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 So long job...

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Nov 27, 2001
Well, I guess when you put your trust in morons, you are a moron yourself. A month or two ago, BellSouth told everyone in my department that our jobs were being outsourced, however most of us should be picked up by Accenture who the jobs were being outsourced to. I figured that BellSouth and Accenture would work something out so that I would definitely get a job, since I am in a relatively important position that they can't fill with anyone else, I figured I would be safe.

I was wrong.


More diaries by theboz
Update on the job situation
A bad smell
I can only speculate the reasons, such as Accenture has no clue as to what I do, or how many customers depend on me, or even how much money is saved because of me or anything like that. Who knows what criteria they based it on. All I know is that I recieved a letter today saying that Accenture wouldn't hire me. They are idiots. Their interview process was a joke. They don't do a technical interview whatsoever. They have someone come in to discuss technical stuff, but they are a HR people and just write stuff down to make you feel better. Then, there is a psychological test that they wankishly ask you questions like, "what were you thinking before walking into the meeting" and such.

Anyways, I am using my contacts and sending resumes out to places on job websites. There's a good chance I will be able to get another job, as many of these people had been leaving me messages on my phone as it is. I just have to wait and see what happens next, but I hope I can get it worked out soon.

If anyone reading this wants to hire someone that has been doing Remedy development, and knows perl, databases (Oracle, Sybase, MSSQL, etc) and all sorts of OSs and various other programming languages, leave me a message here or post something to

Bummer, dude. (5.00 / 1) (#1)
by ana on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 07:16:55 AM PST
g'luck with the search.

Why not?

Thanks. (5.00 / 1) (#2)
by theboz on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 07:29:52 AM PST
I only need one job, and I've applied to between five and 10 so far in the past hour, so I think I'll get something, based purely on the statistics.

I'll ask around (3.00 / 2) (#3)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 09:43:07 AM PST
We're in the same city, I'll see if we're hiring. What kind of salary would you be needing?

--CaptainZornchugger (my password's at home)

Thanks Captain (3.00 / 1) (#4)
by theboz on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 09:53:40 AM PST
Although I'm making much more than this now (well, for the remaining month) I would be ok with like $50k a year, but I prefer much higher.

Also, if you help me find a job I'll buy you some beer or something. :o)

Hmmm... (3.00 / 2) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 12:14:34 PM PST
If we need you here, you would have to know some Solaris and Oracle, as well as have experience on some other UNIX system (not Linux). Experience working with clients or programming with MOTIF are big plusses, good knowledge of C++ and perl or java are smaller plusses. A BS is preferred, of course. You can send me your resume at, and I'll talk to my boss about it. I can't promise you'll hear anything; this is a recession, and it's hard to get a new hire approved right now, but who knows.


Maybe that's not a good job for me... (none / 0) (#15)
by theboz on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:38:20 PM PST
The things listed that I am listing are C++ knowledge (I have tinkered with it, but I am not good enough to get a job writing C++), Java, and a BS.

I do know some people that also got laid off that would be good, but of the three others of my team (4 of 7 got laid off) two need H1-B visas, and the other just wants to screw around and not work for a while.

Flee! Run Away! (5.00 / 2) (#5)
by RobotSlave on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 10:32:14 AM PST
Can't you see what's happening?

I know of this "Remedy" that you speak of. Back in days of yore, days when Accenture was still called Anderson Consulting, days when I "worked" as a viewer of online pornography for a Large Internet Company, I often had to use this piece of soft-ware called "Remedy" to summon computer-operators to fix my pornography-viewer. Through my harrowing experiences with it, I came to understand that the vile engine was named "Remedy" only because "Final Solution" would have been too obvious.

Get out of there before they gas you.

And stop all this fussing over landing another "job." If you are earning in excess of fifty thousand US Dollars per year, then your unemployment checks will support a grand lifestyle, indeed.

© 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

Yes and no (none / 0) (#6)
by theboz on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 11:24:04 AM PST
Through my harrowing experiences with it, I came to understand that the vile engine was named "Remedy" only because "Final Solution" would have been too obvious.

I'm one of the few people on Earth that can make it not suck and be useful. The problem is that most companies use the out of the box Remedy applications. Those suck. Then, of those that build custom applications, their developers are morons and can make a pretty gui, but have no other development experience so it sucks. If you can make a pretty front end, yet have useful stuff behind it (sometimes I have to bypass Remedy and use perl though, another kludge) then it can work really well and save a lot of time rather than making it in Java. So, Remedy isn't evil, it's just that where you used it did things wrong. It's like saying Java servlets suck because you hate that applet that puts waves on a .gif.

And stop all this fussing over landing another "job." If you are earning in excess of fifty thousand US Dollars per year, then your unemployment checks will support a grand lifestyle, indeed.

That may be true, but I have this old-fashioned weirdo personality. For some reason I get paranoid if I am not working to earn my living, plus, for as much as I dislike the abuse of welfare and other government services, I figure if I can get another job it is the morally superior thing to do. If I really wanted a free ride, I could just go live with my parents again.

Oh, the Horror! (none / 0) (#7)
by RobotSlave on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 12:08:16 PM PST
To see that Global Industrial Capitalism has you willingly working on its Final Solution soft-ware!

To see that you been brainwashed to the point where you enjoy your internment in Global Industrial Capitalism's prison-camps, and can see no place outside your prison, other than another camp!

With the shackles removed and the door ajar, you have been pushed from your cell, yet can think of nothing but to beg for another dungeon!

I will include a plea in my non-prayers for your non-soul.

© 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

did it ever dawn on you (5.00 / 1) (#9)
by kgb on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 01:03:51 PM PST
Yes, did it ever dawn on you that those HR 'idiots' with their 'wanky' psych screening tests are right on the mark? obviously you are over-inflated with a sense of importance. NO employee of Bell South is important or useful, in the grand scheme of things. That you are so clearly puffed up in your ego, given over to ludicrous conception of your own self-worth as borne out by your diary entry here, that to me is the surest indication of why you wouldn't have been picked up by 'accenture'. They can surely see buffoon egomaniacs a mile away.

Not to mention: you make a serious error thinking that these large companies want you to help customers or save money in the first place. As is often the case in issues of High Finance, the counter-intuitive is often the ascendant strategy. This is a mark of sophistication. Perhaps the management of these companies are aware of information that you couldn't possibly grasp?

I think it is often the case that the losses of certain departments is arranged for, so that lucrative tax writeoffs and government subsidies can be obtained. Furthermore, your notion of 'helping' customers might mean, to a senior manager, that an unwholesome precedent of cooperation is being established. This can be a serious burden on the bottom line, as anyone conversant with High Finance can surely tell you.

It wouldn't be that much of a stretch to suggest that you, by virtue of your very job performance, are in fact solely responsible for the decision to outsource your department in the first place. It seems entirely plausable that the Management realized that they must hand the reins over to a company that can lose money and deny customer service requests with the expertise required by next years taxes.

If you'd only just worked as you were supposed to, instead of revelling in this sinful pride of self-importance and selfless assistance, your job, and indeed the jobs of all those in your department, would be safe and secure even now.

Nice one. (none / 0) (#10)
by theboz on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 03:18:18 PM PST
It's interesting for you to draw those conclusions from a few sentences that were written shortly after I found out I didn't have a job. I think your idea of how companies work is ludicrous, but I'm sure there is some truth in it. Also, my ego doesn't come in to play here. It's a fact that I have managed to move myself into an vital position, that the higher ups beyond the director level will realize once I am not there. As far as my complaints about the interviewing process of Accenture, I can back that up with plenty of evidence. There are also several other people that are being laid off that were important, or had a position where they were the only ones that were working on a major project that had been part of the 3 core services BellSouth is wanting to focus on.

Anyways, I am not going to waste any more time but if you have specific arguments or actually know what is going on either within BellSouth or Accenture, feel free to explain.

This is (5.00 / 2) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 27th, 2001 at 09:14:06 PM PST
What did you expect, a Kuro5hin-like response?

A kuro5hin response (none / 0) (#12)
by theboz on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 03:12:42 PM PST
Of course not. This is not that site, but I was greatly amused by that response as well.

Unfortunately, it wasn't quite clever enough. The author made a good attempt, but just fell short of the mark.

Also, there is no stereotypical kuro5hin response. On K5, there would have been anything ranging from the pity responses, to the "you computer people are so spoiled with these newfangled 'jobs' that I hate you" responses.

I am impressed that someone actually cared enough to write a controversial response to me though. I feel honored.

sad commentary (none / 0) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 08:54:12 AM PST
uhhh, hello

Maybe you should consider the fact that 'said outsourcing company' already has an internal group that has developed and maintains a "customized" version of Remedy. I have a feeling that part of the cost savings associated with 'outsourcing' this group was a removal of redundancy. unfortunately this is commonplace in the IT field but it makes good "business" sence...

Best of luck in the job hunt!

It probably wouldn't work. (none / 0) (#14)
by theboz on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:34:37 PM PST
Maybe you should consider the fact that 'said outsourcing company' already has an internal group that has developed and maintains a "customized" version of Remedy.

There is a large Remedy infrastructure within my former employer that the outsourcing company won't be able to have people understand easily. Everything already in place is custom built, and involves things outside of Remedy (especially perl) that you can't throw any old moron that went to Remedy Administrator training and has no programming background at. Plus, it's probably one of the two most important systems in the whole company, so they can't really change things without being super-careful, and even then then it is likely that someone that doesn't know the systems will break something by making even a minor change.


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