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We've done it. We've actually taken evolution and killed it dead. It doesn't matter what side of the evolution/creation argument you were on, the point is now moot.
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Stop signs: The end of Darwin
We've done it. We've actually taken evolution and killed it dead. It doesn't matter what side of the evolution/creation argument you were on, the point is now moot.
In a nutshell Darwin's law can been reduced to 'survival of the fittest'. There is loads of evidence to support this assertion over geological ages, but we don't need to get into that because it doesn't matter anymore. Western civilization has determined that humanity at least will not evolve any more if we ever did.
How, you might ask, could this be true, if we are going to evolve, how can society stop it. Society as a whole certainly has no major control over the genetic developments that lead to mutations that lead to evolution of a species over huge samplings, etc...
True, but society does have control over stop signs. Same thing.
Think about it for just a minute.
Your average Joe is driving home from work during rush hour. Approaching a courtesy corner intersection he elects not to stop and see if anyone is coming, he's probably too busy chatting on his cel phone and fiddling with the radio dial to bother. Your average Jane is driving home from her work at the same time. Approaching the same intersection from a non-parallel direction she goes right through, after all, stopping would cause her to smudge her lipstick which she is applying in the rear-view mirror.
Joe and Jane meet in the middle of the intersection at 50km/h (30m/h), they crash, they die, and they remove themselves from the gene pool. Darwin has been proven correct, survival of the fittest by removal of the weak.
Had Joe and Jane had a brain in their heads, and thus been useful members of the gene pool, they would have slowed down and made sure it was safe before entering the intersection.
Had just Joe, or just Jane had a brain in their head, they would have slowed down, seen the other speeding through and avoided death, thus preserving themselves for the next generation.
But no, society didn't like that.
Consider what happens now to our idiot Joe and Jane who approach the same intersection that's been made into a 4 way stop. Joe comes up, notices the stop sign. First thought for idiot Joe... screw it, go through. Second thought... ohhh, can't do that, there could be a cop there with a radar gun and a nasty ticket book, that would suck, my insurance premiums are high enough already. Idiot Joe stops. First thought for idiot Jane... I really don't know about this colour lipstick with these shoes, where is .. oh, stop sign, guess I should stop. Idiot Jane stops. Idiot Joe looks at idiot Jane and sees a breeding chance, huhhh, female, must mate. Idiot Jane looks at idiot Joe and who the hell knows what she thinks. They meet, they fall in love, they reproduce. Thus killing the concept of survival of the fittest, we've just let the idiots breed more idiots.
Society has taken away the benefits of being intelligent, it reduces our need to think by doing it for us on so many occasions, most amazingly, basic personal safety through intelligence. An intelligent person should know not to do stupid things, that's part of the intelligent part I would think. Unfortunately, society as a whole has determined that it should do the thinking for us. Where there is no law in place to keep people from doing stupid things, or where there is no expectation of the law being enforced, people who have lost the need to think for themselves do stupid things.
In the best light, perhaps society is setting us up as a species for the next big wipe out, the cataclysmic weirdness that is going to reduce the idiots in the gene pool and lead to a more evolved 'type' taking over. If they took away stop signs and traffic lights, drunk driving laws and speed limits tomorrow, the death rates would be cataclysmic... in the short term. Those stupid enough to celebrate this softening of the law by driving at 150km/h (90m/h) through intersections while swilling Jack Daniel's would die out fairly quickly I would think. Sure they would take a lot of other folk with them at first, but the really intelligent people would just stay the hell off the roads for a wee while.
Before people flame this for being incomplete, I acknowledge this. Space is a consideration in this forum. I have many more thoughts on it, who knows, if there is some intelligent conversation following this perhaps I'll get to them.
For those with me I propose a new slogan;
"Save humanity, take a stop sign home today!"
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