox doesn't sue the HELL out of them for defemation and slander, I know I would. There is no reason why a computer "hacker" would need a fast new video card... wake up call, THIS IS NOT THE MATRIX! Most "hacking" is done on a command line prompt(ie Dos), not in some virtual fantasy training ground. Quake is not a "training ground" IT IS A GAME! If the "author" would have played the game(and has ever fired a real weapon to compare) he would see that it is made for FUN. The reason that many people dislike AOL(and other "safe" service providers) is that they are SLOW and made for the "slow" people that can not operate a computer without big shiny buttons to tell them what to do! Linux is not a "hacking software" but is an open source operating system that many people use because 1) Many forms of it are FREE, and 2) It can be edited on it's lowest levels to provide more performance to the computer(and "hacking" video cards and video GAMES such as Quake). And the last time I checked PERL was not a "hacking" language, but a legitimate computer programming language. In fact most decent web pages have some sort of perl running on the page, or on the backend(that's on the web server for you "slow" people out there). It could be that the "authors" son was a computer hacker, but it's sounds like the "author" needs a reality check. This article makes broad assumptions with little facts, many of wich are untrue. If people are really interested in computer hacking and wondering if thier child could be a computer hacker, they should go to websites like that actually talk about REALcomputer hacking. I'm afraid to even look at another article at this site, less I see that it is not just this "author" that is insane.

    *Thank God I learned that this is a joke, but since I have wrote this already I might as well port it right?!*


    If this is not a joke, then you guys are Sick (none / 0) (#5938)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 06:35:43 AM PST
    I really hope that this is some kind of attempt to be funny. If it isn't, I have some serious concerns about the viability of the average american in the knowledge revolution.

    On a more serious note:

    "If your son starts requesting higher powered water pistols there should be great cause for concern. You must especially be aware of the infamous "Super Soaker" as it it a very powerful water-slinging weapon. They use this advanced weaponry in what they call "water fights". This is where kids get together to plan raids against other neighborhood children. Be very wary of this deviant behavior"

    What an Idiot! (none / 0) (#5939)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 06:53:35 AM PST
    Ok, I've e-mailed this URL to everyone and their dog. You should too, so we can overload the server and drive it into the ground where it belongs.

    p.s. Death to Winblows and AOLies.

    wow you are the greatest parent (none / 0) (#5940)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 07:08:39 AM PST
    i cant believe how thorough and direct your piece was. By far i have not read a more informative article. Furthermore I have been monitoring my son and using your simple rules oh supreme justice. I noticed all of the above tendencies. Including frequenting pornography sites, which werent to bad might i add. But were quite vulgar, you know the good stuff. but more to the point i found out finally that he was a hacker! And boy was I pissed. He wasnt even a good hacker, i mean the most he could do was find out how to crack software. Nothing big like going into confidential files that people dont want you to see. So i punished his ass, with a severe beating like you suggested. I threw out all his clothes and bought him bright clothing, because you said all hackers do so, and i made him cut his hair and make it spikey as well as die it a bright pink. Just like you suggested hackers do. I made him go hang out with the other hacker looking kids, i did everything to incourage him using your advice about how hackers act look and dress. I waited and waited like a mother bird anxious to see its young, but to no avail my son did not improve his hacking skills. All he became was this so called "raver" who goes to those "Rave Dances" and uses those glowy things what are they called cheese sticks... no thats not right... ummmmm.... alien lights.... well you know what i mean. So thats all i wanted to report thanks for your great assesment of hackers, and an adequate depiction of what all hackers look like, act like, and are. Thanks for your time.

    I can't beleive my eyes (none / 0) (#5941)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 07:22:41 AM PST
    Where the hell did you get your information? AOL a responsible ISP? AOL is the ISP most hacked in the world because of it's shitty bogus code. Comet cursor and bonzi buddy is internet hacking software? I'm sure the whole world with knowledge about computers must be laughing at you! The best part was when you told that AMD was an "inferior knock-off" of american propreties. Quick news flash for you buddy, AMD is american too. Intel has (as AMD) factorys in third-world countrys.

    Before you make judgement on something or someone, get your facts straight. Geez, you can't imagine how hard I laught when I saw what you wrote. You should've listen to your wife and not make a big deal out this.

    Shame on you!

    All I have to say is, "I hope he is joking!&q (none / 0) (#5942)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 09:56:14 AM PST
    When I read this, I imediatly recognized it as a joke, and then I got to thinking about it, and decided that there really are stupid (ID10T - 12:00 Flashers) people out there who really do think these things. I do truly hope he is joking!

    dumbass )nt -- bring chairs (none / 0) (#5943)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 10:02:31 AM PST

    LOL (none / 0) (#5944)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 10:43:00 AM PST
    I haven't laughed so much in a long time.

    Thanks for a good read!

    This author is a lunatic (nt) (none / 0) (#5945)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 02:25:10 PM PST

    This article is the last thing a hacker would do! (none / 0) (#5946)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 02:28:11 PM PST
    Any father or mother wouldnt bother believeing this because any normal computer user may have one of these "problems". AMD is a every reliabe chip maufactuer. You can buy computers with these chips from Best Buy or CompUSA. (which are very cool stores)Your son may ask to change ISPs because another is faster and easier to use.As for Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, and flash are wrong. Flash is used to make items for websites.Comet Cursur allows you to change the apprence of your cursur. A radical change in appeance could be anything from style to hormones.Quake was one of the best games made and maybe a game of the yearwhich menas alot of people like the game.A teenager becoming moody means hes probably in puberty so live with it.For new hardware you almost have to get a new grapics card to play any good games. Along internet time is very common amung young people.

    ROFL (none / 0) (#5947)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 02:44:58 PM PST

    A Hacker? (none / 0) (#5948)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 02:53:54 PM PST
    The writer of this story has absolutely NO idea of what he talking about. He claims if they have Flash installed on a computer, they are a hacker. Last time I checked Flash is a multimedia display program, so he is claiming that everyone, like,, or are hackers? Somehow I don't think so. I think this guy needs to actually look at his ideas again. BTW Quake is a GAME, plain and simple.

    Grow up mate and do some serious research cos most of your points were completely wrong.

    it is you that needs the help. (none / 0) (#5949)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 02:56:15 PM PST
    I believe that you need to take a paper on child psychology, because it is obvious that you as a parent do not have a clue what you are talking about.

    You're son is ofcourse not going to talk to. Through reading this article your personality sounds extremely naive and arrogant, not to add extremely pathetic.
    Your son sounds like a rave bunny, refering to the way you describe he dresses. I think after only a few days of research of computer hacking that you should not and cannot make a judgement. Because you're judgements are extremely wrong, and quite simply i'll laugh til my heart is content if you are sued by the manufactors of these software providers.

    Last but not least, i don't think you are a part of the brady bunch-as you refer to your children's names as the brady bunch's children's names.

    I think it is you that is imagining things because you sound seriously inadequate as a parent, and I would be embrassed to be either your wife or children..

    I am a parent and think you are truly pathetic, and on that hand you should think about a postive parenting course.

    A Hacker? Part II - Lunix? I don't think so (none / 0) (#5950)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 03:08:12 PM PST
    The writer of this story has absolutely NO idea of what he talking about. He claims if they have Flash installed on a computer, they are a hacker. Last time I checked Flash is a multimedia display program, so he is claiming that everyone, like,, or are hackers? Somehow I don't think so. I think this guy needs to actually look at his ideas again. BTW Quake is a GAME, plain and simple.

    And as for those "Lunix" claims, you are way off base. It is actually Linux and it is an operating system like Windows, you cannot install it on Windows, it needs its own partition (in general) and it was created by Linus Tolvalds, based on MINUX created by Microsoft. And BSD, Mandrake and Debian are THE biggest powers in the Linux world, they ARE NOT illegal by any standard. They are as legal as Microsoft.

    Grow up mate and do some serious research cos most of your points were completely wrong.

    A Hacker? Part II - Lunix? I don't think so (none / 0) (#5951)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 03:26:37 PM PST
    The writer of this story has absolutely NO idea of what he talking about. He claims if they have Flash installed on a computer, they are a hacker. Last time I checked Flash is a multimedia display program, so he is claiming that everyone, like,, or are hackers? Somehow I don't think so. I think this guy needs to actually look at his ideas again. BTW Quake is a GAME, plain and simple.

    And as for those "Lunix" claims, you are way off base. It is actually Linux and it is an operating system like Windows, you cannot install it on Windows, it needs its own partition (in general) and it was created by Linus Tolvalds, based on MINUX created by Microsoft. And BSD, Mandrake and Debian are THE biggest powers in the Linux world, they ARE NOT illegal by any standard. They are as legal as Microsoft.

    Grow up mate and do some serious research cos most of your points were completely wrong.

    ignorant... (none / 0) (#6019)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:55:26 AM PST
    _You_ obviously don't know what you are talking about, Flash is a very dangerous hacker tool that can be use to steal screennames.
    Quake is an underground perverted hacker community that encourages young people to take drugs and perform body modifications.
    Lunix has been banned in 65 countries including the US, the whole European union and Switzerland.

    And seriously:
    don't bother to post such comments, you are not as smart as you think because it seems you are unable to tell a joke from a serious article.
    And learn to spell TORVALDS!!!! (If you don't some Lunix users from the Quake community might use DOS to spank you)

    Ignorance is no excuse (none / 0) (#5952)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:21:19 PM PST
    The supposed gentlemen who penned this article is ignorant and best and a moron at worst. He is also and a coward.

    Any of his statements regarding many of the companies and people (AMD, Linus Torvolds (who is Finnish I believe and called a Fin russian is akin to calling a Canadian America) for example) if published in any other media (print, tv, radio) would result in a storm of libel suits. As his statements were expressed as such and not as 'opinions'.

    Even more frightening is T Reginald Gibbons total lack of understanding of the subject he was pontificating about.

    A fine example: "..They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops.." Anyone who had spent 15 minutes researhcing microprocessor poduction methods would be made extremely aware how stupid this concept is. I am glad that I am not German, as having my country described as "third world" is unbelievably insulting (lets hope Mr Gibbons does not drive an Audi, VW, BMW or Mercedes eh?).

    My one last hope is that this article is a superb exercise in satire

    Wow (none / 0) (#5953)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:23:20 PM PST
    I can't believe the world has come to this. I can't help but feel so sorry for this guy's son.

    This article is a joke... right? (none / 0) (#5956)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:53:44 PM PST
    The author can't have been serious, I mean.. NO ONE is that out of touch with reality..

    OMG, my grandmother is a hacker (none / 0) (#5959)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 04:56:09 PM PST
    OMG, my grandmother is a hacker, she uses an AMD CPU, has comet cursor installed, and doesn't use AOL, it just proves that you don't need to know how to use a cd-rom drive to be a hacker, LOL, this guy is FRIED!!! Best Regards, Reece,

    is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#5961)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 05:01:21 PM PST
    My thanks to the twisted minds responsible for this screed, and the comments to it! I enjoy a good belly laugh now and then---good for the system. This site is almost as funny as brunching shuttlecocks, and much more subtle.

    And if any poster here is serious, please don't tell me. I'm trying very hard to believe that most people are not the maroons they seem to be.

    I'll go back to my Linux box, powered by AMD, on a non-AOL ISP now. Live long and prosper.

    too many idiots on the net (none / 0) (#5962)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 05:44:20 PM PST
    My title basically explains my comment. I feel badly for Peter, and I hope little Cindy has learned her lesson about telling lies to overbearing fathers. Pete may the force be with you.

    P.S. Narayan doesn't exist

    Isnt this just a big load of lawsuit-bait? (none / 0) (#5963)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 05:48:21 PM PST
    I'm fairly sure AMD can sue you for the whole 'third world...knock-offs' bit, even if this site is a joke. And and ID Software... And Macromedia...

    But I get the feeling I shouldnt actually be taking the article seriously anyway, with the telltale comedy misspelling of Linux (unless you were talking about a C64 OS, i dont know of any Lunixes...), and the whole perfect parent thing... also the Stileproject style random links inserted in every sentence... You cannot fool me, Mr. Gibbons.

    loser moron father (none / 0) (#5968)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 06:37:02 PM PST
    Are you serious???!!!
    If so you are the biggest moron and your children are to be pitied for having such an IDIOT for a parent. If your daughter wants to wear makeup and talks to boys you would label her a WHORE???
    please do the rest of the world a favor and have yourself sterilized before you bring anymore unfortunate children into a household with such an ARROGANT LOSER as you as a father.

    i could be one (none / 0) (#5969)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 06:40:12 PM PST
    i spend a lot of time in my amd powered computer... i even drooled at it.. shit i could be a hacker... hehehehe

    You sir are an asshole kthnx (none / 0) (#5970)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 06:57:09 PM PST
    i speachless at reading this fu*king mindless shit, I am a 15 year old, and i never laughed so fu*king hard. Oh no my child wants to get a new ISP OMG NOOOOOOO HES A HACKER AHHHHHH. Big fu*cking deal, i got a new ISP so i could play games with a better ping. A new video card YOUR IN SOME DEEP SHIT NOW BETTER RUN! A new video card simply makes playing games a better experience. Then you had to fu*king make the most idiodic/sterotyped coment of all about the clothing, i wear baggy jeans i have my hair dyed does that make me a fu*king hacker? NO get some fu*king sense. Oh shit I play quake better run imma hack u now my 1337 or for you sir leet (thought that would help since you are so illiterate) I play quake to get away from the harsh realitys of life, same with any game. Next time you make a fu*king post make sure it makes some fu*king sense. I also hope you have been hacked by every hacker that read your shit for that crazy sterotyping.

    YOU SIR HAVE BEEN TOLD! by a 15 year old kthnx

    I R T3H 1337357 34T |-|4X 81TC|-|455

    are you sure? (none / 0) (#6016)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:41:15 AM PST
    "YOU SIR HAVE BEEN TOLD! by a 15 year old kthnx"

    A 15 years old person who still is unable to tell a joke from a true article isn't really anything impressive IMHO...


    Putting this to rest (none / 0) (#5971)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 07:06:59 PM PST
    The uproar about this resulted in a mention on The Register( have a look at the article here

    And then please stop being stupid

    This is not a funny joke! (none / 0) (#5972)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 07:20:36 PM PST
    Someone narow minded like most of moden society, is goinf to get this or anexerpt of this and flog some young curious person to death because they found a new icon on the desktop..

    I AM AN ELITE HAXOR (none / 0) (#5973)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 07:33:47 PM PST
    I LOVE LUNIX, BE CAREFULL OR I MAY HACK INTO YOUR STEREO, bahahahahahahahahaha, you fucking idiot, get a fucking brain..

    BUT NOT OF THE SMARTEST KIND (none / 0) (#6018)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:45:25 AM PST
    You'd need one if you believe this article was serious. Of course, there are so many idiots on the web that such a text could possibly be written but you can easily tell it is a joke by looking at the inline links.

    My personal favorite is "betrayed the principles" pointing at

    pff (none / 0) (#5975)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 07:52:31 PM PST
    i was told this was all a joke. but if it's not... oh my fucking god, this dude needs help. otherwise, on a jokingly side... it's hilarious. it's totally hilarious that most parents that would read that would believe every word of it.

    YOU ARE THE STUPIDIST PARENT...EVER! (none / 0) (#5976)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 07:54:02 PM PST
    That's all I have to say. This entire article is so wrong, it's comical.

    RE: You are the stupidest parent... EVER! (none / 0) (#5979)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:03:20 PM PST
    I will have to agree on that one. I'm glad you're not my father!

    Re (none / 0) (#6035)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:17:48 AM PST
    Are you guys for real? I never did have much faith in care in the community.

    It ain't "fools day" yet, heheh (none / 0) (#5977)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 07:56:22 PM PST
    Hehe, good one.
    It takes a lot of weed to come up with something like that.
    To the writer: Mr or Mrs please refrain form making such jokes until April 1st (Fools day). Most people don't get that it's just a J O K E.
    Until then please lay off the crack pipe.

    Next segment suggestion: Starwars - Satan's mind controling candy.

    This Is Bull (none / 0) (#5978)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:02:59 PM PST
    I'am 13 and my dad got me a PC whe I was 6, and I am no hacker but set at my PC 2 hours a night or more. 1/2 those acusations can't be proven and what the hack is with the hacker dress code?
    Come on I play quake with my friends all the time. this is a horrid site.
    I have some those books and they tell u little to noting about hacking.
    What's with dising OS's like that I have a linux sys and I love it.
    Come on I whant new parts all the time and I had an AMD K-6 And it was great.

    You shouldn't even be using a computer (none / 0) (#6052)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:34:19 AM PST
    Take a good hard look at yourself.
    Did you really take that article seriously?
    If so, you should be taken out and shot.

    Grow up and get a life.

    Fawk ya if ya cant take a joke (none / 0) (#5980)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:05:13 PM PST
    this is some more, and I'll read them all

    UR AN IDIOT (none / 0) (#5982)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:10:37 PM PST
    ok all of that stuff... is not hacking stuff




    Learn to spell / write english (none / 0) (#6053)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:39:09 AM PST
    You're clearly seriously fucked in the head.
    Learn how to spell, don't use stupid "netspeak" phonetic abbreviations.
    If you've taken this article seriously, you shouldn't be allowed to use a computer

    COMEDY CENTRAL! (none / 0) (#5983)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:13:45 PM PST
    This is the BEST comedy routine I read in years! When will it be syndicated?

    That is the most silly thing i have ever read, (none / 0) (#5984)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:20:59 PM PST
    Honestly, the germans out out the exact same kind of stuff. Only then it was called propaganda. In beginning to read this avalance of nonsence, i belived it to be an informed inteligent article after reading this line in particular that changed my mind.

    . Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases.

    i weep for you i weep for your children and all of the children around the world raised by "adults" who whould print such a thing. This is propaganda, plain and simple, and you belong to be grouped with hate mongers such as the Natzis.

    LMAO (none / 0) (#5985)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:23:49 PM PST
    Hahahahaha! This has gotta some of the dumbest stuff I've ever read! I really hope this is some sort of joke, no one can be THAT stupid, right?
    *laughing my ass off*

    lol (none / 0) (#5987)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:58:48 PM PST
    1. Comet cursor makes your silly cursor look like pretty things on websites
    2. Bonzi Buddie is a useless friend on the net.
    3. Flash is for all those ad's you get on the net.

    you are so un-1337 it isnt funny (none / 0) (#5988)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 09:05:28 PM PST
    what a ton of conservative propaganda!

    "the evils of telnet"?!- WRONG, you idiot, my school network is run on telnet, and it requires an internet connection.

    learn what to say before you say it, you right-wing, WASP-ish, Bible-beating, cross-burning fool.

    The replies are more amusing than original article (none / 0) (#5990)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 09:10:38 PM PST
    I'm not sure which I found more amusing, the original article, or all the replies from all the poor souls that couldn't tell that this was written as a joke.

    With over 5000 replies I could seriously entertain myself for quite some time. :)

    @ T.R.Gibbons,
    Thanks for the laughs!! :)

    youve crossed the line now... (none / 0) (#5993)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 09:58:15 PM PST

    Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#5994)
    by GeZe on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 10:07:12 PM PST
    Sir you have no clue what you are talking about. Number 1. I hate to tell you this but your computer is a compaq. 80 percent of all compaqs use amd processors. Amd is the processor choice for most computer applications. Number too Bonzi buddy is not a hacking program is a file program you can get accidently from some websites when you sign up for a free service like email for instance. Number 3 if your son can even get Linux booted Ill be amazed. Dont shoot something down untill you know all the facts. The point is if your son was a hacker you would have never have found out!

    you spelled linux wrong (none / 0) (#5995)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 10:10:12 PM PST
    Hey..if your son is a hacker, I'm sure he can at least spell Linux right, (it's not spelled LUnix..get an education sheesh!!) and BTW..most of the elite groups of hackers use FreeBSD, and some other form of you run Microsoft Windows..well have the easist OS that there is on the market to hack. All you have to do is read about all the security holes in all of their software. Hell, you don't even have to read about it!! Oh..and macromedia flash..haha..that's not a hacking up on your shit before you go talking about it! I'll stop now..I could go on, but this has to be the most outrageous stupid piece of crap I have ever read!!

    LOL (none / 0) (#5997)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 10:25:54 PM PST
    Give me a break,
    This was the biggest waste of a web page! "DOSing?" Umm no. DoS is more commonly know as a Denial of Service attack in which it prevents users from accessing a web site, not opening the command prompt on other peoples computers!

    Another point, Windows is an infeior hacking platform, UNIX or Linux would be a better choice.

    A faster Video Card? For what? A video card that can dispaly a maxium of 640x480 screen resolution is suffienct enough to hack. Faster hardware means nothing, the best hackers where people using 486's with 2800 baud modems, the speed of the computer has little to do with hacking, more of it is in the mind of the hacker himself.

    Finally, the fashion? Look into the Rave Culture, everyone dresses as such, we carry glo sticks, pacifiers, wear baggy pants, and dress in bright colors thats the scene.

    Do some research b4 flying off at the mouth! ;-)

    If you wish to contact me, you may contact me via:


    This is one of the funniest things I have seen ;-) (none / 0) (#5999)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:03:22 PM PST
    I honestly hope no one thoguht the poster was serious ;-) This is COmedy !!! hehehehehe

    #6000 (none / 0) (#6000)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:09:40 PM PST
    Still ppl are believing this is real HAAHAHHAHAHHA

    Idiots. (none / 0) (#6001)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:13:37 PM PST
    from mission statement:

    " is frankly unlikely to become a part of the Open Source Developers Network any time soon"

    I just did telnet on port 25..
    220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.3/8.11.3; Fri, 11 Jan 2002 23:06:52 GMT


    holy shit -- this is the coolest damn thing ever!! (none / 0) (#6004)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:33:04 PM PST
    lol -- wtf?

    haha this is haralrious (none / 0) (#6005)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:45:30 PM PST
    hahaha anyone who takes this seriously is sounds like a jeffk prank haha its hilarious tho...good times @ this site

    Is this a Joke? (none / 0) (#6006)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:51:18 PM PST

    FUCKING IDIOT (none / 0) (#6007)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:05:17 AM PST
    THIS GUY IS A FUCKING RETARD. Flash, Comet Cursor are legitimate programs downloaded from the internet. Not only am I a "hacker" but I am a child of parents who know what I do. FUCKING MORMON, hey, i bet you are a mormon huh? FUCKING FAG!!

    OSAMA BIN LADEN WROTE THIS (none / 0) (#6008)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:15:26 AM PST

    You're gay. n/t (none / 0) (#6285)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:21:44 AM PST
    n/t = no text

    WTF (none / 0) (#6009)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:21:17 AM PST dads 50 year old best friend bought an ADM Proseser last month. dad perfers earth link dad knows PEARL
    4.Quake is a game
    What The Fuck.

    My brain just ceased functioning! (none / 0) (#6010)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:21:37 AM PST
    My IQ has just dropped 20 points from reading the above content of this page.
    To the IDIOT who wrote this: If this is not a joke, you have some serious issues! I pitty you very much.

    It's morons like you that cause our society to spawn real hackers. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE TARGETS.

    i see... (none / 0) (#6013)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:25:02 AM PST
    yo, i could tell your shit ceased functioning by the way you... well... didn't get the joke.

    The Truth. (none / 0) (#6011)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:22:38 AM PST
    I hope your laughing because it is a joke, and the post above you is a joke. Dont erase, its used to boot your computer, without it your computer will not boot, Incase you erased it there is another copy in c:\windows\ or if thats gone try c:\windows\command\ebd\ so make sure a copy of is in C:\

    Also let your kids explore on the computer. If you trust them, let them have your trust, dont lock them out from something they enjoy doing.

    AMD (none / 0) (#6014)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:30:31 AM PST
    AMD is not a third world processor maker. They are a Texas based business. Look it up in the Austin phone book. The AMD processors are twice as good as Intel in most cases. Only an idiot would think that AMD is a hacker friendly cpu(processor)maker. If someone had done some research they would have figured out that AMD is not based in a third world country, they are basic in TEXAS. You people must be idiots.

    You have no clue (none / 0) (#6015)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:40:38 AM PST
    you have to be one of the dumbest people in the world.

    RE: is your son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#6017)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:44:15 AM PST
    That is seriously some of the funniest shit i have ever read :)
    you should get a column mate, I haven't been able to stop laughing since i started reading it.
    A fabulous read. I'll recomend it to everyone :)

    Laughing at the comments (none / 0) (#6020)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:11:32 AM PST
    it is quite interesting how many of you people are out there bashing the author for his 'ignorance' and 'stupidity'. but in fact, they're just too stupid themselves to get it. this article is a joke on your cost. it wanted to get the real ignorant people, and you ran right into it :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    YOU ARE NUTS...... (none / 0) (#6022)
    by parisangelus on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:25:02 AM PST
    None of those things make your child a hacker. OH MY need some medical help. He is just wanting to play games and be a kid. And Q3 has nothing to do with hacking...hell it is a game.

    WHAT AN INCREDIBLE IDIOT!!! (none / 0) (#6023)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:26:38 AM PST
    I couldn't belive what I just read! Are you a moron? You work as a cleaner in a WC? You probably think computers are evil and you told your son to wash hir thoung whit soap, you asshole.

    I would gladly like to bust your head open and beat some sense into it because if someone doesn't your son will become a fary!

    I c sed th blnd mn as he pikd up hs hmmer and saw (none / 0) (#6026)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 02:47:24 AM PST
    I was not sure what to expect as I read this bit of nonsense. Was it for real? "Liars, and Taggers, and Punks! Oh, my!" But now I understand. This is where those who dislike the "Middle Class Culture" can roast us. Oh, well. I just hope I don't lose another email address to spam, now.

    A Middle Class Troll

    Is your son a space alien? (none / 0) (#6027)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 03:15:40 AM PST
    This article is just as funny and completely absurd as the old National Enquirer article that purported to help you identify "space aliens" among the general population. All of the author's means of identifying "hackers" are simply means of identifying anyone with a strong interest and aptitude in computing.

    anon (none / 0) (#6028)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 03:36:14 AM PST
    omfg how stupid are americans lol, most of the stuff listed in that article are everyday applications and utilities, as for 'flash' being a *haxx0r* tool, erm lol ?
    quake is a game sigh.
    people dont dress like a *haxx0r* ? (whatever that is)
    its just funny as f**k and uve made like 40,000 parents lob out their computers, played whoever posted it :)

    Wow this is great stuff (none / 0) (#6029)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 03:40:44 AM PST
    I read this article months ago, and I thought it was pretty funny then.

    Now I think the hilarious thing is the incredible number of people who are convinced the guy was being serious.

    It's amazing how uneducated people are, really. It should be fairly obvious I would think, but man...

    Anyway, great article. I loved it.

    Beautiful.......Beautiful................... (none / 0) (#6030)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 04:17:26 AM PST
    Ok, the fact that this is a joke isnt even an issue anymore. So Im not even gonna try and explain why it is cause theres over 5000 above this one that already do.

    (And for those of you who just arent sure, just read a few posts. You'll find some things that he wrote about he just plain wouldn't know were he actually as unintelligent as he appeared to be. The irony is amazing.)

    You obviously have talent sir.......

    What I do wanna know is where I can find more? This is the Blair Witch Project of writing. This guy was obviously either patient enough to write and think this whole article out, or just got really bored and began to write away.

    And I personally believe he took a while to write this out.

    However, I do understand why you cannot come forth and be recognized for 80% of the people on this board will eat you alive with annoying "put-down" posts letting you know how stupid you are when in fact, your probably one of the most intellegent writers in the country. (or the world for that matter)

    Anyhow, unfortunatly I doubt you will ever read this post since there are so many "negitive" posts out weighing the "positive" posts.

    But if you do......

    Kudos to you sir and Im sure you are proud of your work for you have certainly caused a "posting riot". And please email me at for more. I would love to share a laugh. =)

    Very beautiful indeed. :) (none / 0) (#6352)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:40:55 PM PST
    Sad to see how few people appreciate technical humor at it's finest, eh? Ah well, at least there's that 5% of us out there keepin' it real. :) T Gibbons, well done.

    I heard something wierd.... (none / 0) (#6369)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:46:52 PM PST
    ....I heard Bonk is that true?

    ...I'd like to think this guy was serious about the whole thing. It would certainly make me feel better about myself as a person, especially after that embarrassing "tuna" incident. So many tragic.

    lunix?? (none / 0) (#6031)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 04:35:29 AM PST
    hmmm, wtf is lunix?? i never heard of it! but i heard of linux... =/

    I wish my parents had had this advice (none / 0) (#6032)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 04:43:59 AM PST
    I am an addict. I spend all my waking hours hacking. The dealers (isps) now give me unlimited access to my drug for a fixed fee each month.
    All my friends, members of the local Trekie chapter have given up on me. Help!!!! I have no life left.

    Could everyone who has posted so far... (none / 0) (#6033)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 04:56:30 AM PST
    and not realised that this is a joke, please turn off your computers and unplug them from the phone line / cable connection. You are not safe to be let out on the internet.

    haha.... thats funny but not real (none / 0) (#6036)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:25:03 AM PST
    i have laught one hour (yeah i was more than 45 min on my computer) and i must say it is very funny what U have write her but it's a lies...
    i hope i'am not alone with this thinking...

    BAH HAH HAH HAH!!! (none / 0) (#6037)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:30:48 AM PST
    This is the funniest f*cking thing I've read in a long time.... hahaha

    I even followed the lunix link! HAHAHAHA That was lame -- real lame.

    If this was serious, then damn dude, I'm sorry but you're dummer than a bag of hammers... no dummer than a Klansman at a Black Panther get together.

    This was a great laugh though! BAH HAH HAH HAH!


    Hackers must die (none / 0) (#6038)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:07:08 AM PST
    thank you so very much for your post. Through your article I have been utterly enlightened and have decided to throw away my family computer all together. The internet is a dangerous thing and computers are the root of all evil, in fact I have decided to stray from electricity all together and my family and I are reading materials about joining the Quaker following.

    Go watch VIRGIN SUICIDES (none / 0) (#6040)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:16:52 AM PST
    unless the film was based on your life....

    Are you serious? (none / 0) (#6041)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:17:16 AM PST
    You are either a an imbescile of the highest magnitude in the employ of Intel or AOL, or you are an accomplished satirest. However, as I suspect you are american I fear the former!

    No comments. (none / 0) (#6042)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:28:46 AM PST

    Trolling is not tolerated here? (none / 0) (#6043)
    by fritx on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:10:26 AM PST
    ... is what it says right above the comment post form, right? Isn't this a blatant TROLL?

    over 1MB of comment headers on this page! Just how stupid are you people?

    Wanker. (none / 0) (#6044)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:34:33 AM PST
    You, my friend, are what's known to the world today as; a fucking moron.

    I Agree. (none / 0) (#6045)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:43:33 AM PST
    You have some good points in your article.
    My son, Osama, is a computer hacker.
    i have tried every means necessary to try and get him off his addictions with hacking software, but it is all to no avail.
    After many years of hacking, Osama was found and convicted with crimes against computing, and sentenced to 3 years jail.
    When he came out of jail, he started up a computer terrorist organization known as the Taliban.
    After numerous encounters with opposing forces, Osama was named America's Most Wanted Man.
    My son, is the most wanted man in the world.
    I feel ashamed to have brought him his first Macintosh.
    i urge parents to be more aware of their childrens activities, as you may have a computer hacker living in your very own house, that can cause immense pain and suffering to those who love him very much.
    Thank You, Mohammad Atta Bin Laden

    This describes my problem (none / 0) (#6047)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:54:40 AM PST
    I was that young computer genius about to be lured down the path from which there is no return. I had multiple computers, networks, firewalls, multiple emails, all to support my unending needs.

    Luckily my parents with the help of the school nurse, and the PE teacher, were able to put me in a controlled safe environment, and correctly diagnose that I was afflicted with ADD.

    Now that I am under a strong prescription, I have no desire to "surf the web" or "download mp3s". In fact I spend a lot more of my time now just sitting and stareing out into space relaxing and enjoying the simple pleasure of existing without desire to do anything.

    Yes I occasionally get on the computer and Internet, but only using AOL and only while supervised by a court ordered adult. Luckily AOL keeps me safe from most of the evil and addicting parts of the internet.

    Thank you.

    Holy cow! (none / 0) (#6049)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:15:46 AM PST
    That is by far the most insane and irresponsible post I have ever seen. Because he uses an AMD chip he's a hacker? Because he likes to tinker with Flash he's a hacker?

    I odn't know who wrote this article, but you need to remove the trigger locks from your weapons, and point them at your're not smart enough to keep aound.

    It's a JOKE people look at the links!!! (none / 0) (#6050)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:20:39 AM PST
    I can't belive everyone is taking this so seriusly!!! Look at some of the links!!!

    raising him well.
    trigger locks

    He He The auther is obviusly an extacy eating, video game playing raver NOT a father

    Its funny how he has so many people bent out of shape.

    I think this is a not-funny-at-all joke! (none / 0) (#6051)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:28:06 AM PST
    This author actually wanna make fun of AMD, Linux and Quake. But obviously he failed. GO EAT SHIT!

    LOL - Fabulous - are you published? (none / 0) (#6054)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:53:51 AM PST
    This is great satire, my partner and I laughed for minutes at a time while reading sections of this article to each other. Try Timothy McSweeny's literary magazine - you'd fit right in.

    poor kid (none / 0) (#6055)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:57:45 AM PST
    I feel sorry for this guys son,
    considering he is being punished
    for his fathers ignorance.

    this is a JOKE!!! (none / 0) (#6057)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 09:12:26 AM PST
    I have noticed that the vast majority of people in the world are idiots. All of you that are on this thread fall into that category. There really are stupid people posting stuff like this for real, and It's a very convincing fake, but you should have noticed the blatant lies, things like AMD processors and Linux being "illegal." Also, you should have noticed other people posting with similar subjects.

    AMD is the Best (none / 0) (#6058)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 09:16:09 AM PST
    This site is saying Amd is an knok out?

    thats crazy this site must be made by intel
    because all the things they say about Amd arent true.

    Joke, right? (none / 0) (#6061)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 10:11:30 AM PST
    This guy IS kidding, right?

    This is inaccurate (none / 0) (#6062)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 10:24:53 AM PST
    I've read the article, and have several things I would like to add. Changing ISPs aren't a sign of becoming a hacker. This is ridiclous. If I had AOL, I would get rid of it as soon as possible, because performance is so low. Hackers don't need a better video card, except for playing computer games. AMD processers are equal (and perhaps better) to Intel's chips in processing speed. Your child may simply want better performance, and besides AMD is cheaper. They don't use "child labor" in producing the chips. The only way you could produce a processer is with machines. Just because a child is on the computer for long periods of time doesn't mean that he/she is hacking. More than 30 minutes on the computer??? THIS IS ABSURD. Try playing a computer game for 30 minutes... You won't even get half of a game done. The article also mentioned the books "Cryptomycon" and "Snow Crash", both written by Neal Stephenson and "Neuromancer" written by William Gibson. None of these are "hacking manuals". I have read all of these, and they are wonderful books. Besides, there is virtually no knowledge in there that would help your child become a hacker. Becoming a hacker isn't something you can just learn instantly. Perhaps your younger daughter "Cindy" is simply fabricating all of this. In my opinion, you are just being paranoid.

    LOL what a joke (none / 0) (#6063)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 10:30:04 AM PST
    LOL bonzy buddy, comet cursor, flash, hacker programs LOL this is hilarious. Who ever wrote this is BS'ing you. AMD hacker processors LOL, AMD is soooo much better then Intel. AOL (AOHELL) being a responsible ISP LOLOLOLOL!! AOL sucks, if you use AOL you are getting ripped off, you AOL users pay 23.90 for Internet Service and I play 5 bucks for faster Internet Access. And yes i did hack the banner and now i have no banner floating around. Video Cards are not hacker tools, they are used for gamng (better Graphics and better performance in games). Quake 3 Oh My God LOL(laughin out loud) is not a hacker game. EXCITE@Home is not hacker friendly. There isnt an Exite @Home anymore. Anybody that belive this, are a bunch of idiots. If you belive this go kill yourself. The write who wrote this should kill himself too. And thats the bottom line cuz AcE said so!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    argh ! (none / 0) (#6064)
    by HidE on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 10:39:06 AM PST
    wow ! je viens de lire cet article et je suis pas terre ! c'est pas possible d'acrire autant de conneries ! le gars qui a �crit �a est anti amd, pro-windows et SURTOUT un gros abruti ki �tait plein !

    j'ai pas envie d'argumenter paske d'autres l'ont fait avant moi mais il faut que je pense � changer mon processeur pasque un p4 fera office de firewall ("prevent hacking")

    -----english traduction (specials thanks fos Harraps ;) )

    wow ! I've just reading this topic and I am on the floor ! it is not possible to write so much stupidities ! the guy who wrote that is an anti-amd, a pro-windows and particulary a grat stupid who was high !

    i don't want to argue cauze aothers have done that before me but i've to change my processor cauze a pentium 4 wil make the function of a firewall


    WTF IS THIS BS? (none / 0) (#6066)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 11:23:24 AM PST
    Bonzi Buddy?
    Comet Cursor?


    Does anyone believe this? (none / 0) (#6070)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 11:47:58 AM PST
    Blindly following a pack mentality. Maybe some research and a little less suspicion might improve your situation with your kid which is obviously on it's last straw. I seriously hope that this article is a joke otherwise there are MUCH more problems in America than I thought.

    The Solution !!! (none / 0) (#6071)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 11:55:14 AM PST
    I caught my son with not only all of those programs you mentioned, but also with Pornographic Pictures of women.
    I was so furious and after discussions with our parish preist and the school counsellors, we were advised to throw away the AMD-XP 1800 system we recently purchased and got an apple iMac computer
    which we were told would prevent our son from hacking and viewing pornographic material.
    So we suggest that all parents purge your
    household's of those evil PC computer's and be safe by using Macintosh (i'm told you cant hack with a Mac).
    Also be very very concered if your child
    has an E-mail address that ends with
    I've been told that devil worshipers and pedofiles hang out at the Hotmail place.

    CLICK THE LINKS YOU CHILDREN OF THE CORN!!!!! (none / 0) (#6073)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:09:11 PM PST
    The pictures etc are fuckin hilarious. This guy succeeded in making a joke that most of you didn't seem to understand. MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAh
    It was still a fuckin terrible joke. Tis a pity, but I'm sure this guy is laughing his ass off somewhere in Scandanvia

    He isn't an idiot, you are if you didn't get it. (none / 0) (#6074)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:11:25 PM PST
    To all you who are complaining about it being wrong and such, get a life, it was a joke. Way to take offense over a joke.. jeez.

    I AGREE...THIS WAS HILARIOUS!!! (none / 0) (#6119)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:48:18 PM PST
    Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.

    This is all a lie (none / 0) (#6075)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:12:12 PM PST
    Anyone with the barest hint of education on any of the issues and programs discussed in this topic would understand that everything this guy wrote was a lie. Educate yourself and go to the sites of the software mentioned. there is so much that is glaringly wrong here that I could write a book. Do not listen to paranoid parents, educate yourself. do research!
    If you care about your children, do not listen to the crap this guy posted.
    He probably works for some agancy intereste in dumbing down people and spreading misinformation.
    Please, use your brain and don't believe this amazinly ridiculous crap-fest of BS.

    I don't know whats more funny (none / 0) (#6076)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:13:50 PM PST
    This post or the idiots replying yelling that hes an idiot.. lol.
    Some people must be too dense to get a joke.

    Why does it say son...rather than Child (none / 0) (#6077)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:25:49 PM PST
    well lucky for me my parents never thouch my computer, and they think it is used for soley academic purposes...even though my shool that they send me away to provides a nice laptop for academics.

    Regardless of that, Why does the article always refer to son...rather than child or son/daughter.
    personally i being a female am feeling the descrimination here.

    i i

    Are you saying Hackers are only Males? (none / 0) (#6078)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:33:38 PM PST
    Are you saying hackers are only Males? It sure seems like it to me.. I've been using the computer every day of my life since I was 8 years old, and now I'm 16.. My father owns a computer business, thus I've seen and/or used and read most of the things you are listed.. I'm not a hacker, nor am I a male.. You've got your head on backwards, dude.. I use Linux currently because thats what I like, to me its better than windows.. Does that make me a hacker..? I don't think so... But anyways.. All these things you listed are normal.. Not what hackers do.. The school and friends and clothing issues are all teenage things.. I know I dress "funky" but I do it because I want to, cause I like the way it looks.. Most hackers are smart enough not to draw attention to themselves.. Hell, they could dress and act as "normal" as you.. I personally think you don't know a thing about being a good parent... But thats just myself.. This story of yours is kinda sad.. Or rather, shall I say annoying?

    Here, read some experts talk about this (none / 0) (#6079)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:45:23 PM PST Ha, this is about the funniest joke I've ever seen. Flash and DOS hacker software?? HA HA HA HA HA. Yeah, with AMD you can hack, ooooh, linux? yeah, I just looovvve BS...

    Here, read some experts talk about this (none / 0) (#6080)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:48:03 PM PST
    Discussion Ha, this is about the funniest joke I've ever seen. Flash and DOS hacker software?? HA HA HA HA HA. Yeah, with AMD you can hack, ooooh, linux? yeah, I just looovvve BS...

    telnet comes on every windows computer (none / 0) (#6081)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:58:51 PM PST
    this is a load..look for telnet in the windows folder.
    also quake is just a game.

    lol! (none / 0) (#6083)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:04:23 PM PST
    This is quite possibly one of the funniest things I've ever read on the net!

    This is the stupidest shit I have ever read (none / 0) (#6086)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:38:57 PM PST
    What kind of idiot are you?

    Damn thats fucked up by CeReAl KiLlEr (none / 0) (#6087)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:47:45 PM PST
    this is a fucked up artical WTF was the nonsens about AMD & LINUX?????
    you are STOEND OR STUPID????????

    LORD NIKON SAYS, "I HAVE A HEADACHE" (none / 0) (#6117)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:45:07 PM PST

    big deal (none / 0) (#6089)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:52:27 PM PST
    some of us "hackers" dont do any thing wrong some of us just want to learn but we never actually use it

    hackers dont bother you so stop bothering us!

    <script language="JavaScript">

    all content ever found on a web site is for study purposes and is never to be used as ilegal software.

    if a person does that then they are responsible for what they did not the rest of us "hackers"

    What???? (none / 0) (#6090)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:57:45 PM PST
    did you really waste the time of day to type this crap...omg...hacking with DOS and Flash???? I dont think so...they say ignorance is bliss, if this is true then you must be happy as hell...I personally feel sorry for your kids...MP3's are music files not hacker materials no honest hacker would waste his/her time to hack for something you can find openly on the net. LUNIX? I assume you mean LINUX which is a little tricky to handle but is not designed simply to hack. Wake up and use the computer to find out how ridiculous you sound. Its articles like this one that start blowing people into histerics for no reason. WOW what a waste of web space!!!

    Incredible... :-P (none / 0) (#6091)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:58:32 PM PST
    You really are a typical American. :(

    Before I read this, I had some small semblence of hope that perhaps the stereotypes about typical American stupidity aren't all true, but now I lost the hope. Sadly, they are true. :(

    Do you really think that this is "enlightened" (as you wrote) attitude? I have to disappoint you, because it isn't. In the first place, it means that you really know what you are talking about. In the second, it also means that you know about many other things in the world and not just those within a 2km-radius around your home.

    And people like you want to make themselves to the ideals of other parents - or in wider perspective, to all people of the world? People who don't have and don't even want to have any deeper ideas about anything that isn't Microsoft - or in a greater scale, that isn't American? :(

    I'm truly disappointed... But at least now I know the truth.

    I recommend you to open your eyes and dare to look over the coastal horizons. Behold the world. Then think about yourself.

    Best wishes,

    An European

    Incredible... (none / 0) (#6093)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 02:07:07 PM PST
    You really are a typical American. :(

    Before I read this, I had some small semblence of hope that perhaps the stereotypes about typical American stupidity aren't all true, but now I lost the hope. Sadly, they are true. :(

    Do you really think that this is "enlightened" (as you wrote) attitude? I have to disappoint you, because it isn't. In the first place, it means that you really know what you are talking about. In the second, it also means that you know about many other things in the world and not just those within a 2km-radius around your home.

    And people like you want to make themselves to the ideals of other parents - or in wider perspective, to all people of the world? People who don't have and don't even want to have any deeper ideas about anything that isn't Microsoft - or in a greater scale, that isn't American? :(

    I'm truly disappointed... But at least now I know the truth.

    I recommend you to open your eyes and dare to look over the coastal horizons. Behold the world. Then think about yourself.

    Best wishes,

    An European

    Blind you are (none / 0) (#6096)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 02:34:00 PM PST
    You are so so blind to many things. Its people like you that screw up their kids lives and make them anti-social. Release the kung-foo grip you have on your kids live, maybe learn a little bit more about computers so you know what you are talking about, and let your kids know about the cruel world. They will be prepared later. I would hate to have a Dad like you.

    YOU ARE A FRIGGIN' MORON YA KNOW THAT??? (none / 0) (#6097)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 02:41:27 PM PST

    The one who wrote that BIG piece of S�%" MUST BE AN IDIOT, MORON AND/OR INSANE!!

    Who's the moron ? (none / 0) (#6111)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:16:29 PM PST
    The insane moron is you, you fuckwit!! Get a grip (on something other than what you usually grip, wanker), the article is a JOKE. I cant believe people are as thick as you, but judging from these posts, you're not the only one with a dysfunctional brain.
    You dickheads.

    this bit of writing is highly funny (none / 0) (#6098)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 02:55:07 PM PST
    at first i was thinking 'this man is a nut!!'
    but now i know its all a joke

    I will just assume that you are trying to be funny (none / 0) (#6099)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 03:02:44 PM PST
    The writing of this piece shows that it is fictional (you sound like one of those ads with comments by "real satisfied customers" aka poorly scripted bad acting) and your statements are so off base that only someone who was completely unaware of their surroundiongs would have made them unless they thought they were funny and attempted to make a joke. Atleast try to be funny next time, all I could do while reading this was wonder how you could find this humorous It wasn't even insulting, it was just dumb.

    what about thinking (none / 0) (#6100)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 03:19:32 PM PST
    it's an art to write such an annoying piece. for me, the funniest thing about it is probably the reaction. was this allready written? -who knows.. =)

    lol funny (none / 0) (#6103)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 04:04:37 PM PST
    nice joke d00d... i like the part about asking for new hardware, your comp msut be a shit box.

    YOU ARE A AN IDIOT (none / 0) (#6105)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 04:41:17 PM PST
    WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING THINKING?! ok first of all, you are a horrible parent. i am just a kid but seriously, you are too controlling, you wanna try and control every damn thing in your poor kid's lives, give them a break, let them grow up. secondly, i used to be involved in computers and "hacking" which by the way to you, its learning about computers not breaking into websites and that stuff. all 10 of those things that you listed are completely untrue. 100% untrue. do some FUCKING research you dumbass, and let your kid have some fucking fun, im surprised he hasnt run away yet. i would have a long time ago.

    hahahhaha I will steal your music! (none / 0) (#6107)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 04:52:04 PM PST
    I will use my 'MP3 program' to steal music from your stereo! hahahah all your music are belong to us! hahahahh!

    You think that was funny? (none / 0) (#6108)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:11:56 PM PST
    Read some of his other comments, this guy if fucking out there;sid=2002/1/11/24218/3530;cid=5#5

    "Sex is humans at their most animalistic. Sex is not human.
    "As a fervent home handyman, I conduct over one hundred volts of alternating current several times a year, occasionally through my teeth. It isn't so much a crack as it is a powerful buzzing sensation that feels something like being punched repeatedly and very rapidly at the point of contact. That's an insufficient description, but it is a very unusual sensation. It isn't over instantly. It takes a while to kill you, or else I would be dead several times over."

    Way to shock yourself several times a year moron. Heres an idea, why dont you just turn the fucking breaker off? DUH! If you dont know which one it is, just tap the black and white wires together briefly and the breaker will pop. If you see any red wires I'd advise you not to screw with them, because you'll eventually end up dead if you shock yourself enought with 220 volts of "alternating current".

    too much (none / 0) (#6109)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:13:25 PM PST
    this sounds as if the law enforcement agencies are trying to start a panic with this caca. i n fact this sounds just like a law enforcement officer trying to start something. get real, please. this is really stupid.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (none / 0) (#6112)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:24:53 PM PST
    I have deleted all the crap (Flash,, and something called linux-which I assumed was the horrible lunix thing) off my sons computer. It feels so good to rid my son of such anarchy! I am waiting for his computer to reboot after the changes. Boy will he be surprised when he clicks it on! Well, my 30 minutes is almost up. Thanks for the help.

    How about you grow up and face ignorance? (none / 0) (#6147)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:37:24 AM PST
    Hi, my name is Tristan Piers Winston Marler
    I have used the computer for 6+ years and i am currently 18 years old
    I started when i was about 11 years old
    origonally i didnt know much but i slowly grew in knowledge, just fiddling with it, playing games and whatnot
    my parents never learned as fast as i did towwards computers, and my step father is a piping engineer that uses computers all day long, but he does not know much, but he knows more then you sir.
    I have learned so much from fiddling, reading, and asking questions from people.
    And one thing i have learned is EVERYTHING IN THIS ARTICLE IS A LIE. first of all its not spelled LUNIX its LINUX
    now all those programs that you have just "deleted" on your family computer are harmless, and considering i am now working for a well respected company (Memory Express) my credit is not out of place.
    First of all i would like to say that what you are currently running is windows, most likely, now Linux is similar to Windows in the fact that it is what we called an "operating system" where it can be used to run the computer PROPERLY, sure linux can be used for hacking, but so can windows, any and all versions of windows and all operating systems can be used for hacking, i know this as i myself have hacked, but not on the high levels this ignorant father (in the article) refers to.
    Now regarding your reply to this article, sir, If you ever want to get anywhere in this world you better fucking wake up to the reality that is computers, for if you want to succeed in ANY way shape and form you had better learn how to use one, instead of deleting these programs off of your computer, how about you ask your child to teach you about computers, considering he knows far more then you.
    Everything in this world now relies on computers, in one way or another, you cannot escape the growth of technology.
    Your deletion of these related programs were out of fear and ignorance, is life really that easy to live in a small box fearing whatever is outside the box? frankly i dont think so...
    so grow up, and face your fucking ignorance!
    Tristan Marler

    Oh dear.... (none / 0) (#6432)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:50:34 AM PST
    18 years old, and yet so naive.....

    I think the words I'm looking for are:
    Hook, Line and Sinker.....

    very bad joke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU (none / 0) (#6114)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:31:46 PM PST
    Who ever wrote this, your sense of humour is very bad and your balls should be cut off.

    you speak out of ur a$$ (none / 0) (#6115)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:36:44 PM PST
    Who in the hell do you think you are? Maybe if you hadn't of been so strict with your children this never would have happened in the first place. This is probably an attempt by your son to rebel against your iron grip on his life. None of what you have said has any meaning what-so-ever. The only thing that has any relevance is the reading of hacking manuals. But everything else you have mentioned has been incorrect and inaccurate. I know people that are hackers, and although i do not think greatly of them and do not socialise with them, they do not conform to any of your "Signs". Where do you get your information from, because i would seriously question your sources. You have just shown yourself to be an uptight parent who wants to control your children's lives, and you have also shown yourself to be a complete idiot. Well done.

    you speak out of ur a$$ (none / 0) (#6116)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:40:52 PM PST
    Who in the hell do you think you are? Maybe if you hadn't of been so strict with your children this never would have happened in the first place. This is probably an attempt by your son to rebel against your iron grip on his life. None of what you have said has any meaning what-so-ever. The only thing that has any relevance is the reading of hacking manuals. But everything else you have mentioned has been incorrect and inaccurate. I know people that are hackers, and although i do not think greatly of them and do not socialise with them, they do not conform to any of your "Signs". Where do you get your information from, because i would seriously question your sources. You have just shown yourself to be an uptight parent who wants to control your children's lives, and you have also shown yourself to be a complete idiot. Well done.

    Great Farce! (none / 0) (#6118)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:47:48 PM PST
    Okay, I can't believe the majority of you people cannot see this for what it is. A truly great farce.
    I must admit, I laughed like crazy at it.

    Tell-tale signs?
    The guy sounds too much likea member of the Brady family... and the kids names "Peter" and "Cindy"?!

    Not to mention, NOONE is THAT stupid.
    Okay, okay.. I'm wrong, people ARE that stupid, but still.

    If I offended anyone with this, my apologies.
    No, wait, no apologies, because I was offended by this, if it was truly meant the way it was written.

    If this guy REALLY feels this way, then he must be part of the groupd that thinks Harry Potter promotes Witchcraft.

    woah (none / 0) (#6120)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:02:37 PM PST
    is this like a joke? or like one of those serious sites?

    bull shit (none / 0) (#6121)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:17:30 PM PST
    this is the biggest pile of shit i've ever seen

    get a life (none / 0) (#6122)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:19:10 PM PST
    ....and leave ya sons alone. plus get some facts right be4 post gak like this

    a dad killing hacker

    I have never read such garbage in my life. (none / 0) (#6123)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:28:39 PM PST
    Your son sounds more like a raver than a bloody hacker by your brightly colored description.. I can't beleive I'm validating this artical with a commment. Read "Internet for Dummy's" somthing bozo.

    Hah, lol, that was a good one! <b>Loved it!& (none / 0) (#6124)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:34:20 PM PST
    I loved reading this

    Goddamn Amish (none / 0) (#6125)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 06:47:54 PM PST
    This may just be another plug for AOL

    Gamers of the World (none / 0) (#6129)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:30:28 PM PST
    It seems we are doomed to Satan's burning damnation..

    Let's not forget those other evil hackin' games such as-

    Barbie goes to Hollywood
    Elmo in the Mall
    Big Bird teaches the ABC's

    and the most vile of all games -
    Disney's The little Mermaid's house

    We should all convert to being Omish. Sacrifice your worldly possesions!

    Kill the women, fuck the cows and kill each other so we never see another day!


    what is wrong with you (none / 0) (#6131)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:57:02 PM PST
    according to you I'D BE THE ULTIMATE HACKER....hell at one time i was ranked 7th in the world at QUAKE(oh my god im evil)in tfc. I upgrade my computer constantly. And as much fun "L.U.N.I.X" is. Good lord ur a fucken dumbass. By also being on the computer u say u get dumber. Then why the hell am going to be taking CALC 2 when im a senior. Oh and what else...oh yeah i know friends who hack and AOL is a lot easier to hack into because its firewall security is a lot better. of course you have no clue what a firewall. Its people like u who make me disgrace my country at times. Naive people who have no life but to yell at Change and how bad it is. grow up im a 14 year old and im smarter than u. thats pathetic. oh and please research before u start flamin on the internet

    hmm (none / 0) (#6208)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:22:03 PM PST
    I think the writer out smarted most the users on this board....I can not believe you can not see this difference between a normal letter and someone ripping the piss.

    Fuck you!!!!! (none / 0) (#6132)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:58:13 PM PST

    trigger locks (none / 0) (#6133)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:02:50 PM PST
    I found it incredibly hilarious when I clicked on the word "trigger locks" in the uneducated dribble this man has written. Go ahead...give yourself a laugh and click on it! I'm sure he'd pee his pants if he clicked on it himself.

    A complete idiot (none / 0) (#6136)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:21:17 PM PST
    As a Network Administrator, father of 3, and actively involved in computers all my life, let me tell you a few things about your author...

    1) Either the author is deliberately lying or so completely ibecilic that they cannot even gather acceptable data.

    2) Completely paranoid about the "big scary computer machine".

    3) Should not be allowed to birth--let alone raise!--children. (I am curious, when the child plays with his thumb and forefinger and says "bang", do you cart him off to the doctor to have the hand removed, lobotomize the child and then move to another nation and assume false identities?)

    All I can say is, I hope the author's child survives the complete destruction of their psyche at the hands of this paranoid schizophrenic with psychotic and sociologic tendencies they have for a mother!

    OMG! (none / 0) (#6243)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 05:56:26 PM PST
    Can't people just say it's a joke and let it be. Cause it is infact a pretty funny joke. :)

    Nothing about it is true, I think someone wrote it for fun but looks like people here got a litle out of control.

    An AOL user and Network admin? (none / 0) (#6249)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:54:47 PM PST
    Aren't 'Network Admin' and having an AOL account mutually exclusive?

    Luser. If you were that smart you'd know the guy was taking the piss.

    The truth (none / 0) (#6137)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 09:53:55 PM PST
    This article is completely false, and it's bordering on defamation of character. The AMD corporation, regardless of what you think of it's business practices, is NOT an illegal processor. The ARE sold in stores and in no way circumvent any security measures. The very idea that they could do so is ludicrous. Lunix, Mandrake, etc. are all linux-based operating systems. Linux is entirely legal, and was NOT invented by a Russian hacker, but rather by STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Quake is an online game, not a 'virtual world'. While it is certainly violent, it is not a 'training ground for hackers'. Also, the idea of using DOS to hack a computer is crazy. A server that would be susceptible to such an attack would have to be extremely lax with it's security, to the point of being several years behind the mainstream. Don't read this garbage, and definitely don't believe it.

    Bonzi Buddy (none / 0) (#6138)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 09:58:04 PM PST
    Bonzi Buddy isn't hacking software, it's an annoying monkey.

    Very Funny (none / 0) (#6139)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 10:55:02 PM PST
    As someone else said, great satire. I worried it was a genuine article for a few sentences but quickly realised the humour. Most amazing is how many people think it's serious, and how many people who have posted joke replies have been mistaken for being serious. Has no one got a sense of humour here? Maybe its another symtom to look for, when people lose a sense of humour it's because they've been hacking? After all, computers don't have a sense of humour! Hey, I could be on to something the conspiracy conspiracy....have you ever wondered where all the conspiracy theories come from? Could it be because THEY are trying to distract us from the real conspiracies?? ;-)

    Now listen carefully (none / 0) (#6142)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 11:57:52 PM PST
    If you think this is funny or a joke you are grievously mistaken. I don't meant to say this to just you but to all who seem to want to take down this good father. While it is obvious that he is only caring and responsible.

    I think it is splendid how such a man takes the time to not only look after his children, but also to inform other concerned parents of the signs to watch out out for. Proudly I can say that my children have none of the characteristics except for the long hours of using the computer, which I immediately restricted. Although they resisted at first, they go outside more often now and enjoy a youth without crime.

    As gratefulness for all the research, I have done some myself, and found there is a very good cure for young hackers. Just go here.

    That is the answer!

    And as a last note: don't let yourself be conceived by all those that imply this is a joke or things are not true. I have asked one of my well respected friends, who has outstanding job in the ICT business and he verified that all these signs are legitimate. Frankly I'm quite shocked how cleverly others try to disguise the sincerity of this man.

    *smirks* (none / 0) (#6152)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:11:41 AM PST
    Woo.. gothy web page..

    That's gonna be kewl to alot of the hackers

    it better be a joke (none / 0) (#6140)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 11:28:47 PM PST
    this all better be a Joke cuz its like way funny .... if them things = Hackin then 3/4 of the net are Hackers .... i really hope this is a Joke

    FAG (none / 0) (#6141)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 11:47:26 PM PST
    i know im the 4060th reply or something and nobocd will read it, but what the hell...
    im gonna track down the fag that wrote the original article and fucken kill him... its not funny, and if its meant to be then its just plain fucking SAD.... im guilty of most of, if not all of, the above shit... im not a hacker... hes a fucking fag....

    You are in denial (none / 0) (#6143)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:01:27 AM PST
    See? That's the reason we don't want our children to learn the use of firearms, because all the violent movies nowadays makes you just want to kill somebody for wanting the best for you.

    Damn (none / 0) (#6150)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:07:55 AM PST
    I agree with him


    THIS GUY DEOSN"T KNOW SHIT ABOUT SHIT (none / 0) (#6144)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:04:01 AM PST

    What's this stupid crap (none / 0) (#6148)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:40:10 AM PST
    I think this post and the 10 points are a joke
    Nobody can be so stupid

    Pathetic, just pathetic. (none / 0) (#6151)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:10:03 AM PST
    You'd think that someone stupid enough to believe that their kids appreciate being hounded everywhere by their father, then it's likely that you're stupid enough to write this piece of complete, utter, pathetic, nonsensical babbling.

    ISP address changes are often spurred due to the inability of several providers to access sites not under their programming capabilites.

    Linux is an alternative to Windows. This does not make it a hacker program.

    Quake is a computer game. Get a life.

    Every one of these "warning signs" is nothing but a) stardard teen behavior, b) standard computer geek behavior, or c) assumptions on your part.

    For the love of God, man, get a life! If you're snooping THAT much into your kids' lives, then you should know more than THAT about computers.

    IGNORANT DAD OR STUPID ASS (none / 0) (#6153)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:18:08 AM PST

    You idiot! get the TechFacts Rghit first! (none / 0) (#6154)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:34:50 AM PST
    You idiot! get the TechFacts Rghit first!

    "Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system,"

    this OS are ordinery *Legal* OS of Linux!!!
    Plus you got all the facts wrong!
    and that's just in the beginning of yore report!!


    U R JUST PARANOIC GAY!!! (none / 0) (#6155)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 02:24:08 AM PST


    You have to visit a doctor

    What a clown!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#6156)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 02:56:03 AM PST
    I simply cannot believe the content that this pathetic loser went out of his way to research and create. Did you have a bad dream one night and decide that AMD is evil and ID software the makers of the game Quake are involved in some sort of hacking gig. This clown is a cause for alarm, he is the type of shitbag that will pump the worthless uneducated people into believing this sort of shit is real. Get your facts straight you fucking clown. With the lame assed articles you have posted I can't help but ask how old you are? because either you are really young and have a wild imagination or you are a very fucked up adult who needs to seeks immediate mental help. I cant believe the stupidity behind this faggot's article, he is so wrong. If your son or daughter is hacking chances are you won't know until "the man comes knocking". Oh....maybe we can have this turd give us a thourough explaination to the term hacking, that ought to confuse him.

    Brady Bunch (none / 0) (#6157)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:23:47 AM PST
    Wife is Carol. Children Peter and Cindy. Willing to be his
    other kids are Marsha, Jan, Greg, and Bobby.

    I have one question for the poster: are you sure that Alice,
    your housekeeper, isn't messing with the computer and you're
    blaiming Peter instead?

    L337 |-|4><0|21|\|G group uncovered! (none / 0) (#6159)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:39:20 AM PST
    Wow! After that article i decided to search out these nafarious groups of 'L337 |-|4><0|25' (Elite Hackers) and not only uncovered a massive world wide syndicate with the sole aim of stopping computer development in the free world...but also to make it extremely easy for people to get hacked!!!

    They even have their own language! called 'L337 5P34|<' (Elite Speak)

    here is the the link to theire site:

    <A href="">Syndicate for Hackers!</A>

    Also i have found most of these 'l337' people also play an unsociable game called 'Counter-Strike' beware that most people who play this game wish to wage war in afghanistan killing islamic fundamentalists members and use this game to train for war.

    We must stop our poor innocent children from being trained to hack and kill.

    wat a wanker (none / 0) (#6160)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:49:25 AM PST
    as far as i know changing ISP's isnt because u want to be a hacker i changed ISP's to get unlimited downloads and a better bandwidth also if AMD chips are third party and arnt sold in stores i must have been dreaming when i went to computer alliance and got it and extra ram and 40gig drive did u ever think that he might want better preformance on his computer and how does wanting a better graphics card so that he could play quake oh but then if u play quake u R a HaCkEr well thats bout it cause im bored with this faggot

    I'm a hacker and I just love AOL (none / 0) (#6162)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 04:29:24 AM PST
    AOL is wonderful especially for hacking into - makes life so much easier as you know their users are just so dumb - I got five passwords today just by asking the users for them over a chat session by pretending to be a customer support person - easy

    this is what a EUROPEAN would say about this BS (none / 0) (#6163)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 05:04:16 AM PST
    let me ask a little question : are you americans somehow mad in your brains? i mean not EVERY American but have such a sight of things make me really thoughtful about your intelligence. IS IT BELOW ROOM TEMPERATURE?
    some are really narrow minded, influenced by law-and-order state you are livin in.

    if this is a h0ax i can understand, but in some points it seem for me thats REALLY truth.

    so all the other AMERICANS, please show me that your intelligence is more than this article reflects to me

    to my person : i am an 18-years old european , beginning to become an IT-PROFESSIONAL.
    i am involved in this material and have a very differend point of view to this things.

    i am sorry about my grammatics and language relatet stuff

    Heh, stupid Europeans (none / 0) (#6351)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:37:48 PM PST
    Heh, somehow I guess this self-proclaimed European had to disfame his entire continent by not realizing the humorous nature of this parody article... I guess the language barrier is greater than we "dumb" Americans thought it was. :)

 (none / 0) (#6164)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 05:08:02 AM PST
    sheesh lighten up ppl....... feel free to delete it won't do anything...

    windows upon every reboot checks it and replaces it with a new one if its missing or corrupt...... which is pointless really because windows 98 has absolutly no use for it... unles u enjoy trying to run dos programs through the tiny dos shell that 98 has....which is fun for all of 5 seconds when every dos program ever made dies due to the fact it hates running in dos through windows.....

    also this is most likely because windows 98 doesnt contain 6.22 in actual fact it a half arsed cut to pieces version...... if u don't belive me...get a book on dos commands and see how many u can run before it says..... Bad Command Or File Name... oh about 50 where as ur trusty 6.22 commands book will have 10x that in it.... oh and about ur hacking......sheesh i just like to say

    U ppl should be more worried about OTHER ppl on the Internet who actually KNOW how to HACK.....

    An AOL SAFE!!! got one thing to say to that: IT WAS MADE SECURE BY A HUMAN... IT CAN BE HACKED BY A HUMAN..... anyway nice to see that ur all worrying about nothing...... n to all u whom have a sense of humour.....THANK GOD is all i can say.

    It's a TROLL (none / 0) (#6165)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 05:14:20 AM PST
    Obviosly it was a TROLL, and u guys have just make it stronger :)

    deadpan comedy at its finest (none / 0) (#6167)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:09:29 AM PST
    uG 0wnz u

    Im a hacker too he is right... (none / 0) (#6169)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:29:47 AM PST
    Yes im a leet hacker, ive been to and i have installed the forbidden MSDOS on my PC. I even have had AMD CPUS <think of the poor children slaving away to make the l337 h4k0r chip> im very very sorry everyone.... Im going down to the local police station and turn myself in. Well i would that is, if this wasent the biggest load of garbage i have had the mistpleasure to read in my entire computing life.

    If this is not a joke, then the author of this article must have escaped from some mental institution, and the experience he has had with PC's must be that of going into PCWORLD and taping at the keyboard and seeing the screensaver turn off <WOW!!!>.

    You know why there are passwords on screensavers? your children are trying to stop you seeing the sites they are visitng... '' is a well know hacker hangout you know. Its where all the best hackers plan world domination.

    You are joking i hope (none / 0) (#6171)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:55:18 AM PST
    if you are not joking, you need your head examined. AMD make knock offs of Intel processors. Well i'm sorry but that is a complete pile of arse. And as for linux or as you so incompetently put it LUNIX which was actually made by Linus Torvolds not Linyos Torovoltos as you again so incompetently put it is used by many business's and home users alike as an alternative to windows. also calling Mr. torvolds a computer hacker (whilst actually correct) is a gross misinterpretation of the truth. A cracker is the scummy type of person you are referring to whilst a hacker is someone who is able to program and understand how computers work which if you think about it is really quite useful because if we didn;t have these sort of people you wouldn't have been able to make a fool of yourself on the internet by writing such a load of crap.

    well i spose it only holds if you weren't joking but there you go nonetheless.

    a disgruntled reader

    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:26:19 AM PST
    I have had Several year experience in hacking and this well you people should go back to Primary school

    i also did a little reserch! and found out that Dos runs with a command called "" i advise that if you do now want your clildren running this Dos hack to click "Start" -=> "find" -=> "files or folders" and enter "" and then search for them.. deleting any on these files that you can find! a commen place for it to b hiding is c:\ and also c:\windows

    Ok So your going to delete are you? Ok lets just totaly Screw up your PC Cuz thats what its gonna do... Research? You idiot.

    Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

    HAHAH What a Joke Comet Cursor is a Program to change your mouse Cursor to Something a little bit nicer than the original Cursor. (not even close to hacking) Bonzi buddy HAHAH What a joke All bonzi buddy is, is a program for People who dont know how to use computers It allows you to Interact and talk to your PC.. Oh and Flash.. YESSSSSS That is SOOOOOO NOT a hacking program.. You idiot whoever put that in.. Flash is the worlds most populatWeb Design Tool See

    All i can say is .... YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOTS

    Go Read your books

    Talk about paranoia (none / 0) (#6176)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:52:21 AM PST
    I read this article and was... stunned. At first, I thought it was just a joke site. The knee-jerk response to this is amazing... Contrary to popular opinion, online games are NOT all hacker-infested swap meets. Nor does wanting a top of the line system mean that you are using it for hacking. For instance, there are a lot of video clips and animated shorts that are available online. Having a good video card means you can access them. _I_ have an AMD K6 processor in my computer... My eMachine, I might add. The processor doesn't mean you can hack easily or not... frankly, AMD's are like Pentiums, only 1/3 the cost. Rather than reacting because you /think/ someone /might/ be doing something, try some of the famous ghosting programs used by companies. Or try monitoring by sharing what your children are doing online. I have never broken the law, and I have a good computer, and a decent ISP. AOL is rotten because you get booted all the time, it's overpriced, and you are spammed with things you don't want to get. I can't blame someone for wanting to change. Try TALKING to your child, rather than jumping into accusations.

    The author is a fucking moron (none / 0) (#6177)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:52:59 AM PST
    I have never read a more stupid article. What the hell is your problem? Fucking jackass.

    And, how dare you make your son use AOL? That's fucking child abuse.

    My Children's corruption by this tool of the devil (none / 0) (#6178)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:59:34 AM PST
    Mr Gibbins, I want ta write ya ta thank ya for settin me right. After readin ya article, I came ta the reelizashun that ma 5 youngins were beyond hop. I told em bout the computer and that they had been coruptid by that tool of the AMD devel. I then brung em out out back and shot all 5 bang bang bang bang bang. It was doin the LORDS wurk. It wuz the tuffest core ive had ta do in ma 17 yeerz in creeashun. It wuz wors than when I had ta put down ole yeller. I spok ta ma sister ... I mean wife and told her we gotta start on a new bach a youngins and rase em right this time.

    Tanks for showin ne the lite.
    Zeke from tenasee

    funny but then a bit stupid also (none / 0) (#6179)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 08:33:15 AM PST
    Lads though this may be posted in jest as a funny for us to read ...a little bit of advice.. which ever sites has this bit of fun on it...should take note that not displaying that it is a mere joke..are inviting a lawsuit ...some of the coments about amd may be funny but the may also be costly..

    Stupidity (none / 0) (#6180)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 08:49:50 AM PST
    Boy are you guys stupid...

    freaking idiot (none / 0) (#6181)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 08:55:58 AM PST

    umm, this is total bs (none / 0) (#6182)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 08:57:20 AM PST
    i think you people have a lot of nerve putting this kind of stuff up. i have seen alot of bad stuff on the net, but this really takes the cake. are you people deliberitly trying to dis-credit our children? believe me, computer hackers are alot more carefull than to leave those kind of clues. each and everyone of those ways that "you can tell if your children are computer hackers" is either falsified, just main stupid, or can be skipped and erased by true hackers. this kind of thing makes me hate free speech. this kind of stuff should be outlawed.

    Is your parent a nitwit? (none / 0) (#6183)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 09:30:16 AM PST
    Uh........yea.....whatever dude.

    JERK (none / 0) (#6186)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 09:37:19 AM PST
    I hope this was a joke. If it was not I feel the utmost sorrow for this poor being who has departed our world and entered a psychotic dream.

    UMMM.... It was a joke, dumbass! (none / 0) (#6187)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 09:47:16 AM PST
    ...JUST LIKE THE ARTICLE WAS! By deleting and "lunix" (lmfao), I would have NO OS at all. Technically, Windows is not even an OS. It is a GUI interface placed on top of DOS. I love when someone stupid calls someone smart "stupid". You make yourself sound really intelligent.

    If you believe what he said, you are stupid. (none / 0) (#6188)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 09:51:55 AM PST
    He was kidding you, man.
    AMD is the bect processor on the Earth!
    and Linux is the best opration system.
    Quake is the best game.

    But, turely, AOL is really a FUCKing ISP.
    hahahahhahaa /1/@!#12REQ

    Is Your Son a Computer Hacker (none / 0) (#6191)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:20:43 AM PST
    I did not know that Quakers have computers. Totaly amazing

    AOL (ahem)Security(ahem) (none / 0) (#6192)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:30:17 AM PST
    This was dumb from the word go. What hacker/preak/whatever would want to switch from AOL. Every day code-monkeys thank God for AOL because it is SO INSECURE. AOL is a hacker's paradise! It's got more holes than a Jenna Jameson Filmography. AOL is about as secure as Enron Stock. As for the rest, Well, if someone can teach me how to break into the CIA Database with Maromedia Flash, I am EAGER to find out. What a Nob.

    Bravo! (none / 0) (#6193)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:39:24 AM PST
    Pure hilarity - almost certainly a comic genius, the author has managed to bring tears to the eyes of many who have read this!

    However, if the above was meant with any sincerity, then I guess we should do the honest thing - and use our Quake-trained skills to bunny-hop after him and railgun him off the scoreboard :D

    I believe I've seen it all now. (none / 0) (#6194)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:44:47 AM PST
    Never before has anything ever written been so wrong. You, dear sir, are a travesty to the technoligical age and should be forced to craft baskets for the rest of your life.

    CF forver!

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