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omfg (none / 0) (#7622)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 29th, 2002 at 02:00:37 PM PST
LUNIX ? well , it's LINUX and it is NOT dangerous, in fact, it is much better then crappy windows. i also feel sorry for your son, having such a masochist dad. and AMD ? great proccesors, i use it myself. i wish you would know what youre talking about before posting. you are a n00b! and linux inst dangerous for your computer, its much healthier then wincrap.

the word 'gullable' is not in the dictionary (none / 0) (#7623)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 30th, 2002 at 01:05:28 AM PST
obviously this post is a joke ... designed to take advantage of naeve and ignorant parents... anyone who knows the first things about computing will be in hysterics ...

seeya ... i am gonna go DOS someones BONZI BUDDY !!! hahahaha

maybe he is an intel employee ? :)))))
only in america!!

ur son a hacker??? (none / 0) (#7624)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 30th, 2002 at 01:22:00 AM PST
to be frank and earnest, for some reason why do i see a sense of dictatorship in ur household??? is it not god that has given us the choice to decide our own directions? besides have u known that even bill gates, CEO of microsoft was once a hacker.. even Job of Apple computer was a hacker... but i think u need to re-evaluate the term " hacker" just about anyone whos involved or work in the computer field is a " hacker"... just a matter of what type of hacker u are. "white hat hackers" are people who do hacking with good causes such as those who work int he security dept. of large corporations who once were " black hat hackers" but make millions hacking for a good cause and thats "security"... even all those who work at Compaq are " hackers" there is nothing wrong with asking for more faster or better hardwares... the more u are exposed to computer knowledge , its only common u begin to seek better things.. just like when u learn to cook... once u learn the basics... u go into deeper things... and start to buy better cooking utilities.. like Wustof Trident knifes.... they are better quality knives that deliver better performance then the typical " ginsu 2000 " knives..... people.... to deprive the child of the computer environment is to deprive them of the future job market.... for some reason... i think this family has gone too far... again as i emphasis the above comment. " get out! smell the flowers!"

Reply from a pro!!! (none / 0) (#7625)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 30th, 2002 at 06:11:31 AM PST
I am sure that others has pointed out a thing or two about this article.
First I must compliment the gentleman for taking an active part in his children lifes, BUT..
There is nothing in this article that actually matches the truth. I am a computer proffesional and work with antihacking for a large company. I will limit my comments to the "top 10 that your son is a hacker":
1. AOL is renown for its instabillity, this could be a reason for changing. Your son or daughter is tired of having to log on every 5th minute.
It could also be a question of speed.

Any well known ISP (Internet service provider) has hacker policies.
And a parental filter can be bought in any software shop, and I would suggest buying one if you want to control your childrens internet usage, no matter what ISP you are using.

2. He is looking for programs the right place.
BUT, Comet cursor is a program used to change the cursor icon from the standard arrow into funny shapes. NOT a hacking tool. Bonzi buddy is a cute little bear that does different things on your computer and definitely not a hacker tool. Flash is an "addon" to your browser it is used for showing "moving" graphics on some webpages. Hacker tool?? NO.

3. Faster video cards, memory (Ram), faster CPU.
All children want to be up to speed, they want the newest of the newest of course they do. a "hacker" doesn't really care he can get by on an old machine with a slow modem.
when it comes to processors, there are several vendors, the top 2 companies are Intell and AMD, I have got an intell at home and an AMD at work, there isn't really any difference between them.
And all hardware resellers (that I know of) sells both of them. It is like the difference between red and blue, choose whichever you like the best.

4. For the books.
Programming with PERL, I know a lot of professionals that have read this book, because programming is good if you want to work with computers. PERL is easy to use and a good language to start of with. yes a lot of hackers know programming aswell.
Neuromancer is a really good science fiction.
Microserfs, a friend of mine read that, he found it very amusing. He was a computer illiterate before he read the book, and he still is. it is not a hackers book, it is a comedy taking grounds in the microsoft history.
Stephenson also writes Sience Fictions
I don't know the rest of the books, but I know that none of them popped up on the preferred hackers reading.

5. DOS is a is an old operating system that "helps" windows getting started, it is also short for "Denial Of Service" which is what many hackers do, but one has nothing to do with the other.
You do not have to be connected while running a denial of service. it is a long, boring and technical story. basically when all the preperations are in place you just need to log on for a split second in order to set it off.

I can understand the confusement, and I must say I am impressed with what he has gotten the hang of in the few days he has been researching, but this is things that takes years to learn.

6. Quake is a computer game it is rather violent, but has no connection to anything regarding hacking. It was very popular, and properly the reason why his son wanted a faster computer and another ISP.
Hacking and guns, Hackers are not an underground organisation trying to take over the world. Most hackers work on their own and for profits/fame, much like the graffiti culture in the 80's.

7. I have no technical comments for this one.. other than puberty. If that is related to hacking ok..

8. BSD... If Berkeley is a communist organisation then the guy is right.
BSD (Unix) is (an) operating system(s) just like Windows, only it can be downloaded in a free version that is called Free BSD, it is harder to learn than windows not as user friendly, and yes most serious hackers use it.
Most programmers use it too. Approximately 80 % of internet servers runs on Unix.
Linux was created on a university in Finland by Linus Thorvald, he created it because he didn't want to pay for an operating system. He released it as an "open source" program free for anyone to use and anyone to make changes to. Debian is linux version, so is Mandrake, the most famous one is Red Hat.
They are not hacker operating systems created by communists to take over the world.
But if installed wrongly they can cause damage to your windows, and yes I have seen cases where they actually caused damage to the hard drive.

9. I did not know that hackers dressed in a certain way. I have been to Hacker conventions and I didn't notice the bright clothes or pacifiers.
It sounds more like the cyberpunk culture that is described in a 1000 different Science fiction books.
Or perhaps the techno culture.

10. I have not got the technical expertise to comment on radiation from monitors.
But I have spent more time in front of a computer than most probably more than 5 hours each day for the last 20 years. I do not glow in the dark yet.

A personal note:
Maybe the reason his son did not admit to being a hacker is that he wasn't a hacker.
Could he have been truly interested in computers ?

Did the writer of the article destroy his son chance to become the next generation computer/security experts?

Is it abnormal for a teenager to try and break free from his/her parents?

I know it is an old article and normally I would not have replied to it, but I was shocked when i read this. I have never in my life seen that many wrongs in a single post.
I showed it to a friend of mine, he thought it was a joke.

For further comments fell free to contact:

Controversial opinions, passionately held. (none / 0) (#7626)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 30th, 2002 at 10:04:31 AM PST
Guys, The first Article I read on this site was this one, The first Paragraph tells you its a spoof, then after you read the mission statement of the site, you MUST realise that anything said in this site, be it article or post should be taken as a joke, if you are writing to further these, to be of a serious mind would suggest one of two things - Fascist or just plain moronic, so if you are serious which one are you? Let me know cause either will make for great reading.

Hats of to the Site Developers.

waef (none / 0) (#7627)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 30th, 2002 at 01:36:05 PM PST

confused? (none / 0) (#7628)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 30th, 2002 at 11:42:49 PM PST
Yeah, I think the person who wrote this is a WEE bit confused or they are psycho. Flash is an animation program. Bonzi buddy is some lame little talking program. Quake is a first person shooter game. The object is to kill as many people as you can online (yes ONLINE). I think you should make an apology to your son if you haven't already. And upgrades are normal.


This article is ridden with lies! (none / 0) (#7629)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 1st, 2002 at 03:07:23 AM PST
I would like to comment on your article "Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?". First of all, I think you are using the term hacker incorrectly. I believe you are referring to a person who performs criminal or immoral activities on the Internet. This is not a hacker, but a "cracker". Hackers are people who manipulate source code in programs to make them do what they want. Crackers are people who break into high-security systems and create havoc. These are two completely different things.

Onwards, you go on to talk about "hacker software". First of all, Bonzi Buddy and Comet Cursor have nothing to do with "hacking" (as you call it, from now on I will just assume that when you say hacking, you mean cracking). Comet Cursor "...lets Web surfers and Web sites change their mouse pointers to a custom image" (Source: Bonzi Buddy is not a "hacking" tool either, because its fully featured on's and Tucows websites. I hardly think a "hacking" tool would be advertised so openly, do you? I do not know whether by "Flash" you mean Macromedia's animation software, in which case it would be unrelated to cracking.

On to hardware: you say that faster video cards is a sign of hacking activities. How exactly do you think that a faster graphical output would help you in day-to-day activities? It only makes rendering of 3d models in high-end software packages as well as gaming more smooth. Again, no sign of computer cracking, but perhaps a more keen interest in the workings and performance of your computer in these situations.

AMD is never sold in stores? Well that's funny because I just recently (two weeks ago) bought them in a small, highstreet shop with very limited stock. AMD was one of the products which they carry. You also say that they are a third-world company, yet their headquarters are in California, and their factory in Germany. Doesn't look like you got your facts straight there, Mr. Gibbons. In any case, if you search in any large hardware site which has done benchmarking between Intel and AMD, you will notice that AMD repeatedly comes out with a better result. Anyway, why is asking for a superior central processing unit sign of hacking? Most hacking occurs on remote systems, so it doesn't really mater how fast your own computer is (to a certain extent).

Why have you labelled the excellent programming reference, "Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reillym as a "hacking manual" (whatever that is). True, crackers often have excellent skills in programming, but I wouldn't say that a keen interest in Perl was a sign of cracking. If they were reading something like "Hacking Exposed" or "Maximum Security", then yes, I would see your point, but "Programming with Perl"? That's just ridiculous.

I will not let this turn into a debate on whether video games are bad for kids, so I will skip this part. Instead I will ask, what the hell is "lunix"? I believe you are referring to Linux, a derivative of the UNIX operating system. Believe it or not, Mandrake, Free BSD, Open BSD, Redhat, Slackware, Yellowdog, Debian, Caldera, UnitedLinux, etc. are not "illegal hacker

operating system". The companies that produce these programs operate in the open and make lots of money each year. There is nothing illegal with Linux in itself.

The reason why Linux and this "lunix" you are talking about are such "capricious beasts" is because of Microsoft's domination. I will not try to explain partitioning to you, but let's suffice it to say that if Linux was installed on a harddrive, and you wanted the Windows OS on the computer as well, you would run the same risk. This is not because Windows or Linux are particularly bad operating systems, but because they can not coexist on the same partition of the harddrive. You say that LILO (a bootloader) can not be removed and will destroy the harddrive? Rubbish! Install GAG and it will automatically select which partition to load off, and you will never even see the boot screen.

I believe the only true part which is not ridden and infested with fallacies and lies in this whole article comes at the end.

"Hacking is an illegal and dangerous activity, that may land your child in prison, and tear your family apart. It cannot be taken too seriously". Good job, you have completely mislead every parent who read this.

computer hacker (none / 0) (#7630)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 1st, 2002 at 07:13:05 PM PST
dude, im laughing my head off you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Do you even have any computing experience what so ever ?!
what you described is about 90% of all male teenager internet users. I mean really c'mon!

i fit 8/10 of your requirements. Except AOL is a crap ISP-very slow, and although i spend alot of time writing programs and playing on the internet im not failing academically. If anything hours on the pc helps me.

Oh yeah you comment on AMD proc.chips, that made me laugh real hard. Dude shut up, no really have no idea

very stupid (none / 0) (#7631)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 2nd, 2002 at 06:12:59 PM PST
i think this is the stupidest shit ive ever read in my life.

stick in the bum (none / 0) (#7632)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 3rd, 2002 at 06:51:56 AM PST
how did yours get there?

the top ten list for is your son a hacker (none / 0) (#7633)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 3rd, 2002 at 07:02:05 PM PST
Now i have read this article throughly and must set the record straight, and also realize I'm an IT Technician so you know so you can understand what i'm saying is true. I'll go over this in the order this gentlemen has done this.

1.) Changing ISP's,
If your son requests changes for ISP's it has a 99.9% chance of having nothing to do with hacking because ISP's like AOL have nothing to prevent someone on your side from hacking. More than likely they request the change because they either want a faster internet connection to speed up downloads and webpage loading, or they want it to be more reliable because so many people use AOL often times their server are being overtaxed and may either fail or not letting you get on causing downtime. Another thing is AOL is one of the most expensive ISP's while other isp's like your local phone company are often times cheaper and have the same or higher quality service.

2.)Programs you don't remember installing such as Flash, Comet Cursor, and Bonzi Buddy.
None of these programs are Hacking Utilty's, Flash is a program downloaded by you web browser "Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL(which runs off of Internet Explorer)" and it runs web animations so you do not have to download large movie files, Comet Cursor is another "web app" and what it does is change what your mouse cursor looks like when your on a certain webpage and only on that page, This program can also do this permantly if your like and it's as harmful as AOL's Buddy Icons. Bonzi Buddy is just software that is run and performs the same functions as AOL's Browser the only difference is that it has a little animated character to provide assistance much like Microsoft Office's Clippit the paper clip. The is however software put on your computer without you knowing it and that's called spyware, what the function of this is to monitor what you do with your computer like what webpages you go to, what kind of programs do you run, etc... the only reliable way of getting this off your computer is running a handy little program called AdAware available at but realize some programs won't run without it like Kazaa because it is paid for by the ads it gives you. to get a spyware free version of this go to and also be sure to have a good Anti-Viral Program like Norton Anti-Virus 2002 with all the updates.

3.) Child asking for new hardware.
Again this has nothing to do with hacking. a fast video card will only enable better video performance when running 3d games the picture will be smooth instead of choppy. A new CPU "processor" will enable the computer to run faster and an AMD "Advanced Micro Devices" CPU will not give you more hacking tools it's just a different brand name infact the AMD Athlon XP has better performance than the Intel Pentium 4 which is supposed to be faster. Another thing is AMD is not out of a Third World Country unless you consider California a third world country then that statement wou be true. And how would a little kid be able to have the knowledge to to make a cpu it take people with college degree's to do this and they have to be in state of the art clean rooms which is not available in third world countrys. and any other new hardware in the computter will only give more speed and functionality.

4.) Does your child read hacking manuals.
This is the only thing in his list that has any merit whatsoever. You should as a parent pay attention to this if you find them reading these manuals then i would suggest you get them to stop.

5.) How Much time does your child spend on the computer.
While it is a good policy to limit computer usage, there is no such thing as DOSing. DOS is an acronym for Disk Operating System, it was Microsoft's first operating system for personal computers way back before Windows which debuted in 1985. Microsoft includes it with all versions of windows incase you were to have a program requiring it. And as to acessing it, it's as simple as go to start, programs, accessories, Dos/Command Prompt. so DOSing a pc doesn't exist the most your can do with DOS with another pc is ping another pc, and all this tells you is how fast the other computer is able to respond in milliseconds. and NONE of this is against the law.

6.) Does your child use Quake.
Quake is a First Person Shooter game, no more, no less. although this game is a little violent your kids are just fine playing this and i would reccomend they be atleast 13 years old and have been raised well enough to know the difference between a game and real life.

7.) Is your child being argumentative.
ask any parent and they will probably tell you that in the teenage years their child has been argumentative and rebelious, they simply do this because they want more independence and although you should grant them some do not give them complete because they still need guidance i know i did and i was glad my parents were there for me but gave me the freedom i deserved.

8.) Is your son obsessed with Lunix.
First of all it's called Linux and second it's based on an opesrating system called Unix not xenix which doesn't even exist. Unix was made around the time of the cold war for the United States Military not the U.S.S.R. and today Linux and Unix are widely used in many big companys like Bell Laboratories Unix is also a trademark of Bell Labs other versions of Linux are Called Red Hat, Mandrake, FreeBSD all free systems download from their websites.

9.) has your son dramatically changed his apperance.
What this person seems to be describing is what teens call a skater these people like doing skateboarding and rollerblading most of the skaters i've ever come across have no clue on how to operate a computer let alone hack. making this accusation is the equivalent to someone liking cars so they must rob banks. No connection whatsoever.

10.) Is your son struggling academically.
This might be caused to over use of the computer but it doesn't mean he's a hacker. and this hacking group Otaku doesn't exist and if it did it's highly unlikely that they would be a member.
"Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight" this is the biggest load of crap i ever heard of sorry to be blunt but this is true. There's nothing in a computer to affect your brain computer monitors are specially design to emit low radiation because their manufacturers know that people sit in front of thm for extended period of time. They won't affect your eyes unless you literally sit with your face three inches away or you never clean your pc screen. you should never actually touch the screen with your fingers becase the oils left behind will blur text causing your eye's to strain. Computer Radiation as he put it is only coming from the monitor and like i said they're levels are so low now that they are of no concern and if you child is getting fat well then have him excercise or something

how many people agree with my or against me (none / 0) (#7634)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 3rd, 2002 at 07:03:49 PM PST
i'd like to see how many people agree or disagree with me

Article. On Son. (none / 0) (#7635)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 4th, 2002 at 02:25:00 AM PST
Whoever listens to the paranoid and uninformed author of this article disgusts me. Not only does he slam other operating systems, ISPs, and different makers of hardware, some of his links don't even work, proving that he can't even attach a link right, much less know what he's talking about. The whole think sounds like a commercial for AOL, Windows, and other popular not-worth-a-crap stuff. Look, you wanna know if someone's a hacker, then ask, or get someone who would know to look into it. By the way, Bonzai Buddy is not a hacking program and is endorsed by several different BBB companies, including AOL and Windows. Also, Compaq computers are about the worst machines made, next to E-Machines, so that tells you he doesn't do research. Don't listen to people like this guy, unless you are an idiot and face user-interface problems all the time.

"knowledge is power" and in cyberspace ignorance isn't bliss. in my book ignorance=closed minds. what happens with closed minds? hmm holocost, racism, etc. do research people, you have a mind, use it.

will take replies at

It's ovbious you have no knowledge of computers (none / 0) (#7636)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 4th, 2002 at 08:05:03 AM PST

Your a moron Dude (none / 0) (#7637)
by Brando457 on Thu Jul 4th, 2002 at 10:08:03 AM PST
As a "teen or mature teen" whatever you wanna call me I find that your article was a waste of time to read and that it was just a waste of a page to post on. All information you privided is mostly false. 1.) AMD is one of the best procesors on the market whatever M$ programmed into your mind is messed up cause everyone knows AMD is better than intel. 2. Linux and BSD aren't illegal hacker ware you fool. Their a hell of alot better than windows. If linux and BSD are so bad most companies wouldn't run servers with them on it! Linux is more secure than windows. 3. Just cause your son likes to learn and read about hacking doesn't make him bad its what he does with his knowledge. Hackers aren't bad you get lamers who do bad things thats all,but the ones who use their knowledge for good and who like to learn and gain knowledge is fine. and Dosing isn;'t when you make a Virtual network or whatever the hell you said it is its when you packet someone. And also just because someone asks for new hardware upgrades doesn't mean their a hacker especially if your son asks you for a new processor or vid card because you bought a P.O.S. Compaq. You are probably just worried your sons knowledge will go farther than yours and you feel threatened he won't need you anymore. BTW My system is A AMD ATHLON XP 1700+, Geforce 4 TI4200, 128 DDR MB RAM, 80 + 20 gig HD and a 16x DVD and 32x CDRW DOES THAT MAKE ME A HACKER NO THE ANSWER IS NO seeing as i don't have the patience or time or worry of learning SO BEFORE U GO WASTING PEOPLES TIME and this boards space posting false information and just plain dumb information please consider that no one gives a f&k what you say so just stfu and go sit in a corner

Oh my god !!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#7638)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 4th, 2002 at 03:08:12 PM PST
What the f*ck is this? An article based on the author's imagination?
90% is untrue, this is one of the worst articles i have ever read about hackers..
Just to make an example: "A kid has bad grades on school, so he might be in a hacking group.."
This just doesn't make any damn sence!!!
Whoever wrote this, you are you dumb..
I have no words to describe your stupitidy, but you have certainly no idea how to wrote an objective and serious article.
Before you try to write something else which could be userfull to human beings, get some knowledge on the subject which you will explain to your readers.
I can't believe how someone could possibly write anything like this. Nothing is based on facts, only on imagination. May this be a notice to all parents who might believe this 'madman', but absolutely NOTHING makes sence in this article.
I really advice the author of this article to get a new job or hobby, because you seriously suck in what you do right now.


uh (none / 0) (#7639)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 4th, 2002 at 10:03:35 PM PST that a joke....and about the pacifiers and all...i didn't know that was a hacker thing...that's what people wear to raves (parties with drugs and dancing)...maybe ur son was on xtc...

adsf (none / 0) (#7640)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 5th, 2002 at 04:12:11 PM PST

by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jul 6th, 2002 at 03:40:08 AM PST
What the heck is wrong with you! I am a computer communications technician and have been working with the internet for many years, even before it was well known and accessible using the web. This story bothered me a LOT. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about and your son is not, will not be and never has been a hacker.

I am not intending to go off at you, I will instead systematically explain to you how you have wrongly accused your son.

1. Changing ISPs is beneficial for a number of reasons. Firstly AOL being as popular as it is, is very crowded and hard to connect to during busy times. Changing away from it is reccomended by both myself and my colleagues.

2. None of the software you have mentioned is for hacking. Bonzi Buddy, Flash and Comet cursor are legitimate applications. Flash is a widely used animation package.

3. AMD proccessors are easily made to be "overclocked" which, simply, makes the computer faster. This is not a sign of hacking although many hackers have powerful computers. A faster video card would be no use to a hacker, it would however be of great use for a person who plays a large amount of computer games.

4. None of these books are "hacking manuals", many are well known pieces studied in schools. Neuromancer by William Gibson is a personal favourite of mine and it deals with the effect of hacking in a "futuristic" environment and it was written before the internet was invented.

5. DOS stands for "Disk Operating System" and is used to do exactly that, operate the disk. It is in the same class as Windows except a lot older and not very easy to use.

6. Quake is an online game. It is not used by hackers and there is no way you could possibly train in the use of firearms on it. It is only a game and is in no way affiliated with the hacking community. I myself have played this game a lot.

7. Argumentive in his social behaviour? It's called ADOLESCENCE

8. Your son is not using Lunix, although your information on it is accurate to a point. If you see the word LILO on startup, do not worry. Many computers display LILO on startup and it is part of the way the computer works.

9. If he changes his appearance, don't worry, he is just creating himself an image. He will grow out of it. Hackers are seclusive and anti-socials who usually wear black, not day glow with dyed hair.

10. If he is doing badly he needs to study. COMPUTER RADIATION IS NOT HARMFUL! It is a myth and you are over reacting.

Anyway, that just about covers it. I do not wish to insult or offend the author, but certain facts must be brought to light. If the author is reading this, please feel free to email me at as it would be a pleasure to talk to you and with any luck assist you with your computer-related issues.

Thankyou for reading.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... HA! (none / 0) (#7642)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jul 6th, 2002 at 10:18:38 AM PST

Is Your (none / 0) (#7643)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jul 6th, 2002 at 03:44:49 PM PST
While I simply want to add a few additional points and make a couple of corrections and comments. I think I have become even more of computer expert than Mr. Gibbons and just want to make sure some details are not missed.

"1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?"

Despite the fact that AOL is the only safe internet service provider, using any other is un-patriotic. Obviously no other ISP can have the name which represents what it is, but the main reason is all these other ISPs are what caused the economy to start going bad and all those internet companies to go out of business. Many people lost their jobs because people didn't understand what the right ISP to choose was. These non-AOLers just got too confused about what to look at on the internet and as a result many companies lost millions of dollars. I really think that it would have been better if AOL had merged with the government instead of that other company. AOL is the biggest and the best. Without AOL, there would be no internet.

"2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?"

I bought a Compaq computer too, later I found out that some programs that I did not remember installing were actually installed by Compaq to protect me from hackers. You should check with Compaq to make sure you do not accidentally remove any protective software. Some other computer manufacturers may not install this software, so a Compaq computer is really the safe choice.

"4. Does your child read hacking manuals?"

This is also the reason why the Microsoft corporation has stopped providing manuals with their Windows. Hackers were finding secret information that was accidentally left in the books by the editors and using it to do hacking.

"DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines"

This is one reason anyone that is using Windows 95 or Windows 98 must immediately upgrade to Windows ME. You will be protected from hackers DOSing you because Microsoft took this dangerous part of the operating system out when they found out what people were doing with it. When you think about how many fewer computer hacking stories are in the news since Windows ME was released, you can see how much of the problem comes from using older versions of Windows or programs like Linux. I think the government should pass a law that makes those obsolete versions of Windows as illegal as Lunix, this would greatly reduce criminal hacking because the hackers would not have DOS on their computers either.


I have owned a lot of Microsoft stock for many years and have read all the information they have sent to us stockholders. As I recall, Xenix was a computer program that Microsoft bought, but then later sold when they found out that people could use it for hacking purposes. Just like DOS it has the command line which hackers use to give their computers instructions to perform illeagal operations. Also, Microsoft vowed to never to make another program like it, to help protect people from hackers. Unfortunately, hackers discovered how to use the DOS in Windows to do their crimes from information accidentally left in the manuals. We are all very fortunate that Microsoft is going to make all of it's new Windows versions completely safe by taking out all of the parts that have been discovered to be used by hackers.

"even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional."

Also, I read on Microsoft's web site that basically Microsoft Windows is part your computer system and deleting it is illegal.

"Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes."

Skateboarders and snowboarders also dress like this. The reason; most of them are also hackers. Skateboarding and snowboarding are likely to lead your child to hacking, drugs and other crimes.

WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?????? (none / 0) (#7644)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 7th, 2002 at 02:56:03 PM PST
First of all, you mother fucker semi-neanthertal humans are 100000000000000000% wrong. Lunix is not a operating system made by Linyos Torovoltos, Linux is an open source and free operating system for all types of arquitectures wich has a kernel developed by Linus Torvalds. IT WAS NEVER MADE BY USA for the Cold War, is a simply modification of the minix real kernel.....

By the other way if your son is becoming a real hacker, you moust be proud of him, he will promove the hacker-etics, he will try to learn as much as posible and he will naver break any law, that IS NOT WHAT A HACKER DO...

FIsrt of all, try to get MORE REAL INFORMATION, not this offensive information...


this has to be the biggest load of uninformed crap (none / 0) (#7645)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 7th, 2002 at 04:04:08 PM PST
ummm, what???

i'm a computer tech, and a programmer, and most of what you've just cited is pure rubbish...

quake - computer game, not a hacking tool...

bonzi buddy, comet cursor??? computer programs, not hacking utilities...

neuromancer??? - horror novel, not hacker's manual...

perl and linux??? perl is a cgi programming script language, linux is an computer operating system (you know, like windows??)

dossing someone's system??? dos is a precursor to the modern operating system, and while you can access other sites/systems over the internet, most assuredly not a hacker's theatre of choice, as it's power and usefulness are very limited...

sir, i would not insult your intelligence by stating bar-none, your son is not a hacker, but i'm fairly certain your punishing him for no reason...

if you have any questions or comments, or would like additional information, my email address is i have a computer programming degree, as well as several years experience working at a computer helpdesk, so i'm fairly certain that i can answer any questions you may have with certainty...

as a side note, if nothing else, research your information more thoroughly... or are valuable sources of information regarding computer technology, and will answer most of your questions... i'm quite certain you will find that your son is innocent in this matter...

Oh, My God.... (none / 0) (#7646)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 7th, 2002 at 06:52:00 PM PST
Oh, ah. eeeeh... ROTFL
I gotta thank the guy on that posted about this. It's so damn funny...
It looks to be a pretty good comic site... ah.
Good one guys...

Where did you get this info? Its all blame!!! (none / 0) (#7647)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 7th, 2002 at 07:31:17 PM PST
Im a Computer administrator in an entreteinment company in Argentina.
We use Linux, Debian GNU/Linux for be more specificly, and we certenly are not hackers.
I don't know where did you get that information but all it is some kind of joke, no one of the data is true.
Linux is not a hacker thing, is a Operative system, like novell, Windows or many others
The kernel of linux was developed by Linus Torvalds and he is not russian, I don't remember he's country but he was an student develop the linux for his studies.
Microsoft has not developed Minix or any other Unix like Operative System.

Please correct this page, you are missinforming people.

Sorry about my english, but I hope that you understand me.

Please read and learn before talk a very big industries is developing around Linux and don't need that type blame about it.

Greetings from Argentina

is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#7648)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 7th, 2002 at 11:38:47 PM PST
Linyos Torovoltos? The man who invented LINUX is Linus Torvalds. I think he's from Scandinavia somewhere, but has long lived in the USA. Furthermore, Microsoft WISHES it could have invented LINUX--last I heard, they were to trying to get open-source software outlawed, even though it's one of the best things going for the computing community as a whole. More than half of your statements are inaccurate or simply irrational. It wouldn't matter, except you're talking about raising children, so I do fear for your children, sir...

your a fux0rin m0r0n (none / 0) (#7649)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 8th, 2002 at 03:03:55 AM PST
I'm a hacker you dipshit, we don't use any of that except linux. and linux was not the work of just 1, it is the work of millions of people as a group OS. God help you old geezer, looks like you been watchin too much sum of all fears

Um... I don't know where you found this out. (none / 0) (#7650)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 8th, 2002 at 09:00:11 AM PST
I'm twelve and i play quake ALOT. No one ever talks to each other. You just frag each other.

Also AMD does not use "sweat shops" and "child labor." In fact i HAVE seen AMD chips in stores.

Also if kids want better hardware, its ussually to increase performance in GAMES. I just got a GeForce 4, and its not like i'm hacking into anything. Plus, what is a faster video card gonna do?? Nothing. About the only useful tip is #3.

Also Bonzi Buddy and COmet Cursors are programs used for FUN. And ANYONE who doesn't know what FLASH is, is a complete IDIOT. Goto and the site has Flash games, movies and shows.

Linux is NOT A HACKERS O.S.!!! It is not Illegal!
Look at this list Linux is used for!

Application Servers

Database Servers


X Terminal Clients

Unix Development

Network Servers

Internet Servers

Cluster Computing

Embedded systems

University systems

Vertical Solutions such as


Medical offices,

Reservation systems,

Legal offices,

Petroleum companies,









Trader Workstations,

Corporate Developers,

and more...

Sure its Illegal!!!!!

What if Linus Torvalds stops working on Linux?
Linux is written and maintained by Linus Torvalds and programmers worldwide using the Internet as a communication tool. Linux aims towards POSIX compliance (a set of standards that show what a UNIX should be). If Linus Torvalds ever decided to abandon the project, since we have the full source code available, somebody else could take his place. The Linux kernel development will still continue no matter what happens to Linus.


I can't find the words to describe how funny it is (none / 0) (#7651)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 8th, 2002 at 09:20:57 AM PST
Mr. Gibbons, you'll have to forgive my english; it's very poor. Although I have something to say about your "is your son a computer hacker?" article... it is COMPLETELY WRONG. There is NO TRUTH on this, you have no idea about the hacker's world, and probably your own son WILL NEVER BE A COMPUTER HACKER.

I really can't believe that such ignorance like yours is posted here as a inobjetable truth.

the only reason I could ever imagine for you to tell all those lies is to make angry hackers to flame you, and by some means to try to catch them. So if this is the real thing... run away, kids. This man is just a decoy.


Are you out of your mind?? (none / 0) (#7652)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 8th, 2002 at 09:57:58 AM PST
Do you realy search the internet asking for serious responses??? I don't think so. Otherwise, is "LINUX", no linked to any Microsoft code, descended from UNIX, form AT&T labs. And it's "legal" 100%, please visit,,,,, and you will find some usefull data.

Have you ever used a computer? (none / 0) (#7653)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 8th, 2002 at 12:53:35 PM PST
This article must be a joke. Nothing explained in it is true. Only drunk person could write that...

blah (none / 0) (#7654)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 8th, 2002 at 08:19:21 PM PST
you are a utter complete fucking moron comet cursor?? a hacking program?? u dumb bastard it is in no way a hacking program its just an annoying little fucking program for people with the brain capacity of about a 3 year old to mess your long ass list of bullshit ramblings you made no sense and apparently you have no fucking clue about hacking ...just forever know your a fucking moron thank you have a nice day

untrue facts (none / 0) (#7655)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 9th, 2002 at 12:06:42 AM PST
Is your son a computer hacker, i think this article is the funniest thing i've ever read, for one reason not only are guys hackers so are women, and if your son wanted a faster video card or is playing quake(all quake is is a computer game...) its propably because he likes computer games, and by all means lunix is spelled linux, and its not illegal, all it is is a different operating system, over all i find this artical funny as hell, because almost all of it is untrue.... i for one know alot about computers and love computer games, just because i play quake, or want a new videocard/memory doesnt mean im hacking a bank account or crashing a website, hackers are practically harmless anyways, its the crackers you want to be worried about, and not only people that play quake can crack, it could be some skater dude that you had no idea was a cracker for all i know tony hawk could be cracking my computer right now! the novle hackers isnt some sort of hacking handbook either for Goodness sake, its a novel about a team of hackers that stop a virus from sinking an oil tanker, id u want to know if your kids a hacker/cracker, just ask them what the difference between a hacker and a cracker is ( by the way a hacker DOES get into other peoples computers that is true but they dont purposly change ANYTHING WHAT-SO-EVER, and a cracker uses the hacker technique but distributes virii, and causes havoc amoung the world....) this is the funniest most un true article i have ever read!

Hacking (none / 0) (#7656)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 9th, 2002 at 09:07:27 AM PST
Most of this is plain rubbish, hacking is not a crime. Cracking is.
Pulling Mp3's off of a stereo is not possible.
AMD are a reputable chip maker who are in competition with Intel and some would say make a better chip.
DOS is Microsoft's original operating system, modern systems no longer use DOS as a base for windows.
Quake is a game! I suggest removing all firearms from the house.
No, this has got to be a wind up!!

Misinformation (none / 0) (#7657)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 10th, 2002 at 11:55:30 AM PST
Last time I checked, a cracker does none of the things described in some of the commentary here. No reputable cracker defaces websites, sends out virii, crashes other computers, etc. Most crackers attempt to find ways to bypass software protection schemes. At least that's what I've always thought of a cracker as.

Inaccurate information (none / 0) (#7658)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 10th, 2002 at 04:27:30 PM PST
First off let me say that your article is invalid in many points. Such as when you implied: "Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences." This is wrong. You gave the perfect description of a Raver, ravers are people who like to go to raves, and as you all know, raves are a major drug haven, seeing as ravers mostly do drugs such as E (Ecstacy) and Acid (LSD) they would not be competent enough to hack simply because E and acid destroy the neurons that connect the two sides of your brain.
When you said that if your son becomes "Obsessed with Linux" that is also false. Linux is used by many major corperations and i strongly recomend it to anyone who knows there way around computers.
When you said that "Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms." is also false. Quake is a game that can be played in either single player or multiplayer (over the net) for fun. The weapons in the game are in no way accurate to commonly used weapons of today. For example all the weapons have no bullet drop factor. Which, if one wished to know how to shoot a weapon, must know because if your trying to shoot a target that is around 50 yards away, you must compensate for the range.
Hackers simply belive in the freedom of all information. Some are out for credit card numbers and the like to do the obvious, but most simply want knowledge not to kill everyone, they leave that to the government and the military.
Please, next time you post anything, make sure your information is accurate, which some was; IE #4 & #7

Thank You,

IN RESPONSE (none / 0) (#7659)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 11th, 2002 at 01:38:40 AM PST

wrong.. (none / 0) (#7660)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 11th, 2002 at 03:28:36 AM PST
i dont think u know what your are talking about man in this article
i think your a complete IDIOT
a cpu wont stop hacking pcs and linux or lunix is not a hacker OS u know and what about the clothes and time spent on a computer
are u like from the stone age and AMD do NOT make knock off copies of US ships. its like Mercedez and bmw u cant just say that bmw is making knockoff merc's . Quake is a game not a hacker training ground. hmm have u never played a game wich involes guns or have u never watched a movie which has guns in it ???? does that make it a hacker movie ??? LOL i dont think so man
i dont think u spent much time on the internet looking for hacker nfo man i really dont think so

quake, bonzi buddy, flash, clothes (none / 0) (#7661)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 11th, 2002 at 12:02:42 PM PST
you're an idiot.

Why not take a moment and........ (none / 0) (#7662)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 12th, 2002 at 02:32:24 PM PST
Mention that "Hackers" are merely people and instead of just pigeon holing all of them into the "Badguy" (Black Hat) category, mention that there are also good (White Hat) "Hackers" who often help Net Admins patch security holes in there networks etc. by breaking into them and reporting the vulnerability/vulnerabilities to the Net Admin so that he/she can correct the problems. Now who on earth would be ashamed of thier child being intelligent and skilled enough to hack into something (Which does indeed take a certain degree of skill and knowledge) all in the name of HELPING others. White Hat Hackers are often freelance and do this service for free! Out of the goodness of thier own hearts. So please pick up a book or two and inform yourself on the subject before posting such blatantly ignorant and uninformed B.S.


Why not take a moment and........ (none / 0) (#7663)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 12th, 2002 at 02:38:17 PM PST
Mention that "Hackers" are merely people and instead of just pigeon holing all of them into the "Badguy" (Black Hat) category, mention that there are also good (White Hat) "Hackers" who often help Net Admins patch security holes in there networks etc. by breaking into them and reporting the vulnerability/vulnerabilities to the Net Admin so that he/she can correct the problems. Now who on earth would be ashamed of thier child being intelligent and skilled enough to hack into something (Which does indeed take a certain degree of skill and knowledge) all in the name of HELPING others. White Hat Hackers are often freelance and do this service for free! Out of the goodness of thier own hearts. So please pick up a book or two and inform yourself on the subject before posting such blatantly ignorant and uninformed B.S.


You are dumb (none / 0) (#7664)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 12th, 2002 at 09:07:08 PM PST
AMD is used be company's (compaq). They offer amd athlon, duron proccessors. AOL just sucks. My mom would be a hacker by your rule of 45 min. Not all "hackers" are bad. There are good one, most computer security people have/are hackers. You have to be one, to know how to stop them.
Linux is a great operating system. it doesn't screw up your hard drive, I have taken it off and on lots of times. Red hat, mandrake.... freebsd.
MS give telnet on your computer (most not be illegal) and same with dos. DOS was made up by some guy in microsoft. (some stuff you can do with DOS can be illegal, but most systems will be able to block it.)
Quake is just a cool game, they cant teach you how to hack in there...... maybe you should play it, all it is, is killing. I have played worse games. ex Grand Theft Auto 3, you go around kill cops, beat people up, and screw ho's.
Language.... not every cusses, alot of people do.
BSD isn't a hacking thing, it was created by some guy in Cali. (most of it is free) you can find it on there site.
MP3 is just music. My family and I all download music.
Perl is like C or C++ it is a programming language, you aren't a hacker if you know it. You will know how to write programs. HTML is also like it. (in a wierd way)
Flash isn't a hacker program, you can use it to make cool website and other stuff, bonzi buddy isn't a hacker tool!
My family and I install tons of stuff, we dont need eachother to do it, and most of us dont know what it is....
More hardware is not a sign of hacking.... or a hacker, we have replaced our memory a ton of times.... once you use it up, its gone.... New hard drive, for my games, music.... anything. Video card is so your games may look better, more 3d.... tons of stuff with video cards!
AOL SUCKS! It is so hard to get school work done with that, when I was a kid I couldn't do a lot of homework for my health and computer class. We switched when I showed my mom why my grades were hurting and that it wouldn't let me look at things.... You can with other isp's make it hard for your kids to look at sites.

please read (none / 0) (#7665)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 12th, 2002 at 09:12:09 PM PST
AMD is used be company's (compaq). They offer amd athlon, duron proccessors. AOL just sucks. My mom would be a hacker by your rule of 45 min. Not all "hackers" are bad. There are good one, most computer security people have/are hackers. You have to be one, to know how to stop them.
Linux is a great operating system. it doesn't screw up your hard drive, I have taken it off and on lots of times. Red hat, mandrake.... freebsd.
MS give telnet on your computer (most not be illegal) and same with dos. DOS was made up by some guy in microsoft. (some stuff you can do with DOS can be illegal, but most systems will be able to block it.)
Quake is just a cool game, they cant teach you how to hack in there...... maybe you should play it, all it is, is killing. I have played worse games. ex Grand Theft Auto 3, you go around kill cops, beat people up, and screw ho's.
Language.... not every cusses, alot of people do.
BSD isn't a hacking thing, it was created by some guy in Cali. (most of it is free) you can find it on there site.
MP3 is just music. My family and I all download music.
Perl is like C or C++ it is a programming language, you aren't a hacker if you know it. You will know how to write programs. HTML is also like it. (in a wierd way)
Flash isn't a hacker program, you can use it to make cool website and other stuff, bonzi buddy isn't a hacker tool!
My family and I install tons of stuff, we dont need eachother to do it, and most of us dont know what it is....
More hardware is not a sign of hacking.... or a hacker, we have replaced our memory a ton of times.... once you use it up, its gone.... New hard drive, for my games, music.... anything. Video card is so your games may look better, more 3d.... tons of stuff with video cards!
AOL SUCKS! It is so hard to get school work done with that, when I was a kid I couldn't do a lot of homework for my health and computer class. We switched when I showed my mom why my grades were hurting and that it wouldn't let me look at things.... You can with other isp's make it hard for your kids to look at sites.

Ok got to be a joke (none / 0) (#7666)
by phantam on Sat Jul 13th, 2002 at 01:31:52 AM PST
If this isnt a fucking joke i must ask WHAT THE FUCK, get out of the 60's, im a 22 year old technician, i have an AMD processor cause i feel there faster, its called LINUX not LUNIX fuck head, quake is a frigging game not a virtual hacking environment, my god i just feel stupider reading your post... i wish i could have in a pretty VR world, and BTW DOS is the Disk Operating System, its that evil thing that makes your computer work. I wont even take the time to finish reading your idiotic post

I don't like this txt (none / 0) (#7667)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jul 13th, 2002 at 04:11:25 AM PST
This is not true. It is all false, not true.

IDIOT (none / 0) (#7668)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 14th, 2002 at 09:38:50 AM PST
ur an idiot

This "Hacker" article. (none / 0) (#7670)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 14th, 2002 at 09:00:42 PM PST
Please re-study your facts. I did nothing but laugh as I was reading this article. Thank you for the bit of humor.

what a load of crap (none / 0) (#7671)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 15th, 2002 at 05:17:33 AM PST
what a load of crap

Is this serious? (none / 0) (#7672)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 15th, 2002 at 01:59:58 PM PST
I would like to think that this article was not written as a serious one.

A few of the points made here are among the most biased I have seen for a long time, and Gibbons is obviously not very computer proficient.

Especially point 6, 8 and 9 I must object to. Playing Quake is not indicative to being a hacker.
And referring to BSD, Mandrake and Debian as hacker operating systems is _insulting_ to serious companies that work hard to provide free operating systems. I do not have first hand knowledge of Lunix, but I would suggest the author read up a bit on ALL the OS'es mentioned before claiming them to be ".. used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers."

And lastly, in defence of those who do involve themselves with hacking activities. Point 9 clearly shows what a steretype people have of hackers and what they should look like. A hacker can be a man in an expensive suit from Armani, as well as jeans and trenchcoats. This is what promotes paranoia!

I will reiterate that I hope this article was not written in full seriousity (sp.? English is not my native tongue).

I myself work in the industry of computer security, and I find myself affronted.


Camilla Nilsen
aka Lucivere

wtf? (none / 0) (#7673)
by liquidh4x0r on Tue Jul 16th, 2002 at 09:38:58 AM PST
ok, this article is REALLY messed, her are some hacking programs you listed
comet cursor
bonzi buddy
ok let me explain. Comet cursor is a thing that changes the cursor appearance, see that white aroww that follows were you mouse goes? yup thats a cursor, no hacking there. quake is a online game were you kill people, like doom, no hacking involved. now, the really funny one, BONZI BUDDY?! its a stupid interactive, furby thing that sits on your desktop, intended for 3 year old retards! and linux! oh my gosh, linux is an operating system, the reason your kid may want it is because it is better than windows, which is also an opperating system, linux wasnt created for hacking, it was made by a colledge student, and the reason its popular is because its $300 cheaper than windows (free). You said that books like Programming in perl are haker guides, those books have nothing to do with hacking and by taking them from your kid would be like taking away his chance at a very high paying job. and you also said that you wouldnt notice linux on your computer, uhhhh.... what are you talking about? you MIGHT notice that windows isnt there, unless your blind (or blonde). Maybe your son wants to switch from AOL because of the random dissconnects, the spam, the chat rooms filled with child pornographers, the non-stop server downtime and anyway, trust me, AOL doesnt make it harder to hack. and maybe your sons failing because hes retarded, you may not belive it but the smartest people alive are hackers. and a AMD prossesser doesnt help you to hack, all prossessers do is calculations, they dont think. maybe he wants an AMD prossesser because there better. and you were complaing about him wanting a new 3d card, maybe thats because he likes computer games. I could go on. I hope the writer of that VERY BIAS article reads this. Hackers arent criminals. hacking is not illeagal, its CRACKING that is, i bet you dont even know the real definition of hacking. please email me at

Ignorance is never bliss (none / 0) (#7674)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 16th, 2002 at 07:11:35 PM PST
I am a 16 year old male in Washington

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

If you are using AOL and he wants a change, this means he is sick of the restrictiveness. AOL is also twice as much and half as fast an most services.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

I can't speak for Comet Cruiser, but Bonzi Buddy is a utility that acts much like the paperclip man in Word and Flash is an internet utility.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

It's called "Upgrading". It means he wants to play better games. The processor is what makes your computer fast or slow. Wanting a better one is to make the

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

What you've mentioned are called "Programming manuels". Usually kids pick these up to learn how to make their own games and become the next Bill Gates. Not to hack. You also mention "Science fiction books". They're stories.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

"DOSing"? Do you even know what DOS is? "And the award to misuse of a word goes to..."

6. Does your son use Quake?

First, you don't "use" Quake like you would a regular application. You "play" Quake. It's a first-person shooter. You don't go there to hack, you go there to shoot zombies with automatic rifles.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

Weren't you at his age?

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

"Linux" is an alternative operating system, not a hacking tool. It's not as restictive as Windows, not as incompatable as MacOS. It's quite nice once you get to know it.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

Once again, didn't you at his age?

10. Is your son struggling academically?

I went through this whole thing in 8th grade where my grades went in the shitter. It was because I loved a girl, not because I was hacking.

Take this from the mouth of a former hacker:

Your facts are more ass-backwards than a push-me-pull-me.

Don't look for those signs. They're not worriful. There are signs that are.

If he has a lot of paper with 4-diget sequences on it (like '47.325.742.8'), those are IPs. Computer identification. With the right cracker utilities, you can hack an IP to gain acess.

Macs are more dangerous than PCs with Linux. Servers never update their anti-mac server firewalls. I'd know.

If he asks for a firewall, that might mean he's trying to secure the computer from hackers or secure himself from retaliation.

Get your head out of your ass and learn about something before you write about it.

-John Rychlik

And by the way, "mp3" programs are for music sharing. You give and take music from other users of the software, not steal it from their stereo.

roflamo (none / 0) (#7675)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 17th, 2002 at 01:58:45 AM PST
Who ever wrote this should be punched in the face. How the hell does a processor stop people from hacking? It doesn't software yes hardware.. No. Oh look i want a new Amd Athlon Xp 1600+ with 512 ddr i must be a hacker now huh? I dual boot Windows XP Pro , and Debian i must be a hacker now huh.

lol (none / 0) (#7676)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 17th, 2002 at 02:01:42 AM PST
By the way i almost forgot to add that Linux and Unix is not an illegal operating system by any means. Yes it can be used for hacking. Linus made linux in hopes to create a generaly stable operating system which he has Linus wasnt a hacker for the soviet union you guys really need to do some researcg before you make these false accusations.

Oh dear... (none / 0) (#7677)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 17th, 2002 at 02:14:22 AM PST
You have got to be joking? This is a joke article right? Please tell me it is. If this isn't then we have cause for concern in that the author of this piece is extremely ignorant of computers and really should attend some classes on computer literacy.

"Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" as hacking tools? Oh please don't make me laugh. Comet Cursor is nothing but a cosmetic tool to change the shape of your cursor, Bonzi Buddy is an animated gorilla that is supposed to make using a computer more fun and Flash is an animation tool used to create cartoons. None of them are used for "hacking"

And for the books that were mentioned? I have read more than half of them and they are not hacking books. You might do well to chill out and read some of them yourself.

Quake is a game. A simple computer game.

MP3s are music converted to digital form so that you don't have fiddly Cds and tapes lying around.

Linux is an operating system just like Windows. It's legal and just because you use it doesn't mean that it's for hacking as it is known for being less prone to crashing than Windows.

AMD? Er....Think Pentium. Think simple economics. Think rival. Think no monpoly therefore cheaper chips, so that you won't be paying out of your nose for a nice little Pentium 4.

I think you're over-reacting. The change in your sons behaviour is due to what is known as "the teenage years". Get over it.

Again, I really do hope this is a very big wind up. If it isn't then you'd do well to do some research and find that my points and those of others are valid.

joke!! (none / 0) (#7678)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 17th, 2002 at 07:26:45 PM PST
People, people.. this was a joke!! What the Hell :P

I mean the author wanted to make a joke and you peolpe don't get it... such a shame

Article is very funny, author is not a moron, he reminds me of a certain Egg Troll

lies by reginald gibbons (none / 0) (#7679)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 19th, 2002 at 03:39:29 AM PST
i feel really sorry for anyone who reads this article and does not realise that the article is laughing at the computer illiterate.

the programs mentioned as "hacking software" are not for that purpose at all and cannot be used as such.

the authors mentioned as having written "hacking manuals" write cyber-fiction, and are well respected in their field.

i would expect the authors named, and the processor manufacturer AMD, to sue for libel.

however, if RG has written this article in good faith then i feel really sorry for his children for not being allowed the freedom to develop in their own way.

america - land of the free - dont you just love it?

reply to rantings (none / 0) (#7680)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 19th, 2002 at 04:05:11 AM PST
You must of been indeed shocked to learn of your son's wickedness. But I
promise you there are good things on the internet too.

Now take my 16 year old son, who I feel can be trusted implicitly. He's
joined a group of like minded young men who swap anicdotes and stories
and now has quite a collection on CD.

In fact I've noticed he now has 5 CD's from this band of fun loving friends
titled 'Gay Boys in Bondage'. He also has a few movies he's downloaded
like the trilogy 'Necrophilia' volumes 1 - 2 - 3, which I'm assured are OK
as they don't carry copyright messages.

Its a hobby which keeps him happy for ages, he often locks himself in his
bedroom for hours and loves his computer so much he's always cleaning it,
I'm forever buying boxes of tissues for him. He rubs it so hard he's red
in the face by the time he comes out of his bedroom. In fact he now ownes
one of those hand held vacuum cleaners, I often hear it buzzing away at 2am.

It seems to me to be a completly harmless hobby, and one which attracts
boys of all ages, he's got next doors 5 year old interested and even has
him sleep over to watch movies he's downloaded, but I think some may be
horror films as he sometimes screems all night. Perhaps he needs more
sleep as his eyes are often red rimmed in the morning, and sitting watching
them all night can't be good for the circulation as he can hardly stand up
before he goes home.

They say they've made a home movie about childrens glove puppets. At least
thats what I think its about, as I've only seen the title so far 'Sox with

Its nice to know the young can have a safe hobby and you always know where
they are. He's made such a lot of nice new friends and with quite an age
range, some are in their 50's and travel miles to see him. They're really
good with him too, if we let them sleep over, they are alway giving him money.

They seem such trustworthy people, always clean with white teashirts,
little moustaches and short hair, and a lot I'm sure work for the law enforcement
community as I see they often have handcuffs in their pockets, and I did overhear
one say he'd brought him a love trunction, although they really shouldn't be giving
away police equipment, after all its our taxes which pay for it, I was a little
cross when he said that. They are good with animals too. This is obvious, why else
would they all have leather harnesses and chains in the backs of their cars.

So you see you shouldn't dispare, all you need to do is direct him with a little
push in the right direction, and your quite right AOL is the safest place,
my sons friends have a website there, I think the address is something like
www.scat-snuff-bums& but its no good looking for it, as he's says
its password protected as they are quite a private bunch really. It is nice
to know they have it in a safe place though. If you get your son to email them
at I'm sure they will welcome him with open arms
and at least give him a firm hand and a little personal touch in his life, like
I said they think nothing of traveling miles to meet.

We did have to put a foot down once, as we like to vet the people who come to
our home, one was so blatant and admitted to having linux installed on his
machine, and had such wicked sounding programmes installed, we heard the
words mozilla and KDE Xwindows session, we were horrified and of cause through
him out before he had a chance to corrupt either of our children minds. He
even said he may replace the intel chip with an alpha processor mother board
as he didn't have any need of Microsoft anymore such, blastphamy can not go
unpunished, so we of cause told his father, but he seemed as bad and talked
of gnome interfaces, RedHat, SUSI and Mandrake; my blood boils when I think
of the evil of it.

I didn't mention my daughter, she's 12 and not into computers yet, and for some
reason my son nor his friends seem interested in teaching her, she just goes off
for long walks in the woods with one or other of the men off the nearby building
site. Still she seems happy enough. Girls aren't often into technical things are
they, being mere females.

Wha....I...uh...ok. (none / 0) (#7681)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 19th, 2002 at 10:04:19 AM PST

haha (none / 0) (#7682)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 19th, 2002 at 02:53:33 PM PST
this is really funny, flash is animation, not a hackers program, "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" arent hacker software, they are adware or spyware, adware means a program that has banners or other forms of advertising in it, spyware are programs that spy on what you are doing, but its the company that spy, and usually they tell you if its spyware or not in the terms of service but nobody reads those so you think they tricked you

omfg (none / 0) (#7683)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 19th, 2002 at 10:02:26 PM PST
you are a retard. parents like you need to be shot in the left eye

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7684)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 19th, 2002 at 10:44:54 PM PST
there isn't a single fact in that whole document! (cept maybe that he actually has 6 kids, who knows)

This guy's been sniffing glue or something..

~*~*~*WTF!?~*~*~* (none / 0) (#7685)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jul 20th, 2002 at 02:56:32 AM PST
j00 5700p1d musca domestica! A 'son' raised by a control freak like you CANNOT be a haxor!!!

Go castrate yourself!!!

You are a lying, self-serving hypocrite that does not deserve any bandwidth!!! Wait, isn't BANDWIDTH a hacker tool?!

And you should RESPECT the intellectual BRILLIANCE of a true haxxor, you moron!

Oh, and tell your son the EASTER BUNNY IS NOT REAL!!!


~*~Haxxor the World ^_^~*~

jo 7o 4ll (v)4 1337 |-|4xx0rz !!!

HHAH (none / 0) (#7687)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jul 20th, 2002 at 11:58:53 PM PST
RETARD HA><O|2 4 3V4

get help quick. (none / 0) (#7688)
by JimmyTheHandless on Sun Jul 21st, 2002 at 12:05:04 AM PST
is this list serious? if it is, its the dumbest thing ive ever read in my entire life.

hmm- AOL- thats the internet, right? AOL is one of the worst ISPs anyone could ask for and a son using the internet a lot would definitely want something that wont constantly disconnect him and one with much more reliable speed.

programs like bonzi buddy or comet cursor? those arent hacking programs- theyre annoying little utilities aimed at getting unsuspecting new computer users to download so they can propagate their advertising.

new hardware- anyone should want new hardware especially if theyre using a compaq. AMD makes a better, faster, and cheaper chip than intel and- way to do your homework- intel has a history of strongarm tactics in other countries that would put microsoft to shame here in the US. good "american processor maker" huh?- not to mention that they have manufacturing locations all over the globe- like malaysia for example.

checking reading habits?? ok so you want your son to not learn an applicable programming language that can allow him to get ahead in life? why?!

a DDOS attack would require considerably more work than a kid spending over a half hour on the net a day. i take over a half hour just to get my email.

sir, you apparently have no clue what quake is. its not an online virtual world where hacking and the use of firearms are discussed. its an old first person action game from the advent of 3d accelerators. millions of gamers worldwide play it- should all of those millions of gamers who are in school make sure that their parents notify their school about it? thats rediculous.

your son becoming defensive to such actions as you have describe are nothing to be alarmed at. in fact you should think about what you are accusing him of and realize you are limiting his potential and accusing him of things he hasnt necessarily done.

again, you have no idea what LINUX is. its a totally legal open sourced operating system, not some communist uber-illegal, malicious beast out to take over the world.

if your son is in high school- you should expect him to change his appearance. hes trying to find himself. and i dont know a single person into computers who dresses as rediculously as you describe- all my friends who are into computers are the exact oopposite of what you describe, i dont have a single garment that is "bright" or contains "day-glo colors".

your son losing ground in math may be because you took away any sort of motivation he may have had for learning to apply his mathematics when you took away his programming instruction books. learning a lot about computers often deals with learning mathematical concepts. if hes losing muscle mass- thats his own concern. maybe your son doesnt want to play sports? maybe he doesnt want to be a "jock"? who are you to force such lifestyles upon him?

yes, your childs future may depend on this list- that is, if you want to impair his ability to actively use and further his knowledge of computers. this sort of thing is like asking technology to take a huge step backwards- great ideas presented here, lets make sure our kids have less of an idea of whats happening with the computer than we do so that we eventually get to watch as our civilization degenerates back to a prehistoric human state and we have to rediscover the wheel.

take a look around and do some research into things before you start messing with your son's life and encouraging others to do the same thing, its just wrong and shows evidence of what could have been misplaced effort. but really, this list resounds with paranoia and misinformation. learn what youre talking about before you go on a huge rant about the dangers of technology.

The boogey Man (none / 0) (#7689)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 21st, 2002 at 04:21:23 AM PST
Watch out im gonna get you and steal all of your music. And after that im going to hack into your microwave and make it turn into the state puff marshmellow man. Did you know you can do that with "lunix". Maybe if you had a brain and had a 45% rail you would know your son is normal and is just having fun exploring the realms of technology. Hes not a homosexual that married to cover up his tendincies like you. Oh btw you a fuckin idiot so why don't you just leave technology to your son and go back to fucking your next door neighbors son after you get home from your office job where you are someone elses bitch. Kthnx

freak (none / 0) (#7690)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 21st, 2002 at 10:33:25 AM PST

Is this whole thing a joke? (none / 0) (#7691)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 21st, 2002 at 10:41:11 AM PST
Sir with all due respect, how the HELL would you know that your son is a "hacker" since you obviously don't know the first thing about computers to even judge, nor do you have any basis for comparison. Model parent? Something tells me all six of your children are smacking it up with unsterilized needles under the catholic cross in your bathroom. You sound extremely strict, extremely overprotective and extremely lost. I pray for your children that they have enough will to wash away the harsh things you've fed into their innocent minds. In one, short article you display all the symptoms of a paranoid schizophrenic. Seek help and quit torturing your children's minds.

this is all a load of shit (none / 0) (#7692)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 21st, 2002 at 11:14:26 AM PST
this stuff is sssssssshhhhhhhiiiiiitttttt

You = A Moron! (none / 0) (#7693)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 21st, 2002 at 04:39:51 PM PST
You are quite possibly the dumbest person on this planet. Quake is a computer game... not a 'haker meeting place'. Where did you come up with these ideas? It's time to pull you head out of the sand and look at the world around you.

hahaha (none / 0) (#7694)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 21st, 2002 at 08:31:37 PM PST
It sorta seemed real for a moment. When I went straight down to the "how they dress part", it was already bullshit. I didnt think hackers dressed liked ravers, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

GIRLS CAN BE HACKERS TOO (none / 0) (#7695)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 21st, 2002 at 10:30:56 PM PST
gee wiz,
i bet a girl or a gay guy wrote this because GIRLS CAN HACK TOO.

comment from a hacker (none / 0) (#7696)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 22nd, 2002 at 01:15:14 AM PST
i feel that i should take it upon myself to point out to everyone that has posted a comment, read the passage, and especially to the parent who posted this passage, that hackers are are just information-hungry people with above-average intelligence that want all information to be accessible to everyone, everywhere, free of charge.

it goes one way or the other: telephones and computers are totally obliterated from the earth (in which case we will find other ways of getting our information) or we get what we want, no matter how we do it.

hackers are on a quest for knowledge, not mayhem. we hack into systems because we want to see how things tick. we also alert system administators to flaws in their web pages and in their security. we crave to figure out how things work, we live for the challenge of it.

then again, there are the malicious hacker-posers that give us a bad name. this seems to be the stereotype for hackers at this time and day, and it is very much innacurate.

i hope that everyone reading this will at least contemplate the idea of hackers not being evil psychopaths that wish to destroy everything they come across on a computer.

i am a computer hacker. this is my manifesto. you may be able to bring me down, but you cant get all of us.

.| oscinis |.

FUCKING IDIOT!!! (none / 0) (#7698)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 22nd, 2002 at 08:51:50 AM PST
omg do you honestly think that quake is used for gaining hacking information? WTF are you talking about, its called a game. All parents are clueless, they have no idea what their saying.

this is the dumbest thing iv ever read (none / 0) (#7699)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 22nd, 2002 at 11:20:44 AM PST
i am sixteen years old, and used to hack...but not anymore i have grown up since then, but anyway first of all bonzi buddy, comet curser, and flash are all NON hacking programs, you cant hack with these they are simple programs mostly used to save passwords on your computer so you dont have to type them in...seccond of all AMD can be bought anywhere that computer parts are bought, they have all security devices that INTEL has and everything...i know alot about computers...i have been building them for years... iv never had to upgrade my copmuter with a Video card to hack...thats the most retarted thing ive ever heard in my must be a real crazy nut to even think something like that, i feel sorry for your kid... all off those things you said were WRONG, EVERYTHING you know nothing about hacking or read all the wrong things... and there are NO ISP's (internet service providers) that enable to to be a hacker, all isp's try to protect others from it, although a true hackers can get around that easily.. you over exaderate and know nothing about hacking keep stupid stuff like this to your self

Soother around the neck (none / 0) (#7700)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 22nd, 2002 at 04:01:31 PM PST
the reason they wear soothers around their neck is so that they don't chew off their tongues when they take drugs such as E.

read this (none / 0) (#7703)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 22nd, 2002 at 10:48:59 PM PST
Holy crap. If you truely believe that you must be omish. Seriously. "Your son is a computer hack cause he uses "Hotkeys"" Sounds like you could have used that arguement. Ive been using a computer for years...years not wasted. Ive become a little hacking literate, but what hacking? Sure, I do illegal stuff, but thats not hacking. And im sure as hell your son couldnt do ANY harm to anyone else. DOS is a promt, you cannot use DOS for hacking without superior knowledge. Second, your son couldnt have installed linux because hes too much of a dumbass if hes anything like you. Do you know how to turn on a computer...or is that Hacking? \/\/311 5#17, 1/\/\ 4 #4x02 f02 7yp1n9 1ik3 7#15. that was....well, im a hacker for typing like this. Please get a clue about computers.

...who ever wrote this is an idiot !! (none / 0) (#7704)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 22nd, 2002 at 11:08:55 PM PST
who ever wrote this is an idiot,and should be shot right away...all of the "signs" are very normal in fact...quake is just a game,the way they dress is just a style,flash is no were near being a hacker program,bonzi buddy is used by little kids,and all others are harmless,so i say do more research before u say anything,and i think your son should not be punished at all,i think he should punch u in the face for all your gay crap

i know hackers and they dont even use any of the programs u have mentioned

ps. your a moron

Crap (none / 0) (#7707)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 23rd, 2002 at 08:44:09 AM PST
What a load of crap! Where the hell have you researched all of this? I mean.. come on... I work un Linux.. does it make me a Hacker? No!


Jesus christ... (none / 0) (#7709)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 23rd, 2002 at 10:21:32 PM PST
ok you dumb son of a bitch, listen up. I work long and hard on my computer, and I do it, so I can get work done. I use Photoshop, and Linux a lot. If you are accusing me of being a hacker... you are sorely mistaken... Get the fuck out of this world by shooting yourself, if you have to. I know if I had the chance to I would. Your the type of ass hole that gets parents to breath down their childrens necks... That sickens me... Get your facts right, or watch your back in the alleys, you son of a bitch

computer hacking article (none / 0) (#7710)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 23rd, 2002 at 10:32:43 PM PST
wow, i cant even begin to talk about how far off that essay is. seriously, so much of it is so far from the truth, anyone who has taken it seriously has damaged their brains and their perception of the real world tremendously. quake is a computer game played by GEEKS, not hackers. thats just one of the many fallacies the suppoused "hacker expert" suburbanite parent has parlayed for you in this document. if you have read the article and take it to heart, i urge you to forget everything you have just read about "hackers." the real world will thank you for it

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 23rd, 2002 at 10:50:26 PM PST
to begin with, comet cursor, bonzi buddy, and flash are NOT hacking programs at all

comet cursor allows you to change the design of your mouse cursor

bonzi buddy is an interactive buddy that gives you advice on how to use your computer

flash is a type of media that enables your computer to run several programs that are almost always not involved with hacking

second, a child may ask for new hardware simply because he wishes to perform tasks on his computer that are slow to do or unable to be done with the current computer. a child may want a larger hard drive to hold more information or programs on his computer than he is unable to do with the current hard drive. the same goes for more memory. also, AMD atholon chips ARE sold in almost all computer stores and are preferred by many computer users because this processor runs faster than the usual pentium processor. did it ever occur to the writer of this article that a better computer has many more uses than simply for hacking?

third, Quake is a computer game and your child may simply enjoy playing the game. the argument that your child may use quake to discuss hacking methods with other online players is the same as saying that your child may go out into the world and discuss hacking with a group of people at a restaurant

finally, social behavior, appearance, and academic achievement can be effected by MANY other things than hacking. this idea is simply absurd

the writer of this article obviously has VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF COMPUTERS

i am very offended by the way the writer antagonized computers and made it appear that computers have very little beneficial use

i would like to say that i am 14 years old and am a straight A student. i use the computer on average more than 4 hours a day, and i strongly believe that computers can be used for a plethora of good purposes other than hacking

...Moron (none / 0) (#7713)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 24th, 2002 at 09:42:12 AM PST
Jesus Christ, I hope someone hacks your ass.

You HAVE to be the most un-informed parent on the face of this earth. I work as a graphic designer in Pennsylvania, and on the job, I use 2 monitors.

Does that mean I'm a hacker? You're a fucking moron.

If you have nothing better to do than accuse your harmless son of hacking, maybe you'll find pleasure in raping your daughter. You'd like that, wouldn't ya'? Fucking moron.

Go buy a book on Perl. It's a programming languagem jackass. It was used to create the form you typed your article on!

hacking (none / 0) (#7714)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 24th, 2002 at 10:10:11 AM PST
I have to point out that the "modern enlightened parent", T Reginald Gibbons, who wrote the article "Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?" is not entirly correct in his analysis of the hacking community. First of all as almost all projects and essays for high school students must be typed it is completely impractical to limit them to 45 minutes a day. On top of this computers offer messenging programs and emails to allow commuinication to multiple people at the same time. This is another draw to the computer.Then of course there are computer games. Another way to spend time on the entertaining machine the computer.

Not all of the points brough up by this author are incorrect. 1,4 and 8 are quite accurate as is 3 in regards to amd however a request for a better sound or video card might be for better game play and a zip drive or cd burner might be requested to hold larger files such as video or sound files.

the rest of the points are unfounded in the interpretation of te programs mentioned and the behavior of the child. Quake is a game it does not train in the use of guns. The firearms used in the game are futuristic and fire at the touch of a button. The guns dont existand the games certainly dont train children to use real weapons. as for bonzi buddy and flash these are legitimate programs as a chat program and animation program respectively. Other downloadable programs such as icq, shockwave and msn messanger are similarily harmless.

Many of these signs could simply be that your child is beoming interested in computer programming a productive activity that can be very lucrative as well. Changing your operating system from microsoft to linux could be to develop these skills though if there is an interest in programming it should be discussed as an accident could severly damage the computer itself.

In regards to the changing behavior. All teenagers change there behavior. It is an awkward time. They are expected to act like adults without being treated like adults. Pressure from teahcers peers and parents have risen and the question of the future is a fearful one. Changes will happen and should be guided through discussion but not repressed as this will only lead to withdrawl by the teenager.

Now outside of this article i have problems with the author and website publishing it. This is quoted from the bottom of the webpage part of's small print:
"Even though we're always right, reading is not a substitute for critical thought."
Always right? I just showed how a majority of this article was in fact wrong. Where does this audacity come from that there even is only one right way to raise a child. Such arrogance is one of the biggest problems in the world and certainly should not be passed on to children. As for the author the censorship he demonstrates over his children reminds me of the gestapo or stalin's russia. Shelterring them from the world will only make children more susceptable to influence when they go to college and sudenly are flooded with less than moral sights sounds and ideas. Children should be gradually exposed to things we wopuld perfer them not to see or believe in or do and then explained why they are wrong. Discussion not repression is key.

Take heed of this.


rofl (none / 0) (#7715)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 24th, 2002 at 11:48:46 AM PST
sorry buddy, but you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. QUAKE as a hacker meeting ground!? rofl, think again - its a VIDEO GAME. also, asking for new hardware is NOT a sign of a hacker.... parents...welcome to the digital age.

you people are idiots (none / 0) (#7716)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 24th, 2002 at 08:10:13 PM PST
im not understanding the point of your articles and reports , you say all of non sence about computer radiation and hackers , 1st of all , im 16 im a senior in high school i know plenty of hackers , they look like everyday people , the people u described sound more like a kid that would go to a dance club and listen to techno and electronica, and my second point , all you do is gripe about hackers and the bad things that computers do , you columns are posted on the internet , by a computer , in my opinion you are no more than worthless hippocrits , if your so afraid of computer radiation and hackers ,then dont own a computer , and if you still choose to own one stay of the internet , as simple as that ...

OMG (none / 0) (#7718)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 25th, 2002 at 01:56:32 AM PST
OMFG you are such a stupid jackass...Is my son a computer hacker... You are seriously like one of the stupidest people I know. And I don't even know you. Linux.. I hope when your son grows up he blows up your house. Hell if I knew where you lived...well I would make sure we had a chat. OMG Internet "lingo"... "Chat". Watch out I might TELNET to your computer and then DOS into your Television. I'll make sure you NEVER find the remote.

About this "hacker story" (none / 0) (#7719)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 25th, 2002 at 02:06:35 PM PST
Obviously this guy has no idea what he is talking about. AMD is a american based chip manufactuer that offers high quailty chips at sub $1000 market. Also Linux is NOT a hacker OS it is an alternitive to Windows. Switching ISP could mean the "son" would like FASTER access to the web. Quake and other such First Person Shooters are games and nothing more. Programs like Comet Curser, Bonzi Buddy etc are NOT hacker programs.
You cannot break into someones stereo using "MP3" software.. that is the biggest load of crap ever heard in my life. Bigger harddrives and More RAM are essential in the ever growing world of computers. It is ppl like you that create Undue web hype and I think you should research your facts before slandering companys. As said I wil be sending a copy of this that 10 top signs to all the companies you slandered in it and see what their legal department has to say :)

Jeff Thompson
Father of 4 and Computer Programmer.

i agree with what your doing but....... (none / 0) (#7720)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 26th, 2002 at 01:36:26 AM PST
dear sir
i myself am a hacker(not a cracker)
your son sounds to me like he is preety cool even if he has no friends or nething like that anyway, i think it is harsh in what u are doing. If your son is hacking you shold let him hack cause to a certain point it's totally legal also with the information that heteaches himself he will prosper in many things. i can already tell that u will take no notice of this but i am urging u reconsider. if your son is talented he will take matters into his own hands there is no way you can stop him no matter how many things u do to prevent him. he is probly doing it right under your nose.
neway i must say that i am proud of your son for taking a step into this field and i think he should keep at it. hackers arn't bad it's if he is a cracker.

plz take my advice as he could become a programmer or nething that he choses


Hackers (none / 0) (#7721)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 26th, 2002 at 02:14:13 AM PST
WOW....Another Brain-Washed Microsoft Follower

check your ref's (none / 0) (#7724)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jul 26th, 2002 at 04:09:25 PM PST
too many things wrong in this to take seriously. a terrible lack of resposibility on the author's part. check your facts. lunix a hacking device? also, ravers are not hackers. look up telnet or get information from a professional before broadcasting your "knowledge" to others.
much respect for your efforts,

This is insanity (none / 0) (#7725)
by mroach on Sat Jul 27th, 2002 at 11:29:47 PM PST
Other users have pretty much covered all the bases collectivly but I have to get my hand in there too. To be blunt this is 100% crap. I dont know where this guy pulled this crap out of. From the standpoint of a computer professional, I can positivly say that this guy has absolutly no idea what he is talking about. I wouldnt be surprised if he made it all up. He should be ashamed of himself for even trying to move past taking the computer out of the box. He gives people in the computer world a bad name. The only thing I feel good about regarding this load of crap he wrote, is that I have good enough reason to believe its a joke. No sane person could ever write this without having humerous intentions. Given the chance I would beat the living **** outta this moron.

Hacking (none / 0) (#7726)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 28th, 2002 at 01:43:13 PM PST
what are you some kinda fuckin moron????? haha bonzi buddy, comet cursor? hacking programs? LOL if your son wants new hardware, did it ever occur to you that new games require faster processors and better video cards? your an idiot, i just got like 100 times stupider by reading that absurd shit, please save our souls and never ever post nething again ! thank you for your time

OMG (none / 0) (#7727)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 28th, 2002 at 06:18:23 PM PST
Are you people ignorant this was obviously a joke....wife is carol (Mrs. Brady) youngest daught Cindy (tells lies and tatles) son peter.....the guys name was Mike lol This is all coming togeather for you people?????PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE POSTING A COMMENT cause your just wasting bytes on this server.....

you are nuts! (none / 0) (#7728)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 28th, 2002 at 08:56:52 PM PST
I cannot believe you wrote this stuff!
You are so beyond clueless it is to laugh!
Although some of what you may have found to be true in your sons case, it is not by any means the norm!
Quake is just a role playing game, not a meeting ground for hackers.
If you want to know where hackers hang and chat, do some more research, because you are WAY off!
Hardware upgrades such as additional memory, faster video cards ect are frequently REQUIRED to play new games.
AOL is a internet provider for people who dont know anything about the internet and frankly it is not a good one! It is agreed that they provide child protection services, but they are not the end all be all.
There are many features in the internet explorer, that will do most of the things you need to protect.If this is not enough for your piece of mind, there are many excellent programs that go far beyond what IE and AOL can do.
Comet Cursor is just a silly online curser changer, it changes your pointer to some other graphic that fits the webmasters theme.
Flash is an internet graphics addon that allows you to see flowing graphics in your web browser.
Linux is by far the most stable and most frequently used operating system for internet servers.(Most likey the server that hosts this garbage page of yours is a linux server)
It is not my place to say this doesn't belong on the net, I consider the freedom of speech as paramount to all people. However, it is pages like this incorrectly state things that lead others to believe this trash!
I suppose you could have read this from other morons who posted it, so maybe its not your fault.
It looks like you have used computers a little you have found this page, so why not learn what your talking about before putting it up on the set for all to see your ignorance.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7729)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 29th, 2002 at 11:34:34 AM PST
I have never read so much total and utter rubbish in my life.Reginald Gibbons needs to get a life(and a computer education might be handy too).

Us hackers.... (none / 0) (#7730)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 29th, 2002 at 12:29:12 PM PST
Not all of us hackers are bad... I laugh at your statements. I am a very well known hacker and web designer, I personally think you are full of shit... That web community is not for us people to comtimplate our skills or meet other hackers... lmao, thats a laugh. This was a waist of your time mom. lol

What a (insert french here) UPDATE (none / 0) (#7731)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 30th, 2002 at 07:20:34 AM PST
Okay, at first I thought you were onto something. I've been using the net for seven years. I am the best with computers in my school. I started hacking in the within the last year and a half, you should not be ashamed of having a hacker, a cracker on the other hand....

You see, both a hacker and a cracker pushes things to their limits and sees how they can be exploited. Once a hacker finds a flaw/bwg or anything that can be used to exploit the system he sees how the system can be improved upon and does so accordingly. However, a cracker will use the exploits for personal gain or for thrills, ruining the work of others.

I did think you may be onto something, with the wanting to change the ISP. My dad had us signed with AOL, but I found a cheaper and faster service which I managed to get my Dad to switch to (this was because AOL does not work with Linux) AND IS IS LINUX NOT LUNIX!

Also you probably downloaded CometCursor, it is not a hacker utility, it just changes the shape and appearance of your cursor FOOL (cometcursor is a utility that comes with realplayer)! BonziBuddy is a purple monkey that's meant to llok cute on your desktop and searches the net for you. It's a piece of shit software. I but one of your six kids downloaded it because of a popup. Flash is used to make movies and games (like those on no one will use it to hack, sometimes though you may need a brief bit of knowledge for FLASH passwords.

DOS(Denial Of Service) attacks will probably be discovered by AOL, and there is little chance that they can be done on AOL.

All that stuff about LUNIX is shit. Anyway, if your son had Linux you would know, since windoze would not run.

I have changed my appearance to more free and outward (not the anti social ways you suggest), but this is probably due to PUBERTY, not hacking. Anyway, what you have described about your son shows us his thirst for knowledge.

AMD is sold in stores, it is a very popular proccesor company (I don't know much about all this as I am not a hardware person), it is in the top five worldwide.

Books like programming in perl show more of you sons thirst for knowledge and improvement. Yes in the wrong hands it is dangerous, but anyone who has the maturity to teach himself new languages and such, is mature enough to handle the information he holds.

Quake is a computer game, that's all I know.

Again, that Lunix stuff is shit, LINUX runs the internet almost every host computer INCLUDING AOL runs linux linux is amazing. "Linux is like being a postal worker and taking an UZI to work" quoted by Carolyn Meinel.

Anyone mature enough to teach themselves to use linux fully is probably responsible enough to not use it wrongly.

Anyway, there is no way your son can hack with AOL. They do not offer a shell account. The only way to get around not having a shell account is with a flavor of UNIX ie Linux, which is not illegal. However, AOL will not run on Linux, some of the best programmers have tried to make it and failed.

Hackers are like the borg out of star trek, they thirst for protection, unlike the borg, they don't kill people, but they do assimilate knowledges and find how to improve upon it.


y so stupid (none / 0) (#7732)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 30th, 2002 at 01:04:02 PM PST
it unix not lunix u crack head man are u stupid

!What? (none / 0) (#7733)
by Apage43 on Tue Jul 30th, 2002 at 10:58:39 PM PST
Comet Cursor,Bonzi buddy, FlasH?
my god . Mp3, an illegal program to
hack into stereoes? The guy who made LINUX
is named linus. and is not a terrorist, and he wrote it when ge was in college.

T|-|3 GUY W|-|0 \/\/R0T3 T|-|1S N33DS T0 T4k3 H1Gh SCH00l 4G41|\|! .

*sighs* (none / 0) (#7734)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 31st, 2002 at 01:05:51 AM PST
Miseducated people like Mr Gibons worry me. Research your subject first at least.

What a (insert french here) ADD ON -I have more (none / 0) (#7735)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 31st, 2002 at 03:00:56 AM PST
What a (insert french here) ADD ON

I'd just like to say, I AM NOT A TREKKIE. I made that reference to the borg as I thought it
was a thing that everyone knew about.

And that stuff about diseases from computer radiation is completely false and unproven, any decent computer will be protective against radiation. It doesn't matter how long you spend at the computer, you will not get fat or weak either. I have been part of a 31337 hacking group for a year, there are six of us, we are all 16, our 31337 group is called "The Wombats". Only two of them have meningitis, I've only had rheumatism for half a year, and okay, my friend is the size of a killer whale and another friend is as weak as a kitten. Actually I'm joking, he's weaker than a kitten. -Seriously, I spend loads of time on my computer, but it's best to be safe and use your computer at night (it's softer on the eyes) and take a 10 minute break or 15 minute nap every time you feel a slight headach or are getting real tired.

I'm glad that most people of have posted replies to Mr.Reginald Gibbons understand the what a hacker is. Most people in todays world don't recognise the thirst for knowledge that makes a hacker a hacker and not a cracker.BUT I STILL MUST STRESS, REAL HACKERS ARE HONEST, DECENT PEOPLE, THERE TO SERVE AND PROTECT, WE ARE THE ENFORCERS OF THE NET, WE HELP SHUT DOWN CRACKERS BY REPORTING THEM TO THE CORRECT AUTHORITES.

What Mr Gibbons has to worry about is if his son posts a message on a BBS or newsgroup saying "teach me to hack", "how do I take down MI6?" or "how can I shut down my schools IT network?". Because these wannabe hackers (more crackers than hackers, the just don't understand what a hacker is) are dangerous, how? Canned software. All a newbie has to do is download a small program and run it, it could do anything, run infinite pings on a specific I.P or it may be a trojan that port scans a list of IPs. Of couse no real hacker would have any canned software, we believe in the good old way with and telnet! Of course things like infinite pings are illegal, so we would never do that, would we? But how can you tell if your son has asked where to get canned software, or has asked how to crash a computer on a hacker newsgroup? HE WILL GET FLAMED TO HELL. REAL HACKERS HATE NEWBIES TRYING TO USE CANNED SOFTWARE. So check your son's e-mail, see if he has been flamed. He may have loads of junk because he signed up to crap. I know that if you make a profile on AOL, you will never see your inbox again.

And this thing about spiky hair died, baggy clothes? There are many styles, surfer, mosher, townie (oh god! not the townies), grungers (smelly things) and goths (don't look at them). Each style has their own fashion ask any teen. I am a surfer, there isn't really a hacker style, I'd like to think it's somewhat simialer to surfer. I have spiky hair so? I have had it for years and have only been hacking for 1 and a half. I've had spiky hair before I new what HTML was.

Speaking of HTML, the first thing a potential hacker will learn is HTML. I have not spoken to a single hacker whose first great achievement was not learning HTML. And anyone who has learned HTML will be a very proud newbie and go and tell is mum and dad first thing.

Also, most hackers are clever, like me. Why? A hacker needs maturity to be able to understand and teach himself, only stupid people lack maturity, hence why they aren't bothered in lessons, hence why they are stupid. Don't blame your ignorance amd your son's lack of brains on hacking.

This doesn't affect me, but hackers can be girls as well, they need respect, I know that they are just as able as anyone else in the hacker world.

Also, about linux, you don't need to worry, because there is a thing called the kernel. It's a guy from the army or something who watches over your system. Actually, he's probably from the Soviet Union or something. WATCH OUT.

And this thing about too much time on acomputer. My cousin spends 7 hours plus everyday on his computer (it's his job), yet he doesn't know anything of Linux, he has never had a telnet session and has never used the word hack or hacker in a search. He is a decent, honest man who builds fantastic websites, he has no hacker thirst in him.

Telnet can do many things, mostly just pass information from one computer to another. You can send e-mail and play interactive text games called MUDs. I hate MUDs, but they can be a good place to meet.

At my school many people call me a hacker, I am. But I am friends with the sysadmin, who likes my ideas and my sense of humor (I have put various software that pretended to delete the C drive and stuff on the network). My sysadmin knows what a potential threat I am, but I've let him know I'm not into evil haxxor stuff. I like knowledge and humour. My friends also appreciate my knowledge, and I have added respect because of it. And I am not antisocial or anything.

About the hardware upgrade, take apart your computer to check if there is a BIOS chip, it is about an inch and a half long, 2/3 of an inch wide. It will have a holographic sticker on it saying BIOS or AWARD BISO ver1.2 or something. REMOVE IT. The BIOS chip is needed to run hacker utilities, it is not part of your system, but can be bought for around 50p (75 cents) at any good computer shop, the socket is there to be used by technicians when repairing or updating your computer. ALSO. There loads of little metal pins that stick out in rows, these are called jumpers. They are also for use only by a qualified technician. There may be small black things on them, take them off! They can cause permanent hard drive damage with long term use and block out safety filters in and out of your system rendering your machine with no way to defend itself from virii.

Any parents worried about a hacker for a son, don't be worried, send them to, it's great to learn, not get into trouble and improves ones knowledge of security systems and how they can be improved.

There are some essential hacking utilities no hacker would be without:

Wendy Witch Screensaver
Trace utility
Ping utility
Telnet program
Tweenies fun and games CD
Port Scanner

If you find any of those programs delete them, they are all hacker tools. Well, not all of them. Most hackers will have a firewall tho. I mean what a laugh it would be if you took out MI5 and then a little kid with a canned program blew your computer to virtual bits.

You as Americans get the wrong ideas about the British, we are not like you think. I used to believe the opposite was true, that we the British get the wrong idea about Americans. We are shown through television the Simpsons in particular!) that the Americans are stupid as fuck. I thought this was wrong, but that post, proves you really must be dumb, some of you anyway.

Lastly, did you know you are one of the biggest jokes in the hacker world? You don't beat that kid on AOL who was trying to get passwords and a guy pretended to send the FBI to his house, but you're a dead funny read. My theory is you are sum do good hacker or something, that's using words and names that adults know nothing about, that way there will be less of those hackers using canned programs. Great idea. But too many people have spoilt the system. At least everyone is now well informed of hackers and stuff, hey! But what would really put the cherry on the top would be if the article was real! Please say it is serious!!!! We all love bitching.


Is response to signs that your child is a hacker. (none / 0) (#7736)
by KingPin on Wed Jul 31st, 2002 at 10:20:52 AM PST
This is in response to T Reingald Gibbons'"Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?"

In all honestly, this is the most misinforming piece of garbage I have ever read. It is overall stereotypical and entirely lacks any knowledge in the are of hacking. To start off, the programs "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy", and "Flash", are listed as hacker software. Thse programs aren't hacker software, and do not have any hacking functions. "Flash" is simply an animation program that allows people to view and create animation on web sites. The other two are simple programs to make the desktop of a computer more fun and user-friendly. Second, just because your child may be reading these so called "Hacker manuals" doesn't mean a single thing. Has anyone considered the possibility that your child may be interested in a field of computers? Pardon my sarcasm, but "yes, the BEST thing to do is to confiscate these books immediatly. Why would you allow your child to read anything with useful information? Shield them from the real world and any information that they may use in it
And petition against the book stores, I say. Freedom of speech, who needs it". Even if these "hacker manuals" do contain more than the usual computer information, isn't possible that people might be interested in the subject of hackers? Just because I watch documentaries on the History and Discovery channel about the mafia or terrorism, doesn't mean im going t start toting around a tommy gun in a violin caseor hijack a plane. Also, don't accuse your child of being a hacker because he may spend over 30 minutes on the computer. A simple computer game itself can last over an hour. And as many of us know, the internet is a vast, mesmorizing place that anyone could get lost surfing or hours. Sorry Mr. Gibbons, but this is the computer age. They are all around us and you will have to use one more and more each day. People have jobs that involve staying on the computer for hours at a time. And another thing, Quake is a computer game!!!!! To call it a meeting ground for hackers is absolutely ridiculous. In fact, it is one of the most ignorant claims I have ever heard. Quake is one of the first games in its genre, that why so many people spend so much time on it. I remember always hearing how when games like Frogger came out in an arcade form, and system like Atari came out, people would spend days at a time playing. Simply because it is something new and fascinating. "Oh no! My child spent 31 minutes playing a computer game online! He must be a hacker! ALert the authorities!" Simply ludacrious. And finally, your claims concerning attitude, appearance, and academics; have you ever heard of being a teenager? These aren't signs of a hacker. These are signs of a child growing up. Baggy pants, bright colored clothes, glow-sticks, and pacifiers, these are all just passing trends in the teenage world. Not all teenagers dress like that either. Some kids who dress like that are expressing themselves, and don't even know how to use a computer.

I cannot express how pathetic these top ten signs are. They lack any knowledge, and is backed only by ignorance on Mr. Gibbons' part. And finally I would like to say directly to Mr. Gibbons, that you should let your children grow up. First, I'd like to laugh at you, for restricting your son's computer use. For a child so interested in computers, it was almost assured that he would have grown up responsibly using the computer for legal purposes, even if he may have been using it not properly at first (which who knows if that s true. From your reasons, it sounds like he just spent too much time on the computer.) Your son may have chosen a career in computers, a very prosperous and wealthy path in life. You have just taken away your son's best possible career path. Many young "hackers" have grown into being succesful computer people. I myself used to consider myself a "hacker" even though I never did anything technically illegal, and now I am n my way to being a computer programmer, sarting salary u to $80,000. Have you ever heard of Bill Gates. Yes, he was a computer hacker, because he strayed away from the norm when coming to computers, and look what he has one. Ad also, sttending your childs' parties? Listening to what shows they watch? Yes, some censoring on the parents part is necessary, but you are absolutely insane. All I have left to say to you is that you are computer illiterate, who has mistaken your son's interests as hacking. And I am glad you feel your family is the finest in the democratic USA, because the way you raise your children, you are a fascist nazi.

LOL! (none / 0) (#7737)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 31st, 2002 at 02:11:47 PM PST
LOL! biggest load of bull i've ever seen. This guy obviously has no idea what he is talking about.

What In the world is wrong with you? (none / 0) (#7738)
by 1000100 on Wed Jul 31st, 2002 at 07:02:46 PM PST
First off, I am highly offended by this. Are only boys bad? the word "Son" is used alot.

If this is true then I am really wondering what this world is coming to. This really does seem like a joke because how else could anyone be so pathetic and stupid? Your research is wrong. Linux is one of the greatest operating systems out there! AMD, Great company! Quake, it's a classic game! Flash, comet curser, bonzi buddy, I'm sure there are ways to use those for something they were not intended for, But there intent is not hacking.

Your poor children. You thinking you have the greatest family.

Best Episode Ever! (none / 0) (#7739)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 1st, 2002 at 04:51:55 PM PST
Not since the Citizens for Public Saftey derailed the hidden threat of Discordia, has an article so brilliantly captured the attention of the public.
Misrepresntations occaisionally pass by the readers eyes without registring, and the plot will keep you on the edge of your seat! This is truely a piece to print off and archive as is smoothly written poetry satire easily convinces us that it has been composed by well meaning idiots.

Bravo! Bravo! Bravissimo!

Shear Stupidity (none / 0) (#7740)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 1st, 2002 at 08:39:16 PM PST
That is the biggest pile of crap that I have ever heard. The mere thought of your stupidity on this makes me sick. And the asumptions about online games, software and hardware and well everything u wrote about are untrue and make u sound incredibly stupid. What exactly did you find for evidence may I ask. Maybe it was him playing an online game, that must sound stupid to most but judging on your stupidity im probably right. And you asumpitions about programs like flash makes me sick.

LOL (none / 0) (#7741)
by Jigger on Sat Aug 3rd, 2002 at 07:55:04 AM PST
Please tell me this is a funny post??

- Cause i sure laughed

Good Lord.. (none / 0) (#7742)
by xeriphism on Sat Aug 3rd, 2002 at 08:10:31 AM PST
I have been reading the many comments posted by readers of this article,Yet i have not seen one agreeing with you.People that spend more than half an hour p/day on the www are in 95% of cases not computer hackers.Many are simply computer enthusiasts like myself who find them entertaining.I have no real need to comment on other points in this article as many people before me have said it better than i have.On one hand i will how ever give you a tip.. wake up sunshine :)
P.S- Thysine and xion send their will be seeing them soon

fucking moron (none / 0) (#7743)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 3rd, 2002 at 05:05:56 PM PST
what the fuck are you tlaking about. stupid shit. LINUX was made by an mit student. dyke you have got to be the stupidest shit in the world. no one listen to this moron. he is way off. and by the way, hacking is not something to be ashamed of. hacking leads to high paying jobs in internet security as an adult

talk about misinformed.... (none / 0) (#7744)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 3rd, 2002 at 10:50:37 PM PST
just for your information, assuming you haven't already been embarrassed beyond showing your face in public already.. flash, nor bonzi buddy, nor comet cursor are any sort of hacking software... comet cursor is a program designed to use different cursors or animated cursors on web-pages, bonzi buddy is a desktop "companion" however it is just an advertisement for all sorts of LEGITIMATE companies... and flash? are you on crack? flash is as essential as java to viewing online animation... let me guess, you're a deeply devout christian.... i'm also guessing your son will be a felon by 15... good luck, super dad.

Wow... (none / 0) (#7745)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 4th, 2002 at 12:58:19 PM PST
Biggest load of un-educated guessing and stereotypeing i have heard in a while. Not to mention the fact that it comes from what sounds like a very suffocating and invasive parent

reply (none / 0) (#7746)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 4th, 2002 at 09:38:02 PM PST
just cuz ppl play quake doesnt mean theyre hackers. thats a bunch of bullshit. what about counter strike? stop blaming the games. by the way, you're too overprotective of ure kids, its a
disgrace to kids. and no, linux isnt for hacking purposes, y dont u do some research yourself. and changing graphics card, doesnt mean they are going to hack, it simply increases ure frame rate on some 3d games. (example Quake) stop making up shit that doesnt make sense. and changing ure isp doesnt mean ure kids will hack, it just means that u and ure family will get fast connection speeds to the internet. AOL is fuckin gay, dsl ownz.

the joke of the year (none / 0) (#7747)
by baltas on Mon Aug 5th, 2002 at 12:52:38 AM PST
i think that this post about hacking its all a big joke, if it isnt a big joke, the mother who wrote that is triping about hackers. she probably is seeing more videos then she could...

Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7748)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 5th, 2002 at 11:56:49 AM PST
Are you fucking stupid? Like what the fuck are you talking about Flash, bonzi buddy and comet cursor being fucking hacking programs? Thats not hacking programs Sub-seven, Netbus, those are hacking programs, you fucking goof. If you were my father I woulda fucking killed you for being that fucking strict.

by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 5th, 2002 at 07:10:15 PM PST
OMG, OMG, O M G !!!, this is just alot of crap, non of this is true, and wtf is "Lunix" and u dont have to send it back to the manufactrerer, JUST FORMATE THE DAMN THING U LOOSER, FU MAN, i am sorry for ur child, beacuse i have such a stupid dad, u suck man

haha (none / 0) (#7750)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 6th, 2002 at 08:18:48 AM PST

I find this.. (none / 0) (#7751)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 6th, 2002 at 02:01:36 PM PST
I find this rather sexist; it suggests that the majority of 'hackers' out there are male. This challenges the integrity of the article in that there are a serious amount of reputable female hackers out there as well.

Response to "Is your child a Hacker?" po (none / 0) (#7752)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 6th, 2002 at 08:03:39 PM PST
Hello, my name is Alex. I know I do not have an account because I choose not to have one. I have been associated with computers for nearly eighteen years, and I have built several personal computers myself. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours on the internet and have accomplished things with modern technology most people wouldn't believe possible. I have a few questions for you. Did you know that Lunix is an operating system written exclusively for the Commodore 64, a computer that hasn't been built since the eighties? This "LILO" you're talking about... It stands for "LInux LOader" (LINUX, not LUNIX.) Linux will more than likely run on your machine but if you cannot tell the difference between it and Windows, then you shouldn't be anywhere near that computer, my friend. Do you know what Comet Cursor, Flash, and Bonzi Buddy do? They are by NO means hacker applications. Comet Cursor is a little doodad that changes your mouse cursor to neat little pictures when accessing a website that uses that kind of technology. It's a picture displayer, nothing more. Macromedia FLASH is a player of compressed multimedia on the internet. All those cool animation sequences that load rather quickly are all thanks to Flash, not a hacker app, just a movie player. Bonzi Buddy displays a little talking parrot that tells jokes and wants to be your friend. Maybe your son was just lonely and thought he needed a talking parrot to be his friend. Then you kick him off the computer calling him a computer hacker. Sir, you are NOT well educated enough to know whether or not he is a hacker, but by everything I've read so far on this post, he seems to be a normal kid that simply loves to surf the web and collaborate with peers. If your son is the wonderful person you think he is, you must believe him. He has not broken your trust before, has he? He is NOT lying now, you just refuse to believe the truth. Your daughter should be punished for making such rediculous accusations. Another thing... AMD (or Advanced Micro Devices) is a global supplier of integrated circuits for computers and has facilities in the USA, Japan, Europe, and elsewhere in Asia. It had revenues of 3.9 billion dollars, just last year. (Highly un-sweatshop like, I think...) It's headquarters are in Sunnyvale, California. It produces such microprocessors as the Athlon, Duron, and K-series. A reason for him to want such a processor wouldn't be for hacking (their instruction sets are similar to other companies' processors anyway, meaning anything you could do on an AMD, you could do on an Intel...) but simply because they are far superior to Intel processors. They cost less (because they aren't advertised nearly as much (those Blue Man Group commercials can get expensive), they run faster (because of their superior on-chip caching) and they are equipped with special 3D instruction sets that make video games much more enjoyable. (Intel has similar sets, called MMX that doesn't work nearly as well.) The computer this post was typed on is on an AMD Athlon based system running Windows XP. I built it in January, and it hasn't crashed once. I benchmarked it (compared it) to my friends Dell Dimension, an Intel Pentium III at 1000 MHz. Mine is a 900 MHz. Mine beat his in every test conducted. It's not the speed, it's how you use it. A 5 horsepower go-cart would beat a Ferrari any day, if you couldn't find the keys to start it. This is why he might have asked for an AMD based system. You can't make microprocessors in a sweatshop. Just believe him, let him use the computer. You can restrict his time on the machine, that's not a problem. Keep him off the nudie sites and if his interest becomes a life long career, he might become the next Bill Gates, Michael Dell, or Steve Jobs; worth billions. Thank you for reading this post.

TOTAL BS (none / 0) (#7753)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 7th, 2002 at 01:18:48 AM PST
1) AMDS can be bought in shops

2) Quake is a fps shooter and not a game about hacking

3) linux is not an os for hacking its actually a very stable os and is used on some internet servers

4) LILO can be removed i had it on a laptop and reomoved it with a MBR tool

5) Linux is way better than windows (it dont crash)

6) Wot the hell are you on?

learn to spell (none / 0) (#7754)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 7th, 2002 at 01:21:43 AM PST

egrfdgsdh54ztv (none / 0) (#7755)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 8th, 2002 at 12:13:27 AM PST
i think that your site is bullshit and your opinions are too,

hope you get much os these comments , so that you think about that youre wrong

never hav laughted better than looking at your site...

Annoyed (none / 0) (#7756)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 8th, 2002 at 06:57:07 AM PST
This is the stupidest thing I have ever read. You're generalizing based on the way a person looks. This isn't the 50's. Not everyone who spends time on a computer is going to try to break yours. And AOL is the worst ISP you can possibly have. For one: dial up and Two: It's deathy slow. No one has time for people like you anymore. You think you can change the world by conforming your kids into mindless idiots. Eventually the real world will hit them. I doubt it will ever hit you though.

how to tell if your son is a hacker (none / 0) (#7757)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 8th, 2002 at 05:03:42 PM PST
this site is just about the most absurd thing ive ever seen. Programs like bonzi buddy, comet cursor, and flash are all basic programs concerning enjoyment, not computer accessing, for the child user. Also, if the child were a hacker, he would know to change things like ip adresses and not have to ask you, that would be reduntant of him to ask at any rate. Third and lastly, if your child carries around glowsticks and or changes their clothes and hair, they're not hackers THEY'RE RAVERS! Next time research and THINK before you type.

I hope this was a joke.. (none / 0) (#7758)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 8th, 2002 at 07:07:41 PM PST
I sincerely hope this was a joke.. I have nagging suspicions that it was.. But what is really bothering me is that it is possibly for anyone to be this completely ignorant.. People assume the term 'hacker' infinitely means some malicious geek sitting in his basement destroying systems.. And while in rare occurences, this may be true, Most 'hackers' are defined by individuals who find a common interest in information insemination. I encourage anyone who took this "guide" seriously to read into the premises of hacking/cracking/phreaking, etc. The Quake thing and the Bonzi Buddy/CometCursor/Flash things were funny.. Lol, Bonzi Buddy. Singing purple monkeys? Malicious hacking powers.

uh, ok I guess (none / 0) (#7759)
by canislupus84 on Fri Aug 9th, 2002 at 08:23:09 AM PST
I am a computer guy. I can build a computer from parts to working in a few hours. By what you say makes it seem like I am a hacker because I know too much. HMM, have you ever seen Bonzi Buddy? I have installed it before, it is only an eletronic You (whoever wrote this) are so ignorant when it comes to computers. Why did you even write this. I do most of the stuff in article that you say would make me a hacker yet, I don't program yet. When you use a computer successfully, you need to use DOS. That is the computer's main Operating System. All Linux (not Lunix) is, is an operating system exactly like windows is. I is made by a different company and is very legal.

Also, the pacifire thing was a style of dressing at one time. It isn't a bad thing, it is called Evolution.

Next time you say something, make sure you know what you are talking about. I know what I am talking about. I have been doing some advanced stuff according to ur standards for 2 and a half years. I easily spend at least 10 hours on a computer. That is because I am always learning how to do things and I spend my time making things (i.e. Web pages, videos, "hack" my own computer, lol u suck). I have fun on my computer, but I go to the gym to make up for my "Lack" of physical activity.

JOOR R 50 U/\/1337 u |-|4><00r j00b!5
that is leet speak for, you are new to computers, don't think you know all. Laterz. I will hack ur computer now LOL using it is hard with dos.

Is your son NORMAL? (none / 0) (#7760)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 10th, 2002 at 01:39:32 AM PST
First of all, I think the writer of this is a dilusional self-righteous moron. I feel sorry for his entire family in his horribly overbearing raising methods. His accusations of a computer hacker are pathetically hollow.
"Hacking" in it's definition is basically reading computer code, in order to add onto the program. Hacking is NOT simply using certain programs.
1. Changing ISPs (Internet Service Providers) is absolutely no concern for alarm. Many people can find the speed of their ISP slow, and using the internet for general legitimate purposes tiring.
2. There are all kinds of programs your family might install, and the programs that were listed have absolutely nothing to do with hacking. Comet Curser is a program that changes the mouse icon to something different. It in itself it not a good program, because it looks at where people on the comptuer have been, and tries to advertise to the users about those subjects. Bonzi buddy is a little desktop pal that is a gorilla. He sits on your screen and tells jokes to you, talks to you, and says things you ask him to say. That's about it. It's harmless. Flash is a program that lets you see little cartoons people have made. It even comes WITH your computer. The version the writer probably saw installed was a newer version that was at one point required.
3. Upgrading your computer is no need for concern either. Your family may find it horribly boring to sit and wait for something like, say a Bible program to load. Upgrading the processor, memory, video card, and hard drive will make such things prossible. AMD is a processor chip company. They are one of the biggest out there. And Intel really is the inferior chip. AMD chips of the exact same megahertz run run faster than Intel Chips. And I believe that Intel is based in Japan.
4. I feel sorry for your daughter. Makeup is not evil, it's nothing to be afraid of. So what if a girl wants to enhance her appearance? How else is she actually going to find a guy that likes her if her father is a horrible overbearing person that doesn't approve of any guys. Most of those books I don't know about, but I have read neromancer, and it isn't about "hacking". It is a book set in the future with incredible technology. Most of the plot is set around drug junkies and breaking into a computer system. It's about hacking into an Artificial Intelligence. It says nothing about how to, that and the very idea of hacking in the sense portrayed, is impossible. I wouldn't suggest the book, and IS for mature audiences, and contains sex and violence. Programming with Perl merely a book that teaches a person a stripped down version of english. Learning it can literally teach you how to do technically anything on the computer. It would be impossible for someone to harm another comptuer without learning literally years of information and having years of experience. Simple perl programs would be all that one could learn. There is no way you could harm someone's computer with it. Simple programs like putting the message "I love you" on the screen and drawing a heart are NOT harmful.
5. DOS is a command propmt. It is used to look at the files on YOUR computer, and ONLY your computer. It cannot be used to harm other people's computers. In windows you can look at the files on your computer, DOS does it with text.
6. Quake is a violent video game make by id Software. The "weapons" in it are made up, and not really based on any weapons. They can't train your kid to do anything. Moving a mouse, and clicking is ALOT different than firing an actual gun. If your firearms are ALREADY locked away, I already consider you a neglecting parent.
7. If your son is agrumentative and not obeying everything you tell him to think act and believe is normal. Trying to control him like that is brainwashing him. God does not want drones that do everything he wants them to do and think. He made us to love him, and want to. Who wants a robot that stands there and says "I love you because you make me love you"?
8. Linux and other Operating system are not illegal they are programs JUST LIKE WINDOWS that run your comptuer. They don't hurt anyone, or anything. Linux is based on the operating system "UNIX" not Xenix. And I notice that the link to the "russian" that made it is to a fictional character to a MOVIE! Obviously the writer of this has absolutely no hard evidence on any of his accusations. If he can't get one thing EVEN CLOSE to right, how can he make such accusations. Can you imagin God saying to you, "When I glaced at your location, I saw you drove by a pornography shop, YOU WENT IN DIDN'T YOU!?" God would never do that. He knows what you're doing. Linux does not harm your disk space, when installed, it needs it's own place on your hard drive, away from other Operating Systems. All Operating systems are that way.
9. There are countless reasons why your children would want to change their appearance when entering teenage years, they want to rid themselves of control. They are entering the age where God is telling them that they are growing up to be adults. Granted they aren't yet, and they need gentle shaping hands to mold them. God is the potter, we are the clay. Give you children God. In potery, you cannot force the shaping pot to the exact way you want it.
10. Just because your children aren't literally geniuses, isn't a reason to blame it on computers. Most children find it hard to adapt to new idea. Math and chemistry are some of the hardest classes. How can you blame your child since they aren't perfect that they cannot do perfect in their schooling. Another thing is that the teachers may not be doing the job as well as they should. Using a computer is not harmful in anyway. Bill Gates uses a computer everyday, since the 1970's. He has an IQ of about 160 or 180. Just think, 1 out of billions of people that use computers and they get a disease... What are the chances of that? VERY VERY LIKELY. The link to computer radiation doesn't even say that this happens.

If you want to talk to me, you may E-mail me at

by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 10th, 2002 at 03:45:35 AM PST
That is the funniest article I have ever read in my life...

This is Rather... Disturbing (none / 0) (#7762)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 10th, 2002 at 03:50:15 AM PST
Jeeze, I didn't know that a trusted Internet media creation software company known as "macromedia" would stoop soo low as to making one of the greatest multi functional programs such as flash just so SOME IDIOT can label it a "hacker" tool.

Now, MOST hacker tools are not installed with a normal install process. They are single aplication files and normally are downloaded in a .zip format. These can include NetBus, Bo2k, and Euthenasia (a mail bomber yes).

Linux is a highly reccomended operating system (this file sounds like bill friken gates wrote part of it) that is either command line based or has a windows LIKE appearance (an aplication known as X-Windows). Linux is commonly found running web sites with programs such as apache. For more information see
And no, it is not damaging to attempt to remove linux. Try removing windows. There's a road trip. lol.

And as for your hacker reading material. Half of that is what an IT student may learn and the other half is what a PROFESSIONAL web designer may scoop through to enhance an already growing web site.

I find this article a rip off and a perversion of these ligitemate companies. As for aol. It ruins computers as it attaches itself to almost every section of your computer (imagine a spider web). Uninstalling AOL completely friend my best friends computer and I've got 4 long years of experience that says I knew what I was doing when I took aol off their computer.

I hope that people in future can find something USEFUL to do on the internet than to bullshit parents and get people to believe than an evil monopolizing corporation such as aol can be useful.

Otaku's (none / 0) (#7763)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 10th, 2002 at 10:00:08 PM PST
Just wanted to mention that "otaku" is not a hacker association. An otaku is an anime fan -boy/girl. You know, anime? Like Dragon Ball Z, or Sailor Moon, to name some of the more mainstream(in the US) ones. You know, from JAPAN??


A few remarks (none / 0) (#7764)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 11th, 2002 at 03:36:05 PM PST
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
Although I am not in the US, AOL's fame as the World's worst ISP reaches me. Everyone who wants a good Internet connection wants another ISP, possibly Cable, ADSL or even T1. For example, I recentlly changed ISPs because I needed more bandwidth. Am I a possible hacker? Furthermore, you don't need to change ISPs to break through child safety filters, just use a proxy.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
Happens all the time to everybody, especially to "newbie" PC users. Many websites ask you to install Comet cursor, a program which has nothing to do with hacking, unless if we are talking about hacking the user's patience. While installing Kazaa Media Desktop, you are promted to install several similar programs, incuding Bonzi Buddy, another annoying, non-hacker related program. Is the flash you are talking about the Macromedia one, which ships with Microsoft Inernet Explorer? I guess legitimate software makes us hackers...

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
If you want to play the most recent games, you need a faster graphics card, processor, more memory and possibly a larger hard disk drive. If you want to hack you don't need any of this, a simple modem, any vga graphics card, a 300Mhz processor, 64Mb of memory and a 5Gb HDD will do the trick. AMD is a legitimate company, not a hacker friendly corporation nor a cause for alarm. AMD is the favorite processor of many people, hardware and software companies as well as corporations. I just spent over $6000 USD building a brand new machine... Using your logic I must be in the world top 10 hackers...

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
Does Windows Help count? I find it's the only thing you left out in that list... Have you considered reading the books or talking to the authors before questioning their contents? For example, ou have just attacked and considered hackers a lot of web builders that program their websites in perl.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
Usually I spend 3-4 hours per day, sometimes more, sometimes even entire nights. I suggest you try to build websites or play online games with only 30 minutes of PC time per day. Perhaps it only took you a few minutes to write this article, or are you a hacker?

6. Does your son use Quake?
You don't use Quake, you play Quake, as you play violent games as Soldier of Fortune or funny ones like Pacman. Quake is a legitimate computer game where you have multiplayer online option, it's not a hacker chat, nor firearms training. I guess I should try to buy myself one of those fancy energy weapons... If you are after hacker chats, why don't you attack Dalnet EFnet or simply the entire IRC?

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Now everyone with a formed political opinion, and life philosophy who likes to talk about what he thinks it's wrong is an hacker. Politicians beware!

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
I wouldn't even know where to start correcting this paragraph, maybe by saying it's Linux not Lunix and that it is a legitimate software, and that I use it to host web sites, ftp sites, irc servers, smtp and pop3 servers within my network. Guess that makes me not only a hacker but also a hacker services provider... Interesting... Telnet ships with Windows by the way. Blame Microsoft.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
Every teenagers do. You first described punk, than you turned him into a hippie... Hilarious!

10. Is your son struggling academically?
Now you say hackers are not only violent sociopaths, but also stupid and dumb. To be a hacker you need to be bright, resourceful...

After reading this article I concluded that you don't know what a hacker is and compare one to a drug addict. I know many hackers, and none of them display such syntoms as the ones you talk about in this article. Although I can understand your intentions, you got the wrong picture. Most times a hacker is just an informatic security expert, and most hackers don't take down websites nor destroy other people's data. There are indeed a few criminals within the hacker community, but most hackers don't have bad intentions. Please review your article and bear in mind this comment aswell as all the others.

Is MY son a hacker? (none / 0) (#7765)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 12th, 2002 at 10:02:53 PM PST
If this writer is serious, he is incredibly misinformed or just evil. Why don't we round up all teenagers (no, only the boys, I guess) who talk back and slap all them into a nice religious facility and maybe blind them or amputate those fingers! Then they won't be typin' no messages to Satan, will they? that'll teach 'em!!!

crack (none / 0) (#7766)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 12th, 2002 at 11:52:50 PM PST
you are so on crack it hurts! Your whole post is sh*t!

Let me clear some things for you, buddy (none / 0) (#7768)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 13th, 2002 at 03:32:14 PM PST
#1. Finding programs you don't remember? Well, many programs out there are NOT hacking programs. As a matter of fact, the ratio is so large, that I wouldn't be able to type it in this. AIM, mIRC, Kazaa, etc. are not used to hacking, but to gather more information, mostly for school. I've used all of these for school to help my grades, and they work.
#2. He might want to change ISPs because your current ISP sucks. AOL is horrible, their browser is horrible, and their 'userfriendly environment' is horrible.
#3. New Hardware is usually not for hacking...I asked for a new video card so I could watch videos without the video skipping every 3 seconds. I got a new sound card to make the sound of the computer better. I asked for a CD Burner to store information on.
#4. THIRTY MINUTES?????? Are you on crack? Seriously...I spend more than 2 HOURS a DAY on the computer for SCHOOL never mind on my own time!!! My FATHER uses it, sometimes more than 4 HOURS a DAY for Stock Information. I could seriously get NOTHING done in 30 minutes on the comp for my schoolwork, and I'm a JUNIOR in High School...My freshman year I had lots of computer work.
#5. QUAKE??????? THAT'S A GAME! How can you seriously think that Quake is a Hacking program? I mean, I play that game on my computer and on Dreamcast, etc. Are you afraid your son will start using PacMan and Space Invaders? My God! *gasp* Maybe they'll start using...MINESWEEEPER! Gimmie a break, dude! If you don't know what it is, don't talk about it!
#6. Changing his appearance? Come on, dude...seriously. Hacking has nothing to do with appearance. I knew plenty of people who hacked and still do, and they don't wear what you described...I think a crackhead is what you described, not a Hacker.
Seriously...are you a mormon? This has got to be the funniest thing I've ever read. Stealing music isn't even 'stealing''s getting music just like you would with a radio. The internet is not used mainly for hacking...most people use it for school, entertainment, etc, but if you're going to start accusing someone of something, get your facts straght first.

Moron!! (none / 0) (#7769)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 13th, 2002 at 04:20:21 PM PST
It is very apparent that you know nothing about computers or the things that relate to hacking. Flash is a program that you make movies or intros to websites with nub. If you have surfed the net at all you would have come across a site that requires flash in order to even view the site.It makes webpages exciting by allowing them to have moving video and pictures.Amd is a repetable company that makes processing chips in the U.S. and is sold in stores across the country ex:Circuit City,Best Buy,& Comp USA just to name a few. Bonzi Buddy is a tool that helps you find things on the internet that you might be looking for and has helpful references. New hardware such as video card upgrades just mean he might actually like to play a game or two on the computer without it looking like an Atari 2600!! Quake is one of the games that he might play online or as a single player game and that requires a better video card. It's not a hacking enviroment you idiot. Just to let you know,all isp providers give you a filter in order to take out offensive materials that you don't want your child viewing. Finally,don't post about a topic in a public forum until you actually do research,which you obviously did not do!!!Anyone who is a parent that reads this needs and might be concerned needs to take time to research for themselves about hacking and learn what it "actually" involves. The man who wrote this does not have a clue to what hacking is and shouldn't have posted this as it might panic some people who read it. Anyone wishing to place a comment to me or would like to discuss hacking can email me at:'t worry yahoo isn't a hackers paradise.....LOL

WTF? (none / 0) (#7770)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 14th, 2002 at 06:25:23 AM PST
What a joke, is this guy on drugs or something?!

Do you belive in Dragons?? (none / 0) (#7771)
by Cartman SRK on Wed Aug 14th, 2002 at 06:44:13 AM PST
In this world we stereo type people to make it easyier to understand them. This stereo typing can lead people to think the wrong things. Just as there are many forms of insects there are many forms of hackers. As with the many forms you have good ones and bad ones. With out knowing what your son was doing on the internet I can only assume he is a good one...Else the Cops would have been taking him away. With the definitios you have provided here...I would be considered a hacker. Yet, I do not do anything that hurts or causes propblems on any machine.
I am going to assume as well that you are trying to keep your children from being a "bad hacker".

1. Changing ISP's is not a bad thing. Have you done searches for political parties on AOL?? AOL has taken it apon themselfs to block sites they deem not in there political view. I have tested this...It is true. All ISP's will kill accounts that can be showen as hackers. This is not a hacker. this shows an informed User.

2. Programs you did not install. If it is a shred PC, every one will install something they like to sue on the initernet. None of the programs you have listed help a person cause damage to another machine. Heck, with that I could say my parents are hackers. They forget passwords, so they install gator. they like diffrent pointers cuase thier eyes are bad...the install Comet cursor. Now if you see a program tht you don't know what it does, then go to the web and find out what it does before you go leaping off the next cliff you find.

3. New hardware...Ok... How can wanting the next and best hardware be wrong... PS. AMD is not especialy suited for hacking.

4. Books do not make a hacker either. I am sure you have read all those books and understand that they can help a person understand how to better use a PC. Any knowledge can be used for evil.

5. yes, limiting time is a good thing. But a DOS (denial of service) attack can be run at scheduled invervals, and does not have to be started on your machine...I think you did not read those books.

6. Quake is a game...not a training ground for anything. It is a way for people to blow off steam. I have played Quake, and I shoot real guns, there is no simalarity bettween the two. Alos hacking in quake means he is cheating at the game.

7. I am asuming your son is a teen. Get over it...they all become surly...hormones are going nuts...they are not hacking.

8. You made that need to get off the crack pipe, sir!!! Linux Is a form of Unix that was created in the good old USA. Berkley Ca. to be exact. It is a free OS. If it is illegal...why does IBM, HP and SUN create versions for thier computers. PS. It is easier to Hack with a PC than with Linux.

9. Now you are jumping to what they call a "Raver" someone that parties while using illegal drugs. That had nothing to do with hacking.

10. These could be true...if we did not have a device called TV. that I have shown you where you have gone wrong. Let me show you how to spot a true hacker.

1. Check the IM (instant message) logs on the PC. if they are deleted, then your son might be a hacker and is covering his tracks.

2. Check all applications installed on the PC. FInd out what each one is made to do.

3. Purchase a program like "net Nanny" they can be set to block sites for hackers.

4. Make sure you monitor your son on what he does on the net.

Those are the only ways to find a hacker in your house. thanks.

YOUR ALL STUPID (none / 0) (#7772)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 14th, 2002 at 09:01:17 AM PST
YOUR ALL FUCKING IDIOTS, JUST CAUZE YOUR 12YR OLD HAS AN AOL PROGGIE ON HIS FKING COMPUTER DOESNT MEAN HE IS A HACKER, LINUX AND AMD ARE NOT FKING UNDERGROUND HACKER VERSIONS OF SHIT, GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND TRY KNOWING WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE YOU SAY IT, LINUX IS A FREE OPEN SOURCE CODE OS, AND AMD FKING OWNS INTEL ""knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well." YA A 9YR OLD KID IS MAKING A .15MICRON AMD ATHLON CORE, AND HAVE YOU EVER BEEN INTO A COMPUTER STORE, NO PROBABLY NOT, THIS IS THE MOST INSULTING ARTICLE I HAVE EVER READ IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, IT IS SICK HOW SOME OF YOU CAN THROW THE MOST ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT ON THE INERNET AND IT IS SICK HOW SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE THE BULLSHIT ON THE NET. GFG

I guess I'm hacker.... (none / 0) (#7773)
by earlyace on Thu Aug 15th, 2002 at 10:46:16 PM PST
I'm 16 and a male.

Yes, I asked to change ISP's, because AOL is for stupid people who dont know that there is faster and chaper internet out there.

I use Flash extensively, I spend hours a day with it. I also HACKED a website to look at some html code for guidlines to buld build my site that showcases the work I do in Flash. ( ) (Anyone can "Hack" a website, just right click and select "View sorce". OMG!! You just hacked!!!)

I asked for a new computer, my old one wasnt sutting it, It wouldnt run flash!! Didn't have enough memory to "hack". And it wasnt bought from a respectable company like compaq, it was bought from an "underground" (local) Computer Store. OOOOOHHH.

I know of Programming with Perl, it tells you how to "hack" (make and program) automated web sites!!!

I spend at least 4 hours each day "Hacking." Doing work in Flash requires a lot of time.

Yes, I play Quake, I learned that if you click, a gun shoots!! I was too busy killing people to learn how to hack from them, though....

Yes, I'm surly, its called puberty!!

I'm the biggest hacker there is!! I should be banned and have a stern talking to from my parents!! But I dont, because I'm not. Despite fitting into most of the categories, I dont dres like a raver, I have many friends, have a 4.0 is high school, and run on the Cross Country team....

Visit my webste to see what flash is all about:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#7774)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 17th, 2002 at 01:19:16 AM PST

ummmmm (none / 0) (#7775)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 17th, 2002 at 09:05:49 PM PST
um who wrote this casue whoever did has probloms i mean really right now ive been on the computer 11 hours strait and im not a hacker...another thing bonzi buddie is evil and has nothing to do with hacking, amd chips arent bad lol its a major company, lots of kids wear bright stuff and baggy clths its the style. quake has nothing to do with hacking either ya sum people may be hackers on it but sheesh its not a hacking network then has your son asked for new hardware i mean sheesh its called an upgrade. whoever wrote this should seek therapy stop being a brown nose and stop spreading false information

LoL (none / 0) (#7776)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 17th, 2002 at 10:27:23 PM PST
Your insane. Please research what you post before you embaress yourself next time. Thx. Half of your comments are outrageous to the point of insanity. You need help.


OMG! (none / 0) (#7777)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 17th, 2002 at 10:47:26 PM PST
If this is serious I want to hurt you! LMFAO!!!!

OMG WhoEVER WroTE THIs NEeD a ASS KicKin (none / 0) (#7778)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 17th, 2002 at 11:12:15 PM PST
OMg wtf do thing bonzi buddy is, its not a hack program geezus ur a retard if u think it is its just a lil momkey that askes u ?'s and crap... learn wut theings r b4 u even think about wrighin somthin on it... and u know if ur children r strugeling in school its prolly cuz they deprest because the way u idiots treat em

OMG WhoEVER WroTE THIs NEeD a ASS KicKin(+) (none / 0) (#7779)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 17th, 2002 at 11:23:48 PM PST
OMg wtf do thing bonzi buddy is, its not a hack program geezus ur a retard if u think it is its just a lil momkey that askes u ?'s and crap... learn wut theings r b4 u even think about wrighin somthin on it... and u know if ur children r strugeling in school its prolly cuz they deprest because the way u idiots treat em.. becides i don't know WUT THE FUCK UR THINKIN if u think hackers dress a certian way and moste of em don't wear beeds the author of this serously needs to figure out wut the hell is actually goin on.. HEY T Reginald Gibbons U NEED UR ASS KICKED AND A SLAP ON the faCe cuz U have no clue on wut is goin on.. by the way aol is not hack proof =p

another note Quake is just a game if ur son or daughter has it do not worry too much its just a game and there 100's like it its not just quake and hardly any servers have people like that beleve me this guy don't know the first thing bout hackers so if u actually r worried about ur son or daugher hackin fallow ur instincts NOT THIS IDIOT

sneakin out and hacking are 2 complete oposites and have nothing 2 do with eachoter just cuz they read a hack manual dosn't mean they will sneak out geezus really they h ave nothin that comes hand and hand like i said this guy is an idiot and don't know the 1st thing bout hackin...

by the way the # 3 thing is messed up 2.. chances are that your child just wants to maximize there gamning experance not hack.


The author is writing on topics over his head! hah (none / 0) (#7780)
by WicKeD on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 12:37:58 AM PST
Being that this article is a year old I debated on rather or not to comment on it, but the content of this article is so ridiculously wrong that I had to say something.

1. If your kid is chaning his/her appearence its most likely because he/she is trying to "find" themselves like any other kid. Do all the kids that change there appearance "hack". Completely irrelevant and illogical. Why dont you just take the anti-drug campaign, copy it word for word, paste it here, but replace the word drug everytime it appears with the word "hacking". I mean it almost sounds like you went out and rented the movie "Hackers" which was completely HOLLYWOOD, inaccurate, unrealistic, incorrect, totally made up....and then posted here what you saw in the movie.

2. Quake is a unrealistic VIDEO game that contain weapons that are unrealistic and do not exist. Hacker's dont congregate in Quake to train in various weapons and discuss various tactics on hacking. Hackers congregate in various chat client programs such as Mirc, and (oh wait you're gonna love this) AOL instant messenger! This is amuzing, since you were advocating AOL so strongly and its abilities for keeping your kids safe from hackes. INFACT, anyone that uses AOL software leaves open "portals" to their computers which even the lowest skilled hacker can exploit to gain access to your computer. I was dying laughing when I read the AOL section of the article.

3. Your comments on the various computer Operating Systems were also very amusing. First things first, ITS LINUX not Lunix. And its not illegal software. Its freeware which also has a unique feature that allows it to be continually added to by anyone and everyone who wants to spend time trying to find bugs and make the operating system better for everyone. "xenix"? Don't you mean UNIX? Gah, you are completely writing on topics over your head. These operating systems are not only legal, but they are excellent stable Operating Systems that can handle multiple user request simultaneously, utilize dual/ multiprocessors, networking, and over all system stability, etc....etc.... They are widely used by business, server hosting companies, governement, and private users who value stability and security. Linux and Unix is a much more secure operating system than windows, it makes things much more difficult for hackers to exploit and hack on to your computer or network. Have you heard of Solaris? You know, the big company that makes microcomputers for businesses, colleges, research facilities and etc.... Guess what comes with their microcomputers? You guessed it, UNIX. BSD, Mandrake and all those other names you mentioned as dangerous software are just different versions of Linux and Unix. Illegal? Thats funny. If its so dangerous and illegal then why can you buy Mandrake and Penquin down the street off the shelf at your local CompUSA? The reason you have to "buy" this freeware is to pay for the box/advertising/packaging it comes in and not the software itself. They also include other applications that are compatible with the operating system. INFACT, chances are, if you are working for a rather large company with a network and servers, they are using Linux or Unix as the server's operating system. OH NO CALL 911. Its the local user stations that use more "user" friendly GUI (graphical user interface) interfaces such as Windows to make things easier for the workers to understand, operate and work in. My advice to you is, that if your son can understand UNIX and LINUX and operate them efficiently then you should ENCOURAGE him to do more. Because the demand now in the job market for individuals with such skills are very high and the positons pay well. A friend of mine who is fluent in UNIX and LINUX landed a job right out of college starting at 95,000 a year. Did you make that much first starting out?

So you are the "model" and "enlightened" parent who prides himself in being the perfect parent? It sounds more like you are an overly conservative, over protective, and pushy parent that imposes overly strict rules on your children. All these qualities are no doubt the cause of your own personal paranoia sydrome consisting of your own insecurites and fears about your children not being able to live their own lives, so you have to live it for them. After reading this, I personally feel sorry for your kids and hope that they don't suffer to much mentally from the unnecessary garbage you put in their heads and expose them to. I say this because the chances are, you act this way and react this way to all topics in your kids lives and not just "hacking" computer stuff. Not only were all your comments on the subject of hacking completely wrong it almost sounds like you just made them up because you like to hear yourself talk about how good a parent you are. Gah, I just hope other parents don't read your article and buy in to its ridiculous message. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are one of those people who like to talk about hackers, hacking, the dangers of hacking and how much of a terrible thing it is, when in fact you know nothing of the subject or anything involved. Please for the sake of your children and all other people that may read your future posts at least go to the local bookstore and pick up the black and yellow book titled "Hackers for Dummies" and learn at least a little bit about the topic on which you are writing about. Ok. Thanks.

WOW WicKeD just OWNED YOU! HAHAHAHA! (none / 0) (#7786)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 07:05:00 PM PST
Out of all the posts I just read wicked, you probably had the most down to earth and realistic response. I CAN SAFELY SAY THE PERSON WHO POSTED THIS MAIN ARTICLE IS FULL OF SHIT. WICKED JUST OWNED YOU. I hope you respond to more posts wicked I loved reading ur post.

"Hackers for Dummies" Rofl! (none / 0) (#7787)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 07:16:11 PM PST
Wicked I love you. ROFL! Your post was intelligent and hilarious. This guy is a total idiot. I loved your "Hackers for Dummies" comment. Too too funny.

I hope no-one will take this seriously (none / 0) (#7781)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 02:16:03 AM PST
The writing is a parody.

HAR HAR HAR!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#7782)
by LoGYz0r PwnedU on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 02:17:51 AM PST
WoW what a moron plain and simple.

haha your kids a raver and you think hes a hacker lmao! I hope you loosen up a bit he wants that stuff to play games most "computers" you buy from gateway etc etc arent computers unless you mod them or something, other than that they're basic crap.

laff (none / 0) (#7783)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 09:03:17 AM PST
omg, is this guy stupid? AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. wow gg. adn the thing about quake not everyone who plays quake is a hacker, my 56 year old neighbor plays quake, so i guess that makes him a hacker. oh yea and Comet Cusor, i laff, that is hacker software its spyware that is downloaded to your computer when u vist gay sites

im crying after reading that. (none / 0) (#7784)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 04:37:52 PM PST
that is the most terrible thing i've ever seen.

Is your son a computer hacker (none / 0) (#7785)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 06:51:41 PM PST
You FOOOOL T Reginald Gibbons.

There is one simple comment i would like to make. THINK before you open your mouth. Or perhaps this was the problem. How about reading up on the subject matter before commenting.....and actualy understanding it.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
- have you ever thought he was trying to save you money on a cheaper isp?

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing
- First find out what programs like "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash" actualy do.
Comet Cursor-- changes the appearence of your mouse pointer. WOW
Bonzi Buddy-- Damn. You probably installed this one this one and didnt know it. Its a clasic system rooter.
Flash!!! hawhahahahahahah... Its like saying your son purchaced a dvd player so he could be a hacker.... FOOOOOOOOL

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
- your son is greedy..... You have only your self to blame

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
- So a book its bad your child wants to LEARN?? You are American after all.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
- Um did you actualy proof read this article?

6. Does your son use Quake?
- So this makes you a Moreman right?

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
- an alternative operating system to Microsoft's windows. Just like artificial sweetener as an alternative to sugar. LOOK OUT!!!! ITS EVIL!

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
- Again the childs quality of parenting comes into question.

10. Is your son struggling academically?
- Step One- Buy a book on HOW TO BE A BETTER PARENT.........

Is your son a computer hacker? (none / 0) (#7788)
by Richard on Sun Aug 18th, 2002 at 11:17:05 PM PST
After reading the above article , I find that I completely disagree with the opinions of the said author . I would like to voice my opinion on the article .

Firstly , the author said that popular hacking programs includes BOnzi Buddy , Comet Cursor , Flash . Now , Bonzi Buddy is a software which acts like a virtual pc assistant , it is a monkey which 'lives' on your desktop , he might be annoying at sometimes , but it is definately not a hacking program . Comet cursor is a program that let you change the way your mouse cursor looks like , hence it name . Flash is a program the lets you create multimedia movies , animations , it is used in web site designing , certainly not as a hacking program . So all of the programs mentioned by the author were all 'LEGAl ' programs , not hacking programs .If the author wants to refer to a hacking program then refer to SUB SEVEN .. etc not Bonzi Buddy ...

Secondly , about computer hardwares , technology advances at an frightening pace , today's PC would have become obsolete in 6 months time , so are games , they get better and better , more and more hardware demanding , so if your son asked for an computer hardware upgrade it merely means that he/her wants to really enjoy the game .

AMD is an international company , they manufacture computer processors like INTEL , VIA , Transmeta ..... and AMD doesn't make knock off American copies of processors . And they certainly doesn't use child labor . And about disabling the ' security features that prevents hacking ' , the feature is virtually unheard of , processors doesn't have a security feature that prevents hacking , all it does is perform computational calculation based on the information it receive from the RAM , Harddisk .... etc , even if there is such features , INTEL doesn't even have it , this proves the the author is lying , by saying that INTEL have a security feature that prevents hacking .

And , the author feels that when he checked his son's pc , all the programs that he doesn't remember installing are all hacking programs !!!.
What !!!

And QUAKE is a popular game , and yes it they do use firearms in the game , but it is still a game , it might be violent sometimes , but we are talking about hacking here , QUAKE is certainly not a virtual meeting place for hackers .

And LINUX , Mandrake ... etc , they are all open source operating system , they are the operating systems that advanced users , like system programmers , game programmers , web developers use , it is different from MICROSOFT WINDOWS , which are for novice users. And they are certainly not illegal operating systems.
And breaking into other people's STEREOS to steal music , !!!!!!!!!!! what was the author talking about , a stereo is an home entertainment system , where people use to play CDs , and until recently stereo can't support mp3 . And the author also talks about using the mp3 program , there is no mp3 programs , mp3 is an compression format for songs , and mp3 program will most likely be winamp , which is a program used to LISTEN to mp3 formatted songs , it is certainly not a program used to STEAl other people's song from their stereo .

And linux is an operating system like I said before , and it is not a beast , and even if he installed Linux on your machine , it is easy to uninstall , just format the partition , unlike what the author said , " you have to sent your computer back to the manufacturer , and replace a new hard drive , " Now linux can't damage your pc physically , even if there is damage , the damage will only be on the software side , it surely won't destroy your harddisk . And the author said that Linux can't be removed without damaging part to your harddisk , now I am an MCSE myself , and all you need to do to remove linux is to format it . it's just so simple .

In conclusion , I really feel that the author is an idiot , he knows nothing and yet speak like he knows everything.

SO you will be an idiot too if you believe what the BS the author is talking about .

sadly misinformed... (none / 0) (#7789)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 19th, 2002 at 09:27:26 AM PST
If you'd have done any research into this, you'll understand that you're just wrong... most of the programs mentioned are NOT hacking related. Bonzai buddy?? come on now... before spreading rumors without a modicum of truth, at least make an attempt to know the subject well enough to make a FAIR assumption... Hacker?? ...
Find out what a "hacker" really is before making assumptions based on your ignorance.
You sir, are truly and quite sadly misinformed.
This article however speaks volumes about parents who don't know a damn thing about what their kids are really doing on the net. In my opinion, if you think Bonzai buddy is a hacking program.. you're just as much in the dark about this subject as most parents today...
Truly sad...

is your son..... (none / 0) (#7790)
by i am me on Mon Aug 19th, 2002 at 02:29:44 PM PST
i have not read through any of the comments regarding this piece of missinformed garbage because in all honesty i still think its a joke,but if it is real i think we all should start taking steps to ban people with an iq under 40 from using computers.linux is a favourite hackers program is it?oh dear...what is going on with the people on this planet?flash? a program used to create animations on web sites -the new weapon of choice for cyber crooks?i took a good look in my wardrobe this morning and all my jeans and trousers are baggy......dear god,have i turned into a web terrorist without me knowing?it must be all those hours playing quake online-i must have been brainwashed into killing those people with my shotgun the othernight.wait a minute....i don't have a shotgun...and i've never raised a finger to anyone of my family,friends,or partners in my 34 years...nor have i ever been tempted to.oohhh...i know why i thought's because i've just read a piece of absolute stinking horses**t by some backwards,ignorant,no-nothing,tabloid reading planthead thats just learned how to type on the infamous 'hacker' program called gets worse...' They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program'...tell me mr the bloody hell do you 'break' into someones stereo systems with a computer? do you hold the monitor over it and drop it so it smashes the stereo open?what exactly do you mean?i don't get it.shut up shut up shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!do not ever go into an electrical store without police supervision-because when you see all the mp3 players on display i'd hate to see you get into trouble for trying to make a citizens arrest on the poor store-owner.i am now going to post this and have a laugh at what the other replies posted...and if just one of them agrees with you i am going to make it my goal to never read again.

Yer a fuckin idiot (none / 0) (#7791)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 19th, 2002 at 07:40:06 PM PST
US HACKERS ARE EVERYWHERE!!! I W!11 R0X0R J00!!! j00 r 0\\'n3d!!! Eye @m 4 l337 h4X0r !!!

HAHAHAHAH (none / 0) (#7792)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 20th, 2002 at 05:12:17 PM PST
I really really really hope this was a joke, this is the most ignorant thing I have ever seen, I think about 95% of what you said was false. If you are a parent reading it dont beleive one word of it, go somewhere else to get your information if you are really concerned. I.M.O. this site should take this article down, anyone who reads it will not want to trust this site for any information.

Ignorance is not bliss (none / 0) (#7793)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 20th, 2002 at 09:44:40 PM PST
the most ignorant article about computers and/or hackers i have ever should be ashamed to post this article

Linux made by the Reds? (none / 0) (#7794)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 20th, 2002 at 11:21:31 PM PST
LOL to suggest that Linux was made by a Russian hacker is hilarious.. Linux was made by a Finnish programmer by the name of Linus Torvolds and unless you've been living under a rock you might have heard of the Winter War in 1940-41 between Finland and Russia.. AOL is not a respectable ISP it is an ISP populated by computer ignorant ignoramouses.

AMD chips may be cheaper than Intel chips but they are faster and are superior at floating point processing i.e. displaying 3d graphics and the like.. If my son was reading "Programming with Perl" I'd be pretty damn proud... I can't be bothered picking it up myself. I know that America is founded on free speech.. but in the future if I were you I'd keep quiet when it comes to discussing computers in order not to look like a complete Jackass...

Some problems with what you're saying (none / 0) (#7795)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 21st, 2002 at 09:50:57 AM PST
Well, I just have a couple things to say about this post. I have no idea if this was a serious post or a joke, because some of that info is way off. First off, quake isn't a hacking program, it's a computer game. It you can go and play online with other people and it's classified as an FPS (first person shooter). Basically the goal is to kill everyone else. Now that may be a violent game, but it's not a hacking program. Quake 1, 2, and 3 are all made by ID software, go check it out. It's a legitimate game company. Second, the operating system is linux, not lunix, and yes it was based off microsoft stuff, however it was made basically to counter microsoft because they charge a lot and don't have it open source or anything. This is basically a version that people can get and try to modify and update them selves and submit those changes, in effect, making the operating system better. Unlike microsoft which doesn't, that's the only thing about that. And last, AMD doesn't make knock off copies of intel stuff. AMD makes great quality stuff, and their chips are cheaper and in general, faster than intel's equivalent. And the processor itself has nothing to do with the security of the actual computer system. It's not like somebody can hack you through your processor. If you believe that, you're severely misinformed. And just so you know, you can go to electronics stores like best buy and circuit city and buy computers that have AMD processors in them. So I'm just trying to inform you that on some accounts, you may be right about habits and things, but on some stuff, you are way off base.

your a real genius buddy (none / 0) (#7796)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 21st, 2002 at 10:45:54 AM PST
just to straighten things out first, i am against hacking, but im here to inform you, so listen up.
first off id like to say dir, you sir are a fakuking moron of the highest rank, if the school didnt exist id think that you graduated from the university of fukheads with the outstanding rank of uberfuk level 10. To start, you should be proud if anything that your son is a hacker, if he continues in this direction he will be able to get an extremely high paying job from any institute as an anti hacker (most anti hackers were hackers to start); second, aol sucks, it sucks a big fat dank piece of animal droppings, theres no reason anyone should stay with it, it has crappy service and an even crappier interface, if anyone in your family wants to get away from it LET THEM; third, new come on, what the hell did you beat yourself with on the head? new hardware is essential for your computer, be it either for entertainment or for the hell of it, computers need upgrading and the newest games require better video cards and more ram; fourth, time spent on the computer, now lets see, hmm, MORON. fifth, you sir are highly misinformed on Linux and all its makings/heresay/and whatnot, for more information on linux have your brain transplanted and get a life, then search the internet; sixth, heres the big one, this is where i get off saying you are a fakuking moron, hackers do not dress in any special style, the glowsticks and pacifiers you speak of are Ravers, people who goto rave parties and take extacy (it makes them feel babyish)
but hey, at least you were right about quake, quake sucks and well, yeah, it sucks, get rid of it. Its better to have a hacker in your house instead of a gamer. Have A Nice Life

What are you talking about?! (none / 0) (#7797)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 21st, 2002 at 12:03:22 PM PST
Whoever wrote this article is the biggest dumbass i have ever read. Linux is an operating system, not some hacker tool. Lunix doesnt officially exist, and Mandrake is a form of Linux. Holy crap, somebody slap this guy.

A computer hacker?

OOoh, what does your son do, talk on Aol Instant Messenger? Thats such huge hacking.

Oh, and there are no "hackers" that chat on quake.

Get a brain.

You have to be a programmer to hack, and it takes years to develop programming skills.

god I hope your kids get out of that house (none / 0) (#7798)
by feenix on Wed Aug 21st, 2002 at 04:45:37 PM PST
I can't believe there are people like you alive. First it's Linux not lunix you idiot. Second not only is Quake just a game but it's a rather old game, I'd be surprised if many people even play it now. Furthermore the hacker "appearance" you describe is actually that of a raver not a hacker, raving has nothing to do with hacking. There can be thousands of reasons why a kid does poorly in school, hacking generally isnt one of them, why? Because like it as not hackers generally do very well in school. DoSing has nothing to do with gaining access to the "command prompt" of the other persons computer, I think you're confused with DOS which is the base OS of all machines running Windows. DoSing (Discontinuation of Service) knocks someone offline, it's illegal yes, but it takes less than 30 minutes. The books you suggest as hacker manuals are far from it, "geeks" is about 2 kids who are geeks and through legal means become well off. New hardware is often needed to keep your computer up to date, AMD is not a third world company, and their CPUs actually out perform intels the last time I checked. Changing ISPs isn't common but if you have AOL I suggest you do change, AOL is a very poor ISP. Disconnections occur frequently, it's slow, the software they offer is buggy, and any of the child protection tools it offers are only applied to the AOL program which makes them very useless.

I seriously hope your kids get out of that house as soon as they can and never look back. That way when you're going to retire you'll be so technologically deficiant that you wont be able to collect your pension and hopefully you'll starve to death in the most painful way possible.

Anti-technology zealots like yourself are akin to Osma Bin Laden and you should share his fate.

Misinformed. (none / 0) (#7799)
by Soccerk121 on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 03:36:37 PM PST
First off, I am going to do one of the worst things possible. I am going to label you. I won't call you unintelligent, merely extremely misinformed. If that weren't bad enough, you are spreading extremely incorrect and unreliable information. Allow me to correct some of your ideas.

Please keep in mind, I am still in my youth. While I am not quite out of all my schooling yet, I have had professional programming jobs, won programming contests, made professional websites, etc. So you can imagine the time I spend on the computer.

1. Has your son asked to change ISPs?
I use AOL. I am stuck on it and have been for years because my family loves its features. However, their servers are quite slower than most other ISPs. Child safety features do nothing for halfway experienced computer users. All they ned to do is pop open a window of Netscape or MS Internet Explorer. Most kids play games, so switching to cable or a faster internet connection allows them to play games. I've been kicked out of many game servers for being too slow on AOL. I will be getting a very decent scholarship to college because of my computer and internet skills. If these are your children's interests, then cable or DSL will only encourage their learning.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
This happens to everyone! I suppose you are going to call Snood a hacker program as well! [Its a game.] Bonzai Buddy. I'm just going to skip that one. No hacker [and I know plenty] would be caught dead with that program. All Comet Cursor does is what is sounds like, it is a cursor program! Notice how your mouse changes to a pointer, an hourglass, etc.? Well this allows you to make your own for websites! Lastly, Flash. Flash is made by macromedia. It is simply a multimedia program. I would venture to say every person has 10 programs on their computer that run off of flash, not to mention probably 10% of websites. If you find a program on your computer that you don't think should be there, your son is not a hacker. A hacker would be able to hide it easily.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
More memory and larger harddrives. Did you ever think that they may be small and your child just wants to install more things? This is common on most households in the world. In NO way do these things suggest hacking. Video Cards. Most hackers work in text-based environments anyway! A new video card, what is it for? GAMES! Thats it, GAMES!
AMD is a completely legitimate company who makes a processor rival to Pentium. It is actually a much more stable processor.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals.
Those books are not hacking manuals. Most hackers learn from each other anyway. Go read those books and tell me if they are hacking manuals. I bet you got that list from another misinformed person. My favorite is "Programming with Perl." What does that sound like to you? Hacking or prorgamming? I think its a programming book. Programming is not hacking. Programming has gotten me thousands of dollars as a teenager as well as scholarship to college.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
I spend about 45 minutes a day doing homework and research for school. Encourage computer use. I spend hours on the computer each day, learning programming skills, talking with friends, visiting and developing websites. Never once have I done any hacking. If you don't trust your child, get a tracker for your computer. Find what websites he is going to. If you are really paranoid, find a program called keylogger. It will track what is typed on the computer.
DOS is not trying to get the command prompt on other peoples computers. What are you thinking of is what is running your computer right now, as Windows boots from it. It is called the Disk Operating System. Go watch "Pirates of Silicon Valley" and you will learn about it. DOS is a "hacker" term meaning Denial Of Service. It is a way of taking down servers, ISPs and websites.

6. Does your son use Quake?
Quake is not a hacker system. It is simply a first person shooter game! No one will gain any skills from this program except how to move and click a mouse. This type of game is probably the most popular type of game. Similar titles: "Counter Strike", any James Bond game, "Wolfenstein", etc and have revolutionized the game industry. Games such as these do not encourage guns, it is simply a game. You should not be worried if your son plays Quake or any such similar game [Quake is YEARS old.]

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Its part of growing up. I became vulgar for a while, but now I am very social. Every child goes through it, I watch it in my younger brother. Frankly, if your child tells you to stop smothering him, you probably need to! Too much influence turns your children into YOU! Let them be independent. Watch their actions, friends. Know where they are and who they are with, but do not control it.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
First, fix the spelling errors. There are two programs that you just mixed together. One is Linux. One is Unix. Mandrake and the rest are part of Linux. Linux is an operating system just like Windows, only run off of command lines. It is a virtually uncrashable system. You have more control over the internet and your computer with Linux. Mandrake and Debian are simply separate distributions of Linux with different features. Most of the rest of that information is wrong as well, look it up. Linux can be used for hacking, yet so can Windows. Both need other programs and vast knowledge to obtain information which you are regarding. He won't "steal" music anyway; rather he will use a program such as Morpheus or Kazaa to obtain it from other users. MP3 is simply a media format that stores compressed music. MP3s are only illegal if you do not own the song itself on a CD. You can "rip" these songs off of a CD you own and they are perfectly legal.
If Linux is installed, you will surely know it. Either your hard drive has been partitioned (split up) for it or a new drive has been added at which case you will be asked which operating system to boot on launch of the computer. Linux can be removed without a professional. Your computer will show LILO if Linux is installed [I believe it means Linux Loader, I could be wrong.] Your system will still ask which system to boot. Linux is a great system and a must-learn for computer enthusiasts.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
Everyone becomes individuals. The people you described in your example [spiked hair, etc.] are just showing emotions, not hacking. Besides, any hacker I know looks either perfectly normal, or has long hair and wairs bold/dark clothing. The whole pacifier, etc. thing is just a small trend, like you used to wear bell bottoms or wear tie-dyed t-shirts. Many teens also go to raves, which is where the glow sticks come in. Glow sticks have been passed out at child parties for years, not to mention are great for children to wear on Halloween or when running, etc. at night. Glow sticks are used at raves as well. Most raves are just big parties, controlled with loads of police [check out the ones in Houston, TX!]

10. Is your son struggling academically?
Maybe he is just having trouble. Maybe this calls for you to stop spending time obcessing about his computer skills and find him a decent tutor. Most other high school students would be glad to do it for little pay, check with his guidance counselor. Staring at a computer all day can damage your eyes. If paranoid, special screens are sold to be less harmful on your eyes. Also change your computer colors to non-contrasting ones. Your child will not get diseases from playing on the computer.

Stop being paranoid. And please, do real research [not just a couple hours] on something before you post a long misinformative article. I hope all of my information is correct, and if it isn't, I apologize. At least I know what I am talking about.

Please read this, it could help you! (none / 0) (#7800)
by willdeletethissoon on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 01:15:41 AM PST
What in hell are you thinking? You DO NOT have the best family in the USA. Maybe the most emotionaly destroyed, but not the best. You are NOT modern- far from it. I feel bad for your poor kids, sad thing is they'll either end up just like you, or go crazy and end up in the happy house; both are bad. You need to just leave them alone you'v already done enough damage. And almost everything you said was completely wrong and false. Sounds like you have some deep rooted problems that need to be fixed. Consider mental help, seriously!!! I am NOT kidding. Because if you don't see yourself as wrong, you have even more serious problems! poor poor kids...

no (1.00 / 1) (#7801)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 07:31:12 AM PST
Sir i would like to say you are a moron, you have no idea about hackers and what they do, Comet cursor? hacker software? u idiot all that does it change the cursor for the mouse, and its called warez sites you dont need to be a hacker to find these, quake? firearms? its a god damn game, you sir must moleste your children if you watch over them like you say you do, your son is not a hacker he is a lil nerd flaming homojew, you probably gonna think that halflife is a hacking ground to and ogc powers all hackers right? please sit i advise you kill your self quickly before you become more retarded

Hast du Knall? (none / 0) (#7802)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 09:39:20 AM PST
You guys must be crazy. First, get the facts straight. And, for the love of our God in heaven, it's "linux" not "lunix". Perl is a programming language. Don't you want your kids to learn new things? Bonzi Buddy????? That's got nothing whatsoever to do with hacking. It's an adware program. So is comet cursor, but that one's even more annoying! Flash is a graphic content Web design program.

God, it sounds like some cornbread Jerry Falwell-watching redneck hick wrote this.

And WTF do third-world countries have to do with this? Sounds to me that not only this this person a moron, they are a racist as well! They probably drive a Camaro too, or own a big redneck muddin' truck.

lies (none / 0) (#7803)
by ConcernedAdult on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 11:57:31 AM PST
Bonzi buddy is a downloaded spyware that anyone who uses the internet will get. It can't be used for hacking. Same goes for the other programs.

AMD stands for advanced micro devices. they are based out of the us and have production factories in Texas and Germany. None in third world nations. anyhow a processor can't have "security features" to prevent hacking. hacking is software based and has nothing to do with hardware. A new video card or more memory would not be beneficial for hacking, rather it would be for "using Quake."

Quake is a game. Nothing more, you can't hack with it. the only hacking you can do in Quake is game hacking which is really just cheating. It will give the user the ability to see through walls or aim better in the game world. It's not a virtual reality hacking system where the kids can run in shooting the corporation's hacking defences.

Wearing bright coloured clothing would be a sign of your son being a raver more than a hacker. You should be more concerned about him using ecstacy, to speak on your terms. This meaning that you go for stereotypes.

I also think that your parenting techniques are terrible. You're smothering your children, they probably are sick of you following them around and giving them no freedom. one day they're going to grow up and not know what to do or how to behave. You're smothering them. The best family in the USA doesn't incliude supressed and probably depressed children.

This article is a load of lies and stereotypes. Anybody who reads this article can know that all of it can be discredited and ignored.

lies (none / 0) (#7804)
by ConcernedAdult on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 12:01:37 PM PST
Bonzi buddy is a downloaded spy ware that anyone who uses the internet will get. It can't be used for hacking. Same goes for the other programs.

AMD stands for advanced micro devices. They are based out of the US and have production factories in Texas and Germany. Not in third world nations. Anyhow a processor can't have "security features" to prevent hacking. Hacking is software based and has nothing to do with hardware. A new video card or more memory would not be beneficial for hacking, rather it would be for "using Quake."

Quake is a game. Nothing more, you can't hack with it. The only hacking you can do in Quake is game hacking that is really just cheating. It will give the user the ability to see through walls or aim better in the game world. It's not a virtual reality hacking system where the kids can run in shooting the corporation's hacking defenses.

Wearing bright coloured clothing would be a sign of your son being a raver more than a hacker. You should be more concerned about him using ecstasy, to speak on your terms. This meaning that you go for stereotypes.

I also think that your parenting techniques are terrible. You're smothering your children, they probably are sick of you following them around and giving them no freedom. One day they're going to grow up and not know what to do or how to behave. You're smothering them. The best family in the USA doesn't include suppressed and probably depressed children.

This article is a load of lies and stereotypes. Anybody who reads this article can know that all of it can be discredited and ignored.

huh? (none / 0) (#7805)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 03:12:03 PM PST
This is a joke right?

Youre a frikin idiot (none / 0) (#7806)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 07:42:34 PM PST
alot of ppl wer baggy pants and such
i know ppl with bonzi buddy its a little kiddie
youre so stupid
go get a life
I might just STEAL ALL YOUR CREDIT CARD NOS!!!!muahahahahahahahahahahaha.
your so old fashioned
me and my friends dont "hack"
but we use some hacking devices
youre so stupid HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Give Peter a break.

Your info on hackers. (none / 0) (#7807)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 08:02:13 PM PST
I just finished reading your information here, and frankly, I find it disturbing. You seem to have no real knowledge of computers, their hardware/software, or hacking. I am against hacking, but I know what is involved by doing exstensive research. If you had any facts to back up your claim, I might be able to take you more seriously, but you offer nothing but unfounded fears of an uptight bigot, and I fear for your childrens' sanity. I wouldn't be suprised if you thought homosexuality is a disease, that a woman's place is in the kitchen or the bedroom, that people of non-Christian faiths are going to burn in Hell, or that any males with long hair are drug using, tree hugging "hippies". I bet you voted for Bush too. You disgust me.

And if you're still reading this, it's spelled Linux, not Lunix, and it isn't hacking software, and neither is Quake. Quake is a video game where the good guy fends off an alien race that is trying to invade the world. And I really don't see how playing it can give you weapons training, since none of the weapons in the game are real, as in they have no real life counterpart. But I'll let you know when I see Communist hackers shooting up the local drug store with their alien weaponry.

This is a load of crap (none / 0) (#7808)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 09:46:50 PM PST
I spend my days on a computer, and to stereo-type the "sons" in the world for them to be Comptuer Hackers is a bunch of bull shit. This website is a joke, your families? What a family loosers! I hope you guys get alife, and still, stay active in your kids lives, but don't listen to some screaming 9 year old child saying 'Comptuer Hacker!'

Get a life,

Are you for real? (none / 0) (#7809)
by DevilVT on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 11:09:20 PM PST
Oh my god..I can't believe this article..Quake is just a game. Faster video cards enable you to play those games..bonzi buddy is just a friendly software that goes on your desktop and it's fun for little kids..commet cursor makes your cursor all coloury and stuff. Changing ISPs from AOL to "something that doesn't use telephone line" is good because the internet is much faster...and so on..

rubbish (none / 0) (#7810)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 04:59:16 AM PST
every single sentence in this article is wrong, I'm not going to waste more time on this

You people are sad.. (none / 0) (#7811)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 06:25:38 AM PST
Before you accuse your child of hacking, you might want to get some information..
Programs like Comet Cursor, Bonzi Buddy and Flash are anything but hacking programs. Comet Cursor is just for fun, you can give your mouse-cursor different appearances, Bonzi Buddy is a little monkey that walks across your screen, telling you strange facts, jokes and even the weather forecast, Flash is a program used to create and watch animations/websites/etc.

Linux and AMD aren't illegal, they're just not created by Microsoft, Microsoft doesn't have a monopoly..

This Artical (none / 0) (#7812)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 09:43:36 AM PST
This article is the largest example of misinformation and blatant lies I have even had the misfortune to read on a news based website. Every example given by the author is either a blatant lie or at best misinformation to the extreme. His numerous references to Lunix is totally baseless and the name of the OS is Linux not lunix and its not illegal, it wasn't created by a hacker, and it is in use right now by multiple US government agency's. It will not destroy your hard-drive and you do not have to send anything back to have it removed. AMD is not a devil chip company and Quake is a computer game that almost everyone plays, it was rated game of the year for 3 years running.... I could continue to poke holes in total crime against computer information but why bother. Oh and AOL is a total crap ISP, it crashes and is unstable anyone requesting a change in ISP is not a hacker simply a smart computer user. This guy needs to check his facts allot more.

Over Protective. (none / 0) (#7813)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 11:46:56 AM PST
I think you should leave you children alone and give them some space. You sound like one of the parents with sticks up their asses, and you dont know what the fuck you are talking about in the least bit. DOSing doesnt take anywhere near up to eight hours to begin wit, and those books that you listed off can be used to find exploits in programs, and can be used to fix the programs. And as for switching ISP's, maybe he just wants a faster connection. Doesnt mean he is a "hacker". And what are you talking about bright clothing? LOL. U just watched the movie hackers and thought you knew it all didnt you? The people you described are ravers, and i dont think that any of the ravers I know even know what a computer is.

"break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional."
hahaha. Now I actually am 100 percent sure that you know shit all about computers. Windows is a piece of shit anyways you should thank you son if he deletes it. And if you were to take you computer to a PROFESSIONAL to install an operating system your one of the biggest idiots in the world. It takes about 30 minutes to do it urself and its not even challenging.

"He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him."

He says that because your an anal asshole who doesnt have a life of his own, so he annoys the fuck out of his kids and comes online to "teach" others a whole bunch of bullshit that isnt even accurate.


hahah (none / 0) (#7814)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 12:45:02 PM PST
wow this guy has to be the most computer "dumb" person there is out there especially the whole "quake" thing and "amd" bashing LOL o m g thanks for the laugh u chump.

Are you kiddin me??...I mean really... (none / 0) (#7815)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 02:21:51 PM PST
first off allow me to build my credibility. I'm a EET major (electronic engineering technology) in my Senior year of college with a 3.5 GPA. I grew up with a 66mhz computer, an Aztec soundcard, really low end computer, even for its time. My parents got this for me when I was about 10 and I loved the thing. I was on that computer right after I got my homework done everyday after school. After a while, I became pretty quick with it, knowing how to fix things if they didn't work, and overall, really really enjoyed the whole learning process.

Fast forward 10 years and I'm still workin on them today. So, allow me to answer your questions from the OTHER point of view.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
My answer, you bet I did. AOL's drop rates were terrible-- on one second, then "goodbye!" click. We then switched to MSN for about a year, then road runner (cable modem) came around. So yes, I'd have to say I wanted my ISP changed a BUNCH of times.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
Well, considering by the time I was 13, I BUILT a computer for them from spare parts...

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
Gee lets see, a 10-16 year old kid can afford a 200 dollar processor? I think not. Of course I asked for parts all the time!! Every year, I wanted the latest and greatest...doesn't every kid??

Are you kiddin me??...I mean really... (none / 0) (#7816)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 02:35:04 PM PST
first off allow me to build my credibility. I'm a EET major (electronic engineering technology) in my Senior year of college with a 3.5 GPA. I grew up with a 66mhz computer, an Aztec soundcard, really low end computer, even for its time. My parents got this for me when I was about 10 and I loved the thing. I was on that computer right after I got my homework done everyday after school. After a while, I became pretty quick with it, knowing how to fix things if they didn't work, and overall, really really enjoyed the whole learning process.

Fast forward 10 years and I'm still workin on them today. So, allow me to answer your questions from the OTHER point of view.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
My answer, you bet I did. AOL's drop rates were terrible-- on one second, then "goodbye!" click. We then switched to MSN for about a year, then road runner (cable modem) came around. So yes, I'd have to say I wanted my ISP changed a BUNCH of times.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
Well, considering by the time I was 13, I BUILT a computer for them from spare parts...

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
Gee lets see, a 10-16 year old kid can afford a 200 dollar processor? I think not. Of course I asked for parts all the time!! Every year, I wanted the latest and greatest...doesn't every kid??

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
Answer? You bet. What better way to not only know the ins and outs of how a computer works, but maybe, just MAYBE search for a better way to stop a possible attack! wow, who would've thought.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
Then and now, a lot. I spend more time on a computer during the day than most people do awake. Its an ongoing process of learning, deal with it.

6. Does your son use Quake?
ok, this guy is WAAAAY off base here. Quake is a first peron shooter where you run around looking for a key, a button, whatever to get to the next level. "breeding ground"? excuse me? Know your sources first there bucko.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
When I was younger, you bet, what teenager isn't? And yes, I was, could you have a conversation about why the TCP/IP stack isn't accepting a socket connection? I thought not.


8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
First off, its spelled Linux, and a "russian hacker" ....ok, let me set this record straight. Linux is a command line based operating system used by major corporations to do one task, whether that be email, a web page, whatever. Its not illegal, and not made by a 'russian hacker'

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
not to be rude but lets see here, went from blue jeans and a t-shirt (usually metallica, rock on!) to a dress shirt and slacks...oh thats right, I work in an IT department now thanks to computers. By the way, IT stands for Information Technology.

10. Is your son struggling academically?'re saying because of computers a child could struggle academically??????? Please. Oh, must have been TV that caused that kid to light himself on fire right? Yea, that was all MTV's Jackass, maybe Beavis and Butthead!

Ok, one last thing, remember people -- the computer is a tool. If you know it well, it can aid you and teach you things, just like anything else. And don't believe everything you read first time coming. You can check me on all these I've stated above on CREDIBLE sources. Not some lame shot guy thinking he knows whats going on. And one last thing, yes, I know aaaaaallll about hacking, the aspects of it, how to do it and where to use it. :-)

In response to computer hacker (none / 0) (#7818)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 02:55:51 PM PST
LOL, only about 10% of that is true. Thanks for the laugh though. If you want to contact me, for REAL information, e-mail me at

AMD (none / 0) (#7819)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 04:10:58 PM PST
why does everyone here seem to be dumb about AMD and where they're based... i hear things from outside the US, nah. and i heard several states listed inside the US, but being that i live about 15 mins from the AMD headquarters, i can tell you all that it's based in texas, heh

What?? (none / 0) (#7820)
by Draggar on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 06:39:09 PM PST
I'm not sure how to take this, is this serious or a joke?

I'm not sure.

If its a joke, I do not find it funny (but I will appreciate the Brady Bunch reference...).

If it is a joke, then stop reading here...
If its serious, lets take this apart, shall we?

First thing that gets me:
<i>I was content to bow to her experience as a mother, until our youngest daughter, Cindy, charged into the living room one night to blurt out: "Peter is a computer hacker!" </i>

OK, my question is WHAT was your son doing to be concidered a "hacker"? Was he breaking into Chase Manhattan's customer database and stealing credit card information? Was he attempting to get top-secret information form the Pentagon? Was he attempting to crash the NYSE systems? Or was he just browsing around and installing extra (and annoying) software packages like (as you mentioned) Bonzai Buddy?

"Hacker" (a.k.a. haX0r) has become one of the most mis-used and over-used terms in the whole computer industry.
Back in school, when computers were just beginning to become common in the home, some friends of mine were concidered "hackers". Why? They ran BBSs (bulliten-board systems, simple message boards that people dialed into etc.). Not only that, they would call up each others BBSs and try to hack it, crash it, whatever and see if they didn't get caught.
Is that illegal? You could concider it that, but what they learned, was the backdoors to their BBSs were and how to close them. They never did anything permanant, but provided a great service to each other.

<b>1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs? </b>
So, if your children are very unhappy wiht an ISP, they shouldn't ask to change it, or else be suspected of being a hacker?

<i>Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider. </i>

If your measure of a "responsible" ISP is AOL, then you have a lot to learn. Your "responsible" ISP has been caught Red-handed (and I have also done this) selling the email addresses of minors to porography sites. I had an account, set up as a minor, never gave out the address, but would you imagine the amount of porn emails I got on it were???
Not only that, more hacker attacks (esp. novice "hackers") come from AOL.

<b>2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing? </b>
<i>Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". </i>
Huh? Bonzai Buddy a hacker utility? Where did you get that one? Obviously you don't even know whtat it is.
ANd you concider Flash a hacker utility? Um, flash (along with ShockWave) is a multimedia software used with web applications. Go to some web sites, you see animation? Most likely, thats Flash or ShockWave.

<b>3. Has your child asked for new hardware? </b>

<i>Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer. </i>

OK. How else is your child supposed to get the "latest" and "greatest"? His friends at school get a new computer, it has THIS and THAT. Well, he'll want it, too. Come on, we've all been there....

<i> AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. </i>
I take it you've never walked (yes, in person, you know, ouside) into a CompUSA, Staples, or any computer store and see their computer lineup? MANY of them are AMD chip based.

<i> "knock-off" copies of American processor chips</i>
What processors are those? ALL are made in the far-east.

<b>4. Does your child read hacking manuals? </b>
<i>"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly</i>

And what if your son WANTS to learn Perl/CGI?
Its a very popular language used for programming web applications (most likely data retrieval from questionaires etc..)
(Oh, that might even be the language used for THIS board...)

<b>5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day? </b>

<i>If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day. </i>

What if your son is doing legitemate (sp?) research on the internet? What if its the weekend, its raining and he wants to play games??
Not only that, if you "DOS" someone's site, that does not mean you have access to their computers. I have a few sites. You can hack them all you want, in fact, I'll invite anyone too. You still won't touch my PC.
Also, if someone went all the way to "DOS" (as you liked to call it) someone else's machine, I think that the last thing that person would want to do is tie up your internet access...

<b>6. Does your son use Quake? </b>

<i>Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school. </i>

So, if a child is playing a game (Oh, by the way, this game is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN) then they're a hacker.
How would your 10 year old get Quake? Its illegal to sell a 10 year old that, and if you bought it for him, only you are to blame.
And for it being a "training ground for hackers", thats just BS.I fail to see a connection. Its a GAME. Using a mouse, keyboard, and or joystick to shoot a gun is nothing like using a real gun (BTW- my father-in-law belongs to the NRA and brings me to his gun club, I know...).

<i> You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed</i>
If you DON'T do this with firearms in the house, you need a serious smack on the head. It should be done anyway! And you should TEACH your child resepct for the weapon.

<b>7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour? </b>
OK, 10 is a little young for this, but later on guess what, MOST TEENS ARE LIKE THAT. Its called revolting. I'm sure you did it to an extent, too, when you were that age.

<i>Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him."</i>

Sounds like a NORMAL pre-teen to teenager to me. Its called puberty, they'll get over it.

<b>8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"? </b>

<i>BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War</i>
Hey, its spelled L<b>I</b>nux.
I would **LOVE** to know where you get your information.
Linux is currently a more user friendly and graphical operating system that is a lot more stable then Windows.
Not only that, several large corperations use Linux to run servers. Are they all hackers?

<i>If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface. </i>
Um, an easy re-partition of the HDD and install of the OS will get rid of Linux.

<i>These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. </i>
WHo stores all their credit card information on their home computer?
I'll be up all night trying to figure that one out, do you think they can also hack my DVD player?

<i>such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone. </i>
Umm, the telnet has been around a very long time, and is the backbone of the internet. All Internet explorer does is makes it easier to access. And you can use it with a phone, but also Cablemodems, DSL, T1's etc all can access the Telnet, too.

<b>9. Has your son radically changed his appearance? </b>
Um, most chilren will not wear the Mickey Mouse underoos you bought them when they were 5. Syles change, its part of being in the "in" crowd.

<i> Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors</i>
Try the opposite, bud.

<b>10. Is your son struggling academically? </b>
<i>If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight. For the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically. </i>

What if your child just doesn't do well in school?

OK, after all this, several things come clear to me.
1) You didn't check your facts.

2) You are a chauvinist (sp?). You're always saying "If your SON" "If your SON". Hey, guess what, its not the 1700s anymore. There are plenty of female hackers out there who could easily learn more about you than you know in a few minutes.

3) <b>You are PARANIOD</b>.

4) You're so anxious to jump on your son for supposedly being a hacker when you let him on the internet unsupervised??? There are sicko's and pedophies out there lurking for young children just like yours. I would be more worried about those people....

5) Whats with all the links to

6) You don't spend time with your children. If you did spend QUALITY time with him, I['m sure he wouldn't becom a hacker.

You're paranoid, and you need to get off your soapbox. Your daughter thought your sone was a hacker because she saw him do somehting she didn't understand.
"Hey, cool, I found this "telnet" thin and got onto a "Gopher" thing (Oh, gopher is an information databse, like an online library).
"Hey, cool, I found a DOS prompt"

Like I said before, I hope this was a joke, and if it was, I find it a bad one, it could easily fill a lot of people with false information (and starting some paranoia).

What?? (none / 0) (#7821)
by Draggar on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 06:43:46 PM PST
I'm not sure how to take this, is this serious or a joke?

I'm not sure.

If its a joke, I do not find it funny (but I will appreciate the Brady Bunch reference...).

If it is a joke, then stop reading here...

If its serious, lets take this apart, shall we?

First thing that gets me:

I was content to bow to her experience as a mother, until our youngest daughter, Cindy, charged into the living room one night to blurt out: "Peter is a computer hacker!"

OK, my question is WHAT was your son doing to be concidered a "hacker"? Was he breaking into Chase Manhattan's customer database and stealing credit card information? Was he attempting to get top-secret information form the Pentagon? Was he attempting to crash the NYSE systems? Or was he just browsing around and installing extra (and annoying) software packages like (as you mentioned) Bonzai Buddy?

"Hacker" (a.k.a. haX0r) has become one of the most mis-used and over-used terms in the whole computer industry.

Back in school, when computers were just beginning to become common in the home, some friends of mine were concidered "hackers". Why? They ran BBSs (bulliten-board systems, simple message boards that people dialed into etc.). Not only that, they would call up each others BBSs and try to hack it, crash it, whatever and see if they didn't get caught.

Is that illegal? You could concider it that, but what they learned, was the backdoors to their BBSs were and how to close them. They never did anything permanant, but provided a great service to each other.

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

So, if your children are very unhappy wiht an ISP, they shouldn't ask to change it, or else be suspected of being a hacker?

Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change to a more hacker friendly provider.

If your measure of a "responsible" ISP is AOL, then you have a lot to learn. Your "responsible" ISP has been caught Red-handed (and I have also done this) selling the email addresses of minors to porography sites. I had an account, set up as a minor, never gave out the address, but would you imagine the amount of porn emails I got on it were???

Not only that, more hacker attacks (esp. novice "hackers") come from AOL.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

Huh? Bonzai Buddy a hacker utility? Where did you get that one? Obviously you don't even know whtat it is.

ANd you concider Flash a hacker utility? Um, flash (along with ShockWave) is a multimedia software used with web applications. Go to some web sites, you see animation? Most likely, thats Flash or ShockWave.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your computer's manufacturer.

OK. How else is your child supposed to get the "latest" and "greatest"? His friends at school get a new computer, it has THIS and THAT. Well, he'll want it, too. Come on, we've all been there....

AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites.

I take it you've never walked (yes, in person, you know, ouside) into a CompUSA, Staples, or any computer store and see their computer lineup? MANY of them are AMD chip based.

"knock-off" copies of American processor chips

What processors are those? ALL are made in the far-east.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly

And what if your son WANTS to learn Perl/CGI? Its a very popular language used for programming web applications (most likely data retrieval from questionaires etc..)

(Oh, that might even be the language used for THIS board...)

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day.

What if your son is doing legitemate (sp?) research on the internet? What if its the weekend, its raining and he wants to play games?? Not only that, if you "DOS" someone's site, that does not mean you have access to their computers. I have a few sites. You can hack them all you want, in fact, I'll invite anyone too. You still won't touch my PC. Also, if someone went all the way to "DOS" (as you liked to call it) someone else's machine, I think that the last thing that person would want to do is tie up your internet access...

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.


So, if a child is playing a game (Oh, by the way, this game is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN) then they're a hacker.

How would your 10 year old get Quake? Its illegal to sell a 10 year old that, and if you bought it for him, only you are to blame. And for it being a "training ground for hackers", thats just BS.I fail to see a connection. Its a GAME. Using a mouse, keyboard, and or joystick to shoot a gun is nothing like using a real gun (BTW- my father-in-law belongs to the NRA and brings me to his gun club, I know...).

You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed

If you DON'T do this with firearms in the house, you need a serious smack on the head. It should be done anyway! And you should TEACH your child resepct for the weapon.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?

OK, 10 is a little young for this, but later on guess what, MOST TEENS ARE LIKE THAT. Its called revolting. I'm sure you did it to an extent, too, when you were that age.

Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop smothering him."

Sounds like a NORMAL pre-teen to teenager to me. Its called puberty, they'll get over it.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War

Hey, its spelled LInux.

I would **LOVE** to know where you get your information.

Linux is currently a more user friendly and graphical operating system that is a lot more stable then Windows.

Not only that, several large corperations use Linux to run servers. Are they all hackers?

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.

Um, an easy re-partition of the HDD and install of the OS will get rid of Linux.

These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program.

WHo stores all their credit card information on their home computer?

And HOW CAN A COMPUTER HACK INTO A STEREO????? I'll be up all night trying to figure that one out, do you think they can also hack my DVD player?

such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

Umm, the telnet has been around a very long time, and is the backbone of the internet. All Internet explorer does is makes it easier to access. And you can use it with a phone, but also Cablemodems, DSL, T1's etc all can access the Telnet, too.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

Um, most chilren will not wear the Mickey Mouse underoos you bought them when they were 5. Syles change, its part of being in the "in" crowd.

Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors

Try the opposite, bud.

10. Is your son struggling academically?

If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight. For the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically.

What if your child just doesn't do well in school?

OK, after all this, several things come clear to me.

1) You didn't check your facts.

2) You are a chauvinist (sp?). You're always saying "If your SON" "If your SON". Hey, guess what, its not the 1700s anymore. There are plenty of female hackers out there who could easily learn more about you than you know in a few minutes.

3) You are PARANIOD.

4) You're so anxious to jump on your son for supposedly being a hacker when you let him on the internet unsupervised??? There are sicko's and pedophies out there lurking for young children just like yours. I would be more worried about those people....

5) Whats with all the links to

6) You don't spend time with your children. If you did spend QUALITY time with him, I['m sure he wouldn't becom a hacker.

You're paranoid, and you need to get off your soapbox. Your daughter thought your sone was a hacker because she saw him do somehting she didn't understand.

"Hey, cool, I found this "telnet" thin and got onto a "Gopher" thing (Oh, gopher is an information databse, like an online library). "Hey, cool, I found a DOS prompt"

Like I said before, I hope this was a joke, and if it was, I find it a bad one, it could easily fill a lot of people with false information (and starting some paranoia).

Bahahahha! (none / 0) (#7825)
by WhiteZero on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 12:37:22 AM PST
All I have to say is that I feel extreemly sorry for anyone who takes this article serious.


OMFG AHAHAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#7827)
by phantom87 on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 07:27:41 AM PST
wow. i totally agree with this guy, who a stupid fuck. u have no knowlegde in anyway a teenager acts. Quake is A FUCKIN GAME U IDIOT!!!!!!!!! god if ur kids take it seriously and will take ur guns, shrink time!!! man and FLASH AND BONZI BUDDY!??!?! omfg LMAO!!! flash is a registered program used to make flash videos for webistes. and bonzi buddy is a stupid ape.
u are a ass and should have their computer thrown away u are a dumb man. a really dumb man. vip3r agrees. this was the biggest crock i ever read

This is stupid (none / 0) (#7828)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 10:50:55 AM PST
This guy has no idea what the hell he is talking about i'm surprised he put this shit here, i bet he read it all on the net on same far off site too. Anywayz most of this shit is bull, i use AMD because it fits on my killer motherboard is that bad come on this guy is FUCKING STUPID!

Get off your kid's back! (none / 0) (#7829)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 01:09:03 PM PST
If you're constantly nagging your unfortunate children, they will become total alcoholics and crack whores. Hacking is not as evil and malicious as you make it out to be. It's pure American boy culture at its best. Fuck you! If your kids don't rebel in their teenage years, they will eventually turn in to the type of person that goes Columbine on all of us. Goddamn you people should go to hell!

by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 01:26:01 PM PST

Fuck Face (none / 0) (#7831)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 02:25:04 PM PST
This is the biggest BULLSHIT i have ever read i am goinig to get my gun and fucking shoot him a million fucking times i will save his sons life for god sake let him do what he wants so what if he is a hacker your a fucking idiot, most hackers wind up as someone in a security company or something so what does it matter? one last thing YOUR FUCKING RETARTED YOU FUCKING MORON I AM GOING TO FUCKING SHOOT YOU 11

roflmfao, morons (none / 0) (#7832)
by thalas on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 03:18:31 PM PST
omg, sorry but you people would have to be VERY stupid to believe most of this crap, omg the thing about quake is the funniest thing i have ever heard "training ground, where they discuss hacking" LOL
ok if you EVER want to understand people who play games like quake play the games with them, what are called 'hackers' on there are actually cheaters and the use hacks that other people have made public to take advatage of the game with either making it so they never miss or can see thru walls and all that, you undrstand SHIT if you think #5 has ANY truth in it at all.
and #3??? omg kids ask for newer better faster hardware because they like to play games on the computer not cause they want to hack, omg this is the biggest bunch of flaming bull shit i have ever read. that fits in with #1 too changing isp to a more local one gives you a lower ping so you wont lag as much and will have faster access in games and web sites.
and btw as someone did mention its linux not lunix and omfg they cant break the computer putting that in and besides it is better than windows, windows is just a pos prog by microsoft
that tries to help the computer incompitent
If you look at most of these arguments you might as well be looking at a pile of dog shit cause they are basically taking random things and linking it to hacking such as change of appearance, behavior, games... who ever wrote this piece of shit needs to get out in the real world and learn shit before they ever write anything again

ROFL !!! (none / 0) (#7834)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 10:39:21 PM PST
This thingie rocks ! Huh, Im an evil hacker.. I use quake.. and stuff :).. rofl...

you stupid piece of shit (none / 0) (#7835)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 10:55:46 PM PST
damn, every insult i was planning on saying after reading this article has been said numerous times... I feel bad for your kids. Any parent ignorant enough to think that their son is a hacker because they found programs such as bonzi buddy, comet courser, and the imfamous Macromedia Flash on their on their computer should really be killed or something. Also you mentioned book sensorship? Those books aren't manuals for hacking, they're stories you fucking nazi

good joke (none / 0) (#7836)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 11:04:16 PM PST
holy shit! its the brady bunch, lol. Whoever wrote this is a genius
Guy has 6 kids...
Son named Peter....
Wife named Carol....
Youngest daughter named cindy.....wonder is "the youngest is in curls"? But just incase this guy is for real, he should be shot...some one has probably found this out and wrote this before, i just dont wanna read all the comments

Hacker Slangs (none / 0) (#7837)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 12:10:52 AM PST
If you would have noticed in the previous comments, there are those who use slangs such as "lol" or "omg". These are failproof ways to identify a hacker. The abreviated words are the hackers main language. If you come across a child using these abreviations, please try to help them. I had to sell my sons computer because I noticed he was associated with the hacker world. It is a sad thing.

OH MY GOD!!! (none / 0) (#7838)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 12:53:25 AM PST
What in the world are you talking about....#6 in your list concerning Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? Where in the world do you get you're information.
For your information, I'm 36 and have been playing Quake II for some time now. I have made a number of aquaintances and had a great time competing against them in the 'virtual world'. Never, not once has any discussion, even remotely, touched on the subject of hacking, real use of firearms or any other illegal, or abnormal behavior. Maybe before you write about such things you should try it first hand and understand things from the first person. Jump into a game and you'll soon realize it is simply a game in which people compete on a usually friendly basis and simply have a good time. Yes the game is violent, no, maybe it is not everyone's cup of tea....but it is certainly NOT the breading ground of corruption you depict it to be. And, what's more, I challenge you to post this so that readers can at least have access to both perspectives and make their own educated choice.

shocked and appalled

Bullshit (none / 0) (#7839)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 02:53:28 AM PST
this is total %SUBJ%

Re: Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? (none / 0) (#7840)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 02:56:10 AM PST
Alert !

This article can damage your brain and your sense for reality!

I have never read article with more mistakes, untruths and lies. As humorous article - a little twisted humor, as serious article - I`m happy not to know author personally.


I am a hacker (none / 0) (#7842)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 07:03:27 AM PST
I am a professional hacker. I have hacked into various companies systems via phone line and physical locations and have obtained passwords and data which would leave companies in a lot of trouble if they ever got out. I am employed by a international computer consultancy company responsible for a lot of major companies throughout the world and everthing I have done has been at the request of these companies to test security. If I find a way into a system it is ALWAYS fixed so no-one can get back in the way I came. I have gained access to companies which a "hacker" would love to get into and boast about.
I have never used "AOL" <shudders even thinking about having it installed on a computer> "Bonzi-Buddy" what a waste of disk space as well as leave YOUR computer open to being hacked and "Cursor Comet" - Come on man read up on you applications before starting to rant about your son being a hacker. As for using FLASH I would encourge it, you may have a future web designer there.
I make very good money in my security role and have always stayed on the right side on the law and never boasted about what I do for a living I just say I'm a senior IT consultant and am happy with what I do. I leave my work at the office and NEVER take it home with me as I amd probably more aware than anyone out there about how much damage that can be done from messing around on systems and the time and effort involved in fixing them.
I do not honestly beliove that you son is doing nothing more that dangerous than downloading MP3s and talking to fellow kids on the net. I say to you GET A LIFE seems like your paranoid that he is learning faster than you want.
Kids grow up and they change take it from a guy who was a kid once. I was moody, I changed my hair, I dressed differently KIDS DO THIS. Sure I spent time on my computer but I also went out and got a job, met friends and went to parties. I can hold a conversations on the workings of the TCP/IP stack with anyone as well as talking about the latest devolpments in the middle east. I'm a normal guy I am educated, I know PC, I play sport and I have a sense of what is right and what is wrong, And in this case you are wrong. Kids are more intelligent than they seem and you banning him from the computer for doing nothng will only damage you realtionship with each other. I recommend encourging him to take his interest further enroll him in a computer club or something but DONT BAN him from using PC's. Infact I would say why dont YOU enroll in a computer club to learn about them before you start pointing a finger at your kid and accuse him of planning world dominiation on his PC.
Learn more about LINUX you might find its a better system that Windows and it wasnt written by a russion during the cold war. Where the hell did you get this info.


Wow your stupid (none / 0) (#7843)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 08:34:21 AM PST
As a hacker myself, i believe that you should be shot for scaring all these good parents, The top 10 signs that you child is a hacker? Most of them just mean your kid is an anti-social nerd. By the way, a game, simply a game. It takes Intelligance to become a hacker and not by reading some are truely an ass whoever wrote this.

What an idiot! (none / 0) (#7844)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 09:12:30 AM PST
The author of this article is completly insane. I truly hope all of you people know a little bit about computers, at least enough to know that this was either a joke, or some sort of sales pitch:notice all the personal links to and the exact name and aurthor of each book. I could go on for pages and pages picking this article apart, but I am sure that 100's of others will also contribute to how blatantly wrong this person is.

Bullshit (none / 0) (#7845)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 09:49:32 AM PST
I have to admit Reginald is a shit-headed asshole....

This MUST be joke! (none / 0) (#7846)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 10:21:04 AM PST
This MUST be joke!!!

Nobody normal could write so stupid article... Eh - "Linyos Torovoltos" - this must be joke...

The truth about this artical. (none / 0) (#7847)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 10:45:28 AM PST
This has to be one of the funniest atrical I have ever seen on hacking. Nothing here is even remotely true.
1.Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
ISP's can't control hacking. They can only have policies. All modern browsers already have parental control. You just need to turn it on. Staying with AOL will only cost you more money, it won't do anything else.
2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
Sure, what you have listed aren't even programs. They are called "plug-ins" . They are an extension of the browser to allow you to see more content. Without "Flash", you are missing out on most of the interactive web site out there, not to mention games and movie sites.
3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
What does this have to do with hacking. Hardware simply improves the performance off you system. Allowing you to do and see more. Thats it.
4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
This could actualy be the only ligit question Too bad all the books you have mentioned have nothing to do with hacking. Most are scifi, and then there is "programming perl". New Flash Perl is a cgi language. All ecommerce/database sites use some form of cgi. Even, AOL, Amazon, ebay.
5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
Buy hima bike and tell him to go see the sunlight.
6.Does your son use Quake?
To put it properly. Does your son PLAY Quake?
Quake is a video game, and one of the most popular. Quake has absolutely nothing to do with anything.
7.Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Wouldn't you become argumentative when talking to someone who is clueless and thinks they are an autharity. Poor kid. He is probably just trying to explain what is really going on, but has a stubborn parent who just has no clue.
8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
Linux, Unix, WinNt, WinNet, MacOSX are all server platforms. Not hacker machines. Over 90% of the worlds websites are on one of these systems. Heck if he is trying to learn Linux you should be proud. Linux is a hard system to learn. Usually, only system administrators and networking professionals are the only ones to learn it. Let him learn it. He'll be supporting you in 10 years. You want to know what a dangerous "hacker" operating system is? try windows. Most hackers use windows and most viruses are made for windows. If you want to be safe, do what the army did and buy a MAC.
9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
10. Is your son struggling academically?
If he is, is definitly is not a hacker. Real hackers are pretty smart guys. Good at math and pretty engenous about finding info.

When it comes down to it. Your kid probably just hit puberty and wants to see some boobs. Thats it. Sit down and talk to him/her about the birds and bees.

Hope this is a little ensitefull. Spend time online with your kid and let him teach you what the internet is all about. You seem to have missed the web experience for the last couple years. I really couldn't stop laughing when I first saw this.


to the author (none / 0) (#7848)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 12:52:39 PM PST
My son knocked up your honor student.

comment to 10 rules about hacking child-:))) (none / 0) (#7849)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 05:05:37 PM PST
i`m 19yrs old boy from czech republic
I WAS NEVER INTERESTED IN HACKING and i study computer sciences and programming university in my country.

i read the guide and i`m laughing this time yet-:)) i think, that the parent who wrote the article is simply idiot...

i, and probably everybody who read the guide, must be sure, that he knows nothing about hacking, computers, internet, possibility of connection to it, children, teenagers and MAINLY parental education.
you know that i had never had my own child but i`m sure that every computer educated human being who read this older than 40yrs got a heart attack immediately.
i`m pretty lucky that this man is not my parent, because i would be force to commit suicide until i reached 10yrs.

the second think i want to say is: i don`t understand that here, in the free world and ESPECIALLY in US is a domain(server) that brings this article into the open. i think, many children will have loads of problems because of that.


never return to this domain.

bless you, Pepa Koupal

PS: can you send my comment to the author? thank you very much

Wow! (none / 0) (#7850)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 09:27:44 PM PST
This has to be fake, because you sir have the intelligence of a mongoloid. Did you even research any of this stuff before making your grand "Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?" or what? That article had to be the most ignorant piece of trash I've ever read. I feel bad for your kids, as they have a moron for a father.

for the writer of this text and for scared parents (none / 0) (#7851)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 10:32:30 PM PST
good day.
first, i�m not a child. i�m adult.
and from time, to time i�m hacking.
i�know, you would probably HATE me, because i am "one of them". obviously, but first, could you read this?
i think a site for parents is not a bad idea...but.
i�ve read your article. from my point of wiev, you�re just scared and don�t know what to do.
as by the points:
1.changing ips - this may happen, but a hacker canhack even on AOL. it�s not as safe, as you imagine.
2.unknown software - programs you�ve noted are normal applications.hackers programs have complicated names such as h4ck3r, wwwhack, or well known john the ripper... hardware - a new graphics card is useless for a hacker. is useful for a child, who wants to play new games. it won�t make your internet go faster. and so on...
4.hacking manuals? - don�t be silly. for example "neuromancer" is a good sci-fi.have you ever thought about to read it? "hackers" is a book about hackers, there is very little information about hacking. your son is just curious...
5. dos and time... - you don�t need to be 8 hours on net to get dos done. this is pointless...
6.Quake - MY GOD! Quake is a game! a simple computer game! didn�t you play cowboys and indians when you were little? behaviour - well, this has nothing to do with hacking. your son is growing up and he won�t be the same. he�s changing...�s called LINUX! - there are no BAD SOVIET AGENTS. Linux is an operating system based on UNIX. it was created by RITCHIE and some other guy(sorry, i forgot the name)- they are geniuses. not criminals. don�t be paranoid. however you might call for windows, it�s a programmed piece of...
9.10. its not about hacking. it�s just about growing up.
after all...i think this article was written by a joker... who made fun.
or you are scared by the thought your son know much more than you and you cannot reach him now.
as for the hackers, you don�t understand them. you just deny them.
have you ever thied to understand them? no...i don�t think so.
you are old. the system is old. and you are scared. because we know too much.
we are hackers. we DO fight against prejudice, against peolpe like you...we will be your worst nightmare, we won�t let you sleep, cause you don�t understand and that scares you...

p.s.: if you have any comments, please call to my unofficial mail. ""
p.p.s.:english is not my language, so please pardon my faults.
p.p.p.s.:we aren�t that evil. learn, it�s your only hope.

Idiot (none / 0) (#7852)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 10:37:41 PM PST
People like you need to have a rocket launcher shoved up your ass for your idiocy, zero research, and complete incompedance.

1) AMD is better for over-clocking perposes, there is no such thing as a 'security device for hacking' in a cpu period. Hacking is simply manipulating software (and firmware in some cases) to gain access and manipulate, you guessed it, other software and firmware. As well, AMD is sold in practically EVERY store in America that sells cpu's, major idiotic builders use amd's in some of their systems as well (sorry, homebuilt rules).

2) Upgrading to gain frame rates is flat out kick-ass, and since WHEN does video cards have jack shit to do with hacking????????

3) Leave Quake 3 alone. I prefer UT, however I take any attack to the gaming community in general as a major offense, and people who find gaming to be wrong need to get thier cat scans.

4) School work, lack of interest in academic activity is natural to most people. Whether it's Gaming, biking, football, anything, any excuse to get away from academic activity. I bet your sorry ass finds every exuse to not do work.

5) That's all I read, needed to read, so that guy can flat out, burn rtcw as far as I'm conserned. (For the flame-thrower in rtcw ;d)

author (none / 0) (#7853)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 01:07:13 AM PST
author is an idiot

Misinformation...hacking article... (none / 0) (#7854)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 02:37:20 AM PST
Unless this article is a joke there are some incredible misleading items in it. I agree that you should be on the lookout for a number of the items pointed out in the story - and certainly you should always monitor and be responsible for your child's behaviour on the internet. Hacking is wrong and should be stopped.

Now, a couple of incorrect points...and please feel free to check these out yourselves:
1) Quake is a game, not a hacker virtual reality. If you object to it for its violence then so be it. I might not let my fifteen year old play it either...but it's not a hacker tool even if hackers play it anymore than billiards is a biker gang conspiracy because they tend to hang out in pool halls
2) Linux (not Lunux) is an operating system. It is NOT a hacker operating system - whatever the hell that is. Linux is based on Unix which is a standard upon which UX (from HP), IRIX (from SGI), etc. I don't know Linus Torvalds family history but I think he's nordic not Russian.
3) "Hackers" by Steven Levy, and many of the other books pointed out don't even deal primarily with hacking. Hackers points out the origins of the computer revolution, if I remember correctly - including the rise of a snotty nosed little MIT dropout named Bill Gates - who wrote Unix for the US Government (NOT).

This guy might be right about a lot of things but he's got a lot of facts downright wrong. That he can even begin to say such things without any actual knowledge or fact checking scares the heck out of me. "Hacker Madness", anyone? Geez.

get out of town :) (none / 0) (#7855)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 04:23:40 AM PST
this is complete total and utter gibberish and mr.T Reginald Gibbons is either a comedian or out of his mind...

I'm a computer hacker and I'm 15 (none / 0) (#7856)
by Synchronium on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 05:37:18 AM PST
I happend to laugh so much whilst (and after for a short period) reading this article.

It's fine to be concerned, but my mum knows about my computer habbits and she understandably worries slightly but because i took the time to explain what i do ISN'T bad she's fine with it.

I think I'll tackle all of those points one by one...(This should be fun!)

1) That's pretty much accurate. AOL is renowned for it's 'No Hacking' policies. I'm with NTL right now and they're fine.

2) All of that is complete bullsh!t. Seriously. An actual hacker doesn't need pre-written software, anyway. They write their own.

3) HAHAHAHAHAHA! You moron!

4) 'Hacking Manuals' found in bookstores can't tell you everything so there's no need to worry. The interet is a good place to look for those.

5) Admittedly (sp), I spend alot of my time on the internet when Iv'e got nothing better to do. I spend up to eight hours at a time on occasion.
'DOSing' (Denial of Service) takes alot longer than you may think and it usually ranges from a simple server nuke to flooding the server with random information in order to make it lag. The latter requires a fast connnection and more than one of you. A true hacker will not DoS anything.

6) Quake? Bah! There are tonnes of forums, BBS's and wargames out there. Too many to list. As for antisocial tendancies, I turned out fine.

7) This lil fellow here is probably something resulting PUBERTY. Jesus...

8) Linux is an open source operating system. Because it's open source, it can be good for hackers to make their own programs but alot of big corperations use it too for its networking capabilities.

9) Thats aload of crap. People who dress like that tend to go to nightclubs alot.

10) Ill just say I got an A* a year early in maths. You have to be clever to be a hacker.

In closing, I'd like to state hackers are not bad people. There are inevitably a few who give us a bad name, but what can we do?

Thankyou for your time.

Synchronium | Hackstar Publications � |

Misinformed Parents Cause Bad Feelings (none / 0) (#7857)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 04:40:38 PM PST
First off, you can reach me at I am not a hacker, really, but I do know something of the culture.

This article was very amusing, and very misinformed. I'll skip the foul language and ignorant comments by most of those who seem to disagree with you - my purpose here is to inform those reading of a few fallacies in the article.

First, and foremost, the issue of hackers being terrorists. This has been popularized by the modern media, and is in fact quite inaccurate. Hackers are those interested in computers, and learning how things worked. Crackers, on the other hand, are those who use that information to do harm, such as defacing websites or stealing credit card numbers. Hacking, in and of itself, is not evil, and can be very educational.

Changing ISPs is not a sign of hacking at all. AOL is really not a very good ISP, but I won't get into business ethics here. Some ISPs offer better service, or cheaper service, and there may be good reasons to change.

Programs you didn't install are always there. Microsoft Windows itself puts a lot of unrequested material on your machine. And many (most) programs that get installed have nothing to do with hacking.

If your child asks for new hardware, it doesn't nescessarily mean they are lawbreakers. Gamers often want the best equipment because software designers themselves often push at the limits of hardware requirements. And frequently, once the bar has been raised, even non-gamers will want to upgrade.

Hacking manuals can often be found in quality bookstores. Why? Well, as I mentioned before, hacking itself is not illegal and is often educational. Further, most system administrators will want to keep up with the latest hacks to guard against them. And Perl, while useful to hackers, is not itself a hacker's language. In fact, it is very likely that many of the websites you visit contain Perl.

Time spent on the computer does not equate to time spent on illegal activities. Frequently I spend much more time than that on my computer - especially playing games. I have been known to spend an hour or so doing some bit of research that fascinates me. Heck, I'll probably spend half an hour typing this.

Quake is a game like any other FPS (first-person shooter). Frankly, I don't like most FPSs, although there are a few I have enjoyed. But playing these games does not mean your child is training to be a terrorist, nor is s/he learning to use firearms or even learning to hack. I can see some parents banning it for the violence, as some children do have a hard time seperating reality from fiction, but this ultimately comes down to the parents anyhow.

Surly and argumentative behavior is indicative of puberty. Hormonal changes influence behavior. Even children who don't have computers go through this.

Linux (which is actually the name of the Operating System) is good for many things other than hacking. It is an OS (Operating System), not a virus. To say that the only use for Linux is hacking is much the same as saying the only use for Windows is surfing the internet. Telnet, by the way, comes with the Windows OS, was not written by Linus Torvalds (the actual name of the gentleman who made Linux - if I recall correctly, he is Swiss), and is used in many college campuses for turning in homework in computer classes.

Change of appearance, like the behavioral changes above, is probably the result of hormonal imbalances. Frankly, I have never seen the point of dying hair green and putting a bolt through your nose, but you can blame friends at school or music more than computers.

Academic struggles can be explained by many things at home. Very likely the stress of having your parents accuse you of being a petty thug for having an interest in computers... or possibly hormones again, or other stresses, or even difficulty understanding the material. Sometimes it can be computers, as I well know - but it isn't hacking, it is more likely time spent playing games.

I found the entire article laughable. The most minimal of research was done, and most of it wrong anyway. I found much of the same logic in a website that told me shopping malls are the devil's work, and that Apple computers were the tool of Satan.

Ultimately, hacking comes down to ethics. Whether you use it as an educational (and legal) pastime, or whether you commit crime, is up to the person doing it. And the parents have a responsibility to teach their children ethics. I would encourage anybody worried about their child's computer activities take some time to research this stuff for yourself, and discuss it with your son or daughter. If they are interested in it, let them pursue it, and do what you can to make sure the usage is moral.

lol (none / 0) (#7858)
by qqqqqqq on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 04:51:24 PM PST
Is this a joke??? All of thatis complete crap, my local computer shop sells AMD as standard! Linux is great :)
Otaku, is a Manga comic distributor[sp?]
You do know GIRLS can hack too dont you? Just thought id mention that seeing your abit sexist in your joke of a article.

HAHAHAHAHa.... or not? (none / 0) (#7859)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 05:12:45 PM PST
Two Views

1) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAa.a.a. This is friggin hilarious. I think it's a complete joke (just look at So on that note, to everyone bashing the author, Shut up and get a sense of humor.

2) Even though I find it funny, and virtually everyone else laughed at it and now is critisizing about it: I think that it may get twisted by some parent. Ie: A school newspaper may find it and publish it in their paper and then some retarded parent will disown some poor kid who is using XCOPY becasue it's better than copying in a GUI.

It's not the people that directly read this, it's the idiots I'm worried about. I still think it's a joke, and hilarious at that. But my question is, how far will people (that don't know anythign about it) take it?

DiHydrogen Monoxide is a LETHAL and DEADLY chemical. It kills tens of thousands of people each year! Virtually every child has free access to it! SAVE YOUR CHILDREN NOW!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$

- segfau|t

Hacker Alert (none / 0) (#7860)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 28th, 2002 at 03:25:02 AM PST
I bet you lot are all from the US as you have taken the bait so to speak,

this guy is having a laugh at your expense this is obvious, with the flaws in his statment this is meant to be a joke, and all of you have jumped the gun and dreamt up the conclusion that this guy is being serious,

thankyou for giving me an even greater laugh with your replies

A (none / 0) (#7861)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 28th, 2002 at 05:41:15 AM PST

RE: Is your son a.... (none / 0) (#7862)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 29th, 2002 at 07:25:12 AM PST
best damn laugh i had in months...

omg... (none / 0) (#7863)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 29th, 2002 at 01:03:42 PM PST
so if my son plays Quake, he is a hacker? Quake is a FPS. It's a game.

Kids are laughing at you (none / 0) (#7864)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 29th, 2002 at 02:13:24 PM PST
I was pointed to this article by some people I know from a forum used mostly by people between the ages of 14 and 20. Most of us were laughing our asses off at it. Might as well go through the "ways to spot a hacker" thing that you did.

1. AOL - Enough said
2. The internet revolves around downloads and the like, at some point, you'll have to download something. Maybe a colourful add catches you eye? Or..... Bonzi Buddy? That thing with the monkey? You've got to be kidding. And you didn't have flash? How can you enjoy the internet without flash?
3. New games require new software, especially a faster video card. I bought a new card a month or two ago, and I could already do with another.
4. Well yes, that would be a bit of a give away.
5. Even when some one's not hacking, me for
example, they spend a lot of time on the internet, what with uploading screens, especially with a slow browser, reading, and just plain browsing, 45 minutes doesn't go anywhere.
6. You don't mean quake as in the video game, do you? If you do, then practise firing what? A photon cannon? Quake is a game, where you use super weapons to kill invading space aliens.
7. That's called puberty. Sometimes accompanied by things like hacking, interest in weapons, other illegal stuff, even drugs and girls. Maybe you should buy a book about it.
8. Yes, another dead give away. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Where there are complex hacking programs, there is probably a hacker.
9. Yep, puberty strikes again.
10. Well, there are other possible reasons for this. I'm sure you can think of some.

There is more I could say, but I don't want to accidently insult anyone, but I honestly believe this was a joke.

OMFG (none / 0) (#7865)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 29th, 2002 at 02:13:48 PM PST




Man i cant keep this up to funny, thank for the good laugh!

is your child a computer hacker (none / 0) (#7866)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 29th, 2002 at 05:40:43 PM PST
what the hell is this???? that was hilarious is what is was. LUNIX???? hahahahhaha. so if you play quake like a million other gamers, use linux as your choice OS for its open source properties, do not like the services AOL provides, read hacker crackdown(which only talks about instances of prosecution of hackers and alot of culture dating back to the 1980s and early 90s), display a poor attitude, and do poorly in acedemics, you are a villified HACKER???!!! oh no! id better not play quake, burn my copy of quake, and reinstall windows! i might go to prison as a result.

Are you out of your mind?! (none / 0) (#7867)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 29th, 2002 at 06:04:33 PM PST
The guy who wrote the article about his son being a hacker is out of his mind!!!!

Nevermind all the dribble about using AOL, which is complete crap, but just based on your descriptions of software for hacking you plainly know absolutely nothing about computer software.

Your comments are the equivalent of saying that you should be wary of him using a spatula to build a nuclear bomb. And that's not exaggerating... "Comet Cursor" and "Bonzi Buddy" are the result of a self install run from a web site a user visited. judging by how much you know, YOU probably installed them without even knowing it when you were visiting some geneology website. Flash is a plugin to view FLASH content on websites. it's made by Macromedia ( and is required to view sites like and other leading edge webistes.

As for Quake, he's not using it, he's playing it. I've been playing Quake for years along with other online games as well, and I've NEVER seen a single discussion regarding hacking. If you're such a terrible parent that a video game overrides the values of right and wrong in your child, that is because you failed to properly teach him the difference in reality and make belief. if that's so, you can cut him off from every game out there and it still won't matter. You'll have to lock him up in a closet to hide him from the media, radio, literature, school yard, and anything else that may mention violence.

I can't believe you have the nerve to write the article you did when it clearly shows you know NOTHING about what you are talking about, and you clearly have issues. You go to your teens' parties?! Good grief they must hate you... you're absolutely embarrasing. You probably think the trick is to be their best friend or something... they want you as a parent, not their bud coming to watch them party. What are you going to do when they're in college/university?

Again, you're insane and people like you should be banned from writing content as you have. Stick to AOL, it's all you can handle.


Are you insane? (none / 0) (#7868)
by CaptSpaNK on Thu Aug 29th, 2002 at 07:40:04 PM PST
Yea Hi I am 17 and I own a internet buisness and would like to comment on this article.
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
AOL is one of the best ISP's to hack from beacuse it does not log anything so virtually everyone is anonomyous. All the cable companies are much more strict and will check everythign that you do, also all computers are assigned a dedicated ip so its like a criminal leaving his address at your door.
2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
A hacker, a true hacker does not use programs, and the programs you listed are all comon web programs. bonzai buddy and, commet cursor are a nusence though and should be deleted anyways. Flash is a industry standard in web work now days and is only used to view websites. Go to <a href=""></a> for more info.
3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
A upgrading your computer is soley used to keep up with the times and does not affect a hackers work, Secondly on this subject. AMD is not made in a third world country any more then Intel. AMD is actually a american company they do not use child labor and in no way are they a cheap knock off. They use a different architecture then Intel's and for the money you pay they give you the same bang for you buck as a Intel.
4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
Perl is a prgraming language that if mastered can earn you upwards of 200 thousand a year. And it is always smart to read manuals on hackers. It helps you prevent attacks and learn how to not be a target
5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
Ok how long your son uses a computer is only a problme if it is detrimental to his social life. DoS attacks can be launched in minutes so thats not a viable comment.
6. Does your son use Quake?
Quake is a game. get over it.
7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
Thats because you are a bad parent, maybe you should start talking to your son and involving him in things you do that he finds interest in, before you pawn it off on a computer.
8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
Its linux. Linus Torvaldis is not a Soviet. You don like UNIX? don use windows then. Windows is UNIX based. Linux is a open source Operating System made for people who want to do more with their computer, then be a end user. its also used by all the major industries so read up on things before you comment, k?
9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
Ok, do you see the people you talk to on the internet. I doubt it. How old is your son. Maybe hes getting a life? Meeting new people. These things happen.
10. Is your son struggling academically?
Ok half of hacking is math based. All hackers are incredibly smart. they good ones at least. I think you need to read up on your comments in this. Cause you have no clue.
I am not saying this to be insulting. But you sir need to read up on this stuff. And for your information Hacking is usually the people who are just trying to learn as much as they can the people you call "hackers". Are commonly known as Crackers, they intentionaly do harm to others machines. If you have questions you can e-mail me @

funny :) (none / 0) (#7869)
by psychochillie on Fri Aug 30th, 2002 at 08:04:04 AM PST
LOL, a nice joke. I could not have come up with better myself. I wonder if anyone is dumb enough to think like that. Heheh :P

Your a MORON (none / 0) (#7871)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 30th, 2002 at 09:35:30 AM PST
This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen, do you even know what a computer is. Do some research before you start talking about DOS and Linux.


You suck (none / 0) (#7872)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 31st, 2002 at 05:00:28 AM PST
You are so wrong it's not funny.
I'm not gonna even go through how many things you got wrong, because everyone else did that.
You suck.

Your son is a hacker (none / 0) (#7873)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 31st, 2002 at 06:11:27 AM PST
You are crazy. If you choose to keep your kids locked up and not let them learn about computers in an advanced state that is fine. If you would rather your kids stay locked into ignorence as you are that is also fine. But when your child grows up and doesn't know half the things about computers everyone else does you will regret it. It sounds to me you are just afraid to let your kids learn more than you. Hacking is a word thrown around. If someone learns how to use a computer to its best ability you people call them hackers. Aol is terrible anyway. They keep you locked up in there intranet and half the people that use it have never even been on the internet. If you son asks to change internet providers, let him. Maybe he would rather not stay locked into a proprietary ISP.

juchu (none / 0) (#7874)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 31st, 2002 at 01:16:50 PM PST
That's tooo funny. Thanx tooo much. Is this website so funny ever :-)

HA !! (none / 0) (#7875)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 1st, 2002 at 05:37:32 PM PST
Is this article for real??
AMD's hacking processors (?? right!)
and candy kid ravers..

nice one :)
this is hilarious

and if this is for real-
do a little research first buddy ;)

think again (none / 0) (#7876)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Sep 2nd, 2002 at 02:31:55 AM PST
just because a kid uses a computer for more than a half an hour is no cause for alarm. downloading programs and what not is also no cause for alarm. just because you as a parent do not understand your child's needs for longer hours of computing, that doesn't mean you should automatically jump to the wrong conclusions about his habits. the worst error a parent can make is falsely accusing their child and limiting them in their creative freedoms. i myself was raised using computers since the age of 10 (i'm 19 now). i spend countless hours in front of the screen, using it mainly for communication purposes, and do not "hack" or "dos" or whatever you prefer to call it. sure i've downloaded those "hacker" programs that go around aol's rules and all, and YES i have an AMD athlon processor. that does not make me a hacker, does it? just because i avoided overpaying for a processor. just because i use the computer for at least 2 hours every night does not make me a delinquent. i finished high school as an honor student, and now attend UCLA, where everyone leaves their computer on all day and night. so make absolutely sure before you accuse your child of "hacking" because a false accusation could hurt the integrity of your child and your relationship with them.

yourAmoron (none / 0) (#7877)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Sep 2nd, 2002 at 04:36:53 PM PST
Your a moron...

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#7878)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Sep 2nd, 2002 at 07:14:03 PM PST
Look I'm 12 years old and I'm on my computer up to 8 hours a day, does that mean I'm a hacker? No it does not, first of all. Who doesn't need a faster video card? I mean all the games EVERYTHING needs a fast computer. Second. Comet Cursor is a mouse visualizer incase you didn't know. It can make your mouse look to the way you want it to look instead of that plain old boring mouse. Third. Flash is a simple program used to play animated videos (many times cartoonish) on the internet. And this is one thing every good parent should know, YOU CAN'T JUDGE PEOPLE BY HOW THEY LOOK/DRESS! Do you want your kid judging say.. poor people without good clothes and ratty hair to be bad people?
And to make bad looks at them and talk about them badly, do you really want that? It would be due to you judging people by what they look like without even knowing them. And bonzi buddy is a freakin monkey that sits on your desktop and plays with you. I don't want it cause it's sucky I think. But it's a freakin monkey shutup. And Otakus is generally referenced to anime fanatics, not hackers... And Quake is a fun game to play online when you have nothing better to do you stupid fools. People like you get on my nerves so bad... It's not 1993 people where you can get along with a super slow computer. And I can't blame your son if he wants to switch off of AOL, cause AOL sucks. Simple as that. Get Juno or Netzero or something. Ya I'm done.

Is your son a hacker? (none / 0) (#7879)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Sep 2nd, 2002 at 07:22:29 PM PST
Look I'm 12 years old and I'm on my computer up to 8 hours a day, does that mean I'm a hacker? No it does not, first of all. Who doesn't need a faster video card? I mean all the games EVERYTHING needs a fast computer. Second. Comet Cursor is a mouse visualizer incase you didn't know. It can make your mouse look to the way you want it to look instead of that plain old boring mouse. Third. Flash is a simple program used to play animated videos (many times cartoonish) on the internet. And this is one thing every good parent should know, YOU CAN'T JUDGE PEOPLE BY HOW THEY LOOK/DRESS! Do you want your kid judging say.. poor people without good clothes and ratty hair to be bad people?
And to make bad looks at them and talk about them badly, do you really want that? It would be due to you judging people by what they look like without even knowing them. And bonzi buddy is a freakin monkey that sits on your desktop and plays with you. I don't want it cause it's sucky I think. But it's a freakin monkey shutup. And Otakus is generally referenced to anime fanatics, not hackers... And Quake is a fun game to play online when you have nothing better to do you stupid fools. People like you get on my nerves so bad... It's not 1993 people where you can get along with a super slow computer. And I can't blame your son if he wants to switch off of AOL, cause AOL sucks. Simple as that. Get Juno or Netzero or something. Ya I'm done.

This article is great bullshit. (none / 0) (#7880)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Sep 3rd, 2002 at 03:50:06 AM PST
This man , who was writting this shit knows nothing about computer hacking. Whole article is only microsoft/intel support. And this man is mad. Enjoy

I think I broke a blood vessel!!!!! (none / 0) (#7881)
by rick316 on Tue Sep 3rd, 2002 at 04:17:38 PM PST

I really hope the author of this load of shit doesnt think that after a few days, days mind you, of studying hackers that he could possibly know what the hell one is let alone tell if his kid is one. It sounds like his kid was just a net junkie, like most of us were at that age, if we had access that is. The author needs to do about a decade of reading the history of Linux "lunix" and see if he might want to retract his other, uneducated comments. In closing, I cant believe this article was even posted, its appaling how ignorant some people can be.

What the hell??????? (none / 0) (#7882)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Sep 3rd, 2002 at 06:13:32 PM PST
I am a 32 year old computer pro a i wanna know if this article was even remotly researched? Linux is an alternate to windows, like macintosh, it WILL NOT do anything to you computer or hard drive. Andyet again this article is wrong. AMD makes processors just like pentium. They ARE based in america not in some 3rd world company. I want to know why these claims were maid. They are outright wrong and should not be taken seriously.

Research (none / 0) (#7883)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Sep 3rd, 2002 at 09:49:41 PM PST
dude, did you do any research on this? I mean, come on! some of this stuff I couldn't help but laugh at. Quake a meeting place for hackers? HA! Have you played, even seen Quake? I didn't think so... research your stuff before you post an article...
<a href="">Go here, be impressed that i'm not a 'hacker'</a> hahahahaha

hm (none / 0) (#7884)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 4th, 2002 at 04:21:11 AM PST

Is your son a hacker... (none / 0) (#7885)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 5th, 2002 at 01:57:56 PM PST
This is the most stupidist thing i've read in my life, and honestly u need a life if u believe this...

first of all there are many kinds of hackers, trovoltos for an instance is a "program developer and tester" which are legal "hacking" activities, now some hackers like zero cool are malicious hackers. However the means a real hacker uses to hack are not this childish utopias stated in this article... and out of the 10 reasons you listed for finding if ur son is a hacker there is only one acceptable, which is the presence of "unix" o/s in your pc, not lunix, and this doesn't necesary means ur kid is a malicious hacker, in fact ppl with knowledge enough to master unix and electronic comunications are scarce and due to this fact many colleges offer scholarships to them. Now, why is this bad?

Programs such as the ones listed in the article have NO relation to do with hackers... flash is use for design of web pages, movies and interfaces among some things, and the other 2 are ussually found in must web pages as advertixements or as aplications required to display it properly.

Linux was NOT developed by the comunists, it was develop by a swedish programmer and it is "copy left". This basically is that anyone can change scripts and modify it but no one may register or copyright it, unlike windows, this is wahy there are so many versions of it.

If your son demands better hardware, it doesn't means he is a hacker. Most O/S such as solaris freebsd and linux use as little as 8mb of ram and require around 133 mhz procesors with some 10 mb of HD. Now, if ur son demands u for more ram or video cards with better performance he might be a gamer or simply likes graphic design.

AMD is made mostly in the US in excellent industries with no child labor and its the best procesor in the market atm... its performance beats that one of intel. so if ur son prefers it, he is making ur money worth it and he is simply making sure your pc will run smoothly.

Raver is not the same as hacker!! Glowsticks, colorful clothes and party spirit and characteristics of some ravers. Hackers are fashionless and often wear geeky clothes, and many do get high grades in school due to the fact that their iq is often higher than the average.

In this article u might find all kinds of nonsenses which i wont further talk bout. But if you are the father of a child who u "think might be a hacker", dont judge based on this, i recomend u to do some research on the issue and closer monitoring to his computer activities, but dont confront him based on this "10 idiotic statements"...

"Life's a party, rave it"


Is your son a hacker... (none / 0) (#7886)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 5th, 2002 at 01:59:20 PM PST
This is the most stupidist thing i've read in my life, and honestly u need a life if u believe this...

first of all there are many kinds of hackers, trovoltos for an instance is a "program developer and tester" which are legal "hacking" activities, now some hackers like zero cool are malicious hackers. However the means a real hacker uses to hack are not this childish utopias stated in this article... and out of the 10 reasons you listed for finding if ur son is a hacker there is only one acceptable, which is the presence of "unix" o/s in your pc, not lunix, and this doesn't necesary means ur kid is a malicious hacker, in fact ppl with knowledge enough to master unix and electronic comunications are scarce and due to this fact many colleges offer scholarships to them. Now, why is this bad?

Programs such as the ones listed in the article have NO relation to do with hackers... flash is use for design of web pages, movies and interfaces among some things, and the other 2 are ussually found in must web pages as advertixements or as aplications required to display it properly.

Linux was NOT developed by the comunists, it was develop by a swedish programmer and it is "copy left". This basically is that anyone can change scripts and modify it but no one may register or copyright it, unlike windows, this is wahy there are so many versions of it.

If your son demands better hardware, it doesn't means he is a hacker. Most O/S such as solaris freebsd and linux use as little as 8mb of ram and require around 133 mhz procesors with some 10 mb of HD. Now, if ur son demands u for more ram or video cards with better performance he might be a gamer or simply likes graphic design.

AMD is made mostly in the US in excellent industries with no child labor and its the best procesor in the market atm... its performance beats that one of intel. so if ur son prefers it, he is making ur money worth it and he is simply making sure your pc will run smoothly.

Raver is not the same as hacker!! Glowsticks, colorful clothes and party spirit and characteristics of some ravers. Hackers are fashionless and often wear geeky clothes, and many do get high grades in school due to the fact that their iq is often higher than the average.

In this article u might find all kinds of nonsenses which i wont further talk bout. But if you are the father of a child who u "think might be a hacker", dont judge based on this, i recomend u to do some research on the issue and closer monitoring to his computer activities, but dont confront him based on this "10 idiotic statements"...

"Life's a party, rave it"


You sir, are a jack ass. (none / 0) (#7887)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 5th, 2002 at 06:29:37 PM PST
Dear sir. Let your son back on the computer. Let me tell you a few things. AOL is the worst ISP ever. Switching ISPs does not gain your son any freedom in hacking whatever he would be IF he was. Flash, is a software used for vector animation on a site. It is used for advanced menus and effects on websites. Comet Cursos is a program that sites use to change the appearance of your mouse. Bonzi Buddy is adware... they use your computer to show you ads. That anoying little monkey should be shot. The books your son are reading are either programming books, which allow your son to MAKE programs on your COMPUTER... and most of the other books were FICTION. Not real. Fantasy. Like a story book. Lunix? You ass. It's Linux. And it's an OPERATING SYSTEM, like WINDOWS. It's much BETTER then WINDOWS. It doesn't come from MINIX. It comes from UNIX. The MAC operating system came from UNIX. Quake is an age old computer game. GAME. Firearms? It's a freaking game. You shoot bad guys. Wh00pDEd00. A new video card lets your son play games BETTER. A new hard drive lets your son play MORE games. I feel for your son. His dad is a real jack ass.

that hacker thing is so off base its not funny (none / 0) (#7888)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 5th, 2002 at 08:11:44 PM PST
Many people go around calling themselves a hacker, when really they are just some trojan using lamer. Real hackers are intelligent, curious and patient. They are hungry for information and want to see what might be on a system.

They are willing to read, listen and try things out over and over until they have perfected it. Real hackers do not break into systems just to cause damage and destruction. The problem is, the lamers cause damage and the real hackers get into shit about it. Real hackers have gained a bad name because of malicious lamers.

Real hackers enjoy going where they haven't been before, finding new things. Not deleting files and shutting people down. Real hackers understand that hacking is about gaining access and then finding information. For the people who wanna become real hackers, the key is reading and learning from others.

The real Kevin Mitnick

comet cursor, quake, and all that other BS is that. U want a good hacking site - - that is a good site for information - as well as - the writer of this article should go to these 2 sites and REALLY learn what programs constitute hacking programs.

Really... (none / 0) (#7889)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 5th, 2002 at 10:05:52 PM PST
LOL, I can't believe the overwhelming number of people that took his article seriously, and have even attempted to argue with him. Well have fun, Sherlocks. Aaah, the humor. This article rocks.

Are you kidding me? (none / 0) (#7890)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Sep 6th, 2002 at 04:47:21 AM PST
This is one of the most ridiculous articles I have ever read. Please tell me that it is a joke. Who wouldn't let their 17 year old daughter wear makeup? She's almost an adult for Christ's sake! And maybe your kid playing Quake is actually just gaming, as many kids do, and his time on the internet is actually just surfing. (This may actually be normal). I bet the poor kid just needs an escape from his wacko, overprotective parents. What ever happened to this writer to distance himself so far from the real world? This guy is seriously out of touch with reality and needs to chill out. You should drive your minivan to the nearest psychologist and get your head checked, man.

wrong (none / 0) (#7891)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Sep 6th, 2002 at 11:42:26 AM PST
personaly i feel what you did was wrong, instead of stopping all privledges to use the computer. simply push him in a better direction. instead of stopping his urge to learn about the device's that run our every day lives, simply push him to help make it better. I was in the same situation, my father pushed me into web development and unix administration. currently i created/maintain my high schools webpage as well as the webserver(computer the webpage is on) since i know how a hacker would get in, i know how to stop it as well. I will be going to RIT for college, the 5th best school in the country for computer science. Had my father put a halt on my curiosity from the get go, i could be going to a local community college or no college at all rather than what i am doing now. Computers are powerful tools, but with a powerful tool comes responsability. but responsibility comes with the ethics your brought up with. Occasionaly we slip from our ethical standards and need to be reminded of where we stand.

In closing i feel you should send him to a computer class and teach him webdesigning or something that will keep him occupied without the threat of abusing it.

if you feel the need to reply to me i can be reached at

ghey (none / 0) (#7893)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 7th, 2002 at 09:46:41 AM PST
ur a freakin idiot! lol!!! hacker, big deal, 95% of hackers dont wanna destroy anything or transfer funds from the federal bank into their account. we simply jus want to understand computers more, and the thing about the cloths had me crakin up, haha, we siply jus wanna make things better....hacking is a positive thing, espically if u wanna kno about computers.

do you even understand what a computer is? (none / 0) (#7894)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 7th, 2002 at 06:41:56 PM PST
ok, i'm sure about 47398045730945 other people have already posted telling you that you don't know ANYTHING about computing, but its my job to make that number higher. lets establish a few ground rules first:

1. you know NOTHING
2. don't argue with me (if you even bother to read this stuff which i know you don't b/c 90% of the info u posted is so inaccurate that i'm beggining to believe you think u can access the internet on your typewriter) b/c u obviously know nothing.
3. please take what i say seriously, i'm a responsible man and i'm trying to lead you in the proper path.

first off, i would LOVE to sit down with your son and tell him "its ok man, you didn't do wrong". if all he did was change isp's and accidentally download bonzi buddy, then you should feel ashamed for making your child feel bad. your childs love for you is NOT to be played with, and never EVER punish him before you know what you're talking about. ok, lets talk about what you DONT know about:

when i first started reading this, i honestly thought it was a false news report meant as a joke. first off, AOL has no hacking prevention techniques (its the most hacked isp in the world) and secondly, the service is incredibly slow which would probably explain why your kid wants a faster connection.

AMD is not illegal. they actually make a better proccessor than intel, and if u knew anything about proccessors, u would know thats its basically a big calculator. all it does is do math functions and it can in no way enhance ones ability to hack.

Linux is not illegal. if you live another 20 years you'll probably witness a gradual change from windows to linux (not lunix) as a new operating system. microsoft overcharges and actually STOLE *gasp* their original operating systems from another company. linux was an open source project (and its free obviously) that was designed over like a 10 year period by THE WHOLE WORLD. this dude (hes finnish not russian) got on the web and said "hey everyone, lets all pool our knowledge together and try to make an incredibly stable working enviroment". they did of course, and you are once again, just wrong.

if your son is struggling academically, then you need to try to find answers, not blame computers. you are insane if you do not see the computers power to teach. it connects teh whole world allowing people to share ideas and used properly it could help your child and even GIVE HIM AN ADVANTAGE in school. now get off of your ass and help your kid do algebra instead of writing this article and filling up the minds of the world with incorrect information.

i'm still absolutely floored at how wrong all that info is.

ok, bonzi buddy is what is called spyware. if you knew how to safeguard your machine against that stuff then you wouldn't get it. my HISTORY teacher back in high school used it. its just a fun program. all of the the programs you listed have NO hacking ability. i bet you just deleted them w/o even opening them to see what they were. hypocrite.

quake is a GAME. an outlet for some fun with people all over the world. don't u see thta by interacting with people all over the world your son won't be racist? and, its just FUN. lots of fun really, but there is once again NO hacking involved. that game uses unrealistic weapons, in enviroments nothing like our own. it in no way is a training ground for bad people.

on that note, faster video cards make the game look BETTER. did u like how Toy Story looked? better video cards allow for "cooler" looking video games. think of it as having a car with only primer on it. if you could give it a new paint job that made it look great for only $200 would you? thats what a gfx card is. NO CAPACITY TO HACK.

i'm tired of typing this, but i just must tell you, you're info was either all made up by yourself, or you went to for your facts. please apologize to your son for being "disappointed" in him, and learn more before you even THINK of posting another article.


Shoot your Self! (none / 0) (#7895)
by G3niuS on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 10:48:09 AM PST
You should shoot yourself for being such a fucking idiot and actually expressing it by typing this article.

loser (none / 0) (#7899)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 12:11:07 PM PST
you are the most stupid idiot i ever have seen hackers arent kids

What the fuck? (none / 0) (#7900)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 01:29:40 PM PST
You have to be kidding me. I am an 'A' student and I like techno music, as well as many other types of music, and I am NOT a socialist, and DON'T do drugs. WTF are you ass holes babbling about? Quake a meeting place for hackers??? Flash a hacker program? Why don't you overprotective jackasses do some research before you accuse everyone of being a hacker. If this "Top ten signs of your son being a hacker" was true, then fucking half of America would be considered hackers. Everyone is this forum is now stupider for having read this mindless, incoherant peice of shit you just pulled out of your ass hole.

Give your son a little freedom, maybe he will learn something for once. And Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word are not the only two things a computer can do. If you spent 500+ dollars for a computer to only be able to use those two things, than you wasted your money. You can play games on computers, you can surf the internet. Oh, but bad...if you do that your a HACKER right? Oh thats right, every fucking thing other than Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop in somehow involved with hacking.

And what is this bullshit about AMD being a 3rd world company with child labor in sweatshops?!? Where the hell did you hear this crock of shit? Me and my dad made 2 computers with AMD processors, the "security" is the same for INTEL and AMDs, there are no "hack proof" processors. And AMD is a very respectable processor, just like INTEL. Holy shit, I'm still laughing at this incredibly ignorant peice of crap. LOL it's just too much....Techno having to do with African rhythms for summoning up demons?? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!! IT'S MUSIC! JUST LIKE ROCK, RAP, CLASSICAL, AND JAZZ!

It's people like you that will destroy the world.

What the hell are you babbling about?!?! (none / 0) (#7901)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 02:09:51 PM PST
You have to be kidding me. I am an 'A' student and I like techno music, as well as many other types of music, and I am NOT a socialist, and DON'T do drugs. WTF are you ass holes babbling about? Quake a meeting place for hackers??? Flash a hacker program? Why don't you overprotective jackasses do some research before you accuse everyone of being a hacker. If this "Top ten signs of your son being a hacker" was true, then fucking half of America would be considered hackers. Everyone is this forum is now stupider for having read this mindless, incoherant peice of shit you just pulled out of your ass hole.

Give your son a little freedom, maybe he will learn something for once. And Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word are not the only two things a computer can do. If you spent 500+ dollars for a computer to only be able to use those two things, than you wasted your money. You can play games on computers, you can surf the internet. Oh, but bad...if you do that your a HACKER right? Oh thats right, every fucking thing other than Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop in somehow involved with hacking.

And what is this bullshit about AMD being a 3rd world company with child labor in sweatshops?!? Where the hell did you hear this crock of shit? Me and my dad made 2 computers with AMD processors, the "security" is the same for INTEL and AMDs, there are no "hack proof" processors. And AMD is a very respectable processor, just like INTEL. Holy shit, I'm still laughing at this incredibly ignorant peice of crap. LOL it's just too much....Techno having to do with African rhythms for summoning up demons?? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!! IT'S MUSIC! JUST LIKE ROCK, RAP, CLASSICAL, AND JAZZ!

It's people like you that will destroy the world.

you are a complete dumbass (none / 0) (#7902)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 02:27:36 PM PST
quake is not a hacker hangout, it is a game to have fun with people all over the world, and "lunix" is not a prog you fucking dumbass, it is LINUX and yes you can hack but who gives a crap it's a kick ass OS, also, hackers do not dress like that, that would be a pothead who has a pacifier because he does extacy, i hate you you dumb ass mother fucking queer asswhore

When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke.. (none / 0) (#7903)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 02:57:30 PM PST
While browsing through a forum I usually use, I found a thread where someone was showing off the most ridiculous quotes I had ever seen. Nothing could stop me from giggling away, nor my Dad whom I just had to show the comments about Linux to (He loves it.)

Still laughing I followed a link to the original page, expecting a joke site. What I found was this and I'm really not sure if I should be laughing any more.

Your top ten guide is insane at best, listing "Flash" as a hacking tool will keep me grinning for weeks now. Your references to Linux as being made by a "Soviet Computer Hacker" who's name you cant even spell is even worse. And I'm still not sure whether this is a joke or not from you calling Quake a hacking reality.

All you proved with that is that you watched your son play for about five seconds (this would be all the time you can afford for you so-full-of-integrity children) and then jump to the conclusion that this is further evidence of your sons hacking. You are sorely testing my patience, listening to a young girl with a history of making stories rather than your son who never once admitted to hacking. The truth that you might not want to admit is that you wanted an excuse to ban your son from the World Wide Web, if not the World itself.

This isn't about you keeping your sons life wholesome, all you are is a control freak and I would like to hope that from some freak of nature your children come out all right from your sick brand of parenting.

This is from a boy of 16, who spends quite a long time surfing the web without the interference or "protection" of parents and I'm thankful for that. Theres a brave new world out there, your not going to be able to hide from it for long.

- Not Anonymous, just Engar

What the fuck are you talking about? (none / 0) (#7904)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 05:44:17 PM PST
1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?
AOL sucks. a three year old, brain dead monkey caould see this. they aren't trusted, they are communist
2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember installing?
so your son downloads stuff, big fucking whoop. comet curser is automatic whenever yo go to a site that uses it.
3. Has your child asked for new hardware?
he wants a better computer. you obviously got a piece of shit hardware. and AMD is a hell of a lot better than intel.
4. Does your child read hacking manuals?
LEARNING PERL IS A FUCKING PROGRAMMING BOOK!!!!!! jeezus. i hate stupid people, therefore i hate you. "hackers" is a shitty book about shitty hardware and shitty people being described by shitty words.
5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
so he loves the computer, he could be playing a game, like sim city.
6. Does your son use Quake?
quake is a first person shooter. you go on and wreak digital meyhem with GUNS. and it's so fake, only you would belive it would make people violent. you are a dumb-ass idiot communist bitch wo cant tell her head from her ass. and you're probably so ugly, no one else could either.
7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social behaviour?
ever heard of puberty?
8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
first off, it's linux. second off, it's very legal. third off, ITS FUCKING FREE. telnet is a terminal emulation prgram it allows you to connect automatically. the difference between Internet Explorer and Telnet, IE interprets HTML. telnet just shows you waht it got.
9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?
once again, you have no idea what puberty is.
10. Is your son struggling academically?
otaku means you're a fan of anime. i know a MORMON otaku. if it were morally wrong, they would have completely forbidden it. computer radiation CANNOT cause schitzophrenia... it's no different from a tanning bed's radiation or a TV's radiation. it's only slightly different from UV radiation.
GOD I HATE FUCKING MORONS!!! people like you really make me consider selective breeding.

YOU ARE WRONG (none / 0) (#7905)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 05:47:21 PM PST
The Apperiance is stupid lots of kids dress like that and they don't even own a computer

YOU ARE WRONG (none / 0) (#7906)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 05:47:57 PM PST
The Apperiance is stupid lots of kids dress like that and they don't even own a computer

More Stupidity (none / 0) (#7907)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 05:51:46 PM PST
Quake is A computer game, comet cusor is a program that changes the look of your cursor, Bonzai buddy is a download booster and a internet helper, and finally flash is a program that is required to play online games

It really felt good to laugh again.. (none / 0) (#7908)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 06:58:19 PM PST
I am 14 years old. Over half the sotware on this computer was installed by me. I spend at least 4 hours a day online, sometimes up to 12 hours. I have convinced my parents to switch ISPs and get new hardware. I do intend to install either Debian or Linux (It's Linux, not Lunix.) on a separate partition of this computer. I listen to MP3s (breaking into stereos to steal music? What do you know? o.0). I could be described as antisocial. But am I a hacker? No. Though with a bit of research, no doubt I could break into someone's machine. I have not broken the law with this machine in the over 3 years I've had it.
You, Mr. T. Reginald Gibbons, are wrong.

Lock 'em in a cage while you're at it (none / 0) (#7909)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 8th, 2002 at 07:42:31 PM PST
You make Tipper Gore look easygoing when it comes to monitoring children. First of all, most, if not all, of this stuff is fake (e.g. Linux, Bonzi Buddy and basically everything else), and second of all, you're way too paranoid! You just want an excuse to be overprotective, and in the end, the only thanks you'll get will be rebellion, and you'll deserve it because you are an overprotective idiot, and you're being overprotective based on faulty reasoning. Long post short, you suck!

I FEEL LIKE I WANT TO PUNCH YOU (none / 0) (#7911)
by superpooper on Tue Sep 10th, 2002 at 03:57:36 PM PST

all computer inthusist need a good laugh! (none / 0) (#7912)
by Veric618 on Tue Sep 10th, 2002 at 06:04:15 PM PST
AND that was one!
first of all im a computer gamer for 8 years or better. im 24 years old an engineer and computer tech.
1.AMD athalons are the best processors on the market thats why gamers want them.
2.Ram and better vid cards help games run better
NOT(make a better hacker!!!)
3.radical changes and glowsticks are the teens of the future Not(hackers!!)
4.Quake and its sub games are the hottest games to play on the net they give the best playing experiance on the net.
5.Linux is one of the most stable operateing systems For gamers they enhance the playing experiance!LINUX is like any other operateing system it is removed by reformating your harddrive. nice and easy in the computer world!

To people like me (million others)and what i see your son as from what you say! theise are the type of enexperianced articles from over protective parents that hurt the immage of the internet and its future pioniers!!!
Never know your son could be the next bill gates but you have now robbed him of what his heart truley loves!!

thanks for yout time in reading my post


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