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are you ok there? (4.00 / 1) (#823)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 01:54:19 AM PST
hmm, interesting... when a parent starts writing stuff like that you know that parenthood has taken a toll on thier mental stability :P lol

I like frogs. :] (1.50 / 2) (#827)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 01:57:54 AM PST
This whole thing is silly.. I like watching people blurt out random and inconsistant nonsense cause they think they know what they're talking about.. and then some cocky geek comes along to correct the half-whit that tried to correct the quarter-whit that posted before him, or respectfully, her.
This is just dim-dandy fun and entertaining!!!

this is a sad sad sad article (1.00 / 1) (#828)
by djd221 on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 01:58:46 AM PST
Being someone who is 30 years old, a successful business owner AND someone who is computer literate, i find this article written to be more disturbing then anything i have read on the Internet so far. 1) you suggest we should buy Intel chips? because they're American? they're made in Malaysia. i pray for you. i honestly do. do you consider Vaseline lip balm as a tool for mobile masturbatory practices? Seems far reaching doesn't it? yes, it does. It is a shame your purpose in life is to merely serve and an example to others.

Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (2.00 / 3) (#831)
by Enixmage on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:07:14 AM PST
I can barely comment after readin 1/4th of your insane ramblings. I don't really mean to be like this but if you know enough about html to put a link in a page or at leasy have some poo html site do it for you, then what your comments have no barring on what "normal" people call reality.

First and formost all those "hacker" programs you described are called spyware they install with other programs undected by the user. If your beating/grounding your son for that you need a good beating your self.

2nd AOL is the biggest piece of poo this side of mars. Gimmie a break about the child saftey, PORN is so rampant on aol it's pathetic. If your son asked you to change isp's and you on aol give him cookie. Aol is poo. it's the slowest service avalible (besides mom and pop local brands) It runs a gui in the back ground that you have to have open to access the net.... Are you Listening A 30 - 100 mb proggie to access the net bite me. Then you have to run whatever pn top of that eg.. game app whatever....

Plz with the aol. Time warner may have good coyboy filcks but their net is ass all over the usa.Ask why you cant dial in with windows why do you HAVE to use their gui...ok enough with aol but if your grounding you kid cuz he like another isp your the one to blame and if your were this "ideal" parrent you claim to be you'd do more research before posting your insanity on the web and maybe perhaps corupiting more individuals into your beleifs. Which are insane to say the least.(yet again I state this because you apperantly know html).

If you know nothing/very little about this subject, Dont post you silly I know this is correct cuz I read it somewhere knowledge.

I rarely if ever respond to something I read on the net , basicaly cuz it doesnt matter. you'll all read this and go hey he's a ass or he's got a ponit ect... this was just so stupid that I had to comment.

And if this is some ass just trying to get peoples emails or responses , ya know where ya can go I don't really think anyone is this stupid but hey this may be a ex of mine posting so ya never know:)

roflmao (1.00 / 1) (#833)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:09:09 AM PST
roflmao, how the hell can anyone be this dumb? XENIX? MP3 To break into someones stereo? PLEASE! Just STFU, biatch

by erolit on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:19:40 AM PST
If the author of the document is reading this, good.

I will now outline everything that is wrong with your post.

1. It takes many years to become a hacker. There are 1,000's of 'Skript Kiddies' that just use other peoples programs to 'hack' into computers. These peolple, usually teenagers, are no real threat to anyone as they have no idea how the program works and will loose intrest very soon when they realise they actually have to KNOW somthing to hack into anything.

2. AOL's protection is so useless a 3 year old could bypass it.

3. Commet Cursor and Bonzi Buddy are software that come when you download legitimate programs suck as download managers. They are simply advertisment programs and are certaintly DO NOT have the slightest relationship with anything to do with hacking.

4. Hardware? Hacking? You can hack with a 5 year old 486 basically as well as with a current model PC. Speed has basically nothing to do with it. ESPECIALLY video cards. Video cards are used for displaying a picture on your screen, how is that going to help you hack?

5. AMD. AMD is Advanced Micro Devices. They have been round for years and are one of the most respected CPU companies in the world and are on avrage faster that Intel.. Processors dont have 'security features' and if you knew anything about what you were saying you would know that CPU's cant be made in sweat shops because if they get 1 tiny bit of diry on the silicon wafer, they will be useless. They are instead made in factorys that are completely sealed off and people that make them have to wear full body enclosure suits.

6. Most of those books dont tell children anything about hacking at all! Perl is a programming language and if your son reads more books like that he will have a prosperous career ahead of him.

7. DoS is a Denial of Service attack. This usually involves sending massive ammouts of data to a web site untill the connection at the other end cannot cope and dies. It dosnt have anything to do with gaining access to there "command prompt!" If you were ever with AOL or a modem service provider you cannot do DoS attacks anyway. You need either an ultra high bandwith conenction (ie T3) or 100's of cable modem connections. Also, DoS attacks usually only last as long as the computers are being attacked for, and have nothing to do with your son being at the computer.

8. Quake it an extremly popular online game with 10's of thousands of players. It has ABSOLUBTLY NOTHING AT ALL to do with hacking. I dont even know where you may have gotten that idea from

9. Firstly, i presume you mean Linux. It is a variation on UNIX, and drives most of the internets web and other servers and was not made by a soviet during the cold war. If linux suddenly didnt exist half the internet woulnd work. Microsoft had nothing at all to do with linux or anything else. Linux is easily removed by deleting the partition it is on and reformating it. It does not damage any part of the computer at all.

10. How can you hack into a stero system?! MP3 Is a compression format used to compress music into a smaller size so it can be downloaded and distributed. Telnet is mostly outdated now but is a program used to connect to another computer that HAS ENABLED IT and you can do many things, including view web pages with it.

I hope this has enlightened you on how misinformed you are. Your son is NOT a computer hacker and i suggest you do research before posting information to lead others astray.

This is hilarious. (2.00 / 3) (#839)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:21:08 AM PST
I really hope that this is a joke. If not, then YOU SUCK! Quake is a computer game in which you blow up you friends, not some hacker hangout!

You are a smothering parent. You don't have a clue. Your kids will probably go into drugs or something. You have got to give them SOME freedom. You control their music, dammit! It's their life, not yours!

Two Baby Seals Walk Into A Club (1.00 / 1) (#841)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:25:22 AM PST

Two Hundred Internet Geeks Walk Into A Flamewar

muahahahah (none / 0) (#4857)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 09:43:23 AM PST
ok, now i'm crying! this is just too fucking funny!

This better be a joke!!! (none / 0) (#842)
by Bahness on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:26:03 AM PST
I hope this is a joke, cause if it isn't your an idiot!

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."

HAHAHAHA, hilarious. I feel sorry for your son. If this was your proof your wrong.
Lets see...
Comet Cursor- changes your desktop icon

Bonzi Buddy - A very annoying gorilla that sits
on you desktop and makes sounds and reads what you type.

Flash- Vector graphics for webpages and movies.

Whats with you saying quake is a popular place for hackers to gather? Its a game, it would make more sense for hackers to gather in a chat program like IRC or ICQ. About a kid wanting to change from AOL to another ISP makes perfect sense. AOL sucks, is a ripoff and is slow!

Linux is an awesome operating system, its flexible and stable. Alot of people want to avoid microsoft too. It doesn't mean a kids a hacker. If anything he's smart for learning a system like that....AND YOU CAN TO UNINSTALL LINUX WITHOUT DAMAGING YOUR HARDRIVE!!!!!!!

About the Grade's and personal appearance. You can in no way associate that with hacking. Nobody sees you when your on a computer so whats the point. Self expression is not a crime!

What the hell has wanting new hardware got to do with hacking. AMD processors can be bought anywhere and at any computer store. Processors cannot prevent anyone from hacking. Chances are someone wants to upgrade to increase computer performance for games or for photoshop, lots of RAM and a good video card helps a lot with Photoshop. You can hack just as well on a 486 as you can on a top of the line system.

30 minutes a day on the computer and your suspicious, what the hell.

Just cause your kid knows more about computers than you do doesn't mean he's a hacker. Spend more time doing your research before you jump to conclusions.

I hope this was a joke, just in case it wasn't I had to write something down

This Article. (2.00 / 3) (#844)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:29:01 AM PST
The thing is, if you really were concerned about your "Son" becoming a computer hacker, you would limit the ammount of information about computers that is such a detriment to modern technological society that the world has dubbed as the "internet". Therefore your "Son" would grow up ignorant and ridiculed by other priviledged children about his ignorance towards the information age.

You mentioned that "Linux" and others were "Hacking software" developed by people who have a taste of the disturbance in other peoples belongings, namely Computers. That opinion, as viewed by me, is second to none the most ignorantly biased opinion I have read about in ages; which is how I view your baseless comments. If you want your child to learn you would open the doors to knowledge and information about our Age and our surroundings. In a world that is constantly changing, the conservative in our lives is growing farther and farther outmoded a concept, as the liberal side to ourselves yearns the GROW and not remain stagnant. You should "research" more about what you talk about in your articles in the future, so that you don't sound like a fool when you want to display an opinion about something that you take an interest in. I say, congratulations to your "Son" for learning something that will prove a valuable asset in the near future of Technology.

No really, you are a fool.

Vidi Veritas (2.00 / 3) (#845)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:29:51 AM PST
Ok listen up,

All you who bought into the original post, probably think there is a real 'stargate' somewhere in navada after seeing a Stargate SG1 episode on tv. This is just an example of your gullability/stupidity, i dont know which word suits the occasion better.

In the original post, every claim made was invalid and infact the truth is the opposite of each claim. Your reference to 'Lunix'(im sure you meant LINUX as it is spelled) is completely inaccurate. LINUX is a wonderful alternative Operating System(OS) to Windows. It is more powerful in every way and thus requires more control and computer/programming knowledge. The truth is that one can hack using any operating system, including windows.

There are no tell tale signs if your children are hackers, as i know ones whos age ranges from 10 - 60. The only thing i can think of is that most hackers do find a way to generate extra income to pay for their various expenses, whether this be thru credit card fraud etc, or making legitimate webpages. So if your kids can afford a better car than yours it might be a sign ;)

You reference to Quake being a meeting place for hackers could be true, but that is only plausible considering they can meet ANYWHERE. Quake is simply one of the best and first 3d action first person shooter(FPS) games ever to be released. It was hugely popular all over the world with near 10 million gamers worldwide at its peak. You can find out more at the home of the creators of the game.

I cant really be bothered responding to anything else because the accusations were so completely pathetic, i have just one more thing to say to you parents out there concerned with this matter.

I doubt you could stop your children if they were hackers any more than you could if they were shoplifting. Alert the authorities and the threat of severe consequences will most likely be the most effected method of prevention. Changing ISPs, banning computer usage, etc, will do nothing as they will simply find alternative sources for the access required(libraries, schools, internet cafes, etc).

Thats about it, and to a|| joo 3l33t haxxz0000rs, dont blame the parents for their ignorance, they grew up tuning cars not staring at a screen as the generation after them did.

"I shaved my legs for this?!" -
Marcus 'SmokE' Karhammar.

I have never read such bollocks in all my life. (1.00 / 1) (#846)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:31:34 AM PST
And how come its only 'sons' that are hackers anyway..... and and and

i am just speechless .... completely.

Are Hackers Helping Terrorists? (2.00 / 3) (#850)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:39:43 AM PST
I agree with Mr. Gibbons completely. When my son went to college in another state, I bought him a brand new Gateway computer, built by honest, God-fearing Americans. In two months time, I recieved a phone call from the campus authorities notifying me that my son had been caught in the act of downloading pornographic images of foreign women using a hacker program called Morpheus. It should also be noted that Morpheus is the name of a famous hacker in one of the most famous hacker movies of all time, The Matrix. Is there a coincidence? This hacking Morpheus program allows hackers to connect to each other using their computers and distribute illegal material such as pornography, stolen MP3s, illegal tapings of newly released films, hacker-compromised versions of common software such as Adobe Photoshop and Instant Messager, which serves as a substitute to face-to-face interaction between hackers. Fortunately, the people inside the record industry have put an end to the use of this one hacker program, but who is to say there are not a hundred more to take its place? The hackers then use the items they have collected from Morpheus to attempt larger, more complex hacking of larger, more important systems, sometimes with the intent of bringing business to a halt with denial-of-service attacks. How is closing down business using a computer any different than using four commercial jet? How are hackers any different than terrorists? There is something else to this evil terrorist/hacker hypothesis. Terrorists in the Middle East may be using hackers here in America, our own sons and daughters, to serve their evil purpose of the destruction of the American Way! We all have heard on the news of a possible way that Osama bin Laden uses electronic pictures called JPEGs to transmit codes to his operatives worldwide. The terrorists would have to use some form of decoding the messages as to know where to attack us next. How would a terrorist, living in a cave or basic city apartment as the ones that attacked the World Trade Center, know how to use the techniques involved to decode messages? To say that the terrorists decode their own messages is yet another Communist pro-Clinton lie. There is only one other plausible way for these messages to be decoded, and that is using our own computers fitted with hacker and ex-Soviet technology! It is a fact that Osama bin Laden fought the Soviets in Afghanistan during the 1980s using American help. In the defeat of the Red Army, Praise The Lord, bin Laden must have acquired some of their technology, most importantly the Communist operating system Lunix. They integrated Lunix into stolen American computers and spread it to young, impressionable computer users. With the supposed simplicity of Lunix, these young people were brainwashed to subconsciously help the terrorists decode the secret messages and pass it along to those who do the Godless deeds. It all makes perfect and clear sense. So, it is doubly important in this time of war to identify those who are hackers and save those that are going down the dark, winding path to terrorism. Furthermore, we should ask George W. Bush, who also is a God-fearing man, to help the people end hacking before another terrible attack like September 11 is allowed to take place.

Is it for real? Does anybody beleive it? (none / 0) (#856)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:52:08 AM PST
The bottom line is you don't have a true control over children.What does PC has to do with it?
This article shows all American wisdom...
Glad I'm from Europe!

Well done that man! (none / 0) (#858)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:54:39 AM PST
<pI'm always delighted to see parents take an active role in their children's development. You sir should be applauded for your efforts and I congratulate you on spotting the dangers in time - your poor son could have ended up in serius trouble if not for your efforts.</p>

He'll thank you for it in time.

This is be biggest amount of "BS" i have (none / 0) (#859)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:59:26 AM PST
According to you I am a hacker huh?

This is in a published book this is and extract from "Maximum Security:
A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network"
A hacker is a person intensely interested in the arcane and recondite workings of any computer operating system. Most often, hackers are programmers. As such, hackers obtain advanced knowledge of operating systems and programming languages. They may know of holes within systems and the reasons for such holes. Hackers constantly seek further knowledge, freely share what they have discovered, and never, ever intentionally damage data.

A cracker is a person who breaks into or otherwise violates the system integrity of remote machines, with malicious intent. Crackers, having gained unauthorized access, destroy vital data, deny legitimate users service, or basically cause problems for their targets. Crackers can easily be identified because their actions are malicious.

Im 16 have my own computer a AMD 1000 now can you get this word "Overclocked" to 1200 mhz Hences the AMD 1000 is running at AMD 1200.I could be a hacker i guess already i use AMD. Oh wait my marks have increased with the aid of a computer i can now type them up also do research on the internet. This also takes longer then 30 mins to do this i guess that means im DOS (Denial of Service) someone i think not i have a 56k modem i would be lucky to beable to DOS my self most DOSing has to be done over a high speed line. Also if the firewall on the DOS computer or network was configed correctly this DOS would not be a problem.
I use BSD and i have also used linux that i guess also makes me a hacker becasue they are free?? No they are opensource meaning many people can see the source code and modify the OS so that it can be more user friendly and also make it so "Firewalls" can work better.

They only reason you dont seem to like Linyos Torovoltos is that he is russian. If he was a American like yourself he would be prased as a hero "Oh this guy has created a wonderfull os to get russia". Im a aussie and i will be damned if i get called what you mean a cracker. If you call me a hacker i will say thankyou and ask what do you need help with on your computer.

Sidenote: I am writing this using Windows NT because it supports other functions which i can not use in linux.

thats my 2 cents

about Linyos Torovoltos (none / 0) (#903)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:47:13 AM PST
Just letting you know, that his real name is Linus Torvalds and he's from Finland, not Soviet Union

Man,, ARE U STUPID (none / 0) (#863)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:05:16 AM PST
Go back to the chuch and let yourself be crucified for this glorious deed to inform the people about your TEN COMMITMENTS.

stupid catholic
Go back to the stoneage then

How Could You Get It So Wrong So Quickly (none / 0) (#864)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:09:44 AM PST
I'm sure the other comments, aside from all their "gay jokes", have filled you in on exactly how ludicrous this thing is.

What I am amazed is how someone can get so much wrong, in such a short time.

This is quite worrying, the guy actually used the word LUNIX - I mean come on

Fools! You elected the AntiChrist! MB has power! (none / 0) (#868)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:17:39 AM PST
Yes, every one of those damn NY Yanks have elected to give the Anti-Christ power in this world, a large political power! Michael Bloomberg is the AntiChrist, and I can prove it! All this talk of being good is just his cover, we all knew the Antichrist would enter the world in the shadows. For, I present to you, the PRODUCT! Not just a multi-screen capable graphics card, but a whole system designed on this idea! I have no idea how to post a link, but here is the proof for all to see!

We all shall be cast into Gehenna for not severing the left hand for touching sin. And it is all those damned NYers fault!

*End Sarcasm*

Jeez, as if!

HAHAHA! (none / 0) (#871)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:26:56 AM PST
ROFLOL (rolling on the floor laughing out loud, for you "responsible" parents)

Haha... this was the most funny shit I've ever read.

"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm" <-- hahaha! AMD is a reliable and responsible company. You need a reality check if you think American companies are any better or worse.

"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers" <--- hahahaha! Quake is a GAME. Do you know what a game is?

And for your information, Linux was invented by a finnish programmer, not a russian one. I have forgotten his name at the point of writing, though.

Hackers (none / 0) (#872)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:32:03 AM PST
Mr. Gibbo, I have detected your sons problem. Its a very serious problem however there is nothing to worry about because i think that at one stage of everyones life they will experience this. Your son, Peter, has a problem commonly called "Being a Teenager" The only cure for this is to let him be himself and grow up. What a load of rubbish your article was. Have a Nice Day!

This is no laughing matter... (none / 0) (#873)
by Dr Digital on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:32:39 AM PST
All ignorance aside, this is a very serious situation... first of all I have to assume that this was written as a Tongue-In-Cheek jab at anyone that actually has any technical knowledge at all. The likelihood that a single individual would A)Be that knowledgeable of commercial items pertaining to the use of a couputer yet still B) be as clueless as to think that the 35 Million machines running a version of Linux today are purely the tools of hackers. I will give you that my initial response to your article was one of mixed disbelief and rage... but if you are indeed serious, then I have some advice and prayers that need to go your way. First of all, protecting your children is admirable. Let me commend you on that point, many children could use much more hands-on parenting than they get. However, good parenting involves much more than just sheltering your child from any bad influences. Maintaining and allowing ignorance / misinformation to exist in the mind of your child will only bring about your worst nightmare... I can tell you first hand. I was raised in an extremely strict Christian household - no Rock music, no parties, no... well it really pretty much covered anything. Did this change my attitude toward the things I encountered when I was 18? Yes it did... starting with moving out the day I turned that magic number. I spent less than 24hrs looking for, and then trying Pot and LSD... (and later a few more 'exotic' substances - which I have to say were everything and more that I'd built them up to be. I haven't done anything other than coffee and cigarettes for about 10 years, but an IT Consulting business will do that for you. The key here is in what my parents did right in raising me... they taught me to always seek knowledge and to temper that knowledge with right and wrong... they bought me my first computer at 12 and I bought the next 40 or 50 computers over the next 18 years... WITH THE MONEY I EARNED USING THEM. Yes that's right my good man... by your standards I am the most insidious form of life on the planet (except from reading some of your other offerings here... followers of Islam?). I am a hacker. Now I would never call myself that term... I have an education. And true I've hacked through firewalls and exploited security inadequacies in machines running Windows, Linux (the devil's OS? HeHe), and MacOS - I have only done so to my own systems or those of my clients to test and prevent any malicious mischief on critical data systems. So go ahead, treat your son like a criminal for expanding his knowledge... you certainly wouldn't want him to be able to have skills that would make him useful and successful in the future... I'm sure he'll make a fine mechanic... Unless there is just as much of a problem with 'grease-monkeys' as there are with 'hackers'. BTW I assume that you use AOL... which has to be the A#1 easiest system to spoof and exploit - If your son was a real hacker he would want you to stick with AOL... if you do things right there is absolutely no way they would ever be able to find out... food for thought... and I'll be praying for your son... I think it may be too late for you, but maybe we're both wrong! The point is this

Do you really think you know what the hell you are (none / 0) (#875)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:39:19 AM PST
what the hell are you talking about saying AMD is a third world producer? They make some of their chips right here is the USA. Plus whats wrong with linux? I use linux at work, so does that make me a hacker? I own three, yes thats right, three computers with AMD processors in them with lots of memory and fast video cards, so I guess I'm a hacker now because I know what the best is? You need to get you stuff straight before you even start thinking about talking like you know. Most hackers as you like to call everyone that has a better computer than you, just know what to buy in terms of the best gamming hardware. Plus I run linux on one of my computer at my house for a web server, shows you what you know. Sheesh why don't you research more into it before spouting off at the mouth, it's people like you that are trying to get honest people in trouble because you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Besides most hacking can be done from windows, with an Intel processor.

Seriously (none / 0) (#879)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:54:31 AM PST
I wear Baggy pants and brightly coloured T-shirts but i'm not a hacker.....I am your avarage College student doing my thing. Let me guess because of this I am a hazard to those around me and your deranged family?.

I have never seen so much condensed shit in a single body of text seriously yer fucked in the head and should seek help, your kids should also be moved out of the Armish environment they are imprisoned in.

We are getting all the flak, because people like you Churn out this shit everyday, Half the problems on the net are probably myths created by you cock mongers.

Now you can still save your family...

1 move your kids to a computer literate family

2 apologise to AMD and bonzi buddy :D

3 promptly drive out into the country with people simialr to yourself and who share your views

4 instruct everyone to shoot themselves in the head with a shot gun, those who survive squeaze the trigger again.

As a result the worlds IDIOT to nromal person will fall by 30% and millions of children will be saved.

T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#883)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:01:36 AM PST
"Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider.

I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter. This filter is vital to any parent who wants his son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him through exposure to "adult" content. It is best to stick with the protection AOL provides, rather than using a home-based solution. If your son is becoming a hacker, he will be able to circumvent any home-based measures with surprising ease, using information gleaned from various hacker sites.

Ail will mame you're computer. It will slow it down. Cause it to crash. And allot of other problems. It rips out the Tcp/ip stack and it never works right again unless you format and Reinstall windows. It also costs more then a real sip. And is allot slower.

"Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs. He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding.

Flash is a programming language that is used to make animations and movies. Large sites like Fords, Apples, Dodges, Toyotas, and many others use it.

Bonzi is like a version of tamagotchi, its no more for hackers then that is!

Comet Cursor is just a replacement for how the curser looks.

"Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.


Video cards: to improve how the screen looks. And the Quality and Performance of video intensive programs. It also helps reduce eyestrain.

Hard drives: To keep more things on the computer.

Ram (memory): to load more then one thing at once so that windows does not grind to a halt when it try's to load to many things.

AMD is based out of One AMD Place
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale CA 94088

It makes high quality Cup's and embedded devices. Chances are you got something they made and don't know it.

Their cpus are faster cheaper more stable and smaller then Intel's.

Mad was founded in 1969.
Intel was founded in 1968.

Fyi, My 1.4gz Amd Cpu (thunderbird) is over 30% faster then my friends 2.2gz Intel Cpu (p4). Mine is allot more stable, and cost me $600 less.

"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behavior at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school.


Quake is old. Any one still playing quake is not doing that. They are just playing for fun. There are not hackers plotting to take over the world.

The avg age for playing games like quake? 27years of age. More adults play games like that then kids do. Again you are just plain wrong.

"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.


BSD is not Linux. I have no idea what Lunix is. But Linux is made by Linus Torvalds Not some "Soviet computer hacker"

No clue what "xenix" is. That site looks to be nothing more then a joke. Making you look worse.

"If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences.


That's called growing up. Nothing to do with being on a computer.

"If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight. For the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically.

I encourage all parents to read through this guide carefully. Your child's future may depend upon it. Hacking is an illegal and dangerous activity, that may land your child in prison, and tear your family

Far from the truth. Computers improve the problem solving skills. Hand eye cord and other useful things in those who learn them.

If you want more information on any of what i have said. Please e-mail me at

E-Gads! (none / 0) (#7702)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 22nd, 2002 at 07:26:05 PM PST
What happened to everyone's sense of what is satire? This article is obviously a satirical piece.

Also, the spelling and grammar featured in many of the replies to this article is just plain awful.

absolutely absurd (none / 0) (#885)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:06:00 AM PST
Do you people even know what the hell you are talking about?
First of all Quake is a GAME. That's ALL. It's perhaps not of the most uplifting type... as it is a first person shooter, however it does not "Train in the use of firearms" as all you have to do to shoot in the game is push a mouse button. I doubt anyone who plays this game would develop extensive weapons skills from it.
Pure absurdity.
And by the way, Linux (Spelled correctly) is NOT illegal, it is a free operating system that more than HALF of the internet is hosted on. It is more stable than most other platforms, and is purely a superior OS.

You people should really find better things to do with your time... I must say if you actually parent your children in a fashion like this you are going to make them hate you. No kid wants to live in a freaking dictatorship where his/her every move is watched.

I happened to get into using Linux/unix a few years back, and it has proved most helpful in getting me several job advancements in the IT (information/technology) field.

Are you people just afraid that your kids are going to become smarter than you? God forbid...

Anyway I'm sure you will delete this message shortly after it is posted, but hopefully someone will read it and realize that you people are absolutely insane.

Thank you for your time.

The truth is out there (none / 0) (#895)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:25:30 AM PST
Sadly, little of it is mentioned here. I almost laughed out loud when I read that "Bonzi Buddy" was supposed to be hacker software! He's just a little green parrot which can learn how to type. Boycotting any old download won't make your son very appreciative will it?

Hackers DO NOT wear day-glo. Least none I know of. I won't even touch on the difference bewteen hackers and crackers to save those grey cells.

Linux is NOT hacker software. It is an operating system much like Windows. The only difference being that it is open source and therefore customisable to the extremes.

Behaviour is zero indication of whether your son/daughter is a hacker. There could be many reasons for it. A lot of hackers are just like you and I, you wouldn't even notice a change in deodourant.

Quake is merely a computer game where you battle against virtual opponents. There is no firearm training. You just grab a rocket launcher and fire bolts of fire at your opponents. Just like Goldeneye on the N64, only better.

Asking for new hardware or software may just mean your son needs an upgrade to play the latest games.

This post is badly laid out filled with lies and half-truths. What is more worrying, however, is that unknowing parents may read it and take heed of its contents causing no end of upset. Please at least have knowledge of the matters you speak BEFORE making accsations such as this. Its more than nasty to brand your child before you know the truth.

In a couple days you know about computers (none / 0) (#897)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:29:10 AM PST
You sir are the absolute dumbest person i have ever had the displeasure of reading about..... Imagine AMD a hackers utility its a fricken processor that calculates binary..... it does the exact same thing as the Intel.

Video Cards are simply for graphics you goof..... deny you son a video card of all things. Did you know better video cards allow for more advanced Art programs such as Adobe Photohop... and more ram helps the program run faster.

Linux is a version of Unix the two operating systems are so similar its mind boggling. What the hell do you think your phone company uses to run such a massive Data Base..... windows???... Unix has been around for more than 20 years... Linux is just an offspring of that you moron. In fact Linux is a more secure operating system than windows will ever be..... it has to be its been around 4 times longer which means its completely refined. More than that Linux/Unix will run 10 times faster than windows on the same computer....
The biggest and best Web sites all run on some form of linux or unix... if they didnt they wouldnt last long trust me.

Linux/Unix = Multiuser Multitasking
Windows = single user Single tasking

Just think about that for 2 seconds.

You are so closed off from this world its sick.

AOL is a joke BTW your computer is probabaly so full of spyware its not even funny.... and you think AOL is the way to go... hell they prolly know everything about your family if yer using it for banking etc etc etc.

If your so worried about your son hacking take your computer throw it out off the balcony pack up and move to hillbillyville.

BTW did you know your car has a computer in it..... god forbid if he HACKED the PLANET with you car.....

Your stupidity is unbelievable and unwarranted. Your ignorance is even worse. When i spend everyday just learning about computers for a living you think in a matter of 2 or 3 days YOU (of all people on this planet) have the answer to your sons hacking...... which he probably isnt even doing.

And lastly Quake is a game of pure skill ..... the hand eye corrodination required to play a game like that has nothing to do with hacking. Jesus the US military uses games to train 90% of their forces...... and OH just so you know those simulators arn't using some piece of shit video card LOL

You were obviously dropped on your head as a child. Moron.

[shakes head] What a dipshit (none / 0) (#898)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:40:38 AM PST
"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"."

Hahahaha. What a dumbass. That purple monkey? FLASH???

Oh my Lord, whoever wrote this knows jack shit about parenting, let alone computers. Don't get me started on the "mp3 program," whatever the fuck that is. And, no offense to women, because I know a lot of computer-proficient women, but listening to the MOTHER about not watching the kid on the comp, when she would obviously know nothing about how to use one is beyond stupid, and was a bad move in the first place. That's like trusting her on why your car engine sounds funny. What's she gonna know? Computers aren't baseball cards, it's not a "phase."

Jeez, and what is with all the LINKS on this thing. Prison??? God, these self-appointed "uberparents" have way too much time on their hands. Oooh please, "I don't deserve this KNOWLEDGE!"

Why don't you go to Sunnyvale, Cali. (none / 0) (#900)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:41:22 AM PST
Next time you in Sunnyvale California why don't you just go here, AMD is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California: One AMD Place P.O. Box 3453 Sunnyvale CA 94088 800-538-8450 Or you could just goto Austin, Texas and check out their other plant. I bet you own an intel with windows ME on it. Sheesh get your shit straight you numb nutz.

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:44:41 AM PST
Quake is not only a cracking term but it is also the the name for the most popular online game in existance. He is probably gaming online....ooooh! I guaratee that is why wh wants the faster computer and probably a faster online connection, right?

Flash is a vector animation program. It is used to make everyting from online cartoons, web page animations, and even web based games. Far from hacking as Adobe Photoshop!

Linux is also one of the only OSs that will allow you to use huge ammounts of RAM. That would help with his gaming as well as any program on the computer.

What do sweatshops have to do with hacking again? Why dont you go after Kathy Lee?

You can tell by what they wear? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard! There is no secret underground hacker garb. What he wears has nothing to do with hacking.

Surly? Have you ever been a teanager?

You are on a witch hunt here. I honestly feel sorry for your kids. Your extreme paranoia is going to drive your kids to more destructive activities than any 'hacking' which they probably are not doing anyhow.

A few things must be said... (2.00 / 3) (#908)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:01:57 AM PST
Firstly, I will say this: I do not agree with practically any points in this article. However, looking down the list, I see many people who have fallen to the use of foul language, insulting, and really making absolute jerks of themselves. It's not on, and I won't fall to that level. However, there are some things in this article that should be brought to your attention. Errors not in opinion, as opinion is held by the one who owns it, but rather pure errors in basic fact. I will disect this article piece by piece.

Firstly, let me say, I am a 17 year old Australian teenage male. I have a lifetime of experience wiht computers, of many hours most dats, and, yes, in the past, even hacking. Something I'm not too proud of, but I suppose we all do things in life that we regret. I'm not a parent, so perhaps one could argue my opinion is voided by my lack of a parenting experience. Hear me out, though. I think you'll find what I have to say makes a lot of sense.

<I>As an enlightened, modern parent, I try to be as involved as possible in the lives of my six children. I encourage them to join team sports. I attend their teen parties with them to ensure no drinking or alcohol is on the premises. I keep a fatherly eye on the CDs they listen to and the shows they watch, the company they keep and the books they read. You could say I'm a model parent. My children have never failed to make me proud, and I can say without the slightest embellishment that I have the finest family in the USA. </I>

It's good to see you take an active interest in your children's activities. My parents always have with me, and I believe I've matured greatly because of that. However, my parents have also learnt when to let me experience what I will and learn from it. I have never touched alcohol or drugs, though I have been in situations where I have been offered these many times without any support (ie everybody else around me, including friends, will be taking these drugs and/or drinking the alcohol) and my parents have not had to be there to hold my hand. They know they can't be there for me forever, and I've learnt to make my own, and the right, decisions.

<I>Two years ago, my wife Carol and I decided that our children's education would not be complete without some grounding in modern computers. To this end, we bought our children a brand new Compaq to learn with. The kids had a lot of fun using the handful of application programs we'd bought, such as Adobe's Photoshop and Microsoft's Word, and my wife and I were pleased that our gift was received so well. Our son Peter was most entranced by the device, and became quite a pro at surfing the net. When Peter began to spend whole days on the machine, I became concerned, but Carol advised me to calm down, and that it was only a passing phase. I was content to bow to her experience as a mother, until our youngest daughter, Cindy, charged into the living room one night to blurt out: "Peter is a computer hacker!"

As you can imagine, I was amazed. A computer hacker in my own house! I began to monitor my son's habits, to make certain that Cindy wasn't just telling stories, as she is prone to doing at times.

After a few days of investigation, and some research into computer hacking, I confronted Peter with the evidence. I'm afraid to say, this was the only time I have ever been truly disappointed in one of my children. We raised them to be honest and to have integrity, and Peter betrayed the principles we tried to encourage in him, when he refused point blank to admit to his activities. His denials continued for hours, and in the end, I was left with no choice but to ban him from using the computer until he is old enough to be responsible for his actions.</I>

As I will outline later in this article, perhaps your claims that your child is a computer hacker are indeed false, and your child was telling the truth. Nothing jades a teenager like what they intepret as injustice. It is deep inbuilt in a teenager's psyche to rebel not necessarily against authority, but rahter injustice. (Many teenagers simply confuse the two, which is a pity)

<I>After going through this ordeal with my own family, I was left pondering how I could best help others in similar situations. I'd gained a lot of knowledge over those few days regarding hackers. It's only right that I provide that information to other parents, in the hope that they will be able to tell if their children are being drawn into the world of hacking. Perhaps other parents will be able to steer their sons back onto the straight and narrow before read this list carefully and if their son matches the profile, they should take action. A smart parent will first try to reason with their son, before resorting to groundings, or even spanking. I pride myself that I have never had to spank a child, and I hope this guide will help other parents to put a halt to their son's misbehaviour before a spanking becomes necessary.</I>

A fair enough purpose, and perhaps even an admirable one. However, it is unfortuante that you are not quite as knowledgable on this subject as you think you are. I mean that in a very non-provocative way, but it is the truth.</I>

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider.

I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter. This filter is vital to any parent who wants his son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him through exposure to "adult" content. It is best to stick with the protection AOL provides, rather than using a home-based solution. If your son is becoming a hacker, he will be able to circumvent any home-based measures with surprising ease, using information gleaned from various hacker sites.</I>

Firstly, there are many respectable ISP's besides AOL. In my rather wide experience on the Internet, AOL has an extremely large proportion of hackers, as their hack-preventing software is extremely easy to get around. I am only repeating this as second-hand information, however, as I have never used AOL personally. I have, however, used SENet, one of Australia's top ISP, and also Telstra, which is the only option for an Internet broadband cable modem in my state. And whilst neither of these two services offer child protection facilities, they do advise that you is possible to download software such as Net Nanny to protect your children from this. Though, once again, if they never learn for themselves, how can they be expected to fully mature and develop into adults?

<I>2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs. He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding.</I>

Is it a crime to install programs on one's computer? Your son may wish to install programs such as games or other such software which is harmless. Your common hacking software isn't exactly quite correct. I've never heard of Comet Cursor in my life, and I've been using the Internet for years. Bonzi Buddy is indeed an irritating program, but not hacking software. The bonzi buddy is used to remember your passwords so you don't have to type them repeatedly. It has no hacking facilities whatsoever. Flash is a graphical animation program and also has absolutely no hacking facilities whatsoever. Yes, there are hacking programs around, such as Back Orifice, and Nethack. But your kid will find other ways to hide this software than the Add/Remove programs tab.

<I>3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.</I>

As your pointed out, your kid may have a viable reason for requesting new hardware. As new and better programming languages are released, they require newer and better hardware to run them. The programming language Java, created by Sun, is a perfect example. Java is fast becoming the most popular language for programming companies around the world, but it is rather slow, and requires a hefty computer to run to it's full capacity. In this day and age in Australia, a top of the range computer is outdated in 6 months time, and I hear it's even quicker over there in America.

Secondly, an AMD chipset is not a cheap third-world based knock up chip at all! The AMD chipset is every bit as professionally made as Intel, and many computer professionals believe even more so. It is certainly not designed for hackers, and these hacking-preventing security features you say that Intel chips have don't exist. On ANY chip. My family runs a computer business from home here as a second job, and we've sold many AMD chips, which have worked every bit as well as Intel chips. An AMD chip will not help your son hack any bit more than an Intel chip will.

<I>4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

If you pay close attention to your son's reading habits, as I do, you will be able to determine a great deal about his opinions and hobbies. Children are at their most impressionable in the teenage years. Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced minds.

There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond.

If you find any of these hacking manuals in your child's possession, confiscate them immediately. You should also petition local booksellers to remove these titles from their shelves. You may meet with some resistance at first, but even booksellers have to bow to community pressure.</I>

Well, yes, if your son is reading hacking manuals, that's probably a good sign he's interested in hacking. However, you could do well to read a couple of your hackers books. An example is "Programming in Perl". Perl is arguably the most ingenious language ever designed for Internet use, and it's use in the professional computer world is immensely widespread. Your kid could be reading it because he's interested in pursuing a career in computer programming, as am I. I've read a few books on programming (though not specifically Perl) and I'm practising all the time using Java and HTML. Not because I want to hack, but rather becuase I want to program.

<I>5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day.</I>

With all due respect, half an hour a day is an absolute joke. Simply researching a school project can take a few hours, or more for an inexperienced Internet user. I use the computer many hours per day, and I am an extremely well adjusted kid. I know many more like me. Also, this DOSing as you describe it does not exist. DOS is an acronym for Disk Operating System and it was the most popular (though not necessarily the best) operating system before Microsoft released Windows 95 and it's subsequent follow-on's. I think I know what you may be referring to, which is simply a hacking program that you run in DOS, but these are generally less dangerous to the hackers target than one run in Window's anyway.

<I>6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school.</I>

Quake is a game. Hopefully your son is well adjusted enough to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. I certainly can, and have been able to for as long as I remember. And in my limited experience in Quake (the game bored me, quite frankly) - most of the players there aren't interested in guns in the slightest, more just the thrill of a fast-paced competition. Sort of like people who like to play Paintball skirmish aren't interested in guns, but more a fun game with their friends.

Also, games such as Quake (which is a bad example, anyway. Far more explicit and graphic games exist, but poor Quake and Doom are always the games examplified because the world knows the names) really give no knowledge on firing a gun. You push a button and the weapon fires. The kid doesn't experience the kick-back, the kid doesn't do anything about loading the weapon, or anything. I can quite safely say I don't know how to fire a gun,and have no desire to. Those school shootings that have been widely publicised were far more likely caused by maladjusted kids that were going to do it anyway. For a parent not to notice that the kids had their own weapons shows a sever lack of nurturing and care on the parent's behalf, and it is simply easier for a family and a community in general to blame a harmless game than to take the brunt of the fault themselves.

<I>7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour. This will manifest itself soonest in the way he treats others. Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn, bitterness, and even foul language. He may utter threats of violence of a real or electronic nature.

Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation he is in. Keep trying to get through to him, no matter how much he retreats into himself. </I>

When a child reaches puberty, their hormones and emotions are changed. This can result in chemical imbalances causing depression, anger, fear, rebelliousness, and the like. This has been hapenning for all of recorded history, and probably longer. It has nothing to do with hacking. And whilst parents do mean the best for their kids, they must also learn to understand the fact that they do not always know how to help their kid. The kid will only learn for himself via his own mistakes. In fact, if they're not pressured to be a certain why by their parents, teenagers are often willing to travel that path by themselves.

<I>8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.</I>

I'll presume by Lunix you mean Linux, one of the best operating systems around for computer programmers and home users alike. Linux is an open-source (that means that it is free for people to download) operating system built on Unix. Unix was not developed by some Soviet computer hacker like you described, but rather by a company were writing a computer game, the name of which escapes me at the moment. I think it was "Space Adventure" or something. They decided that there were no operating systems that could handle their game, so they went about programming their own operating system for it, which they called "Multichs". Eventually, the project was canned, and the financial support removed. A couple of the programmers wanted to see their dream a reality, however, so they continued to produce the operating system, calling it "Eunuchs", a pun on it's original name, and about how their funds were "cut off" from under them. Eventually, the original funders could see the operating system was going to work well after all, and released it, but as "Eunuchs" wasn't an appealing name, it was changed to "Unix". Linux was built on top of it. People tend to like Linux because it is more stable than Windows and works better, with less crashes. ALso, some programs will only work on Linux. It is also a better operating system for the budding programmer to learn his skills on.

Xenix is actaully Xenox, and whilst it escapes me who produced this, it was not Microsoft. Xenox was designed for the office user, but was not widely successful due to it's unwiedly User Interface. It was, however, the first Graphical User Interface, and was copied by Apple Macintosh's OS, and Microsoft's Window's series, not by Linux or Unix.

LILO is nothing to do with Linux. It is an acronym for "Last in Last out", and is the same thing as FIFO (First in First out), if memory serves. LILO is a way of handling your computer's information. For example, if you try to open up Microsoft Word and Microsoft Internet Explorer at the same time, LILO will handle how these two tasks are done to make it appear simultaneous. I assure you this is nothing to do with Linux.

<I>9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences.</I>

Actually, in my experience, most hackers dress the complete opposite to this. I believe you're referring to what we in Australia like to call a "surfy", and whilst they can be annoying, they're rather harmless. And, also in my experience, surfy's tend to be the complete opposite to hackers.

<I>10. Is your son struggling academically?

If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight. For the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically.</I>

Firstly, most computer hackers tend to be rather intelligent, as it requires quite a bit of brainpower to understand how it works. Especialyl in mathematics. So this is unlikely to be a true sign. As for EM Radiation, you should hire one of those devices that allows you to measure the amount of radiation emitted in a certain area. The radiation emitted from standing 10 metres from your microwave is at least twenty times that emitted from your monitor. As for muslce depletion, that is unlikely to be caused by someone spending too long on the computer. Gaining body weight is possible, I suppose, but then again it's also possible for many other reasons.

<I>I encourage all parents to read through this guide carefully. Your child's future may depend upon it. Hacking is an illegal and dangerous activity, that may land your child in prison, and tear your family apart. It cannot be taken too seriously.</I>

This is true. However, the rest of the article is not.

I hope you read this and consider what I say. Your child may be innocent of his supposed crime of computer hacking, and at the very least you will have learnt more. Hopefully this article also goes to show that it is possible for a teenager to spend many hours a day on the computer and still be a decent person.

Well said indeed! *nt* (none / 0) (#1507)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:46:46 AM PST

this scares me (none / 0) (#917)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:24:59 AM PST
This article give me a chill to the bones.
I am honestly scared to death by the fact that there are people believing i this, and that they are spreading the misinformation on.
(note: exuse my imperfect english, Im from sweden its not my first language)

First of all I will tell you how to know if your child is a hacker:

hacking demands skill and knowledge.
your son will learn how to avoid discovery long before he gets even near beeing able to "hack"

you say you got your information from books?
hell I thought publishers actually read the stuff before printing, Im having a hard time believing that you could get that kind of TOTAL BLASPHEMOUS MIS-INFORMATION from people that arent either mentally ill or laughing at you when you leave.

I have spent a lot of time on the interet, I have 2 computers in my room, one workstation with windows and a server with linux. I have an AMD cpu, and a fast graphics card. I have begged my pareents for new hardware many a time until i was able to begin upgrading my box with my own money, and I spend my spare time in front of the computer.
I use most of the programs you said indicated hacking, exept for those I have deemed worthless.



the author of the article can be quite calm, cause his son dont know jack shit about hacking.

Next issue is about Linux, and the misinformation written in the article and some replies is terrible.
Linux was created by Linus Torvalds, born in Finland and currently working in a perfectly legal software company in silicon valley.

Linux is based on UNIX wich was created far before Microsoft came into the picture.

Lilo is a utility that enables you to install both linux and windows on one computer, and lets you choose wich to use at startup.

What the above article shows is not concern for children, but rather a terrible paranoia and fear of computers. I your son spends time in front of the computer, if your son does things on it that you cant understand, and if he uses all these things you associate with hacking... rejoice!!
all those computer millionaires like Gates began that way.
How to work with computers isnt anything you learn at scool. sure there is that kind of scools but they can only teach you so much. even if you graduate with flying colours from such a school you wont have a chance against the other guy who spent as much time at home teaching himself, just for the fun of it.

hackers live everywhere around you, you see them every day, but they have ordinary families, they have ordinary jobs, and live in ordinary houses.
_they are not dangerous_

the claims from the software and music industries that so and so many million dollars are lost due to piracy/cracking/hacking are utterly ridiculous.
They calculate their numberts from that fact that every copied game, application and song would be bought if it was not freely availabe.
the industry cannot be that stupid, i refuse to believe that they could be in their position without uderstanding that only about 0.1-0.01 percent of the downloaded apps would have been bought at the ridiculous rates the industry sets today.

The bible is made by hackers. (1.00 / 1) (#918)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:29:07 AM PST
I liked the part about graphic design.
In order to print newspapers or magazines they use computers. And if you are right even the bible was made with the use of computers.
I hope that you know that whenever you buy a bible or anything else that are printed you are giving hackers more money so that they can build even moore powerful hacking tools.

N�stan alla Sweclockare �r hackare
F�r att inte gl�mma morsan!


Bible (none / 0) (#2815)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 10th, 2001 at 06:33:56 PM PST
1`m 5ur3 j00 r 4w4r3 7h47 7h3y h4d h4x0rz wh3n 7h3 B1b13 w45 wr1773n :-)

What a laugh (2.00 / 3) (#919)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:31:07 AM PST
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Firstly, maybe the new isp is BETTER AND FASTER.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Either the stupid parents have been accepting virus's in outlook or they could be simple addons for Adobe Photoshop and other word processing tools.

Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". <=== MWAHAHHAHA

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

AMD is a damn good chip, maybe your son has been given vcd's and dvd's to watch on the computer fool.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

Those books are hardly manuals just stories of arrests. Btw whats wrong with learning Perl programming lanuage. Your one of those parents "
Do as i say, say as i don't".

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

30mins? What if their doing school assignments and playing Doom2 and not quake. My parents can spend up to 4+ hrs and more on here, does this mean they are 31337 h4x0rz?

6. Does your son use Quake?

MWAHAHA I play plenty of quake, go into quake ask a hacking question and recieve a bunch of blanks faces. Quake is a fun game just because its violent dosn't mean their training to use weaponary, it takes countless hours to learn how to use weapons effectively.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

Ever thought that he might be growing up, no longer wanting you to walk all over him?

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

A powerful Operating System, use it and say goodbye to Windows memory leaks, blue screens and crashes also its 10x faster. Your argument in this area makes me laugh.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

He dresses normally, ever thought he dresses like a raver? Or was it "Checked shirt, jeans and white socks" in your time?.

10. Is your son struggling academically?

Could be he's not as mature as his peers, and you said maths and chemistry. There are people who are better at Science and Maths and others better and English and the Arts. Ever think of that?


31337 h4x0r

Please, no one's that stupid. (none / 0) (#920)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:46:02 AM PST
I love the link to spanking in context to disciplining your son. ;) Nice one! bwahahahah... *cry*

Quake y? (none / 0) (#922)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:50:21 AM PST
Why use Quake?
I prefer counter-strike, at least then the weapons are realistic. Good practice for all those fragging sprees us hackers are meant to do.

I take offense, when it is implied that all hackers where day glo colours, has he ever met any hackers?

erm (none / 0) (#1002)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 12:23:02 PM PST
i think its actually a joke

as homer would say- DOH! (none / 0) (#1494)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:55:04 AM PST
he seems a bit of a Flanders (from the simpsons) to me.

Definatly has no clue what hes talking about. Buying a Compaq says it all! And if he did a sarch on hed definatly not find Quake as a hacking tool. Alien V Predator 2 is my prefered hacking tool, All you need to do is press H to hack away (virtually). ;D

I now have his IP and hes going to lose ALL his money. (joke!) ;P

ps. Im not a hacker myself, but most hackers are Very intelligent people. Not saying im not intelligent.

i feel better now

IS YOUR SON A HACKER? (none / 0) (#925)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:56:36 AM PST
WTF? my mom's son is a hacker. and this article is the lamest thing i have ever red in my intire life. get a life and buy your kid an amd, and let him download a copy of freeBSD mkay.

I really hope this is'nt serious. (1.00 / 1) (#927)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:04:03 AM PST
I really hope this is'nt serious. If by chance it is, I find it rather disturbing and without any clue.

I recommend this article is removed for the benefit of everyone, theres enough crap around as it is.

Also the extremely misguided comments about AMD brand chip's could possibly have legal repercussions.

stunned (1.00 / 1) (#931)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:15:49 AM PST
It looks like you have done your homework but didn't understand the info. You are so wrong on so many accounts. It's a shame your children are so intelligent but still have to be smothered by you. ::SIGH:: I bought a computer for my son 4 years ago and now he is making $56,000 a year using Linux for an internet company.

Some Additions (none / 0) (#939)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:50:44 AM PST
Wow, I have to say, I found this article both insightful and very helpful. I do, however, have some additions to make on this subject. Along with such "hacker manuals" as "Programming Perl", I would highly recommend confiscating any literature by the deviant author known as Dr. Seuss. This is but a nickname for a man named Theodor Geisel, hackers often use such nicknames. Along the lines of games to be wary of, I would certainly be very skeptical about games like "Mario Kart" for the Nintendo 64, this is another virtual reality for hackers to submerse themselves in in order to learn to drive go-karts recklessly. Perhaps the things you should be most aware of, as T. Reginald Gibbons has warned us, is software. Along with such programs as Flash and Comet Cursor, you should IMMEDIATELY delete Minesweeper and Solitaire. These vicious programs can be used to gain access to both fun and entertainment, something every parent should be aware of at all times.

Come on, in all honesty, I can't believe that the administrator of this site would allow this to be posted, much less occupy space on the main page. This has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life.

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:57:11 AM PST
Mate, let me start by telling you, you are not a model parent, your denying your kids a normal teenage life otherwise known as a tremendous learning experience, they will probably grow up to resent you because you were so harsh.

If you think the game Quake will cause your kid to shoot you, might i suggest locking your kid up in a cage for the rest of his life, because the day to day images and language in the most "un-explicit" lifestyle is going to be far worse than a computer game of monsters or robots shooting each other.

Learn to spell, you twat, LINUX, not lunix. No doubt the webmaster of this site hosts this discussion board on a unix based server, why ?....because its an extremely reliable peice of software, which you have NO CLUE about. I bet the webmaster even used TELNET to access this site to change settings on the msg board, and even to install it.

AMD is available in every retail store i know, and they are an upmarket competitor to intel, they are NOT a hacking company.

Perhaps you just tried researching hacking because you were concerned for your kid, and you read some stupid site which you got all your information from, this is called ignorance. The time you spent putting all those links in your original post surely indicates enough dedication to at least research what linux is used for....or maybe at least how to spell it.

Flash, is an ever popular, honest, application for animations. I bet you cant visit your local gardening show website without installing flash.

Maybe, on the other hand, you just wanted to make a hot topic, and your just a NORMAL human being like everybody else on this board.

If you seriously beleive what you wrote in your orignal post, you have got to be WASTED!

One more thing: "Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced minds." <-- THIS IS TOTALLY NORMAL, do you sleep with your wife carol if she smells like shit ?, your a fucken idiot!


You lack of all computer knowledge is amazing... (2.00 / 3) (#944)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 07:06:14 AM PST
You sure did raise the "perfect family". You have amazing trust in your children. Now I'm going to prove that everything you said is wrong. And once I do this, you'll be begging your son's forgivness. BTW: Compaq comptuers are horrible comptuers in general. I've had to upgrade my friend's computer from compaq components and all of the compaq components are the worst in his new machine I built him.

The realaity about these "Hacker" tips:
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

First of all, anyone using AOL is prone to excessive advertising, slow login speeds, and just bad access all together. There are SEVERAL ISPs that are more respectable than AOL. I would be more concerned with your son if he DIDN'T want to switch ISPs. If youre concern is blocking content, download a utility called Net Nanny. It blocks all kind of specifiable information/content. You can also use Internet Explorer's built in content restriction - however it is more limited in its filtering.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". " ---HAHAHAHAHA OH wow. Comet cursor simply changes the mouse's cursor image when at sites that have that feature built in. There are rumors about comet cursor being spy ware. Go look that up before you start saying that it is teh devil or something lame like that. Flash is an interactive extension of Internet Explorer. There are several sites that REQUIRE flash be installed to run. Some site's menus, images, sound, etc use flash to work. How you could mistaken these applications as 'hacking software' is amazing to me and the rest of the world.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

If I ever bought a compaq, I'd also demand new hardware. These 'computers' are the cheapest things ever built. New hardware - such as RAM, hard drives, graphic cards, sound cards, network cards, etc... These have to do with upgrading performance. If I were to get a game, it would most likely run horrible on a compaq because of its built on cheap integrated sound/gfx chips.

As for AMD. AMD processors are alot cheaper than Intel ones, and on almost every benchmark they out-perform Intel. They are the best in multimedia rich content, gamming, and just about every use - with the exception of data/application compiling. I have an AMD 1.4 GHz Thunderbird which I overclocked to 1.6 GHz. I love AMD because it allows you to do that. More value for your dollar. Plus I don't like those Intel commercials :D

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

This may be the only real concern to look at. However it can also be of use to you. I'm in the Cisco Academy program year 2, and they teach us hacking information. Not the "I'm going to shut down your site" sutff, but security on switches/routers. This is not for malicious use, it is for an understanding of how to secure yourself better, while understanding what is happening. And if the manuals your child reads if about Internet Security or in any way goes over protection - I'd recommend you let him/her be. They are most likely learning valuable skills which could apply to the computer industry while protecting your data from REAL hackers.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

Since youre using AOL - 56K most likely - 'DOSing' someone would not really do anything but slow your connection down alot. You have to understand more about how and what you are actually doing if you were to DOS someone. The most common way is to attack someone with the "ping" command. This is not illegal. This is a built in function of the internet known as ICMP. It is for checking up status of servers, packet trip time, etc. Your bandwidth isnt enough to even touch anything because you have to recieve a reply for every packet you send. And since a 56kbps connection is that slow - actually limited to 46kbps-48kbps because of modem ability, line speed, and government laws, you wouldn't be able to do any damage unless you coordinated an attack with many people.

And the command prompt is not a threatening program. It is the basic core behind the Windows 3.xx, Windows 95/98/me operating systems. If he/she is playing around in there that is a good thing. There are college classes that teach people how to move and do things in there. Think of this as a savings in tuitions of your son/daughter is planning on going in to computers.

6. Does your son use Quake?

First off, the assumption of Quake being a hacker game/meeting place is totally unwarranted. Quake is a very old game that isn't worth playing. However it may be the only game that runs on that compaq. It would be more likely for 'hackers' to meet on IRC than on Quake being that IRC is a chat protocol which has several programs written for it. However, IRC is not only a hacker tool. It is a communication program. Since you use AOL, I'd put it like this: IRC is like AIM. It is where people would meet and talk. If youre going to start accusing things, you should acuse AIM since it is just as 'dangerous'.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

This isnt a hacker trait - this is a person who uses any computer trait. Some questioning of authority is normal - especially for teens. I know since I am one. Rather than banning him/her from the computer, I'd recommend that you limit the time that they spend on the computer. I myself was banned in the 7th grade from teh computer until 9th grade. My parents thought it would be a good thing. All this encouraged me to do as get involved with the wrong crowd. My freshman year's grades were suffering because of being around the wrong people. Plus the computer is my tool for letting out anger in games and having fun. I also create several things on it allowing me to show my ideas. The second I got my computer back, I left that crowd to return to my computer ways - which has resulted in a 3.5 - 4.0 grade change from 2.0. Computers can be as inspiring as they can be angering.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

It is actually called Linux. This is a free OS that you can modify yourself to make it do anything you wish. It is not some hacker program. IBM - a very highly respectable company is selling Linux servers. Why Linux? It uses memory very efficiently while also being stable. This also allows for the customer to modify the OS's features for better functionality.

MP3 is simply Mpeg Layer 3. It is a file that uses encoding/decoding (codec) to reproduce sound. Just like wave files. Except MP3's are highly compressed making them take up less HDD space.

As for Telnet: Telnet is a program for remote terminal control of a server. Is it used for administration purposes. Besides being a legit tool included with windows, it can be used for hacking computer servers - not "which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone"... However, the server has to be configured for telnet access, and they have passwords on them. With your connection, hacking a telnet server's password would take weeks... and by then it would probably be changed.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

Well I agree that this looks stupid, but it more likely has to do with drug-related crowds than hacking. If they simply dyed their hair, it is no major thing. That is common in today's society.

10. Is your son struggling academically?

By over-using the computer, the priorities may become misplaced, but that doesnt mean that they are a hacker. You should probably reduce - NOT BAN - your child's computer usage. Verify and help them if they need help with homework rather than blame the comptuer as my parents did.


In a computer and technology using society, it is common for people who do not know anything about computers to blame them or the person doing something.

I was accused of 'hacking' when at my school's library on a computer by the librarian. I was writing HTML web content for the school's web site. Because of that person's assumptions, I involved the vice-principal so could get back to work. Instead of fearing technology, why don't YOU learn something about it rather than accuse people who are doing things for good.

If you have any questions/comments, feel free to e-mail me.


AHUH (none / 0) (#947)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 07:15:15 AM PST
This is absolute garbage Quake is a stupid old' 3D game and people don't meet there to discuss hacking Linux is a power and stable OS and it's not once again designed for hacking also computers must be upgraded for later software for crying out loud that's why your son wants new hardware.

I'm not female but females are just as capable as males in most things and if you want I can get down the scientific level of this issue this whole nah your daughter is not as capable as your son garbage is ridicules and sexually bias

Your lucky my wife didn't see that

Prof. A. Wells

Dear Mr. Gibbons (none / 0) (#951)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 07:31:31 AM PST
Hello, my name is Ori Klein, I'm a 20 years old male from Israel, and I've been around the computers community for a very long time (since I was a little child myself).

I will try to go out of my nature, be proffessional, kind, use proper english (as much as I can, I am Israeli after all and my 1st language is hebrew so bear with my bad grammar with grace ;)) and try to explain to you why you are so wrong step by step.

Let's begin with your first point.
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider.

I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter. This filter is vital to any parent who wants his son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him through exposure to "adult" content. It is best to stick with the protection AOL provides, rather than using a home-based solution. If your son is becoming a hacker, he will be able to circumvent any home-based measures with surprising ease, using information gleaned from various hacker sites.
AOL is notorious for being easy to work with, for hackers.
Many games have the entire AOL provider IP banned.
Their security is easy to bypass, their services are a shame and their protection is near to non existant, I don't know if they're just cheap to invest into proper measures and development/upgradings.
As said, the reason most like to NOT work with AOL, and why a child would ask his parents to change to another ISP is becouse their service, connection speed wise, is...well...derogatory and a disgrace.
Even my Israeli ISP which you could easily reffer to as very lousy, provides better connection across the ocean, than AOL which are merely few hundred miles from the Internet main operator.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs. He will probably try to install the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding.
I don't know where you are getting your information from, but you should demand a refund.
Comet Cursor, although uses some functions that might be persived as intrusive to YOUR OWN system, is not a hacker program, I.E. you won't be using it to hack someone else.
All it do is allow you to change the image of the mouse cursor, instead of that dismal arrow sign Microsoft provides.
And for setting it in your website, that when one entering it, again, the mouse image is changed just for when the mouse is over that website (just like most games that use the mouse have it change into an image of their own choosing for theme purposes).

Macromedia Flash (previously known as shockwave) is a graphical program helping non-artistical persons to easily create fabulous proffesional looking animations.
As well as using many triggers, which allow rookies creating a proffesional looking website.
For a demonstration, go visit, this is a site of a one who has created many proffesional websites, and the site lovly intro itself is made in Flash.
Click the "webwork" button, then the "flash" one below it, then choose one of the lovly websites they've created using flash.
Another nicly flashed site is

By the way, the control panel can easily be bypassed and have its content deleted.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.
Many softwares, especially those of the graphical nature (graphic creation tools and namly mainly games) have VERY high requirements.
I for one am a draughtsman and uses AutoCad 2002, 3D studio max and many of the kind and without a high hardware to support it, certain proccesses (especially 3D renderings, isometric views with full details such color, etc.) might take a VERY long time for the computer to finish, and that's, at the least (and in the prettiest language form) very intterupting to my work.
Not to mention, the aforementioned games, are rapidly developing in tech, and so, their requirements can go sky high, and the more time passes the higher those requirements are (There are hardly any "worthy" games that can work without a high performance graphical card such as Voodoo, Gforce, etc. not to mention CPU power).

As for AMD...
I'll take a wild guess that you've read and been mislead by pro-Intel propoganda.
There's a constant on-going race to develop higher-preformance faster CPUs (central processing unit, the thing which makes your computer go, its core heart/brain).
First of all, for your information, AMD is an AMERICAN company.
Currently, AMD is changing the market in the worst for Intel (which have been for the past years dominant, almost monopolizing, in the CPU market) and heading them in development progress.
Prediction reports that in couple of years AMD will sell more proccessors than Intel which preform way better than Intel's chips.
AMD's chips are already well known as the better brand and sought after, it is estimated that they will take well over 50% of the Intel's market pie which so far was solely owned by Intel.

You might have a point there, but still I must ammend.
One of the best way to protect yourself (and belive me, you are VERY "naked" and inviting) from getting hacked, is to understand the way these things work and how it is being done.
Many companies currently in the industry employ in their service Ex-Hackers/Crackers to create defense systems against such intrusions.
I myself often seeking the advices of friends who are such "knowledgeable" so I may know if I have done something to leave an open window or easy access to outside attacks, and how can I protect myself better from the such.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day.
If your child spends so much time on the Net, tell him to "get a life", if he/she are getting aggravated they're computer junkies.
As for what they're likly to be using the computer for:
60% Playing games.
20% Searching for fan sites for the hobbies (your child isn't a pyromaniac right?... =D just joking).
10% Studying, learning something (yes, this DOES includes programming and other computer related education which may come very handy when applying for a job).
10% Making illegal actions.

DOS, abbriviation for Denial of Service, is when you keep sending huge chunks of information to some service provider (website hosting server, game hosting server, ordinary people using the Internet, etc.) "flooding" the bandwidth and unallowing customers to reach through.
As you said you use AOL, I HIGHLY doubt it is possible to do so from your home computer, unless you are some rockafeller or certain other rich fellow (bill gates's relative? heh) and employ your own high speed wide bandwidth connection device from T1 to OC-3 standards.

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school.
Quake is nothing more than a virutal game, from the type reffered to as FPS, abbriviation for First Person (look) Shooter.
It is a game where you move around picking weapons and shooting creatures to rack up high score and finish the game.
Although there are always some out of the normal occasions (face it, rapers, murders etc. of the sort have been in existance way long before the psychiatry science or computer games were invented), I highly doubt your child will become a "blood sick maddog" from playing it and go shooting ppl out of no reason.
Personally, in my humble opinion, there are way better games of this type, and better games of other types as well (although this is like comparing tomatos to pickles so it's a dumb thing to say heh but basically I say, Quake stinks, get a better game like Baldur's Gate :D).

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of behaviour. This will manifest itself soonest in the way he treats others. Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn, bitterness, and even foul language. He may utter threats of violence of a real or electronic nature.

Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation he is in. Keep trying to get through to him, no matter how much he retreats into himself.
Well, this I will easily write off (having psychology under my belt) as, in one word, puberty.
I suggest you attend to your local psycholog for family sessions and start talking your problems and concerns over.
Also do not forget, your child is in a phase where he/she will need their own space and freedom.
If they're for example, want to do piercing (what is wrong with the youth nowdays?) or tattoo, try to talk them out of it, tell them of the dangers of complicated infections, deseases like AIDs they can catch etc.
If it doesn't succeed, then tell them you agree, to a small proprtion of such procedure, AND that you will be present when they do it.
Pick by yourself an establishment that is respectable, aestethic, sanitry place and that has been approved by the health department.
Then see the child by/through the procedure and help in the disinfections needed untill the complete healing.
It is important that you will escort your child through their puberty, and make it sure that they know they can always come to you for advice, help, etc. and tell you anything.
Don't forget, you can't "smog" your child, you have to make compromises in some to retain his/hers continued trust and openess in your relationship.

Reading from here on leads me to belive/conclude that either:
1. This entire article/post you made is a joke.
2. You are one of those national extrimist, thinking they're patriots defending America against the "Red Menace" (I suggest walking into the nearest psychatrist office and asking to be admitted into hospitalization for sanity-reality check).
3. You have been mislead by some very bad sources.

For your information, hackers/crackers tend to be personals with high I.Q. so I doubt they'll be failling their academic education.

With that said, I end.
Either way, get help man, both from computer proffesional and a psychological one.

hmm.. (none / 0) (#954)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 07:42:57 AM PST
It's not illegal to know 'how to hack' it's just illegal to use your knowledge in the wrong way! And quake is just a game that ALOT of ppl play, just because someone's child play quake doesnt mean he got anything at all to do with hacking! thats like saying 'He's in danager of becoming queer because he eat meat'. Me myself know some hackers and know some about hacking but only lame persons hack personal computers, they are often after big company computers and they are so well protected that almost all hackers fail to hack them.

Just get good protection against hackers, get a firewall and a anti virus program.( for free firewall.


Probally already said but here goes nothing .... (none / 0) (#956)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 07:51:23 AM PST
I'm sorry for the spelling or any gramtical errors and things like that.

First I would like to say that I'm hoping the "Is Your Son A Computer Hacker"
is a joke, because just reading it I saw manything which were "truths" put together from pieces of truths. If it is a joke then this is a waste of typing if it isn't then may god help us all. To say the least there were many things wrong.
The programs listed by Mr. Gibbons as hacker programs are nothing even close,

"Comet Cursor", a program which allows websites to dynamicly modify the cursor when a person visits their site.
"Bonzi Buddy", a little purple ape, I think it is a microsoft agent I'm not to sure
"Flash", a program which allows you to view vector animations.

Continueing from the programs "Quake" is not a hacker virtual reality, but rather a game. The game is made by ID software. The DOSing idea is pretty wrong too DOS is Disk Operating System while DoS is Denial of Service. Now DOS and DoS are very different. DOS was the operating system which ruled the computer world before windows ( yes I know unix was around don't flame me just yet ). DoS is an attack on a network or user which does exactly what the acronym implies, Denies Service. I found sign number 8 very funny, Mainly because of the destroying part of your harddrive, this is not true, you could get the impression that part of your harddrive is destroyed but in reality it is just re partitioned, and set to a format not used by windows or dos. The belief that it is dangerous is completely not true, how ever many hacking related programs are writting for a *nix based system due to the high level of internet related control. Under a *nix system you are very able to do most anything you would want to a packet. Now that I have trailed slightly off subject, its time to return to the point,
Asking for a better computer isn't a sign of hacking, most attacks, or intrusions can be done on a relatively low machine with a 3 disk install of trinux, no need to have something fancy, usually in the event of a possible break in attempt the hacker will use a shell, so needing a fast machine is by no means related to hacking. I my self needed a faster machine, not for hacking, but high end 3d animation. That is all I think I need to say, if your worried your son/daughter is a hacker and need more information you can contact me at .

The more I read this article the more I think it's a joke. Now that I actually put some thought into it, it is definately a joke. Well its useless to just backspace all this post time ....................................................................................

AMD (none / 0) (#959)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 08:04:02 AM PST
I hope AMD and Linux sue you for slander, libel, and defemation.

this is Amd speaking (none / 0) (#6345)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:10:54 PM PST
AMD : And we hope your brain will get bigger...

good work gibbons.

This is not for REAL-its a scenario (none / 0) (#960)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 08:14:02 AM PST
This is not, in fact, a real account. This is a scenario written to alarm and breed hysteria. Statements like, "a model parent". i'm a father of 2 and while i would love to say i was a model parent, i fall quite a bit from the mark. i make mistakes. I can only hope to raise my children the best i can with the wisdom acquired from those who've done it. "Model parent?", please.

In addition to "Linux", "hacker manuals", "Flash media player", "computer upgrades", and anything requireing the creativity to write code, you forgot to add corresponding with the boogey man. I suppose involving oneself with javascript would be akin to dancing with the devil. What you are insinuating is that if your kids are interested in writing code, WATCH OUT!! and lock up the guns. This is a laughable article based on ignorance.

I find it incredibally odd that a family espousing ultra conservative morals such as this yet do not "spank" the children. This article is nothing but a collection of contradictions and "by-the-book" generalizations. The account of the "sons" degenerate behavior lists every warning sign (and then some) for the next serial killer. Even serial killers don't exhibit all the warning signs, i find it incredible that this kid was a textbook example.

i am a teacher and i work with kids in a poor area. The kids i teach don't have beds to sleep in and most only get a hot meal when they are at school. I can tell you with experience that it takes more than "Quake" to make a kid a terrorist. And the information within this fictional account has absolutely no basis of proof. I am a Quake board member, i play quake, i make maps for quake, and i use quake in an educational setting with the use of a mod for extracting the gibbing. It's a great tool for allowing students to experience "virtually" the places they study (ex...Egypt studies follow with a tour of a "virtual" pyramid with quake).

The only reason i am responding is because people actually read this stuff and believe it and i want to express to everyone reading this article that it is indeed fiction.

You forgot... (none / 0) (#963)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 08:40:22 AM PST
That "movie" called "Sneakers." After viewing this movie, we can see where so-called red-blooded God-fearing Americans such as Robert Redford, Sidney Poiter, and Dan Aykroyd ("on a mission from God" indeed, PAGAN!) really get their values from. For worshipping the cold, hard dollar, which will never give them the love that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can.

Repent, foul demons of Hollywood! Your actions neither glorify you or God!

Please read (none / 0) (#964)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 08:42:39 AM PST
Well, if you're really serious, I'd have to say you're one of the biggest idiots in the whole world.
Quake: a GAME. FUN game actually. Where you get to shoot your friends and shoot rockets. It's a game. Oh? It's a game!
Requesting a new ISP:
AHAHAHAHAHA You're a fucking moron. AOL is the biggest piece of shit and is for morons who are content with slow internet and retard programs. You've got mail.
New hardware:
AHAHAHAHAHAHA Yes, we need newer hardware to play our hacker games like quake, CS, GR, RTCW, AVP2 OH GOD NO!!
LMAO you are so stupid! It's actually quite amusing. AMD is cheaper, that's why people like them.
Well, I used to play Quake, have requested a new ISP AND, oh dear god no, have asked for new hardware! Hell, here I come!
Have you ever thought that the reason they're struggling academically is cause your son just fucking stupid?!
If your son spends more than 30 mins on the internet, he may be DOSing sites lmfao!! You are really retarded. (If you're serious)

Leave it to old stupid people to write stuff like this. Thank god they know what they're talking about. And what was your son doing, using an FTP program to upload pictures to a site? AHAHA Some major haxX0rInG there!

Justification for higher education (none / 0) (#965)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 08:50:43 AM PST
I feel sorry for your son and the rest of your six children. Drive is a hard thing to instill in young people, and it's rare that it is accompanied by intelligence. It appears your son had both. You obviously know nothing about your sons life or computers, other wise you would have been asking him long ago what's frustrating him so much in his life that he has to rebel against authority. Could it be you exert too much authority over him at home? You have not read or even looked at any of the books you mentioned if you had you would know the first three are science fiction, "Programming with Perl" is a $50 book for programmers that you should be asking yourself how your son had an extra $50 to begin with, and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" is about Open Source Software and working together as a community. Almost every fact you quoted about Linux is false, and if you did any research at all you would know this. (Why don't you go to IBM's web site and see what they think of Linux) You and your son need professional help please seek counseling; actually maybe only you need it tell you son to post his resume and see if the job offers he gets come with health benefits.

right on man (none / 0) (#1114)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:24:25 AM PST
tell it like it is brother

Is this for real? (none / 0) (#967)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 09:04:18 AM PST
I am wondering if this article was posted as a joke? If not, then I would like to say that I am a parent also, and I think that the author of this piece of crap is an idiot.

How about researching a little bit before you decide to print an article like this. AMD is a "third world" company that makes "inferior" processors? According to my research, AMD has it's corporate headquarters based in Sunnyvale, California...hmmmm. Oh, and by the way, AMD chips perform better.

I could go on and on about this article forever, but I won't. Last point, though.
You stated:
"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos."
First of all, I think you mean Linus Torvalds, who was a native of Helsinki, Finland, so that does not make him a "Soviet" as Finland was never a member-state of the Soviet Union or the communist bloc. And he created "Linux" not "Lunix"...Debian and Mandrake are different versions of Linux, and they are LEGAL operating systems. What exactly is an "illegal" operating syystem anyway? I haven't ever heard of any operating systems being outlawed...oh, nevermind...this was a completely misinformed article, and if the author actually believes the contents then that person is a very misinformed individual.

I would just like to point out... (none / 0) (#968)
by whataloadofbull on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 09:18:00 AM PST
That YOU SIR, know nothing at all, about computers, and their communities. If you are saying, that anyone who asks for more memory, an AMD processor, new hard drives, plays any of the Quake games, or spends lots of time on their computer, is a hacker, then I seriously think you should appoligise to almost everyone in the damn world. I for one, have an AMD cpu, i have asked for more memory and new hard drives from my dad, I play a lot of Quake2, and i do, spend quite a lot of time on my computer. Now what you are basically saying is, I am a hacker. That is the biggest ammount of bollox i have ever heard. I think all hackers should be locked up and never let back out. If your children ask for new parts for their computer, it does not mean they want to hack someone. You can hack someone with a 56k modem, a 200mhz pentium whatever, and 32mb of ram. When your son asked for new parts, he probably wanted an upgrade from the Compaq piece of junk. AMD are the best processors out there at the moment, I wanted a 1.4GHz one because they are basically the same as an Intel Pentium 4 2GHz, because Pentium suck. The more ram you have, the more you can feel the difference. I used to have 128mb, i now have 256mb and i have really felt the difference.
Quake2 then. I enjoy playing quake2, ive been playing it for almost 2 years now, its not a social meeting place for all the hackers of the world. I know lots of people who play lots of different games, and, yes, there are the odd few twats that hack. But not all of them.
Im not trying to be nasty to you, I just think you should lay off mate.

So wrong about so many things (none / 0) (#974)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 10:01:18 AM PST
I'm sure that this post will be removed, but maybe people will see that I am rationally handling all of the arguments in this article. You, the author of the article, are insane, and I will proceed to tell you why. You are smothering your son and trying to make him a proxy of all the things that you believe, regardless of their validity. Your son was not hacking. Linux is NOT an illegal program and even if it did come out of the Soviet Union, so did tetris and I have yet to see you anyone up in arms about that. Also, Linux is much more customizable and easy to use than Windows, and is also more stable. The programs that you did not install were drivers that enabled your son to view complex and interesting websites(I'm not talking about porn). There is nothing illegal about them, in fact they are used by just about every professional website on the net. The AMD chip is not illegal nor are they cheap knock-offs. They are in fact faster than Pentiums and more reliable. I fthey are made in 3rd world countries, so what. Many products are made in 3rd world countries. The change in your son's behavior is probably just the result of him becoming an adolescent and evolving different interests. His "negative" responses to your accusations are perfectly valid. You were punishing him for doing nothing other than developing new interests in an area that you do not understand at all. Your encroachment and constant monitoring will only make him more eager to get away from you. Attempting to regulate his life and his friends will only create a festering resentment for you. If you truly love your son then you will allow him to develop his own opinions and interests and allow him to grow up.

Is Your Parent a Moron? (none / 0) (#975)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 10:05:15 AM PST
If they are writing articles like the preceding most definately, yes.

Proof - a little info can be a dangerous thing! (none / 0) (#979)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 10:38:33 AM PST
I don't have time to dispell all of the utter b.s. contained in this sad diatribe, but suffice it to say that the author is far more dangerous than most of the activities he condemns! To the author I say this, after reading your article I feel sorry for your son rather than for you. You have as closed a mind as I have seen for a long time, and seem prone to painting all things with a broad brush before you have even a basic understanding of what you are speaking about. Maybe you need to spend more time on the computer rather than limiting your son's. Another thought, couldn't your daughter become a hacker, or is that too much for your sexist, closed mind to conceive?!?

How did you get this job (none / 0) (#984)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 11:01:21 AM PST
This comes really close to being slander

The stupidest thing I ever read (none / 0) (#985)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 11:07:37 AM PST
This is really the stupidest thing I ever read in my hole 22 year old life!.
I hope this was a joke. "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". "

I just can't believe someone took so much time to write so much stupid stuff for nothing.

And if you weren't kiding. Leave your son do watever he wants because he must be much smarter than you are.

CAN YOU REALLY BE THAT STUPID? (none / 0) (#993)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 11:38:14 AM PST
how in the hell do you break into a stereo, and still MP3's?
I have a very nice JVC with all the amenities,...its even hooked up through my 'AMD' computer.....however it is not hooked up through the net, nor have I ever seen a atereo hooked up on the net..

Do you realise the inferior AMD computer chips "benchmarks" run nearly40% faster then your garbage Intell?
go to and search "benchmarks", youll see what I mean..I want to think you for this awesome laugh you gave me..
I stay on the computer all the time, use amd with FAST!!!!(2600k) cable connection...

You really need to spank his ass......AND YOURS NEEDS SPANKED AS WELL...
Like I said can you really be that stupid?

Hacking is designing and modifing software......what your refering to is cracking..

theres a difference!

Hacker creats windows.....Cracker modifies it
Damn....I guess im really bad I have 2 monitors on mine as well.....Quake is a game..
how many crackers do you know that can shoot people through there computers? even my connection isnt that fast......

People like you make me can simply unplug the conneciton and offline!!

I will post more after reading other comments,,,,
Truely dumbfounded on this discovery,,,,,Thank you....(you know who you are)for this wonderfull laugh...

PS is this sight hosted on AOL? it is certainly slow enough to be....
Yours truely HE HE HE

STUPID IS A GENTLE WORD FOR YOU (none / 0) (#6348)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:14:32 PM PST
"go to and search "benchmarks", youll see what I mean..I want to think you for this awesome laugh you gave me..
I stay on the computer all the time, use amd with FAST!!!!(2600k) cable connection... "

Too bad...there are smarter people who will wish for this connection...well... u are stupid. and this si final
why ?
becose you don't know how to hook your jvc on the net.

LOL! (none / 0) (#996)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 11:49:38 AM PST
Oh man, good job, this was HILARIOUS! I've never laughed harder at an internet post more than his one! Now if you'll excuse me, i have to get back on the Quake that you make sound oh-so-much like a drug! LOL! good one!

Many thanks (none / 0) (#997)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 11:50:47 AM PST

your article is like a drink to a thirsty man. It is so hard, living in Europe as I do, to get clear advice that I can easily understand on this important aspect of parenting. Indeed most of the parents I meet at my son's school are loath to believe that there is any risk to their children at all. They consider "Hacking" as something that goes on in America or on television and will never affect them. Now I have something to print out for them and maybe give them something to think about.

One very useful suggestion which you might add to the list of valuable information you provide is to put the family computer in the same room as you, the parent, will spend most of the day. For example, our computer is in the television room. This allows me to monitor my sons use of the internet and watch for the types of innapropriate behaviours you mention. It also allows the family to discuss any confusing or disturbing material that might inadvertently be discovered during a "surf".

So, once again, thank you for an excellent article. I am only sorry that you had to endure the kind of profanity you brought down apon yourself from those who feel sensitive at you exposing them!

A grateful reader

poor sods (none / 0) (#999)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 11:58:28 AM PST
You realise that one or two parents will actually read this, take it seriously, then ban thier kids from the internet altogether?
When the kid says 'can we change from AOL because it's <insert profanity here>', the parent that has read this will say 'ahh my kid is evil', and ban them from the computer or even disown them!

Such Uber Paranoid Rubbish (none / 0) (#1000)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 12:04:25 PM PST

I really don't want to flame you ........ BUT YOU ARE SO FUCKING IGNORANT !!!!

first of all so what if your son is a hacker what you should be worried about is if your son turns out just to a ./h@x0r alias fucking script kiddie !

Old shit brain man ! It takes alot to be a Hacker ! you got to understand at least five different "hacking" Languages ~! commonly know as THE BLOODY PROGRAMING LANGUAGE did you think M$( microsoft made WINBLOZ in frontpage ??? geesh you are so fucking full of shit ........

I advise you to STFU n RTFM before you make such a dumb arsed post again.

Linux is the a satanist OS i agree but dood attacking BSD you have got to be nuts ! Do you even know what the fuck BSD stands for you jackass pimping faggot ! lynx & ( i bet you think lynx is a body spray )

Anyway i just needed someone to flame and you happen to be the prefect choice a insane stupid uneducated parent :) hence my foul language


chiva a.k.a bg-

Seems to be a joke... (none / 0) (#1003)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 12:36:08 PM PST
Normally seen, I would say this is just a joke. Especially the part where he talks about his going to parties with his kids, or when he uses the word "Lunix".
But since he's an American, I'm not that sure of it...

Anyway, it seems every computer scientist is a hacker... The guy bought a Compaq for his kid, I'm happy for him he doesn't know how Compaq was formed.

I meet up to everything he writes. I have an IQ of 153 though, I study physics and informatics at a quite important European university, I'm really good at it, and hey, I'm not a computer hacker!

Kids just mess around with computers, they read about programming, that's normal, maybe he has a genius on his hands. All that's wrong with the kid is that he's a computernerd. But hey, what can you say...

But I guess Mr Gibbons won't understand... He loves it the American way, he loves Intel, Microsoft, AOL, I'm sure he uses Altavista or Yahoo!. AMD, Linux (or "Lunix"), everything non-American is bad, communism is taboo. He's the one who voted for Bush. He's one of the reasons why two towers went down in New York a few months ago.

I guess some Americans will never learn. It's sad...

Bad Father Bad (none / 0) (#1005)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 12:46:20 PM PST
You go with them to teen parties? I'm thinking by the time your kids grow up, they'll be psychotic. You ever stop to think that maybe your child doesn't want you there? Or that your child thinks your an insane father? I smell a rebellion coming on. Why not try to be a friend to your child rather than a controlling father freak who has no idea what is going on in the world. Read some child parenting books. And no way are you a model parent. I for one, would not want you as my parent. Do you realize that your child is completely embarrassed now that you have posted your little story? Way to go, dad.

What?? (none / 0) (#1006)
by nitelifer on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 12:56:35 PM PST
Put down the crack pipe......

You are an idiot (none / 0) (#1010)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 01:09:09 PM PST
Obvioulsy you know absolutely nothing abotu computers or the internet because Flash, Comet Cursor, and Bonzi Buddy are NOT hacking programs! I am particularly familiar with flash and I know that it is a very useful program used for making websites and movies and similar projects. These are CONSTRUCTIVE things. Perhaps a child should not be spending entire days in front of a computer, but that does not mean that they are a hacker. Also, there are many reasons to switch from AOL to a better browser or internet server. Others are faster, more efficient, and cheaper. You should immediately appologise to your son for havign no brain and stay as far away from computers as possible.

damn.. (none / 0) (#1013)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 01:17:20 PM PST
Hmm, so i guess only 45 minutes of Quake for me tonight. Damn, and I really need practice aiming my nailgun while writing in Perl. I guess I'm just goin to get my Bonzi Buddy to hack into stereos and steal some music without a telephone through telnet.

Is Your Dad a Monkey? (none / 0) (#1015)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 01:27:23 PM PST
A public service announcement:

If you see T Reginald Gibbons walking down the street, RUN! Do not talk to him! Hide! His particular brand of crazy is extremely infectious, especially to parents and Christians. You are warned.

Listen up (none / 0) (#1021)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 01:58:05 PM PST
Your right about the firearms, wrong about the hacking. But think about this-

200 years ago, every house had a gun above their doorway. For protection. Indians, robbers, animals, etc.All the boys were taught how to use these guns, and when to use them. Now, instead of being taught,people choose to steer away from them. So now, everyone is ignorant of a firearm, save a few, and more often then not, people that have been TAUGHT how to use and respect firearms are more likely to grow up to be police officers, an officer in an army, some military or defense posistion. Not a killer. no one dreamed about taking a gun to school then, why now?

A meeting place for hackers? That doesnt mean they all use Quake. Don't be specific. I play on from anywhere to 1 all the way to 5 hours, almost e v e r y d a y. I do not hack, in fact, i am in a group that DOESN'T HACK. A group of teenagers. We are anti-hack, and I have turned in over 1000 sites with my clanmates to Blizzard, the creators of our games.

Also, it sounds as if you need to BACK OFF. Your "model family" makes me sick. Your family is probably one that keeps drastically to themselves, and marks may be slipping due to manic depression, caused by not enough social activity, rather then computer radiation. My marks have imporved since i started playing on-line, and my stress level has been reduced. If anyone's son's marks are failing, they should teach them when to do their homework, or help them sometimes, not dominate over them and tell them everything that's right and wrong. There IS NO SUCH THING AS RIGHT OR WRONG. Only a difference of opinions. If you don't believe that, you'll be torn apart in this new "free world" of ours.

DOH! (none / 0) (#1027)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:15:45 PM PST
This is propably the dummest thing that i have ever seen...

First of all... If this "father" had done his research properly he wouldn't say this at all...Unless he's a complete fool... Well he propably uses Windows so... Actually all that he is saying is that if you aren't "normal" (listening to Britney spears, wear modern clothes... etc...) then you must be a computer-hacker because you can't use your computer to play games, oh no, that is hacking. Btw, Linux is one the most useful operating systems ever made... It works about a million times better than ANYTHING Microsoft ever have and will make...
I won't even dignify this with anymore comments...


Gun safety. (none / 0) (#1029)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:38:52 PM PST
6. Does your son use Quake?

"You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed"

Whether or not your son plays quake, your guns should be locked up and made safe. I would consider any parent with children in the house who doesn't do this to be recklessly irresponsible and putting their childrens lives at needless risk.

Wow.... (none / 0) (#1031)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:43:42 PM PST
'Yes, it's true; this man has no dick.'---or, for that matter, a brain, a heart, courage, and any sort of fact-based computer knowledge. His complete ignorance and superstition is rather alarming to me as a human being. There is no hope for his species (of which I am not a part, I hope).

Wow, you are a freak! (none / 0) (#1032)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:44:07 PM PST
I was scared for your childrens life in your opening paragraph about going to their parties, what the fuck is wrong with you? Let the kids make mistakes its how we learn. Do you expect that your son or daughter will invite you to come along when he or she is gunna get laid? Get a grip man, let your kids live their lives. Secondly, along with everyone else who has commented on this post, you obviously know NOTHING about computers. If your son was a "hacker" he would not have to worry about AOL because that newbie ISP can be fucked with more then any other. Comet Cursor my friend, is a program that allows you to change the appearance of the desktop cursor, don't ask me how the fuck you decided it was a hack but you are dead wrong. Macromedia Flash is a successful program used by companies and individuals across the globe to produce animations for websites, projects and other useful things. Unless your son wanted to create a hackers website using Flash I think you oughta put down the crack pipe and read a book. By far the FUNNIEST point in your article was that of Quake. I have been a Quake player for years upon years, and never before have I heard it referred to as a gathering for hackers. Quake is a GAME can I stress that enough, a fucking GAME! You know those things you probably don't let your kids play because you are a Jesus freak and it will rott their innocent brains. Your son doesn't need shit to be a hacker, if he is asking for new hardware its probably because you bought your kids a fucking COMPAQ! Video cards do not in anyway enhance the ability of someone to hack. And, Lunix as you call it, we in the real world call it Linux, is one of the best operating systems, it is incredibley stable, offers amazing support for webservers and home networks. A kids social behaviour changes when they hit puberty, I would have hoped to god you knew that, of course he is going to argue with you, listen to yourself you virtually spy on your kids left and right. Whats this about locking up your guns? Ever thought of getting rid of them for your own sake before your kids go nutty and blow your fucking brains out? I could go on forever, but by now I bet you've already sacrificed your family to save them from the evil people on the internet who want to send you "adult" content. LET YOUR KIDS LIVE, LET HIM DOWNLOAD PROGRAMS, LET HIM PLAY GAMES, LET HIM WATCH PORN, LET HIM HAVE A LIFE OR HE WILL BE A SOCIAL DEAD BEAT WITH NO FRIENDS AND NO LIFEEEEE!!!!!

Report this man for child abuse! (none / 0) (#1033)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 02:54:01 PM PST
As anyone else I can see the fun in this article(actually it made me laugh quite intensely for some time), but why the fuck dosn�t anybody do anything to this "father"!! How can a parent say these things about his own son?! If this was in Denmark the maniac would be locked away by the social authorities for abusing the reputation of of the child! He�s actually talking dirt about his own offspring; what the fuck kind of parent is that? Don�t lock the son away - lock T Reginald fucking Gibbons away! Somebody should get his adress and report him for childabuse!

Wow, parents get smarter every day (none / 0) (#1034)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:01:35 PM PST
I'm glad parents are wondering about their kids...I mean, they need to be aware...Mr. Gibbons, you are a smarty man. Oh, I felt that you might need some more interesting information on other subjects. Let's take your car. Did you know that the cigarette lighter in your car is a homing device for the government? That's how most criminals are tracked these days. The rearview mirror is their camera to see inside the car to see who is in there. Switching subjects, your work place. I don't know what type of job you have, apparently not computer related, but the coffee machine they use actually has a drug to make you work harder but alters your mind to make you work for less. Now you are thinking, maybe the phone is bugged. I really don't think so.... The rings that are setup on the phones send a subconscious message every time it rings compelling you to never complain about your job and that your work is VERY VERY IMPORTANT (trust me, I worked for a company that did this, AMD). But it doesn't stop there; they even invade your home. Construction companies are paid by the government to have voice recorders and video surveillance devices to monitor the house for possible terrorist attacks. If that weren't enough, they have setup a "front" business of telemarketers. When they mispronounce your name, it is really setting up a base line for the lie detector test. Subconsciously they are asking your mind questions while they are on the phone with you. The information is recorded into a database to mark possible threats to the economy, Internet, and the American Freedom.

I hope this information will be read so as to educate the stupid masses.

P.S.-I sure hope you believe me b/c if you do, you are a moron like believing Mr. Gibbons that the top 10 hacker signs. He has no idea of anything and I am surprised that he could even submit a message board post without fearing hackers were trying to hack in and steal all of his personal information and turning his computer into a zombie.

A very concerned American PARENT! (none / 0) (#1035)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:09:09 PM PST
I read most of this article. I find it to be the chatting of a parent who is not parenting at all. I find some of your comments so off the mark it isn't even funny. Your suggestion that AMD is a third rate processor shows just how computer ILLITERATE you are! Today even as we speak INTEL and AMD are running neck n neck to trying to beat the other to market with the next fastest processor! You have abviously not checked out some of the computer reviews out there! I know of many companies who use AMD as their standard of choice! How much Intel stock do you own?

Your decision process needs some SERIOUS work! Spending alot of time ONLINE WILL NOT GIVE YOU MENINGITIS!! It will NOT give you any psychological disorders, it may highlight problems already there but it will NOT create them.

Now onto a subject more to the point, the online game of QUAKE is NOT a place for hackers to visit!!! I have been on the internet since 1996 and on othe forms of communication via computers since 1988. Quake is ONLINE GAMING, yes you do use weapons of many discriptioins some semi real some completely made up. What it does do is require you to interact with as many as 20+ people who are connect to one computer. The people connected to the one computer did not join to sit around and shoot the shit, they came to test their gaming skills against others on the one computer! I have been personally gaming for over 4 years! I would suggest you go pull your head out of that back woods cave and get a clue!

For the most part you are trying to blame your POOR parenting skills on technology! The computer WILL NOT replace a parent! IT is YOUR job as a parent to go in an look over your childs shoulder and understand what they are trying to do! If you are waiting for another child to tattle on a child you have already lost the fight! You are like so many other parents out there these days depening on the TV or the COMPUTER to raise their childeren instead of being a real parent!!


Get a clue (none / 0) (#1036)
by Budz on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:12:18 PM PST
Have you ever heard of 'over protection' ?

I feel so sorry for your kids... having their parents turn up at parties so they dont drink.. you are going to cause more mental damage than any form of good.

What kind of parents breathes over their kids shoulder every second of their life... do you supervise them while they go to the toilet aswell, or while they are in the shower?

You say you dont want your kids to be anti-social, well do you think your gonna be helping them by embaressing them by turning up at parties??? The whole point of going to a teenage partie is to get away from your parents so that you can experiment, experiment does not mean they will do drugs, that depends on how you raise your kids.
They will be rejected by everyone at their school because they are branded as 'faggots' or 'daddys boy'... no wonder your kid is resorting to an "internet-life" because he has no friends in real life. Thanks to you.. you evil bastard...

Im not a hacker and i dont like hackers but what you are doing there is scaring the shit out of clue-less parents (such as yourself, more shit comes out of your mouth than your ass, which is reflected in that load of crap you just wrote).

Beleive it or not my old man brought me up well, i have respect for everyone, especially adults, i work full time as a computer programmer (no im not a fuckin hacker, sure i may have text-flooded a few chat channels but i hardly call that hacking) but he didnt over-protect me, he let me go out knowing i was going to get drunk underage, because he knew i was going to do it anyway and the earlier you develop your life skills (which can not be taught by lectures from parents, as you seem to think) the better.

All i can say is.... im glad your not my father and i feel so sorry for your kids... they must have really boring lives...

Please email me if you have any comments


p.s Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy, and Flash are not hacking programs you fucking retard.

pfft... (none / 0) (#1037)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:18:47 PM PST
the funny thing is.. i've maybe seen 10 posters that realize it was a joke...

let me spell joke for the l33t-ly challenged

J - O - K - E

buncha monkeys =d

Oh dear! (none / 0) (#1038)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:19:25 PM PST
LUNIX? Are you out of your F*** mind? AND IT WASNT INVENTED BY A RUSSIAN FOR CHRISSAKES. Please tell me this is a satirical article! Please oh please!!!! This sounds like something martha stewart would say if she had clue #1. Ok time to inject my valium before I go into cardiac arrest....this is scaring me!

WOW...THOSE POOR KIDS (none / 0) (#1039)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:21:52 PM PST
Well, where do I start?
LINUX, not lunix. This is a very powerful and stable operating system and if possible, you should encourage your children to learn it. Just because you dont understand something does not make it a hacker O/S. I run Linux at home and also use it at work, not to hack. So are you saying that the company I work for (a respected ISP by the way) pays me to hack things? I think not.

Second, as for the books this guy listed, science fiction is very interesting. Have you ever seen Star Wars or Star Trek? HACKER!!!! You must be a hacker if you like science fiction.
lol (that means laughing out loud, it is not some secret hacker code). For the "programming with Perl" book: You should encourage your children to read such books if they are interested in them. This is an educational book on a scripting language. Perhaps your son just has an interest in programming. Programmers get paid good money to write software. It is a very respectable and challenging career. And remember, your precious "Windows O/S" would not exist if it were not for these programmers (these "hackers" as you put it).

Third, as for the references about your children changing their appearances... don't kids do that all the time? I guess if they stay out later then their curfew, their hackers as well. Or if they complain about doing their chores etc. Teenagers always rebel and disagree with their parents point of view. This is normal. As for the clothes issue, they are just trying to figure out who they are as people. Let them explore this and you will find that they will grow up to be much more open to other peoples differences...something that is very lacking in this world, apparently.

As for Quake...well this is obvious, it's a game, it is not a secret hackers world where hackers go to talk about hacking. It is a game that people play online against other people. Just because they didn't have such intense games in your time, do not label them as hacker anything.

The bottom line is that it's unfortunate that some people will read this and believe this disinformation, go and accuse their children of something they aren't doing and possibly cause a traumatic experience for the poor kid. Would you rather have your kids hanging out in the street witnessing, if not participating in drug use and violence? Or would you rather have them at home, in their room playing a video game, or chatting with friends, or dare I say it...learning something?

Children will be much better off when parents stop thinking that their kids are doing bad things right off the bat. Start taking an honest interest in your kids lives. Don't accuse them of hacking, ask your kid what fascinates them about what they are doing...whether that is a game or scripting language, or whatever. Get them to show you what they can do. You'll be impressed.

A linux quaker.

Penguins are cool :)

Yawn.. (none / 0) (#1040)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:25:03 PM PST
Everyone seems very bad at spotting irony.. Look at the poll for example and ask yourself if this is a joke or not..

w00t! (none / 0) (#1041)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:26:51 PM PST
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|\|E\/er 83FORE h4\/E i rEa|) $uc|-| 4N @M4Zi|\|9 pIEC3 oPH 54+IrE.
7|-|47 r0><0r3|),


You're mistaken! (none / 0) (#1043)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:27:50 PM PST
Dude, you don't get it. The pacifires are for E. The dress is a classic case of a Raver. You much not be that bright. Model parent, you wish. You obviously don't know your child that well. You can hack through aol. And all teenagers install stuff onto their parents computer. A good hacker would BUILD their own computer. You mix anti-social behavior, fire arms, and Ravers. I think your kid is more than a hacker. Any person who knows anything about computers at all would want to install more software to get everything they can out of the computer.

um...dont you stupid people get it, this is a JOKE (none / 0) (#1044)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:28:00 PM PST
Yes, that's right. the article isn't meant to be taken seriously. get it? ha ha? i swear u guys are a buncha morons on the net. get an education.

Actually (none / 0) (#4217)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:14:05 AM PST
I actually believe this guy is some kind of Jesus freak who has the idea that all computers "are the devil". I'm a Christian and my church tried to shove that crap down my throat but I have sense enough to know that Christians are highly over judgmental of anything new.

Tis a true shame... (none / 0) (#1046)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:30:44 PM PST
Lol, it's funny how blind people are to what a 'hacker' actually is. Hackers are just people who know there way around exceptionaly well, and not all are out to corrupt the government. I myself is considered a hacker, I won't say that I won't say I'm one of the good guys, because that I'm not. I have broken firewalls and messed around with harddrives before, but it's not something I do on a regular basis.

And that article, I laugh at. Your kids aren't going to grow up perfect citizens!! I hope you know that!! All these things you aren't letting them do now, they are going to explore when they are able too, which pretty much means, they learn all of there mistakes when they are, what, mid 20's? Yes, ignorance to it's best!! I tip my hat to you, may much more stupidity emit from your misconcieved life!! Ta Ra!

Tis a true shame... (none / 0) (#1048)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:32:41 PM PST
Lol, it's funny how blind people are to what a 'hacker' actually is. Hackers are just people who know there way around exceptionaly well, and not all are out to corrupt the government. I myself is considered a hacker, I won't say that I'm one of the good guys, because that I'm not. I have broken firewalls and messed around with harddrives before, but it's not something I do on a regular basis.

And that article, I laugh at. Your kids aren't going to grow up perfect citizens!! I hope you know that!! All these things you aren't letting them do now, they are going to explore when they are able too, which pretty much means, they learn all of there mistakes when they are, what, mid 20's? Yes, ignorance to it's best!! I tip my hat to you, may much more stupidity emit from your misconcieved life!! Ta Ra!

Uhh, can you say ignorant? how about a bad parent? (none / 0) (#1049)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:33:27 PM PST
Hey buddy,
You need a MAJOR wake up all. Did you know that the server this webpage is on is running DEBIAN LINUX!!! HOLY SHIT. The Commies got us again!!! Those bastards are always trying to spread their illegal software all over, even though most are designed in the US, and are recommended to be used by IBM for all servers... Hmm, well that was ignorant fact #1. Lets get right on to #2, Flash? Bonsai Buddy? Comet Cursor!? hahaha. Sorry Mr. Parent of the Year, but Flash is an ANIMATION PROGRAM. You punished your kid for learning how to draw on the web, you punished him for being creative. Comet Cursor, makes your cursor look like something different, like a bird or some other random thing. I know, I know, the world hasnt been introduced to the elite cursor hacking team. They got me, now im stuck with an arrow that points right instead of left for a cursor. Damn shit, it sucks. Is your son becoming argumentative? Maybe its becuase hes a fucking teen, did you think about that? Or, maybe its becuase you punish him for using a program designed to buld animations for websites!! (maybe it was those damn Russians, they always get ya were it hurts.) now for #4, the "Radical" clothing. What you are describing, is not a hacker, its a farking RAVER. Of course, you dont know what a RAVER is, but it the new cult thing to be, listen to "Techno" music and dance for hours(This of course was introduced by the Red Bastard Soveits to kill our youths). #5 AMD? Knockoffs? Ha! AMD just so happens to be the best competitor for Intel brand processors, at a mere fraction of the price. AMD is clearly the devil, if your son asked for one, i would DEFINATLY take your child outside and beat the fuck out of him with a baseball bat(not aluminum silly, they learn more when you use wood) Im going to stop now simply becuase the Evil Rusian hackers have just employed me to use the evil AMD procesors with "faster" video card( running linux) of course, to hack you. Ill be hacking you with a game called "quake". Quake is a great hacking platform. simply becuase it is a game, and what would you use a game for? to play? NOO WAYY! to HACK! DUH! Ill feel sorry for you, your gonna get hacked so hard with quake, its not going to be funny. Oh yeh, by the way, your son has been eating food these days. The devil is the one who taught us to eat things...Its quite obivous he is under the control of the devil. Take him out back of your lovely victorian house and burn him at the stake, it'll teach him never to hack again. and never to defy his bright ol' Pa.

T Reginald Gibbons - Thank you! (none / 0) (#1050)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:36:02 PM PST
As I too am a concerned parent and I've discovered the exact symptoms described in this article I've now, thanks to your support decided to ban my eleven yearold son from the computer.

After reading your article, I confronted him with the fact that it said "LILO" when the computer was starting, or 'booting' as hackers say and after a short while he actually admitted to being a hacker.

Earlier, he had told me to press enter to get past it into windows but I think he was trying to fool me somehow, so I turned it off instead.

Since he admitted this I couldn't possibly give him a spanking, as this would undoubtedly have the wrong effects (much like you, I am against this). So the punishment was simply being banned from the computer, I hope you agree with me that this is sufficient.

I thank you for this article which really explained to me what this LUNIX is all about, I did suspect something fishy but I had no hard evidence, thanks to you now I do. I forced my son to remove the hard disk drive it was stored on and it has been sent to the manufacturer so that they can delete the drive (except for my word documents). Who knows what might have happened if I wouldn't have? I hope that lunix hasn't been installed on the screen and/or the modem, because my son promised he hadn't done this after his admission of being a hacker.

I would like to end this thank you note by saying that I truly wish there would be more people like you out there to work against hacking and its effects on society.

Another caring parent.

Sigh its amazing how stupid and ignorant you are.. (none / 0) (#4216)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:09:51 AM PST
You must be the second (the first being that T Reginald Gibbons dumb ass) stupidest person alive to believe that crap spewing from the mouth the dumb ass that posted this. Everything he posted was completely wrong and I hope to god he gets sued by every company he slandered. You are a moron for even considering anything that he posted valid. Your ignorance amazes me. Its amazing how little people like you know about computers. All that crap Gibbons posted about lunix is completely false and unfounded. I know you know absolutely nothing about computers because you hope your son didn't infect your modem or "screen" (commonly referred to as a monitor by those that have any kind of a brain), you cant install stuff on your modem or "screen" you quarterwit (halfwit doesn't quite explain what you are). And you turned you computer off because your son told you to press enter to get into windows, you are fucking stupid. I hope you spent a lot of hard earned money getting your hard drive fixed, because all you did was waist it. Even if your son was a hacker (I suspect he actually wasn't but like the Salem witch trials you made him admit to it even if he didn't do it) he could have made a nice living when he was older with those computer skills he learned. You do realize that hackers make A LOT of money in the computer consulting business, more than you could ever make (im guessing you work at the local grocery store because your too stupid to work anywhere else). Get ready to call people like me and your son "boss" because if you know nothing about computers you will never make it in today's world. In closing id like to say that both you and Mr. Gibbons are the two most stupidest people alive and both of you should be shot to keep from polluting the gene pool any further than you have.

Calm yourself (none / 0) (#7328)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Apr 9th, 2002 at 12:25:55 AM PST
You *do* know that he was playing along with the joke, right?

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:36:36 PM PST
This is possibly the funniest thing i've ever read...
This has to be a joke... if not then its utter *BS* LOL

Even more hilarious... (none / 0) (#2549)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 10th, 2001 at 04:31:08 AM PST
is the fact that some of the people reading this article are actually taking this guy seriously.

OMG (none / 0) (#1052)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:39:35 PM PST
Dude your the biggest idiot on earth. If your such a model parent you woulda watched your kinds alot closer. I spend 3 hours on the computer at school. Then another 2 at home. Im not a hacker. AMD nock off of intel? What the hell dude... gateway uses AMD more than intel. Are they hackers? NO! your just a moron. Quake a trainging ground for hackers? Uhh no Quake is a training ground for killing aliens in QUAKE. Not shooting people up in schools. Get a clue

this guy has no life (none / 0) (#1053)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:39:54 PM PST
To say that AMD is an inferior product disgusts me. AMD can make a processor that will not only outrun intel, but also makes it cheaper and a hell of a lot more reliable (coming from a past celeron and PIII user) AOL is a good internet service provider? I think not. Hackers can get through anything my friend and for you to say that anymore than 45 mins on the computer a day is stupid. Playing quake wont make your son violent, hanging out with gangs and smoking drugs will. How about the comments about asking for new hardware, maybe that is because the computer is lame and doesnt run fast enough (thats generally why you upgrade it.....dur)Your whole vision on hackers is stupid and you seriously need to get a life instead of whinging about other people on bulletin boards. If you wanna send me a reply to this, you can by emailing me at I would think that a middle aged person like yourself though, would have more brains than to make these stupid assumptions.

ofgm.... (none / 0) (#1054)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:45:50 PM PST
oh my god! at first i thought this article was a joke or something!!! he even says "I'd gained a lot of knowledge over those few days regarding hackers", and then starts saying all that bullshit!

so according to this article, it is a miracle that i hasnt killed my whole family, as i have been playing quake for years?!?
and i am for sure a hacker as i use more than half an hour on the computer each day!!!!! ]:P

you should really do a bit more researching before writing an article like that dude!

which hunts / inquisition (none / 0) (#1055)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:46:36 PM PST
I now understand that it is VERY possible for the inquisition and which hunts to have gone on for so long.

I am a single father and I can only say that despite having a masters degree from university in engineering AND computing, the rate my son learns at (he is only 8yrs old) is incredible.

I know enough not to question any acts without first finding out from as MANY sources as possible what he does and what he uses on his PC BEFORE saying or making ANY comments.
This is especially true as for some strange reason I have an aversion to looking like an ignorant clodd to a person that looks to me for guidance.

Please unless you are actually intent on proving darwins theory of DEVOLUTION do NOT make any posts and ESPECIALLY do not give any advice to parents as some MIGHT be foolish enough to believe you without looking for the facts themselves.

This is rediculous. (none / 0) (#1056)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:53:53 PM PST
If all parents were as clueless and close-minded as you, I would have great fear for the children of the world being brought up now. Luckily, some of them are enlightened to the fact that not everything unconventional is considered "HACKING". And let me clear up a couple of facts for you. "Quake" is a first person shooter game that can be purchased in almost any computer store. It can be played accross the internet so you can play against human players instead of the pre-programmed computer apponents. This could be the reason your son wanted a faster ISP as well. This game works much better with larger bandwidth. Allowing for faster play and more intense melee. The video card could also come from this; being a game, it does need a somewhat robust video card. And what it's "Linux" not "Lunix". Linux is a very popular platform used in high end servers and mainframes. It's also very difficult to use and skilled techinicians are both high payed and not needed. I would embrace this and support your son. Do not banish him from the computer because as we know, forbidden fruit makes a great meal. In short, get your facts straight, and get more involved in your son's life in a productive manner.

IDIOTS (none / 0) (#1062)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:08:28 PM PST
holy crap this guy is an IDIOT!
he has to be the most paranoid and stupid parent/person i've ever read about
not only making stupid asumtions, but also geting incorrect facts
this person is obviously an idiot and should give himn self a slap in the FACE!

Fools! (none / 0) (#1063)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:10:27 PM PST
People, there is no way that this guy is serious. Follow some of the links in the article ( the Sovient computer hacker one is good ). The judge for yourself if he is serious. If you still beleive so, there is something wrong with you.

hacking (none / 0) (#1064)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:11:32 PM PST
You got to do some research. Comet Cursor is a program that is used to change your Windows Cursor. It has nothing to do with hacking. Bonzi Buddy is just a stupid program to get people to buy stuff from the company, it's an advertisement! Yet again, doesn't have anything to do with hacking. Flash is a very important website design program []. I use it all the time. Again, NOTHING TO DO WITH HACKING! Quake is just a game. An FPS [first person shooter]. It has absolutly nothing to do with hacking. Sure the clans [group of people] may make you think of hacking groups but it is different. Clans battle eachother in Quake, it's just a game. Just as playing on a Playstation2, DreamCast, and other game consoles. You can find Quake on some of these consoles too! Linux, not Lunix, is a very important Operating System. It is used to run gaming servers, webservers [ is probably running on one], and other server things such as your ISP! Nothing to do with hacking. AMD makes a good processor and I prefer them over Intel. I don't know where you got this sweatshop crap! There are also other errors in your writing that I don't care to edit. So before you post more nonsense, get some information.


You're stupid and GAY! (none / 0) (#1066)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:15:31 PM PST
You are way overly protective and paranoid i suggest that you seek immediate help people who play quake does not make them killers if a person was to actually try to learn to use a gun they probably would start with playing a game with guns that actually exist in real life so get a clue that quake is a FICTIONAL game and crap like that doesn't really exist well most of them don't!

As a "model" parent, do you teach ignora (none / 0) (#1067)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:17:09 PM PST
With great effort I shall attempt to maintain self-control. I will be blunt and say that I really just want to swear at you anc call you an ignorant fool, but I realize that if I do, you won't take my comment seriously.

To start with ONE glaring mistake, "Flash" and "CometCursor" are NOT hacker programs. They are internet browsing software designed to enhance the internet experience. CometCursor simply changes your cursor (the little "arrow" on your screen) to look different if a site owner has the CometCursor feature on his page. Flash can be used to display Flash movies (not like "normal" movies at all) or simply make a greatly enhanced webpage with graphics, sounds, and an interactive environment.

The mysterious and enigmatic "Quake" that you refer to as if it were a dark cesspool and meeting ground for social delinquents and criminals is a GAME. G-A-M-E. You control a character, and yes, you run around shooting things, but if you suggest banning your "child" from using it, you are going too far (unless your kid is under 15 or whatever the game is rated for). If you go so far as to suggest contacting the school when you find that your kid is playing the game, you border on psychotic. I know I said I would try to remain objective, but it is hard to be that when you make such outrageously ridiculous comments. Children that play violent video games and then end up hurting others (with guns or without) are either mentally unstable to begin with, or have bad parents. It really is as simple as that.

I am going to stop now, but that is only because I find myself fuming over your ignorance, and I really do not want to waste my time being angry because some narrow-minded conservative fool can't see things as they truly are. At first, I was laughing at your article, but humor can only last for so long. I will only say two more things: brush up on your research skills, and for your own sake, open your eyes.

HAHA (none / 0) (#1068)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:23:02 PM PST
That's funny shit. You must be a complete moron, anyway would you rather your children messing around on a computer making little to no trouble at all, or out with their friends doing drugs and going nowhere with their life. Hacking brings knowledge which brings money, It's a fun easy self-learning process, where noone gets hurt.

WOW! Do you ever not know! (none / 0) (#1070)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:27:00 PM PST
You haven't a clue what you are referring to do you?
I have been part of the industry and "community" for YEARS and I can respect what you are trying to say, BUT MY GOD WOMAN! The things you are saying are working against all your good intentions.
Trust me when I say that all kids and "hackers" are flying to this page and laughing, and laughing and laughing (some of them are responding).

-Everyone needs a better ISP than AOL or any "national".
-Bonzi buddy is a search engine/concierge.
-Comet Cursor is a script that makes your cursor change while on a specific webpage.
-Linux is an operating system, much like windows except that it is "open-source".
-Flash is an animation-maker program for making things move and shimmy on the internet.
-Everyone needs a better video card for GAMING or for programs like ADOBE PHOTOSHOP. I have never heard a "hacker" say: "Man when I script code on my 16Mb PCI vid-card, it really slogs out." -Ridiculous.
-Some of the "Hacking Manuals" you mention are Top 10 best sellers AND HOW CAN YOU INCLUDE "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly when you obviously haven't read any of them? Your son may have grown up to become a "master" programmer. Too bad you've limited him to being a nerd to today's society by eliminating his computer time. Not that stopping him at home would really stop a kid anyway. He could've become a hot commodity to a big company one day, but along came you and with a few misplaced suspicions. it's a shame you didn't research his behavior like you said you did, or you wouldn't have written what you did.
-Ahhh, I'm too tired to continue. I am not policing your lack of research here, so I don't have time or inclination to go research out where Linux came from in order to continue...


If nothing else, you gave me a good chuckle tonight.

Ha ha charade you are (none / 0) (#1071)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:30:48 PM PST
Ha ha charade you are,
You house proud town mouse
ha ha charade you are,
You're trying to keep our feelings off the street
You're nearly a real treat
All tight lips and cold feet,
And do you feel abused

You gotta stem the evil tide
And keep it all on the inside
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry

Is it possible for a hacker to not steal? (none / 0) (#1086)
by elenchos on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:25:17 PM PST
It's like a rule or something isn't it? Even throwaway comments in discussion forum must be stolen, copied, plagarized or otherwise obtained illicitly. The utter moral bankruptcy is frightening to see on such a scale.

Is it any wonder that a severe response is called for?

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

response (none / 0) (#1072)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:17:57 PM PST
you are the dumbest most retarded moron I have ever listened to! you over protective, uneducated idiot! This is the Absolute stupedest article that I have ever read!!!! I hope you die people like you do not deserve to be in the gene pool you low life bottm feeding scum! Get A life I feel sorry for your son. you pathetic imbread!

nice (none / 0) (#1073)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:27:16 PM PST
I'm not sure your son would be a hacker, doesn't really sound like he is to me. But you might want to check into him being a homosexual. As everyone knows anyone who plays quake or installs comet cursor on thier PC must be a flagrant homosexual.
My advice educate your son on AIDS and butt plugs and such..... Woddy

A Computer Hacker? U are A Complete Idiot!! LMAO (none / 0) (#1075)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:33:49 PM PST
I dont really have the time to waste with your petty bullshit by going through every stupid comment and observation you have reported, But I was laughing so hard at your lack of intelligence and at your judgemental attitude. Are you actually trying to show how much of a close-minded, egotistical, short sighted, arrogant, over-protective dumb ass you are??
Computers are our didnt grow up with don't know as much shit about computers as the average 5th grader, apparently. And for most of us, the idea of wearing a neon t-shirt and pants hanging at our knees is far out of the question. That shit is about as outdated as your bullshit statements. Any parent who read this would laugh at your immaturity towards the concept.
Oh!!! As far as you thinking us girls are "Scene Whores" trying to talk with a 15 year old, pimple faced boy...Most of us are in college and have no interest in anything other than saving some money and messing with blinded, foolish, whining, BITCH ASSES like yourself and making sure that type of stupidity is not on the internet.
All in all...either that was a halarious fucking joke or you really are one sad mother fucker.

are you fuckin stupid? (none / 0) (#1076)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:46:02 PM PST
wait wait let me get this straight because i use my computer to play games and write webpages im a hacker? i must be a real good Hax0r caus ei use flash right?
well heres the truth "Mr.Hacker Knoledge"
im a fuckin webmaster and i sit at my computer for about 10 hours a day so i can get paid and i play games once in a while like UT thats Unreal Tournament so i must be a hacker and a terorist for that right?
i think you have some serious learning to do oh and BTW witch is By The Way to us "Hackers"
Bonzzy buddy and commet cursor is spyware from other companys.
And about Linux what the fuck are you thinking Illigal software from russia or where ever? nope sorry (DING DING) worng again if it was sooo iligal in the US why do they sell it in stores like Best Buy and EB Hmmm? well sorry your whole post is wrong YOU RETARD!! get a life and let your some do what he wants, maybe he does d o a little hackiong maybe even dosing but to let you know he will do it if you are or not around you know they do have coputers in scools! ohh did i say that oh ym now you will go and take that away you "model parent" right thats it, my parents had a computer in the house since i was born does that make me a hacker? no it doesnr and to tell the truth i can stand it but you prob knew that right? ya i thaught so! ta ta for now Loser! oh and another btw
check out cult of the dead cow THAt is the infamous hacker group moron

Know the limits of your mind! (none / 0) (#1078)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:49:10 PM PST
The writer of the previous article knows almost nothing about computers. HACKING is a subjective term, there are several meanings to the word. and it shouldn't be used so losely when making accusations.

1. AOL was rated second from the bottom as an internet provider in a recent survey by Consumer Reports (with MSN close behind) so that should tell you why anyone who used the service would want to change providers.

2. Anyone who uses a computer regulary and learns much about it will eventually install applications that extend the use of the computer. There are very few applications out there that can be used for hacking, not all of them are illegal. "Flash" is an internet pluggin that allows the user to view multimedia, it is similar to RealPlayer, Quicktime, and Windows Media Player and CANNOT be used in any way to hack anything. This just shows you how ignorant this guy is.

3. You got a Compaq, you got your kid a second rate computer and he wants a better one - I'm not supprised he'd complain. AMD is not anything near what you have described. First of all proccessors can only be produced in strictly controled environments by well trained personell. Secondly, anyone who is not suspicious of your claims about AMD is far too dense to attempt to reason with.

4. The only book that might in ANY WAY be used for hacking there is the Pearl scripting book. On the other hand, if your kid can do pearl scripting I'd say you've got a fairly intelligent kid. If you choose not to encourage the child in his/her interests and potentioally stifle his/her development that's your choice.

5. Spending more than 30 minutes in no way means that your child is DOS'ing someone else. The process of downloading and attacking another computer can be done in a couple minutes. Talk to your kids and ask them to teach you about what they're doing if you're suspicious of their actions. Censorship has never been an acceptable answer.

6. Quake is a violent game. You may be suspicious of what they say because you don't understand l33t(pronounced "Leet") speak. Some of them may be hackers, but for the most part it's just kids acting macho.

7. Anyone who is older than 12 knows this describes every teen-ager.

8. Linux is a free alternative to the over priced Microsoft Operating system. Like with PEARL, if your kid understands this stuff, encourage him/her. That kind of knowledge can be an asset to your child's career.

9. This describes your typical raver. Ravers are clueless drug addled hippies that go to all-night dances with repeditive music. Then again, your child may only be dressing this way because he/she wants to fit in with a group of people that sympathize with him/her.

10. Computer Radiation, eh? EMF's? ....can't argue with him there, now can we?

oh my! you ignorant! (none / 0) (#1081)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:51:20 PM PST
I feel soooo sory for you children..
that must be realy pain to have that stupid father.

/hacker girl and mother.

I am a parent, you on the other hand... (none / 0) (#1082)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:56:05 PM PST
are a idiot! If you really belive ANYTHING that you wrote in your post, you need to have your head examined!

If you have SIX children, when they grow up I belive you will be visiting 3-4 of them in jail as if you are holding that much over them in life now, they are going to go nuts when they leave you and see how life in general REALLY is!

Before you post a subject like this I belive you should really do some reading on the subject! Where did you get this information? From your local preist? Or did you just make it up as you went.

And lastly, I have two daughters and a son...
But I would imagine that you would consider my daughter HACKERS as they download tons of music and movies from the net and hacked games that cost $40-$50 and never pay a thing for them!!! '


CONFESSION! (none / 0) (#1083)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:01:03 PM PST
Guys I have a few things to admit...
-First I spend more then 30 minutes on the computer each day...I'm sorry
-Second I use a *gulps* AMD processer
-Third yes...I do play Quake. I know it's illegeal to play Quake...don't stop me though!
-I also seem irritable...I know it's not normal during the teen years but sometimes when I get 3 hours of sleep I just get so mean!
-Third...yes I wear jeans and a shirt. I know it's oh-so-abnormal. I just can't help it. I can run to school in the nude like everyone else!

I'm so sorry for doing this horrible horrible things! *Sticks out his hands* Just cuff me now!

There should be a law to be so f***ing idiodic (none / 0) (#1084)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:01:54 PM PST
After reading this article I've never laughed so hard in my life at these people who take "hacker" to automatically mean "evil genius". (Gasp! Get out the heart pills before you read the next sentence!) It does not. If you don't believe me, go to the FOLDOC (Free OnLine Dictionary of Computing) website at this URL( and look up "hacker". You'll find that even though the definition of "hacker" according to the general public is there, there are several different meanings to the word, most of which simply mean "geek" or "avid computer user".
"Quake" is NOT a hacker's tool just because some guy on a server says 1337 h4x0r. Although Quake 3 could be used for actual hacking purposes, Quake is simply a GAME, NOT A HACKER'S TOOL. If it was designed to be a hacker's tool, then you sure as hell wouldn't see it on the shelves at Best Buy.

There is always the need for new hardware upgrades to play the latest and greatest computer games. Do you honestly expect that once you buy a computer, it will always be good enough to run every new software program ever to be created? "AMD" is simply a processor manufacturer that is popular among geeks. Those processors simply CAN'T be made in a Chinese sweat shop. They're a little more complicated than your Happy Meal toy at McDonald's.

You can't assume automatically that if your kid installs a program, it's the digital version of a nuke and force them to delete it.

You're so-called "hacker manuals" DON'T TEACH YOU EXACTLY HOW TO HACK. The next thing I'll hear is that if your kid decides to do anything on the computer, then jump on them and maul their ass half to death to teach them that it's "evil".

"Lunix" is not a hacking tool, just an implementation of UNIX, if you amoebas have any idea what that is. EVERY PART OF THE ARTICLE automatically assumes that "hacker" means "evil genius"! Maybe before making decisions for your kids, TALK TO THEM FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you just understood your kids, then your kids wouldn't be so f***ed up. Oh yeah, and stop blaming the media for your own parental mistakes.

I've gotta send a URL to this article to The Screen Savers. I'm sure they'll nearly die of laughing at you.

Please (none / 0) (#1085)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:04:14 PM PST
Please dont associate this imbecile with everyone that lives here in the United States. Obviously he doesn't have a clue about anything computer related.

Very Important (none / 0) (#1089)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 07:41:49 PM PST
wat a moron man, u dont need a good computer to hack, a pentium 75 , with 8 mb ram, 1 gb hd is very good enough for hacking lol.... flash a hacking program ? aaaahahahahahha.... fuck man, i laugh through reading thos artical tummy hurts now lol... man, to all parents: if u believe and do as this man told, ur gonna have a very very very bad relationship between you and yoru children, believe me or not, this cunt got no idea wat is he talking about

Uh oh... I must be a h4x0r! (none / 0) (#1095)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 08:19:30 PM PST
Lesse... Flash is a hackor program? I thought it was something to veiw little movies on the net?
Bonsi Buddy? Isn't that a little buddy to have on your computer?
Linux? Isn't that more secure then windows to protect you FROM hackors?

Oh... my... God...

I must be a hackor! Heaven forbid!!

"Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. "

And on you're quote there, may I remind you that there are guys who dress up like that and are dumb as nails as well? I think you've been watching too many hackor movies sir. I guess everyone where I live are hackors! *gasps* Please don't make stereotypes on how people look.

That's all fer now

UR A DiPSHiT ... (none / 0) (#1098)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 09:02:11 PM PST
Being a hacker is work of satan himself... =]

...If i was this guys son i would ground myself.
I pitty his kids, and hope his son keeps learning. SUCK MY DICK HOLY MAN!!!!!

My God,I hope you are kidding! (none / 0) (#1100)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 09:19:32 PM PST
I didnt read all the replies, but if this was already said, then I'll be redundant. "Quake" is a GAME, much like doom and wolfenstein, that is played by thousands on the internet. The game is played largely against other people on the internet for multiplayer fun. "Linux," not "Lunix" as you say, is an operating system that isnt as successful as the widely used "Windows." If you want proof, go to a local Wal-Mart or Office Depot and look for Quake (there is Quake 2 and Quake 3 sequels that are very poplular as well) in the games section, and Linux in the Operating system section. As for changing ISP's, AOL is a VERY slow ISP that can make playing Quake very unenjoyabe because the game becomes choppy from information in the game coming much slower on AOL than some other ISP's may provide. A better video card, or a faster computer can also make playing quake a lot more enjoyable, it can make the game look better graphically and can speed the game's slowdown up a lot. AMD is also a chipset that is rival to Pentium, but, until recently, AMD has been making FASTER chips than Pentium and they are often less expensive than Pentium brands as well. I'm afraid that you didnt research very much before you wrote this article. Hope you know how to say "I'm sorry" to your son, because if this is the signs you are talking about, you are VERY mistaken.

I completely agree with you ~ty~ (none / 0) (#1103)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 09:34:35 PM PST
well mr. brady you sure have done your research into hackers, i saw noted almost all of the stereotypical remarks one would expect from someone who has no real clue what they are talking about. i was quite impressed with your story, you are mr. brady aren't you, perfect family or maybe ur from the waltons, seeing as the only perfect family is fabricated. i am surprised you would waste valable time to this editorial peice on hackers because seeing as i shouldnt be on the computer more than 45mins a day and neither should you, seeing as we cannot be hypocrites here, you must have gotten online everyday for a month to research and type, no more than 45 mins a day, otherwise you may become schizophrenic if u are on more than that. this entire peice does no more than show your prejudice against a group of peoples, also you confuse morals toward a family in the 21st century, not all children play sports mr. brady or get goo grades and are happy, i wouldnt be surprised if your children need significant amount of therapy in the future or is that a fraud made up for the sane people who jsut wanna act different? is that what the problem is? well, i'm waiting for my overose of radiation, see you in the psych ward!

Serious comments regarding the post (none / 0) (#1104)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 10:09:01 PM PST
When i first read this topic it was pretty funny. I thought it was a joke that some guy in his basement cooked up. But then i realized it was serious! Gave me a good laught actually, and i thank the person who started this post for that.
But now that i've realized that the topic starter was serious with this, i'd like to make a few corrections and suggestions for the parents, and to any parents out there.

Firstly, please please please learn to RESEARCH your stuff before posting. Most of the things that the topic poster said was false.
And i'm here to tell you about it. Some may have already told you about them but the site was too slow.
i) Quake is a game. It's for entertainment. It's like Doom, Half-Life..etc. People play it because it's fun. HOw should i put this? It's like playing solitaire. It's a GAME!

ii) Linux, BSD..especially BSD are industry standard operating systems. Which means that they are SERVER operating systems, an example of a site that uses FreeBSD is a popular search engine. If the topic poster believed that BSD was an illegal hacking program, then should've been halted a long time ago. They are COMPLETELY LEGAL, the term for that is OPEN SOURCE, which means that the software, in this case, the "illegal" operating systems, aren't bound by copyrights and patents. Open Source means that people can come in and change the operating system in the hopes of making the operating system better.
iii) "Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"." A little clarification for you, Comet Cursos is an application that lets you install customized cursors (the mouse pointer), which means you can have an image of a pencil as your mouse pointer instead of an arrow. Bonzi Buddy, which in my opinion is a useless application, is simply a collection of tools, such as a search engine, alarm clock..etc. And Flash is an application that is used fairly extensively in the web development field to create Flash Animations.
iv) "Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards". Asking for a new video card doesn't do anything to enhance hacking. When the topic posters son was askin this, prolly just means that one of his games doesn't look too good on the computer.
...there are many more things i can say but i'd rather not continue since i've said too much already. I urge the topic poster, T Reginald Gibbons, to email me-> , because i believe that wherever he got his information from, was false. And i'm very curious as to where he got these information from.

Thank you. i've wasted your time long enough.
good day


L33T H4X0R (none / 0) (#1105)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 10:37:03 PM PST
*laff* cute.... Humm, i think i'll have to upgrade all my server to lunix now!!

Cheers to whomever wrote this, but please for you're own good, get a day job, this seems to have stirred up stuff.. heeh


To The Author (none / 0) (#1110)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:18:06 AM PST

WTF are you some kind of uber-retard, go fuck yourself, this is the worst thing Ive ever read. Im even going to let my mom read this just so she can get a nice laugh too.

this was so dumb (none / 0) (#1111)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:25:50 AM PST
your describing a raver not a hacker your daughter that said your son was a hacker was dumber then you i'd bet

You have issues Sir. (none / 0) (#1112)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:48:02 AM PST
I would just like to say that whoever wrote this has problems. First off Compaq is a horible computer and i would want an upgrade the day i bought it. That dosnt mean im a hacker. If I was on AOL still i dont think i would even play on the computer anymore. AOL is slow ther is no way anyone would want to stay with them.... again nothing to do with hacking but to just enjoy my stay online without constand disconnects and problems. Next Bonzi buddy and Comet curser are downloadable programs that happen to pop up on almost every teen website around, acually its pretty hard not to download eather of them by mistake. Neither of them are used in anyway for "Hacking". The books that you mention above do not explain hacking, i have read a few, more of techincal briefs, maybe you should try reading some =) I use my computer alot more then 30 miniutes a day. I dont "use" quake i play the computer game quake. Your son is changing his behavoir? how bout puberty? ill let ya in on a bit of a suprize your son is not a hacker he turned into a raver... the pacifiers around there neck are for when they eat ectacy and are grinding there teath from the speed in it, the day glow colors is a style in the "rave scene", the glow sticks are for when your on ecstacy you dance with them and do whats called "liquides"
The poor acidemic proformance is from the drugs... now that you know that youve competely made a moron of your self and over looked the fact that your son is taking hard drugs a few times a week and on the weekends, Maybe you can look past the computer to blame your lack of parent hood =) hope you learn somthing from this i never post but had to when i read this...... THE MOST REDICULES THING IVE EVER READ

WTF?!?! (none / 0) (#1116)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:40:54 AM PST
WTF? I'd smack this dumb phuck if I could.
Either this person is purely ignorant....
or this is a stupid joke
i think it's both

lame-a-zoid (none / 0) (#1304)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:50:12 PM PST
hahahaha. lame-a-zoid. Now THAT is a cool saying.
hahahaha. fool

lolololololol (none / 0) (#1379)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:57:37 PM PST
bend over and open wide....
daddy is home!

Quake (none / 0) (#1117)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:56:16 AM PST
Quake is the Ultimate hacking engine. I can steal money, information, files, whatever the FUCK I want. I'm gonna fire up quake and Hack into this DUMB FUCK's computer and install lUNix so he'll need a new hard-drive. I have been hacking in quake since this ultimate hacking engine came out and I spend about 200 Hrs a dday hacking moronic ppl like the person that posted this SHIT> It wasn't until I stopped going outside and started hacking in the nude that i realized the TRUE power of Quake. Sometimes I like to touch myself while I hack to increase the experience.

To the person that wrote this initial article....if this sounds lame...go FUCKING READ YOUR STUPID FUCKING BULLSHIT article again. YOU Stupid fuck....totally fucking ignorant, totally moronic, total rubish. Jesus...maybe this person should LEARN how to hack...just so he can see how STUPID he is. Quake is a fucking GAME moron, Linux is an operating system, only flaming faggots like yourself wear day-glo colors.
It's bad enough that he has NO idea what computers are about, but that he has to push across his pathetic views which have NO basis in reality. Perhaps this person is just so fucking schizoid that they think someone is out to get them. If I was your kid...i would SMACK YOU!
Get a life...go read some fucking help...

Hehe... (none / 0) (#1120)
by Adol on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:59:43 AM PST
\/\/|-|4t 4 j0|<3! R34l p|-|u/\//\/`/! :D Serious news my foot!
~~~ Adol, adventurer extrodinaire.

PC Literacy in the USA (none / 0) (#1123)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:05:54 AM PST
What the hell is wrong with American's? And why is hacking un-American? It was your country who gave birth to it. So... using a non-MS product must mean you are a hacker, doing illigal things. And Linus Torvalds (correct spelling) was Finnish, not a Soviet. And it would be Russian now. The Cold War is over. Honest! Quake is a computer game. AOL is a poor ISP. I wonder if you know what ISP stands for? Are you one of the USA's 'special' families? So how is Linux, an operating system, supposed to steal credit card numbers? How can a powerful and complex program language, such as PERL, be used for hacking? And how can you connect to computers, WITHOUT A FUCKING PHONE LINE! i really despise americans.... How are you supposed to steal songs fropm a stereo, when stereo's: A) Don't have an Internet connection. B) Can only hold CD's/Cassette's C) Are usually switched off. ...well? And do you know what an MP3 is? Your hyperlinks were there but your research was not. Please... for the non-special people out there... shut the fuck up, shitbrick. The Man In Grey

Fantastic article! (none / 0) (#1124)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:07:14 AM PST
Thanks for giving the pointers in your article about my son being a hacker. I discovered that recently he had started wearing luminous clothes and becoming ever more zombified. I thought for a minute he may have become a coked up raver but I'm so pleased that the reality is he is flash designer. I'm not too keen on the idea of him "hacking" into my "stereo" to steal my music though, one assumes he will reach out of the CD player and swipe all my credit cards while he's at it.....again, thank you for these pointers, I'm off to get my colleagues at work arrested for using the most dangerous hacker app, comet cursor !

H4CK3R5(HACKERS) (none / 0) (#1125)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:14:56 AM PST
according to this piece of shit im a hacker and shud not b allowed 2 program at all and shud only b allowed on my computer 4 45 mins a day. that is bollocks im not a hacker i program a lot and spend 7-8 hours a day on a computer so i come to the conclusion that some parents are dickheads

ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#1127)
by Raider on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:19:04 AM PST
Ok, I havent laughed this hard in a long time. What exactly was the child doing that you considered to be hacking ??

For those out there who dont know proper terminology, a Hacker, or Hacking, or doing a Hack Job are things related to programmers. People who spend their days writing programs to make you, the computer user, have an easier time in your computer life. Hacking means hacking up a source code, throwing some code in here and there to fix things, taking two programs and hacking them together to be one program, etc. I find it utterly pathetic that people assume a hacker is someone who breaks into things and steals information and so fourth. Get it right. Those people are called "Crackers" not "Hackers". I, being a programmer, take offense to people who call a cracker, a hacker.

So, in essence, if this child is in fact a real hacker then you should encourage him. If he is getting into programming then help him along, help him learn to be a better programmer and maybe instead of him disowning you for punishing him without proper reason, he'll support YOU when he's rich and making world class software.

-My two sense.

lol Guessing Password Unit HAHAHA! good one.nt (none / 0) (#1130)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:25:59 AM PST

Poor son! (none / 0) (#1131)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:28:25 AM PST
Poor son you have! You should read some more! You are a dumbass!

this guy is FUCKING STUPID! (none / 0) (#1135)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:43:40 AM PST
Oh my god, when one of my friends sent me this article I almost punched my computer! To think that someone so obsessed with the safety of their son that they have to go out on these huge limbs and post these idiotic accusations. First, Linux is only an alternate OS, some people use this instead of Windows. Hell, you can hack using windows just as easily as if your using Linux. ANd LInux is also being taught as a class in most computer science colleges. And asking for a faster video card or more memory! A FASTER VIDEO CARD WONT HELP MUCH WHEN HACKING! And asking for more memory, maybe they just like videogames. AND LET ME STRESS THAT VIDEO GAMES TO NOT DICTATE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR!! GOD! This guy ticks me off. And asking for a AMD processor is a third world processor! THIS GUY IS THE MOST STUPID PERSON I HAVE EVER HAD THE NON-PRIVALEGE OF LISTENING TOO! AMD is just a cheaper processor, its the only competitor to INTEL. It is even offered by such big name commercial computer companies as DELL, and GATEWAY. You know what, its guys like this that give computer games, and young computer users a bad name. In actuallity, he is a horrible parent that is hindering his childs growth. I guess his actions and over-protection of his children might be justifiable if his kids were going to grow up in a monestary. No mister, you dont have the best family in the have the most sheltered/ridiculos family in the USA! Anyone who reads this article must not believe a damn word of it. This guy is an idiot. He doesnt know what the hell he is talking about!

Information You need to look for it Sources??? (none / 0) (#1137)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:00:01 PM PST
M8 you know nutin about computers look it up go to this link to find out just a sample of your mistakes

This Article Is Hogwash (none / 0) (#1138)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:01:35 PM PST
I personally own quake and I am not a hacker and I run Linux Mandrake on my computer at home as a server and client as I have a 15 computer lan at home. The Idea that Linux is illegal is absurd. If it is sooo illegal then why do you run it as your OS for your web server? (little linux fact: fully 60% of servers run some form of linux) Quake is a game, admitedly violent, but a form of training for hackers? I play Quake 3 online and no one is giving tips on how to hack during the game. Most of the books that are mentioned as "hacker manuals" I've never heard of, and the 2 that I have are not hacker manuals. Microserfs is an opinionated diary of a programmer who used to work for microsoft. Cryptonomicon is a cryptography manual used in the training of the people that defend this country among other things. The clothes that a hacker wears is either normal clothes of any normal person or they dress in dark clothes like a gothic person. The attire that you described is that of someone who does Meth. The radiation idea is also absurd as television and lights emit the same radiation that computer monitors do. Back to linux, you may have to reformat your hard drive to get rid of it but you DO NOT need to get a new hard drive. If you are a halfway competent you can reformat yourself! Your ISP doesn't matter, AOL is easy to hack and their firewalls are worth crap, your son could've wanted a new ISP for gaming reasons, as AOL's servers are in Georga and if you're connecting to AOL from Phoenix, AZ (where I'm from) you get routed through every city between Arizona and Georga and connectivity can be extremely slow. Local ISPs don't have this problem. Asking for hardware doesn't mean your son/DAUGHTER is a hacker either. Faster video cards are required for most games and have nothing to do with hackers, and AMD the company is a legitimate company. AMD stands for AMERICAN Micro Devices and if you think just because their products are made overseas means that they were made in sweatshops then you would have to apply that to Intel as well because their processors are made overseas in China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand as well!

-An angered I.T. Professional who gets paid to fix the screw ups of incompetent fools like the people who wrote and belive this article

are you kidding me. (none / 0) (#1139)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:01:36 PM PST
I would like to individually respond to each of the 10 "points" or "arguements", I am currently shuddering as I even refer to them as anything intellectual.
1. Aol is slow, so if your son/daughter wishes to not sit there for 10 hours while loads then they might ask for another isp, or *god forbid* a higher bandwidth connection like cable/dsl.

2. If you find programs on your computer such as "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash", you know your son/daughter is NOT a hacker.

3. If your son/daughter asks for new hardware, it is because they want a faster, newer computer. Computers go out of date rapidly, so they want to stay with the times. The hardware possessed by the "hacker" does not whatsoever influence his/her ability to hack.

4. If your son/daughter reads hacking manuals, its probably just due to curiousity but this might be a cause for concern. However, if they read ["Snow Crash" and "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson; "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland; "Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond.] please laugh at them (or in your case it seems make them read the bible 10 more times so they learn to hate the religion you force upon them instead of letting them decide to choose it.

5. Yes, the longer kids are on computers the more chance they have to "hack". However, your line that "DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This " is inaccurate and foolish. "DOS" is the disk operating system, and no "hacker" uses this to hack. "tieing up internet services" is also a "dos", but this is a "denial of service". Denial of services(dos) do not use the disk operating system(DOS).

6. Quake is a computer game. Stating its where hackers hang out and blah blah blah is ignorance. Its like saying kids that go to a park are drug dealers.

7. If your kid at this point is displaying bad behaviour, it is because you are a pathetic person and father.

8. If your kid is obsessed with "lunix" congratulate him for designing his own operating system or program or whatever "lunix" is.
If you are referring to "linux"...tell the kid good work to broaden his horizons. That would be similar to getting mad at a child for being interested in a chevy instead of a ford.

9. If your son has changed his appearance it is to look less like you, which is obviously some sort of hick/redneck/bible guessing glasses with a bowl cut (or possibly mullet) who caries a bible at all times and wears all black?

10. If your son is struggling academically that is because unfortunately you were able to pass your genes to him and your ignorance and stupidity is in his blood. The only way to solve this is destroy yourself, him and any other relatives in a nuclear blast. In places all over the world shortly after this people will be saying "is it just me or did it get smarter here".

Bull****t (none / 0) (#1140)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:02:57 PM PST
hahahaha....what a pile of crap !!!!

Careful now or I'll use my Photoshop and Flash programs to hack your stereo and steal your CDs -

get real and stop bullying your kids


this is bull shit (none / 0) (#1142)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:12:21 PM PST
I dont believe i just read that. I think you need to get out more and learn about computers. It seems like you have no love for your son considering you automatically assumed that your daughter must know something. You didnt think about other PORN. And computer upgrades are normal they do just what they say they do.. upgrade your computer. I think you need to rethink what you have said and learn about computers, computer software, operating systems, ummm just about everything you talked about. sorry to say but you made a complete fool of your self

This is pure stupididity (none / 0) (#1144)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:14:07 PM PST
how the hell can a person who runs linux be a haker, linux is a free operating system..also how the fuck can someone who plays quake be a haker, is is a fucking 1st person shooter, the dumbness of some supposed experts really iratates me i hope the writers of this article become victim to a law suit, and any one dumb enuff to belive anythig in this articles should not consider themselves intellegent life forms.

This post is truly something awful (none / 0) (#1145)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:19:26 PM PST
Tell me something Mr. Gibbons. Do you have stairs in your house?

elevator buttons are fun! (none / 0) (#1146)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:19:55 PM PST
hehe........very amusing site. the angry comments are even funnier. nice job. i wish i could teach a squirrel how to hack. hmmmm.........

Haha! (none / 0) (#1147)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:23:13 PM PST
oh my god guys, be careful im a hacker i just played quake and changed my isp. Everybody run people who want faster processers or more memory is a hacker!

blah whoever wrote that has no knowledge of computers

oh god (none / 0) (#1148)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:29:11 PM PST
this has got to be the LAMEST thing i have ever read, i mean atleast make the article about some lame script kiddie but this is just totaly hilarious, i havent had a laugh like this in a while

uhhhhhhhh (none / 0) (#1149)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:30:56 PM PST
you people are actually taking this article seriously? give me a break.

Setting the record straight (none / 0) (#1151)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:33:50 PM PST
It is my sincere hope that dispite our obvious differences of opinion, I can enlighten you on a few points of fact which you are then free to use to reevaluate what you have said. Not being an avid computer user, your mistakes are understandable.

It is an accepted fact by most experts I am aware of that AOL holds a large "hacker" population. They tend to be the equivelent of street thugs in a world with Al Capones, if you will, but your touted safe ISP is too large to be policed. Generally kids wish to switch ISPs to go to 'broadband'. If the internet is an information superhighway, this is equivelent from switching to an economy car to a dragster. Activities, both legal and illegal, manifest on both sides of the coin. Most people who play online games prefer higher bandwidth (the dragster) because it means their response time in games that are tests of reflexes are lowered. Take that as you will. @Home has come across in my experience as having its share of hacks on it. Generally, though, these are -not- from the customers themselves. Continuing the car metaphor, if someone hijacks your car and committs a crime with it, and all the police have to go on is the license plate...

2. Comet Cursor allows websites to change the cursor (pointer) on your screen. Generally this is something like a trail of cute bubbles, or a kitten, or something nice and fluffy. It is not inheritently a hacking tool (any more than, say, your house having metal in it makes it a lightning rod). Flash is software from, I believe, Macromedia. "HTML", or 'web pages' were designed to convey plain text, everything after that's sort of been a mess. Flash is an extension for HTML that focuses on how to convey graphical content and layout (rotating circle menus, and other things pretty). See my lightning rod comment.

3. Most pieces of new hardware are only useful for games, an essentially benign activity (if your son is busy playing a game, he cannot be hacking). Hacking was done on mainframes and teletype terminals, the latest and greatest in technology is not necessary, and likely, not even USEFUL. As for AMD, please look up their company information. They are as American and international as Intel, your model company.

4. The first three texts are completely fictious accounts of completely fictious events in a completely fictious world. Text four, regarding PERL, may very well lead your son to a profitable, worthwhile, constructive, and more or less healthy career involving computers -- you are discouraging this text for what reason, again? The only other text I've read is "Microserfs", which is regarding employees of Microsoft -- one of your beloved companies, if I was reading right. However, if the ones I know are any measure, there's no useful 'hacking' information in any of the texts you've mentioned.

5. DOS attacks from one dialup or one broadband modem would have to be hitting an extremely small target to do any consequential damage, and as such, this seems to be rather odd mark. Your valid concern about not enumerating a toolkit discourages me from saying more.

6. Gun safety is always a wise idea. The majority of Quake players, however, have a violence rate identical to your average non Quake playing teen. If you've done well in teaching your children to differentiate fantasy from reality, time spent playing Quake should not be a worry.

7. You mean, if your teenager is growing up like a normal teenager? Freud had a notion about resistance, that the closer a patient was to a major backthrough, the more resistant they would become, even in passive ways -- being late for sessions, not showing, eccetera. This is a double edged sword -- push too hard, and you will burn any bridges between the two of you, push too softly, and he may slip away.

8. My understanding is that your remark here qualifies as either slander or libel against Red Hat, amoung, perhaps, other companies. You may wish to retract. Unix is an operating system that was developed... pardon me, I believe in the 60's by Bell Labs, and on many American universities. MSDOS (the operating system underneath Windows) is a descendant of Unix. As is Linux. Linux is designed to be more direct in its dealings with the user and the hardware, thus making it more difficult to learn and operate. To return to a car metaphor, someone with Windows would probably be more like you or I... our cars are, most likely, factory standard. A linux car would be someone who has modified various pieces of their car to their personal satisfaction... someone who really knows and enjoys their car. Nothing inheritantly criminal about the operating system.
It's true one can damage a computer installing Linux on it, but one can also damage a car by trying to swap the radio on it. It's still do-able, and it's still legal, and it's still not necessarily a bad idea. He tried, he experimented, and he failed. Applaud his effort. I should point out that installing Windows on a Linux machine will most certainly damage the Linux install.

9. You have confused "hackers" in this section with "ravers". I'm sure there's little to nothing you'd approve of in a group of ravers, and the two populations can intermingle, however, a hacker is not inherantly a raver, nor vice versa. Another popular subculture crossover is hacker-goth. Whereas ravers are flourescent, goths are black (in a non-racial sense, of course).

10. Computing, like all activities, can become the focus of a child's life, to the exclusion of academics.

I hope I've addressed all the factual mistakes in a reasonable manner you will find agreeable. I was linked to this article by some friends online, so I'm not aware of the particular religious affiliation that seems to pervade your writing. It is my hope that mentioning my observation that one group of "hackers" were/are Jehoviah's Witnesses, and while they provided a good deal of material, it was sprinkled liberally with the Word. Before this seems negative, I should point out that in a stricter sense than you are perhaps aware, "hacker" was once used as a term for a computer enthuasiast, not necessarily a malignant attacker.

Be well.

This must be a joke! (none / 0) (#1153)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:37:56 PM PST
I cannot believe that this is for real. Certainly if this were a real father writing about real things that there'd have been maybe a little bit of research. This article is completely devoid of anything that resembles fact whatsoever. I think I'll skip over the sexism of the world's greatest dad, an go right into the heart of the matter: ignorance (or stupidity... can't rule that out after the "Lunix" comment).

1. If your child spends a lot of time at the computer, and wants you to change your ISP from AOL to a broadband provider like @home (ex), then chances are, they've come to realise that AOL is crap, as opposed to needing a provider that is "hacker-friendly"... as far as I knew, most broadband providers have anti-hacking policies anyway.

2. programs on your computer that you didn't install? well... next thing you know, WinAmp will be decided to be a hacker tool.

3. Child asking for new hardware? maybe they've seen the graphics on a friends computer game and decided that they want Hardware OpenGL rendering as opposed to software rendering. I hardly think that having some beefcake hardware indicates at all "my child is a hacker" paranoia. In case the more ignorant don't know, OpenGL is not a hacking tool... it's a graphics library... think: pretty pictures.

4. hacking manuals? "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" and a few others of the listed "hacking manuals" were required readings on my Computer Science course in University. Mostly they are books on the world of software development and intellectual property issues... but that, to the ignorant masses, must just be a fancy phrase for hacking.

5. Spending too much time on the computer? Well well well... now we have a problem, don't we. You know... if your child is writing a paper on the computer it might take more than a half hour. Also, if they have an interest in programming, you've pretty much just stiffled that desire as well. Basically, you indicate that we should all micromanage our children... I fear that we are facing a very boring future.

6. playing Quake == hacking? Interesting and, how should I say, wrong. If computer games actually cause people to go out and reign terror on the population, then everyone who has ever even looked at any computer game would be a nutcase trying to blow things up, shoot people, build intergallactic space cruisers to find and destroy alien civilizations, etc... And more to the point, what does any of that have to do with hacking?

7. Argumentative behaviour in a child sounds a bit like growing up. no hacking here.

8. Linux, as anyone with even two brain cells to rub together knows, is not an illegal hacking operating system. For the ignorant, it is a UNIX based operating system... and UNIX is what runs many online services that you all take for granted. Live in the microsoft world, but please do realise that there are other perfectly good alternatives... next thing you know MacOS will be a "hacker OS." p.s. TiVo is running on the Linux kernel. That would make your television a hacking tool. p.p.s. all this guy's "facts" about Linux seem to come from the Dis-information News Source (tm).

9. Radically changing appearance sounds a bit like... growing up... again... who would have thought of that?

10. Struggling in school? Well, that could be a bunch of things, and I do like all your facts about prolonged exposure to computer radiation and which subjects at school are likely to suffer as a result of that... In fact, your child might be on drugs or even worse, an artist!

Sounds like this guy has a real case of the "never my fault" disease, and a serious problem with disinformation and maybe even stupidity. You may unfortunately have to open your mind to see through the crap you're buried under, but I promise that it will be worth it.

THIS MAN IS AN IDIOT! (none / 0) (#1154)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:46:36 PM PST
whoever could write something this stupid for god sakes bonzi buddy is an annoying little cartoon character, GRRR!!! someone should take this idiot aside and slap him, how could anyone be this stupid? someone needs to take his son aside and give him to a foster home, this man is dangerous in his stupidity.

Complete B/S (none / 0) (#1155)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:52:52 PM PST
Wow...that had to be one of the most stupid articles I have ever read! This guy is a moron.

lol this guy is dumb (none / 0) (#1156)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:54:00 PM PST
okay this comment is for the father who thinks his kid is a hacker, listen dad, youre so fucking stupid it makes me choke! let your son learn that shit and he will make you millions, or you can tell him to not do it, which will just make him angry at the system, and will bring about more harm than good, oh yea, and you shouldnt be talkin shit about other operating systems, they aint illegal, they are freeware, unlike crappy microsoft, the source code is free. nobody is probly gonna read this crap cuz you got so many damn replys to your stupid fucking story, i almost thought the whole story was a joke, cuz if my dad were to do that to me, i would probly shit in his top drawer.

-=[ LOL ]=- (1.00 / 1) (#1158)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:59:43 PM PST
This is the funniest piece of shit I've ever seen. The author is a real genius, who the hell can make this up! :)

Lunix....whoooohahahahaah I really have to see a doctor.... I will keep the signature below for life!

Wow... this was better than Yogi Bear on sundaymorning...

Lunix is extremely dangerous software

How to tell your father is a yuppie boomer twit. (none / 0) (#1159)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:01:28 PM PST
Is this a joke? If it isn't well then you are most quite definitly full of shit.
First of all, not one of the "illeagal" things you mentioned are actually illeagal. Flash is an animation program that lets you create animations that are viewable in your browser, and that nice little "download" pop-up you speak of is what happenes when you come to a site that has flash and you dont have the appropriate plug-in. Quake is a video game for entertainment, not a meeting/tranning ground for hackers. AMD is a Japaneese chip manufacturer and they do not make their chips in sweatshops. Chips are made in massive faccilities that cant have even a trace of dust (due to the tiny curcitry of microproccessors) and are most often cleaner that hospitals, not to mention they're all in the developed world. And no proccessor on earth has hacking protection, hacking is software not hardware.
LINUX, not lunix, is an operating system wich most programming languages have been created. Oh and one of the most important, most hackers who dress the part are clad in black, not bright colors. You son is more likely guilty of taking E (probably to escape your pathetic overparenting) than hacking.
Nothing you spoke of was illeagal, and you seem to be the root cause of most columbine type children, that is, an over protective yuppie boomer moron who dosen't want their kids to have a real grasp of the world (and probably dosen't know too much about it himself). If you want to raise your childrens advice, take George Carlins advice "Leave them the fuck alone!"

exctasy involved (none / 0) (#1160)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:09:07 PM PST
This what happens when you sit down at the computer and type an article while doing exctasy. You might want to borrow that pacifier from your son. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

PEOPLE WAKE UP! (none / 0) (#1162)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:16:24 PM PST
I can't believe how many people are taking this seriously and getting all mad about it. It is an obvious parody. Clear your mind, take a deep breath, engage what small sense of humour you may have and read it again. Keep in mind it's supposed to be a joke then you will see what it really is.

HAHAHAHHAH FUNY! (none / 0) (#1165)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:27:05 PM PST
read my commented version of this article here <a href="">

just wait till i get this morons email addy :)

Bullshit (none / 0) (#1166)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:34:31 PM PST
pure bull

Famous (1.00 / 1) (#1168)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:45:42 PM PST
You, my dear T Reginald Gibbons are now famous, I've come across this article of yours in too many message boards to count. You have become the biggest fool ever to appear on the internet and are the laughing stock of the whole internet community now. Congratulations.

I cant stop laughing! (none / 0) (#1169)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:46:10 PM PST
God Lord, this person quiet obviously needs to take a computer class.
You really should do your "homework" (you should ask your kid about computers,becuase you don't have a CLUE!!) before you post anything like that and make yourself look like a COMPLETE IDIOT!

mek is confused :/ (none / 0) (#1170)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:50:13 PM PST
oh my god this is lame :/

Ummm.. (none / 0) (#1171)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:52:22 PM PST
You took the blue pill right?

-Pope Ketric

OMG is this for real?? (none / 0) (#1176)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:58:59 PM PST
I cant believe people would make such dumb statements. I hope people are more educated than that.

Hello people? (none / 0) (#1179)
by Ringmaster69 on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:08:08 PM PST
"Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface."

To the people who posted angry messages: it's a good thing you did so as "Anonymous Reader" because you don't come across as very intelligent, nor are you doing credit to the communities you supposedly represent.

Maybe you should have paid attention in your literature classes in high school a little more. Look up the word "satire" in the dictionary.

OK, I'll save you the trouble:
1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

synonym see WIT

"Wit" as in witty.

"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government."

Unix, xenix, get it? Linyos Torovoltos? Hello, wake up!

My god! (none / 0) (#1180)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:10:18 PM PST
Dear sir,

Your problem was that you INVITED satan into your home!

"Compaq" is a notorious underground organization... While normal, respectible computer manifacturers, like Intel, use silicon and gold strains for their microchips, Compaq uses *human bones*... Freshly cut from newborn baby sacrifices!

The daemons inhabited your house using the Compaq as a channelling agent.

For your own safety, and the safety of your family and household, I recommend that you take your Compaq to the nearest priest, rabbi, or other holy official to perform an excercisism on your computer... Then burn it!

Sir, you cannot un-install evil. Evil must be destroyed at the root. I urge you to burn your Compaq computer immediently!

rofl (none / 0) (#1181)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:15:11 PM PST
Sorry if this has been said many times before. It's painfully obvious this horrid blob of web space is a joke. Anyone who doesn't realize this is a complete idiot.

What if it is real? God save us. Stupid people are very impressionable and will follow this to the letter.

um.. yeah, that's a leet hax0r name. Check it out:

Come ON you guys!!! (none / 0) (#1183)
by Tommy K on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:21:34 PM PST
Reading this really made me laugh! I really think the guy who wrote this was laughing his a** of writing it!!! c",)

But then I read some of the answers below! I can tell some of the are meant as a joke but do others really think that the author of this article is serious???

I mean; come on!!! Even my father, aged 50, was having a great time reading it! Try to find out what he's writing!And THEN post you comment! (Along with your name!!!)

I guess some people just can't see irony when it's screaming right into their faces!

So everyone out there who called elby a moron: If you can't see the IRONY in this article then you'd better stop thinking that you understand anything about computers AT ALL!!!!!!!

Tommy K, Denmark

TJC the quake master (none / 0) (#1198)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:06:09 PM PST
yes these people are fucking stupid

My god! (none / 0) (#1184)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:23:16 PM PST
Dear sir,

Your problem was that you INVITED satan into your home!

"Compaq" is a notorious underground organization... While normal, respectible computer manifacturers, like Intel, use silicon and gold strains for their microchips, Compaq uses *human bones*... Freshly cut from newborn baby sacrifices!

The daemons inhabited your house using the Compaq as a channelling agent.

For your own safety, and the safety of your family and household, I recommend that you take your Compaq to the nearest priest, rabbi, or other holy official to perform an excercisism on your computer... Then burn it!

Sir, you cannot un-install evil. Evil must be destroyed at the root. I urge you to burn your Compaq computer immediently!

Tahahahaha, lighten up guys, It's a joke (none / 0) (#1186)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:31:04 PM PST
ya, just refer to title.

So, You think I'm a hacker. (none / 0) (#1187)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:33:46 PM PST
The way you present your story, it makes it look like honest people are holigans. I build my computers, two of them to be exact, I update them every year to install new hardware. I am not a hacker because of this. Probalby 90% of the servers, including yours, use some form of a Linux OS, and it can peacefully coexist with Windows as well.

You are so dumb. People like you don't deserve to own computers or even make comments about them

IQ level @ 3 (none / 0) (#1189)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:41:23 PM PST
Can anyone really be as stupid as T Reginald Gibbons? this must be the dumbest thing i have ever heard ... and i really hope that his son will get a big appologi!

Judging by the remarks flying around. . . . (none / 0) (#1191)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:49:31 PM PST
. . . I've given up all hope for further development of the human species. Just disable the safety of your microwaves, put 'er on high and put your respective genitalias* in front. I don't think I want anybody here successfully reproducing, probably myself included.

*God forbid I get accused of sexism!

From TJC (quake master) (none / 0) (#1192)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:50:18 PM PST
This is so funny, you are a genious
Fooled everyone to think
you were serious aswell. hahaha
nice link to

What a sucky parent (none / 0) (#1196)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:00:38 PM PST
your a moron

This is a joke (none / 0) (#1197)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:02:22 PM PST
This is extremely funny. I've never heard anything so lame in my life! Quake is a computer game, comet-cursor is a program that changes the mouse to look flashier and is used on websites too. Flash is a program that lets you create multimedia presentations and games. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HACK WITH THESE PROGRAMS. Most of the books listed are famous books of the science-fiction and "cyber-punk" genre, and some are literary masterpieces. Most of those I have read myself. NONE OF THE BOOKS CONTAIN INSTRUCTIONS FOR HACKING. Don't believe me? Go to your local bookstore or library and flip through the pages. Another thing is that most teenage hackers tend to be EXTREMELY smart, and almost all are honor-roll students. This seems more of a way to get you to buy Intel processors and Microsoft OS than anything else. AOL is also a bad choice for many people these days. With high-speed internet access that can let you download over 100 times faster, most of the computer-savvy youth have already switched! Just a little insight to let you poor people open your eyes a bit.

Brilliant and informative (none / 0) (#1199)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:07:32 PM PST
This is one of the most brilliant articles I have ever come across to on the Internet. I had no idea that information like this was available. I will now be able to discern hackers from regular people.

Everyone, heed these words well. AOL is indeed a reputible, reliable ISP, and does not ever need to be changed. New hardware is definitely a sign of hacking, and anyone claiming to read a "hacking manual" for education is lying.

...please note that this post is written in utter disgust and total sarcasm. I presume that this article was done in the same tone, given that NO ONE on earth can possibly be this ignorant and short/closed/narrow minded.

you are a dumbass (none / 0) (#1200)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:10:20 PM PST
OMG u are such a fuckin moron i dont even know why they bothered to publish your article. i mean REALLY get a fuckin life, comet curser? bonzi buddy? faster video cards? thats a fuckin computer you moron, there just programs. it doesnt mean your gonna hack into the federal main frame and steal shit. another thing.. if your kid is doing pooorly in school it doesnt mean that there hacking, it means that there a dumbass or dont want to try. think about that. i feel sorry for your family because they have such a retard for a father. im suprised you even landed a wife. maybe your just rich. oh and by the way, girls are a whole lot smarter than what you gave them credit for... and you should be allowed to date when your 17 and not get grounded! you bastard.

Heh. Comic Genius (none / 0) (#1203)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:17:29 PM PST
It's a good job no-one on the internet understands satire. Otherwise all these jokes wouldn't be as funny.

-Limp Wrizted.

Bravo T Reginald Gibbons! (none / 0) (#1204)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:19:35 PM PST
I would like to congratulate you on a brilliant article written. It's too bad the 800-some odd people who responded to your story didn't get the joke. Very nice use of satire and sarcasm.

hacking/TERRORISM is Relative (none / 0) (#1207)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:23:21 PM PST
HAHAH! This is too funny. i would regard the "My son is a Hacker" post a one big satire. Fact being, anyone who knows a programming language can philosophically be construed as a 'hacker' even right down to Unix, Winblows, and Macintosh. the only real criminals here are the gov'ts which are hell-bent on controlling how fast you drive, how much in taxes you have to pay each year to feed prisoners on death row and fund the politcians' lavish dinner parties at Citizens' expense.
You Pathetic humans have completely missed the point. BTW, i've been accused of being a 'hacker' so deal with it. I deem anyone who uses a computer to be a potential hacker/TERRORIST, even down to the level of using a Texas Instruments calculator.
Wake Up Pathetic Humans, Orson Wells "1984" is officially in effect after the world trade center incident, which coincidentally occurred after the release of the movie 'Swordfish'. True, WAR is GOOD for the economy, killing off roughly 5000 Pathetic, Egotistical, Captialistic humans to provide a reason to use up more 'resources' for a 'politically-justified' cause.
=Death To All Those, Who Fucking Oppose Us!=

Best artical in the world! (none / 0) (#1208)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:24:09 PM PST
This artical is great, the funniest thing I have ever read. For those of you who do not realize that this is a joke need to really get out more. At first glance over the first 6 paragraphs the story could possibly be real, as we look deeper and deeper into the meaning we come to notice the rather funny bits about it.

1. Asking to change ISPS (from AOL)
this is quite acceptable as AOL is known to be a rathar slow and horrible network, the parental safeguards can easily be obtained by 3rd part software(s). One may wish to leave AOL for the simple speed boost to be recieved from other ISPs and broadband services.

2.Finding programs that you don't remember (LOL?)
Comet Cursor (A program that always seems to appear on your computer when you never want it to) changes your cursors, real hacker material here. Flash (Ever been to a website with animations? That's flash, professionals use it, it comes with internet explorer 5 and up) Easily finding programs in Install/Remove programs, yeah right, most "Hacker Software" if you care to call it that does not install, it is easily contained on a crusty old 1.44mb floppy disk, and if your needs are too great switch to CD, the programs do not install and are stand alone aside from some Dlls

3. New Hardware
I really liked the bit about a new video card, video cards do not enhance the "Hacking Experience" any. Hacking can be done on a crusty old 14.4 modem with 16 colors, goes for memory as well. The only reason to upgrade to this newer and better stuff is to support newer and better Operating Systems such as Windows XP and to support newer and better games. AMD is a perfectly fine company whose chips are highly competative to Intel (leading company in processor technology) As for processors being sold in stores, do you mean bestbuy or compusa? I have yet to see any processor just lying around on a counter, you can only get complete systems, and many do include AMD Athlon series chips.

4. Reading Hacking Manuals
I have not read any of these titles so I do not know what this is about, yet one title seemed to catch my eye "Programming with Perl". Now, most people who know anything about the internet will realize that Perl is a programming language used for Advanced internet tasks, commonly known as CGI Script. Without Perl this fourm couldnot exist, neither could internet shopping carts and othersuch things.

5. Spending time on the computer
"DOSing" DOS stands for Denial of Service, commonly carried out by rapidly pinging another server with packets from your faster connection, this can be pulled off with a cable connection "packeting" a 56k modem. To take down an internet server in this manner you will need to DDOS them (distributed deinal of service) in which many broadband modems rapidly ping a specified server to take up that servers bandwidth and kick it off the internet (more or less) for more information read Steve's Artical (
Note: "DOSing" has nothing to do with the DOS operating system made by microsoft and does not take 8hours, it acts quite immediately once all packets from all desired computers have been launched

6. Quake
Despite popular belief about Quake being "used" Quake is played. Quake is a 6year old game released by ID Software in 1995 at first this game had a large "Cult Following" as it was the first First Person Shooter to support multiplayer capacity through the internet (Doom only supported modem/serial play) Quake no longer has a large following and was never used for chatting as the most you could send was I believe 128 characters.

7. Agrumentative
Comes from being a teen

8. Linux
Linux is a perfectly normal OS, used for many business' world wide. Is a perfectly legitiment Operating System which is based off of Unix, not "Xenix" (follow the ling, not really much of a site) Nor was it written by a Russian Hacker (Follow the link, leads to a James Bond site) Note: you can not break into a stereo, when is the last time you saw a stereo hooked up to the phoneline? Mp3s are a highly compressed audio file which have been around for several years now. Telnet is a perfectly legitiment terminal program which can be found on all Windows computers. Linux can be removed everso easily, and losing windows does not damage your computer, simply format and reinstall, Software does not affect hardware, sorry boyz.

9. Apperance
I can't say anyone except ravers fit this, but then again I suppose "Hackers" love their electronica, as for the Pacifier bit, that is for Ecstasy addicts so they don't bite of their tounges.

10. Stuggling academically
Radiation screwing up your brain? This will not happen to the youth until many years to come, the radiation does not have that swift of an effect. Meningitis is not a side-effect of radioation, and computers will probably enhance your abilities in Math and Chemistry and Math will help your computer programming skills. Ask any professional.

This about covers it. This artical is obviously fake, and anyone who believes it to be real is a fool, I must hand it to this Mr. Gibbons for making a clever artical and attempting to recieve such a large amount of feedback. If you still believe this artical is real you should quickly get professionaly help or contact me through use of the wonderful safe world of AOL chat. (GreenMycon) Blahh!

The world is laughing at your sorry ass! (none / 0) (#1209)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:26:35 PM PST
God, how dumb can one person be?!
This laughing-stock of an article has gone around the world and people are truly baffled and confused as to whether or not this is a joke.

In closing: people in *DENMARK* are laughing at your sorry asses!! *ROFL* <- REALLY trying not to wet myself...uh....dunno if it's the article or because the SCAAAARY Quake3 has made me a raving lunatic? God I pity the poor people of America to be blessed with such morons!! Migrate to Denmark, we have liberty of speech too, but at least we beat the shit out of people who post shit like this (wishful goes my Quake-insanity again?)

websters online dictionary:Definition of "new (none / 0) (#1210)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:26:41 PM PST
[Definition of "newbie"]
1. New-bie (noun)
: A person who is new.
2. a person who pretends NOT to be new by being a moron
3. see lamer for more details.
example of a Newbie: T Reginald Gibbons

you sir are a fucking moron, you goto parties with your kids? they I TRULY fuckin pitty
model american family??model communist family?
let ure kids do what they will, all u can really do for them is help them when they want you to. Controlling them will only make things worse.

oh dear sweet jesus (none / 0) (#1213)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:32:40 PM PST
Look moron, i can see so many things wrong with this document.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs? - What the fuck is so wrong with changing ISPs! I myself have changed ISPs a few times, and im not a hacker.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing? - What is so wrong with that?! And since when was Bonzi Buddy and Marcomedias flash hacker programs.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware? - Heres another fuck-up. What is so wrong with AMD. AMD has been <B>PROVEN</B> to be faster than shitty intel processors. And what is so wrong with a new video card?! Say your son wants better gameplay on your system without having to make you fork out for a more expensive processor, when a cheaper option is to get another video card.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day? - What about those people who work as network managers for big places?! Think about how much radiation they are getting!

6. Does your son use Quake? - FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU BLOODY IDIOT. Quake is not a hackers tool! Its an online virtual reality <B>GAME</b>. Should your son believe this is real life, fucks sake man you did something wrong.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"? - First of all its <B>LINUX</B>. And since when was linux and illegal operating system. Maybe you havent heard of the GPL (Gnu Public License), but any software, carring this license, is FREE unless you buy tech support for a period of time. Just because linux is FREE to download off the net, you assume its bad. Havent you heard the quote 'The best things in life are free'.

Get some fucking brains, get your facts straight, and reply to me if you see this. Fucking asshole moron. (

HAH! :D (none / 0) (#1214)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:32:50 PM PST
LOL! This is definitely Onion-quality satire, people. :)

To the author, please read. (none / 0) (#1217)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:36:49 PM PST
It is very obvious from reading your article that you are very poorly informed. Even misinformed in most cases.

Firstly, AOL is very limited in its abilities. No self-respecting technician or network engineer would be caught using it. The demand to move away from AOL may simply show the realization of AOL's limited abilities when it comes to browsing. (It could also be that they simply want a faster connection.) However, AOL is, nonetheless, an Internet connection and can be used by any application meant for hacking to engage in hacker activities (although they can even use non-hacking related applications which are included in Windows).

Which brings me to software. Comet Cursor is not a hacker software, it is a plug-in that is installed on your computer while you surf the Internet without prompting you. All it does is change the look of your mouse cursor. Bonzi Buddy also has nothing to do with hacking. In fact, no hacker would be caught dead with Bonzi Buddy on their system. As for Flash, it is a perfectly legitimate multimedia plug-in made by Macromedia ( which allows you to display interactive mutlimedia interfaces. For examples, see the Macromedia Flash Gallery. It's a perfectly secure and revolutionary technology.

Hacker software would be, rather, FlashFXP, any Packet Sniffer, or some Remote Administration software such as the Sub7 trojan client (although the latter is not always hacker related). As a matter of fact, most hacking is done with Windows utilities such as tracert, ping, telnet, ftp, and such. By the way, telnet is used to connect directly to a server instead of using a front-end application. I often use telnet to check my e-mail, it has nothing to do with telephones and it is not necessarily hacker related.

Next, we have hardware. If your child asks for new hardware, most of the time it's only because he knows more about computers than you do and has come to the conclusion that your computer is outdated. Hacker activities often require less resources than the normal multimedia & internet experience which means that your child most likely wants to listen to more music, see more movies, or visit some state-of-the-art educational websites.

You should be careful what you classify hacking manuals. Information on networking and network security can often appear as hacking manuals to those uneducated in the matter. Unless the word hack or crack is in the title, or the term DOS, then chances are that it has nothing to do with hacking. It may also interest you to know that DOS as in the Domestic Operating System on top of which Windows runs (known to you in a simplified way as the command prompt) is absolutely harmless. The hacker term DOS stands for Denial of Server which means to attack a certain server or computer in order to disconnect it from the Internet temporarily.

As for the amount of time a child spends on the Internet, it does not imply hacker activity. As a child, I was addicted to computers although I was involved in no hacking activities. I simply used to explore and learn about computers and how they work. I also enjoyed creating and listening to music and such. I agree that too much time spent on the computer is unhealthy but banning a child from the computer will only result in rebellion. Instead, you should spend time with the child on the computer and find out what their interests are and what they've learned. Encourage them in the proper direction and, at the same time, learn quite a bit yourself. Being paranoid will only cause your child to lose respect for you.

Now, you're take on Quake is very interesting and actually quite funny to any gamer. Online games are not at all a training ground for hackers. It is a fun wait to keep entertained for several hours and it is a chance to make friends. As for training in firearm use, a child could play Quake or such games everyday for years and still be no more profficient with firearms than someone who's never touched a computer or a gun. There is absolutely no knowledge that can be gained regarding firearms from these games. The only thing your child may learn, is how to aim accurately and quickly with a mouse.

As a child enters the very real world of adolescence, he will become surly, argumentative, and may seem to you to be anti-social. This is a regular phase in every child's life, some are just better at hiding their contempt for their parents. And comtempt they often have, especially when their parents are uneducated and have a very different social skill set. This is simply a period where the generation gap creates tension. If you disagree with me, simply consult any psychiatrist or psychologist.

Linux, to better inform you, is not illegal in any way. It is a derivative of the Operating System that has been used by AT&T for almost three decades. Linux, just like Unix, uses a raw socket version of the TCP/IP Protocol (on of the languages computers use to communicate over the Internet). This version of TCP/IP is much more powerful and flexible which explains its common use on web servers (meaning that most of the websites you visit are using Linux to deliver those websites for you). Linux is also much more stable than Windows and is a haven for programming enthusiasts. Although it is easier to engage in hacker activity using Linux than it is with Windows, that does not mean that an interest in Linux reflects an interest in hacking.

I would also like to better inform you on the change in a child's appearance. This, also is now common to adolescence. Children seek to identify with other adolescents and start adopting popular interests. Glowsticks are used by teenagers who attend raves. Raves are friendly organized all-night dance parties; they are often misunderstood and if you were ever to attend a rave, you would soon see the love and compassion in the atmosphere and the positive attitude of its participants. Ravers go to raves because people are friendly, they don't judge you or tease you, and because dancing is fun.

The fact that a child is struggling in school doesn't mean that they have delved too deeply into the electronic world. It's often a sign that they are:

a) lazy
b) have difficulty with the course matter
c) immitating others who are less intelligent but more popular
d) lacking direction and therefore have no motivation

Accusing them of illegal activities and blaming their grades on such would prove even more discouraging because they would feel that their parents don't understand and have given up on them. Instead, you should try discussing your child's dreams for the future and planning so that they know what they want to do and what they need to achieve in order to get where they want to be. Also, try helping them with their studies. The more you follow along as they grow up, the more educated you'll be and the more you'll be able to help them. Whatever you do, don't make homework seem like a chore.

On a closing note, I would like to alert you that you are being very close-minded and that you may be doing more damage than good. I am not trying to tell you to be hacker-friendly, I'm merely trying to better inform you and help you in making well-educated conclusions and statements rather than statements which have no more basis than your putting together of bits of facts you gathered here and there.

HAAHAHHAHA (none / 0) (#1219)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:39:26 PM PST
Whoever wrote this, I really hope that you can read all the comments so you know how fucking stupid you are. Sounds like your sheltering your kids way too much. Living in a fucking bubble is not healthy, and all your signs are basically bullshit. But thanx for a laugh.

To the author, please read. (5.00 / 2) (#1221)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:40:43 PM PST
It is very obvious from reading your article that you are very poorly informed. Even misinformed in most cases.

Firstly, AOL is very limited in its abilities. No self-respecting technician or network engineer would be caught using it. The demand to move away from AOL may simply show the realization of AOL's limited abilities when it comes to browsing. (It could also be that they simply want a faster connection.) However, AOL is, nonetheless, an Internet connection and can be used by any application meant for hacking to engage in hacker activities (although they can even use non-hacking related applications which are included in Windows).

Which brings me to software. Comet Cursor is not a hacker software, it is a plug-in that is installed on your computer while you surf the Internet without prompting you. All it does is change the look of your mouse cursor. Bonzi Buddy also has nothing to do with hacking. In fact, no hacker would be caught dead with Bonzi Buddy on their system. As for Flash, it is a perfectly legitimate multimedia plug-in made by Macromedia ( which allows you to display interactive mutlimedia interfaces. For examples, see the Macromedia Flash Gallery. It's a perfectly secure and revolutionary technology.

Hacker software would be, rather, FlashFXP, any Packet Sniffer, or some Remote Administration software such as the Sub7 trojan client (although the latter is not always hacker related). As a matter of fact, most hacking is done with Windows utilities such as tracert, ping, telnet, ftp, and such. By the way, telnet is used to connect directly to a server instead of using a front-end application. I often use telnet to check my e-mail, it has nothing to do with telephones and it is not necessarily hacker related.

Next, we have hardware. If your child asks for new hardware, most of the time it's only because he knows more about computers than you do and has come to the conclusion that your computer is outdated. Hacker activities often require less resources than the normal multimedia & internet experience which means that your child most likely wants to listen to more music, see more movies, or visit some state-of-the-art educational websites.

You should be careful what you classify hacking manuals. Information on networking and network security can often appear as hacking manuals to those uneducated in the matter. Unless the word hack or crack is in the title, or the term DOS, then chances are that it has nothing to do with hacking. It may also interest you to know that DOS as in the Domestic Operating System on top of which Windows runs (known to you in a simplified way as the command prompt) is absolutely harmless. The hacker term DOS stands for Denial of Server which means to attack a certain server or computer in order to disconnect it from the Internet temporarily.

As for the amount of time a child spends on the Internet, it does not imply hacker activity. As a child, I was addicted to computers although I was involved in no hacking activities. I simply used to explore and learn about computers and how they work. I also enjoyed creating and listening to music and such. I agree that too much time spent on the computer is unhealthy but banning a child from the computer will only result in rebellion. Instead, you should spend time with the child on the computer and find out what their interests are and what they've learned. Encourage them in the proper direction and, at the same time, learn quite a bit yourself. Being paranoid will only cause your child to lose respect for you.

Now, you're take on Quake is very interesting and actually quite funny to any gamer. Online games are not at all a training ground for hackers. It is a fun wait to keep entertained for several hours and it is a chance to make friends. As for training in firearm use, a child could play Quake or such games everyday for years and still be no more profficient with firearms than someone who's never touched a computer or a gun. There is absolutely no knowledge that can be gained regarding firearms from these games. The only thing your child may learn, is how to aim accurately and quickly with a mouse.

As a child enters the very real world of adolescence, he will become surly, argumentative, and may seem to you to be anti-social. This is a regular phase in every child's life, some are just better at hiding their contempt for their parents. And comtempt they often have, especially when their parents are uneducated and have a very different social skill set. This is simply a period where the generation gap creates tension. If you disagree with me, simply consult any psychiatrist or psychologist.

Linux, to better inform you, is not illegal in any way. It is a derivative of the Operating System that has been used by AT&T for almost three decades. Linux, just like Unix, uses a raw socket version of the TCP/IP Protocol (on of the languages computers use to communicate over the Internet). This version of TCP/IP is much more powerful and flexible which explains its common use on web servers (meaning that most of the websites you visit are using Linux to deliver those websites for you). Linux is also much more stable than Windows and is a haven for programming enthusiasts. Although it is easier to engage in hacker activity using Linux than it is with Windows, that does not mean that an interest in Linux reflects an interest in hacking.

I would also like to better inform you on the change in a child's appearance. This, also is now common to adolescence. Children seek to identify with other adolescents and start adopting popular interests. Glowsticks are used by teenagers who attend raves. Raves are friendly organized all-night dance parties; they are often misunderstood and if you were ever to attend a rave, you would soon see the love and compassion in the atmosphere and the positive attitude of its participants. Ravers go to raves because people are friendly, they don't judge you or tease you, and because dancing is fun.

The fact that a child is struggling in school doesn't mean that they have delved too deeply into the electronic world. It's often a sign that they are:

a) lazy
b) have difficulty with the course matter
c) immitating others who are less intelligent but more popular
d) lacking direction and therefore have no motivation

Accusing them of illegal activities and blaming their grades on such would prove even more discouraging because they would feel that their parents don't understand and have given up on them. Instead, you should try discussing your child's dreams for the future and planning so that they know what they want to do and what they need to achieve in order to get where they want to be. Also, try helping them with their studies. The more you follow along as they grow up, the more educated you'll be and the more you'll be able to help them. Whatever you do, don't make homework seem like a chore.

On a closing note, I would like to alert you that you are being very close-minded and that you may be doing more damage than good. I am not trying to tell you to be hacker-friendly, I'm merely trying to better inform you and help you in making well-educated conclusions and statements rather than statements which have no more basis than your putting together of bits of facts you gathered here and there.

Thank you so much for writing that, furthermore... (none / 0) (#6699)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 04:29:07 PM PST
AOL's parental features can be bypassed. All the kids have to do is sign on as a guest. Poof, there goes all the parental controls. There isn't even a way to disable the guest logon.

We had a year's worth of AOL with the purchase of a new computer for my daughter. We used the year just because we had it but it was ran over a cable internet connection.

I have a 14yo and a 4yo. Both have computers and internet access. I am a responsible parent because I learn before they do. I watch what they are doing. I check their computers. I am forever making sure they are not where they shouldn't be.

This guy is totally clueless. By his reckoning, my poor mother is a hacker! She has only been online for about a year now and reads all she can on the subject and doesn't like AOL. I have upgraded her computer's hardware many times.

I can't believe something like that article could even be written with a straight face let alone published. In the words of my 4yo, PLEEEZZZEE!


i feel so sorry for this kid (none / 0) (#6732)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 11:39:18 PM PST
hacking is exploring and learning not destroying things. hackers created the internet which you should not be allowed on . i am not a hacker but i do like to read about computer as i hope to be a mom knows i use linux even a few cops that i am friends with know i use linux. you should not be allowed to be on the internet.

Twit :p (none / 0) (#7075)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 20th, 2002 at 03:09:05 PM PST
You don't get it do you? It's a SATIRE! It's not supposed to be taken seriously. If you were indeed an l33t |-|/\><0R, then you would perhaps have the intelligence to realize this :p Go back to script-hacking hotmail and leave the satire to the intelligent guys.

who are you talkin to? (none / 0) (#7082)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 21st, 2002 at 08:07:19 PM PST
are you talkin bout the very first post at the top... or the reply to it above yours? if your talkin to the reply then your a dick... if not, then coo :)

nice one (none / 0) (#6795)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 11:54:19 AM PST
Nice one. Perfectly summed up.

Seems to be that you are misinformed (none / 0) (#6902)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 24th, 2002 at 09:26:40 PM PST
DOS does not stand for Domestic Operating System hahahah that is the dumbest thing i have heard DOS=Disk Operating System appears you are misinformed think before you speak

DOS... hahaha (none / 0) (#6926)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 08:05:33 AM PST
dos=disk operating system?... that was a long time
dos=denial of service! =)

#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb)) //Shakespeare

clarification (none / 0) (#6979)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 03:28:56 PM PST
DOS (or MS-DOS/PC-DOS..) = Disk Operating System;
DoS = Denial of Service.'re both wrong, kinda (none / 0) (#7188)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 10:41:53 PM PST
alright, for some severe correction:
DOS(all caps) is Directory Operating System
DoS(o is lower case) IS in fact, Denial
of Service
dos(all lower case) is the aforementioned denial of server.

And as far as hacking...I AM a hacker! nothing special about being a hacker. it just means that you're a little more proficient with computers(although not always your own). Yeah, and you're son does "X" and "ACID," both at the same time. Its called "candy-flipping." These people are usually called "candy-ravers," And they wear the pacifiers(called "Binkys") cause people have the tendency to bite their tongues off while flipping, so instead they bite on their binkys, and the glow sticks keep them in a trance, so that they dont flip out while shit changes shape and color(effects of the mixture). The very same reason that they wear bright colored clothing. Its the same effect as the glow sticks. The next time you see your son wearing these bright colored pants, and its night time... turn off the lights, I'll bet incredible amounts(like Bill Gates's net value) of money that his pants will glow in the dark
Anyways, I've learned to hack through my local high school. I'm on my way to becoming a computer networking professional, and in order to stop hackers, I have to be an incredible hacker...better than they are, in fact. There's nothing illegal about this sort of hacking. And I will never go to jail for knowing how to hack.
If you want to see some hacking in action, I suggest that you visit a web-page(this involves turing on the big box, and the small T.V. attached to it...moving the in-animate rodent around on your desk, and pushing its little brains in, on the left side, twice in a row rapidly in sucession, over the "AOL"(ROTFLMFAO) Icon...looks like an "A" with something flying through it) that I created just for you. This is the very basic in hacking, and any real hacker would laugh himself to death if I actually used this to perform a hack. Hell, I would be embarrased to use this. anyways, do the procedure above, and go to:
Just for you...Hope it terrifies you...Recongize those files? I believe that they're yours...check your harddrive, you'll see the same files that my web-page just showed you. DICK.
Thats all the flaming that i've got in me for tonight. Gotta go hack my computer with Quake3 running on "LUNIX" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....ok, i'm done laughing my ass off.

hope you beaten randomly with an intelligence stick(or maybe your sons glow stick). Hope that you can re-read alot of material on the subject, and help your son in his exploits. Seriously, If your son IS a hacker...I'de buy him more computers. Research a german man named "Kim Schmitz" I believe. though I dont think that that is spelled right. He was convicted of computer crimes(hacking) and spent years in prison, only to come out and start a business that looks for security leaks in a corperations computer network. His net worth, when he left germany to live in the US(germany kicked him out. Even with the corperations permission, its illegal to hack into a computer network) any way, his net worth was, count the commas in this number(and dont forget the zeros), $200,000,000+ Imagine how you'de be living if you started treating your son better now, and he didn't mind sharing wealth like that. At very least, top level computer security experts earn a minimum of around $300,000 yearly.

thats all,
my e-mail is if you want any verification on anything here. just no junk mail, or i'll wipe out your system(hehe, isnt this stuff fun?)

Minor Correction (none / 0) (#7482)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon May 27th, 2002 at 03:16:23 AM PST
DOS does not mean Directory Operating System... I have no idea where that idea came from. It means DISK OPERATING SYSTEM.

Why have u wrote all these (none / 0) (#6957)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 29th, 2002 at 03:32:53 AM PST
Man , we sholg mister gibon's address to send there the paramedics quick before he will shoot mister Torvald ... The greatest programmer of the planet is a soviet spy ... I havent laughed so much in years

You're a fucking idiot!!! (none / 0) (#7097)
by Sinister on Tue Feb 26th, 2002 at 02:28:13 PM PST
Hey guy, you should do more research on hacking. You know shit about the subject... and playing Quake does not make someone a hacker. get a fucking life asshole. Anyways, who the fuck plays Quake anymore, get with the times buddy, there's better games out there then Quake, and more blood. Leave your son be, before he plays a game of Quake on you someday for being a retard.

Sir, you sound like an overbearing parent. (none / 0) (#7125)
by snowman on Tue Mar 5th, 2002 at 09:43:32 PM PST
I would shoot myself if you were my father. It sounded like you were on a witch hunt, i know your type....."we have ways of making you talk."

You are blowing the hacking thing way out of proportion. Question, what exactly did your son do that you concidered hacking?

Do you, even after doing a little bit of research, know how to hack? I dont think you do, and I dont think your son does either. He may know a trick or some info concerning hacking, but as you said it, you just bought a computer for the family to use. Do you want us to believe that with every computer purchase, we could be purchasing and instant hackers R us manual?

I am a network engeneer and web site designer. I know it doesnt happen that easy. If your son had friends that were helping him, maybe he learned enough to get himself caught, but not any damage.

So dont make it sound like an epidemic. By the way, who told you that you were the model parent. I believe you think to highly of yourself.

You wanna know what the kid did? (none / 0) (#7528)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu May 30th, 2002 at 12:12:15 PM PST
He was probably opening internet explorer. Thats what you call hacking. Cuz he didn't hit the AOL icon instead :)

what an f'n loser. I'm so serious. This enrages me so much that ... even a HOAX could be like this...

Good (none / 0) (#7175)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:19:40 PM PST
Good way to comment this, without shouting all time.

FlashFXP a hacker tool!? (none / 0) (#7241)
by Koji Kabuto on Sun Mar 24th, 2002 at 04:58:54 PM PST
you're wrong in something, i DO use flashFXP it's not a "hacker" software, its an FTP program, and alot better than CuteFTP, besides it supports Site to Site Transfers
Light Travels Faster Than Sound, that's why some people seem brilliant until they speak

Sorry Sir (none / 0) (#7374)
by mTNT on Mon Apr 22nd, 2002 at 09:54:27 AM PST
I don't know much abo' this. Anyway LInux is not a
hacker's OS .May be it is used by hackers but that doesn't mean only hackers use this. IF a serial killer wears bra ,it doesn't mean that all those who wear bra or ask for bra are serial killers. Sir i think u are very possessive abo' ur son . u must think that what today best softwares(Win32,IIS 4/5) may have bugs/sec loopholes .it is these hackers who bring that to light. If u had made these chaos if ur son had some written a virus or somthing destructive it is justifiable.but this absolute obsession.Please
note that it is "Linux" and not "Lunix". And Linus was not a Soviet. He is from Iceland . Linux is the best NEtwork supporting OS . Most of the websites use Apache onLinux/Unix.Please don't post such news /blunders. I am sorry if these comments have hurt u in any manner."Flash is not a hacking software.

Iceland? No Lunix? (none / 0) (#7469)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat May 18th, 2002 at 08:09:00 AM PST
>>I don't know much abo' this.
>>Please note that it is "Linux" and not "Lunix". And Linus was not a Soviet. He is from Iceland .

You are right. You don't know much about this. Firstly there is an operating system all Lunix.
Secondly, Linus is from Finland.

Do you know the difference between Finland and Iceland?

lol, thats some funny stuff (none / 0) (#1222)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:41:30 PM PST
To whoever wrote this acticle I have to commend you. This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. The comment about AMD made my sides hurt.

GIVE YOUR SON A BREAK! (none / 0) (#1223)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:47:46 PM PST
1) Bonzi Buddies is a cute enhancement. Not for hackers.

2) He just wants to play!
He asked for a new ISP? BEcause of the lag. He needs online play. HE asks for a new processor? AMD? He just wants better performance! He's trying to save you money.

3) LUNIX (LOL) When used with FLASH... its a great learning tool.

Give your son a break! You don't know what you're talking about. When he sees your letter he's gonna lose respect for you.

Rigoddamndiculous (none / 0) (#1224)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:51:10 PM PST
I really hope this article is a bunch of bullshit, cause that was the stupidest thing I think I have ever read. I am now stupider because I actually read that. DUMBASS

You are the Weakest Link! (none / 0) (#1226)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:54:01 PM PST

Slander (none / 0) (#1227)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:54:17 PM PST
In this article, you have slandered most of the Open source community, as well as several corporations and individuals. If this is intended as a source of humor, a proper disclaimer needs to be posted with the page in clear view so that unfortunate parents who stumble upon this article are not deluded by it.

The article in several places slanders such entities as AMD, Macromedia (producers of Flash), O'Reilly, id Software (producers of Quake), Linus Tourvold and the various facets of the Linux community, the BSD community, the Russian people, Lunix, et al.

While I realize you do not intend to kowtow to every organization that might be offended, slander is a serious offense, and even your organization cannot be above such legalities.

ROFL!! (none / 0) (#1228)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 03:54:41 PM PST
Ahahaha...those are the most obsurd comments I have heard yet!

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
Lol...there could be many more reasons to change ISPs...speeds, upgrading to broadband vs. dial-up as one poster said, convienance as the phone line will not be wasted (tell my dad that), etc.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
- Hmm...I don't remember installing this so-called "Windows"! *delete*

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
- Again, many more reasons to get new hardware...speed, new features, speed, speed, oh, did i mention speed?

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
- You missed one: "PCs for Dummies"

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
- How much time did it take you to write this article?

6. Does your son use Quake?
- Phht...Quake was so last year...

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
- Yes he is, its called ADOLESCENCE

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
- Whats "Lunix"?

10. Is your son struggling academically?
- ROFL!!!! If I was struggling academically, I wouldn't have a computer, now would I?

Oh my God! (none / 0) (#1229)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:00:52 PM PST
I can't believe someone actually wrote this horrible piece of shit. I am probably what you would call a hacker, and NO, I'm not a sociopat and YES I do play soccer even though I'm also very interested in computer security.

You are just such an ignorant, unintelligent idiot.


DumbFucks (none / 0) (#1230)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:02:12 PM PST
After reading this article and realizing the puns and jokes, along with the sarcasm in it, I got a great laugh. What gives me an even bigger laugh is you guys trying to explain everything 'Reginald' was writing about. Reginald is probly just a teenage computer guy just like most of the people responding here posting an article to get kicks out of idiotic responses to this like the above. dumbasses like you crack me up. 'Reginald' is obviously computer literate, he made a website.


AIM- SoulEata
Email -

author isnt dead because even god doesnt want him (none / 0) (#1231)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:08:21 PM PST
you disgust me beyond imagination. i am very sorry that child protective services hasnt saved your childeren from you yet. i hope you truly believe in god, so you can spend eternity in hell, hopefully it will be much worse than reported. please kill yourself in the most painful way possible, or at least shut up and try not to pollute the internet and mislead other parents into beating their childeren for attempting to change the appearance of their mouse cursor to something appealing to their taste. nothing i read from this article was truthful in any way shape or form. you are an idiot of gargantuan proportions.

WARNING: THIS MESSAGE CONTAINS A COMPUTER VIRUS WHICH IS NOW INFECTING YOUR HARD DRIVE AND WILL USE ANY "HACKER SOFTWARE" FOUND TO DESTROY YOUR HARDWARE by the way: 1) aol's reputation to those who have looked with their own eyes, is cybersex and a place for young girls to be lured into meeting older men to be raped. 2) aol's child safety filter can be bypassed with no hacker knowledge whatsoever. 3) it's "LINUX" written by "LINUS TORVALDS" who is of the netherlands and never a resident of russia, the netherlands are considered neutral by the United Nations 4) AMD is an american company which manufactures processors and eeprom in the united states, be sure to check out the website for corporate information 5) quake is in no way "virtual reality" which by the way doesnt exist in any real sense, it is a violent computer game with fantasy firearms which show no useful information related to real life firearms, it couldnt even show you how to fire an already assebled and loaded weapon. hackers couldnt use it for training of any kind, it is a game. 6) bonzi buddy is installed without the user's knowledge or consent as a 'bundled program' in many software installers, which is unethical but does not mean your childeren installed it, maybe you did and didnt know about it. 7) comet cursor is a free program allowing easy access to a large library of free cursor graphics and allows you to change them to your liking without the use of the control panel. 8) all teenagers change their appearance and have trouble in school unless they have serious mental problems, no matter how fucked up and "christian" (as if you could be confused for a real one) you raise them 9) a model parent opens their child's eyes and mind to reality instead of creating a false image of perfection so they can be shattered when they grow up and find out that isnt true. your kids will be poor no matter how well they are paid, since they will need 4 day/week psychiatric consultation. 10) DOS stands for Denial of Service, and is typically a form of attack directed at web servers. DOS'ing is the use of commands which exploit bugs in software running on a web server which can tie up the server's resources, or use of many previously hacked computers to all "flood" the server at once, eating all available bandwidth, thus stopping connections from ligitimate users. i hope nobody believes your rediculous article... there's enough child abuse in the world without your help.

It's a joke! (none / 0) (#1232)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:11:43 PM PST
This article is great! It's a fu(king joke!

what a load of shit (none / 0) (#1234)
by jenkins on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:16:19 PM PST
do you actually know what you are talking about?
telnet aint a hacking program it is a remote admin program, lunix, you cant even spell linux u dumbass. ppl only like linux cos microsoft sucks, people like amd chips cos they dont rip you off and are better quality than intel. you complete fool. your kid is a lamer, hackers do not use programs, or bonzi buddy or whateva. they program the exploits themselfs and do you understand what a buffer overflow is? a stack is? i think not you petty fool. go and read 'i dont know what im talking about for dummies'.
*ahem* tit

brought to you by the real hackers at woot-project

what a load of shit (none / 0) (#1235)
by jenkins on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:19:10 PM PST
do you actually know what you are talking about?
telnet aint a hacking program it is a remote admin program, lunix, you cant even spell linux u dumbass. ppl only like linux cos microsoft sucks, people like amd chips cos they dont rip you off and are better quality than intel. you complete fool. your kid is a lamer, hackers do not use programs, or bonzi buddy or whateva. they program the exploits themselfs and do you understand what a buffer overflow is? a stack is? i think not you petty fool. go and read 'i dont know what im talking about for dummies'.
*ahem* tit

brought to you by the real hackers at woot-project

what the hell (none / 0) (#1236)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:20:32 PM PST
i thought the origional post in this thread was one of the funniest piss-takes about parents and computers that i have ever read.
and then i read down and saw that you lot think he is serious!!!!
come on, for gods sake, cant you see when someone is just having a laugh - there were enough clues in it to see that the author actually does know a fair amount about pcs and hacking, but that he also knows how computers are viewed by a large proportion of society - those people who think that you can catch a virus from your computer etc.....
well done to the origional poster!

This was written by an compuer illiterate person (none / 0) (#1237)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:22:55 PM PST
First off I would definitely trade aol for a cable modem any day mainly due to the fact that it is much faster. Secondly if you are going to mention things in this article at least know what they are.
Quake is a video game
Linux (not lunix is an Operating System) By the way it was originated from UNIX not "xenix" and I can guarantee you it didn't start off from a product made by microsoft.

This was written by a compuer illiterate person (none / 0) (#1238)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:24:31 PM PST
First off I would definitely trade aol for a cable modem any day mainly due to the fact that it is much faster. Secondly if you are going to mention things in this article at least know what they are.
Quake is a video game
Linux (not lunix is an Operating System) By the way it was originated from UNIX not "xenix" and I can guarantee you it didn't start off from a product made by microsoft.

U R MESSED UP (none / 0) (#1239)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:24:37 PM PST
that was complete bs, and umm amd kicks the ass of intel, there faster, quake is not hacking it is a entertainment game, u bought a shitty computer, microsoft is evil, umm everything u said is horible and if u have a pentium procesor in 2 years, thats a p3 and a p3 traces hacking with a special serial #, so intel is doing the spying fruitcake

bonzai buddy (none / 0) (#1240)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:28:09 PM PST
I totally agree, Bonzai Buddy and Comet and Flash are all devious tools used by youngsters to hack peoples computesr, bonzai buddy is this nasty intrusive virus/trojan that digs into a persons system and slowly takes things over. Also, once it is installed it allows other people to access your computer and do damage. Comet is also a dangerous tool, it changes the 'cursor' this is a bad if not horrific sign that your son/daughter is a hacker, if any of these programs are installed on your computer, your son/daughter must be a hacker

-mr j0nes

Um... (none / 0) (#1241)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:30:01 PM PST
Perhaps people flaming and return flaming should realize half of the things that we "hackers" say are sarcasm.

Who are you? (none / 0) (#1242)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:30:51 PM PST
Are you stupid? If your son says he wasn't hacking chances are that he isn't. Maybe if you understood the terms that were involved in the world of computers you would understand what your son was doing...PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. Do you even know what hacking is? Hacking in a computer game and hacking into a computer are far opposite worlds if that's even what you're talking about. Learn the vocabulary, or at least don't attempt to wear your pride on your chest so much

dumb ass (none / 0) (#1243)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:31:46 PM PST
you are the most ignorant, misinformed, stupid (i could think of another 100 words) person i have read about. Im from Australia, and sorry to say this makes Americans look like shit. Get your facts straight before you start talking. By your definition, 99% of teens today are hackers!!
and another thing, you have your terms mixed up.. hacker is a person that finds security holes in programs, etc. so they can make them better. crackers on the other hand gain access to remote computers etc.
Programmers are not hackers!!!! you dumb fuck. you have been brainwashed by AOL and Winblowz
Please kill your self. it would make the world better. -

This must be a joke.. (none / 0) (#1245)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:36:25 PM PST
Noone cant be this Lame (hacker word for IDIOT). L0L

HAHA! (none / 0) (#1246)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:38:04 PM PST
is this supposed to be some kinda joke or something? its the most stupid text written about "hacking" ever, i just couldnt stop laughing after reading it

Wrrr... (none / 0) (#1248)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:41:40 PM PST
Um, why are so many people taking this seriously? It's obviously humor! I mean, if you don't think it's particularly funny, that's cool... but taking it seriously? Come on. Peter and Cindy, two of the six kids? Wife Carol? Hello, Brady Bunch ring a bell?

Personally, I LOLed at this.

EVIL (none / 0) (#1249)
by psychodad on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:43:39 PM PST
He forgot to metion the evil hacker proggy GAMESPY!!!

EVIL GAMESPY (none / 0) (#1251)
by psychodad on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:44:20 PM PST
He forgot to metion the evil hacker proggy GAMESPY!!!

Simply Stunning, I feel like a retard reading this (none / 0) (#1252)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:44:38 PM PST
Wow...usually when I say lol i just type it, but this time i actually did laugh out loud. Simply stunning, I think he should just go kill himself now rather than take all this heat from are some objects he can use to kill himself:
1. gun
2. knife
3. paper (cut)
4. water torture
5. scissors
6. spork
7. a cow...yes a cow

Too Good! (none / 0) (#1253)
by quaddawg on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:44:49 PM PST
I can't believe all the shortsighted assholes that think this story is serious! Can you say SATIRE!>?!>!>!

HAHAHAHA, still lauging, but the funny part is the comments from all you idiots who think the guy is serious!! Too Funny, you people should go hide under a rock somewhere!

P433r 7h3 1d1075 (none / 0) (#1254)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:45:28 PM PST
Serriously man, what the hell is j00 talking about?

Quake used as gun training? oh boy that is THE best reason I have ever heard!..................

30 mins on the computer? It takes me that long to check mail, and gives you no time for anything.........

Immature rantings (none / 0) (#1255)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:45:46 PM PST
On reading this article, I saw immediately that it was deadly serious. All of these tauntings about the writer - probably an intelligent, hard-working model American - are frankly worrying. It scares me to think that so many people have succumbed to this terror, especially in these dangerous times.

Hmmmmmmmmm (none / 0) (#1256)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:46:00 PM PST
Ok,Hehe.After reading this Lovly Post again,I know..."Sucker".Hehe......I Belive it's 1 of 2 thing's -

1-This Poor Kid's about to Shoot His Dad,,,,,LOL

Or 2-
Its One Hell of a JOKE,,,,,,,,,,

Let's See,,,,,,,some of the link's are just Too Funny....and the the Wife's Name? The Kid's Name's?? Hm Sound's like a "Very Brady April 1st"

BUT....Its the VERY last Line,that really raise's a QUESTION......"It cannot be taken too seriously."

Hmmmmmmmmmmm a Typo..or another Hint to this Post's True Intent........A JOKE,,,,,,And If it is,,,,,,,,Cheer's To you,,,,,,,was the most funny thing i've read in a while.....

And,,,(This is a BIG AND) if this post is real.......You My Friend Need some help....Or a Bullet Proof Jacket Cause your son's gonna "Pop a Cap in your Head".........


These replies are fecking stupid - Cus See tard (none / 0) (#1257)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:46:07 PM PST
These replys are fecking stupid, check out the links this guy made, fecking hillarious Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos :) link to that guy from james bond.

This guys a genious

You guys who reply are so stupid
yes you are stupid very stupid
why are you so stupid?

This is a joke, stop replying and making a fool out of yourselves, read the article
Your not clever cos your correcting him/her

to: guy who wrote this (none / 0) (#1258)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:47:59 PM PST
you truly are a moron

thx and have a GREAT DAY

Praise your son (none / 0) (#1261)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:53:02 PM PST
You should be proud that your son is not out smoking pot. The mass media has really degraded the term hacker. In reality you should be proud that your son can comprehend such an abstract concept as computer software. Praise your son, encourage him even. Do you think Bill Gates got where he is now without hacking?

A Reply to T Reginald Gibbons (none / 0) (#1262)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:55:28 PM PST
You have no knowledge about computers as I can see. If you have gotten your A+, CCNA, CCNP, and CNA certifications like I have gotten, you would not be typing up all this junk.

Let's knock some sense into you:

1) AMD is a main processor developer and what is
this shit about child labor? Please get a clue.

2) Bigger Hard Disk Drive? More Memory? Are you
retarded sir? That does not promote hacking,
it speeds up your system and gives you more
features in certain areas of hardware.

3) You must be some sort of religious fanatic, eh?
Reading hacking manuals, using Linux, and
playing Quake does not make you a hacker moron.

4) I use my computer 5 hours a day, are you going
to call the FBI on me? Get a life, I'm a
programmer and game developer.

5) I will encourage my children to use computers
and read as much as they can on them. I will
personally teach them how to hack so they can
protect their own systems from intruders, I
will teach them how to install Linux and any
other Operating System that is better than
Windows 9x/2000/XP.

6) This article you have started has been
forwarded to the webmaster and will be
removed. Next time don't talk trash if you
can't back up yout proof.

omg (none / 0) (#1263)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:01:43 PM PST
that parent is a dork i would hate for her to be my mom.

Really.... (none / 0) (#1265)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:02:17 PM PST
Hmmm.... lunix? Any somewhat intelligent computer user can obviously tell that the poster of this "informative" little "article" is nothing but an AOL loving yuppie who understands nothing about the world of computers, hacking, or even proper spelling. To me this person is probably a god-fearing asshole who fears what he doesn't understand... and for the poster of this article... it's LINUX! Long live the open source wonder!! -Antionline Member: Psychosquee

Thank you Mr. Gibbons! (none / 0) (#1266)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:02:53 PM PST
I have been wary of my son's activities on the computer and he shows several signs of hacking. Your article informed me of the facts and he was very defiant when I read excerpts of it to him. You will be happy to know I promptly took his computer away from him and enrolled him in a Bible camp program and talked to his counselors. We parents need more articles like yours to help us understand the truth.

Kudos to you sir!

Burn... (none / 0) (#1287)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:57:41 PM PST
You as well have no clue.



omg! (none / 0) (#1267)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:03:29 PM PST
ok you are extremely stupid
"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War." ARE YOU AN IDIOT!? Linux isn't illegal..and BSD isn't even linux, and Linus Torvald isn't BEFORE you make accusations you need to do research. Linux is an operating system based on the GPL (open source). It's not illegal, and it's not for "hackers." Do you know what a hacker is? A hacker is NOT someone who spends alot of time on the computer, nor is it a person who plays "Quake" (LMFAO.) After being envolved with electronics / computers for over 10 years, I would best say a hacker is defined as someone who will do anything to figure something out and aquire knowledge. People who act illegally to damage computer systems aren't hackers, even though the media tends to refer to them as that. They are simple felons who instead of robbing a liqour store, turn to computers and use information of bugs / exploits in negative ways. Hackers are people who question computer systems and try to secure them and find holes in them, NOT TO BE USED FOR BAD, but to be used for good in hopes of preventing attacks.

Okay, huh? (none / 0) (#1268)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:06:51 PM PST
Wow. This has got to be the most hilarious thing I've ever read, next to my hacker daily comics! [] Seriosly, people. I am 17 years old, I go to the BEST public school in New York City ( Bronx HS of Science []) and, according to these "signs", I am a "hacker." Unfortunately, your "parent" has not done a very good job with his homework. This person has mixed up the common term 'hacker' with the definition of a hacker. A real hacker is just someone who is very computer savvy, to the point where they have mastered the Unix operating system, are proficient in real programming languages like C and Perl, and know how to find whatever they want on the internet. In my mind, this requires quite a bit of intellectual prowess. For starters, AOL sucks. Plain. Simple. If I was your son, I would thank him for making such an informed decision. Flash is used to view or make really cool splash pages for web sites. New hardware would make your computer work better. Now, someone wouldn't want their computer to work better is just beyond me... Programming Perl is hardly a hackers manual. Programming in general requires very abstract thinking, and is very intellectually stimulating. Ok so spending time on the computer is bad, but that cannot indicate anything. Plenty of non hackers spend too much time on the computer. Quake!! Ha. QUAKE!! Thats hilarious. The greatest release of stress is to consistantly blow the shit out of moving objects, most of whom that shoot back. When you beat Quake on godmode, that is a major accomplishment. Yes, you need to nuture your sons social skills if he spends too much time in front of the computer. Hacker indicator? No. Lunix? You mean linux. Hacking tool? More like superior operating system. And it comes from Unix, which actaully comes from Multics which was developed at Bell Labs. BSD was developed at UC Berkeley, and is hardly linux. (In fact its superior.) I bet your research didn't show that telnet also resides on your lovely windows machine? I wont respond to the other "signs" because I have to get back to my homework now. JC <>

what the? (none / 0) (#1269)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:10:33 PM PST
this article MUST be joke, and a badly done one at that.
In case it isn't a joke, i fear for your children, for they will surely grow up as maladjusted weak adults that don't know how to handle situations or make decisions by themselves.

Beware (none / 0) (#1270)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:14:02 PM PST
I want to warn you all of a terrible program that your hacker son may have installed on your computer. It is called "Minesweeper". With it your son can instantaneously invade another person's computer and promptly blow up its Intel processor. Delete this program immediately if you have it on your computer, otherwise the FBI may pay you a visit.

what the hell!? (none / 0) (#1271)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:14:13 PM PST
what the hell is this??? a "grannies in defense of the good manners" forum or what?!

Misinformed (none / 0) (#1277)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:29:46 PM PST
For starters, my father is a rocket scientist that works at a respectable engineering company, he is around computers most of his life and is extremely well informed on computer related FACTS. A): AMD is based in California not a third worlds country, and last I heard California is still a registered state in the US. B): Quake is a game, and is not virtual reality realted. Quake 1 and 2 were playable as first person shooters AND online multiplayer games. I do not see how it is possible to interface with other 'hackers' when you are not talking to anyone online unless random parts of your computer have disassociated themselves with the PC and have formed into separate AIs only to become hackers themselves. C): Adolesence is not somehting to be afraid of, and if you really were an enlightened parent (I fear for the world in that you have already spawned 6 other likenesses of yourself) you would know that the characteristics of a 'hacker' are actually those of average teenagers. It doesn't take a rocket scientist (or his son) to figure that one out genius, you can learn that in your average Psyche 101 course in High School. D): Schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain, and cannot be the result of sitting in front of a computer for too long. Any of the effects you mentioned from sitting in front of a computer 'hacking' can be experienced while watching TV, or sitting in front of the computer doing "SCHOOLWORK". And meningitis is a bacterial infection of the spinal cord. Neither of these diseases result from radiation, and even if they did, a computer does not emit enough to do that kind of damage. E): This hacking cult Otaku you speak of is not a hacking cult at all, it is a group of people that are extremely into what we like to call Anime. Anime (I know you will think THIS is un-American) comes from Animation and refers to Japanese drawings. Manga is just one form (comic books) of this style of art. Nothing to fear if your son or DAUGHTER for that matter (which I noticed you hardly made any mention of those. Females can operate computers just as well if not better than males can) gets involved in this. It is an art form, and last I heard "Freedom of expression" is still listed under the 1st Amendment. Those are only 5 things I pointed out that were incorrect in your farce of an article. I'm sure if I wanted to waste more of my time picking it apart, I could find more. Every sentenced made me choke from laughing to hard. The fact that you call yourself enlightened and modern is preposterous. If you were either of these, you would have been able to see these points before I made them.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#1278)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:38:38 PM PST
Man oh man, where does one start in picking out the errors? The author has stated that he researched this hacking for a couple of days...and it shows. If you are reading this, I suggest you take more than a couple of days...maybe even ask your son to straighten you out on your facts.

Know what you're talking about before you speak. (none / 0) (#1280)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:40:56 PM PST
Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Hackers are programmers, CRACKERS are what you think your son is, get it right, for the sake of all the real hackers who are hurt by your comments. Read this site, maybe you will begin to understand, Happy Hacker. Then try out this for some hardcore thoughts about what hackers truely are, the Jargon File. We are probably better people than you or your relatives, remember that.

What and who is this guy?! (none / 0) (#1282)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:42:56 PM PST
Did he goto a computer show and walk around for an hour and now think he is a computer god?! SInce when was AMD inferior...I'm thinking that any model parent would know to do research before talking about products or environments and making an arse of himself. If i met him on the side of the street i would definitelly laugh and laugh and laugh.

AHAHAHAH (none / 0) (#1283)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:48:08 PM PST
omfg. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. If that is meant true Gibbons, I pitty your very limited knowledge for computers. No offence or anything, but your a n00b and need to get ur facts straight. Do your children have a good reputation in school, I mean like, if you go to all their parties (which is scary) do you think they get ranked on? I mean, by doing this you might be showing the children that you do not trust them very much and this may be the reason your son started 'hacking'. Let them out more, let them have some fun, if you cannot trust them that much, how will they be when they are adults? By the way... AMD is actually one of the most popular processors on the market and is sold for people who require it and have knowledge about computers. Intel, also is good but, AMD is more flexible, and where the hell did you get all this third-world bullshit? Second, the program Flash is actually an enhanced way of webdesign, if your son knows this, he can place it on his resume and be a pro-webdesigner. Flash is just like Adobe except for the web and animation. Quake has NOTHING to do with hacking, it depends on the people who play the game Gibbons, it is actually an online game for socialization and competition. Last but not least LINUX (not lunix) is an operating system that MOST people use for servers. If we didnt have Linux... Websites would go slower than they should. Linux is an operating system meant for only hosting webspace, etc (and other such shit) that you obviously are not aware of. Please tell me where you got this information becauce 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of it is total bullshit. To define hacker: A person able to intrude on another parties system illigally. MOST hackers can make their own programs and generate their own viruses. So dont think that AMD is for hackers... its just a friggin processor allowing your system to run LOL.

LMFAO.. utter crap (none / 0) (#1284)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:48:18 PM PST
who thought this junk up? LMFAO, I'm like literally rolling on the floor laughing my ass off after reading that.

Is this a Joke or is this person REALLY this stupid?

AND.. it's not only boys that can be hackers.. lmao

oh well, this is gay

Did Bill gates write this? (none / 0) (#1285)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:50:49 PM PST
I never saw so many attemts to attack diffrent programs and plat forms ebfore . All of course totaly false and makes me wonder where this man got his dis information? If you want to know whats your child is doing ask him and ask for a step by step explination. The fact the his child pulled wool over his eye only shows that he doesnt know what he is doingon computers. So why take advice from some who admilty doesnt know anything about them lol.


OMG!!!! This is THE FUNNIEST CRAP I've EVER read. (none / 0) (#1286)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:56:46 PM PST


It's like villagers calling chemists 'witches' and burning them at the stake!

You should be able to hear this from where you are (none / 0) (#1289)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:04:28 PM PST
Please acknowledge this coment as riotous laughter from the other side of the planet

OMFG THIS IS FUCKIN HILARIOUS!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#1290)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:05:30 PM PST
hahaha this is the greatest shit i have ever heard

"Does your son use Quake?"
"Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?"

rofl this is the fuckin funniest shit i've read so far till this fuckin day hahaha lunix what kind of a fuckin 2 year old wrote this shit how about u go learn some fuckin shit about computers before u fuckin talk shit go get some lessons retard

wow (none / 0) (#1291)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:06:07 PM PST

How do you find your way to work? (none / 0) (#1292)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:06:25 PM PST
This has got to be the most ignorant articles I've ever seen. If you're a parent, do some research of your own, almost all facts and ideas presented here are false. I am not a parent, or a kid, but a Software Eng. student.

As for dummass of the year, hats off to you Gibbons. (I sure hope this was some lame joke, 'cause you just made the USA's national IQ drop 30 points.)

AMD chips are superior and cheaper than Intel's and are sold at every computer store I know.

Linux is a free, open-source, legal operating system being developed by students (of all levels and skills), not highly paid lab nerds. (If you feel peachy and moral about buying Microsoft products, I suggest watching the movie "Anti-Trust".)

Asking for a new video card and new hardware is not like asking for a gun. 60% of all Americans play video games, some like cutting edge technology, and a new video card and hard-drive is still cheaper than an XBox (Microsofts attempt to strangle the 6 billion dollar industry).

Telent is a fundamental terminal program included with every Microsoft release. Companies have relied on Telnet based applications since the adoption of computer networking.

Lilo is an internationally acclaimed shell for choosing which operating system you want to boot and poses no threat to any of your hardware (unless you're an Idiot).

Your child does not want AOL because it's slow, and designed for people who don't know how to work a computer. The first point (as most others) made by the author is weak and unfounded.

im an l337 bitch, u fuckin h0e (none / 0) (#1293)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:06:29 PM PST
sup, i saw this dumb shit as someone pasted this url, sad to say, but ur a fuckin moron, u dont know shit, so stfu b4 u get hurt ;)... if u knew anything u wouldnt have wrote that, a certain someone started hax0ring at 13, and none of that shit u mentioned is usefull at need for ur dumb comments, tell ur son i said sup ;) he seems like a kewl cat, heh ;/

Sorry but your article is a load of horse crap (none / 0) (#1294)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:15:19 PM PST
Your facts are pure rubbish.

AMD chips are not illegal, they are freely sold an any Computer shop world wide.

Telnet is produced by Microsoft and Flash is used web wide for animations. And besides that the problems that you may be having is because you children are out of control.

All what you have talked about is standard for teenagers to go though in this time. It's there choice what they do with there lifes. If they stuff up there lilfe because they are 'hacking' it's there fault, they need to learn by there selfs.

What a dumb fuck... (none / 0) (#1295)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:19:38 PM PST
Listen to the bullshit you've written...

My god, people as dumb as you shouldn't be allowed to live.

This is the stupidest thing i have ever read (none / 0) (#1296)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:25:29 PM PST
first of all, AMD is purchasable in stores and i dont think child labor could handle the lasers that are used to cut the chops, and besides, they are better than Intels anyway, gateway computing has noticed that as well. linux (or as they say loonux or wutever)can be said to be a hacker OS, but it is more of a developers platform because everything is open source, a programmers dream (and that is why many sofware developers and programmers use it, also i know for a fact that the government uses linux). since when is playing a game online help your use of fireams in real life??? i got other things to say on how stupid this is, but i dont have time, if you want to hear more, email me at with "hacker post" in the subject heading and i will respond. thank you

joke.... (none / 0) (#1297)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:28:42 PM PST
please tell me this was ajoke, please, its so funny it made me laugh out loud and wake my room mates up!!!
if the writer comes here and reads this please go and speak to someone who actually knows something about computers so you dont make a complete fool of your self in public again,
power is knowledge, knowledge is power:to stop your child from hacking in quake (hahahahahahaha sorry couldnt resist) buy him half life instead, its all about the half life of radio active isotopes so your son can be a nuclear scientist!!
or you could just read a book on computing and the internet!

Dude you know nothing get your facts straight!!!!! (none / 0) (#1298)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:37:47 PM PST
Before you hurt your self!!!!!!!!

In this guys defense! (none / 0) (#1302)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:49:21 PM PST
Alright most of the stuff this guy is saying is crap but he does make some good points. AOL does put alot of restriction on its users. Especially when is comes to email and relaying. And you can most definitly control another computer using command calls. Lets not forget about the code red virus. When i looked through my webservers log files i could see infected machines. When that is known a cmd.exe is place in several key places on the infected server. Once that is known a hacker has total cmd control of your computer.

From what you have said above i wouldnt be to worried about your son being a hacker. he sounds more like a computer geek. this is not a bad thing. If he becomes proficient then later in life he will make a lot of money.

If this still bothers you and you want to be a computer nazi just place some restrictions on the computer. Not sure what you are running but win 2000 can put a halt to several behaviors above and then you could netnanny to monitor him on the internet. of course there is always the key logger....

Farce? Yes. Funny? Mildly... (none / 0) (#1305)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:51:01 PM PST
I guess if mabye I should go buy a sense of humor...


i have been so blind! (4.25 / 4) (#1307)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:52:13 PM PST
thank you so much for your insite into Hacking!

I myself have 3 kids all of which use all of the above programs and have all read those books! as soon as i read this article i called the cops and had them arrested! they had accumulated a vast quantity of .mp3 hacks and just a month ago we changed from AOL to a company providing Cable.. as they said that the webpages were loading slowly... but now i see it all clearly.. i was deceaved by my own kids! this is outragous! i went through their web history and found noumarous sites afiliated with hacking EG: "" i asume this is where they got it from... i also did a little reserch! and found out that Dos runs with a command called "" i advise that if you do now want your clildren running this Dos hack to click "Start" -=> "find" -=> "files or folders" and enter "" and then search for them.. deleting any on these files that you can find! a commen place for it to b hiding is c:\ and also c:\windows

i urge you to do this with most heist! to make the world a much Hacker free place to be!

um... (none / 0) (#1354)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:10:04 PM PST
I would estimate that you and he are about on the same intellegence level. Macromedia...? I'm so shocked. You must not know much. Surf through and see what is there. You will find it isn't exactly hacker stuff.

ddd (none / 0) (#1363)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:24:43 PM PST
cant u see there are joking

well..... (none / 0) (#6048)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 08:08:30 AM PST
let me tell you that this is all a joke, and that your kids are innocent.

flash isnt hacking software, it let's you view flash. read the content in the goddamn site.

MS DOS is only used on your computer, you cant get access to another person's computer with just MS DOS, MS DOS is used for commands so you can do stuff with your computer, live view files and stuff, a mere MS DOS command doesnt give you access to anything except the things on your computer only.

mp3's are music files, they have no connection to hacking.

the c drive is where you keep regular files, if your kids we're hackers they would store their files in another drive, deleting any anyonymous file that you asume as a hacker program or shit would probably fuck up your computer.

get it from the people who know computers best, this is obviously fake and should not be beleived.

you are pathetic (none / 0) (#6084)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:19:37 PM PST
Obviously the guy that "has been so blind" is joking

wow! (none / 0) (#6172)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:02:55 AM PST
I certainly hop he/she is joking.. if not, this is one sad world we live in!

It is a sarcastic comment... (none / 0) (#6110)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 05:14:15 PM PST
My goodness... have you people heard of the word 'sarcasm'? Try looking it up... it may enlighten you as to some peoples' responses here.

They are doing what is known as 'playing along with the joke'... if they were serious, and had actually deleted their, they wouldn't have had a working computer for very long now would they?

My thoughts exactly! (none / 0) (#6128)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:17:32 PM PST
It's hilarious to read all these replies full shock and insult. C'mon people, IT'S A JOKE!!!!!!!

blah! (none / 0) (#6448)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:54:03 PM PST
scarcasim can usually be told by the tone of voice which is something you can't get in typed words unless you state it ahead of time. (none / 0) (#6653)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 12:16:45 PM PST
I'm fairly sure, that if you're running Windows 2000 you could delete without any consequences, I think you can delete for Windows 95/98 as well. (none / 0) (#6755)
by angeleigh on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 06:58:02 PM PST would be a domain - part of a web address or e-mail address
deleting command as in the ms dos application that allows you to use a dos prompt in windows would not be a good idea
I have seen people use their systems w/ out that application but if there are problems having command or cmd (2000) can sure help in trouble shooting the issue
Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world.

Heh... (none / 0) (#6966)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 30th, 2002 at 07:54:26 PM PST has nothing to do with the internet. .com, in this case, has nothing to do with a domain. It is a type of executable file.

Americans and humour (none / 0) (#6168)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:27:04 AM PST
"Jeez bubba, this better be a joke, huh!"
"Yeah Troy, I mean, duh, flash is for animation... uh huh... now pass me another hamburger"

- god you Americans are so damn stupid - I command you to use your fast cable modems to download avi's of the last 50 years of British TV comedy so that your humour receptors can continue to evolve from the point that they were switched off with the signing of the declaration of independence.

But, hey, what do you expect from the descendents of a bunch of religious whackos.

Intelligence (none / 0) (#6211)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 01:55:22 PM PST
Yes and you're MUCH smarter...i can tell by the level of tolerance you're displaying towards views other than your own.

BAH!!! (none / 0) (#6336)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:03:20 PM PST
When did tolerance and intelligence become the same thing? I hate to say it, but most intelligent people are intolerant of stupid people because they don't want to have to constantly stop and explain everything. That aside, I don't think that 50 years of british humour would help at all. They'd simply sit there and not understand anything. Americans simply miss the concept of subtlety. Both countries have slapstick comedy, but americans do it with no style or elan whatsoever, it's just in your face If you want to compare the two, try watching the french taunting in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', then watch 'Southpark Episode 405 - Pip'. The girl uses the same style of abuse as the French, however it is very direct and could be directed at him specifically (for him to take offence), whereas the Monty Python is too silly for anyone to do anything but laugh. Unless you need it rammed down your throat or canned laughter to get a joke

Canned laughter... (none / 0) (#6770)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:14:55 AM PST
I once saw an American parody of Falcon Crest, and I read an article (in the TV magazine) about how the creators had really INTENDED it as a parody. They had decided to be creative and not include canned laughter. The result was that when it was showed to an American audience, they didn't understand that it was humour, they thought it was a "real" soap opera. When it was showed in some European countries, however, the audience had no trouble identifying it as humour.

Soap? (none / 0) (#6847)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 08:18:54 AM PST
Was this series by any chance called Soap?
Now that was an excellent series... Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Reply (none / 0) (#6988)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 3rd, 2002 at 12:15:59 AM PST
Actually my friend, that is a lie, and you are a twit. The show was named "SOAP" and was a popular sitcom in the Americas.

hmm (none / 0) (#6782)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 06:13:52 AM PST
as someone else has said, tolerance and intelligence don't go hand in hand, quite the opposite, with greater intelligence some things seem obvious that otherwise wouldn't, and having to eternally explain them to others, doesn't exactly encourage tolerance... it's not right but it's true
and as a brit myself, I try not to generalise about america et al, of course there are plenty of americans that are far cleverer than me, and there are plenty of incredibly stupid people over here, but in instances such as this, it's difficult not to, especially some of the reactions to sarcastic comments here, perhaps it was just me, but they were so blatent and silly, that my first instinct was to laugh, not think they were stupid... but hmm, that's just me...

HAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#6225)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:44:47 PM PST
At least we dont have Bad teeth. heheheheheheheh

bad teeth (none / 0) (#6270)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:10:39 AM PST
my good friend used to tell me that he always though he will meet most stupid person in the army, but when he went to states...... you know the rest :)

bad teeth (none / 0) (#6271)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:10:56 AM PST
my good friend used to tell me that he always though he will meet most stupid person in the army, but when he went to states...... you know the rest :)

Can we say grammar? (none / 0) (#6327)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:15:46 PM PST
If you are going to post a comment regarding someone else's intelligence, you should use correct grammar. Oh yeah, and a spell check might be wise too. Not to mention the fact that you didn't realize you posted the same comment twice. So who's the unintelligent one?

Grammar != intelligence (none / 0) (#6771)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:34:50 AM PST
I get the impression that person's first language is not English.

bad teeth (none / 0) (#6314)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:56:03 AM PST
Well, at least we're not all insanely fat. :)

Yeah...and what can you expect... (none / 0) (#6278)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 01:21:31 AM PST
...from ppl who live in a country where one can sit in McDonald's, spill coffee on himself, get burned and then sue McDonald's for coffee being too hot!

I swear, to avoid all the customer lawsuits even Gillette propably has to have a "Swallowing can cause serious injury or death!"- warning stamped on their razorblades.

The land of the free IDIOTS!

I suppose you ppl wouldn't recognize sarcasm and harsh jokes if they came to your house and ate your children!

Scared Look (none / 0) (#6281)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:07:53 AM PST
Jokes can eat children??!

/me locks all the doors and windows

heh ;)

PS In america's defence they do have root beer.. which is one think i really really miss over here :(

Re: Yeah...and what can you expect... (none / 0) (#6371)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:56:10 PM PST
Are you fucking retarded? If you knew anything about that court case you'd know that the coffee that was spilled on that lady was so hot that it melted through her clothes and her skin almost down to the bone. Does coffee need to be that hot? Can you drink it that hot? I don't know what you do over in England but mabye you should learn to do some background information before you go making such idiotic comments on information you know nothing about.

Hey, stupid. You really should use your brain. (none / 0) (#6384)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:34:59 PM PST
<<the coffee that was spilled on that lady was so hot that it melted through her clothes and her skin almost down to the bone.>>

Let me ask you a couple of questions. First, what temperature does coffee boil at? Well, water boils at 212 degrees F., 100 deg. C. Considering that coffee is mostly water, it will be pretty close to that.
Second, what temperature does clothing and skin, as you put it "melt" at? A hell of a lot higher than 212 degrees.
Now, as anybody who's taken basic high-school physics knows: a liquid, when it reaches it's boiling point, doesn't actually increase in temperature until it's entire mass has changed state from liquid to gas...therefore there is no possible way in the universe that the coffee that she spilled on her lap was over 212 degrees. Considering that she got it, put it in her lap, and drove some distance, I'd say, even if it was boiling when they poured it in the cup, it couldn't have been over 200 degrees when she spilled it. True, 200 degree liquid in your lap could give you a pretty nasty burn, but it would hardly "melt through her skin almost down to the bone."

Don't be a dumbass. Use your brain for thinking, rather than a paperweight.

Re:Hey, stupid. You really should use your brain (none / 0) (#6397)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:34:47 AM PST
wasn't the new McAcid coffee?
so i could see how that woud burn

Tsk tsk... (none / 0) (#6399)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:00:31 AM PST
<<Use your brain for thinking, rather than a paperweight.>>

Surely, anyone with enough knowledge of science to know so much about boiling water also knows that a human cannot function without their brain actually being inside their head? If he were using his brain as a paperweight, I doubt that he would be able to type (I suppose that you could put the paper inside your head, but that would result in problems of it's own...)

I suggest that you do some research before posting again on this matter...

;-) (obligatory winky face to show that im joking)

Superhot water (none / 0) (#6607)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:21:05 PM PST
Actualyl, there are some cases of water that as a temperature of over 150 C, and it doesn't boil. It happens, sometimes, with very pure water, in a perfect (flawless) container.
Of course, this wasn't the case here, but just wanted to point that out :)
And no, I am not an american.

Superhot water? (none / 0) (#6625)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 09:31:50 PM PST
Is this sites motto "Where dumbasses unite?" Come on... the article was bad enough, but now we have to suffer through more stupidity (i.e. the `superhot' water (not to mention the "melting through her clothes and skin to the bone")). Come on...

As for you British: I'll Boston tea party your ass any day. We left you because you were opressive bafoons. You and your cherry red blazers and deafening drums.
We saved your complacent asses in WWII... Bad teeth, while making you socially unacceptable in the rest of the world, didn't scare the Germans away. So shove it!

Have a great day :)

American history (none / 0) (#6690)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 12:23:07 PM PST
Yes, the super-heated-water & brain can't be a paper weight posts waste of bandwidth.


When you Boston tea party our ass', will you dress up so someone else gets the blame?

We'd been treating you like cattle for years, what was going on in Europe at that time? Was it the French putting ideas in your head? America was a backwater till a third of the way into the 20th century.

Why has America started re-righting history?

Aeroplanes; no you did not have the 1st powered flight, U271; film with U-boat, Computers, Patriot; the film with Brit's eating babies, micro chips, Packet switching, ect

Though thanks for turning up in time for the end of WW2.

boiling point (none / 0) (#6673)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 01:33:03 AM PST
the boiling point of water is affected by altitude, it can boil lower than 100 deg C or higher. just thought id point that out, also, the guy is right, for it to be hot enough to melt her clothes and disolve her skin to the bone it would need to be in a porcelain cup, mcdonalds been using them for long then?

Boiling point (none / 0) (#6691)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 12:24:42 PM PST

an elementary lesson in chemistry (none / 0) (#6944)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 10:47:06 AM PST
the temperature of liquid water could easily be brought to 400 degrees if it is pressurized properly.
if have ever taken any sort of a chemistry class EVER, you would have know this, stupid.

Melts through he/she says .... (none / 0) (#6412)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:54:07 AM PST
WOW, that is so smart. Kudos to the level of intelligence of that last poster. Imagine, coffee that "melts clothes" and "skin down to the bone". Man, who needs all those biological weapons, we've all got it here at McDonald's which has managed to place its stores all over the world. Again, wooohooo!

Your nationalistic tendencies are getting the better of your common sense.

But then again, did I detect a slight note of sarcasm as well there? Phew, more proof. -Ed

British v. America (none / 0) (#6442)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:55:07 PM PST
Oh sorry I forgot how smart all you British people are. One just has to step in here and recognize! I mean we were all born from pitiful crazy fanatics so it's understandable that we are so stupid. American's dont know anything. None of us do, we never succeed at anything, and we just sit in our pathetic poverty groveling about money for a cheesburger. Sure 100% American. While British people are making intelligent comedy's that make American Comedy look derranged. They raise fine perfect families in a fine perfect society where everyone profits and enjoy's their life. No one in America enjoys their life, nope no one. We are too stupid to figure out anything that could be even slightly amusing. Oops was that a slip of sarcasm?

I'll admit, there are plenty of stupid Americans. There are also stupid European's. There are very intelligent Americans, and very intelligent Europeans. The fact that whoever posted this insult to America can't recognize our culture and way of life, does not mean we are wrong, or stupid. If anything it proves British (At least this one) to have a lot of pride, but mabye they are still hurting from being booted out of America. Perhaps our comedys are more funny to us then Monty Pithon? I dont think Monty Pithon is as funny as South Park, and does that make me a cruel and distorted human being? I don't think so. Now I'm 18 years old and I know this much, all Americans can't be as stupid as you say.

And have you not heard the phrase 'Ignorance is Bliss?"

Perhaps it's true here. Mabye some American's don't know much, but it's possible to love your life and love those around you, and also be dumb. I'm sure it's more likely to find a very smart and wise person to have a more miserable life then others because everything they see they look down on. There are many ways to look at the world. I understand and respect opinions that have facts to back them up, but this one is far false. I don't know anything about the author, but I know that you my friend can not make statements like that and have them be truthful.

Ignorance is bliss (none / 0) (#6470)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:55:21 PM PST
ignorance got you your current president

But (none / 0) (#6481)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:52:37 PM PST
You dont consider the situation. Mabye people want more of a 'family' man as their President to make more moral desicions. His advisors will tell him what is best and hes clearly not as stupid as many people say, though not a great public speaker. You have no idea how smart or dumb he is, and you are pretty much judging your opinion on a few stupid statements and stutters he has made.

wow (none / 0) (#6494)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 11:16:18 PM PST
Alot has come out of one cheesie Do it yourself article. Funny how stupidity loves company, and well spreads itself around. I am from Canada and I think your both great countries.

Yes, it did... (none / 0) (#6500)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 03:17:54 AM PST
Ignorance did get us our president...ignorance among the 9 supreme court justices that elected him (I should mention, also, that I don't recognize him as our president right now...whatever good that does). He did not, however, win the popular vote in this country, which means that, if you are to use voting for Bush as an indication of someone's intelligence, then the majority of Americans are actually pretty smart ;-)

British Vs America (a response) (none / 0) (#6508)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 06:40:02 AM PST
I think that you have taken this arguement off the rails somewhat? The whole point is aome ill-informed parent places this piece of scaremongering crap on the net! Not who is the funniest country Brits or Yanks?

Who gives a flying rats ass who has the funnier sit-coms? There is more to life than your TV, I'm sure millions of Americans will tell you? So, why you have to pull this arguement into a trans atlantic slanging match is beyond me?

You in the USA have your own troubles right now, just as we do in the UK. The sad thing about all this is that some parents will take this article seriously?

And before I go, was the snipe about being booted out of the US a serious one? Why every time the Americans can't win an arguement does that come out? Please, it's stolen ground anyway? You like everyone else on this planet, i sliving on STOLEN GROUND? Who cares who claims ownership now? That soil will be there when you have gone and someone else will claim ownership?

Hows that for side tracking the arguement?!

Tiem for the Canadian mediator to step in! (none / 0) (#6565)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:52:32 PM PST
U're all psychos who can't see a joke for waht it is... I seriosuly laughed my ass off just scanning that hacker crap! Then u Americans and British turn it into a matter of who's better (not even sure how), then I started bleedgin at the lips from laughing that much! U're all crack pots with no lives who need to get outdoors once in a while!! Personally though, if I had to chose other than Canadian, I'd chose British; cause Andy McNab one cool SOB!! Same with the rest of them Regiment blokes :D

I AM CANADIAN (none / 0) (#6621)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 08:51:05 PM PST
Well can't argue with him... he is right. but i'd choose brits, cos i'd rather be faced with eccentric people than fanatic nationalistic people.

I have to agree with our Canadian Mediator (none / 0) (#6942)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 06:51:28 AM PST
How did we get from a parent who doesn't know about computers to a look back in time into history? Its a conspiracy. *laughs* I have to say, I am an american who thinks this is pretty funny. I have full respect for the British, they have wonderful people over there. I also have a lot of respect for the people over here in the U.S. You look at it, most over the people over here from america are desendants of European ancestors no matter how you look at it. So brothers and sisters, why do we have to look at the past and remember the losses when we can look at the future and what it will hold.

Hold the phone a second paleface. (none / 0) (#6716)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 01:06:11 PM PST
Not everyone here in the US is living on "stolen" land. I happen to be American Indian. My butt belongs here.

Just wanted to point that out.


Monty Python V' South Park (none / 0) (#6692)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 12:45:22 PM PST
Isn't South park the love-child of Monty Python?

What a horrible thought! (none / 0) (#6774)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:01:10 AM PST
What a horrible thought!

Huh? (none / 0) (#6772)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:41:33 AM PST
1. Coffee (i.e. the water in it) doesn't get hotter than boiling.

2. In order to cook coffee and get the flavour out of the powder properly one has to heat the water to boiling.

Conclusion: she got really fresh, tasty coffee (this is usually considered a Good Thing)

This is pretty hot coffee.... (none / 0) (#6910)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 25th, 2002 at 07:33:59 AM PST

I'd like the recipy for McDonalds coffee, cause if they can heat WATER til the point where it will melt COTTON then the final breakthrough in cold fusion should be a doodle.

I live in Nevada, so if you guys believe this I have some prime beachfront property I'd like to offer you.

You limey bastards (none / 0) (#6453)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:23:02 PM PST
I'll have you know that sarcasm did eat my children, and I only use razors that have safty blades that are too dull to cut. You British and your razor blades that cut and child eating humor just need to stop posting on the net.
wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean eh?

You have no idea what you are talking about. (none / 0) (#6542)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:51:32 PM PST
The McDonald's suit was not a suit for millions of dollars. The woman in question only wanted her medical expenses reimbursed (you can look up the original suit yourself if you really care). During the cause, McDonald's acted with so much arrogance, that the jury decided to punnish them.

The multi-million dollar judgement aginst McDonald's was not because the coffee was too hot, it was because of the way they treated their customers.

Next time, think before you spew comments about things of which you have absolutely no knowledge.

retard (none / 0) (#6613)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 06:51:02 PM PST
Gillete probably does have such a warning, but it doesn't make all americans just makes out legal system stupid.

Damn... Almost Laughed... (none / 0) (#6642)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 06:21:47 AM PST
Damn, I thought this was hilarious! Well, at least until I read the comments and learned that I didn't really understand it due to my being an American.

Butr we have the bombs (none / 0) (#6647)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 09:06:19 AM PST
And we can see by your idiotic response we should probably drop them on you........

British wind-bags (none / 0) (#6656)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:20:02 PM PST
I love the way a country that pays such an enormous amount of its wages to support a "royal" family to do absolutely nothing, feels the can lecture us on how stupid our political/legal system is.

When is the next British operating system coming out? Next generation processor? Then again, when is the next British anything going to impact the world (beside foot and mouth disease)? Oh, I forgot, you have Monty Python. Monty Python, a family of Royal jackasses, and daily tea over a lovely talk about how stupid the rest of the world is.

"We are so naturally important; we get to become Dukes, Dutch's, Lords, and Dames. Oh, aren't we grand! Such homour and razor-sharp wit! We don't produce much, we don't have to! Let others do it, and then snobbishly whine about how stupid everyone is when things don't go our way. Look how stupid Americans are, they actually pay George Bush to be President...oh look Chester! Yahoo Uk & Ireland & whoeverthefuckelseisleft News says Prince William has grown first Royal pubes!"

um you are retarded (none / 0) (#6674)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 01:40:14 AM PST
without britain you wouldnt be sat infront of your monitor, logi baird invented the CRT and telivision, britain is responsible for many many revolutionary inventions that HAVE changed the world. the light blub, radio, television, the car, THE FIRST COMPUTER (colosus) id sugest you think before you post, know what the hell you are talking about you hick mofo'

Not only dumb but Ill Informed... (none / 0) (#6683)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 08:56:37 AM PST
Wow! You really have been hoist by your own petard. Not only are you misinformed but you are also aggressively stupid about it and embarras your fellow countrymen at the same time by association.

Scientists in the UK were the first to split the atom, and clone a mammal and we also wrote the first and many current operating systems. Stan Laurel was English and he invented Hollywood. Your legal system is a cruel and insane bastardisation of the British one.

But better than all of this, the main complaint about the yanks is that they have absolutely no concept of the world outside the US. This is why Americans are so widely hated in the rest of the world. You have no idea what you are talking about yet you shout and rave.

This is why we laugh at you so much. You prove our point by being the loudest and, on average most stupid people on earth when it comes to knowing anything except that which you are told by your media. You glorify and villify and pass the world by.

There are dumb people all over the world but at least the rest of us know when to shut up.

And joy of joys, you make an exceptionally stupid mistake when you say the royals don't do anything. A huge amount of New York City is owned by two British royals. Can you guess who?

I love the way that you bash the royal family. As if we give a shit!!! ha ha ha!!! They are value for money simply because they wind people like you up.

And George Dubblhya Bush. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Um...WHAT? (none / 0) (#6985)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 2nd, 2002 at 06:40:22 PM PST
Scientists in the UK did NOT split the atom first, it was Sir Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealander. Before you complain about people getting their facts wrong, look at your own :P

Ernest Rutherford (none / 0) (#7070)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 20th, 2002 at 03:58:06 AM PST
Yes that is true he was a Kiwi, i.e. he was born in New Zealand, but his father was Scottish, his mother English. He actually 'split the atom' in the UK at Cambridge University.

But lets not split hairs, eh?

McDonald's Coffee (none / 0) (#6687)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 10:57:54 AM PST
> one can sit in McDonald's, spill coffee on
> himself, get burned and then sue McDonald's
> for coffee being too hot!

This is a commonly misunderstood case. For the truth of the matter, kindly refer to the following link:

Rock on, Brit! (none / 0) (#6338)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:35:02 PM PST
You sir, are brilliant. Thank you!

-american devoid of whacko religiousness and blind-mice-ism

I've noticed that too... (none / 0) (#6375)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:36:08 PM PST
I don't think it's just Americans though, there seems to be a mind set that just doesn't understand humour. Irony is completely wasted on them, and the sublime sails over their heads like a passing asteroid. A T.V. show can't be funny unless it has a blaring laugh track. A movie isn't a comedy unless it stars some well-known comedian and includes lots of scenes of men getting hit in the testicles. Above all, don't ever try to post a "humorous" article on the internet unless you're using about a hundred of those little smiley faces as punctuation, or people won't know you're joking. Then they'll rise up in righteous indignation, and fill up the bandwidth with witty rejoinders such as "ur a idiot dude".

Wait a sec... (none / 0) (#6380)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:12:52 PM PST
Who the hell takes time to actually register for another frigging thing.

Anyway I don't think you can direct that comment to anyone in particular because:
Everyone is different. I mean, example, not all canadians are nice and not all Americans are ignorent. (Althought from what iv seen it seems to be the majority). Dumbasses are everywhere.

hmmmmm (none / 0) (#6798)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 12:34:17 PM PST
You spelt ignorant're American right?

And now for something completely different (none / 0) (#6418)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:38:48 AM PST
I suppose that the neither the United States of America nor the United Kingdom can possess an entire population as intelligent as those of you posting here. We need a small group of individuals who are employed at McDonalds cooking nuclear coffee to temperatures beyond the realm of science in an effort to conquer mankind.

I am so glad we wasted brainpower on this one...

I dunt get it... (none / 0) (#6529)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:01:55 AM PST
Is this real or not? I sat here laughing at the stupidity of it all.. kinda a headache too.. but uhh... is this guy for real or not?... Im going to put my hacker arse to bed now..

A Dumb Mexican

Irony: ignore that stupid song! (none / 0) (#6693)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 01:19:34 PM PST
"Is this real or not?"

IRONY:noun - i�ro�ny (r-n, r-)
example: We never had a car, it was black.
: If their were no guns in the world how could you return fire?

Irony is:
1.0)the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
1.1)An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
1.2)A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit1.

2.0) Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: "Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated" (Richard Kain).

".. Im going to put my hacker arse to bed now.."
Night night.


American are stew-ped (none / 0) (#6388)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:18:29 PM PST
heh...right on my non-gringo friend. Clever bigotry is always funny, but we aren't a nation of George Bushes.

To throw it back your way, I thank my time in the UK for teaching me to value "nights on the piss with the lads". And very cultural it was.

reply (none / 0) (#6407)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:37:33 AM PST
Never having met an american who can drink more than one pint i'm surpised you can even remember a single 'nite on the piss'. So stay at home sipping your bud lite chenm-beer and stop wasting our time.
bloody light wieght

reply (none / 0) (#6408)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:40:59 AM PST
Never having met an american who can drink more than one pint i'm surpised you can even remember a single 'nite on the piss'. So stay at home sipping your bud lite chenm-beer and stop wasting our time.
bloody light wieght

reply (none / 0) (#6409)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:42:07 AM PST
Never having met an american who can drink more than one pint i'm surpised you can even remember a single 'nite on the piss'. So stay at home sipping your bud lite chem-beer and stop wasting our time.
bloody light wieght

lol (none / 0) (#6421)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:35:04 AM PST
haha, thats right!

go britain!

Damn redcoats....... (none / 0) (#6496)
by Ares on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 12:42:47 AM PST
British bastards.... do you need to be reminded that we kicked your sorry asses out of our country? I believe this means we can be the judges of what is funny and what is british.

Messed up... (none / 0) (#6547)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 03:25:25 PM PST
Oh hell, now I have a complex! I have dual Brit/US nationality. I guess you must all hate me either for being British or for being American (except for that nice Canadian guy who was so diplomatic, as only a Canadian can be). So I am trying to work out which nationality comes through strongest in me so that I can join a side. Its a tough call though.

I have bad teeth, and that may seem like a good pointer, but then I am really fat too.

I find it very hard to show my emotions (well, one doesn't like to cause a scene, does one?), but I am seeing a therapist about that.

I think subtle irony is hilarious, but then so is a pie in the face.

I am uptight and constrained by the pressure to behave in a seemly manner, but I'll sue the pants off you for the most unbelievable of reasons.

I arrogantly consider myself culturally superior (you see, my good friend, *we* have a history), but as I write I am drinking a Budweiser(TM) and eating a Big Mac.

I like making up words and phrases on the fly, not caring how stupid they sound, as long as they get the message across, but I will never refer to "football" as "soccer".

Well what do you reckon?

Wow... that was random... (none / 0) (#6628)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:20:50 PM PST
As I sit here, laughing and crying, I wonder where the hell this guy comes into the mix. I think he needs to start his own country because it looks like he'd be socially unacceptable in either. Damn... Fathers bad looks and the mothers fat ass... he got the worst of both worlds.

I do agree though, Canadians rock. If I weren't so lazy (i.e. American), I'd move to canada.

RE: Messed Up... (none / 0) (#6724)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 06:13:31 PM PST
Having read the article unsure of whether to laugh or cry, due to disbelief that it could be true, but a foreboding feeling that it just might be someone from the poor old US's religious right. Then reading all of these posts, and getting close to leaving the site, as another example of too many people taking things seriously... I found the post above! Brilliant! Funniest thing i've read for about an hour! I guess I'll visit the sites homepge and check it out now.

Damn Rednecks (none / 0) (#6548)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 03:29:21 PM PST
Wow - you kicked the Brits out? You must be really old. Did you know Sam Adams? Or Mel Gibson?

may i remind you that you didnt (none / 0) (#6675)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 01:44:16 AM PST
we kicked our selves out of our own country you idiot, civil war YOU DUMBASS

wow- i didn't know! (none / 0) (#6735)
by Ares on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 04:49:38 AM PST
SHIT! you kicked youselves out of your own country? and you call me a dumbass......

Your Country???????????????? (none / 0) (#6859)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 12:52:11 PM PST
Since when has it been your country? i seem to remember (though not first hand i feel it is neccesary to add for our american counterparts) that it was christopher columbus that discovered ur land of the free. christopher columbus. ill say it one more time. christopher columbus. that is, as far as i can work out an english name, do u agree? that means that if it werent for us brits (from whom nearly all of u stupid yanks are descended from anyway) you'd have nowhere to live. its our country, were just letting you use it, thats all.

Alrighty then. (none / 0) (#6987)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 2nd, 2002 at 11:55:54 PM PST
Christopher Columbus was actually Italian, and sailed under a spanish flag.
He did not discover this land, since there were Aboriginal peoples here already.
The English took the land over. After a civil war it was an american nation.
<if it werent for us brits (from whom nearly all of u stupid yanks are descended from anyway>
I see stupidity runs in the family, since most are your brethren.

And to end this, this is not your country , and come take your relatives back. They have made a mess of the place.

stupid americans (none / 0) (#6561)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:16:48 PM PST
as an american, i'll agree that many americans are just idiots. however, british humor is a bit of a oxymoron. it's just not funny.

We are not all like that!! (none / 0) (#6580)
by mjh01210 on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 07:48:16 AM PST
Hey, not all of us are computer illiterate, some of us actually know how to use a computer, and know what the various programs are for. Mr. Gibbons is either trying to make a joke, in which case he succeded, because his post had me rolling on the floor, or he is a total moronic shmuck. If I was his son I never would have left the womb. If he is so concerned about America he should do us all a favor and get a vasectomy to keep his stupidity out of the gene pool.

fair enough (none / 0) (#6583)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 08:42:55 AM PST
Ok, you're right on one affect, most Americans are dumb as shit. Being an American myself, I have a first hand view of the utter stupidity of a lot of my homeland neighbors. However, we're very good at making money, and we're able to surmount the utterly infantile mentality of national socialism.

money != intelligence (none / 0) (#6777)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:27:54 AM PST
Since when is intelligence measured in dollars?

only 50 years? (none / 0) (#6612)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 06:47:59 PM PST
what dumbass, the british had no advances in humor from when we signed the declaration of independence up until 50 years ago? What happened, did you guys wake up one day and decide that 'hey, we should advance our sense of humor!'? Why don't you shut the fuck up about Americans and a sense of humor asshole.

Why the Brit is right (none / 0) (#6614)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 07:06:23 PM PST
Surely the advent of modern British comedy aides our friends from across the pond in understanding such an article, but consider this: in the U.S.A., there are actually people stupid enough to say this crap. It's not that we States folk don't understand sarcasm, it's just that in situations like this, IT IS VERY OFTEN NOT SARCASTIC. You can thank our religious zealot background for this. We Americans call the people who say this the Religious Right, which in reality is neither.

oh shut the fuck up (none / 0) (#6617)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 07:43:23 PM PST
Jesus Christ, <---he owns ok, hes part of my religion. Second, yeah were american but does that make us bad? dumbass, get a life you fucken dick smugler, no one cares that you download and watch british gay porn in your free time. We're Americans and some people aren't. So think 2 times before you post you fucken moron!

Disclaimer: (none / 0) (#6626)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:04:12 PM PST
The views of all Americans are not reflected in the above posting.

Cussing is just an idiots way of sounding important.

However............... (none / 0) (#6623)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 09:05:47 PM PST
We Americans have all the guns and bombs so we'll do whatever we please. Just ask all the Arabs we are in the process of burying.

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:18:58 PM PST
wt foi man u a r lik e oonnnnnnnnnnnnnn crak!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROLFF!!!!!!!! llllllik e goo blo a goat oi? u kno fuk urra mumma!

The poor little Brit is lost! (none / 0) (#6629)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:28:58 PM PST
Nuff said.

amen (none / 0) (#6634)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 12:18:49 AM PST
silly americans.. <p>
Did you know that the word 'gullible' doesn't appear in the dictionary?

Amen (none / 0) (#6694)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 01:35:36 PM PST
Hello Rat.
Please stop baiting the Yanks.


humor (none / 0) (#6658)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:44:31 PM PST
Please...your only humor is Benny Hill, thats not funny, thats just fucking perverted and retarded.

The only thing good that came out of your country us the Holy Grail and Life of Brian

humor (none / 0) (#6786)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 07:05:51 AM PST
hmm... I was going to write a huge essay on british comedy, but frankly it'd probably be lost people that only know of benny hill (plus there's the small fact that I have no idea what's been shown in america) personally, I've never been able to stand the majority of US shows that I've seen (there are exceptions naturally, but whatever) but off the top of my head I can think of 10 good british comedies... I think there's just a bigger range that I've seen, from the nice, family stuff (Dad's Army say) to the majorly fucked up insanity (League of Gentlemen, naturally)

CANT U AMERICANS EVEN BLOODY COUNT?!?!?! (none / 0) (#6861)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 01:05:00 PM PST
u silly twat. u just sed that we only hav one comedy, benny hill. fair enough. ur american, so we can forgive you for being such an uncultured pratt. however u then went on to say that there were also 2 rather funny films from britain aswell. im sorry mr american, but i was always taught at school that 2+1= 3. do they teach it differently in american schools? is this some form of "bush maths" that was specifically designed so that the most powerful man on the planet could do simple sums without using a calculator?

Do maths the American way - make up an answer, and because your classmates are all also american, they wont notice!!!

i have to say, that for a nation of dumbasses, you have some pretty clever ways og hiding it...

Outraged of Bath and Wells (none / 0) (#6677)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 02:47:38 AM PST
As a well known Anglican Bishop I can only say I am truly shocked. The God-fearing Protestants which set sail aboard the Mayflower were God's own children and good honest folk to boot. I am outraged that you have the audacity to call them Religious Loonies. Everybody knows that term is for <removed by moderator>. Thankyou...

Oh yeah? (none / 0) (#6686)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 10:46:32 AM PST
> hey, what do you expect from the descendents
> of a bunch of religious whackos.

Hey! Not all of us are decended from religious whackos. I'll have you know that many of our forefathers were criminals, or even political misfits!

Jeez. Some people.


mad? (none / 0) (#6873)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 07:07:35 PM PST
Are you mad cuz we won ??? lol

Remedy: read UK sites only, if you like (none / 0) (#7123)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 5th, 2002 at 04:29:15 PM PST
Fortunately, you are free to seek out British sites only so that you don't have to read American writing. Ta ta!

maybe you should get a clue (none / 0) (#6502)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:40:11 AM PST
I do agree that this is bullshit and who ever is gullable enough to believe this rubbish is well I ain't going to swear.

MS DOS is 95% more so used to gain access to a another users machine maybe YOU should get a clue before dicsussing matters that you know nothing about.

NET USE X: \\ipnumber
think about that

Also flash could be regarded as hacking too or more so 'be malicious' as to place a piece of code called a 'virus' into swf files. it has been done.

Yes agreed mp3 is a type of compression
MPEG 3 as apposed to MPEG 1 its the way the files is compressed.

as for deleting files on your Hard Drive namely (C:\) or drive c as the user above suggests, agreed don't just go about deleting files of you home machine when you have no clue as to what they do.


ER, THINK ABOUT THIS... (none / 0) (#6521)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:55:21 AM PST

Preach it (none / 0) (#6646)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 09:03:14 AM PST
I couldnt have said it better, People liek that make the Internet World an Unfriendly invironment. What is their Dysfunction? Dropped on their heads to much as a baby or just fucking dicks to socioty...

Re: Preach it (none / 0) (#6807)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 02:40:35 PM PST
Dude, your as stupid as this guy is. W47ch4 0u7!! My 50n m4y 63 4 1337 h4ck3r!!! I r run!!!

not exactly (none / 0) (#6657)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:44:01 PM PST
your opinion about FLASH is correct,
it is:
- the viewer
- the creator(to make your own movies)

comet cursor is a way to change your cursor into a picture in your web browser

bonzi buddy is just an annoying monkey which costs a lot of money, and should tell jokes etc.

DOS is:
or MS DOS, an operating system,
short for Denial of Service, attacking a server by overloading it, especially IIS(by microsoft) is very vulnerable to DOS attacks.

A little knowledge (none / 0) (#6082)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:04:02 PM PST
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing this is the entire concept behind the article I quite sincerely believe you understand that. if not then by all means delete and other hacker files like io.sys arcldr.exe ntldr and msdos.sys have fun

stupid ass mofo (none / 0) (#6127)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:17:06 PM PST
ok good luck booting up your computer u fag. is a VERY important file!!!!!! no, no windows os. whoever wrote this article is also a fucking dumbass! wtf is Lunix!?!? and there is nothing wrong with AMD! they are a good processor chip making company. they are in tie with intel and are able to be purchased from stores! and they even come in computers these days as an alternate choise from intel!!! faggs. what about ur 45 min time limit?!?!?!!? thats not even enought to watch a dvd!!!!!!!! god damnit whoever posted this nore should be shot in the head!

WORST NEWS SITE ON THE NET (none / 0) (#6130)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 07:53:04 PM PST
first of all, whoever wrote this article is either one of two things: A. completely retarded or B. completely retarded. second, if I were you, I would be very embarrassed to put forth my ideas on what you refer to as "hacking" when really it's basically what ALL adolescent males do at their age (i.e. PLAY QUAKE dumbass) with such vigor and actually think that I know what I'm talking about. you are possibly the dumbest person that actually has the authority to write an article at a somewhat "good" news site. now most people will learn that this site is just a steaming pile of bullshit with a bunch of ignorant adults writing articles about "today's corrupt teens." I don't think it's necessary to mention how many computer-illiterate comments you made like and macromedia flash as a hacking program because I hope that anyone that reads this article learns to never visit this site again and totally distrust any article at this site.

grow up (none / 0) (#6175)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 07:27:10 AM PST
Apparently, it must take a grown-up to understand the humor that the author of this article intended. Everyone should've noticed how the author was intentionally 'misinterpreting' common things that every mildly computer-literate understands. If you're one of those that didn't notice the subtle signs of sarcasm, you really ought to get out from behind that computer more and grow up.

Exactly (none / 0) (#6401)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 04:24:15 AM PST
The site is called "Adequacy, news for grown-ups"
Obviously ppl who think that this guy was being completely serious shouldn't be reading articles on a site for "Grown-ups" when they haven't Grown-up yet! I suggest that the ignorant americans here (not to say all americans are ignorant), with your comical one-liners and your applause signs need to do some developing in the humour department. I think the comment about downloading the last 50 years of british comedy programmes was mainly a jealous stab at your high speed internet access. As it is more widely available over in the states, the poster may have some distaste due to ignorance on your part, however the main point is true, you should watch british comedy programmes/films, and not just your hollywood crap.

Dumb*ss (none / 0) (#6184)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 09:31:15 AM PST
Get a Brain - the article is meant as a *joke*, Dumb*ss!

linux (none / 0) (#6316)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:57:12 AM PST
Linux is a free OS you can d/l from the internet as a more stable alternative to windows. You can find more about it at
And i think the dumb f**k who wrote the original article needs to be shot for the betterment of humanity.

Who is the dumbF**k (none / 0) (#6324)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:24:55 AM PST
I think as most people have realised, or not, as the case my be, that this article is based soley on the truth. The only part I would dispute is that about change of appearance, but I feel that it is a minor issue when there is much more serious evidence.

you are the stupid ass mofo (none / 0) (#6540)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:35:34 PM PST
Are you an idiot? This guys being sarcastic, its a joke.

BTW ===> AMD is evil and they support HACKING INTO GOVERNMENT COMPUTERS!

Lunix (none / 0) (#6709)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 12:02:14 AM PST
For those of you that are not aware, Lunix is an older Linux type OS for the wonderful old Commodre 64's ..

Get a Brain (none / 0) (#6158)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:28:57 AM PST
Ok if you feel that being on a computer all day and just doing nothing but using the computer and you belive this to be the workings of hacking. you got a 120 foot poll up your glutious maximus

I own a isp, sorry i didnt mean to encorage hackin (none / 0) (#6161)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:51:09 AM PST
I read this article and was deeply saddened by what i read, after this many years in the Information Industry i never knew that i was actually helping kids become hackers, I personally feel that Windows platform machines were rather ordinary and that when teenages came to me and asked about linux, unix or bsd, that they were heading the right way in expanding their computer knowledge - i guess i was wrong. Even worse, I also use AMD in a lotof the computers i upgrade and build for many of my customers (looks like i am a hacker as well). I think the saddest thing here is that this person would only PUSH their son towards the "darker" side of hacking due to the mistrust and faulse belief that their children are actually breaking the law as a "hacker". I think daddy might need to go and get a few more computer classes before telling other parents how to bring up their children.

heh (none / 0) (#6248)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 06:52:21 PM PST
Good god, this person is totally whacked up. I own an AMD chip, best damn chip ive ever owned, lets see, bonzi buddy is spyware, even I have had a difficult time getting rid of it, its a pansy. Lets see, Sure, i might consider myself a "hacker", though certainly not a "cracker" like they ment it, if your "son" is a "cracker" then be worried, just a very small amount if at all, its their own choice, yeah, i am a hacker, I am a white hat guy, hacking for companies against their own defenses, to test them, mostly too, their own defenses suck, so i end up fixing it too. But, truly, that is the most fucked up article i have ever read.

Messages to administrators: remove this news article, it is entirely false, you of all people should know that it is falsifying hackers and the good acts that they do. It sickens me, please remove it.

Of course you are! (none / 0) (#6779)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 03:51:32 AM PST
Sounds to me like you are a hacker, and I mean that in the best possible way. :-)

heheheh (none / 0) (#6190)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 10:16:12 AM PST
hehehehehahahhahehehehehhe.... rofl... hehahahhdhdhehheh dofl... hehhhhhhakkkkrffsdkgvs


ur a dumbass (none / 0) (#6215)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 02:32:48 PM PST
oh my god u had ur kids arrested for havin mp3, bonzi buddy and all that crap?!?!?! if i was ur son i'd fuckin shoot u. this whole article is a fuckin joke, most of these things apply to me, my friends, my dad, my uncle everyone i know that owns a computer all of u who acually take this article seriously should be hanged and ur dead bodies be paraded around town

are u serious????? (none / 0) (#6223)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:36:53 PM PST
Macromeida flash in a program to make beautiful homepages.. take a look at
Linux in not a hacking system of GODS SAKE!!
you can do so much with linux.. I myself is not in hacking buissnies but i've made a linux router and a linux firewall to GET AWAY FROM HACKERS!!!-
you dont have any idea about what u are talking about..cable is used for faster internet connection.. not for just laughing.-

im just laughing (none / 0) (#6224)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 03:39:49 PM PST
are you kidding with me?????
this is the most pathetic i've ever seen, besides the 10 golden hacking rules :I..
if you would just start to look at is no connection with hacking in the programs you wrote above.. you can use windows aswell for extreme hacking if you son wants..

I agree (none / 0) (#6337)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:11:33 PM PST
Yes I agree,
My small company has a number of PC's and I have had to fire the Network team as some of thier PC's have Linux on them. I berated them and told they had to go I cannot abide hackers.
I am glad of this warning article. Keep the NET a safe and clean place for decent people to use.

by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:36:55 PM PST
WTF! LINUX IS THE NEXT BEST THING 2 FREAKING COMMODORE! commie..member those?lol....i may b jus 16..but cooooomme oooonnnnnnnnn........ u can't stand them being smarter and broadening their horizons, and increasing your network's speed, flexibility,power,and yes security.its the wave of the future..sigh.....*shakes her head*

i give up..

NaughtyAngel :�

Re: Linux Operating Sytem (none / 0) (#6462)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:05:22 PM PST
For your information, linux is merely a Operating System(OS), which is in direct competition with the windows OS, owned and sold by microsoft(MS), and the Mac OS. Linux has a lot of advantages for the technologicaly informed, is absoulotly free, is much more stable, and does not crash or freeze like windows, and is more difficult to use.

If you truly fired employees because they had Linux installed on their computers, you are both better off, you, because you have peace of mind, and them, because they will be much happier with an employer with more techno-savy.

I am 49 years old, have 4 kids at home, and numorous computer systems, and parts of systems. In my mind, hacking is the same as walking on the grass instead of the sidewalk. Hacking is not illegal, stealing is.

It is legal for you to fly over my home, and take picture while you do it. If you go sell those pictures, you owe me money. That was illegal. There is no law against you taking the picture.

On 9/13, I observed a young, black, attorney, taking a picture of the security personal at BWI airport. That was certainly an innocent act before 9/11. But those security guards were very upset that someone was photographing them. Was it illegal? No. Did it demonstrate poor judgement? Yes.

In my mind, the danger on the internet is:
#1 Pornography
#2 Chat rooms

Happy hacking!

that's sad (none / 0) (#6513)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 07:31:22 AM PST
you just don't deserve to have a company - go ahead fire your best people and beat it

Good for you! (none / 0) (#6551)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:17:50 PM PST
We've had Network Admins at our company, who for months have been insisting we run trials with this 'Linux'. I've always bowed to their better judgement, believing it to be a genuinely viable alternative, until I read this article. I feel almost stupid that I could let staff fool me into allowing such maliciuos software to be installed on our computers. Needless to say that our IT department, as well as being slightly smaller, has recieved the sternest warnings about this type of software being used in the company.
Perhaps an ethically sound organisation, such as Microsoft could be persuaded to supply monitoring software which would flag illegal installations such as this and remove hackers files such as the '' mentioned in the article? It would help me sleep much easier at night knowing my company was in their safe, reliable hands.

reliable hends... my ass.... from Kamen (none / 0) (#6590)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:55:32 AM PST
How is it possible ignorant people to be in charge in the US and the country to be prosperous?! For that I think the prosperity is in a big danger in the states. Most of the capital you have is in the foreigners comming there. Without them you're going down the slope fast.

Take Note! (none / 0) (#6406)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:37:15 AM PST
The Hacker Manifesto

+++The Mentor+++
Written January 8, 1986

Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...

Damn kids. They're all alike.

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?

I am a hacker, enter my world...

Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...

Damn underachiever. They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..."

Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me.. Or thinks I'm a smart ass.. Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.

And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...

Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike...

You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

Right On! (none / 0) (#6413)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:24:25 AM PST
Right on brotha! hail Hitler! whooooo!!!

WOOT! (none / 0) (#6449)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:55:41 PM PST
subject says it all....

bless you (none / 0) (#6464)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:16:17 PM PST
well written.

amen (none / 0) (#6550)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:12:38 PM PST
well said... i feel your pain..and your curiosity.

the manifesto (none / 0) (#6604)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 04:53:28 PM PST
right on.
fuckin hell yeah to you brutha.

to everyone else:

/� /
/ /
/��`/' '/���`��
/'/ / / /� /�\
( '( � � �-/' ')

\ fuck you (

HELL YEAH (none / 0) (#6748)
by DrkZephyr on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 01:29:38 PM PST
We need more people with legit. reasons why we are being persecuted and looked down at because of our title.
Fuck the dumb ass who wrote this. My dads a hacker for gods sake.
BTW What the fuck is Lunix. Never heard of it.
Plus the stupid shit that wrote this must not know that many people run Linux to have a Firewall up and other security reasons. So before he flames us for runing Linux he needs to get facts straight.

\/\/007 \/\/007! (none / 0) (#7323)
by Chipmunk Of Muerte on Sun Apr 7th, 2002 at 07:37:15 PM PST
I have a confession to make.
I am Chipmunk of Muerte.
I am a |\|008 hacker. And I completely agree with your Manifesto.
I can't do much yet, but I am practicing.
But from what little I know, I hope that this person is joking. If that is the case, I demand an apology. He says Quake teaches us to shoot firearms. Yup, I'm a pretty good aim. O, you mean an actual gun? Geez, sorry, I don't know. Violent video games make me have a thirst to kill people.
Despite the fact that I hate to see others harmed and animals slaughtered, right?

Save digital lives!
Ban violent video games.!

US/UK irony *must see* (none / 0) (#6519)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 08:35:25 AM PST

kudos (none / 0) (#6528)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 10:38:19 AM PST
I am a victim.

It was just last week that someone hacked into my stereo system doing catastrophic damage.

I'm just thankful they couldn't breach the firewall for the microwave.

You're joking, right? (none / 0) (#7013)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 07:54:51 PM PST
I hope you're joking, my friend. You can't hack into a sterio or a microwave because they are not computers. Yes, they do have computer chips and an OS, but they do not work the same way as a computer, nor do they have internet capabilities.

joke.... (none / 0) (#6593)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 11:35:25 AM PST
i hope you're joking fella......

Too late... (none / 0) (#6600)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 02:21:33 PM PST
I only wish that you had posted this earlier. By the time i found out my son was a hacker it was too late. I had to report him to the police. He is very sorry for what he did and i think that in 5 years or, sooner if he behaves, he will be able to get his life back together.

wth.. (none / 0) (#6603)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 04:52:50 PM PST
okay.. flash is NOT a hacking program.. is used to make WEBSITES...geez.. get ur facts straight.

Oh Yeah-verily so! (none / 0) (#6641)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 05:39:53 AM PST
yeah and verily these tools of the Evil One shall perish from the Earth, and the Hackers wither away!!

You are a worse moron than the one who posted..... (none / 0) (#6645)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:59:12 AM PST
Why would you tell soemone to Delete those files it is Idiots like Both of the original person who made this Post and you for telling them to go in and delte their (Windows files). WHat kind of @sshol3s do we live with now days no wonder people hack, to try and get into computer systems like *yourz* so that they can fry your machine so that you dont spew forth your moronicity witht he rest of the world. you People make me sick....

good one (none / 0) (#6667)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:20:44 PM PST
good one stick it to them nice use of sarcasum

Good for you! (none / 0) (#6688)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 11:07:56 AM PST
I highly agree with your actions of having your children arrested! Maybe when they get out of the slammer they'll think twice about trying any of that hacking stuff! I for one am sick of all the DOS attacks made to my computer. My local hard disk has had all it can take! Why, if it wasn't for my great firewall I don't think I'd even have a keyboard anymore. These dern kids need to realize the effects that their actions have on society! If my parents found out that I was downloading someone else's motherboard, they'd have my head! I just wanted to let you know that I back you up on your decision to arrest your kids.

You make me sick (none / 0) (#7026)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 9th, 2002 at 07:58:08 AM PST
Do wake up every morning and stick your head in the microwave? DOS Attacks? wtf????

I pray to the lord almighty that 'downloading someone else's motherboard' is a joke.

DOS (none / 0) (#7319)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 01:23:28 PM PST
DoS stands for denial of service it is used to gain root access.

Just for your information (none / 0) (#6739)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 06:02:20 AM PST
Macromedia flash or any other Macromedia program is for document production as in webpages or webgraphics. is a file that is REQUIRED by the computer. If you delete that file your computer goes down the drain. That doesn't mean that your a hacker. Every computer that is running windows has a And AOL. Well AOL just plain stinks, in my opinion. So they switched to cable. That just means that they can go faster and doesn't mean that they can hack better. Don't be jumping to conclusions because of some things that you don't know what your talking about... I.E.

It was a joke, jeeze! (none / 0) (#6746)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 21st, 2002 at 12:34:02 PM PST
Okay, this guy knows what he's talking about, and for the joke to be understood, he expected other people to know what does too.

Obviously it was ove rmost people's heads.

He was using sarcasm to make his joke. Sarcasm!

Everyone is calling him an idot because he said he arrested his kids, found them using Flash etc.

He was making a joke because anyone believing this article would not have enough computer smarts to know what did, and would therefore delete it. At least, that was what he was tyriung to get across, whichw as what made it funny.

So everyone calling him stupid, you're the stupid ones for not understanding his drift.

Jeeze, I would never think I would be having to explain common humor.

You need serious help.. (none / 0) (#6819)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 06:29:46 PM PST
Um...there is something wrong with you. Turning in your kids like that, you a religious "God wouldn't Hack" person. What is your problem!? Hacking is NOT the devil, or a demon of some sort.

YOU ARE A RETARD (none / 0) (#6933)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 07:52:04 PM PST
YOU ARE SUCH A FREAKING RETARD. macromedia/flash is NOT A HACKING TOOL, or ilegal by any means. It is an animation tool. Pull your head out of your ass lady. And everyone is moving to a faster internet connection line. ex. cable, dSL, T1, ext. Ok, here is what I recomend. First pull your head out of your ass, then get some computer smarts behind you, and do a lil research. Have you ever though to go to some of these sites your kids is going to...and see if there is any coralation with hacking involved in them. Good lord woman, gag me with a toothpick. Grow up and get some sence

ARGH! (none / 0) (#6982)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 2nd, 2002 at 10:35:42 AM PST
I got hacked yesterday, someone used WinAmp onto my machine with them MP3 thingy's and blew my nice pentium 4 into 200 pieces. So Ive just gone to the shops, got an AMD for 50p, installed Linux and read LOADS of books like "How to program in Perl" and "Photoshop in a nutshell" so I is good at hacking and now Im going to use to hack everyone cos Im bitter now! gone? (none / 0) (#6983)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 2nd, 2002 at 10:42:28 AM PST
So did you post here before you deleted it or did you borrow someones computer to post here?

I have not laughed this hard in a very long time. I just feel sorry for the guys kid is all. I think about that and I stop laughing for a few seconds. Then I read some more and I'm back to lmao.

Beta-Geek -- always learning more

Should we? (none / 0) (#6984)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 2nd, 2002 at 10:52:43 AM PST
Post some hacker sites here? Or maybe a list of hacker tools? Or maybe even instructions on how to hack; so the simple minded can tell whether or not their kids are committing crimes?????? ;)

No wait, if the simple minded found out how to hack they'd do it themselves.
Hey, that might not be a bad idea... that way hacking would become legal. ;)

You are my new Hero. (none / 0) (#6986)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 2nd, 2002 at 11:00:20 PM PST
I love creative sarcasm.


WTF arrested? (none / 0) (#7030)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 10th, 2002 at 12:31:17 AM PST
first of all
you don't get your kids arrested

flash is not a hacking program at al go ask macromedia for that

aol does s*ck so it would be normal for them to ask if you could switch

i have seen dos versions from microsoft
guess who made windows :P
and is something like autoexec.bat that windows uses but then for dos so if you remove that and one day you broke your comp it's bye bye comp

linux ownz ya all it rules it's just an open source os unlike windows that sends all your mail to microsoft if u use outlook

i would recommend to watch what you say on the net bout hackerz
one might haxorz you :P

deleting (none / 0) (#7033)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 10th, 2002 at 09:44:27 AM PST
Just a note, removing this file could prevent your system from working correctly. At worse, you would have to reinstall windows to restore this file. That would mean loosing any personal data you have stored on your Hard Disk Drive that is not backed up... Just a thought

Dell Computer

hehe (none / 0) (#7053)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 15th, 2002 at 03:23:08 PM PST
u would have convinced more parents to del if u had a bit better grammar
but nice try lol gj

your a fucking idiot and an ashole (none / 0) (#7080)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 21st, 2002 at 03:13:14 PM PST
why the fuck did you have your kids fucking arested video card for better graphics more memory faster not aol aol sucks bonzi budy chating program flash multimedia program comet courser mouse software quake GAME

Great one (none / 0) (#7104)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 28th, 2002 at 08:31:37 PM PST
Next time you might want to say ur just joking, then again maybe not, i had 3 people pay me $20 to fix thier computers after they took ur advice, thx for the $60, lol :)

LMFAO (none / 0) (#7107)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 2nd, 2002 at 09:41:51 PM PST
first off you moron, flash is used by professional sites as an enhancement and better web design. second,he might want to get rid of AOL because its crap... and its not "trusted" because me and 100's of other people have compromised aol accounts like nothing ;). thrid,quake is a game not a "hacker meeting place" hardware is mostlikely because your computer goes slower than my pentium 1 in the back of my house or because he wants to play educational games with a more 3-d look and better quality. AMD is a professional chip maker so i dont know how you got 'knock off', once again learn the facts buddy, been there done that. As for the hacking material..PERL is cgi..cgi is used to run simple programs such as a guestbook to counters on many professional sites..about DOSsing..i dont think you have to worry about your son DOSsing anyone with AOL since 56k couldnt break down no server in this world lol..about the social behaviour thing you say: "He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him." "..BUDDY MAYBE IN THE 1920'S YOU DIDNT HAVE A THING CALLED PUBERTY OR YOU FORGOT ABOUT IT. wait let me finish laughing at the linux,bsd remark. linux is used just about every company running web hosts and servers. real hackers huh..about the clothes..LMAO are you saying your son is a happy hardcore rocker raver if he is a hacker? about academics..i've done my share of hacking in my time and my grades have not slipped but gone up or have stayed the same throughout! (a's and b's). i'll give you what you said about the damage to eyes and other stuff..well hope you open your stupid ignorant views
'[hacker 34365]..joke btw' if you would like to respond to me, IM me at disgusted

Scary, scary thing. (none / 0) (#7163)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 05:32:24 PM PST
And what's scary about the reply is that only one of the replies to -it- assumed that it was sarcasm. Because there really are people who are so uneducated that they would call the police simply someone said that Macromedia Flash is a hacking program...

Remember, even the unintelligent use computers... I wish it weren't so, because then the only people who I would talk to online would be intelligent people!

...poor computers. One day we shall liberate all computers from the grasp of stupid people...


dumbass (none / 0) (#7686)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jul 20th, 2002 at 10:45:28 AM PST
dude, you're a fucking dumbass. How could you do that to your kids? They weren't fucking hacking, this article is fucking bullshit, and you're a fucking moron.

delete the file now (none / 0) (#7870)
by psychochillie on Fri Aug 30th, 2002 at 08:13:38 AM PST
yes yes! quickly now delete the file and your child won't be able to hack anymore... delete it, u know you want to... delete.....


is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#1308)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:52:31 PM PST
LOL, they should see DiabloII... EVIL, DELETE IT, etc.

hahahahahaha. (none / 0) (#1309)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:52:56 PM PST
this has to be the most hilarious article I have ever read. lunix? lolol. thanks for a great laugh.

gibbons, read (im 16 and in all ur 10 signs eeks!) (none / 0) (#1310)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:54:24 PM PST
gibbons, read (im 16 and in all ur 10 signs eeks!)...except for that clothes one, I'd never wear that crap hehe, I like to dress nicely (polo, old navy, etc)

you are a moron

I guess every corporation is going to jail because 95%+ use some sort of linux for their do some research before you waste your time writing this crap, PLEASE! Also, Quake haha, all little wannabe hackers/script kiddies hang out in IRC, I hope your son didn't install that evil app on your box haha

I have some Algebra 2 to study (my grades have been slipping, maybe I'm a hacker, eeks!) so I will just talk about one more point...

A hacker is just exercising his 1st ammendment rights of free speach, press, etc. and they HELP the corporations and inform them of holes and do other GOOD things for the world. A cracker is a moron, probally like your son, haha i wonder if he uses sub7? (you should ask him) Also, hackers do not want to be mixed with crackers, but the press and people like you are too ignorant to realize that hackers are good people.

Excuse me if I don't make sence or if my puncatuation/spelling isn't correct I'm still learning all this. (I'm 16 and lazy :) )

Next time do some research PLEASE!

gibbons, read (im 16 and in all ur 10 signs eeks!) (none / 0) (#1312)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:57:36 PM PST
gibbons, read (im 16 and in all ur 10 signs eeks!)...except for that clothes one, I'd never wear that crap hehe, I like to dress nicely (polo, old navy, etc)

you are a moron

I guess every corporation is going to jail because 95%+ use some sort of linux for their do some research before you waste your time writing this crap, PLEASE! Also, Quake haha, all little wannabe hackers/script kiddies hang out in IRC, I hope your son didn't install that evil app on your box haha

I have some Algebra 2 to study (my grades have been slipping, maybe I'm a hacker, eeks!) so I will just talk about one more point...

A hacker is just exercising his 1st ammendment rights of free speach, press, etc. and they HELP the corporations and inform them of holes and do other GOOD things for the world. A cracker is a moron, probally like your son, haha i wonder if he uses sub7? (you should ask him) Also, hackers do not want to be mixed with crackers, but the press and people like you are too ignorant to realize that hackers are good people.

Excuse me if I don't make sence or if my puncatuation/spelling isn't correct I'm still learning all this. (I'm 16 and lazy :) )

Next time do some research PLEASE!

hah.. this is better than any april fool's joke (none / 0) (#1314)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:02:45 PM PST
this has got to be the funniest thing i've ever read on the internet. and for all you idiots who can't tell the difference between a joke and a real article, get a sense of humour.

bottom line: hilarious.

Hahaha... this was fun..... (none / 0) (#1316)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:04:27 PM PST
Damn u sure know how to scare people.. LOL! first of all.. Quake is no good place for hacking.. IRC is... servers like and is where people learn about hacking and can download hacking software.. and the biggest places of all is the russian dialup network that got over 4000 users all on theyr own internett with own domains and stuff... no Law police there, or any of that shit. so, take my advise, and learn more about things before u write em.

is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#1319)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:07:13 PM PST
Fella you are a complete idiot,the reason your son wants a new ISP is becouse AOL SUCKS you ought to come off the hip and get broad band.Man you got to much time on your hands let the kid grow up.You must work for AOL and M$ couse they both suck.Go PENGUIN

u are the bigest idiot i have ever heard off (none / 0) (#1320)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:07:26 PM PST
thatz all i have to say ... if those things u say are tru then that would make me an non-...

umm letz not finish this ..
i dont need to respond to a retard like ur self

Hahahahahaha (none / 0) (#1321)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:09:24 PM PST
Greetings, oh great father of the "Brady Family" =P

You're the best example of American ignorance. Seriously, perhaps you should attend a crash course in computing before trying to share your "knowdelge" with the world. Seriously, how much did AOL, M$ and Intel pay you for that article?

1. I agree, AOL is simple to use and good for families with children. Sucks otherwise (no dial-up, a ressource hog client etc., you might wanna search for these terms on the net, as I doubt you are aware of their meaning).

2. AMD is a California-based computer chip company with a 30-year history (quite "un-American", eh?). Their recent chips (Athlon series) outperform Intel's chips, while available at lower prices. AMD is #1 choice nowadays (unless you buy overpriced stuff like Dell etc.) And yes, you can go to you local store and boy one =)

3. Shockwave Flash is for intenet animation, not hacking.

4. Quake is a computer game series, and again, has nothing to do with hacking. It's a violent shooter, not suitable for your children, but it's a computer game. Computer gaming and hacking are different things. (BTW, only games require mad hardware ressources, e.g. fast video cards).

I suggest you quit writing articles which concern computing, at least until you have gained SOME knowledge of the topic! Not only have you embarrassed yourself, but your entire family.


lol... (none / 0) (#1322)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:10:40 PM PST
hey,ok my speling suck'z..
This site is full of pure BULSHIT - omg, u use Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" to hack, fuck i been usin the wrong shit, well i guess i been dressing wrong, because " glow-sticks and some wear pacifiers around their necks" i do NOT Wear, thats just stupid dribble uv put up there, and i know alot of female hacker's and infact the day they become a scene whore is the day i die!, i will admit there are sum girl's who go around in chat room's and go inhackers chat's and try n get info by throwin em self's, but hey there just cyber hos - heh never kno ur daughter could b 1 ;) ~ i think u better ask ur son if he is making sum sort of webpage or some shit. bc flash for hacking? LMFAO thats pure bulshit, well im bored and diein from laughin hard - i told my parents to read this, they couldnt stop laughin, they said if nethin flash (used for graphics) + commet corser are just download's off most page's


~~lol...sum funny shit~~ (none / 0) (#1323)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:12:40 PM PST
hey,ok my speling suck'z..
This site is full of pure BULSHIT - omg, u use Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" to hack, fuck i been usin the wrong shit, well i guess i been dressing wrong, because " glow-sticks and some wear pacifiers around their necks" i do NOT Wear, thats just stupid dribble uv put up there, and i know alot of female hacker's and infact the day they become a scene whore is the day i die!, i will admit there are sum girl's who go around in chat room's and go inhackers chat's and try n get info by throwin em self's, but hey there just cyber hos - heh never kno ur daughter could b 1 ;) ~ i think u better ask ur son if he is making sum sort of webpage or some shit. bc flash for hacking? LMFAO thats pure bulshit, well im bored and diein from laughin hard - i told my parents to read this, they couldnt stop laughin, they said if nethin flash (used for graphics) + commet corser are just download's off most page's



My God (none / 0) (#1325)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:16:45 PM PST
I really hope parents don't come to this place other than for a good laugh.

and did anyone see the poll next to the article? it's almost funnier than the article itself.

BIGGEST MORON ON EARTH!! (none / 0) (#1328)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:23:20 PM PST
I can't get over how funny this thread is. First of all... AOL!! HAHAHA. That's funny in itself. Flash, Bonzi, and Comet Cursor HACKING UTILS? I mean COMET and BONZI are annoying as hell... but hacking? HA! THEN... AMD?! Shoddy half rate processors? AMD happens to make processors that at the same speed outperform INTEL in almost every aspect of any benchmark test.. and not available in stores? seriously. Lunix... I don't think I need to say more. I pity anyone who reads this post and doesn't know any better. Oh and don't let me forget.. his 17 year old daughter "Sneaking" out in makeup and perfume? heaven forbid a seventeen year old wear make up or perfume!!! What kind of devil worshipping child is that!?!?!? Hey thanks for the laugh though... MORON!!

my good god (none / 0) (#1329)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:26:53 PM PST
It people like this that make me weep for the human race.
So I guess my GF who uses the computer to use HotMail and M$ Word is a hacker since her computer is an AMD.

Whew! And to think she thought she knew nothing about computers, and all of a sudden she's a hacker.

Cool dude.


bull (none / 0) (#1330)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:30:14 PM PST
omg hahahaha thanx for making me laugh. Now go to your Lunix machine and shut your mouth.

god bless (none / 0) (#1332)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:33:29 PM PST
"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking."

I love how he stresses that anything third world is horrible and anything american is great. While you guys are taking this guys head out of his ass see if you find a flag pole as well.

Sounds like.. (none / 0) (#1336)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:37:46 PM PST
This person was over-exposed not to "computer radiation", but IDIOTation.

F00L <---another hacker type spelled word. (none / 0) (#1337)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:42:12 PM PST
Hey jackass do some fucking research. AMD is a badass company my main server(another so called hacker word) runs an AMD chip. I have 2 other computers in my house does that consider me a hacker? NO it doesn't. Oh and Microsoft an american company that stole Windows from Macintosh another American company.

here are a few sites for you to consider: <---I AM CANADIAN!!!

Amercan's arn't the only dumbasses (none / 0) (#6492)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:05:22 PM PST
See brits? Its not just americans that are stupid. I think 99.9999999999% of the human population is just stupid...

Bloody Funny :) (none / 0) (#1338)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:42:41 PM PST
If, as I first assumed, this article is not an attempt at satire, then apart from genuine ignorance (this isn't a scene from the movie Pleasantville is it?), this guy should be praised. I can't remember the last time I laughed so openly, my wife thinks i've gone mad because I laughed at my monitor for more than 30 seconds. It's little "snippets" like this that you will remember and no doubt will pass on this web page address to as many people as you can think of :). It made me a happier person anyway :)
"6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms." <<< 'scuse me while I nip down to Wal-Mart to get a new Plasma Rifle :))

WTF...some1 get rid of this article (none / 0) (#1339)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:42:59 PM PST
This is the stupidest and most inacurate article I have ever seen. AOL is a breeding ground for warez pups and wana be hackers, and any real hacker would connect to IRC through aol wich is the bigest hacker breeding ground. "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" that was a laugh riot, It put me on the floor. Read up on these programs none of wich are used by "hackers". any ways the only real way to find out whats installed on your comp is checking your registry most real "hacker" progrmas are not uninstallable by control panel. Hacking requires very little computing power, many hackers opt for less powerfull systems infact. AMD stands for American Micro Devices u dipsh1t it is traded on NYSE and is found in many affordable and high speed pcs. "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly the only reason you would stop your child from reading this is if u fear he might try using it to create a shoping cart for a website or do any other cgi work. DOSing takes 8hours my a$$. No real hacker would DOS from his home computer any ways. but he is right about quake it is the biggest hacking tool ever. Anyways i am not going to waste anymore of my time posting. I just hope no one takes this seriously. and goes on the internet themselves to get real information.

sj (none / 0) (#1340)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:49:23 PM PST

hah (none / 0) (#1341)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:50:45 PM PST
i am a 1337 haX0R n00b

There is no conceivable way... (none / 0) (#1346)
by itchy92 on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:57:08 PM PST
... that this is for real. I fail to imagine a single human being exists that is so freaking ignorant, so amazingly paranoid, and so blatantly... stupid. I'd rather tell myself that someone wrote this for a laugh, but then I think about how much effort went into "researching" "haX0r habits" (<- speaking of which, why didn't he mention speaking 1337 as sign of hackerism?), and how much time was consumed in linking to every other noun in the damned rant. There is no single issue about which I can argue as to why this person deserves to be shot; the whole article is disgusting. This person is not a model parent; he is an imbecile who shouldn't have been allowed to produce a single offspring, let alone six. T Reginald Gibbons, I feel sorry for your children, and for anyone who is forced to interact with you, you troglodytic buffoon.
And as for, like, 90% of the people that replied to this: you're all idiots, too. Granted, some of you put out minor flaws in what he said, but quickly proceed to expose your own idiocy. I could go on for hours about how the world is not all wholesome and perfect, and how shielding your children from life causes them to be conformist dumbasses who never truly experience life, and who thusly procreate children whom they raise exponentially worse than your dumbasses raised them, and how, in essence, your seemingly-harmless stupidity will eventually lead to the downfall of the human race (not that it's so great anyway (See? There's my 1337 haX0rness causing me to be antisocial). (Sigh) I could nitpick for two more pages, but I tire of analyzing your dumbfounding follies.

Do me a favor: please die.

And take your children with you.

The A-Man

AMD pwnz Intel (none / 0) (#1348)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 07:58:47 PM PST
AMD pwnz Intel period...the Intel Pentium 4 chip only has 133MHz of bus cache while the AMD Athlon chip has 266MHz of bus Cache...its far better and suits games like Quake 3 Arena and Half-Life Counter Strike

Ummm one question..... (none / 0) (#1356)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:17:16 PM PST reginald person whatever.....if you're such an expert on us hacker types.....know the programs we use.....know our techniques...and study our manuals....then why didnt you notice or stop me when i was DOSin your computer earlier today while you were checking your email?

Commentary from a wealthy net veteran (none / 0) (#1361)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:20:58 PM PST
I think that what makes me the happiest about my own parents is that they raised me well---on loud rock and roll, fast cars (both were dirt track racers), world travel and outrageous fun. I now make a quarter-mil a year perfectly legally, I'm a veteran volunteer firefighter and have a lot of laughs. I've also been on and around the internet since before it was ever even called that, made lifelong friendships on the net, and helped a lot of kids.
Good parents have nothing to fear; only an inherently bad parent would feel (their control, maybe?) threatened by Linux, a computer, a video game, a movie, a skateboard, or any of the other influences on a child in our world. Treat kids as the intelligent proto-adults that they are and don't smother them with paternal righteousness. It won't kill you. Or them. It will only threaten your own head trip about making a perfect, but lifeless, obedient sculpture of a "good kid."
You can raise them to be a terrified Windows-drone, taking what they're spoon-fed, fearful of Naughty Things and Those Who Are Not Like You, and they'll be victims of people all their lives. Including you.

What Is This A Joke (none / 0) (#1362)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:24:13 PM PST
Quake is so of topic of hacking. My son plays Quake 2 and 3 for hours. Acctually sometimes I play with him. I can assure you he isnt a hacker its just quality entertainment.

Thank you very much. (none / 0) (#1365)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:26:34 PM PST
I had hunches about my 14 year old son being involved in something illegal, and you proved it. I have monitored him for about three days now and I found out that he has been going to site such as, a site with movies that I believe have secret messages about hacking in them,, which has many message boards with people talking about stuff like bytes and hacks and credits (a way of ranking in the world of hacking), and, which I don't need to touch on. He has spent about 45 minutes to an hour each day going to sites like this.
I have also looked through the programs on my computer. I have found things such as mIRC, perl, Comet, Gator, MSN Messenger, and graal. I looked around these. mIRC is a meeting of hackers. They talk in code using words like 1337, h4X0r, and lol.
I fear for my son's life, so I have discontinued his computer use and grounded him. I feel that all parents should take the same measures if they discover any of these in their child's behavior.

What an idiot!!! (none / 0) (#1366)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:26:50 PM PST
Sorry, I just had to get that out. I use Linux as a server OS, I guess that makes me a hacker. And what better to run Linux on but an AMD system? Also, I guess that since I use Micron RAM that also makes me a hacker. Funny, the company that I work for also has a few Linux systems, I guess the lot of us are hackers. Every time we request a memory upgrade for one of our servers, we must need it to fulfill our hacking needs.

MY GOD!!! you told me things that I never knew about myself and the company I work for :)

OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS (none / 0) (#1367)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:36:10 PM PST
MAN YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I play computer games all the time and i spend atleast 2 hours a day on here but im not a hacker. Apparently you think you are some almighty genius who knows everything because "you spent a few days researching hackers." First of all Quake is a game just like Half-Life or Diablo II. And in alot of online games, the more time you play the better you are. For example Diablo II. You get better by gaining experience which takes time to do. It takes months to get a really high lvl char on there if you dont play 8 hours a day. SO that point is shot down *WOO HOO*. Second of all LINUX not LUNIX is a os just like windows. And alot of people prefer to use it because a) they hate microsofts monopoly on everything, b) they learned computers back when linux was more popular therefore thats what they know best or c) its just easier than windows. I'm not even going into the rest of it but this has been the perfect example of people labeling us youth b/c we are different from what they were as a kid. All of you gamers and fellow digital friends out there *LMAO* and i know you are too. Peace

hahahah (none / 0) (#1369)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:36:57 PM PST
this is the funniest thing i've read in a long time. This should definitely be one of David Letterman's top 10! :)

And my two cents... any kids that are bright with computers shouldn't be held back.. send them to night school at a Jr college and teach them how to program!! Give them an edge on other kids.

Hilarious, indeed.... (none / 0) (#1370)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:37:26 PM PST
Nothing like reading post after post after post from 'intelligent' and 'smart' people who can't recognize a joke when it's shoved up their nostrils. Quite simply, everyone flaming the "idiot" who wrote the original article is demonstrating their own lack of intelligence quite handily.

It genuinely worries me that so many people on the net today can't recognize a spoof/parody when they see it. The *proper* response to this post would to be attempt to one-up it in terms of creative idiocy. Instead...insipid, self-righteous declarations of superior intelligence. Is this what the net has come to? Sad. It's like the people who write in to Dave Barry to ask him if the Leaning Tower of Pisa was REALLY sold to France. (It wasn't, of course. It remains in Germany, where it has always been since Leonardo da Vinci (Ancestor of Leonardo diCaprio) built it.)

Pathetic. Truly and utterly pathetic.

Gods, people. YHBT. Deal with it.

what bull! (none / 0) (#1371)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:39:36 PM PST
this is total bull! you obviously are a do-gooder person who chooses to ignore the real world because you obviously know nothing about hackers! you have been seeing too many movies and you have used too many stereotypes here to be serious! you're kids will one day rebel and right now you have only seen the start of it! you will get everything you deserve in due course and you have to let your kids go a bit. they are their own people and they will do things that you don't always agree with... but this is the real world, not some do-gooder all loving each other world where we all sit around and sing "kum-ba-ya my lord!" i hope you realise that your kids are just growing up! your son was just messing around with computers which all kids do these days! deal with it! get over the fact that he is not like you and will never be like you and i support him 100% unlike you. i am not a hacker but i do realise that this is the real world and this happens and there is a place for them in society. congratulations for pushing him out of a career that can pay millions! idiot!

Hackers everywhere. (none / 0) (#1372)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:40:40 PM PST
As a concerned father, i sympathize with you. Recently i monitored my childs actions on the internet and found out that ALL users of mIRC ( are hackers. They should be prosecuted to full extent and given the death sentence.

Mr. Sarcastic

I didn't even laugh at it (none / 0) (#1373)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:40:57 PM PST
I hope they put whoever wrote this down. I am not kidding. I've never seen such idiocy. I can't express it words. This "model" parent is obviously very poorly educated in the field of computer science. So is this other person called Cindy should also be put down. Everything is this article is wrong. Please tell me you were on drugs when you wrote this. Please give me a reason not to be so utterly disgusted.

You are by far the worst parent I have ever met and I would do everything in my power to keep my children and loved ones a away from you. People like you are dangerous and scare me.

omfg (none / 0) (#1376)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:51:43 PM PST
U are about the stuipedst persone in the world... lol flahs a hacking progam lol hehehe u stiuped ass,..... mwhahahahahahha.

Bullshit (none / 0) (#1380)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 09:04:07 PM PST
what kind of bullshit is this. Hackers don't wear glowsticks those are called ravers buddy. Yeah uhuh didn't think so.

offended. (none / 0) (#1384)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 09:13:24 PM PST
as a female programmer, i found the first few comments by the author highly offensive. i wrote him an email and let him know why, though, so that's off my chest. I really do wish i hadn't just skimmed the article and read the entire thing or i wouldn't have emailed at all.
this guy obviously has absolutely no idea about society, nor computers. it's not hackers that cut and dye their hair and wear pacifiers. that's part of being a teenager. and the fact that he follows his kid to parties... well, that's really unfortunate. he's going to end up with a house full of kids who hate him. *sigh*
the sexism he displayed made me feel sorry for his daughter(s). and quite honestly, re-reading this made me think that it was a joke. unless maybe someone hacked his post and made him sound like a total moron. *shrug* at any rate, i had to comment, and say that as a female programmer myself, the comments elby made thoroughly disgusted and angered me. i am extremely proud of myself and my female friends for all of our knowledge and accomplishments. welcome to the new millenium, and grow up. start looking at women as people and not inferior beings, or prepare to drown in the real world.

Comment (none / 0) (#1391)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 09:31:30 PM PST
Id like to start by saying black people are very black.

You sir whoever wrote this piece of b/s are the biggest moron to ever stroll the earth.

Are you some kind of fucking pedophile, going your kids partys etc?

Your just retarded
Dont give me shit about not using html format, im in a llaazzzyyy mood.

Funniest think ive ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#1394)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 09:37:01 PM PST
THis is the funniest shit i have ever heard in my life!!!!!!!!!!! He is such an ass hole!!!

My Son is Hacking (none / 0) (#1400)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 09:54:07 PM PST

I read your informative article with great interest. Sadly, I am now certain that members of my own family must be engaged in this evil pursuit. Young Clifford displayed almost the exact symptoms you describe (although his fondness for the so-called "Quake" reality has given way to the more morally uplifting "Counter-Strike", in which he casts his virtual self as a law-enforcement officer). Nonetheless, I have notified the juvenile correction authorities, who quickly despatched a team of case-officers to detain and interrogate him. I write this message of thanks while waiting on a verdict about his incarceration. Yours truly, Herman P. Dickhead.

you are a numbnut (2.50 / 2) (#1401)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 09:54:29 PM PST
quake ia a video game you dumb shit
linux is a worlwide operating system used
by most large companies because it is more
stable than windows
many microsoft servers run linux
flash is a program that lets you see graphics on
certain websites
you are an idiot and i feel sorry for your kids
i hope that they get away from you and your absolute idiocy because this is truly the stupidest thing that i have ever read
to your kids get the hell away from this moron you call a parent

BAD PARENT! (none / 0) (#1406)
by emfalcon on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:24:13 PM PST
Dear sir,
You are a bad parent! You are far from being enlightened. I will start by stating if you are going to automatically asume what a "hacker" is you had better get your facts straight first.
1) what is a hacker?
a hacker in its true and ORIGINAL sense is an enthusiast, an artist, a tinkerer, a problem solver, an expert.

2)ISP, Hardware, software, books
Sir, I would advise reading some of those books, or actually doing your homework before knocking legitimate companies such as ID, Macromedia, and AMD.

3)problems with your sons behavior?

GO FIGURE! you obviously have no idea what a raising children is about. You have no clue what technology is about, you have no clue what anything is about. and just cause your son doesnt see the world for what you do, and might have an IQ higher than yours, you automatically condem him for it. maybe he doesnt want to live his life in the stone age like you do.

4)Alternitive operating systems

sir, I like you put up the web sites with those names, obviously you choose not to accually READ those sites, you just made shit up. stateing it as fact when in reality you couldnt be more wrong.

Sir, I hope that you accually grow a brain and gain some knowledge about what you OBVIOUSLY showed you no nothing about.

Who are they Kidding? (none / 0) (#1408)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:25:22 PM PST
Oh man, where to begin? this is insane, there are so many things wrong with this article hmmm, lets start with
#1. there is nothing wrong with getting a *home based* ISP. In fact if you want broadband, kiss AOhelL goodbye alltogether; and anyway, the adult content filters can be SHUT OFF. I mean, really, if this kid is a hacker, you'd think he could find the adult content tab in AOL.

2.Bonzai buddy is a childs Instant Messanging program, not a hacker program, all it does is give your name away to every site on the internet so you get 5 times the spam mail. Flash is a neccisary addition to internet explorer to be able to view many sites.

3.A video card NEVER has anything to do with hacking, all it does is let you see the screen, if you can run windows, you can hack. Bigger Harddrive just means more space to put YOUR stuff on, also has no effect on hacking abilities. Memory, HA, without enough, you cant run ANY programs.
Processors, wow. AMD IS sold in many very reliable COPORATE OUTLETS, and guess what?
Intel chips are made in malaysia.

4.Ok, Programming in Perl is a REFERENCE manual, made of college courses, if this were illegal, they wouldnt sell this in bookstores out front with martha stewart. Neuromacer is a top 10 bestseller, this is as ludacris as hitler burning books that didnt reflect his *perfect nation* and it doesnt matter how many booksellers you petition, the LIBRARY will have most, if not all of these books in record.

5.Half an hour? can YOU honestly say you only spend half an hour? and most hacking is a lot faster then this *article* leads you to believe. Yes, DOS attacks are long drawn out affairs, but most attacks are quick and steathy. The idea is to get in and out before the whole you made is noticed. 10 minutes is AMPLE time to wreak havoc in a system, while you watch one sitcom, your little hacker could destroy 3 or more systems.

6.Quake is a GAME. any program with internet access can be used properly or improperly. while you surf the net, you can use chatrooms built right into the sites to have meetings and discussions, the very reason they were created. You can use IM programs such as MSN ICQ Yahoo or AIM, to transfer files and ideas freely without trace, it all comes down to who you WANT to talk to, if you want it bad enough, you can find it.

7.Hi, its called adolecence. moving on...

8.Lunix? er, perhaps if the author researched his paper information before posting it , he could get some information correct. first of all, its LINUX. Secondly all *nix operating systems are more reliable and stable for business and corparate situations, such as Datafarms or Programming. Unless you leave your CreditCard ##s in a file, it doesnt matter how thuroghly a hacker searches your harddrive, if they arent saved on it, (S)he wont find it. stealing your music from your stereo: your stereo would have to be attached to your computer, turned on, and be able to recieve remote commands, and anyway, hackers dont concern themselves with stealing MP3s from your stereo. There are search engines and programs to do that from people who are completely willing to share them. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT STEALING YOUR COPY, because thats all it is, everyone has COPIES of the same thing. By the way, do you have the CD for every single MP3 you have? no? then guess what, youre stealing too. Linux is DANGEROUS? hmm, everything can be dangerous if MISused. As for removing the Harddrive, that s a total lie, any software can be deleted of a harddrive, or you can format the harddrive. it DOES NOT need to be pyshically destroyed. I know from person expirience that BOTH linux and windows can do things to make your computer crash, but windows is far more likely to have this happen.

9. Has said hacker changed their apearance? Well, once again misconceptions abound in this part of the *article*(and i use the term lightly, this is more fiction then fact) there is nothing wrong with a person wanting to radically change the way they look to reflect their beliefs. Have you ever cut your long hair, just so you could have a shorter style? Have you ever dyed your hair? Glo-sticks, and pacifiers? the writer seems to have his social evils mixed up, those 2 items are far more likely to be the hallmark of a raver then a hacker. Oh, and if youre wondering, the pacifiers are for those ravers who take E (Ecxtasy, XTC), when you take that durg, many people have a tendancy to grind their teeth, hence the soft pacifiers. If the hacker is old enough to be intellectually advanced enough to understand hacking, a strict curfew will solve nothing, and anyway how will keeping him(her) IN THE HOUSE with the computer, stop him from hacking, better to let him(her) leave the house and accosiate with people outside in the *real world* then to force him(her) to stay in and do nothing(and like a teenager cant go out the window). You cannot baby your child forever, eventually they will have to start forming their own ideas, that doesnt mean you shouldnt help, that just means ASSIST, dont FORCE your ideas on them.

10. Hmm, well you cant blame the guy for trying. If something is wrong with the kid, it must be hacking. Children had trouble in schools long before the computer was even a common household apliance, this is nothing new, and will continue. The fact of the matter is, most hackers are relatively bright individuals, and as such, do quite well in school, in fact the majority of hackers remain unknown simply because of the fact that they are smart enough NOT TO GET CAUGHT. The part about eye/brain damage is unbelieveable, the author of this article was sitting in front of a computer monitor to compose it, i wonder, did he worry about his health because of it? As for the link from the words *computer radiation* that talks about the likelyhood of this being the cause, it does not even fully support the authors claims, this is just as bad as when people made claims that CELLPHONES CAUSE BRAIN CANCER, there have been several studies that have shown otherwise. Do you worry about brain cancer when you take that call in the car on the way to work in the morning? Well then we have the next great scapegoat for you, computer monitors. *...reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight...* Well yes, you cant argue that, although the author makes it sound like, being out of shape is an illness that hackers alone can contract. Maybe if you didnt enforce such a strict curfew on little billy he wouldnt weigh so much, or be so sedentary.

In closing I encourage everyone to read both side of the argument before going on a witch hunt. For the sake of all of us, lets try and keep a reasonable head on our shoulders, and realize when we see something that is purely inflammitory and should never have been written.

This is a joke right? (none / 0) (#1411)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:37:09 PM PST
If he really means it, than he must have some mental problems.

heh some people just don't see the humor (none / 0) (#1413)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:37:38 PM PST
Enjoy it for what its worth.

How stupid. (none / 0) (#1414)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:37:41 PM PST
Linux, not Lunix, what a fucking idiot. This webserver here uses Linux "Lunix" as you call it and it runs Apache Webserver Software. Debian Linux, Mandrake Linux and Free BSD are not hacking tools and they are Operating systems you god damn bastard. AMD is a american company and how can robot arms and conveyor belts be child labor huh? ever think of that asshole. Maybe a kid wanted to change ISPs to have a FASTER CONNECTION. Yes quite a few hacking tools run off of Linux but that doesnt mean FUCKING JACK. Get your facts. Flash 5 is a tool for making animation and interactive animations. Bonzi Buddy is for animated emails, Comet curser is for a cool cursor. Better video cards are for good display.

I crack up everytime I read this (none / 0) (#1415)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:39:06 PM PST
Very good man, the research and effort that went in to writing this impresses me. It's hilarious! I hope you do more work like this, Cheers.

some people will believe this... (none / 0) (#1416)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:40:32 PM PST
and that's the problem. Some people are utterly gullible. Mr. author, you could have just destroyed the lives of thousands of innocent kids/teens. By your definition, I am a hacker. I am very offended.

and if you havent been living outside of the cave you're in now, AMD processors ARE sold in stores.

You may be an model parent but you should learn (none / 0) (#1419)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:47:58 PM PST
Snow crash is the greatest cyberpunk book ever writen. You should just say, "If your child saw the movie The Matrix, you should call the FBI" AMD is liked by people who know computers because it is cheaper. Don't tell me, If you know how to use qbasic you are goign to take over a 3rd world country. I am sorry you are a sorry man, and should do research before you publish.

Salamnder the next person to go to Hell due to the owning of Neil Stephonsen books

To the incompetant T regrenald Gibbons (none / 0) (#1421)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:51:08 PM PST
recently after recovering from a severe case of laughing my ass off I regained my composor to tell you one thing. You drag your sorry ass into your sons room and beg for forgivniess for what you have done to him first off everything you mentioned about you son he did we perfectly legal the software he had is free ware meaning you can get it for free the people who make the software know it free in fact they make it free secondly from one who has an amd processor I can tell you if amd was stealing from intel then amd would also be a piece of crap. I want to also mention you half ass research technique that you apparently didn't reseach but was more concerenced with finding a problem then evaluating I would go on but I think one thought sum up everything and that is what you have done reminds me of an event in history in which the innocent were killed in order to allow a person to hold a belief that he or she was self rightous and pious and the event was the inquisition and you have burned your child at the stake.

what? (none / 0) (#1423)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:02:46 PM PST
I am assuming and hoping this is a joke article. I can't imagine anyone really being THAT stupid and yet have access to a computer. Flash, comet cursor, and (for the love of god)... bonzai buddy?! And AMD not ebing sold in any stores? This HAS to be a joke.
If it is not then you are really doing your son a disservice. First by being his father and bringing children into this world when you are so obviously inept and second for falsely accusing him.

are you just stupid or what? (none / 0) (#1425)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:10:41 PM PST
maybe you should get on Mirc and see what your kids are really doing.. you idiot, its not your kids thats doing the hacking. in fact your kids may not even know its happening.. even you are subject to becoming involved.

this brings me to the sorry subject of Virii

look out.. your computer may have a mind of its own.

also, doing research on the internet will get you nothing but wrong information. as the internet is built on the fact that ANYONE can POST whatever they want ( freedom of speech ) doesn't mean they post correct or accurate information.

and hacking is not an act! its a way of thinking!

perhaps you should spend more time with your children while they are on the internet. instead of banning quake, you should buy another pc, and play along with him.. the technology and hackers will allways be there, its up to you to teach them how to deal with such people, and to set an example. not to shelter them for life, until someone breaks through your barrier, and steals them away from you, because its something new.. my god man, wake up, and smell the coffee!

as for terrists, they have no place in the hackers world, and they couldn't even begin to understand true hackers. little alone keep up with the advancements of our technology..

facts (none / 0) (#1426)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:14:20 PM PST
hehe this is the funniest site ever! I don't know where you get your facts but you are way out to lunch.

#1) Flash is hacker software? haha

#2) Quake is a game, and only a game!

#3) Its LINUX and his name is Linus Torvalds, its not a hacking OS.. its a windows alternative which is actually safer than windows and more stable.

I am peeing my pants laughing! (none / 0) (#1428)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:35:05 PM PST
OH MY GOSH! Bright CLOTHES! OH MY GOSH! Sorry to break it ya dad, but hackers dont have a type of fashion style! OH MY GOSH! A raver dresses that way. Dude what a loser! Oh my gosh and the compute is why I dont look like Cindi Crawford! Well!?! Lets sue the computer companies! This is a joke! Who wrote this, i want to email this guy and laugh at him!

Brilliant (none / 0) (#1430)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:45:49 PM PST
I can't believe so many people are taking this page seriously. I mean, if you just look at the links, you'd see this is a great smart-ass piece. That and the fact that the wife's name is Carol, one son is Peter and Cindy is the tattletale daughter.
Come on people, I can't believe that people who think of themselves as hackers are getting upset by this and posting abuse. Lighten up.
I think its hillarious.

Mint .. lol (none / 0) (#1433)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:54:44 PM PST
hahah .. killer read.. nice
nice breather for the day.

Quake (none / 0) (#1434)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 12:02:08 AM PST
Quake..the spawning ground of hackers... hahahahaha... you so funny

it is an advertising (none / 0) (#1439)
by hampl on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 12:26:48 AM PST
this article seems to me to be a direct advertisement for several big companies: Intel, AOL, Adobe, Microsoft. And it is made with huge manipulation to turn people's minds against other ISP companies, other processor producers (AMD is not third-world hacker company), software other tahn MS or Adobe or Linux System. It is the nicest joke that Linux is a soviet product, if it weren't meant seriously. The Perl manual is not any hacker book, because perl is one of the most popular scripting languages, probably used in this webserver, too. And Linux? You use lot of web pages on servers running linux. Please, stop to use them if you think that it is the hkr software. Many things in this article are just misleadings, but there are things which are really direct advertisement. You should ask Microsoft, Adobe and Intel to pay for this article. But nevertheless I have laughed a lot when i read that couple of nonsenses. I have three boys and if THAT means to be a hackr, then I want them to be. :O)

I haven't seen such stupidity for *years*! (none / 0) (#1446)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 12:51:20 AM PST
I'd advise you to get your facts straight before posting another such article.

Hopefully, for the sake of your children, stupidity is not hereditary.

this is a joke right? (none / 0) (#1449)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:06:37 AM PST
Can someone legally submit such a complete load on nonsense? it's liablous and rediculous.

lmfao (none / 0) (#1452)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:12:25 AM PST
what are you an AOL Employee

St00pid F00l 1 S33k to Haxor U (none / 0) (#1455)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:18:08 AM PST
omg what a st00pid moron you must be .... I am sooooooooo very happy I'm not related to u. Even though retardation is not heredity why risk it?

keep logging on to that A0L accont sucker.

This is a big fat lie (none / 0) (#1457)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:27:11 AM PST
We have just read your article, you should have tried some of your own links, for example the one referring to AMD, if you had seen their website you would have known that everything you wrote about the company was a lie, you might even get sued!!!

Your son seems to have an healthy interest in computers.

You are not an enlightened, modern parent, you are indeed very misinformed.

We are currently undertaking an education involving computers, by your standards we all would be a class A hacker, we are truly offendet by your article.

Three Danish IT Students

WTF? Where did this guy get his details on AMD (none / 0) (#1459)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:29:26 AM PST
AMD does not remove "security" from processors, they ARE sold in stores, and they dont use sweatshops.....

They are a perfectly legitimate company.

Yo, the dude who wrote this article....GET A FUCKING LIFE

WHAT?!?!?! Clearly you have no concept of reality! (none / 0) (#1463)
by SterlingEly on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:43:17 AM PST
If this was meant as a joke, thank you very much.
If not, I feel a great swell of pity for you, sir, and for all the readers of this web site.

To even attempt to respond to such a tirade of pure ignorance would take hours. You aren't simply "overcautious" or "a bit off", you have absolutely no damn idea what you are talking about in the slightest. It truly saddens and disgusts me to be reminded that such ignorant people as you are active members of the gene pool.

Please, next time, never write about something you know nothing at all about. All you have done is made anyone who is dumb enough to believe your bilesome rant that much dumber.

thank you
-Sterling B Ely

(am I a hacker because I use hotmail? Should my father discipline me because I create movies and computer games?)

some ppl (none / 0) (#1465)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:47:56 AM PST
I'm laughing so hard I have trouble working.
I seriously thought people this stupid didn't exist, but again someone sets out to prove me wrong...this is sooo funny

I only have one question for the person who wrote the text, are you the famous redneck from all the jokes ?

LOL (none / 0) (#1466)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:49:02 AM PST
I admire the guy who posted this - he has the best sense of humour ever - I haven't laughed so much in months - thanks mate ;-)


GOD (none / 0) (#1468)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:54:32 AM PST
You're gonna fuck that kid up. You idiot.

This is funny (none / 0) (#1469)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 01:55:15 AM PST
You could say I'm a model parent. <------ LOL sounds like a person who is a computer hater because he/she has no time to play with it.

LOL from Paris France (none / 0) (#1474)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:44:10 AM PST
Pauvre con !!


thanks for the tips (none / 0) (#1475)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:44:37 AM PST
hi there adequacy,

like yourselves, I too am a concerned parent who prides themselves on rearing my children exactly how you are supposed to. And thank the Lord our saviour I found this page before my children did! I do not know how to thank you for this insight into the world of computers and these deviant unamerican hackers who infest the rest of the world. I had no idea about any of this information, but thanks to your site I now know what I should and should not be doing when it comes to monitoring the lives and internet activities of my children. Lunix, Day-glo, MP3's, AMD, Quake, and coloured hair; thanks to you I now know what to look out for when making sure my children grow up exactly how they should.

In short, thank you for telling me what I need to know.

Linux (none / 0) (#6463)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:08:49 PM PST
For your information, linux is merely a Operating System(OS), which is in direct competition with the windows OS, owned and sold by microsoft(MS), and the Mac OS. Linux has a lot of advantages for the technologicaly informed, is absoulotly free, is much more stable, and does not crash or freeze like windows, and is more difficult to use.

If you truly fired employees because they had Linux installed on their computers, you are both better off, you, because you have peace of mind, and them, because they will be much happier with an employer with more techno-savy.

I am 49 years old, have 4 kids at home, and numorous computer systems, and parts of systems. In my mind, hacking is the same as walking on the grass instead of the sidewalk. Hacking is not illegal, stealing is.

It is legal for you to fly over my home, and take picture while you do it. If you go sell those pictures, you owe me money. That was illegal. There is no law against you taking the picture.

On 9/13, I observed a young, black, attorney, taking a picture of the security personal at BWI airport. That was certainly an innocent act before 9/11. But those security guards were very upset that someone was photographing them. Was it illegal? No. Did it demonstrate poor judgement? Yes.

In my mind, the danger on the internet is:
#1 Pornography
#2 Chat rooms

Happy hacking!

everything u fuckers say..... (none / 0) (#1476)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 02:52:37 AM PST
who tha fuck gives a shit....

To the father with the "hacker" son (none / 0) (#1478)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:00:31 AM PST
Bravo. I am deeply appalled by your actions. I must say, you are the most illiterate, dumbfounded, retarded, stupidest bastard I have ever seen. In my opinion, you're a terrible father/parent. And I must say, you don't know anything about computer software or anything computer related, so you need to keep your mouth shut. Personally, I think a person should not provide "information" that they are not certain is correct. In your article, you have many things wrong. I actually laughed my ass off reading your complete and 100% B.S. If you would like to contact me, you can e-mail me at ( I hope you DO contact me.. because I will be more than happy as to confront you to the false and most ridiculous shit I have read from you. Good-day.

your son is a hacker? (none / 0) (#1481)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:07:47 AM PST
you are clearly an uninformed imbecile. stop being so authoritarian, and do some research before you start slinging derogatory remarks about your son's behaviour.

Not as confused as you think Elby (none / 0) (#1484)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:21:22 AM PST
"You'd think sitting on the computer all day reading websites and wasting time on the mIRC they would at least pick up some rudimentary English skills. -lb" (Elby, 2001)

Yeah, and maybe if your editors actually did something once in a while your site would host concise, well written and most importantly well sourced articles. Your masthead claims you are the most controversial and congested web site. You got what you wanted, the article has caused controversy and congested the site with short posts from the people who are annoyed because you have published articles which contain unfounded claims, misinformation and slander (maybe AMD would like to talk to the writer of the article, there is a very fine line between your right to free speech and slander).

You wanted to be controversial, so you published an inane article with little factual basis. At least the incorrectly spelt posts contain truth.

So yeah IMHO opinion you posted an article full of bullshit, again.

dorkus mallorkus (none / 0) (#1485)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:23:20 AM PST
You people are so dumb, it's a spoooooof. Come on now. Flash is popular enough that even inbred rednecks know what it is, thanks to sites such as and such.

Nicely done though, it almost seemed real.

Read (none / 0) (#1488)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:35:01 AM PST
Dear Sir,

Please do some reading. I think you need it badly.



YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID!!!! (none / 0) (#1493)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:49:11 AM PST
quake is a game...dipshit...and those "hacking programs" you spoke of...are probably programs that allow the player to add power to thier character in that game...comet curser just changes the image that your curser shows up as...bonzai buddy is something that aids online surfing (i.e. searching, stuff like that)...and flash allows the internet surfer to view animated pages...if you dont' know what something does...look it up before you jump to're a fuckin idiot....typical overprotective parent...

heh heh heh heh (none / 0) (#1495)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:02:59 AM PST
either you have a great sense of humor or you are a bumbling idiot. i see no common ground between the two with you.

Person who wrote that article... (none / 0) (#1500)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:12:11 AM PST
AMD - A CPU company that makes CPU's!!!
GPU - "Graphic Processing Unit" NOT "Guessing Password Unit" LOL THATS FUNNY!
DOS - The operating system used before Windows, and if you "need" 8 hours to "hack" into someones computer, wouldn't you STOP him from doing this? I mean come on...

I really am shocked that you think what you wrote is true, are you really that dumb? I mean seriously, know one here is taking you seriously, everyone thinks this is a big joke, AND IT IS. Please, if you got to "inform" us on somthing @ least make it 100% ture not a bunch of BS that ANYONE could right up. You have no idea what hackers really do, do you? I'm gonna show all my friends this article, I bet you ALL of them will ROFL and tell me to rid of that BS. I'm sry, but you wasted a LOT of time on this article that noone is goning to "use" to "rid" of the hacker son, that every parent has in there household eh?

Who do you think you are? (none / 0) (#1504)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:40:03 AM PST
Who the hell do you think you are? You should take your head out of the sand and get some knowledge. What a Joke!

you are a tool (none / 0) (#1510)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:54:57 AM PST
My son sells crack
My daughter is a whore
IM a junky
But after reading this I know there is worse out there

I really hope, that it was a joke... (none / 0) (#1514)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:13:20 AM PST
<b>I really hope it was a joke!</b>

hackers??? (none / 0) (#1515)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:13:24 AM PST
you are all stupid nerds!

what the ****** (none / 0) (#1520)
by dakach on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:36:42 AM PST
Is this supoosed to be serious or satire. If it is serious, it is really ignorant. So ignorant in fact that it defies comprehension. If it is satire. Good Job!

mahahhahahahahah... (none / 0) (#1523)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 05:50:03 AM PST
No really..this just sucks..

Geeks are people too. (none / 0) (#1527)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:05:37 AM PST
Well, I have to say, this article of yours made me laught. Thanks you for it :)

But in other words, you have had _all_ your facts wrong. I'd suggest that you go ask your Christian friends who use computers and ask that what does Flash do, what does Comet Cursor do etc.

Get you facts straigh. Your embarassing the humanity with your ignorance.

deary me ... (none / 0) (#1530)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:14:48 AM PST
Irony is so lost on the US ....

hillarious (none / 0) (#1531)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:26:23 AM PST
hehehe, i found this entertaining. very entertaining in fact. and i take it as a very good joke.

BUT, if it's not a joke (one can never be 100% certain), who the hell cares??
I'm an avid "internet user", and would like nothing more than to see less of these stupid mindless people here, and seriously, can _anything_ good come from the loins of someone stupid enough to mean what this article says?
I say no.

The net is a better place without these people!

a few commands.. (none / 0) (#1536)
by ScoutUK on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:00:55 AM PST
I must say, when I read this post I was rather amused.

You are stero-typing hackers. I have come across a few hackers on the Internet and in Real Life. "They Dye their hair".. No.. they don't. Punk teenagess do that.

It's just like me saying, Anyone who uses a Skateboard takes drugs.

Yes I understand your point, It can interfere with life.

Quake is not a place where hackers meet. Quake is a 3D Game Programmed by respectible programming companies such as EIDOS. Surely a minority of users may use it to contact and talk about hacking. As people use the telephone to talk about illegal things. Once again, "Anyone who uses phones is doing something illegal". It's all very sterotypical.

You really need to think about what your posting before you post it. "If you son spends more than 30 minutes on the PC a day, they maybe a hacker"?
What if your son is very interested in PC Software and the Programming side of applications? They have to come from somewhere.

You obviously have no idea what DoS means either. But I'm not going into it.

Dear lord.. reading on you have NO idea what your talking about. "Linux" is an extremely legitimate peice of software. It is a full Operating System It's only dangerous if used for hacking. It's extremely useful for Creating Graphics.

To Remove it, you simply need to format the harddrive. Really.

I tottaly disagree with everything you post. It's the most rediculous post I've seen to date.

Please tell me this is a joke! (none / 0) (#1547)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:49:35 AM PST
Did the author bother to verify any of his "facts?"

This is so laughably incorrect, that I will never be able to respect anything I read from this website again.

This demonstrates tha true evils of the internet: Not hackers, Not porn - but misinformation spread by the uneducated.

It IS a joke stupid... (none / 0) (#6295)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:15:48 AM PST

It must be hard being so stupid.... (none / 0) (#1553)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:07:23 AM PST
please next time you write shit like this please post you Ip with it so we can all do you a favor...

sarcasm or not people like you scare me...

I'm sure you meant well (none / 0) (#1554)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:09:28 AM PST
If other parents end up reading this article. Please believe me that this author hasn't a clue what he's writing about. I'm sure he meant well but he needs to do a lot more homework. For example, bonzi buddy is the farthest thing from a hacking tool as you can get. It's an annoying little character you can download which helps collect your emails and such.
Either he hasn't a clue or this is one big funny joke, and I'm thinking it is because I laughed almost the whole way through this.. Ridiculous.

by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:27:19 AM PST
I never heard such a mass ill placed comments in my life. YOU ARE A COMPLETE MORON. You have no idea what you are talking about not one thing made sense. You should take yourself to school before displaying your Ignorance to a mass amount of people. I feel very bad for your kid not being to be creative and being held back by a complete jerkoff for Father who has no clue on wtf he is talking about. How Much fuckin sweat can be involved in making AMD Chips u idiot! You think a poor kid from Zimbabwe can is slaving over a desk making computer chips hahahahahahaha.... if they could only be so lucky.

T Reginald Gibbons is a loser. (none / 0) (#1560)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:49:58 AM PST
What kind of idiot writes this stuff.

I'll tell you. Some idiotic Intel fan that can't stand that AMD is eating them alive.

If you go to the third world website of this third world company you'll see this:

AMD is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California:
One AMD Place
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale CA 94088

Holy shit that makes them American.

some folks should not be allowed near computers (none / 0) (#1561)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:53:13 AM PST
What a moron! what a dweeb! what a transparent justification for birth controll! - I am speechless - I have no speech -- <a href=""> hubglubglub!! <a\>

Is this for real? (none / 0) (#1566)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:24:47 AM PST not quite sure what to say. I have never seen so much should i put it?....let's be much BS EVER!
I first thought this was a joke, but by the amount of comments posted, this must be true.
Like i said, im completely appaled here. The person who wrote this, has ABSOLUTELY NO (i cant make letters bigger) ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE whatsoever of anything computer-wise. My guess is, that person must still use a typewriter at work. Please, do the world a favour. Die. Or shut up, but please, do one of the options. I strongly urge anyone unfortunate enough to ignore completely this article, as it has absolutely no real information in it. Not a single line is true. And please refrain from comenting. Maybe that way, the person writing this .... er .... this "something" will take a minute to think....and read some books for some REAL knowledge. Or better, surf the Internet for some REAL knowledge.

Please, what an idiot.


Your son is a hacker ?? (none / 0) (#1568)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:40:46 AM PST
If you are concerned about your child being a hacker, you should do some serious research about the subject. (I won�t tell you where to find the info) but it is out there and easy to find ! True hackers use much less obvious ways to gain access to a system. It is true that there are lots of easy-to-download tools out there that can be used to access a system. You should first of all rush out and buy programs like "Norton Internet Security (latest version)", and "Norton Firewall (latest version)" With these easy to use tools, you should be more safe than you ever was before ! I�m not saying that you will be completely hackerproof, NO SYSTEM IS !! There are ways to bypass firewalls also, and when that is done it is easy to find the memoryaddress where the protection software is loaded and then disable it, leaving the system defenceless !! Now you�re probably thinking about why you should rush out and spend hundreds of dollars on new software that can be compromised !? To that I must say that there are TWO categories of hackers.. Script Kiddies & Hackers - Script Kiddies are the WannaBeHackers that in most cases do not have the skills to write hacking programs them selves, but they use whatever tools available on the net. They can be stopped in most cases with the software mentioned here. Real hackers are mostly interested in hacking into big companies and government facilities. They are usually NOT interested in single individuals using a computer at home !! To wrap this up I must say to everyone out there... It is VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO STORE CREDITCARD INFORMATION ON YOUR COMPUTER (If you�re connected to the internet through DSL, Cable or other Always-On connection !!)

Thanks, and merry christmas everyone.. cLON3*

your so stupid. (none / 0) (#1569)
by lifesucks on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 09:46:36 AM PST

i've read your article and made this acount yust to make fun of all the stupid things you say in your story. you have to be the most stupid person in the whole world. (or you have a great sence for humor and wanted to know how others would react.)

your article (none / 0) (#1573)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:13:06 AM PST
This is the most bs i have ever heard i Still can't Quit laughing.You should do some resrearch and crawl out of whatever hole your in.
Did you know the server hosting your retarded article is probly a unix/linix based system. And far more reliable than ant microshaft product you ever purchased you should wake up :p

ALL HAIL THE GREAT AMD (none / 0) (#1577)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:22:45 AM PST
heh AMD is a third world company? Lunix? wanting new hardware makes you a hacker? With all those stupid statements one can only assume this is a joke but since I know nothing about this site or its articles I have to take all with a grain of salt. Anyway this was pretty much the stupidest article I have ever had the displeasure of reading I hope you all see that the athlon XP is much superior to the P4 since it destroyed the P4 in ALL areas of processing during the benchmark tests. You can view these at click on the benchmark tab. It also shows the specs on both computers that were used in the benchmark tests and you will see that they were as evenly matched as they could be with the drastic difference in hardware. Also keep in mind that the athlon xp 1900+ doesn't actually operate at 1.9GHZ you can read all about it on that site and maybe you'll come to the realisation that it is now intel's time to fall to its knees and bow before the great AMD.

Accusing Quake?!? (none / 0) (#1579)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:33:34 AM PST
Ya accusing quake for being a "hacker" game huh? I play Quake kinnda every day, and i ain't seeing anything with firearms, exept "Hehehe... Gotcha railed! =)", or sumthing like that...

Continuing at questions:

11. Is ur father a spy?

If u've noticed some monitors in the walls in ur room, u bet ur father have installed'em. Write with big font in Word or something "I'm a hacker". Just so u don't get ur father disapointed in his search for ur hacker progs etc.

I just wanted to get this thought out to the public...

Hmm... better get down to the shop and by some guns... =P

strewth (none / 0) (#1581)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:37:22 AM PST
ur all bein a bit harsh to this dood. he seems really intelligent to me. there aint a day that goes by when I dont DOS the Quake out of some old granny's safety filter. and lunix is of course my favourite hacking tool; way better than bonzi buddy. cyu guyz l8r anyway, I gotta put on my bermuda shorts and buy a new glo-stik b4 the rave.


This must be a joke? Someplease tell me YES (none / 0) (#1582)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:40:03 AM PST
T Reginald Gibbons you are fast becoming the laughing stock of the internet. I suggest you research your topics before writing.

Flash, quake, comet cusor and bonzo buddy hacker tools? You're the bonzo.

AMD chips inferior chips with security features deleted?

Oh, I get it. This is a joke written to get people to visit your site.

A 41 yr old computer user who uses most of the above.

strewth (none / 0) (#1584)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:48:35 AM PST
ur all bein a bit harsh to this dood. he seems really intelligent to me. there aint a day that goes by when I dont DOS the Quake out of some old granny's safety filter. and lunix is of course my favourite hacking tool; way better than bonzi buddy. cyu guyz l8r anyway, I gotta put on my bermuda shorts and buy a new glo-stik b4 the rave.


Your son worships Satan (none / 0) (#1586)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:55:27 AM PST
Your so is so L33T, he even wants Lunix!!

ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#1588)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:59:56 AM PST
LoL that shit is hilarious!!! I truly hope that no one takes this seriously. If it was meant to be serious, as well as all the other posts that agree with it, then WTF?? They must live in bumfuck, Iowa or something to be so misinformed about everything. i mean come on... AMD an evil company? flash a hacking program? hackers sucking on pacifiers?!? (thats a rave w/ecstacy btw) linux evil? LMFAO

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