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Go to parties? (none / 0) (#1589)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 12:01:29 PM PST
You go to the parties your kids attend to?? To watch if they don't take any alcohol?
Oh my God.
And you still believe your kids don't hate you?

Poor soul...

bah (none / 0) (#1592)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 12:22:34 PM PST
i suggest you check out what hacking exactly is before you go accusing programs of being hackers software

eg linux.... is good software cos you learn to program with it, which is good if you'd like to earn yer mony in programming later...
but yeah, hacking is programming too...
not nessesatyly bad thing, as many software companies invite hackers to try and hack their new software...
etc etc...

know what you talk about before you go posting crap like this.
and honestly.... 6 kids = modern?????
it's the new milennium, people have 1 or 2 kids these days :p

10 signs your teenager is a normal person (none / 0) (#1593)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 12:39:49 PM PST
Hacker - 1. One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff. 2. One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file

First, I'd like to examine what a hacker is using the dictionary definition. According to the dictionary, anybody proficient in using a computer is a "hacker". Since you were able to join this forum and post your propiganda, its safe to assume your a hacker, because your proficient at using a computer. That is the first dictionary definition, which I do NOT agree with. That would mean that at least 40% of the people who use the internet are "hackers".

The second definition is even less accurate. Someone who uses illegal means to access other computers. But, since the laws are different in every country, those who fit the second definition in some countries do not fit in others.

So, from both of those, we have to assume that "hacker" is a very general term, and as a general term, we must assume that ANYBODY can be a hacker, depending on where they live and what they do for a living.

For example, the american government has organisations whos sole purpose is to "hack" systems for intelligence and criminal investigation. BUT, these organisations are santioned by the government, and therefore not illegal.

So lets examine why people fear "hackers". First of all, we assume "hackers" will access our system, and delete all our important files (work, system files, etc). The reason we fear this is because every once in a while we hear a story about some malisious 13 year old who breaks into a system to cause damage. But tell me? How many times has this happened to you?

Lets go back in time a few hundred years. There was another group of people who were feared to break into homes and disrupt life. We called them "witches". They were burned at the stake because people were scared that something bad was going to happen to them. To assume someone was a witch was to look at that persons actions and then make an uneducated, general assumption. That everybody who didn't act a certain was was concidered a "witch" or "evil".

As I read this parents conclusion as to how he "knows" his son is a hacker, and then to generally assume that everybody who follows a similer behaviour is also concidered a "hacker", I started getting upset. You see, I have exibited ALL the signs of a "hacker".

Let me go though his "signs of a hacker" and use myself as an example. But before we do, I'd like to point out I have never attacked a system or accessed another system for malisious or illegal purposes.

1)First of all, AOL sucks. In my opinion, anybody who uses it is already cutting themselves off from valuable sources of information and basically saying "I want this mega corperation to decide what I am allowed to view and what I'm not, and therefore I give up my right of freedom of speech". Not to mention the speed is more than enough reason to use a highspeed ISP.

2)I have had flash on my computer for a long time. If I didn't have it, there would be many interesting sites that I couldn't view. Also, at one time or another I have had both "Bonzo Buddy" and "Comet Cursor" installed on my computer. I believe Bonzo Buddy is installed when "Real Player" or some other legitimate program is installed on your system. As for "Comet curser", when you view some webpages, it will ask you if you want to install this program to better view the site. Mostly, I've seen this on personal homepages, and extremely rarely on "hacking" sites.

3)My system has a 1 gightz AMD processer, a brand new video card and SHITLOADS of ram. The reason for this is i like USING my computer, and don't want to be limited to a 486 SX, 16 meg of ram and 16 colors on my monitor.

4)I have a subscription to "Guide to ethical hacking" as well as several others. I use these for INFORMATION because, as most open minded individuals are, I am not opposed to learning new things to improve my mind (again, freedom of speech). Just because I know how to program a virus does NOT mean I will use it, but it does give me a solid means to defend myself against others with less morals. If, as this gentleman claims, he installed good values, he should trust his children enough to use their judgements in their actions.

5)I spend a LOT of time in front of a computer. It is a constint learning machine. I learn 3 times as much from one day in front of a computer than I would from one day in class. Even when I play video games, it allows me to open my mind to new possibilities and to use my rational mind to solve problems (which is what seperates humans from most other animals on this rock). Limiting computer time is basically limiting the use of the mind. Would you rather your son spend that time in front of a television getting brainwashed into conformity by being saturated by ads and getting a (equally) destorted sence of reality from the morals of "Sienfield" or "Friends"?

6)I've played Quake. GREAT game. But thats all Quake is, a game. Saying that "Hackers" go into it to discuss "hacking" just shows you've never played the game. Why Quake? Why not some chatrooms or ICQ? As for firearms, why would you even HAVE firearms if you don't trust your children not to use them?

7)I remember being argumentative and surly in my social behaviour. As I remember, it was when I was 13-18 years of age. It seems to me he has reason, if you jump to conclusions every time he exibits fairly normal behaviours that you don't automatically understand.

8)I have Linux installed on my computer, as well as winXP and win98. Their OPERATING SYSTEMS! Not some magic hacking tools. I won't bother going into details about these misconceptions, because they are so uninformed and unjustified that it left me at a loss for words.

9)13 to 18, long hair with the sides shaved (ya, I know), black cloths, flight jackets and Doc Martins. Do this things automatically make me a satanist? No, they didn't. The description you would fit most highschool kids today. From this, someone could concude that Highschools breed "hackers". But to conclude that you would have to exclude (a)peer preasure (b)fashion trends (c) television. My point? Coined best in the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover", as true today as it has ever been.

10)I had a hard time in highschool, like a lot of people do. For me, it stemmed from trying to experience new things as quickly as possible. Some of those things may not have been good for me, but in a world where you take your life in your hands evertime you eat KFC, I think I did alright. Why not try helping him with his homework and let him follows his skills (which is obviously computers). Discuss what he wants to do with his life and what hes interested in. Maybe he wants to become a Programmer or a Systems Analist, maybe thats what he'll be good at. And maybe by limiting his information you are hampering that gift in him.

To conclude, I have exibited EVERY one of these "Signs of a hacker". Again I'll state I am not doing anything I concider morally wrong, and since I recieved most of my morals from my parents, I know they raised me the best they could.

I assume you haven't researched the field of "hacking" as well as you may have thought you did. If your son is a "hacker", instead of getting mad, ask him to show you what he can do, and make sure he knows you are open minded and not going to punish him because he knows Perl, C++ or how to access another system through a port (witch burning). If you instilled the morals on your children you claim you did, then these "10 Signs your son is a hacker" should be "10 signs your son is a normal teenager interested in learning everything he can about computers"

THANK YOU! An intelligent person steps up to bat! (none / 0) (#7612)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 25th, 2002 at 07:34:36 PM PST
Thanks for actually making an intelligent post on this. To tell you the truth, I have shown this article to almost everyone that I know, at school, online, and even to my own parents. I have met laughter and ridicule (of the article, not me) in just about every single situation. Now, despite the fact that I would like to, I am not going to cuss out the author of this article. First off, I am an (almost) 15-year old boy who happens to be very proficcient at a computer. I do believe that a misunderstanding of what hacking is may be partially to blame, and that's why your explanation was good to have in such a post. If it wern't for mature people like yourself, the author of this aritcle would most likely ignore the cussing and blatant insults, and write all of those replying off as more hackers trying to defend their chosen occupation. I doubt this parent will be punishing his children for the normal things that they seem to be doing. That is, of course, assuming that he does read at least SOME of these comments. If he ignores them, then he is even more ignorant than I first assumed. Please, please lost and confused parent... read these comments. There are a few good, intelligent replies - if you weed those out from the cussing blather, perhaps you will actually learn something.

Oh my god :D...... (none / 0) (#1595)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:00:28 PM PST
This post has to be one of the funniest things I have read in a long time! If it isn't a joke, I am very worried and I feel I should bring the following facts to your attention....

1. "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" are NOT hacking tools, they aren't even close. Comet Cursor is for changing your cursor appearance, Bonzi Buddy is a talking Gorilla, and Flash is for creating animations for the Internet.
2. AMD is a much more powerful BETTER alternative to Intel's line of processors. They are not "cheap knock offs" as their chip architectures are entirely different from Pentiums.
3. "Programming with Perl" is NOT a hacking manual, It is simply for teaching people to create "CGI Scripts" that create web pages such those you see on this site.
4. I spend 8+ hours a day on my computer, and I'm not a hacker.
5. "Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?", sounds like he's a normal teenager to me, and you're not helping with your attitude.
6. It's spelt "Linux" not "Lunix", and you don't need a professional to reinstall Windows, even though it sounds like you need a professional to show you how to switch a computer on, and how exactly can Linux damage the surface of your hard drive?
7. "Has your son radically changed his appearance?" you say, again I'd put this down to you completely screwing up his life.

I honestly feel sorry for your son, I hope that your actions haven't mentally scarred him for life. Your son sounds like a capable computer technician and I wish him luck in what looks like could be a promising career ahead of him.

few words (none / 0) (#1596)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:06:28 PM PST
Take computer classes and learn about the subject before spitting out that you know something. Or better yet pick up onbe of those Computer books for Dummies series (they are just about right for you)

This is RIDICULOUS! (none / 0) (#1597)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:14:46 PM PST
Come on! Get your facts straight!

1. AMD is a GREAT make of chip, they are not "knock offs", they are cheaper, and much better made, if anything, intel use sweatshops.

2. Linux - ha - a GREAT OS (Operating System), i) Secure, ii) Fast iii) Great for web servers. I bet that this web server uses a Unix based system!

3. Flash is NOT a hacking tool, nor Bonzi Buddy, or Comet Cursor. Flash is what is used to make animations on sites. Ha

Also, hacking is NOT illegal, it is only illegal if you cause a certain level of damage, or there is a disclaimer to say that you should not view this information. This is the law in the UK at least.

Look, get your facts straight, alright, just learn that what you said basically is ALL a load of, well, no word to describe it.

AOL is an awful ISP as well, and there are plenty of better ones.

I think that hacking is good anyway, it teaches about the net, and what to do and not to do, and it also finds the holes, so that the software company can put them right.

Anyway, just read a good article about hacking, try - will show you about hacking sites.

Thanks for the fun and laughter (oh, sorry, it wasn;t a joke, really? HA!)


Morons of the world unite at (none / 0) (#1598)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:22:36 PM PST
I can't fucking stand people like you that pass off information as truth with no research into anything. I don't recommend going to any sites linked to by shit from adequacy because as a whole this site sucks and all you're going to find is more shit.

You are now the worst parent i've even known...i thought it would be difficult to top the previous one, but you did so with ease. and i never thought it would be possible to hate someone just by one article they wrote, but again, you've proved me wrong and i hope you die before you damage any other human being's lives as you've most certainly done to your wife and children.

If i remember correctly (and i've looked up my information at trustworthy sites) compaq has a line of computers with the AMD processors. Just the fact you bought a compaq shows you don't know shit about computers. It just so happens that one of the few tests AMD processors regularly lose to Intel P4s is playing quake. This was just to show your flawed logic without making my own statements containing my opinion.

I would imagine by how much you seem to know about computers that you must've spent about 8 hours typing that article making you a hacker and also not letting your son use the computer for perfectly legitimate purposes.

Why the hell did you have 6 kids if you plan on knowing where they all are at the same time. You should pick up some more wifes to help you out. You are ruining the wonderful experience of adolesence (although everything seems to suck while it's happening to yourself) and nothing good can come from what you're doing. If you don't want your children to become crackheads save $100,000 and don't send them to college. because you don't want them rebelling when they have the means to almost anything right down the hall.

On a lighter note, if you guys are so fucking religious how come your sex picture for those topics don't have the people ing the missionary position?

How the fuck did you get on the internet with knowing as little as you do?

So basically, fuck off, read up, and DIE!

Sad (none / 0) (#1599)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:29:54 PM PST
The good news about the internet is that anyone can express an opinion. The bad part about the internet is that people that are totally ignorant of a subject can express and opinion.

William Gibson's Neuromancer is a novel (fiction) and holds no hidden 'hacking' code.

Linux is utilized by some of the most powerful corporations. In fact Linux is what the NASDAQ and among other powerful corporations use.

Quake, Unreal and Tribes are games. Accent on games. No better or worse than the old video games where you would shoot the bad guy in a western setting.

I dont hate or dislike you. I feel sorry for you. You have shown your ignorance though your intentions were admirable. As another informed parent I suggest you further research your material before dismissing some very good tools, liturature and knowledge.

ur a fool (none / 0) (#1604)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:03:59 PM PST
thats teh funniest shit ive ever read in my life....u cant honestly believe that shit can u??
quake a virtual hacker meeting place??....HAHAHAHA

ur a wanker mate....u obviously have no idea what u r going on about....

and how can u put AMD down like that??
they produce quality processors that rival Intel.....they are very good and usefull.....

i dont even wanna start on some of the other shit u have to re-write the whole damn thing if i were to do that.....

AMD is AMERICAN (none / 0) (#1605)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:05:39 PM PST
Amd is an American based company headquartered in California. They are down the road from Intel (you know, the "Pentium" company) and currently make a better product. Where do you get your stupid information?

Hehe... eet's breeelliant! (none / 0) (#1607)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:18:25 PM PST
And remember, if you ever find your child using the "Internet", but you don't see any AOL icon, contact the FBI immediately. It's for their own good.


PS: Excellent article! ;)

AMD is AMERICAN (none / 0) (#1608)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:18:50 PM PST
Amd is an American based company headquartered in California. They are down the road from Intel (you know, the "Pentium" company) and currently make a better product. Where do you get your stupid information?

dumbass (none / 0) (#1609)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:28:37 PM PST
man AMD is sold in tons of stores, not only that a video card has nothing to do with your hacking, oh and btw, here's a story, of a guy name brady, who had no sense whatsoever about computers. so do you like the brady bunch there pal?

Say what? (none / 0) (#1610)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:41:37 PM PST
Just read this computer hacking rant and it is the biggest piece of shit ever. Linux is NOT written by a hacker for hackers, hardware upgrades are NOT required for hacking, telnet is a valuable server configeration tool, quake is a game not a hacking tool. Bollocks to you. I have worked in the computer industry for the past 20 years and YOU give us a bad name. Burn you PC and go back to the swamps you redneck bastard.

Wow... (none / 0) (#1612)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:54:03 PM PST
Wading through the ignorance here is like trying to dive through a sandbar. Get informed... get less stupid.

Paranoid Parent (none / 0) (#1613)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:00:14 PM PST
Ok, i'm not gonna swear and use all caps in my post. I'd just like to say it's obvious the parent who wrote this has no idea what he is talknig about. I am familiar with hacking in many shapes and form. And it has nothing to do with Bonzii Buddy, or Comet Cursor. His poor son felt like downloading a program, and the dad gets paranoid and assumes the kid is a Grade A hacker. Hey pops, hate to break it to you, but your son's probably checking out more porn than he is hacking. Haha..paranoid now?

most ridiculous thing ever. (none / 0) (#1614)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:07:49 PM PST
I don't even know what to make of this? Is it meant to be taken serious or what? Whoever wrote this article has absolutley no truth to it. What so ever, if i was this guys son, I would probably run away or something of the sort. This kind of stuff makes the world bad, such ignorence.

this man is a technophobe! (none / 0) (#1616)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:20:15 PM PST
i only read a bit of this article and to tell the truth, the sheer uninformed idiocy of what he's written is far more frightening that the content may appear to the uninformed.
the mere statement that AMD produces inferior third world processors should raise some serious flags. in truth, i personally have a friend who works in AMD's TEXAS, the processors mar, or may mot be produced in other countries, but how many processors are actually produced in the U.S.? AMD also produces one of the finest products on the market todat, superior even to a comparable product from intel. and for a few years produced a processor intel couldn't come close to matching. so wanting an AMD Athalon is very understandable. i have an AMD k6-2 processor in my pc. and i bought it at a reputable computor dealer in San Diego.
i don't know a lot about LINUX, but i do know it a popular up and coming operating system and is completely legal in several countries.
and finally, the thought that a person cah contract a viral infection such as meningidas from the radiation from has computer screen? PULEASE!!!
there are several other points i could pick apart like a cornish hen, but i've written quite enough to send this "man" running i think

Un needed abbusive language (none / 0) (#1617)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:20:57 PM PST
Gentlemen, this guy knows his stuff. When I first heard my 10 year old was starting to learn hacking skills (I could tell, he used acronyms such as "PC" and "LED", "PROCCESOR" etc.). I became very concerned, I monitered his computer use and noticed he began to use different words such as "COOL" and "KEWL", many others such as "1 4/\/\ |337 H4X0R". He started playing games such as "StarCraft" and "Diablo2". He started opening programs such as "Internet Explorer" and "Outlook Express" to check "E-mail" So please respect this man and his wisdom, he has helped me to overcome a particularly had time parenting my son, oh and one more thing...



FLASH???? Hacker software??? (none / 0) (#1618)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:23:32 PM PST
Im sorry, but how on God's green Earth is Flash concidered a Hacker program?? It's a friggin animation program! It does have minimal scripting capabilities, and might develop an intrest in programming, but christ!

this man is a technophobe! (none / 0) (#1619)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:28:29 PM PST
i only read a bit of this article and to tell the truth, the sheer uninformed idiocy of what he's written is far more frightening that the content may appear to the uninformed.
the mere statement that AMD produces inferior third world processors should raise some serious flags. in truth, i personally have a friend who works in AMD's TEXAS, the processors mar, or may mot be produced in other countries, but how many processors are actually produced in the U.S.? AMD also produces one of the finest products on the market todat, superior even to a comparable product from intel. and for a few years produced a processor intel couldn't come close to matching. so wanting an AMD Athalon is very understandable. i have an AMD k6-2 processor in my pc. and i bought it at a reputable computor dealer in San Diego.
i don't know a lot about LINUX, but i do know it a popular up and coming operating system and is completely legal in several countries.
and finally, the thought that a person can contract a viral infection such as meningidas from the radiation from his computer screen? PLEASE!!!
there are several other points i could pick apart like a cornish hen, but i've written quite enough to send this "man" running i think

Wow... (none / 0) (#1620)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:36:29 PM PST
I hope the writer of this article, the webmasters (i use that term loosely) of, or the believing readers of this article never gain any influence in the real world. so ignorant.

i hesitate to use the term webmaster, as its amazing that with people like the writer of this article upkeeping this site that they don't burn their computers in fear that the evil witches that live inside their screens might posses their children.

before you write your next article how about you do some research? rather than sit in a chair and daydream what your son might be doing? it looks as if not a single thing you posted was based on any factual information...

lunix?! rofl... amd? they make great cpus... quake?! omfg thats a video game, not some cyber training ground. bonzi buddy? its a parot that talks to you! its a joke! if anything you should be happy that he would want something so lighthearted on your computer.

i'm a 4th year computer science major. i hope that i never meet anyone that takes the article seriously.

lol (none / 0) (#1622)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:42:13 PM PST
You indeed are an overprotective parent who doesn't know anything about computers.

Anyone with AOL would want to change ISPs because it is really slow and your son probably wants High Speed Internet Connection to play Quake. Quake is a computer game, for FUN ONLY, not a hackers program.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Consider this... (none / 0) (#1624)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:59:44 PM PST
Does this guy know anything about computer or the computer industry? He is very bias. I cant honestly believe that someone would be so paranoid. He calls AMD a
<I>"third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips."</I>

I use an AMD athlon 1.4ghz chip. I dont hack. The AMD chip is not inferior. Infact, it is superior to the Intel 1.4ghz chip.

Someone please take this guy away from his computer. People who are so misinformed about computers should never touch them.

<I>"Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who read too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."</I> -- Albert Einstein

Rebuttle to is your son a kacker (none / 0) (#1628)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:16:42 PM PST
what you have read by T Reginald Gibbons is complete and utter nonsense. there is nothing wrong with spending hours on the computer. milliions of children in countries all over the world spend hours at a time online. is this a bad thing? NO! do you people even know what a hacker is? if you watch hollywood movies, they are made out to be "bad people" this is not the case at all. i, myself, spend hours at a time surfing the internet. does this make me a hacker? NO.. not in the least. i play quake, does this make me a hacker?
most of my friends in college, and alot of kids that i know that live in other states, who are in high school, and college, they play it to. they are not hackers, they are just normal kids who like to play computer games.
hackers are blamed for everything.
if you follow what T Reginald Gibbons posted. you parents are dumber then you think. there is nothing wrong with kids asking for a bigger hard drive. certainly nothing wrong with asking for a new video card. all a video card will do is display graphics, and the nicer ones can handle more graphics, and make them appear alot cleaner. how is this bad?
as for drug use.. PLEASE!!!!
you should see who the child is hanging out with. that will tell you if they are doing drugs. not staring at a computer screen.. staring at a computer screen is just going to make his eyes bad.
as for running linux, have you even tried it.. for that fact.. how many of you people even knew that there was another operating system that wasn't windows?
linux is a much safer operating system then windows for many reasons. it is more securer then windows, it will not have conflicts with things like windows does.
the lack of computer knowledge is disgusting. the people who see if their kids fit this.. then you can label every child who is a teenager, and older in this catagroy.. and then what would you do? take away all of the computers for every child in the world?
please, and as more and more people get broadband connections to the internet, kids will be playing online games more often, and staying on longer. and once you have broadband connections, well there are things that can be done that would blow your mind away because there are NO safe guards on it.
hacking is all about the free flow of information, and not keeping anything a secret, what is so bad about this?
parents are just scared because you don't know ANYTHING of what the child is doing. and your helplessness only makes it more enjoyable for the child.
if any parent really wants to do something, why not go and get educated about how to use computers, and the internet. if this "MODEL" dad even took the time to have do things with his son, maybe he wouldn't have been so shocked. why not use the internet together, so that he knows that you are taking an active interest in his life.
as for AMD processors being the devil. BULLSHIT!
they are more powerful processors to intel. you are worried about security runnin an Intel chip, then you didn't hear about what intel did with the new chips. they made the new chips with a security device on them that allowed intel to monitor YOUR computer and to see what is going on with it
PARENTS, i employ you to use common sense when it comes to computer. if you seee your child doing something that you don't understand, by all means ask them to explain what they are doing. this is not bad. as for being a hacker, i bet no kids do anything bad.
you flip out because you don't know whats going on. again, this gets back to my point about you parents being UNEDUCATED when it comes to computers.
i hope this bullshit arguement fades away whenever i have kids. I KNOW I WILL BE EDUCATED in computers, and i also plan on working with them when i graduate.
EDUCATION IS KEY FOLKS.. i can't stress this enough.
good nite

TRUE! (none / 0) (#1629)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:23:10 PM PST
Pepople, people... we have to say that all of this is true. Cmon, you really think our parents wouldn't find out ;( We all meet at a Q3 server (CS servers suck, those people are n00bs) and hack our ways true the inet. The "railgun" is the most powerful of them, the one who masters the rail is the all mighty hacker of them all! and then we have the online sluts.. i myself have squerted some seed over those biatches. but hey.. they don't ask after anything in return so =) And there is now a new and better OS for hacking called "Windows XP".. don't let your kids get their hands on this if you are worried.
I would like to say hello to my 1337 hackers Orb, kp, znook, mad, strife, ibbe, blacky, kai, orez and sorry if i forgot someone, there are so many hackers out there =)


PS: [2sB] is a clan.. all hackers have one, otherwise you're not cool =)

PS2: IDIOTS!!! >=)

lol (none / 0) (#1939)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 11:09:23 PM PST
cs sux because u suck at it.
anyone can own in q3

Uh. (none / 0) (#1631)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:30:10 PM PST
I can't believe you people are still posting serious responses to this article.

Good writing, by the way. I do believe the article got exactly the kind of response it was written to get.

Oh I never knew all this, Thank you! (none / 0) (#1632)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:31:18 PM PST

This is very smart fact that I am checking on my computer.. And if I would find things like this "quake" on my computer IO will bad my children from the computer for a month!
Argh!! Thank you unknown Father!

quake is for hackers? (none / 0) (#1639)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:29:27 PM PST
ok... obviously you are one of those paranoid parents who care WAY too much about thier kids. you said you go to their parties? i guess he doesnt go to much. the thing about quake.. "lock up your firearms" <-- ROFL(by thw way... that means rolling on the floor laughing) ok any kid who would play with guns because of playing a video game is retarded. oh and tell me if you can find the guns in that game such as machine gun, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, and a lightning gun(huh?) and if you do, why would you keep them in your house? a move in the game is called a rocket jump, done by shooting a rocket into the floor and jumping, gaining much speed and hieght. if your kid wants to rocket jump, he deserves to die anyways.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
so since a kid likes to dress in the punk/ska way, then hes a hacker? haha i knwo some kids who dress liek that and they arent obsessed with computers, its drugs and sex buddy. get your facts straight.

and lastly, the only way your child can go to prison for hacking is if hes retarded and gets caught.

a commited quake player,

1 4|\/\ 1337 j00 F4GG0t5 th15 15 h4c|<3r 1337 5p34|< |\|3\/\/|3135

for all you retards that says - i am leet you faggots. this is hacker leet speak HEOAEHOOAHEOHAE:D:D:D:D:!!!!!

I am Satan's whore (none / 0) (#1640)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:31:14 PM PST
Yes, I am a subversive commie hacker slut, and I am coming to turn your children into godless, lawbreaking hop hippers! I listen to electric Rock and Roll musicians like Tommy Steele and Vanilla Ice, and sometimes I even use the anti-American hacker software Net-Escape from Apples! Today the InterWeb, tomorrow the world. MUWAHAHAHAHAH! Oh, and people who do not recognize a JOKE when they read it should have their computer privileges taken away from them.

Cryptic language... (none / 0) (#1641)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:37:08 PM PST
In my household we do in fact have AOL, and I haven't noticed any sort of strange software on my computer, but while my son is chatting on "Instant Messanger," I have noticed he uses some sort of cryptic language consisting of letters and punctuation, it sort of looks like this:


Do I have reason to worry?

Do these "hackers" have some sort of cryptic language amongst themselves?

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#1643)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:45:01 PM PST
That is the only thing I can think of when i read this. I hope it's a joke and i just don't realize it.

12 o clockers (none / 0) (#1648)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:57:08 PM PST
As we all know Bonzai buddy is not a external software used by business' to put cheap promotions on your box, no.. its a new method of a code exploit. Meet the 1337 and bow down to me i know this game and this site is lame, made me go alaugh, as well as every other member on my team. This is the ignorant at its finest.

We call people like you "12 o clock flashers" if ya cant figure that out ... then stop breathing... now!

and btw

ty for a great laugh you ignorant cunt~
-theres the foul abusive langugage for you whore.

3ETA===This has been a public service==3eta
3ETA=======announcement from the LEET==3eta

haha (none / 0) (#1650)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:03:29 PM PST

Man.. You don't konw aneything huh (none / 0) (#1651)
by PhUzzIoN on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:08:30 PM PST
First off I'm an a amature programmer and thi sis the most bullshit I have ever seen in a work of writing. Ok I thought there were stupid poeple here (especially in high-school) but this wins the top of the cake.

If you actually read computer mags you should find out that AMD is making "Knock off" chips. In actuallity there kicking intells ass in the CPU war. Also a faster video card WILL make you're pc better not the other way around (If you uese microsuck's new OS (which is a pice of shit if you ask me))

As for quake or tirbes 2 (for me) I am one 1227 gamer, and actually games are a good form of enteraiment.

and well for the apperance hackers DON'T wear glow stick and pasafires. Thoes belong to a groupe called "ravers". Where they dance all day long (litterly going for 24 hours stright)

Also for this so called hacker groupe named "Otaku". It's actually an anime movie!

Last but defently NOT least is LINUX NOT FUCKING "Lunix"! and a nother thing BSD is a whole nother operating system ALLONE! Programmers uese linux also INTELGENT KIDS like me uese the happy windows care free system oh and you do need a FUCKING PHONE to uese TELNET and Trovlous did not program that. Microsuck did. And the so called "computer radation" only comes from the monator, so you're little son may get galsses some day (like me).

you are one dumb son of a bitch

T Reginald Gibbons, please read what I have to say (none / 0) (#1653)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:16:57 PM PST
I'm not sure why I'm taking the time to type all of this- most likely everything I have to say has been covered in previous comment posts- but if there is any chance that the author of this article believes the numerous falsehoods contained within, I believe someone should set the record straight. I don't believe being hostile towards the author is in any way constructive, either. Therefore I will discuss and explain some of the more glaring errors found within said article, doing so with the hope that the author will recieve and read this message with an open mind.

1. People seem to like America Online, especially for its child protection features (an aspect that is important to parents and is rightly so). One drawback to America Online, however, is that because of its enormous popularity as an ISP, users commonly experience lower data transfer speeds than they would prefer (and lower than those advertised by America Online). Basically, the more people logged onto the Internet using America Online, the slower each person's connection will be.

2. As several readers have stated in various posted comments, the three programs listed here have absolutely nothing to do with computer hacking.

Comet Cursor is a program that can change the appearance of the mouse cursor (this is not a permanent change). The purpose of the program is entirely one of entertainment. For example, a website that deals with cartoons may have a corresponding Comet Cursor that looks like Bugs Bunny.

Bonzi Buddy is a deskmate program. A deskmate is a small program that places a (ususally animated) character on the user's desktop. Again, the only purpose of these types of programs is to amuse. Bonzi Buddy in particular places a cartoonish purple ape on the user's desktop.

Flash is a widely-used programming language. Flash is used for various purposes, such as games [ ] , small movies/animations, and to create a totally different look for webpages. There is nothing remotely malicious about Flash, let me assure you. For more information about Flash, please visit

3) As programs (especially games) tend to grow larger and more complicated with each new release, more "horsepower" is needed to run those programs. Computer upgrades are common and are sometimes necessary to run newer programs.

4) The fact that your son was spending over half-an-hour using the Internet is no indication that he is involved in computer hacking. Again, computer games are the reason most youths spend a large amount of time using computers. Chatting and innocent web surfing are also common pasttimes for young Internet users.

5) I have no idea who told you that Quake is "an online virtual reality used by hackers", but whoever did so either recieved erroneous information from another source or completely fabricated the entire description. As mentioned above in several of the user comments, Quake is first person shooter (or FPS), a genre of video game in which the player sees the action through the eyes of the main character. This is opposed to another genre of games in which the player-controlled character is fully visible on the screen during play.
Also, the link between violence portrayed in video games and the effects thereof on the player's behavioral tendencies has yet to be proven. Many of the "studies" published should be more carefully investigated before being trusted, as many of these studies are too dated to hold much relevance and contain enormous leaps of logic in connecting the two.

6) Many of the behavioral changes you noticed in your son are not at all connected to computer usage. Drastic changes in attitude are almost certainly natural changes that all teenagers experience. Remember, teenagers have always been described as "rebelious" (not a term I would use to describe your son, based on the information available), even long before personal computers existed.

7) Linux, like Windows, is an Operating System, or OS. An OS basically serves to provide an interface between the user and the computer, reading data and interpreting that data to display what you see on your screen. Linux is popular mainly because it is a free Operating System (unlike Windows) and it also has many other advantages over the Windows OS, such as increased stability (computers running Linux then to crash less often).

8) MP3 is not a program but a type of computer data file. The MP3 file format allows for very large sound files (usually music) to be compressed into music smaller, readable files (with little loss of sound quality). There are literally hundreds of programs dedicated to the exchange of MP3s on the Internet. Much of the newscoverage concerning the trading of MP3s has to do with musical artists filing lawsuits because the trading of their intellectual property (their music) is a copyright violation.
Before jumping to any conclusions, however, you should understand that the sharing and trading of MP3s over the Internet is very much akin to the copying of a rented video casette tape. Copying videotapes is certainly against the law, but a lot of people do it (many without even knowing they are breaking the law).

9) The provided description over physical changes to look out for in one's children is not that of the typical hacker, but of a category of people known as "ravers". Ravers take the name from all-night parties called "raves". Rave parties sometimes (but certainly not always) involve the use of a relatively new designer
drug called "Ecstacy". This is a very dangerous substance that is responsible for the deaths of many youths. Also, to a true ecstacy-using raver, the pacifier worn around the neck is carried because ecstacy causes the user to involuntarily clamp his or her teeth together. The pacifier is carried so that when this happens, the drug user has something to bite down on.

10) There could be numerous explainations for poor academic performance, none of which are remotely related to hacking. I would suggest talking to one's children about poor grades in a calm, non-threatening manner (note: be prepared- as a 19 year-old college student I speak from experience when I say that most children will be very defensive when it comes to discussing poor academic performance because they interpret parental concern to be heated accusation).

Finally, I would like to leave you with some of my personal experience with computer hackers. While it is true that there are people that will use computer hacking as a means to commit crimes, not all hackers are attempting to do so.
Let me give you an example that frankly suprised me. Once, in surfing a web forum dedicated to hacking, a user posted a message asking for a cracked version of a program ("cracking" is the process of disecting a program's code and altering it, in some cases to, say, remove a nag screen from a shareware program or to provide access to a full program without buying it). Almost immediatedly a response was made by a resident hacker who barraded the other user, explaining that most real hackers do not hack program code in oprder to break the law, but in order to become more familiar with programming code as a whole. Indeed, one of the best ways to aquaint oneself with code is to inspect computer viruses (NOT transmit them) and to learn how they work. Angrily stating that obtaining illegal "free" stuff is not at all what hacking is about, the hacker (and several others who made response posts) barraded the user, who to my knowledge hasn't returned to that forum since.

The term "hacker" is largely misused by compter users. The term refers to individuals who (by learning to the built-in security measures found in many programs) teach themselves much about program code and basically how programs are built. It's interesting to note that a large number of hackers go on to work for computer security companies, testing and writing the programs that you and I use to protect our computers.

oh man...this guy is dumb (none / 0) (#1654)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:22:46 PM PST
Sir, you know nothing at all of what your speaking of. I play Quake, Quake2, and Quake3: Arena, and there is no sort of thing like that, and when there is, it is fun to talk about. It is just another online gaming community, and man, you must be a moron. Im sorry, but that is as nice as i can put it. That is the dumbest post i have ever seen in my life. People enjoy things like that, and you cant say because someone plays a game they are a hacker, or something of that sort...what kind of a fool are you? Im glad you dont have problems with your kids, neither do my parents...and i spend roughly 6 to 7 hours a day on the computer when i can, and i do all sorts of things, and so what? That doesnt mean im a hacker...maybe i am...maybe im dont know that...and you cant base it on a crappy sheet of ten piece of crap are the most rediculous person i know in that fashion...oh man...i had a friend send me a message linking me to this, saying we should hang you by your nads!! HAHAHA...and by the way...the quake community says BOO! and oh i didnt even finish reading your post, DOSing..hahahahahahaahhahahaha...funny stuff, DOS for your information is used to run servers and create shells for certain servers and types of programs that needs them, it is also a vital tool in finding problems your ISP. I am a very big gamer online, and i have changed ISP's oh maybe six to seven times, WHY you may ask? DUHHHH!!!! SPEED IS WHAT THE GAME IS ABOUT!!! as ISP's become more popular, they become slower, which should make sense to you, and you need speed in order to game in quick games like quake or half-life...its all about the speed...and you change isps for god man...go away and dont post anything else like this ever again, its pathetic!

=] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =]

I researched this in the Bible... (none / 0) (#1655)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:30:27 PM PST
BEHOLD: The result of Christianty.

PROOF: "Hackers have Meningitis and Lunix" - John 3:16

(^) (><) (^) FU buddy (none / 0) (#1657)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:33:15 PM PST
wtf is wrong with you trust me your son aint hacking with comet curser and bonzi buddy btw have you seen aliens lately and have you met elvis at the supermarket?

This guy is an idoit (none / 0) (#1658)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:35:26 PM PST
fist of all if you think you sone is a hacker you shold be proud. A hacker is not an evil person, a hacker is anyone who takes pride in knowing everything there is to know about a system. I hacker is well read and inqusitve, usually working on good things.

second any person that knows anything about computers would not use bonzi buddy, or commet curser, and by the way flash is for viewing certain web pages.

third If any one wants a new video card, it is not for breaking into computer systems, it is for video games, or high end graphics. As for AMD they are the best chip makers in the world. They are not made in the third world, unless Texas in not a member of the USA.

If you son uses DOS it is probably because windows sucks!

And finnaly every thing you said about linux is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT is hands down the best OS and it is free.

In closeing you are a butt monkey that knows absolutly nothing....

YOUR AN IDIOT (none / 0) (#1659)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:38:58 PM PST
you say because your son wants a better computer, likes to read magazines, wants linux, wants AMD, and another ISP that he is a hacker


Amd is the best processor. NO wonder he wants it. AOL is slow and laggy, no wonder he wants something else. Quake is an awesome game. No wonder he wants it. Linux is better for programming. No wonder he wants it. He read magazines. Encourage it. (by the way do you relize how much money programmers make) GOD, just cause you don't know jack about your computer and your kid does and wants to learn and know more and wants more out of his PC doesn't make him a hacker


Finally...the TRUTH! my kids says "ILOVEYOU& (none / 0) (#1660)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:40:58 PM PST
I am so proud of my 10 year old daughter. She will NEVER be a hacker. Just today a friend gave her some nice educational software. All he did was stick his disk in the machine, and made her a copy!! What a nice boy!
I understand there are some very wonderful places on the internet that you can donate money to. Estonia seems to be a great place for this honorable activity. I commend them.
The other night my 7 year old son asked, "Daddy, what's that!"
I told him that someone who must think a lot about him and his values sent him e-mail without asking. The lady must be homeless because she can't even afford to wear clothes.
So we clicked on the link and gave our credit card. They take an automatic donation each month and we can go look at their listings of homeless women. One lady seems to be doing well. She has a male friend who lost his clothes as well, and they are obviously best friends.
It's like my friend who gave me a special version of windows that we are allowed to put on all our comptuers..."You can't be too careful".
I'd like to brag some more, but my daughter has to go meed "Uncle" ernie. She met him in a chat room last night, and he has some holiday treats for her. So I have to get her bike tire pumped up so she can ride it across town to see her new buddy.
We will be upgrading next month when we get our check for sending all those emails to test out Bill Gates new mail forwarding service!! Talk to you then!

mexico rulez!!! (none / 0) (#1662)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:49:24 PM PST
aol is for united about mexico

stupid moron... i wish i could tech your son how to hack you up..

Unbelievable (none / 0) (#1663)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:50:08 PM PST
Your biast, uneducated, biggated comments put computer users back years. Get a huge dog up you you bastard!

roflmao (none / 0) (#1666)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:53:25 PM PST
lol, who's the silly smut that wrote that?

fear me, im the devil, i play quake and dance around with glow stix... | 0wn j00 bish...


aiight, im done laughin now.. people are funny, they truely are. any how im out... Peace, and sup to all my fellow gamers.

-Snipe Out

p.s. btw glow sticks and binkis are usualy for drugys, not hackers ;) get yo shit straight.

you make me asshamed to be a man. (none / 0) (#1670)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:57:46 PM PST
Yes, you should be taken out to a field and castraited with fishing knives and left bleeding helpless under the moon light.

Heh! Are You that much of an Idiot? (none / 0) (#1671)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:03:39 PM PST
What the fuck?!?!

Bonzi Buddy.. a Hacker tool..
And Linux(not Lunix) Is the best Operating System i have ever seen!

AMD is the best processor i have ever used
And Video Cards with dual monitors are not used by hackers...

Oh my fucking god!!!! (none / 0) (#1673)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:12:47 PM PST
LOOL This is the most fun article I've read in years :lol:

"Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?"
hmmm What can I say :D

"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers"

Oh my god I cant stop laughing at this article. I hope for your sake people that you don't take this article seriously. Then you have a serious brain damage :D

The REAL STORY -YOUR SON IS A DRUG ADDICT (none / 0) (#1674)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:17:03 PM PST
Let me tell you a few things about your story. quake is a computer game and has nothing to do with hacking computers. Lunix is really linux, and is a Operating system like windows. If your son is dressing like that and have a pacifier in his mouth, hes doing extascy. Comet Cursor is stupid, it changes what your mouse pointer looks like. Bonzai Buddy hmm is like AIM which is made by AOL which you love; it is a chat program. Aol is just a ISP(internet service provider) that gives really bad service for the price. Flash is a Web site production program that you can buy in the stores. AMD is a reliable chip manufacturer, and the INTEL chips i have are made in the PHILLIPINES. DOSing does not take 8 hours to do it to some one; most people have dial up connections and could just pull the phone cord out to stop it. And you son becoming arguementitive is probably because of the DRUGS hes using(exstacy, or he just does like having a DICK for a dad. "Lunix",Mandrake, Bsd are all operating systems that you can either purchase in a store or online at a reliable site. TELNET thats the funniest part. TELNET is a program thats on your computer right now and about 85% of all the computers in the world right now. It is a program that Microsoft puts on every operating system. Yes people do use it for hacking but it is not usefull to the true h4ck3r. I have never heard of anybody getting menegetis from using the computer too much. Menegetis is a deadly bacteria which could be found on the mouse or keyboard or a public computer. Thats all i have for now

oh yea Be a real Dad and get your self some help to help out your famil.

W3 4r3 t0 l33t f0ur y0u!

EEK!! (none / 0) (#1675)
by JuteCat on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:18:15 PM PST
please someone tell me that this thing is fake. its so incredibly sexist and stupid it blows my mind! this dude is like a child stalker, and says and does thing my parents wouldnt even IMAGINE saying!
oh someone please PLEASE tell me that this atrocity isnt real!!

and if it is....than this guy needs a frontal labotomy

tard!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#1676)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:25:06 PM PST
other than the fact that ure an idiot doesnt say much towards ure knowledge of computers... well yeah ure just an idiot. All you acusations towards hackers is totaly incorrect. make sure before you post anything that its all based on factual information. But your an adult and i know supposidly that you concerned but come on now dont do this again, till u know everything about hackers and hacking.
i think u need to let ure children develop into what they want to become. You should stop but riding them so much that they can just relaxz. well u must be mormon or something


Am I a Hacker? & What is a hacker? (none / 0) (#1677)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:34:32 PM PST

I find your article and posting very very disturbing. For all reading this let me start out by saying I am not a parent, I don't have kids. I am a freshmen in college and I have been using computers since I was 8 years old.

By the criteria posted in the article I meet all of the 9 of the 10 properties listed. Am I hacker?

With regards to number one, and changing ISPs there are many legitimate reasons for wanting to change ISPs and get away from AOL. Depending on where you live, you may not have access to AOL broadband, as you point out in your article, AOL is restrictive and provides parental controls and such. Well I've never had the parental controls problem as I've been the one with the computer with dad just paying the internet bill and I even had AOL for a time before I switched to compuserve then to a local ISP. If you are a user who wants to get onto the net truly for the net then AOL is a hinderance as AOL is a service, which has a portal to the internet available. You have special software, and if youa re into performance, be it for web authoring, chatting, or research, AOL can provide slwo service beyond belief. Wanting to switch ISPs for the sole purpose of switching is ridicilous. I had a friend whose older brother every time a new review about an ISP came out he would switch because one month AOL would be better then Compuserve, then Earthlink would be the creme of the crop, then it would be ATAT worldnet. Switching ISPs does not mean anything, unless you are tyring to get away from something. AOL is actually one of the easier ISPs to remain anonymous from when going out to the net. To AOLs credit though, they do have a good abuse department.

#2) Software
You list: "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". Lets see, Flash is installed with a lot of freeware apps, Flash is used on webpages, and similar things. If you are truly concerned about not installing software, get Windows 2000 or XP, setup that you have to have a username and password, give the kid user permissions and then he can't change the computers settings.

#3) New Hardware
You don't need the latest and greatest hardware to cause damage. I would love to know how having a Gforce3 graphics card and a new 21" Silicon Graphics monitor would mean I'm a serious hacker and not just a serious gamer, or web developer.

#4) Reading Material:
You quote:
Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond.

as being hacking manuals. I've not read every one of these books but I did use Hackers to inspire a few research papers in high school which if you will read, You will find that it is much more of a history book and lesson then a hacking manual. I have "Programming with Perl" down stairs in my car along with my JavaScript reference, my printed Java API, my MCSE study guide, my TCP/IP networking reference. Did you ever think your son may be doing serve side web development? Perl is a powerful language that can do many many things.

Quake and Social Behavior and time on the computer:
Myself and many others spend the majority of our week infront of the computers. I've played it once or twice, nothing special. Dont' confuse a popular game for hacking trainign grounds. Whats next are all games that require high end hardware evil because the network environment in which they can be played promotes hacking? Off base as it may be, have you considered the fact that maybe you as a parent maynto be listening to your child if he feels the need to withdraw into cyberspace to find friends? Or maybe he hates team sports and sports in general and feels at home in front of a computer. Are you sir unable to accept new ideas?

Obsessions with Linux
Linux is a truly amazing operating system and is not illegal. It is a spin off that is more user friendly of the g-d of all older systems called Unix be it from Berkley or Bell Labs. Without Unix I doubt the nice user friendly point and click interface infront of you would be available today. Linux is complex and superior in many ways, it is a bear to learn. Lilo is a loader that lets you switch between operating systems such as windows and linux. What you refer to about deleting windows would be changing the FAT system on the hard drive from a Windows/DOS fat system to linux one. Its a dangerous install for novices and deleting windows may not even be intentional.

Changing Appearance:
Has the thought of peer pressure and hormones occurred to you. Turn on the TV mister, look at how teens dress. In the mean time, you sir are the parent, and you control the clothing your children have. My parents refused to let me dress in grunge. I went to school wearing white socks, khakis, denham or navy pants or shorts and a polo style (or equivalent) shirt to school everyday since 4th grade until I was here at college where high cost hard to wash shirts like that just are not feasible for a college student. You don't need to be a hacker to change your appearance, you need daddy's credit card.

Some kids are not good at french and english. My GPA went up after I got rid of French and xGenre Literature and could take science electives and interesting history electives. Love for computers though always remained constant and sometimes it was more important. Have you thought you may be pushing school to hard and forcing your child into the depths of cyber space. Emphasis not only by parents but by society is put in the wrong places, encourage the use of a computer as a learnign tool, not a toy and don't prohibit the use of the damn thing.

Now something about hackign and the nature of it because from your article its unclear what you mean and up to this point I've been making an assumption that you are using the negative connonation of the word hacking.

From the book you quote above, Hackers, I quote the hacker ethic: Access to computers -- and anything which might teach you somethign about the way the world works-should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative!(page 40)

I would like to note in there never does it say anything bad but it promotes learning and seeking information. If you want to learn the true nature of hacking learn programming, write some code, study some code, make something useful, view the source of a webpage, figure out what makes that nify scrolling thing. You sir just became a hacker. A hacker can be anybody who uses a computer on a technical level. So everybody out there who has ever made a webpage, you are a hacker. Have you done something bad or wrong?

So many people use the term so wrong these days, hacking, hacker, hack. You should use the term cracking, crack and cracker. Those have the right connonation and mean doing something bad with computers. I am sure your research revealed this and you just did not want to point the difference out.

So your son says he is a hacker, ask to see his work. Tell him you want to see that website he made, turn the term positive.

Now if you want to stop these "hackign" activities, I would suggest the following:
1) Lose AOL and get a broadband connection (no I've not lost my mind)
2) On said broad band connection get a linsys router (or similar) and disable the DHCP features (look it up) and use static IPs and give your computer a static IP address.
3) use the filtering and forwarding features and only allow information on port 80 (HTTP i.e. web browsing only). By disabling all of these ports except the one used for web, you can't transfer files through other means besides the web, you can't play network games of quake, you can't get onto chat networks and do lots of other stuff which I'm not going to go into here.

True you can still surf to hacking websites, but if you use my suggestion on user level permissions and prohibit reconfiguring the ocmputer and then use the itnernet explorer internet level settings, combined with something like netnanny...

...of course thats if you mean hackign to be negative. However I could take your message to mean something very positive from what you've suggested using the hacker ethic. Ever occurred that your son is a hacker trying to learn more just to learn more?

Brady Bunch (none / 0) (#1678)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:42:04 PM PST
um... lol... this is a shit article, BUT him and his family have the same names of the brady family from the tv show the brady bunch!

this is the funniest thing i've ever read (none / 0) (#1680)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:45:52 PM PST
this is obviously a joke. no person with minimal intelligence would post such a thing and be serious. i guess since i spend hours a day on my computer i'm a hacker. lmfao. and you said "I attend their teen parties with them to ensure no drinking or alcohol is on the premises". man your son is never gunna get laid. ever. are you gunna hold his hand when he crosses the street to get back to his dorm room in college? i'd a run away from home by now. btw, i dunno bout anyone else, but i've never heard DOS used as a verb. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
thank you for making my day. i will be laughing about this for weeks. thanks again.

I cant wait!!!! (none / 0) (#1682)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:48:40 PM PST
I just cant wait till me and my Bonzi Buddy can go do some hacking! MORON laterz, CKWH

hAcKeRs 4 lIfE (none / 0) (#1686)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:55:56 PM PST
You have no fucking clue what the fuck you're talking about do you? I mean how many fucking times a day do you get hacked? If you every publish another stupid ass article thayt disses hacker like me, then i'm going to get you damn firearm and blow your fucking head off. You WHORE. oh yea!!!!!!!!!!! Beware of hAcKeRs, cause we're coming after you bitch!

I cannot believe you are serious (none / 0) (#1690)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:12:35 PM PST
I hope to god that this is a joke. I would hate to think that there is actually someone on this planet with so very little intelligence as to make those comments. In the extremist case that I am dealing with an actual moron of such amazing caliber, I have a few things I'd like to say.
We'll skip past the utter humiliation you've placed upon yourself, calling yourself an enlightened, modern parent! I lost my composure, let me continue. You claim to have researched this problem for days, but if you had ever even tried to verify any of the information you provided with an authority, like a manufacturer, or a customer service representative, you would have seen you did not state one fact you proclaimed, so vehemently, correctly. Let me go through your list one by one, and show you the errors you have made.

1. AOL is not anywhere near a good internet service provider, in my opinion. If your son asked you for a better one, that is probably because he is tired of disconnections, slow connections, and the fact that it is a horribly slow program to run.

2. "Comet Cursor" is a program easily downloaded from many kinds of legal internet sites. Macromedia's "Flash" is imperitive to run streaming cartoon-like movies available on perfectly safe children's websites like and

3. I cannot believe that you actually think asking for an upgrade to your computer constitutes hacking. Upgrades of memory, hard drive space, and video cards do not do anything new that your same hardware doesn't do already. All it does it work faster, and better. Contact any one of those manufacturers and they will tell you all about their product.

4. I admit I have read none of these so-called "manuals," but I am more a fan of Tolkein and Steinbeck myself. And I have never seen any books on any bookshelves anywhere that describe how to do anything illeagal. That in itself is illeagal.

5. The internet is a very enormous place to explore. If someone plays the same game for hours, the only worry you should have is that he might get a headache from the eye strain. And as a footnote, the word "DOS" has never before in my knowledge been used as a verb.

6. This is ludicrous. Quake is a game. You might as well blame America's recent recession on the game "Monopoly."

7. I never met a male that did not become argumentative and surly at that age. And he has right to be when it seems you have grounded him for having a hobby that he shares with millions of other healthy Americans- video games.

8. Linux is like any other software, it has no real base on anything physical. Its impossible for software to destroy a hard disk; all you have to do is re-install windows afterward, which your son can do even if you cannot (and you can watch him to make sure he doesn't assassinate anyone with a keyboard, or whatever else you seem to think he is capable of).

9. Dressing like a punk has nothing to do with hacking. Kids try to dress unique, that is all. I do not see the correlation between hair color, and hacking skills. If hackers are so anti-social, why should they care what they look like?

10. Computer Radiation? I spend between 10 and 15 hours a day on the computer (most of which is at work) and I'm pleased to say I expect to make honor roll this semester at school, which I go to thrice weekly after I work a full time job. If anyone would suffer mentally, it would be me; yet I suffer from nothing, save a healthy hobby that is far more stimulating to the mind than television (reading silly articles like this).

I'd like to close with an apology to your son. He seems a good kid, and spends time doing something he enjoys, and if he's lucky, will land him a job as a technician when he's older. He does not deserve to be punished for nothing more than your ignorance. If you, or anyone reading this would like to contact me, email me at

"You, sir, hath less wit than winsome ways." -Zacherius Glenn

hey man (none / 0) (#1691)
by Evil2One on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:15:25 PM PST
yo what up all , hey dude , i spent 60 hours a week of my life on the computer , i use unix and linux os , and i use win2k for graphic designing = about 15hours of my week , i play video games that anotehr 20 hours , and well you figure out what the rest of the time is , got it -your ass been owned by Evil

Front runner for most idiotic post of the year? (none / 0) (#1692)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:15:51 PM PST
I think so! Also stands to do well in the Paranoid, Over-Reactive Parent world cup.

In addition it provides yet another example to support the movement for Sterilization of the Stupid.

Let's stop this sad cycle of idiocy before it goes further. Please kill yourself and your children.

Is your Son a hacker?! (none / 0) (#1694)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:22:08 PM PST
What an unmitigated piece of crappola this one is!!!
You certainly would not know a hacker if it slap you right in in your nostrils.
And the best part is where you should leave your
children in the safety of AOL. HA! HA! HA!
That sure is funny!
AOL is the biggest hacker channel in the world. Who cares about MIRCS.

WHat the Crap?!?! (none / 0) (#1697)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:33:09 PM PST
First off, this guy doesnt know what hes talking about. Bozi Buddy, Comet Cursor, and Flash are all regular, non-hacker programs. Flash is a graphis program, specifically for moving graphics. Comet cursor is just something where u can change your cursor to something cooler looking, and Bonzi Buddy is just a stupid little thing that comes with almost every download on the market today. Whoever wrote this article is a Blooming Idiot. I, for some reason, want to repeatedly beat him amongst the head and shoulders with my spiked collar. He deserves it for being so uneducated in the hacking world...Die pig die

story is not stupid (none / 0) (#1710)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:17:20 PM PST
it was just written for stupid people. u are one big moron dude....scaring people over "comet cursor" and advocating the biggest porno site in the world a.o.l. what an ass

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:17:45 PM PST
Dude, you must be the stupidiest person alive, Flash, Bonzi Buddy, and Comet Cursor hacking software? Oh yeah, beware of the cursor.... Also, Telnet, hmm... last time I check my Windows 98 CD, Microsoft was distrubuting, that and they're they ones who developed it... Still think it's bad? You like Windows and Microsoft, don't ya? Another thing.. AMD Processors aren't illegal or bad. They happen to be much better and faster than an intel P4 2 GHz. (Something you wounldn't know about.) And if your son as asked to swtich ISPs from AOL to anything else. GOOD. Aol is stupid. Did you know they sell your credit card info if someone wants it? I think I might buy a few credit cards from them while I'm at it.. Half their staff are just a bunch of kids who think that they are cool cause they have master aol accounts. Also.. Lunix isn't illegal or bad, all that is a unix based Operating System. Guess what? I'm going to use Lunix to steal your credit cards instead of buying them from AOL. Com'mon man, your son probably knows nothing about hacking and thinks he's cool cause he knows what a hard drive is...

What kind of parent are you? (none / 0) (#1713)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:18:56 PM PST
How old is your child that you are monitering everything he does, everything he watches, everything he reads, who he hangs out with, attending his parties, spying on his computer usage? Do you let him wipe his own ass? Your child is not a hacker, but your paranoia and obseessive parenting are going to guarantee that he will grow up to have deap seated emotional problems that years of therapy will only begin to assuage. Perhaps you should let him think for himself a little and he will surprise you; although it might be too late for that, at this point he may just be desperate, looking for any chance to rebel.
I have a little bit of trouble with this type of parenting. Next week I'm turning 18, and my parents are pretty much done with me outside of helping me pay tuition. My parents were very liberal in raising me, and I think I'm a pretty decent kid. As not to toot my own horn, I'll use my sister as an example, she's now 22, she graduated from UC Berkeley last year, she's working in Washington DC right now; she did very well in school throughout her life, and never got into much trouble. My parents never inspected what books she was reading, never watched over her shoulder as she was using the computer or watching tv, never told her which friends she could be with. My parents instilled good values and judgement in her early, and didn't have to treat her like a prisoner for the rest of your life.
Perhaps you should try and trust that what you've taught your son early on will allow him to make his own decisions and just leave him alone. Talk to him, don't interrogate him. Hang out with him, don't 'moniter' him. Be his friend, not his Hitler.
Oh, and as was said several times before, to anyone who knows anything about computers in general, your outline was a joke.

Dumbass. (none / 0) (#1715)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:27:38 PM PST
Hi. You're a dumbass. If your moronic son wears a pacifier around his neck, and dresses in 'day-glo' colors, that simply means he's gay. And is looking at gay porn. Not that he's a hacker. I need to go boot up my "Lunix" box, and go associate and learn to shoot cyberguns on my virtual world "Quake." thanks.

And, compaq sucks. Thanks again.

Th3 L33t HaX0r

OMFG (none / 0) (#1716)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:29:53 PM PST
oh my fuckin god!! iz thiz guy serious??

AND THE BAD FATHER OF THE YEAR AWARD GOES TO...... "drum roll"...........YOU DUMBASS!! your kid iz probably staying on the computer to keep you from raping him like john davis' dad. so when you type your next post..."Is your daughter a porn star" you might want to actually be informed about what your writing about instead of assuming just because she wearz tight leather pantz and her pussy is as loose as a christmas ham that she is in fact a porn star. man i hate rich people they have too much time on there hands to think.

You're a moron (none / 0) (#1717)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:32:12 PM PST
just in case the first 1200 comments didn't explain it,

AMD isn't a haxor compony! And moron, it aint LUNIX its Linux, and many companies use that. And most people need to use a computer for more than 30 mins a day. And there are things called DoS Dinial of service. It isn't DOSING, in these they flood servers with requests until they explode. Why don't you get a life and clue into what real haxors do?

That was one painful reading... (none / 0) (#1719)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:35:45 PM PST
I don't know who is this T Reginald Gibbons and I don't want to know him, but I can't believe someone actually published his article. After reading only the introduction, I fell from my chair. How can someone that claims to be a good modern parent hide the reality from his children? Now I understand why so much young kids commit suicide when they are confronted to real life...

Besides that, who the hell let such an ignorant fool as this Mr. Gibbons write about the complex domain of computers?

My God, Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. I fell of my chair again.

go to school Mr Expert (none / 0) (#1720)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:36:28 PM PST
this parent has obviously never used a computer or read a computer book or taken a computer couse.

and it is spelled Linux, not Lunix Mr Expert.

it is also one of the most popular programming languages in use by programmers.

As someone with two degrees in computer science I can only laugh when i see articles like this by people who don't know what they are talking about.

Hey Mr Expert/concerned parent - call a college and speak to someone in the Computer Science Dept and tell them your son is interested in Linux - they may offer a scholoarship - but first they should read this article.....

I never believed there were people as dumb as you! (none / 0) (#1722)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:39:23 PM PST
I cant believe there are ignorant morons like you in the world who waste the time to post such pitiful guidlines or opinions. Opinions are like toothbrushes, we all have them but there is no need to share!
It is people like you who waste our time in political debates, or bug up processes to no end with your idle idiotic banter and dumb-ass inquiries. I mean come on... you dont have the first clue about the matters you discuss (evidence abounds; Lunix) and yet you find yourself fit to give advice to other parents! Lord help us if there are dumber people then you to heed your pathetic unfounded advice!
I suppose you believe in creationism too you uneducated, stupid git!

You cant be serious !! (none / 0) (#1723)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:41:59 PM PST
You do not even know what your talking about !!!! you dipshit ... For a start "Flash is not any dangerous hacking software it is an animation tool for fucks sake i could go on for ever....linux destroys your computer !!hahahahah you fucknut linux is just like windows its an alternative operating system used extensively by industry " Professionals " as you like to call them. Get a grip you fuckhead you have got no idea i think you are the one that needs to do some time in prison for spreading this false bullshit.

ummmmmmmmm...................................ok (none / 0) (#1725)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:44:01 PM PST
Is this guy a bit paranoid or what? What gives with AMD bashing? And whats with bashing Linus? He's Finnish.....not Russian......I think he probably wears a tin-foil hat to stop the saucer people from reading his thoughts too. And Quake? A hacking environment? Gee....I guess Half Life must be a devil worshiping environment then.....and Roque Spear a police hating COME ON!!!
somebody shoot his guy allready.

top 10 signs your son is a hacker (none / 0) (#1726)
by Jacques on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:46:27 PM PST
Firstly my good sir, allow me to say youre a moron. You jump to conclusions, have NO backing for half those things and have plenty of miss information. For the record, "bonzi buddy" is a search engine and second "commet cursor" is a CURSOR changing program. whoa. deep hacking.

Keep also in mind that you steriotype hackers by wearing "Bright clothing and spiky hair!". that is complete and utter CRAP. I know plenty of kids (I myself am 16) who have the ability to hack and do not dress like christmas trees. Saying that is like saying "your son can be identified as a theif by a black mask, white and black stripped overalls and a fetish with cigar smoking." Youre constant insistance that all hackers are boys also strikes me as sexist.

On a more personal note, no, you are not the ideal parent. In fact, a parent like yourself has a better chance of screwing their kid up. Youre restrictive, nosey and overprotective. If you had raised your children properly, you would not not need to listen to their music and such for them. They would have the insight needed to discifer between right and wrong themselves (and im asuming that your son, peter, is old enough to do so if he is old enough to "hack".)

Going to their parties to check for alcohol is simply ridiculous. There is no way to stop them from drinking if they choose to do so, and by being so overprotective as to make an appearence at one of their parties is probably one of the worst things you can do, as it will possible attract ridicule to them. Believe me, if a kid wants to drink it is not hard for them to do so. And what are you to do if they ARE drinking? ground them? soon they will realize that no, you are not god, and disobey you. Then what? kick them out of the house? You need to understand that they will soon be adults and it is best not to police them but rather educate them so that they can make the proper decisions in their lives and thus be in control of them.

As a final note, do more research before you publish something like this, because you come off as a complete and utter moron by saying falsities like "Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms." that could not be farther from the truth. For all those parents out there who read this and took it with more than a grain of salt, quake is a first-person computer which can be played over the internet. Players fight with one another in simulated arenas using a variety of weapons. it is in no way a "training ground" for violence. it is simple amusement, a more advanced version of cowboys and indians where no one is really hurt. Whats more, the online site where the players interact is in no way for hackers, simply many individuals who DO hack play a lot of games on the computer.

PS: also understand: TRUE hacking is VERY hard to preform and i refuse to believe for a moment that this mans son is in any way a true hacker. it takes an incredible amount of knowledge, time, understanding and education to properly hack to any effect, and what his child is most certainly doing is tinkering.

kids need nosey and restrictive parents (none / 0) (#2180)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:26:10 PM PST
It's a tough world out there, and kids need strong discipline and structure if they're going to turn into the sort of upstanding moral citizens our nation needs. The more restrictions, the better.

You're confusing the author's love for possessiveness. He's a loving father and a model to the rest of the world.

re: kids need nosey parents (none / 0) (#5762)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:30:28 AM PST

well, no shit sherlock (none / 0) (#6466)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:45:31 PM PST
of course they should. and the parents should be well-informed, not like this guy. lol, this guy is just plain stupid (i mean, uninformed and irresponsible)

KP (none / 0) (#1727)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:56:46 PM PST
Hello Mr. Gibbons.

You might notice that it's quite late at night and your daughter hasn't arived yet. You're probably wondering what has happened. Well, I'm sorry to say that she will never come home again. I have personally stabbed her, raped her and choked the life out of her...just minutes ago.

Carpe Diem, Mr. Gibbons!


Please tell me this is a joke... (none / 0) (#1728)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:02:10 PM PST
Come on... This HAS got to be joke...

Wow! (none / 0) (#1730)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:03:23 PM PST
I don't think I've ever seen such a bunch of dumb fucks as you guys! You guys (especially that HUGE dumbass that wrote the article in the first place) don't know shit about hacking, let alone computers. I'm no hacker myself, I'm a computer engineer but it sincerely pisses me off to see how retards can write such bullshit... Quake a hacking community???? WHAT THE FUCK are you guys talking about!?!??!? it's a frickin' kiddie game where you shoot people... Intel making "hacker proof" cpus??? WHAT?????????? Oh yeah... and hackers wear a pacifier around their neck... uhum... right... I've never, EVER (and I can't stress this enough), EVER seen such a dumb fuck as the asswipe that wrote the initial text... Guess I'm gonna go meet up with my hacker buddies in Unreal Tournament and we'll go hacking people with our video cards... oh, and when I'm done, I'm going to take all those hard drives I installed Linux on and throw them away because I'm a moron and I don'T know how to format a disk!!! Help stop the Linux epidemic, thrash your hard drives!

comments welcome at :

T Reginald Gibbons: You are an idiot. (none / 0) (#1732)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:12:49 PM PST
Mr. Gibbons, you obviously are completely computer illiterate and should not even be allowed to operate a computer, much less own one. Before I tear you to pieces, let me state that I have been working with computers since I was twelve years old. I am now pursuing a degree in Computer Science at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. You may reach me at if you would like to defend yourself - assuming you can. Let the critique begin:

I was content to bow to her experience as a mother, until our youngest daughter, Cindy, charged into the living room one night to blurt out: "Peter is a computer hacker!"

Well, thank goodness you're trusting the uneducated opinion of your youngest daughter. I bet she doesn't know any more than you do about computers. But this, really, is a minor point.

After a few days of investigation, and some research into computer hacking

Would you mind listing some of your sources? If I ever, ever wrote an article like this for my college classes and didn't have any documentation for my research, I would be laughed out of the classroom with an F. Citing your sources of information gives you credibility. I suggest you do so to support your ten signs of being a hacker. Or are you unable to? I thought so.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Has it ever occured to you that - No, wait, I'm not ever going to ask. It obviously hasn't occured to you that there are many reasons to change ISPs. The frequency of busy signals ( for dial-up modems ) and available bandwidth, as well as frequency of disconnects. Some services are much worse than others.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Oh god no. Please. The horror. It's so obvious that any program you don't install yourself is a hacker program.

I hope you're recognizing the sarcasm. Just because you don't install the program doesn't mean that it has anything to do with illegal activities. You're a moron.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Everyone wants new hardware. Why? More is better. Faster is better. Certain toys are fun to have, such as a scanner, web-cam, etc. They have nothing to do, inherently, with hacking. Again, you're just a moron.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

This is the first point that you've made that actually has some merit. However, I have read hacking manuals myself and still do not perform illegal activities. They are an excellent source of information on a variety of topics, information that may not be available elsewhere. Then again, who is to say that you correctly identified these texts as hacker manuals? Which texts exactly are you referring to? Can you give names?

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

This means the person is a hacker? Well, geeze. I spend about eight hours a day using mine, yet I seem to be able to refrain from illegal activities. Strange. Also, has it ever occured to you that, well, heck, computers are just fun? The Internet, games, an outlet for creativity... All of these things mean spending time with the computer, yet they're not hacker related.

6. Does your son use Quake?

Do not speak of things you know nothing about. Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. In reality, Quake is a video game developed by id software ( ).

where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Where they discuss binds, scripts, and strategy for playing Quake.

Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world Can you point me to some research on this?

You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away They should be locked away in any case. You're a parent, even though you haven't the right to be in the gene pool, and if you're so paranoid about your alleged 'hacker' you should have your guns locked up anyway.

Blah, I think I'm ranting. See what you've made me do?

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

Is your son going through puberty?

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

Of all the points you've made, this one in particular proves that you are a complete and utter moron. You have no right to write this article.

Linux is an operating system, similar to but much better ( in my opinion ) than Microsoft Windows. You can learn more about Linux from,, and . Linux is not based on a Microsoft product, it is based on UNIX which was produced by AT&T ( ). It is, perhaps, one of the most popular operating systems used for internet services, such as HTTP, FTP, and Telnet. Then again, I'm sure those three things scare you, so I'll stop. I don't want you to leave yet, I'm not done.


Ah, this actually feels good, making fun of a complete dolt.

They may also be used to break into people's stereos Good god... I swear this article has to be a parody at this point, it's just unbearable. However, I'll continue. It is impossible - aboslutely impossible - to 'break into' a stereo. There are many reasons for this, however the major one is THE COMPUTER AND THE STEREO ARE NOT NETWORKED TOGETHER. Oh, and you're an idiot. :P

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix.

Actually, LILO starts BEFORE windows. Also, LILO doesn't necessarily mean that Linux is installed on the computer. I can be used to load any operating system. Are you scared? You shouldn't be, but you are. You're an idiot.

In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.

Yes, you ARE a moron. I'm not even going to touch this one, it's getting late for me and I need to sleep soon.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

Has your son entered puberty? Has your son started hanging out with different people? Has your son started listening to different music? Has your son any chance of growing up mentally undamaged?

10. Is your son struggling academically?

Maybe he's stupid. Maybe he's playing too many video games. Maybe he's bored and needs new challenges. Maybe you're an idiot.

Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain GIVE ME CREDIBLE SOURCES.

It cannot be taken too seriously.

Yes it can. You just did.

In fact, I just did to. This thing is just too stupid to not be a joke. But I felt like bitching at someone ( bad day ) and you were such an easy target...

This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. (none / 0) (#1733)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:13:27 PM PST
There are so many gross inaccuracies in this article, I'm still not completely conviced that it's not a joke.

I'll respond to each offending quotation or just individual "warning signs" at large.

1. "Has your son asked you to change ISPs?"

AOL projects the image that they provide the safest internet experience for children. Based on the time I spent using AOL, this projection is very misleading. When I was on AOL, I got tons of junk mail and the majority of it was for adult sites. This was puzzling since I had never visited any of these kinds of sites before recieving the emails for them. Also, if you keep a personal profile, the information in that profile is availalble to anyone. This is probably the most valued resource for pedaphiles. A directory of children that lists their location, age, sex, and interests would be useful to trick a child into thinking your someone their age with the same interests.

One might want to change thier ISP from AOL because almost every ISP is faster doesn't bombard the user with advertisement pop-up windows at every corner.

Don't believe the hype.

2. "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "

I have no idea what Bonzi Buddy is, but Comet Cursor is a program that let's you change your cursor (that litte arrow on your screen that you move with your mouse) into a different picture. For example, if your son or daughter was into baseball, he or she might change it from an arrow to a baseball bat. Totally harmless. Flash is an animation software used by a very large number of commercial websites. This has absoolutly no relationship to hacking.

3. "Has your child asked for new hardware? "
New computer games have very detailed 3D graphics which require better graphics cards and more memory as they become more advanced. Hackers will find no benifit from a graphics card and little benifit from more memory.

4."Does your child read hacking manuals? "
Many of the books listed are manuals for computer programming used by professionals.

5."Does your son use Quake? "
Quake is a game where you run around and shoot zombie like creatures. This has as much to do with hacking as Ms. Packman has to do with terrorism.

6. "BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War." I don't think any operating system is illegal or specifically meant for hackers. It sounds like this child wants to learn more about programming.

7. "Has your son radically changed his appearance? "
If I hear this as warning sign one more time I'm going to start throwing things. A change of appearance doesn't mean anything. Many of the specific changes listed are just popular amoung kids today.

8. "f your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association."

Otakus are Japanese Animation fans. They have nothing to do with hacking.

Whoever wrote this has no idea what he's talking about and I feel very sorry for his children who are being punished for their fathers lack of knowledge about just about everything having to do with computers, the internet, and youth culture in general.

Sorry kids.

thoughts of a 17 year old (none / 0) (#1734)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:14:03 PM PST
after reading this article and some of the messages posted i have lost a lot of faith in humanity. i always assumed that most people have some sort of intelligence and common sense, but apparently not. thank goodness that i'm not the only person that noticed that this article is based out of complete and utter ignorance. i can't believe some one could make connections out of dressing like a raver and hacking or any other random thing that a teenager does; in your child's case he's probably doing it cause his father's the idiot in the world.

haha (none / 0) (#1736)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:17:22 PM PST
you sir, are lost

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#1740)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:26:53 PM PST
Reading this article was a great laugh, not at the author but at all the people he fooled. Thanks to the author for the warning about AMD using child labor.

By the way, one other way you can tell if your son is a hacker is if he asks to upgrade your memory. Your computer doesn't really need memory to run, but hackers need lots of memory because it helps them hack into things... yeah. That's what hackers do, right?

WTF (none / 0) (#1744)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:35:23 PM PST
god iv never seen such a bullshit artical ya asking for new fucking hardware means your kid is a hacker, where the fuck did you hear that from ? and amd is a thirdworld cpu maker. FUNNY SHIT tobad their chips are faster then intels

Oh danm (none / 0) (#1746)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:39:24 PM PST
OMG ITS A HACKER SCRIPT... or maby its just a thermomiter... stupid penis breath.

I R 1337 Haxor... I wonder how long its gonna take him to figure that out.
and as far as your dress standers are the clothing you discribed are raver clothes not hacker clothes... hackers dont have dress wear... hell most the time I hack buck naked.

// Program to convert temperature from celsius degree
//   units into Fahrenheit degree units:
//   Fahrenheit = Celsius * (212-32)/100 + 32
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
int main ( int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[])
   // enter the temperature in celsius
   int nCelsius
   cout << "Enter the temperature in Celsius:";
   cin > nCelsius;

   // calculate conversion factor for Celsius
   // to Fahrenheit
   int nFactor = 212 - 32;
   nFactor = 212 - 32;
   // use conversion factor to convert Celsius
   // into Fahrenheit values
   int nFahrenheit;
   nFahrenheit = nFactor * nCelsius/100 + 32;

   // output the results
   cout << "Fahrenheit value is:";
   cout << nFahrenheit;

   return 0;

God.. (none / 0) (#1971)
by elby on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:20:01 AM PST
If that's the best 'thermometer' program you can write, you need to give up computers and go into marketing or something.


Dude that program sucks. (none / 0) (#4001)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:09:01 PM PST
Haven't you heard of object orientation ? Obviously you have, since the code looks like C++. Perhaps you should consider having a FarenheightConverter class, and a Celcius class (derived from Float) and perhaps you should consider using exception handling. Also, you could make the Farenheight converter more generic as a 'converter' class which you instantiate with an expression template.

I think you are a hacker in the true sense of the word. One with no talent for programming.

Lies (none / 0) (#1747)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:41:26 PM PST
<FONT COLOR="00CC00">I have never seen so many lies in one post. I hope you never gain any political power.
Please cut the Facism.

yeah im gonna rag on this guy too... (none / 0) (#1748)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:47:36 PM PST
pacifiers are used by people who are on E (exstasy the drug) not people on computers.

#1 cause for your son being a computer hacker (none / 0) (#1752)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:58:58 PM PST
#1 cause for your son being a computer hacker is the parents' ignorance. Just as you have demonstrated. Please don't try to pass off your theories as facts. Understand the problem before jumping to these ubsurd conclusions.

Stupid people should not have kids (none / 0) (#1754)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:01:01 PM PST
Mr. Gibbons, I truly feel sorry for your children. Not only are you pathetically unaware of teen culture or style today, you lack any sort of real trust in your son. As so many other comments have pointed out, you lack any knowledge of computer equipment, software, or hardware. As far as your "warning signs" are concerned, were you never a teenager? Most kids change their appearance, become sulky, and occasionally experience problems in school--it's called "growing up." I am certainly relieved that when I received my new AMD processor it did not come equipped with a few "Third World" sweatshop employees to take care of. And, briefly, what makes you an authority on raising children. I hope that no loving parents will take your ignorant and ill-informed advice. If they do, it will be to the detriment of their own kids. And, by the way, women are just as capable as men of using computers and excelling in computer related fields, you sexist bastards.

The gene pool should have life guards (nt) (none / 0) (#1937)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 10:58:21 PM PST

oh man... (none / 0) (#1755)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:07:02 PM PST
I'm laughing so hard I am crying!!! *whipes tear from eye*

thanks for the laugh fucktard


You are the dumbest parent out there (none / 0) (#1756)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:10:23 PM PST
OMG!! What the hell were you smoking? I feel sorry for your kids. You seem to have the tendency to over react. In no way is your son a hacker. Furthermore, that 'information' on hackers is complete laughter. First off, Quake is an online game, that hell, my computer teacher plays who is against hacking. Video cards are wanted for improved graphics and stuff. Bonzi Buddy? ha!! Hmmm, it's a helpful little purple monkey that sits on your desktop to play with and he'll help you find stuff online. A family thing. Oh yeah, and where do you hear that hackers look like friggin' reflectors?! Geez, I could go on for pages on how much of a moron you seem to be. Believe me, all these people posting about how dumb you are, no a hell of a lot more about computers than you do. Also, give your kids lives and let them learn how to cope in the real world. You aren't helping them, you are making them losers. Oohh, my daddy won't let me go to parties cause there might be drinking. LMAO!! Oh and no, you are not an ideal family at all, dork.

What the hell? (none / 0) (#1762)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:35:00 PM PST
Uh, AMD chips are readily sold in new computers in stores. I think they are going to sue your ass. If so, good.

All the better (none / 0) (#1763)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:02:09 AM PST
This has got to be a joke.. there is no way.. no.. no one can be that stupid.. what a bunch of llamas...

*giggle* (none / 0) (#1764)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:05:14 AM PST

They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking.

Please, tell me Intel paid you good money for that SHAMELESS plug firstoff.


Dear author(s) of the posts defending this ... blatent waste of good bandwidth

You're idiots. Online gaming is far less tyranical and mind altering than oh.. say.. cheerleading or high school football. The pressure of modern society to "fit in" this all comsuming rage in which anything not you, your family, and doesn't conform to your ideals is a thing of pure and utter evil. Tell me that humanity has not reached THIS LEVEL of cess pool ignorance. "Hackers have glowsticks" bbbzzttt WRONG . RAVERS carry Glow sticks. As to the type of music, you'd prolly have us all listening to Disney songs all day long while reading a bible and not watching TV because it too is a cause of "hacking" right? Let me tell you a thing or two that's not mentioned here.

1) Hacking is a term used by online games for anyone using a cheat in a game. Example? Cheats that allow you to remove textures and see through walls are called "wallhacks"

2) I grew up in a household in which someone held many of the same ideals as the author if this incrediously funny article. I grew up in it and I honestly hated every minute of it. I was oppressed and denied the thing that seperates humans from the rest of the animals in the world. Free will.

To supress the ideals and likes of other human beings is wrong, at least to the level in which the author of this article has stated. You claim that computers are downfall of humanity? I hate to inform you thaty ou're wrong.

Humanity is the downfall of humanity.

It's people like you, Conformity happy personality nazi's that make people like myself (read as, person with a brain) shun to go to a public place (like a mall for example).

Wow... i just was reading this, and i've been rambling.. guh.. must be all that 'speed' in my system (read that as Wow.. i've been drinking a coke. Heaven forbid that I drank a high sodium carbonated beverage and just "happen" to be posting on a forumn at the same time. Tsk tsk )
so.. without further adieu I'm gonna go uh.. hack i guess.

If... by hack you mean play a video game involving guns, strategy, and friends. Excuse me, i have a base to go defend.

lol (none / 0) (#1767)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:27:56 AM PST

Most stupid man on the face of the earth!!! (none / 0) (#1770)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:36:43 AM PST
O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This person must be the most stupid parent on the face of this blue planet!
Never have I ever heard of such utterly deranged gibberish about computers and computer-habits!
I certainly hope that this article is made as a joke to get a negative reaction from the pc-world.
Either that parent is a deranged madman, or a seriously unwelcome abomination upon Earth.

Writer of this article: Wherever you are whatever you do....GTH!!! If this is for real!

fuck your dumb (none / 0) (#6498)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:42:37 AM PST
fuck your dumb.....I think he got you big time you dumb ass!!!

How to tell your father is a moron. (none / 0) (#1774)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:44:50 AM PST
He frequents

where my girlfriends father frequents.. (none / 0) (#6970)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 04:36:55 PM PST
His daughter was sneaking out to see me. Because her father frequently visits to work out where to take his vacations and to work out how long until his next child is old enough.

to the TCR massive.

I think you are a hacker (none / 0) (#1775)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:47:05 AM PST
Not to mention that someone this ignorant would never remember this much incorrect information. I would watch out what site you are going to, this one was made by someone who uses flash, and may eve use DOS. lol, have a nice day, and try not to piss of the script kiddies too much.

Hackers (none / 0) (#1776)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:55:27 AM PST
It is quite obvious this site has been overcome with a group of hackers.

I think it is a shame that there are no longer any forums on the internet where parents can discuss our concerns with each other without chilren interfering.

Thanks to this article, I was able to spot my son hacking using a program called "mIRC" (A program designed by a wanted british computer hacker who goes by the alias of "Khaled"). Luckily, I have steered him clear of such illegal activity, and he is making sound progress at school.

So to Mr Gibbons, I thank you.

Get a clue (none / 0) (#1779)
by Klownin79 on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 01:09:36 AM PST
Here is what I mean.
1)AMD are sold in stores as a matter of fact BestBuy use to sell them.
2)Quake is a damn game thats it.
3) You really need to learn what the hell a hacker is. All a hacker is, is someone who knows how a computer works in and out. I myself am a hacker and damn proud of it.
4) What you are talkin about is a Haxor.
5) Here is what the Firewall Dictionary says
Hacker: Motivated largely by curiosity, hackers are people who probe computer and phone systems to figure out how they work and what kind of information they hold. Hackers are generally principled and don't cause hard to the systems they invade. Haxor: Also know as Crackers,haxors are the evil twins of hackers. Haxors revel in breaking copy protections, damaging networks, stealing and/or altering data, and generally being unpleasant. They began referring to themselves as haxors, or HaX0rs, to aviod being blocked by ISPs, online services, and message boards that automatically delete references to "hackers"
Last but not least you said how fine and all your family is, man wake up and smell the roses your family is just as fucked up as mine.

AMD is not available in stores (none / 0) (#2183)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:27:21 PM PST
I can't walk into Walmart or K-Mart and buy an AMD chip. Therefore, they're not available in stores as far as I'm concerned.

And games are more than just games. I suppose you think guns are just guns too.

Duh (none / 0) (#3063)
by Klownin79 on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 08:15:41 AM PST
Man games are just games thats all they are nothing more nothing less. Yea I do belive guns are just guns. Guns don't kill stupid motherfuckers with guns kill. A gun by itself is harmless you take that same gun put it in the hands a a mad man then it becomes a weapon.

THis is funny!! (none / 0) (#1780)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 01:12:54 AM PST
first off it is '' LINUX'' not ''LUNIX''

check yoru spelling and you think that is what makes a hacker? you need ''LUNIX'' and be an avid Quake player? you really didn't research this at all... ''LUNIX'' does not destroy your HD, I have installed and uninstalled many times - guess what, I am on the same HD. GO FIGURE!

I don't mean to flame you but I do want to thank you - this is the funniest article I have read in a while.


Some corrections on the article (none / 0) (#1784)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 01:25:09 AM PST
-Hackers aren't criminals, just people having fun with PC's. The criminal side of this activity is called a Cracker, a guy who hacks systems with the intention of doing damage or make some profit.

-AOL is the suckiest ISP in the world, so if a kid asks to change ISP, thats actually a good idea.

-Those programs he claims are "hacker programs"... Geez! ask someone who knows about PC�s a you will see.

-I don't know why a hacker needs to upgrade his Video Card to do his stuff. That is just nonesense. And AMD is a legitimate company, not a third world evil empire.

-Those books he lists as Hacking manuals... They are novels (well, most of them), fiction stories (good fiction, in the case of Neuromancer).

-45 minutes at day with the PC? Rubbish. What they are going to learn?

-Quake is a game, for God's sake. And a old one. Hackers talk and plan their stuff on IRC channels or ICQ, not playing Quake.

-The whole point of a child's behavior being an alert signal is a moot one. It�s normal for a Pre-Adolscent child to have some behavior problems, so deal with it.

-It�s Linux. It dosn't have anything to do with Soviet Union (hehe, that was a good one), and yes, it's the work of a group of hackers, and thanks to them, there is a option if you want another OS instead of Windows. And it�s free.

-Hackers tend to wear black clothes, but only the "pro" ones. Most hackers are just normal people.

-"over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases" WTF? that is just rubbish. And hackers tend to be very succesful people, with high paid jobs.

...And to think that some parents are reading that article and thinking "Oh my, my son is a hacker!"

Well sir, (none / 0) (#1790)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 01:57:00 AM PST
Either your incredibly stupid,
or your joking. Cause noone who "read" up
on Computer hacking from real sources would
think that anything you say in this article
points at your son being a computerhacker.
And if your joking, think again - some idiots
might actually believe this piece of crap you
wrote, next time please leave the analysing
of computer hackers to the ones who knows it oke?
Cause this is pure crap and i hope noone is so
dumb that he/she believes this
/sincerely Safety

I hope this is a joke (none / 0) (#1792)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 02:11:31 AM PST
This hopefully is a joke... please, for the love all whatever god is out there, let this be a joke..

we're getting a kick out of this one!! (none / 0) (#1794)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 02:21:06 AM PST
talk about uninformed, yet sounding like an expert. I feel sorry for the kid! is where I generally hang out, and someone posted this guys thread here:

We're having about as much fun as you guys are, poking at this guy.

men of the year (none / 0) (#1797)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 02:31:08 AM PST
this guys deserve a mention into "men of the year"

he would probably outpass bin laden or bush ffs

Total moron! (none / 0) (#1798)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 02:36:15 AM PST
I swear, this guy is either on crack, or is seriously mentally challenged.
Your parents must've dropped you on your head too many times when you were a baby, if they didn't I'm sure we all would like to do it to you now from a very big height, maybe then you'll get some intelligence into your head.
I've never read such a load of bullshit in my life!

OMFG! (none / 0) (#1806)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 03:06:44 AM PST
Computer-retards like the writer of that article shouldn't be allowed to even touch anything containing transistors. He should be stuck in a small dark closet, that's where he'd be most happy. FFS...

YOU ARE A NOOB (none / 0) (#1809)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 03:21:23 AM PST
lol,It sounds like your son was a freakin raver nothing more.

Spike dyed hair, baggy pants, colored clothes, glow sticks, pacifiers (wtf).

All signs point to raver, i bet your kid is on x loser

Ignorant Viewpoint (none / 0) (#1810)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 03:33:52 AM PST
Your views on hacking are quite poorly informed, and the so called 'effects' of hacking that you outline are in fact more likely to be caused by poor parenting or social development. You name such programs as Comet Cursor and Flash as 'hacking' programs. However, Comet Cursor is a desktop accessory desgined to make a computer user's time on the computer more enjoyable and customised, through use of animated cursors. Flash is used to create animations which are used extensively on webpages. None of the actions these programs perform are harmful or illegal - in fact they are great creative tools which improve the internet. Flash is even taught to senior students at my school in Information Processing and Technology. As a 16 year old, I consider myself a computer enthusiast, using advanced features and spending time on the internet. However, you would class me as a 'hacker'.

Your view is painfully conservative, and ignorant, and I feel it is people like you who prevent real positive progress on frontiers such as computers and the internet.

Please get real.

Drew Titmarsh
Rockhampton, AUSTRALIA

Jeesus. Know your business, write then. (none / 0) (#1812)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 03:36:16 AM PST
Jeesus you americans are just idiots. Can't help it.

Waoow, get informed, before talking... (none / 0) (#1813)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 03:42:23 AM PST
I post this page to a lot of friend, because i'm sure they will laugth as much as i do !!!

I'm currently a student in telecommunication and networks. you can call me a hacker if you think every people working on a computer are (but far from it...).

I'm well informed about computers, and hacking....

You present yourself as a modern and computer-science informed parent, but you don't know anything !!! You just start to learn some things on a computer, and never go far enough to really understand them. AMD, a third-world company !!!!

What sort of book do you read ? Magazine ?
Do you realize that without computer, the actual society is lost ? Is there a single person in the developped country who never see a computer, or something related ?

Do you really think that someone who know programming will always try to hack companies, or anyone ?

Please, before you do anything, go read computer related magazine, go to the internet, get inform about AMD, LINUX, all those thing you don't know.

Sigh (none / 0) (#1814)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 03:58:10 AM PST
Jesus, how stupid are you ? This MUST be a joke....i just can't believe this. You must be sick !

Some kind of paranoia? (none / 0) (#1815)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:00:06 AM PST

There are few big mistakes in That post for ex. Linus torvald is not from Russia he`s from finland and the OS. is called linux not "lunix" and it`s not based on any kind of microsoft aplication, Its Based on UNIX witch was created in 1969 in Bell Labs and first start of this system was on the DEC PDP-7(evrything made in usa)
Another Thing hackers don`t need new hardware because hackers work in TXT enviroments wich can be lunched on 386 processor wich hasn`t been producted in years. Why buying AMD processor is sing of being a hacker? That processor is more efficent in games than Intel processor and cheaper so I don`t see the connection betwen a hackers and AMD processors, or why buing new graphic card?? new games require new Graphics accelerators, or what has hackin to do with Quake? i bet 80% of quake community newer iven sow linux or enything what has to do with hacking, they are just playing the game, or why spending more than 45 minutes makes such person a hacker? he may be talking for hours on internet with other pepole using irc, icq, chats, etc. or he may be learning how to use the pc for to be a programist in future or some other computer related job. I don`t se the connection betwen poor preformance in sports, not evrybody hav abilities to be a sportsman some pepole train their brains(thanks to them u can enjoy the benefits of tehnology) not their bodyies.
I think the autor of that post is overreacting and is scared of evrything that is realted with computer that he dosen`t know, before writing such article he should contact somebody who can explaind few things that author has no idea of and is writing about them.


hahahahaha (none / 0) (#1816)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:03:50 AM PST
This is the funniest thing I've read in years, I can't stop laughing.
I'm pretty sure that you're joking, but if you're not: try writing on subjects that you know the mere basics of the next time, I don't think a single paragraph in this article is true ;)

P.S. Do you do stand up too ? ;)

*gurgle* *choke* *wheeze* (none / 0) (#1817)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:03:59 AM PST

OMG... I almost choked in my coffee. Very good!

Urgh.. coffee is leaking from my nose on my keyboard... ergh...

Thanks.. I needed that laugh...


MAN OH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#1819)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:19:02 AM PST
This is by far the worst shit I've ever read...
(but it made my day because I'm still laughing my ass off)

Probably the most ignorant article I've ever seen. (none / 0) (#1820)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:21:51 AM PST
Well, since all the above commenters have pointed out the facts of the matter, Linux being a FREE and OPEN operating system made by millions of people all over the world seeking, well, let's call it "Technological Paradise" and everything, I feel theres one thing that's still missing.. Here:

"As you can imagine, I was amazed. A computer hacker in my own house! I began to monitor my son's habits, to make certain that Cindy wasn't just telling stories, as she is prone to doing at times.

After a few days of investigation, and some research into computer hacking, I confronted Peter with the evidence. I'm afraid to say, this was the only time I have ever been truly disappointed in one of my children."

Now.. first of all, computer users not quite evenly divide into a number of groups: $LUSERS (Normal users that think that what the computer does is magic), Script-Kiddies (Kids that think that breaking the law is cool, but don't have the mental abillity to actually do so), Crackers (Sometimes called 'black-hat hackers', are Computer-Literates that use computer Cracking to forward their political oppinions, amongst other things) and finally Hackers.. well there are other groups, but these are the most important ones..
Hackers are good. Hackers make software, hackers write books, hackers do whatever they can to entertain their own mentallity by doing things that other people have deemed impossible. Hackers are very often anti-social, but that's not because they want to be different, it's normally because society as a social construct won't allow us to participate in normal social rituals without being sessed uppon with menial mockery. Hackers are intellectually superior to the "average" person, I'm sorry to say, and Hackers hate mediocrity for what it is. Our school grades are either top-grades or propper flunks, the top grades because we can, and the propper flunks because we simply don't want to. Most educational systems serve simply as a way to slow our mental evolution down to that of our peers, and trust me when I say that we do not like that.

However, to respond to you saying that you are not proud that your son as a Hacker, the note this: Every parent who actually knows what a Hacker is and what our purpose in society is would be proud. Hackers are the most ethicly clean people that I know - the thing that makes them 'bad' is that they don't let governments tell them what to do. Guess what the governments do?

I too am a hacker, like many others. It's estimated that the worlds hacker population is around 10 million people. That number is going up, but then again, not all hackers are good hackers - some break the law (black-hats).. but only for a reason.

If you want to understand the hacker culture, go down to your bookstore and get a copy of the Harry Potter books. The social struggles in that book, the static between Wizards and Muggles - it's all exactly the same as the Hacker social struggle.. Hackers being Wizards, you being a muggle, and those few crackers that exist being Voldemort and his gang.

Anyway, thanks for reading (if you did, but I doubt that also).. and please try not to be so ignorant.

You Are Grossly Misinformed (none / 0) (#1821)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:22:58 AM PST
Mr T Reginald Gibbons, as a computer hacker and 14 year old son, I find your article to be completely and utterly away from the facts as possible. A few things about your article. Comet Cursor is a program that allows you to change your mouse cursor to something more visually appealing or more suited to your tastes. Flash is a professional website & animation package used by many people legally around the world to create websites and small, animated movies. They are not hacker software. AMD. How dare you insult AMD in front of me. AMD are a great company that have built themselves up over the years to rival Intel in the processor stakes. Their processors are designed for fast gaming speed and are made legally and to a considerably high standard by well-paid engineers in America. By their very nature, processors cannot be made in sweatshops. Processors are made in very clean, dust-free environment, therefore the idea that you harvest about them being made in sweatshops is not feasable. The security features that you say are missing from AMD chips but evident in Intel chips is this: AMD chips are much more overclockable than their Intel counter-parts. Overclocking is done to get more power and speed from the processor in question. It is NOT illegal and is not hacking.

Lunix. Hahaha. It is Linux. It is perfectly legal. It has a 10% share of the operating system market, with Microsoft taking 80% and Apple taking the therefore remaining 10%. It is whats known as open source and was developed by Linus Torvalds (I believe that is how it is spelt) and he has written an autobiography on himself that you can pick up in all good book stores. Mandrake and Debian are in fact versions of Linux. Mandrake and Debian are both relatively easy-to-use and are alternatives to Windows. However, they are not illegal. By modifactions, I mean that it is open source. Linus made Linux open source so that anyone with half a brain can make their own version of Linux suited to their needs. In fact, Linux is non-profit. The entire project is free. Hack into peoples stereos? Please. I can't believe this. You can't hack into someones stereos. MP3 is not a program, either. It is a format for storing music. Remember Napster? Napster is a file-sharing program that was (and still can be) downloaded to be used on the Microsoft Windows operating systems and on Macintosh. In fact, I don't believe there is a version of Napster availble for Linux. Linus did not invent telnet. Telnet has been around since the 1970's.

You say that if used incorrectly, Linux will ruin your computer and require you to get it fixed by a professional. Not true. Anyone with half a brain can do this. You don't need to pay anyone. Its simple. You just format the hard drive, insert your Windows CD and you are off. Linux also doesn't destory your HDD surface. It simply converts it to a file system known as EXT2, which is what Linux uses and Windows can't read it, without extra programs. Windows uses either FAT32 or NTFS partitions. Linux can't read these. LILO is simple an abbreviated version of Linux Loader. It provides a graphical way of getting into Linux or Windows or anyother OS you have installed.LILO just changes your MBR (master boot partition) which is a portion of your hard drive that contains what to boot and where it is. For example, in Windows, the MBR has data that tells it to boot Windows. It has a program in it the Windows equivalent of LILO. Linux puts LILO in the MBR, which gives you the choice.

As for your fashion and appearance statements...well..have you heard of fashion? Spikey hair is the norm, as is baggy pants and bright coloured t-shirts. Glow sticks. Geez. Have you been to any form of night club or even school dance/social lately? They are everywhere. Struggling academically? I wouldn;t call it struggling. I am a hacker and simply find school boring and as such don't get good marks in subjects such as Maths or Science, but I topped the year in English. Why? Because English is the only subject with no bounds except creativity. Maths and Science are bound by annoying things like physics and justifacation. English is truly creative, just like hacking. I hack, but let me clarify this: I don't hack to malicously destory something. I hack to gain knowledge that no teacher can give me. I hack to find out how things work. Hacking isn't limited to computers. A mechanic is a hacker. An advertiser is a hacker. Why? Well, by definition, hacking is abusing a system or law. Abusing, by definition, is pushing something to it's limits, seeing how far it will go before it breaks. A mechanic hacks cars to get better performance from them. An advertiser abuses the human mindset to get them to buy a certain product. Its all hacking.

One last thing. Quake is a game that is enjoyed by many people. Like AMD, never insult Quake in front of me. Quake is a sport, not a game. In fact, alot of people live off Quake (well, Quake 3 Arena) and make alot of money or win stuff like new cars. In fact, the CPL (Cyber Athletes Profesional Leaque) is holding the World Championships as we speak for Counter-Strike, the most popular online game ever. It is a tournament with a prize pool of a new Ford ZX3 and $150 000.

There you go, Mr T Reginald Gibbons. Go take your self to a PTA meeting or jump off a bridge. Your views are wrong and not valued in society.

this is all we need (none / 0) (#1838)
by nathan on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:45:44 AM PST
Look at the 'attitude' a 14-year-old 'h4x0r' feels entitled to 'cop' toward a family man trying to take care of his own.

It's all over, people. Will the last one out of this failing society please turn off the lights?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

T Reginald Gibbons, u are a genious (none / 0) (#1824)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:30:32 AM PST
I can honestly say that that is the funniest thing i have ever read in my life, and most likely the funniest thing i will ever read. Good work. Im printing this out and sticking this on my wall. Then im gonna go play quake to brush up on my hacking skillz ;D

Wow! Fundamentalists are everywhere! (none / 0) (#1825)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:32:06 AM PST
This is the FUNNIEST thing I have ever read. I was actually laughing out loud and for a mild mannered man like myself that is really saying something.

It is scary that folks are taking part if not all of this seriously. And then they get all fucked up fighting each other. Who cares about what a fundamentalist psycho thinks about gender issues, OS's or whether you should wear makup and perfume on a date?

It's this Microsoft loving shit that we need to remove from our society!

What a crack up - and I thought you could only be fundamentalist about religion - but it seems that you can be a computer fundamentalist too! hee hee.

A bishop once said to me that a fundamentalist was funny, daum and mental. And this was coming from a bishop! hee hee

This guy in definately on my shitlist.

Oh well, time for a another vodka shot.


Bravo! (none / 0) (#1826)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:33:18 AM PST
Quite possibly the funniest thing I've read in a while. Yeah, that pesky lunix program. Scary stuff.

The funniest opinion about AMD and Linux! (none / 0) (#1828)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:46:44 AM PST
Please forgive me my English.
"AMD is a third world based company[...]" - I never knew USA was third world ;-)))
"They use child labor extensively[...] - AMD has "sweatshops" in Austin (Texas) and Dresden (Germany). Now, I know I should boycott USA and German products! ;-))))))
"AMD chips are never sold in stores" - You must really live in third world! ;-)))
I don't want to discuss AMD vs Intel - judging by your computer knowledge - it's useless.
Your opinion about "Lunix" (Linux?) is fanny as well!
"[...] are all versions of illegal hacker operation system..." - so US government, US military and US business use illegal software?
"Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos" - Linus Torvald is Finish of Swedish origin and trust me - Finland is part of European Union - not a Soviet Union ;-))))

hahha (none / 0) (#1830)
by KevinMitnick on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:49:22 AM PST
You have got to be one of the DUMBEST mother fuckers on the face of the earth. LOL Did your nigger mother have any children that lived Ward ?

i'm scared (none / 0) (#1832)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:05:56 AM PST
And i hope this entire article is a joke. Seriously, because if it isn't then i fear for the future of Peter. With parents this stupid, there is no telling what Peter will end up doing.

OH MY G-O-D (none / 0) (#1833)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:09:58 AM PST
HAHAHA!!!! What an ignorant fuck you are.. LOL LOL LOL this is the most STUPID thing I've read in my entire life.

It's obvious you don't know a thing about computers. Nothing. Zero. Null!!!

I feel sorry for you son to have such an ignorant parent. May god help us all.

*Laughs riotously* (none / 0) (#1839)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:48:45 AM PST
i cannot believe the depth of ignorance displayed in one article.
I shudder to think that people can actually believe this alarmist (and totally inaccurate) portrail of hackers.
The VAST majority of hackers are harmless, the groups reputation is sullied by the lunatic fringe that use their (not insignificant) programming abilites for personal gain or with malicious intent.
As for that pile of steaming tripe about quake being a training ground for paramilitary, antisocial, crazed killers, anyone who stopped over-reacting long enough to actually look at the game (i have serious doubts as to whether the author HAS) woudl realise that, like most first person shooter games, it is incredibly unrealistic. Unless the author belives that it is possible to use a rocket launcher to propell yourself onto higher levels (ie third or higher storied buildings) or to indeed simply respwan (reappear healed and perfect somewhere else on the level) whenever you have been horribly killed. Let alone learn how to use things like plasma cannons and rail guns (both of which, if they exist at all, i doubt could be found in the household gun cabinet)

HAHAHAH (none / 0) (#1840)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:51:58 AM PST
well this is one of the best reading i have ever done ;), few pointers then telnet is instaled on every windows system and if that is a common device used by hacers then is microsoft promoting hacking ?? no i don�t think so and lunix man are u mad ?? it is called linux not lunix, this is a normal operating system like Windows and is no more acceptiv to hacking devices than Windows, well there allways be idiots like you, best of luck to you and your son, i think you should have done some better reading cause i belive that you are a stuck up arse that thinks they know every thing but now you enterd a course you know nothing about and oviusly are compulsiv pharanoid and might think about seeking help for that ? ;) good day to you


Linyos Torovoltos (none / 0) (#1841)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:57:24 AM PST
Omg this is so funny.

Keep up the good work :)

What a bunch of stupid morons (none / 0) (#1846)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 06:04:33 AM PST
OK!, lol i gow down underneath about 7/10 of those "lables" lets see.
1. YES, got Optimum Online
2. YES, lol its my fucking computer, my parrents dont know how to turn on or even use a computer
3. YES, i buy all my stuff my self, built it my self, check it out @
4. Fuck no, i dont read no hacking materials, IM a Elite Script Kiddy, and there is no dam way that your sun can be a fricken hacker with the way you brought him up (i feel so dam bad for him) most of the out there calling theme self hackers are 80% script kiddies!!
5. Spend about 3-10 hrs a day on it (16 years old) and thats because i MAKE WEB PAGES, gota love ps6 and flash5 :-)
6. Man i Play Quake 3 team areana, rtcw, tribes2, ghost recon and cs, Ill blow your fucking ass outa the water.
7. No, stupid question
8. Cant spell LOL!, linux IS Awsome, but im a Xp type of guy :-P
9. No, another stupid question
10. no, another stupid question

Another thing, i got a AMD athlon 1.4 GHZ ahyja chip, and let me say, for the money it kicks the living shit outa the 1.4-1.7ghz p4 in games, and even beats the p4 2GHZ in some shit, being the fact the athlons got a higher cycle rate :-) aka more performance for MUCH CHEAPER!!!

Another Note: to the parent, Are you like a cross breed between omish and muslims or somthing, so dam strict, you sound like the brady bunch with Bugs up your asses, even my parrents agree with me, get a fucking grip of reality people, this is a new age and your old ways dont work now.

Thats all i gota say.

Smoke from channel #Betas
the true home of #betas

Where to begin.... (none / 0) (#1848)
by CrashHD on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 06:18:36 AM PST
Let's see where to begin....First off I'd like to say you are the most out of date parent I know...Your son may be experimenting with the computer and sometimes that can lead to illegal activites. So guide him don't cut him off...Your son will go farther with his computer knowledge and experience than you could ever go in your anti-technological life. If your son has a gift for the computer let him learn to use it. There are computer hackers out there that are legit...the only thing is they aren't called hackers when they get paid...they are security analysts, whom make more money in a year than you would probably make in 5. You're taking away tools from your kid that could make him successful in life. As for you list of things to watch for...take those down...your giving the wrong idea to parents who are dumb and uninformed like you...not one of those things was relevant. Let me go over your list: #1) I hate to break this to you, but your son is asking to switch from Aol because it sucks. It doesn't allow for a full internet experience. Most hackers have AOL accounts just to use them so they can't be traced or because it makes it harder to trace them. 2) Your son is learning about computers...let him experiment it teaches him about coding, protocols and other various useful internet technologies... 3)Everyone needs to upgrade...just because you deprive your kids to the point they have to beg to jump in to the next shouldn't call it a sign of hacking *how lame* 4)Hacking Manuals, we already went over this, when he gets older and is being paid to keep hackers out as well as analyze networks for security weak points you won't be comlaining. Especially when he is paying you bill for your old folks home. 5) The more time he spends the more he learns. 6)Quake is just a game...allows to relax, get your mind off things, and enjoy all the computer has to offer. *Entertainment* 7) This is called growing up, don't blame it on the computer blame it on yourself. 8)Linux is the premier server operating system in the world. If he learns linux he's got a head start on most system administrators out there. 9)Again your son is growing up and your blaming it on the computer...this isn't a hacker style, sounds to me like it's a raver style so I assume your son is out having fun and not being to anti-social. 10)Again you have failed not your son, you have failed to provide proper motiviation to keep your son interested in academics and sports. Don't blame it on the computer it is your fault and no one elses.

In short, I wouldn't be worried about your son, seems to me you have more problems than he does. I would seek help for yourself and maybe an online course on computers preferably called "I'm an F**** moron, show me what computers is all about."

The scary thing is. . . (none / 0) (#1849)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 06:21:38 AM PST
. . .that really clueless parents may take this article to heart. I can't see this as being a legitimate article. Anyone this stupid would not have the knowledge needed to even operate a computer.

cvbn (none / 0) (#1852)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 06:33:10 AM PST
what a load of old pony

Are you fuken kidding me? (none / 0) (#1854)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 06:46:12 AM PST
<b>Are you fuken kidding me..? this post about hackers is either a prank or your fuken mormons!

My Comments to this article (none / 0) (#1855)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 07:09:54 AM PST
Here are my personal comments to this article: ---------------------------------------------- 1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs? This is no cause for alarm. Changing an ISP may simply mean shifting to another ISP which provides faster service, for example, broadband. Also, it may charge cheaper costs, which will benefit the less well-off families. 2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing? This is also no cause for alarm. Not all software your child installs will be hacking software. At least some will definitely be good. Also, I will like to correct you. Flash is definitely NOT a hacking software. Go ask someone who knows computers, some adult if necessary. Flash is a program used to create interactive multimedia pages for the internet. Flash requires a Flash Player, which is installed in 96% of all home computers, and comes with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator as plug-ins. Please do not disgrace Flash by classifying it as a hacking software, which is extremely untrue. Bonzi Buddy is NOT a hacking software as well. I can guarantee that. Comet Cursor is simply a program installed by unwaringly visiting some sites on the internet, and is also NOT a hacking software. Please do not classify before clearly checking up on your sources. If you have further qualms that Flash IS a hacking software, I would suggest that you visit Macromedia's Website. 3. Has your child asked for new hardware? Computer hackers are limited by conventional hardware. That is true. However, your suggestion that they may require faster video/graphics card is absolutely ridiculous and of dubious origin. That is because graphics do NOT play a part in computer hacking, and is not necessary to the speed of hacking. More memory would be still okay. If your computer is running sluggish, or he is a power computer user who knows computers well, he will definitely need it. I would STRONLY like to rectify your unorthodox suggestion that AMD is a third-world-based company which makes inferior, knock-off copies of American processor chips. AMD is an internationally-recognised company which makes as good chips as Intel does, and for a much cheaper cost. It is in NO way an inferior company making inferior chips, as you so erraneously suggested. They do NOT use child labour, and their production lines are of high-quality, under careful control. And in fact, AMD is also based in America. If you say that AMD is third-world-based company, then you are extremely wrong, for America is a first-world company, and I am extremely sure that you will agree with that. Also, they do NOT delibrately disable features. They would not gain anything from that. They currently own a sizeable portion of the American processor market, and is, as I said, a famous processor-making company. Also, I MUST stress that processors cannot control software hacking, at least not with current technology. Therefore, contrary to your suggestion - "...they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking..." - Intel does not make use of its processor to prevent hacking. Why have you such a grudge against AMD? Do you even know what AMD stands for? Do you have completely no idea of the goodness of the processor chips AMD produces for your computer? If so, you must definitely visit In fact, they can sue you for saying that they employ child labour in their factories! What proof do you have? 4. Does your child read hacking manuals? This is certainly something to worry about. However, proceed cautiously before doing anything. Your child may simply be studying the algorithm employed in programs, so as to gain some insight as to how programs are written, for educational purposes. Your child may also be studying how he can make his own programs more secure. Therefore, as I said, proceed carefully. 5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day? If your child spends more than 30 minutes on the computer everyday, it is okay. If you need to type a ten-thousand word document, can you finish it in thirty minutes? I heavily doubt so. Therefore, always find out the reason before asking your child about why he is spending much time on the computer. Also, he may be simply training himself in multimedia or programming, and that is for a good educational purpose. He can then participate in national and international competitions which will both earn him glory and experience. You will definitely be proud of your son then. Put yourselves into your son's shoes. Can you even imagine what it will be like if you spend sixty minutes on the computer each day training algorithm and your mum says that you are hacking? Definitely not good. Also, do you know what DOS stands for? In the world of hacking, it stands for Denial of Service. 6. Does your son use Quake? For your information, Quake is a GAME. It is a first-person shooter, and most people will know that. Also, for your information as well - "you should make hime understand that" - you spelled "him" wrongly. That's just for information. 7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour? I would like to comment that your son, most likely a teenage one, will have his own mood swings. Therefore, please do not disgrace the world of computing by publicly linking the entering of the world of computing to your child's surly moods. If your child's surly moods persist, I recommend that you consult a psychologist. I am sure that he will be able to help you solve your child's problems faster than banning him from computers. 8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"? Now this is something I would really like to comment about. FIRSTLY AND FOREMOSTLY, you spelled "Linux" WRONGLY as "Lunix". That is a grave spelling mistake, and it is a criticism to the world of Linux, the wonderful world of Linux. Firstly, Linux is NOT an illegal hacking operating system. It is a PERFECTLY LEGAL open-source operating system, distributed freely under the GNU license. It is used mainly for hosting servers, and is an excellent alternative to Microsoft Windows(r). In fact, in some tasks it beats other operating systems outright. Also, I would like to remind you that Linus is NOT a computer hacker. You even spelled his name wrongly! Also, he DID NOT CREATE Linux before the Russians lost the Cold War. Also, it is NOT based on a program called "xenix". As far as I am concerned and as far as I know, there is no such program. Hackers DO NOT require these programs. They create their own programs. Regarding what you said - "...using the "mp3" program." -, can you please specify what the "mp3" program is? I can list a few for you if you like. Napster, Microsoft Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, etc. So, when you post next time, please POST YOUR VIEWS CLEARLY and PLEASE do some research before posting. Linus can sue you for calling him a notorious hacker, for public defamation. I also HEAVILY DISAGREE with what you said regarding telnet. I can see that you are a newbie to computers, and therefore, I, as an experienced player in the world of computing, would like to rectify you. Telnet is a program used to connect from machine to machine. It is NOT for connecting machines to the internet. Also, it DOES require a telephone. You probably have telnet on your computer youself. If you are using Microsoft Windows 95 or later, go to Start, Run, and type "telnet". Press enter. Telnet will then launch. So, if you are classifying telnet as a hacking program, I think that you would definitely ask, why is it bundled with Microsoft Windows in the first place as an accessory software? ALso, if you want to uninstall Linux, you DO NOT send your computer back to the manufacturer. No experienced computer user does that. If you do, you are probably a newbie to the world of computing and has no right whatsoever to post stuff as if you are very experienced. 9. Has your son radically changed his appearance? I agree totally with this. 10. Is your son struggling academically? "This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry." - quoting your own words. Firstly, if your child is a computer hacker, he will be EXTREMELY good at Math. His math will probably get himself ranked as first in class. That is because if you want to create programs, for hacking or NOT for hacking, you will need a good knowledge of algorithm. To learn algorithm properly, you will need good math skills. "In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases." The above is true, however. ------------------------------------------------ The above are purely my comments. They are accurate. Where I correct you, it is for your and your child's own good. DO NOT criticize AMD, as it can probably sue you for that. I sincerely hope that you take my advice to you, stated above, as advice from a computer user much more experienced than yourself. Also, as I said, if you are going to post anything here next time, please DO SOME RESEARCH first. What are my own opinions on hacking? Hacking is highly immoral, and SHOULD NOT be practised at all. It is a skill to be ignored, to destroy. And how do I know that some of what you said about hacking is false? That is because I am an experienced programmer and general computer user, and therefore certainly knows about all these. I am NOT a hacker. I do not hack. Thank you for your time and attention. Also, in cases where I have corrected you for your spelling, it is for information only, and not meant to criticize.

nothing... (none / 0) (#1856)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 07:21:44 AM PST
I don't think this article is something more than a joke, so be patient, calm down and just realise - do You think that someone can be so DUMB and know ... err ... nothing ;) (big bull s..t) about computers/hardware/sofware/hackers/...? I don't think so. But the article is really cool - it was the first thing that maked me laught today.

poor children (none / 0) (#1858)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 07:36:08 AM PST
poor children, having such an ignorant father

buhahaha (none / 0) (#1862)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 07:53:26 AM PST
"Neuromancer" - hacking manual?
You're an idiot or priest.

I HAVE USED "THE QUAKE," BUT I DID NOT I (none / 0) (#1864)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 08:26:38 AM PST
This person's incompetence at understanding his children's lives only makes me more nervous about what he does for a living.

The damage done to his son can only pale in comparison to the potential damage he could create in the larger world.

This guy must be stopped...

Someone hack into his computer and make it explode when he goes online!!!

Oh, and beware the evils of... (none / 0) (#1865)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 08:31:55 AM PST
Neopets. Yes, they have finally developed a hacker programme that even a young child can use. Beware! If you notice your child, spouse, mother, etc. on the computer for long periods of time, "playing with their pet", I suggest reporting them to the local authorities immediately.

Webmaster not worthy of gene pool... (none / 0) (#1867)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 09:14:32 AM PST
It's because of idiots like you who thrive on teaching people so much shit to scare them that our governments can pass new laws to enable them to seize our asses wherever we are on this planet, who grant themselves powers to crush our freedom and play God like they wish, when it pleases them.

There are reasons why suicide exists. You should set an example by justifying the word. Remove yourself from the gene pool or help society by not having children. Please die the only idiot in your bloodline instead of putting into this world other chances of having someone like you. If you have any, drag them in your liberating of society. If you have an inch of good sense, you'll know I'm right. Of course, this is probably one of the most funny shit I've read about computer literacy. Thanks for the laugh, I sent your like to my 200+ joke list... Thanks!

|-\ /_\ |\ |
|_// \| \|

DOS (none / 0) (#1868)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 09:19:28 AM PST
Actually, I think that what this <B>1D107 P3R50N</B> is referring to with dos, is truly ms-DOS (ms-dos 7, disk operating system, that command prompt thingy is a ms-DOS -shell) and that this 1D107 has mixed it up with DoS.

Btw ms-dos 6.22 is still the most stable operating system that MS has created...and the fastest too :)

Actually linux, windows 2000, nt, xp, os2, mac-os and unixes are all (D)OSes (as it stands for (Disk) Operating System). But not windows 95, 98, 98Se or ME because they are all run under ms-dos (which therefore must be loaded before loading windows) and makes them unstable due to limitations of ms-dos.

a hint: use 4DOS...faster smoother better ;)

ROFL! (none / 0) (#1875)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 10:36:07 AM PST
Its dipshits like this guy that keep the 'Net an unsafe place. AMD is hacker CPUs? Comet Cursor is a lil app that changes your cursor, you gas pumper. If they are doing glowsticks and pacifiers, they are into Extasy moron. its LINUX! and was developed by a friggen Norwegian, and based on UNIX, a OS produced in BELL LABS. not the god damn government. DOS = Denial of Service, which is an attempt to send SOO much data to a given machine that in its attempt to respond, brings the CPU to an effective halt. AOL = 1 SHITY ISP! Trust me on this, I DO Network Security for a living, and for ALL the emails I've sent to AOL regarding some hacker scanning our networks, or trying to hack into us, I have yet to receive ONE response. Your utter ignorance appauls me. Stop trying to speak about something you have NO IDEA about.

h4x0r c47cH3r

WOW- I wish this were a joke. (none / 0) (#1876)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 10:37:30 AM PST
That was perhaps one of the largest piles of uninformed garbage I've seen on the internet so far.

I'm not normally one to respond to an agrument with a flame, but in this case I don't even know where to begin!

Bonzi Buddy and Flash as hacking tools?!?!

-Wayward Gull

What a fucking looser (none / 0) (#1878)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 11:02:08 AM PST
What a fucking moron. THis guy can't be for real. LOL OOOOOOO your son wants a better video card, OMG he is a fucking hacker!!!!! You are a fucking looser father. Your son shows a intrest in something and you shut him out. Asshole

Just another example of extreme ignorance... (none / 0) (#1879)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 11:02:58 AM PST
Sir I don't know you from a hill of beans, but I can see you are most ignorant about this subject.. Let's take your comments and break them down one by one shall we?

"1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider.

I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter. This filter is vital to any parent who wants his son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him through exposure to "adult" content. It is best to stick with the protection AOL provides, rather than using a home-based solution. If your son is becoming a hacker, he will be able to circumvent any home-based measures with surprising ease, using information gleaned from various hacker sites. "

This is an extremist statement if I ever heard one. AOL is not a real "ISP" and if you think there is no hacking going on within AOL then you are sorely mistaken. Even within AOL there are hackers who would steal others accounts and use them for their own pourposes. No ISP is safe.. Not even AOL.

"2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "

Comet Cursor is a program that allows you to change your cursor, nothing more. Bonzi Buddy is a cute little desktop toy, nothing more. And Flash is nothing more than a interactive movie player. End of story.

"The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs. He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding."

If you confront your child with this, he/she will most likely laugh at you.. And honestly I don't blame him/her.

"3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well. "

Obviously yet again you show your ignorance. AMD is sold in many systems, even the Compaq's you most revere. Also is is sold in many shops around town. It is quickly becoming a standard in PC computing, not because hackers use it, but because it is far more superior to Intel chips and about half the price.

"4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

If you pay close attention to your son's reading habits, as I do, you will be able to determine a great deal about his opinions and hobbies. Children are at their most impressionable in the teenage years. Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced minds.

There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond.

If you find any of these hacking manuals in your child's possession, confiscate them immediately. You should also petition local booksellers to remove these titles from their shelves. You may meet with some resistance at first, but even booksellers have to bow to community pressure. "

And Harry Potter will teach your child to become a master of the Occult and summon demons to devour your soul.

"5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day."

Sorry little Johnny, I know you are working on that project for school, but your 30 mins are up. We don't want you to become a hacker, do we?

"6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school. "

Quake is an old game that most kids don't even know exist. If your son is playing it, the most likely reason is that your computer is too old to play any new game. It is far from virtual reality, about as far as your connection to the real world is. Please give this child an AMD processor for Christmas, and while yer at it get him a New video card.

"7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour. This will manifest itself soonest in the way he treats others. Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn, bitterness, and even foul language. He may utter threats of violence of a real or electronic nature.

Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation he is in. Keep trying to get through to him, no matter how much he retreats into himself. "

The most likely reason for this is that his father has so lost touch with the real world that he has been driven to the point of near insanity by his Father's extreme stupidity.

"8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface. "

I won't even acknowlage this one with a reply. Suffice to say, why don't you read a little?

"9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences. "

I'd say he's in a gang.. Better check under his bed for a gun.. Or maybe some books of the occult. Has he read Harry Potter?

"10. Is your son struggling academically?

If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight. For the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically. "

You limited his computer time so he can't finish his school work.. 'nuff said.

"I encourage all parents to read through this guide carefully. Your child's future may depend upon it. Hacking is an illegal and dangerous activity, that may land your child in prison, and tear your family apart. It cannot be taken too seriously. "

Let's hope this was a joke. Or more to the point, let's hope those who read your site do not share your brain.

Just to give you a little background on myself, I am a Network Engineer for a consulting company in Toledo, Ohio. A proud father of 1, with a loving wife and a Golden Retriever. I'm 28 years old and have been working with computers since I first laid my hands on one at age 13.

bahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhaha (none / 0) (#1883)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 11:28:28 AM PST
I can't believe this is serious... I honestly can't believe it. Linux... soviets, LMFAO. AMD, and the 3rd world kiddies. This information doesnt even exist in text form anywhere except here and now... so ya better take a screen shot to preserve the moment. I'm sorry, I have to go piss my self laughing now.

Very sad (none / 0) (#1885)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:09:34 PM PST
Ow, I feel like my IQ has been lowered simply from reading this.

lol, your not a smart parent,your a dumbass (none / 0) (#1889)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:45:41 PM PST
hmmm... so you found a hacker? I just finished reading your top 10 sign list,and it must be a joke,it sounds more like your trying to get people to use WIN95 with AOL, and hate Quake, so i'm going to go through the "anti-hacker" page, and point out the many mistakes, and don't expect me to use proper grammer and to correct every typo, because i don't feel like spending much time on this: (notice i didn't qoute sentenses and such,don't feel like it,wont anytime soon,you should have enough common sense to tell what parts i talk about)

Enlightened, modern parent...? your top 10 list makes you look like a parinoid parent, by the way, why is it you put links on at least 1 word per at most 5 sentenses? you think someone wouldn't know what parent means? oh well,not like i'm going to click on them anyways,don't feel like loading 10434 (yes,i just picked a random #, shut up about it because i'm not going to bother counting all of them) different pages.

you mentioned somewhere on your top10 that the get more aggresive, well, TV shows are full of violence, MAYBE thier just getting violent from the shows they watch? and NOT because thier a hacker...

Compaq, yes, thier good computers, but let me point out it's not the computer itself you learn with,but the software...

sounds like Peter liked the computer a lot...

Cindy says he's a hacker? without evidence that means nothing to me, there are so many possiblities of what happened in which Peter isn't relly a hacker, here's a few examples:
1.he can be a hacker-wannabe
2.he was joking
3.he wanted cindy away so said that so she would get scared away or something
4.he didn't understand what "hacker" ment,he probebly thought it ment 'a good player' or something

you amazed? the first thoughts that would come to my mind was "sure,whatever"(sarcasm in the qoutes...), so obviously i wouldn't relly belive it.

didn't you say you raised them to be HONEST later...?

hmmm... evidence,tell me some evidence that DOES mean he's a hacker

i'm sure you've been disappointed in them before

and they obviously aren't the most honest, must i quote the part where you say Cindy tells storys?

denials, maybe that would be telling the truth instead, because your evidence is crap, and you probebly asked people on the street for research, your probebly also not letting him tell his side of the story

ok,here's 2 ways to help others:
1. scince you went ahead and "helped" with hacking, so why don't you flame computer users in general,so i can flame you on that
2.until your completely sure your not stupid and that you got good evidence,don't put up the hel
3.if your probebly going to keep up with this BS whenever you say something,maybe you should just STFU

oh god,you published it?! you will be so dead if i see it in the stores, you have completely inaccurate signs, and if other people start reading this and believing it,thier going to go parinoid like you

matches profile...dumbass, what if he IS a hacker yet doesn't even show one sign? then it's not very good signs,and with inaccuracys your probebly going to catch the everyday kid and call him a hacker or something

misbehaviour? your a paranoid parent, you shouldn't tell others what's misbehaviour and whats not, because your going to probebly look at something completely ok and go yelling at people for exepting that as ok

not everyone's on the internet for education, people have different reasons,i just browse forums and play games,you on the other hand go flame people saying complete BS

10.i've seen quite a few people struggling academically, but i know that thier not hackers, i just have one simple thing to say:
just because your son struggling academically, doesn't mean that your son is a hacker. It's not a sign of hacking, it's a sign of not spending enough time on school work
9.No, it means that he's just trying to be "cool", I've seen plenty of people doing that crap, yet they know NOTHING about computers!
8.don't know what Lunix is, so i won't comment on this one
7.Maybe something to do with spending too much time on the computer,maybe not... dumbass,Quake is a game,there are 5 Quake games i have heard of,note that i say GAME,not hacking software:GAMES,let me spell it out: G A M E S, understand? probebly wouldn't with such a low IQ

hmm... if thier causing erratic behaviour,then they don't shouldn't play games,they simply can't tell whats ok in real life and what's not ok

hmmm...if he's learning,then you have nothing to worry about,he's going to look for a CTRL key on his keyboard
5. 30min isn't much,DOS is not a hacking program,it's automaticly installed with WIN95 and 98,and is required for WIN 3.1 (very old OS)
but yes,it might be used in a nagitive way,but then again,everything can be used like that

45 min is very short too,i can't enjoy a few good games of UT in 45 min!
4.true,likely he is being a hacker,but he might be trying to use the "hacking knowladge" to prevent himself from being hacked,and some of those manuals might not even be hacking tutorials
new hardware is NOT a sign of hacking,you ARE parinoid, new hardware means your computer is old,i'm going to laugh at you and your old 56k in a old pentium 2,*laughs at pitifull parent*
2.Bonzi buddy:it's not good,but it's not hacker software,it's spyware,big differense
Comet Cursor:i remeber this on my brother's computer,but he's not a hacker,it changes your cursor,no other effects...
Flash:your kidding me,right? no?! your stupid, flash is not hacker software,i shouldn't even have to comment on this...
btw:some of this software might end up getting installed without even HIS knowladge,as it sometimes comes with other programs,AOL sucks,my friend uses it,it's not very good,he might be trying to get around it,but then again,he must just hate it,and with what he knows,he could have just simply gotten rid of the protection with his hacking abilities

now to comment on other parts of this site:
-poll:just because thier a hacker doesn't mean... ...they hack into NASA ...they are thieves. ...they-wtf is sociopaths??? well anyways: ...they use illegal drugs ...thier helping osama (does he even have intenet in that cave of his???) ...they are as american as anyone else,that's people obsessed with computers in general

-related links:wtf is this?

btw:if this post is deleted,and i ever come back to flame you,i will repost it,i will bookmark this site under "spam these sites",and copy these flames into a TXT document

What an amazing pile of shit! (none / 0) (#1892)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 12:56:01 PM PST
There's ten minutes I'll never get back.

This must be a joke? Someplease tell me YES (none / 0) (#1894)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 01:07:29 PM PST
T Reginald Gibbons you are fast becoming the laughing stock of the internet. I suggest you research your topics before writing.

Flash, quake, comet cusor and bonzo buddy hacker tools? You're the bonzo.

AMD chips inferior chips with security features deleted?

Oh, I get it. This is a joke written to get people to visit your site.

A 41 yr old computer user who uses most of the above.

Re: (none / 0) (#1895)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 01:08:16 PM PST
1. There are plenty of other reasons ISP's ban. I've known people who have been banned for the simple "crime" of writing rude letters.

2. I install new programs all the time. No other of my family would know, mainly because they don't use the computer. They usually have something to do with chats, games, or media. Not hacking.

3. I've need more memory right now. Not because I hack, but because my computer freezes when I connect using a DSL modem.

4. Yeah... that probobly is a good indicator. The only alternative for reading hacking books is to prevent being hacked. But some of the books listed are not strictly hacking sources.

5. Thirty minutes? It takes me that long to check my mail! I'm on for hours, usually browsing MB's.

6. Overgeneralization. Quake is a game. I know hackers that play it, but that doesn't mean all Quake players are hackers.

7. Ahem. That's called puberty. And hacking is not the only computer-related activity that causes withdrawal from the real world. MB's, RPG's, etc. are sufficient to that effect.

8. What a moron! Lunix?! Do you mean Linux? It's not solely for hackers. Programmers often prefer this. Hacking takes some programming knowlede, though. Another overgeneralization. While all hackers have to have programming knowlede, not all programmers are hackers. If they were, we'd all have some really fucked up computers now, wouldn't we?

9. WTF? What does clothing have to do with this? That description sounds more like a clubber. And if he wants to get into that, he's totally wrong. Most hackers I know go for blacks and greys.

10. There are many other reasons for poor grades. Hard classes, slacking, stupidity...

Woe! (none / 0) (#1896)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 01:29:52 PM PST
This is not good. I thank you so much for this informative article. You have proven to me that I am, indeed, a hacker, and should seek help...professional help, at all costs. I now see the errors of my ways, and am repentant. I cannot believe that I have let myself fall this far, this fast. I listen to the electronic music that is known as Techno...I use the operating system known as lunix. <Hanging Head> I have a Banzai Buddy.
What's worse? I was trying to get my wife and child into lunix as well! I was trying to propagate this madness! Well, I tell you now, thanks to this article, that will stop. I will take my child's lunix machine away from her this instant.

I can't believe that I am this low. But there is one thing that you did not reveal in this insightful article. This is NOT limited to teenagers! Indeed, I am 27 years old, with a wife, and a child...I live in a suburban house, with a white picket fence, and I have a dog named Poodoodle. I am NOT perfect...not anymore.


And that cannot be forgiven.

What a load of crap (none / 0) (#1898)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 02:07:45 PM PST
Gibbons, what the hell are you talking about? Quake? Lunix? Baggy-pants? Bonzi buddy a hacking program? its a program designed for 4 year old kids, do you have any IDEA at all what your talking about ? Lunix? there is no such thing as lunix (you must mean linux) and it is not a hacking software, there are many millions of computer company's that use linux to run their system. Before you write a story how to find out if your child is a hacker, you should read something about it for god sakes..though your son uses lunix (as u say it) doesnt mean that he's an evil hacker and he's going to hack NASA. And Quake? It is an ACTION of the most sold games in the world! There is no talking about hacking there on the servers, maybe 1 or 2 things you said there might be correct...but the rest is just something said by a man who has absaloutely no idea what he is talking about!

What a fucktard huh? (none / 0) (#1899)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 02:11:49 PM PST
I mean the man can't even spell linux and doesn't know shit! Linux destroys your harddrive and is illegal that what 50% or more of the internet is run on linux? And to remove lilo you have to send it to the manufacture? Dude, stop watching your kids like the little bitches you treat them as and go take a fucking computer class! Maybe learn something from some one who actually knows what they're talking about. Oh, and by the way.. Quake is a game! What a dumb mother fucker! There no hope for this world with idiots like this runnign around!

Hahahahahahahahahaha (none / 0) (#1900)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 02:13:48 PM PST
Real funy.

(I hope It was ment to be)

Yeah right. Why don't you just say Linux is an operating system used by an underground terrorism group, to destroy the US economy or something like that.

Quake. DOSing....


Tis was either a real dumb joke, or you are someone who has no clue what he's talking about but thinks he does.

what the hell (none / 0) (#1901)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 03:03:04 PM PST
this was the most moronic artical i have ever read in my life. just because you do all those things dont make you hacker you need proper tools to become a good hacker in this time and age. all children should learn how to realy hack hehehe.

i didnt know? (none / 0) (#1908)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:04:00 PM PST
i didnt know there were people as foolish as this writer.1)bsd,linux etc. are not "hackers os" 2)AMD is not inferior (in fact it is superior to intel in my opinoin)his compac probably has one in it 3)i could not finish the article for it was below my intel. level wich is pretty low to be honest.TO THE WRITER :i hope for yours and most of all your sons sake he does not rebel agianst you. your son is not a hacker! he was just learning a new os and if he was learning some hacking tricks its for the good. if he is a responsible kid he could grow up to be a good programmer to keep these creeps out of my computer.alot of hackers never cause damage to anyone they just see if they can do it then they stop before they break any laws. anyway i think you have done your son a great diservice, and i believe you owe him an apology. my email is feel free to rebut any of my statements i look forward to listening to them. P.S. aol is a rotten os and how much did intel pay you to write about amd like that. I think they could sue you for saying that stuff about them.PLEASE EXCUSE MY SPELLING AND GRAMMAR IM RUSHING THIS OUT THANK YOU

Good laugh. (none / 0) (#1909)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:11:20 PM PST
Its been a while since I've laughed like I have after this. Can anyone say paranoid??

I don't know how I could get anything done withough telnet and linux. I don't want to scare anyone but click on your start button and select run. Type in telnet. See what happenes. telnet is on every windows machine.

I guess I'm a hacker cause I use telnet and linux for school work. I also spend way more than 30 min on the computer per day.

Maybe you son wants to change ISP's cause AOL sucks.

Does your child read hacking manuals. Thats only number 4. I guess if you got punched in the face you might think that someone was angry with you but there could be 3 other, better reasons why it happened.

I guess if they want a new processor because the computer is slow their game dont run as fast maybe? And AMD, which can be bought in stores, tend to be cheaper than an Intel.

Anyways, whoever wrote this, if your serious calm down, if not, thanks for the laugh.

hum....where to start (none / 0) (#1912)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:22:21 PM PST
well i am not too sure how to begin as all of the things that i am about to say, i am sure, have already been said... first off you are a discrace as a father and as an american... think of this some of the best hackers are now some of our best computer programmers.

Now to get to some of the things you have discussed.

AMD is not some kind of hacking processor and surely they are not an "american Knockoff" as AMD makes the best processors for the money. I don't see how you can sit there and say that Intel processors "Stop" or "Prohibit" hacking. I would love to see where you got that info. Also go to any best buy or compusa and you will more then likely be allowed to buy an AMD processor.

Linux... was made 10 years ago by a Finnish Graduate Student named: Linux Torvalds. It is a Unix-like operating system made for the INTEL 80386 processor platform (by reading these facts about hacking i would assume that intel is the hackers platform of choice) Today linux runs on everything from very small mobile devices( palm pads, cellphones, etc) and embeded devices to mainframes. also Linux is in no way illegal. Marijuana is illegal and that is why you do not see it sold on store shelves.

PERL-is not just used for hacking it is widely used in the making of webpages and system administration, what about Python? and also what about Java? LISP? C? C++? hell all programming panguages are used to hack with and they are also used for other things like writing software to make your computer more useful to you. (you would deny your own son doing something as productive as that?)

Quake: ok so i myself don't like the game, but how can you sit there and say that it is the meeting ground of hackers? when do they hack while they are chasing each other around and clicking the mouse button to shoot their cannons? I have in fact palyed this game and it is nothing like shooting my .40 cal cannot say that these kids are learning how to aim and shoot a "real" gun. ok so maybe some games influence violence in teens, but we were all in the rebellious stage once. like was said above it is your responsibility to raise your kid. Yes i have a little girl, and no i will probably not want any guy to touch her, but at 17 i figure she will be able to start making her own choices in preparing her for her adult life.

That is all i can think of to say. You really need to research "Hacking" try a search and type "how to hack" and go look at the Hacking FAQ...then you will maybe understand some of the elements of what hacking is about... as far as now you know nothing and will probably never know anything about this thing you call "hacking"
I strongly agree with everyone here that you are an Idiot. you should go get yourself some books and read about the inner workings of hacking.

biggest crock of shit.... (none / 0) (#1913)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:31:26 PM PST
this shit is the biggest crock of fucking bullshit. just because someone spends all day on their fucking computer doesnt mean they are a hacker. just because someone loves linux doesnt mean that they are a hacker. linux is just a good, stable Operating System. this shit you wront is saying that I am a hacker. and let me tell not. i dont have the urge to be either. this shit is so funny i fucking fell out of my chair laughing when i read it. stop being so overprotective of your kid and get a life.

What a peice of S|-|17 (none / 0) (#1914)
by BuckFutter on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:34:45 PM PST
I can't believe this pussy of a liberal. Sorry if his son is some messed up tard, and little pussy man has to blame the internet for it. Mr. Penislick said he confronted his son with "hacking evidence", what kind of evidence? He hack into the FBI? or did you find him looking up Pr0n? And by the way Mr. pussyman, who made you the figurehead on hacking anyway?

here's the facts:
AOL sucks, AMD is better than Intel, Faster video cards are good, Linux is more stable that windows, The guy who wrote this gets it in the A-hole daily, he shaves his legs, and does not know a thing about hacking! Think everyone who wrote in the forums is saying the same thing.

I work in the IT field: and as a professional,<ul> My advice is to totally protect your computer from hackers because it sounds like you don't have a clue. there is an easy way to do this too:
Open up file and print sharing in your Network Properties! this will protect for anyone invading your computer.</ul> this is what a firewall does anyway, but it's not as pesky as a firewall. No needs to do "accepts" and "declines". just easy internet access.

I would plea for anyone who does not know Computers verywell to open up this File and Printer sharing. I do not know why it was not put on in the first place, anyone could be in your computer right now!

Liberal? (none / 0) (#2177)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:22:21 PM PST
There's nothing liberal about a disciple of Jesus.

como lloro / ohh my gods (none / 0) (#1915)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:40:41 PM PST
Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? Are you really stupid? poor son and poor father

holy hell... who wrote this? an amish? (none / 0) (#1916)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:47:34 PM PST
"Pheer me and my +4 rake of leafe killing"

seriously this person is a crack pot of serious preportions...

he says "Has your son asked you to change ISPs?"
did it occure to you that AOL is the most positivly crappy ISP in existance? try IE or netscape... you realize that net nannys like the one built into AOL will not let you go to a cooking web-site that tells you how to prepare chiken breast simply because of the word breast, yet you could get into a porn site based on pictures of fat women in naughty positions under the title Titanic, they also ban videogame websites, such a stupid way of doing things...

"Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?" perhaps he installed a graphics editing program... der.. check what was installed without your knowledge before screaming bloody murder eh?

"3. Has your child asked for new hardware?" maybe he just wants a computer that keeps up with the times. good god, paranoid enough?

"4. Does your child read hacking manuals?" good question.. too bad the books you listed don't really do much in the way of being hackers mauels. they're perfectly respectable books for the most part. again: paranoid enough?

"5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?" this has nothing to do with it. maybe they simply enjoy using the comuter, has that occured to your closed minded little self?

"6. Does your son use Quake?" jezzus fucking christ, what kind of idiot are you? Quake is a videogame about blowing stuff up. guns yes. hacker hub, no

"8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?" Laugh out loud, can you say "paranoid"? ... that's all I have to say on this topic...

"9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?" retard, fucking retard. people dress this way because they are disterbed and need counceling... and listen to bad music... but it certainly has nothing to do with being a hacker...

"10. Is your son struggling academically?"
hackers are more ingenuitive than the average person, they should have higher grades... maybe if your child's grades are falling, it's just cuz you have a stupid kid?"

you are a dumb idiot... you don't deserve to have a computer... now shut up and quit spreading this kind of crap. it's all lies. you are such a moron. get a life and quit trying to ruin the life of children by making the internet a cild unfriendly place.

have a nice day, and fuck off.

The author should be put in jail for stupidity (none / 0) (#1917)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:48:23 PM PST
its obvious that person knows nothing...where does that guy live? im sending a suicide package over...

What to say? (none / 0) (#1918)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:03:11 PM PST
I must say that the lack of knowledge that some people demonstrate in various submited articles is most disturbing. I for one can't even begin to expres my reactions in words, beacuse there arn't any words for it.

LOL (none / 0) (#1919)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:04:17 PM PST
umm, I dont wanna call you stupid, since everyone else did. But I cant help it. WHOEVER wrote this is a dumbass. How the FUCK can you be this stupid.
I feel very very sorry for you children. I think they are better off in a foster home, atleast they can have a taste of truth and reality.

Two More Small Comments:
AOL sucks and whoever is using AOL....aren't very bright either!!!
AMD stands for Advance Micro Devices, their processors are cheaper in price and better in performance than their rival *ntel!!!

FUCK OFF! (none / 0) (#1921)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:11:58 PM PST
thats the biggest load of bullshit ive ever read.
i hope that who ever wrote this had intended it to be a joke cause this type of article could get you hurt in more ways than one. INTEL SUXORZ!!!!!! LINUX RULZ!!!!!!!

Hope he will apologize (none / 0) (#1925)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:22:51 PM PST
I'm currently serching for information that I'd like to post in a follow-up for this article. I would also like to ask for the author's e-mail address so I could have a little e-mail conversastion with him (and hopefully thake him out of the Neanderthal computer-age he's so stuk in).

God knows I love funny stuff, but this didn't make me laugh, and the site editor actually backing him up on this piece of nonsense (AMD did 'processors' long before Intel was established, the Quake thing, har-har-har =)

I think our friend should apologize to:

- His Son (who clearly has no fault),
- Us (for talking about things he obviously has no knowledge of AND showing it to the whole world)

- The makers of 'Bonzi Buddy' (a Personal Information Manager/Joke Telling software)
- The makers of 'Comet Cursor' (It's FREE, powerful and fun software for personalizing your mouse pointer, and over 90 million Web surfers have installed it. <taken from the creator's website>)
- Macromedia, the makers of Flash (vector graphics creation and display software for enchanced Internet *browsing*)
- The great people at AMD Corporation (who happens to also have some factories in the US and Germany - does your son work there???)
- Intel Corporation (for finding the undocumented feature that enables Intel chips to prevent hacking and not telling the manufacturer)
- William Gibson - a great writer of Science-Fiction and - if I'm right - the writer of the first cyberpunk novel.
- The people who wrote the great book "Programming with Perl" - ah, and if you idiots (sorry, just couldn't hold off my anger anymore) don't know what Perl is, you should know that it is a grea programming language that your kids (beware!!!) learn in university, and that it was created by a NASA computer engineer and it helped *your* shuttles get where they got! As a matter of fact I think that Perl powers this site too >:(
- The great people at Microsoft Corporation, who weren't told that their 16bit operating system MS-DOS (Disk Operating System, as opposed to Denial of Service) - which by the way has no network, not to speak of Internet, connection built-in - can be used to 'access' 'shells' on remote computers
- The living legends at id Software, especially John Carmack (who, by the way, is my idol) - for assuming that the revolutionary computer game Quake is a) a virtual reality program b) a hackers' only hang-out place c) a thing that trains you in using firearms d) responsible for the killings in your schools (and as someone already stated - blaming a computer software is easy, just don't blame yourself, right?)
- My other idol, Linus Torwalds (who is Finnish, just for the record), for accusing him of creating a 'hacking' operating system (probably our friend has *absolutely no idea* what 'hacker' really means, but we'll get to that), and for sayng that Linux (not Lunix, which is an operating system that works on your PDAs and Mobile Phones) is illegal.
- The people at AT & T Bell Labs, for confusing the UNIX operating system with something called 'xenix', and for stating that Microsoft built it (heh, Microsoft didn't even exist back then =)
- The creators of the MPEG Layer-3 (MP3 for short) audio compressing codec. MP3 is a codec, a standard, not a tool. It is used to compress music files. C'mon ppl, I tought you were a little more than monkeys in the computer age....
- The whole Unix/Linux/*NIX Community, for stating that they are computer hackers... lol
- The creators of the Telnet network protocol
- The makers of LILO (The LInux LOader) which is a boot-manager (why do I bother?), apiece of software that enables your computer to hold more than one operating system and switch between the installed OS'es just by restarting your computer. He stated that LILO destroys your hard-drive... like EuroNews says, 'No Comment'... ofcourse it's totally wrong!
- The whole Hip-Hop community for stating that they are 'computer hackers' - judging by appearance or music preferences is shallow, don't you think? Not to speak about discrimination.

I feel sorry for him, but i feel most sorry for his son, who has a parent who defenately wouldn't listen to him - I mean, if he actually wanted to use Linux, he knew what he was doing, and he could have explained his dad - if he just listened....

By the way, using computers for more than an hour in a row means that you probably a) started programming b) are playing a very neat computer game like Quake 1/2/3 c) listening to music d) dunno, making websites with Flash?

As for the term Hacker. Well most people here seem to not know what it means, so I'll just copy a definition:
hacker /n./
[originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe]

1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.

2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.

3. A person capable of appreciating hack value.

4. A person who is good at programming quickly.

5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in "a Unix hacker".

(Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.)

6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example.

7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.

8. [deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence "password hacker", "network hacker". The correct term for this sense is cracker.

As you see, the term 'hacker' as you know it has changed drastically. Wake up, people!

It makes me sick to read this as a person who actually knows what our friend is talking about (as opposed to him, who - as I have already stated - has no idea). I'm a perfectly normal 16yr. old boy, I prepare for Computer the Science national contests in my country ( in fact, I got the 3rd degree last year) and for that I spend 2-3 hours a day on the computer, from which 1 hr. is on the Internet. I use Linux in my training process because, frankly, it's a darn good OS for programming. But even so, I have a girlfriend, I love going out with friend to see a movie or for a walk in the park and I practice jogging and judo. I read lots of sci-fi books, and I not challanged at school with any subject. Judging by the fact that I created a lot of tweaking software for my own (and the whole world's) use - like an ID3 tag extractor - and that I modified some of the Linux sources you can say that I am a 'hacker'. Add to that the fact that I use SSH and Telnet to connect to my highschool's webserver and read my mail, that I have Flash installed on my hard-drive (next to the infamous illegal OS called 'Linux'), that I listen to MP3s and you can say that I am a social disease, right? NOT!

Thanks for the opportunity of replying, Adrian Cearnau My site

PS: I hate when this happens, because a lot of people who don't yet know what all these terms mean come here and read ths crap, it sickens me to the bone!

PPS: Sorry for the spelling and language errors, English is not my native tongue.

Funniest.Article.Evar! (none / 0) (#1926)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:35:50 PM PST
I'd like to say that the person writing this was on crack, but instead they probably drank a regular pepsi instead of the sugar free, caffine free one that Jesus and Mommy approves of and that just caused em to go all nutso here.

There are so many mistakes in this article it makes me laugh.

Libel? (none / 0) (#1927)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:36:26 PM PST
I can honestly say I have never read a bigger load of nonsense than this!

The fact that it's blatantly WRONG and slanderizes several well-known companies I wouldn't be suprised if this "author" gets a few C&D warning letters from law firms!

The "author" is either a complete idiot or he has some serious issues that probably would be better worked out in therapy and not in a public forum such as this.

T.. Reginald, Gibbons you.. old arrogant FOOL HA.. (none / 0) (#1930)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 10:23:23 PM PST
HAHAHAHAHA! louder and louder, echo echo reverb, chrous and some enviromental effects.

T Reginald Gibbons, just as I excepted from a noobs 10th person's persective. Where to start... hmm Please! for the love of your GOD... buy a copy of Quake3 arena and play the damn GAME. Then all will be Known.

P.S. God damn it Just take the Bule Pill!!

What.... Are you retarded??? (none / 0) (#1931)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 10:25:57 PM PST
Man every fucking thing you said in this is 100% pure bullshit! Every program listed in there is no where near hacking. Flash is a program used by large companys like microsoft to make websites. My school uses it too retard.
comet curser is just a program that gives you new arrows for your computer. Can you tell me how that has anything to do with hacking????
AMD procesers is a processer just like pentium and comes with all Compaq computers. And If your son asks for a new video card or hard drive there is no way it would have anything to do with hacking. If anything it has to do with video games.
Linux (not lunix)is not mde by some soviet guy. It is just another operating system the reqiures a whole lot of typing. Not hacking asshole!!!!!!
Finally, Quake is a fucking video game. It has nothing what so ever to do with hacking. What bullshit did you look up to find this crap.
So after reading this how the fuck can you think that your son is a hacker. If you were my dad i'd knock your teeth out for even thinking it. How can you have thought those programs had to do with hacking. Its ridiculous. That just shows how mmcuh you know about computers MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

A few errors you should fix. (none / 0) (#1932)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 10:42:06 PM PST
Okay. Let's start at the top. Upon reading this article, I was laughing constantly, and nearly fell of my chair on several occasions. I was finding it hard to believe that this wasn't a total joke, and I was in a dream.. or something.

Error #1: Changing ISPs. Perhaps your son wanted some more download credit so he could grab a few shareware programs? AOL Has a very Non-Lenient download policy.

Error #2: All Isps monitor suspicious behaviour, and are required by law to submit any logs and information of illegalities.

Error #3: 'Hacker Software'. Look mate, I don't know if you've ever seen or not, but it's a cute little gorilla that lives on your desktop, and tells you jokes occasionally. Perhaps your son just wanted a friend? As for the other programs, GET REAL! Try things like SecureCRT(most people use it for legal connections anyway..) NetBus, Backorifice, Sub7(we're talking windows boxes here) And a great number of other lame 'hacker' programs.

Error #4: Hardware. I Run an AMD, and I sure hope AMD sues the shit through you for that accusation. AMD Is a legitimate country, and sells quality merchandise. Hacking bars are bullshit, there's no way to actually stop 'hacking' (apart from denying packets, which would demote any internet experience you could wish to have)

Error #5: DOS has NOTHING to do with taking control, DOS(Denial Of Service) is simply taking UP all incoming bandwidth, therefore slowing down connections, and it can result in dropping them out. However, taking down a .com, (usually hosted on a T1 or above) is A _LITTLE_ bit HARD with AOL(56k/s). T1s are 1.5mbps, y'know, 1500k/s? Do your math.

Error #6: Quake. Quake2 is the game that's played, and it's a bit hard to 'chat' while you're trying to rail someone, at least in my experience. Quake is a culture, and yes, some hackers reside on the servers, but it's a harmless stress relief. Much better than hacking your hoster and defacing your website.. don't you think?

Error #7: Reffer to Error #3 - your son is reaching out. Fool, take his hand.

Error #8: Okay, umm.. where to start.
It's spelt Linux, for one, and your website is no doubt hosted via a unix or linux clone, the ones you mentioned. Linux and unix are the preffered operating systems for all majour companies, because of the stability and flexibility. Telnet was *NOT* developed by Linus, and he isn't a soviet. Fool. The russians didn't develop unix, it was scripted by some hackers in a university in the states somewhere, and no. Some families use user friendly unix clones for their operating system, because the adults in the house (ACTUALLY KNOW SOMETHING). Unix is a versatile, stable, and customizeable environment. No doubt your son wanted to expand his horizons, and see what he's capable of doing! It could pay your damn retirement fund.
- Oh, by the way, the mp3 program you're reffering to is xmms, and you don't steal mp3s from it, they're stored on your hard drive. Who would want to steal mp3s when he can just download them from an underground 'hacker' network? *wink*

Error #9: Appearance. See Error #3.

Error #10: Otaku develops a lot of security patches, to save the asses of many vulnerable people. You should be gratefull. As for hacker networks at a local school? dream on.

Error #11: Do your DAMN RESEARCH BEFORE MAKING A TOTAL FOOL OF YOURSELF! How old are you? I'm 14.

Questions, comments, [ ]

Good luck in your next attempt,


Is he really this ignorant? (none / 0) (#1935)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 10:54:51 PM PST
I'm suprised there aren't more Columbine shootings and general pychopathic behavior with today's youth with parents like Mr. Gibbons around.

by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 10:57:05 PM PST
I cant believe u care if he "hacks" i bet hes using sub7 to trojan people and u think its a "hacker".

Very pathetic
Banned from the computer bwhaahahahahaa
Give the kid his pc back you ignorant parent, & welcome to the 21st century

I R MASTR HACKR (none / 0) (#1945)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 11:35:44 PM PST
Hi,i r hackr cuz i watch the movie hackrz,and i sit on irc and nukr people with my suprnukr2000. I have UNIX 5.0 and an OC256 Konection to the innernet. I am antisocial and i goto Dennys in Arizona and play with my laptop cuz i am elite.

Dumbass (none / 0) (#1946)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 11:36:34 PM PST
You, sir, are worse than Jack Chick. And thats saying something.

Anonymous reader must die! (none / 0) (#1947)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 11:41:06 PM PST
Just some friendly advice: get rid of anonymous reader. He's a hacker and dangerous.

Wait a minute. What? OMG, I am anonymous reader!!

wait a minute (none / 0) (#1952)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 11:55:06 PM PST
so am I!!
would that make me a hacker?! ;)


Research... (none / 0) (#1955)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 12:27:44 AM PST
I can't tell if that article is a joke or not...but if it isn't, the person who wrote it needs to do some serious research. The writing itself isn't bad, but the 'facts' are so far off-base that it makes the author look ignorant.

Hot damn, this is some good stuff. (none / 0) (#1962)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:16:11 AM PST
"Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this)."

Hahaha! That's not a hacker, my friend... that'd be a raver. And as for pacifiers and the use of them? To prevent lockjaw from a dose of ecstasy.

I bow before the uninformed author of this article. It kept me entertained for quite a while.

This is the funniest thing I've read in a while (none / 0) (#1966)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:56:26 AM PST
First of all its Linux. Second its NOT dangerous... third... this was the funniest thing ive ever read. Fourth AOL sucks. Fifth, this was the funniest thing ive ever read.

You should be ashamed of yourselves for writing such trash.

Yeah your dumb (none / 0) (#1968)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:59:20 AM PST
The title says everything.....

BY THE WAY BITCH...glow sticks are for ravers....not hackers.... and Quake is a lame ass game. Your son isn't a hacker....he's a fuckin FLAMER

this has to be a joke. (none / 0) (#1969)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:01:51 AM PST
first off i like to say nothing you said is true (even the part about you being a good father because you sound like a totalitarian fuck).

i fail to see how a person living on this earth could be stupid enough to publish this in any sort of media.

im calling it a hoax and you stir shit well, pitty though all these middle american christ loving fascists are going to take it for real and further imprision their sons and daughters to a life of family groups and sunday mass.

damn that would suck.

Good grief! (none / 0) (#1970)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:08:16 AM PST
I feel stupider for having read this!

And LINUX is not a "HACKER" OS.

Its a legit operating system, that take someone who knows what they are doing to use it. FFS, this is the most ridicolous article I have ever read.

Proof that the article is a JOKE: (none / 0) (#1972)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:20:49 AM PST
The web page looks good, and it actually worked without a cinch under Opera6.

'Nuff said;)

wow, this is seriously the most stupid article eve (none / 0) (#1973)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:21:44 AM PST
I only hope that this was supposed to be satyre.

If not, that was the most idiotic collection of words I have ever seen set to the written page, wether electronic -or- paper.

I feel stupider having read it. That's right, I am concerned that my IQ went DOWN having read that.!?! (none / 0) (#1974)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:27:26 AM PST
"A smart parent will first try to reason with their son, before resorting to groundings, or even spanking."

Um... Did you have to link that to How does that porn site have to do with this article?

I knew I shouldn't have clicked that link.

Other than that, I thought the article was the funniest thing I read all week.

bullshit (none / 0) (#1975)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:28:55 AM PST
this is the stupiest article i've read in my life. if you don't even know how to spell "linux" then please shut the fuck up. i don't want to comment your article because it's hard to find anything what is true in it.

to the webmaster: how can you allow such a excuse me motherfucking post?

linus torvald

What the hell do you think you are doing?? (none / 0) (#1977)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:00:22 AM PST
This is the biggest load of crap i have ever read - dear God man! I hope to hell this is a joke because otherwise you are sending the biggest load of crap out to the world you know.. This artical scared me. The lack of any technical knowledge was amazing, this prune obviously thinks he knows something about this when he knows nothing. The whole story is a load of crap - how the hell would your daughter recognise him as a computer hacker?? this is inconcievable. If he was a computer hacker - he would not display it infront of his sister??! Some technical fuck-ups that should be corrected..

Lunix == bullshit its spelt "linux"
Dosing == Denial Of Service attack - not MS-DOS you idiot.
AMD == Intels main legal rival.
Quake == A computer game.. just a game mate... its not real...

Sir, you have not one bit of information correct in this article - you are sending out a load of shit for the general public to read - i suggest, if you think yourself smart enough to post information about a topic, that you get true information.

I can only pray this is a joke. If it isn't you are the biggest tosser the world has ever known.

From A. Hacker

p2b agrees (none / 0) (#1979)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:14:56 AM PST

i just read that "good" articel about hackers :oD and i agree 100% with that, for

greetz p2b

ps: some german waise words for the author

wenn dummheit fahrrad fahren koennte, muesste dieser author definitiv bergauf hart bremsen ;)

roflmFao (none / 0) (#1982)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:22:43 AM PST
hehe it sure is a long time ago i had such a good laugh =)

Dear god, what a load of unrelated facts. (none / 0) (#1983)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:31:24 AM PST
This has got to be the funniest posts.

Symptoms, Having software like Macromedia Flash, Comet Cursor. Lol web designing software.

Linux, High Advance operating system that is freeware and is basicly the operating system used on alot of Internet Servers. (even i might use it for graphic programing)

Faster hardware, who wouldnt want a more powerful computer with faster video output stuff??? Runs all my games alot faster.

Quake, i dont like that game so skip that.


what a load of crap! (none / 0) (#1985)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:35:26 AM PST
half of it is lifted straight out of a movie, especially the into, but i cant remember which film. anyone got any ideas?

Um...Mr. Gibbons... (none / 0) (#1986)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:50:06 AM PST
Though you're intentions may be good, you are a carrier of the most dangerous social disease there is: IGNORANCE. And that makes you more dangerous to your kids than anything on the Internet. Your child's forays onto the Net were intuitively aimed at helping himself avoid the genetic and parental transmission of this disease to himself.

What are you smoking ?!? (none / 0) (#1987)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:54:24 AM PST
At first I though that this was one of those joke sites ... if it is great one heehee if not please GET A LIFE !!! you are NOT a model parent .... you are a control freak ... kids are going to grow up get over it

I'm not a preson who tells others how to raise their kids but for Pete's sake at least read up on what the programs are before you start to kill them off and falsly accusing your children.

I'm not a Quake player but I can defiately say that it by no means a test bed for small arms training. Next thing that you'd probably tell me is that the old TV series M*A*S*H is a training program for people wanting to join the military mobile hospitals :P

Inventive (none / 0) (#1997)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:04:13 AM PST
Very funny stuff.

WTF!? (none / 0) (#1999)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:07:48 AM PST
What kind of a braindead man are you? This "lunix" crap of yours...HAHAHAHAHA! "lunix" isn't "lunix" but "linux" by a finnish man named Linus Torvalds. I must admit, that Soviet idea ofyours was great fun, but don't write it in a way so that others believe it's true. LINUX is another operative system and it's very familiar with WINDOWS. And let me ask: HOW DO YOU GET MUSIC FROM A STEREO WITHOUT HAVING THE STEREO ATTACHED TO THE INTERNET!??!??!? IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT MP3 MEANS!??!?!? PROBABLY NOT, BUT PLEASE DO LEARN, IT'S GREAT FUN....

You stupid :-)))))))))))))))))

As an enlightened, modern parent.... (none / 0) (#2001)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:17:37 AM PST
Pure genius, I love your work. I haven't laughed this hard in weeks.

keep up the good work


by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:18:25 AM PST
If so I think it was wrote by someone who really has no idea of anything. most laugh goes to AMD LOL. AMD produces more processors and make more money than intel :D and they are sold everywhere officially... (??)

Laughs also on "perl book", perl is a script language which, I think, all web designers know.

Flash is a software to make videos and animations, it doesn�t have anything to do with hacking.

want REAL more info? mail

OMG (none / 0) (#2012)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:25:13 AM PST
Im a hacker... I must be!!
Its true. I once had Bonzi buddy installed by mistake.... My mom accidently hit install at a popup at her first try at my computer.... OMG, my moms a hacker!! Oh shit, is the Police gonna kill us all now??!!!

Oh, shit...i got an AMD Duron too. Every1 knows that AMD is the most dangerous CPU ever made, its actually the marf who makes them.

SHIT!!! I have upgraded my RAM recently, i MUST be a hacker. I believe im just as much a hacker as the link u showed the actor of the Bond-film 007-Goldeneye... But...then Hollywood is actually one large hackercommunity?
Oh god no!! wheres the world coming to?

Oh god NOO, am i gonna be arrested now??!!!

WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG (none / 0) (#2017)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:45:00 AM PST
All that crap is WRONG and its a bunch of BS put their by a parent who is very ignorant !!!! im not gonna tell you the real info for special reasons heh heh

Very, very well done (none / 0) (#2018)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:51:53 AM PST
This is one of the best things I have read in a long time: just the right balance. Thanks!

Made me wonder.. (none / 0) (#2020)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:59:37 AM PST
..if people really could be that stupid. Most of the people commenting on the article, not the author.

The comments on this article are probably more hilarious then the satire itself was ever thought out to be..

So it strikes me - Some of these hate-comments must be fake. I admit, I'm north-european, and don't know americans that much.. But get real.. You're not THAT stupid, are you?

No wonder you have a monkey boy for president and keep bombing your own soldiers down in Afghanistan then..


The most hilarious thing I ever read... (none / 0) (#2021)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:20:08 AM PST
From the beginning to the end this made me laugh to tears, and I'm sorry but I don't believe that someone actually thinks like this "father", go and imply your moralistic views on someone else. "lunix", lol, "baggy pants", lol, it's hilarious but I think it's an hoax...

OH MY GOD! (none / 0) (#2022)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:36:14 AM PST
This is the funniest thing I have EVER read!


What the hell is this? A joke?
Look, T Reginald Gibbons, stfu if you do not know what you are talking about. You must have serious mental conditions or something. You should be a stand up comedian.
If it's true that you did "research" then you would know that - wait... just STFU!!!

Are you guys freaking 'tards? (none / 0) (#2024)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:05:57 AM PST
I've seen sarcasm before and this is very similar to it. It's really scary to see some people take on the article point for point as if its real. Go out and get some air people.

Dear god. (none / 0) (#2028)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:14:43 AM PST
I hope this was written as a humoristic article and not a serious one, because everything made me laugh. Seriously though, before you call your own son a hacker, you should read about it.

YOUR A FOOL! (none / 0) (#2029)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:18:34 AM PST
I can't believe someone as misinformed as you are is actuall posting this! QUAKE MY BUTT! If Quake was a "hacker central" what about Diablo 2? or maybe Halflife Counter Strike? or Starcraft/Broodwar. MY TEACHERS have Comet Courser on their computers! OMG THEY MUST BE HACKERS WARN THE DISTRICT WE GOTTA GET ON THIS ONE! LOL ROFL!!!

please kill yourself (none / 0) (#2031)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:44:37 AM PST
Mr Editor of this "informative" text please kill yourself. Thank you.

Very very good... (none / 0) (#2032)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:53:06 AM PST
Thanks for the laughs, very funny article :o)


What a lame ass father (none / 0) (#2033)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:56:34 AM PST
Get a life!!!!!

Hackers of the World, UNITE! (none / 0) (#2035)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:00:32 AM PST
Very funny indeed. and by the number of responses certainly a popular article, I'm sure what the writer intended.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, could be this far off unless they still operate a vic20 on their TV and live in a remote desolate part of siberia or antarctica. Although, I hear you can get mad speed at the poles ;)

AMD and Linux, straight from the devil indeed. Must be an M$ employee. as I fire up my flash console to ch0wn someone with my comet dos'ing, caressing my nail gun with the safety off, i chuckle at the amount of humor in the world.

ROFL (none / 0) (#2036)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:05:18 AM PST
Is this guy serious? HHAAHAHA IVE never laughed so hard in my life!

Where can I find more information (none / 0) (#2038)
by eap on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:10:49 AM PST

I am a mother of three boys and I am new to the internet. I do not like all the profanity in this program, but the article scared me and I think my son may be a "hacker". He does not want to use the windows operation like they use at school and he yells at me when I come into his room while he is on the computer. Sometimes when I am using the computer the screen just goes blank and all these colors start moving around. I know this is probably a "computer virus".

The other day when I logged on to my email there were nasty messages from some girls I didn't even know he was "dating".

Can someone please give me some information about counselors for him? I need to do something before it's too late and he gets arrested for being a hacker.

Thank you

How many idiots must I council today??? (none / 0) (#2044)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:40:16 AM PST
Look lady, your kid just needs some time to himself. It's just a form of release for him. If you don't let him do what he needs to do, it'll just get worse. Leave the kid alone. You'll do more harm than good if you butt in. As for the profanity, he's gonna get exposed to it at some point in his life anyway, so don't worry about it. It's part of growing up. So stop hindering them and let your kids be themselves!

~The Jackal

Where can I find more information (none / 0) (#5887)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 07:42:41 PM PST
Why don't you try the toilet

OMFG, rofl (none / 0) (#2040)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:28:47 AM PST
Firstly, is this site dam serious???

It sounds like some kinda joke too me but if not, gaawwwwdddddddd things have gone wrong in that parents brain, rofl.

Anyway, the reason your son wants an AMD CPU is because Intel create overpriced, underpowred CPU's that arent as well suited to games and such as AMD cpu's.


That was the funniest.... (none / 0) (#2041)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:28:52 AM PST
Hahaha, that was the funniest damned thing I have read in the longest time. There is no possible way someone wrote it seriously. I mean really, AMD and "Lunix"?? What is this "Lunix", lol. Comet it, ima hack you with a new cursor on your website..ooohhhhh. Hehe.
"Programming with Perl", the book for the Elite Hackers out in da world, hehe. Fun fun fun...anyway.

It's sad when.... (none / 0) (#2045)
by Head Full of Ghosts on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:40:52 AM PST
a teenager can read this totally impudent and incompetent material. I don't even want to see this shit. It disgraces myself in knowing that there are actually human beings so succeptable to such ignorance, and even worse when one tries to spread it. Speak your mind, however, but not your ignorance. If you have something to say against hackers, or the general virtues of them, fine, but don't try and make every damn kid on the face of the Earth look like a hacker just because you think everyone is "the devil". I only have two words for you, screw you! You need to wake up and realize, and have more theoretically thought up information supported by real facts. So what, I want a faster computer. Whoopty fucking do. So I want a faster video card, maybe it's to play Quake. ;-) haha. Go out and go attend some more of your kids teenage parties, and help embarrass him to the point he hates his life. Then you'll see who should be watching who. In my opinion, I think you need to be placed in a padded room, watched by guards.'s sad....

It's not intended for teenagers (none / 0) (#2178)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:23:26 PM PST
As the article makes clear, the intended audience is adults: parents. If you're reading this article without your parents' permission, then you deserve a spanking.

God damn you are a dumb fuck! (none / 0) (#2050)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:08:52 AM PST
My god, can you any fucking stupider? You think your son is a hacker because he plays a video game, wants to change his cursor, and uses a gorrilla for a search engine? Holy shit man, you really have gone off the deep end! LoL! What a dip shit!

Rebuttal of post by T. Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#2051)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:11:26 AM PST
I caution anyone reading this article to do a bit of research before accept this as fact.

In response to:

1): The ISP has no effect on the ability of anyone to "hack". All surfing of the internet is done through a browser, and hackers simply don't need to use them. As I'm sure most of you know, you can log on to the internet without opening a browser (in Windows, simply click START>SETTINGS>NETWORK ABD DIAL-UP CONNECTIONS). Once you are logged on to your ISP, you can run programs and distribute them with third-party software.

2): Checking for "hacker" software is advisable, but do some research on the actual software before judging. Bonzai Buddy is an internet connection optimizer that purportedly makes downloads go faster.

3): Hardware has nothing to do with hacking ability. More powerful hardware simply makes the computer run faster and more efficiently. As an aside, AMD is a highly respected CPU maker that is of a quality comparable to Pentiums. The CPU has absolutely nothing to do with any software of any kind. (Except perhaps to help to run faster through faster chip speeds) btw, I bought a CompaQ with an AMD processor installed!

4): Absolutely, and responsible parent should know their children's reading and entertainment habits as a matter of course.

5): DOS is simply a Disk Operating System that has been around since the 80's. In and of itself, it can damage nothing. To hack, you would have to run a program (application) in DOS, similar to runng any program in Windows.

6): Quake is simply a computer game that has absolutely nothing to do with hacking either.

7): Again, absolutely. Any change in behavior is a cause for concern.

8): Spelled LINUX. Again, a respected Operating System. Not nearly as widely used as Windows, but then again, neither is Mac. Linux was created as competition for Windows, and is available for download FREE from several different sources. There are many hardware and software manufacturers that support Linux, and their number is growing, although it probably will never be anywhere near as popular as Windows. It is constantly being improved by private citizens. It is very good for people who are interested in programming to practice their skills in a real-world environment.

9): See response to 7.

10): There is no danger from radiation from a computer, you can search and find any number of studies to confirm that. The worst danger is eyestrain and carpal tunnel. Eyestrain is caused by looking at bright flickering images for long periods of time, and carpal tunnel is caused by repetitive hand motions. Anyone who isn't sufficiently active will develop health problems, limiting their computer time is certainly a good idea, but not for the reasons listed in the article above.

Conclusion: This article is full of misleading, inaccurate information. I would suggest before you accept the above article, check around with respected computer professionals such as Best Buy, CompUSA, and so forth.

um... (none / 0) (#2057)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:34:07 AM PST
If you notice the bikini kill quote at the bottom of one guy's posts (a guy who is agreeing with the article), you'd know he was being sarcastic. Bikini kill is old school punk, and I don't know any right wing nuts that listen to old school punk.

I am a hacker (none / 0) (#2059)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:34:51 AM PST
I am going to hack this site just because you assholes are so fucking stupid...monkeys have more iq than u fuckers

is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#2062)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:47:50 AM PST
The person who wrote this is tne most dreadfully stupid person i ever heard of... The Personal Computer , for this person was designed to make cofee . Excuse me , but if you want cofee go to the cofee shop . Stay away from computers you moronic beast

THIS HAS GOT TO BE A DAMN JOKE..... (none / 0) (#2064)
by laurac999 on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:50:16 AM PST
Nobody is THAT stupid!

You're stupid? (none / 0) (#2065)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:54:48 AM PST
I hope this was a joke.. Because if it's not.. You're a retard.

this article is a load of bull shit (none / 0) (#2067)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:03:10 AM PST
This is by far one of the most ridiculous articles that I have EVER read.... Linux is NOT an illegal OS that was created by a "hacker". A hacker is someone who tries to better the internet by finding holes in a system and then posting it so that the problem can be fixed. What you have in mind is a "cracker" who will break into a system and destroy the contents on the inside. It is obvious that if you really are a parent that you must live in the middle of nowhere and have absolutely no idea how computers work, or what any programs do. Flash is a program that allows you to see things on the web, comet cursor is a program that can be used to change how your mouse cursor works. Also, aparantly you are also deprived of any form of news because AMD (American Micro Devices) is NOT a company based in a third world country that uses child labor. You CANNOT use child labor in the process of making computer porcessors. You have to be inside a controlled Fab in order to make them. Also, AMD is by far better than Intel is at this point in time. I seriously doubt that you are a realy parent, and if you are... I can only say this: YOU ARE A FUCKING THIRD WORLD MORON OR REDNECK THAT IS FULL OF SHIT AND HAS NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL HE IS TALKING ABOUT YOU CHILDEN WILL TURN OUT TO BE THE EPITEMY OF REBELLIOUS IDIOTS AND LOSERS THAT WILL BE SEVERLY LIMITED IN WHAT THEY CAN DO. THEY WILL NEVER SUCCEED IN SOCIETY AND WILL TURN OUT LIKE THE FUCKING MORON THAT YOU ARE. BTW: DON'T WRITE ARTICLES ON ANY TOPIC UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY HAVE RESEARCHED THE TOPIC YOU FUCKING IDIOT

what the hell!! (none / 0) (#2068)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:04:18 AM PST
Im just trying to find out when Linux became an illegal hacker operating system??? People really need to learn what the hell they are talking about before writing articles!

You are a dumbass! (none / 0) (#2070)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:19:35 AM PST
I cannot believe you are allowed to write anything that is shared with the public. Many things you say are just plain wrong and it makes me (and every other enlightened person) want to throw a brick at you. First off, Comet Cursor cannot be catagorized as "hacker software" on any level unless making your cursor vanish periodically on your own computer. Oh no, that is surely the work of a talented hacker... or the work of a 9 year old that hates his father.

When I read that Quake was a meeting place for hackers I stopped and called up my friends to read you article. We all had a good laugh about that one. Quake is a game! A game, not an evil meeting place where people talk about hacking. You'll find that people that talk about hacking usually don't know shit about it.

One last comment, please stop posting things for public eyes, I fear other gullable individuals will take it for truth and screw up their children as much as you have.

Just a little word... (none / 0) (#2071)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:20:11 AM PST
Okay, this is simply to tell you one thing:

When your daughter said your son was an hacker, maybe she didn't mean a computer pirate but a true hacker.

An hacker is not someone who will break into someone else's PC, that's being a computer pirate. A cracker is nothing of that as well, it's simply someone who knows how to make game cracks, or in other words: He's able to play games without the original CD. The true defenition of being a hacker is someone who is interested in computers, technology, medias or anything related to those three. Maybe your daughter meant it that way.

Oh, and a final word. AOL is -NOT- and absolutely -NOT- a good ISP. Here's a common conversation between two teens in AOL chats:

Teen1: hi how R U? ASL?
Teen2: 13/G/Texas City
Teen1: kool U wanna cybersex0r!!!?!!!1

So going on @home is not a bad idea, but rather saving your family from the really evil influence that AOL gives -_-

Think it over, kid.

Heh. This is hilarious. *snicker* (none / 0) (#2072)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:25:37 AM PST
That's some funyn stuff. Unfortunately, it's not too uncommon that parents believe propaganda like this. You made me laugh though. Thanks.

rofl (none / 0) (#2073)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:26:57 AM PST
quakes a place for hackers?
fuck, and here i've been shoving rockets up peoples asses when i could be ha><0ring...
well stone me!

btw, the writer of the article is the thickest person in the universe......or is the article a VERY GOOD piss take?
i dont know, guess i'm st00pid too

I regret to inform you that there are some errors (none / 0) (#2076)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:41:47 AM PST
Much of the information presented in your article is incorrect; although parents should watch for dangerous behaviour in their children most of the warning signs indicated in this article are not cause for alarm.

Your child may want another ISP because your ISP is not sufficient for his needs. AOL is slow and can make researching tedious at best. Research all ISP's before choosing them, but look into your child's requests. If your child is requesting MSN or AOL, however, you may wish to simply point them to the respective instant messenger, since neither of these ISP's is worth using.

"Comet Cursor" is a browser plug-in, but it has no hacking capabilities. It is used by some sites to allow the cursor to change to site themed cursors, instead of the default cursors. The children have no control over which sites ask to install the plug-in. It presents no danger and is even used by the official "Dilbert" site, or at least was.

"Flash" is a browser plug-in, that again presents little danger. It allows the browser to view vector graphics and movies in the SWF format, but again will not turn your child into a hacker - the worst they can do is use it to play an offensive movie. It's used by more legitimate sites than dangerous ones, however, so I recommend simply monitoring your child's browser history.

"Bonzi Buddy" is useless, but presents no threat regardless.

A faster video card will not assist your child in hacking, nor will a larger hard drive. The only threat a larger hard drive poses is the ability to store more information - allow them the larger hard drive if you have the budget, but monitor its contents and confront them if you find large amounts of encrypted or password protected information. Small amounts might simply be a diary and are probably no cause for concern.

AMD does not use child labor, and are perfectly safe. They are indeed sold in stores, ask any Best Buy, Circuit City, or other trustworthy computer store employee about them.

Programming with Perl is a legitimate book. It assists your child in writing safe programs that can help people. Most computer books are of the same variety. It is a valuable skill to be able to write computer programs, just watch if your child is doing test runs to ensure that there is no danger.

Lunix is a mispelling of Linux, the operating system created by Linus Torvalds ~1991, and is legitimate operating system. There are ways to safely remove it without returning your PC to its manufacturer, and it presents no real danger. It is an alternative to Windows, but doesn't have to replace it, and can run alongside it.

Quake is not a hacker playground, it is a violent online game. Still to be monitored, but not in the method specified.

Last, but not least, there is a signifigant terminology error in this document. The term "hacker" was used in place of "cracker". Hackers pose no threats, they are programmers that if anything are friendly and want to help people. Crackers are hackers gone bad, they use their programming skills to pursue illegal goals.

May the record reflect.. (none / 0) (#2198)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:33:30 PM PST
That Bonzi Buddy most likely can harm you, that Linux is indeed evil and must be removed only with the supervision of a priest and a praying virgin, that Perl is not a good thing to be exposing children to, and that crackers are, indeed, something you put in soup, and are usually salted.

On the subject of AMD and Bonzai Buddy (none / 0) (#2077)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:44:22 AM PST
Just a quick note to let you know that as of just recently Compaq used AMD processors exclusively. So by saying that AMD is an evil company that copies (how retarded) American technology and uses sweatshops you are also saying that the glorious computer manufacturer you use also supports such insidious practices.

By the way Bonzai Buddy is a program that sends mail and chats and so forth with a cutesy little purple monkey guy as the medium for this service.

Most of the time this is automatically downloaded with programs downloaded onto your computer for file sharing and other services. It most commonly comes with the Audiogalaxy Satellite. It's not a hacker tool it's just plain annoying.

But all you need to do to not get this is to download smart and read what your downloading. And so if your son is truly a hacker they wouldn't have let Bonzai Buddy download.

It's as simple as that.

I pity your child who is now not allowed to enjoy the internet because you are a complete fool.

And you've probably opened yourself up to hacker trying to hack into your system just because your such a fool. I'd get a firewall if I were you pronto.

Rubbish (none / 0) (#2080)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:59:07 AM PST
I presume that load of rubbish was published because either:
1. Gibbons has some sort of inadequacy problem and is seeking attention.
2. This is just one of those stories that you get in publications like 'National Enquirer' or 'The Sport' (in the UK) and therefore just a joke.
3. Gibbons is just stupid.

Whichever reason, I hope that the maufacturers of the hardwre and software mentioned in the post sue for libel, defamation and whatever else they can litigate for!!


FrostWhelp (none / 0) (#2082)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 12:04:13 PM PST
This fuckin idiot that posted this news article had no fucking idea what he was talking about. Lunix; what the flying fuck is that some program name he made up or what. Flash and comet cursor used for hacking, yeah i know those mouse cursors can REALLY be dangerous sometimes. Anyone who reads this should disregard all of this bullshit stated by this complete spawn of idiocy who's probably never used a computer in his life.

You are about the biggest retard in the world (none / 0) (#2087)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 12:20:24 PM PST
You are about the biggest retard in the world and should be shot.

YOUR A FUCKING NUTTCASE (none / 0) (#2088)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 12:26:58 PM PST
Its people like you god damn fucking nut case that ruin it for us people you lable us like we are shit bags and your son is a good kid probally its just all the rules you put on him must have got to him you asshole fucking torturing your kids like this omg how stupid are you I cant manage to say how much I would like to rip off your head and shit down your neck faggot wanabe

you read to many fucking storys and you fucking trying to say bonzibuddy that little fucking monkey is a hacking tool Omg! and fucking comet curser HAHAHA AND FLASH! you are a true dumbass you will end up fucking up the world and make us all little goody goody fags like you homo wtf did your parents do to you when you where young I cant manage to say "HOMO" enough cause thats what you are you fucking retarded ass jurkoff DICK WAD uh oh I said a naughty word watch out guy if I ever find you I will gladly kill you to keep you from poluting are minds like you are doing~~~THEBLAZER "see I have a good alias homo"


what're you thinking? (none / 0) (#2090)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 12:40:42 PM PST
I have absolutely no idea where you get ANY of the information in that article from. If you knew half as much as you claimed, you might actually be a danger to the world. Instead, you're a misinformed paranoid. Like question seven "Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?". That's like asking if your son is a teenager, he's not a hacker, he's a teenage boy, they're supposed to hate the world. Question four, "4. Does your child read hacking manuals?". Nothing you listed is a hacking manual, they're all novels man. If your kid is hacking, he's getting his manuals online, not at the local bookstore. Question nine "Has your son radically changed his appearance?" What you described is a raver. Some kid all cracked out on E. If your kid is doing that, you've got bigger problems than his computer habits, it's what the MDMA is doing to his frontal lobe. If your kid is hacking, he knows more about the computer than you obviously do, he'll get around you no matter what. It's people like you that are leading this nation down a path of censorhip and self destruction with your paranoid delusions of the dangers of information exchange.

Yet another comment from me... (none / 0) (#2091)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 12:47:11 PM PST
To the people who are dense enough to beleive this guy: You're idiots! Some of the replies are as stupid as "Mr. Brady"'s here. Thanks for the laugh, though. You morons have really brightened my day. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

~The Jackal

P.S. How many of you guys actually have kids? 2? *snicker*

To everyone who thinks this guy is dumb (none / 0) (#2094)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:01:38 PM PST
I think that he's an incredibly dense idiot too, but if you're going to insult him please use proper spelling and grammer. Those of you who tak lyke thees are making the rest of us look like immature little kids. (I'm only 13, but that's beside the point) I hope you'll take my advice.

~The Jackal

who is this guy? (none / 0) (#2096)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:08:16 PM PST
HMM well unix is evil [; did you ever wonder why there is a command ls ? maybe its so we wont forget the lsd exist :)
well after reading this article ill know what to do
1st dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda1
2nd install the BEST os that is windowze
3rd switch to AOL the get the best AOL features
4th hmm i guess no porn for me [;
5th well go buy a hammer and make something usefull out of my computer (well with windowze its useless anyways)

Shame (none / 0) (#2099)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:17:43 PM PST
Just another yuppie asshole who thinks he knows everything.

"I attend their teen parties with them to ensure no <b>drinking</b> or <b>alcohol</b> is on the premises. I keep a fatherly eye on the CDs they listen to and the shows they watch, the company they keep and the books they read. You could say I'm a model parent. My children have never failed to make me proud, and I can say without the slightest embellishment that I have the finest family in the USA."

Stop trying to be a "model parent" and let your kids be fucking individuals.

I think... (none / 0) (#2113)
by nathan on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:11:14 PM PST
Mr. Gibbons is trying to keep his children from fucking individuals, which is his duty as a parent...

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Indeed (none / 0) (#2173)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:19:49 PM PST
Any parent who lets his child run willy-nilly all over the internet without supervision ought to be prosecuted for child neglect.

OMFG YOU FUCKING MORON (none / 0) (#2100)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:21:30 PM PST
This is fucking stuped, first off who the hell would go to there childs party's and wreck all there fun and embaras them by poping upo every now and then saying "DONT DRINK!" and like wtf who in there fucking right mind would think flash is a god damn hacking program?!!?!? LIKE WTF!!!!
get some fucking scence into your head and let your god damn son on the fucking compouter he has no reason to be off cuase of you over acting about him installing flash witch you need for some web pages you DUMBASS and who gives a fuck if he asked for amd processor its a cheaper solution for fast computing so get a fucking brain you fuck up!

This is sad. (none / 0) (#2102)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:26:12 PM PST
I sure hope the person writing this stupid article was joking, because if he was not, he is one misinformed SOB.


haha (none / 0) (#2103)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:28:20 PM PST
thats all i can say.....

HAHAHAHAHAH (none / 0) (#2104)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:33:13 PM PST
I CAN'T BELEIVE THIS!!! If I got trapped in a joke or something, I'm not surprised, but if you really exist as a person, I can't be surprised at anything anymore. First: Are you fucking crazy? Remember one thing, psycho-daddy, when you give birth to a human being, you do NOT give birth to the perfect copy of yourself! LET THEM BE THEMSELVES or they're gonna choke ... Your children are different people than you! STOP OVERPROTECTING THEM or else ...when they're gonna see what you did for them they're gonna shoot you... anyway that's what I would do... Second: Link to "First": the gun they're gonna use will be as easy to get for them as buying a candybar because in the CONSTITUTION of your beautiful country (I'm sarcastic if you don't notice) it's written that you have the right to have a gun ... YOUR country is killing, as we speak, millions of people in Palestine, Afghanistan, Cuba, Pakistan, South Korea, Mexico, Iran, Iraq, only to name a few! Blind patriotism is WAY worse than overprotecting your children (wich is pretty bad already...) Third: It's not because your children are using the computer that they're hackers! Fourth: I can't beleive you're actually real so if you are, please write me a little something:

HAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#2108)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:01:24 PM PST
OMG!!! I had to sit down for a few minutes and decide whether this was a joke or plain stupidity. Right now it seems the latter is the case.

I actually fully advocate people writing articles like this. Keeping people stupid ensures I will always have a good job with a good salary. Using the above as a litmus test I guess I am considered an "3l33t h4x0r."

Please come up with more of this drivel. My 2001 BMW X5 4.4L and 2001 BMW M5 (Dinan Stage 1) is getting kinda old.

Windogg the h4x0r

I feel soory for these people... (none / 0) (#2112)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:07:29 PM PST
I don't think the world has a hacker problem because they are all people like this who think everyone is a hacker, or people who claim to be hackers because they can't tell the difference between a Hacker and a thumb up their B|_|77!!

If this article is real, I would like to meet the righter and "SLAP him up side the head" for spreading these filthy lies about hackers...

According to this guy, I MUST be a hacker... but I am not, I most I am just a computer geek...

Correction of many things overlooked/incorrect (none / 0) (#2114)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:22:47 PM PST
1) AMD is a chip made by another company, it's quicker and faster in most cases, and happy if they ask for this instead of Intel, they've done their homework.
2) it's "linux" not lunix...and it was made by Linus Torvalds, who is NOT russian. Linux is *NOT* illegal, it is part of something called Open Source. You can read more about that at places like and
3) Most "hacker programs" can't do much, if any, real damage...most all of them are for Windows computers. While on this subject, "Flash" is Macromedia Flash, and allows for online multimedia content. Most every computer has it, and SHOULD.
4) Asking for new hardware...this is usually because it's time to upgrade and get a faster system...either for better gaming, or for better graphics, etc...this is normal, and over time is needed...replacement parts will *NOT* upgrade the system, and just make you waste your money.
5) Quake, Unreal, Diablo, Everquest, etc...These are online GAMES...they are not hacking emporiums or anything of the sort. If they really want to be "script kiddie" hackers, they can join various chats on AOL (which sucks as an ISP btw) about it...and is useless for gaming speed, and also probably why they're asking for something better.
6) Strugling in school, changing appearance, becoming argumentative.....this is called growing up and becoming a teen. We all grow through this as we grow up and push the boundaries of what's available, especially the rules which we are bound by at home.
7) Hacker groups are rare...if they found them, they're not real hackers...real hackers don't let people know who they are...

Among other things, these errors lead me to believe that either you are:
1) joking
2) a complete idiot
3) incompotent
4) just blatently unobservant
5) want to think you know more than your kids, when with electronics, it's usually the other way around...ask them for help instead of bashing on them...

-Anon programmer, coder, college student (computer science, graphics/multimedia design), and employee of a large computer company

You have destroyed my faith in humanity (none / 0) (#2116)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:37:19 PM PST
I sorely hope that this piece was satire.

Ignorance like this should not exist, and if Mr. T Reginald Gibbons actually believes the things that he has printed, then humanity is the worse for him being a part of it. Perhaps he should take a break from his bible thumping to realize that he is raising his child in an environment not unlike the 'facist soviets' he so ardently despises (Oh, by the way, the cold war is over. The russkies are our ALLIES now). Perhaps he should take a reality check before his son snaps and decides to shoot him at point blank with the shotgun he downloaded off of Quake.

Funny shit man, plz write more.. cant stop laffin. (none / 0) (#2119)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:46:02 PM PST
if this isnt a joke... im sorry, but you have to be oe of the biggest idiots of all time (you and the guy bashing anime prolly ride the short bus together..)

Bonzi Buddy!! haha since when was this a hack program.. moreover an 'im a loser and dont have friends' program

lunix (none / 0) (#2120)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:50:57 PM PST
yes...of course linux is used on thousands of commercial desktops all across the world. in fact, theres a good change that you are viewing this page as a result of the unix operating system. Yahoo, google and slashdot which are websites viewed by millions of users everyday run unix/linux/bsd..even though its an "illegal operating system"

Whoever wrote this should be shot in the cock then fed to rabid whales...."Programming with Perl" as a hacking book?

AMD processors are made primarily in America, and are the only ones compatible with DDR memory...making them superior to their Intel Counterparts.

my question is...why havent they removed this from your gay website, its obviously warping the minds of retarded overpretective parents, much like the author

JESUS CHRIST (none / 0) (#2121)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:13:36 PM PST
I didn't know I could hack a computer with Bonzi Buddy, or Comet Cursor, ohhhh, and "LUNIX" it's "LINUX", and it's a free OS, for people who don't like "Windows", that really sucks. OH, and Quake it's a game, that normal people play to release their angry In the other players or monsters, and it's not a "hacker community". And "Flash" it's a program used to make animations like this one:

And I dress like that, I'm not hacker, but I was and I didn't use Bonzi Buddy... and it's very normal to ask for new hardware, so, try to learn something, I didn't know that there were such Ignorant People like you in world...


bonzi buddy *is* a hacker's tool (none / 0) (#2169)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:12:30 PM PST
Only hackers would want to change something as fundamental as the human-computer paradigm by introducing an animated pal.

Really good read (none / 0) (#2123)
by WildCardBard on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:31:38 PM PST
I really enjoyed that, you got the balance of believability and preposterousness just right there and it was well written.

I enjoyed it too (none / 0) (#2176)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:21:40 PM PST
Before I found this article, I'd heard of "hacking" but didn't think there was anything I could do about it as a parent. Mister Gibbons has shown me the light; I'm going to go home and give little Jimmy a piece of my mind.

I think I've learned a lot today.

You sir are a retard. (none / 0) (#2125)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 03:35:15 PM PST
The FBI have trouble catching hackers, and you think you've cracked it with this shit? People who play quake would be about 75% of the teenage population..and programming in perl? a hacker book? ffs moron, you don't have a clue what your talking about.

You sir are an idiot!.

OH MY GOOD (none / 0) (#2131)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 04:04:01 PM PST
I'm not a hacker but i understand the humiliation of this message up there!i'm sure that this guy didn't read anything about hacking or UNIX i've laught so loud that my parents taught that i was screaming! You maroon go post you're stupid this away from us!!! _Grey_Fox_ @ PS-I'm very sorry about my english but i'm PORTUGUESE and even this country that wasn't got a simple T1 connection for home use the people know whats Linux and UNIX!!! Go fuck You're self!

Area Man Dumbfounded (none / 0) (#2139)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 04:27:15 PM PST
I have had a bad day. It began this morning. It ended a few minutes ago - first, when reading the article. Then, (just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water) I had a quick look at the comments.

My comments: whoever wrote this article is a very worthy candidate to work for satire zines such as <a href=""></a> ("America's finest newssource" - or so they claim).

If you are a concerned parent and want to see the LIES that these "hackers" are telling your kids, visit this site.

Be sure to look into the Herbert Kronveld articles. Click on Archives - Herbert Kronveld. It is written by an accountant who works for the ENEMY (Shaitan).

Again, I would urge all parents who are in doubt as to the truthfulness of the article above, go to that website, <a href="">The Onion</a> and see what lies they are feeding your kids.

dumb ass son of a bitch ! (none / 0) (#2141)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 04:36:52 PM PST
you my friend are the stupidest fucker i have ever seen. please do us a favor and stay off the internet your fucking it up for the rest of us. the softwre you found on your computer is sharewar idiot and linux/unix were around before the internet is based off of it. pull your head out of your anus thats ass for you not smart enough to figure it out and read a book sometime

"evil triumphs when good men do nothing"

WTF?! (none / 0) (#2145)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 04:41:54 PM PST
What are you on? Quake is one of the best video games on the planet, not a "meeting place" or "training ground". Linux (not Lunix) is based on UNIX, not "xenix" and is an operating system, not a piece of hacking software. Also, it was developed by Linus Torvalds, who happens to be Finnish. AMD makes its own processor line which is not a spinoff of Intel's Pentium line. AMD is rather respectable, and though their Athlon Thunderbirds have ways to bypass multiplier locks, this does not assist hacking in any way. All it does is void the warranty. My apologies if you feel like crap, but you are for saying stuff like this that isn't even close to true! My gosh, a Soviet developing Linux? *snickers*

-Justin C. Myers

Hey (none / 0) (#2146)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 04:42:33 PM PST
What on earth have you been smoking?

stupidity at it's best (none / 0) (#2148)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 04:47:30 PM PST
I won't start pointing out all the bull$hit you wrote because that would basically be a cut & paste of the whole article...
I want to disagree with everyone calling you stupid and a dumb-f*ck because you lack the skills to even reach that level. You are worse than any computer illiterate person around because not only are you illiterate, you are also ignorant.
I feel sorry for your son. What an embarrassment to have a father like you.

This Dude Is Messed Up (none / 0) (#2150)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:01:47 PM PST
This is a bunch of bullshit. Half the stuff he claims to be associated with hackers is just because hackers know whats good, like Linux- it's not an illegal software, it's a free software which is better than the shit Micro$oft makes. Wanting to change ISP's but should stay with AOL- haha he probably wants to change ISP's because he's a lot smarter than you and knows that AOL sucks. Be careful if your child likes reading books about programming or hacker related material - well maybe he wants to be a programmer when he's older and enjoys programming. It doesn't make him a hacker. Spending a lot of time on the computer- well maybe he spends a lot of time on the comp because his neiborhood sucks and there's nothing else to do. Last, about hackers likeing to where bright colored clothes and have pacifiers, lmao a lot of the hacking related clothing like on or isn't bright colored it's just like regular clothes but with a twist, and where did he find this so called information about pacifiers, no one with a brain sucks on them, they are for babies only, damn. I just want to say that I think this dude is way off coarse about warning parents about their children becoming hackers, you don't need to worry about hackers it's the script kiddie's you need ot watch out for, they're the ones who don't know what they're doing, not the hackers.

Hack3r.Com Rulz, wh00t.

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#2155)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:23:42 PM PST
What is this thing? Some kind of reaction test?
Or are some people that ********, so they actually write these things public.

Now, really, I have heard about people who tend to play smart around computers and were not, but this... I don't know what to say.

Actually it's so ridicoulus that it could make me laugh until I get a heart attack, or it can make me so sick, so sick...

Never before have I read something published in public that have been so stuffed in misunderstandings.

I usually doesn't say this type of things, but this is:
100% pure, clean BULLSHIT!

LOL THIS IS FUNNY SHIT (none / 0) (#2157)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:28:13 PM PST
Whoever wrote this is a funny bastard. and if he was serious i think he should be put in a cage with osama bin laden and poked with caddleprods until he dies.

Seriously (none / 0) (#2158)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:36:43 PM PST
(First off what's trolling i'm kinda new to this site and this is the first time i've ever heard this term in my many years of browsing the internet, i can tell you now i've seen at least 7 billion different pages.)

Now about your son i'm sorry that your son is (or probably is) a hacker.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL.

(in my opinion AOL SUCKS!!!) I've used AOL once before when i was like 8 years old it sucked. My mother got AOL and about a year after she got it it stopped working (i'm not going to explain). I tried everything to get it to work from uninstalling AOL reinstalling AOL, uninstalling her modem and reinstalling it (that's not all i did but those are a couple of them) Nothing worked.

If you're doubting my knowledge i've been using a computer going 15 years now. THEY HAVE INTERNET SECUIRITY PROGRAMS TO PREVENT ADULT CONTENT TO BE ACCESSED, but that dosen't matter, because if they really want porn all they got to do is open a P2P application and type in any Porn related words (i.e Cunt, clit or even porn).

"I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter. This filter is vital to any parent who wants his son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him through exposure to "adult" content."

Yes, the adult content part i agree with.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

"Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under
"Add/Remove not install/remove"
"Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel.

Yes you can find them if they are in fact installed not all "Hacking programs" need to be installed. Bonzi buddy, & comet cursor are not "Hacking programs" they are programs vulnerable to hacking. "Do you open up comet cursor and type in where it says Hack another computer with comet cursor the name of the computer you want to hack ? No because it's not in there !"

The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs. He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding.

There's always a way around that message popping up. Let me give you a quote "Nothing is ever secure," ~ Me

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.

RAM - i have a question, what do you think it's for ?

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.

Where did you hear this ?

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

If you pay close attention to your son's reading habits, as I do, you will be able to determine a great deal about his opinions and hobbies. Children are at their most impressionable in the teenage years. Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced minds.

Yes, this is another point i agree with

"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly ~ What's wrong with programming with perl ? or any other programming language ?

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites.

That comment kinda twarks me off... what kinda ignorant comment is that ? I, still being what might be considered a child, stay online or offline playing games sometimes i'm on for like 5 hours a day (sometimes even more when i read articles like this). Do i run arround DOSing you or your site or E-mail bomb you or anything like that no... Nor do i do it to anyone else.

(you know i think you're one of those paranoid people who thinks little space men are going to take you away or that the government is going to get you cause you know too much).

DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day.

Umn... No, DOSing is (well i don't have a great definition) sucking up resources of another machine by way of "Flooding" the bandwith that a server or computer has by sending multiple tiny packets of info(sometime modified packets) which causes the computers resources to run so low that it cannot run any longe.
DOS ~ Denial Of Service

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.

Seriously where are you getting this info ????

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour. This will manifest itself soonest in the way he treats others. Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn, bitterness, and even foul language. He may utter threats of violence of a real or electronic nature.

Now this may also be the effect of a Gang or some of the symptons depression, or mistreatment.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos,before the Russians lost the Cold War.

Hold it a second (if i am correct it isn't lunix it's linux) these aren't Illegal operating systems.

It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers.

Stealing credit card numbers ???? what a waste of an example you don't need Linux to get that.
Another quote "Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to Computers," ~ leo ????(the screen savers).

They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program.

Listen well why do that when you can go download it from the internet with less trouble (answer that).

Torovoltos is a notorious hacker,
responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

Which comes with Microsoft Windows (Imagine that).

Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.


9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this)

Yeah and people who do drugs wear this kind of clothing and have a pacifier around there neck because they need something to suck on (usually people who do extacy).

10. Is your son struggling academically?

If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association.

Ok, well i know people who no jack squat about computers who fail badly. In the way of the whole computer rots brain makes math hard comment i have this to say I USE THE COMPUTER QUITE A BIT AND MY MATH SKILLS ARE STILL AT PEAK I've been placed one math class above my grade level.

"Hacking is an illegal and dangerous activity, that may land your child in prison."

Yes that is true VERY TRUE.

Now anyway about that poll remove it at once for it is useless and contains untrue info.

Some homework for you
Give me ten differen definitions of hacking from ten different sources tell me the name of the sources. IF YOU GET THE DEFINITION FROM A BOOK TELL ME THE EXACT NAME OF THE BOOK AND THE PAGE #.

Later :

QUAKE is BAD (none / 0) (#2161)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:46:59 PM PST

I promice not to go to school with my Pulse Cannon and kill everyone.

<insert sarcasm>
lord of the northlands.

Quake and such. (none / 0) (#2163)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 05:59:58 PM PST
You know, I don't really know why so many people bash violent games and such. Aside from wanting to blame other people and things for their own mess-ups. But beyond that, games don't really do a lot. I mean, I play many "violent" games, such as Quake, Metal Gear Solid, Red Faction, and many, MANY fighting games. But do I feel myself ever getting the urge to just go and kill some people? No. In fact, video games like the ones I listed have helped me to release my anger. By killing virtual people, I suppress my anger towards real people. Now, would you rather I snap a guards neck in Metal Gear Solid or snap my friends neck because he angered me?

Also, how do people get the idea that you can hone ones actual shooting skills by playing Quake? Unless you have a gun that has a keyboard and mouse on it, you won't be any better after playing Quake.

Now, on appearences, there was something said that hackers have glow sticks and wear pacifiers. This is not a trait of a hacker, but more of a trait of an ecsacy. If your kid is often found with those, well, you have more of a problem on your hands than a hacker.

And on 'radiation from the computer screen' causing grades to drop, that's just totally untrue. My friends and I spend a lot of time on the computers, and we all have 'A' averages, some of us with 'B' averages, but nothing lower. So you can't say that 'radiation from the computer screen' (if there is any) causes a dumbening process.

On hardware for the computer, no one likes a slow computer. Whether online service or games or just loading up simple programs like Microsoft Word. I'm sure that you don't want to connect to the internet and wait five minutes for a site to load, much less than you'd like to wait five to ten minutes for a game to load up, or a document to save/load. And hard drives are always nice to have. You can put more music, more games (which don't have to be violent, and can be educational), more programs for learning and just doing school or office work. So extra hard drive is good. Video cards, well, they're good just for games. They have no use in anything else. So, well, I wouldn't worry about the kids buying some video cards.

Final point, just because you didn't install a program doesn't mean it's bad.

To end, remember that there is mostly more than one use of something. Just because you think it is used one way, doesn't mean it's not used a different way. What you think as a bad program might be seen as a good program to help with things, like homework. So before you delete or limit things, research it and find out it's bonuses as well as it's problems.


haw, haw...this is so fucking retarded (none / 0) (#2170)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:13:40 PM PST
you fucking misinformed moronic peice of retarded shit. Programming with Perl is a "hacking manual"? You fucking stupid cock whore, maybe you should try and to get a remote idea of what youre talking about. You stupid peice of shit, your going to warp the minds of all other stupid naive parents out there. "My son is listing to music played on an electric guitar, i think this is a good sign of him being a hacker". HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS REFLECT BEING A HACKER? YOU STUPID FUCKING OVERPRETECTIVE WHORE.

the linux kernel, yes it is called linux, was invented in Finland by a programmer by the name of Linus Torvalds. You stupid misinformed fucker.
Maybe if you checked out the link that you improperly made you would actually know some of this instead of making wild accusations.

Another thing, AMD is probably the best processor company out there. Of course, it would be virtually impossible to create a very intricate processing device by a fucking 6 year old in pakistan. If you did some fucking research you might just fucking realize that AMD came BEFORE Intel, makinng copying off their processor designs impossible.

Maybe he wants a new video card because he wants a better video card to get more out of his computer, oooh....a real hacker would have no real use for a newer video card you stupid dumbfuck. or maybe they just want to get it so that they can play a better game of quake, which 1) is not "virtual reality" 2) does not train people with firearms and 3) does not even have anything to do remotely with hacking.

You dont even understand what hacking is you stupid fucker. "oh no! my son is fucking using comet cursor, he must be using his various choices of cursors to hack into the fbi mainframe and dos them"

now, you can take your overprective parenting techiniques and shove them up your ass. If i was your son i would beat you so fucking hard its not even funny. Then once you are knocked unconscious, I would shit on your face and leave you in traffic.

thank you, this was a good laugh

You can't be serious... (none / 0) (#2171)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:14:16 PM PST
I am a 15-year-old boy from Canada, and if the paranoid writings you have posted here are true, then I am what you would call a "hacker." My hair is spiked, I wear bright clothing, I spend a fair bit of time on the computer, and I support Linux(The author mispelled this perfectly good program's name as Lunix.) Before you dismiss me as one of the sociopaths outlined above, I should probably mention that I also have an honour roll average and a good part-time job. Out of a sense of duty and pride, I find it nessecary to dispel the pos orly researched and paranoid article posted here. For the sake of simplicity, I'll sort them by the "reasons" given:
1. Changing ISPs will not make an incredible difference as far as hacking ability goes. Rogers and Sympatico are equally harsh on abusers of their systems. On top of that, AOL is an inferior (if cheap) ISP which is undesirable for many reasons beyond its protection systems.
2. I have never heard of Comet Cursor or BonziBuddy, but Flash is an animation program. Many of the animated gimmicks you see on the net were created with this totally benign program.
3. I was unaware of the AMD controversy you mention, though the processors are available in Canadian stores.
4. Snow Crash, though it has some unorthodox religious statements, tells nothing about the art of hacking. Cryptonomicon is the fictitious story of a WWII codebreaker. Neuromancer is a science-fiction story not unlike the movie "Blade Runner."
5. I'm not going to comment on this one, I've never heard of DOSing...
6. Quake is a GAME! It involves firearms, but offers no major insight as to their usage. It is also waning in popularity due to the release of Halflife, believed by most to be a more fun game.
7. This is one of the few ounces of truth here, but not all computer users become like this. In fact, I'd say that the disaffected types are the exception, not the rule.
8. Linux is a high-quality, well-designed operating system. Computers couldn't be hacked before the cold war, so Mr. Torovoltos is probably ficticious. Stereos cannot be hacked, and mp3s are copied from CDs using commonplace, legal devices known as burners. Also, accessing the Net without a phone is nothing special. Anyone with cable or DSL access totally ignores the phone lines.
9. Clothes don't make the person. The accusations here are roughly akin to saying that one wearing a tux is a stage magician.
10. The Otaku are Japanese movie enthusiasts. The real threats are the Cult of the Dead Cow and DefCon.
Thank you for your time.

moron (none / 0) (#2174)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:19:56 PM PST
People like you should be shot for posting such ignorant articles like this. I play quake all the time and I'm into computer security, but there is a good in being interested in Unix security, as there are many jobs that will pay very nicely for someone to keep there network/server's secure. You must be a hacker to prevent hackers, obviously. There are too many people like you out there, and it really pisses me and millions of other people right the fuck off.

Parents like these are the problem... (none / 0) (#2179)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:24:56 PM PST
I grew up in an increadibly loving and accepting family and was nearly drawn to suicide. I can only pray that your son can put up with all your shit. Jesus Christ, parents like these should be shot...before their children kill themselves!

this guy made a fool out of himself (none / 0) (#2184)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:31:26 PM PST
1st thing ---> flash, bonzi buddy and comet cursor are NOT hacking tools.

2nd thing ---> its Linux, you moron.

if you want more, try something that fits in your a$$, before reading this piece of shit

LOL (none / 0) (#2185)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:40:44 PM PST
To anyone who read this and thought it was real:

When I was reading this I was laughing my ass off! This is a JOKE, which I guess a lot of people aren't getting! Comet Cursor and Flash are not hacking programs, Comet Cursor lets you change what your cursor looks like, and Flash is a program for making movies.

AMD makes processors which are better for gaming, but not as good for applications.

"The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day."


Quake is just an online shooting game, not a hacker hangout.

There is no such thing as "Lunix". It's called Linux and you do not have to physically modify your hard drive to get rid of it, it is just an operating system, which is a harder to use than Windows but more customizable.

Anyone who thought this is real is a complete and utter MORON.

This is a joke, right? (none / 0) (#2186)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:40:50 PM PST
Please, mr. "Gibbons", tell me this is a joke. In a perfect world I would be sure it is, but this one is far from perfect...

If it is, indeed, a joke, you have my most sincere admiration - I have never seen so subtly ridiculed the attitude of some ignorant people who panic when facing something they don't understand - and the fact that they're also proud of their ignorance. If it is not, I would suggest you try and get some *facts* about hacking, computers, life, the universe and everything.

Jokes or LIES that is the Question. (none / 0) (#2188)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:42:40 PM PST
Will it can be view as a Joke or a White and black Lie. For all newbies everywhere it isn't really helpfull it just makes people more ignorant and lose 20,000 IQ or experience points. As you can see no where on the article even once did the author state it is a joke for fun. Ignorant is only bliss for the ignorant not the enlightened. In layman's terms if you found it funny you are ignorant or a newbies. (Yes you are a Newbie you might not know it but YOU ARE!)

That is really besides the point. We all know why people are responding negitively. That is the author hit a Big Nerv in Computer Users. Not only did he stepped on the pride of Computer Users(Demi-GOD HACKERS) he spit, kick where the sun don't shine, bitch slapped, and BFG it.

You sir... (none / 0) (#2189)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 06:44:06 PM PST
"You sir are a f@ckin idiot!"

I hope your son shoots you with his pseudo Nail-Gun in Quake...And I hope the little Polynesians come after your dumb a@s for calling AMD third-world "it's not dips#it"; it was founded here in the U.S...

Also I hope he hacks your computer you don't know how to use it anyways...

And it's Linux; not Lunix; f@ckup...Besides it's a Unix core which runs on mainframes and exemplifies networking not hacking...Retard!

And Hackers don't dress like f@ckin hippies like I'm sure you did...they dress in a drab style not like you Hawaiian shirter...

New hardware huh? Perhaps it's because the computer you bought is a piece of shit because you don't know jackshit about them except how to look at gay porn and write articles like this huh?

Change ISPs? From AOL (aka AOHELL) fuck ya they suck dick...Get broadband oh wait I forgot you don't know what the fuck that is...Dumbass...and besides CyberPatrol is better because I could HACK Aol whenever and whereever and I don't even use the service!

Programs you didn't install? Perhaps your dumb ass installed them by mistake or didn't realize it...

Get a life and don't write shit like makes you look like a retard!

This is idiotic (none / 0) (#2191)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:06:44 PM PST
Either this is some sorta stupid joke, or the author of this post is a complete idiot.

OMG!!!!! (none / 0) (#2194)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:14:16 PM PST
This is the most misleading document I (nearly) have ever read!!!!!!!!
c'mon Mr Gibbons, have you realy looked into hacking, how dodgy is the part on "LUNIX" LOL
its Linux you DUNCE, and it's sure as hell not illigal, seeing is it's sold in many computer software stores!
Get your facts correct!
You, my friend are a dunce!

Ingorance has overwelmed the world (none / 0) (#2195)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:23:57 PM PST
OMFG!!! Either i have just met the stupid man on earth, or seen the best propaganda for Intel, Microsoft, and everything else evil. What scares me more than thinking one man would believe this is that someone would read it and that ignorance would spred. Someone with limited knoledge would believe every word. If my mother would have read this, she would have locked me in a closet untill my eyes grew too sensitive to the monitor.

You guys are dumbassess (none / 0) (#2197)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:33:25 PM PST
If you are gonna write about something, write it fucking right. Its a fucking funny story. Also all of his evidence are fucking all false and are stupid. And all of you who are backing him up. Please fucking read what the fucking programs do FIRST before fucking saying its a fucking hacking program. BonziBuddy, Flash, and CometCursor ! ROFLMAO. I cant believe a such a idiot is alive and here I though i know the dumbest and most idiotic person, yet I was wrong. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who ever is saying he is right. STFU you guys are all stupid also. Im not a hacker. Hackers are educated computer experts who fucking know their shit. Some hackers do it to educate themselves and test their limits and some do it to ruin stuff. But this is ridiculously stupid. LOL I have been laughing for like 10 mins and also flamed at idiots who think he is right or close. Quake is a fucking game where you shoot aliens. You cant say shit about it. What game is fun without violence of some type ? NONE.

Wow... This is pathetic... (none / 0) (#2203)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:53:44 PM PST
I guess I'll just make a simple reply about the main article. Some people have probably stated all of what I have to say, but oh well.

If any of you sensible people would notice, most of these "Hacker Traits" that were stated are very vague and open-ended. Also, the traits could point towards any group of people, young or old. The guy who wrote it must have taken a long time online to type it up... Could he be a hacker as well? Hmmm? Bah. I think not. Just another hypocrate in this world here to waste our time.

I do artwork in my spare time and I've got a cute animation with nice music on my web site and I made it with Flash. Am I a hacker Gibbons? Maybe you say? Well, if I gave you the original file for the animation, can you prove that I'm a hacker? With only a nice animation? I think not. As for the other various programs, I can be sure that none of them could cause any major harm unless they are downloaded illegally from some random site(Then there is no way to know if the files were tampered with or not).

Hmmm... Downloading files is bad you say? Gibbons, you silly fool. People download freeware and shareware from places like every day. Downloading is always a part of being online... Doesn't a browser need to download files and pages before you can take a look at them? Of course it does! I'd like to see someone who can go online without having one file downloaded and stored on the computer at any given moment.

Oh, and one last thing: Acedemic standing has nothing to do with becoming a hacker or not. If they do bad, the cause could be from various sources... One main cause is Parental Negleance or Parental Ignorance. This is where the parents are so diluted in their own realities that they don't notice the feelings of the child/teen. The guidance from this dilusion just causes more problems, making the child/teen feel useless or unwanted. This eventually leads to lack of motivation and learning.

hahaha, fucking moron (none / 0) (#2205)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 07:55:11 PM PST
omg, this is so pathetic... if ANY parent out there takes this seriously, I hope you don't go off the word of this moron. First off, the ISP thing, why the hell would any knowledgeable computer user be on AOL? The 'filters' can be worked around anyways... Hi, keylogger -> steal master account password -> new user -> secondary master account. doh. PLus AOL is complete crap, 'hi my name is slow GUI ass interface.'

Next, AMD beats the hell out of ANY intel POS chipset. Check the benchmarks, not your fault that your child wants a better running processor. Also, wtf, do not buy a computer from any company, that right there tells you that the computer is going to be a huge piece of shit, the only things that computer manufacturers put in computers are the cheapest parts that they can find and still advertise as being 'good.'

Third, this is just pathetic, if you really read about hackers, DoS'ing, and anything else you spoke about in this article maybe you would have some since to know that you child is actually somewhat smart. Leave you kid alone, just let them know if they ever get into any computer trouble it is their own fault and they will have to deal with it. hahahahah, lunix that is great, good RESEARCH you moron.

This stuff is a load of Shit (none / 0) (#2207)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:09:58 PM PST
ok look. I am a 16 year old student and i know some hackers. They are not the criminal kind and dont hack into government site or banking site unlike the true master do. Most hackers may go into somebody elses computer to get games and music but nothing else. Do you find any thing wrong with that? Some may say the they could get personal info. Well i say to them that if you are so much of a dumbass to leave copies of credit card numbers and such on your computer you deserve to get expensive credit card bills.

The electronic music that has some riled up about is nothing more than music. I like techno and "Music made with Electric guitars and other electrical instruments". But of course this music is deemed unacceptable by you jerkoff over protective parents. You know now in these year every type of music has some computer use in them. For those of you who thought Bob Dylan using a Electrical Guitar was bad you should be beaten down by a mob.

Thos butts who cant spell it it is !!LINUX!! Not LUNIX. And like one or two have said above it is not difficult to take off.

Bonzi Buddy is a program that generates a parrot or Purple gorrila for you to interact with.
The Parrot or Purple gorilla are not in cohorts to steal government secerts!

For those parents who teach there kids about past experiences and tried to inform them about different subjects i salute you. As for you stressed out loser moms and dads who wont find the time to talk to your kid and try to stay away from your house just so you dont have to talk or interact with the "fruits from your loom" i think you are horrible parent and should have never had kids.

Ok, on another subject, any of you people who feel like you will be disgraced if you child gets a failing grade or smokes a joint. Lighten up. There is more to worry about than your kid making a 55 on a paper or getting stoned. I suggest you let the kid learn what it is like to fail a class or get a MIP and have to suffer the legal consequences. No one like for their parents to rip the kids head off and shit down his or hers neck. I doubt none of you parents like it when your boss gets upset with you or when your mother and father did it to you. The "get back for the crap i had to put up with during my childhood" style of teaching your kids is not the way you keep your kids connected to you. The Adolesent pushing away is not because or the time in life but the fact that the kids parent had been too overbearing earlier in the kids life.

Dont think your king of the world when you have children. Just lighten up and let your kids make thier own choices in life. Dont make them exact copies of you. That is the last thing this world needs

-from your sobering voice

Just in case this is not a joke (longish) (none / 0) (#2208)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:14:57 PM PST
Dear Sir,

When I read your message my first thought was that it was one of the best jokes I had ever read. The second was that if it is not, your children's life must be hell.
I am not really interested in showing you that your son is or is not what you call a "hacker" (your definition is sadly incorrect, by the way), just to try and get some of your "facts" straight.

Let's go together through your points:

1)Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

So what? If you're using AOL, it might just mean he's started to learn something about the Internet. AOL is one of the worst ISPs around, and maybe your son has heard/read about ADSL or cable connections, which offer superior performance. And by the way, AOL's "protection" is little more than smoke in parents' eyes.

2) Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

I understand that. I'm a control freak myself, and I ended up assembling a new computer for my wife because I hate *every* modification made on my computer without my direct intervention
But how, exactly, should that prove that your son is a hacker? It would seem to me that you demand to screen every single program your son runs - and given the level of knowledge you demonstrate in this post, this would be roughly equivalent to having my granny personally check the ability of the pilot of every airplane I'm going to board.
The programs you mention, in particular, couldn't be more unrelated to hacking. Bonzi Buddy is a particularly annoying web assistant (I know - my wife uses it). While it could drive sane men to murder, it is most definitely not a "hacking tool". Comet cursor is a stupid utility to do stupid things like changing the shape of your mouse cursor. Flash is a graphics design program geared towards small animations to embed in web sites.

3) Has your child asked for new hardware?

Again, I fail to understand how that makes him a hacker. "Hacking", as you call it, has nothing to do with powerful hardware. Fast CPUs, large amounts of memory and faster video cards do not have *anything* to do with hacking. Hacking is a typical low-resource activity. They, anyway, have much to do with video gaming, so perhaps your son is simply interested in those.
And you might find it interesting that AMD stands for *American* Micro Devices, it's one of the largest chip manufacturers in the world and most definitely does *not* use child labor - the idea is laughable. You have evidently no idea of the level of skill needed in every stage of the chip manifacturing process.

4) Does your child read hacking manuals?

Those you mention are *not* hacking manuals, even assuming these mythical beasts exist. I have never read, alas, "Snow Crash"; "Cryptonomicon" is an interesting flight of fantasy on data encryption; "Programming with Perl", for Pete's sake, is or should be a standard textbook in many computer science courses, and I'd be extremely proud if my teenage son (which I don't have, see later) was trying to master it. It is used in a myriad of environments, and if your son becomes a Perl programmer, chances are he'll never be unemployed. "The hacker crackdown" is more about the US justice system than about hackers - and not at all about hacking. Microserfs is about work and personal relations in the so-called "new economy"; again, not a word about hacking, although a very interesting read for anybody who wants to work in this field. And "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" is a book about how much fun it can be writing software, and about the new software development model that came out with the so-called "Open source revolution".

5) How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

Again, how should this have anything to do with hacking? There is very, very little you can do in thirty minutes, apart from reading your email. I won't even mention your rant about DoS, because it's evident that the friend who explained it to you either is an idiot or was terribly misunderstood. I assume your ludicrous statement about "gaining command prompt" comes from of vague remembrances of the MS-DOS command prompt, mixed up with a misunderstanding of what "DoS attack" comes from. Please, get some factual information.
Having said this - it's not healthy for a kid to spend, say, 8 hours a day every day in front of a screen, whatever he does, so you might have a point here disregarding your worries about hacking.

6) Does your son use Quake?

Well, now, really...
Quake is a *videogame*. Very violent, not really suited for a kid. Again, nothing to do with hacking. Oh, and the idea that they train to use firearms is laughable - the game is about as realistic as a 007 movie. And the "chat" feature it has is just to pass very brief messages to each other during multiplayer games. Its pace is so frantic that trying to convey any more information in that little chat window would lead to a quick frag (have someone explain this to you).

7) Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

Yes he is. It's called "being a teenager". The fact that I still remember when I was one is the main reason why I have 3 cats and no children.

8) Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

Here I was tempted to call you names.
Oh well. *Linux* (lunix is just a small 8-bit BSD-like implementation for *very* old machines like the Commodore 64) is a free operating system loosely based on Unix. It was developed by a Finnish programmer named Linus Torvalds, now resident in the US and working for a chip manifacturer called TransMeta (which makes the microprocessors embedded in many palmtop-like devices). BSD *is* Unix. Neither of them is am "illegal" OS (although Microsoft would very much like to make them so).
A huge part of the Internet runs thanks to Linux and BSD. Xenix was a Microsoft implementation of Unix, which was not developed for the US government, but simply as a foray into the server market (didn't really work); and Linux is based on another Unix-like OS developed mainly for didactic purposes, called "Minix". So you seem a little confused here. Mandrake, Debian, SuSE, RedHat and many others are simply Linux distributions: perfectly legal software compilations which cost a fraction of other OSs and give far better value for money.
Again, if I had a son, and I found out that he has installed Linux on his PC without any help, and was experimenting with it, I'd be very proud of him. And again, I'd know that if he gets good with it, he'll never be unemployed.
Linux is used for a billion things. Surely hackers use it - but hacking is really platform-independent, you don't need a specific OS. And I stress that again: Linux is an Operating System, not a program. Do yourself a favor and look up the definitions.
Telnet is a small program, a very basic Internet utility which Windows has, too. It is used to open a remote terminal session: yes, to connect to a remote computer. Still, if you don't have a connection (i.e., a telephone or an ADSL connection) you can't reach anything. Not sure what you meant there: that it is something that magically connects you to another system by some sort of computer telepathy?
Mp3 is not a program at all: it is a standard for music compression and archival, a file format. Sort of .doc format for Word and .xls for Excel, get it? Many people convert their music CDs into MP3 to be able to play them off their computers.
If your son swaps copyrighted MP3 files over the Internet, he's not a hacker: he is, as somebody else pointed out, a thief, and it's got nothing to do with computers.
Oh, and there is no way on earth you can use a computer to break into somebody else's stereo - the idea is really funny though. What about my fridge? And my microwave?

9) Has your son radically changed his appearance?

See point 7)

10) Is your son struggling academically?

Dear sir, this is complete, utter and absolute bollocks. I'm sorry to have to put it so bluntly, but it's the truth. Would you please explain to me how is it possible that if your son is involved with some "hacking group" (another mythical beast nowadays, but anyway...) the radiation is frying his brain, but countless writers, academicians, journalists and IT professionals spend hours every day in front of a computer screen and they retain their capabilities? (well, except for journalists, I know)
Oh, and meningitis is not a psychological illness. For your own peace of mind, please, look up the words you use if you're not sure.

One last thing I would really, really like to point out: those the whole world nowadays calls "hackers" are not at all real hackers; so I have used the word incorrectly in my reply to make you understand. Others have pointed out links to definitions of the original meaning of the word "hacker".
In that sense, I am a hacker, and many other perfectly respectable people are - even Bill Gates claimed to be one (not that I find him particularly respectable). The criminals you read about very seldom are real hackers. I would suggest you look up that definition as well.

If you need any other information, please feel free to contact me. My email is
I work as a systems administrator, by the way, so I'm supposed to know a thing or two on the subject

h4w h4w h4w (none / 0) (#2209)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:22:18 PM PST
i 0wn j00 4ll

by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:38:41 PM PST
I seriously hope this is a joke, if not then there are some seriously retarded parents out there. I will not even bother to go through all the fallacies and false statements, not to mention the flat-out lies. I will only comment on a few based on personal experience.

"Has your son asked you to change ISPs?"

I have personally asked my parents to change ISPs a number of times. AOL is slow. It takes a very very long time for web pages to load. It also disconnects often, which is very annoying. Cable/DSL is much better.

"Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?"

Dude, most normal people are like this during adolescence. I sure am, and I'm no hacker. I don't know the first thing about it, in fact.

"Has your son radically changed his appearance?"

Don't even fucking go there man. The way a person dresses or arranges their hair has nothing to do with it. Stop trying to appear intelligent. You are only fooling those as ignorant as you.

stupid fucks (none / 0) (#2211)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:40:18 PM PST
on my god you fucking idiot, why dont you learn what youre talking about before you make an ass of yourself!!!!!!

I don't mean to be rude, BUT YOU ARE A MORON (none / 0) (#2212)
by VetteNutz on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:44:33 PM PST
I have to disagree with you: 1. I like buying new stuff for my coputer like RAM, HD's and Video cards, because i play a lot of games, and they need the power, I also download a lot of add-ons for the games. SO i need room to store the addons i download.

2. I also would like a faster internet connection, because i play my games online and it sucks warping* all over the place especially in racing games on a 56K. Also as i said before, i download a lot of stuff.
*Warping is when you disapere from an other oppenets screen due to lag caused by a slow connection.

3. the social life, who cares, I happen to be one, who knows a lot of people online but off line and not the friendlyist of people, i am a major Auto-racing nut, many people in the USA don't understand Auto-Racing, even though it is the biggest sport in the world. So i think you should really go back and fix some of your "Ways to detect a hacker"

I don't mean to be rude, BUT YOU ARE A MORON (none / 0) (#2213)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:45:37 PM PST
I have to disagree with you: 1. I like buying new stuff for my coputer like RAM, HD's and Video cards, because i play a lot of games, and they need the power, I also download a lot of add-ons for the games. SO i need room to store the addons i download.

2. I also would like a faster internet connection, because i play my games online and it sucks warping* all over the place especially in racing games on a 56K. Also as i said before, i download a lot of stuff.
*Warping is when you disapere from an other oppenets screen due to lag caused by a slow connection.

3. the social life, who cares, I happen to be one, who knows a lot of people online but off line and not the friendlyist of people, i am a major Auto-racing nut, many people in the USA don't understand Auto-Racing, even though it is the biggest sport in the world. So i think you should really go back and fix some of your "Ways to detect a hacker"

spelling.... (none / 0) (#2214)
by desi9876 on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:47:23 PM PST
u spelt LUNIX wrong

Thankyou (none / 0) (#2215)
by billybollocks on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 08:56:32 PM PST
thanks thats teh funniest thing Ive seen in a long tiem. I pitty the poor sods who think this is for real. get a life

A joke! (none / 0) (#2216)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:01:44 PM PST
Hello, can't anyone else see this is a joke?

I mean, this was written like a caricature of the "stupid, uninformed AOL luser" stereotype.

Get a grip people! No one is this dumb!

The only thing I have to take exception to is the references to girls not cutting the mustard in IT...I know a woman who is a sysadmin who can program in freaking ASSEMBLY...of the top of her head...the men in the dept go to her with problems...including some that have about an extra decade of experience...some of these guys are hard core *NIX sysadmins and she knows how to make the servers do things they've never thought of.

So lay off the ladies.

Thats the wayyyyyy they became the brady bunch.. (none / 0) (#2217)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:02:04 PM PST
*laughs at the creator of this* you tool :D

ok.. i've been using the net for.. 2 years? i regularly spend 4+ hours on it.. and never have i onced done any form of hacking.. this article in itself was designed for mis-informed parents.. none of whom would ever read this crap.. as there children would probably get them to read it.. and then they'd rip it to shreds and lay bare the fact that it holds no truth whatsoever.

People like you should be shot, tortured and burnt at the stake for writing things like this, this is the same as wartime propaganda.. and you obviously seem to be at "war" with these hackers..

this chick is for real (none / 0) (#2218)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:09:34 PM PST
if you take a look at her diary, there is her photo and some more storiues written by her, which are just as stupid and niave. how did she get a job as a columnist ON the Internet ABOUT!!!! the internet!!???????? what a dipshit

if you wanna know what a real hacker does, read on (none / 0) (#2219)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:12:11 PM PST
check out the usenet group:
they are a hacking group and responsible for the programs BO and BO2K, please dispell all previous information you have heard about them while you read this and you will realise that the media are stupid and so are the government.
enjoy, and be enlightened to the truth of hackers on the internet.

unbelievable (none / 0) (#2222)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:00:13 PM PST
i cannot believe the level of stupidity and ignorance of the majority of the posters on this board. this was a JOKE people, and a very good one at that. at first, you are led to believe that the poster is a semi-literate computer user. but, as mentioned by another poster, about 1/3 through the post, if you have an IQ above 75, you realize that it's a joke.

maybe some of you social retards should talk to some real people occaisionally. then you would be able to recognize sarcasm, satire, etc. i realize that some of you younger dolts are too busy playing tony hawk to condescend yourself to socializing with (gasp) REAL people, having a REAL conversation. pull your nose out of your "ph3t lee7" 'puter and get a life.

p.s. the original post was a bait to pull you dumbasses out of the woodwork. seems it worked, eh?

Thank you for a great laugh (none / 0) (#2223)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:18:45 PM PST
I do so hope that this was intended as a joke. If not, I would just like to say that there are more innacuricies and fallacies in the above diatribe of ignorance than I think I may have ever read in the computing field. I do hope that you did not deprive your child of exploring and learning the way that a computer can teach. But, if this is true, it would be best to keep him sheltered and hidden in your veil of ignorance and intolerance. This way, when he comes into his own and is of age that by law he may leave you, he probably will. I did so. And I did not, nor do I "Hack". I did however lead a normal life and check out normal things. Describing what you wrote, it sounds as though your son did the same. Please try to be more informed before making a decision such as this.
The more you take away, the harder someone will struggle to regain it.

I hope you don't vote.

get a life (none / 0) (#2224)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:19:05 PM PST
You sir are sterotyping millions of people!

and you call yourself a model parent..pfft

WHOEVER WROTE THIS IS A RETARD! (none / 0) (#2226)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:20:11 PM PST
fucking inbred yank idiots.

Dear Adequacy Editors (none / 0) (#2227)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:22:41 PM PST
In order to help you with tracking these subersive hackers, I have reported several of these posters to the FBI. Hopefully, due to the amount of trouble our AOL has been having, the FBI will assist you in procedding with criminal investigations agains these horrible hackers.

I have been informed by a fellow concerned parent of a new underground hacking tool - a highly complicated terrorist training program knowen as "Counter Strike". In this program computer hackers meet to be "terrorists" and so called "counter-terrorists" where they also train in the use of fireams.

I represent a group called PAIN or "Parents Agains Inter-net Nonsense", a team of fellow concerned parents dedicated to getting rid of these hackers on our AOL. We will assist in any way by lobbying the FBI to bring these dangerous fellons to justice.

Thank you.

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#2229)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:25:26 PM PST
OMG YOUR AN IDIOT! COMET CURSOR?! QUAKE?! HACKER TOOLS?! BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT NEXT BITMAP?! ADOBE PHOTOSHOP?! DEAR LORD GO LEARN SOMETHING, BE WORRIED IF YOUR KID ASK FOR AMD PROCESSOR? WHY CAUSE HE KNOWS HIS COMPUTERS?! AMD XP is running CIRCLES around the P4 Intell..inside my toilet. and damnit mand if you took how much time you just wasted on making this page to utter retardation and acctualy learned about it then you might have acctualy learned something about the online community rather than made an ass of yourself. oh and speaking of online...AOL as a good ISP? MY ASS slow as balls and no parental lock, oh yeah they say they have it but hell Yahoo! tells you how to turn it off. damn man i swear some of the idiots this world has in it today. you just need serious help. your like Ned Flanders for gods sake, give it a break your kids not going to be in jail for using comet cursor

The most dumbest article I have ever heard!!Heero (none / 0) (#2230)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:29:54 PM PST
Ok, I have never heard so much bullshit in my life. You have to be the most dumbest idiot that ever lived!! You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. I have been to school for many years studying computer science and never in my life have I come across an article that made me think what the hell is America coming to? Never had I heard such nonsense. The writer of this article makes me think that how can a magazine allow someone to write such junk that is not only bullshit but sound just like a national enquirer writer wrote it! I think that editors should get the facts straight before they allow someone to publish such a piece of shit article like this. First thing just because your son or daughter wants a bigger hard drive or faster processor doesn't mean that he/she is or becoming a hacker. Second buying a better video card also does not mean anything to which the author stated in his unresearched piece of shit. People buy better video cards so they can watch dvds on their comps, play games with better graphics, watch tv, and in most cases for video conferencing. Next item on the agenda, what the hell does mp3s have to do with anything? Techno? Don't get me started. You either truly are the most dumbest idiot in the world or you just wrote this article to gain attention to you magazine or website, whatever u want to call it!! Next time get your stories straight! Another thing before I go what the hell kind of school did u go to? No one in their right mind uses AOL. AOL was made for people who has no knowledge of anything to do with computers, people who dont want fast speeds, people who just want the internet for their families,a cheap means for internet, and no brain idiots like yourself. Just because your son/daughter wants to learn about things let them learn. As long as they dont go breaking into banks, making fake credit cards, fake ids , or anything of the sort, let them learn! Learning is power and if u stop your child from trying to do something he/she likes I would call you a bad parent. We should encourage our children to learn as much as possible. Im not saying let them learn it all, but our jobs as parents is to keep our children from doing harm or coming to it. Why not get off your ass and stop thinking stupid shit and go with your child see what he/she is doing and explain to him/her what they can do or can not. When they are young do you not teach them not to touch the hot stove. The same way we teach them how to talk, walk and crawl, we should allow them to expand their knowledge and just monitor their progress and actions. That is all I have to say. I can write a book on this subject. Again I just have this to say you are truly the dumbest person on the planet if what you wrote on this site you belive is true!!!!


Blah, blah blah, blah. (none / 0) (#2232)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:36:11 PM PST
God, the fact that anyone took this seriously shows the complete lack of formal and social education of our society. People even noted the arguments were wrong, laughed at them, and then proceeded to call the author an idiot. That is indeed showing what a true idiot you are for posting. I hope that someday you get a sense of humour, as you will probably never learn how to be any more intelligent than an amoeba. I also hate people that think that JeffK is being serious, yet more proof that people are losing braincells and/or senses of humour.

Damn you all, you impetuous fools. Damn you all to the hell of eating fried chihuahas.

Sheer class. (none / 0) (#2233)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:37:25 PM PST
This is one of the funniest things I've ever read. Were it just the original article I'd be rolling round the floor laughing - what worries me is the number of people who seem to have taken it seriously! You people who've replied to this article - don't you think you should read up on stuff a little more?

It's a joke, people. It just *has* to be. Nobody could know about terms like DOS and still get every single fact in the article wrong.And more fool those of you who've been taken in...There's someone here howling with laughter at you.

lol (none / 0) (#2234)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:37:43 PM PST
Are you really stupid or just pretending? You're article amazed me... I sent it to everyone I know. But it's not because I am concerned with their sons' safety, but because you're article is the dumbest, most ignorant, not to mention halarious thing I have ever read. If your article was a joke- I am sorry, but if it wasn't... You should really do more reasearch. Actually no, you probably wouldn't get it anyway. Your son is abviously a script kiddie, and also a raver. So next time, don't try to monitor his activities on the computer; instead see where he spends his time. I can almost guarantee that he goes to raves, drops e, and sucks on his pacifier. Don't take his computer away, take the glow sticks. So don't spend your time writing stupid manuals for parents. P.S.

click here

Meet me in Quake yal (none / 0) (#2235)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:38:28 PM PST
In a Quake 2 room names OSP (everyone knows OSP means hackers). We plan alot of stuff in there.

In quake 3 go into any room that has a player count of 8/8 (8/8 means r0xxors j00) and we will teach you all of our magical hacking powers.

So ravers are hackers? Half of the ravers out there can't even spell there own names not to mention turn on a PC.

Anyone how believes this dumb page should be hog-tied and shot in the head 600 - 900 times with a nail gun and be left in a pool of meratic acid.

JEFF K~~~~~~!!@##@ (none / 0) (#2237)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:43:40 PM PST LOL



I am outraged... Please read this... (none / 0) (#2238)
by nickvh on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:54:42 PM PST
After I had read this article I got so angry that I had to shut off my computer, go sit down, and calm down. This person's kid sounds just like me. The kid is really good with computers and sounds like he'll be making very good money in the future. This parent is putting a huge dent in this kid's learning and not letting him find his full potential. The author has no knowledge of computers and because of that has no right to falsely blame their kid for being a hacker. Being a hacker takes a long time to learn I've heard. I have never seen a ten year old break 128-bit encryption, If one has please tell me ( Also All hacking is not bad! Only bad hacking is ever publicised. You can hack video games to get a better score, hack a motherboard to overclock. Hacking is doing something to software/hardware that the manufacturer never intended. I hack roller coaster tycoon all the time to get more money. I ask that if the author reads this that they let their kid on the computer again immediately until they have adequete proof of it being true(FBI agents at the door, snipers on your neighbors roof). If your kid was a hacker he would already be caught by now. It is not that hard for the gov to track down a hacker, it could take 15-20 mins tops to track him. To sum it up if you are the author and you actually care about your kid email me at and I'll tell you why he does everything you listed and why it was foolish to do what you did. And to the son, I simpithize for you and hope that your parent(s) do not ruin your life. Thank you very much. Last note: I am still extremely outraged and my tumy hurts. Signed, A concerned person(nickvh, an Honor's Student and computer geek) You can get more feedback at: (This forum house overloads of computer geeks who know what they are talking about)

heh (none / 0) (#2239)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:58:28 PM PST
Is this for real?

do you really think these things do what you say? I think your just trying to mess with peoples heads, which if you are, I must commend you on a great joke :)

if somehow your some sort of concerned parent (which i doubt), you are indeed a sad person that needs to be informed, I suggest taking a course in Information Technology at your local university, with your crackpot view's you'll give the lecturers laughing for months on end.


what a bunch of crap (none / 0) (#2241)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:12:17 PM PST
This article is way off the mark.

Oh my god.... (none / 0) (#2242)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:14:46 PM PST
It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so stupid.


And I'm only half sure your comments are... the sheer level of mental ineptitude required to miss the sarcastic tone of the article makes me wonder if perhaps you all simply have WAY too much time on your hands.

oh, and btw... Microserfs as a hacker book? Interesting thought :D

One more thing... (none / 0) (#2243)
by nickvh on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:14:53 PM PST
The dressing thing sounds like he is trying to be a thug/rapper/etc. Does he wear his pants that are ten sizes too big?? Tell the kid to dress normally, that is his only problem. oh yeah, you(the author) said you consider yourself a model parent. That says how much you think of yourself and how wrong you are. I would NEVER have a parent like you that would come to desicions like that. You are the kind of person who thinks he knows more than his kid in everything. Well let me tell you something, he is mentally superior than your with computers and you are SCARED of his knowledge, and by stopping him you are ruinig a bright future he could have. Everyone sees how inferior you are when you spelled Linux wrong. You are a bad, paranoid, and overprotective parent. And I do not throw insults unless I can base them on good knowledge. You are not perfect! Like I say, please e-mail me if I did not convince you( If you don't know how to email, ask your son. P.S. The sexist part is very offending to many.

One more thing... (none / 0) (#2244)
by nickvh on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:15:26 PM PST
The dressing thing sounds like he is trying to be a thug/rapper/etc. Does he wear his pants that are ten sizes too big?? Tell the kid to dress normally, that is his only problem. oh yeah, you(the author) said you consider yourself a model parent. That says how much you think of yourself and how wrong you are. I would NEVER have a parent like you that would come to desicions like that. You are the kind of person who thinks he knows more than his kid in everything. Well let me tell you something, he is mentally superior than your with computers and you are SCARED of his knowledge, and by stopping him you are ruinig a bright future he could have. Everyone sees how inferior you are when you spelled Linux wrong. You are a bad, paranoid, and overprotective parent. And I do not throw insults unless I can base them on good knowledge. You are not perfect! Like I say, please e-mail me if I did not convince you( If you don't know how to email, ask your son. P.S. The sexist part is very offending to many.

My thoughts (none / 0) (#2246)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:39:16 PM PST
This is by far the most ignorant paper I've ever read on the internet.

What the hell is Lunix? Isn't Linux?
And when did Quake become a hackers meeting?
Flash, Comet Cursor, and Bonzi Buddy? Wow those must be pretty damn good hacker utilities, knowing that NONE of those programs remotely even resemble hacking software.

And who the hell are you to Judge hackers as sociopaths? Hackers are not dangerous, hackers only look around. It's stupid shit like this that constantly put the computer using (and comp-literate) community down.

Fuck all of you.

All your base are belong to [ ASCENSION ]

Generalizing, (none / 0) (#2247)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:40:26 PM PST
What the author just did, was he generalized the "Information Techonology" of today, I mean for the love of God, stop sterotyping. I am a 18 year old IT student, that has a vast knowledge of basically most Programming languages, Cobolt, Turbo Pascal, VB, VBScript, Java, JavaScript, Perl, C, C++. I thouroughly enjoy playing around and tweeking my created programs to suite the needs of myself. Does that make me a hacker??? Currently I am learning a A.I language called Jack, and have been offered full scholarship by IBM. I am very dissapointed at the authors coments, becasue they are fairly ludicrous, and I can not even be bothered arguing against it, as he has already beaten himself to the ground.
As far as your son is concerned, I hope he grows up to be normal.
Do you think that having a girlfriend/bf is not normal aswell???
Well, this only proves at the stupidity of some people. Now, I will get back to my msater plan to take over the wordld by "hacking" my way into peoples stereos and stealing MUSIC. MUAAAHAHAHAHHAHAH *rolls his eyes* *sarcasm people*
by the way, I spend 3 - 5 hrs on the net, when I do go on, I do go out, parties, clubs, I drink alchohol, have sex, etc etc....and I finished my high school education with flying colors. "How else do you think, I got offered a full scholarship??
Any spelling mistakes, are self explenatory.
Over and out.
-a person that has much more knowledge than the Author Mr.T

You ignorent man you AHHHHH (none / 0) (#2248)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:45:17 PM PST
If you had acctually listend to your intelagent son you may have encouged his further luning of the none comercialized ways to use the internet. You people are all sheep! programs like Flash, Comet Cursor, and Bonzi Buddy dont even remotely resemble hacking programs. YOU SIR ARE A MORON! Go apologize to your son. NOW! ground yourself and dont write anything anymore. Oh and please read Neuromancer, ITS COMPLETE FICTION! any parent who took this seriously should plese go thrash themselvs thougholy and as for you MR MY SON IS A COMPUTER HACKER feel ashamed. You judged your son while having little to no knowlage you self, FORSHAME

Quake is but a game

Idiots R Us!!! (none / 0) (#2249)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:56:42 PM PST
This article is so full of ignorance, and retardedness. If I had a parent like you, shit I would've killed them long ago.

You are such a dumb phucking moron, for one, anything up in that article actually made no sense at all to me, (a hacker). And what makes your idiot ass think hacking is a bad thing. It broadens the mind you dumb shit.

Your childeren must be really fuckered up aren't they. Man if you believe in god, and have the best interests for them at heart, let them be, let them persue their own ideas. After all, how are they going to know how to get and apply everyday information from the real world, to factual ideas, and purposes, if they are used to mommy and daddy saying that "such and such is bad and evil, and they are forbiddin by god from even thinking about doing it, or exploring the possibilities of something, or else they will go to hell," and all of that type of shit talk.

And on top of what you all said, you don't even know what the fuck it is that you are trying to write about.

I can see now, some website needs to delete this page, because it is pissing too many people off...

And damn it... I resent being called bad.. Hackers are people too idiot.... Bastard
What a shit faced inbreeder, dumb fuck bastard parent you are. Shit, a pile of cow dung would be a better parent to your kids then you are.


I got it!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#2250)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:57:49 PM PST
This is a set-up so real hackers might talk about what is real compared to his crap so they can get ip from post and FRY your ass. Be careful.

I say I get his shit and Fuck his system up with a just special for him VIRUS.

There's some legit points there, but... (none / 0) (#2252)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:04:59 AM PST
I have to agree that I was impressed with this list. Being a 15 year old male surrounded by this pop culture of hacking I couldn't agree more, BUT..Some points like "Quake" is nothing more then a GAME. Sure theres a chat program where they can share information, but 90% of the time, we use QUAKE for GAMES. Second, apperance COULD mean something, but then you would be jumping to conclusions thinking your child is a hacker becaue he dress' "skid-ish". And last of all (probably the most arguable) is the OTAKU. First and foremost I am an OTAKU, and I'm not some hacker destroying peoples computers. OTAKU's are people obsessed with mainly VIDEOGAMES,MANGA (japanese comics). That's a japanese word for many of our Japanese brothers. All and all OTAKU is not a hacker, of all things it's not even close. BUT, i still have to agree you're points like if "the child" becomes aggressive, and prone to agruments, or if they spend wayy too much time on the internet. Bravo. please respond to me at

Wow (none / 0) (#2254)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:13:48 AM PST

And the funniest part.. (none / 0) (#2256)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:27:12 AM PST
The funniest part is not the article, or the people taking it seriously.

The funniest part is that after about 10,000 people have said it was a hoax, people STILL don't realise it! All you have to do is read one or two posts here and you'll see that it's a hoax, and yet most people still haven't noticed! What morons!

Props To The Author (none / 0) (#2257)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:27:58 AM PST
Not only for making me fall on the floor laughing, but for getting 200+ people to fall for your hoax. I hope this is the next big net thing, following AYB that is :P

I love America (none / 0) (#2259)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:54:38 AM PST
This is the funniest thing I've read in a looong time.
The article is a BEAUTIFUL piece of satiric work.
I have never seen it perfectioned like this.

And the following posts were the punchline.
It's like a complete season of Jerry Springer and Ricki Lake ; you don't have to think to have an opinion.

The use of links: brilliant.
The people at adequacy: brilliant.
legolas, Miles O Toole and others: damn funny.

Most of all: Thanks to the american people.
I love America!

damn funny shit (none / 0) (#2260)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:55:32 AM PST
I have to sya that is one of the bestv laughs I have had in ages.

I was thinking hold on this is crap, then when I read the bit on computer hacker software (bonzi buddy) I finally understood you were taking the piss....

well done


Please tell me you guys know this is a joke... (none / 0) (#2261)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:13:39 AM PST
Has it occurred to anyone that this article was a spoof? I mean, look at where some of the links point is obviously a piece of well-rehearsed satire, and yet so many people started flaming the author as if he actually believed anything he wrote!

I'm sorry, but seeing a good piece of sarcasm ruined by people without the mental depth to REALIZE it is sarcasm is just saddening. My hats off to the author, it was a funny read. And any self-procaimed hacker that defends against any of this - you are embarassing yourselves.

All of you who THINK you know everything are really starting to piss off those of us who DO.

OhhhhNoooo, Zombies ate my neighbors (none / 0) (#2262)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:14:35 AM PST
-If this was written to cause me to flame your ass:
Then let it be known that you are a sick bastard
-if this was written out of your sincere concern for the human race:
your a friggin should end your life and stop your genes from contaminating further generations

-get a clue and read a book (if you can), it doesnt matter what,
-have a fun night while people hack you with their fax machines running lunix, eating jelly doughnuts that compliment their bright hair and clothes, while listening to techno music and playing quake with their hacker friends
-you remind me of a dumb fat kid,,,,,,muhahaha...muhahaha
Drum RollPlease .................................................

Jebus!!, Save ME...............hahahahhahahahahhah


Fucking joke (none / 0) (#2264)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:18:02 AM PST
fuck this story pathetic and aol propaganda, shame on this site, bet aol payed them...

Misinformation (none / 0) (#2265)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:18:35 AM PST
This article was completely ridiculous. Most of those "signs" of hacking are either due to poor parenting or buying your child a shitty computer. If your child is an asshole, becomes part of a subculture, stops studying, or becomes violent, it's because you're a terrible parent. If your child wants a faster internet connection (not slow-ass AOL) or downloads shareware, or likes Linux, or wants a faster chip, it's because the computer you bought your child is slow as ass you cheap deadbeat parent. Try being more supportive of your children, or maybe taking an interest in the things that they enjoy. If you just crack down on them when they do anything you don't understand, and then go back to watching TV and worrying about your menial job and drinking can beer, you child may become an asshole. It's doubtful they'll become a hacker though. Any fucking moron raised by someone as brilliant as you has no chance of becoming a hacker. Maybe a child pornographer, but not a hacker.

This is a joke .........right ? (none / 0) (#2267)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:47:33 AM PST
Please tell me this is a joke

I dont think i can pull this guys head out of his ass on my own.....anyone wanna help ?

by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:03:13 AM PST
I've used and worked with computers for the past 15 years. It's not that long, but it's most likely longer than you, pissant. Please pay attention.

Re-read #3. Read it. If you think the person who wrote this is a moron, read it again, you moron. I had a good chuckle at the article. Then I had a laugh at the first few replies from the kids. Then I looked at how LONG the list of replies was and I realized that this was a f*cking joke. From the beginning to end, every reply must have been written by an idiot. You've been had. And that's all there is to it.

I was just glancing around when I read this. For god's sake, PLEASE DO NOT POST MORE REPLIES TO THIS SUBJECT. Hopefully, the next person who reads this, completely misunderstands it, and wants to reply will first read this (my) reply. What was meant to be a joke turned into a really pathetic one. Leave it alone and go do something else.

uhhhh (none / 0) (#2269)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:10:53 AM PST
Phucking dumbass bible thumpers....

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#2271)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:40:57 AM PST
Goodness if any of this stuff were true i would be a hacker too. Who is this moron? I laughed so much i peed my pants.

Your sons a whacker!!! (none / 0) (#2272)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:51:23 AM PST
You really are a total prick, this has nothing to do with hacking at all. Linux is a very stable operating systeem, quake is just a game, ur son was requesting hardware cause u probably had a shit computer. Compaq... Er... You did have a shit computer. Hackers dont have a specific genre of music, and I dont blame your son wanting to move away from AOL cuase thats the biggest laugh ive seen in my life. Grow the fuck up, and read more into what hackers do, before you comment..... Moron!

Excellent satire (none / 0) (#2273)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:07:09 AM PST
This is some of the best satire I have read in quite some time. It's obvious the author knows enough to twist it to the point of hillarity. Gotta love "lunix", the evil commie plot ;)

What are you guys talking about? (none / 0) (#2274)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:31:11 AM PST
Seriously, I cannot believe how stupid this website is! I would bet that this site is hosted on a linux machine, and bonzi buddy is a program that puts a little animal on your desktop and you can talk to it and play games or it can tell you interesting facts, your son is only trying to play games and have some fun, i'm going to look into this website, I want to know if it is really a joke or not, because everything you are saying is total crap

maniac (none / 0) (#2275)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:33:44 AM PST
You are out of your mind and have no fact straight
do not lie to people !!!!
To impose your fascistic views.

T H I S I S A P I S S T A K E (none / 0) (#2276)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:43:58 AM PST
Spanking links to a porn site, and see where law links to. It's just someone like most of the ppl. who have replied taking teh piss.

HAHAHAHA! (none / 0) (#2277)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:58:12 AM PST
This article was the funniest thing i have read in a long time.

This is a fine example of the older members of society being totally lost with technology.

OH NO! AMD is the work of the devil!!

you sir, are a complete and utter idiot!

Ha ha ha... stupid people. (none / 0) (#2278)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:59:13 AM PST
It's almost hard to believe that hundreds of comments could be posted here, but the people behind them are all too stupid to recognize satire when they see it. Then again, people are dumb, so it really doesn't surprise me. I thought the original story was comical enough, but reading over the heated responses from people who think the author is serious are even funnier yet. I'm sorry, but some of you need to lighten up and take a closer look at that which angers you before you fly off into a rage. T. Reginald Gibbons (whoever you are) - keep up the good work.

This is the most absurd article I've ever read! (none / 0) (#2279)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:04:18 AM PST
..and I sincerely hope that this is a Joke!
The top ten List clearly shows a complete ignorance about computers!

The guy who wrote this should be sentenced to some Computer course for the complete dumb!

Is The Dad A Hacker-tracker? (none / 0) (#2280)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:16:47 AM PST
Now lets see if I have this right. AMD chip is used by hackers?

Can you explain why then Hewlett Packard uses them in a computer? They are incorporated right into the machine at the factory. These aren't after market chips and aren't put in at the computer store. The chips work in conjuction with the programs that are specific to HP and are on the CD that Hewlett packard supplies with their computer in case you have to do a restore.

You say that your son is a hacker but yet you, after only a few days, gained enough computer savy to find his so-called hacker programs. If he really was indeed a hacker you wouldn't have found any of his programs, cos he would be computer literate enough to hide them so that someone that only after a few days of playing with the computer wouldn't have enough computer savy to find them.

I would say that you either don't know what a true hacker is or you are very paranoid..and what is worse you expound your misinformation to others.

Now that is scarry. The blind leading the blind on the internet.

Hello,aol,intel windows promoter!! (none / 0) (#2281)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:17:04 AM PST
If anyone could possibly believe any of this crap you are truly stupid and ought to take a bullet in the head because the world does not need people like you.If this isn't a joke i pity the person who wrote this.If your an aol promoter..well i guess that preying on the ignorant and stupid is the only way you'll ever get anyone to use your shit ISP.

ass (none / 0) (#2282)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:16:51 AM PST
you idiot. everything you said is just wrong. you know those three "hacking" programs? yea I will tell you what each of those is, dumbass. Comet Cursor is a program that changes your computer cursor to different images. Flash is an FXP program. Its a faster version of an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and can send and recieve files... a more hyped up Napster. Is Napster a Hacker program?

You are the kind of parent that watches over their sons and daughters so much that they get repressed, and bad things start to happen. You cant judge your son on the things you said, because any shmoe could do it. BTW its LInux not LUnix... dumbass. Did you know that their are highly paid jobs for the FBI that involve hacking? Or maybe you did not think of that. And what the fuck is girls not able to hack? Go into some chat rooms, if you are smart enough to, and see how many girls are there. Ass.

I laughed so incredably hard at this stupid shitforbrains entry, and you should look on how stupid you are acting towards your children. You are an idiot, and you should not be able to be a parent, dumbass.

.... :\ ohhh da hell (none / 0) (#2284)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:50:27 AM PST
my hamester is an hacker!! kewl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, come ON, people!!! (none / 0) (#2285)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:52:08 AM PST
This clearly a piece of satire, and quite a good one at that. The only thing funnier than the article itself are the legions of morons taking the article seriously, and writing detailed replies... what are you people ON??

spoof? (none / 0) (#2287)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:06:05 AM PST
Is this the spoof of a spoof?

If not, I would say the author has no good reason to bear children.
They are suffering under a close minded moron.

Very funny! (none / 0) (#2288)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:14:35 AM PST
This must be the funniest article and follow-up thread I've ever read. Thanks to everyone for brightening up my day!

Wicked (none / 0) (#2289)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:42:41 AM PST
haha wicked
Mad Props to the writer!


Answer me this... (none / 0) (#2290)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:44:43 AM PST
How did this guy find the site A "model father" bitching about bullshit and yet he finds time to stop off at a nice PORN SITE. HYPOCRITE!!!

Quake as a hacker tool? I know who the tool is. You think your son/daughter (yes girls like games too) is going to be a killer just because they play those games? Who owns the gun that you want the safety to be set by the way?

People like this guy are so full of ignorance that it doesn't matter what anyone else says or the truth that they find. They continue thinking they are right when they are too pigheaded to admit defeat.

Next time you deside to spout sewerage RTFM.

BTW If this post was a joke, I loved it. Its the best thing I've read in ages. If it isn't, I pity you. You are a sad example of the human race.

"Linyos Torovoltos" ->>> Joke (none / 0) (#2293)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:16:08 AM PST
Ok, everyone who still hasn't realized that this is a joke.

This is the only place on the 'net where you'll ever find sopmething remotely like "Linyos Torovoltos".

All right, case closed.

Kudos to the writer.

Adding another post to slow down internet (none / 0) (#2295)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:35:58 AM PST
It HAS to be a joke. In France , we call it "Humour au second degr�", it's saying serious-like lots of stupidities only to laugh about these... And you won, guy, I never have laughed so much about a post about informatics.
Did you ever think about sending your Resumee to Comedy Central ?

wtf (none / 0) (#2296)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:56:51 AM PST
Why is anyone taking this seriously rather than for the humourous piece of sattire it is. Good work.

woo ha (none / 0) (#2297)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:01:41 AM PST
This was a great article... I knew it was fake when he mentioned getting a great new Compaq... Anyways if you think your funny by continuing to take it seriously, your not, and if your so dumb you take it seriously, eat shit and live.

ya ok, mr modern parent. (none / 0) (#2298)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:10:29 AM PST
To me the modern parent are ones who allow their kids to watch/listen to what they want. Closing them up in the closet like that will make them curious and most likely to act on it. It's been proven that keeping your kids away from, sex, foul language, etc. Will make them more curious to do it without hear/seeing it.
I'm not saying let your kids watch xxx, but a normal R rated movie is fine. Foul language isn't going to hurt anyone, they are just words.

Also books they read. Come on, if they read let them read anything, at least they are reading.

You are more like a parent from the 50's and you saw how well those kids grew up now didn't ya ^_-

Response to the 'is your son a hacker' bit (none / 0) (#2301)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:32:08 AM PST
You know, after seeing all the negative posts proceding this one... i just had to say..

This is without a doubt the funniest thing i've seen online in a long time, but what really dismays me, are the groups of humorless nitwits, the self proclaimed hackers, who go 'hahahaha! you're such a dumb fuck! hahahahaha!'... I think the truly dumb ones are those who didn't even get this joke, and immediately jumped into 'I am king god of the world mode'

Lighten up, kids, you couldn't seriously believe this is real, do you?... Funny, yes, real?... c'mon...


wtf (none / 0) (#2304)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:40:38 AM PST
That has to be one of the biggest and most false pieces of shit I've read in a long while.

by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:51:45 AM PST
Man your too funny.
please gimme your email I wanna send you sub7, I NEED TO HACK YOU FOR ALL THE BULLSHYT YOU WROTE.

Heehee (none / 0) (#2310)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:58:29 AM PST
Seems like some people actually think this shit is serious? He he he he...

Im glad Im not your kid (none / 0) (#2311)
by curlyhokie on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:06:24 AM PST
Im trying to imagine what kind of asshole you really are. Im sure your a very devout christain (the condescending asshole kind), you like to make other peoples business your own (your very against abortion and gay marriages), you probably act alot like Jerry Falwell (king asshole), and you dont know shit about computers!!! If you could please tell me how you can use Bonzi Buddy or Flash to hack into NASA, I would be greatly amused to hear it. Your son was probably just looking at porn, like any normal teenage boy. Im sure you have seen your fair share of porn too, you hypocritical prick. For thier sake, I hope you give your kids the keys to thier shackles every once in a while.

An insult to women (none / 0) (#2312)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:14:51 AM PST
If I wished to be a computer hacker, I am sure that I would have the mental capabilities. I put my intelligence to other use though. Saying that girls are not capable of hacking is ridiculous. Girls are equally as intelligent as their male counterparts. I feel like I was being set back 30 years when reading portions of this article.
The antifeministic overtones were not only insulting but also outdated.

When people spend 30 min on a computer, that is barely enough time to check e-mail. Let's have a reality check here.

I can also explain to you why people wear glowsticks, pacifiers, brightly colored clothes, baggy pants, and listen to electronic music. These people are not necessarily computer hackers. They are ravers. Yes, a raver can be a computer hacker, but it definitely does not go hand in hand. So, you ask, pacifiers? Why? Ok, at raves a lot of people roll on E...take a drug called ectasy. A common problem with being on it is that when high, people tend to bite their own tongues. So, a pacifier is used to prevent this from happening. And the clothes you mentioned, is rave attire. I have been to raves before, but I do not use drugs. So I am not saying from personal experience, but from what I have seen. And a further note, there is nothing wrong with electronic "techno" music. I like it as well as oher types of music, and guess what? I am not a hacker. If your son is dressing like this, maybe you have more to worry about than him hacking. Then again maybe not. Don't jump to conclusions.

Are you ok? (none / 0) (#2313)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:15:46 AM PST
This was the most ridiculous article I have EVER read. If this was a joke article then good job, it was very funny. If this was a serious article then my friend, you have some serious issues. You need to learn about the truths before you start just making things up. Bonzi buddy? COMET CURSOR!?? FLASH!?!?! Yep, I think im going to take over the pentagon with Bonzi Buddy. C'mon man. If you really want to know the truth, send me an email and I'll school you and get rid of all those false impressions you have drilled into your head..

Stupid Article (none / 0) (#2314)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:17:36 AM PST
This may be one of the most idiotic things I have ever read. Comparing hackers to ravers in the appearance part of this was the tip of the iceberg.

If a parent sees their son/daughter is a budding hacker, get them in college, they very likely a 6 figure income waiting for them, unlike the twit who wrote this article.

Are you ok? (none / 0) (#2315)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:18:21 AM PST
This was the most ridiculous article I have EVER read. If this was a joke article then good job, it was very funny. If this was a serious article then my friend, you have some serious issues. You need to learn about the truths before you start just making things up. Bonzi buddy? COMET CURSOR!?? FLASH!?!?! Yep, I think im going to take over the pentagon with Bonzi Buddy. C'mon man. If you really want to know the truth, send me an email and I'll school you and get rid of all those false impressions you have drilled into your head..

Hmm (none / 0) (#2316)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:19:58 AM PST
The guy who wrote the articles Gene Pool needs a little bleech.

The only thing he has to worry about is passing his dangerous form of STUPID on to the people around him.

That - and spontaniously combusting when all the BULLSHIT he is spewing is done festering - and bursts into flames from the rays of the sun.

Somebody stop me before I start using "telnet (none / 0) (#2319)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:33:06 AM PST
Somebody stop me before I start using "telnet" on his ass!!!

Personally... (none / 0) (#2320)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:34:59 AM PST
...I'd say the *real* morons here are the ones who are unable to grasp the concept of satire.

LOL (none / 0) (#2321)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:51:29 AM PST
LOL you are a really big lamer man!
never read such bullshit like thiz bevore! LOL

you really suck and don�t know anything!!!
just stupit beginerz!!! here!


Joke (none / 0) (#2322)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:00:18 AM PST
This is obviously a joke.

People are that ignorant (none / 0) (#2323)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:02:24 AM PST
This reminds me of sitting in a restaraunt a couple days ago overhearing some ignorant fool explain to her weaker minded companion about the latest WORM and how it was going to destroy all the pc's on the internet.
If people like that need confirmation that it's a joke, maybe they should check out the header at the top of the page.

"Right now we're more popular than Jesus!"

That'll show them the light. Most of them are probably bible thumpers anyways. If you're so gulible that you took this as truth......... well
need I say it? The Bible says.......

It's not like that could offend them worse that claiming that their saviour lost the top spot on in the polls to a parody web site ;)

hahahahahahaha (none / 0) (#2325)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:10:51 AM PST
This is hysterical, I especially like how "flash" is listed as a hacking tool, and AMD is an illegal company. And who but a hacker wouldn't love AOL? hehehehehe

why women are rarely hackers (none / 0) (#2326)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:22:47 AM PST
for someone to make it to the very top of the hacking pyramid takes an almost psychotic amount of time dedicated to a particular and a particular paranoid, rebellious mindset...

women certainly have the innate ability to become hackers, chess champions or scrabble pros. most of the time, however, they are more likely to live their lives in healthy ways combining a variety of activities. the singleminded pursuit of a questionably relevant skill is usually something seen in men.

women tend to live in supportive communities, no matter how socially inept they are.

socially inept men, however, are ostracized by their very competitive peers. they then drive themselves to be the best at some microscopic area of the world. if the ostracism is intense enough, they will pursue the skill 16 hours a day

that's why women are going to make inroads into professions that take many differents skills (law, medicine, politics) before making serious inroads into more geeky fields.

Brady Bunch Asshole (none / 0) (#2327)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:23:38 AM PST
Hmmm... sounds like the brady bunch .. Cindy, Peter, I dunno about all that

You're a fucking moron (none / 0) (#2328)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:25:14 AM PST
I don't know where the hell you got that information, you might have watched a little too much movies. I laughed my fucking ass off when I read this. More than 30 mins. a day on the computer! What the hell is your problem. I spend a good 4-5 hours on average a day online. That must make me a hacker then. You and all other parents like you can kiss my ass.

Written by heeroyuy

hahahahaha (none / 0) (#2329)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:27:59 AM PST
3y3 y4m 4 h4x0r 4nd 1 d0 4ll 0f th3 th1ng5 j00 l15t3d s0n

lmao lmao this has got to be the biggest joke i have ever seen
if this isnt a joke.. you seriously need mental help

questions (none / 0) (#2330)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:45:17 AM PST
some questions:
what kind of experince do you have regarding computers?
from where have you got your facts?
do you know that AMD can sue your ass of because of that you'r telling lies about them?
how old are you?

questions (none / 0) (#2331)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:49:22 AM PST
what kind of experince do you have regarding computers?
do you know tha AMD can sue you because of that you'r lying about them?
how old are you?

by the way, don't talk about things you don't know a SH*T about. If you'r smart enough maybe you can figure out the letter that is suposed to be instead of the star. Good luck!

T Reginald Gibbons and Co. (none / 0) (#2332)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:50:04 AM PST
I'm not sure how to take your comments, You see avid stupidity make me angry! So I have to try my best to take these things in a lighter Heart, or it would be impossible to get though it all...

Some note of interest for you though:

A) AMD is NOT a Third-World Corporation! I know the USA is going to Hell in a handbasket, but I was as yet unaware that it has fallen ~that far~.
(Or could it be that you hold Austin Texas for a Third-World Zone??) BTW I think Craptel SUX!!

B) Linus Torvalds is a Citizen of Finland.
As a matter of fact I toss this info in as a bonus to you. Finland WAS NEVER A PART OF THE USSR!!!

C) Linux is just another Operating System to someone with a Peanut Brain (Like you), watching someone input 12 lines of code to make the Clock show up, could be easily forgiven as someone with Hacker skills. As one must ~FIRST~ know a bit more about Computers then just pressing a Button to turn on the Box!

4) As for Comet Cursor and Bonzi buddy:
I know of NO SELF RESPECTING HACKER THAT WOULD USE THAT CRAP. After all that what is more commonly known as "Spy Ware" and as such no one needs this Crap on there system!!

Flash is a common enough Program Language that is needed to view Website animation or other FLASH animations it's otherwise totally harmless!!

5) it's called DDoS (Direct Denial of Service) Dip$hit! DOS (on the other-hand), is the Command-line prompt of the local PC!! The One has absolutely nothing (in so far as), to with One another!!

6) To rebut your point 7: 7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

I'd say that Fist off THANK GOD I'm NOT RELATED TO YOU! Second prehaps it's not your son that needs to change. Grow a Brain please!!

In closeing I just have to say what a damn shame I have to breath the same air with someone as totaly stupid as you! it's a wonder that you could come this far to post this Crap. I put it to you sir that YOU ARE A HACKER for just being here!!

Your ignorance disgusts me (none / 0) (#2333)
by NT luck on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:57:36 AM PST
Under some spare time i decided to browse around for something to read when i found your post. Your ignorance and lack of studying before you act disgust me. Never have i seen someone with so much to say keeping it one sided.
Your ignorance proves exactly how much you know about the hacking society.

I first became interested in hacking approximately 4 years ago. I first started with little knowledge of what my actual aim was. My first aim was to be cool and hack stuff. At the time i had no clue to what lay ahead of me. But in due time i began to understand the true essence of a computer hacker. It is not your sterotypical view of a destrutive teenager who attacks and defaces at will. It is a person who has the will to learn, and in these days and ages, not many teenagers want to put time or effort into learning anything.

In my early teen years i was a wild child, i sued to take various amounts of drugs and my life was on the borderline. One day i came home to see a new computer on my homework desk. I always wanted a computer. From then on i began to spend more time studying the computer and its operating system. It intrigued me to how fun learning could be. It got me away from the drug invested streets that i once frequented. It gave me a clear mind. It gave me a hobbie, i life and a passion to learn.

I began programming and web designing. I exploited a second local system that i had constantly to learn more, installing OS after OS in order to gain information on each one. I downloaded the source for a small os and studied how it ran. I really am impressed with how my life changed.

Now i secure a semi sized local area network and i make more money than i thought i ever could. All those years of hacking (which is what your son was doing) paid off. It got me away from certain areas of lifew where i didn't need to be. The fact that you have banned your son from studying this great science disgust me. You should have asked him to show you exactly what it was he was doing. I bet in 5 years time he could of being chief programming engineer for microsoft, but because of your ignorance he might just be another face in the crowd.

I want you to read a famous piece of written work by a person named the menthor. All the sterotypical comments against hackers he defends. And he does it all so well. If you actually took time to read this then your views may be somewhat different.
Mentor's Last Words"

Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"... Damn kids. They're all alike. But did you, in your three- piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him? I am a hacker, enter my world... Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me... Damn underachiever. They're all alike. I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..." Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike. I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me.. Or thinks I'm a smart ass.. Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here... Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike. And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all... Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike... You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual,but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

The art of hacking is one that is commonly misjudged. You should revise your post and think about giving your son back his computer. Adult you may be, but your actions are that of a 5 year old.
~Nt luck

Great Article (none / 0) (#2334)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:01:18 AM PST
This is one of the funniest articles I've read in a long time. It's almost as fun as reading the comments, where people actually seem to think that it's a serious article!

Some of you people really need to grab a dictionary and check up words like "parody" and "satire". I know they're strange words, but you might actually learn a thing or two...

If you still thinks this article is for real, click on the links embedded in the text. Like the "law" link or the "seventeen year old girl".

If after this you still take the article seriously you're a hopeless case, parody and satire are just too difficult for you to understand.

Anyway, heads up to the person who wrote the article, the Internet needs more intelligent humor.


Are you an idiot or something?? (none / 0) (#2335)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:12:58 AM PST
Let's see:
1. AOHell SUCKS pignuts!

2. Do I have to ask daddy to DL and Install an IM?

3. Daddy! This 486 Compaq Proliant is slow! Can we get at least a real processor like AMD and not have to pay $200 more for the same processor speed like Intel.

4. Broaden the child's technical ability to detect the "Nasty hackers" who knows, he may get a job at a security firm.

5. How do you DOS to other people's sites? Everyone needs a hobby; maybe junior can't catch a football or ride a bike too well.

6. During Quake I often find myself chatting on how to breakdown an MP-5 (Hard to get those rollers back into the bolt carrier when you place it into the upper receiver, what's your secret?) NOT!!!!!

7. What do you think is going on with junior? He is becoming a teenager, damm what did they blame that on before computers?!

8. Well I've never heard of LUNIX being produced by Microsoft for the government (What is LUNIX anyway??) Is that like LINUX based on Unix, an operating system that is far more stable than Microsoft can even imagined!!

9. All hackers conform to the same dress code so that they might easily identify each other and so that law enforcement can track their every move. BBBUUULLLL!!!! This is another case of a boy becoming a teenager.

10. Maybe your some is having problems at home or has a learning defecate. A.D.D. sucks and I can speak from experience, until he receives treatment it is hell.

Just my $.02 this guy is a fucking idiot.

Its a Joke (none / 0) (#2337)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:25:18 AM PST
Come on people it was writen to be laughed at if you took this artical Seriously YOU are the one that needs help. I cant no one caught the Brady Bunch . the wife Carol, youngest daughter Cindy the son boby 6 kids LMAO read it again and laughh it wasnt ment to be real

Very good, very subtle. (none / 0) (#2339)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:40:54 AM PST
One of the best satirical pieces I've read recently. very nicely done.

Uhh (none / 0) (#2341)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:55:54 AM PST
Never argue with an idiot. He will take you down to his level and beat you with experience.<br><br>

The author of this article is an idiot...

SICK F-U-C-K (none / 0) (#2342)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:58:59 AM PST
If this is ture you are the worst FUCK I have ever seen... Hope that your childern sometime get rid of you.
Sorry for my poor english.

Heeheehee! (none / 0) (#2343)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:16:09 PM PST
The article was really funny. The comments were even funnier. Apparently people can't take a joke. EARTH TO IDIOTS! I'm 13 and I got the Brady Bunch references, which probably proves nothing but the fact that I have NO LIFE, but the point is that I got em!

Good job, my friend. I bet you had a good time laughing at all the slow people who flamed this. I sure did. I mean, cheeseness people, try a bit of simple comprehension before you waste a half hour badmouthing someone and being an idiot smartass! Haha, I made an oxymoron... go me...


Okay.... so uh... I shall leave now! Yep! That's what I'm gonna do! Ta!

don't leave (none / 0) (#2355)
by nathan on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:08:52 PM PST
Stick around, kid. is an education you can't get anyplace else.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Stupid as fuck! (none / 0) (#2344)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:19:13 PM PST
As a hacker and an IT consultant :), this is the dumbest pile of garbage I have ever had the misfortune of reading. This is so stupid that I dont really want to even post a response but it made me mad.

Here are some thoughts, Linux is the best operating system on this planet, with the promise of making the code your own instead of depending on Micro$oft or Macinto$h. Linux represents freedom and should not be confused with hacking.

Terms like "password recovery" should be associated with hacking, not Bonzi Buddy, nor Flash. Snow Crash and others are phenominal fiction, not to be confused with actual hacking techniques learned from sites that I dont care to mention here, or passed on from friends.

Glowing colors, and changing appearance are more of living as a teenager and if we want to make asumptions, we should go with "your fucking kid is on drugs". Exstacy, LSD, Crystal... these things are the fun of teenagerdom and are a phase that we all work thru or die. Survival of the fittest. Drug use would also be associated with drug use, and not hacking... true hackers dont use drugs regularly, as it impares our ability to hop into remote networks, plant our viruses and trojans (like windows xp, which is the easiest os to hack, thanks mr. gates), so our handy work is done, sending us your credit card info while we are sitting in a lounge chair on huntington beach, spending your money.


HAHAHAHA! (none / 0) (#2345)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:25:57 PM PST
This is the funniest thing I have read in the longest time! Speaking as an ex-hacker myself, this is all a load of crap :). One of the funniest aspects I find in the hacker stereotype printed above, is the bright clothes bit. I know I have personally never worn neon-green clothing :P. Anywho, all I can say is that this better be a joke, other wise this guy doesn't deserve to type any more articles.

Please introduce me... (none / 0) (#2347)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:30:56 PM PST

I checked your links, and see no way for me to get in touch with these "scene whores" you referred to. I am looking for them. It is very important I find them, preferably by this evening. additionally, I would like to find three or four of them in a group, so I can get them all at once. Please post how I can do this - I am desperate. Oh yeah - please don't insult my purple monkey any more.

Bow wow - Go IRC

IDIOTS! You have got it completely wrong! (none / 0) (#2350)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:41:13 PM PST

Delete this crap. You don't get a shit. Quake... dangerous?!? What is this, really?

As I said, you don't get a shit. "Hacker" isn't a bad word! Have you heard the word "cracker"? Well, therein lies the great "evil" you're talking about.

Hackers build. Crackers destroy. Half of the internet wouldn't exist without hackers. You owe those people an excuse.

Bonzibuddy is a screenpal, a little guy that can keep track of your email and help your work, though mainly disturb you. It has NOTHING to do with hackers. Neither does Flash, a normal program for making movies that can be shown on the internet.

Don't write things that you don't know anything about down and scare the heck out of people. I tell you, once again, to close this silly page down. HACKER IS NOT A BAD WORD.

wonderful! (none / 0) (#2351)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:50:08 PM PST
model parent? lol limiting children to certain things will stop them? no it'll make them more curious as to WHY its not 'allowed'. You didnt encourage any principles i bet, i bet you told them its this way or no way.
more memory, faster hard drives, graphics acceleration are inevitable as you continue with computer systems and things become more and more complex.
Using a computer game (Quake) to further your moronic 10 steps or whatever they were is childish in itself, to say the least.
Guys dont teenagers usually radically change their appearance on their own? We all fit in that category, be careful!
"we tried to encourage in him, when he refused point blank to admit to his activities. His denials continued for hours" That reminds me of the salem witch trials (The Crucible)
Your so-called evidence is insufficient, you're not a model parent, you're a home-dictator. The same way cults work. When kids want to expand their knowledge, you cut them off and tell them what they need to know. Then do a public display of this nonsense to try and get more people doing it.
You should learn more from your children

Flash is a hacker tool?? OMG!! (none / 0) (#2352)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:00:38 PM PST
And all this time I've been using it to create websites!! This guy is joking right?! NOBODY could be this retarded!!

BS pure and simple (none / 0) (#2358)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:15:45 PM PST
I'm sorry but, to the author of this column you are either a complete moron or a money making freak. Not only are the fact's usless but, are comletely backed up by lies and bs. It is not fair to misinform the general public who may be new to computers. You must be making a little money on the click throughs. good for you -ya jerk. I really hope this is a joke.,1960086~root=cable,ath~mode=flat

by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:32:05 PM PST
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA thats so funny....i truly hope that person doesnt believe what he wrote

Excellent - Loved it. (none / 0) (#2362)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:32:55 PM PST
And, the number one sign, that your child is a teenager with hormone problems is:
They take everything too serious.
  1. Rent a copy of Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail. (Considered by top theologians as the ultimate source of European History.)
  2. Catch the Red Green Show at every opportunity.
  3. Consider the possibilty that your parents might have had a 'puter before you did.

Your article is truly a classic in dry humor. What is really scarey, is the unbelievable number of idiots . . . er . . . future voters, who took it so seriously.
  (Cheers -Killing Joke- ;)

Verify your information before you post an article (none / 0) (#2364)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:41:23 PM PST
Rule #1... This will avoid
- to look like an idiot
- to give other parents totally wrong ideas
- prevent children from learning great things in a domain that has the highest employement and salary rates !

If you only had taken the time to double-check your information, and have someone knowledgeable reading it, you would have realized how much stupidity you have written.

And because of some ignorants like you, many parents may remove computer access from their children, that were doing nothing but learning legitimate software or playing games no worse than any other playstation ones.

And by the way, the kind of education that are so proud of giving is definitely the one that will make your children being abused by others, unaware about what the society is, being seeng by all their friends like weirdos like their parents.


LOL (none / 0) (#2365)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:41:57 PM PST
Ph33r my l33t $killz! Eye Hax0rZ in2 Yor Syztem!

Whoa, I spent about 30 minutes reading this article, I must be on the FBI's 10 most wanted!

Check your information before you post an article! (none / 0) (#2366)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:44:01 PM PST
Dear Sir,

Rule #1... This will avoid
- to look like an idiot
- to give other parents totally wrong ideas
- prevent children from learning great things in a domain that has the highest employement and salary rates !

If you only had taken the time to double-check your information, and have someone knowledgeable reading it, you would have realized how much stupidity you have written.

And because of some ignorants like you, many parents may remove computer access from their children, that were doing nothing but learning legitimate software or playing games no worse than any other playstation ones.

And by the way, the kind of education that are so proud of giving is definitely the one that will make your children being abused by others, unaware about what the society is, being seeng by all their friends like weirdos like their parents.


*laughing hysterically* (none / 0) (#2367)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:46:27 PM PST
i love it!!!!! ^_____________________^
this has got to be the most brilliant thing i've read it god knows how long!! you seriously had me going there.... *snork*
otaku!? ^______________^ proud anime otaku right here!!! *waves*
this is great, i love it. the stupidity shown in the article -and- the replies will have me laughing through the next year *snickers*. love the defenses here, great to know that people care, but... i have to say, it seemed pretty blatantly fake.
thank you for the wonderfully stupid informative incorrect article! (and yes, i did that on purpose ^_~)

(ps, if the article -was- true and -not- a joke... then i'm alarmed o.O)

-kodoma-chan ^________^ *wavewave*

OH MY GOD (none / 0) (#2368)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:51:42 PM PST
All of you people that are spending hours writing big essays explaining how this article isnt true are fucking morons!! This article is obviously a joke, it was apparent to me when i first started reading it. It got even funnier when i saw all of you morons getting all pissed off at the article and spending all this time responding to it. HAHAHAHA you people are a bunch of suckers with no sense of humor at all.

OH MY GOD (none / 0) (#2369)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:54:46 PM PST
All of you people that are spending hours writing big essays explaining how this article isnt true are fucking morons!! This article is obviously a joke, it was apparent to me when i first started reading it. It got even funnier when i saw all of you morons getting all pissed off at the article and spending all this time responding to it. HAHAHAHA you people are a bunch of suckers with no sense of humor at all.

YOU ARE A STUPID ASS!!!! (none / 0) (#2370)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 01:59:03 PM PST

Haha :) (none / 0) (#2371)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:03:14 PM PST
Go man, this is funny as hell, all fake for all ya dumbshits who don't know anything

Dear sweet... (none / 0) (#2372)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:05:48 PM PST
For the love of...hasn't ANYONE realized yet that this is an obvious attempt at humor? "LUNIX" is a term popularized by the infamous (and fictional) Jeff K. Many people know that Comet Cursor and Flash are innocuous little things with no relation to hacking, and I'm sure this was why they were used in the article.

I read pages and pages of responses HOPING that someone would have posted a reply to this end, but the entire thing is split between people making it worse (I assume on purpose, and much to my amusement) and people who are JUST TOO DENSE to get that this was a joke in the first place.

omfgz! I hax0r u! (none / 0) (#2373)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:08:49 PM PST
You've got to be kidding me right? God forbid a child shows interests in computers for ANY other reason than hacking. Im on the computer at least 5 hours a night and i can reassure your sorry ass that i DO NOT hack.

Oh, and its linux

and as for O'reilys Programming with Perl book...ITS A FUCKING SCRIPTING LANGUAGE DUMBASS! you might as well publish a book on HTML and call it "hacking with HTML" -_- you're assuming that a language is used for hacking when it isnt normally. did you ever stop to consider that many of the webpages and graphics and programs you use have java, C, perl and other languages? are webpages hacking? no, dumbass. *smacks you*

you need to do some more research before you open your trap again. seriously man, im not even a huge computer person as far as knowing how to "hack" and all the languages goes, but im smart enough to tell that you're a dumbass.

you deserve a swift kick in the ass.


what the fuck ? (none / 0) (#2374)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:28:21 PM PST
god damn man, go and cure your self on your legs, cos for the head it is too late :>

I feel sorry for your son... (none / 0) (#2377)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:44:46 PM PST
Hey, I feel really. Sorry. One of my friends I used to sail (in real word!!) together send me your stupid article with the subject "people are crazy..". At first I thought you are kidding. Then I thought you dont know what the words AMD, Matrox, etc. really means. Now I know, you dont know the meaning of the word "hacker"!!! You say hacker for everything you dont know or dont wanna know. For example: Matrox is one of the best VGA card makers in theis world. You said they make dual-head cards for hackers becose only they use them. You are an idiot. Professional users of any profession uses dual or more monitors. My whole family works at a TV station ant there are dualhead VGAs in every PC. The use it for video editing, sound editing, etc. And, they use a 3rd monitor too!!!!! hackers dont use dual monitors... AMD is one of the best CPU maker on the world. You said you cannot buy it in a store. It maybe true in america, but its not tre in europe. Here you can find AMD CPUs in every single PC store... and there are no security features in intel processors. Quake is a world-famous game, and its only a game! "..It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking.." You cant even talk in it!!!!! did you ever see a player talking (chatting) in quake?? How could somebody chat about ANYTHING in a game where you have to press 6 keys simultanously?? Linux was developed by american youngsters. AND its shareware, not free! Linux was based on UNIX whixh is the well known in the server-business (servers are big computers at big companies like AOL, Microsoft, and any goverment) and they use couse its much better than MS Windows.. And you can easly delete Linux from any computer! Who told that you have to buy a new HDD (hard drive..)? maybe a HDD salesman?? :))) looser.. MP3 stands for MPEG 1 Layer 3 and its an algorithm and a file type, used by MILLIONS in this world, and it ONLY used for music, nothing else. Electical giutars were used by big people, like the Beatles, Rolling stones, abba, boney M, etc. Thats YOUR music, not mine or your son's.. I can repeat: I feel sorry for your son. You dont know what are you writing, and the big problem is that others -who are, maybe, not as idiots like you- read this and think you know something. But you are an idiot. You say things about big companys, but if they read this and want to teach you a lesson - you could pay millions of dollars for saying bad things about them. And, at least, I can tell you, Im not a hacker. Im a normal boy with NORMAL parents, using the net for them too, searching for good things to their work, living in a NORMAL way, like everybdy else. in a small country, Hungary in Europe. You probably dont even know were it is. But I know much more than you about computers, and I try to learn YOUR language, because I HAD TO, but you dont even know how to say out my name. And you're speaking about you want to be a good parent. You are an idiot, and your son will leave as soon as possible to get far from you and your crazy ideas. Asshole...

Posted By Snoop_Dogg (none / 0) (#2379)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:52:58 PM PST
i think the only computer that guy used was a Casio Calculator
You are
<B>S T U P I D </b>

It's a spoof people (none / 0) (#2381)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:23:50 PM PST
Come on..."Best family in America"...Wife Carol, Son Peter, Youngest daughter Cindy. The article is a comic spoof about how the Brady parents would react to their childrens computer use. It's pretty damn funny too.

My god (none / 0) (#2382)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:24:51 PM PST
How much more stupid can you be? Comet Cursor?! Give me a freaking break. If you were my dad, i'd probley chop off every single thing on your body that hangs. (legs, arms, penis, etc.) And Quake?! An online hacker realm. Jesus! Quake is one of the coolest GAMES ever made, and maybe their may be ACTUAL hackers playing the game and doing other things to it, it is NOT a hacking realm. Its a game. Linux wasn't made for hacking (to my knowledge, and when deleted I don't believe it ruins your harddrive.) You are a total idiot oblivious to the actual world and are too busy keeping your children safe, when really you are making it worse. And faster video cards?!? You don't need a video card for hacking! It's for GAMES! And asking for more memory, memory is a good thing! It makes your computer run fast so you can play games faster, surf faster, open programs faster, and much more! I swear.. You are one messed up person. And saying that because they listen to techno makes them a hacker? Well I fit the "profile" of your hackers, but except i listen to metal, which is way differant the techno. But you really, really, really need to figure out what you are talking about. And as someone else said, exactly what are your terms of a "hacker" you peice of crap?
    Do you like pickles?

Please (none / 0) (#2384)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:26:13 PM PST
Please, if you know a hacker, ask him/her to come here and delete the entire post of this moron, it's people like that who endanger the world.

Is this real? (none / 0) (#2387)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:29:32 PM PST
I got to this page from an external link, so i wanted to know, is this site a joke? Or is this honestly a real article. If it's a joke, thanks, cause it had me in stitches hehe. If not, well then i think that father should use his computer more or read up about a few things hehe.

bullshit, goto to not get hacked (none / 0) (#2388)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:41:39 PM PST
im 13 and im a hacker, arrest me.

What a bunch of idiots!!! (none / 0) (#2389)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:43:29 PM PST

I seriously can't believe how many people fell for this!

First of all, I'd like to point my finger at all people who actually believed this article and laugh like I've never laughed before. No offence, but you must have SOME KIND of computer knowledge to realize this is a joke.

Second, I'd like to point my finger at everyone who actually felt they had to take the text apart and comment on each sentence, trying to prove it's not true... you are just as stupid as those who believed this. IT'S A FUCKING JOKE!!!

Third, I'd like to point my finger at those who actually complained it's not spelled "Lunix" but "Linux"... it was INTENDED that way, BECAUSE THIS IS A JOKE. He spelled it wrong on purpose.

T Reginald Gibbons, you are a fucking genious! You made an ass of about 95% of the repliers of this post. Bwaahaahaaaaaaaa!!!

Ignorance is a bitch, isn't it?

heh... (none / 0) (#2390)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:44:21 PM PST
the only thing funnier than the original post is those people who took it seriously. :)

aaahahahahahahahahah (none / 0) (#2391)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:46:00 PM PST
Linux? Used to break into people's stereos? To steal music using the "mp3" program? Not unless they're attached to the wall using a phone jack!What a fuckwit!

What a load of bullshit. Fucking puritan Americans think they're so right! Get a life!

Fortunately any non luddite out there reading this will see this article for the piece of closed minded bigoted crap that it is! As for the ones that take it seriously...we don't want you in cyberspace anyway. Go back to church you loser!!

What a bunch of idiots (none / 0) (#2392)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:52:01 PM PST
For some strange reason, my comment wan't posted, so I'm trying it again...


I seriously can't believe how many people fell for this!

First of all, I'd like to point my finger at all people who actually believed this article and laugh like I've never laughed before. No offence, but you must have SOME KIND of computer knowledge to realize this is a joke.

Second, I'd like to point my finger at everyone who actually felt they had to take the text apart and comment on each sentence, trying to prove it's not true... you are just as stupid as those who believed this. IT'S A FUCKING JOKE!!!

Third, I'd like to point my finger at those who actually complained it's not spelled "Lunix" but "Linux"... it was INTENDED that way, BECAUSE THIS IS A JOKE. He spelled it wrong on purpose.

T Reginald Gibbons, you are a fucking genious! You made an ass of about 95% of the repliers of this post. Bwaahaahaaaaaaaa!!!

Ignorance is a bitch, isn't it?

What A hacker is (none / 0) (#2393)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:55:22 PM PST
Do you know what a hacker is?
A hacker is someone who knows a system Inside and Out. That DOES NOT mean that they crack systems.
You might want to look into something a bit more befor you 'flare' it on the net.

-Ryan Pufky
PS By everything you've said, I should be a hacker. I'm not.

PPS A vid card has NOTHING to do with hacking...

PPPS doesnt This 'family' sound like the brady bunch? Peter, Cindy(who fibs alot), 6 kids, Modle American Family.

You need to stop being so foolish. (none / 0) (#2394)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:57:24 PM PST
The way described in the article, This man is about the least computer educated person in the world. First off, changing ISP's from AOL, anyone who know's anyhting about computers knows that AOL is the least reliable ISP of them all. The parental controls are nice but guess what If you werent computer illiterate you can do that without aol. Then, of course, i loved the part about programs you didnt install. Bonzi Buddy and flash are hacker tools! Who would have thought? No wait, you are just the dumbest man alive. Bonzi buddy is a little purple monkey that talks to you nonstop (probobly a product of your daughter) and flash, well this might be over your head but, flash is a web development tool normally used for developing websites. Utilizing flash you can make animated intros to your website. And then theres the other great fun thing better hardware? ohh yea guess what your computer is outdated about every two weeks of course you're gonna get asked for better hardware when your box is obsolete. Then there was the quake bit, i loved that, they train you in using firearms, because you know so many hackers use firearms. Or not, your son probobly plays quake for fun ive never heard of hacker training there. And then there was the other fun part "IS your son reading books about hacking?" well that might be a little obvious you dolt. Ohh and changing your happy little OS. Well it may not have occured to you but, despite its popularity, MS windows is horribly unreliable and in all reality should be shot in the head (if it had one). and <ul> linux </ul> not lunix, is an os based on windows but written as an open source OS to do server activity like UNIX the first one ever, it does not, however, steal credit card numbers. THe funniest part is your lack of understanding of human nature, do your kids get surly? umm sir guess what that is? its called growing up he's sick of your bullshit so he's gonna start acting way different, and i dont blame him jerk. Then the other great fun part was the dress, hackers dont dress different you idiot the dress you described would have been a "party kid" or a raver, the pacifier would be a sign of "ecstacy". I love it when people try to make an arguement and know absolutely nothign about the topic. If you would really Like to figure out about hacking id suggest reading a book on it you might learn somethign, you might just learn how to protect yourself from hackers!!

The Dead Art of Satire (none / 0) (#2395)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:04:22 PM PST
Subtitle: Why can't people take a joke anymore?

I think by the second paragraph it became abundantly clear that tongue was firmly planted in cheek on this article. Apparently the hacker community has no ability to appreciate a good joke. Or perhaps it's just satire that doesn't focus on swear words that eludes them.

And for the record, I have both Flash and Comet Cursor installed on my machine, but I am far from a l33t hax0r d3wd. Or whatever.

funny shit (none / 0) (#2398)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:17:37 PM PST
Oh god! I couldn't read all the way to the end in one go, I thought i was gonna piss myself laughing. If ignorance really is bliss then this guy must be in heaven 24/7.

Supple My Penis Bander (none / 0) (#2399)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:23:24 PM PST
the other day i was mowing cows down in my stronghold and i was like "What the fuck" and i kicked my whores dildo into her eye. flying anals all the way.

Flyfishing with your penis (none / 0) (#2402)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:40:28 PM PST
Jump, Bounce, Down, Up

I went out on a date,
With a girl, a bit late,
She had so many friends,
Gliding through many hands.
I brought my pogo stick,
Just to show her a trick,
She had so many friends,
Gliding through many hands.

Jump Pogo?..
Bounce Pogo,
Down Pogo, Up Pogo

Unannounced twister games,
All players with no names,
They lined up double quick,
But just one pogo stick,
Everyone gets to play,
Runaway, expose',
It was so exotic,
But just one pogo stick.

Jump Pogo?..
Bounce Pogo,
Down Pogo, Up Pogo

Oh, I like to spread you out,
Touching whoever's behind

Jump Pogo?..
Bounce Pogo,
Down Pogo, Up Pogo

APRIL FOOL! (none / 0) (#2403)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:44:11 PM PST





by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:46:11 PM PST


.... *ahem* (none / 0) (#2405)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:48:24 PM PST

[rolls eyes] (none / 0) (#2406)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:49:29 PM PST
It seems that this Mr. T. Reginald Gibbons fancies himself a comedian, because this is the most hilarious thing I read since the morning paper announced Dubya as our new President (and I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I found out it was true). I think Mr. T. Reginald Gibbons needs to open his eyes. All of Mr. T. Reginald Gibbons' information is completely biased and misinformed. Also, I find it terribly disturbing that Mr. T. Reginald Gibbons links so wontonly. It would be in Mr. T. Reginald Gibbons' best interest to take some classes on computers before writing an article on something he obviously knows nothing about.

WTF?! (none / 0) (#2408)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:55:19 PM PST
There are a few (LOL) things wrong with this article.

1) About the child possibly wanting to switch ISPs? AOL, put simply, sucks. For example, when you want to send a file attached to an email, although you probably don't know what email is since you're so computer-illiterate, AOL freezes the browser so you can't do anything else at the time. It's also extremely slow, and it logs you off after ninety minutes automatically, even if you're not inactive.

2) About the "faster video card", more drive space, more memory? Video cards have nothing to do with hacking; what they do is let you watch videos on your computer. Lots of people want more drive space and memory, especially if they listen to Mp3s.

3) About the child's appearance? Oh, sure, hackers wear bright clothing. We should all just wear black, dull clothes and not stand out at all.

4) About the illegal programs? Comet Cursor is a program that lets you change the appearance of your mouse cursor on the screen and can not in any way be used to hack. Bonzi Buddy is a stupid program that has little animated animals pop up on screen if you're having a problem with the computer. Flash is a program that lets you make animations. And Linux, not "Lunix" (you moron) is... well, I don't know what it is, exactly, except that it is not an illegal hacker program, as my school uses it.

5) Too much time online? Maybe your child runs a website, and maybe it's completely unrelated to hacking. I spend 8 hours plus online every day and I am not a hacker. Where do you get off saying anyone who spends more than half an hour online is a hacker? That's nonsense! Most people can barely get anything done in half an hour! And the thing about radioactivity, that is so untrue. Where do you get your 411?

6) Thanks for the list of books, now I'll go become a hacker.

7) The thing you wrote about female hackers is so sexist it's not funny. Where do you get off saying girls don't have the computer skills necessary to become a hacker?! I have more computer skills than half the guys I know, and if I wanted I could hack into your computer right now and delete your hard drive, but I'm not going to. You know why? Some people have a thing called decency, Mr. Elby. Decency.

8) Quake is not a hacker program. Quake is an online role-playing game.

9) Lastly, did you ever think that the reason your son denied being a hacker so vehemently is because he was telling the truth and you were being a moron?

Anyone from Pojo's message board reading this, which is where I got the link, this is Juunana no Onna. (And YES, Elby, that is a hacker-related s/n because I'm a scene whore!)

(Anyone with any brains should know that was a sarcastic comment.)

*w00t *w00t (none / 0) (#2409)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:55:44 PM PST
i wounder how many people be-lie-ve this lol prolly more than i would like to admit but oh well let them be-lie-ve what they will no matter what we say, we can not change thier opinion! this is an on-going argument that will never end but in the mean time make sure that your parents dont find out about "Comet Cursor" or all of our plans will be ruined. LMAO

I am the way, prepare for salvation!

I'm pretty sure this is intended as a joke... (none / 0) (#2410)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 04:56:02 PM PST
There's no way someone could be this fucking stupid and still be able to piss in a toilet on a regular basis.

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#2411)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:01:37 PM PST
What are you talking about? AMD CPU came about because the US goverment would not purchase a system without have more then on supplier of the hardware. Thats why Apples did not make a big splash in the Goverment. AMD began producing CPUs at the request of the goverment so that the "IBM compatible" would be used. What kind of jerk are you? Do you really believe what you are saying?

Are you people stupid? (none / 0) (#2415)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:14:10 PM PST
What part of "this article was a joke to make you people laugh" do you not understand?

Goddamn...half of you dare to call yourselves computer savvy and yet you write these bigassed rants and raves about the author being a moron when you can't even stop and think about the utter ridiculousness is of this article in the first place.

It's NOT meant to be any sort of truth. It's meant to be something for you people who ARE computer savvy, to LAUGH, because the average AOL'er probably DOES believe this shit to be true!

LMAO!!!! (none / 0) (#2416)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:18:34 PM PST
First off, programs such as Bonzi Buddy(a cool little monkey that sits there and talks to you) and Comet Cursor(a program that changes your cursor to something cool) cannot hack a computer! Also Quake is a fun 1st-person shooter where you are to frag(another term of kill and bring your score up) your enemies in a battlefield, many kids play this and may say "Oh man you should have seen it I got him with a rocket launcher and he was crying." Or something like that to their friends who play the game as well, this does not mean they shot someone with a rocket. I advise you to listen to your son instead of looking in his stuff and making false accusions.

Fucking hell! AMD R GR8 NOT SHIT (none / 0) (#2417)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:20:20 PM PST
bastard f�cking bastard, amd is not an idiotic hacker based company. n someone wouldnt want faster graphics cards for hacking dick. u can hack on a 486 with ease. PRAT. u r a total prat idiot and dork with those comments and amd ARE sold in shops DICK.

Woa.... (none / 0) (#2447)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:52:22 PM PST
Calm down...
Even though I agree, I think that it could be expressed in a more civilized way.

I believe he meant: The companys intent is not to produce software for hackers but due to circumstances, it has turned out that it is most accepted by hackers.
Also, he metioned that even though people use state-of-the-art equipment, that doesn't necessarly mean they are hackers. Anyone is capable of hacking using even some of the oldest and out-dated equipment.

There, that wasn't too painful now was it...

Your "information" (none / 0) (#2420)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:23:39 PM PST
How can you consider yourself a model parent when you attempt to spread lies and misinformation just like a hacker. My son was a hacker and now he's in jail. You sound just like him. I trust that someday you will see the light of god and repent for your sins.

My son brought home a "hacker" movie once and watched it with some of his more questionable friends. It telling them how to do "social engineering" before i turned it off and made his friends go home. You sir sound like you are social engineering people to believe your lies.

And your list is wrong. My son want to church with us every Sunday and Wednesday. He dressed nicely and was polite and courteous. He even had straight A's. Please revise your list with better information or take it down.

I sincerely hope god sends you an angel before it is too late.

Oh one more thing (none / 0) (#2421)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:32:27 PM PST
If he wanted an AMD Athlon he probably doesn't like Intel(Which doesn't have hacker protection at all) chipsets that are so slow. Intel chipsets are much lower in overall performance. Also if he wanted a new Graphics card he probably doesn't have a good one and his game's are going slow. And if he wants a different ISP(Internet Service Provider) then he probably wants somethign like Cable/DSL(High-Speed internet connections) because AOL disconnects you and can be slow at times. Oh yes and Linux(which you happened to typo saying "Lunix") is not just for hackers, it is a very stable OS(Operating System) that some believe is better than Windows. And to get rid of it all you have to do is pick to start up with Windows and delete the folder. Only an idiot would send it back to the manufacturer. And "Otaku" is a person who is obsessed with Anime(Japanese animation).

a good laugh (none / 0) (#2422)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:33:36 PM PST
how enjoyable.

you should put this article on t-shirts. i think you'd make a fortune.

your brother in hacking,
anonymous in canada.

DUMBASS (none / 0) (#2423)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:34:06 PM PST
Thats all i have to say!! DUMBASS!!

cant decide (none / 0) (#2424)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:38:41 PM PST
dont know whats more hilarious , the original article or the majority of follow up posts.

T Reginald Gibbons is an inspiration to us all, if only i had a father like that.

God bless T Reginald Gibbons, and God bless America.

You dumb fuck (none / 0) (#2426)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:42:16 PM PST
You are the dumbest human being ... ever.
Please learn how to spell. Please do not post information that you researched in your imagination. That was such a stupid article, you make my not-so-smart, stuttering friend, look like a fucking genius. I'm so horrified that someone ACTUALLY came up with something like this, I'm speechless beyond that.

P.S. You my friend...are dumb.

Errr no you are the dumb one for not getting it (none / 0) (#6293)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:13:43 AM PST
You great thick plank of wood, not only did you not get it but you then write a comment calling the guy that just spoofed you stupid. Priceless.

Fantastic, it amazes me that some of you have survived as long as you have in this dangerous world. Dont forget to look both ways when crossing the road Mr Gump!

This is too funny, and gets more ridiculous (none / 0) (#2427)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:44:33 PM PST
as I read one response after another to a satirical article, and then more responses to posts that poke fun at the people who lack such languistic sensitivities as to realize its comedic nature.

it's amazing what people will do first in "self-defense" without the slightest clue as to their situation.

Oh God, you people are idiots. (none / 0) (#2428)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:46:41 PM PST
Ok, now I just want to get this off my chest first. Sir/Ma'am, if your child hasn't played his/her accordion for weeks, it isn't a sign of them being a "hacker", it's a sign that they think it's a piece of shit either due to peer pressure or that they were smart enough to stop listening to their fucking idiotic parents and that they formed their own opinion.

Next, it's Linux, not Lunix. And Linux isn't a hacker program. It's another operating system. Now since you're too dumb to understand anything else, I'll spell it out for you. An operating system is what you run to access all your computer files, and everything else like that. It started what they call they "Open Source Movement", which (correct me if I'm wrong, someone who knows their computer stuff) allows you to edit the operating system freely. It's mainly used by advanced computer users. Most of the people who use it are tired of using Windows due to it's overall shittiness. Linux isn't a hacker tool, it's an operating system for anyone with half of a brain.

Now, telnet wasn't meant for hacking, but it is anyways. It's put in all of the Windows machines in case you want to see your buddies hard drive to see his music/repair anything, you get his IP and fix whatever providing he's on the internet.

Now, Bonzi Buddy is a shitty program that I've never used, but I believe is one of those "virtual buddies" that does stuff like piss you off by talking all the time. Flash is a programming language to make videos online. And Comet Cursor is a way to modify your cursor.(the thing where you see your mouse pointing)

Now, Quake isn't a game for hackers. It's a game for anyone who likes first person shooters. I'm sure some hackers do go on it and discuss that kind of shit, but it's mainly for the people interested in actiona games. And so what if it teaches the use of firearms? So does TV? Are you going to ban your children from watching ESPN because they show hunting shows? And can't the use of fire arms be good knowledge? I mean, if someone's trying to mug you and you see a gun on the ground, shouldn't you grab it and at least make them get off of you? Or if you're at war, wouldn't it be good to know that you can shoot the shit out of some Iraqi?

That's all I feel like posting for now, since I'm so fucking lazy, like the person who posted this thread. The reason I know he's so lazy? because if he wasn't lazy, he would've done his research on this subject.

wonderful (none / 0) (#2429)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:49:02 PM PST
This post, the misson statement, who? everything about this site is wonderful, but this post and all the replies to it take the biscuit! I've never had so much fun reading the whole damn thing, ahhhh let there be more of this on the web. In fact make it even more perfect and let the really stupid people make their own sites (I'll even make em for them for free!). I know there are people out there stupid enough or just ignorant enough to actually write and believe what they are writing on things like this out there, so bring em forward and let the comedy continue.

Cheers you've cheered me up no end reading this post! hahaha

I guess every young computer geek is a hacker (none / 0) (#2430)
by us1stinf on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:54:23 PM PST
This article has got to be a joke. I have been a computer geek since the age of nine. I first thing i learned to hack was AOl. and it was harmless pranks. This is what got me reading about html and java. Hacking spark my interest so well that i am a computer engineer now a days. I never hurt anybody i was just doing harmless pranks. The funniest thing I found about this article is that AOL never even caught my hacking ways, I ended up getting banned from AOL for swearing in a chat room. So much for child prevention. People who know barely anything about computers should not be talking in a public format about things they are unaware of.

HAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#2431)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:58:59 PM PST
You are an idiot.

Let's seee.... (none / 0) (#2432)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:00:06 PM PST
I hate AOL: Check.

I play Quake: Check

I know what Bonzi Buddy, Comet Cursor, and Flash are: Check, Check, Check. AND, I have flash installed on my machine: Bonus!

I'm struggling academically, which of COURSE has nothign to do with the fact I'm taking AP courses... : Check

Change in my appearance: Well, I just dyed my hair again, so.. check, I suppose.

Obsession with LINUX: Well, not really, though I am interested. So.. one un-checked.

Argumentitive: Damn straight. Check!

Time spent online: I spend four to five hours a day on the computer, sometimes more. Which , of course, has NOTHING to do with the fact I design a website for the educational medieval reanactment group I'm in. Therefore: Check

Hacking manuals: Well, I have the QBASIC book, the Perl book, I have read most of the other ones. So, Check.

New hardware: Heck, I need a whole new computer! So two checks there. ;)

Also, for EXTRA Bonus points: I listen to Techno, and I have two copies of the movie Hackers.

So, I guess I'm a hacker. How wierd, I never knew it... I mean, I THOUGHT I was a 17 year old high school student who designed websites in HER part time and was a waitress, but wow. I must be wrong. ((Yes, I'm a girl. ;)))

Pathetic!!! (pateticus magnus) (none / 0) (#2434)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:03:30 PM PST
Oh yes! I agree!
And I must add that hacker whores are just waiting for your geek (wannabe) son to tell them that he is a hacker and they will unzip his pants themselves...
My god, there is nothing worse than a bad parent...
I needed that laugh... I haven't laughed this hard since... I don't know, I don't think I have ever laughed this hard! I had no idea that morons like you existed! You should meet my father, and maybe he'll be like you and I'd laugh at home all the time. Being a girl, the girl hack part made me laugh my ass out... I ain't a hacker; I just seek for knowledge from Computers and Internet. Your son would probably do the same thing if you hadn't taken his PC by now. And if he was a hacker as you claim him to be he would have prospered by now and maybe made some cash over the internet (not by hacking, webdesin, or something)
BTW I used to do all that shit that you talked about (ok, not all of it, I'm not from the US so I don't log on AOL, and those cursor and Bonzi thing... give me a break) I've had my share of games, macromedia, Linux, and all of those, and I must admit, I have been very good at avoiding becoming a hacker (whore)
And one last question for the father? Are you on drugs??? You have to be seriously demented to post an article like that!
BTW, I work as a sysadmin (system administrator, if you don't know what it is, try the dictionary) in a government institution, and a software developer for Linux (this is just for me, for fun)...
Ima li pogolemi idioti od Amerikanci ej? Pichka im mater!

No hackers in your house Sir. (none / 0) (#2435)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:10:31 PM PST
Your son is not a hacker. He probably has downloaded some cracked software - software you can find in a store (at a price of course) but that you can also download online if you know where to look (free). A hacker attempts to get into other people's computers and either snoop around or create problems.

DOS in the context you're using means "denial of service". Someone who is dossing a system/server is repeatedly pinging the system involved and making it difficult or impossible for the user to access the net. (Very basic definition but I think that's required in this case) If he had been dossing someone's system/server you'd have heard about it because his AOL identifier would have shown up in their logs.

Comet Cursor is a Trojan of sorts, it's an invasive program most newbies get sucked into downloading at one time or another.

Macromedia Flash is a program that allows you to view "Flash" animation online. It's free and legal. There are even flash greeting cards available.

Quake is not a hackers game, it's a shootem killem game. You can play by yourself or as part of a team. The chat that goes on is generally about the game, not about hacking.

Linux is a free Operating System which is very popular with people who like more of a challenge OR who want more stability than Windows offers.

If the radiation from computers existed and was a danger I would think all of the folks who work on them every day might be out to lunch.

AOL is a dialup ISP for people who don't know much about the internet or want something simple and hassle free. It's slow enough that anything he downloads is going to be small.

AMD is the only competition Intel has. A new video card will speed up your system and allow users to play better games.

I would imagine your son is looking forward to the day he can leave home and get out of the twilight zone in which he lives now. You really are scary sir, totally misinformed and somewhat paranoid.

What a random. (none / 0) (#2439)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:19:12 PM PST
Apparently this world has given birth to another force of nature of which we never dreamt of. This force, being lameness. FIRST OF ALL, Hackers are NOT the malicious ones. It's a common sterotype, but it's CRACKERS who tend to make the internet an unfriendly place. SECOND OF ALL, What in the bloody Hell do you mean by calling AOL a friendly, approved ISP? My God man, are you insane? Poor Peter has to put up with this? I also find it EXTREMELY funny your family are modern Brady Bunch models. I suppose the "evidence" you found was a NES ROM site. And I also suppose those are covers for worm viruses. I also suppose that I, not exactly one to be entitled a hacker(though that's a label I've recieved), will become criminally insane because my musical taste consists of classic rock and jazz, of which I noted before writing this as being called "Instruments of the devil". If you call your son a hacker, then I'd call some of my pojo buddies techno masterminds.

So, I speak for the entire pojo community(which have all read your rant of idiocy) when I say, "You sir, are an idiot."
</ "1337 |\/|4D |-|4><0|2z0rzing 74L|<z0rz.">
-Dallasama =/

Hackers? H'yuck H'yuck! (none / 0) (#2442)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:35:52 PM PST
*Chuckles* His son figured out how to use a 'search engine' and he is now qualified as an infamous hacker being tracked by the FBI, CIA and 7 other major federal organizations. This queer is obviously some redneck fucker.

Amazing... (none / 0) (#2445)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 06:48:30 PM PST
Strange how this site hasn't been hacked to get this fucking post off the net. This is an insult to everyone who has ever spent the time to learn how to type without looking. Even if your kid is a 'hacker' who the hell cares, shit happens. If you put the right fucking morals into him/her he could end up working for the feds,CIA, or some other government org. I didnt find this post funny at all, anger came to mind...

What a fucking joke this asshole is,... ignorance is bliss, and this fuck has it tattooed to his forehead.


Retarded technophobes. (none / 0) (#2448)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:06:05 PM PST
This is the biggest heap of fucking misinformed, fabricated bullshit I have ever read.
That is all the time I am going to dignify this appalling shit with.

On the plus side it did make me laugh for a bit.

*Gasp* (none / 0) (#2449)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:06:59 PM PST
My word....I have come to the dreadful realization that...I..I am a hacker!!

I enjoy the first person shooter games (the so called hacker training grounds)!! I read those horrid magazines!!(understanding never hurt now did it) I like better graphics and prefer superior opperating systems!! (I fear I may have too good of operating systems to be a 'Normal' computer geek) And worst of all, I spend hours on the computer, sometimes even take time to Know how the computer works!!

No offense to you, sir, but it seems that your understanding of hackers is a little mislead. If the case were as you discribed, Im afraid that everyone I associate with and everyone I've ever meet online must me a hacker by your standards. Have a good evening.

Maybe he's right... (none / 0) (#2451)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:28:13 PM PST
The computer is evil. I have never used a computer before nor will I ever touch one. I think all computers are evil and make you a bad person. I have never, or will ever, touch a computer. I don't own one nor have I ever used one. Fuck computers.

i would just like to say that your are soo wrong!! (none / 0) (#2452)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:32:15 PM PST
I laugh at all of you who think that hackers are the ones failing school, wearing nifty colors and wearing pascifiers, to be truthfull they are the EXACT opicite.
I like to consider myself to be a free information revolutionist, i am 18 and by far not dumb like your pages suggests.. hackers are a brilliant group of eliete verry inteligent people
i gradguated from my school with a 3.84 gpa and passed my A.C.T with a 28.. you are all pointing your finger at the wrong people hackers are the ones that you see fixing the school computers, re-networking their network infustructure.
we are the ones that the teachers trust!
I could leave any class without an explination ant any time and recieve no punnishment, I could also walk into class 20 minutes late without recieving the slightest glance.
Second of all, hackers do NOT wear bright clothes, they are the quiet ones that have their eliete clique that understands their superiority over their piers. It is for this reason that they wear dark clothes, with violent darkly hued hairstyles, and as for pascifiers, people who use acid wear them because when you take acid you have a tendancy to grind your teeth quite harshly. furthermore, hackers do not generally use acid, as far as drugs go, hackers are only the users of pot, not the abusers of pot!
Finally, all of the hardware and software that you knock on is complete idiocy. any software that I utilize to gain free information in no way can by found by a non hacker. LINUX, the best opperating system in existance is widly used by hackers, but not for hacking, they use it because it is the fastest, most stable running operating system that is open source in the world. (yea i know its a runon so stfu :D )
Athalon processors are not hacking processors, they simply are the "best processors out their" hackers are always seeking the newest and best of everything.

I hope i have awakened all of the communist parents out their that actually believe what this site states.

the yiffy foxy hacker

P.S and if you dont know what i mean by furry then goto

i promice that you wont get a virus.. but then all of your communists can keep your tightly knit morals and believe what you want. i dont know why i even bother to write this

and i will finally leave you with this question

what is normal?

lata... the yiffy foxy hacker =^.^=

Humor, or idiocy? (none / 0) (#2453)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:43:25 PM PST
Either this is a joke, or it was written by a moron. Either way, it wasn't very well done, as a competent joker or moron should be able to make it clear which he is.

YOUR SON SHOULD BE CASTRATED.. (none / 0) (#2454)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:47:36 PM PST



SON? (none / 0) (#2455)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:50:00 PM PST
Why do you only say son huh?? You think only males are going to become computer hackers? Thats ignorant.

hahaha (none / 0) (#2457)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:58:52 PM PST
Quake is a game you fucking numbnut peices of shit... cut the crap we all know this is a giant joke!

*sigh* (none / 0) (#2458)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:13:15 PM PST
hmmm, i really am beginning to wonder if this is a joke or not. can people really be this close minded? or be this damn stupid? i really think this is all some joke. everything the author of this post has stated sounds like bullsh*t this guy has made up off the top of his head as a reply to people that oppose what he thinks. if you are serious about what you believe. good for you. you need something to believe in. i wont be surprised if you turn around and call me a "hacker" because i am not on your side. almost everyone that opposes you you have called them a "hacker". i know that you will probably twist my words in some way to make it look like i am a hacker and sir, i envy you, for ignorance is bliss. i have one last thing to say: i feel very sorry for your children.

Child Abuse? (none / 0) (#2461)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:16:58 PM PST
Isn't parental stupidity a form of child abuse?

Please Say it isn't so... (none / 0) (#2465)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:30:24 PM PST
Well I have to say I've spent the last 20min laughing from this article. All I have to say is I pray it was a joke and to the persone who posted please put a note in here stateing that is was.. Please do it soon befor some kids psyco parents read it and ruin his life.. And if it's not a joke that all I have to say is it's a sad sad day for the internet..

T Reginald is the biggest idiot I've ever heard! (none / 0) (#2467)
by goatsecx W0RRi4R on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 08:52:37 PM PST
If this article was written in jest by a kid out there, congratulations, you made me laugh harder than anything else I've recently read.
if not:

where did you do your "research" and what were you smoking at the time?

your thing is full of errors!

<cite>One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter</cite>
or maybe they want a faster, cheaper ISP than AOHell.

<cite> Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".
BONZI BUDDY isn't a hacker program. It's a stupid little monkey that hangs out on your desktop.

<cite>They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. </CITE>
<sarcasm>Because all the newest hacking programs are in OPEN GL 3d accelerated graphics</sarcasm> <strong>LIKE GAMES!!!!</strong>

<cite>If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.</cite>
I certainly hope you're joking. otherwise you are the biggest computer idiot in the world and you have never stepped foot into a Best Buy store.

<cite>ou should also petition local booksellers to remove these titles from their shelves.</cite>
or you could make a nice little bonfire.
Also you can buy these over the internet

<cite> Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school. </cite>
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yah, that's right. Quake: best selling game ever! THERE ARE MILLIONS OF H4XX0RZ in the world!

<cite>BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. </cite>ummm...linux was legal last time I heard. Unless in our latest crackdown on terrorism, it was banned.
<cite>They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. </cite>
HAHAHAHA! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! oh wait! Using the 1337 H4XX0RiNG program NAPSTER
<cite>nd even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.</cite>
or you could just reinstall windows.

<cite>Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) </cite>
WAHAHAHAHA! No, those are "ravers" they are not haxx0rz. Ravers go to all night dance parties. They wear pacifiers because when they eat the drug "ecstasy" they chew their tongues if they can't chew anything else. Hackers dress like skaters and rollerblade everywhere and own multiple copies of the movie "HACKERS". ;)

<cite>Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases.</cite>HAHAHAHA!
electromagnetic radiation? I seriously hope you aren't a doctor.

I won't even go into how your children must hate you for being an uptight dickwad, going to their parties and shit. What is this? the parental gestapo or something? Have you decided to do urine tests on your children and implant lojacks in them so you know where they are at all times?

You have some issues there, buddy. (none / 0) (#2468)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:03:56 PM PST
Look at all these replies...I wish I had you people around when I was living with my parents.

Knowledge is power, and it helps prevent you from making an ASS out of yourself!

- Yoshi

Crack can be hazardous to your helath (none / 0) (#2470)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:08:13 PM PST
"1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs? "

Perhaps the more technically literate son has realized that AOL is just for people who still haven't figured out how to program a VCR.

"2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing? "

"Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel."

If you were technically versed, you would realize that the programs listed in the Add/Remove Programs dialog can be removed with a simple utility called TweakUI.

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."

Someone is smoking crack here.

"3. Has your child asked for new hardware?"

Computer hackers don't need the most new-fangled system that comes out on the block. They can just as easily use a 486 with Linux. As for what you say about AMD, once again, you are on crack. AMD was founded by American engineers and has products comparable to Intel offerings for a lower price. Many of Intel's processors are assembled in third world countries (e.g. Malaysia).

"4. Does your child read hacking manuals? "

Big deal. The most important part of hacking is learning to program. A good hacker/programmer can get high paying jobs. Maybe you just don't want more for your children than you had.

"5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?"

Last I checked, the parents should be the ones urging the kids to go out and play hide and seek.

"6. Does your son use Quake?"

Better Quake than crystal meth.

"7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?"

These symptoms can also be exhibited if your child gets their hands on the crack that the author appears to have been smoking.

"8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?"

Linux is not illegal. Linus Torvalds was a Finnish student. Getting Linux off of your hard drive is simple with the right tools (which can be downloaded from a drive manufacturer's site).

"9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?"

Maybe your child is getting into your crack. Maybe they plan on attending raves and rolling with ecstasy.

"10. Is your son struggling academically?"

See number 9

Sigh..the stupidity and ignorance of some people.. (none / 0) (#2471)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:12:03 PM PST
Lets break down this slowly..since it's quite obvious this site is nothing more than the same sort of ignorants who decide that "righteousness" is more important than making an informed decision BEFORE persecution.

First off, you information is sadly your actiones here, it's quite obvious that ANYTHING dealing with more computer skills than clicking AOL icons and paying insane fee's for low bandwidth is satanic. newsflash kids, Even AOL was programmed by someone, and guess what, They cant "Stop hackers" any more than anyone what do they do? Hire security experts, people with skills in hacking and hacking prevention. Conclusion, all the computer industry must be a Satanic cult! Burn your Computers for the safety of all!

Second, You have NO real concept of most hardware manufacturers..your vaunted Microsoft Windows is the final culmination of Bill gates taking freeware code for old systems, and rewriting into an OS for International Business Machines (IBM). AOL, is simply Time Warner's happy little moneymaking puppet, who lets the masses get their internet fix.AMD, or Advanced Micro devices, like Intel, is simply a CPU manufacturer, a CPU is nothing more than a calculator that can run millions of cycles of (add, subtract,divide, or multiply functions )per second, it can't "prevent hacks", nor can any other standard PC hardware.

Third of all, Hackers recruit from all walks of life, and Girl's are just as good, if not sometimes better hackers, after all, Girls usually fare better in Mathematics than boys, and Mathematics is central to Hacking, since you need Mathematics to do any high-level programming, coding, reverse-engineering.

The moral of my post? next time, you need to make an informed opinion. read material from BOTH perspectives, not just silly little "christian" books that promote ignorance and the ability to judge others without compunctions. After all, I'm sure we all know by know that the words "religious tolerance" are almost oxymorons in today's world due to your kind of people.

hi (none / 0) (#2488)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:15:13 PM PST
hi. this was a joke. thanks.

You know, this whole story was quite funny without people like you posting responses. But the irony of you writing in and informing others of their "stupidity and ignorance" is just too much.


This is a joke. (none / 0) (#2472)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:12:32 PM PST
This has to be a joke. No one can be this stupid.

You know what the best part is? (none / 0) (#2473)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:16:11 PM PST
The best part of this article is all the people responding to it. If anyone takes this article seriously, the should realise that they have utter lack of sacrasm peception. This guy has obviously done his homework. He has documented a complete useless list of programs, books, and hardware that has no connection what so ever to hacking (unless you consider web design as hacking, then Flash is a candidate, but thats not what the article is about). Look, all of his links are right on, any idiot who follows any of thoes links will tell you that the programs and upps mentioned are harmless.
It saddens me to see all of these people being suckered into this idiotic disscussion, and also cracks me up. The man recomends the "repair" of your computer by a "professional" at. He even links a picture from the game Golden Eye for the N64 to give you an idea of a "russian hacker".
Well done gibbons, this was a wonderfull farce and people fell for it. And everyone else, dont belive everything you read, take it with a grain of salt.
This wa some funny shit.

-Lekk out

links (none / 0) (#6012)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 12:23:04 AM PST
I think the links were added by an automated post processor that looks for keywords on Agreed, some of them are funny, but none were intended as dilebrate comical free associations.

Where to start. . .This was good for a laugh. (none / 0) (#2475)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:20:43 PM PST
Theres obviously too much stupidity in this post to address everything, but some things i just had to point out.

AMD is Inferior?!?! LOL yeah right buddy. AMD proccesors of the same "speed" as Intel proccesors far out benchmark intels. For instance the AMD 1.2 Ghz IS faster, and cheaper then the Intel Pentium 3 1.2 Ghz.

And if AMD are such crooks and what not, and so inferior, why do Gateway, Dell and Packard Bell ( the 3 leading computer distributors in the world ) all offer machines with them?

And asking for new Hardware? WTF are you talking about? A decent hacker could do the same dmg on an ole P I computer as they could on any new one.
MAYBE if you were talking abotu software pirates the bigger harddrive would make sense. But you weren't, you were talking about "hackers". And a VIDEO CARD?!?!?! Unlike in the movie "Hackers" hacking is full of fancy gfx. 99% of it is text, code script and crap like tho. Something a Piece of shit $10 2mg video card could display.

Before you post something that you actually expect parents to follow you need to do some REAL research. Not this bullshit 3 day research your supposedly did, cus its obvious you just ASSUMED everything, and thought that parents around the world should parent their children based on you dumbass assumptions.

Oh and catagorizing "hackers" into one catagory, is just as prejudice as saying all blacks are criminals, and all isreali ppl are terrorists or some shit like that.
Odds are that if it weren't for hackers, your computer wouldn't even work right now, because some BLACK HAT HACKERS would have fucked it over so much. But because of other hackers, your computer might be semi protected.

You obviously need to sit down with your son, and 1. apologize for all the bullshit your put him through, and 2. if he accepted your apology, ask him to start teaching you about computers, because its very obvious you dont know a thing.

This is so off , what a n00b0r (none / 0) (#2478)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:29:13 PM PST
fux0r u bish , what u wrote up there is just so wrong , get it right stupid wh0re , i r0x0r j00r b0x0r bish.

lame assholes ruin it for other kids who enjoy online gameing , seriously fuck off , just because people enjoy a fast computer with good graphics to help them enjoy video games , doesn`t make them a hacker. i hope the parents read the posts we make. there gonna be like these kids r0x0r j00r b0x0rz and gonna go out and buy there kid a Geforce 3 and Ram upgrades then the next week there gonna have a T3 connection for there kid. so stfu u n00b!


You are all a bunch of clowns! (none / 0) (#2479)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:31:19 PM PST
You guys are taking this seriously!!!
Read the last line of the main post very carefully!!!!

You IDIOTS!!!!

Hmm.... (none / 0) (#2868)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 10th, 2001 at 08:24:37 PM PST
Good, we read it, now read the last line of his post carefully....enough said....

you guys are wrong (none / 0) (#2480)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:31:45 PM PST
first off, quake is a game, what does a game have to do with anything. Second kids wanting a better isp than aol doesnt mean anything, aol is slow, that's why kids hate it. Buying computer hardware is normal, it's like changing old parts. And lets be clear there is a line between hackers and kids that like to play computer games.

Oh and amd means american miniature devices and has nothing to do with hacking, it's a computer chip, that's all folks.

Kids that are good with computers arent going to destroy or steal anything, they will be the ones working in offices making piles of money fixing computer problems for tools like whoever wrote this crap

later, peace out

um...... really really stupid. (none / 0) (#2481)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:33:49 PM PST
That whole guide is stupid. I myself stay online longer then 45 minutes, mainly because I interact with other people online.

About requesting new hardware, I want some, yes, because there are better things out there.

AMD. I'm not even going to comment.

Linux does not me hacker.

Quake does not mean hacker. Dont be a moron.
Clothing changes dont mean hacker. Your being dumb again.

Pure absolute comedy genius... (none / 0) (#2482)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:35:03 PM PST
The writer of this work is a comedy genius, by far the funniest thing i have read for sometime, its somewhat disturbing that some ppl seriously agree with the this. In case you are a parent that has just woke up... this is a GAG, possibly to expose ignorant fools...

I fear for your children...

I take my hat off to the, brillant work.

you're such an idiot (none / 0) (#2484)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:37:27 PM PST
quake 3 is a game moron, what does it have to do with hacking.

Anyways burners can be used for anything, there are plenty of mp3's out there that are legal, it's hard to believe but mp3's are just as easy to download as it is to tape them off the radio. It's the radio of the ner generation, deal with it!!!

And even if kids burn mp3's and stupid games, what does that prove? nothing



Hahaha (none / 0) (#2485)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 09:45:23 PM PST
Its true, Stupid kids do have Stupid parents.

Either this article was well written by a very funny man or...
a very very stupid man wrote it.

I leave you with this comment:
Aruging over the internet is like winning the special Olympics, even if you win you're still a retard.

Is your son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#2486)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:03:26 PM PST
This is the funniest riff I have ever read. For a second I though you might actually be that stupid!

Your son is a hacker...... (none / 0) (#2487)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:09:05 PM PST
when he beats off while viewing an issue of Playboy. He is a hacker if he does not wipe his ass after taking a crap. He is a surefire hacker if he breaks through the rear door of a chick who is a virgin to anal sex.


pfft (none / 0) (#2489)
by streamer on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:15:27 PM PST
This has to be the biggest piece of garbage that I have ever read. Hahahah..its more than pathetic. Its more than stupid! Its even..PRICELESS!! O MY GOD!!! I reall yhope this was a joke. If it was not a joke..then my man, you are the joke!! I feel sorry for your son too! OMG!!!

ROFL (none / 0) (#2490)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:17:38 PM PST
OMG, this is so funny. Thats right AMD will turn your child into a hacker! (shit that must mean am I a hacker!! Coz you know, I want a decent processor that benchmarks better than intel and is cheaper!!)

No more than 45mins on the PC at atime? DAMN there goes my ToV Raid.. I must spend like 12 hours a DAY on my PC what with work and home. (whoa, I really must be a hacker)

Uh huh, Linux is BAD BAD its taking money away from honest *cough*bullshit*cough* companies like Microsoft NOOOOO

thanks for the laugh on an otherwise dull work day

Are you on crack ? (none / 0) (#2491)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:24:14 PM PST
This is, without question, the stupidest posting I have ever seen.
Never in all my 40+ years I have never heard such a spewing of ignorance.
AMD may have a law suite against you and yes, you can buy them at the corner computer store here in California.
Bonzi Buddy is a hacking tool ? Come on get real.
Are you truely as stupid as this article implies ?
By the way it's Linux NOT Lunix

Stupid, Uneducated Fool! (none / 0) (#2492)
by Icy Fire on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:28:00 PM PST
    Ever heard about actually investingating before you write something? That's what I thougt. You're too stupid. Linux or Lunix can be removed with a format. New video cards will not do anything for hacking. They will only enhance your gaming experience. Also @Home being a hacking friendly ISP... Ever read their License Agreement? Comet Cursor isnt anything to do with hacking. It changes the cursor on different web pages where Comet Cursors are enabled. Flash as in Macromedia Flash? If so, then jesus, its for making web pages better and for making intro movies for webpages etc. More memory really wont do anything for hacking. It allows you run more programs with-out slowdown, thats all. AMD is based the US of A. Some kid in a third world country wouldnt know jack shit about assembling a CPU chip. All I can really say is.... next time look into what you are talking about. You idiot! People like you should be killed. I am not a hacker, and i do not want to be one, yet I play such, as you say, hacker orientated games such as Quake II and Quake III. I was on Linux Mandrake for a while but then I formatted and got rid of it. I did not have to send my computer back to the manufacturer to get my hard drive replaced. I also got some more RAM, does that make me a hacker? HAH! I also upgraded my soundcard, now music plays more crisper and sounds sound better, does that make me a hacker? Just cause your kid wants new hardware does NOT, emphasize the not, mean he or she is a hacker! Thank you for listening, next time educate yourself better!

Next time, do some true research. (none / 0) (#2493)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:32:01 PM PST
I'm convinced this article is fake, because no true journalist, or even self respecting person would write such nonsense without having done even a tiny bit of research. My laugh out loud points were when you said that "Comet Cursor" is a hacker utility. Hahaha if anyone has ever used the internet at all, they have probably come accross it, and all it does is change what your mouse pointer looks like. The funniest part was Quake though.. That made me laugh like never before. Quake is a hacker meeting and training place. Oh my god thats funny. It's a freaking 3D shooter game, and nothing more. I REALLY hope that this ignorant article was fake, otherwise i have lost all hope for mankind. I guess the sad thing, even if it is fake, is that there are conservatives with misinformed opinions like that all over the country. Poor bastards. Technology is NOT THE DEVIL! Thanks you.

Illinformed and dangerous (none / 0) (#2495)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:40:34 PM PST
I really do honestly hope that this is a joke, since the ill informed are responsible for many wrong doings in this so called 'civilised' world. What this amounts to is the ignorant going on a witch hunt for a witch that isn't there! Believing that a child is asking for what amounts to actually an improvement to the computer, would lead me to believe that they are learning something. Perhaps, it would be better to go back to Eygptian times, and use the abacus again. Paranoia is such a dangerous emotion, and you, Sir, are uninformed, ignorant, and paranoid. This entire thread has given me a good laugh, and is one of the funniest things I have seen online in some time.

I am a network admin for a large company. I use many different operating systems, and deal with the computer illiterate all day. Whilst I sympathize with those that don't know any better, I don't claim to be an 'expert' in the matter of which this thread has followed. However, I am also informed enough to know that the person who wrote the initial 'arcticle' would be well advised to research what they are talking about, before claiming, and giving advice on a subject of which they have no business preaching.

LOL (none / 0) (#2498)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:48:59 PM PST
Great article...absolutely hilarious stuff. And for those of you who think it's real.................hahahhaaaaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahh.

LOL! (none / 0) (#2500)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:55:31 PM PST
Where did you find these facts you bible-thumping faggot? Ill hack your mother! Fuck off with your false, and homosexual "hacking guide"

ya, i also heard (none / 0) (#2501)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:55:36 PM PST
I found all the qualites in my sons life, so i locked him in the closet and burned the house down, that'll teach that little hacker son of a bitch!

Yes... (none / 0) (#2503)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:09:04 PM PST
My sone went on something called "Hotmail" and has been playing a game where he shoots people. And listens to music made with a computer. I'm afraid of him now. I think he's a hacker. And by reading your very informative artical, I learned that my son is a hacker. So I kicked him out of the house, and blew the shit out of my computer. Now he lives under the bridge, and eats soap. He deserves it, that damn hacker...

I hate computers...

-�337 Haxor

Hahaha (none / 0) (#2504)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:14:08 PM PST
OMG, you have GOT to be joking! IF you are truly serious about the content of this page, you are one of the biggest fools I have ever been exposed to. Do you know anything at all about a computer other than how to turn it on.

where do i start.... (none / 0) (#2505)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:15:09 PM PST
all i can say is i hope that was meant as a joke, because this guy has no clue what he's talking about.

Small Minded Unexperienced Ill Informed Adults (none / 0) (#2507)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:41:14 PM PST
I am a 21 year old college student who uses Linux, Qnx, Solaris, BSD, BeOS, MacOS and, yes Windows XP, ME, and 98 SE.
I do web design for businesses in my commmunity. I write software applications which have been accepted by corporations across the globe. I even have had some of my software featured in computer web design books.
I do not "hack" or "crack". I like to tinker with things, but nothing illegal. I know alot about computers, hence my schooling for Computer Science and such.
Kids with Linux are not hackers, they are just trying to learn something. In fact, if a youngster uses Linux, I myself would praise him or her for embarking to pertain knowledge I wish I had a few years ago.
If you yourself had the mind capacity or the mathematical fueled charge to endevor into Linux, you would find a community of programmers who make an operating system which is already dominating the server market and will soon begin to take shape in the desktop niche. The sense if togetherness and the feeling of actually helping to create something which is as much of a phenomenum as the product they are writing. This has never been possible with the general OS's such as Windows and Macintosh, since anyone can use those two. Linux requires general knowledge at best of computers. Programming and networking skills makes it even more valuable.
Linyos Torovoltos did not invent the Linux OS before the Cold War. PC's did not exist before or during the Cold War. Linus Torvaldis released it in 1991, when he was in college in Finland, so he wasn't even alive during the Cold War.
As far as removing it goes, it's called partitioning. (Some Linux installs even install in Windows so it's as easy to unistall as AOL, the crappiest ISP known to man. Only the stupid use it, because they rely on its child like software and color-book like setup. Real users use real software, not AOL). To remove the partitions, a partition tool will to it automatically. If you don't know how, ask you son, since he is a "hacker". If you have to send you computer back to the manufacturer, then you don't even know how to administer a child. Ask you son, he can usually remove it.
Quake might have gamers who are Crackers, but the Quake area in general are not hackers.
AOL is the worst ISP. I personnally use @home. Not because it is for hackers, but because my cable modem is a 4Mbps, or 8-16 times as fast as DSL. (I should know I am a DSL technician). As foar as @home goes, its users/customer are hackable. Real Crackers infest @home's Windows OS users with trojan horses and control these rebot like "bots" to perform DDOS attacke on websites. They do it to Windows because everbody knows Windows is the OS which gets infested with viruses, and everything bad.
As for AMD, do you have something against the superior processor? AMD always beat the equally equipped American Intel proccessors. You adults yourself should opt for the econimical AMD's and leave the pricey Intel in the dust (or box in the store).
It appears you have something against underdogs, since you bark at AMD, Linux, Quake, and other open source free alternatives. You should opt for the free, so your son will save his money so he can get an education so he grows up to be smarter than his father. (it shouldn't be too hard).
So for all you adults who think your child is a hacker, 95% of them are just having fun. You should try it yourself. Computers are very fun if you try to learn.
Your article here shows all too clear you don't know a thing about computers. Your sources must have been your even less informed friends. Every key you listed has nothing to do with a hacker. Just because some hackers use these products, it doesn't mean all do. If it does, then I violated 8 of these, so I must be a hacker. And you are an AOL user who thinks AOL's software provides any sort of safegaurd against the Internet. I hope you learn something from all those who posted unavoidably negative comments about your McCarthyism towards many aspects of the PC world. And that was during the Cold War, not Lunix, or however you think it is spelled.

Just What I was thinking..... (none / 0) (#2760)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 10th, 2001 at 04:30:45 PM PST
T Reginald must have been joking, but what he mentions is not funny. He is explicitly defacing Good companies.

Not very funny.

Hahahaha...omfg this is F****d up (none / 0) (#2508)
by Refund on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:42:30 PM PST
HAHAHA1!!! OMFG!!! I do agree with most of you guys here...whoever wrote this article origionally is a dumb F*ck. I'm sorry to say...but if you (parent who wrote this article), understood anything at all about computer hacking, or specifically internet hacking, then you would have though twice about posting your thread. I feel sorry for you kid - honestly I do. He's probally a good guy thou huh, too bad your arogant. Oh well, it's funny, I created an account just to reply to this hella funny msg. BTW, techno, electronica does not signify a hacker - just another type of music to listen to. Could I claim that all classical music listeners are gay??! No. Could I claim that all Elton John listeners are gay?? Probally. Sorry for mispellings, I hope none of you pay that much attention to this crap, because that's all that it is, crap. hahaha, I cant believe this*t, this is hysterical.

FLMAO (none / 0) (#2509)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:51:14 PM PST
WOW - on so many levels.

One thing I wanted to point out: In the highlighted link to "faster video cards", is a link to! He even fucked up on that! LOL.

Thank You!!!!! (none / 0) (#2510)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 11:59:07 PM PST
This "article" is the gift that keeps on giving. As if the initial article wasn't funny enough, the ridiculous posts by these mindless lemmings getting so worked up that they forget to even use an inkling of common sense before posting these rants has produced days of entertainment and laughter for me during my break at work.



LMAO! (none / 0) (#2512)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 10th, 2001 at 12:12:26 AM PST
Wow. For the author's sake who wrote that bundle of nonsense, I hope this was a joke. This is the funniest thing i've heard in a long time. Wow "Big old dad" is now computer hacker catcher extraordinare..
If this was serious, you have a lot to learn buddy.

"Quake - The online Virtuality for HACKERS!"
Hmm, maybe you should try playing it sometime? Unless you call hacking shooting monsters and stuff, I suggest you remove that comment.

I spend most of my waking hours on the computer. I get straight A's in high-school without ever studying at night.

"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm"
Oh yea :) Hey, this isn't a concerned father, this is an Intel employee!

"DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services."
Before you start explaining what it does, maybe you should look up what it stands for.. DOS (Disk Operating System) and DOS (Denial Of Service).. two completely different things.

"...which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone"
Er, no.. I believe you're thinking of 'Satellite' Internet.

"He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things...... do not allow yourself to be deceived."
Well Mr. Hacker expert, what if they really ARE telling the truth?

"If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider"
Actually, chances are they want to switch from AOL because of pornography reasons, not hacking.
And if they really DID know anything about the subject, it would be easy for them to change the parental settings.

"They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes."
Correction: Thats how most kids dress these days. How could anyone that has even part of a brain think that 'hacking' could make a kid dress like this?

I'm done :) Like I said, for that guys sake, I hope this was just a joke! Because if not, he needs some help badly, lol.

Great Read (none / 0) (#2513)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 10th, 2001 at 12:24:46 AM PST
I have to comment the author of that article. That was probably the funniest thing I have ever read. Absolutely hillarious. I mean, you've got all that stuff about AMD and Linux and comments such as, "Girls in the hacking scene are commonly known as "scene whores." How did this person come up with it? I could read it and laugh for hours. This quality of amusement is rare. I'm gonna have to share this with all my friends. So incredibly funny. I want more!

Random Quote From Misguided Responses (none / 0) (#2515)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 10th, 2001 at 12:32:16 AM PST
"also the fact that u may have guns in your home sickens me go ahead hold on to your first amendment but its just an old law that has no merrit in odays soceity"

Since when did free speech and freedom fo the press and everything else lose 'merrit in odays soceity'?

You can't say that this brilliant satire author is misinformed until you book up on your Constitutional knowledge.

Hee hee!

-M. Scott

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