As of right now, I am in a tiny dorm room. [My b]oyfriend is in my bed, getting cold without me. I shouldn't have napped, I suppose. I've got it so bad for him that I think it's cute when he snores. I used to think that snoring was the worst sound ever passed between molecules.
But, I always go off on that particular rant. The real event is that I'm going to move in to a nice little apartment with Boyfriend and another good friend of mine. We'll call her [s]oon-to-be-[r]oommate.
I think that's a reason that I can't sleep. I'm excited. I'm imagining us all eating breakfast together, surrounded by my nice neat shit in a clean, sunny kitchen. "Yes, I'd love to go to [prestigious social event]!" "Hey, Car Talk is on. Turn it up!" "Can I borrow [smarty-pants book] after you're done?" I can just see it now. All summer, I didn't really have a place to live, between the house I was house sitting, my parents' place, and [my b]oyfriends' - especially since I didn't have a car, and these places aren't all in the same town. Ever since then, I've been fantasizing about having a place that is full of my own, organized, nice neat shit. I'll have plates and a dresser and a book shelf and a couch!
Of course, I am not absolutely sure this will all go well. I'm nervous about living with [my b]oyfriend for the first time, or with anyone at all, for that matter. Even while living in the dorms, I never really had a roommate. I don't know what I'll do without a room that is specifically mine. I think I'll be able to adjust, though. My biggest fear is that I won't be able to find a good place to do homework. Generally, I need silence and to be alone for homework. Fortunately, my college is one of the fancy-schmancy ones that has a "[l]ibrary." I might have to darken its doorway.