I am proud to descend from the fierce Semen Warriors of New Guinea.
As young striplings we must accumulate semen for several years, either by regular anal penetration or by swallowing the ejaculate of the elder males we fellate.
Frail boys, we believe, are only transformed into virile warriors if they ingest large quantities of sperm. This follows from our religious beliefs and the uncommonly common sense proposition that sperm is the essential conduit of masculine energy and strength.
As a student in your fine country, my quality of life could be better. Your women are frigid potential mates who spurn me on sight of the
decorative row of beads inserted under the surface of my skin.
I cannot tell you how many nostalgic nights I've spent alone, reminiscing over the words of my beloved nana.
Buassi, if you don't drink semen, you won't grow big. You should not be afraid of eating penises, it is just like sucking the milk out of your mother's teat. You can swallow it all of the time and grow quickly, like the breadfruit sapling. If you dont swallow all your warrior juice, you will stay small and weak like your playmate, Koritoia-Ope.
What is the tradition of your elders? "Oops, got your nose!" if I'm not mistaken.
God hates logic.