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 Microsoft supporting sweatshops!?!

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Mar 21, 2002
Could it be? Is Microsoft showing increasing support for AMD, a company which claims utilizes sweatshops in southeast Asia?
According to an article from TheRegister UK, Microsoft engineers are already designing the successor to the Microsoft Xbox. So far the project has simply been given the name Xbox2.

Apparently Microsoft isn't too thrilled about the direction that the direction Intel is headed with the its processors. In fact the move seems rather similar to one idea from the now failed company Cyrix.

Given the great relationship between AMD and nVidia and the similar relationship between Microsoft and nVidia it does seem likely. Some claim the story couldn't be true as rumors suggest that AMD is developing processors for the next PlayStation. However, some time ago Sony and IBM teamed up in Austin, TX to co-develop a new processor based on IBM's "cell" technology. Why is Microsoft supporting sweatshops like Flextronics and AMD, as some articles (1, 2) claim?* Is Intel being cast out? If the current Xbox doesn't do well in Japan and Europe, will it become another failed MSX?

*pure bullshit

Don't worry (none / 0) (#1)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Thu Mar 21st, 2002 at 06:46:56 PM PST
AMD's sole purpose in Microsoft's business plan is as a bargaining chip against Intel. Whenever Microsoft wants to negotiate a better deal with Intel for, say, the chips to be used in the next version of a wildly successful product, they issue a few press releases about the possibility of using AMD hardware. The threats inevitably come to nothing. Microsoft would be fools to switch from their tried and tested partnership with Intel to pursue a contract with a shadier and less respected vendor.

Hackers are renowned for celebrating their victories prematurely. Remember how triumphant they were when Judge Jackson released his findings of fact? And again when he delivered his verdict? And pretty much every motion the court made against Microsoft over the last two years? None of which have had any effect on anything. The US court system is simply not going to allow itself to be used as a sneak attack against the software giant.

Actually (none / 0) (#2)
by William Sargis on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 04:23:27 AM PST
Game console are more about raw graphics power over just faster processor. Having a killer graphics processor witha strong CPU can really push a system in sales. nVidia is known for their better relationship with AMD because of sales to gamers. Hell there's even motherboard designed to further take advantage of the two system called the nForce. Microsoft has never had a prroblem with AMD. On several accounts they have defend AMD against Intel. Then you have the partnership with AMD to develop the AthlonXP line of processors.

I seriously believe you need to "think" before you respond next time. It probably would work better than pulling shit out of your ass.

Hackers are renowned for celebrating their victories prematurely. Remember how triumphant they were when Judge Jackson released his findings of fact? And again when he delivered his verdict?

Hackers weren't the only ones. Why don't you try visiting the website of the DoJ. Look at all the companies that are just ripping on the DoJ/Microsoft deal. One example being Sony. Why do I say deal? Because it's a violations of the Tunney Act. The new Microsoft Judge isn't going easy on Microsoft. She's not about to roll over or run around making biased statements like Jackson did. She has allowed MS to present its case but hasn't allowed any typical MS delays. Also you morons need to realize it's not a sneak attack against Microsoft. It's not corporations, and teenage hackers that are suing Microsoft. It's the US government for violations of antiturst laws including the Sherman Act, the Tunney Act, and the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act ammong other violations. Rhose are completely separate cases. It's funny how in those case Microsoft loses when it fights a couple that actually has enough money to battle it out.

And pretty much every motion the court made against Microsoft over the last two years? None of which have had any effect on anything. The US court system is simply not going to allow itself to be used as a sneak attack against the software giant.

Hey Microsoft! Judge says "show you source code." The new judge isn't giving Microsoft everything it wants. She has no plans to roll over like the DoJ. Microsoft doesn't get all the time-outs it wants this time.

I cut my hands up in the dark and just sat there and bled, while the whole world fell apart inside of my head.

Hahaha (none / 0) (#6)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 25th, 2002 at 11:49:36 PM PST
T Reginald Gibbons is a dumbass with six kids that look just like his neighbor. Why does his wife keep taking cookies over there??

you actually believed the sweatshops story? [n/t] (none / 0) (#3)
by budlite on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 08:11:37 AM PST

Look at your AMD chip: MADE IN MALAYSIA (n/t) (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 08:22:02 AM PST

If you must know.... (none / 0) (#5)
by budlite on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 08:28:26 AM PST
...I have an Intel chip. I wouldn't mind chucking it for an Athlon though.

Anyway, location means nothing. Yes the labour in Malaysia may be cheaper, but that doesn't mean it's a sweatshop.

Sweatshops??? (none / 0) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 12:03:42 AM PST
Oh ya, I defintely believe that there are hundreds of sweaty dirty little kids running million dollar high tech equipment in a very strict environmenally controlled burned out wharehouse or shanty making my awesome AMD Athlon XP processors. *sigh*,.. I give my head a shake at you moofs.

Oh ya, just for your info, when they (Intel or AMD) build processors, after construction, they test them in very cool environments, approximately -40 degrees in order to run them as fast as possible. When you buy a processor, say a Pentium 4, 1.6 Ghz, it is actually a Pentium 4, 2.2 Ghz processor, but it is designed to run safely at 1.6 Ghz within the allotted parameters, being 20 - 66 degrees C.

Oh, I forgot,.. the kids making these processors must just be wearing thermal underwear and snowsuits.


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