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Votes: 20

 Women - The Myth of the Internet

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 01, 2001

[Editor's note] Diary deleted by zikzak

More diaries by egg troll
Peace Protestors
Idaho Cabin Adventure!
A Replacement for C++?
-1, Redundant

Ludicrous (none / 0) (#1)
by MessiahWWKD on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:39:23 PM PST
How dare you even suggest that women are less intelligent than geeks.

Everybody will agree that women are intellectually inferior to men, but to suggest that women are too unintelligent to use the Internet, while geeks aren't, is simply ludicrous and suggests to me that you happen to be a geek.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

Who is your typist? (5.00 / 1) (#2)
by poltroon on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:41:39 PM PST
Presuming you actually are a man, and not some girly fingered homosexual, you obviously couldn't have typed this essay yourself. Everyone knows real men need typists, because their pudgy masculine fingers are absolutely unsuited for delicate and mundane tasks such as typing and knitting. There are women all over the interent, obviously, generating the keystrokes which comprise the incomprehensible vastness of verbal spewage that is the internet, dictated by such men as yourself, of course. So, in summary, don't forget the typists. Not all women spend all their time cooking and tidying. Some, such as myself, pursue careers in typistry.

You've got it backwards (none / 0) (#3)
by pyramid termite on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:07:29 PM PST
The Internet uses women.
He who hides his madman, dies voiceless - Henri Michaux

Oh! Oh! (none / 0) (#4)
by jin wicked on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:20:19 PM PST
<p>I'm a woman! Well I'm an androgynous intelligent lifeform but technically I have female bits!</p>

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

I hate you Adequacy. (none / 0) (#5)
by jin wicked on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:22:18 PM PST
And I have to stop being so easily distracted by these new wave 80s mp3s.

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

A couple of things: (none / 0) (#12)
by Slobodan Milosevic on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:18:44 PM PST
The new politicaly correct lossy audio format is Ogg Vorbis. Also, you don't need to close your p tags.

It is a poor craftsman that blames... (none / 0) (#16)
by zikzak on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:42:17 AM PST
You can change the default setting on that little box, you know.

How Much Do I Love Thee (none / 0) (#7)
by MessiahWWKD on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:51:45 PM PST
You have excellent bits. I love you Ms. Wicked.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

Editors, please delete this journal (3.75 / 4) (#6)
by Starship Trooper on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:33:15 PM PST
"egg troll" has been cutting and pasting this and other prewritten trolls onto popular troll site Slash-dot. I hate to see these cookie-cutter trolls seeping into my clean, troll-free Adequacy experience. Thank you.
A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace, and rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace

Put up (none / 0) (#8)
by zikzak on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:11:11 PM PST
Prove it and I'll delete it. Fail to prove it and I just might delete your account.

a quick check yields... (3.00 / 2) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:33:14 PM PST
I think this might qualify.

Proven (4.00 / 4) (#10)
by Starship Trooper on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:42:28 PM PST
1 2 3. I'm sure there are more but I'd rather not waste my time hunting down every single instance.
A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace, and rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace

This court finds (none / 0) (#13)
by zikzak on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:26:47 PM PST
your evidence acceptable.

Point of Order (none / 0) (#11)
by egg troll on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:05:50 PM PST
This is something I myself composed. I floated it on Slashdorks and it was recommended to me that the readers of this fine site might enjoy it as well.

Posting for the love of the baby Jesus....

Don't (none / 0) (#14)
by zikzak on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:32:31 PM PST
If you think it is an adequate article than post it here in the first place. This is not a "best of" site for reposting old content or a dumping ground for submissions rejected from elsewhere.

How to corrupt the internet and infulence people (5.00 / 1) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:04:53 PM PST
Here are the top hits that result when a google search is run on the name "egg troll":

1. Perdida's Adequacy user info(!) Sorry son, but she does own your ass.

2. Adequacy user info for Plastik55. I believe Plastik55 was George Harrison's nick. (Moment of silence) Not sure what it's doing so high up on the list.

3. Some Terry Pratchett crap. Nothing to see here...

4. Egg Troll's Slashdot user info. Congrats! You are in the top five!

5. Egg Troll's Slashdot journal. Two hits in the top five. Nice going.

6. Troll Cream Recipe. Troll Cream?!?! Nass-teee! I think your corrupting influence is being felt.

7. Troll Turds Recipe. Troll Turds!!! Yes, your corrupting infulence is definitely being felt.

Finally, I'd like to note that a the first image yielded by a Google Image search on "egg troll" is this. Dude, the chicks are all over you!

To sum up, I'd like to commend you on a fine job of contaminating the internet with your foul and filthy habits. Just don't troll here. Look what happens when you do.

Lame (none / 0) (#17)
by egg troll on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 02:04:29 PM PST
I work hard on a post, refining it bit by bit until I feel its Adequacy worthy. Now I return this morning only to find it deleted. I was unaware that Adequacy has right of first refusal to all my writings. I'll have to recheck my contract, but I'm pretty sure its not there. If someone could explain to me why my post was deleted, when so many in a similar vein make it to the front page that would be just peachy. Until I hear a satisfactory answer, I shall conclude that the editors of this site felt threatened by my mental superiority.

Posting for the love of the baby Jesus....

Gosh, that's a shame. (none / 0) (#19)
by RobotSlave on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 03:58:20 PM PST
So, which answer to the poll did you pick?

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